#the next ones are gonna be redraws tho
bobbinalong · 1 year
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Impulse #1 cover redraw.
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What if I only listened to the little snail in my head telling me to draw Nine over and over again despite having numerous other w.i.p.'s
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caramelmochacrow · 3 months
still at the con atm but!!!! I saw like. Five of my friends!!!!!! Yippeeeeeeee!!!!!
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kazutoes · 1 year
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me when I keep drawing art for this damn show (it is a comfort thing that I will never understand why)
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pomellon · 7 months
I really need to sop working so late aaahhh
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miikanui · 10 days
must resist drawing instead of work... can't cave in... help......
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choccy-milky · 3 days
When are you making the next chapterrrr? I love ur book so much!! 🥰
aw TYY!! itll definitely be up by this weekend at the latest! im already 18k words in and im not done yet tho, so its gonna be a chonker/might be like 30k LMAO. i dont mind tho, since its the second last chap. I WILL NOT LIMIT MY POWER LEVEL😤
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GOOD!!! tbh the name of my fic is the thing i regret most, i gave it absolutely 0 thought when i first published chapter 1 at like 3 in the morning before immediately going to bed LMFAOO. raven and the snek is the new official name
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BAHAHAHA UNFORTUNATELY THERE'LL BE NO MORE SMUT since theres only 2 chaps left..... but i DO want to draw that eventually, rest assured🤭 and TYSM!!💖💖💖im glad u like my fic so much and im honoured its your fav🧎‍♀️😭
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@loving-him-was-red13 LMFAO GOOD....you're turning into the 'everywhere i go, i see his face' meme, just as planned😈😈 (also i have totally considered redrawing that one on the right as clora and seb....u get me🤝🤝
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BAHAHA @fitzs-trained-monkey YOU TOO, WE LOVE TO SEE IT. omg ur so right tho, these can be clora and sebs fursonas!!!😻😻😻😻
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@multi-fandom-imagine aw tysm!!😭💖im glad you like my content💖💖💖
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@romilimon "when i found that artist for the first time" TOTALLY TRANSLATED THAT MYSELF AND DIDNT USE GOOGLE TRANSLATE, ARENT I AMAZING💃😍 (but aww TYYY...im glad i could make your laptop glow with the light of the heavens🥹💖)
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@lovesicklovermia I dont, considering seb is already realistic looking in the game and i just base my drawings on him but aged up. i do think it would be cool to find an actor that looked like how i draw him, tho, so that i could use him as a ref as well LOL. if anyone knows any actors, lmk👀
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LMFAO TY FOR THE INFORMATION UR DOING GODS WORK🫡🫡you COULD have read it all the day before your flight, though.... just do your best to cram 38 hours of reading into one night!!!easy!!🥰 IM GLAD U COULD DOWNLOAD IT THO and that it gave u something to do during ur flight!! i get you though, i myself also dont like reading fics as theyre coming out bc im too impatient LOL and i like to binge read. BUT HOPE YOU LIKED IT!!💖
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kkolg · 4 months
Yippie! Any plans for the gang and of course Kklog themselves??
Enjoy 2024, best wishes!!
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My plans under the cut
Ok so 1, definitely slowing down on asks if you couldn’t already tell lol. I’m doing a bunch of college classes rn for my associates and next semester is looking very busy🧎‍♀️. Unfortunately I’m not getting many vigilante ones as I would like either so I’m not feeling as motivated for asks in general rn. I’m not gonna stop answering them tho‼️Asks are always open because I always love getting them, no matter what there about! But please expect I may take a long while to get to urs🙏
Alr 2, I wanna get back to writing/making the comic. Look at this point idc if most of my followers are here for md stuff or otherwise I do what I want bitches‼️ The unfollow button is right there. I’m pretty sure I only need around three more pages to finally finish the prelude and then start working on the actual chapters. I’m excited for this genuinely and I hope you all will enjoy it as well as me!
finally 3 erm I really wanna open commissions later this year. I would love to start doing art for you guys and I feel it would be really fun to! Unfortunately taxes are a thing so that’s the difficulty of it😔. I would really like to have them open in the summer or early autumn but no promises </3. My plan is to have three slots open and work on from there. So if anyone’s interested, look out for that!
I lied this is the last one- 4: make a carrd. I HAVE A WIP BUT ITS BEEN TAKING A WHILE. It’ll be for the comic specifically so all the pages could be viewed on there along with other art pieces relating to it :> i don’t wanna do webtoon cause like I have rly old art for the first pages and I hate them but I don’t wanna redraw them yet so🧍‍♀️
anyways yeah! That’s what I hope to do this year :3
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vaultlinkvt · 4 months
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This is the first proper thing I've drawn in ages (and first are I think I've posted in over 5 years?) I just needed to draw the opening to Act 5 and my reaction to it.
Nothing has gripped me in such a way and forced me to finish an art piece like this in so fucking long. I see far too much of myself in him. I just want them to be ok after this is all over. STARS, this is just Asriel all over again isn't it. But WORSE!/pos
…I guess that could make this vent adjacent? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I also made a shitpost edit that I posted separately here.
There are so many things covered by each other and I just need to share and talk about them. Bonus details and rambles under the cut.
Siffrin's expression was like the first thing I drew and if it didn't turn out as good as it did I probably wouldn't have spent almost 10 days slowly adding to this and I just need to show it because his hands/arms end up covering most of their face.
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Nothing much else to say about him, I'm just super happy with how everything about him turned out (I did have to go back and redraw some of his hair towards the end because the line thickness wasn't consistent with everything I drew after.
Next is ME yippeeeee. I have no idea why I spent so long adding details even tho I knew alot of it would get covered by Sif 'cause of how I was posing this.
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I even designed a little button based on the Change Ornament + Star (the Change Belief and Lost Belief in The Universe really spoke to me in so many ways)
The gloves are an Archery Glove on the right hand and a Drawing/Writing Glove on the left.
The cloak is based on the style of cloak my mom made for my family for SCA events when I was young. It's just a simple hooded cloak but it has a slit in each side so you can stick your hands threw without needing to open up the cloak. I imagine it being stylized like, the opening doesn't exist until you stick your hands threw and then it can just freely glide around the face of the cloak to wherever it's needed, stopping at the elbow only letting threw the forearm, below the slit beginning to hang off the elbow with gravity while the part above begins to move with the upper arm.
I didn't even try to draw the outfit under the cloak because dealing with the folds of a thick wool cloak was enough for me (you can see how I gave up at the knees because I KNEW Sif was gonna cover them up). What I imagine the outfit being is this big baggy tunic and pants that are tied down at the forearms/calves to keep from getting in the way, it's also supposed to have a big baggy turtleneck thing that can be pulled up as a(nother) hood (iirc, this sorta thing was used so someone could wear a chainmail hood without it grabbing your hair(there ware also like stand alone cloth hoods that did the same thing too but eh, my memory is bad I might just be misremembering this)) but I couldn't figure out the folds and ended up just doing a simple button up thing (which then got covered by Sif's big head anyway.)
I spent soooo long trying to draw my eyes, trying to figure out the shape, and ended up just doing a bunch of small tests to the side before finding one that actually looked right. Drag it over the face and see that it fit EXACTLY, didn't even need to redraw it or anything.... unless you're talking about the other eye in which case I just duplicated it, flipped, and did some perspective warping until it looked ok because I could NOT draw that again especially at a different perspective (can I just say I have no idea how I drew that creepy eye but I love it, it was the first eye I drew and I just threw 4 lines down what the fuck how. Also the Mira-ish one looks cute too but didn't fit the expression.) I also needed to figure out what the hell was wrong with the expression I had before so you get 2 faces from me figuring that out (turns out I had the eyebrows facing the wrong way.)
I ALMOST FUCKING FORGOT MY FRECKLES TOO AAAAAAAAA (they're actually missing from the version I posted in the official ISaT server.) It was super weird trying to add them at the obscenely low resolution I was drawing at and they're probably gonna get compressed to hell and back but I think they're cute.
final thing.
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Why is my hair so similar to Sif's but longer? Like, you can see I was sketching over my drawing of him to make sure I'd keep the proportions right when I started working on myself but in the process I realized that I was basically drawing over his hair but longer for mine (drawing I was using as ref here made by @leemak)
Add that to the uncomfortably long list of things I have in common with Siffrin I guess.
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greysfall · 1 year
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[A story only Hachiko knows] long comic strip and birthday gift for @areiml​. This is my imagination of a story set during the 3 years between OG and Neo, featuring a short meeting between Eri and Beat as they talked about how everyone was coping with Neku’s disappearance and moving on with their own lives. 
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This comic referred to several comic strips I made before, sorta intertwined between canon game lore, my thoughts on the unexplored potentials of Eri’s role in the story and my friend & I’s BeatEri fever dream. I imagined it would be set at around 3-6 months after Neku’s disappearance and shortly before the gang entered high school. I never thought it was gonna be this long as it all started out as a few whimsical panels. While the comic has mentions of NeShiki and BeatEri, you can read it as general friendship if that’s your preferred interpretation (save for the bonus piece below). 
I actually have zero confidence writing Beat’s dialogues, tho I’m pleased with his design - which I put together by imagining Beat without his knitted cap, plus changing to some of his favourite WildBoar threads. My friend joked that since I’m used to draw sparkly Composers, I made Beat so handsome that even his parents won’t recognise him. Eri is canonically pretty, so I wanted to depict her as TV-star-pretty. Another trivia is that Beat generally isn’t a dessert fan, he also tends to dislike fruit-flavoured desserts and only enjoys chocolate-flavoured ones so it was a surprise that strawberry is his favourite boba flavour lmao. Now who does strawberry boba remind me of? Guess.
With this done, I’m one comic strip away from having enough materials for an anthology. The “final” strip was already drafted along with the Composers strip. If we’re lucky, I might get to draw it next year.
There is a Japanese version of this comic on Twitter in case you need it. And lastly, here is the bonus piece which is a redraw of my friend’s comic strip. Happy Birthday! (have fun being at the same age as Asa while I’m Tougou’s, teehee)
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d0m1n1k774 · 8 months
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Amy Lee portrait redraw! I like how this one turned out, I’m gonna draw a burger next. (I love burgers, barely eat them tho)
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samwise1548 · 10 months
:o i am Looking (pun absolutely intentional)
YESS!!! Thank you Tumblr people for letting me rant about my own art for a bit.
I have to go to the city today which is about an hours away. Let's hope I can get through everything I wanna say before then :)) Already gonna say, this'll be a long post so I'll put it all under a cut.
For context, this is the piece I'll be talking about. It's a redraw of an older piece I did for The Magnus Archives podcast.
Ok so, where to start... I suppose just with setting up all the details in the background? That took ages!! Imagine having to cram 14 fears into one small box, where only 2/3rds of it are visible? I excluded the Extinction for my own benefit, and the Eye and Web were covered by the giant eye at the top and the webbing at the bottom of the piece. So only 12 fears, but still that was a real struggle haha. I'm glad I was able to do it tho. Here's some of the drafts I did:
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[ID: Six similar rough drawings of Jonathan Sims and Martin Blackwood embracing as the cry while a giant eye looms above them. The artwork is rough as they are simply to lay out the design of the piece. A blue watermark of the artists signature is slightly visible above the pieces. \End ID]
I knew I wanted the Vast to be on top, because, well obviously. It's the Vast! And likewise, for the Buried to be on the bottom. But everything else was kinda mixed in wherever I had space. My favorite mini domain is the Strangers carousel!! I'm also particularly proud of the Slaughters war trenches below it.
Moving on, I wanna talk about the coloring now!! BOY HOWDY, DID THAT GIVE ME STRESS!!! For reference, here's some of the variations I made while trying to find the perfect colors:
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[ID: sixteen variations of the same drawing, now with finished lineart. Each variation is colored differently than the next. The artists signature is watermarked over the drawings . \End ID]
GOING IN ORDER!!! first one is obviously not colored. That's just the lineart with a random color as the bg. Second and third ones I discredited cuz it didn't fit tma vibes. The fifth one is one I kinda still do like. The only problem with that one was that Jon and Martin were a bit too dark for my liking. The gold frames one next to that is one of my favorite ones. I color picked from the Mona Lisa for that one. I do like the gold frame but again, jmart didn't fit the vibe. The next few are random variations with slightly different color palettes and values.
What I ended up settling for in my final piece is honestly so beautiful in a symbolic way to me. The fear domains inside the frame were done in colors from the original piece from 2021. Kind of like an homage to my past self. Like I'm giving my past self credit for making a good drawing by including actual elements from that directly into this revamped version. I was so happy when I figured that out. It's especially lovely considering that I was struggling so much with coloring this whole thing. But looking back at the old piece made me realize that I just had to go back to my roots. I'm learning from a me that I no longer am and I feel so happy for that!
With that, thank you for letting me ramble about this drawing. It may not have came out perfect like I'd hoped, but I did make something I can be proud of while still honoring the original. And I'm happy with it :)
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the1weepinqguitar · 9 months
tally hall sketches and other assorted doodles
Here ya go guys! I also have improvement pics from last year! Almost two years in the Tally Hall fandom! Woohoo! My Marvin's CD is gonna hate me even more after all of this
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A Ross sketch! I'm super proud of how it turned out! Below is a close-up!
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The aforementioned close-up, showing the shading on his face and the folds of his sleeve!
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Zubin! I love the side profile, and I used his picture in the MMMM booklet as a reference! Close up below, so you can see some of the more fine details/shading
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the close-up!
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Here's Andrew! His hair is kinda hard to not fluff-ify, but I dealt with it anyways and tried my best to keep it close to reality. Obligatory close(r)-up below.
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next will be some other random stuff, mostly tally hall, but some of it is oc art
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drew this drawing of Ross last September. Not amazing but very stylized, which I love/hate. the tag on the bottom left reads, "he's rather disheveled but this is the best I could do back then"
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wtf is he doing? He in an action movie or something? btw this was last-year's andrew. very stylized. i hate it.
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decided not to include the other last-year Rob cause i hate it deeply. this one's much better. very fluffy. i dont like the collar tho
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just me poking fun at my horrendous attempts at stylizing joe. im not gonna draw him as much as the others btw.
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This is from an au created by @bonkdd, but i did rob and andrew's designs bc i never saw his designs for them. i also added a lot of lore and plot stuff because i really liked the concept. in simple terms the tallies are robots that were abandoned by Marvin after he passed away so now they're falling apart n stuff without him to care for them (that's why rob hides his face). Anyways, huge thanks to Bonk for the original idea! They're a great artist, you should go check them out!
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Edith, drawn/sketched with a ballpoint pen.
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Another one. I like this one better, but I spent two days on this one versus a half on hour on the other so i guess it makes sense
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Adrian and Reuben (OCs), done in a college-ruled notebook bc i ran out of pages in my sketchbook. next is a close-up so you can see more shading.
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probably my favorite gay couple i've ever written ngl
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Ace again, but wearing Reuben's favorite sweater.
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Looking mighty fine!
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He's lookin' tough, he's got the stuff, he's got the spiffy shades... (/lyric)
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pose practice
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Boll weevil, why don't you get out of your home? (/lyric)
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old art jumpscare - i actually kinda like this one, might redraw it. Below is the full thing
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why is zubes staring like that??? its creepy
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here's another. i don't know why it's sideways. andrew is scared of joe btw, this isn't the entire drawing
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Did an embossing peice. It's the Mojo Chessmaster! I tried by best to make it as detailed as possible, and I think I did pretty alright. The neck was probably the worst part to do. Below are close-ups
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the head of the guitar was a pain in the ass.
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This part was also pretty tricky but it came out okay. the dials at the bottom are raised as much as I could get them to go, so I'm not worried about them. My issue here was the pickups.
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I also added Flansburgh's little signature guy but i drew his hair because why not? Anyways this piece took me a good hour or so to finish, I think it'll fetch a good grade (it was for my metal design class).
I'll add a sketch I just did as a bonus:
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it's from a tally hall fanfic/au i made back in may after my grandpa passed away. It was a great stress-reliever and I still really like how it turned out. It's about cryptids and monsters and shit. I'll post a summary on a different post because this one was mostly for the drawings. I might post a few installments of it on my ao3. It could be a weekly thing since i usually have time on fridays to write.
Once again, a close-up is available below.
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I put literal hours of research on cryptids and of the area (ann harbor, MI) while writing this fic. It was fun though, and it helped me a lot. Feel free to ask me anything about the plot or world-building !
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olde-scratch · 1 year
needed an art dump for all my (admittedly not very good) sketches for souichi from my saiki k/junji ito crossover so heres his house layout
and no it's not harsh black on white its ao3 dark mode colors (very pleasing to the eye) so u don't need to worry abt eyestrain
heres the whole house and its layout
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i dont actually know if they would have a wall around their house, but i assume they would bc that seems like a staple in Japanese properties regardless of price. their yard is smaller than pictured, i just didn't wanna obscure it too much.
the house looks bad but it gives u a good idea of what it looks like so
in case u cant read my writing bc of the stabilizer, next to the tv in the 1st floor is the shrine. next to the stairs is the washer and dryer and then the bathroom.
the 2nd floor notes explain that the hallway is covered in various framed pictures of the tsujii family with a significant jump from right before fuchi's attack to after. (ill probably go more into depth if souichi ever brings anyone over, but souichi is normally smirking or obviously annoyed in most pics pre-fuchi, but just looks miserable or actually in pain in any after)
the attic. i havent decided whats up there, but ive decided that the door is locked and souichi stole the key. i might have mentioned that the house didn't have an attic, and i like that idea, so i think the attic's totally unuseable due to the insulation and stuff. souichi probably would have cleaned it up if he wasn't injured, but yk.
the downstairs is def inspired by the anime "inuyashiki" it's so heartwrenching i watched it twice and cried both times. highly recommend. it's basically if light yagami got turned into a robot alongside an old man and it's only 10 or 11 episodes but GOD im gonna make more references to it at some point.
souichi's bedroom
souichi’s the standing thingy while the other thingy standing against his wardrobe is that weird statue thingy he has which ive decided it a halloween prop he got and decided it was a hone onna he captured and sealed
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for reference, souichi's about 5"4, but his hunch (which is probably more dramatic than shown) makes him seem a lot shorter. canonically, he's like 4"9-11 but everyone thought he was 5"4 so i figured i'd make him 5"4.
theres stuff in the bookshelf i just didnt feel like putting anything in there. the emptiness on top of the shelves and the actual shelf is intentional bc souichi cant comfortably reach them!! he also doesn't have that cloth over his light bc once again he can't reach it. that's also why his hone onna is propped between the dresser and the wardrobe rather than hanging, bc he couldn't put it up and no one helped him
i also hope that the proportions are right. souichi wouldn't be able to reach a top shelf within the wardrobe and i think he's a bit too tall in the second pic but u know what i mean
the thingy with the wheels by the door is actually a thingy i have irl! its got three levels of tiny shelves with abt 3 inch walls. i use it to store my sewing stuff and any fabric or yarn i need for current projects. its also a lot taller. (sorry that its blurry and the lines are thicker than the other stuff i had to resize and didn't feel like redrawing)
his wardrobe's got clothes in it, but i think his bookshelf would probably have a few books and then his dolls everywhere else. his kokkuri geisha is top-shelf and constantly berates him when he talks to it about giving it a proper place to sit. souichi can't move her tho bc her box is so heavy and no one wants to touch it anymore. (it was put there temporarily and misako and shuji kept putting off putting her elsewhere)
if anyone wants a closeup of any room just ask!! ive got heights for all the characters planned and i might sketch out some of the pictures on the walls
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racoonwithavoid · 9 months
There's some sketches from my almost completely done sketchbook
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Redraws from 2018-ish - 2023!
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And this one is my spiderman oc!
I'm gonna digitaltise it I swear-
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And this one!
I just need the motivation. . .
I have the book for this, I have the pencils. . .
I've even made drafts!
Hopefully if and when I do post some comics of it, I can show you guys!
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Heres Kai. He's a zebra shark. Im also going to make a comic for my characters too. Though I might make it interactive so each comic will depend on what you guys want each comic bit to be about
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Next up: Winter Blossom and Natsuki Kazuya!
Polar opposites and they have a Hanako-kun & Tsukasa dynamic in a way
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And rabbit too
No context for it tho
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This was in the earlier part of my sketchbook!
They all have the names of some sort of Plant, Herb, flower- you get the point!
Anyways, that's all for now!
If you're interested in the comic book ideas, I'd love to start it, even if not many know much about it!
Stay safe!
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hermitcatlongposts · 1 year
Sprite Animations
Hello! I'm here to talk about my sprite animations in my upcoming touhou-clone game.
This was even more overwhelming than portrait artworks. Because to animate is to draw even more when just drawing once overwhelms me. But here I am at the end of it.
Let's start from the easiest to hardest.
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Bellhead Monk was a smooth sailing because since long ago I always knew that all I needed was to just extend his arms and reverse. His main theme of attack is about expansion and shrinkage.
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Here's all 3 frames. I love how I briskly redrew the gray fur piece to deform instead of going the lazy route and just move only the arms and call it a day. I'm always afraid of sounding like a self-lusting narcissist, but it is very unexpected; the way even the smallest things I do as an artist make me feel proud of myself. Maybe I shouldn't be concerned about projecting the perfect humble gentleman image. Maybe creating art to make yourself happy is the point of life. Sorry, I got sidetracked.
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Next one is Buckethead Knight. He's harder but only because I shot myself in the foot by drawing the first frame without coming up with the animation idea. If I did know motion he would perform, I would've put the sword and the shield on a separate layer from the rest so I wouldn't have to awkwardly erase and redraw things.
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oh now that I look at it straight like this, it looks like a death animation, doesn't it. Well, he will anyways, tough luck.
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I cannot remember the reason why I put these two in one gif. They're not duo boss. For Flaskhead Alchemist and Lamphead Scientist I felt curious about utilizing particle effects and keep the actual animation frames as simple as I can because I'm suffering from skill issues.
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But even with that being said, this one's a bit of a step up because it's one more frame than previous two character.
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The spinning staff is separate sprite because it still spins on while the body animation stops at the last frame.
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Now, I could try the similar thing as Buckethead Knight and make a slashing (more like just swinging around) animation with only his one arm moving. But the time inevitably comes where I have to cut the "lazy and smart, haha" bullshit off. He moves all parts of his body so it's time to draw every frames from scratch. Ok, forget my big talk. I was joking. I'm still a piece of garbage. Due to the absolute requirement of outline thickness consistency, all these sprites are first drawn in 512x512 pixel canvas and then shrunk down to 128px inside the game engine for pixel per unit to camera size technical yada yada. But his long sword, or rather a bamboo stick couldn't fit inside the 512px canvas. What I should've done is to simply resize the canvas to 1024px and draw in the sword. But I was stupid and drew the sword in separate file and now it's kinda awkward relationship which slightly stops me from uploading his full resolution frames. But it doesn't really matter, you're only gonna see a very small 128px version in the game anyways. So here's a bunch of screenshots of the frames seen from the engine:
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And 3 frames of physics:
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Tho I didn't have the hutzpa to do it on the lower part.
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But can I gush a bit about the base frame. My expectations are constantly at absolute lowest and I always get happy when it actually turns out great. (subjective) I really hope it stays this way forever. God I hope it won't be the case in the future where after I practice art seriously it gets reversed and I always have too high expectations and live in a constant state of disappointment and hatred.
Thank you so much for bearing with me while I take on this overwhelming challenge. I'll go now and do less overwhelming but even more bulky task to the finish line. Until then, cheers!
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