#the other two are ~nameless~
krscblw · 1 month
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this took longer than expected (about 7 months longer lmao), but here it is - era vi ghoul designs based on @forlorn-crows's fantastic ideas!!
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loremaster · 5 months
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…and here was my prompt this time. (Real image under the cut!)
Requests are closed for now! Thanks for playing!
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enlichened · 2 months
The thing thats consistently bothered me the most in the fallout show is the racism. I would hesitate to recommend it because of that alone. And there was obvious love that the set and prop designers, actors, costume department, and even maybe the writers put into the show! There are themes and characters in fallout that i'm certain would resonate with fans of color!
It KILLS me that so many of the fallout entries are damn well unplayable/watchable in this regard because the writers simply Don't Care how the people in their work are presented. That this like hugely popular world with a lot of worldbuilding and thought behind it does such wrong to so many people, fans and otherwise, that you cannot find any game in the series that does it right or well. It alienates a lot of people who might've been fans just because the majority white creators and fanbase don't give a shit, and I'm sick of it.
it's not enough to say "in the fallout in my head that racism doesn't happen," you actually have to put some things into PRACTICE. Allow space in your head, your games/show, your fan spaces for people of color! notice and say something when you see racism coming from media, yourself, and others!
#like its not AS bad as other fallout media but isnt that the fucking kicker. that its not AS bad#and in fact the games im thinking of that are most egregious in their racism ARE interplay/obsidians games.#bethesda is NOT free from criticism or racism. just look at the elder scrolls.#all of the fallout games have been terrible to different extents to their black characters#the games are TERRIBLY sinophobic. the great war being pinned on china allows for SO much racism in the writing and in fan spaces#but fallout 2 and new vegas specifically have awful and degrading representations of indigenous people. to the point where i wont play 2.#and now this show treating maximus nearly one to one with how star wars writers AND fans treated finn? its not okay#personal /#fallout show#fallout blogging#racism#antiblackness#colonialism#fallout#if not for this i would have thought that the show was GOOD. surprisingly compelling. anti capitalist messaging. but its just. all the time#and this is coming from a white person! i can only listen and imagine how painful it is to play these games or watch the show#and be the butt of the joke every time!!! or the villain or the fool or the one who dies or the nameless entry.#maximus gets to have Some time in the light as a protagonist but for the beginning half of it he's treated SO awfully by the writers#and the latter half does not do enough to make up for it#EDIT: I JUST FINISHED THE SHOW AND THEY FUCKING MADE IT WORSE....#taking max out and having lucy leave him. for what exactly. why did they have to undermine him and make him look stupid at every opportunit#AND. two of the more major black women being evil capitalists juxtaposed by some white guy who opposes? .........................#like im glad moldaver was there. i guess. but even she is posed as the villain for the good majority of it and kills innocent people#for no reason and. UGH
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breadhalfburnt · 3 months
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a collection of these cats that i’ve been doodling for the past month
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terzomega · 10 months
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it's them.
(( goes w the uhhhh ✨️newest chapter of my fic✨️ ))
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MOUNTAIN!! i fixed the lighting from earlier
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ominousposting · 8 months
can you please talk about goth, punk, and alt ghouls? Can this be your reason to talk about them please?
(I've been thinking about this same topic for awhile but every time I try my mind blanks out)
(this is more so focused on the aestetic as opposed to the actual subcultures as i dont know everything about them and dont want to say anything wrong)
i mainly posted that been thinking about romantic goth rain a LOT. loves lacey stuff as well as velvet. really long skirts and dresses. rain also totally does the full makeup for it of course. the paler foundation, dark eyeshadow, tinged red lips, etc.
rain is general doesnt really fall into any specific type of fashion but is more so “i like being pretty and a little bit creepy”
ifrit is punk to me. he just is. taught a LOT of the ghouls how to make patch pants and patch jackets and is also just really shit at sewing. like people who he teaches to make clothes are usually a lot better than him sewing wise right off the bat. he just really likes the process and also it looking kinda shit is part of his clothes charm
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daimaoryu · 11 months
jing yuan working with blade and kafka to unlock dan hengs memories and his true form.... dan heng stressing that hes not his previous incarnation, that hes a different person.... jing yuan telling him that the only way he can just forget about the past and the crime he committed as dan feng is by helping him right now.... them working together... jing yuan saying they still work well together.... dan heng seeming uncomfortable by it......
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spotsupstuff · 11 months
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how to make plot relevant OCs, Spot's guide: Listen to tunes, slut.
that's it
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amara-among-the-stars · 6 months
Hi. I'm re uploading Dont You Go now that I have most of it edited... You can read it on AO3 or down below..
Also... They/he Mountain and She/They Amaryllis! (Which in this chapter i did mostly use she/her for Amaryllis)
Chapter One: Homecoming
Mountain was annoyed. Not with his pack mates per se but annoyed that they still weren’t home yet. All he wanted to do was shower and sleep in a bed that wouldn’t cramp his legs and to see his best gal, Amaryllis. Technically the small Ghoulette was Dew’s best friend, they've been stuck to each other like glue since they were new summons. (But that’s a story for another day)
While the pack are polyamerous and each have a bond with each other and their own relationship with Amaryllis,, everyone (even the Papas and Sister Imperator) could see the special bond Mountain and Amaryllis have with each other. One day they’d get the pair to act on it. Often enough, when the band was home you’d find the two shorter fire ghouls stuck to each other, either doing chores, goofing off, cuddling with each other or with Mountain. Everyone had a soft spot for the small ghoulette and she could probably get away with murder just by batting her long lashes and flashing a cute smile. Even Sister Imperator had a soft spot for Amaryllis.
Tuning back into his pack, Mountain could tell Dew was getting antsy. The shorter ghoul pacing up and down the bus, tail wrapped around his arm. Rain and Swiss had tried to get Dew to sit down next to them, even offering a hand job and a blow job but the usual sex driven ghoul declined. He just wanted to get home as well and cuddle up to his best friend. Aether had retired to his bunk, along with the girls, so it was just the four of them in the living area. Copia was also asleep.
“Dew baby. C’mon. You’re gonna wear a hole in the bus.” Mountain spoke, hands gently wrapping around the smaller ghouls arm and bringing him close to Mountain. Dew sighed and finally sagged against the taller ghoul.
“Sorry Mount. I just miss Amara a lot.” Dew spoke. Mountain let out a small rumble and nuzzled against Dew’s neck.
“I know Fire Lily. I miss her too. We all miss her. We’ll be home soon. I promise.” Mountain stated. Dew sighed sadly and shifted so he was on Mountain’s lap. Rain and Swiss moved closer so they could create a mini pile. They too missed the shorter Ghoulette and wished Papa would let her join them on tours, however, it was up to Sister Imperator and as much as she loves Amaryllis, she deemed the fire ghoulette a distraction. Plus while Amaryllis could play piano, guitar and sing, the band pretty much had a full house, so the little ghoulette stayed and helped the retired Papa’s and ghouls around the Ministry.
As the four of them cuddled, and the bus rolled on, back at the Ministry, Amaryllis was setting up things for her family for once they came home. She had the help of Sister and the other Papa’s, as well as the retired Ghoul’s help her. Everything had to be perfect for her pack.
“Okay Princess, I think everything’s good here.” Ifrit, the old lead guitarist said to Amaryllis as she fretted about. Said Ghoulette puffed out her cheeks as she smoothed down her dress and fixed one of the vases filled with roses and other flowers.
“I just need it perfect for when the band gets home tonight. I know it’s late but still…” Amaryllis trailed off. Ifrit smiled at the nervous girl before him and ruffled her hair before pulling her into a hug.
“Copia and the pack will like it. I promise. Now come on Flowerbud. I think our family is here.” Ifrit spoke, holding his hand out for Amaryllis to take. The blue-haired ghoul took the taller ghouls hand and he tugged her away to the front of the Abbey. The retired Papa’s were all by the front gate, standing by Imperator along with Alpha and Omega who flashed a smile at the ghoulette they helped raise. Amaryllis turned back towards Ifrit, standing on her tiptoes and gave him a chaste kiss on the cheek before weaving her way in between bodies to stand next to Terzo and Imperator. Terzo flashed her a lazy smile and Sister winked at her.
“Amara. Waiting for our Dewdrop or your Mountain eh?” Terzo whispered, lightly nudging her shoulder. Amaryllis laughed and shook her head.
“Both my dearest Papa. I’ve missed them dearly.” She whispered back.
“Just don’t tackle them down like last time Darking. I think you almost gave Primo a heart attack, he thought you had gone feral!” Terzo jokes, nuding the smaller ghoulette once more as he lets out a hearty. She felt her cheeks warm.
“It was an accident. And Papa Primo was fine!” Amaryllis hissed out. Terzo just grinned and opened his mouth but was stopped by Secondo.
“Hush you two. The bus has arrived.” He grumbled. Terzo stuck his tongue out while Amaryllis stood still. The tour bus pulled to the front, the first to unboard was Papa Copia. Papa greeted his brothers and Sister Imperator and when he saw Amarylli, he smiled and pulled the little fire ghoulette into his arms.
“Amaryllis, it’s good to see you my darling. The pack missed you.” He whispered into her ear. She smiled, nuzzling her chin against Copia’s shoulder with a small chitter.
“I’ve missed everyone too, Papa. It’s been too long.” She whispered back. He let go and made his way inside, complaining to Sister to stop fretting over him as Imperator started trying to smooth out his bed head and rumpled red track suit. Terzo and Secondo snickered at their adoptive brother as Imperator gave Copia that specific look of “Let me mother you or so help me Satan.” as the two of them disappeared into the Abbey.
Aether stepped out second, greeting everyone and ruffling Amaryllis’ hair, he was followed by the girls who hugged their Papas. Swiss followed the girls, tugging along a sleepy Rain who stopped to nuzzle Amaryllis’ face. Rain loved cuddling with everyone and anyone.
“Missed you Amara,” Rain cooed, placing a chaste kiss on her cheek. Amaryllis smiled and let out a low trill, giving Rain a kiss on the cheek in return.
“Missed you too, Water Lily. Now go catch up to Swissthaniel before he leaves you in the dust, also I prepared food for everyone in our wing of the Church.” Amaryllis spoke.. Rain chittered a response and scampered off to his partner. Mountain came out next, Dew right behind him with his backpack of items while Mountain had his own bag. Dew waved to the Papa’s before jogging over to Amaryllis and throwing his arms around her. She let out a small laugh and hugged him back, scenting him in the process. Dew let out a pleased rumble and squeezed his best friend tighter, his face buried in her neck as the two rocked back and forth together, tails intertwining.
“Missed you so much Flower,” Dew whispered. Amaryllis purred and squeezed him even tighter.
“Missed you too Firefly.” Amaryllis whispered back. She pulled away and hugged Mountain around his waist since she only came up to about his midsection.
“Hello Little Petal.” Mountain rumbled out, wrapping his long arms around the short ghoulette in front of him.
“Hi Mounty.” she said softly, breaking away from the Giant’s hold . The taller giant shot her a look of sadness as she pulled away and rejoined her best friend, wrapping her arm around Dew. She smiled coyly at Mountain as her and Dew walked inside, Mountain behind them.
“Don’t pout Mounty. We can have our cuddle time soon.” Amaryllis chirped as they made their way to the Ghoul Dens.
“Good. I’ve missed my little Flower, it’s not the same without you.” Mountain replied, passing the duo to go settle in his room.
“Am I chopped liver? I kept your bunk warm!” Dew teasingly called out as Mountain shut his door. Amaryllis playfully nudged Dewdrop over to his room, teasing her friend that she was the better bed warmer of the two in more than one way
Amaryllis sat in Dew’s room as he showered, talking to him about what they did while they were separated. After his shower Dew walked into his room, stark naked as he changed into a pair of Amaryllis’ shorts and under garment he stole and a tank top.
“Those shorts you stole from me make your ass look great.” Amaryllis purred as she pulled Dew against her and scented his neck. Amaryllis had missed the scent of spiced apples and cinnamon that Dew smelled of, with a hint of fresh water. Dew let out a small trill as he nuzzled her neck back, breathing in her scent of what reminded him of Cloves, Pink Pepper and Orange Blossom;. Amaryllis always smelled of a fireplace and it brought Dew a lot of comfort.
“Can’t help that they fit me better.” He joked, semi rutting against the smaller ghoul’s leg, attempting to be sexy but slightly failed as Amaryllis laughed and shoved him away.
“Cmon Dewy. Let’s go to the living room. I set up snacks for everyone in the kitchen,” Amaryllis stated. The other fire ghoul perked up at the mention of food and pulled his best friend up off his bed.
“Let’s go then,” He said. The duo made their way to grab snacks and sit in the living room with the rest of the pack. Ifrit had joined them, cuddling with Aether on the couch, Mountain was on his chair he usually sat in, Swiss and Rain were cuddling on one couch and the ghoulettes were on the other couch. Dew and Amaryllis sat near Mountain as they ate their snack and caught up with the pack.
“Tomorrow, you’re doing our hair Amara. we all need ours touched up with the colors you did last time if you have any left. We’ve missed you.” Cirrus stated. Amaryllis perked up.
“I think I have some colors left. If not I'm sure Papa Copia will let me or have a Sibling of Sin go grab some more from the store up in town.” Amaryllis stated, putting her plate on the table next to her and leaning against Mountain’s legs. Mountain froze a bit, lightly staring at the small ghoul in adoration. They didn't mind having Amara sit against his legs, it was comforting to them. Mountain slowly dropped their hand down to stroke Amaryllis’ horns and silky soft hair.
Dewdrop finished his snack and piled his plate onto Amaryllis' before shifting himself and pulling her towards him so she was basically on Dew’s lap instead of leaning against Mountain who let out a soft whine as the warm pressure of Amaryllis leaving.
“Hey I was comfy!” Amaryllis giggled.
“Don’t care, need best friend cuddles.” Dew grumbled and shoved his face in Amaryllis’ neck, breathing in her scent once more, lightly licking her neck. Amaryllis just rolled her eyes at her Dewdrop.
“What if we wanted to shove our face into Amaryllis’ neck?” Rain asked, and started to get up from his spot by Swiss. The multi ghoul let out a small whine and dragged Rain back towards him while Dew let out a playful growl.
“No. Mine.” Dew said and continued to rub his face against Amaryllis and playfully nibbled her neck.
The smaller ghoulette squirmed a bit, starting to feel a little aroused but quickly made herself quash that feeling by thinking of Nihil in his underwear.
It wouldn’t be the first time that Dew had bitten her neck while scenting her. Usually it led to Dewdrop dragging Amaryllis into his nest, Dewdrop often doming Amara. Sometimes they switched it up but Dew prefered to be the dom when it came to the two of them. However, when they played with Mountain, the taller Earth Ghoul was always the dom. They’d come up to him, still intertwined with each other and ask him, for their Sir, to help them. And most times Mountain always obliged. They had a soft spot for both fire demons.
“Dewdrop. Cut it out.” Amara giggled as Dew scrapped his fangs playfully against her neck when he realized she wasn’t paying attention to him. He grumbled and let her go, and she scrambled away to sit by Mountain again, peering up at the Earth Ghoul. Mountain glanced down at the spitfire of a ghoulette and smirked at her.
“Yes Sugar?” He asked. She had a small dusting of
blush across her face.
“Can I sit on your lap for the movie?” She asks in a low, sweet toned voice. Mountain nodded, patting their thigh. Amara smiled and scrambled to get seated and comfortable on Mountain’s lap. She asked Dew to grab them a blanket and the fire ghoul huffed and did so, pouting that he wasn't cuddling his Amara or Mountain.
“Poor Dewdrop. Not getting any attention.” Sunshine cooed from her spot by Cirrus and Cumulus.
“Shut up!” He playfully growled out and dramatically splayed himself on Sunshine’s lap. She squealed and wrapped her arms around Dew so he wouldn’t fall. Cirrus and Cumulus also adjusted them all, placing a blanket over Dew as Rain popped in a movie. Rain had chosen Burlesque. He knew Amara liked it and so would the others.
30 mins into the movie, Amara began to tease Mountain, squirming against him, moving her hips back and forth.
“Amara. Stop moving.” Mountain hissed, gripping her hips and stopping her movements.
“Sorry Momo.. Trying to get comfy is all.” She whispered back. Mountain let out a soft groan as he felt his cock twitch. He let his head lean against the soft back of his chair and adjusted Amaryllis so the little minx wouldn’t be directly sitting pretty much dead center of his dick.
“Be nice and settle for me Babylove and watch the movie. If you behave then we can go to my nest.” Mountain whispered in Amara’a ear. She let out a small whimper.
“I am being good! I just needed to fix how I was sitting.” She whispered. She knew Mountain could tell she was fibbing but she didn’t care. The feeling of Mountain’s large hands on her felt nice and she wanted to tease Mountain, see how far she could get during the movie. Mountain leaned closer to Amaryllis, his lips by her ears.
“Gyrating your hips is not getting yourself comfy. I know your little games Amaryllis Summer. Now. Pay attention to what’s going on.” Mountain spoke, voice low. He nipped at her cheek and then neck before leaning back once more. He felt her breath hitch and she finally leaned her own head against his chest.
They were at the part of the movie Burlesque where Ally was singing since Nikki had cut the music. The other girls were singing along, Rain and Dew joining while Swiss, Aether and Ifrit laughed. Amaryllis smiled and began singing along as well softly. She loved the dancing in the movie better than the singing but the songs were enjoyable.
“I want some of the outfits the girls have. They’ re all so cute.” Cumulus gushed.
“I think Amara would look cute in the lil number from when Nikki does the one dance about Dr. Long John.” Ifrit spoke. Everyone voiced their 'yes' on that.
“And when Ali does I am a good girl. That entire outfit would fit our Amara perfectly.” Aether purred. Amara flashed a teasing smile towards Aether.
“Maybe you and Mountain and Ifrit should wear some of the outfits. Everyone would be on their knees for you Sir.” Amara teased. Aether and Ifrit just rolled their eyes with a grin while Mountain let out a laugh.
“Oh my darling love, I know two ghouls who’d be on their knees for me if I wore some of those outfits.” Mountain purred into Amara’s ear. She grinned in response and leaned up to kiss the giant ghoul on the lips.
“I think Rainy would also be on his knees for you too.” Amara whispered.
“Maybe he would Babylove. Maybe we should find out later.” Mountain said, laying a chaste kiss on Amara’s lips.
Soon the first movie was over and Aether popped in Chicago, and refilled everyone's drinks. Dew kept glancing at Mountain and Amaryllis as they whispered to each other and exchanged soft kisses. Sunshine noticed and nudged him.
“Go ask them for cuddles. I know you want to Firefly.” Sunshine stated. Dew bit his lip and gave Sunshine a kiss on the cheek before sliding off her lap and padding over to Amaryllis and Mountain.
Amaryllis trilled at her friend and made grabby hands.
“Dewy. Cmere.” Amaryllis whined. Dewdrop looked at Mountain with a pleading look.
“Please Mo? Can I join you and Amara?” Dew asked.
“Mmm.. Don’t know..” Mountain teased. Dew and Amara whined.
“Mountain! Please? I was good during the first movie!” Dew whined. Mountain caved in and pulled Dew onto his lap as well with his free hand. Amaryllis chirped and pressed a kiss to Mountain’s cheek before adjusting her and Dew so Dew was pressed up against her. The chair was big enough for the three of them and it helped that Amaryllis only stood at 4’10 while Dew was a solid 5’6 and both were petite. Mountain hummed in content as his two fire ghouls purred happily and watched the movie, slowly falling asleep on their Mountain.
Mountain let the two ghouls slumber, fixing the blanket Amaryllis had hastily thrown over Dew since he had complained he was getting cold. Both of them had their heads on Mountain's chest, their tails wrapped around each other, Amaryllis had Dew's tail in her mouth and hers was in Dew's. Mountain smiled at them. He knew he should probably bring them to either his nest or to one of their nests but frankly, the weight of both of them felt nice and he was enjoying it, and enjoying the movie that was still playing, his pack were in various stages of sleep and Mountain was content that they were finally home. Tomorrow he knew it would most likely bring chaos now that the terror twins were reunited.
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moonlit-sweet-dreams · 8 months
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Orestes by Euripides, tr. by Anne Carson
Yuri kills Tei on the spot with 4 words.
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tsuchinokoroyale · 6 months
Quickish brush test I did today for fun ft. My fave misguided, misunderstood baby boy from Lies of P
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“I’m glad you came back, buddy”
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carmendeiact2whenplz · 9 months
Why Bardven is objectively the best ship in genshin (and maybe ever)
1- Although it is by no means canon, it’s one of the more likely genshin ships to be implied in canon (if hoyoverse were to ever mention old mond again smh)
2- (Mostly an explanation for number 1 but) While many other ships in fandoms only count as ships if they’re romantic, as long as you acknowledge venti and nb loved eachother (which lets be honest there aren’t many arguments against this) in any way shape or form, congrats. You ship them. It’s just how it is
3- THERE ARE SO MANY WAYS TO INTERPRET THEIR RELATIONSHIP! Platonic, romantic, queerplatonic, whatever silly little relationship dynamic you can think of, it probably works with bardven.
4- Not just relationship dynamics! Bardven can be angst, fluff, sososo many different AUs, canon divergence, angst, angst, hurt/comfort, hurt/no comfort…. the possibilities are endless! Since there are so many plot holes and things that aren’t canonically confirmed, your headcanons can’t be confirmed but they can’t be denied either :)
5- They are two silly little guys who bonded over their mutual hatred of a god, then later worked together to assassinate said god and won. Need I say anything else?
6- You have the excuse to say “historians said they were close friends”
Might add more when I think of more
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gierosajie · 10 months
HSR au Nameless Bard with a bunch of belts and straps on his clothes like bro chill your cloak and coat are secure enough as is no one's gonna steal them from you
Meanwhile Venti has like one clip at the back and the thingy over his shoulders is hanging on a dream and a prayer when the wind starts blowing
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arytha · 1 year
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[ID from ALT: A digital drawing of my partner's (@hunterofthehunters) OC Zach, a knight, with his embodiment Justice sitting on his shoulders. Both have messy blonde hair, pale skin, and grey eyes. Zach is standing firm, holding a halberd decorated with a green Genbu (or XuanWu) emblem. He seems unaware of Justice, a transparent child that is sitting on his shoulders. Justice has one hand cupped at Zach's neck for balance, the other hand pointing forwards with a excited look. Zach is wearing metal and leather armor with a hexagon theme, the parts that aren't the light green padding or dark green underarmor are burnt an uneven black. Justice is wearing oversized judge robes, shorts, and socks (one of which is slipping off his foot). End ID]
Advent of Innocence
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frienderbender · 2 years
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“We’re the life of every party!”
Kloktober 2022 - Day 7
A Character as a Cryptid
(AKA I wasn’t gonna do anything for today but the urge to draw Rikki and Nikki as vampires was too strong)
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