#the outsiders paul
D’you think they’ve explored each other’s bodies?
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crow2222 · 15 days
Toxic Paul + Darry as class of 09 ‼️‼️💥
I don't think I ever posted this here, here's a couple of parry doodles too because why not
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First two are ho darry au, and the last one is my pirate au (Paul is a shark mer) (ORCAS ARE PREDATORS TO SHARKS)
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se-hinton-confessions · 2 months
I might be insane but
I don’t like the outsiders movie because, it leaves out a lot of details that, in the book, was Ponyboy’s internal monologue
Now this is the insane part
I think the movie would benefit with an American Psycho style narration
That would give the movie the ability to share little details that were missed out on because they couldn’t be cleanly explained in the original style
For example, at the rumble in the book, Ponyboy explains that Darry and Paul were once buddies, that played well together on the football team
This creates a deeper meaning to them being on different sides of the rumble because of their economic standing
In the movie, I don’t even think they say Paul’s name, let alone explain his relationship to Darry and why it’s important he’s the one to step up to fight him
This could be fixed if there was really any style of narration. But I think the style of narration used in American psycho really helps to explain Patrick Bateman’s thoughts, feelings, and what is actively going on around him. Including things that are darker in nature, like death.
Which is kinda what the outsiders is about and what was missed in the movie
I’m so normal and they should remake the movie exactly how I want it cause my ideas are the best /silly
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pu2hp0p2 · 1 year
i just went insane and drew a fuck ton of the outsiders characters
(yeah i know some of them look wonky or zooted lol it was like 1am)
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wulfhalls · 3 months
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reflectismo · 6 months
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Imagine being a fan in the 60s and just being able to decide, you know what? Today is a fine day to go take pictures and meet the Beatles.
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Darry Curtis hc because this day is shit and he's my comfort character
-Does that thing where he kind of dances/shimmies to music unconsciously. Steve made fun of him for it once, and ever since Darry’s tried to tone it down, but never really succeeds. (Steve never bugged him about it again because Sodapop got so mad at him for it)
-Doesn’t laugh often but when he does it’s the kind of laugh that’s completely contagious. Surprisingly Ponyboy’s sarcasm and Johnny’s dry quips end up making him laugh more than any of the rest of the gang’s bawdy or situational humour
-Makes the best scalloped potatoes known to man. Both Soda and Ponyboy practically beg him to make them for their birthdays or special occasions
-Ponyboy went with him to the gym once after windrixville when they were trying to find an activity to bond over and it ended with Ponyboy attempting to keep up with him and Darry having to practically carry him to the car. They decided Darry would teach Pony to drive as a bonding activity instead
-Was up for a promotion to foreman at his job that would have had a decent pay raise and didn’t tell Soda or Ponyboy about it. He made it to the final round of interviews but ultimately didn’t get it and was SUPER crushed. (Same Darry, same)
-His eye twitches when he’s pissed off but trying not to show it
-Sometimes when Ponyboy is out with friends or goes to bed early, Darry and Soda will have a mini conference where they discuss whether they think he’s doing ok because Darry is terrified of messing Pony up and needs the reassurance he’s doing a good job as guardian
-Taught Pony to shave and it was actually a really emotional time for him because their dad had taught both him and Soda how but wasn’t there to teach Ponyboy. It hurt even more because Ponyboy was so excited about the fact he finally HAD enough facial hair to need to shave and Darry was kind of punched in the chest remembering that Ponyboy is only fourteen, and that he’d had so much less time with their parents than he himself had.
-Doesn’t talk about the gang or his brothers at work. Not because he’s ashamed of being greasy or anything (a lot of guys on his work crew are east side guys) but because work is his only escape from being a leader/grown up and having to take care of everyone. In fact, he’s one of the youngest full time guys on the crew, and because of that he gets a lot of ‘shut up and listen to your elders’ kind of jokes from the guys in their thirties and forties, which he finds ironically funny on good days, and gets lowkey pissed off about on bad ones
-Has skipped meals when money is tight so that his brothers have enough food
-Didn’t regret fighting Paul at the rumble even though they’d been good friends in high school, because after the Curtis parents died Paul told him to let Pony and Soda go into care and to look out for himself and not ‘kids who aren’t your problem Darry’ and Darry never forgave him for it
-The gang and his brothers think he doesn’t have time for girls, and he doesn’t, not really, but he goes to the same diner during his lunch break each day to flirt with one of the waitresses there- a girl he went to high school with who was also meant for bigger things but got stuck in Tulsa just like him.     (listen I’m multiship trash who also has a soft spot for tarry but this idea lives rent free in my head ok)
-His way of dealing with issues when he’s unsure is to just ask himself what his dad would do and if he doesn’t know what his dad would do he panics
-Is TERRIFIED of the dentist and so its the only thing he’s kind of lax about with Pony and Soda because he refuses to be a hypocrite and not go when he makes them go, but also…he’s terrified
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zilabee · 8 months
if you google "what is it called when" and the first letter of a beatle, autocomplete writes you a little poem about their apocalyptic destiny.
john paul
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george ringo
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(I'm sorry, but "rats get stuck together, reality feels like a dream, rocks fall down a mountain" has more emotional comprehension of the beatles story than many nine hundred page biographies.)
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fuckyeahisawthat · 3 months
Paul/Chani battle couple falling in love while fighting side by side in a guerrilla war for national liberation felt like a gift to me personally for many reasons but mostly because comrades-to-lovers is SUCH a specific vibe and putting Paul Atreides into that dynamic is so so so so funny
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deflated-leaf · 7 months
modern au of the outsiders but it's just the gang at darry's football game making fun of everyone there
"DAMN 46 IS CAKED UP FR WHAT BAHHAHA" "darry looks so stupid rn" "bro is arching for that ball" "I bet he's having flashbacks to last night" "I can't believe jesus died just for guys to pile on top of each other" "y'all why's the coach kinda..." "this is kinda gay tbh" "paul is so embarazada why is he like actually arching" "I bet 35 and 28 had a messy break up" "HELLO?? NUMBER 85 WITH THE MASSIVE DUMPY????"
and then little ten yr old pony is just tryna do his hw 😹
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ventiswampwater · 9 months
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What do you want from me? What have I done? I'm just a word processor, for Christ sake!
Griffin Dunne as Paul Hackett AFTER HOURS (1985) dir. Martin Scorsese
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se-hinton-confessions · 2 months
i like old man yaoi darrel and paul.
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awweshuuks · 1 month
Guys hear me out. Modern day Outsiders with male dancer (mainly ballet) Darry. Idk how the other things will work but he's a dancer :3 like he's really flexible and whatever and he's a cutie.
Please someone draw this 🙁 I'm gonna try but idk if I can..
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silverfoxstole · 30 days
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Sophie, Sylvester and Paul with the TARDIS at Portsmouth Comic Con this afternoon.
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jackmustcry · 14 days
I'm running out of movies to watch. Do you have any movie recommendations??
These are pretty popular ones but some of them I hadn’t watched till recently lol I also don’t know how old you are but most of these are absolutely not family friendly btw - Black swan, Fight Club, Little Miss Sunshine, American Beauty, scream (only 1996), clueless, the girl next door, Donnie Darko, the outsiders, the Blair witch project, Jennifer’s body, where the heart is, the Batman (2022) thanks for asking !! 💋
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gay-poet-gabriel · 20 days
Younger pony sees pony and Paul being HOMOS and becomes homophonic?!? (In a /j way guys)
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