#the senators send their regards
hadersgf · 1 year
March 15 44BC: Julius Caesar *enters the senate*
*the rains of castamere starts to play*
Caesar: yo what the —
senators: *stabby stab stab*
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orionsces · 3 months
From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free 🇵🇸 🍉 Free Palestine, Congo, Sudan, Yemen, Tigray, Syria, Haiti, Hawai’i, Puerto Rico, Tibet. I've made a list for some donation and free resources for those who need them. Donation Pages and other resources you can help support (Donation Page for Palestine, Syria, Lebanon and other refugee camps) (The Palestine Children's Relief Fund) (Donations go towards Palestine, Lebanon and Jordan) (Purchasing eSims allows people within Gaza to connect to the outside to communicate with their families and also to show what’s happening within Gaza) (A donation site which provides urgently needed humanitarian aid in moments of crisis and conflict in 70 different countries.) (A donation page for Sudan Relief) (A donation page to send water, food and aid to those who are living in Yemen.) Other ways you're able to help for free, contact your local senators, boycott, inform yourself and others! Anything you are able to do is able to help. Inform yourself about Sudan, South Sudan, Palestine, Somalia, Uyghurs, Congo, Libya, Afghanistan, Yemen, Syria and Morocco Inform yourself about Haiti, Hawai'i, Puerto Rico, Tigray, Tibet, Uighurs, West Papau: (A collection of resources for organizers and anyone who wants to learn more about Palestine.) (A free daily button you can click to help the people of Palestine and other areas of crisis.) (A comprehensive list of brands to boycott and reasons why.) (Another list of brands to boycott.) (Contact your local US senator.) (Contact your local Canadian parliament) (Contact your local UK parliament)
You can use this call script if you call your local US government.
Call Script: My name is {Your Name}. I am a constituent of {Representative's Name}. I am calling to ask that the Representative add their name to the Ceasefire Now resolution led by Representatives Cori Bush and Rashida Tlaib, regarding the unfolding crisis in Gaza. It is absolutely urgent that the Representative demand a ceasefire, and that they call on Israel to allow humanitarian assistance into Gaza. The only way forward is addressing the root causes of violence: Israeli military occupation and apartheid, and ending U.S. complicity in this oppression.
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justsomeantifas · 2 months
The US Senate posted a little outreach survey anyone can finish regarding issues ranging from the USA’s NATO membership, to a cease-fire in Palestine.
So if you’d like to fill this out to tell the senate your thoughts on Israel’s ongoing genocide against Palestinians you can find that here:
But the thing that’s sending me is …
Remember when the biggest argument against communism for the past 20 or so years was that it didn’t work and there were no examples of it
And now congress is back out here like “Communism works and is a threat to US Capitalism Right Now.”
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The wording on this entire survey is actually so wild, but I digress. You’ll see it when you see it.
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moniquill · 2 months
Call to action! The Seaconke Wampanoag Tribe is lasking everyone to please contact House Speaker K. Joseph Shekarchi and Senate President Dominick J Ruggiero to ask for their support for House Bill H7477. We’re asking that you send a letter to [email protected][email protected] - YOU DO NOT NEED TO BE LOCAL FOR THIS PART!
If you live in RI, include the rep of the district that you live in (check here https://www.commoncause.org/find-your-representative/ to find who your rep is and here http://webserver.rilegislature.gov/Email/RepEmailListDistrict.asp for their contact information)
Below is the letter that I’ve sent, to use as a template, though of course your own words would be best. 
My name is Monique Poirier - I’m the Secretary of the Seaconke Wampanoag tribe. I’m writing today in hopes of bringing your attention to RI House Bill H7477 (https://legiscan.com/RI/bill/H7477/2024), which regards recognition of the Seaconke Wampanoag Tribe.
Historically, the Seaconke Wampanoag resided in Massachusetts and Rhode Island - Cumberland, Lincoln, Pawtucket, and East Providence. When the state lines were drawn, dividing Massachusetts and Rhode Island, the tribe was divided. Due to patterns of migration, a majority of the tribe now resides in Rhode Island. Recognizing the tribe in Rhode Island would allow all members of our tribe to be recognized in the state that they live in. I myself co-own a home, pay taxes, and vote in Pawtucket. 
We are only asking for recognition; we are not asking for money or land, and we have no interest in establishing a gaming facility - only for the state to acknowledge that we are still here.
Recognizing the Seaconke Wampanoag Tribe in the state of Rhode Island would give us access to federal funding, which would benefit Rhode Island as well - it would bring money into the state.
This bill would recognize the Seaconke Wampanoag tribe as a Native American Indian Tribe for the limited purpose of establishing eligibility for federal education, job training, healthcare, and housing benefits - and the federal protection of the sale of Native Artwork by the members of our tribe. Our goal is to more effectively pursue support for tribal healthcare and education initiatives, to protect our cultural sites, and to practice our culture and arts. We sincerely hope to gain your support in our efforts.
If you’d like to run a small story on any platform concerning the efforts of the Seaconke Wampanoag tribe, please contact: 
Chief Darrel Waldron - 401-781-1098, [email protected]
First Councilman John Falcon Harris - 401-699-1913, [email protected]
To learn more about our tribe and its history, please visit https://www.seaconkewampanoag.org/
Many thanks for your consideration,
Monique Poirier
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ponydoodles · 2 months
From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free!
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Out of respect for the protest today, instead of a normally queued request, today's post will be dedicated to resources regarding Palestine! We are firmly of the stance that a complete ceasefire should be called, and that everyone should do whatever they can. Even a little bit helps!
For those in the US, this site includes scripts you can use to call your senators and representatives! Emails are also heavily encouraged!
As for a list of resources regarding donations and information! The following list will mostly be based around e-sims and organizations, but we do encourage people to look for verified independent fundraisers as well for those in need!
Arab.org is a place where you can simply click on a button daily and the revenue will be donated directly to the cause! Using different devices and browsers to click multiple times also works!
Gazaesims.com is a place where you can donate money for e-sims! This helps Palestinians access the internet so their voices can be heard, especially journalists who are being heavily targeted by Israel during this time.
This gofundme sends funds to displaced families in Palestine!
This campaign surrounds providing hygiene kits for people who have periods, although many other hygienic products are provided as well!
Finally, decolonizepalestine.com is its own collection of resources that we heavily recommend reading in order to educate yourself about Palestine and what has been going on for decades.
Please remember to keep yourself educated and compassionate for those that are suffering, and to please remember to watch out for propaganda. Colonization is never okay. Ethnostates should not exist. Genocide is never okay. And of course, remember that every little bit, even if it's just a dollar, counts. No one's contributions are worthless.
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wist-eri · 2 months
believe it’s worth mentioning that i wrote what was nearly a 700 word email to my state representatives + senators regarding the kosa bill and it’s huge risks. and i got replies.
even if you don’t have that amount of patience, just going to https://www.stopkosa.com/ and using it to send a templated letter to your representatives is enough. (this also went properly to my reps as well!)
do what you can to make sure they KNOW this is not a bill to support.
AND: even if it does end up passing senate, it’s not over yet. it still has to pass through the house of representatives, and then to the president. we can’t give up at the senate. we have to keep fighting until the end.
make sure our voices are heard.
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mintpopz · 9 months
a brief post regarding KOSA.
KOSA (also known as Kids Online Safety Act) alongside others like it (such as the Online Safety Act in the UK, RESTRICT-IT, COPPA 2.0, etc.) Are planning to censor the internet. In particular, KOSA and Online Safety Act are very close to being passed through and made law.
Now, what do I mean when I say "censor the internet"? Well...
Under the guise of "Protecting children", these bigots trying to push the bill through congress want to censor LGBTQ+/queer content (including advice for trans and gay teenagers), abortion, gun violence, gore and violence, sexual/18+ content, suicide and depression help, and many more.
This bill also plans to effectively destroy free speech online, with the removal of end-to-end encryption. Furthermore, it also wants an ID for online posting and will reveal what kids are doing to their parents regardless. This would be extremely harmful especially for queer minors in the closet, or minors with abusive parents.
but what can YOU do to stop these bills?
You can Phone your senators, sign petitions, send emails, or spread the word through social media. We CANNOT let laws like KOSA and Online Safety Act censor queer people and destroy our queer cultures online. 2 senators have already disagreed with KOSA, one of them because of the phonecalls and feedback from people like US, which is proof that it's still worth fighting. the fight is far from over, but even the smallest of actions is one step closer to shutting this bill down. Both KOSA and Online Safety are in recess until September, so make this month count.
finally, here are some links to helpful sites/petitions and more information:
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every once in a while, i have an urge to sit down and write an entire essay about The Purge franchise, specifically through the frame of reactions from people who either have not watched the movies or watched them while pissing on the poor.
because oh my fucking god do those reactions send me into a violent tailspin of irrational anger.
"the purge doesn't make logistical sense"
okay so have you ever heard of fiction? the train in snowpiercer doesnt make logistical sense either. it doesnt have to because its a vehicle in which to tell a story.
"people wouldnt just commit violent crimes because its legal now."
no they wouldnt. do you know that the first movie takes place on the 6th purge? do you know that story about frogs and boiling water?
"no one would ever agree to this. politicians couldnt implement this."
yeah so the fourth movie - The First Purge - is actually a prequel that explains how and why it got implemented.
see as a result of a general economic crisis, a new political party called the NFFA (new founding fathers of america) came to power, and two years into their political term, they ran "an experiment" and that experiment was the purge. the first purge took place on staten island; residents were offered $5000 to participate which comprised staying on staten island and letting the government put a tracking chip in your arm. there was also the opportunity of making more money if they "participated further."
people didnt all agree with this. thats a whole ass thing in the movie and the protagonist literally leads protests against it. it is a controversial thing. the NFFA literally have a sociologist as the face of it, one who talks to news reporters and assures people she and the experiment are apolitical.
the experiment is also fucking rigged. the government really send in roves of neo-nazis to kill citizens as a way of showing how "successful" the experiment is. it was never an experiment.
"but why would people believe that the purge is a good policy?
have you ever heard of propaganda?
throughout the films, there are constant displays of the propaganda the NFFA use to keep the citizens believing in the purge.
the NFFA are constantly lying to the citizens about the actual truth about the country. they often talk about how the stock market is doing great as evidence of a stable economy. there are fake experts in white lab coats lying to you about the purge being a good idea.
these movies are not subtle. they tell you outright that the government is lying to the people.
jesus fucking christ, in the third movie, part of the plot is the fact that in response to corruption being revealed, people are turning against the purge and protesting. dante bishop is a goddamn anti-purge activist.
"crime rate year round wouldnt go down because of the purge, that doesnt make sense "
yeah no shit sherlock. thats literally a defining theme in the entireass franchise. the government is lying. they actually use the purge as population control because theyre fascists.
in the first movie, the NFFA claim the country is basically crime-free and that the unemployment rate is 1%. do you think james demonaco wrote that with the intention of you believing it to be true? have you considered that maybe you were meant to be like huh, thats suspicious?
the first movie is the least overtly political, but one of the defining themes is in regards to the performative nature of the purge and the way it is mythologised.
"all crime is legal. so what, can i commit tax fraud?"
the rules of the purge are made up of. the entire idea is performative. the NFFA are not beholden to these rules; if it benefits them (or if not doing so poses risk to them), they will arrest you for "crimes" you committed during the purge.
in the third movie, The Purge: Election Year, they change the rules because of the risk charlie roan poses to them. roan is a senator running for president on an explicitly anti-purge platform and there is a very good chance that she will win the election, so they revoke the immunity (its still illegal to murder them) granted to government officials during the purge because they plan to kill her.
the NFFA do not care what citizens do during the purge, as long as it is not threatening to them.
"how would they even know if you killed someone an hour after the purge ended?"
they wouldnt. they also wouldnt care.
see above.
"the purge is stupid. people arent inherently violent."
no. no theyre not. thats the fucking point of these films.
they are not subtle films. they come with a free portable toilet so you can watch them without pissing on the poor.
what did you think the plots of these movies were? if the movies were not directly engaging with the concept of the purge and what it actually means, what the fuck do you think the movies are about? do you think the movies are just 90 minutes of indiscriminate violence?
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gffa · 1 year
As much as I would have enjoyed a Palpatine cameo in Andor, I love what his absence in the senatorial scenes shows. It shows that Palpatine has absolutely no regard for the facade of democracy any longer.  It shows that he has no regard for the system that he abused to get himself to where he is, he never did of course, but he at least said all the right words for it.  Now, he doesn’t even send a voicemail. It shows that, now that he’s gotten what he wanted, he never cared about politics, they were only a means to his end.  It shows, ala the post-credits scene, that he’s so hyperfocused on the Death Star as his expression of power, rather than through the political process, because for all that Palpatine is a master manipulator and had a lot of patience, he’s still a Sith Lord and the Sith cannot help themselves at the end of the day, they don’t want power that is mundane or that people can argue back against, they want power that is crushing, that literally steals the life from people. It shows that the galaxy is just a few short years away from Palpatine dissolving the Senate completely because his power is so complete over the Empire that he can get away with it, he’s been getting away with it for years, he’s been shedding every check and balance since the moment he stood up on that podium and declared the Republic dead and the Empire risen. His absence shows his complete disregard for everything Mon Mothma is fighting for, that even the illusion of democracy is too unimportant for him to bother with.  Of course that’s how he behaves right at the tipping point of the galaxy into Rebellion, he can’t even pretend to care about governing anymore.
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KOSA Won't Just Effect Americans
I got a question on my recent update post about KOSA from someone who isn't American asking what they could do to help. Which has prompted me to make this post to clarify/add something that I completely glossed over in the previous post.
KOSA won't just effect Americans.
If this bill passes, it will effect every single website and social media platform that is based in America. meaning facebook, instagram, yooutube, twitter, tumblr, AO3, fanfiction.net
And as we know, these sites are used by not just ppl in America, but also ppl from all over the world.
Which means regardless of what country you live in, if you use any of these sites, ANYTHING that you post on any of these sites or any message that you send through these sites will be subject to censorship or even strait up deletion or maybe even legal trouble if KOSA passes.
And this will also effect any American based charity website or informational/activism related websites regarding lgbtqia rights, history, history of palestine, historical archives like the wayback machine, ect.
Basically any website that has info or resources the government doesn't want you to know about
So no. being in a different country or using a VPN and pretending you're in a different country won't save/help you.
And like I said in my last post, America isn't the only place trying to pull this stunt. Last year the UK passed a bill that is very similar to KOSA and Germany and France may or may not be looking to follow suit.
So what can you do as a non American to help? simple! Spread the word anyway! if you know anyone that is American and is currently living in America, tell them about KOSA. warn them. let your online and IRL American friends know and share the resources I'll be linking again below cuz we need as many people making as much noise on this as possible and to spread awareness. this site is pretty much the only place I haven't been extreamly suppressed and largly ignored when trying to bring awareness to KOSA
Resources for learning abt KOSA
Petition and Call Script for contacting reps and senators
Sign the open letter against KOSA
Stop KOSA Movement's linktree with more actions
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mychlapci · 2 months
I kind of like the idea of Sentinel's initial goal was not to become Magnus. He wanted to be a trophy conjunx.
He wanted to graduate the Elite Guard Academy as a MISS Degree (a thing in the US where you'd send your daughter to college to make her look better and but her near men going for acceptable professions to get a marriage). He met Elita who was actually the one who wanted to be Magnus. Sentinel fully supported this and was fully ready to rule "polite society" with an iron fist as a Elita's Trophy Husband and give her a whole litter of babies.
And then the trip happened. His dreams crumbled and he got an office job with Elita having set golden standard. He makes it his goal to become the Magnus's secretary and seduce him since no one else seems good enough but Ultra Magnus is a "confirmed bachelor".
RIP Sentinel's Sugar Baby dreams.
He's pissy and annoyed and depressed thinking about maybe since he's in politics finding the head of one of the guilds or a noble. Except everyone keeps assuming HE is the one going to settle down with a "pretty young thing". The fact no one seems to see that SENTINEL is the PRETTIEST oblviously and is PERFECT trophy conjunx material offends him.
Then Sentinel is doing a trip for Ultra Magnus representing interests, and they get attacked by the Decepticons and taken captive. Sentinel is even more furious they got captured and now he's being ransomed so he's snippy and no one is as petty as him in refusing to leak information out of sheer spite because he'd FINALLY gotten a date out of Senator Mirage and they are making him MISS it.
He is making his captors life hell to the point that the one in charge of the ship comes to see them. I'm choosing *drum roll* Megatron. Oops it was an important ship and Megatron just wants some defunct maps (that definitely aren't related to his search for the All Spark).
Megatron threatens Sentinel into behaving after he scoffs and mocks him but makes two mistakes.
Firstly, he picks Sentinel up by the waist to make his point.
Secondly, he calls Sentinel "pretty" in a way that's meant to be threatening.
Unfortunately, Sentinel is into that. And quickly starts doing some math. Megatron is the leader of the Decepticons and single and well obviously no Decepticon is as pretty as Sentinel so he clearly has a chance and Optimus always talked about really old propaganda mentioning some kind of honor code.
Decided, Sentinel removes and crashes her birth control and starts "seducing" Megatron. It's very very awkward and fake and unnatural but Sentinel is convinced he's smooth. Megatron thinks its a tactic and that Sentinel will chicken out and is clearly trying to escape/ get information to "make up for" his capture.
Sentinel just thinks he's succeeding when Megatron smiles and they eat together and Megatron takes him to bed. He balks a little because of the size difference but is not a quitter and Elita and he had used some obscenely large strap ons. Megatron just thinks he's very dedicated and offers him an out but Sentinel refuses snatches up a bottle of lube Megatron had deliberately placed in sight and gives him a show.
Megatron hadn't actually intended to fuck him but after watching Sentinel finger himself open until he was shaking with his whole hand finally popping in all while Megatron drinks engex and watches the show he knows he's going to.
Sentinel is enjoying himself because Megatron has been making little comments throughout, making him preen and he forgot how much he liked someone watching and already overloaded twice.
Megatron takes over from there, and soon Sentinel is spread across his waist, taking Megatron’s fingers and he's taking his time with his newest luxury. Only when Sentinel is literally sobbing from overstimulation and can fit four fingers does he finally bring out his spike and, meanly, shoves himself in fully in one thrust.
He proceeds to bully and fuck Sentinel with no regard for his overload. It's Megatron’s turn and he fully intends to make sure Sentinel, who doesn't know he's being sent back tomorrow, goes back to Ultra Magnus absolutely full of his transfluid.
Sentinel is riding the high of success as much as he is Megatron telling him how he's made to be fucked and bred and forcing Sentinel to feel the bulge of Megatron's spike moving inside him while Sentinel just keens through his nth overload hiccuping through tears and sobs.
Sentinel spends the night satisfied and certain he succeeded only to be given the basics to clean himself and be shuffled off to be returned with a small curve to his belly from his stuffed gestation tank.
Sentinel is furious and embarrassed and absolutely frothing to rip Megatron’s head off. The bastard. Everyone else is trying to comfort him and thinks he's refusing to talk about it due to trauma. He is not going to admit to a failed seduction. While the Decepticon reputation plummets and Sentinel gets his confirmation, he's pregnant.
Shockwave meanwhile is trying to message Megatron who has just headed to the outskirts to chase a lead about the fact that his heir is now under Ultra Magnus's control.
And then Megatron disappears leaving Shockwave/Longarm doting and fretting over Sentinel deliberately befriending him and seeing his care is top notch.
Clearly, this is more important, so he starts planning to "evacuate" Sentinel and the Decepticon Heir.
YEESSSS this is so good. All Sentinel ever wanted was to be some fuckable arm-candy, he and Elita had it all figured out. He couldn’t wait to be pushing out her babies like the good trophy conjunx he really is.
The reason he’s so pissy is because none of that ever happened. He was supposed to be rolling around in silky sheets, respected as the extension of a high ranking official, but instead he’s got all these responsibilities on his shoulders and everyone is constantly annoying him about holding up to them, which he begrudgingly does because of course he cannot act lazy and incompetent if he’s to find a conjunx in the future.
Sentinel getting himself knocked up by Megatron because he figured that he’s his best shot right now… he’s so stupid. I can’t stop thinking about Shockwave panicking slightly as he tries to desperately protect Megatron’s heir without giving up his real identity…
I honestly want to see what Sentinel would do once Megatron comes back and his heir is already out… he’d probably try to seduce him again, though. He can push out so many more babies for him, if he would like <3
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How do I contact United States politicians?
[Masterpost of resources regarding contacting the United States government about Palestine]
Joe Biden
Leave a message on the White House website
You can also send physical mail to the address found at the bottom right corner of the page.
List of senators
You can click on each name to get to their website. Once on their website, click ‘contact.’ Once you’ve clicked ‘contact,’ you will be directed to a page where you can leave a message. You will also be able to see the addresses for their offices.
List of representatives
You can click on each name to get to their website. Once on their website, click ‘contact.’ Once you’ve clicked ‘contact,’ you will be directed to a page where you can leave a message. You will also be able to see the addresses for their offices.
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littleragondin · 9 months
So they grew up together, they were childhood friends.
Do you think Tanthai used to come to Thee every time he had a scrap, every time he got scolded by his father? Was Thee, a little older, maybe just a little more serious, always there to wipe his tears and put a band-aid on his knee, to take his hand and run away with him to hide and play in the garden until his father calmed down? (Do you think the gardener knowingly kept silent about the mess they made in the flower beds when they played ball, indulgent ?)
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Do you think that's why, despite Thee's current silence and inaction, despite how he accuses him of only staying by his side for money, Tanthai still seems to trust him? Why he keeps turning to him, keeps asking him again and again and again to please take him away from here? - like Thee is the only who could.
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They were friends, and now Thee looks like he can't even touch him, taking a step back when Tanthai moves like he's going to reach for him. What happened since that picture? Did Thee grew up, a little faster than Tanthai, realizing that what he felt was changing? That the way they were with each other would start to attract disapproving looks and comments? Did he add this to the awareness of his situation regarding the Senator's family, of propriety and what was acceptable, and realize that this could not happen? That he had to distance himself (as much as he could, because despite it all he knew he couldn't go away)?
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Did Senator Thatthep notice the comfort his son found in Thee, the closeness between them that was becoming more than the friendship of young boys? Did he take Thee aside, did he leverage the debt Thee feels he has toward him, did he threaten to send him away from Tanthai? What did Thee have to promise to be able to stay by his side? (would he have promised anything to not have to live with the emptiness in his chest when he thinks of not being around Tanthai?) Always be professional, follow Thatthep's order, never, ever forget your place and think you can even pretend to be anything more than a loyal bodyguard to Tanthai. Come back to him ready to protect him with your life but never showing him any form of tenderness, of kindness that could be seen as inappropriate. And so Thee did as he was told and kept his distance.
(Is that why when Thee finally reaches for him, his hand a gesture of quiet worry, Tanthai breathes again?)
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Is that what Thee remembers, when he looks at the photo of them as children? All he has given up to be with Tanthai, in that shadow of a relationship, only to see him miserable, suffering, and hating himself. Is that what will finally make him decide that just being there isn't enough? That he has to give Tanthai more than mere presence if he wants them to make it through it?
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Well, I sure hope so. For both their sake at this point.
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moniquill · 1 year
Specific to RI and MA followers!
We're asking everyone to please contact House Speaker K. Joseph Shekarchi and Senate President Dominick J Ruggiero to ask for their support for House Bills H5020 and H5021. We’re asking that you send a letter to [email protected], [email protected], and to the rep of the district that you live in (check here https://www.commoncause.org/find-your-representative/ to find who your rep is and here http://webserver.rilegislature.gov/Email/RepEmailListDistrict.asp for their contact information)
Below is the letter that I’ve sent, to use as a template, though of course your own words would be best. 
My name is Monique Poirier - I’m the Secretary of the Seaconke Wampanoag tribe. I’m writing today in hopes of bringing your attention to RI House Bills H5020 and H5021, which regard a process by which tribes may seek recognition by the state of Rhode Island and the state recognition of the Seaconke Wampanoag Tribe.
The Seaconke Wampanoag tribe is recognized in the State of Massachusetts. Historically, the Seaconke Wampanoag resided in Massachusetts and Rhode Island - Cumberland, Lincoln, Pawtucket, and East Providence. When the state lines were drawn, dividing Massachusetts and Rhode Island, the tribe was divided. Half of the tribe resides in Rhode Island, and half in Massachusetts. Recognizing the tribe in Rhode Island would eliminate this division, and allow all members of our tribe to be recognized in the state that they live in. I myself co-own a home, pay taxes, and vote in Pawtucket. 
We are only asking for recognition; we are not asking for money or land, and we have no interest in establishing a gaming facility - only for the state to acknowledge that we are still here.
Recognizing the Seaconke Wampanoag Tribe in the state of Rhode Island would give us access to federal funding, which would benefit Rhode Island as well - it would bring money into the state.
These bills would recognize the Seaconke Wampanoag tribe as a Native American Indian Tribe for the limited purpose of establishing eligibility for federal education, job training, healthcare, and housing benefits - and the federal protection of the sale of Native Artwork by the members of our tribe. Our goal is to more effectively pursue support for tribal healthcare and education initiatives, to protect our cultural sites, and to practice our culture and arts. We sincerely hope to gain your support in our efforts.
If you’d like to run a small story on any platform concerning the efforts of the Seaconke Wampanoag tribe, please contact: 
Chief Darrel Waldron - 401-781-1098, [email protected]
First Councilman John Harris - 401-699-1913, [email protected]
To learn more about our tribe and its history, please visit https://www.seaconkewampanoag.org/
Many thanks for your consideration,
Monique Poirier
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beloved-blaiddyd · 7 hours
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Case File: Missing Person Investigation
Victim:  (Y/n) (L/n)  
Date reported missing: 04/20/2024  
Reported by: Jelena "Topaz" ███████, close friend.  
Circumstances: Suddenly went missing before reaching the airport, hasn't left the country. Missing for more than 72 hours when authorities were notified.
Possible Motive/s:  
- Unknown.
Victim's Background:  
- An overseas immigrant worker from ██████, registered Penacony citizen for 3 years.  
- Full fledged human, no remarkable hybrid bloodline.  
- Moved near Clockie Memorial, Penacony City to start the Dreamjolt Cafe. The cafe is heavily supported and funded by retired famous actress, Siobhan.
Possible Suspects:
1. Gallagher  
   - Description: Victim's flatmate, canine hybrid, possibly a former bloodhound detective.  
   - Relationship: Lives in the same apartment with the victim. Home is located besides the cafe.  
   - Circumstances: Unlikely to leave shared home to kidnap or attack (Y/n) due to surveillance footage.  
   - Suspicions: Suspicions were raised by Jelena but her accounts are shaky and not conclusive.
2. Sunday  
   - Description: Penacony senator.  
   - Relationship: Alleged arguments with the victim regarding cafe spot.  
   - Motive: Possibly interested in victim's cafe spot for the capital's town hall extension.  
   - Denial: Claims cordial and friendly relationship with (Y/n).
Relevant Information from Witness: Ms. Robin:  
- Sunday's Visits: Contradictory statements regarding visits to the cafe near closing time. Sunday often happily remarks prior to (Y/n)’s disappearance that he fondly enjoys listening to them talk. Close friends and regulars corroborate the opposite as he had “never visited the cafe at night.”
- Gallagher's Popularity: Adored by customers, the victim often jokes about him replacing them as owner/barista when they retire. Gallagher declines all their proposals. 
- Relationship Status via Prof. Ratio: Victim is “not dating anyone, not looking to date”. Prof. Ratio was very adamant that they were not lovers with Gallagher or Sunday.
- Sunday's Opinion On The Victim: [Audio file attached]
“I'm not sure why you're suspecting me, Robin. Even though (Y/n) thinks little of me, I enjoy their company very much. I have never met someone who has passionately disliked me as much as they do. I wouldn't want to start missing that voice.”
- Family Bond via Kakavasha: Victim has strong bond with family, unlikely to elope. As the family's “breadwinner”, there is pressure for them to send financial assistance.
- Digital Disappearance: All of the victim’s accounts are offline, unreachable by phone.  The Cyber Investigations Division has yet to find their cell's last known location. Investigator “SW” is assigned to this case.
My personal notes:  
The investigation is ongoing with focus on Gallagher and Sunday as potential suspects. Further inquiries and evidence collection required to determine the whereabouts of (Y/n).
They removed me from the fudging case and now I can't do any flipping poop about it. Hecking suspicious that they're so tight-lipped  about some cafe owner's disappearance. Ain't no way something political ain't involved here. They won't let just anyone in. They even have the audacity to get Agents Kafka and Yingxing to look for em. Robin thinks Sunday has something to do with it and now the little bird thinks about partnering up with me. I can't shake her off. Annoying, but I don't want to just do paperwork. Gotta do some legwork for fun.
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wist-eri · 2 months
i’m not really sure about what KOSA does to censor the internet. what exactly is there to it? i’ve heard a lot of awareness posts about it but not about what it actually does
i’m just going to copy-paste and slightly edit a previous reblog i made. though i’m not too sure how completely accurate this is, hopefully this can be of help if anyone wants a bit more info or wants to write a letter on their own:
basically, they’re forcing companies to limit certain content based on age and what could be considered dangerous to minors. they do somewhat give examples of what’s “mature content” but 1. they’re incredibly vague and 2. they open up for many other interpretations.
they also give the state attorney general the right to file a civil lawsuit against companies they think is infringing on this and showing minors “mature content.” however, this also means that this is completely up to the state attorney + state court’s interpretation, which can VERY EASILY be influenced by personal and political views. aka, a lot of LGBTQ information and other resources can be easily censored if the state deems it unnecessary for minors (and if the state court agrees with that belief). if one state does that successfully, it causes a ripple effect. aka, this can literally lead to censorship and the bill is straight up allowing that interpretation.
and another qualm i have with the bill (other than just the censorship part): the bill also states that they want ways to verify a user’s age so that they can filter content properly. however, the only way that’s truly foolproof is LITERAL GOVERNMENT IDS. this basically means that your personal information is collected by a “covered company” (the term they use for social media platforms and stuff) and used for age verification. let me tell you i don’t think that’s a good idea AT ALL. it compromises everyone’s security, not just minors. like, what are they gonna do in the case of a data leak / security breach? how many people will have their personal information revealed and taken advantage of?
KOSA is a trojan horse with a LOT of consequences. it’s way too risky to implement into congress at this current stage, unless either of these problems can be solved through amending the bill or just straight up not approving it entirely.
ALSO: the bill is currently introduced in the SENATE and is being contemplated over. however, there’s still a lot the bill needs to do before it passes into law (house of representatives, president, etc) aka, do not stop expressing how DANGEROUS this bill is, in the case it’s passed in the senate. keep talking when it’s in the house of representatives. do what you can
THIS TOO: (https://www.stopkosa.com/)
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