#the wierd flowers in the cave
coniangray · 5 months
The proud princess, the lost knight and the flowers in the cave
In s1 ep 8, the party plays DND and after they finish their campaign, Dustin, Lucas and Will respectively asked what happened to the lost knight, the proud princess and those wierd flowers in the cave.
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Now, I do believe that the order they said this and who said what is also symbolic, but first I want to start with this general symbolism:
We only see one knight in the whole show, and he was also crowned as the leader, the heart of the group, who is only mike wheeler in the painting with the whole party fighting the thessalhydra/tiamat.
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So, in those words, mike is the knight.
It doesn't take much to realize that the proud princess is El, given how she's the only one who not only turned out proud of her powers and who she is as a whole by the end of s4, but also the only one involved with flowers.
The weird flowers in the cave:
In s4 ep1, El mentions how she missed the spring flowers in Hawkins, but she finds it pretty in Lenora too
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In s4 ep2, mike, after reading the letter El sent him, collects a bouguet of purple, yellow and pink flowers to gift to El once he'd arrive in Lenora.
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(tagged from mike)
In s4 ep9, the flowers "in the cave" are rotting, as the upside down is taking over and bleeding into Hawkins, therefore destroying what they know as their reality.
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So, what about them?
The flowers in the begging of s4 are bloomed, untouched by any upside down infection, but yet had to be cut in order to be given as a gift. This mugh be me over exaggerating, but I do think that cutting the flowers (in this case having someone else to do it, since that wasn't Mike's handwriting in the card to begin with, aka he most likely told Karen to buy flowers from Hawkins/ just a hc) might be him pretending that everything is great in their relationship.
The flowers literally rot in the end of s4, and as we see, El is in front of the others while mike is standing next to will
Therefore, the proud princess has finally accepted herself and therefore is proud of that.
The lost knight is still lost, unable to figure out his unrequired love for the cleric.
And the flowers are rotting.
And the cave?
I'd like to believe that the cave is the upside down itself. This is the blind leading the blind but I'd love to think how the "cave" works as a metaphor for either the gates or the upside down to complete this sense of closeness and fear of the unknown.
Who said what, and why they said it:
This is most likely stupid, but I think that Lucas saying about the lost princess emphasizes the foreshadowing of him trying to get mike back with el in s3 and that Dustin saying the knight also respectively foreshadows him and Mike joining hellfire and coming closer by time.
To add insult to injury, I think that will said the flowers in the cave to foreshadow the love triangle between will, mike and el and the whole situation with the flowers in s4.
Now reminder that this was just a silly scene as a conclusion to s1 which can also mean nothing, but I think the duffers give a laugh about those subtle hints about this scene.
If you want more info about el's letter and how she covered her hard time in Lenora with lies targeted towards mike, you can click here
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Sephiroth is accidentally summoned to Amity Park by the GIW who were trying to summon Phantom to capture him.
Phantom comes to his aid. Thinking he's a ghost due to his ghost sense activating due to all the mako in Sephiroths body. The silver haired psycho was at first amused by all of this up until the people in white started going on and on about how they are with the government and going to capture Phantom and do awful painful experiments on him and possibly make an army out of him and Sephiroth had heard enough. For a spit second, he saw himself in that child.
By the time he calmed down the only sound around him was the sizzling of half melted rubble and the crackle of downed live electrical wires. Phantom was staring at him in shock from the large glowing cage he was trapped in. The silverette was prepared for a lot of responses to the slaughter the child had just witnessed. Cheering, tears of gratitude, people calling him inhuman, a monster, but nothing like this kid. He simply asked, "Are you okay?"
This child was an enigma. Even after freeing him from his prison with a single swipe of Masamune he made no moves to flee. No matter how many insults or threats he made the white haired boy stayed. Appearently he had defeated the child in one on one combat and as a unattended ederich child spirit, Sephiroth was now his legal guardian. Usually he would be apposed but Mother was whispering to him in the back of his mind, cooing over her new grandchild and praising her son for getting such a good catch. If he were a lesser man he would have sighed.
Phantom soon revealed he had no where to go and certainlycouldn't return to his biological parents. His parents were evil mad scientists that attacked him once they learned what thier experiments had done to thier son. They wanted to study him in perhaps the cruelest ways possible. The "ghost zone" or "Infinite Realms" as its truly called was filled with his enemies and had no way to nourish his living half, but the living world had no way to nourish his ghost half aside from portals and harvesting ectoplasm. Aside from portals being both rare and fleeting, harvesting ectoplasm is no easy task especially when dodging evil government groups.
Phantom would have to find a new dimension to live in. One with ectoplasm readily available for harvest, but first they needed to tie up loose ends here. Phantom went into hiding on Sephiroths orders and the child quickly obeyed. The silver General on the other hand went on a warpath, destroying the laboratories and portals and the people who made them.
Phantom, now in his living form was saying goodbye to his friends and sister giving them wierd PHSs he had modified so they can communicate with him beyond dimensions (impressive) and portal guns he had made (again Sephiroth was impressed) so that they could visit him from time to time. He promised to send them the dimensions coordinates once they got there.
It wasn't long until they were in a dimensions they both liked floating above an outright filthy mako pool in some soft of cave system. Danny wasted no time busting out machinery and hooking it up to the Mako pool and purifying it.
This is, of course, when Batman gets a camera notification that someone is messing with Gothams Lazarus Pit.
Fic featuring: Sephiroth becoming a father mentor for Danny, Bruce being adoption blocked, Sephiroth agreeing to abide by Batmans "ridiculous" no killing policy and them making him pseudo regret it by carving the Joker up like a Christmas turkey. Hood got it on his helmets visual recording and he sent Sephiroth flowers, Danny casually vibing with the bats and birds until he does something blatantly eldrich, Danny asking his new mentor "if I grow out my hair will you teach me how to take care of it?", Sephiroth and Phantom just vibing, ptsd representation, Sephiroth seeing himself in this kid and deciding to be the savior that never came for himself.
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katoktm6 · 2 years
Up before the flowers ❤️
In port for 3 days, Dynamite! Made it..last official day of hiking up and over and around cliffs…10 miles to Port Vendres (Porvon with an accent) Same terrifying shit different day..today included beautiful vineyards that met the sea…booty beaches, sea glass and lots of World War II history. Remember this trail was the trail used to watch for pirates, smugglers, Greeks, Romans, and invading nations. So today walked by all kinds of tunnels and bunkers and fortifications..built on top of Cliffs by the Germans. Apparently, when they eventually retreated, they were ordered to destroy their fortifications so that no one else could use them. Very eerie to keep walking by. But strangest of all is the whiteish building you can see on the beach…I couldn’t take a photo walking by because I was right there…but, that is…was Alfred Nobel’s dynamite factory! If you don’t know the history of Alfred and Dynamite, Google it! Lots of snorkels way below me, paddle boarders, kayakers, fisher people….but hikers? Nope…ultimate runners, yes, power to the beach walkers, yes…hikers…thru hikers…nope. One lone woman heading the opposite way who told me it was hard where she came from and I said that it is hard where she is going…
Got to Port Vendres in 4 1/2 hours..not bad as the people and signs said 3 hours, and I stopped and baby stepped my way up and down countless times. Mental game, no margin for error…so there I was pussy footing down the trails and steps. Made it…Had an espresso and “tortilla” which is the egg and potato thing on every menu. (Did not plan well for the day…wierd German guy freaked me out so only had soggy cold pizza before I left…kind of gag inducing) then looked at train schedule, train leaving back to get my backpack in 24 minutes..paid my bill,accidentally left my hiking poles (there later) Google mapped my way to station, figured out ticket machine in French, and ticket popped out as train arrived. Would not have known to push a button to get door to open, but followed a guy on board. 4 minutes later I was back where I started the day! Dilly dallied until hosts were back from Sunday dinner, got pack, raced to catch bus..got bus and 15 minutes later, at 2:36 I was back in port. Phew…meeting Airbnb manager,who I don’t think likes me,at the door at 3:00…blah blah blah long story short (because I was so pissy) she was there at 4:00! After insisting for the last 48 hours that I share my every move so she would know my schedule….I just kept telling myself to be European..as I stood under the shade of a tree for one hour…waiting. Eve arrived, knew I was pissed, it was 4:00. She chit chatted for 50 minutes! I just kept telling her that I was so hungry, I had to go eat. But chit chat jack sprat…we are now best friends.
Wonderful space, she handed me sheets and I had to make my bed 🤣🤣. Historic stone walls, lots of sun, windows that latch with hooks… it’s Sunday. So by now I found a little store that had Ritz like crackers and a bottle of water..survival food…
7:30…Now watching clouds come in over port. waiting for goat cheese ravioli and drinking wine…more on the town tomorrow because it don’t HAVE to hike! But……
Elyse…Mary in a Cave
One thing I don’t like about Polarsteps is I can’t caption photos
Another Good Dog….
Did someone actually fall?
Looks like 4 generations at dinner… I wish I could ask the story. The patriarch seems to be in his 90s or older.
Tammy where are the food comments?
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soft-for-xie-lian · 4 years
Book 2 of tian guan ci fu/heaven official’s blessing spoilers here! Don’t read this post if you havent read book 2 (which is what, chapters 50something-88? Or smth) bc trust me, you wanna read it for yourself lol
Ok but hua cheng found out he’s gay in the worst, most embarrassing way that poor kid. Imagine it. You’re not yet 14 and you’re following, as you do, your god who is the reason you’re alive in every sense of the word when these weird weeds flowers make him start acting weird. He holes up in a cave with you via spells, puts you at the entrance, and tells you to never leave nor come in no matter what he hears. That’s not worrysome at all. Then these half naked women appear from those flowers and the man you’re helping defend is chanting from inside the cave sounding...strange...and in pain? and the women are trying to what? seduce you? lady, i’m barely 14. Then. THEN. They turn into men, whole ass men and ok. Ok what the fuck your face is red and your hands start to sweat and looking at them makes you feel uncomfortable and the way they talk to you and call out to your god is even more uncomfortable. You close your eyes but, oh shit, that makes it harder to ignore what you hear which is both uncomfortable and nice?
Anyway your god calls you in eventually, which shit ok he said no earlier so you hesitate but eventually you do go in bc he sounds a little more together than he did earlier but then he goes in and hm. accidentally touches this god’s bare chest trying to find the piece of hair he was told to cut for a protection charm and ok, this is extremely awkward bc now you’re both turned on only your god can’t help it bc he breathed in the wierd flower poison so that. just. leaves. you.
Then help comes and you wake up the next morning in a cold sweat after dreaming about the day before and you realize shit I’m gay
And then you get kicked out of the army you’re only fighting in for your god
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americangirlmom · 4 years
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Not AG related but S bought this doll from Walmart yesterday and she is too stinking cute not to show off!
This is Fernessa from Mattel's new Cave Club line. She has a pet pteranadon named Ptilly and came with a blooming flower purse, Venus Fly Trap tiara, and a cute haircomb!
Articulation-wise I'm reminded of a sturdier Monster High type doll, which with two kids who tend to be a little more on the rough side, works really well. Her hair is pretty, although frizzed quickly once out of the box. The dress seems well made with a Velcro back and felt leaf on the waist. She has a little necklace/shoulder piece and leaf leg pieces that are removable.
I think the biggest problem is that her head was tilted at a wierd angle in the box and it doesn't really want to move out of that postition. It's not too much of a bother to S though, so we're just rolling with it.
All and all with the little accessories she came with she was totally worth the $13 pricetag.
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bangtanficrecs · 5 years
Lost & Found Batch #18
The newest batch was long overdue ^^;; As always, if you happen to know the fic the ask is looking for, reply to this post or send us an ask with the request number and title/author. If you happen to know any fics from Past Batches, those are more than welcome as well. Thank you!! ~ Admin P
1) Hi! I think my ask got lost TT I was wondering if you guys know of a vmin fic on ao3 where they’re roommates and jimin likes tae and decided to seduce him by asking him to take nude pics of him, and tae ended up not reacting and then they admitted that they both liked each other? Or something along those lines. PLEASE HELP IT WAS SO AWESOME AND I LOVED IT :( thank you!!!
you're only brave in the moonlight by ameliabedelias
2) Hi!! so a while back i was reading a yoonseok fic on ao3, it was smut, and i wanted to read it again but i cant find it, i was wondering if you could help??? it was yoonseok and yoongi was a "beta" but soon found out he was an omega he called himself a "late bloomer"?? and hoseok walks in, they have sex, and i specifically remember yoongi feeling hoseoks dick in his stomach and "rubbing" it. i know its wierd but can you please help me find it???
A Test in What, Exactly, Is "Too Much" by Yooniefucks
3) Hello, I'm trying to find a fic that has taekook in it. I don't actually remember what the fic is about, but I remember that jungkook is a guard/knight and somewhere along the story, the Prince (?) finds out that jungkook is a werewolf since he was bitten as a child and he imprinted on taehyung, who's human if I'm not mistaken. The king took him in, and he used to be chained to a cage/cave (?) during full moon. It will be great if you can help me :) thank you! 💜
4) Hi, I'm trying to find this yoonjin fic were yoongi is walking home from an underground gig and it's late at night. He smells fresh baked goods and it leads him to a building he passes by all the time but never noticed before. He goes inside and jin fixes him a drink and gives him a muffin/cupcake. At the end jin reveals that he's magic and he cast a spell to find love. Thank you for your help!!
5) I'm looking for a yoongi/jimin fic where jimin is abused by his boyfriend (I think the author used a random idol) and yoongi catches on and tries to help but jimin is really damaged. The rest of the group lowkey knows jimin abused but don't know how to help. Sorry I can't remember lots of details but it was really angsty and good
6) hello, im looking for some kind of royalty fan fic where jimin was visiting yoongi’s palace/home? I can’t remember why but they weren’t close in the beginning. All I can remember was a scene where a bunch of boys were in a room smoking and playing poker (half naked?) and a young servant/slave who was able to play any piano piece after just listening to it once and in the end he left with a Russian man who made music.... thank youu
7) Ugh I seriously need help! I’ve been looking for this fic I lost for 3 days now, I really want to read it again! I’m going to be upset if it was deleted :( anyway, it was a fic where the boys were on their way to something and they got in a car crash but it was only Jin, Hoseok, Yoongi, Tae and Kook. Then Jin and Hoseok were kidnapped by a guy named Sung I think, and the fic focused on Yoongi and Tae and Kook traveling through the woods they crashed in looking for Jin and Hobi and then (pt.1) Jimin and Joon were at a hotel with their manager and they were convinced something was wrong and they wanted to go look for them. In the end they got rescued and they killed the Sung guy and Yoongi was shot and I just really want to find it again cause there was an unfinished sequel. I’m so upset. I hope this was enough to help you help me lookfor it!
8) YOOO what's poppin sis'. Can yall help me. I've been looking for this fic where the rap line is an underground rap line and like they perform cypher pt 3? Idfr the name but the main pairings were namjin and yoonmin. Thanks 🤪🤪🧡
9) Hi there! I was hoping you guys could help me find this fic - it's on AO3. It was multi-chaptered, completed, and was a collection of namjoon centric oneshots/drabbles. one of the chapters was inspired by the "princess princess" anime and featured joon wearing panties, bent over jin's lap, before yoongi came to rescue him from a bunch of onlookers. please help!!
10) Hi! I’m looking for a Yoongi/Jungkook fic. I’ve been searching nonstop for a few weeks and I think the author may have deleted it. The plot line is basically this: Jungkook is a medical student who falls in love with Yoongi and eventually loses his drive in the field. I know it has sexual content so it’s either M rated or E. One of the tags was ‘slow burn’ and ‘Jungkook cries a lot’. Thanks in advance!
11) Hello! In the lost chuchu batch 16, #13 is "I Can't Even" by handintheshot in Ao3. But I can't find a link of it. Also, I'd like to ask whether you know about the fic where jimin suddenly has a vagenay and then proceeds to have a hot threesome with jk and tae? If possible, can you please recommend me more like those? Thank you so much 💜
12) Hello! Do u guys know of a vmin pwp oneshot where taehyung has ADHD? They sit in a chair for most of it, and the premise has a slight focus on how Jimin makes it easier for Tae to sit still. It was really sweet, and I can't find it :c
13) I am looking for a 6+1 fic where Namjoon is homeless and in each iteration a different member takes him into their home and life. A recurring element is a cake decorating book that Namjoon borrows from the library - a page falls out detailing how to make a flower with icing, and he keeps it in his pocket. I have used my search-fu but I cannot find it. It was on AO3. I hope you can help, even if it's just with a possible name I can run via the Wayback machine! Thanks!
14) Hello! I would like to ask your help into searching for a story that I can't, for the life of me, find. It's a Yoonmin story but what I remember the most is that Jungkook works as a janitor in an office and he quits because his boss is horrible. However, Taehyung, whom his boss is interested in working with, will only sign the proposal if they rehire Jungkook, so the boss sends Jimin to do it, since Jimin is friends with the both of them. In the end, they all end up working at the same place. TY
15) Hello. I'm looking for a fic where the group had six members but Suga time travels/dimension travels and becomes part of the group as a secret member. I remember that Jin is doing a vlive and is squirted with a water gun but everyone thinks it's Jimin. And when it's reveled to be Suga he's in his dorm room and pulls a big super soaker from under his blankets. I hope that's enough. It's super specific but I can't seem to find it. I hope you can help me :)
16) hey i was looking for this soul reaper or angel?? au where jungkook dies and is taken to the shinigami/reaper realm by the reaper (i think it was yoongi) and i cant find it anywhere :(( i think he dies bc of his new friends and the fic opens with a scene where the reaper sends one of his murderers souls to hell? The reader finds out later i guess. Id really appreciate it if u could find that :(( thank you!
An anon believes it’s Naught Readings For Naughty Readers by supermans_crib, however that has been on AO3
17) Hi! I had recently lost one of the greatest ffs ever, it was a jikook au where they were in the military (?) and jimin had went into a stage sort of like heat and jungkook had to fuck him, he got hekka scared afterwords but they ended up liking eachother
as if it's your last by fatal (cumrich)
18) Hi! I'm trying to find a NamJin fic. I searched the fics here and my bookmarks on AO3 (since I swear I bookmarked it) but I can't seem to find it. It starts out where Yoongi is accusing Namjoon of not moving on. We find out that Namjoon and Seokjin are friends and Namjoon confessed to Seokjin and was rejected. Things get complicated when Seokjin keeps coming around and even interfering with someone Namjoon starts dating. Memorable scene, Seokjin chasing Namjoon in the dark screeching his name.
everything moves on by fruitily
19) Hello. I am looking for a namgi fic where yoongi works in an old bookshop and likes wearing feminine clothing , and namjoon works at a cafe but visits the bookshop often. Namjoon likes art and philosophy but is scared of his parent's reactions so yoongi tells him to fuck society and to "wake up from your sad life and figure out who you are", they eventually kiss as well. I read it on AO3. Your help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
20) Hi! I was wondering if y’all could help out with a fic I remember reading? jimin pining for yoongi and for some weird reason I remember a specific scene where jimin (whose brought food for yoongi) waits for yoongi outside of (a studio?) falls asleep waiting and wakes up when yoongi and someone else walk out. Jimin had wanted to eat with him I think but yoongi either says that he’s already ate or is headed to eat with the person. It’s unrequited feelings for a bit of the story.
21) There was a fix where yoongi was a prince and he went out and on the way met all the members who were disney princesses, it was a parody kind of, min yoonji was sleeping beauty and she went back to sleep again and from her castle members got a cat and kittens, can you please find it
22) Hello! I read this fiction a loonnggggg time ago where vminkook were in high school detention I think and kook could read minds and read tae's mind once and hes thinking about potatoes so he calls him potato boy but then the next time tae's thinking about fucking jimin and like yeah LOL I think they all end up in a threesome at the end but yeah I dont remember the title or author ))):
23) what’s that fanfic when it’s an au one of them is overweight and they join their school gym or something? and fall in love with the person who trains them. and there’s this beach scene and a car wash scene near the end. been looking for it for a while, hope you can help!
24) hi! i’m looking for a fic i read a while back, i think it was vmin and one of them had been hurt so the other got them off and they ended up in a relationship i think? pretty sure it was cannon compliant too! thanks!
25) so tae is a student and jk is a professor. jk is engaged to this woman (mina?). basically they are both straight but end up falling for each other so before jk gets married he plans to break up with the girl but she blackmails him with pics of him and his student and turns crazy. i don’t rlly remember what happens after that but later they eventually end up together. i think it’s ab 10 chapters. i’m pretty sure i read it on ao3!
26) Hello! I was reading this taekook fic on ao3 but I forgot what it was called ☹️ basically jungkook travels back in time and kidnaps his last self to tell him how in the future Tae kills himself, so jungkook tries to get his past self to be nicer to Tae and stop him. Past jungkook thinks that Tae cheated on him but he was actually forced to have sex with his “boss” but jungkook doesn’t give him a chance to explain and starts cheating on Tae and is being really nasty to him. Ah help plz if you can
27) I’m searching for a fic and i really can’t find it ... i remember it’s jikook (but not really) and it’s about jungkook (who thinks he’s straight) who downloads a porn (by mistake i think) of minjoon and like he ends up liking it, it’s so vague i’m sorry kfhskcj
care to stay for the ride? by voseok
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Wierd German minecraft dream.
So I wass in Germany visiting family with mom, next thing I know theres a section of a store we visit that has crappy, cheap plastic toys. I groan and want to leave, we end up at a keebler elf type of cottage house which is bigger on the inside than the out, then it turns into the old ranch I used to stay at interior. Finally theres a flood, secret cave, videogames finally I switch to minecraft. Theres beautifully designed mooshrooms with flowers of different kinds, I harvested seeds from other game plants and planted them like blue berries, agave plant from rimworld, amborisa also from rimworld, red berries bushes from dont starve together, new white flowers, juicy berry bushes also from dont starve together, peaches and apple saplings then I fight many mobs with tridents, wooden swords, armor even one with a KFC uniform? I mean I have no clue what that entails but they had a giant drumstick made of steel!
Anyways that was my wierd dream. Happy weekend!
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hentaihunblog-blog · 6 years
Top 9 Anime Characters Who Can Use The Legendary Wood Release 2018 [UPDATED] – OtakuKart
New Post has been published on https://hentaihun.com/blog/2018/01/12/top-9-anime-characters-who-can-use-the-legendary-wood-release-2018-updated-otakukart/
Top 9 Anime Characters Who Can Use The Legendary Wood Release 2018 [UPDATED] – OtakuKart
Hey guys. Wood release is one of the rarest abilities that one can find. Not many people can use it. So today’s list is about all the those anime characters who have Wood Release. Let’s begin. 9. Diane-
Diane is a member of the giant clan. She is able to manipulate nature like the rest of the Giants. She is from the anime Seven Deadly Sins. 8. Obito Uchiha-
Obito was a member of Team Minato. He was saved by Madara after a cave collapsed on him. His body contains the cells of Hashirama and they allow him to use the Wood Release. 7. Sugino-
Sugino is a character from Zatch Bell. He is a mamodo. He is able to manipulate plants in his surroundings. Sugino is a able to summon enormous flowers that can shoot fire and poisoned pollen. Furthermore, he can also summon a tree warrior to fight in his stead. 6. Kosuke Ueki-
He is the main protagonist of “The Law of Ueki”. He was given the ability to turn fra trash into trees by Mr. K. Although it may sound a bit wierd but Ueki is able to great any tree that he desires. It may not seem much but he can stop very strong attacks with his trees. 5. Binz-
Binz is a character from One Piece. He possesses the Mosa Mosa no Mi, which gives him the ability of increasing the growth of plants. Binz is also able to use soru. It gives him incredible speed and agility. 4. Weasel-
He is from Marchen Awakens Romance. Weasel is the 6th strongest knight in the series. The source of his magic is the tree on his head. Weasel is able to summon a tree so large that it can dwarf a large arena. Also, with of his abilities, he can suck life from plants. 3. Kurama-
Kurama is from Yu Yu Hakusho. He is a demon fox that entered a human body. However, after some time he decides to live the humans. Kurama is able to create different plants and even trees with his spiritual energy. Plus, it works really well with his intelligence.
2. Laki Olietta-
Laki is a mage from Fairy Tail. She excells in the art of wood-making. Laki can create a large variety of weapons out of wood. She can summon multiple blocks of wood carved as weapons from the ground, and the Wood Wall. Laki can also merge herself with the wood she creates in order to perform stealth actions, such as walking unnoticed. 1. Hashirama Senju-
The final character on the list is the First Hokage of the Hidden Leaf. Hashirama was born with wood release. His wood release was on a totally different level. He was able to destroy the susanoo with his wood release. Also, he created the Hidden Leaf with his wood release. Hashirama achieved the status of God of Shinobi. That’s it from me. Also Read- Attack On Titan 2 Confirms New Characters And More
Secrets You Never Knew About Reanimation Jutsu
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allcheatscodes · 7 years
the legend of zelda collectors edition gamecube
the legend of zelda collectors edition gamecube
The Legend of Zelda: Collector’s Edition cheats & more for GameCube (GameCube)
Easter Eggs
Get the updated and latest The Legend of Zelda: Collector’s Edition cheats, unlockables, codes, hints, Easter eggs, glitches, tricks, tips, hacks, downloads, guides, hints, FAQs, walkthroughs, and more for GameCube (GameCube). AllCheatsCodes.com has all the codes you need to win every game you play!
Use the links above or scroll down to see all the GameCube cheats we have available for The Legend of Zelda: Collector’s Edition.
Also Known As: Zelda: Collector’s Edition
Genre: Action, Adventure Developer: Unknown Publisher: Nintendo ESRB Rating: Everyone Release Date: December 11, 2003
How To Get The Sinking Lure
In order to get the sinking lure you need to go to the fishing room in lake hylia. Pay to fish and go to the opposite end of the room from the door (it is usually in different places so here are those places)correct me if I left anything out or I’m wrong. 1 . In a peice of grass next to the hole 2. By the logs in the water next to the hole (not sure if this is correct)3. On the log sticking out of the water.
How To Float In Ocarina Of Time
(NOTE YOU CAN’T MOVE WHEN YOU DO THIS! )if you get tired of just following the game story try to have fun and glitch the game in order to do this you need the deku shield, hylian shield, and you need to be a kid. have your deku shield on and block without letting go press start the switch to the hylian shield while still holding the defend button and press start again. And presto! You’re floating.
Beat The Running Man In Ocarina Of Time
As Adult Link go to Gerudo Valley to the tent where the Running Man is at. Challenge him to a race and when he says go, run to the temple of time and put the Master Sword in the pedestal. You are now Young Link. Go to the bridge that is in the Lost Woods and just leave the game on for about 3. 549 actual days (because each day in the game is about 2 minutes and there are 2556 days for 7 years in Game time) and you will automatically become Adult Link and see the running man and he will say that you beat him by -00:01 seconds and that it must be some kind of Time Paradox or something. You could also play the Sun song to not have to wait so long but since the Sun song only advances 12 hours in the game and a day has 24 hours you would have to play the sun song a total of 5112 times. So waiting is easier.
Get Your Items Back From The Takkuri Bird
If you get items stolen from you by takkuri bird. Watch it fly away notice how it goes into clock town. Go in at night and go to the curiosity shop he will have your stolen item! If you don’t have enough money or you just don’t want to pay just play the song of time.
Jump For No Reason
This doesnt really help you in any way but its kind of cool in majora’s mask go in the inn at night and go in the troupe room (the room upstairs at the end of the hallway)go up to the guy holding the cards with the red shirt L-target him walk backwards touching the table and link jumps. You can even get on the table while doing this (i know you can just climb on the table but its fun doing this).
Good Fishing Spot
In ocarina of time go to the fishing pond at any time stand on the log that’s sticking out of the water. L-target the HUGE fish. If you get his attention he will follow the lure SLOWLY REEL IT IN (you can use the regular lure) by the time he bites the lure he will be right next to you. So it will only take about 0-5 seconds to reel it in. (for me right as he bit on I caught him) KEEP IT talk to the guy at the counter select “weigh my fish” and he’s amazed and gives you the golden scale which allows you to dive nine meters. So go to the scientist dive in the water talk to him and he gives you a pice of heart.
Scarcrow’s Song (ocarina Of Time And Majora’s Mask
A, c-right, c-down, a, c-right, c-down, a, c-down.
Get Your Sword Stolen
In majora’s mask go to termina field go by milk road but don’t go in. There will be this wierd looking bird and it can steal things from you. Be careful sometimes IT CAN STEAL YOUR SWORD but sometimes it steals other things like bottles but it can’t take your masks. (note: if it takes something from you the bird disappears but I think if you kill it fast enough, you get it back, if you don’t kill it use the song of time to reset everything. ).
Use Deku Nuts To Beat Ganon
In ocarina of time get all the duku nuts you can when you start fighting GANON L-target use one nut to stun him then use one on his tail and it hurts him (you can do this from a distance) keep doing this until you can get your sword back (it takes about all of your nuts until you get your sword) when you have it back just use a light arrow on his face and your sword on his tail (you can finally kill him when your magic is a little less than half, only if its enhanced. ) if it isn’t you have to have him break the ruins until you find some.
Ocarina Of Time Shadow Link
When your in the water temple and your having a hard time fighting shadow link here’s is how you beat him the easy way to do this you need three bottles. Go get your harts and magic full. Now make sure you have the fire gem that make fire circle around you. Also make sure your magic meter is at its fullest length of extension. Go fill 2 bottles with magic refill and one bottle with a fairy then go fight him. When he gets close to you use the dins fire gem on him until all magic is gone and that’s what the refill magic bottles are for and the fairy is if you end up dying.
Majoras Mask Fall Thought The Floor
To fall thought the floor in Majoras Mask you have to have the deku mask. Go to the entrance to swamp and go to were tingle is. Get into the last flower and DON’T let go and head to the entrance. You should fall thought the floor.
Fierce Deity Link Mask Out Of Boss Rooms
You’ll need the zora mask and the Fierce Deity mask. First find a small body of water (outside of great bay in termina field) you need to be in the shallow part but deep enough to where regular link can swim but zora link can stand. Dive as regular link then put on the zora mask while diving. Now stand still and look at the B button (red icon at top of screen)if the water is right the action button should say dive. Rapidly push “B” and WHILE pushing B, press the whatever button the zora mask is equipped to. If done right, dive should go away and A button should say swim. Start swimming and and you should be swimming in place. Turn towards land and he should roll on the ground now pause and equip the Fierce Deity mask where the zora mask is equipped. Put on the Fierce deity mask on. WARNING: Once you enter certain places you CAN NOT LEAVE. ( Never enter the stock pot inn. ) You can climb things you never could as regular link.
Majora’s Mask: Blast Mask Hover
First do the infinite sword glitch then find a ledge. (The infinite sword will prevent from falling. ) target then back up till you can’t anymore. Put on the blast mask. Back flip off the ledge then press B then shield fast or you will get hurt and have to start over with the infinite sword. materials:blast mask (get it at midnight on first day. ) (must regular link)shield.
Weird Fall
This is a cool glitch in Majora’s Mask. Go to East Clock Town at any time. Go up the stairs near the entrance to the bomber’s hideout, and while wearing the bunny hood or zora’s mask, run and jump the gap above the guard. Then jump into the basket above the entrance to Honey and Darling’s. From there, jump onto the wood above the shooting gallery. Continue around the back of the gallery, and there will be a chest with 100 rupees, but that’s not the glitch. If you jump at the right angle over the stairs to South Clock Town, you will seemingly fall THROUGH the stairs and end up unharmed in South clock Town. It looks so weird!
Easy Rupees In Termina Field
When you are trying to enter MIlk Road, you will see a bird. If you kill it, you will get 200 rupees.
A Cheer For Goron Link!
Once you beat the Snowhead Temple, go to the Goron Shrine and the goron elder and everyone else will cheer and praise you! Then the goron elder will thell you to go to the Twin Islands Cave, but I don’t know where that is.
Blank Room
Go into the Swamp Spider House. Enter the next door. When you get into the main room, go in the door straight ahead on the other side of the yellow pillar. Shoot the crystal switch on the right side of the room. That will make a ladder drop down behind you. Climb the ladder, and change to Goron form. Get next to the crates and punch the one on the left. Get in the corner between the wall and the remaining crate and roll into the corner. You will be in the main room, only it’s blank.
Mario Appearances
In Ocarina of Time, in Zelda’s courtyard, look through the window to your right when you come in. In the window, you will see pictures of Mario characters. In Majora’s Mask, look on the back of the Happy Mask Dealer’s bag and you will see a mask of Mario.
Getting The Zora Mask
To get this mask, go to Great Bay Coast with Epona. You’ll notice that there is a Zora drowning. Bring him to shore by grabing him then listen to his story. After that, he will die and you will get the Zora Mask.
Getting The Goron Mask
Follow a Goron ghost to the Goron Gravyard using The Lens of Truth. Once you’re at the grave yard at the Goron ghost’s grave, play the Song of Healing so he can rest in peace. Then you get the Goron Mask.
Getting The Deku Mask
After the mini fight with the Imp in Clock Town, you get this mask from The Happy Mask Man.
Easy Gerudo Fortress
First of all, you’ll need the Stone mask. To get it, go to the Ikana entry-way with a red potion. Look into the ring of rocks with the lens of truth to see a guard. Talk to him and give him the red potion. Once you get the Stone mask, you can go through the Gerudo Fortress without the guards seeing you.
Easy Rupees
When you get to the Ikana Kingdom, in the first room are 3 re-deads. Put on the captain’s hat or the gibdo’s mask on to make them dance around. Every one you kill will get you 15-20 rupees. Go in and out to make them reappear.
Majoras Mask: Fairy Prizes
When you collect all 15 fairies in a temple and bring them to the broken fairy, the all new-rejuvinated fairy will give you something. Here’s what they give you:
1)Deku dungeon- super blade spin(hold down B)2)Goron dungeon- enhanced magic meter3)Zora dungeon- enhanced hearts(half damage taken)4)Stone Temple- Great Fairy Sword!!.best weapon in the game. 2X as strong as the gilded sword and twice as long.
Currently we have no cheats or codes for The Legend of Zelda: Collector’s Edition yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Currently we have no unlockables for The Legend of Zelda: Collector’s Edition yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Easter eggs
Currently we have no easter eggs for The Legend of Zelda: Collector’s Edition yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Majora’s Mask A Few Glitches
Floating dog: Go to south clock town and grab the dog. Bring him to the platform sticking out of the clock tower and toss him onto it then climb up and put on the zora mask. Then just walk off the side. Zora link use any item or become fierce deity: Go to the little bit of water with the chest in it near the entrance to great bay. Once there put on the zora mask and walk out to his shoulders then turn into link. Dive as link and put on the zora mask while underwater. Now repeatedly press B while holding C-button with the zora mask. If done right B should be blank. Now press and hold A and pull back on the control stick and zora link should roll. Now equip anything over the zora mask. Some stuff will freeze zora link or if you press B after rolling.
Infifnite Sword Glitch
This glitch is very fun. This works with both majora’s mask and ocarina of time. This is how you activate it. First you find an object you can interact with (such as a sign) press down R and press B rapidly. Make sure not to L target and that link is slashing nothing but thin air. Then right in the middle of a stab press A. Link should get up and (in this case) read the sign. Don’t slash with B but walk around. You will see a white trail on your sword if it is activated. This might take a few tries. Then go up to something that responds to being hit by your sword don’t press B but make your sword touch it. It will react like you actually hit it. Leave the area press B or put away your sword to make it stop. Hope this helps!
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