#the lost knight
coniangray · 5 months
The proud princess, the lost knight and the flowers in the cave
In s1 ep 8, the party plays DND and after they finish their campaign, Dustin, Lucas and Will respectively asked what happened to the lost knight, the proud princess and those wierd flowers in the cave.
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Now, I do believe that the order they said this and who said what is also symbolic, but first I want to start with this general symbolism:
We only see one knight in the whole show, and he was also crowned as the leader, the heart of the group, who is only mike wheeler in the painting with the whole party fighting the thessalhydra/tiamat.
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So, in those words, mike is the knight.
It doesn't take much to realize that the proud princess is El, given how she's the only one who not only turned out proud of her powers and who she is as a whole by the end of s4, but also the only one involved with flowers.
The weird flowers in the cave:
In s4 ep1, El mentions how she missed the spring flowers in Hawkins, but she finds it pretty in Lenora too
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In s4 ep2, mike, after reading the letter El sent him, collects a bouguet of purple, yellow and pink flowers to gift to El once he'd arrive in Lenora.
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(tagged from mike)
In s4 ep9, the flowers "in the cave" are rotting, as the upside down is taking over and bleeding into Hawkins, therefore destroying what they know as their reality.
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So, what about them?
The flowers in the begging of s4 are bloomed, untouched by any upside down infection, but yet had to be cut in order to be given as a gift. This mugh be me over exaggerating, but I do think that cutting the flowers (in this case having someone else to do it, since that wasn't Mike's handwriting in the card to begin with, aka he most likely told Karen to buy flowers from Hawkins/ just a hc) might be him pretending that everything is great in their relationship.
The flowers literally rot in the end of s4, and as we see, El is in front of the others while mike is standing next to will
Therefore, the proud princess has finally accepted herself and therefore is proud of that.
The lost knight is still lost, unable to figure out his unrequired love for the cleric.
And the flowers are rotting.
And the cave?
I'd like to believe that the cave is the upside down itself. This is the blind leading the blind but I'd love to think how the "cave" works as a metaphor for either the gates or the upside down to complete this sense of closeness and fear of the unknown.
Who said what, and why they said it:
This is most likely stupid, but I think that Lucas saying about the lost princess emphasizes the foreshadowing of him trying to get mike back with el in s3 and that Dustin saying the knight also respectively foreshadows him and Mike joining hellfire and coming closer by time.
To add insult to injury, I think that will said the flowers in the cave to foreshadow the love triangle between will, mike and el and the whole situation with the flowers in s4.
Now reminder that this was just a silly scene as a conclusion to s1 which can also mean nothing, but I think the duffers give a laugh about those subtle hints about this scene.
If you want more info about el's letter and how she covered her hard time in Lenora with lies targeted towards mike, you can click here
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orion46037 · 2 months
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v-toast · 9 months
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back on my lost kin was oro's student bs
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pricklenettle · 3 months
inspired by this post, Danny’s lost in the ghost zone and comes across pariah dark’s keep. I had to draw it and had The most fun with the spooky green ghost zone
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azulhood · 7 months
Danny photobombs the Justice League.
So after each fight the superheroes might give a statement or something to tell people everything is fine, the threat is over, pretty normal right?
Superman had just got home from work and defeating yet another one of Lexi's robots, the TV's playing as background noise while he gets himself something to eat, then stands there with some leftover pizza as his interview/statement comes on.
He watches and goes 'could have done that better' or 'should not have said that.'
And then, seemly out of nowhere, this kid in a Hazmat suit appears in the background.
He's holding a map and squinting at his surroundings as if lost, also he's glowing.
The thing is that Superman hadn't noticed the kid, not a heartbeat or nothing.
Which Clark finds weird and makes a note to do some research the next time he's in the watchtower.
The event is put to the back of his mind.
Not forgotten but not deemed important since the kid seems like he isn't a threat.
Then the kid appears in other heroes interviews/statements.
Footage of the Flash fighting captain cold? He's there, almost in the crossfire and Barry didn't even notice.
Green Arrow celebrating a hard won battle? He's by the cop car as the villain is put in the vehicle.
The final nail in the coffin is when he appears in Gotham when batman is telling people to stay calm and inside during a huge scarecrow attack.
Danny on the other hand just wants to go home.
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qcomicsy · 1 year
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They even had the exactly same gay haircut
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notthesaint · 3 months
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Fungi knight - my design for broken vessel
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girlkisserr · 3 months
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heres my piece from the Hallowhome Zine! thank you to the mods for giving me this opportunity
Bonus drafts below
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first piece + laid out idea: i wasnt satisfied with it seeing as it felt. empty
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second draft: idea was there but i couldnt make the 3d aspect look nice at all
final is whats posted, and i actually took the palette from here! milk candy specifically, so thank you to OP for that
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moonwatcher1000 · 5 months
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+ timelapse under cut
I really had a fun time trying to figure out how to draw lost kin
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shawkydokey · 4 months
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silksongeveryday · 2 months
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ryllen · 3 months
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orion46037 · 3 months
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v-toast · 9 months
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awkward family meeting
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artkaninchenbau · 5 months
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mebis-art-dump · 3 months
Attempted as best as I could to clean up Pure Vessel's collar
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Also, while we're at it, have some "Pure Vessel's long cape is actually its natural cloak, which simply gets "trimmed" when violently tearing apart its harness"
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