#they can literally be the conductor and wave their hand around and let the instruments play music
askblueandviolet · 1 month
Can you play any other musical instruments?
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n0wornever · 4 years
Turn Back Time (pt. 7) - Luke Patterson x Reader
Read The Series
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Y/N walked up and down the streets in the neighborhood. She admired all of the families, out with their kids on their porches, the little boys riding bikes together and the happy couples holding hands in the lawn chairs. She brought her hands to her pockets as she felt a sense of normalcy wash over her.
Yes, she was still dead, but something about going on one of her nightly walks surrounded by other people made her feel normal for once. She tried to keep her mind off of the song. Y/N wasn’t a jealous person. She trusted Luke with everything in her, but for once she worried something shifted.
Had she pushed him too far the night she asked about his parents? Had she begged one too many times to hear a song that he had finally tuned her out? As she turned the corner back toward Julie’s place, she ran a hand through her hair, letting the wind push it back. The cool breeze helping her breath toward through the frustration. 
As she moved toward the garage door, she already hear playing from inside. She rushed toward to opening to yell at the boys, sure that Julie heard all of the ruckus from inside. But as the boys came into view, so did the young girl. She stood center stage alongside Luke, Reggie and Alex as she sung her heart out. 
Y/N couldn’t help but melt at the sound of her voice. The purity in its sound was really out of this world. She quietly moved back to the couch to listen to the rest of the song. She recognized the lyrics from earlier in the day. She let her eyes closed as she moved her head to the melody. 
As the song ended, she opened her eyes to find Luke standing in front of her. His hand was still on the guitar as he smiled down at her brightly. 
“What do you think, babe?” 
She swallowed hard before nodding enthusiastically, the boy’s smile growing with her reaction. He spun on his heels, running back toward the other three musicians. She brought her feet up onto the cushion, curling her arms around her knees as the music picked up again. 
The four sang together for another hour or so before calling it a day. The boys set up their instruments, waving at Julie as she walked toward the door. The curly haired girl stopped for a moment to wave at Y/N, the other girl giving her her best smile and a small wave in response. She then disappeared outside. 
Luke wiped his brow with the bottom of his shirt before lightly jogging over to her. He fell back on the cushion next to her, his arm wrapping around her shoulders. She looked over to him with a small grin, and he leaned in to peck her lips.
“You all sounded great,” Y/N said, breath ghosting his lips. 
“Thank you baby,” He said, lightly touching the side of her neck to pull her back in for another kiss. 
“Will you two get off of each other,” Alex said from across the room.
Luke held his middle finger up to the drummer before pressing his lips to hers once more. Y/N giggled into the kiss this time, pressing against his chest to pull away. He pouted at her and she rolled her eyes before pecking his lips again and then turning to the other boys. 
“That song is incredible, did you all write that?” 
Alex pointed a drumstick at Luke with a smile “All Patterson.”
Luke’s cheeks turned a light pink as her gaze landed on him again. She let her hand cup the right side of his face, thumb rubbing over his cheek. 
“You’re incredible,” She said, fluttering her eyelashes. 
Luke stared at her for a moment, eyes falling from her lips to her eyes a few times before attaching his lips to hers. 
“Well, it was a good five minutes,” Alex said.
Y/N pulled away again, letting her forehead touch his softly as she watched his eyes flutter open. 
“I think I’m going to take a breather, but I’ll be back in a few, okay?” She told him, pressing herself up to her feet. 
“Okay baby, don’t be too long,” His eyes trailed her body as she walked out the door. 
Alex walked back over to the couch, sitting next to his bandmate. His gaze directed toward Luke with a pointed look on his face. Luke furrowed his brow as he dissected his friend’s expression.
Alex scoffed “When are you going to play it for her?” 
“Luke, you know what I’m talking about. When are you going to play her the song you wrote?” 
Luke shrugged, “I don’t know yet, the timing has to be perfect. She’s waited a long time to be the first person to hear a song I wrote and I don’t want to disappoint her.”
Alex rolled his eyes, his hand coming up to cup the boy’s shoulder. 
“She’ll never be disappointed in you dude, she’s over the moon for you.”
Luke nodded, looking down at his journal. He flipped to the page he bookmarked with one of her hair ties. His eyes flew down the page, staring at the scribbles he had written over the past few weeks and smiled down at the paper. 
He heard the door creak open. Y/N looked at the open notebook and then to Luke with a smile. Alex lifted himself off the couch before jogging to his drumset. She sat back down next to him on the couch, and he slammed to book shut. She tapped on the cover and looked at him expectedly.
“What were you writing?” 
“Nothing,” He answered quickly, chewing on his bottom lip. 
“Oh,” She said, a frown falling to her face. “Okay.” 
She stood up and walked toward Reggie on the other side of the room. Alex glared at Luke with wide eyes. The boy just ran his hand threw his hair, whispering “not yet” toward the drummer. 
The next morning, Y/N grabbed a book from the shelves in the corner of the room and took her usual spot on the couch. As she opened to the first page, she heard footsteps walk in her direction. She looked up to meet Julie’s smile. 
“Hey Julie, what’s up?” 
She returned her smile, walking closer to the chair to lean against the arm. Y/N put the book down and gave her her full attention.
“Have you seen Luke?” She asked, twiddling with her thumbs. “He disrupted my study session with Flynn last night to tell me he had something to show me.” 
She nodded, biting down on her lip. “So sorry about him,” Julie let out a giggle as she shook her head “but anyway, the boys went to terrorize some local park. They have too much energy.”
Julie nodded at her “Can you tell him to come find me when they get back?” 
Y/N smiled, returning the nod “Of course!” 
As soon as the young girl hit the door, her face dropped again. She was getting that anxious feeling in her stomach again as she let her eyes fall to the floor. She tried to lift her book to her face again, but she couldn’t focus on the words long enough to read a sentence. 
She heard the sound of the boys laughter entering the garage and she set the book back down in her lap. She tried pull her cheeks back to a smile, but it felt like she was pulling magnets apart. Alex and Reggie appeared in front of her, her boyfriend nowhere to be found. 
“Where’s Luke?”
Alex pointed backward “Julie stopped him out front, he’ll be back soon.” 
Reggie moved over to his guitar, and Alex made a beeline to her. He sat down next her, his hand on her leg. 
“You okay?”
Curse Alex for being so observant. She nodded her head, giving him another smile as she placed her hand on top of his. 
“I’m fine Alex, you’re sweet for checking in. I appreciate you.” 
He squinted his eyes “I don’t fully believe you, but okay. Let me know if you need anything.” 
He lifted off the couch onto his feet and moved toward his bandmate. Y/N rose from the couch too, her feet pointed at the door. She moved closer to the entrance, letting her eye peek out toward the outside. Luke and Julie were sitting on the stairs. His hand was up like a conductors, seemingly nodding her along to some sort of tune. 
She sighed as she looked at how bright their smiles were as the worked together. She stood up and saw Alex looking down at her with a curious smile.
“Ease-dropping?” He rose an eyebrow. 
“No, I just..” 
He chuckled at her stuttering “Y/N I’m kidding. I’m intrigued by their partnership too, they work really well together.” 
“Yeah, they really do,” She said, crossing her arms at her chest. 
Alex looked at her with a pointed confused glance but she looked away from him, walking toward her chair again. She placed the book in her hands and let her legs hang from the arm as she read. Alex leaned against the door, studying her but not approaching. She could feel his gaze on her, but she kept her eyes focused on the words on the page. 
Luke eventually ran into the room, a wide smile splashed across his face. He spun in a circle before speaking to the boys. 
“Julie got back in her music program with the song I gave her,” He cheered, the boys clapping him on the back in excitement. 
Y/N tried not to hold onto the last part of that sentence for long as she dropped her book. She met his eyes with a soft smile, nodding in his direction. His dropped a bit as he studied her face. He walked over to the chair, leaning over to press a kiss to her head. 
“You okay honey?” He asked, eyes widening at her. 
“Yeah, I’m just fine.” She muscled up a smile, leaning up to kiss his lips once. 
The boy migrated back to his bandmates, jumping on his tiptoes. Alex’s eyes were still on her. She rose from her seat, silently walking outside to get some air. She didn’t Alex follow her lead as she moved her way to the stairs. He coughed loudly to get her attention. She jumped a little before her eyes rested on him.
“Alex, jeez.” 
He laughed, leaning against the railing toward her. He gave her that look again that caused her to sigh, leaning her face in her hands. 
“Why are you lying to us, Y/N?”
“You’re upset about something,” She frowned up at him. “You’re literal sunshine 24/7, so I can tell when something’s off.” 
“Alex I said-” 
“I know what you said.” 
Before he could ask another question, Luke ran up to the pair, looking over at Alex with bright glossy eyes. 
“I forgot to say, Julie is playing a local show this week, she invited all of us to go.” 
Y/N rolled her eyes before his reached hers. She gave him thumbs up before leaning forward on her knees to listen. 
“She’s a little nervous, so we’ll need to be her support system, okay?” Alex and Y/N nodded at the boy.
Luke slapped Alex’s back before rushing back to the garage. Alex gave her a small smirk, nodding back toward him.
“So, this is about Julie.” 
She shook her head vigorously “What? No. I like Julie a lot.” 
Alex winked at her “Right... if it’s not her, then what is it?” 
Y/N fidgeted with her hands, knowing her friend was not going to leave her alone until she spoke up. She pulled her hair out of her face, looking back up at the blonde’s awaiting eyes. 
“I just want to be the first person who hears a song.... that’s all” 
“Y/N, you inspire half of our music,” Alex laughed at her. 
She giggled, waving his eyes from her face “Yeah, whatever, but I feel like Luke is only vulnerable when he sings. When he shares that part of himself with someone...it means something.” She trailed off, looking to the stars. “He’s never done that with me.” 
She met Alex’s eyes again, the boy nodding as he listened to her. He moved over to the stair below her, sitting down. 
“I get that, have you talked to him about this?” 
“God no,” She shook her head. “I don’t want to be a jealous girlfriend.” 
He bit down on his lower lip, narrowing his eyes as he looked away from her. He looked back up at her with a smile.
“You know he’s crazy about you though, right?” 
She tried to smile as wide as she could “Yeah, I know.” 
The two sat in silence for awhile before Reggie called Alex’s name from the garage. 
“Alex, you down for a late night adventure?” Luke popped his head outside too.
He looked back at her, she nudged him forward. He smiled, lifting himself up and jogging toward the boys.  
Tag list: @xplrreylo​ @lovesanimals​, @anythingandeverythingfandom​, @crybabyddl​, @oswin05​, @themaddies-obx​, @lukeys-giggle​, @bumbleberry-pie​ @kiss-themoongoodbye​  @marinettepotterandplagg​, @lolychu​, @bathtimejish​, @dasexydevitt13​ @musicconversedance​, @txrii​  @bestdressedandstressed​ @daisiesforlacey​  @epikskool​  @bookfrog247​ @carleywhittaker​ @princessvader15​ @rudysbay​ @spooky-season-bitch​  @kcd15​ @badwolf00593​ @whatever-happens-imma-stand-tall​
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sunnyie-eve · 5 years
Somebody To Love (Part 17- Rock You)
Word count: 1,858
Warnings: None
The next morning I get up very early to take Felix over to my parents for the day. I wanted to talk to Roger about everything before they all head to the studio. I take a deep breath opening the front door to our house and Roger rushes over to me. "Alice..." I put my finger up, "I don't want to talk about it Rog. I'm still upset but I'm going to give you another chance. Because I love you to death Roger Taylor." I cry and he pulls me into his chest, "And I love you to death too, Alice Taylor. I swear on our son it's never going to happen again." He kisses me passionately.
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We all started to get tired of Fred showing up late so we just sat around and talked to each other. "I want a new boat." Roger random says as I look through a magazine. "If we get a new one, I get to pick it this time. Like this one is for me. This is for me." I say flipping through the pages. "Wait, What about that one?" He points at one "It's a good size." He says.
"Everyone up on the drum risers!" Brian speaks up calling us over. "Up on the drum risers." He repeats himself and Chrissie gets up, "Come on." She says walking over to him. "Wives and everyone, Brian?" Deaky asks and Veronica asks me. "Yes! Come on, John. Everyone." He says again and I stand up, "Let's go." I wave for Roger to get up and I go stand next to Chrissie while the rest walk slower. "Bass?" Deaky asks and Brian kicks his butt, "No, don't need it. Come on, Rog. Take your time." Brian gently pushes Roger making me and Chrissie laugh.
"Alright, What's this about?" Roger asks standing next to me. Brian tells us that he ants the crowns to be a part of something so he has an idea. "Stomp to this beat." He tells us and we all look at each other. " Genius." Deaky says making us smile. "Come on." Brian tells us and we do as he says, "Good. Now I want you to clap in the third beat." Brian continues and we do so. "Don't speed up!" Roger tells us making us all laugh as we continue. "Ah, you kept time, Rog. Good." Brian says making Roger smile.
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"What's going on?" Fred asks and we all stop. "You'd know if you were on time." Roger tells him. "I'm a performer, darling, not a Swiss train conductor." Fred answer his and I see Roger let out a breath. I grab onto his arm rubbing it. "Sorry I'm late." Freddie tells Bri, "Again." I say making him look at me. "All right. Now would you please tell me why you're not playing any instruments?" He turns back to Brian. Brian explains what he wants the crowd to do showing Fred and we join in again.
We end up recording the song adding in more people so it would sound good then the boys played their instruments while us girls watched. "Are you going to stay home this up coming tour?" Veronica asked me. "I don't think so. I'm just going to take Felix on this tour. I'm scared if something happens again with Roger." I say and Chrissie nods her head. "I feel like it's better if you go, so you can make sure Roger doesn't mess up again." She squeezes my hand and Veronica catches on since I didn't tell her what happened.
"Ready to go pick up the baby?" Roger walks up behind me rubbing my shoulders. "Yeah, see you ladies soon. Bye guys!" I wave to the boys as me and Roger leave. "So I was talking with the girls about the up and coming tour. I think it would be good if me and Felix come too. You know." I say hoping he won't get mad at me for seeming like I don't trust him. "That would be a great idea. Then I won't miss you and the baby on tour. Both of you would be with me 24/7." He smiles at me as we drive to my parents.
I was actually really worried about going on tour with Felix. He was only a month old when it started. Paul was beyond pisses that I was coming especially with the baby while the others were excited to have me back on tour again. I went to every concert and took Felix with me, but I bought special headphones to put over his little ears during the shows. Literally the first show of the tour Roger took Felix out of my arms and ran on stage to show him off. Which he made a tradition for every city we went too for the entire U.S dates.
Tonight they were playing Madison Square Garden and of course Roger took Felix out to show the crowd how big he was at four months now. Jim brought me my chair to sit in on off the side of the stage so I could watch the concert. As they perform We Will Rock You, I stomped my foot bouncing Felix and clapping his hands to the song. "Look, see daddy." I point at Roger's and kiss his head. "Ahdab." Felix says in his baby talk and I turn him around to face. "Yes, that's ahadb." I baby talk him back and see Mary walk towards me. "Mary!" I hold Felix close to my chest jumping up to go hug her.
"He's getting so big." She takes him out of my arms as we both make our way to the back. "I know, he's getting to be a big boy." I smile as she bounces him. "Hello, you must be Alice. I'm David, Mary's boyfriend." David introduces himself and I shake his hand. "Hello, I've heard a lot about you, so it's finally nice to meet you." I say and he smiles at Mary. "You talk about me?" He kisses her making me squeal, "You two are perfect for each other!" I make them both laugh as Mary passes Felix back to me.
"Well I'm very glad you approve of me. May I?" He looks at Felix. "Oh of course, he loves meeting new people. Especially since his father loves to show him off every bloody night." He carfully takes Felix as I pass him to him. "Plus I'm the one who force Mary to go out and have fun with you. So you have me to thank." I smile at him linking my arm with Mary. "Well thank you because Mary is a wonderful beautiful woman." He smiles at the two of us as we all walk over to the bar to drink and talk.
I knew the boys would be coming back here soon since the show just ended and David was still holding the baby. "Boo!" Roger tries scaring me but it didn't since I was expecting him. "You did lovely tonight, like every night." I kiss him and Mary smiles at him, "Hello Roger." Roger gives her a small hug, "It nice to see you again Mary, and you are?" He asks looking at David holding his child. "Mary's boyfriend, David. Alice, let me hold the little guy for awhile." He smile bouncing the baby. Felix starts to baby talk and moves his arms around towards Roger. "Look like he wants his daddy now." David laughs giving Roger Felix.
"Did you watch daddy tonight? Was daddy good?" Roger says in a baby voice making Felix giggle. "I take that as a yes." He kiss the top of his little head as Deaky and Brian say hi to Mary. "See you around." I hug Mary and David. "Bye Alice, Roger, and little Felix." Mary smiles as we walk over to a group of people to talk. While a few girls were talking to Roger and Deaky, I watched Paul and John talk in the distance. What are they being secretive about?
"Love, What are you looking at?" Roger asks still holding Felix while he drank and talked. "Paul slipped a paper to John and when Jim walked up they acted differently." I say still watching them. "It's probably nothing darling." He kisses the top of my head and I look at him. "I'll be right back." I kiss his cheek and leave him to go talk to John.
"Alice darling, how may I help you?" He asks turning to face me. "What did Paul just give you? Don't you lie to me because I've got a lot of anger in me having to take care of a baby and making sure Roger doesn't cheat again." I cross my arms raising an eyebrow. "Since we get a long very well... I tell you... Paul said Fred have been getting deals about a solo deal, so he wants me to propose it to him later." He says pulling me closer so no one hears us. "Why would you think that's what's good? Queen is doing so well right now. Plus if it's Paul's idea, why is he making you do it? John, it doesn't seem right... I don't trust Paul." I say taking a step closer to him so Paul doesn't hear me.
"Alice, I'll just say it then tell him to think about later when Queen is done." He smiles walking away from me and I shake my head. You're going to mess up... "What were you two talking about?" Paul steps in front of me. "Nothing important, just things about tonight's show and what's next." I lie and he smiles at me, "I don't think that will was necessary.” He winks before leaving me alone. I walk back over to Roger and take Felix out of his arms before leaving to room. "Felix, Mommy is a little pissed off right now so please don't be too much trouble tonight." I kiss is forehead as I make my way to the cars to head to the hotel.
When I get back to the hotel I put Felix to sleep and he wasn't any trouble like I was hoping for. I start to pack my suitcase to be ready to leave in a few hours. While I start to shove thing aggressively inside, the door opens and Roger walks in. "What happed? After you took Felix and left room, I went to go follow you but the diver said you already left. Did I do something?" He asks confused and worried. "You didn't do anything Rog, I was just ready to leave." I says still shoving this harder into the suitcase. "Something is wrong." He sits next to me in the floor.
"It's just Paul again... I think he's up to something, Rog. He's a bloody sneaky little fucker. I don't like him or trust him." I look at Roger annoyed with everything. "I hate him too but you're just stressed out with everything. You're taking care of our son while on your working." He kisses me and I rest my head on his shoulder. "I don't know, Rog."
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citrusratz · 7 years
We Can Make It
A Wreck It Ralph Fanfiction from five years ago
Chapter Six
Barely an hour had passed by the time Make-It put the finishing touches on Turbo’s face, drawing a darling little swirl on the tip of his nose. She sat back on his belly, stroked her chin, and observed her work.  
Candies, bonbons, trophies, hearts, and winking faces littered his skin along with as many words and gibberish as she could fit on his exposed flesh. “SWEET” across his forehead, “WEENIE’S CUP” across his cheeks, “facial hair” over his lip, “oooh”, “oooh yes”, “wow”, “HEE HEE”, “AAAAAA”, “this is a shoulder”, “ears here”, “sleepy”, “WAKE UP I’M BORED”, and his lips glossed in a lovely black. It was a masterpiece if she had ever seen one.  
Staying awake for the rest of the night proved itself to be a challenge, even with a sleeping racer to play with. She tickled his feet to see if he would laugh (he did, before kicking her in the chin), made his arms wave around like a conductor, pinched his nose to play with the pitch of his snores, tugged and pushed at his lips to make him sing, made fantastic shapes out of his hair, and flicked his ears, bored out of her mind. Eventually, she found herself lying dead weight on top of him and propping her head up in her hands, thinking that maybe if she stared at him long enough, he would wake up. This technique was not very successful.
Her eyelids were getting unbearably heavy. Her wrists ached with the weight of her tired head. She slipped in and out of a strange half-conscious state, getting a little more aggravated each time. The night was passing far too slowly and she was not going to last.  
The groggy sound of a throat clearing woke her up.  
Her heart rattled and her breath caught as awareness returned to her. She really had fallen asleep. Her head must have slipped right out of her hands and plopped onto Turbo’s chest. He was still beneath her, warm, squishy, and definitely awake.
She felt an overwhelming urge to punch herself for putting herself in a position where falling asleep on a sleeping piece of ego was even a possibility.
“Hey,” a finger prodded her head. “What’re you doing?”
She frowned dramatically and refused to move or look at him. “Guarding you is boring,” she muttered.
“Hmm. Be that as it may, I’m not sure how I feel about you pulling a move on me in my sleep,” he snickered. “At least let me be conscious for it, toots.”
“Oh my—” She pushed her all-too-heavy body up enough to muster a piercing glare at his smirking face. One of his hands was pushed against his forehead and laced into his hair. Yes, she remembered, oh, yes. He was hung over.  
“Best can the attitude, mister, or I’ll give you an optical exam.”
“I’ll shine a friggin’ flashlight in your eyes, dingus.”
His face fell into a sneer. “Wow, take a joke, toots. Maybe you’d like to explain what you’re actually doing draped all over me, then?”
Her eyes wafted over the designs drawn on his skin. A very distinct Make-It smile lit up her face. “Making a move.”
Yellow eyes narrowing, smirk slowly returning, he continued, “Sorry, I seem to have missed it the first time. Could you do it again?”
“Hmm, no, it was kind of spur-of-the-moment.” She pushed herself up to sit on his waist and pull him up by his arms. “You should probably go pick yourself up from this hang over and get ready for the day. We’d hate for you to be driving like this, now, wouldn’t we?”
“Mmm, yeah,” he pushed his hands through his hair, dragging it back down over his eyes. “You make a good point, toots. Wanna get off my lap?”
“Probably.” She did not move.  
“…Can you?”
She shrugged.
Pushing his hair back up, he cocked a brow at her for a moment before rolling his eyes. He put his hand over her face and pushed her sideways, prompting her to dramatically roll off the bed.  
“God, you’re weird,” he stood, stretching his legs, popping his back, moaning miserably. “Mornings,” he growled. “Well. Mornings after.” He slumped over to the keypad by the garage, quite literally punched some numbers in, and the long red door lifted itself with a drawn-out whine.  
Make-It rested her chin on the side of the bed, watching him with a sideways grin. He would have to look in a mirror sometime soon. He glanced back at her.
“’The hell are you smilin’ at?”
She just giggled giddily, prompting another eye-roll from him as he entered the building. Hopping up, she followed him.  
The lower level was quite clearly a garage, and it might have been a sight to behold at one point, if not for the oil stains and tire tracks everywhere. The walls were white and scuffed, and the floors were silver and blotched with black smears. Sturdy-looking tables were pushed up against the walls, littered with tools, scrap metal, nuts, bolts, and various car parts. Curiously enough, though, his car was not there. The large, open room broke into a slightly smaller semi-hallway, on the far wall of which slept another garage door emblazoned with a red “T”, and on the wall next to it stood a shining, metallic elevator door.  
Turbo pushed the elevator button and leaned his shoulder against the wall, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. “God, I need some coffee…”
“Hmm,” Make-It hummed, stepping over to him, her hands clasped behind her back, “well, you just go and freshen up and I’ll get breakfast ready for you.”
He flinched. “Food..?”
“Yup. What, have you got a tummy ache?” She tilted her head.
“Hmm, yeah, a little,” he glared sidelong at her. “It’s not like a certain little cuss got me drunk last night or anything…”
She grinned widely. “You never protested!”
“Hindsight is a real pain in the bits, aint it?”
“My God, are you still talking..?”
The elevator arrived with a happy little ding. The doors slid open and the two stepped inside, greeted by the soft sound of the Turbo-Time theme floating out of speakers. Turbo looked like he was having trouble not punching said speakers off of their mounts, but he did not get a chance to before the doors slid open again, revealing an entirely too spacious bedroom that was almost completely red, save the pearly white walls.
What immediately caught Make-It’s eye was the wall entirely taken up by a mahogany trophy case. It was practically full already, each trophy glistening majestically, all the windows perfectly cleaned, every inch of wood meticulously dusted. For such a gross little turd, he sure did keep the source of his pride in fine shape.  
Spotting his bed, it was all she could do to not burst out laughing. It was definitely king-size, covered with a messed-up nest of red and white blankets and pillows, and the entire thing was in the shape of a shining, red race car. On either side of it sat deep scarlet bedside tables holding up trophy-shaped lamps. A long couch leaned against the wall opposite, next to which rested enormous speakers, a beefy-looking amplifier, a microphone, and an absolutely beautiful garnet-colored bass guitar in an open case. Another instrument case was on the floor next to it, but she did not recognize the shape.
“You play music?” She followed him in, her feet squishing against the blood-red shag carpet.  
“Yup. Sing, too, when the mood strikes. I’m not anticipating that mood anytime soon, so don’t even ask.”
“Wouldn’t dream of it, not while you’re… grumpier than usual.”
“That’s a lie,” he grumbled, “my mood has nothing to do with how much of a cuss you’ll be, does it?”
Mock offense played over her features. “Now, why would I be so daft and inconsiderate?”
“I haven’t the slightest clue,” he threw his arms up, making a beeline for a door in the corner. He stormed through it, giving Make-It the briefest glance of a bathroom, and slammed it behind him, immediately groaning from the loud noise.  
“Here we go,” she whispered to herself, knowing full well that he was about to see her handiwork in the mirror. She hopped over to perch on the hood of Turbo’s car-bed, tensing, preparing herself. “Three…two…one…”  
He burst out, fully raging, and she squealed in delight as he dove for her. Bounding around the room, off the walls, over the couch, she avoided his slashing hands. Her laughter was almost as loud as his furious yelling.  
“When did I say it was a favor?!” She paused on top of one of his speakers, “Though, I suppose it is! Your face is a lot more interesting, now!”
Laughing far too hard to keep evading him, Make-It rolled to a stop in the middle of his carpet, holding her sides and wheezing. Turbo toppled over her with a yelp, but quickly flipped over to throw himself on top of her. He pinned her by her shoulders, and she flailed her legs, giggling like a euphoric child.  
“WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM?!” He jostled her, only prompting her to laugh more. She could barely see him through her squinting, tear-filled eyes, but she could have sworn she saw his mouth fighting a smile.  
“Here’s where I’m lucky,” she chuckled jubilantly, “that you don’t hit ladies.”
“Hahah, you’re not a lady.” He lowered down inches from her face, the anger in his eyes betrayed by the smirk inching its way over his lips. Make-It wheezed a bit at the alcohol still on his breath as he continued, “You’re just a walking piece of trouble.”
Quite suddenly, his fingers were on her neck. For the most fleeting of moments, Make-It’s breath caught, remembering when he had tried to throttle her on the track, but her stomach suddenly leapt when his fingertips began to tickle her.  
“NO!” She squealed, her shoulders tensing and trying to protect her neck as he scratched and scuffed. “DISPROPORTIONATE! INJUSTICE! UNFAIR!”  
Laughing almost painfully, she managed to roll over and protect her neck, but that diverted his attention to her ribs. With a shriek, she shoved him back and tried to pull herself away, but his fluttery fingers were all over her back, arms, legs, and belly, tickling insane peals of laughter out of her. A horribly sadistic and satisfied grin pulled back over his yellow teeth.  
“I GIVE UP, YOU WIN!” She pushed at every part of him she could reach. “I SURRENDER! GET OFF!”
“Okay, okay! Wow, shut up, I have a hangover, if you remember,” he leaned back, pressing his fingers against his temples and wincing. Make-It panted heavily, her whole body quivering, cautiously sitting up and watching him as if he were about to explode. “What? No more games,” he put his hands up by his face, “I’m done.”
She nodded slowly.  
His hands flew to her hat and pulled it down over her face, instantly putting her in the dark and ruffling it wildly over her hair. Yelping, laughing, growling, shrieking, she tried to roll away, but only ended up lying on her belly, Turbo flopping dead weight over her.  
“Now,” he finally stopped, and she felt his chin rest on the top of her head, “who’s been a little cuss?”
“Me,” she admitted into the carpet.  
“A bigger cuss than should be possible for such a little thing?”
“That’s me.”
“And who’s going to clean up the mess she made on Turbo’s handsome mug?”
“This girl right here.”
“Smart little cuss, aren’t you?” His lisp slipped out for a moment as he drummed his fingers against her cheeks.  
“Dumber than I seem,” she tried pushing up against him, but fell right back against the floor. “Please get off of me.”
“Oh, fine, since you’re being so polite,” he backed off of her, and she rolled onto her back, pulling her hat off her head. Her hair pointed out in all directions with the static. Biting a finger of her glove, she tugged it off.  
“You’re lucky you’re so cute,” said Turbo, sitting back on his toes, “’cause if you weren’t, I’d have kicked you into Space Invaders a long time ag—OW!” He flinched back and fell onto his bum after Make-It reached out to send a static shock into his cheek. She giggled impishly, and he pouted.
“And here I thought we had a truce,” he grumbled.
“Hush, now, y’big baby,” she scooted closer to him, lifting his chin and drawing out her brush. “Let me make it better.” Matching the light grey of his skin tone as well as she could manage, she dabbed the tip against his nose and all the graffiti disappeared. “Ta-da.”
He blinked, his eyes half-lidded, looking up at her exasperatedly. “I’ll believe it when I see it,” he breathed, pushing himself to his feet and entering the bathroom once again. Standing in front of the mirror, he turned his face every angle he could manage before an approving grin popped onto his mouth. “Turbo-tastic.”
“See? Sometimes, I’m trustworthy.”
He scoffed. “The fact that you had to use the word ‘sometimes’ just makes your point completely invalid.”
“Well,” she shrugged. “Temptation’s in my code, sourheart. But there is one thing that you can trust me to do, and that’s to keep my promise of paying you back for completely pranking you up the arse.”
If his glare were any sharper, it would have broken her skin. “Paying me back with MORE pranks?”
“Hey! Like I said, that was not part of my favors!” She hopped to her feet and leaned against the bathroom doorframe. “Can you really expect me to be waiting on my knees for your every whim?”
His eyes glazed over for a moment.
“…Hello? Too much logic for Turbo?”
“Ah,” he turned to the mirror, “not that I would expect it, not from you. I’m just pissed at you, and you’d do well to let me remain so.”
Her lips tickled into a smile. “That’s one thing I won’t be doing.”
“Freshen up, do your morningly tasks, we can talk in a minute,” she stepped back and closed the door. She could practically hear him shrugging to himself inside.  
She rubbed her hands together. Breakfast would be ready in under twenty seconds. A swish, swirl, stroke, dab, flip, splatter, and a lovely table stood before her, adorned with a plate of steaming pancakes, bacon, eggs, a slice of toast, a glass of milk, and a glass of orange juice. Sensing that it was missing something, she painted a lovely vase off to the side and stroked a single purple flower into it.
“…No,” she knocked it to the floor.  
By the time the handle of the bathroom door even began to turn, Make-It was thoroughly tangled up in the mess of Turbo’s bed, peering out like a hungry lioness. He stepped out, then froze at the sight of the unanticipated food. “Uh,” he quirked a brow.  
Her head rose slowly out of the sheets, grinning proudly.  
“Wh-What are you doing in my bed?!”  
Her smile only widened. “I dunno. Eat your breakfast.”
“My…” he blinked carefully, turning his gaze back to the hearty meal. “That’s for me?”
“Well, if you don’t want it, I’ll eat it,” she shrugged, propping herself up on her elbows. “But yes, it’s for you. I said I’d make you breakfast, didn’t I?”
He tread over cautiously, seeming conflicted. He looked as if he were afraid that he would scare the meal away, or that it was poisoned with some kind of horrible trick toxin. He glanced at her from the corner of his eye. “What did you put in it?”
“Nothing incriminating! Will you just accept the favor and eat?”
He pressed his lips together. “Not used to favors. Not this kind,” the bed bounced a bit as he sat down, staring blankly at the food.  
“Hmm,” she hummed, her voice falling into a gentle mutter. “Just used to people passing you drinks and carrying you home, huh?”
“Well…” he picked up the fork, watching the light dance off it. “…Yeah.”
She frowned. “People around here don’t do much other than celebrate your success.”
He could not manage to put in the effort to look back at her sharply. His head merely tilted a bit. “It’s their code. It’s my code. I was literally programmed to be a winner.”
“Don’t you ever think about what’s more than code…?” Her words padded forward softly. “And what’s beyond programming…?”
A silence fell between the two and muffled the entire room, and seemingly the entire console. Make-It felt stuck in a long, steady, barely existent exhale. Her very blood flow seemed to slow to a crawl as Turbo finally peered back at her, his face anxiously contemplative, his eyes entirely too searching and questioning for her to handle.  
Her mouth slowly fell open. “Turbo--…I forgot something,” she grinned, forcing herself back into reality. “You can’t have a good breakfast without an apple. It’s better than coffee, you know.”
He blinked hard for a moment, finding himself a suitable sneer. “Better how?”
“It wakes you up just as much, if not more! Didn’t you know that?” She swirled a lovely pinkish-red apple out of thin air and caught it in her palm. “Tastes better, too, in my humble opinion.”
“Humble,” he snorted, turning back to face the meal. “I don’t want it.”
“Why not?”
“They’re too sweet.”
Make-It’s mouth pulled contemplatively into her cheek before she shrugged and took a big chomp out of it herself, the juice frothing out luxuriously and a tiny spray of droplets flicking against Turbo’s jaw. His shoulders tensed.  
“Now, how can you not like this?” She slurped off the excess juice, dragging herself up and out of the bed to stand on the other side of the table. “It’s like candy, except it’s good for you. Not that it makes much of a difference to me, of course.” Another crispy bite followed by a flinch from the racer. “Taste’s the important part. Nutrition is a bonus.”
Turbo stared at her disapprovingly, shaking his head and stabbing his fork into the pancakes. He ripped off a good mouthful, but before he could get it past his lips, the overflowing apple was shoved into his teeth with a crunch.  
He practically went wall-eyed for a split second before angrily swatting Make-It’s hand away and spitting the fruit clear across the room. “What the hell, Make-It!?”
She was already on the floor, laughing herself insane.  
“Ugh,” he spluttered, shoving great heaps of pancake in his mouth. “Disgusting.”
“Aw,” she lifted herself up enough to rest her arm and chin on the edge of the table, giving him the brightest eyes she could manage, “too sweet?”  
He did not acknowledge her.
“Some apples are sour, you know. Haven’t you ever had one? A sour apple?”
He carried on with his meal.
“That’s a shame,” she remarked, twirling her brush in her fingers. “I bet you’d like them if you tried them.”
“You’re really starting to sound like a pushy mother,” he grumbled through mouthfuls of breakfast.  
“I know you think you’re gonna hate it, but you won’t, okay?” She painted a light green apple that time, placing it beside his plate. “You don’t have to eat it, but I’ll leave it there.”
His head shook as he shoveled down everything other than the newly painted fruit, guzzling down the glass of milk, glancing over the edge of the table at the fallen vase and flower. Make-It waved it off. “Is the rest of the food good, at least?"
He swallowed. “It’s acceptable.”
“Not Turbo-tastic?”
A flat look answered her question.  
“I’ll do better next time,” she shrugged, getting to her feet fully and straightening her clothes.  
“Next time?”
“Sure,” she grinned. “My favors aren’t over.”
“Why are you doing all this, again? You’re not making me feel any less pissed about the race, you’re just making me more pissed off about other things.”
“I feel a need to,” she shrugged. “If not for you, then for me, to make me feel like less of a jerk.”
“That’ll be a feat,” he twitched a brow, taking in another mouthful of bacon.  
“I know,” she sat next to him, lacing her fingers around one of her knees. “So it will take quite a few good deeds.”
“And you’re not letting me decide a single one of them, are you?”
“’Cause I’m a cuss.”
He looked completely perplexed before briskly shaking his head again. “You make absolutely no sense.”
She smiled knowingly. “Just last night, you told me to cuss logic.”
“Did I? I was also wasted.”
“Even so,” she poked him, “that’s what you told me. And I plan on doing just that.”
His eyes squeezed shut. “Just what makes you think I even want you around, or that I want your stupid favors?”
“I know you don’t think you do,” she pushed her shoulder against his, “but I think you’ll come to like me if you give me a chance.”
“Why would I have ANY reason to like you..?”
She breathed out half a laugh. “Cuss logic.”
His eyes rested on his fork for a moment as he swallowed the last bit of scrambled eggs, slowly shifting to look at her with that intrusive, wondering gaze yet again. It was plain as day in his face that it frustrated him to not know what she was talking about. He was being tugged and prodded by an unwelcome, uncomfortable, unrelenting curiosity.  
Make-It returned the look for as long as she could before her painfully strumming heart forced her to look away and thoroughly examine Turbo’s thick blankets. Keeping eye contact with him was nowhere near as difficult as it was with Felix. His essence did not pour from his eyes like open floodgates like her cousin’s did. But the arrogant, grumpy, conceited curtain in the racer’s gaze was fluttering, and she did not feel at all ready to catch a glimpse of what was behind.  
Turbo remained silent and still, scrutinizing her, his brows slowly knitting together. When he finally spoke, Make-It visibly jumped. He barely sounded like himself, his loud, grating, obnoxious voice lowered into a deep, shadowed mutter.
“Why are you really doing this..?”
Her heart slowly caved in on itself and sank. For reasons she did not quite understand, her breaths became heated, her eyes began to sting, and her feet trembled. She had to leave. She had to get out of this conversation.
Throwing him a lopsided, untidy smile that seemed to startle him, she declared, “I forgot something else. I’ll be back.”  
The only window in the room, situated just above the head of Turbo’s fabric nest, called to her deafeningly. She popped herself up, pushed the panes aside, and threw herself out into the open air. An alarmed yell barely reached her ears as she fell and splatted jets on the bottom of her feet, firing them up just before she could reach impact and face an untimely demise. She hovered a few feet above the ground, her hands on her hips, her lips pressed together, trying very hard to wipe her mind of whatever cancerous emotion she had just found herself faced with. It struggled as she forced it back, but with a bit of effort, she managed to supress it.  
She blinked slowly. What had she forgotten, again? Instinctively, she looked back to the window above that was situated just in the middle of the cross in the red ‘T’. A light grey face with a mess of black hair was poking out.  
Rockets rumbling and crackling, she climbed the height of the window and hovered in front of him. He was standing on his bed, fingers curled over the windowsill, the ghost of alarm still present in his sour glare.  
“Do you often throw yourself out windows in the middle of conversations?” He growled.
She blinked. “You know what, I actually do. I didn’t scare you too badly, did I?”
His eyebrow cocked for a second before he released his grip on the windowsill. “I just didn’t want to have to clean up your splattered corpse,” he grumbled, turning back to his meal.  
A warm chuckle bubbled in her throat. “That’s sweet for such a sourheart.”
He grunted quietly as he sipped his orange juice.  
“Seriously, though,” she hovered a few feet backwards. “I’ll be right back. I just remembered what I had forgotten.”
With a jubilant flip, she shot herself down around to the back of the building where the little bed with the crappy wheels sat, along with the red wagon, the trophy, and Turbo’s helmet. Taking up the last two in her arms, she twirled through the air and back to the open window. She draped herself halfway in and dropped the items on the bed just as Turbo slurped up the last bit of his orange juice.  
“Oh,” he picked up his helmet. “Can’t believe I forgot that. Thanks, toots.” He tweaked her nose.  
“I actually did too,” she admitted, extinguishing the flames in her shoes and kicking them off, letting them fall to the ground far below as she pushed the rest of herself inside. “I actually went down for this,” she waved the trophy, righting herself.  
“Well, it’s a trophy, isn’t it? And it’s also physical proof of my apology. Who will believe that Make-It Mavis apologized to you if you don’t have this?”
He shrugged. “Alright, then. Whatever helps you sleep at night.”
With a huff, she scooted closer to him, watching him intensely. “Are you this mean to everybody or have you just been pissed off at me since we met?”
He rolled his eyes and pushed her away by her cheek. An answer seemed to be sitting just behind his lips, but he was not letting it out.
“Okay, fine, keep your secrets,” she stood and crossed the room to the trophy case. “Hmm. I don’t think this one belongs in there. What do you think?”
“Don’t touch my trophies, toots.”
She nodded, having fully expected that answer. “Alright, then, here.” Crouching next to one of his bedside tables, she matched the color of the trophy case as well as she could and painted a little, ornate stand just big enough to hold one. She placed the cup carefully upon it and crafted a glistening box of glass to surround it. “A trophy with sentimental value deserves its own case.”
He scoffed. “I wouldn’t exactly call getting me plastered as a way of apologizing sentimental.”
“Hm, maybe not,” she stood. “But you DID keep it with you long enough to take it to Tapper’s at the end of the day, didn’t you..?”
He paused, his shoulders rigid, but did not answer. Proceeding with merely an unintelligible grumble, he smoothed his hair back with his hands as well as he could before pushing his helmet on. The black mess hid itself surprisingly well under the shining white dome.  
“You should be getting home, toots. The arcade’s opening soon, and the practice race is starting even sooner.”
“Yeah. …I shouldn’t have dropped those rocket shoes…” she sat back on the bed and painted herself a new pair. “I’ll take all the junk I’ve made with me.” She crawled across the blankets to examine the table. “Not sure how I’m going to transport that… Might have to take it apart…”
“No, leave the table,” Turbo raised a hand slightly.  
“Hm? Why?”
“Well,” he shifted. “You… said you’d be doing this again, didn’t you?”
A smile slowly rose on Make-It’s face. Turbo glanced at her for a moment, fighting his own grin. “When… can we do this again?”
“I’ll be back tonight,” she assured him, gathering up the useless vase and flower. “Do you want me to take the dishes, too?”
“…No, I’ll just clean them.”
Her eyebrows raised and she nodded. “Impressive, sourheart.”
“What? What would give you the impression that it would be hard for me to keep things clean?”
“Oh, I don’t know,” she rolled her eyes, grinning sweetly. “Nothing, really. Hmm. I suppose I’ll just make a giant sack to take the other bed and wagon home in…” She thought out loud, climbing to the window.
“You don’t like using doors.”
“Nope,” she winked. “Windows are faster and more fun. Kind of like racers.”
His brows raised before he chuckled airily. “That’s a Turbo-tastic point, toots.” He climbed onto the bed and stood in front of her as she sat on the windowsill, his arms folded. “So I can expect to see you when the arcade closes?”
“Hopefully,” she nodded.  
“I’ll probably be smack dab in the middle of a party over my winnings, you know.”
“Joy,” she deadpanned. “Surrounded by your adoring fans?”
“Well, won’t that be interesting. I can’t tell if I should look forward to it,” she laughed half-heartedly.
“Oh, you should be ecstatic. You haven’t been to a party ‘till you’ve been to a Turbo party.”
“Let me guess… they’re Turbo-tastic, aren’t they?”
“That goes without saying, doesn’t it?”
“But you’ll say it anyway,” she tilted her head, smiling.
He broke out into a smug grin. “Yeah.”
They smiled at each other for a few unnoticed moments. Make-It finally snapped out of it when she felt her cheeks flush with a disturbing amount of heat. “Uh,” she licked her lips, “I’ll get going now. See you tonight.” She threw one of her legs out the window, straddling the sill.  
“Have a good day, Mavis.”
She paused and looked back at him once again. His smile was just genuine enough for her heart to simmer almost painfully, another wave of warmth washing over her face.  
She barely saw her arm reach out and take him by the collar, pulling him closer to squish her nose against his and nuzzle him. A barely audible squeak found its way out of his mouth, and before she could get another look at his face, she let herself fall, the swoop of gravity in her belly hardly comparing to the thrilled flutters that bounced around inside of her.  
Not five minutes passed by the time she had tied up the rest of her junk in a large, sturdy tarp and made her way across the entire console. She hovered just outside of the port to Game Central Station, frozen up by the grip of her foreign and overwhelming emotions. The smile on her face felt as if it had been carved into marble, completely unflinching.  
Blinking and trying to return to reality, she turned to take a look at the mansion. Leaning out of the window in the middle of the ‘T’ was the white and red racer, watching her quite obviously, holding something in his hand. As he lifted it to his mouth and seemed to take a bite out of it, she immediately knew what it was.  
The sour green apple.
Laughing incredulously, she hovered backwards towards the port, raising a hand to wave. His free hand waved back briefly before she disappeared down the dimly lit tunnel.
Make-It’s heart chuckled along with her. She could scarcely believe it. Somehow, by some miracle or stroke of luck, she had made a friend.
9 notes · View notes
warmau · 7 years
Heyo I just absolutely love your blog! Would you mind doing a classical musician au (orchestra or solo, doesn't matter) for Yoongi, Seokjin, and Taehyung? Like they play classical music and instruments like violin or piano? Thank you so much! 💖💖
ummmm listen to me anon i love orchestras,,,,i love listening to harp concertos,,,,how did you know,,,,,,
he’s the conductor 
and he takes it very seriously. like he does not play around 
with him it’s all about perfection and it’s not because of some sort of complex he has,,,,,it’s because people like to look down on younger conductors like him,,,,people who might not have years and years of knowledge so he pushes himself and his musicians to play their best even if it means hours of tireless practice
fluent in italian + french because he needs to know how to read choral writing 
plays piano,,,,but rarely shows it to people outside of his close musical friends and mentors.
known as ‘stone yoongi’ since he doesn’t change his expression ever,,,,,,not even when the tempo rises or something goes wrong. he’ll correct people with the same tone of voice as he praises people
some of the musicians don’t like his very practical, hard-work over everything approach but everyone in the orchestra puts their trust in his leadership because they know he’ll never let them down
and you’re one of those people, you play viola and you’re seated right in front of yoongi and no matter what piece of music you’re playing or how well or how bad the practice is going you can’t help but admire his complete grace and unwavering expression
,,,,,,,but also you’ve made it your own personal mission to make him smile. at least once
because you remember seeing him smile,,,,,,during the new years dinner where one of his mentors had complimented him on his improved skills and how,,,,,,,,you’d seen this beautiful gorgeous smile you knew you’d never be able to forget
and so from making faces, to making musical puns, to even using two bows to give yourself antennas,,,,,,,,,you’ve tried to get a laugh. a chuckle. a hint of that smile
but it hasn’t worked 
not until you end up late to practice, running past everyone’s stares, hair a mess and yoongi goes “why are you late”
and you, out-of-breath, admit that your case had gotten stuck between the closing doors on the train and you had to literally put your foot against the door and tug it out, falling over onto your back in the process
but you grin and pull out your viola and you’re like “thankfully, she’s fine!” (referring to the instrument)
and this,,,,,,,,this pulls the corners of yoongi’s lips into a small smile
but enough of a smile that it shows his gums and his eyes scrunch up 
and you’re like holy,,,,,,,,i did it,,,,,,,,,,he smiled,,,,,
and after the practice you go up to yoongi and you’re like “im sorry for interrupting the practice-” but yoongi just shakes his head and then suddenly he’s ????? smiling again
and you’re like someone pinch me he’s so freaking cute
and he’s like “it’s fine, but really the way you were most worried about your viola really-” and he looks into your eyes and he’s like “really shows that you love it,,,you love music right?”
and you nod, because of course you’ve always loved it from the bottom of your heart
and the next thing you hear you can’t believe but ???? yoongi is like “me too,,,,,,,not a lot of people truly care for their instruments and their talent,,,,,,,also - aren’t you happy, you finally got me to smile.”
and you’re like Omg,,,,,did you figure out what i was up to?
and this time it isn’t a smile but a smirk more so and yoongi goes “it was obvious, but since i smiled - how about you do something for me?”
and you’re like well,,,,what? 
and he’s like “do you want to go get coffee with me?” and you get a bit flustered and taken aback and you’re like,,,,,,,are you asking me to hangout?? 
and yoongi is like “hmm, no im asking you on a date.”
instrument: the harp 
“if you bother me during practice again i will strangle you with all 47 of these strings. do nOT test me”
deserves more solos ,,,,,,, like yes jimin’s tchaikovsky violin solo was great but,,,,,,jin has this really good boieldieu piece,,,,,
people are always like “he’s so perfect for the harp,,,,it’s the most beautiful instrument in the orchestra and he’s just as beautiful tbh”
and yes he looks magical playing it, long fingers gliding across the strings and a very handsome composed face it’s honestly like watching a prince
so many other members have messed up by looking over at him and just being mesmerized and basically missing their notes 
and you’re new to the orchestra, replacing one of their flute players who’d gotten sick and on the day of your first rehearsal
you get there super early and you see this tall boy with this HUGE case and he’s looking at the door to the practice room and you’re like !!!! he needs help
and you go over and you’re like “let me hold the door open for you!!!”
and you don’t even look at his face, you just get the handle open and look at the case and try to guess ,,,, like it’s not a cello it’s not the right shape,,,,,an octobass??? no,,,,,,,
and then you hear him laugh and he’s like “thank you!” and it’s a very unique laugh it’s kind of squeaky??
and you look at him and holy moly is he????? an???? angel????
how can someone look like that
and jin is just like “my harp is such a pain to move,,,,,it’s the worst part about this instrument.” and he like slowly begins to move it through the door and thankfully the case is on wheels, but it’s still gigantic 
and you get bumped a bit by jin’s shoulder as he’s moving past you but you’re like more concentrated on making sure the harp gets inside unharmed
and once jin gets it through the door, he gets it into his position and he’s like opening the case and you’re like “let me help!!”
and jin is like “oh, thank you! by the way are you new?” and you introduce yourself and tell him you’re the new flute player and he’s like oh im jin,,,,,,as you can tell i play harp LOL
and you’re like “i love the harp!! it’s such an underrated instrument,,,”
and jin claps his hands and is like EXACTLY,,,,,you get me i feel like we’ll get along
and you guys start talking and it’s kind of funny because you’re on one side of the harp and he’s on the other and like you can see him through the strings
when finally you peek from the corner and you see jin’s face once again you’re like what ,,,,,,,, art,,,,,,,am i looking at tbh
and he’s like “oh here let me show you how to play a note on the harp!”
and you’re like !!!! ok
and he takes your hand and gently guides it over onto one of the strings and tells you to put your foot on one of the pedals
and you notice how long and elegant his fingers are and you’re like he really is perfect for this instrument
and his warm breath is against your ear as he’s telling you to play an ascending note
and it’s like a scene out of a movie,,,,,,,
until you hear someones voice and you look over to see a younger boy going “hyung!!!!!! are you two having a MOMENT?”
and jin is like “jungkook come here - what did you just say?”
and you’re blushing because,,,,,a moment,,,,,,and jin’s ears are red too but he’s too busy running to chase jungkook who has dashed out of the room saying he’s going to tell the rest of bts that jin is being a big flirt LOL 
instrument: the bassoon
his instrument is the largest one in the woodwind family and therefore can play the lowest notes and everyone says it’s fitting because his voice is p low too
someone: “taehyung has anyone ever told you,,,,,you speak in like a B flat?”
taehyung: “honestly i don’t speak that DEEP im not batman please,,,,,though that would be really cool should i try speaking like batman from now o-”
the whole orchestra: “PLEASe god n o”
he really likes it when kids ask what kind of instrument he’s playing because it looks like a really big flute??? with lots of keys??? and shiny parts??? and he’s just like very very excited to tell kids about how cool the bassoon is and how it is very very important to the orchestra family
and tbh most people look at him and their first impression is that he can’t be serious,,,,,,like he can’t actually play classical music well with his torn up jeans and vibrant personality,,,,,they’re just like “shouldn’t be in a punk band or something?” but taehyung,,,,
when he plays,,,he’s 100% serious and committed and you can see the shift in his face. like he goes from all soft smiles, big eyes, sparkling laughter to concentrated, sharp focus 
and you don’t know taehyung at all, to be honest you’re just an usher that works at this concert hall and during the practice you’re doing the usual check up to see that the seats are all clean and there isn’t any safety hazards
when you look up you see this grinning boy, with pretty brown eyes and a really cheerful chuckle walking up onto the stage and he’s holding the bassoon and you’re like huh he looks kinda playful,,,,,is this orchestra not famous yet?
but literally ten minutes into practice you look up again and spot him,,,,,the same smiling youthful looking boy playing with such a stark expression of seriousness that you almost trip over yourself as you’re going down the aisle of chairs
and taehyung notices the way you keep throwing glances over your shoulder
and even after practice as everyone is going back out and the theater is being opened for the night,,,taehyung passes by you and gives you a smile and you’re like ?????
but shrug it off as you start helping people to their seats and passing out programs
but then you hear people talking with other members of the orchestra and when you help over an elderly couple to their front row seats you see him,,,,,taehyung,,,,,,standing there too and you kind of blink a bit because shouldn’t he be mingling with the other musicians and people??
but taehyung tilts his head and gives you a wink and you’re like !!!!!!! blushing and looking around and then giving a small wave
which in turn makes taehyung break out into a grin, slight pinkness in his cheeks
and you don’t get to talk until after the performance but taehyung finds you as you’re pointing out the bathroom to some people and he’s like “hi ^^” and you’re like omg,,,,hi?? and he’s like “so which do you like more,,,,,,,musician me or plain me?” and you’re like huh and he’s like “smiley, cute me or sexy, serious me?”
and you get that he’s referring to how he is off and on stage and it makes you giggle and he just wiggles his eyebrows 
and it’s cute,,,,,,his sense of humor matches yours and taehyung asks if your ushering shift is over soon and maybe you two can get dinner? 
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kekoaskorner · 7 years
11 years ago I saw him for the first time in Bern Stade de Suisse aka Wankdorf. It was also one of my first concerts ever and still one of the best. I remember the day and almost every minute of the concert. So I was super excited to see him again and I knew it will be good.
Erasure opened up and it was good dancy music. They were the perfect supporting act and they tried to speak German which was just the cutest! Finally at around 8 the heaven cleared and the sun came out. Luckily for the people down standing it stayed dry. Eminem’s “Loose Yourself” announced the start of the show and if we speak in boxing terms it was Robbie’s entrance music. Then we were asked to stand for the Robbie Williams anthem! Absolutely hilarious!! 🙂 With “Welcome to the Heavy Entertainment Show” he literally welcomed us to the show and as always he said:
Fireworks and confetti included we were well entertained already after just one song but off we went with “Let Me Entertain You”. Other artists finish like Robbie starts. Incredible. As always the third song was “Monsoon” and of course we put our hands across the water! 🙂 For people who have never been to his concert we were waving our hands from left to right. Robbie added huge fire balls to his repertoire of entertainment which fitted perfectly to “Party like a Russian”!
Let’s swing! A few years ago Mr. Williams showed he still had some swing in him and went on tour with his swing album. Tonight we only got “Minnie The Moocher”. Then we went even further back to his first solo single “Freedom” in 1996. (Yes, I was only 5 years old but I do know the lyrics :-)) He said that he wouldn’t be here if he hadn’t met one of the best musicians that ever lived. So he dedicated the cover to the late great George Michael.
  Robbie became a daddy during the past few years little Teddy and little Charlie who are his life. So he really loves his life right now. He mounted a huge boxing glove and floated above the first rows and sang “Love My Life”. I was jumping up and down since I just bought the “Love My Life” jumper he designed for Marc’O’Polo and yes I obviously worn it to the concert. One of my favourite songs is “Come Undone” which he sang next and as always he asked us:
Switzerland, Am I still your Son?
“Yes, You are still our Son, Robbie!!”
During the last part of the song he remixed in Take That’s “Never Forget” and there you saw the difference between people in the audience. Us Take That/Robbie Fans knew what to do. Pretty easy put two hands up in the air but you obviously have to know when 😉 Another oldie “Millennium” was next and again we put our hands up waving! But hold on Robbie told us to put the hands back down so we’ll have some energy left for the chorus to put’em back up! So funny. He’s like a conductor with a 48’000 people orchestra.
For one of his most romantic songs “Something Stupid” he brought a woman on stage with “Big Presents” but who didn’t know one of his songs. So I guess he didn’t feel bad when everyone laughed at her. Robbie and her sat down on a bench – super romantic – but then she had to wear a mask and someone was speaking for her. This has to be the funniest moment at a concert! This voice kept saying “I luv u” and “Kiss me, Robbie, kiss me!”
Even if critics thinks he cannot rap he did it anyway and “Rudebox” became one of my fav songs. “A – d- i – d – a -s – Old school ‘cos it’s the best, yes -TK Maxx cost less, yes” Love it 🙂 Last time he got Olly Murs on stage to sing his duet with Kylie Minogue and it was one of the highlights of the show. This time he sang “Kids” with a talented back round singer. And the highlight of the gig followed this song.
Robbie and his Dad
Robbie and his Dad
Robbie brought out his Dad Peter to sing with him! He always mentioned that he learned his craft from his old man and that he wanted to show us. So together they sang “Sweet Caroline – oh oh oh”. What a beautiful scene. Dad and son on a sofa in the middle of 48k people! I think his Dad enjoyed it as much as his son and we did. When he started “Feel” I knew the concert was nearly finished but I really didn’t want it to end. Everyone sang along to this huge hit. Robbie asked us now:
Can I kick it?
Yes, you can!
So “Rock DJ” was next! And we all got those disco moves out only to see him leave the stage with a bang. Thankfully he returned after a few seconds only to start the White Stripes’ “Seven Nation Army”. Rob’s no Ryan Tedder so we kept singing the “dodododododo” and not the actual lyrics. For his encore Robbie chose three ballads. After “She’s the One” when the first chords of “Angels” started we knew that this was time to say Goodbye. Everyone’s light went up and was swaying to the rhythm. We didn’t want it to end so the crowd kept singing.
It felt like Robbie didn’t want to leave either so he just sang a medley of his biggest hits without instruments just with us singing along. It did seem that he trained his voice well this time since he sang through 90 minutes. Last time he talked waay more and it was more of a comedy show than a concert which I liked too. It was absolutely hilarious and I nearly had tears of laughter in my eyes. So this time I was surprised that he sang through all the songs.
With Guy Chambers on the keys he finished this wonderful concert with “My Way”. After thunderous fireworks Robbie Williams drove off in a black car into the night and left almost 50’000 people happy. The concert was finished and the soundtrack of Dirty Dancing was blasting from the stadium speakers. Something I’ve never seen before happened. People started to sing and dance one last time and it felt like it was part of the show since the lyrics were perfect for this evening:
Now I’ve had the time of my life No I never felt like this before Yes I swear it’s the truth and I owe it all to you
Thank you Robbie!
I am Robbie Fucking Williams and you are mine tonight! 11 years ago I saw him for the first time in Bern Stade de Suisse aka Wankdorf.
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