#-and piano and other string instruments
askblueandviolet · 1 month
Can you play any other musical instruments?
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subsequentibis · 4 months
i have some characters im struggling to design but they are mostly older heavyset men with beards so i sadly cannot fuck around in picrew to make them
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rudeflower · 6 months
Your favorite instrument is something in the woodwinds.
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roseytoesy · 1 month
hi! I was gonna wait to message but then I saw you play violin! I do too! How many years have you been playing? I've been playing 3.
hello! And yea I did play violin! I played for about 8 years worth of violin. Had a blast but that interest kinda died out when it came to collage. Though doing it all through late elementary all of middle and Highschool helped a lot with my growth and social skills, beautiful instrument too! fun little fact is that I love to use the violin to help my singing in some songs/hymns. Thank you for the ask and have a wonderful day/night!
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mashkaroom · 2 years
local man once generously described as “a new accordionist in town” by local klezmer musician kinda fucking bad at accordion
#in my defense it's not like i've ever had formal training (or any training at all lol)#my accordion has one button (middle c) marked out so you can use that to orient yourself#accordion is arranged in the circle of 5ths -- so F C G D A E...etc#the thing that's giving me a lot of trouble is going from Fmaj to Amaj#i had a stroke of using my brain and put tape on the a chord so i would be easily able to locate it by touch#and that def helps!#the other thing is that i have absolutely zero hand independence -- as in i can't play with both my right and left hands simultaneously#this hasn't been a problem with any other instrument -- though with string instruments it's not like your hands are rhythmically unsynced#i never played anything super complicated on piano but i didn't have trouble playing like quarters with my left and eights with my right#bc that's a very simple rhythm -- but on accordion i basically can't do it!#idk if it's a specific quirk of the accordion -- there's def a lot of differences#you can't see your hands for one. also on the left hand both your fingers and your wrist is moving#though literally in just one smooth motion lol -- but nvtl it's an extra variable#it's also possible the necessary skills were damaged in a seizure#it might be a combo of both factors! but i am doing exercises to try and desync the hands#also to clarify this isn't self-deprecating or anything i'm upset about#i would definitely like to develop my accordion skills but this is just for fun -- i have no goals of being a professional accordionist lol#i just think it's kind of funny -- people are always like 'wow it's so cool you play the accordion!'#and i'm like Yes i ''play'' the accordion. revel at my coolness#tomorrow i'm playing my first klezmer concert! excited :)))
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belacoded · 7 months
I cannot tell you the amount of times that I have been reading, whether it be a published book or a fic, and one of the characters is some like super skilled pianist and then they pick up a guitar for the first time and are amazing "because it is so similar to a piano, of course it was easy for them" and as someone who plays both guitar and piano I'm just kinda left sitting there like huh? The fuck are you talking about? Explain it to me. Make it make sense.
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stargazingpsychotic · 11 months
Going to a music shop this week to bring my alto sax in for maintenance... But if I do come back with an instrument (or two 👀) that's because I'm making good choices
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apollo-cackling · 1 year
also wrt the whole rcm being rlly scammy thing. why tf do other instruments have to make level 6 piano before they can do their arct exam? like okay if it's like just pedagogy it might make a bit of sense I guess but requiring level 6 piano for a performer diploma is like ????
also any justification feels a bit thin when you remember that you're paying them $200 CAD for a level 6 exam huh
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sweet-as-kiwis · 1 year
Heist time >:)
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bronzetomatoes · 7 months
this poll again but more thorough. if you play multiple instruments choose the one you're best at / like most / play most often. (example instruments are including but not limited to)
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cinnabeat · 1 year
rikus kh2 theme is sooooo good wtf
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steddieas-shegoes · 3 months
Steve grows up playing piano, absolutely hates it, but is so good at it. His parents aren’t around enough by the time he’s a teen to force him to his practices, so he slowly stops going.
His music teacher happens to be Robin’s mom, who studied at Juilliard, and traveled for nearly a decade with various orchestras and bands before settling down with her husband in Hawkins.
She can see what’s going on with Steve from day one, but knows better than to interfere.
Until he quits.
She can’t stand by and let someone so musically gifted give it up.
She shows up at his house with a violin, her own violin that she hadn’t used in years.
He’s hesitant at first, but decides to give it a try as long as she doesn’t tell his parents. The last thing he wants is for them to find out he picked up a new instrument.
She can’t give him official lessons, so she shows up to his house twice a week and hopes that he practices in his own time.
He’s a natural.
He takes to it like a duck to water.
She encourages him to perform in a local talent show, all kids under 18, most of them not half as talented as he is.
He only agrees when she says she’ll be front row.
And sure enough, for once in his life, someone shows up when they say they will. She’s sitting front row with her husband on one side and her daughter on the other. She smiles as he takes the stage, nervous about people who know him seeing him and reporting back to his parents.
He performs with heart, something he lacked with the piano. He performs with talent, something he may have with any instrument he picks up.
But most importantly, he plays with a smile. He’s having fun.
He sticks around to watch some of the other people performing: Tammy Thompson singing a very out of tune rendition of America The Beautiful, some kid from one of his classes playing piano miserably, and some band performing very loud, very angry music.
Steve wins, and for once, it feels better than when he wins at a swim meet or basketball game.
He spends the next three years secretly practicing, only performing in shows out of town, never saying anything to his parents.
He doesn’t want them to ruin this for him.
He applies to Juilliard, not thinking he has a chance in hell, not with his academic grades.
Luckily, they see that he’s “exceptional with the strings” and “plays with emotion that can’t be trained.”
He gets in.
He goes.
He thinks he may actually be able to do this, use a gift he has to make his life better.
His parents even find it acceptable, mostly because he got into the best school he could have. They still don’t bother showing up for his shows, but Mrs. Buckley always finds a way.
In his sophomore year, Robin gets in, and they both move into a small apartment off campus together. He promised to look out for her.
She tells him that music wasn’t really her passion, she was just good with a trumpet. She really wanted to be an engineer.
In his junior year, Robin transfers to Columbia, starts doing what she really wanted to do from the start. He’s proud of her, but misses having someone on campus during the day to have lunch with.
Until he stumbles, literally, into someone vaguely familiar.
“Sorry, man. Running late.”
Steve pats the man on the shoulder and turns to get to his class when the man stops him.
“Harrington? You’re a student here?”
He turns back and finally recognizes the man in front of him.
“Munson? When did you get here?”
“I got in this year. Kinda fucked up my first audition last year and they were kind enough to give me another shot.” Eddie smiled. “What on earth are you here for?”
“Violin. You?”
“Guitar and songwriting.”
“That’s great, man. I’m just really running late. Catch up soon?”
Soon was two weeks later, when Steve ran into Eddie again while leaving class.
“We should probably stop running into each other like this,” Eddie smirked. “The universe is trying to tell us something.”
“What’s it trying to tell us?”
“Not sure. Maybe we should go grab dinner and find out.”
“Why not? Got better plans?”
Steve thought about how Robin was barely at the apartment due to studying for midterms. He thought about how his only other friend from here was busy rehearsing for their senior showcase.
“Nah. Let me bring this home first,” he held up his violin case. “Actually.”
Steve was on a budget. His parents gave him money, sure, but they thought he was living on campus so the money they sent covered rent and groceries and nothing else.
“I could make dinner. If you want?”
“Steve Harrington cooks? And plays violin?” Eddie fake swooned. “Be still my beating heart. How will I not be seduced?”
Steve rolled his eyes. He remembered Eddie’s dramatics from school and knew better than to feed into them.
“I can make some spaghetti. Nothing fancy.”
“Spaghetti sounds great,” Eddie’s fake swoon turned to a soft smile. “You want some help?”
Steve didn’t need help, usually didn’t even want any.
But something about the way his stomach dipped when Eddie stepped closer, and the way he thought about having Eddie in his apartment, made him agree.
They walked to Steve’s apartment in a comfortable silence, though Eddie kept tapping the back of his fingers against Steve’s hand.
Eddie fit next to Steve. They cooked together, they ate together, they even managed to clean up together. It was easy to find something to talk about. He’d never clicked with anyone like this, not even Robin.
By the time Robin came home, Steve and Eddie were both passed out on the couch, fingers laced together as if they hadn’t been brave enough to do anything more before they fell asleep.
By morning, Steve’s head was on Eddie’s shoulder, Eddie’s arm wrapped around him loosely.
Waking up to a soft kiss on his lips was something Steve couldn’t have imagined when he first ran into Eddie, but he was pretty glad it was how he started his day.
And almost every day after that, whether he woke up to a kiss, or met up with Eddie on campus for a kiss, he started his day with love on his lips.
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fandom-geek · 4 months
btw, the violinist in tmp 4? he's probably james smithson, of "founder of the smithsonian institute" fame
so what do we know about our violinist? he grew up in alnwick abbey, he was illegitimate and had legitimate full siblings, a father "certain of his celestial significance", and he has a nephew to whom he leaves his violin
and smithson? well, his father restored alnwick abbey in the 1750s, which was in ruins up until then. smithson was the only illegitimate child of any of the dukes there in the 1700s, which is when the statement is set
smithson also left his estate to his nephew after his death, with the condition that his fortune would establish the smithsonian institute if his nephew died without any children.
here's a point of divergence, however. in our timeline, smithson was a chemist and mineralogist. in tmagp's timeline, he was a violinist. however, as u/New_Helicopter836 pointed out to me on reddit, when smithson's body was disinterred by andrew graham bell, his right little finger was such that it suggests he played "the harpsichord, the piano, or a stringed instrument such as a violin"
looking at smithson's life, he left for university in 1782, so it's likely that tmagp 4 is set around the same time. it might be a bit earlier since the royal court orchestra moved from mannheim to munich in 1778 (putting smithson at about 13), it might be another point of divergence, or smithson is describing it this way to call back to its earlier significance. i'm not sure, but it's weird either way.
all that said, i'm not terribly sure why smithson describes his father (sir hugh smithson/percy, duke of northumberland) as "certain of his celestial significance", especially when the only other time he says celestial is to describe the violin's music. the user i mentioned before found that sir hugh, a major patron of architectural projects, had an observatory built, but i find smithson's language too specific. is his father an avatar too? mannheim is only a bit north of schwartzwald, after all, and this is about thirty years before tmag 23 where albrecht writes to jonah magnus.
let's look a little at smithson's bequest to found the smithsonian institute in the first place. smithson asked for it to be "an establishment for the increase and diffusion of knowledge among men". the magnus institute, notably, is described in the arg as a place of education, and it was founded in 1818. although smithson died in 1829 and his nephew in 1835, the original smithsonian (the columbian institute) was granted a charter by the us government in 1818.
the letter is strangely absent of any names for the violinist or his family, and i can't help but wonder if this is why. and if it is because this is smithson - is this related to why the magnus institute exists instead of the magnus archives? the smithsonian, before it was renamed, was originally granted a charter by the us govt in 1818 - the same year that the magnus institute was founded in tmagp.
this is set 30 years before we know anything of jonah magnus, at least in tmag, so is it possible that he persuaded smithson to fund his educational institute focusing on the supernatural? the changed course of smithson's life from scientist to supernatural violinist would certainly be conducive for that, not least to mention the strange absence of his fortune from his letter to his nephew.
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lilianvanrouge · 1 year
Sakamaki Brothers x Nursery Maid Reader
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You’re a maid who raised all the Sakamaki brothers since they were babies. You being the personal maid of Karlheinz’s children was the only way you could escape marrying Karlheinz himself.
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You helped raised Shu when he was a baby. Though Beatrix kept on shoving you away to keep her first child and the heir to the household away from you.
You got more time with Shu when he was older and he loved spending time you. You actually let Shu think for himself instead making decisions for him which he loved about you. You’re the one who introduced Edgar “Yuma” to Shu thinking he needed a friend around his age. You watched over and played with the two boys while in the forest.
When you were tending to Reiji with his studies while Beatrix was doing embroidery, Shu brought home a puppy. Beatrix ordered the puppy taken away and one of your fellow servants began struggling to take away the puppy from Shu. You finally stood up, took the puppy away yourself, and Shu ran away crying. In the middle of the night you woke Shu, who was still mad at you and led him into the forest where you left the puppy. From then on he could visit the dog whenever he wanted.
You taught Shu how to play the violin, because it was your favorite string instrument. Shu liked to perform for you and you often played with him. You also taught him Latin, how to play the piano, and swordsmanship. When Shu once worked as cashier you were happy that he got a job. You smothered him in praise, hugs, and kisses which made the other brothers jealous.
When Shu got lazy, you didn’t scold him. You pitied him because of Edgar “Yuma” and the way Beatrix treated him. You always held him while he slept and stroked his head. The other brothers see this as a sign of favoritism and try to pull you away. This is one of the few times Shu shows emotions by releasing anger.
Though when Shu ended up repeating a grade in high school, Karlheinz sent him to the North Pole. You went after him and found him about to be eaten by polar bears. You saved him and tended to his injuries. He told you that he struggled not falling into the ocean and other polar bears.
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When it came to Reiji, Beatrix didn’t even bother to stop you from helping. She practically forced you to take care of him, while she ran off to pamper Shu.
You helped both Shu and Reiji with their studies, but mostly Reiji because he wanted Beatrix to praise him. Unfortunately, that never happened and you were the one always giving Reiji the love, praise, and attention that he always wanted.
When Reiji burnt down Edgar’s “Yuma’s” village you were very hurt, furious, and sad. Reiji thought that night you followed Shu to the human village to bust him. Reiji never felt more scared in his life when he saw your face that night. You wanted to yell and hit Reiji so badly, but you didn’t knowing you would get in trouble with Karlheinz. It also put Shu in trouble for playing with humans and you were the one who introduced him to them. You still never forgave Reiji for that night and for scarring Shu for life.
When Reiji killed Beatrix you were shocked, but you understood why. You were never close to any of Karlheinz’s wives. You planned the funeral and buried Beatrix.
You also bonded with Reiji by playing games of strategy and knowledge. Reiji was very impressed because he never once won against you. Whenever his pocket watch broke, the one he got from Karlheinz, you would fix it. You also taught Reiji how to cook and play the piano.
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You were the midwife that helped Cordelia bring Ayato into on March 22, which made him the oldest in ancient Japanese culture. You hated Cordelia and tried to stay away from her the best you could.
You loved watching the triplets play with each other, until Cordelia came and ruined it. Ayato was forced to study by himself without any of your help, while Kanato and Laito played all day. You often sneak into Ayato’s room to help him get done with his studies faster.
You were there when Ayato was drowning in the lake and Cordelia watched him. You wanted to help Ayato, but Cordelia grabbed hold of you and kept threatening you with Karlheinz. That’s when Ayato went under and you snapped. You punched Cordelia in the face and jumped into the lake. Once you got Ayato to shore you gave him CPR. Cordelia was yelling at you now with a black eye and you ran away with Ayato in your arms.
Cordelia did tell on you to Karlheinz, but he did nothing. When Richter saw Cordelia’s black eye he went straight up to kill you, but when you two fought you won. You also didn’t get in trouble for beating up Richter.
Ayato developed his boob fetish, because of you. When Ayato was very little you held him and he’d bury his head in your boobs like a plump, plush, pillow. You would turn red and were very uncomfortable by this. When he was a baby with his two other brothers they made an effort to breastfeed from you, which Cordelia did to them. You put them on the ground when they made an attempt to breastfeed.
Whenever Ayato’s stuffed bunny that Karlheinz gave him got torn you fixed it. You’re also the one who introduced Ayato to takoyaki. When Ayato went to the North Pole to find Santa Claus you freaked out and went after him. You also hid Ayato in your room when Cordelia was mad at him or wanted him to study.
You scolded Ayato for getting bad grades in high school, but he didn’t care. He only cared when you stared awarding the other brother with gifts and their favorite food when they brought back good grades. Your personality also goes well with Ayato because you’re also aggressive and hate to lose. The first time he challenged you to a basketball game. He didn’t score a single point against you and keeps on challenging you. Even though he’ll never win.
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You helped Cordelia bring Kanato into the world on March 21. Cordelia breastfed him as a baby and he tried to feed from you but you refused. You gave Kanato the attention he wanted, that Cordelia never gave enough of. You also scolded him to stop harming himself just for Cordelia’s attention.
Kanato loves to sing to you, but Cordelia doesn’t and tries to stop him. He mostly sings Scarborough Fair, but you like to sing to and with him. You sung to all the Sakamaki brothers when they were babies.
You were appalled finding out Kanato made dolls out of Cordelia’s lovers and sacrificial brides. Cordelia on the other hand supported this habit. You were horrified seeing Kanato become a necrophile because of this, but you were glad he wasn’t a necrophilia. Once you found out that Cordelia has been letting Richter suck her blood in front of Kanato you tried to keep Kanato away from her.
When Kanato burned Cordelia’s dead body you were happy, because it saved you the trouble of burying her. Kanato personally asked you to sew the jar of Cordelia’s ashes inside Teddy. Now you have to comfort him every time it rains like the night he cremated his mother.
Kanato personally prefers your cooking over anyone else’s in the world. He loved your raspberry pudding the best. If anyone else made it, he could tell and go into a destructive temper tantrum. You also sew stuffed animals for Kanato. He also loves to sing to you when he was little, but Cordelia only wanted his voice for her. So Kanato sung to you in secret, but he’s more open to it since Cordelia died. He also has a habit of forcing you on picnics just to get some alone time with you.
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You helped bring Laito into the world on March 20, which technically makes him the oldest if it wasn’t for ancient Japanese culture. Like Ayato and Kanato, he was breastfed by Cordelia and tried to feed from you too but you refused. When Kanato and Laito were little they always followed you around.
Laito always needed the most love and attention since he was nothing to Cordelia, while Ayato was the “Successor” and Kanato was her “Songbird”. You always played games with Laito and you were the one who taught him how to play the piano. You also gifted him his fedora, which he doesn’t often like to take off. You’ve given other hats like a green beret, a black ball cap, and a black sun hat. You’re also the one who introduced him to macaroons.
When you found out Laito had an incestuous relationship with Cordelia you got physically sick and threw up. Once Karlheinz heard of their relationship he locked Laito down in the dungeon, while Cordelia was unpunished. Laito yelled to be let free, but no one would help him. You snuck down into the dungeon to free Laito, but stopped seeing that Cordelia and Richter were having sex in front of him. You were disgusted and outraged at this and immediately freed Laito.
Ever since then, things have been extremely awkward between you and him. Laito tried to rebuild your relationship, but it would never be the same.
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You helped bring Subaru into the world. Even knowing that Subaru was a baby born by incest by Karlheinz and his cousin Christa. However, this didn’t stop you from loving him. If anything this made you hate Karlheinz even more. You kept Subaru far away from Christa when he was a baby, since she is mentally ill. So you were mainly Subaru’s mother.
You took Subaru to visit his mother by force from him or Karlheinz. You make sure to never leave the room when Subaru visits his mother alone.
You remembered when Christa was pregnant with Subaru, she tried to kill Subaru. You slapped and she fell to the ground crying. She kept on saying that Subaru was impure and will ruin her beauty. You slapped her again angry. You never thought Christa was beautiful anyway.
When Christa calls Subaru an abomination you remind him that you love and that’s all that matters. When she tells Subaru to kill her you tell him that you will kill her. But you tell not to tell anyone or else Karlheinz will kill you. Subaru didn’t want to imagine you dead and kept quiet.
When Christa hit Subaru and ran to Karlheinz, you were furious. You walked straight up to Christa who was still in Karlheinz’s arm and punched her. You were dragged away sentence to be locked away tower and Subaru watched the whole thing in fear and sadness. This was when Subaru started hating Christa and had trust issues with females.
Upon your return the brothers were overjoyed of your return, but Subaru did greet you. He locked himself away blaming himself for your arrest. You met with him by force and he broke down crying seeing that you were actually happy to him again. He blamed himself for your and been alone. During that time alone he vowed to kill Christa.
When Subaru broke a statue and Karlheinz threw him in the middle of the ocean you went to rescue him. You took notice to how Subaru liked Kanato’s and your singing. You also gifted him mobile games which he treasured.
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You were currently sleeping when you turned to your side and saw Kanato staring down at you.
“Ah!! Kanato what are you doing in here?!” you shouted, startled.
“I’m hungry, I demand that you make me food,” he said.
You sighed, got out of bed, and made Kanato breakfast. When the brothers left for school you were happy. You finally had time to yourself since you did all the cleaning yesterday. You took this chance to go into the city and go shopping. There at the coming back from the market was where you met another supernatural creature.
“(Y/N)! I’m hungry! Make me some takoyaki!” shouted Ayato from a another room.
“While you’re at it (Y/N); I need you to wash my underwear!” shouted Laito.
“I would also appreciate it if you could make me some tea,” said Reiji.
You sighed and tended to all their needs. You began walking down the hallway to do Laito’s laundry.
“You should really stop spoiling them,” said Subaru as you passed.
“I’m just a maid. I can’t say no to them,” you said.
Subaru clicked his tongue and then disappeared. You started the laundry outside, because the triplets like their clothes washed by hand. Another one of your fellow servants came out to talk to you.
She was your only friend at the mansion, but she hated the Sakamaki boys. She also hates their mothers, but thankfully for her two out of three of them were dead.
“I don’t understand how you can deal with those monsters,” said ____
“Well I helped raise them so everything is fine,” you said.
“Have you ever thought about leaving?” asked ____
“Of course, I have! But it was mainly because of Cordelia. I also may have. . .” you said.
“May have what?!” asked ____, curiously eager.
“I may have met someone while I was out shopping, and I’m going to meet with him again tomorrow while the boys are at school,” you said blushing.
“Really?!” she said happily.
“Yeah,” you said.
It was the next day and you visited your crush once again. You kept this up and it became a daily routine for you on the weekdays. You made sure to keep this a secret from the boys even if it costs you your life.
You were now serving food to the brothers for their monthly dinner party. They took notice to how absent minded you were, which is very uncommon for you. You also weren’t talking to any of them.
“Yo, (Y/N)!” shouted Ayato.
“Huh?!” you said, snapping out of your day dream.
“I asked you three times to pour me some wine!” said Ayato, annoyed.
“Sorry,” you said.
You said and began pouring some wine into Ayato’s glass. You then began blanking out again and ended up spilling wine on the table and on Ayato.
“(Y/N), what’s wrong with you? You never lose focus,” said Reiji.
“Yeah, and I’m proof of that! Now grab a napkin and clean this off of me!” said Ayato.
The wine was spilt on his stomach and crotch. You gave Ayato a serious side glance and he flinched. He clicked his tongue and started cleaning himself up. But you’ll still wash his clothes by hand.
You left their dinner early to get some rest, because the night after tomorrow was the vampire ball. You had to attend by force because of Karlheinz.
It was now the night of the ball and you were serving vampires. The boys were about to do their speeches when a chandelier almost crushed them. You were shocked but knew it was Kanato because he was far away from the chandelier looking disappointed. The servants were told to clean up the mess, while you were supposed to bring more food.
You went to the kitchen and was about to grab some trays when you heard more glass drop. You knew it had to the glasses for the wine and other alcoholic beverages. You sighed and went to the broom closet to help with the clean up.
You turned around and hearing the door shut behind you. You scowled seeing that it was a random vampire.
“Hello (Y/N),” he said.
“What the hell do you want?!” you asked angrily.
“Wow! So vulgar, but yet so bold! I don’t know whether to call this courage or stupidity!” he chuckled.
“It’s courage. And in a second I’m about to show you how fierce I am by kicking your ass! And I’d rather do it while you’re in your true form, Karlheinz,” you said angrily.
Karlheinz smirked and turned back into his true form.
“You’re more beautiful than last time I saw you, (Y/N),” said Karlheinz, walking to you.
You didn’t fall for any of his flattery and scowled. Once he was getting too close for your comfort, you started baring your teeth and cracking your knuckles. However, he wasn’t intimidated by you not one bit.
“Your (h/c) hair is as (h/l), soft, and as great smelling as usual. And your (e/c) eyes are firey as usual! If you keep looking at me like that I might catch fire!” he chuckled.
He came to close and grabbed a lock of your hair. You then delivered a hook powerful enough to to smash right through his head. He saw this coming however, and dodged your punch jumping backwards. You ended hitting a panty shelf with dust and food going everywhere. On closer inspection your fist left a deep, large crater in the stone wall.
Karlheinz, now far away from you had his hands on his knees laughing as he brushed away a stray hair.
“You’ve grown more powerful!” he said. “You truly should’ve been my first wife. But regardless you’ll be my favorite wife, even more than Christa. And I know that you would bare such powerful children. This will be art of fine breeding between you and I.”
“Don’t make me vomit! The thought of me being under you makes me want to commit suicide,” you said, angrily.
“Now, now, who said I’ll be on top. It’s clear that you’re very dominant so you’ll easily put me under you,” he chuckled.
You were ready to snap his neck when you heard the kitchen door open.
“(Y/N), I acquire you to supply more wine!” said someone.
It sounded like Reiji. Karl, was immediately pissed and you shoved right passed him to go back to work.
Three Months have passed since the ball and the brothers were having their monthly dinner party. Your only friend was serving alone.
“Hey, where’s (Y/N) at? I need her to make me some sauce to go with my takoyaki. In matter of fact throw this shit away altogether. This tastes nothing like her takoyaki!” complained Ayato.
“Yes, I agree. This tastes nothing like (Y/N)’s cakes and pastries. I’m infuriated,” said Kanato, calmly but full of anger.
“Now that you mention it, I haven’t seen (Y/N) all day either,” said Laito, with a smirk.
“____, where is (Y/N)?” asked Reiji.
“She left,” said your friend.
“Tpht! When will she be back to cook a proper dinner then, since your food tastes like ass?!” said Ayato.
“Jeez, shut up!” said Subaru.
“She left,” repeated your friend.
“Yes, we understand that fucking part but when is she coming back?!!” shouted Ayato, angry.
“She!! Left!!” shouted your friend.
All the boys eyes widened finally realizing what was going. Even Shu was wide awake.
You were currently in a limo with your new fiancé (I like to imagine him as Sebastian Michaelis). Your fiancé stroked your head as you rested it against his shoulder and closed your eyes. But they immediately shot open realizing that something was wrong. The next thing you knew the limo hit something and went flying through the air. You and your fiancé managed to escape with ease before the limo fell off the cliff and exploded.
“What The Hell!?!” you shouted.
“Are you okay?!!” asked your fiancé.
“Physically, yes!! Mentally, no!!” you shouted.
You looked up on the mountainside to see the Sakamaki brothers.
“Boys. . . ? What The Actual Hell!?! Did You Boys Do This!?!” you shouted.
“That should be obvious,” said Reiji.
“Why did you leave us without telling us?” asked Kanato, emotionlessly.
“Leave, my ass!! She flat out abandoned us!!” shouted Ayato.
“Abandoned?!” you shouted.
“That’s right, (Y/N)! So you better have a good explanation for us or else!” said Laito, happily.
Shu just glared down at you from the cliff.
“Enough of your loud ass voices!! (Y/N) speak!!” shouted Subaru.
“It’s just. . . You boys are too old to have me anymore. You don’t need a nursery maid anymore,” you said.
The brothers had a look of sadness before it turned into rage.
“What the hell?!! So you don’t want to stay with us?!!” shouted Ayato.
“I love you boys!! I truly do!! But it’s time for me to start a new chapter of my life!” you shouted, beginning to cry.
“So that’s why you’re with this demon. You’re marrying him aren’t you?” said Shu, calmly but still angry.
You looked down at the dirt. The brothers got even more angry that you’re marrying a demon instead of a vampire. The thought of you marrying a demon gave the brothers Cordelia vibes since she was the Demon Lord’s daughter.
“You are not marrying some demon!!!” shouted Ayato.
“Exactly. In any case you should marry one of us,” said Laito.
“I can’t do that!!” you shouted.
“Why not?” asked Kanato.
“First of all I’ve raised all of you since you were born! It’d be gross!!” you shouted.
Laito got angry remembering being Cordelia’s sex partner.
“Also the reason why I became a maid was to escape marrying your father. Otherwise I would’ve been his first wife before Cordelia. I’ve been running from your father for centuries, until he came up with a compromise. If I raised you all of for (time) years then I could leave. Now that time is up,” you explained.
“So in other words we have to kill our father to make you stay,” said Ayato.
“No!! That’s not the problem!! Regardless, if Karlheinz is dead or not; I’m still getting married and leaving!! And once he finds out that you boys feel strong enough to marry me; he’ll kill all of you and try to start over with me!! Best case scenario is that I’ll be locked in a separate tower from Christa!!” you said.
Subaru flinched at the mention of his mother. He jumped off the cliff and in front of you. The next thing you knew everything went black. When you woke up you were in chains in the dungeon. All the brothers were standing and staring at you outside of your cell. You took noticed to the cell being the same one Laito was locked in.
“Look Teddy, Mother’s finally awake,” said Kanato.
You knew this had gotten really bad. The boys haven’t called you mother since they were little.
“What are you doing?!!” you asked, panicked.
“Calm down, Mother. This is only temporary until one of us becomes head of the household and kill Karlheinz. Since this is only the only logical way we can marry you,” said Reiji.
You knew this was going to take centuries remembering all the sacrificial brides who failed to awaken.
“Just so you won’t escape again,” said Laito, with a smile.
Shu and Subaru threw a beheaded ____ at you. You screamed and cried seeing your only friend in the mansion.
“The bitch knew you were getting married and didn’t tell us. But don’t worry there will be no more secrets for you to hide from us. Since you’re trapped here forever,” said Ayato.
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star-writr · 9 months
The Music Room
Another 10th Doctor x reader drabble. Requests are appreciated. You can also find this on my Ao3. Reader is gn and plays guitar. Enjoy!!
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You had always been the TARDIS's favourite companion. Every-so-often, the spaceship would make a whirring noise in your presence, and if the Doctor was around he would smile and tell you: "she says you're the best person I've ever brought on board". It always made you chuckle and stroke the control panel in an attempt to return the flattery, which made the Time Lord either sarcastically ask if you two wanted to be alone, or look at you quietly with a gleam in his eye before suddenly announcing your next adventure.
As if that wasn't enough to make you see that the TARDIS had a weak spot for you, she would always find ways of comforting you when something was wrong; before you could even sigh with exasperation, you'd be distracted from your troubles by a familiar smell of blackberry pie, or by your favourite song playing faintly on a radio somewhere, or by a book dropping next to you on the cold pavement from god-knows-where.
In a similar occasion, returning in the TARDIS after almost dying as usual, the ship's hallway lighting threw you off a bit. You were just trying to reach your room, only wanting to collapse on the bed, but it was almost as if she didn't want you to, leading you in a different direction. The blinking light bulbs guided you until reaching a door; it looked exactly the same as all the others, so at first you couldn't understand what made it so special that the TARDIS wanted you to find it. As soon as you saw what was inside, however, everything else slipped off your mind.
It was a room full of instruments. There was a huge piano between some marble columns, resting on a glass pedestal; a drum set occupied a nearby corner; and, shifting your vision, you were greeted by the biggest guitar and bass collection you had ever laid eyes on. Every last one of them looked like it had been taken straight out of your dreams and into that room.
Since then, you had found yourself visiting that paradise every time you had the chance. You already knew how to play a guitar, so you usually handled those, shifting between different models. There were brands you had heard of and brands you didn't recognise, and they came in every possible colour imaginable. You were fond of all of them, especially the more extravagant ones with unusual shapes.
The Doctor was aware of how you spent most of your time on the TARDIS, and didn't have anything against it. You wouldn't lock the door or anything, so everytime the Time Lord wanted to check up on you, you'd let him. Sometimes he'd linger in the room, sit down on the floor while you attempted to read a music sheet, or he would suggest you played something so he could sing it. The Doctor wasn't very fond of or very good at singing, but it gave him an excuse to stay with you a little longer, and that was enough for him. On very rare occasions, he would also ask you to tutor him. Of course, he had picked up many guitars in his 900+ years of life, and knew perfectly well how to play, but again, he wanted to spend time with you without admitting it was for no reason other than his fondness of you. Honestly, his hearts melted every time your fingers stroke those strings, making him helplessly realize that he couldn't get away, and that he didn't want to. Therefore, he obliged to his feelings, staying by your side as long as possible. And you were more than okay with it.
With time, your bond grew stronger, making you question your feelings again and again. The music room kept almost all of your attention on each other, so to avoid feeling helpless your ritual started to take place in complete silence. Aside from monosyllabic replies to monosyllabic questions, you and the Doctor didn't talk as much as before, but it went without acknowledging, growing on you both. That habit came to a halt when the TARDIS made the first move instead of either of her passengers, tired of the mutual pining and determined to fill the silence that had grown inside the room. After all, it was a music room. It wasn't meant to be quiet.
She made sure it didn't go silent ever again by doing the only thing she could, which was locking both of you in. As soon as you realized the door wouldn't open, it startled you.
"What if there's something wrong with the TARDIS, Doctor?" you worried, while he tried to get the door open with his sonic.
The alien sighed. "The only thing wrong here is her attitude," he mumbled, "she's doing this deliberately. Let us out!"
You were confused. "How do you know? Why would she do that?"
The Doctor stopped in his tracks, putting one index finger on your lips, shushing you, and the other on his own. The TARDIS was speaking to him. A few expressions made their way onto his face, substituting each other and, once the spaceship's whirrs quieted down, shifting into a frown. The first thing he did was thank the stars that you couldn't understand the TARDIS. The second thing he did was curse everything because you didn't understand the TARDIS and he had to tell you everything himself.
"What happened? What did she say?" you whispered, his finger still on your lips. He removed it quickly and took one good look at your unaware expression.
The Doctor acknowledged the knot in his stomach and looked away, unable to keep eye contact with you. You were gorgeous to him, too gorgeous to ignore. It would've made him stutter, and he hated stuttering.
"There may or may not be something you need to know" he started.
"About what?"
"About..." about how much I want to kiss you, the Doctor thought. "...about me."
You raised an eyebrow. "And what about the TARDIS?"
"She locked us in here because she's giving me no choice but to tell you."
"Tell me what?"
"The thing. About me. The thing you don't know."
"Yes, I know that. But what is it, then?"
It was one of the very rare times when the Doctor genuinely did not know what words to use, which was worrying considering how much the Doctor liked words. He got out of life threatening situations with words. He also got into those same life threatening situations with words. He liked words, he really did. He also liked you. Considering he liked both you and words, the realization of not knowing what words to use with you was like a slap on the cheek. Specifically, it was exactly like one of those slaps only mothers gave him. Specifically his companions' mothers. He remembered Martha Jones and her mother. He also remembered Donna, but not her mother, because it was Donna herself who slapped him a couple times. Maybe more that a couple. She would've probably slapped him now. "Tell them, you twat!" she would've shouted. It would have been very effective. It would've certainly got him to say something, anything, even "ouch", which would've been better than standing completely still like he was doing now. A slap, that's what he needed. "I'm a genius", he thought. Then he slapped himself.
"Doctor!" you exclaimed.
"Sorry," he apologized, "I needed that. Sorry."
You took his hands in yours. "Are you alright? Is it something bad? Do you have to tell me something bad?"
"No. Well, it depends."
You kept looking in his eyes, insistent and a bit curious.
The Doctor held his breath. "Look, the thing is I'm usually good with words. What I'm not good at is speeches. I hate speeches. Especially heat-felt speeches. I like listening to speeches, but I don't like when they come from my mouth, because before they get to my mouth they go through my brain, and my brain is too messy to actually figure out a speech without screwing it up and changing the subject too many times. And now I have to give you a speech."
You smiled, a bit amused. "And, in a few words, what is this speech about?"
"Uhm. Well. I can think of a couple things." The Doctor looked away.
"Such as?"
"Such as the fact that I want to kiss you. And go out with you."
You smiled, surprised. "On a date?"
"Yeah, sure. I just need to figure out the speech first."
"The speech to ask me out on a date?"
"Yes. I just need a second."
"Go right ahead. I'll wait."
He smiled. "Thanks."
The Doctor spent more than a second with his thinking face on. Then, he realized what he just said, and looked at you with his eyebrows raised and his lips parting without making a sound. You laughed, hugging him. It didn't take long to hug you back.
"I'll go on a date with you, Doctor" you said, kissing him on the cheek and causing him to blush. "However many dates you want."
"No speech needed?" he asked, smirking.
"No speech needed" you replied.
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arminsumi · 9 months
𝐆. 𝐒𝐔𝐆𝐔𝐑𝐔 — 夏油傑
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NOTE: pls ignore errors this is just a silly little fluff idea that popped into my head and i wrote it in one swing without planning so yes anyways REQUESTS ARE OPEN gimme all ur suguru/satoru/satosugu thoughts pls i accept fluff n smut n angst 🫡 or if u just wanna chat i promise i don't bite hehe
WARNINGS — lowercase used, fem reader, suguru calls you 'princess' once, a small bit of angst and self-deprecation (Suguru), kinda implied that satosugu both crush on you in college, gojo teasing you two bc he's an annoying little shit and i love him for that
JJK works
🍒 𝐉𝐚𝐲 — サクランボ ⋅ 𝐑𝐞𝐛𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐬/𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐬 𝐡𝐞𝐥𝐩 𝐚 𝐥𝐨𝐭 !
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you met him when he was in his final year of high school, in the music room during after a practice lesson with his uptight teacher.
geto suguru was a little bit of a showoff, especially when he saw your face walk into the room. some friends and others hung around him — you know, he's just that kinda person that people want to hang around and be close to and talk to even if they have nothing of interest to say.
he was thumbing at a bass, eyeing you out without making it obvious. each time you tried to speak, someone interrupted like a twittering bird, and it annoyed him like nothing else.
so the next time you two met delighted him — because you were left alone. at first he pretended not to notice you coming in, but he had sharp ears and definitely heard the soft thumping of your footsteps. he had his eyes fixed on his guitar, twisting and turning the pegs at the head, testing until it was tuned to perfection. and then played something smooth and sultry, a melody that wove through the seats and other standing instruments right over to you.
"hey suguru."
"oh hey, didn't notice you there." he lied, voice as smooth and deep as the notes he had just played.
"mind if i listen?" you asked, taking a seat close to him — but not close enough for him. he wanted you closer. oh well, he decided that he'd use his talented fingers to allure you into closer proximity.
"of course." he smiled and continued playing nonchalantly.
that nonchalance is what caught so many high school girl's hearts. he never stopped being popular with the ladies even in college.
and come college, he picked up another instrument to learn; the piano. difficult. challenging. annoying. despite the benefit of his long fingers and naturally graceful movements, it just didn't come as naturally to him as stringed instruments.
but he knew you liked the piano, or so he thought, because he heard you compliment it once when satoru played piano in front of you.
so he asked his best friend, "can you teach me to play this song? it's y/n's favorite." naively thinking that it would be simple. a week is all it took for him to start letting out exasperated sighs over the keyboard.
"suguru, don't be so harsh on yourself." satoru said after hearing a self-deprecating speech from him, "piano is hard. you need a lot of patience, especially if it doesn't come naturally."
"i'm clumsy." suguru sighed, eyes saddening at the sight of his fingers resting over the black and white keys. "i don't think y/n will care to hear her favorite song being played so poorly. she'll force a compliment out of kindness. she's sweet like that."
"it's been a week." satoru shook his head, bumping legs with suguru as he changed his sitting position on the piano seat. "no one in the world is gonna be even averagely good at the piano in a week - that's impossible unless you're — "
" — a real prodigy. like someone i know." suguru smiled, teasing his best friend out of nowhere. "ah, satoru, what i'd give to have a crumb of your talent right now."
he earned a sympathetic arm around his shoulders.
"must suck to be talentless." satoru joked, "kidding. keep practicing, i wanna see those hands moving when i come back. want anything from the store?"
"diet coke." suguru said, "and something spicy? thanks."
when the white-haired boy lankily strode out of the music theater, the atmosphere became somberly quiet. it was a big theater, much bigger than the cramped music room back in high school.
just when suguru had began lamely practicing again, you walked in. he was so caught up in self-deprecating thoughts, so distracted by his own inner criticism, that he didn't notice.
"hey suguru." you greeted, giving him the fright of his life — he visibly jumped, causing a jarring sound to whine from the piano.
"hey? hey! what — hey." he freaked out for a second, then composed himself, "good to see you again, where you been?"
"i'm sorry — prof's been on my ass about missing assignments. and sorry for never replying to messages," you chuckled nervously, coming to an idle stand next to the piano as he watched you. "i'm so shit at texting."
"that you are..." he laughed with you, "but i'm not much better. i prefer talking face-to-face." and he thought to himself; especially if it's your face.
you smiled at him. a small silence passed, then you nodded at the piano and inquired about it. "practicing?"
"yeah... kind of."
"can i listen?"
he began to blush. you'd never seen him blush before that. it was so subtle that you were almost unsure if it really was blush — or just a trick of the noon light streaming in through the tiny square windows.
"i'm really bad." suguru responded self-consciously, nervously wiping his palms on his dress pants.
"don't care, i wanna listen." you pushed, catching hint of his self-consciousness and deciding to attempt to break through it.
"ah, 'nything for my princess, i guess." he chuckled softly under his breath. he'd started using that nickname with you only recently, 'cause he'd been falling more and more in love than in high school.
so he sat and played the piano for you.
awkward notes, some smooth and purposeful — others a noticeable mistake. he grimaced at those mistakes, you had to laugh.
"hey..." you hummed in realization as he played. his eyes flicked up at you from the piano. "that sounds familiar." you said, "learning chopin so early? isn't that a bit advanced?"
"it is, yeah... but i wanted to learn it for y- because i like him. he's great right?"
"mhm..." you smiled at suguru. "i wouldn't have expected you to like him. actually, it's really surprising you're learning piano at all — why did you decide to?"
suguru froze up for a moment.
"i don't know. i just wanted to." he shrugged, lying very smoothly with that voice of flowing rivers.
"it's just that... you've always talked about how bass and guitar are your beloveds, and you'd never touch anything else. so that's why i'm curious."
he froze up again. you were catching onto him, so he just admitted it as nonchalantly as possible.
"i wanted to learn it because you like it."
that made your heart thump a bit more wildly than it already was from being in his presence. something about suguru is that he's capable of making hearts race just with his voice alone.
"really?" you felt the crown of your cheeks warm up, a heat spreading down to your jawline. his face was going completely red.
"yeah?" he swallowed, almost choking, looking away. his pretty hands lightly rested on the keys. you wondered for a second about how it would feel to have them cupping your cheeks.
"that's really sweet of you... thank you." you said sincerely.
maybe it was the effect of your gaze, or your sincerity, or both, but he felt like it was hard to breathe.
"damn, the tension!" satoru's voice boomed, abruptly breaking the quiet between you and suguru. "i could cut it with a knife. you two should just kiss already — i bought popcorn, let me watch." he lifted a convenience store bag.
"satoru, how long have you been standing there!" you laughed nervously.
"a while. you guys would definitely be the first to die in a horror movie." he said, the liveliness of his voice such a jarring contrast for your ears.
suguru's face was still red. your fists were curled up and laid on the edge of the piano.
"okay, just blurt it out already you two! so frustrating! this isn't a damn slow burn romance novel, just get together already."
"shut up," you laughed embarrassedly, "damn third wheel."
"i am not the third wheel — y/n, if you date suguru you're also dating me i hope y'know that. that's just how it works."
suguru let out an incredulous laugh. "oh my god, please, satoru."
"what? just being honest — don't look at me like that y/n i didn't mean i like you!" now satoru started blushing, "i'm just saying!" and then proceeded to over-explain himself while you and suguru dissolved into laughter.
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