#seokjin scenarios
soft-pxachy · 15 hours
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⤷  ❝oh, god❞ — ksj (s.m)
➤ Pareja: jin!sacerdote x lectora!fem
➤ Recuento de palabras: 7.9k 
➤ Género: sexo en una iglesia! smut y obscenidad!
➤ Resumen: Tu imperturbable devoción a la iglesia nunca había sido algo que realmente te importara, y sabias que no debías estar haciendo esto, sabias que estaba mal, pero no podías hacer nada desde el momento en que el Padre Seokjin entró en tu mente, haciéndote fantasear con él todas las noches, arrastrándote a un estado en el que sabias que estabas condenada, por suerte, el Padre Seokjin estaba dispuesto a perdonar todos tus pecados.
➤ Advertencias:  20+ | Lenguaje vulgar y explícito | uso de temas religiosos | tensión sexual | sexo en una iglesia | uso inapropiado del confesionario | blasfemia y jurar en nombre de dios | referencias religiosas | voyerismo | charla sucia | masturbación | frottage | sexo oral (r. ambos) | comer semen | algo de culpa religiosa | sexo sin protección | Jin es un sacerdote y tiene un gran pene! ➤ Si crees que el contenido de este oneshot te ofenderá a ti o a tus creencias, por favor, NO LEAS. ➤Si no eres mayor de 18 años, POR FAVOR, no leas. Si lo haces es bajo tu propia responsabilidad, ten en cuenta las advertencias.
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Era otro domingo de congregación como cualquier otro, T/n estaba sentada en una esquina del banco de la iglesia lo más cerca posible del atril que se elevaba imponente frente a todos, con los brazos cruzados y completamente desinteresada en lo que pasaba a su alrededor, toda su atención estaba cien por ciento enfocada en el Padre Seokjin. 
Siempre se negaba a participar mientras el Padre Seokjin dirigía la congregación a través de oraciones y anuncios. Su suave voz reverberaba a través de toda la habitación, cautivando a los asistentes del domingo por la mañana con sus palabras de adoración, predicando sobre la divinidad del amor y de Dios. 
Se podía ver fácilmente cuánto había tocado los corazones de los creyentes con sus palabras y actos bondadosos con solo mirar alrededor de la iglesia.
Sus ojos seguían cada movimiento del Padre Seokjin, suspirando cada vez que mostraba una sonrisa encantadora, riéndose cuando hacía una o dos bromas ligeras. Si no supiera nada mejor, pensaría y estaría completamente segura de que las personas que iban a la iglesia estaban allí solo para ver al Padre Seokjin. Prácticamente había hecho que todo el pueblo se enamorara de él. El sacerdote encantador y de buen corazón que era un símbolo de la devoción del pueblo y era una luz cálida y brillante para aquellos que buscaban su providencia.
El Padre Seokjin hablaba y todos escuchaban. Bueno, todos menos T/n.
Sus sermones parecían entrarle por un oído y salir por el otro, y en su lugar, optaba por soñar despierta. Sus ojos nunca deambulaban por el interior de la iglesia, siempre estaban enfocados en la mirada suave y persistente del padre Seokjin. Y esto no había pasado desapercibido para él, por supuesto. 
T/n era la chica que asistía a sus misas todos los domingos pero que solo estaba allí; sentada entre la multitud, el mismo asiento todas las mañanas, interactuando con la menor cantidad de personas posible, siempre la primera en entrar y la última en salir. Y había llamado su atención por completo, cada vez más intrigado por ella y por la forma en que parecía querer arrancarle la sotana con los ojos, deseando poder saber que pasaba por su cabecita para ser tan persistente y dispuesta en cualquier cosa que tuviera que ver con la Iglesia, y ahora era él quien estaba completamente cautivado por ella,
La comunión era la parte favorita de la misa para T/n. Eso significaba que era casi la hora de irse y formó un pequeño puchero dándose cuenta de que ahora tendría que esperar hasta la próxima semana para volver a ver al Padre Seokjin, pero aun así se puso de pie y caminó hacia la fila para recibir la hostia, y mientras esperaba, no pudo evitar mirar el hermoso arte pintado en el techo de la iglesia y las estatuas de santos que la rodeaban a cada paso que seguía avanzando hasta que finalmente estuvo frente a frente con el Padre Seokjin.
Él le sonrió cálidamente y con ternura en sus ojos mientras la veía hincarse frente a él sobre el reclinatorio, esperando pacientemente a que ella lo mirara y sonriendo aún más al ver el destello de timidez que brilló en su rostro mientras parpadeaba a través de sus pestañas cuando finalmente elevó su mirada hacia él. Su imponente estatura fácilmente hacía sentir a T/n como si estuviera mirando a Dios mismo.
— El cuerpo de Cristo.— Anunció con su voz suave y amable mientras le ofrecía la hostia.
Los labios de T/n se cerraron alrededor del pan sin dejar de mirarlo a los ojos, sus labios rozaron de forma cálida y suave contra los dedos del Padre quien inclinó la cabeza levemente hacia un lado con diversión y una pequeña sonrisita tiró de la comisura de sus labios hacia arriba, había sido una acción pequeña e imperceptible que debió haber sido la primera bandera roja de que el Padre Seokjin no era en absoluto quien parecía ser, y tal vez T/n había sido demasiado ingenua por no darse cuenta.
— Amén.— T/n respondió por lo bajo mirándolo con pura adoración en sus ojos, odiando profundamente tener que alejarse de su presencia.
Pero simplemente obedeció cuando el clérigo hizo un pequeño asentimiento para que se levantara y regresara a su asiento, el Padre Seokjin aun podía sentir la sensación de sus suaves labios en la punta de sus dedos mientras le daba un rápido vistazo desde lejos, y tenía que admitir que sintió como si lo hubiera besado un ángel.
Y el pensamiento de T/n no abandonó su mente durante el resto de la misa, estando completamente seguro que tal vez ella era una especie de tentación divina puesta deliberadamente frente a él como si se tratara de una prueba de Dios o como si fuera un desafío en su camino. Una cosita curiosa e inocente que el Padre Seokjin amaría ver caer y derrumbarse frente a él solo para poder reclamarla como suya. 
Para él, T/n era como un pequeño cordero tembloroso, completamente ajena al lobo que la acechaba. Quizás hoy era el momento perfecto para atacar. Tal vez la presa ya estaba lista para ser capturada.
"Todavía no." El Padre Seokjin pensó para sí mismo.
Había decidido que se tomaría su tiempo, continuaría observándola desde lejos como siempre lo había hecho y planear cuidadosamente su siguiente paso antes de finalmente morder la manzana del pecado  que era esa jovencita de ojos de muñeca y labios rosados que atormentaban sus noches más solitarias y más pecaminosas. 
Él jugaría con su desinterés en la iglesia justo como ella lo hacía con sus pensamientos lujuriosos, después de todo, tenía que haber una razón que la estaban atrayendo a la iglesia, a él, y para ser alguien supuestamente irreverente, T/n estaba mostrando una gran devoción hacia cualquier cosa que estuviera planeando, pero el Padre Seokjin lo solucionaría, solo era cuestión de…
—¿Padre? —T/n lo llamó suavemente y su voz interrumpió sus pensamientos por completo.
—Vaya, ¿Todavía estás aquí, paloma mía? — El Padre preguntó, mirando alrededor de la iglesia, notando que ahora estaba vacía y solo eran ellos dos quienes seguían ahí.
—Quería hacerle una pregunta, padre. —T/n pidió en voz baja, mientras se distanciaba levemente de él.
— Bueno, por supuesto que puedes hacerme preguntas.—  El Padre Seokjin aseguró dando un par de pasos cuidadosos hacia ella.— Ven, siéntate y cuéntame qué es lo que te preocupa. 
El Padre Seokjin le hizo un gesto para que se sentara en uno de los bancos a su lado y T/n lo hizo evitando su mirada, mordiéndose el labio inferior cuando el silencio se hizo presente entre los dos, sin saber cómo empezar exactamente.
—Está bien.— La voz del Padre era tranquila y firme, transmitiendole un poco de seguridad con sus palabras.— Estás a salvo conmigo, puedes confiar en mí.
—Temo que me estén corrompiendo, Padre…—T/n comenzó a hablar por lo bajo y de a poco, cuidando cada una de las palabras que le decía.— Me está comiendo por dentro, es como si se estuviera extendiendo como el fuego del infierno dentro de mi.
Y con eso el corazón del Padre Seokjin se llenó de preocupación. 
—¿Corrompiendo? Oh, mi dulce paloma. ¿Es por eso que has estado tan distante recientemente? ¿Te has estado guardando todo esto para ti sola? —preguntó con voz suave acortando de a poco la distancia que los separaba sin llegar a ser muy invasivo, mucho menos cuando la vio ponerse rígida y asentir levemente con su cabeza.— Paloma mía, esta es una carga que no tienes que llevar sola. Estoy aquí para ti. No hay razón para que sientas que tienes que distanciarte cuando te sientas preocupada.
—Lo siento, padre. —T/n respondió por lo bajo, agachando su cabeza sintiéndose avergonzada.
—No hay necesidad de disculparse. —murmuró en medio de una sonrisa y elevando una de sus manos para frotar suavemente el dorso de la de T/n, viéndola suspirar y relajarse de a poco en su toque y se aclaró la garganta.— Entonces, cuéntame más sobre ésta... corrupción.
—Me condenaría, Padre… —T/n respondió con voz pequeña mordiendo su labio y sintiendo como su rostro comenzaba a arder de vergüenza.
— ¿Qué clase de sacerdote sería yo para condenar tal pureza? —Habló y su voz la tranquilizó más de lo que alguna vez hubiera pensado, era como miel para sus oídos.
El Padre Seokjin se levantó de su asiento y lentamente se dirigió hasta quedar de pie frente a ella, viéndola clavar sus ojos en el suelo, incapaz de siquiera mirarlo y él no podía entender del todo su actitud.
Había un silencio de muerte. La tensión en la iglesia de repente se hizo notar entre los dos y el Padre Seokjin se movió para pararse más cerca de ella y su sombra cayó sobre T/n como si fuera una manta con cada uno de sus pecados y, sin embargo, comenzó a sentirse más caliente que el calor del sol de ésta mañana.
—¿Has perdido el contacto con tu fe? —El Padre Seokjin habló con la voz más baja y suave que alguna vez hubiera escuchado.
T/n jugaba con sus manos en su regazo, retorciéndose bajo su profunda mirada y no respondió, estaba demasiado aturdida por la pregunta que le hizo para saber cómo responder correctamente.
—Dime, paloma. —El Padre volvió a hablar, usando dos de sus dedos para inclinar su barbilla hacia arriba y hacer que por una buena vez que lo mirara. —¿Buscas una nueva religión? 
—¡N-no! No he perdido mi fe…—T/n habló finalmente en medio de un sollozo, sintiendo como todo su cuerpo comenzaba a temblar bajo su toque y su mirada. —Ésta corrupción es…diferente.
—¿Diferente? —El Padre preguntó aún más confundido, inclinándose sobre ella para mirarla a los ojos.— ¿Cómo?
—Yo… —T/n balbuceó sintiendo como su mirada la hacía sentir increíblemente pequeña frente a él.— Tengo estos deseos. Impulsos pecaminosos que vienen a mí tarde en la noche. Padre, quiero deshacerme de ellos.
Y con eso el Padre Seokjin pareció comprenderlo todo, pero trató de guardar las apariencias lo mejor que pudo, pero fue incapaz de luchar contra la sonrisa divertida que se formó en su rostro justo antes de relamerse los labios.— ¿Impulsos pecaminosos? ¿Deseos? Querida, no estás hablando de lo que creo que es... ¿verdad?
—Es vergonzoso, Padre, lo sé… —T/n murmuró por lo bajo mordiéndose el labio con fuerza y sintiendo como pequeñas lágrimas comenzaban a brotar de sus ojos.
— Shhh, no hay necesidad de avergonzarse. —El Padre Seokjin susurró de forma tranquilizadora al mismo tiempo que elevaban sus manos para acunar su rostro con cuidado; limpiando de a poco sus lágrimas. 
Era como si su simple toque enviará olas de electricidad por todo su cuerpo, y T/n hizo todo lo posible para concentrarse en los tiernos ojos del Padre Seokjin mientras volvía a hablar.
—Las necesidades carnales son humanas, querida. Está en nuestra naturaleza querer ceder a esa tentación. —explicó suavemente, como si estuviera hablando con una niña pequeña mientras T/n se derretía por completo en su toque, mirándolo con ojos de cachorrito y presionando su mejilla más contra su palma. —Cuéntame más de cómo te consume esta corrupción.
—No podría, Padre… —T/n habló negando con su cabeza en medio de hipos y una que otra lágrima que  aún goteaba de sus ojos antes de darle un rápido vistazo a todas las estatuas y pinturas de santos a su alrededor.— No aquí…
—Entiendo, ¿Quieres ir al confesionario? —preguntó tranquilamente colocando un mechón de su cabello detrás de su oreja justo antes de verla asentir con ilusión haciendo sonreír.— Está bien, vamos.
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Y tan pronto como dijo el Padre Seokjin entrelazó su mano con la de ella guiandola por el pasillo que daba directo hacia el confesionario y que se escondía en una de las esquinas del gran salón de la Iglesia, lo suficientemente aislado del lugar para que nadie pudiera escuchar ninguna de las confesiones que los creyentes hicieran y se respetará el secreto de confesión del Padre Seokjin.
Era una especide de armario de dos espacios, hecho de la misma caoba lacada de los bancos y de tamaño solo un poco mas grande que para una persona en cada uno de ellos, una cortina de color rojo vino a lo largo de cada puerta que ayudaban a proteger la identidad de cada penitente, y tan pronto como llegaron el Padre Seokjin abrió la puerta del lado derecho, haciendole un leve movimiento para que entrara y ella lo hizo murmurando un pequeño ‘gracias’.
T/n sabía que no debería estar haciendo esto, sabía que estaba mal, incluso el mero pensamiento de confesar todos sus pensamientos pecaminosos eran suficiente para destrozar su conciencia, pero su conciencia ya estaba arruinada desde el primer momento en que hundió su mano entre sus piernas teniendo en su mente al Padre Seokjin, y sabía que eso era la mayor condena para sí misma. 
Así que se obligó a quedarse quieta en el banco de madera en el que estaba sentada, tratando de asegurar sus crecientes nervios, podía escuchar los latidos de su corazón en ese pequeño espacio, al menos estaba oculta por la tenue oscuridad de la cabina, pero de alguna manera se sentía desnuda y expuesta, como si la oscuridad fuera aún más reveladora, y sabía que sus pensamientos no estaban a salvo en este silencio y oscuridad sobresalientes.
El sonido de la puerta de la otra cabina se escuchó tres veces m��s fuerte cuando el Padre Seokjin entrò, T/n notó su silueta oscura moverse del otro lado, sus zapatos resonaron en el piso de madera con cada paso que dio y el asiento crujió cuando se sentó, sus manos se movian nerviosamente en su regazo cuando la voz profunda del Padre se escuchó a su derecha.
—No te pongas nerviosa, paloma. Tómate tu tiempo para encontrar tus palabras. —El Padre Seokjin murmuró suavemente, intentando transmitirle toda la confianza que necesitará. 
El corazón de T/n se estremeció en su pecho y se obligó a  inhalar y exhalar pausadamente. Podía hacer esto. Sus labios se abrieron y las palabras cayeron familiarmente, como un hábito perpetuo.
—Bendígame Padre, porque he pecado. Esta es mi primera confesión. —comenzó a hablar apretando sus manos en puño en el borde de su falda, pensando que la verdad debería mantenerse bajo llave como lo había estado haciendo los últimos días, esa verdad con la que no debería haber jugado en primer lugar.
—Independientemente de que estés aquí solo para decir tu verdad o para desahogar su mente, estoy aquí para escuchar, paloma.— El Padre aseguró y el sonido de su voz retumbó bajo y cálida a través de la rejilla que los separaba. 
Ya estaba aquí, ya no había vuelta atrás ahora.
—He tenido pensamientos impropios sobre éste… hombre, que está fuera de mi alcance. Sé que no debería tener pensamientos tan traicioneros sobre él. Pero no puedo parar. —T/n comenzó a hablar sintiendo como su voz salía temblorosa, manteniendo sus ojos enfocados en las tenues sombras de las estatuas que se reflejaban dentro de la cabina.— Yo… apenas puedo mirarlo, apenas puedo soportar estar cerca de él, porque lo deseo tanto y eso me vuelve codiciosa, ese es uno de los siete pecados capitales, ¿no? ¿Codicia? Eso es lo que soy, Padre. Lo quiero y quiero todo de él. Quiero su tiempo y sus pensamientos, y no quiero compartirlo con nadie.
Y tan pronto como su confesión salió de sus labios un silencio abrumador los inundó a ambos, un largo y agonizante silencio mientras esperaba la respuesta del Padre Seokjin quien parecía estar encontrando las palabras correctas que decir, imposible de ocultar la bruma de celos y posesividad que comenzó a crecer en su pecho después de escuchar a su pequeña paloma hablar de esa forma de otro hombre. 
Detestaba el simple pensamiento de T/n tocandose pensando en otra persona y le ardía en sus entrañas, él quería ser el único hombre que estuviera en su mente, el único que la hiciera sentir bien, el único que la viera doblegarse y caer de rodillas pidiendo mas placer, quería que fuera suya, y de nadie más. 
—¿Él está casado? —preguntó poco después, recordando sus palabras y con su voz más dura y áspera de lo que imagino, pero era algo que simplemente no pudo evitar.
—No, no lo está. Es... mucho peor. —T/n respondió pensando cual de las dos opciones era peor, ¿Fantasear con un hombre casado o con un hombre que comprometía su vida a Dios? 
—Solo eres humano, y el humano comete errores. Ningún error es imperdonable cuando te arrepientes de tus pecados.— El Padre Seokjin instruyó con prudencia, y casi sonó como si esas palabras se las estuviera diciendo a sí mismo.
T/n negó con su cabeza ante eso, como si el hombre al otro lado pudiera verla, eso no era lo que queria escuchar de él, queria que le dijera que estaba mal, algo que le diera un incentivo para acabar con esta tortura.
—Lo hace sonar tan inocente Padre, y no es así…—hablo casi burlándose sin humor de sus palabras.
—¿Por qué no lo es? —El Padre preguntó y su tono de voz cambió por completo, enviàndole un escalofrío que recorrió el cuerpo de T/n, sonaba diferente ahora, ya no se escuchaba reservado ni distante, sonaba cálido y curioso, y la animó a seguir hablando.— Dime más. 
Oh, Dios.
—Yo… —T/n balbuceó sintiendo de repente como si su garganta estuviera llena de ceniza. —Lo quiero de manera inocente, a veces. Quiero arrodillarme frente a él y adorarlo hasta que no pueda más, quiero ser buena para él y que me halague por eso. —habló con calma, dejando que su mirada se deslizara hacia el suelo, donde la luz de las velas iluminaba sus piernas. —Pero también lo quiero de otras maneras. 
Podía sentir cómo sus palabras se le clavaban en la garganta una tras otra. Estaba segura que la vaga forma de su deseo era suficiente para que el Padre Seokjin supiera que estaba hablando de él, pero parecía como si el sacerdote no tuviera intenciones de detenerla, era como si la estuviera provocando con su voz, y la tensión se podía palpar en el aire, espesa, a pesar de la rejilla que los dividía y el Padre tarareó levemente. 
Quería que siguiera hablando.
—Pienso en él cuando no debería, Padre. Trato de no pensar en él de esa manera, pero es tan difícil no hacerlo, siento que sabe cómo es mi alma, y me asusta, pero también me hace quererlo más… —T/n continuó hablando sintiendo como toda la sangre de su cuerpo circulaba con más rapidez, acentuándose en su rostro y entre sus piernas como ocurría todas las noches desde que conoció al Padre Seokjin. 
—¿Cuándo piensas en él? —El Padre preguntó con voz áspera, y ese mismo sonido era todo lo que T/n podía escuchar, todo lo demás se había desvanecido en la oscuridad del lugar. 
—Lo hago cuando los pensamientos me mantienen despierta por la noche. Cuando está oscuro y estoy sola. Me marean y me dan calor…—respondió con dificultad, sintiendo como las palabras quedaban atoradas en su garganta y como sus mejillas ardían de vergüenza ante lo siguiente que dijo. —Pienso en él cuando me toco, Padre.       
Y en ese preciso momento T/n deseaba profundamente que el suelo se abriera y la tragara por completo, pero aún así no podía dejar de hablar, no ahora que parte del secreto que la atormentaba estaba a la vista, necesitaba compartirlo todo, no pensaba seguir cargando con esa culpa sola, y no le importaban las consecuencias que vendrían con eso.
—Trato de no hacerlo, sé que está mal, pero no puedo, trato de pensar en alguien sin rostro, pero no puedo sacar su rostro de mi cabeza. Su voz. Trato de pensar en alguien menos en él, pero no puedo detenerme.
Su respiración era rápida y agitada, sentía como si acabara de subir corriendo tres tramos de escaleras. Las palmas de sus manos estaban pegajosas por el sudor y como pudo las limpió en la tela de su falda sintiendo su cuerpo arder en calor, y por una fracción de segundo, se le ocurrió correr, salir corriendo de ahí al aire frío de la noche, el hecho que el Padre Seokjin no hubiera dicho ni una sola palabra acerca de su confesión la hacía sentir mucho más nerviosa, completamente segura de que él la reprendería por tener ese tipo de pensamientos, que le diría que estaba condenada al infierno por ese pecado, pero lo siguiente que escuchó la dejó congelada en su lugar.
Esa palabra del Padre Seokjin sonó como un trueno dentro de la iglesia.
—¿Qué? —preguntó incrédula, sin entender exactamente lo que dijo.
—Muéstrame. —El Padre Seokjin corrigió rápidamente antes de que se escuchara un sonido resbaladizo, como si se hubiera humedecido los labios con su lengua.— Muéstrame tu pecado.
Y ante eso lo único que T/n pudo hacer fue jadear por lo bajo, esperaba internamente la broma, la risa, que él estuviera bromeando, pero eso nunca llegó. Y en cambio, sólo hubo silencio. Por primera vez miró hacia un lado, buscando alguna señal del Padre Seokjin pero todo lo que vio a través de la rejilla fue el contorno aproximado de su perfil.
Antes de que T/n pudiera reaccionar, vergonzosamente, su cuerpo lo hizo primero, reaccionando por completo a su voz, su piel se calentó más que el mismo sol, sus pezones se irguieron debajo de su blusa y el familiar cosquilleo se acentuó entre sus piernas como si se hubiera tratado de una orden del Padre Seokjin. 
Apenas y pudo murmurar un pequeño asentimiento antes de hacer exactamente lo que le había dicho, T/n podía escuchar el latido de su corazón retumbando en sus oídos y el ritmo incierto de su respiración mientras separaba de a poco sus piernas para deslizar su mano entre sus muslos. 
Su estomago se contrajo abrupatmente cuando sus dedos hicieron contacto con su centro vestido y su respiración se cortó aún más al sentir la pequeña macha de humedad en sus bragas, joder, había estado sufriendo tanto por esto que ni se habia dado cuenta, pero era algo obvio, el Pade Seokjin siempre había tenido un efecto especial en ella, y lo corroboró cuando presionó ligeramente sobre su clítoris, mordiéndose el labio inferior para evitar gemir demasiado pronto y sujetandose con fuerza del borde el asiento con su mano disponible.
La culpa y la excitación se retorcían dentro de su cuerpo, una con la otra, luchando por ver cual tendría el control, sus dedos se movían tan lentamente, torturándose a sí misma y con su respiración agitándose cada vez más con cada débil movimiento sobre su clítoris, estaba demasiado metida en sus propias sensaciones que apenas y fue consciente de la misma respiración agitada del Padre Seokjin, y cuando se dio cuenta de eso T/n no pudo evitar preguntarse qué estaba haciendo en su lado de la cabina, se preguntaba dónde estaban sus manos, tal vez agarrando sus rodillas o apretando con fuerza la tela de sus pantalones, o tal vez en otra parte; subiendo por sus muslos hasta…
—Oh, Seokjin… —T/n gimió por lo bajo antes de taparse la boca con su mano libre para sofocar otro gemido, aunque fue demasiado tarde para que el Padre Seokjin lo escuchara a la perfección.
—¿Es eso lo que haces? —El Padre preguntó con su voz baja y ronca, enviándole un escalofrío de deseo al rojo vivo a T/n por su columna vertebral, casi pudiendo escuchar su sonrisita al otro lado con lo siguiente que dijo. —¿Cuando te tocas dices mi nombre, paloma?
—Padre, por favor yo no… -T/n balbuceó ahogando un nuevo gemido ante otro movimiento de sus dedos, incapaz de poder mentirle ahora. 
—No mientas paloma, la forma en que dijiste mi nombre, suena tan familiar. Como si hubieras hecho esto antes. —El Padre agregó con soberbia, había una oscuridad en su voz que T/n nunca había escuchado en él.
—Oh, Dios… —Un nuevo jadeo se derritió en sus labios sin poder ocultarlo, sus caderas se movieron hacia enfrente y contra su palma, buscando desesperadamente un poco más de fricción para su clítoris necesitado, la culpa se estaba comiendo sus entrañas, pero no podía detenerse.— Padre, por favor, siento que empiezan a corromperme de nuevo…
Y con eso los ojos del Padre Seokjin se iluminaron en puro deseo, agradeciendo que ella no pudiera verlo.— ¿Ahora mismo?
—Sí, los pensamientos están volviendo, Padre… —T/n asintió con la cabeza con furia, como si él pudiera verla moviendo sus dedos con más fuerza sobre su centro ahora empapado con su humedad, mojándole los dedos vergonzosamente. 
Inesperadamente se escuchó un tintineo metálico al otro lado de la cabina y a T/n se le cortó el aliento al darse cuenta. Su cinturón, el Padre Seokjin se estaba desabrochando el cinturón, mierda, mierda. Cerró los ojos con fuerza intentando alejarse de eso, pero aún podía escuchar el roce de su cinturón cuando el cuero se movió contra sus trabillas y simplemente no pudo evitar imaginarse la forma en que se veía su mano sobre el bulto de sus pantalones.
—Dime de quien se tratan, paloma. —El Padre pidió en medio de un suspiro pesado y T/n juró que su cuerpo tembló sobre el asiento al escucharlo. 
—Se tratan de ti Padre, siempre has sido tu… —Admitió entrecortado presionando con más fuerza sobre su clítoris, lo necesitaba, demasiado, era casi carnal la necesidad que tenía por él.
Una especie de calor perverso le atravesó el pecho al Padre Seokjin, casi como un sentimiento de orgullo al escuchar a su pequeña paloma admitiendo que él era el que la hacía pecar, que él era el protagonista de sus fantasías como ella lo era de las suyas, era perfecto y eso le hizo apretar con más fuerza el eje de su miembro duro por encima de la tela de su boxer, casi gruñendo al imaginarse que era T/n la que estaba entre sus rodillas dándole la misma atención con su propia mano.
—¿Yo? —Él se rió entre dientes mientras la seguía escuchando sollozar y gemir por lo bajo, casi deseando poder estar con ella para ver como aliviaba el calor de su cuerpo.— No eres tan pura como yo pensaba, ¿verdad paloma?
—Por favor, Padre…— T/n gimoteó una vez más, presionando sus muslos juntos y moviendo sus caderas con fuerza contra su mano.— Por favor, ayúdame a deshacerme de estos deseos…
Y con eso el Padre Seokjin ensanchó su sonrisa, ¿Quién era él para negarle a su linda palomita que la librara de sus deseos carnales? Después de todo, ese era su deber como sacerdote, ¿no es así? Limpiar a los pecadores de sus pecados, y qué mejor manera que hacer lo mismo con ella, limpiar esos pensamientos pecaminosos de su linda cabecita y devolverle la pureza.
Hubo un silencio después de su ruego hacia el Padre que rápidamente fue cortado por un ruido repentino, demasiado rápido para que T/n lo procesara antes de parpadear ante la luz que inundó la pequeña cabina, y cuando pudo ver con claridad el Padre Seokjin estaba de pie frente a ella, su barbilla está inclinada hacia un lado, el cinturón de su pantalón colgaba pesado hacia ambos lados, la cremallera estaba abierta y una mancha oscura y húmeda decoraba el contorno de su dura erección haciéndola jadear sin ser capaz de cerrar sus piernas ante la imagen cuando el Padre Seokjin rápidamente apretó con sus manos su pantalón, levantando la tela para poder arrodillarse frente a ella. 
—Padre…— T/n susurró por lo bajo, sin poder recordar ninguna palabra excepto su título mientras lo veía hundirse entre sus piernas para tomarla por el cuello con una de sus manos, su palma ancha se envolvió alrededor de su garganta antes de inclinarse hacia ella y perseguir su boca ansioso con la de él. 
Sus rosados labios se estrellaron con firmeza contra los de ella, y T/n sintió como si estuviera en la puerta del cielo y jadeó contra su boca al darse cuenta de que el Padre Seokjin besaba como un hombre hambriento. 
Su cuerpo cayó en un flujo intenso con sus labios unidos a los del otro, sus manos se ajustaron a sus anchos hombros y los arañó por encima de su camisa negra, desesperada por más. Toda la mente de T/n se nubló con la sensación de él, con su aroma, con su sabor, con cada presión de sus labios sobre los de ella y sintiendo como acariciaba su cuello suavemente, rozando sus dedos sobre su pulso antes de presionar con la fuerza suficiente para hacerla jadear sobre su boca y él aprovechó la oportunidad para meter su lengua en la de ella, y rápidamente sus lenguas se enredaron en una danza ardiente, sin necesidad de música, solo el ritmo recién descubierto de sus lenguas, dientes y labios. 
—Seokjin… —la voz de T/n tembló mientras respiraba su nombre en una oración entrecortada contra su boca apenas separándose de él.
—Sí, cariño, estoy aquí. —El Padre respondió de la misma forma antes de volver a presionar otro beso voraz en sus labios, ajustando sus manos en su cintura para acercarla lo más posible a su cuerpo, y T/n dejó escapar un suspiro de alivio ante su entusiasmo por continuar.
—Lo siento, sé que no debería… no debería quererte así, pero…— T/n se lamentó de la misma forma ajustando sus manos en su cuello blanco y clerical, el recordatorio de que esto estaba mal, pero no pudo hacerle mucho caso a sus culpables pensamientos cuando sintió al Padre Seokjin tomar sus piernas con sus manos para ajustarlas en su cintura firmemente.
—Está bien, paloma. —Arrulló con su voz ronca volviendo a atrapar sus labios en otro beso, mordisqueando su labio inferior y escuchándola gemir desde lo más profundo de su pecho antes de tomar su mano y guiarla hacia abajo hasta dejarla sobre su entrepierna.- Sigue adelante, cariño. Sigue tocandote para mi. 
Y con eso ultimo T/n ahogó otro gemido contra sus labios, volviendo a frotar sus dedos una y otra vez sobre su botón de placer, amando la fricción que se producía entre sus torsos presionados el uno con el otro y de sus respiraciones agitadas coreando el pequeño y santo espacio en el que estaban.
—Pensé que me dirias que debía dejar de pecar…— T/n se las arregló para murmurar aquello descansando su frente contra la de él, sonriendo tontamente al escucharlo reír contra sus mejillas. 
—No creo que un pecador pueda decirle a otro que se detenga.— El Padre afirmó con sorna en su voz, presionando la parte inferior de su cuerpo para que estuviera al ras con la de de él, situándose mejor entre sus piernas y viéndola jadear cuando su pelvis se hundió contra su entrepierna.
No había mucho espacio en la pequeña cabina, pero eso solo los acercó aún más mientras T/n le rodeaba el cuello con los brazos con fuerza; podía sentir su erección hurgando sobre su núcleo vestido, y no había nada más que quisiera que arrancar la tela que se interponía entre sus cuerpos.
El beso acalorado se estaba convirtiendo en algo más. El Padre trazó sus cálidos besos con la boca abierta por el arco de su cuello, hasta la base de tu garganta antes de darle un suave mordisco, sus labios rosados se cerraron alrededor del área, succionando y chupando su piel suavemente, haciendo que T/n exhalara un gemido estrangulado, el volumen se elevó un poco por encima de los sonidos de sus respiraciones agitadas pero tampoco les importó demasiado. Rápidamente las manos de T/n abandonaron su cuello y aflojaron los primeros botones de su blusa, invitando a la boca atenta y pecadora del Padre Seokjin a bajar un poco más, y él por supuesto que estaba más que ansioso por responder a su deseo.
Su cabeza bajó por tu cuello, tomándose el tiempo para besar minuciosamente tu piel caliente, acariciando su rostro entre tus pechos y un escalofrío recorrió el cuerpo de T/n al sentir la punta de su nariz rozar la curvatura de uno de sus senos antes de que su lengua caliente saliera para lamer su pezón endurecido a través de la delgada tela de su blusa, haciéndola gemir con fuerza y taparse la boca desesperadamente para evitar hacer más ruido.
—Dios se tomó su tiempo cuando te hizo para mi, paloma.— El Padre Seokjin murmuró sobre su pecho continuando con el implacable ataque de su lengua sobre su pezón, desviando su vista hacia arriba y hacia su rostro solo para verla con la cabeza hacia atrás contra la pared de madera y con sus labios entreabiertos, y se apresuró a elevar su otra mano para masajear su seno descuidado. 
T/n sentia que podia morir feliz justo ahora, siendo torturada con sus bonitos labios y su caliente lengua una y otra vez, podía sentir como la tela de su blusa estaba empapada con su saliva por la forma en que se adhería a su piel, haciéndola jadear ante la deliciosa fricción en su sensible brote y removerse en el asiento y que sus caderas se frotaran contra su dura erección. 
Y antes de pasar al otro lado, el Padre Seokjin le dio otra perversa succión a su pezón riendo por lo bajo de cómo su cuerpo se sacudió debajo de él y su voz salió ahogada en medio del beso de transición a su otro seno.
—Eres celestial, más de lo que podría haber imaginado.— Afirmó cuando su dedo encontró el tramo húmedo de tela, jugando con su sensible pezón una y otra vez, casi volviéndola loca y haciendo que ajustara sus movimientos con su cadera, prácticamente frotando su centro húmedo contra su dura erección atrapada en sus pantalones; haciéndolo ahogar un gruñido contra su seno ante la fricción.
Sus cuerpos seguían completamente vestidos, nunca antes habían estado tan excitados como ahora que su sucia fantasía se estaba haciendo realidad, la espalda de T/n se arqueó más hacia su boca, buscando su calor, rogando por mas, tenia miedo que esto fuera solo un sueño, uno más entre muchos que había tenido con el Padre Seokjin.
Sabía que ya había probado la fruta prohibida y, como un adicta, solo podía rogar por más. Sus indecentes oraciones de más se convirtieron en susurros en el momento en que escapaban de sus labios hinchados de tanto morderlos, y ni siquiera pudo mantener el volumen bajo cuando lo sintió morder con fuerza su pezón al mismo tiempo que sus manos deslizaron sus bragas por sus piernas en un rápido movimiento; el escozor de su mordida y el aire frío golpeando la piel sensible de su entrada convirtieron sus silenciosos gemidos en un grito agudo que reverberó desde el espacio confinado del confesionario hacia la extensión silenciosa y resonante de la iglesia. 
Ni siquiera pudo reaccionar cuando el Padre Seokjin tomó sus piernas para colocarlas sobre sus hombros, arrodillándose por completo frente a ella y haciéndola estremecerse aún más al sentir su aliento caliente y agitado abanicar su sensible entrada. 
—Eres como un ángel puesto delante de mi.— El Padre Seokjin volvió a hablar entrecortado, viéndola desde abajo morderse el labio para evitar gemir cuando deslizó uno de sus dedos entre sus pliegues resbaladizos, recogiendo su humedad solo para llevárselo a la boca y chuparlo ruidosamente; ronroneando gustoso al probar su sabor.
La vista que T/n tenia era algo completamente digno de contemplar, era algo que pensaba que nunca pasaría, pero ahora aquí estaba; viendo los ojos oscuros y cargados de placer del Padre Seokjin mientras se relamía sus labios enrojecidos por todos los besos que se habían dado, terminando de degustar los restos de su sabor justo antes de formar una sonrisita maliciosa y susurrar acaloradamente sobre su centro.
—Sabes a cielo, paloma, déjame adorarte…
Y tan pronto como dijo eso su cabeza se hundió por completo entre sus piernas y la vista de él desapareció detrás de tus párpados cuando los cerraste ante el primer contacto de sus labios sobre tu clítoris hinchado y necesitado. 
Empezó despacio, perezosamente, como si tuviera todo el tiempo del mundo, la mano de T/n se movió para tomar un puño de su cabello; tirando de los suaves mechones ansiosa y desesperada cuando su lengua caliente salió para lamer y chupar entre sus pliegues una y otra vez, le gustaba demasiado esto, la sensación de que el Padre Seokjin la devoraba, succionando su pequeño clítoris cada vez más fuerte que le fue imposible no enredar sus dedos entre su cabello para guiarlo hacia arriba y abajo mientras elevaba sus caderas para encontrar su lengua, y él se dejó hacer, no había nada que hubiera deseado más que probar su sabor justo como ahora lo estaba haciendo, podía sentir que su pequeña paloma estaba punto de romperse, el agudo gemido que soltó y el temblor de sus piernas se lo hizo saber, y justo cuando estaba listo para tomar todo de su dulce orgasmo su voz lo regresó a la realidad. 
—Jin, porfavor, necesito sentirte dentro de mi…— T/n rogó tan dulcemente a sus oídos que al Padre le fue imposible no obedecer sus plegarias. 
Le dio unas últimas lamidas en su entrada y clítoris antes incorporarse y colocarse de nuevo entre sus piernas sintiendo como las manos de T/n volaban hacia los botones de su cuello y camisa, comenzándolos a soltar desesperadamente y él hizo lo mismo con su pantalón, apretando su mandíbula con fuerza ante la dolorosa fricción de la tela de su boxer cuando finalmente liberó su miembro; viéndolo salir disparado hacia arriba completamente duro e hinchado, tuvo que reprimir una risita al verla relamerse los labios ante la vista y se apresuró a separar aún más sus piernas, siseando cuando apoyó su miembro contra su entrada para comenzar a deslizar la punta de su pene entre sus pliegues, cubriéndola con su humedad y haciéndole saber cuán grande era y cuán profundo estaría dentro de ella.
El Padre se inclinó sobre su cuerpo, volviendo a tomarla por su cuello para encontrar sus labios una vez más, jugando con su lengua y mordisqueando su labio inferior para amortiguar su gemido cuando comenzó a empujar de a poco la punta de su pene a través de su entrada, chistando suavemente al sentir su cuerpo estremecerse mientras su interior se apretaba imponente alrededor de su duro eje.
—Es… demasiado grande…— T/n jadeó luchando por asimilarlo, y le resultó difícil formar esas palabras en su estado sin aliento sintiendo su miembro empujarse contra cada parte de ella, hambriento de más, alentando a su interior a aceptarlo más profundamente, y el Padre Seokjin gimió en tu boca, con una voz ronca y áspera.
—Puedes tomarlo, paloma…— El padre siseó ajustando sus manos en tu cintura con fuerza, ayudándote a aceptar su tamaño mientras seguía empujándose dentro, hundiéndose cada vez mas hasta la base de su pene, gruñendo cuando terminó de empujar los últimos centímetros de su longitud dentro de ella.— Joder, te sientes increíble…
Aquel gruñido poco después de tocar fondo hizo que a T/n se le cortara la respiración, la quemadura dentro de ella hizo que su cabeza se confundiera de felicidad mientras luchaba por ajustarse a su tamaño, y aunque el Padre Seokjin estuviera un tanto abrumado con la estrechez que lo rodeaba, fue lo que lo animó a comenzar a marcar un ritmo lento y constante dentro y fuera de ella, hundiendo su rostro en su cuello, volviendo a salpicar toda su piel con besos húmedos y calientes. 
T/n se sentía en el cielo con cada una de sus embestidas profundas y duras, sus sueños y pensamientos pecaminosos nunca lograrían compararse a la realidad de estar siendo follada por el Padre Seokjin, todo se sentía mil veces mejor, su polla la llenaba de una forma tan deliciosa y los gemidos que goteaban como miel de sus labios la dejaban delirando por más, sus uñas se deslizaban y dejaban marcas rojizas por su pecho y hombros, el sudor que caía por sus sienes hasta su cuello lo hacían ver incluso más tentador y la hinchazón de sus labios la hacían querer volver a besarlo. 
A tientas extendió una mano para sostenerse de algo, cualquier cosa, y cuando su mano agarró el crucifijo que colgaba de su cuello, tiró con fuerza de él como si fuera una correa, acercando al Padre hacia ella viéndolo lanzarle una sonrisita siniestra justo antes de besarlo con fuerza, gimiendo contra sus labios cuando sus embestidas se volvieron brutales y profundas, su pelvis chocaba contra sus caderas de una forma tan deliciosa, los sonidos húmedos y lascivos de su polla hundiéndose una y otra vez en su coño llenaban sus oídos y la dejaban delirando sintiendo como el nudo apretado de su orgasmo amenazaba con romperse en cualquier momento. 
—Oh Dios, Jin estoy tan cerca…— T/n lloriqueó contra él sintiendo su aliento caliente y rápido contra la piel de su cuello, haciéndola sentir cada vez mas humeda.— Voy a correrme… —advirtió con su respiración atascada en la garganta y con los latidos de su corazón martillando en su pecho con fuerza. 
—Hazlo, paloma…— El Padre gimió sin aliento acariciando su mejilla caliente y luego la comisura de su labio, deleitándose con su simple belleza en su punto máximo de placer justo antes de volver a atrapar su pecho entre sus dientes, sintiéndola removerse y arquear su espalda aún más contra su boca mientras seguía chupando y mordisqueando con fuerza su endurecido pezón una y otra vez. 
En algún punto de la desastrosa mente de T/n esperaba que eso dejara marcas en su piel, entonces, podrían servirle como un recordatorio de a quién le pertenecía, la pelvis del Padre se acercó a su centro cada vez más errático y desesperado, todo su cuerpo rebota sobre su pene, el ardor en sus piernas mezclado con la fuerza de sus embestidas la estaba empujando a un punto sin retorno, al borde del límite, y fue justo ahí cuando lo sintió arrastrar una mano por su cuerpo sudoroso hasta llegar al centro de sus piernas para comenzar a frotar su botón de placer con su pulgar una y otra vez antes de ordenar entre dientes. 
—Correte para mí, paloma.
Y eso fue suficiente para que su orgasmo la atravesara como si se tratara de un resplandor celestial, todo su cuerpo tembló en sus brazos sintiendo como los espasmos de placer la hacían sentirse finalmente llena y satisfecha, su interior se apretó con fuerza alrededor de su miembro, aprisionándolo dentro de ella y cubriéndolo con su orgasmo, haciéndolo murmurar su nombre una y otra vez, como si se tratara de una oración divina.
Ni siquiera pudo evitar lloriquear por lo bajo cuando el Padre Seokjin besó suavemente su frente, sus mejillas y luego sus labios para salir de a poco de su interior, toda ella se sintió de nuevo vacía y buscó la mirada del Padre cuando se puso de pie frente a ella, sus ojos recorrieron su torso desnudo y cubierto de un sudor reluciente, siguiendo hasta su miembro aun duro y pesado que la hizo suspirar, y cuando lo escuchó hablar todo su cuerpo recibió una corriente eléctrica. 
—Ven aqui, paloma.— Ordenó con su voz ronca y profunda al mismo tiempo que su mano bombeaba de a poco su pene, y su mirada se oscureció aún más al ver lo rápido que T/n se arrodillo frente a él, como si hubiera querido esto desde un principio. 
Sus ojitos brillantes lo saludaron desde abajo, mirándolo con total adoracion cuando enredó sus dedos en su cabello alborotado para guiar su boca hacia su pelvis, gruñendo por lo bajo cuando la calidez de su boca y lengua envolvieron la punta de su pene; primero dándole una pequeña lamida, sonriendo cuando lo vio suspirar temblorosamente antes de tomar una porción completa en su boca sin dejar de mirarlo a los ojos. 
El Padre Seokjin echó su cabeza hacia atrás y sus labios se abrieron en gesto de puro placer mientras seguía sintiendo como los labios de su paloma tomaban todo de él cómo una buena niña, su respiración se cortó cuando la sintió elevar una de sus manos para envolverla en su grosor y comenzar a masajear las partes que no alcanzaba con su boca, y cuando abrió sus ojos mirando hacia abajo, la imagen fue lo mas caliente que alguna vez se llegó a imaginar, el agarre en su cabello se apretó con fuerza y su respiración se agitó sintiendo que estaba a punto de perderse, y su teoría fue cierta, porque cuando sintió a T/n lamer y chupar su uretra fue que se derramó en su boca con un audible gruñido. 
Le tomó unos segundos recuperarse de todo lo que acababa de pasar, sintiendo su pecho agitado y tratando de regular su respiración acelerada, y cuando finalmente miro hacia abajo ni siquiera pudo luchar contra la sonrisa de orgullo que se formó en su rostro, viendo sus ojitos brillantes y como unas gotas de su semen escurrían de la comisura de su labio, haciéndolo elevar su pulgar para reunirlas y volver a introducirlo en su boca, riendo entre dientes al sentir como su lengua lamía su pulgar degustando las últimas gotas hasta dejarlo limpio.
—Creo que tus pecados han sido perdonados.— Dijo suavemente despues de unos segundos, el olor a sexo se mezclaba con el incienso que se filtraba desde el santuario y sonrió al notar su mirada confundida.
—Pero Padre, si mis pecados han sido perdonados, ¿Por qué sigo pensando en ti? —T/n preguntó volviendo a su actitud inocente y volviendo a usar su título después de todo lo que había pasado, viéndolo reír por lo bajo mientras se inclinaba para estar a su nivel, sus mejillas fueron aplastadas con una de sus manos antes de recibir un febril beso en sus labios. 
—Bueno, quizás ahora yo soy el pecado con el que deberás cargar, paloma.
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N/A: Buenoo hace calor, no? Si asi lo sientes será mejor que sigas al siguiente oneshot de este pequeño maratón pupi! Espero que este gustando mucho estas historias titis, las estaré leyendo y díganme cual está siendo su favorita. ♡ next
taglist: @guvgguk @lessuwu @cometaart @AnnieKCV @darysnowflwr @nunubly @choco-linny @aavacaf @DannaHaz @wtffktt7 @minmin-cat @18fernanda @ariggukie @ Katherine Murillo @holiwui032 @lizxz @onixbae02 @piligt @youtis @tessacereza
20 notes · View notes
7ndipity · 4 months
Their Ideal Types
Summary: What I believe the members ideal types would be.
Warnings: Swearing, not proofread
A/N: Thanks to the lovely anon who requested this! Please bear in mind tho that these are just my personal opinions, based on what I’ve observed from their personalities and with some references to their astrology charts(if you’re not into that, just ignore those points on each list)
His Capricorn venus means that he’s a little old fashioned in his style of romance, which I think reflects in his statements in the past about being a classic hopeless romantic. He wants someone who he can sweep off their feet and eventually settle down with.
I don’t think he has a huge preference on age, I feel like he’d kinda want either a little older/younger rather than the same age tho.
He’s said once that he wanted someone a little on the chubby side(granted, this was years ago, so I don’t know if that’s still true), he also strikes me as someone who would be drawn more to the classic ‘girly’ vibe(pastel colors, flowy layers, fluffy sweaters, etc) but I think the main vibe he’d look for in a partner is comfort. I don’t quite know how else to describe it other than ‘Ghibli vibes’ if that makes sense?
He would want someone with a classy/graceful air, who’s confident in themselves and not afraid to take the lead sometimes and stand up for themselves.
Someone mature, but not too serious, with a good sense of humor and who’s not afraid to be silly sometimes. Someone affectionate, but not overly clingy.
Someone patient and understanding, who makes it easy for him to open up and be vulnerable.
Pisces are already very deep feeling signs, but coupled with his Venus in Aries, Yoongi can sometimes come off rather intense in regards to relationships. He’s very matter of fact about his feelings sometimes, and I think he wants someone who can match his frankness. He doesn’t have patience for mind games, if you’re into him, fucking say it.
He’s said before that he doesn’t really have a type, at least when it comes to physical appearances or styles. Imo tho, I feel like he would be into someone with a casual, more tomboyish style(oversized hoodies/sweaters, layered shirts, sneakers, shorter hair)
Doesn’t really have a preference on age either.
He’s said before that he wanted someone similar to himself, with a deep passion for music and creating. Obviously, that doesn’t mean you have to be a professional artist/musician(I actually think he would prefer someone outside the industry, or at least outside the Idol/Kpop sphere), but he definitely needs someone who’s a fellow creative type who can understand that side of him.
Someone patient and warm, with an infectious energy that can help bring his mood up(kinda like Hobi), with a sharp sense of humor like his own.
I think he would like someone who’s somewhat independent, who knows what they want and isn’t willing to take shit from anyone.
His Pisces Venus means he’s very go with the flow when it comes to relationships, so he would want something very relaxed, without any chase or mind games, or anything too rushed either. He wants someone he can just ‘be’ with.
I think he’d prefer someone slightly younger, not significantly tho, just a couple years or so.
I think he’d be into someone ‘cute’, though maybe not necessarily in fashion sense, moreso just their general energy. Style-wise, I think he’d like someone who similar taste as him, more streetwear type clothes.
Someone bright and easygoing, who’s equally happy with going out or staying at home and doing nothing. Someone energetic, who not afraid to be silly at times.
Someone very sweet, kind and gracious(lowkey think he would be into the “mom friend” personality)
He’s said before he wanted to feel cherished in a relationship, so I think he would want someone he can take care of, big fan of skinship(bordering on a little clingy). Someone who makes him feel needed/wanted, who dotes on him over little things.
Namjoon is like a textbook Virgo, very grounded and practical. However, his Venus in Scorpio means he’s quite intense emotionally and sexually, so he would want a partner that can balance or match his intensity.
I think he would prefer someone his age or slightly younger.
I remember Jk saying once that Joon was into the ‘cute but sexy’ vibe, and I think that’s still true to an extent, he finds people with range very attractive. I don’t know that he really has a preferred style, maybe something more simplistic like his?
He would definitely like someone confident and independent, who can hold their own in a conversation or argument, but still polite and open minded. Someone that can challenge him and his own perceptions.
Someone intelligent, career/goal driven, and creatively minded, someone who he can go to museums/art exhibits with.
I think he would also really like someone who’s into fitness and working out like he is(lowkey loves the idea of gym dates), but it’s not a necessity for him.
He’s a classic Libra to his core(which I love abt him but it also drives me crazy). As much as he loves to tease, he doesn’t have the patience for too much chase or playing hard to get. He wants someone who’ll be honest about their feelings.
I think he would want someone close to his age, a little older/younger doesn’t make much difference to him.
He said before that he tends to prefer cuter appearance/vibes, but with his Venus in Scorpio, I think he would be drawn to someone with a bit of a darker, sensual contrast in their personality or looks, kinda like him.
He’s a hopeless romantic,(his favorite movies are the Notebook and Like Crazy, he’s a major softie) wants someone he can fall with and yeah, be a bit melodramatic with.
Someone warm, but slightly introverted, maybe even a little shy. Someone kind, open minded, and patient, but willing to stand up and speak their mind when they need to.
Someone who makes him feel needed(another Libra trait) Someone who can keep up with, or even match, his flirty nature.
As an Aquarius Venus, he tends to be drawn towards people with unique, unconventional beauty/style. He wants someone who’s not afraid to go against the norm to be themselves(tho he would love it if you have similar love for vintage aesthetic like him)
Idk why, but he gives me “When Harry met Sally” vibes. Like, despite his fascination with romanticism as an aesthetic, I think he really prefers to go the friends to lovers route. He wants someone he feels comfortable with first and foremost. He falls slowly and then all at once.
I don’t think he has much preference on age, but he’d probably like someone his age or maybe slightly older.
I think he’d kinda be into the “mom friend” personality. I’ve said it before, he really likes being taken care of, even if it’s just in little ways like fixing his hair or buttoning his coat before he leaves in the morning.
Someone slightly more extroverted, who makes friends easily, likes kids and animals.
Someone sensitive and mature, but who he can still be goofy and random with, who’ll play along with his skits and tangents(like jimin does)
Although he seems more drawn towards classic feminine style, I think he’d actually find someone with a similar style to his really attractive, even if it’s just in color palette. I don’t think he really has a type stylistically tho.
Despite Libra Venus’ tendency to look for partners that they have an immediate connection with, they actually prefer the ‘friends to lovers’ route, and I think that’s very accurate for him.
He’s kinda into the chase(literally the entire Seven video like👀), so he likes a partner that plays a little hard to get and teases/challenges him sometimes, but only sometimes.
I think he’d prefer someone his age, or maybe even a little older(He has a noona/hyung kink, I will die on this hill)
Like Joon, I think he’d really appreciate who’s into fitness/working out/boxing(lowkey, if you can hold your own wrestling with him, he’s got heart eyes)
Someone confident, independant, and artistic with a good sense of humor. Someone well mannered and patient(rudeness is an instant turnoff for him). Someone who can challenge him, but in a gentle, non-critical manner.
Taglist: @sopebubbles-replies @btsw1fe @this-must-be-my-tardis @whitefoxgirl @bethanysnow @coffeedepressionsoup @main-bangtansmauyeondan @feminympho @a-gayish-unicorn @captainorangegoose @k4ngelz
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jinkookspencil · 5 months
a way to wake | ksj
you're fast asleep and seokjin has to wake you up... an old method he used on his friend eventually comes to mind
description/tags/note: seokijn drabble / fluff + suggestive / established relationship / i had this idea in my head for a while, ever since i found out how jin used to wake up jungkook when they were younger... and i ended up writing the whole thing while stuck in traffic on a random afternoon / i am actively working on til you make it 2 whenever i have the time! i'm glad i took my time with it, i improved it in all this time and am still thinking of ways to improve it little by little / also, i often get ideas or scenarios in my head that could be mini pieces, not even a drabble - some are barely even 500 words. would you guys be interested in stuff like that? lmk!! / anyways, enjoy!! / edit: i edited this fic to make it even more suggestive. they both hint at yn wanting jin to wake her up by touching her.
wc: ~1.3k words
Seokjin didn’t have it in him. You were sleeping so peacefully beside him, as you had through all seven of your alarms, likely finally getting in a good rest after many sleepless nights… and he had to disturb it?
He knew he didn’t really have a choice - you were already running late. It wasn’t going to be a problem for Seokjin really, after you both showered, it’d only take him a couple more minutes at most to change into his suit. You, on the other hand, always needed some extra time to get ready, and that ‘extra’ time was getting shorter and shorter the more he let you sleep.
You’d want him to wake you up, he knew that for certain, as well as the fact that you would probably scold him as well as yourself for your sleeping in. That reminder is what finally got him to nudge and rub your shoulder.
He repeats the action numerous times, raising the volume of his voice every time, but still, you slept.
“Honey,” he calls with a laugh, tickling your side, belly, and thigh. Your elbow twitches once, but never again despite him repeating the action over and over again. “We need to leave soon. You need to wake up now, darling.”
He gets up to pull open a bit of the curtains, letting sunlight stream in and disrupt the darkness of your bedroom.
Still, nothing.
Frustrated now, Seokjin pulls out his phone and quickly takes a photo of you sleeping - just for himself - before opening up the music app. He plays clips of several songs, and all you do is wince, sleeping through them as you did your alarms.
“Are you faking it?” he asks aloud to your sleeping body. “Jagi… if you’re faking sleep, I swear I won’t eat you out tonight. I’m serious.”
That definitely would’ve done it if you were faking sleep. Really, you had no reason to fake it - you'd panic at the mere thought of running late - but Seokjin couldn’t eliminate the possibility entirely. You could be a bit of a brat at times.
He half considers physically pulling you out of bed, throwing a plushie at you, or emptying a water bottle on you, until he remembers a failsafe. A way that couldn’t hurt you like manhandling could, nor anger you with wet pajamas and sheets.
Jungkook’s way.
Seokjin giggles to himself at the thought. He had never tried it on any of his exes in the past, just Jungkook, really. It wasn't uncommon for boys to do such a thing at that age, especially when they were playfully roughhousing, which, with Jungkook, happened every day and at any time of day. Seokjin always had the edge by starting off Jungkook's days just like that - it always did the trick... And considering the other similarities you shared with Seokjin's younger friend, it wasn’t something to dismiss entirely.
Slowly, he turns you until you’re lying entirely on your back against the mattress, facing the ceiling with shut eyes. He moves from his position next to you until he’s over you, straddling your body with a knee planted on either side of your hips. He never took on this position with Jungkook of course, and almost started regretting it already - you felt too good.
“Jagi,” he whispers, pulling away the blanket from your body and letting his hand graze the skin at your collarbone and your stomach by the hem of your pajama top. He kisses your neck once, calling your name. It was the final chance he'd give you before he’d pull the trigger.
And you didn’t budge.
He sighs in defeat, not holding back his smile any longer when he sees your hardened nipples peak through the thin fabric of your top. Ready. Just for him.
With his index finger and thumb on both hands, Seokjin pinches and fiddles with your raised buds for mere seconds before you shoot up, finally awake.
“Wh?! W..what the fuck?! Jin!” you yell, wriggling underneath your fiancé’s body as he laughs, tumbling over you.
“I can’t believe that worked,” he says between his giggles, stopping only when you lazily reach towards his chest. “YA! I only did that to wake you up. You slept through your alarms, bub. We’re running late.”
“WHAT?!” you yell, pushing him off of you and hurriedly searching for your phone. “Why didn’t you wake me sooner?
“I TRIED!” he protests, getting off the bed. “You slept like a rock. Who knew squeezing your nipples would finally do it? It’s what I used to do to Jungkook when we shared a dorm. Though, of course, I used to twist his nipples to the point where he was certain I detached them from his body somehow. I tried handling you with care, princess.”
“Couldn’t you have used your fingers somewhere else, Seokjin? A bit lower perhaps? You know, something Jungkook doesn’t have? Something you could only possibly do with your girlfriend?”
Seokjin stares at you. Despite the fact that you’d looked delectable asleep and under him already, the thought never occurred to him. Of course the thought wouldn’t occur to him. This wasn’t a conversation you had had together and he hadn’t gotten your consent or any hint that it’d be something you would want. Unless of course, he had been the reason you refused to wake up… Seokjin’s mind wanders with a desperate need within him to have the conversation then and there, knowingly unprepared if you’d admitted to it all. Wanting to be woken up that way. A dream, perhaps. They might have just forget the event altogether…
He begins following you around the room with pleas for a moment to talk, but you don’t turn back for a second until it is to do the exact opposite of handling him with care - dragging and pushing him into the bathroom.
Seokjin watches as you undress, doing the same and half hoping for a quickie, considering your eagerness. He almost felt his length begin to harden, but soon you’re pushing him once more, into the tepid shower with a loofah in hand. He tries to put his thought away for now, caring for your body in another way he felt so privileged to do. To maximize efficiency, you wash yourselves and one another before going about your routines at double the pace. Seokjin’s entirely dressed in minutes, save for his suit jacket, while you were still getting ready, wearing a lingerie set underneath a robe. Extra time for you, and extra time for him to admire you.
“Help me with my dress,” you command him, stepping into a dress he promptly zips up, but not before he drinks up the sight of you in brown silk and lace underneath. Stood behind you, he watches as you adorn yourself with jewelry but can’t stop his hand from snaking over your waist, softly cupping your breasts over the fabric of your dress. You don’t react save for a sharp inhale, continuing to adorn your look. You’re so stunning it almost brings him to his knees. He’d happily allow his body to get there, too, kneeling to tease you at the very least and at most, sneaking his head underneath your dress and pulling down your underwear - just for a taste. But instead, he nudges his head in the crook of your neck - softly kissing along the chain of your necklace. “Tell me, honey… were you dreaming of me? Is that why you didn’t want to wake up?”
You roll your eyes, playfully swatting Seokjin’s hand on your waist, his fake arrogance replaced with a wide smile in seconds. “We need to leave.”
“I made a promise,” Seokjin says, wearing his jacket. “While you were asleep. I made a promise.”
“Oh?” you question, spraying perfume on the two of you. The final touch.
“I said that if you were faking sleeping through your alarms, I wouldn’t eat you out tonight.”
The promise makes you stop in your tracks towards the front door, Seokjin getting there first with an intrigued expression on his face when he looks back. “Since you weren’t faking it, that means I have to do it. And since you slept through the many different ways I tried waking you up… I guess it seems I gotta get you to do something else.... gotta get you somewhere.... many different ways tonight…. Oh, and of course, you won't be faking it this time around as well.”
He’s unsure if the redness in your cheeks is heat flooding your system or makeup he simply hadn’t noticed a minute prior. As you make your way towards your fiancee, you see smugness only slightly present on his face, overshadowed by sincerity - that of a genuine promise. Your hands fiddle with Seokjin’s tie before resting on his chest.
“I didn’t realize dreams could manifest into reality that quickly.”
“I knew it,” Seokjin smiles, kissing your hand as his ears go red. The idea of you actually having a wet dream about him this long into your relationship… the fact that you’d dream of him and his body pleasuring yours, after only hours apart in sleep… it sent him into a frenzy.
“I mean, I know I’ll hear it tonight, but I kind of wish you’d been moaning my name in your sleep…”
“Well, you didn’t see my pajama shorts, did you?,” you whisper, flicking Seokjin’s nipple over his shirt. He winces but is quick to disregard the pain - his face flushed, and he suddenly doesn’t know what to do with his hands, trying to reach for your waist, thigh, or ass - you push him away.
“It was a very vivid dream, honey. Don’t you worry… I’ll tell you all the many different ways I want it. The ways you did it… And tomorrow, wake me up like it never ended.”
There it was.
“Can we stay in? We’re late already,” Seokjin whines. “We can get a head start. Morning to morning…” He feeling his knees buckling at the thought, slowly trying to pull you closer to him in persuasion. You don’t budge and open the door instead.
“You know we can’t…. Now’s your time to dream of me.”
The hunger within him only grew, already fantasising of the of the night to come. Now, he was in competition with himself and he’d make sure your reality is far better than anything you could dream of.
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euphoricfilter · 5 months
Idk if u write this but
Breeding kink for seokjin as a night shot?
. • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆. night short #30
double horny thought for tonight!!!
it wouldn’t have been until one night, the both of you in his car with no condom on hand, would he find out just how much you loved the idea of him cumming inside of you just as much as he did
your pussy clenching around him, cock arousal-soaked and slippery. ring of creamy white cum clinging to the base of his cock
his eyes would stay trained on where your bodies meet, stomach tensing when he cums, utter filth falling past his lips as he tells you how much he wants to fill you up. how his seed would take, how pretty you’d be with his baby
wet squelch obscene as he fucks his cum back into you, smearing whatever had escaped over your clit to bring you to the edge of your second orgasm
he’d work his softening cock back into your cunt. keeping himself there tucked warm inside of you until you feel him stirring between your walls, hands wandering over your body as he starts to rock back into you, ready to release another load of warm cum, cock twitching as he cums, feeling enough for you to find your own orgasm
he’d make you ride him, lifting your hips up just enough for him to slip out of you, making you push his seed out of your cunt, watching it dribble onto his cock before he’s pressing it back into you
or making you finger his cum back into you as he watches, thumb pressing over your clit, helping you get off as he recovers, ready to fill you up, ready to make it take this time
night short masterlist
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bts-0t-7 · 2 months
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The Collection of Seokjinnie. Hehe... I hope you guys enjoy the fics as much as I did. Don't forget to tell the authors your appreciation too - whether is it a like, a comment, or a follow - they'll be glad to hear from you 😊
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Tonight, @liveyun (fluff , students au , romance)
Take you down, @lookingforluna (smut, fluff, romance, idol!au, established relationship!)
To kill a king, @foxymoxynoona (Historical Fantasy World, political conspiracy, romance)
Sit. Stay, @daechwitatamic (fluff, s2l, neighbors!au, baby angst for a quick minute?, smut)
Apples in February, @kth1 (Fluff, Smut, Angst, 21+, Werewolf!AU, One Shot)
Winter Whiskey, @kth1 (Established Relationship, Fluff, Smut, 18+)
Last November, @kithtaehyung (angst, smut, exes to lovers au)
The Obsidian Pearl, @angelicyoongie (yandere, descriptions of death/blood/violence)
Internal Conflicts, @yoongiofmine (Fluff, angst, smut, non idol au, step brother (not related, not raised together, not weird))
Paths Crossed, @borathae (Fantasy, s2l!AU, Romance, Smut)
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liveyun · 5 months
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title. white sand
pairing. kim seokjin x female oc/reader
genre. angst, exes au
warnings. mentions of broken marriage, arguments, panic attacks, hurt/comfort, missing communication in a relationship ; divorce ; non descriptive smut, allusions to miscarriage ; surprise ending?
wc. 3.3k+
listen to : playlist
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masterlist | taglist
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The sky is gloomy today.
Do you want to turn a river in its bed,
Or plant a barren wilderness with wheat?
Warm water ripples underneath your feet, giving you a feeling of you being still alive. That certain feeling of your stomach churning never leaves you, as you inhale a deep breath. This wasn't new to you, at least you knowing that wasn't. Your heart throbbing with pain each time whenever you see colors swirling around your life, but not you. Everything felt blank, everyday was an endless loop.
Your thoughts never ran twice before committing anything, resulting in indiscretion.
You didn't know why you'd visit the beach once in the year when the water felt bizzare to your skin; but at least this feeling of your feet sinking in the soft wet sand, the feeling of the cold breeze soothing your skin calms down your racing thoughts.
If you can meet with triumph and failure
And treat those two impostors just the same
Triumph. You weren't sure of when you met triumph, but failure, for sure was met by you. Failure is the secret ingredient to your success, they say, but when you actually fail, there aren't many who still stand by their quote.
The bubbling pot of jealousy inside, being compared to others, despised, accused of being a traitor, these all were some things which you craved to forget, but some things can't be just forgotten, can they really be?
If you can bear to hear the truth they've spoken
That you stepped right in trap for fools. But when?
They get buried inside your own self, in one such deep crests inside your heart that when even a glance is spared over, your whole self falls into an endless slumber of contriteness. Was it fair to lead on in this way? Pity for others, harassment for your own self. The truth is factual, you have heard it by your own self, and you are ready to accept it all. It itself might hurt but all these things, at least have an honesty within that you haven't been through unfair means to provide you a bittersweet nostalgia.
They say that success and failures are like the two faces of a coin. They're both an outcome of luck with a probable chance of 50-50 for each. Hard work does not always bring success, no matter how hard you put in your efforts.
But they also say that to keep a drowning relationship afloat, you have to put in effort.
It hit you hard when you’d realized that the risk of risking it all can also mean losing everything you've ever had in your life.
It hits you even harder when you remember how the decade old moon pendant still rests peacefully between your clavicles, against the resonating of your heart. You'd wanted to throw that away in the vast ocean, wanting the hues of the blues carry your pain, the memories to a place far, far away from you.
But you never had the heart to part away with something so close to your heart.
It's the seventh year you're seeing the imprints of your feet on the dunes of the damp sand on the same day, every year.
It's the seventh year you're walking alone on the beach with no sounds of squeaky giggles tingling your ears.
You wonder if the pendant still holds the tiny pieces of paper between its leaves which have both of your initials imprinted, or it's faded away like your footprints on the sand with each wave hitting the coast. Like how the castles you'd build together did.
4th December.
Your heart beats like crazy within your ribcage when your fingers feel the gentle surface of the white pendant, a relic which once was the reason for your smile blooming like lilies in a pond. But now, it only reminds you of your failure— your failure to keep your relationship afloat. Of your broken connection.
It's the seventh year you're reminded once again that it's truly over.
It's the seventh year you've realized that you're no longer together with your childhood friend whom you'd married.
It's the seventh year you've realized that maybe you've died. Maybe a part of you has, because till death do us part did not do any justice to you. To your best friend, your husband— ex husband.
It's the seventh year you're living without him, as many would say that you're doing completely fine, maybe only you know that a part of you never has ever stopped yearning.
Never stopped loving him.
You take off the pendant from your neck, gently unfolding the metallic celestial halves. The white paper in both of the tiny compartments unveiled bold, black scrawls with tiny hearts surrounding them.
You feel the pain right in your chest, spiraling up your lungs to down your stomach till you could no longer breathe properly.
It's not a vague memory in your mind the day he gifted you the pendant. The event replays in your head like it's yesterday, when you were both young adults with warmth glowing in your faces, in your hearts, surrounding each other with the blanket of love. You still remember how young he looked with flushed cheeks and eyes twinkling under the moonlight, half squeaking, half laughing at some lame joke. His warm, big hand enveloped yours as you two walked to the waves in this same beach, feet sinking to the white sand glowing in the night.
You still remember how Seokjin had made a note of how warm the water was in comparison to the weather, and you'd make a note of how the tips of his ears were a shade of crimson.
You still remember when he had handed you the pendant, smiling so brightly, saying that he's forever grateful to the moon for blessing him, and you still remember the freshness of his breath as his lips touched yours for the first time ever.
You still remember how scared you two were. Having discovered your love for eachother after pining like idiots, you knew you had a lot of talking to do. You still remember how hot his lips felt on your skin, promising you words of affirmation that you both got this.
You still remember how delicate he was at that night of your first time together, how gently he made love to you, and how he coaxed releases after releases from you, gently kissing your heated flesh with each stroke to your skin. How he'd turned to mush after you'd touched him back with the same passion, with the same desire.
You still remember his teary face when you'd met him at the altar, when you'd exchanged your vows of eternal love and fidelity. You still remember how different the kiss you'd both shared felt to be, almost like a seal to your newfound journey.
You still remember how happy you two were. You two had promised that you'd got this together.
You feel your eyes stinging with tears amidst the bitter smile that hangs loosely on your lips, because you still remember the first time when things got hard. Really hard. You still remember the shaking of his dark pupils like an autumn leaf hanging on the tree, quivering with guilt suppressed anger when he saw you flinch. He had yelled at you, for the first time ever. He stroked your back with flurries of apologies as he kissed you to sleep that day.
You remember how any squabbles were silenced without any communication gradually and how any quarrel would be slept on without any apologies from either of you.
Despite the slowly forming gap between you two, he'd still make sure to have prepared breakfast for you when you'd wake up late. How he'd still prepare the vase every two days with your favorite flowers. How he'd pull you closer to his broad chest, lulling you to sleep, or occasionally telling you about his days.
You still remember how slowly the arguments turned to sleepless nights with a fidgeting heart and a choking stomach. How everything was so gradual that it took you time to realize that it was happening, and you'd taken it for granted.
How the loud voices of you both threatened to blow off the ceiling, and how your eyes hurt after crying yourself to sleep. How dark the bags under his eyes seemed every morning. How scared you were when you realized that he was no longer behind you, let alone stroking your back when you were bawling your eyes out as he used to do earlier.
How you'd wake up to an empty side of your bed, how your texts went unanswered most of the time. How every day after work you'd return to an empty home, flowers withered and dead on vases and everything picking up layers of dust.
How you'd fall asleep with untouched food on the table when he'd return back to home late from work. How you'd no longer smell the piping hot food everyday when you'd woken up. You would wake up to the same, empty place, knowing that he had been there, but he left without even sparing a glance.
You'd also miss how Seokjin would return to home with a throbbing guilt in his heart, never putting off the blame in his heart which accused him for everything which has been happening in your marriage.
How his heart would shatter to pieces each time after a quarrel, realizing the situation. How heartbreaking your sobs were behind the closed rooms or the running showers.
But he'd never got to apologize, because a part of him wanted that to come from you too. He'd wonder at times if you thought the same.
You still remember the lone happiness which bloomed inside you after so long when you'd seen two lines on the pregnancy stick after days of throwing up in the morning. How you'd thought that maybe, maybe this could fix everything between you two. Everything which you weren't ready for, but were thrown onto. Everything which you didn't know existed between you two, but was clearly visible day after day. You were positive that it definitely would.
How fucking selfish of you.
You still remember his absence and his ignorance when you were so excited to let him know about the happy news. You still remember the piercing fight which took place when he returned from his three month long business trip. You vaguely remember how you'd cry for him at nights to hold you, trashing beside the empty bed, how you'd throw up and clutch yourself to sleep. How the doctor had already warned you of your difficult pregnancy and to avoid mental stress as much as you can.
You vaguely remember how he'd asked you why do you look so pale. You barely remember the panic, the pain when the conversation flowed to another fight, now you yelling at him. He'd screamed at you that you were a burden to him.
You faintly remember the agonizing pain at your lower abdomen, strong enough to blur your vision and strangle you down to the ground where he'd cried your name as you fell down, and everything had blacked out.
But you actually remember the look on the doctor's face when she told it out loud.
And even clearer, the look on Seokjin’s face.
You don't really want to remember everything else which happened after that. Your friends had taken you home, away from him, suggesting that it's for the best. Some of them had already warned you beforehand when things had started to fall gradually and they emphasized their surmise of the situation.
You don't want to remember anything else which happened after that. You don't want to remember how you'd know that his company had gone completely bankrupt, and how he'd tried his best to save it.
You don't want to remember the time when you'd sent him the divorce papers and the look on his face, ignoring his thin frame, dark bags underneath his eyes which seemed devoid of any light in them, at all.
You don't want to remember all the times he came back to you, called you, texted you endlessly and begged forgiveness for everything he'd done to you but not even once to come back to him.
Maybe he knew already that you wouldn't.
You don't want to remember the time when you'd gone to your once shared apartment to get back your stuff. It felt. . .empty and devoid of any life, your once warm home staring at your face with a cold air around it, partially suffocating you from all the memories you'd created together. Whether they were the happy ones, or the terrible ones.
You'd purposefully ignored the vase of fresh flowers greeting you or all the furniture being spotlessly free of any dust. You'd ignored how your heartstring tugged at you when you'd see that his clothes are still with your own in the closet and how the bed was changed into the bedsheets which you'd bought at the beginning of your honeymoon.
But you couldn't refrain yourself from stepping into his study. Maybe it was because you were sure that you wouldn't be seeing him anymore, and the court would be the last place and time when you'd see him. Maybe because there was a part inside of you which wanted you to hang on for him. Hang on for you, but you'd ignored that, suppressing the voice inside you.
You absolutely don't want to remember whatever you'd seen there anymore. Whether it was the unfinished yarn you'd knitted to a poorly made mass during those three months knitted to an almost finished sweater, or the photos of you both framed on the shelves where you'd previously seen trophies of his youth camping on.
From small kids grinning ear to ear to adolescent teens with awkward poses to full grown adults and your last photo you'd taken together at Ilsan a year ago then as a couple. Each of them rested one beside another and other memories which were caught in small handicrafts you'd thrifted during your small visits to nearby towns in your early teens.
Because that only makes you fall into the endless pit of guilt, again and again, realizing that you'd never heard his part of the story. Your initial anger had always refrained you from thinking that way, but you'd know that despite everything, every effort you two had put into your marriage, had been in vain. You remember how pale, dull, thin and silent he'd seemed at the day of your divorce. He'd just a thin jacket on his frame regardless of the freezing cold outside with heavy bags underneath his eyes. He'd acknowledged your presence with a slow, long stare of his dim, puffy eyes, a small single nod of his head. You'd ignored how much it hurt to see Seokjin like that, but you'd instead decided to move forward, no matter how painful it was.
You remember the silence from his side when the judge had asked him questions about the reasons why your marriage broke down to pieces. You'd held your breath in your chest which already hurt with the constant throbbing.
He'd answered with a voice that you couldn't recognise from the person you'd known for more than half of your life.
“I wasn't there for her when she needed me the most.”
The judge had asked again, why'd he give up. If he knows, shouldn't he be trying to make it up to you? His answer, perhaps, had shocked the judge, too.
“Once a knot gets tied between a thread, the knot forever remains, no matter how much you try to untangle it.”
The actual last time you saw Seokjin was after you two were divorced, sitting beside each other, having signed on the papers which officially meant that you two no longer were married to each other. Your heart felt numb with the pain and your eyes were devoid of any moisture, having exhausted them all within the painful months you'd spent alone with the memories haunting you.
You hadn't looked up at him, and you knew he didn't, too, and you didn't want to. You'd seen his fingers twitch on the paper where he held his pen, close to yours own, but made no further move. You'd itched to say something to him which you didn't know if you should've, but you'd kept quiet all the while.
You'd heard his tiny please forgive me,if you can the last time before you exited the court, but also from the place where you'd relished your memories, a souvenir to your old love.
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You close the pendant with a snap.
It's the same day you divorced your ex husband.
4th December.
It's his thirty-first birthday, too.
As the waves crawl gently towards the white sand of the coast, you exhale in the breath you were holding in. You run your thumb on the craters like designs on the outside of the golden pendant, silently feeling the burden inside your chest now being a bit lighter.
You don't know if you've truly moved on, but the bitterness in the memories doesn't really feel bitter to you. At times they overwhelm you, but it's not intense.
You wonder if Seokjin is doing well.
We were taken from the ore-bed
And melted in the furnace pit—
We were cast and hammered to design,
We were cut and filed to fit.
You don't like nostalgia, but sometimes it reminds you that failure and struggle are the components who develop your character. If anything, it reminds you that mistakes were made and consequences were beared, but it also leaves you with a tingling curiosity inside. Is Seokjin living in the same city? Is he..is he celebrating his birthday today?
Birthdays for him were fun. Birthdays with him were fun.
You don't know. You guess it wasn't really within your imagination to imagine what it would be like for him. You just hope and wish he's doing okay. You hope he has healed well, or is healing well.
You stand up, your pendant still clutched in between your palms, no longer feeling the weight it carried for you, from you throughout the years of your life.
The weather begins to get chillier as the sun slowly makes its way away from the face of the world.
The low rustle of the waves and the slow whoosh of the wind tells you that it's time to leave.
Exhaling a breath you didn't know you were holding on, you turn to exit the beach. A simple smile spreads on your lips when you suddenly feel the pendant slip away from your slightly sweaty palms to the sand underneath.
You bend down to pick it up, and your hands brush against another hand which doesn't belong to you.
A warm one, and an oddly familiar,big one.
A pair of warm, curious pupils, twinkling within the dark pools of coffee hidden underneath tresses of dark hair greets you.
You look up.
His eyes are wide and shaking slightly by the time you both stand up, your hands dangerously close to his which clasps the pendant within. He looks healthier, fuller and he's gained some much needed weight over the years. He's dressed in a white tee and black shorts, and you notice that he's let his hair grow. His cheeks have a flush which you'd notice was new to you. If anything, he looked handsomely young, as if he'd aged back.
Walk down the white sand just to watch his lonely footprints get washed away by the currents. He's trying not to fall back to the habits which tore himself away from him, but he's never been truly free from the guilt which pokes his chest in every aspect of his life.
When he saw you seated on the edge of the coast when he was out to visit the beach that meant the most to him, he couldn't believe his eyes. Every year on his birthday he'd visit the beach in the evening with a selfish hope in his heart, which he knew wasn't rational at any cost.
He used to sit on the coast the whole night, feeling the moon soothe away the burning memories of you. Hoping he'd ever find you, but always in vain. Hoping he could apologize for everything he's done except uttering a small sorry like a fucking coward.
The beach would always remind him of you.
Your hair is shorter than how he saw it the last time. Your cheeks are fuller, and your eyes have their light returned back to their places. You sat there in the same silence which he did at a distance, refusing the rational part of him which told him that it's wrong. He'd promised himself that he'd go away before you'd get up, and you seemed lost in thoughts as he took you in. Even if you two weren't together anymore, he was happy. Genuinely happy to see you okay. After everything you'd gone through. He knew, he was by no means rightful to ever look at you even, because he knew ever since then that you don't need him anymore.
Even if he tried, he could never stop loving you. Trying to be a better man everyday, wishing he could stop time and go back, knowing it's impossible. Everyday he'd wished he could. . . .
Now you're looking at him, and he doesn't know what to say. How to talk. You looked peaceful. You looked happy. You—
But when he'd seen the pendant he'd thought you wouldn't have it with you anymore, he lost it.
“Seokjin?” Fuck. This is the second time you've called him, but he doesn't find the crease in between your eyebrows as he'd expected to. You're rather smiling, a sight which he finds his heart racing miles at.
You don't wait for his response.
“Happy birthday.”
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a/n : happy birthday to our silly moon prince~ hope you liked this one which i actually managed to finish in the brink of time ong
don't be sad, he's coming back soon home! :D as always, reblogs and feedbacks are always appreciated 🌙🌹
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mintelepathy · 2 years
“Keep it, it looks better on you anyway”
brother's best friend jungkook
genre: fluff and some sexual tension from jungkook riding a motorcycle
word count: 1.2k
summary: a night out with your friends goes wrong and your brother's bestfriend ends up giving you a ride on his motorcycle
part 2
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Come to the party, it'll be fun, your best friend said almost three hours ago. Maybe that could have been the case if it wasn't for the fact that you lost said friend the second you went through the door, were left alone for thirty minutes until the police showed up, so now you were trying to run away and hide from the authorities because the last thing you need right now is being taken to the police station.
To make things worse, you had no idea where you were, there is no sight of anyone who can give you a ride. It seems like everyone else just vanished, and your phone is nowhere to be found, just great.
You have been walking for about ten minutes when you heard someone with a motorbike approaching and slowing down to keep your pace at a safe distance.
“Hey _!” someone shouted your name and you turned your head to the familiar voice at your side.
“Jungkook?” you asked confused because you couldn’t see him well with the helmet on.
He made his way towards you, stopped in front of your now stilled body, took off his helmet, and yes, there he was.
Jungkook is no stranger to you, but you wouldn’t consider him a close friend either, he is your brother’s best friend so you are used to seeing him at your brother’s when you go visit him, which is quite often since you have a loving sister and older brother’s relationship with him. You two were inseparable as kids but then years passed, and you moved to Seattle for your studies while he stayed in Preston, where you grew up.
But back to Jungkook, you can’t deny the man’s beauty, you may even admit you had a little crush on him when you met him four years ago, but then you realized you had zero chance when your brother mentioned that he had a girlfriend. A girlfriend you never met though.
As far as you knew Jungkook was still living in Preston too, so what was he doing there?
“The one and only,” he said as he gave you one of his close-mouthed smiles. Damn, how can someone be so hot and cute at the same time? Ok, shut up conscience.
“What are you doing here?” you asked him as you smile at him too, seems like it is contagious.
“I live here” he might have noticed the confusion on your face because then he added, “We are in Preston _”
“No way! seriously?” you asked him while moving your head like crazy trying to understand why you didn’t find the place familiar since you grew up there, “Well, that explains why it took us a while to get here, I swear I’m not drunk I just didn’t pay attention in our way here”
“Believe me, I know you are not drunk” he let out a cute chuckle, “come here, let’s get out of here” he said as he motioned you to get behind him on the motorbike.
You doubted for a second because you had so many questions, but it was a late and cold night, and honestly, you wouldn’t mind the company and the free ride.
“Put this on, you’ll need it” he said as he took off his jacket and handed it to you, “this too” then he handed his helmet.
“Oh no, you need it” he had already given you his jacket and now he wants to give you the only helmet he has, maybe it is the bare minimum but these little details really warm your heart.
“Just take it, please” the expression on his face said it all, there was no way he would let you go on a ride without the helmet, so it was useless to fight him.
You put the helmet on, and tried to clip it but you just couldn’t.
You were just embarrassing yourself at this point.
“Let me” he gently moved your hair out of the way and helped you.
For some reason, you couldn’t take your eyes off his face while he clipped the helmet for you. Ok, you admit it, maybe you still have a little crush on him, “Ready, hop on now and hold on tight” He didn’t have to ask you twice, you would do anything the man said, if something was sure it was that you could trust a hundred percent in him.
You hopped on the motorbike, and hold him hesitantly by the waist. He didn’t say anything, he just grabbed your hands and place them well around his waist, your torso completely pressed to his back.
Your heart might have just jumped a little.
“Don’t let go, ok?” you just nodded.
He turned the engine on and started riding. You had no idea where he was going but you couldn’t care less.
It was your first time on a motorbike and you would have never thought how much you’ll love the feeling of being in one, twenty-five minutes passed, maybe thirty, you had no idea, but you didn’t want him to stop. The cold air hitting your body had never felt better.
You noticed where you were once you felt him slow down, you were in Seattle.
Jungkook had just ridden all the way just to bring you home.
“I’m gonna need you to be my GPS now _” he said as he placed one of his hands on top of yours, “your hands are freezing”  
“I don’t really feel them so it’s okay” you joked and you felt his torso move as he laughed, keeping his hand there and just removing it when necessary.
You guided him to your apartment and arrived in five minutes. You still couldn’t believe he had just brought you home from Preston.
He stopped the motorbike and you both hopped off carefully.
He gestured for you to get closer and help you again with the helmet.
“This is insane, you just wasted like forty minutes of your time just to bring me home, I don’t even know what time is it, probably really late, so thank you” you gave him a quick hug, “Oh take this”
He stopped you the moment you started taking his jacket off, “Keep it, it looks better on you anyway”
What’s that sudden heat in your cheeks? Were you blushing? Oh please, no.
You gave a few steps back as you bite your lip unconsciously.
“So, do you have to go anywhere else now?” you asked him, not wanting him to leave.
“Nowhere specifically, probably find a gas station first if I’ll go back home” you watched his Adam’s apple move as he swallowed hard. Was he nervous? Why would he be nervous? you asked yourself.
You can’t believe you are about to ask him these, geez he has a girlfriend, you and your impulsive thoughts, “Do you- Do you want to stay the night? It’s late and you are probably tired, it was a long ride and it’s cold. We could drink some hot coffee if you want”
Oh no, you didn’t like that look on his face.
Jungkook hesitated for a second, not because he didn’t want to stay, but because he remembered a little detail, he likes you, and you are his best friend’s sister, what would he think if he knew that he spent the night with you?
He noticed the worry on your face and before you could say anything he thought fuck it, “Yeah, sure, if you don’t mind”
If he only knew…
I'm thinking of making a second part for this so let me know what you think yay (and if you want to be tagged)
Ooookkk, it's been so long since I logged in on this account and I'm back, I realized today how much I missed it so you'll probably see me posting more often😊
A like or reblog is always appreciated<3
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taehyungsgrowl · 1 year
roses - ksj x reader
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valentine's day w jin
pairing: kim seokjin x fem!reader
genre: fluff, smut
rating: 18+ // minors dni
word count: 2k
warnings: seokjin is a tease, hickies, oral (fem. receiving), p in v penetration, cream pie, slight choking, overall valentines day fluff, mostly pwp
A/N: hello! i was originally going to try and post a tae x reader fic i've been working on but its february and i think a lot of us associate jin w roses and i associate roses w valentines day and so... here we are! a short and cute little drabble! hope you enjoy! sending you all lots of love!
before the soft morning sun had the chance to wake you, soft fingers gently trailed up your shirt, raising goosebumps along your skin. his plush lips leaving chaste little kisses on your exposed shoulder until your eyes fluttered open.
"good morning, honey," you knew he hadn't been awake long due to the low rasp of his voice.
"mhmm," you pouted at him, "'it's too early," you whined, cuddling up closer to him to feel the warmth radiating from his body as you laid your head on his chest, your eyes shutting as you inhale his scent.
feeling his chest shake with his low chuckle immediately sent butterflies to your stomach - you don't know how you lucked out getting to spend the rest of your life with seokjin. he was full of light and love to give - how could he not have swept you off your feet?
"just wanted to wish you a happy valentine's day, baby." he pulled your waist closer to him to press a kiss on top of your head.
"oh my god," your eyes opened wide realizing it was february 14th. "baby," you sat up and finally looked around the room. the playful scold you had for seokjin for beating you to say it first was caught in your throat as you took in your bedroom.
roses - everywhere.
the soft glow of the sunrise coming in through the window made the white roses look ivory and the red roses even more crimson.
dozens and dozens of roses in clear glass vases filled your room. all over the floor, and more vases filled with them on the nightstand tables by your bed. it looked like a literal flower shop.
"wh-" you weren't even sure what to ask or what to say. when did he have time to do this?
"jin..." he laughed at your speechless expression, "that’s more roses than i’ve seen in my life." you laughed, adjusting yourself on the bed to pull him in for a kiss. your small hands cupping either side his face to kiss him. you felt him smiling against your kiss, his own hand finding a home firmly placed on your lower back.
"when did you even have time to do this?" you mumble in between kisses.
"you're a heavier sleeper than you think you are," he bit down on your lower lip playfully.
"well," you rolled your eyes, "i love it!" you lightly pushed on his chest until he was laying back on his back, head propped up by his pillows.
"i hope you like your present as much as i loved mine," you swung one of your legs over his waist to straddle him.
"who said i'm done giving you my present?" the corner of his lips twitched as he fought a smile. "got a lot more in store for you, honey." the hand that rested on your back moved lower to lightly smack your ass.
"jin..." you whined, but really loving just how much of a romantic your husband was. even after years of being together, he still made you feel special every day - valentines day or not.
before you had the chance to bend down and kiss him, he grabbed your thighs and flipped you both around until you were flat on your back, his broad body hovering above you.
he noticed the little crease between your brows as you frowned at him but quickly kissed it away, making you giggle as he continued to pepper your face with kisses.
"love you so much," he mumbled against your face.
jin took your chin between his thumb and index finger to tilt your head up enough to kiss you deeply. you felt the plush of his tongue swiping along your lip, pleading for you to part them. you sighed into the kiss, letting his tongue lead your kiss.
too distracted by his pillowy lips against yours, you didn't feel him shift until he could reach one of the nearby roses on the nightstand.
you looked up at him in awe as he pulled away. messy black hair in disarray from sleeping, pink swollen lips, lust filled eyes blown wide. it amazed you how little he had to try to look so breathtaking.
jin brought the rose up to your nose for you smell it before he slowly dragged it down your neck. the soft petals tickled your skin as he dragged it softly along your cleavage. his eyes shifted from yours to wherever the rose drew patterns along your body.
he noticed your hands wander down to the hem of your silk nightgown, in an attempt to take it off. his free hand caught your wrist, stopping you.
"keep it on. you look so pretty in silk," he leaned down again and placed a sweet kiss along your collarbone before sinking his teeth into your skin.
he felt his cock twitch in his pants as he heard you whine for his love bite.
he continued to drag the rose down your body. you sighed, feeling the petals run across your thighs. jin slowly pushed your night gown up, bunching it around your hips to reveal your panties.
the dark, wet spot forming at the center of your pink panties gave you away. you squirmed on the bed, wanting - needing jin to touch you.
"please?" you batted your lashes at him, giving him the sweetest look.
jin's deep and sleepy laugh rumbled in the little space between you two. he wanted to give you everything you wanted - wanted to give in to your each and every demand as soon as it fell from your lips - but there was something so intoxicating about having you beg for him that always made him drag it out.
his free hand reached down between your legs, taking the waistband of your panties between his fingers and pulling it - only to make it snap back against your skin.
"i got you, baby," he continued to toy with you - dragging his large hand to grip your hip and trailing it down until he reached your thigh to make you spread them further for him. touching you everywhere but where you wanted him to.
"jin..." you sighed, your hips slightly raising off the bed in a poor attempt of getting any friction.
there could not be a more ideal way of waking up. you thanked your lucky stars for every day you got to wake up besides the love of your life.
jin continued to use the rose to tease you. the light petals raised goosebumps along your inner thighs as he dragged it up to your core. feather light strokes against your panties weren't enough. you needed his fingers. his tongue. his cock. you needed more.
yet still, the soft brush of the rose against your clothed pussy made you gasp. immediately, his eyebrow raised and his lips curled into a knowing smirk.
"hey," he paused to press a quick kiss to your parted lips, "i love you."
"i love you more," your eyes met his and you could swear you saw your entire world in them.
jin's cock strained in his pajama pants - he was just as needy as you were. he finally dropped the rose, letting it fall against the stark white bedding.
he settled in between your legs, holding them apart with his hands. you felt his warmth breath hit against your dampened panties, making you shiver.
"baby," you hummed.
soon enough, his warm, wet tongue was laid flat against your panties, sloppily kissing your clad cunt.
“mhmm,” he sighed into your pussy. the sight of seokjin’s bare shoulders nestled between your thighs, his dark hair falling on to his face, tip of his nose bumping against your covered clit was almost enough to make you cum right then and there.
“always so sweet,” he peeled your panties down in one swift motion, “so sweet for me.”
once again, his tongue was on your pussy, licking up the arousal that had pooled in your core. his pouty lips kissed and sucked at your most sensitive parts, making you melt on his tongue. he kept his hands on your thighs, keeping your spread open for him - even as your legs threatened to close around him.
your hands found his hair and fingers were tangled in his dark locks. you gripped his hair for support, your back arching off the bed. it felt as if the harder your tugged the more feverishly jin sucked on your clit.
"oh god," you moaned out his name, your heartbeat racing faster and faster against your chest. the room was filled with obscene wet sounds as he devoured and worshipped you.
as you reached your climax, jin lapped up your cum, licking you clean. soft and gentle kisses were placed on your pussy as you spasmed beneath him.
"oh my god," you repeated again, completely out of breath.
you reached down and tugged him up towards you, ardently kissing him, tasting yourself off his tongue.
jin's cock was throbbing to the point that he couldn't wait any longer to sink himself into your wet walls. he reached his own waistband and clumsily hurried to pull himself free from the tight constraints of his underwear.
"fuck, baby," he hissed, dragging his tip along your wet slit, slowly pumping himself in his fist.
you took in a sharp breath as he stretched you open. jin grabbed your thighs and hoisted them around him to bring himself closer to him. your feet dug into his lower back as you moaned out his name.
you couldn't help but have your eyes roll back feeling him go deeper and deeper.
“fuck,” he cursed under his breath as you took his length. he stayed there for a second, feeling the way your walls pulsed around his length. jin started to move his hips, his cock easily sliding in and partially out of your pussy. 
"open your eyes for me," he asked, his voice hoarse as he held back another moan.
you opened your eyes to meet the depths of his dark eyes. jin felt himself throb inside of you just from that look in your eyes. you searched for his hand and brought it up to you neck, nodding slightly, granting him permission. 
“god,” he choked out, wrapping his hand around your neck. A loud moan left your pretty lips traveling like music to his ears. jin tapped his thumb on your lips, letting you take it in your mouth as he applied pressure to your neck. 
you swiped your tongue over the pad of his finger and he felt himself about to burst. “so close, baby,” he rutted his hips into yours. you moved in perfect synchronization, becoming one. 
you both came hard as your sweaty bodies pressed together, lost in a sea of blankets and kisses. 
jin let his body collapse on yours, letting the comfort of his body weight lay on yours, his head resting perfectly on your chest. you softly traced little patterns against his bare back as your breathing slowed.
"still mad i woke you up so early?" he teased tickling your side to make you squirm underneath him.
"i wasn't mad!" you squealed, wiggling under him.
"good," he kissed your neck - neither one of you having any plans to get out of bed anytime soon. just simply existing in each others arms.
"happy valentine's day," he whispered against your skin.
ah! i didn't think i was gonna finish this before the 14th, but i'm glad i did! tysm for reading! lmk what you think!
tagging: @desertsunflower00 @gimmethatagustd @wonhosmistress
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eoieopda · 10 months
meet me at the bar: epilogue
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pairing: kim seokjin x reader type: drabble — meet me at the bar’s epilogue au: law school/bar exam, est. relationship word count: 1.2k rating: pg13 genre: fluff summary: as it turns out, there is life after the bar exam. a/n: i suppose this does make sense outside the context of the one-shot, but i def recommend reading that first ✨ like the OG, this epilogue is dedicated to mj (@yoongiphoria), who army (get it? 👀) crawled through the ringer and lived to tell the tale! so excited to eventually welcome you to the profession, bb 💕 🔞 MINORS WHO INTERACT WITH ME AND/OR MY CONTENT WILL BE BLOCKED, WHETHER OR NOT THE CONTENT IS NSFW. I’M AN ADULT WRITING EXCLUSIVELY FOR OTHER ADULTS.
Seokjin sits at a small cafe table. In front of him sit two things: one he’s sure of and one he’s not.
“This is barbaric,” you mutter under your breath. 
You hit the refresh button on your browser again, the same way you have — on a second-by-second basis — since you both sat down. Crazed, your eyes flick up to Seokjin. You repeat yourself emphatically, “Barbarism, Seokjin. Do you hear me?”
He tries his best to keep a straight face, so he pulls his coffee mug to his lips and hides his smile behind the rim. You look back down again before you can even see him nod in agreement. Of course, you go right back to assaulting the touchpad of your laptop.
You’re not wrong, not in the slightest. The Office of Bar Admissions just put you through the most treacherous experience of your academic and professional lives, and it wasn’t done fucking with you. Now that you’d survived the exam itself, you had to sit and wait — not just for your results, but for potential public humiliation.
Everyone who has a stake in this exam — test takers and prospective employers — and anyone who doesn’t — friends, relatives, professors, underclassmen, sundry assholes, etc. — can log onto this extremely public, government website at eight o’clock this morning. If they do, they’ll see a list of names: every single person that passed this exam and would be admitted to the practice of law.
Likewise, anyone can easily find out whose names are missing. Broadcasted at lightning speed, your business becomes everyone else’s. Whether you want to or not, you have to share your greatest success — or biggest disappointment — with whoever the fuck might want to look for it.
Scrubbing your anxious hands over your face, you sigh, “I think I’d rather stand naked in the middle of Lotte World. I mean it; that would be infinitely less horrifying than this.”
“For you, maybe.” 
Seokjin grins, sets his mug down, and nudges your untouched plate closer to you. On any other morning, you would’ve inhaled that breakfast sandwich by now. Today, however, you’re on a self-imposed hunger strike until you have answers.
“For the unsuspecting onlookers, I think that would be a criminal offense.”
You roll your eyes, but when you reset them, you’re looking straight at him.
It’s the way anyone would dream of being looked at, he thinks. Like every annoying thing about him is still somehow endearing, worth loving — and that little smile of yours is all for him. Just like that, he’s blushing in the middle of a café, not giving a shit who sees.
Crashing through his thoughts, the alarm you set goes off with a wail, like you’re being summoned to an air-raid shelter rather than notified of the time. You scurry to grab it. Fumbling to turn that siren off, you cast panicked glances around the room to find anyone you might owe an apology for startling. As usual, it’s just the two of you.
You spit it all out so fast that Seokjin can hardly keep up.
“Will you still love me if I shit myself in the café? Because I fucking might, and I need to know if a break-up is going to be added to my list of rejections this morning.” 
There are nervous talkers, and then there’s you. You worry in X-Games mode like it’s nobody’s business — and honestly, it’s kind of impressive.
“My whole family is going to know before I can even disclose failure myself and I —”
Seokjin doesn’t know if anything he might say would comfort you, but he’s at least slightly worried that you’ll anxiety-barf onto your laptop. To minimize the collateral damage, he reaches across the table, picks it up, and pulls it over to his side. 
As if he just pulled the plug on your life-support machines, you slump down into your chair. There, your head droops against the metal back with a small thud. You then stare up at the ceiling like you’re actively watching your soul leave your body.
“No matter what happens, we’ll be okay.” He assures you while refreshing the browser. “I promise.”
Funnily enough, trying to keep you calm has made him feel the most stable he ever has. One of you has to keep your collective shit together; and it’s clearly not going to be you, so he’s committed to remaining zipped on your behalf. His fingers don’t even shake as he scrolls down that godforsaken list, scanning with narrowed eyes.
“Well?” You urge.
After a few seconds of listening to your knee bouncing underneath the table, Seokjin closes your laptop and sets it down slowly. He takes a deep, measured breath before he finally looks back up at you. With how unabashedly freaked out you are, it’s a miracle that he can’t feel your pulse from the other side of the table.
“So, I have bad news —” He starts with a sigh.
You freeze.
“— We can’t add esquire to our email signatures until after we’re sworn in, which will apparently be two weeks from now.”
The last thought Seokjin has before being tackled to the ground is that he’s thankful nobody else came in for coffee this morning. 
The first thought he has when he reopens his eyes, now flat on his back, and sees that insane look on your face — a mix of terror, annoyance, disbelief, and excitement — is that he was right when he decided never to doubt you. More importantly, he was right that you truly are capable of anything.
Up to and including public displays of aggression.
Damn does he love you.
You sit back on your heels but you don’t make any moves to get off of him. With a shaky laugh, you say, “I think I have to kill you for that.”
“Understandable,” he demurs, shrugging. Then, he reaches up to swipe a tear off your cheek with the pad of his thumb, smiling sweetly. “Just don’t represent yourself at trial over it, okay?”
Playfully, you swat at his chest before clambering off of him. Once you make it steadily to your feet, the same hand that smacked him is held out to help him up. He takes it without hesitation.
Back at his full height, he accepts the arms you lace around his neck, swoons just a little when you push up on tiptoe. You kiss him softly, but it hits hard. That gentle brush of your lips makes his knees so weak that he fears he’ll end up on the ground again. 
You pull away breathy. Though your eyes are a little bit misty, you grin like you can’t help it. For the record, he can’t, either. You sigh, “I genuinely cannot believe that I survived this bullshit.”
“Really?” Seokjin asks, eyebrows raised.
His arms wrap around your waist to hold you closer, allowing you to nestle your face into his sweatshirt. He means it, so he says it with his whole chest and hopes you hear it: “I was sure you would.”
“Don’t think I would’ve been able to do it without you,” you mumble into the fabric.
“You could have,” he murmurs. Leaning down, he kisses the top of your head before continuing, “But you didn’t have to.”
The two of you stand like that for a while — wholly entangled in the middle of a café, in broad ass daylight — without speaking. It helps him try to wrap his brain around it all. After all, the landscape is different now than it was an hour ago; and unless he’s fully lost it, Seokjin swears that the grass really is greener.
For the first time ever, he doesn’t feel the weight of the dreaded unknown pushing down on his shoulders. He just feels you leaning against him and an unfamiliar sense of peace. All of that gratification he’s delayed his whole life, too, as it falls right into his hands.
But Seokjin’s not great with that whole thoughtful silence thing, so he smirks, “Gonna call me counselor in bed now, jagi?”
Your head snaps back so quickly, you could’ve decapitated yourself. Incredulous, your eyes narrow as your mouth pops open. Instantly, the look on your face pulls that windshield wiper laugh out of him; so, he slaps his hand over his mouth to keep quiet.
You challenge him with eyebrows raised sky-high. “Gonna make me file a cease and desist letter?”
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taeandpuppies · 5 months
What your cameraroll looks like if you're dating Kim Seokjin
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7ndipity · 4 months
Aftercare Headcanons
Ot7 x Reader
Summary: How each member would handle aftercare with their S/o
Warnings: mentions of sex(nothing explicit tho), not proofread
A/N: Thanks to the lovely anon who requested this!(note: since I did a similar list for Hobi a while back, part of his section is kinda reiterations from that post).
Aftercare with him is pretty quiet, tbh. He tends to get a lil shy after sex, especially if it was a rougher, more intense session, so he mainly likes to just hold you and talk for a while to help you both calm down.
He’s pretty simplistic when it comes to his routine(hydrate, wash up, sleep), but he’s super cute and gentle about the whole process, cracking lame jokes here and there to make you laugh(lowkey bc it’s part of how he checks to make sure you’re in a good headspace afterwards, but also just bc it’s Jin)
Lots of soft kisses and lingering touches as the two of you clean up(loves showering with you and would totally just stay in there hugging you till the water runs cold)
Will happily make you both some snacks if you’re hungry, but he definitely needs a nap with you to fully recharge.
As I’ve said before, acts of service is his main love language, so this is very much his wheelhouse.
He’s surprisingly cuddly after sex, especially if it was a more intense session. He finds quiet skinship afterwards even more important than during the act. He might restrict your hands so you can’t touch him during sex, but afterwards he’s making sure to hold them and let you touch and feel him, helping both of you ground yourselves.
He might not be the most elaborate with his routine, but he’s very serious about the basics. Like, he knows you might feel too tired to do much, but he will nag your ear off about dehydration and the dangers of UTIs if he has to till you drink some water and go to the bathroom.
He kinda melts when you look after him too, tending any scratches or marks and offering to massage any sore muscles. He’s used to being the one in the caregiver role, so when the roles reverse, he turns into the softest baby.
He’s so soft and giggly after sex, his hands never leaving you, playing with your hands as he leaves little kisses all over your face, speaking softly as he asks how you feel and if there’s anything you need.
He tends to go into caretaker mode a lil bit, making sure you have some water, maybe a snack if you feel up for it, carefully checking you over for any marks or sore spots that need extra care if it was a more intense session.
He almost forgets to look after himself as well until you kinda take the reins on him, treating him in much the same manner as he does you. Loves when you wash his hair for him in the shower.
After you’re both clean and back in the bed, he likes to just kinda hang out with you, watching a movie or show together, even though he almost always ends up falling asleep while you play with his hair.
Honestly, he gets a little shy/nervous during aftercare? He knows he has a tendency of getting pretty rough even during softer sessions, so once he calms down and his head clears, he wants to make sure you’re okay and that he didn’t go overboard.
Handles you so tenderly and with so much gentleness. Takes a lot of pride in getting to look after you in such intimate ways, washing and drying your body, helping you get dressed, making sure you eat and drink something before you fall asleep, etc.
Absolutely melts at the way you take care of him afterwards too, always ready with gentle reassurances and soothing touches as you work out any soreness he has(could honestly lead to a super soft round two if you’re not careful)
He doesn’t usually fall asleep that quickly after sex, so once you’re both clean and settled in the bed or wherever, he likes to talk for a while till one of you falls asleep, tending to get a little sentimental as he goes on.
He’s so sweet and comforting after sex, aftercare with him would be full of the softest touches and kisses, refusing to leave your side for more than a minute(unless you want some time by yourself, then he’s waiting impatiently for the second you say okay so he can tackle you for another cuddle session)
Likes just getting to lay with you for a while as you come down, talking quietly while running his hands over your body absent-mindedly or playing with your fingers to help you both ground yourselves.
Takes looking after you quite seriously though, making sure you drink enough water and do some stretches to relieve any soreness in your limbs before moving on to the shower to clean up(where he will continue to hug/cling to you as you help wash each other)
Gets quite tired afterwards, but will only fall asleep once he’s sure you’re both okay and tended to, either holding you close to his chest or vice versa.
He’s usually super sleepy after sex, so initial aftercare is pretty basic, but still super important for both of you.
He tends to get really clingy, needing to hold you close as the two of you talk and get your bearings, seeking reassurance that you’re okay and that you both feel good, that you love him, etc.
Honestly, you might have to take the reigns a little bit to make sure you’re both clean and hydrated and taken care of in those ways before he falls asleep on you(he just feels soo subby to me, I can’t)
In the morning/after a nap however, you’re waking up to a bubble bath, food, massages, the full royal treatment. He basically waits on you hand and foot for the next couple hours to make up for his initial lack of focus.
He is so soft but serious about aftercare. He knows he can be more than a little rough when he’s lost in the moment, so he tries to counter that by being extra gentle with you afterwards.
He has the whole thing down to a system, it’s almost like a post workout routine for him, (lowkey the type to high-five you afterwards like “good job babe”🙄)
He’s honestly kinda hyper about the whole thing? Like, as soon as he manages to catch his breath, he’s immediately up and all over the place, getting you both some water, helping you to the bathroom to wash up(will straight up carry you if your legs are shaky) grabbing some fresh sheets if needed.
It’s only once you’re both clean and tended to that he kinda starts to slump and gets tired and cuddly, snuggling close to you before dozing off.
Taglist: @sopebubbles-replies @btsw1fe @this-must-be-my-tardis @whitefoxgirl @bethanysnow @coffeedepressionsoup @main-bangtansmauyeondan @feminympho @captainorangegoose @k4ngelz
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jinkookspencil · 5 months
keep playing | ksj
jin helps you with your game…
suggestive jin drabble / established relationship / ~300 words / happy birthday my love seokjinnie <3
“Jin! Pin puzzle!” you yell from the living room couch, hoping the call reached your fiancee’s ears, wherever he may be in the apartment, your eyes still glued to the puzzle on the screen.
“Let me wash my hands,” he replies loudly from the nearby kitchen, appearing at your side a minute later and immediately snatching the remote controller from your hands.
You watch the screen closely as Jin carefully moves the pin to its rightful position - a seemingly easy puzzle, but entirely reliant on patience and a precise positioning of the dual joystick knobs, and different every time. It was something you could never figure out, a major inconvenience considering they had to be solved in order to unlock the best gear and in-game currency. And the puzzles only got trickier as you progressed into the game. Luckily, you had a gamer for a boyfriend.
“Just one, fuck, ahhhhhhhhh,” Jin moans, the completed puzzle coming to life on screen when he hands back the controller.
“I don’t know how you solve them so quickly,” you mutter to your boyfriend.
“I’m good with my fingers aren’t I?”
A wide smirk is on his face when you turn to look at him - it’s a smug look you could only answer by rolling your eyes in admittance. Laughing now, Jin plops down next to you, and his self-proclaimed excellent fingers scratch at your thighs as he watches you gather the unlocked loot onscreen.
No urgent mission. Not in the midst of a sidequest, Jin notes, scanning the television screen.
“Sit on my lap,” he whispers, bunching up your dress with his fingers.
Reminded of just what Jin could do with his fingers, you willingly sit between his thighs and spread yours before he could inch his hand between them and graze there in permission, as he always does. He slips his fingers beneath the fabric at your core within seconds.
“Keep playing.”
“Mmmh, you too.”
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euphoricfilter · 5 months
oh please i beg Seokjin as a Brat Tamer he gifts MC his glitter choker ykik
. • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆. night short #29
todays thought is our favorite, brat tamer jin and his pretty baby!!
as much as he would never admit it, your bratty tendencies do stem from him spoiling you all the time.
but he wouldn’t be able to help it, not when you’re the prettiest little thing he’s ever seen, his entire world. he would gift you the moon and the stars if it were possible
though your absolute favorite gift would always be the glittery choker he’d given you months into your relationship
he’d make you wear it as he lays you over his thighs, panties pulled down over your ass as he makes you count every drawn-out slap to your asscheeks.
twinge of satisfaction blossoming in his chest as he watches your tender skin prickles red with that delicious twinge of pain
pitiful coo spilling past his lips as warm wet tears slip down your cheeks, unsure if you wanted more, wanted him to stop, or if you wanted his hand to slip that little bit lower and slap your slicked up pussy until your clit was swollen and folds soaked shiny
he loved that even on the days he simply put the collar on you for fun, nothing inherently sexual about it, simply loving the indirect idea of having that visual claim on you— your pussy would always slick up, reminded of the raw sort of pleasure only he was able to bring you
making you get yourself off on his thigh, or the days he was feeling a little meaner, on his foot as you beg him to let you cum, always a good girl when you wanted something only he can give you
night thought masterlist
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bts-0t-7 · 6 months
Not-A-Goodbye | KSJ
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Pair: Seokjin x idol!reader
Summary: You knew this day would come but you were just hoping that you wouldn’t have to face it. You thought that you were ready. But as you stood at the military base, saying your goodbyes to your beloved, you didn’t want to let him go. 
Genre: Fluff, established relationship au
A/N: I am sorry for the sad chapter. I am so sorry 😭 I was bawling myself -
WC: 928
You knew time was not on your side. Time was never on either of your side. 
But you never thought that it would come so fast. 
The sun hung low on the horizon as the both of you got into the sleek back car. The morning sun cast a warm, golden glow over the scene at the military base. As you stood in the midst of a crowd that was all there to bid farewell to each of their beloved - whether it is family, friends, or boyfriends. You were standing there with the six of the other boys, all there to send your beloved who was about to begin his mandatory military service. 
All the boys were bidding Seokjin goodbye, teasing him by constantly rubbing his now shaved head - god, just the thought of it makes you feel a fresh wave of tears. But you couldn’t move. You stood still, heart heavy with a complex mix of emotions. Your beloved was standing no more than ten footsteps away from you, dressed in his military uniform as he stood tall and proud. 
But you knew him better. 
As his eyes caught the attention of yours, you saw the emotions that he was trying to conceal. Your throat tightened as more tears threatened to spill from your eyes. You were so worked up on denying the fact that he was leaving but now looking at him, the reality of his absence was starting to sink in, and it was absolutely overwhelming. 
Seokjin turned to you, gaze locking onto yours and instantly wrapped you in his strong arms. Despite the brave face he put on, his eyes clearly mirrored the pain and sadness you felt. Swinging your arms around his waist, you embraced him tightly, voice shaking as you whispered, “I’m going to miss you so much, Seokjin.”
He held you close, arms a cave of warmth and comfort. “Hey now…” You left tear stains on his shirt as you tried to control yourself. “I’m going to miss you too but remember what we talked about last night? You’ve gotta take care of yourself when I’m not around, okay?” You shook your head, messing with your hair as you squeezed him tighter as if if you did, he wouldn’t leave. “Don’t worry too much, okay? I’ll be alright in there.”
Worry. It was an indescribable feeling - one that constantly plagues minds and bodies; one that is a type of uncurable illness. It was a constant companion, always gnawing at your heart ever since he received his draft notice. That night, you spent it crying in his arms, begging him to stay. You knew that nothing you did would ever change as the military was part of his duty as a citizen but it was difficult. Difficulty to not worry about the dangers that he might face and the time you spent apart. 
Worried about him being out in the cold, having heat flashes, his allergies, and so much more. The list was non-exhaustive. And it wasn’t that you didn’t trust him. On the contrary, you trusted him too much. You knew that he wouldn’t look at others but you were worried - worried and jealous that they get to see your boyfriend doing push-ups, pull-ups, and runs. 
“But I can’t help but be worried.” You admitted, voice quivering. “You mean the world to me, Jin. What if you get hurt? Like you sprain your ankle? Or maybe you dislocated your shoulder? Or what if you get too cold during the winter or faint from the heat during the summer? Or what if -”
Seokjin gently brushed a tear away from your cheek and softly kissed your lips. “Shh… I understand your concern, but worrying is not going to change anything. Plus, if I ever get too cold, I can just slap heat patches like I always do.” Seokjin turned his nose upwards, laughing. “While I’m not around, you should focus on yourself. Grow yourself so that when I come home, you can be strong enough to take anything I give you.” Seokjin gently lifted a finger to caress your cheek. “I know you’ve been putting off so many things on my behalf. Now is the time to pursue your dreams, spend time with your friends, and do whatever you want to do.” Suddenly squishing your face in his big hands, you let out a surprised squeak. “Take care of yourself. I’ll be fine and come back as soon as I can.”
It hurts to know that his words bring to you a mixture of comfort and sadness. You knew he was right but the thought of him not being by your side made it hurt so much more. The extended period made it an even harder fact to accept. Still, you nodded and wiped your tears, hoping that your little smile would be convincing enough. But the little squish that Seokjin did on your cheeks and the quivering smile on his lips gave you enough of an answer. 
“I’ll… I’ll try, Seokjin. Promise to focus on myself.”
With a final, tender kiss, you reluctantly let him go. As you watched him walk away to join his fellow soldiers, you stood there, feeling a void in your heart. As they walked through the gates, you stared at Seokjin’s retreating figure until you couldn’t see him anymore. The moment you felt tears filling your eyes, you immediately turned back to the car as your shoulders shook. You knew that the days to come would be filled with missing him and longing for his presence.
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jeonqkooks · 1 year
Congratulations once again on the milestone Jen! You are amazing and deserve every big milestone coming your way! For the request can I please get prompt 19-“i’ve never seen anyone look so cute and ridiculous at the same time.” with Jin? Thank you in advance and I hope you have fun writing it!
pink bean fever | ksj
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pairing: seokjin x reader
genre/warnings: best friend's roommate to ??, college au, fluff, swearing, mentions of pink bean but they're 1000% inaccurate bc i know nothing about maple story pls don't come for me, unedited !!
word count: 1.8k
note: jiya !! thank you so much for requesting this :') i had fun with it and i hope you like it too!! also, it's still jinnie's birthday somewhere so i will still consider this a birthday fic lol
— as always, i’d appreciate any thoughts or comments you may have, and please drop a like and/or reblog if you enjoy reading ♡
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Kim Namjoon, you’re going to kill him.
Kim fucking Namjoon.
Forty five minutes ago, you were getting ready to walk to your best friend's dorm so you two could go get dinner together somewhere nearby. Now, you're sitting on his bed, Namjoon nowhere in sight, just a few feet from his roommate Seokjin.
The guy that you have the biggest, fattest crush on.
You swear Namjoon did this on purpose. That motherfucker.
You watch Seokjin as he practically screams into the mic attached to his headset, his fingers skillfully bouncing on the keyboard of the laptop in front of him, playing a game you know nothing about.
"Jungkook ah! Where the fuck were you?! I almost got killed!"
This has been going on for almost twenty minutes now - you awkwardly perched on Namjoon's bed while Seokjin either screeches in excitement when he wins, or wails in agony when he loses the game. This is the fucking worst way to spend a Saturday evening.
You glance at your phone, praying to every god to make Namjoon reply to your hundredth text message cursing him out and asking where he is. You never should've told him about your crush on his roommate. He even had the audacity to laugh when you finally revealed who the object of your affection was. That fucking guy.
Objectively speaking, Seokjin is pretty lame. From what you can tell, he basically has no social life. He doesn't party, doesn't go out, doesn't take an interest in anything that doesn't have the words "Maple Story", "Super Mario", or "League of Legends" in it. All he does is play video games all day with his friends, whom you assume are the same people he's yelling at now. Namjoon told you that once, Seokjin forgot to eat anything for two days straight because he was on his computer the entire time.
That begs the question: If Seokjin was so lame, why are you so enamored with him? The answer is very simple. Seokjin is as cute as he is lame, which is to say that he is very fucking cute. When you met him earlier in the semester when Namjoon got assigned a new roommate, it was love at first sight.
However, you don't think you've ever held a one-on-one conversation with him before. Tonight might be the first time, when he opened the door for you and said you could wait for Namjoon here. You had squeaked out a shy Yes and followed him into the room where he offered you a glass of water before he returned to his computer, leaving you to wait around for a person you knew had left you to fend for yourself in the wilderness. This is exactly why Namjoon is doing this, you think. He's been telling you for a couple weeks now to just talk to Seokjin like a normal person instead of tripping over your words like a lovestruck idiot.
Occassionally, he looks over his shoulder at you, and you have to whip your head to the other side of the room so quickly you're surprised you didn't pull a muscle, just to not make it obvious that you've been staring at him like a weirdo.
After a while, Seokjin takes off his headset only to replace it with a hat. A... cap? You don't even know what it is. It's got a face of something pink with big round eyes and purple horns, and looks like it should be a plushie instead of something to wear on one's head. His friends have probably gone elsewhere, because he turns off the shooter game he was previously engaged in to play something else by himself.
"Sorry," he says. "I was pretty loud, wasn't I?"
"No, it's fine. I didn't mind," you tell him sheepishly. "Did Joon, uh, tell you when he'd be back?"
Seokjin shrugs. "No. He just said he was going for a quick walk. Went out right before you got here, actually."
Someone give you strength.
He turns back to his screen when you give a hum in acknowledgement. You go back to sitting in silence again, only this time, you notice that when he curses at the game, he makes an effort to lower his volume. Seokjin has a really nice voice, you think. Even when he's cussing, you just want to put it on a tape and listen to it for hours on end.
Okay, that is one thought that you should probably never say aloud. Especially not to Kim fucking Namjoon.
Another 15 minutes pass until Seokjin pauses the game to down the glass of water on the table in front of you - the one between his and Namjoon's bed. You pretend to look around the room even though you've got it memorized at this point. It's pretty small, and the guys don't really have a lot of decorations. Aside from a couple of Namjoon's art prints on the wall and a few of Seokjin's stuffed animals - how fucking cute is that? Jesus Christ, you are so whipped - the room doesn't have that much personality.
You can feel him looking at you as he gulps down his water, clearly not knowing what to say either. You could pass out from the sheer awkwardness that's suffocating the space.
You clear your throat. "Can I, uhm, can I ask you something?"
"What is that on your head?"
Seokjin puts down the glass and takes off his cap, holding it out so you can see it better. "Pink Bean!" he says with a grin. Goddamn, he is beautiful.
"Is that a character?"
He gasps, running a hand through his hair - which looks so, so soft that you want nothing more than to just run your fingers through it. His eyes widen until they're almost as big as the ones on the strange Bean creature. "You don't know what Pink Bean is?!"
"Should I?" you ask, unconsciously making yourself smaller as he stares at you. Seokjin looks equally as excited as he looks offended, shooting up from his chair to bounce onto Namjoon's bed, right next to you.
Your chest almost explodes. In your head, there's a series of question marks floating around; in your heart, there's a bunch of exclamation points detonating like fireworks. Oh god, what is happening?
"Uhm, yes! It's just one of my favorite characters of all time, duh! Okay, okay, so-"
Seokjin launches straight into a whole TED talk on Pink Bean, giving you its extensive backstory and just about everything in the universe that's related to Pink Bean - the quests, its powers, something called a Chaos Pink Bean? Every word he's saying is going into one ear and out the other. To you, he might as well be speaking a different language because you understand none of it and frankly, you don't even care.
But holy moly, he is so passionate about it. He talks about this stuff like Pink Bean is the love of his life and he's gonna marry it one day. Even though you're retaining about zero percent of all this information, watching him ramble is so endearing. His eyes are so bright, and throughout this impromptu presentation of his, he has to pause for a few seconds to catch his breath from all the talking.
You stifle a laugh, and he stops. Seokjin scratches his neck, putting the cap on his head again and looking at you with a sheepish smile. "Sorry, I didn't mean to talk your ears off."
"No, no, it's just-" You shake your head with a chuckle. "I've never seen anyone look so cute and ridiculous at the same time."
As soon as the words leave your mouth, you freeze. He freezes. You want the ground to open up so you could fall into that chasm and never be seen again. Life does not have any meaning anymore. Fuck Namjoon, you're not staying here anymore.
"I mean- Not that I think you're cute, it's just- Well, wait, no, I do think you're cute, but it's not-"
You could see a deep blush painting Seokjin's face, from his cheeks to the tips of his ears. You tear your eyes away from him like the idiot that you are. Your lips part, but no words come out because your brain is just blank at this point. You knew you would say something dumb and now you're knee-deep in embarrassment in front of your crush. Stupid, stupid, stupid-
Seokjin clears his throat. "Do you and Namjoon have plans tonight?"
You purse your lips and nod, though you're not sure if he's still looking at you because you're suddenly so keen on not looking at him. "We're just getting dinner," you say with faux nonchalance, as if you hadn't just called him cute two seconds ago and both of you seemed to have absolutely no idea what to do about it. "Joon said there's a new ramen place or something near campus."
"Is it the place where they have ramen sliders? I told him about that place. I've been meaning to go too but, uhm, I don't have anyone to go with."
Oh, hell no. You are not going to invite him to join you and Namjoon after that comment. In fact, you're not going to see Seokjin ever again. You're going to make Namjoon apply for a room reassignment just so you don't have to cross paths with Seokjin. Welp, this silly crush has been fun and miserable. Goodbye forever-
"If Namjoon ditches you, we can probably go together. Or something. Maybe. I don't know."
Your body stiffens, and you know he can probably tell since he's still sitting so close to you and you're not exactly being subtle. Heat creeps up your neck and splatters color onto your cheeks. You're thankful that your hair can cover some of it to preserve what little dignity you have left.
"It's okay. You don't have to. I'll probably- I should, no-" you stammer, "I'll just go home."
"Y/N," Seokjin says, "it's dinner. I'm pretty sure we'll survive a meal together."
"No, I know. It's-"
"Okay. Then let's go."
Before you can say anything, he's standing up. Your panicked eyes follow him as he moves to his side of the room to grab his jacket and ditch the Pink Bean hat. You rush to your feet, spluttering out every polite variation of No, please don't make me do this. I'm practically in love with you and this will only kill me dead that you could think off, but Seokjin is already ushering you out the door.
When he stops by the entryway to grab his keys on bowl next to the door, you could feel his chest pressed against your back. You're going insane with nerves and butterflies and mortification and anticipation and infatuation with this man and this is not fucking helping.
Behind you, Seokjin's low voice sends shivers down your spine with what he tells you next.
"For the record, I think you're cute too."
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— all rights reserved © jeonqkooks. reposting, translating and/or modifying is not permitted by any means. [posted 05/12/22]
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the-boy-meets-evil · 1 year
come sail away | ksj (18+)
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pairing: seokjin x f. reader genre(s): enemies to lovers (one-sided) | smut, angst (light), fluff rating: explicit, minors DNI! word count: ~7.8k written for: catch of the century - thank you so so much for letting me participate! (and sorry my summary changed lol) summary: kim seokjin is the captain of a sailing team bound for one of the biggest regattas around. only one problem: that team also includes taehyung, who's incredibly accident prone. will he let you save the day despite your history? warnings: drinking, swearing, mentions of past hook-up, seokjin is kind of an idiot, taehyung is clumsy, slight mention of side vmin smut warnings: explicit smut, oral sex (f. receiving), fingering, vaginal penetration, slight mentions of breast play?, they're both in control, reader calls jin baby one (1) time, i think that's it a/n: this fic was kind of a beast and i wish i'd gotten it posted by our beloved jin's birthday but what can you do? thank yous: @ugh-yoongi, @hot-soop, and @effortandmore for being wonderful friends and also keeping me sane/suffering with me (sorry jewel, i copied you)
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Everything in the world has finally aligned. The stars and the universe and maybe one or two things closer to Earth. It’s not worth stopping to think about it too closely. Only one thing matters. Kim Seokjin has qualified for one of the biggest regattas in the world.
Well, his team has. But, he’s their captain, and the face of the team, if you will, so he’s taking this as his win. And when you stop to think about it, he’s hand-picked every person that he sails with, spent hours making sure that not only does he have the best people, but that they also work well together. He’s watched teams fold over a stupid argument and he’s determined not to fall victim to that. 
No, this team is perfect and he’s not letting anything stand in the way. They’ve had their ups and downs in the past, plenty of almosts. Not this time. This is their year and he can almost taste it. This is the year that other teams start taking his seriously and stop calling them almost.
Especially your team. Seokjin pictures your face when he finally beats you in a major regatta and it’s probably the best thing he’s seen, might even be better than sex. It’s been at least 10 years of you somehow managing to beat him when it really matters, sometimes in the final few minutes, and he’s had enough. 
The news calls for a celebration, at the very least. Actually, Seokjin would rather be planning and looking into conditions, making sure that they tackle this as best they can. Taehyung and Jungkook wanted to celebrate and Yoongi, the eternal sunshine that he is, didn’t care what they did. Since neither Jin nor Yoongi could ever dissuade Taehyung from anything, they were sitting at their favorite bar. 
Seokjin looks over at the door and sees the last person he’s expecting walk in. You. Sure, he’s riding a high from the news of making the cut and he’s several drinks in, but he still thinks that you could ruin the night. And you seem like you’re looking for someone, not like you just wandered in by accident, which sets his nerves on edge. Who are you looking for? As your eyes land on his table, he looks away immediately. No, you’re not raining on his parade.
“Who invited her?” Jin asks in a low, biting whisper. 
It’s Hoseok who speaks up after looking toward the door. “Oh! I did!” 
His voice is full of cheer, smile not even fading when Seokjin casts Hoseok his most venomous look. Maybe he’s not doing it right or maybe he’s just not as scary as he likes to imagine he is. Or Maybe Hoseok, who’s known Seokjin for nearly 20 years, isn’t bothered.
In another second, you’re at the table hugging Hoseok and smiling around at everyone else. Like you’re supposed to be there. Like this isn’t weird. Like you hang out with them all the time. Like you don’t hate him and wish nothing but bad fortune on him at every turn. Okay, maybe the last one is dramatic but you’re rivals for a reason.
“Congrats! Hobi told me you’d been selected,” you say and sit down close to Hoseok.
Seokjin almost can’t believe his ears. What kind of tactic is this? You can’t just be happy for them, that doesn’t line up with everything that he knows about you. Which, admittedly, isn’t all that much. He’s been around you plenty, sure, just never listened all that closely.
“Thanks,” Jungkook says easily.
“Looks like we’ll be going up against each other again,” Seokjin says with all the pride he’s felt the whole time.
“What?” Your eyebrows are knotted in confusion when he makes eye contact with you. It annoys Seokjin because what right do you have to be looking at him that way? Is this a game to you?
“In the Regatta?” Seokjin says, biting back the tone of annoyance as best he can.
“Oh, hadn’t you heard? I didn’t enter a team this year,” you say, your tone casual. You’re not even really focused, more worried about stealing some of Hoseok’s drink and then pulling up your face when it’s too sweet. Seokjin is searching for something deeper. Are you just testing him? Is this some kind of pity since you’ve beaten him so many times?
The only question that comes out of his mouth is, “why?”
“Well Eunji is pregnant so she can’t really train right now and Chan fell in love and said he wants to focus on that for now,” you say with a shrug. “I didn’t really have time to replace them with anyone I trusted, which is fine, there’s always next year.”
And there was always next year for you. It was like you made the cut every year, sometimes without even seeming like you were trying. It was infuriating to see you so casual about missing it this year. Seokjin’s sure he checked the teams competing, but maybe he hadn’t looked that closely. All he can do now is fight to make sure it doesn’t seem like he’s bothered by your lack of participation. 
With Seokjin so deep in his thoughts, he misses a lot of the next bits of the conversation. He doesn’t see you watch him for a moment before turning back to Hoseok. He doesn’t see Taehyung get up to seek out the pretty stranger he’s been watching across the bar. He doesn’t even see Yoongi order them another round until there’s a fresh drink in front of him, which he downs too fast. 
This night isn’t going anything like he expects. Well, except for Taehyung. His friend is nowhere to be found and there’s a text in the group chat not to worry about him. They aren’t scheduled to practice tomorrow so it’s not unlike him to run off with a pretty face. Seokjin spares a passing thought that it’ll be nice if this one lasts a little longer because Taehyung deserves that. Jungkook is trying to convince Yoongi to sing karaoke with him, which is never going to happen. Well, unless Yoongi wants to impress someone by busting out a rap. Doesn’t seem likely tonight. What Seokjin really needs is another drink.
“You seem particularly upset about me missing the Regatta,” a smooth voice says from beside Seokjin along the bar. He knows it’s you without turning and turns anyway, taking in your eyes alight with something he can’t place.
“It just seems like a shame, I feel bad you’re down 2 team members is all,” Seokjin says, hoping it comes out even.
“Mhm,” you hum, quiet enough that he might miss it if he weren’t still watching you.
Stupid of him, he thinks. There’s no reason to be watching you. At least not that closely.
“I don’t know what else you expect me to say,” Seokjin says and turns away towards the bar again.
“What’s got your panties in a twist?” You ask, a little challenging, a little annoying, completely on brand for you.
“Nothing,” Seokjin says, trying and failing to unclench his jaw before the answer pushes out.
“Are you…mad I’m not competing?” You’re getting far too much delight out of this.
“You know it’s not the same if…” Seokjin starts and then clenches his jaw again, not wanting to give you the satisfaction.
“This whole competition thing is getting old,” you say with a sigh and Seokjin looks over again to see you really don’t seem engaged anymore.
“Not when we’re always competing,” Seokjin says and you shake your head.
“I win some, you win some, then it’s over and we have lives outside of the competition,” you say and Seokjin scoffs.
“Easy to say when you’re usually the one winning, at least the ones that matter,” Seokjin says and you move closer.
“I thought we’d worked on this, you know, when we…” you say.
“No, we’re not talking about that,” Seokjin says quickly, scanning to see if anyone else is listening.
Okay, so here’s the thing. The Big Secret that Seokjin doesn’t want anyone to know because it would ruin the image he’s carefully built up. Every chance he gets, he talks about not liking you, about thinking you’re evil and the enemy. And there’s no fraternizing with the enemy, that’s been rule number 1 as long as Seokjin has been captain. It’s inevitable that teams run into each other. There are only so many good areas to train and only so many places to spend your free time. That’s all fine. Anything beyond that breaks the rules.
Seokjin is a fucking hypocrite too, apparently, because he broke the rule in a pretty major way. It was late one night and the bar was emptying. Admittedly, he was feeling a little down because he’d just gone through a breakup and the one person he tried talking to at the bar was a resounding failure, not something Seokjin ever really experienced. He wasn’t drunk, just pleasantly buzzed, taking the edge off of what felt like two separate rejections. That was where you came in. Initially, it was any other time where you both jabbed back and forth before you realized that Seokjin really wasn’t in the mood. Then you listened.
You were actually a really good listener, Seokjin discovered. You were sympathetic, not judgmental at all, and you had good insight. You were patient too, as he rambled on repeating the same bits of the story because he was kind of angry about the whole thing. Nobody liked feeling rejected, but Seokjin took it especially personally. He invited you back to his apartment for another drink before even realizing what he was doing and you agreed just as quickly. 
Fuck, Seokjin was only human and even though he was one of the most stubborn people in the world, he wasn’t blind. You looked good that night, full lips painted red, big eyes looking up seductively under your thick lashes, leaning just a little too close into his space so he was sure to notice how good you smelled. He can’t remember who closed the gap first. It really might have been him. But he couldn’t bring himself to care when you felt that good.
He’d told you then that it couldn’t happen again and you definitely couldn’t talk about it. There was no way the rest of his team could not what happened. Not only would they never let him hear the end of it, it’d be harder to enforce any team rules too. Sometimes it seemed like you just wanted to bring it up to see his reaction. Or cause some sort of trouble if someone overheard you.
This time you just raise your eyebrows and work to control a smirk. “You’re no fun.”
Seokjin is torn about responding to this because on the one hand, he is really fun and he wants to say that. But that definitely leaves a door open that he’s not interested. Maybe. He’s probably better off ordering another drink.
The drink might actually be a bad idea because now he’s feeling bolder. Everyone in his group is otherwise engaged when he finds himself sitting next to you. He leans in without thinking, continuing the earlier conversation. “I think we both know that I’m very fun.”
He doesn’t have time to think about if it’s a good idea or not (it’s not) before you slowly turn your head to look at him, smirk back in place. Fuck. Instead of catching you off guard, he’s played right into your hand. You briefly suck your lower lip between your teeth, thinking. 
Before he can react, you’re leaning into him, lips close to his ear under the guise of it being loud in there (it is, but not that loud). The warm breath sends a shiver through him that he barely manages to contain.
“I think I’ve forgotten how much fun you can be, can you remind me?” 
The question is loaded. And it’s a terrible idea. Monumentally awful. Yet, Seokjin can’t even fight the heat that raises up the back of his neck at your words. He doesn’t trust himself to speak even once you’ve pulled back to study him from a much more respectable distance. All he can do is nod.  
The next moment, the spell seems slightly broken when you stand up and smile casually at nobody in particular. You announce you’re leaving, give out a few hugs, and leave without a backwards glance at Seokjin. He’s starting to think that he must have imagined the whole exchange. Or maybe it was real but you’re just toying with him. It’s stupid to think that anything is going to happen.
Then he gets a text message with an address and apartment code, telling you to wait at least ten or fifteen minutes before excusing yourself. That is, if you’re still up for the challenge.
It shouldn’t get his heart racing the way it does. Shouldn’t tempt him the way it does. One time can be a mistake, just a casual slip in judgment and nothing more. A second time gets a little more complicated. That’s not a mistake.
But Seokjin is just on the other side of buzzed and doesn’t really feel like making the right decision, whatever that is. He wants to feel good and he knows you can definitely do that. So he makes his exit as well, saying how he needs to make sure he still gets his beauty sleep and that he’s got things to do tomorrow. Nobody spares it a second thought and he’s on his way to your apartment. Again. 
He shows up at your door and you pull him inside without saying anything. It’s unusual for him to feel this out of his element, this unsure. You don’t seem to mind making up for it, pulling him straight back into your bedroom and lightly pushing him onto the bed. The next moment, you’re straddled over his lap, unbuttoning his shirt as you slowly kiss up his neck. He runs his hands up your thighs, squeezing when you nip at his neck. 
It’s too much and not enough, all at the same time. Seokjin moves one hand behind your neck to direct your lips to his, an urgency behind it. You kiss him hard and take advantage of his little gasp to slide your tongue into his mouth, deepening the kiss. In the midst of the kiss, you finish unbuttoning his shirt, sliding it off his body. 
You break the kiss and lean back to appreciate his body and the smooth lines of muscle that tense under your fingers as they skim across his skin. You’re entirely in control and Seokjin can’t help but be turned on by it. It’s not that he minds giving up control, exactly, because he doesn’t. It’s just so much more to give up control to someone he’s not sure he even likes when you’re both fully clothed. His attention is back on you as you remove your shirt and unhook your bra, discarding both to the floor. 
You guide Seokjin’s plush lips to one of your breasts and he immediately flicks his tongue out against your nipple, earning a shudder in response. He takes his time with each breast before kissing up your chest to your neck. The kisses get messier, more frantic, more filled with need. Seokjin craves the skin to skin contact of your chests as he pulls you flush against him. With his hands still firmly gripping your hips, he feels when you start to slightly rolls against him. The material keeping the two of you apart isn’t nearly enough friction, but your movements have him getting hard.  
It’s not enough though. You’re stunning and Seokjin loves to hear the little moans that he pulls out of you. But he needs more. He puts his hands under your thighs and flips you around so your back is on the bed, head on a pillow. It takes you a second to realize what he’s doing and then you’re undoing your jeans, pulling them and your underwear down in one movement. The second they’re added to the pile of already discarded clothes, your hand is on the back of Seokjin’s neck, guiding him back to you. He only lets you nip at his lip once before he’s pulling away again. It’s pure pleasure to see you pout before he begins trailing kisses down your body. 
Once he reaches your inner thighs, you’re impatient again, trying to push his head where you need it most. But as fun as it is to see you needy, it’s even better to push you toward the edge. His tongue slowly reaches out, running lazily up your slit. And fuck, you’re wet. But he continues teasing, just slowly moving his tongue and ignoring your attempts to get him to move faster. Teasing you like this might be his new favorite thing.
The sounds you make as Seokjin finally licks into your cunt have him already hardening. They’re slow, purposeful movements, just enough to drive you even crazier. Your fingers grip tighter in his hair and your back arches when runs his tongue over your clit, sucking it into his mouth. 
“Fuck Seokjin, are you trying to kill me?”
He’s not, not really, he just really enjoys you squirming as he works you up. Enjoys taking his time with you, starting at a painfull slow pace. A thought that he’s not going to give too much attention. 
“Please, please, please, I need more,” you beg. 
Well, it’d be cruel to deny you that. He slowly inserts a finger while still focusing his mouth on your clit. Your hips buck against his hand and he knows it’s not enough, that it’s too slow, that you want him to go faster, but he keeps the movements slow. His finger slides in and out easily. Your want is so plain. He slides another finger in and you clench around him.
Fuck. He’s definitely straining against his pants now.
He doesn’t want to draw it out anymore, just wants to feel your release. He inserts another finger and curls them immediately. The moan that comes out at that is halfway to a scream and he knows he’s hitting where you need him. And he knows you’re close, just a little bit farther. He’s pumping his fingers in and out of you fast now, encouraged by your moans and the string of swears dripping from your lips, everything a half finished thought. He’s still working over your clit, alternating between a flick of the tongue and sucking it into his mouth.
Your other hand grips into his hair and your whole body starts to shake as you release. All he wants is to watch you unravel knowing that it’s thanks to him, but he continues pumping his fingers, guiding you though it. 
As soon as you come back down, you pull his face up to yours. Your lips are on his before he can think about anything else, both breathing heavy and not caring if the kiss is a little sloppy. Your hands leave his to quickly undo his pants and slide them down along with his boxers. Seokjin breaks the kiss to remove them the rest of the way. 
He can’t help the whine that escapes his lips when your finger slides over his tip, spreading the precum over the rest of his cock. And he’s thinking about those lips of yours wrapped around his cock again. Just like last time. Fuck, you’ve got such a pretty mouth. His cock twitches a little thinking about it. Or maybe it’s the way you start to work him over.
But no, he wants you and he wants you now. 
“Do you have a condom?” Seokjin asks and you raise an eyebrow, hand stilling.
You nod at the drawer. “In there.”
Seokjin pulls one out, unwrapping it and sliding it on as quick as he can.
“Someone is eager,” you say and he wants to protest.
And he would’ve, if you hadn’t pushed him back onto the bed. Any retort dying on his lips as he watches you straddle him, hands using his chest for stability. You don’t bother to ask if it’s okay as you line yourself up, his face must’ve told you all you needed to know. You slowly lowered yourself onto him and he gripped your hips hard, not even caring if he left a mark. Maybe he wanted to leave a mark, make sure you remember this night.
But fuck. He’d forgotten how good it felt to be inside you. Once you adjusted, you find your pace, slowly moving up and down. You’re rolling your body so smoothly as you allow him to come almost all the way out of you before sinking back onto his cock. Seokjin thinks how hot it is to look up at you while you fuck him. It’s dangerous too, having you on top of him like this, completely in control. It lets his mind wander, just slightly, to think of how he might actually like to do this much more. Might like to take his time with you. Spend the night.
Pretending it’s just too slow, Seokjin flips the two of you so he’s hovering over you instead, caging you in with his much larger frame. You run your nails appreciatively over his broad shoulders and he shivers. He needs the pace to be faster, needs to get out of his own head. You either don’t mind or don’t notice the slight daze before Seokjin picks up the pace. 
It’s so fast, bodies slamming together and sweat starting to bead. You’re so tight around him that it’s like he can feel every movement and it only adds to the feeling. Even as your head tips back, Seokjin can’t stop looking at you. Memorizing the sight of you beneath him. Your hands slide down his sides and over his back to grip his ass and he groans again. He can tell your close by the way you’re meeting his thrusts, finding a perfect rhythm again and chasing another release.
You cum again, hard. Your nails are digging into him as the orgasm works through you and he has the fleeting thought hoping it’ll actually leave marks. Another thrust and he can feel himself at the edge. 
“Come on, baby, cum for me,” you say, voice completely fucked.
“Fuck me,” Seokjin utters because that was hot. And he liked it too much. He doesn’t remember you calling him baby the last time he fucked you.
He thrusts several more times and then stills inside you, breathing heavy from the pace. His arms feel shaky where they still hold him suspended over you.
“It’s okay Jin, you’re not gonna crush me,” you say, soft and almost sweet, gently running your fingers up his arms to his shoulders. 
He tries to scoff but instead, he just listens and lowers himself down onto your body. You’re both tacky with sweat and neither of you seems to care. It’s easy, far easier than it should be, to just lay there in bed with you. But that’s a problem for Tomorrow Seokjin. Tonight, Seokjin is just going to enjoy being in this moment as long as he can.
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The last place that Seokjin wanted to go that night was a club that couldn’t decide if it wanted to be a strip club judging by the poles at the edges of the dance floor. Not because he objected, he absolutely did not. It was just that he knew Taehyung’s new obsession was a dancer. Which meant that Jimin would probably dance on the pole. And that was fine, really, because he had mentioned classes. He knew what he was doing. Who couldn’t appreciate someone that moved with that much grace? Taehyung, on the other hand, did not know what he was doing.
Sadly, Seokjin’s objections fell on deaf ears and Taehyung tried to imitate the relatively intricate moves, including hanging upside down. Which resulted in him falling and having to be rushed to the hospital. 
He’s fine, thankfully. But now Seokjin is waiting in an emergency room and, not surprisingly, he wants to be here even less than he wanted to be at the stupid club. Honestly, when was Taehyung going to learn to listen to his hyung? 
Not today, that was clear.
“Your friend is going to be okay. He’s lucky and he didn’t actually break his neck,” the nurse says. She has overwhelming overworked and underpaid energy that Seokjin might feel bad about in any other situation.
“Good, so I can kill him still,” Seokjin quickly replies.
She leveled him with an unimpressed look. “I’m going to pretend I didn’t hear that.”
“How long until he can leave?” Jimin asks. He tagged along despite Seokjin insisting they could handle it and has been weepy ever since the fall. He feels responsible despite everyone assuring him that it’s just what Taehyung does.
“We’re letting him go tonight but he absolutely cannot participate in whatever this sailing thing he’s been babbling about is,” she says and Seokjin thinks he must’ve misheard.
“It’s not a thing…” he starts before Yoongi cuts him off.
“We understand, thank you,” Yoongi says.
“Yoongi, you can’t be…” Seokjin starts.
“Leave it, Jin,” Yoongi says and the nurse raises an eyebrow like she’s actually entertained. 
“I’ll let you know when he’s ready to go,” is all she says, though, before disappearing back through the doors.
“What am I supposed to do?” Seokjin asks nobody in particular.
“Absolutely expect Taehyung to get on a boat after he fell on his head,” Jimin snips.
Seokjin is not in the mood. “Maybe you shouldn’t have done some super complicated move.”
“How was I supposed to know that he’d try to copy? I was trying to impress him,” Jimin whines and Seokjin just rolls his eyes. Anyone that’s known Taehyung for more than a second knows that he can’t ever leave something like that alone.
“You know what you’re going to have to do,” Yoongi says and Seokjin just looks at him.
“What?” Seokjin asks.
“Hyung, we need a fourth person for the team,” Jungkook says, eyes even wider than usual. He’s hardly spoken since getting to the hospital. 
“Yeah, and where the fuck am I supposed to find someone this close to the regatta?” Seokjin asks, running a hand through his hair and for once, not caring if it gets messed up.
“You’re kidding, right?” Yoongi asks, sharing a look with Jungkook that Seokjin isn’t entirely sure he likes.
“No?” Seokjin asks.
“Hyung,” Jungkook says. “You know there’s someone that could fill in. She’s got all the experience, and…”
Jungkook trails off but Seokjin catches the meaning. And now he knows that he doesn’t like that look. There is no way, no fucking way.
“No, absolutely not,” Seokjin says.
“Right, well I guess we’ll just have to forfeit unless Jimin here wants to try sailing out for the first time,” Yoongi says and turns kindly to Jimin. “No offense.”
“None taken,” Jimin says with a shrug.
“We could ask Namjoon, he was out with us a couple summers,” Seokjin offers.
“Yeah and he slipped every time he was on the boat,” Yoongi scoffs.
“Hobi, then,” Seokjin says.
“He’s booked solid with work stuff and he hates being on the boat,” Jungkook says.
“You have to call her and at least ask,” Yoongi says. 
Seokjin’s stomach sinks knowing that you’re honestly the only option he has, at least if he wants a chance to actually win this thing. And he does. He’s been able to taste in since seeing they made the cut. He just doesn’t want to be trapped in close quarters with you training and then racing. 
“She hates us,” Seokjin says.
“No, you think you hate her for some reason,” Yoongi says and shakes his head. “I actually think she likes us fine.”
“Yeah she’s always nice when I run into her,” Jungkook agrees.
“How often do you run into her?” Seokjin’s question is sharp and Jungkook’s eyes go wide again.
“You know what? Let’s just vote,” Yoongi says, ignoring their captain. “Who thinks we should call her and ask?”
Jungkook’s hand immediately shoots up, followed by Yoongi’s and, to Seokjin’s surprise, Jimin’s.
“You don’t get a vote,” Seokjin says and Jimin scoffs.
“Rude, I’m voting for Tae,” Jimin says.
“It’s settled, I’ll call her if you won’t,” Yoongi says.
Seokjin tries to protest that this isn’t a democracy (it is), that there are other options (there aren’t), and that he’s not a coward (he is). But, Yoongi is right. If they want to win, you’re the only option. So Seokjin does the sensible thing and agrees to call you. (By that, he means he agrees Yoongi can call. Apparently, you say yes immediately and seem excited to get to race after all, given you lost half your team).
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The next couple of weeks fly by faster than they should. Seokjin spends most of the time that he’s not training either ignoring Yoongi’s looks of superiority over how well you’re working out or ignoring your attempts to have a private conversation with him. Jungkook, who was nervous at first, seems to be getting far more entertainment out of it than anyone should.
Yoongi is actually harder to ignore because you have been a great addition to the team, fitting in like you had always been there. It’s hard to ignore your talent or why you captain your own team. Yet, you seem more than willing to let someone else in charge. Which makes Seokjin nervous when he considers it. Makes him wonder what sort of game you’re playing because everything with you is a game. When Seokjin tells Yoongi about his concerns, Yoongi just suggests, not for the first time, that Seokjin might need help. 
Jungkook is possibly even worse. From the first training session, he’s making conversation with you, asking personal questions, asking for tips. All this despite the fact that Seokjin has been training with Jungkook since the younger man was still a teenager. So much for loyalty. 
To this, Yoongi suggests that Seokjin really needs to work on his jealousy. It’s the most ridiculous suggestion of all and Seokjin wishes that he had some other friends. 
(Which, he does, but Namjoon is no help and Hoseok suggests there might be something else going on. Useless. Seokjin does not need them acting like they know what’s going on in his head when he doesn’t even know.)
After a particularly tough training session, Seokjin is considering that this may be the most cohesive team he’s entered in a race since he began sailing. It’s a weird thought and it feels a little like a betrayal to Taehyung to think it. But there’s also the voice in the back of his head that reminds him the most cohesive team could mean a win. Wouldn’t Taehyung be happy about that?
“We’ve really gotta talk,” you say and Seokjin curses himself for not checking his surroundings. He’d been so busy cleaning up that he hadn’t realized Yoongi and Jungkook had disappeared. Traitors.
He tries not to jump at the surprise, but he’s only got so much energy. “We talk all the time.”
“Seokjin, please,” you say. Plead, really.
And that’s…new. Seokjin has heard you say a lot of things in a lot of situations. He’s never heard you sound so raw. So defeated. 
“I just don’t see what we have to talk about outside of training and the regatta,” Seokjin says, avoiding your gaze.
“How about the fact that you hate me? Can we talk about that? Because I really don’t get it.” 
Now Seokjin does look at you because surely you’re messing with him. You must be. The rivalry has been fine and it’s been mutual all this time. Why change a good thing now? “You hate me too, I’m not really sure what’s so confusing about a rivalry,” Seokjin answers evenly.
“Hate you? What?” You look incredulous. 
“Yeah, it’s been pretty obvious,” Seokjin offers.
“To who?” You’re looking at him like he’s stupid and for the first time in his life, he wonders if maybe you’re right.
“Uhhhh…” Seokjin is usually so eloquent. What the fuck just came out of his mouth?
“Seokjin, you’re a fucking idiot,” you say and it’s confusing because you’re laughing. “Let’s forget the fact that we’ve literally slept together. Twice. I get how that could be confusing for this rivalry narrative in your head. I also agreed to help your team when Taehyung got hurt. Who does that for someone they hate? I mean, unless we’re talking some long game, sabotage shit.”
“Is that what we’re talking about?” Seokjin asks.
“We might be now,” you say, no longer laughing. 
“So you don’t hate me?” Seokjin ventures uncertainly.
“I didn’t, now I’m not ruling it out,” you say and gather your things quickly. “I’ll see you tomorrow, captain.”
And okay, that actually hurts Seokjin a little, to hear you use his title on the team instead of his name. He hadn’t realized how much he liked the way his name sounds in your mouth until you stop saying it. He’s also searching his brain trying to figure out exactly what just happened. 
He doesn’t like what he finds. All of the conversations from the last few weeks feel different now. As if someone shattered a piece of glass and now everything has changed. Instead of you and him bickering, he sees that maybe you were being endlessly patient as he stuck his foot in his mouth over and over. Instead of you challenging his leadership, he sees that maybe you were just trying to share your own experience in both training and competing. Instead of distaste, maybe you were just tired of the way things were.
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Seokjin doesn’t often feel a step behind on anything, prides himself on that, actually. Now he’s several steps behind and he doesn’t know what to do to catch up. He faces the realization that he needs to have an actual conversation with you. 
Which ends up being impossible.
You’re the first one gone once training ends. Seokjin hadn’t even realized that you were always staying after Yoongi and Jungkook left, making sure that everything was where it belongs, until you weren’t. It had been such an easy silence to work in, in hindsight, and Seokjin had taken it for some kind of obligation. Like you owed him for giving you the chance to sail on the team. Or some sort of petty thing to show that you were better than him. Maybe you are. Not just at sailing, but also at dealing with people and emotions. 
Suddenly it’s the night before the Regatta kicks off and Seokjin has already done all the things he usually does to prepare. Everyone is checked into separate hotel rooms so they can carry out whatever routine they need to in peace. Taehyung and Jimin also got a room to share because Seokjin is a sucker and didn’t want to listen to Taehyung whine anymore about missing things. He’s checked the weather for the weekend (it’s going to be perfect, exactly what he wants to race in). The team is ready, Seokjin knows they’re ready. He’s never been this confident in a team. 
So why is he so unsettled?
He knows the answer, really. Has known it for a while if he’s honest with himself. But what he doesn’t know is how to fix it. Surely talking to you about the last real conversation you had the night before a set of huge races is a mistake. Surely he should be getting into bed, putting on something light, and just focusing on the race.
It’s not that easy.
The first race is definitely not Seokjin’s best. As in, he’s lucky that the rest of his team is so good at their jobs and able to pick up his slack. You still manage a win in the first round, but it’s not nearly as smooth as it should have been. This was one of the easier match-ups. 
Jungkook is confused, asking if Seokjin is okay, if he got enough sleep, if there’s anything he needs. Yoongi waves Jungkook off, saying he’s sure Seokjin is fine and it was just an off-race. There’s a glare in Seokjin’s direction when Yoongi assures Jungkook their captain will be better for the next race. You, however, remain silent, not bothering to look at Seokjin.
The next race, which is against a tougher team, doesn’t go any better. Everything feels off and Seokjin just can’t focus on making sure he’s doing what he’s supposed to be. More than once, Yoongi or Jungkook just get there in time to push him out of their way before making an adjustment to the sails or their course. And sure, technically three people can run the boat, but it wasn’t built that way at this level. 
After losing the second race, Yoongi tells you and Jungkook that him and Seokjin are going to have a conversation. You can grab something to eat and they’ll meet you under the tent as soon as they’re done.
“Seokjin, what the fuck?” Yoongi asks as soon as the other two are out of earshot.
“I know, I know. I’m just a little…off?” Seokjin can’t even find the right words. 
“Well no shit, man, but you’d better figure your shit out before the next race or I’m going to file for a substitution,” Yoongi says and Seokjin scoffs.
“And just who are you going to replace me with?” Seokjin challenges. He’s almost thankful for Yoongi now. He can do this. He can fight with his oldest friend about sailing.
“I don’t know, maybe someone that’s not so fucking stupid that he lets feelings get in the way of sailing,” Yoongi hisses.
“What? What are you talking about?” Seokjin is sputtering again. Great.
“Come on, Jin,” Yoongi says, going uncharacteristically soft for a second. “I know you have feelings for her. I know you must’ve had some stupid argument, probably about this made-up rivalry.”
“I didn’t think it was made up,” Seokjin says quietly.
“Then why did you fuck her?” Yoongi asks and then shakes his head. “Actually, I really don’t want to know.”
Seokjin is choking on air, eyes comically wide. “You knew?”
“You’re not nearly as sneaky as you think,” Yoongi says with a sympathetic smile. 
“But it’s against the rules,” Seokjin says and Yoongi laughs. It’s not unkind, but it’s definitely like he knows something Seokjin doesn’t.
“Sure it is,” Yoongi agrees, placating Seokjin. “Just like it was against the rules when I was fucking Nayeon or Jungkook was fucking Dahyun.”
“What??” Seokjin’s question comes out choked and Yoongi claps him on the back.
“Point is, you can talk to her tonight if you need to. But for now, get your shit together,” Yoongi says, all business again. “You owe it to us.”
And that, more than anything, clears Seokjin’s head. It’s true. He does owe all of them to be present and actually help the team instead of getting in the way. The two of them join you and Jungkook a few minutes later with an entirely different energy. Seokjin is locked in. 
So locked in that they end up winning the next 3 races of the round-robin day. Including one where they were definitely down as the underdogs. It makes up for both the race they barely won and the one that they lost. 
Dinner is a lighthearted affair. Everyone is happy, including Taehyung and Jimin who join in. Taehyung has nothing but praise for the team, not seeming the least bit upset that he can’t be competing himself. As long as he’s included and the team is doing well, he’s happy. 
The only exception is you. You’re smiling when you feel someone’s eyes on you and answering any question directed at you, but you’re much quieter than usual. Seokjin doesn’t pause to consider that he knows what’s normal for you. Admittedly, he’s never been around you like this during a competition, but it’s not how you’ve been outside of training every other time he’s seen you. Usually, you’re the center of attention, cracking jokes and poking fun. Tonight, you’re much quieter, watching instead of actively participating. 
Seokjin isn’t really sure what the best thing to do here is. On the one hand, the second half of the day went off as perfectly as it could. It was smooth sailing, pun intended because Seokjin did love a pun. Yet, on the other hand, there’s still a bit of a pit in his stomach. He still feels something off between you and him. 
Maybe it isn’t the right thing to do. Maybe it’s going to hurt more than help. Maybe he should leave you alone. He can’t, though. And after dinner, he takes a couple of steadying breaths and goes to knock on your door.
“Jin?” You crack the door just a bit, not fully wanting to let him in.
“I know we’re all supposed to be in for the night, but I wanted to talk to you,” Seokjin says, slightly awkward. It’s more honest than he’s been.
It’s the first time he’s seen you look unsure about almost anything. After a moment, you open the door a little wider and step aside, allowing him into your space. Once he’s inside, you move back to sit on the edge of the bed, still looking unsure and a little vulnerable. You’ve got your hair tied up on top of your head and are wearing a baggy t-shirt with shorts, obviously ready for bed. 
“What do you want?” The question doesn’t sound aggressive, just exhausted. 
“To apologize,” Seokjin says simply.
“For how you sailed this morning? You’ve already apologized for that,” you say. 
“No, for that argument we had a few weeks ago,” Seokjin rushes out before he loses his nerve.
Whatever you were expecting, it’s not that. Your body language changes, just slightly. “Really?”
“I’m just…I’m sorry,” Seokjin says. “I don’t know why I’d built this whole rivalry up in my head. Probably just because you give me a hard time all the time or me being too competitive. And then I felt guilty I guess? About us sleeping together, I mean. Because we’ve got this rule on the team…”
You get up from the edge of the bed and come to sit on the arm of the chair next to Seokjin, placing a hand on his arm. “You’re rambling a bit.”
“I know,” he exhales.
“I’m not going to lie and say it’s all magically fine or that it didn’t hurt a bit,” you say. 
“I don’t expect you to,” Seokjin says and he means it. “Why did you stay?”
“On the team?” You wait for Seokjin’s answer and continue once he nods. “Because I couldn’t just leave you hanging.”
“I would’ve deserved it,” Seokjin nearly whispers.
“You would’ve,” you agree. “But Yoongi and Jungkook didn’t. So I stayed.”
“I know they’re thankful for that,” Seokjin says.
“And are you thankful?” Your eyes study his, looking for answers to more than just your last question.
“Of course I am,” Seokjin says.
“Because you still got to compete?” You’re pressing and he’s actually thankful.
“Well, no, because I like having you around,” Seokjin says and you open your mouth, but he carries on. “And no, not because of thinking we’re rivals. That was so stupid. I just like being around you. I like…too many things about you to list.”
“You could try,” you say and he looks up to see that sparkle in your eyes again, the one that’s only ever meant trouble. 
“I will do whatever you want me to,” Seokjin admits and watches the surprise on your face.
“A dangerous offer,” you observe.
Seokjin shrugs. “I’ll take my chances.”
“I don’t forgive you yet, just to be clear,” you say and Seokjin smiles. 
“I didn’t expect you to,” he says. 
Seokjin takes a chance, opening his arms to you slightly. And you want to ignore him, he knows you do, but he’s looking like the perfect cross between pitiful and hopeful. So you give in, slide down into his arms and settle into him. It’s nice, he thinks, because all he honestly wants is for you to be close to him after the last several weeks. You wind an arm around his waist, all curled up in his lap, and he rests his chin on your head, not even minding the way your hair tickles his face. 
It’s the most comfortable he’s been with anyone in ages, possibly ever. He knows that sometimes his words don’t come across the way he wants them to, knows that sometimes he can’t express himself. He hopes you can feel everything he can’t say while you sit like that. 
(You can, you tell him weeks later when you’re going on your third actual date. It’s only the third because you made him actually try to apologize again, properly when there wasn’t a regatta to finish. He obliges because he says you’re worth it. But his words don’t come much easier. Instead, he wants to show you he’s sorry. And you agree to let him.)
Everything after that feels impossibly light. If Seokjin thought the team was running as well as it could the day before, he was wrong. Now that he’s actually feeling lighter and you’re less confused about where you stand, it’s like all of you move in a way that wasn’t possible before. It’s hard to tell where one person ends and the next begins, which translates really well for the next day of races.
(It translates even better for the final day, a day that Seokjin never views as a guarantee. And although the team doesn’t come in first, it’s still probably the best finish Seokjin has ever had in an event this big. So he’ll take it, to the slight surprise of Yoongi and Jungkook, who are used to him always wanting to do better. Instead, he laughs and says that drinks are on him that night.)
Really, it’s all kind of silly. Seokjin put so much energy into a rivalry that was all in his head and didn’t realize how much it was coloring everything he did until taking a step back. Now he realizes just how much he was holding himself back over something that was so stupid.
For the first time, Seokjin is both excited about what’s to come in sailing and seeing what it is he can accomplish with you by his side.
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i hope you liked it! please let me know any thoughts ❤️
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