#they do see me ; wilder
biblicalhorror · 5 months
The yj subreddit is a cesspool of bad takes most of the time but I just saw someone make the connection between the strawberry lube and the fact that Shauna is shown eating "strawberries" when she's eating Jackie and I'm vibrating
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respectthepetty · 3 months
Non is either dead, he's dead and now an evil spirit terrorizing the boys or he is alive and the main killer. Thai horror films leans heavily on ghosts and supernatural but the creators of DFF seemed to have also taken inspiration from western horror/slasher films like I Know What You Did Last Summer, The Blair Witch Project, Scream and Friday the 13th.
If they are following western horror tropes then the obvious killer(s) or accomplice(s) would be Phee, Tan or both. If that is the case then Jin is clearly the classic final girl.
White has no personal stakes at this point or role in the story. He would be a pretty underwhelming final girl because I think hes boring so far. He's either cannon fodder to be slashed or he only survives because the killer is defeated. I would love if they changed my mind but we are already on episode 8. So unless we get more backstory on White that seems to be where his storyline is headed. Tee has been the more interesting character of that duo.
If they actually want to "surprise" the audience then revealing White as the killer or an accomplice would be a cool twist.
Anon, have you realized that I'm being UNREASONABLE about Dead Friend Forever? You've seen my Wild Ass Theories, so you must know I'm losing my mind with my little whiteboard and red string trying to connect the dots, right?
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I'm prepared for all outcomes because I'm unhinged about his show, but . . .
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"I think [White's] boring so far"
White slander? In my inbox? On a Tuesday?!
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White is either an innocent bystander like his name implies caught up in this fuckery because his boyfriend Tee SUCKS, or he is a killer whose big doe eyes and kind demeanor tricked all these boys into believing he was there for love and not for *murder*, but either way, White will survive.
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White realized there was no cell service.
White found the walkie-talkie.
White got the walkie-talkie working.
White found the knife.
White found the gun.
White saw part of the video.
White keeps dragging Tee's ass back when Tee wants to run.
White saw a rash on his skin.
White didn't know Tee's uncle was going to jail.
White wasn't supposed to be there.
The boy is propelling this plot forward, and it could very well be because he is Non's brother and is lying about not knowing anything about Non or Tee's uncle, which is why he swindled his way onto this trip so he would be the least suspicious and take Tee's ass down!
But what keeps me stuck is he is actively dating Tee. White is having shower sex with a man who roped his brother into money laundering, watched him get beat up, and possibly left him for dead?! Is Non's brother actually that crazy?!
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In my mind, Jin could be a killer before White! But Jin is being extra creepy about Non, and I think it is being easily dismissed. Too easily.
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Jin keeps touching Non. Jin keeps staring at Non. Jin convinced Non to stay with his bullies. Jin took a video of Non and planned to upload it, so regardless if the upload happened or not, the boy is still not Final Gay status.
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I have not liked Jin or Tee since the first episode. Tee told White he was being disobedient and Jin had too much attitude to be on a trip with his buddies. In the words of Lil Jon & The East Side Boyz, "if yo ass wanna act, then you can keep your ass where you at."
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So if Jin was sooooo upset to be on this trip, why did he come? As a killer? Possibly. But as the past as shown us, Jin does what the group does. He might protest and make side comments, but Jin is always going to do what the group wants. That's not Final Gay behavior.
This is Jin's going away celebration, so he really could be a killer and planned this entire ordeal to get everyone back together before he kills them all and peaces out to America.
But at this point, I'm completely biased.
Jin is my #1 enemy
Tee needs to die by White's hands
Tan and Phi are in this together
Non is alive
White will be the Final Gay because Phi and Tan wouldn't take out an innocent boy who wasn't even supposed to be there
And I'm quickly losing my mind
White lives.
Or else.
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fabaceous · 1 year
isnt it so interesting and so reflective of being a teenage girl how the yellowjackets collectively and sort of automatically/instinctively assign certain roles to certain members of the group, often roles that involve getting their hands dirty and doing things that are anywhere from gross to ethically questionable to truly morally reprehensible but necessary for their survival, because no one else can stomach it, and then they punish her for acting out the exact same role that they assigned her?
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batrachised · 5 months
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please...you don't understand...i need to be in a desert right now...a canyon...Yearning...
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seal7035 · 28 days
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crown-ov-horns · 3 months
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The Widerness is referred to as "it", but it appears female, and I love that. Mother Earth as a completely ruthless primordial force? A female nature deity who can be a protector, but demands blood spilled in her name? Yes please.
Also, I do love the design. Makes me think of archaic paganism, Bronze age, maybe even Stone age, and a modern person trying to imagine the powers people worshipped back then. Very fitting for the show.
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r4venking · 3 months
ok but why has it only occured to me now that wilder girls by rory power is boygenius coded?
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unhingedlesbear · 6 months
Finally I put it into words
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I'm so sorry </3 I know I don't usually speak like this </3
My poor bestie gonna wake up to these texts in a few hours too
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lambjock · 1 year
ngl as someone who's stalked yellowjackets way before i finally binged most of it this week, i gotta say i'm sooooo disappointed in the new ep. like, it's beyond sad to watch what should've been a devastating descent get rushed for the sake of ... idk, thrills? the appeal of pit girl ( to me anyway ) was the fact it was completely and utterly consensual, in a way. we know this is their second and last winter when they hunt her, and she's very deliberately dressed — there's no signs of a struggle on her outfit, so it's safe to say she willingly wore it, which all leads to this disturbing truth : the girls are completely lost in their delusion, their religion, and their love for each other at this point. they are safe and comfortable doing this ritual, choosing the girl, and submitting to the dance of slaughter and suicide. they have reached such a mental state, where they've come to terms with being willing to feed the girls with their body and feasting on their friends if they get picked instead. and their actions are brutal and relentless because that's a human being that they're treating like an animal, but it's also natural, it's their way of life, and this doesn't mean they don't love their pit girls. they do! these are people they've relied on for months, a year and more, this is their family! but they're a hive mind now, they love each other so much they're willing to die so others may live, they're willing to lose loved ones to save more loved ones. jackie's necklace is a sign of respect, of blessing ... pit girl is a wonderful thing to be! and that's such a gruesome, fucked up thing to grasp as a viewer. that they could treat people they love like mere meat, like any other animal. it's the descent i've been dying to see! yet they completely rushed it for ?? no reason ?? almost none of these girls are at this state yet ; we've spent the last couple of episodes watching people's faith in lottie waver ( van was having a whole crisis about this !! ) and them mourning the baby, so this sudden feral state is such a tonal shift, a jarring not-good one.
shauna was having nightmares about cannibalism and genuinely believed the girls ate her baby and now she's just a-okay with eating javi or nat?? tai couldn't even be conscious when they ate jackie! and when they did eat her, she'd already been cooked and dead for two months, she had been their captain, and her best friend was telling them that jackie would want them to ; they're still excusing it, not really addressing it, and so ?? them just jumping straight to pit girl is fucking weird to put it mildly. hungry or not they had other options! the placenta, the rest of jackie, finding crystal to eat, also what about coach ben?? you know, the useless grown adult man that none of them are really close to and could feed them way longer than some teenage girl or kid could? we know the girls can be ruthless, but the fact they were so ready to turn that ruthlessness onto each other ( despite CLEARLY not wanting to ) is stupid when they had other options. i agree they should've killed someone, as it's the natural progress to get to pit girl eventually, but that person should've been injured, or completely and utterly willing ... none of them are at the point where they can just kill their friends, and if they really are, then that hasn't been shown enough.
also, not gonna lie, them all just deciding that they couldn't possibly eat lottie is weird too. i'm not saying any of them would kill her, but once she told misty not to waste her body if she dies, we should've seen some inner conflict. because it'd be so easy to eat lottie, it'd be simple, she's their leader and she's giving them permission and they wouldn't even have to kill her for this. but she's also their friend! they don't want to eat lottie, but if that's what happened then ... like idk them acting like this was a bizarre notion when they literally listened to lottie last episode and let shauna beat her practically to death is strange. why does her word suddenly not matter now? again i get the conflict, but they all just unanimously agreed they couldn't ever eat lottie which is. whatever. they could've waited around for her to maybe die to eat, saw this wouldn't happen and be a mix of relieved & disappointed, and figure something else out.
anyway i just have some gripes with this episode and season overall. i still loved watching it in the moment, since the actors are so damn good, although the aftermath was not pleasant considering i was just. hit with bad writing decisions and weird pacing lol
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ehlnofay · 11 months
19 for the worldbuilding prompts + Torr?
the profound quiet of a small settlement at night
North Eastmarch is freezing cold all over, but it wears different outside the city than within.
Torr would never call Windhelm warm – not even in summer months, no matter how used to it they are – but what little heat it has it clings to with great determination. The walls huddle together, trapping the air so that it’s either still and muggy or a howling wind, like each close-knit house is breathing in tandem. The heat of the people run up and down its streets, blood through its knotted stone veins. The city is alive, an ecosystem unto itself; its snow, dark with footprints, runs sludgy down the roads; a fireplace is always burning somewhere.
Outside of the walls, surrounded by nothing but empty air and snow-laden trees, a slow-moving stream running with barely a burble – it feels dead, in contrast. Silent. Branches reach needle-sharp across the blue-black sky, the ground is gleaming white and undisturbed by anyone else’s footprints, and the nearest fire is the barely visible gleam of the Kynesgrove mining camp, up the hill and through the sporadic spindles of the trees. The breeze ghosts past Torr’s neck and whips the mud-stained snow into a flurry.
In the city, Torr’s comfortable sleeping almost anywhere – as comfortable as they ever get, anyway. Some of the buildings have great gaps under the porch where the snow can’t reach and no-one ever finds them; there’s places in the nooks of the walls, and sheds built into the side of the house that people don’t lock, and Torr knows a few people besides who don’t mind him kipping on their floor every now and again, as long as he doesn’t ask too often. The outside isn’t like that. There’s not many places to go. He’s lurking around Kynesgrove tonight – on his way back from a quick venture out to get some things done that pay better than running errands around the markets – and there aren’t many options. The inn, which he can’t afford – the mine, which would be warm but is very guarded – the miner’s encampment or someone’s house, both of which would most likely result in being chased off. Besides, there’s a performative element to meeting people, especially adults, in strange places, and Torr’s not in the mood to play to strangers. So much of his being is caught up in Windhelm’s grimy alleys, tangled in the hair and fingers of its discarded children; he doesn’t know how to be himself away from it all.
But they don’t have to, seeing as there’s the rickety old sawmill on the edge of a stream feeding into the harbour. It’s not bad, as shelter goes; no walls, so the wind rubs its fingers wraithlike down Torr’s cheeks and tangles them in his hair, but at least there’s a roof. It looks newly thatched, too, the floorboards free of rot, the water-wheel still chugging creakily along. There’s no wood to cut here, all the nearby surrounding trees too scraggy to be worth the bother. The only big ones are part of the grove up on the hill. There’s no point in keeping the mill running, but Torr is glad it is; he watches the distant firelight flickering through the scrub, and listens to the splashing of the wheel. It’s proof that people and the things they make do still exist – if not necessarily here.
It really feels dead, out in the cold, with the leafless trees and the wind that doesn’t even whisper. It always does. It’s a bit discomfiting, which is maybe why Torr doesn’t go on out-of-city endeavours as often as perhaps he could; but really, there’s not work out here enough to make it worth it. There’s always problems with bandits on the road, but Torr’s not a good enough fighter for bounty work; there’s collecting plants and things to sell Nurelion, but that’s easy enough to do on a day trip. (And, really, it’s more for Torr’s own enjoyment, besides. They never even venture far south enough to get to the sulphur pools, which is where the more interesting things grow.)
This trip, though, is an outlier. Unusually efficient. Just a quick job for Niranye, scouting a merchant’s cart on the road – almost definitely for something shady, but that’s not Torr’s business, and it was too much money too easy to turn down. And then – just earlier today, foraging out in the wilderness as best as Torr (a distinctly urban animal) knows how – they’d come across a giant’s corpse, stiff and white as the snow it lay in. Torr’s no master alchemist but they know the value of a cadaver when it comes to brewing alloys and admixtures, so they set to with their blunt-edged dagger and now they’ve got a sack full of what may as well be gold. (Long as it doesn’t start to rot before they can get Nurelion to preserve it, anyway.)
Torr’s going to be rolling in it when they get back to Windhelm. They could use that money for nearly anything – pay off a few things they borrowed, new warm things now that winter’s coming back strong, bedrolls, waterskins. Endless options – which, strangely, is more exciting than it is burdensome.
It’s all the sort of decision that would ordinarily feel life-or-death urgent but right now feels – not small. Not insignificant, not at all, but distant. A choice to be made at another time, by another person.
(Torr’s whole being belongs to Windhelm’s back streets. They’re someone else, away from it all.)
That’s the other thing about leaving the city, spending time in the discomfiting slow-paced ghost-world outside. It’s quiet. Torr sits surrounded by the wind in the trees, the lazy murmur of the stream, the creak of the water-wheel, and nothing else.
He’s been called a worrywart (mostly by Griss in a strop) but to tell the truth he doesn’t think that’s true. Torr doesn’t fuss for the sake of fussing, he just doesn’t like to leave things undone; can’t stop until he finds a solution. Out here, alone, in the empty cold, there are no solutions to find – same old problems back home, he knows, but no steps he can take at this time to right them. That’s never true while he’s in the city, so he can never stop thinking about it, every choice and action accompanied by a buzzing background chorus of everything else he really should be doing – that really should have been done by now – that should never have been left undone this long, what was he thinking? Everything is urgent when it’s doable. But here and now, there’s nothing to do.
So Torr sits hunched on the board floor of the ramshackle watermill, huddled among their heaps of bags and blankets, and thinks of nothing at all.
Not strictly true. They think of supper – haven’t eaten since an apple this morning, except for some snowberries they found around noon, and it’s been a long day. They nabbed some turnips from the garden of the Kynesgrove inn on their way to the mill. They’re fresh, if nothing else – also covered in dirt, so Torr rises reluctantly from their pile of stuff to crouch on the banks of the stream and dip the vegetables in to clean them off. It aches like hell, the frozen water turning their joints to ice – they almost drop the turnip they’re washing, so they scrub it as best they can with the frigid pad of their thumb and whip their hands out of the water soon as they’re able. They stick their fingers in their mouth to warm them back up.
Even after all that time spent warming up their hands, arraying all their belongings back around themself to conserve body heat, the turnips are still cold enough to hurt Torr’s teeth when he bites in. He eats them anyway, relishing a little in the unearthly silence and the aching of his lips and palms. They taste delicious.
With nothing else to do after, the gnawing of his stomach sated, he wraps himself in his shawl and stares up the hill at the camp’s fire until it goes out. The stars wink into brighter being. The wind whistles through the whip-thin branches of the trees. The water-wheel creaks.
Torr sleeps, but he feels like he hears it all – a silent observer, an echo, a beginning – until morning.
#I considered doing something with post-questline torr for this#but it would have been so fucking sad#and I didn't want to write something that was so fucking sad!#I'll post about torr after the horrors eventually but Not Today.#this was also initially supposed to be an exercise in writing something short that focused more on a distinctive atmosphere#than a scene or character study as most of my pieces are.#oops.#snowballed into an absolute monster of a ramble.#maybe sometime I'll use these prompts to write Actually Short pieces with more of a focus on the worldbuilding aspect...#would be good practice. everything I've written lately has been a thousand words minimum.#I could write about my minor characters or npcs with it too... yeah I think I'll do that at some stage#but. anyway. I quite like this piece as a sort of study#I fucking love writing characters who are having a nice time. with just a hint. just a whisper. of the problems#I enjoyed putting in the reference to the alchemical giant's toes especially because that is an allusion no-one but me understands#to a line in one of my very bad very early pieces on torr#it's not well written but I loved that bit because it's such a wonderful microcosm of the way torr is even before the murder cult thing#Yes he's the busiest most hardworking caretaking boy in the world taking trips into the wilderness (comparatively) to feed his family#and Yes his first instinct on seeing a corpse is to cut it up and sell it for parts#(he's done this to human bodies too but only in extremely specific circumstances. the risk of legal repercussions is too great otherwise)#I'll make a post rambling sometime about torr's ethical system because I'm so obsessed with them and their unhinged point of view#Anyway#done rambling#my writing#fay writes#oc tag#torr#the elder srolls#tes#skyrim#tesblr
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beeapocalypse · 8 months
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very simple pudel ref to figure out their colors and shapes
do not know if ive talked abt them. rescue corps recruit who joined up in order to get off of hocotate after an apocalyptic break up. published author who throws their entire heart into research for new novels (had been writing a romance before the breakup, has a half finished first draft rotting away untouched and an inability to either trash it or finish it), loves to go on hikes for fun
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crybabydraws · 1 year
"Toriel letting Frisk leave the ruins is her giving up on saving Frisk's life and giving up on preventing war between humans and monsters."
(sarcastically) Yeah I wonder why she didn't go with Frisk out of the Ruins or why she let Frisk leave the Ruins at all! It's almost like she's done this before, knows Frisk won't be happy, and is trapped in traumatic cycle in which she is forced to let kids go again and again. But that would be crazy, amirite? I mean, even if she was trapped by her trauma, why would she just let Frisk out of the Ruins like that?! At least she'd be protecting them even if it would be kidnapping!! She clearly didn't try very hard to keep Frisk there in the Ruins. All she did was tell Frisk about how if they leave they're going to die, try and destroy the one way out of the Ruins, offer to try and give them a happy life, and fight Frisk so they could prove to her that they are strong enough to survive. That's not a lot AT ALL! She should've at least set up a safety measure or something for if they did leave the Ruins like having someone promise to watch over and protect them aNd ShE nEvEr DiD aNyThiNg LiKe tHaT!!1!!
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cantarella · 1 month
I really don't know how to explain how much of a cringe ass loser my brother is bc nobody believes me since he's popular and very charismatic but he is. he keeps barging into my room to give me advice on how to pull girls when he only goes for objectively insane women who traumatize him it's so embarassing
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so yall know how TDIM takes place in 2022 right? so theoretically things like Twitter, Tiktok, Tumblr, Instagram, ETC. would exist right?
so like, do you guys think that Kate would have Pedro Pascal-type edits made of her?💀💀
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*Kate hands a grocery list for the company to Mark and Erin*
Kate: Just stick to the list and you’ll do great. I believe in you.
*Mark and Erin leave*
Kate: There’s like a 30% chance they’ll both die.
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set-phasers-to-whump · 10 months
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Day 4: Share a TV show, movie, or any media that gives you the whumperflies!
ok I talk and write about this show a lot so this will not exactly come as a surprise but. babylon berlin!! especially in the first two seasons the whump is basically continuous and even when gereon isn’t actively being hurt he’s still generally kind of sad and miserable and he’s so cute and so much bad stuff happens to him and overall it’s just lovely :) my personal favorite whumpy episodes are 2x03 and 2x08 - in 2x03 we get a great flashback to a really traumatic event and then gereon gets on a plane for the first time and Suffers, and in 2x08 there’s a fantastic water rescue scene, drama and pain on top of a moving train, and a lovely emotional breakdown. here’s a list of the first three seasons’ whump if anyone’s interested!!
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