#they’re part of a bigger au I might be posting more of later tho
anzysart · 3 years
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Day 22- Memory
And what remains is a smile, the distant memory of a summer afternoon, and the sweetness of peaches on his tongue.
Part of a dnd au, involving childhood friends Zedaph and Impulse, a sweet tooth, and fond memories of stealing peaches in summer.
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mrfutureboy · 3 years
@chickenmcfly1 wanted to hear about the rest of my wips, so i'm gonna make a big ass post about them bc i really am excited to talk about em! i'm going to put them under a read more here because there's a LOT of them.
my full wip list can be referenced here. i already talked about cute redhead, i waited up all night but i never saw the light, jukebox heroes, and who is the man i see where i'm supposed to be in this post, so feel free to check that out as well bc i had a LOT to say about some of those!
i will go down the list as it appears in the original wip post but i will not be addressing the fics i already spoke about. the link to that post is available above!
disclaimer: these are wips so any snippets featured may not be perfectly polished! dialogue may be wonky, i might not have descriptors, etc. they're wips for a reason lol.
now it's time for me to find out if tumblr posts have a word limit lol here we go!
this is basically just an outline of an au where jennifer actually got to be a part of the adventure! that's not the only change but i'll elaborate later. i will be honest, though, this hasn't progressed past marty (bc in this fic it's marty instead of jennifer) getting out of his future home because i dont know if i want to just follow a similar plot to the movie but with jennifer, or completely change it up. because honestly i think the almanac business could be different with her influence.
other than jennifer being a central character and marty getting trapped in his future home rather than her, i wanted to give marlene a bigger part because i absolutely adore her. it's not a HUGE part cuz she's still a side character, but it's more than what she got canonically. tho admittedly atm junior is kinda sidelined bc since doc doesnt use all his juice on jennifer, he's able to knock out jr for the full hour (or however long it is idk). so instead of marty running into his future son, he and jennifer run into their future daughter! so there's no junior in cafe 80's but later jennifer and doc get to have fun w junior figuring out "how the hell do we get him back into his house and get marty out"
i wanted to get marty in the future house bc i think theres a lot of comedic potential in his future self not recognizing himself, plus marty's fumbling over the future technology is always endearing imo. oh, and him accidentally calling lorraine and george mom and dad when he shouldnt be is a good gag.
i did actually share a bit of dialogue from this fic here back when i was randomly posting bits and pieces of wips, so i'll include it here. here's a snippet from the beginning (formatting is a bit weird cuz im pasting it directly from a word doc so the indentations are gone):
2. Jennifer, Marty, and Doc touch down in 2015
a. Setting: Alley in Hill Valley
i. Marty and Jennifer want to explore.
ii. Doc details plan to Marty and prepares him with a change of clothes.
iii. Jennifer asks how she can help; Doc doesn’t have an answer. She insists she won’t just stay in the alley while they do God knows what.
1. “You’re not just gonna leave me here in the alley, are you?”
2. “Of course we’re not gonna leave you here! Right, Doc?”
iv. Jennifer asks for a disguise, then asks about their future kids.
1. “Unfortunately, I didn’t anticipate that you would be joining us, so I don’t have an appropriate change of clothes available.”
2. “You said Marty was the spitting image of our future son, right? Or, uh, the other way around, I guess. What about our future daughter? I could disguise myself as her while Marty pretends to be our son. She probably looks just like me, doesn’t she?”
3. Doc grimaced. “She is also the spitting image of Marty, but with long, blonde hair.”
4. Jennifer blinked. “You’re joking. Neither of our kids look like me? How can you even be so sure they’re mine? Obviously they’re his. Unless they’re just clones. What’s cloning technology like in the future?”
5. “Very efficient, but I can assure you that you are indeed their biological mother. They both have your eyes.”
6. “Of course they do.”
cute redhead: SEE LINK ABOVE
i waited up all night but i never saw the light: SEE LINK ABOVE
jukebox heroes: SEE LINK ABOVE
marty jr and marlene:
oh this one...this one is based off a drawing i did (and have been meaning to redraw digitally) of junior and marlene looking up at the night sky together. this one is one i love but admittedly havent worked on in quite a long time. every time i come back to it i change things up. (I've previously referenced the fic based off it here and here) It's gotten significantly longer as well every time I work on it (not that it's very long at all atm its like 1300 words. but i'm not one for writing super long fics). At its core, it's about the bond between Marlene and Junior and i think it's really sweet. Reading back over it right now, I think it's actually almost done??? so i just need to get my ass back to work.
also i want to say that drawing marlene and junior is much easier than writing them bc i worry so much about characterization in general but also it feels harder bc there's barely anything to actually go off of. which ig means i'm free to bend them to my will but idk i'd rather draw them bc they dont have to talk lol.
it was really hard to pick a snippet to share but considering i've already shared two bits of dialogue i'm going to pick out some not-dialogue:
It was a ritual they had.
One of them would knock on the other’s door late at night with an offering—several bags of snacks, a few bottles of Pepsi Perfect or a dirty magazine, typically—and the other would lead them out of their bedroom window out onto the roof so they could talk. Tonight, Marlene had knocked on her brother’s door with a Ziploc baggie in hand, and Junior’s eyes had lit up as he opened the window for her.
The unspoken rule about their rendezvous was to never push the other into talking about whatever it was that brought them to the roof. They figured their sibling would get it off their chest when they were ready. Tonight, Junior was more than content to just sit out under the stars with his sister and enjoy her company. Maybe that’s all she wanted. He hugged his knees to his chest and watched police drones patrol the street down below.
marty jr and mjf:
this is a fic i talked about recently! just a goofy fic where marlene and junior hit up "blast from the past" antiques (per junior's request) and this week there's a shipment in of teen magazines from the 1980's, a lot of them which feature junior's celebrity crush, michael j fox! so it's just sibling shenanigans in the store, and then family shenanigans later that night during family dinner. and junior getting embarrassed by his family members the whole time.
honestly i dont remember where this silly idea came from?? if i had to guess, it has something to do with super real mahjong ova having mjf on the back of cocksucker magazine in that one scene but i cant say for sure lmaooo.
this fic is also the one that features the "ha! good luck! you'll never be 5'7"!" dialogue that is referenced in this art post
i dont have much else to say about this so. time for another height-based snippet:
“Hey!” Junior dropped to the floor to quickly pick up the fallen magazines and set them back on the counter. He briefly checked them for damages, then turned back around to glare at his sister. “Give me that!” His arm shot out to take the magazine back, but Marlene was faster than he, and she held it above her head, out of his reach.
“Maybe if you’d had that first growth spurt you wouldn’t be jumping for it!”
“Not my fault those ugly wedged sneakers give you, like, three extra inches of height!”
Marlene gasped. “They’re not ugly! Take that back!”
“No way! Not until you give me the magazine back!”
“You’ve got a whole stack of, like, ten more on the counter!”
Ms. Ovitz rushed over when she heard raised voices. “Hey! No scuffling in my store, kids!” she chastised. Both teenagers lowered their heads in shame and mumbled apologies. Junior shot a glare at Marlene. She stuck her tongue out in return.
marty nightmare no comfort:
this one is basically what's on the tin: marty has a nightmare about doc dying in 1885 and the man himself is not there to reassure marty that he's even still alive. this is post bttf3 bc doc is Not There. and its so extra sad bc marty's actually asleep at doc's when he has this nightmare. sad little marty still sneaking out to spend the night at doc's place even tho doc isn't there. poor kiddo is so disoriented when he wakes up...:'(
i actually was about to post this some months ago but then decided i didnt like my description of the nightmare (and some other things) AT ALL so it still needs to be worked on a bit.
Throwing his legs over the side of the bed, Marty scrubbed his tears away and took a few moments to control his breathing. Once he had calmed down, he hopped down off the bed and slowly crept through the laboratory. He couldn’t read the faces of any of the myriad of clocks hung on the wall in the dark, but he assumed it was the middle of the night. He also assumed Doc wouldn’t mind being woken up, considering the state Marty was in. It almost felt childish, but after suffering from yet another nightmare about his best friend dying, he could use a hug.
He bumped into the table and cursed under his breath, then immediately shushed himself. He didn’t want Einstein to wake up and start barking. He was surprised his crying hadn’t woken the dog earlier. He placed his hands along the edge of the table and carefully tread past it. Doc’s bed wasn’t too much farther, now. He squinted his eyes to try and find the shape of his best friend. “Doc?” he whispered, craning his neck forward to get a better look. “Psst, hey, Doc? I, uh, well—I had a nightmare, and I could reallyuse some, ah…reassurance you’re not actually dead.”
He was at the dresser now, and he could see dim moonlight pouring through the window on the other side of the room, illuminating—
An empty bed.
marty nightmare with comfort:
you messaged me about this one in particular and i'm sorry to disappoint but at the moment this is literally all i have written:
Marty woke up with a start in an unfamiliar bed. He half-expected some incarnation of his mother to tell him he was safe and sound, back in whichever good ol’ year he’d stumbled into, but then he recognized the dozens of clocks ticking on the wall next to his head. Oh, he realized. I’m still at Doc’s.
“I would never leave you, Marty. Not intentionally, and not without giving you a head’s up, first.”
which is the very beginning, and then the end. probably not the last sentence of the whole fic or anything but something near the end. for some reason this was giving me trouble and i honestly haven't gone back to it in a long time. it will be very similar to the no comfort one in setting and the nightmare will probably be the same but obviously it will be different bc doc will actually be there.
marty sr and marlene:
i've talked about this before somewhere on my blog, and i actually had this in my drafts on ao3 and was getting close to finishing but the draft deleted b4 could get back to it and so i lost some dialogue but i think i can rewrite it. anyway, this is a bttf2 au fic where marty runs into marlene in front of the courthouse pond after the hoverboard chase with griff. cue marlene mistaking him for her brother! hilarity ensues!
but wait, sonny, didn't you say in your bttf2 au post earlier that marty (and jen) run into marlene? yes i did! because i started writing this fic first, and then was like "wait how would that go down with jennifer" and started outlining that au!
the interactions arent exactly the same which is why i think both can possibly exist at once lol. even if they were the same, they're both my fics and i can do what i please lmao. tho i will say i only started writing this one for ONE joke. which i'm not sure if i've shared before but i will share here:
“Your voice sounds deeper, Junior,” she interrupted, smiling. “How long has it been now since you started T?”
Marty narrowed his eyes. There was only one t-word he thought might possibly be the right answer. “Trank?”
This sent Marlene into a laughing fit that had her nearly bent in half. “Jesus, Junior,” she wheezed. “Is that all you can think about right now? What the hell gave you the bright idea to take such heavy stuff in the middle of the day?”
Heavy. Finally, a word he knew.
Marlene wiped the tears out of her eyes. “I am so going to hold this against you forever,” she giggled, then burst back into laughter. “God, Junior, you’re really something else. I’ll ask you later when you’re sober. You sound really good, though.”
(also i call it marty sr and marlene rather than marty and marlene so i dont get it confused w the marty jr and marlene fic. idk it doesnt make sense but it works for me)
martyjen ear piercing:
this is another one that doesn't have much written, but the basic premise is that jennifer pierces marty's ear in her bathroom with a sewing needle, an ice cube, and a potato. here's a treat:
“A potato, Jen? Really? What the hell is that for?”
“To catch the needle, Marty,” she answered matter-of-factly.
parking lot scene:
this is just the parking lot scene from the end of the movie but with more desperation and crying because i like to crank up marty's emotions :) also there is currently frantic, holy-shit-i-thought-i'd-lost-you kissing. debating on how to end it bc it was just gonna end kinda like the movie where suddenly they arent in the parking lot anymore, but i also did start writing the drive home so /shrug i dunno. i'm really unsure about the actions/dialogue in this one so i have a lot of brackets of alternate dialogue/action lol maybe someday i'll figure it out.
one version of the kiss:
Maybe he could blame it on the adrenaline rush of watching his best friend die and come back to life, but Marty suddenly lunged at Doc, threw his arms around his neck and kissed him with all the urgency he could muster. Doc didn’t return the kiss—he didn’t expect him to. Marty knew in the back of his mind that this was a very inappropriate way to celebrate Doc not dying, but dammit, he had struggled enough in 1955 to come to terms with how he truly felt about Doc; if he didn’t kiss him now, he’d never get the chance to. Before he could even think about pulling away, Doc’s hands—which had been hovering in the air—settled on his back, and he was kissing him back.
riverside drive but make it more desperate:
second verse, same as the first: once again, i like to crank up marty's emotions, so this is a rewrite of marty showing up on doc's doorstep in 1955 but with a helluva lot more crying and desperation. i cant believe marty didnt cry when he saw his best friend ALIVE. this one doesnt have any kissing but could u imagine opening your door to a stranger one night and they fucking launch themself at you to kiss you?? that'd be fucking wild
currently writing a marty pov but i also started writing a doc pov?? so if and when i post it'll probably b a 2-chapter thing including both povs.
doc pov snippet. admittedly there's not much written for this yet but i thought it'd be a bit more interesting than re-hashing what we know with the marty pov, cuz that isn't all that fleshed out either rn:
He swings the door open to reveal himself fully, and the kid doesn’t move. He stares up at Emmett like he’s seeing a ghost. Emmett quickly reaches forward to grab the kid by the shoulders and pull him inside. “Don’t say a word,” he whispers as he moves to usher him inside, but suddenly the kid is throwing himself at him, his arms wrapped uncomfortably tight around his middle.
He can hear the kid muttering against his shirt, which is slowly becoming damp where he’s pressed up against him. Emmett removes his hands from his shoulders, instead letting them hang awkwardly in the air. Why is this kid hugging him? Who is this kid hugging him? This is the strangest practical joke anyone has tried to pull on him. The kid’s muttering doesn’t stop; he seems to be rambling some sort of apology, though Emmett can only make out every few words. He takes a ragged breath and breaks out into a full sob.
Emmett doesn’t know how to react. He has never been a particularly affectionate person with people he knew well, let alone strange kids that nearly knock his door down late at night. Slowly, his hands fall to settle on the kid’s back, giving him a few, awkward pats he hopes are satisfactory in comforting him. The kid’s breath hitches and his shoulders shake with the new force of his crying. Emmett offers him more gentle pats and a soft, yet somewhat strained, “there, there”.
also i know doc does quickly become affectionate with marty even tho he doesn't know him, but i dont think he would be all that comfortable in this instance lol. maybe in a few moments he'll like...feel a strange bond with this kid and like actually give him a comforting hug. and also bring him into the fucking house shfksll. i actually drew this idea first before deciding to try and write it.
title pending 2nd pov:
this is one i like a lot yet am kinda stuck on! it's marty's pov but told in second person bc i read bright lights big city like 5 years ago and i think second person is cool lol. i love how accusatory it feels and personally i connect to it better than first person?? which is weird bc you would think reading "i did xyz" would be a better self-insert than "you did xyz". idk it's like "you did xyz" oh shit i guess i did!! lol.
this fic mostly just serves as a rambling character study of marty post-bttf3. it takes place during a family dinner and is essentially just his (your) internal monologue as he (you) sit there with his (your) new and improved family. it kinda goes through everything: the way each of the family members have changed, jennifer, and some stuff about doc (and clara).
i also think its funny i've called this "title pending" bc most of these have placeholder names anyway lol.
it was hard to choose a snippet bc frankly there are a lot of bits of this that i do really like, but ultimately i'm choosing to share this one bc i remember (part of it) being one of the first things i wrote for it back when it was just ramblings in my notes app:
Your mother asks you about your date. Date? You went to the lake with Jennifer, remember? Oh, now you remember. You remember what happened at the lake, and you remember what was supposed to happen at the lake. You lie and tell her it was fantastic, but you don’t kiss and tell. She giggles and reaches over to squeeze your shoulder and call you a good boy. The truth is, you could barely look at Jennifer. God, Jennifer. Jennifer, Jennifer, Jennifer. She’s just as beautiful as you remember. Except when you look too closely, she looks a bit different. Something new with her hair? No, it’s more than that. It’s her essence. Jennifer was never one to faint. She was fierce, and headstrong, and much more clever than she let on. She got almost as many tardies as you on a weekly basis, but always argued her way out of detention. She usually pulled elaborate stunts to get you out of it. She called Doc Doc, just like you do. Not Doctor Brown. She knew the difference between dreams and reality. This Jennifer isn’t your Jennifer, but your Jennifer doesn’t exist anymore, so now this is your Jennifer. Heavy.
who is the man i see where i'm supposed to be: SEE LINK ABOVE
sweet 16:
i feel like ive talked about this before but maybe i havent? anyway it's just a snapshot of the end of marlene's 16th birthday where marty reveals they got her a car. in this fic, the mcfly kids are 2 years apart cuz it'd be awful if they were twins and marlene got a car but junior didnt.
this idea is borne of this dialogue exchange:
"The end of the road's coming up, sweetheart. You gotta turn around."
"Roads? Daddy, where we're going, we don't need roads."
"Talk about deja vu."
"What's that, Daddy?"
"Nothing sweetheart. You just mind the road now and hey--ease up on the gas, Marley. The mall's not going anywhere."
i think marley as a nickname for marlene is cute ok
this is literally almost nothing, but the idea is that marty meets doc in 1955 and is like oh fuck he's so handsome and gets a little puppy crush on him. this is partially me projecting bc i think 1955 doc is so fucking handsome
pretty much everything i have written atm:
Marty was doomed as soon as the door to 1640 Riverside Drive swung open. Like a picture on the cover of a cheesy romance novel, Doc towered over Marty, his posture strong [blah blah blah]. Unlike a cheesy romance novel, Doc was wearing a weird ass fucking helmet and had a crazed look on his face, which Marty found immediate comfort in.
Had Doc always been this handsome?
Surely he would've noticed that Doc was, well, gorgeous.
i think i'm bisexual:
marty and jennifer come out to each other as bisexual. that's pretty much it.
"I think I'm bisexual."
Jennifer smiled. "Marty, that's wonderful...I'm bisexual, too."
Marty was instantly flooded with relief and he couldn't help the wide smile that bloomed on his face. "Wow, Jen, that's...that's great! So we're both...God, that's a load off my chest!"
i fashioned you from jewels and stone:
this was mentioned in the post linked above (as companion/draft to "i waited up all night but i never saw the light") so i'm not going to rehash all that, but I will share a bit of dialogue that's specifically in this file:
"Dad? He's not the type to run in and save the day. If George McFly thought he was getting robbed, he'd gladly let them take whatever they wanted. He'd give them a damn tour of the house; make sure they don't miss anything. [If he saw me--well, if he saw me, he wouldn't think there was anything wrong, would he?"]
"What the hell makes you think Dad's such a wimp? You've seen how he's got Biff whipped into shape. Dad said Biff used to bully him in highschool, but he sure isn't taking any of his shit now."
"You can't tell me you've never heard the story! Dad laid out Biff at the Enchantment Under the Sea dance and has had him under his thumb ever since. Hell, he's got him waxing our cars."
"No, of course I know that story." I watched it happened, he doesn't tell the other Marty. "I just...he's really not a wimp?"
"No, not at all. Why would you think that?"
hold my hand (just like you used to do):
title comes from "i'm not leaving" by keane. it's not much at the moment, but the idea is that it's about marty's struggle expressing his emotions, especially in front of doc, and letting go of his macho act that he puts on to seem like he's brave and not cowardly. so the beginning will be when marty's 14-15 and about how doc gets him to open up, and then whatever happens by the end will be 17 year old marty grabbing for doc's hand for comfort, like when he was a younger kid. so basically it's about holding hands for comfort. also it's doc's pov i dont think i made that very clear.
the actual first line of this fic is "marty mcfly was a scared little boy" so you can just imagine how marty's going to be doing emotionally in this fic lol.
snippet. again, theres not much here atm:
For a long time, Marty had trouble expressing his emotions in front of Emmett. His face would twist up as he forced himself not to cry, and he'd clench his fists tightly against his sides. Emmett could see it eating Marty up inside, every time. What made the boy think he couldn't cry in front of him? Did this happen every time he wanted to cry?
Emmett slowly reached over to lay his hand atop Marty's, attempting to comfort him. The boy started wailing at the touch. Emmett was about to pull away, startled by the sudden reaction, but Marty's slim fingers clamped tightly around his hand.
this is something i started writing for @lonepinetimeline to go along with a drawing i gave him for christmas where marty tells doc he loves (romantically) him for the first time. however i was struggling so bad to write it cuz 1) i couldnt figure out how i wanted to start it and 2) despite anything abbey tells u, writing romance and being mushy doesnt always come very easily for me. like sometimes i just feel like it's goofy idk. hence the title bc i was getting frustrated with it. maybe one day i'll be able to finish it for theo <3
couple snippets (not sure if i want these right next to each other):
He knew those big, warm, brown eyes were staring at him, begging him to look into them, and even though Marty knew he'd only feel more overwhelmed, he lifted his gaze. Oh, Marty wanted to cry; Doc looked so earnest. His name was repeated.
"Yeah, Doc, I'm fine, I'm great. Everything's perfect."
Doc's brow furrowed. "You look like you have something on your mind. Would you feel comfortable sharing with me?"
and then the dialogue that the drawing was based off of:
Marty's blush deepened, and he stammered out, "I, uh, love you, Doc."
Doc melted into a warm smile. "Marty, I am hopelessly devoted to you. I love you."
jeez doc you're really quoting grease rn
marty develops a habit of calling doc:
what little i have written in this document pretty much says it all:
Marty develops a habit of calling Doc and leaving voice messages even though he knows he isn't there, going so far as to label and replace the casettes when he fills them up. Emotional ending where after a long time, Doc actually picks up.
"Doc? Doc! Doc, is that really you?"
i think marty would call about anything and everything, but obviously he'd tell him about the big things, like what happened after he sent in the audition tape, stuff with his relationship with jennifer (including engagement and marriage and children--yeah, i want to play the long game to make it really fucking hurt). like literally marty ends up buying the garage and paying doc's bills and stuff so he can still call him and so that doc still has somewhere to return to when he does finally decide to come back. maybe this weird obsession puts a strain on jen and marty's marriage cuz it surely has a big financial impact. u know marty literally drops whatever he's doing to go drive to the garage after doc picks up the fucking phone and there's a big heartwarming reunion hug. extra sad if marty's in like his forties so at least thirty years have fucking gone by.
"why would this happen why wouldnt doc just come back, like, the day after leaving again so it's as if no time passed??" well thats not angsty is it lol i want the angst
it's cold (when you're not home):
this, my friends, is the beginning of a sequel/follow up to deal with god! the title comes from "you're not home" by keane (noticing a fucking theme? lol) i don't have much figured out plot-wise because there are a lot of different directions i could potentially go and i'm trying to decide between them. this will ideally be multi-chapter and probably the longest thing i'll ever write, assuming i can figure out a plot and find the time/energy to finish it. in the grand scheme of things, i dont have much done cuz i keep focusing on specific scenes and details.
quick rundown (until im not sure where exactly i want it to progress): this fic begins the morning after marty's been gunned down in the parking lot, with police visiting doc's home to escort him to retrieve both the van and the delorean (which has been found in the middle of the town square with its front end smashed in. coincidentally, the front of the theater is also smashed in). this will lead to doc spending some time at the police station, explaining the situation but without mentioning the time travel aspect bc who the hell is going to believe him? he's already lucky enough he's not getting charged for marty's murder. so the police have questions. the mcflys have questions. literally everyone in hill valley is buzzing over this tragedy.
so the mcflys. theyre in horrible shape as you can imagine. worst of all is lorraine, who will "revert" back to the way she had been in the original timeline (goddamn marty had no idea there were even positive changes after all that. so sad) aka she's gonna take up drinking to try and cope with her son's death. even sober, she's going to be very angry, and she's going to take it out on doc (understandably so). honestly anytime ive thought about this fic ive been focusing on her, doc, or jennifer so i dont have much to say about the rest of the family.
doc of course cared immensely for marty so he's going to try and be there for the mcflys but its gonna cause drama bc lorraine blames him for marty's death. most people do actually bc the terrorist thing seems too far-fetched (combined w doc's reputation it's all just fishy). jennifer is one of few who actually believes doc, though she still doesn't understand what the hell happened...until he comes clean about the time machine.
in talking in the comments of deal with god with @emmaannaelisabeth, she suggested the idea that doc comes clean about time travel (publicly, rather than just to a select few) and that this propels him to becoming a respected scientist and maybe winning awards as well, so i've been thinking about that cuz oh boy, it's what marty would've wanted for him but doc isn't convinced that it was worth it. not like this. also as soon as lorraine learns about time travel she's gonna have a whale of a time...:/
anyway yeah it's gonna be a whole mess and everyone's pretty much going to be having a bad time most of the time. there are a lot of details and even basic plot points i don't quite have yet but it's called a work in progress for a reason.
here's a snippet of a part near the beginning, where doc's visited by a police officer:
"Doctor Brown!" A voiced called from the other side of the door. "It's Officer [Not Parker], here to escort you back to your vehicle!"
Emmett got up on shaky legs and unlocked the front door, opening it wide enough to get a look at the police officer on the other side. He offered a pained smile.
"Hope I didn't wake you, Doctor Brown," he apologized, removing his hat. "Thought I'd take you over before the mall opened. You're not quite parked between the lines," he chuckled.
Emmett furrowed his brow as he tried to process the officer's words. The man was awful chipper for it being fewer than twelve hours since a teenager was brutally murdered in the lot they were returning to. He realized the man was still talking. "I'm sorry, I didn't get much sleep." About two minutes of sleep, to be exact. "Could you repeat that?"
"Not a problem, sir. I said that after I escort you back to your vehicle, I'm going to need you to come down to the station. They've got a few questions about the incident; it's protocol for these kinds of situations. Also got a few questions about the modified DeLorean we found in the town square that's registered you to."
"The DeLorean was in the town square?"
"Smack dab in the middle of the street, by the theater. Which, by the way, had its front entrance completely smashed in. Not sure exactly what happened there, but given the proximity of your car, and taking into account the damage to the front fender of the vehicle, I've got a pretty good hunch."
so which side of the family is he from?:
this is the only other planned multi chapter fic (riverside drive kind of ended up being multi chapter on accident, as well as marty jr and mjf, bc i just kept writing lol. but those r only 2 chapters each (eventually) while this would be longer. ideally. hopefully) and it is a follow up to little high, little low
i really dont have a plot figured out for this yet. i cant decide if i want to just do a stuart little 1 or 2 au but marty and doc swoop in to help out, or create an original adventure that involves tannens because is it even a marty mcfly story if there isn't a tannen? lol makes me feel like im writing for the cartoon where literally every antagonist is some sort of tannen, no matter the time or place. the way little high, little low was written was purposefully vague because even then i wasnt sure how i wanted to go about it later.
i currently have things written in this document to fit either idea. also it's funny because what's here barely has stuart in it at all. there's actually a whole bit mostly written out where marty asks doc why he's so concerned about his future family, and it literally reads like it could be its own fucking fic because it definitely feels out of place in this fic when it's isolated. obviously, if i had stuff going on with stuart before and after, it could make more sense within it, but right now its kinda like "oh okay this is a really nice bit of dialogue. dont know why theyre talking about it in this fic tho"
here's part of the only thing i have written that actually has stuart in it:
"Here he comes now. Stuart, would you come out here, please?"
"Hey Mom, what's up?"
Marty still can't believe he's looking at an upright, talking mouse. He must be gaping at him, because Doc gives him a curt nudge that causes Marty to quickly fix his face.
"Who're they?" Stuart asks as Mrs. Little bends down and offers her hand. The mouse hops onto her palm.
"Stuart, this is Marty, and this is Doctor Emmett Brown. Marty's your cousin."
Stuart's eyes light up. "I have a cousin? Wow, this is amazing! It's nice to meet you, Marty! Can I shake his hand, Mom?"
"Sure, sweetheart, if that's alright with him. Is that okay with you, Marty?"
Marty blinks. He looks to Doc for help but the man is avoiding his gaze. "Sure."
Mrs. Little leans forward, stilling holding Stuart in her palm. Once he's within arm's reach, Stuart sticks out one of his tiny hands. "Put her there, cousin!" he grins, and it takes up his entire face, his eyes nearly squinted shut.
Marty cautiously reaches for the outstretched hand--paw--and shakes it gingerly between his forefinger and thumb. "Right back atcha," he replies weakly.
honestly this fic/series is where i really get to be funny (imo) so i'm gonna share this part i have written just cuz i want everyone to know that i can write humour and have good comedic timing:
"[...] We're always in Hill Valley, anyway, where some generation of Tannen is out to get my hide, and what the hell am I supposed to do about that? But this is New York: no Tannens out East, right?"
"This brings me to my next point."
Marty's face paled. "You're not about to tell me there's a Tannen here in New York City that's itching to pick a fight with me, right?"
Doc shook his head but his frown only deepened.
"Itching to pick a fight with...Stuart?"
Doc winced.
this was mentioned in relation to who is the man i see where i'm supposed to be in the post linked above so im not gonna talk too much about it. this file is basically stuff i might add into that fic but at the moment is separate cuz its easier to jot down shit on my phone. here's something:
Marty's head was swimming. He could feel his thoughts being read, his memories being manipulated, as if the man in the mirror were physically arranging and rearranging his consciousness.
HELLO IF YOU HAVE MADE IT TO THE END CONGRATULATIONS IM NOW IN LOVE WITH YOU! But in all seriousness, I really appreciate you taking the time to read all of this (compiling this literally took me all day haha) and I hope that you liked at least a few of the ideas in here! I know some are a bit weirder than others (yes i am looking at you stuart little x bttf crossover) and some may be a ship you dont like, but it means the world to me that you took the time to get all the way down to the bottom <3 literally if you want like a discounted commission or a kiss on the mouth i'm offering it to any of yall who made it this far, literally just message me. and tell me which wip(s) is/are your fave!
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loveau · 4 years
request: Could I request an angsty enemies to lovers AU with Hendery or Ten? Thank you so much for posting your writing
others: lucas | yuta | renjun | jisung
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it all started probably at some university party where a mutual friend or a friend of a friend introduced everyone in a group
since there were so many people, there wasn’t a lot of interaction to go on
but what you did know was that the dude named hendery???
yeah the most obnoxious person you’d ever met
and he thought you were the most judgmental person he’d ever met
to be fair his rowdiness comes with the friends he has nearby you’re bound to be the same way with yours
but it just seemed like he was so over the top and loud and it was annoying how you couldn’t have a conversation with your friends when he was literally screaming across the room
at the same time, however, hendery isn’t appreciative of your dramatic groans and eye rolls whenever he does anything and he feels so restricted from basically getting to have fun
and putting the both of the together in the same room is a chemical reaction that leads to an explosion
it basically started at that party and y’all were having fun and the mingling of groups was happening where everyone was getting to know each other
y’all didn’t really interact during the party besides hanging around the general area
but that didn’t stop you from giving each other the slight stink eye, which may have started on your part when he accidentally spilled some drink on your friend’s pants
and he thought nothing of it so he assumed you were just a stick in the mud and thought it was dumb you were there to cramp on his fun
obviously you hadn’t added each other on social media, so when hendery was doing something especially dumb you smirked and had been recording it
in all fairness it had started with you recording one of your friend’s rants about how nobody treats them right and how they deserve the perfect lover but there’s just trash people and their trash lists of who’s the best kisser or whatever
but all of a sudden your camera had switched to hendery’s group of friends where he was standing on top of a table and slipped off due to all of the snacks and drinks spilled on it
he ended up getting caught by his friends before he got hurt, but he clonked heads with one of them and was wincing while the others laughed or were more focused on whether or not he was okay
you were chuckling to yourself and captioned it ‘bet he doesn’t have any braincells if this is what keeps happening... makes sense alrdy tho 💀💀’
and you thought nothing of it until the next morning you’d woken up to a couple of messages and whatnot
you’d been debating whether or not you wanted to go to the bathroom and check later on during lunch after you spent some time to yourself but you chose to continue laying in bed and read through everything
a couple of the typical ‘what was the homework’, ‘lunch?’, and ‘did you know that this happened...’ type of things
but what caught your eye was the ‘hey, did you know that you have a bounty on your head rn?’
you were so confused because you had no clue what that was supposed to mean and typed back a simple ???
and one of your friends ten responded back pretty quickly and he was just like yeah, hendery apparently hates your guts rn so i suggest don’t run into him
you’re just like????? hUH????? who?????
he sends you a picture of himself and a whole group of others and he’s just like furthest dude on the left
you squint at your phone because wow ten you could have chosen a better picture or maybe screenshotted something huh
however once you recognize him, you’re like UH???? KnUcKLeheAD?
ten’s just like yeahh, apparently he found out about your story and has been asking everyone who you are
someone must have told him because ten sent you a screenshot of the story hendery posted that captioned your story with smth like
‘this person rlly don’t have anything better to do besides play therapist for their friends at a p a r t y :///’
you’re gaping at the message and it’s so bad you sit up from bed so fast with your phone in the tightest grip
like what??? and followed by that there’s another screenshot of another story that basically was some poll or something about whether or not you were fun or some lame-o
you were fuming at that and saw the username in the stories ten sent you and basically looked him up and found out who hendery was
your phone was practically thrown to the other side of the bed as you got ready for the day 
part of you was so confused as to who sent him the story but you were also really confused as to why he’d just project you onto his as if you’d see it (which you did soooo)
and you found yourself complaining to your friends about it like who would do that??? it was a joke anyways and plus why does he care when you barely know each other???
they’re all on your side of it too since most of them had met hendery that same night or only knew a couple of the other guys and him by extension
your food was feeling your wrath as you chewed on it and your friends tried to find a different subject to talk about
“hey, did you transfer classes like you wanted? 
you finally smile at that and give a satisfied hum to them
“yep, i finally got out of that blasted quantum mechanics class or whatever”
“why were you in that anyways?????”
you shrug and it’s just confusing to you because you were trying to get an elective course in but they decided to put you in a big science class where people with big brains and bigger egos liked to flex their knowledge and lord it over you when you didn’t understand
“doesn’t matter!! i’m in advanced hip hop dancing now! no more 8am lectures about one dimensional applications anymore”
“but you still have to wake up at 8am to walk across campus to the theatre rooms?”
“it doesn’t matter if you like what you do”
which was the best part since you took hip hop last semester and had some background in dancing before, so the instructor suggest you move to intermediate
but the worst part was the voice you heard behind you
“oh no way in-”
you whipped around and saw the shocked and irritated look on the one and only hendery
“you!” you pointed your fork accusingly at him and he has the audacity to look offended and point both hands at himself
“yeah you! who are you to put me on blast to social media even though i’m a total stranger to you?”
“exCUSE ME?????!! the same goes to YOU!”
“tHE sAmE GoES tO YOu. it was a joke, especially by someone you barely know!!!! i didn’t want to have to see your face first thing in the morning to find out you got butthurt because you bonked your head as a kid and wanted to reenact that??”
hendery almost revolts backwards and holds a finger up
“first of all? do you think i’m happy about getting to see you first thing in the morning either??? and do you think i’d be happy seeing you at 8am every other day?”
you quickly put two and two together and you’re clenching your teeth
“you don’t mean-”
“yeah, see you in advanced hip hop, lame-o”
you (and practically the entire lunch room alkfnskfn) are left in shock as hendery takes his leave without even ordering food
you sit there in shock and think all of a sudden you might not like hip hop anymore
and you’re complaining about it to ten as he sits across from you at dinner, a couple hours after your lunch and having enough time to sit on it
“i should have taken modern dancing with you........ or maybe even ballet 3 with sicheng?”
ten only laughs and you scowl as he attempts to keep his snickers quiet
“you wouldn’t have lasted more than two days. you’d be itching to get your feet moving faster than they can get their toes pointed”
you roll your eyes because he’s right. one of the best parts of dancing hip hop was that you felt you could lose control of yourself in a more reckless way than the other styles of dancing could
“i hate it when you’re right?”
ten smiles at you and pats your shoulder from across the table
you’re just internally screaming that you have to wake up at 8am to see hendery’s dumb face again
“why is it because i’m right so often?”
“no, because i tend to owe you money because i lost the bet”
he snickers and then offers his student id to you
you take it questioningly and he pats the hand that has the id in it
“take it out at the dance studio. they’ve closed it from regular students after 9 since someone decided it’d be funny to steal one of the mirrors”
you roll your eyes but smile gratefully at him
“gotta love TAs with their magical access for ‘tutoring hours’”
“hey they’re actually convenient for when it doesn’t fit someone’s schedule!”
you’re already walking towards the door by the time he says that and you look back cheekily
“tell me that again when you haven’t used it for a private picnic date with someone you met on tinder!”
by the time you reach the dance studio you’re absolutely giddy and so glad you wore comfortable clothing to dinner so you didn’t have to go back to change
your giddiness changed when you already saw somebody in the studio
and as fate would have it, of course hendery had to be there, jamming out to some 80s hip hop song
before you could turn around and leave, he spun around during once of the dances and opened his mouth in shock
“there is no way-”
“save it! i’m just as shocked as you are”
he huffs and turns off the music and stands with his arms folded 
“well what?”
he makes a face and over exaggerates your irritated one with a “wELl WhAt?!?!??!!!?!?”
you set your jaw and mimic his stance but the awaiting look in his eyes told you everything
“i’m not here to apologize if that’s what you’re thinking” you put a hand and put your other on your hip before he could say anything
at least he had enough respect to listen to your cue even though he exasperatedly threw his hands in the air and huffed loudly
“and even if i wanted to, i wasn’t so immature to go around asking everyone about who made me cry because they laughed when i decided to climb a table and almost fall because it was slippery”
“i didn’t cry” he’s got this childish tone to his voice and you know better than to instigate but the fiery look in his eyes only lights up one of your own
“i can give you a reason”
you don’t even realize you’ve stepped in the middle of the dance floor until he huffs out a laugh and meets you in the middle where you have your hands on your hips defiantly and a cocky smirk on your face
he hates it and you feel so powerful seeing him seethe
it only adds to your satisfaction that he ends the stare down by walking away rigidly
however it quickly melds into confusion when he turns the music on again, this time to a more recent song on the radio and one of the songs you were thinking of dancing to actually
he starts walking again, but in circles around you
he adds a spin here and there and a little kick of the leg
“what are you, constipated?”
he takes your comment in stride and backs away again to give you the floor
“you obviously came here to dance, and if you’re all talk about it then why don’t you up me one?”
there’s a bite in your tone but there’s even more snap in your hips
you don’t miss the way hendery’s eyes trail up and down as you flow into another move
you smirk once he trails back up to your eyes and instead of looking caught he only smirks right back
it peeves you a little how confident he looked now and he slowly clapped once you finished up another spin
“not bad for a freestyle”
you hate how much his ego has been stoked and you hate how you absolutely know how much he absolutely seemed to live for your annoyance with him
you two circled each other for a while, none of you really knowing who started moving first and why you both continued
but it was you who stepped forward first, and he responded in kind and it would have been so off putting that you both were so close
when he chuckled at your determined gaze you could practically feel his breath against your face
you felt the anger bubbling in your core once the warmth hit your cheeks
but a closer look at his eyes showed you that he was definitely affected by your snappiness with him and the irritation was practically pooling in his irises 
“you know, for someone who’s in advanced hip hop you sure don’t seem good at motor functions. you could barely stand at that party”
“you know, having fun tends to have that effect. but you wouldn’t know. nobody does anything with you besides stand against a wall and try to talk over the music. there’s a reason why the lyrics are the only words you’re supposed to be hearing”
normally you’d bite your tongue and walk away or tell him he’s being the immature one once again, but those words were dumb and it mad you livid
“funny, for someone who claims to move so well yet you haven’t really shown me anything”
in a flurry of motion, hendery has grabbed your arm and spun you around so that you fall hard into his chest
you can hear a huff of effort from him as he twirls you out again and then back into him but with his hand at your waist
his cocky grin makes you almost growl at him, but you were too shocked to say anything
“cat got your tongue?”
he releases you and then dusts himself off
“you know when you want to act up.......”
he gets in your face and the cockiness as dissolved into the pure annoyance that you are already familiar with from feeling it yourself
“make sure you’re not just all talk.” he turns and grabs all his stuff, but he waves over his shoulder before he leaves “see you in class”
and oooooOOOOOH do you see him in class the next morning
the instructor has greeted you since you transferred in the class two weeks in 
they were glad you decided to come in even though the class was already working on some dances and it would take a couple classes to see where you were at since it’d been a while and also with a different instructor
“hi, i’m hendery. i’m the student instructor/TA, i’ll bring you up to speed”
and GOSH did you feel so angry for waking up at 6am to have breakfast and having to walk across campus in the cold morning air just to figure out you’d have to work 1:1 with hendery for a couple of classes
and he wasn’t too happy about it either
mainly because he had some of your friends on his tail for blasting you on social media and all of a sudden it was talk of the two friend groups and even in some other circles
but while he was getting told off for being immature about it and even about being teased about his clumsiness and somewhat recklessness (which got old real fast)
you were also getting constantly teased by your “boringness” but also some people had the audacity to actually stop inviting you to some things because they thought so
little did you know hendery was sort of in the same boat because they were afraid he’d break something and when he heard that boy did he really want to
and both of your indirect interactions with each other in that method only fueled the spite you had with the direct contact with each other
the next couple of classes you purposely would hit him with an arm when you had it swung out or maybe accidentally stepping on his toes
but he was also quick to make sure to “accidentally” not teach you the full dance to a song or even give you the entirely wrong song to dance to
but the instructor assumed that it was because you were logged from all the physics shenanigans so they wanted hendery to run it through with you during class
you were practically seething over a lunch with your friends about all of this and they gave you tired glances
ten was the only one who seemed unfazed, as he was the only one in the two circles with direct connections to both of you
“i just don’t understand why this keeps happening. if he just wasn’t so immature and keeps insulting me about my way of spending time with friends then i’d stop fighting back”
“but you started it”
“we didn’t know each other, ten! it was just some light jabbing” you scoff at that because it was just so annoying at this point “besides, he was so obnoxious in the first place”
ten gives you an encouraging pat on the back
you groan and say you haven’t been able to spend a good weekend of fun in a couple of weeks thanks to wary eyes or not knowing where the parties are
“didn’t know you could have fun~”
you also smack ten but his cheeky grin lets him get away with it, like it does every time
but he soon makes up for it by giving you the location and time of another party by a friend of his and that he’d be there to hang with you
by the time you got there he was already tearing it up on the dance floor after taking one too many
he was all the more excited to see you though and had jumped into your arms happily and was laughing the whole time
“hey, you made it! you won’t believe who-”
but he was whisked away before you knew it
so you left to get something to drink on your own
somebody you vaguely knew recognized you and started chatting with you on the way
“hey, haven’t i seen you around before?”
“yeah..... i think we took physics together?”
“oh right!!!! i remember, you transferred out right?”
you knew where this was going since they obviously wanted to sound smarter in this situation
they had been your lab partner and it totally sucked to hear them complain about having someone ‘not competent enough to do anything’ as a partner
you only nod and listen to them ramble a little more, looking for someone familiar to latch onto so you could leave this conversation
until you heard
“i didn’t know you went to parties”
“uhhhh....... what made you think that?”
they shrug and they look amused to keep making jabs at you 
“well, i heard you were kind of a stick in the mud. not to mention you don’t really do much at parties, so i figured it wasn’t your scene”
“what? excuse me??”
“oh. well i thought since you were a little slow in class then you wouldn’t be doing anything besides standing around. the dorm’s more your place, yeah?”
before you can go off on the dude, the person’s shoved against the wall and they’re not going anywhere
especially when hendery’s face is in theirs
“that’s enough, buddy. you’re a little harsh, no?”
they give out a nervous laugh and look around to see if anybody is going to come to their aid, but the others have decided to keep moving and ignore what’s going on
you on the other hand are shocked to find that hendery’s here, much more that he’s defending you in a sense
“whatT? didn’t you...... you know, start all of this?”
hendery rolls his eyes but shoves a little harder
you hate to say it, but you were feeling pretty proud of this
“first of all, they did”
“but second of all, you’ve been skating on thin ice ever since you thought it’d be funny to start insulting someone as your first interaction”
“that’s RICH coming from you” and the person’s right, but they’re also toeing the line reeeeeal far with agitating hendery
“oh yeah? i didn’t realize how much of a stuck up twerp i sounded like before i heard those words coming out of your mouth”
you merely watch on and hendery takes a glance out of the corner of his eye to look at you
there’s a hard glare in his eyes but they soften a bit once you come into sight
you’re................... confused????
but you also recognize the anger in his eyes since the person also began jabbing at hendery, so you were prepared for his next line
“by the way... you hungry?”
and hendery had raised his fist up and the person recoiled hard
but it never made contact.....
they timidly looked up to see the fist 
he scoffed and straighted out his clothes as he backed away
“yeah, don’t act though if it’s just that. an act”
he walks away from the person and heads for you
“come on, let’s get you a drink”
you just stand there as he searches around for an empty cup and fills it with water quickly before walking you outside
you didn’t need to be pulled along to follow with him
you wanted answers
by the time you’re outside you just give him an expecting look with your eyebrows raised and he seems almost frustrated to admit his thoughts
“what, cat got your tongue this time?”
he chuckles as he remembers that one instance in the dance studio together but he hums, thinking of his next words
“i mean, i’m not sure how else to phrase it”
“i can wait. i don’t do much besides not have fun anyways”
at this he hangs his head
“okay, well i do feel bad about that. i didn’t realize how harsh those words all sounded until it was being played back to me”
“it took this long to figure out why i was upset by it and not just me being a ‘stick in the mud’?“
he nods and you can see instead of irritation.... there’s sincerity in his eyes now
a.......... sudden, but also welcome change
“yeah... well! no, not really.......... i kind of thought it was childish to keep this whole fighting thing going on, so......”
“why keep it on then?”
he shrugs and looks away, almost like he was embarrassed
“i......... really, really............. really liked the fiery look in your eyes whenever we’d bicker”
you laugh at that this time
“you thought it was hot?”
he almost whines out a “kinda!” but then groans and mumbles
your mischievous look makes him throw his hands up and he’s frustrated again but this time there’s a civil air between you two.... almost...... flirtatious
“yes! i thought it was attractive most of the way through... but even when you’re not mad..... you’re still pretty cute”
you find yourself blushing even though you’re practically glowing in amusement, but then you find yourself turning practically red when he defends himself with an almost equally red face
“and don’t lie!! i know you think i’m attractive too. i saw the way you were eyeing me when i was telling that person off. i was all macho man and you were swooning!”
“i was not!”
“i literally said don’t lie, didn’t i!”
and you keep throwing bickering comments back and forth, but it’s amusing and you both...... like it
after a while there’s a silence in between you before you make a light jab at hendery.... only this time it’s in a soft teasing kind of way
one that the both of you can stand and put smiles on your faces instead
“so you weren’t too chicken to actually land the hit?”
“shut up, i’ll fight if i have to”
“aww, even for me?”
and he’s silent at that but there’s a slight tint of pink you can make out from the lights outside
he purses his lips and decides now is the time to make the move to patch things between you two
“i still think there’s apologies left to be said”
“from both of us?”
“..... yeah”
and you hate to admit that you’ve also been super immature about it, but you’re pretty glad that it’s getting moved past now
but it was so awkward to just do this so suddenly
he notices the tension in between you and decides to make the first move
“okay........ let’s just start over..... hi, i’m hendery. i’ve seen you before. i’m the TA of your advanced hip hop class, right?”
“right! i think i can recall you staring at my butt a couple of times”
“shut up!!” he pushes you slightly but his grin tells you he’s not that shy to admit it and he’s goofing around now “besides...... can’t lie you’re kinda cute though”
and suddenly there’s a crash behind the two of you and you see ten bounding his way for you
“i cannOT believe it, wow! the two of you together and not ripping each other apart. BUT I knEW this would happen”
and you just look at each other like ?????????? huh?????
“that you would look so cUtE together!!!!! everything turned out juuuust right, like i thought it would since the beginning”
and all of a sudden you both made ten explain everything to the both of you
because ten had shared the initial stories to the other person, not thinking it’d go down like this
but most of it was forgiven since you were more distracted by hendery leaning against the railing and having that as an excuse to wrap his arm around you
and you were practically leaning into his side since it was ‘too cold outside’ while you were listening to ten ramble on and on about how his plan ended up being messy but he was living for it
while the both of you gave him an earful about how setting the two of you up could have been done where you didn’t hurt each other’s feelings for so long, he shut you up quickly with a
“oh please, you two bickered like an old married couple. with the way you guys act just get married already! some of those sparks weren’t just angry, there was some love in there too!”
“and do NOT get me started on the sexual tension-”
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riceccakes · 3 years
Earth, Wind, and Coffee: Chapter One Analysis
helloooooooo :) welcome to my chapter analyses for my fic Earth, Wind, and Coffee. here, i’m just going to be breaking down my writing process, choices, and fun stuff, among other stuff as well. you can read this after you’ve finished the first chapter (i’ve excluded spoilers!) or you could read all 45k words and then come back to these one by one. either way, i’m v excited to be doing this so i hope you guys like it too. lets begin with chapter one, shall we :)
some fun stuff before we start!
every chapter title is modeled after the fic title!
you may have noticed that there are two center line dividers in the chapter(and every chapter after), meaning there are three sections to a chapter. going off of this, i thought it might be cool to title each chapter based on the sections, either of its main topic or my favorite part of it. so, chapter one’s first section is korrasami meeting (hence, Meetings), section two is where i introduced Artist!Korra, and i really love Artist!Korra so naturally i had to name the chapter about her (and the thing that brings korrasami closer, Sketches), and the third section is where their friendship is solidified (i think i achieved this by giving their numbers to each other, but i also just thought it was a cute scene, Phone Number Exchanges) and now we put it all together and get: Meetings (Earth), Sketches (Wind), and Phone Number Exchanges (and Coffee) (pretty cool right??? *wink wink*) the same formula is used to title every chapter afterwards. i usually suck at chapter titles but i thought this was a super cute thing to do and it ended up working fairly naturally :)
i started this fic on sept 23, 2020. chapter one didn’t get posted until oct 15, 2020
so basically, i sat with this first chapter for almost a month before posting (which actually was a good thing, i’ll tell you why later!) i really wanted this first chapter to stand out and be lowkey perfect, so i kept writing and rewriting and rewriting my rewrites. then you know, i’d start reading and then edit and then edit the edits; it’s a vicious cycle but one that i’m used to. i finally decided to post the fic when i read the first chapter through and thought “yep, this is it” 
i was inspired by the fic it’s such a gorgeous sight to see you in the middle of the night by softshocks
mostly for the idea of having a full-length fic in only three chapters. buuut, that was also one of the first korrasami fics i read after finishing lok on netflix and i remember thinking “damn, now THIS is how you do an au” character progression in the story is great and not once during the fic did i feel bored or in a lull. i really wanted to do the same with my fic and tried my best
now, lets get into the chapter itself.
sentence structure:
i used sentence structure to (hopefully) show that something is off with korra. we don’t know what yet, asami chalks it up to working through the night, but just like the summary states, there’s more going on here with our new favorite barista, it’s just a matter of what. even with this being in asami’s pov, i wanted to show a sort of disconnect between her and korra. let me show you an example
“Asami smiles warmly, excited to try the drink. She thanks Korra and watches as the girl nods lightly and walks back over to the counter. She begins cleaning the espresso machine. Asami takes a sip from the mug, lightly moaning from the taste. She feels Korra’s eyes peer up at her for a moment. Their eyes meet and Asami blushes, putting the mug and her head down. She opens the binder on the right side, pulling out the pen tucked into the inside cover. She thumbs through to the next clean page and begins squinting at her sloppy notes, rewriting them neatly once they’re deciphered.“
i’ve italicized sentences that, even while in asami’s pov, describe korra’s actions. in comparison to the sentences around it, the two italicized sentences are rather plain and simple. they’re very subject-predicate - “She (subject) begins cleaning the espresso machine (predicate)” you have your noun/subject and verb/predicate, give or take some words for proper english and action. asami’s sentences are more complex. colored in red is what i’ve donned as my classic form of writing, which basically takes two sentences - “She opens the binder on the right side. She pulls out the pen tucked into the inside cover.” and smushes them together by keeping the first sentence as is and taking away the subject of the second sentence and tacking on an -ing to its verb. i’m not sure how writing sentences like this started but i feel like i always come back to it because it gives sentences just that lil bit of edge. the sentences are not super simple but they’re also not super hard to understand. it’s a nice balance of simplicity and complexity, in my opinion.
now in bold is the combination of korra’s - “Their eyes meet and Asami blushes.” and asami’s - “Asami blushes, putting the mug and her head down” sentence forms. it’s a nice little indication that even with this disconnect from korra, these two girls are going to come together and make magic.
this play with sentence structure pretty much continues throughout the rest of the chapter, have fun finding them :))
next on my list is what i brought up earlier! i saved this lil first chapter in my back pocket for almost a month and you know what, it was a really good thing i did. for one thing, asami’s original “tormentor” we’ll call him, was going to be tahno. the same idea of this character being a soccer player was kept but i changed the character from tahno to iroh for a number of reasons:
1) iroh’s connections to the fire nation throne were a biiiig thing in me deciding to change him. 
i loved iroh ii in lok, i thought he was super cool, but we needed someone in this story to be an obstacle for asami to face. we already have her dad hiroshi, and some of you may be thinking “isn’t that already enough??” and for a while i thought so too, but we needed a vehicle to show how hiroshi is an obstacle asami is facing. and i decided to do that with iroh.
2) i really wanted said character to be a conceded jerk and who better than a well known heir to a nation’s throne? (it really went to his head)
tahno was really already a jerk and pretty ruthless character in lok, which is why he came to mind first. and i’d had him only be a soccer star but that was cause for explaining how he and hiroshi have connections. i was struggling for a bit of how to tie the two together but ultimately realized, “hey hiroshi is a business man, he’s bound to do business in the fire nation. and iroh is from the fire nation, he’s prince! he could be a key factor in pulling strings to get more business there” and so that is why i changed tahno to iroh
3) it doesn’t stop there though! at first, iroh was only son of the firelord and soccer star mvp. he was in asami’s stats class but that was it. i realized he needed a bigger role to have connections with hiroshi, which is why he’s now a business major too
this reason is why it’s great i waited!! had i been an eager beaver and posted whatever the first draft of the chapter was, i would’ve been facing some challenges later on, so thanks past me for giving future me some help! this was the perfect way for iroh to be a conceded dick who’s in asami’s life even tho she doesn’t want him to be. i added on the bit about him joining future industries in section two of the chapter and was suuuper glad i figured it out because it helped me envision the rest of the story.
honorable mentions:
korra was going to be wearing a tee shirt when korrasami met but i changed this 1) so asami could leave up ✨korra’s muscles✨ to her imagination and 2) because gloves are a regularly used trope that someone has something to hide. i couldn’t really find a way to give korra gloves but i thought the next best thing would be covering up, so now she wears a sweater.
i googled different types of coffee. The Avatar is a latte macchiato, it’s a play on an espresso macchiato. espresso is added to milk rather than milk to espresso and features more foam than hot milk. i used this one cause i’ve always enjoyed seeing foam art and thought making aang’s classic arrow in foam would be cool. Aang’s Special is a play on his favorite treat, egg tarts. this one is a vietnamese drink and is exactly as i describe in the fic.
earth, wind, and coffee is very much a pun. one so many different levels though: earth, wind, and fire, esteemed multi-genre singing group, known for songs like september and fantasy. earth, wind (air), and fire are elements that are bended in the atla universe and while this isn’t a bending au, it’s still pretty cool. and now earth, wind, and coffee, it’s a coffee shop au. i mean come on, so many layers, i love myself for creating it but hate myself for how much i love myself for creating it.
anything i would’ve wanted to change?
honestly, no. i think because i’d already did all of the changes before publishing, but also cause any time i read through the first chapter, i just feel satisfied. i achieved all of my goals in that first chapter about setting up what would happen and it’s also just a good read.
have any questions? let me know! wanna comment your favorite things from chapter one? do it !! interact with me !! i demand it.
thanks for reading, i really liked doing this :)) (even tho more than once my writing for this got deleted and it was big sad because i’d gotten a good portion done but whatever we’re still here)
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solarclaw · 4 years
Trolls Ideas and Maybe-HCs
Just some Trolls headcanons (sorta). Had to write them down before I forget again. Might actually scrap a few....
   Indie Trolls aren’t really their own tribe. Instead, the label “Indie” indicates Trolls that have left their parent tribe to explore the world, their music evolving and adapting to their environments and experiences. Usually, these Indie Trolls came from the Rock tribe, most of them very confident in their toughness to survive out there in the world beyond and probably rebelling against their parents (the latter of which usually ends up with a search party being sent out and the runaway being grounded for life, after getting many backslaps and hearty congratulations for STICKIN IT TO THE MAN if only temporarily) 
   No Pop Troll has actually left to explore and become an Indie due to traumatic Bergen holidays
   The Techno tribe’s dash ability cannot go through solid objects. They’ve tried. Best case scenario, they got a concussion from smacking into said solid object (namely walls) too hard. Worst case scenario, and thankfully this had only happened a handful of times and none fatal, they find a part of themselves stuck INTO the solid object. Very painful and resulting in the loss of stuck body part (think intangibility, but solidifying while still stuck in something)
    Rock Trolls are not so much fireproof as fire-resistant. They can still get burns if they stay in the lava for too long, though they do heal quicker from burns than other tribes
    Every single Rock Troll has been dared to jump into their main / biggest volcano’s caldera at least once. And they’ve all accepted it and jumped into said lava at least once. And after getting rescued, got yelled at by each and every health worker, at least once. Bonus cool points if you do it again and with an acceptable flip
    Country Trolls spend at least an hour each day for a siesta. Especially if they’re working in the fields
    Both Country Trolls and Rock Trolls like spicy food
    Only some Funk Trolls like spicy food too, especially curry, but most of those live in a smaller and static desert town instead of Vibe City
    Whether because of shared far-reaching ancestry or not, both Rock Trolls and Techno Trolls can hatch with big eyes (tho more for Techno Trolls than Rock). These big eyes, and bigger pupils, help see better in the darkness of underground tunnels / cooled vents and deep ocean depths, respectively
   Classical Trolls can be either rather scatterbrained or hyper-focused, the latter of which is usually when they’re playing / practicing their instruments. The giant metronome in their village not only keeps time for their music, but also literally as a timekeeper. At the top of the hour, it plays a loud but harmonious melody to remind people in case they forgot any appointments they have, meal time, etc
   During the Bergen escape, King Peppy hid both Harp and Pop String in his hair. He let Little baby Poppy play with it as a distraction from the scary noises of pickaxes & shovels tearing through the ground and some of the other Trolls’ terrified screaming. He also quickly made sure to tell Baby Poppy to put it back between the hair strands when she was done. She did; she’s a good baby after all and likes her Dada being happy and proud of her. Sadly, she forgot all about the pretty glowy string in favour of the cowbell, which was a gift from Dada and gifts are the bestest!
   When the Pop ancestor played all the strings, other genres got caught in the melody and were converted. Smidge, Biggie, Fuzzbert, Legsly, Skyscraper, etc are descendants of those converted Trolls
   Because this was the 1st time anyone tried to play all the strings under a single genre, some of the converted Trolls were able to keep some of their free will. So when the other Tribe ancestors stole back their strings, they managed to save some of the converted Trolls, voluntary or as an unwitting distraction for their escape. Unfortunately, no one knew how to turn them back, not even the Pop ancestor after having noticed that their tribe is suddenly a lot bigger. Eventually, they began to develop music, that, while mostly Pop, had enough of its own flavor to be considered a Sub-Genre, usually a different language or accent. This is why the Bounty Hunters have the basic Pop Troll shape
   Notably, the Funk ancestor managed to save a couple of extremely sparkly Trolls. They later became Disco Trolls
   Before their UFO, the Funk tribe traveled across the desert from oasis to oasis that were scattered throughout. In one of the bigger ones, and deep within the desert, they managed to create a town for their older and less-able members to settle down. Once the UFO was built, some moved in and others stayed in the town
   This town was where the rescued Trolls stayed, especially the Disco Trolls. The rescued Trolls even had a section of the town all to themselves and were a bit isolationist. Unfortunately, this was built and perpetuated more out of the Funk Trolls’ fear that the rescued Trolls would lose their battle of resistance against the call of Pop and leave to return to the Pop tribe, therefore telling them where they, and their Funk string, were hidden
   The sparkly Trolls that didn’t escape eventually became the Glitter Trolls of the Pop tribe
   Before the Pop ancestor stole the strings, there were a lot of mixed couplings and some of the children even had bits of physical features from each of their parents. After the separation, most of these mixed families were torn apart, whether by choice of following their own genre or by force via Pop conversion. Over time, these mixed physical features were essentially bred out until they more resemble their tribe’s single genre. However, sometimes these physical differences pop back up. Whether Branch is descended from a pre-Separation rock troll mixing or from a converted one is up for debate (like how every human is far, far, FAR distantly related to Africa, so not exactly a direct Rock-descendant)
   After the separation, the Pop ancestor faced backlash from their own tribe, notably the ones that had lovers and family from another genre. But the converted Trolls defended their master and so the scrapbook’d history, in the Pop ancestor’s pride, told of the cause of the separation being about musical disagreements instead of a takeover
   The truth of the separation was kept only to the Royal family. After a generation or two, the Royals began to fear what the other tribes would do to them out of retaliation for trying to take over. So they kept to their isolation, discouraging their tribe members from seeking out their origins or distant family members, especially if they had physical indications of such
   This fear got so bad that they wouldn’t contact for help when the Bergens invaded and captured the Pop Trolls
   After a few particularly bad Trollstices (there must have been a Bergen baby boom), the Royals were desperate enough to try to call out for help. Unfortunately, their numerous attempts failed as the critters they used to send out their letters were seen as pests to be exterminated by the Bergens and were promptly swatted or squished. Any Troll that managed to slip through the bars were promptly eaten. Much sadness was to be had at the loss of some of their closest friends. Not wanting to lose more of their friends and discouraged by all their failures, they stopped trying
   The other tribes barely knew that there were Bergens except for passing rumors brought by Bounty Hunters and Indie Trolls that saw them from afar. To the other tribes, they were big, ugly creatures that tend to destroy stuff in their way in anger and misery. Since their own tribes weren’t at immediate risk, they didn’t think too much of them except to hide themselves a little more or perhaps move to a more secure location
   The Techno tribe were actually settled closer to the main land, like the beach, but rumors of the Bergens had them fleeing a little farther into the ocean depths. The Funk tribe upgraded the boosters on their UFO
   If anyone (mainly older generations and the leaders) noticed or figured out that these giants seemed to have settled near where the Pop tribe were supposed to be (believing that they haven’t moved at all from the Troll tree since the separation), they kept it to themselves. A few of the more vindictive ones may have called it karmic justice
And that’s all I’ve got for now. I got tired (exhaustion tends to lead to rapid-fire ideas popping up tho). I've also got some AU ideas, but I'll post them separately. This is starting to get a little too long... 
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slowgo123 · 5 years
Persona 5 Familiar AU
@ren-amamiyaa (hope you don’t mind me tagging you since you were interrested in the AU)
This will be just a more in detail post from the AU I brought up.
This AU was created and developed by me and my friend @oracle-nila. 
More under the “read more” because this is long because I don’t know when to stop
The basic idea behind it is that each of the PT’s persona have an animal form they use in the real world to follow around their user, look after them, give them advice or be a be a nuisance if they want to be.
Each of the persona’s can only be understood by persona users, normal people will only hear animal sounds. Each persona has the general needs of the animal they are and not taking proper care of them can affect fighting inside the Metaverse, meaning that each Phantom Thief has to properly research of how to take care of their respective animal. Depending on animal and personality they are varying degrees of hard to keep alive, they can get sick and even “die”.
Death is not that permanent for Persona. A Persona dying in the real world means that they will be unable to be used for a short while and be weaker than normal until growing back to full strenght. During this time the user of the respective Persona will also be affected, they suffer from a lack of energy and will be pretty tired, their Persona dying will also cause an emotional imbalance. (Using persona uses SP more often then not which is pretty much “mental energy” or at least it’s referred to such in pq  so I think it makes sense for their death to affect their user mentally)
Now I’ll just go into detail about each persona for a bit:                                           Also hope no one is bothered my unrealistic desings and hhhh art abwfk also tumblr sucks and likes to resize images so rip me
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Arsene is a Raven (not a crow as some heathens from shujin would like to make you believe) I mostly made him one because of Arsene’s majestic wings (also fun fact: a group of ravens is called an unkindness or a conspiracy)
Arsene stays around Ren 24/7 having a habit if sitting on him (I mean Ren’s hair is basically a nest awnflfw) which confuses some students at Shujin and does bother some of the teachers (though I can’t recommend trying to throw a piece of chalk at him)
He is smaller than the average raven making it easy to mistake him for a crow
He also has the habit of stealing things from students at Shujin (he steals a lot of different things, mostly food, but he has stolen a wallet before)
He’s also a pretty good spy if need be
It isn’t suprising to see Mona or Loki get annoyed with him (he does get along with Carmen tho so not the entire cat squat wants him dead awfbkbw)
[ He’s a small bug and I didn’t have the energy to make a desing for him so there’s nothing here]
Zorro is a mosquito. Why you ask? because he reminded me of a mosquito when I first saw him and was 100% convinced he looked like one. (and because it’s funny)
He is the most fragile of all of the Persona (even if he says otherwise) this is used to tease him most of the time
Zorro is a male mosquito so he doesn’t drink any blood, though that doesn’t mean that that everyone isn’t going to be worried if he were to complain about hunger
Stays in Mona’s fur most of the time for safety reasons
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Kidd is dog, more specifically a border collie. The border collie is a dog breed originating from the scottish border, we thought it’d fit more than some other dog breeds because: scottish breed - scottish pirate
Both eyes work fine, but he has the eye patch because pirate aesthetic
also has a scar on his right hind leg but my idiot butt didn’t reallly make any kind of ref for how the scar looks and didn’t really draw it in the only drawing I have of him
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Carmen is a calico cat and also extremely fluffy
She’s a little taller than Mona
She often comes to school with Ann and charms people into giving her food (she’s quite talented at it)
She uses her close connection to Ann to her advantage when she can by manipulating Morgana or making small deals with him (that almost always end up with her not actually holding up her end of the deal)
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Goemon is a ferret and possibly the least realistic and most colorful desing of all of them
[haha he hasn’t actuallly gotten that much development]
[also hasn’t gotten a proper desing/drawing made yet]
Johanna is a swan
one of the least convinient persona to care for since Makoto not only has to explain to Sae why a swan keeps following her around at some point, but also is way too big or heavy to be carried via bag (though the latter thing could also be said about all of the other bigger/heavier persona)
Makoto can usually be found around the park because of her persona
Makoto is team mom and I’m 100% convinced Johanna is team mom for all of the persona
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Neccie is a bat (the desing was based of a brown bat specifically)
They’re nobinary and I’d give my life for them
Futaba and Neccie have both terrible sleep schedules due to both staying up when they should be sleeping (being the only nocturnal one of the group is hard)
They try to make Futaba go to bed at more resonable times, but often get too invested in whatever Futaba is doing at the time
They also like cuddling (which is good with Futaba’s tendency to manhandle animals)
has a tendecy to swear when angry
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Milady is a fox, looks cute but can be still quite dangerous (her desing is mostly based of a red fox)
[she also hasn’t gotten much development, sadly]
Robin Hood:
[doesn’t have a desing yet]
Robin is a golden retriever (golden retriever RH ftw)
He is trying his best to help Akechi (he has gotten both gotten the nickname of “Akechi’s self control” and “what’s left of Akechi’s moral compass” by me)
He actually likes to cuddle
Robin is also larger than the average golden retriever
Robin and Loki can bud heads from time to time, but they can still get along
Robin urges and tries to get Loki to interact with the other Persona whenever he can
has a habit of picking up Loki by the neck when needed
He also follows Akechi during bike rides (being a dog means that he needs proper daily exercise)
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Loki is cat, he’s a lot bigger than the average cat and is a short hair. (and also gets second place in least realistic desing) 
I like describe the relationship between Loki, Robin and Akechi as: Loki gets Akechi in trouble and Robin tries to get him out if it
He has the habit of pushing stuff of tables, annoy Akechi and in general be the asshole cat he was meant to be.
He likes to play the tsundere game strong
He avoids social interaction most of the time
He can be a bit chaotic and mischievous, you know, trickster god and all
He has the highest death count of all of the persona (suprising seeing how one of them is a mosquito)
Welp, now with the basic info about the persona and how the entire familiar thing works I might aswell go a little more into detail about scenarios and story and other shenanigans.
Akechi in this AU is found out way more quickly, at least the multiple persona and that he has a persona part, making him join the party earlier than in canon.
He is pretty much the first person they got to when they have questions on the whole persona thing since he had to deal with Loki and Robin for quite a while now. For example, if a persona were to get sick and they don’t know if it’d be better they can ask Akechi about or maybe even ask questions about how the whole “death” thing works. (how helpful he actually is can depend on the question and situation awnfljf)
Further on the topic of Akechi, he doesn’t get as strong of an effect if one of his persona then rest of the PT (because he only has one dead and the other is still alive), but if somehow both die he will barely be alive, because the effect is way stronger than the any of the PT would have. His brain would be short circuiting while the extreme exhaustion would make him almost pass out the entire time. (and let’s not forget that Robin and Loki are pretty much his only proper emotional support that he can genuinly talk to)
Btw, the first time Loki died was a shitshow, because that was during Akechi being really lonely and still young having no idea they could just “come back”. 
The general story wouldn’t actually change that much give or take a few death and persona related shenanigans, even with Akechi getting to be part of the PT earlier and getting to know all of them better than in canon.
The interrigation room pretty much plays out exactly like canon with Robin being a good amount of disappointed that it had to end like this.
Later on while Loki is off on his own when Akechi, Robin and him where somewhere near the Diet building he notices the PT being a lot more active than they should be and aproaches then, realizing that Ren is actually alive, he makes sure to try and dissuade them from continueing doing what they’re doing, which ends up with Loki killing Arsene and then just legging it, trying to weaken their leader before getting the news what’s going on to Akechi asap.
Akechi is super worried at how bloody Loki is and it takes a moment to click what Loki is telling him. Akechi enters Shido’s palace and the traitor fight happens a bit earlier in the palace than in canon, meaning that they aren’t in that cursed boiler room. Cognitive Akechi shows and instead of any kind of sacrifices being made the PT just beats the shit out of it. (also I like to think that Ren can still use persona even with Arsene having freshly died, just that attacks take a lot more energy and he has to struggle with the effects)
From then on Akechi join the PT again and the awkward, tense road to redemption is now opened to him (with Loki having to apologize for killing Arsene)
Also might I also say that through my endless need to insert Shuake into everything I make, just imagine their persona trying to be their respective wingman/men, Robin would have good intentions, but I’m mostly conviced that if anything Loki would just use knowing about the crush to be a little shit.
PS: thing that that nila noticed was that Arsene was a raven and that’s really similiar to a crow and I’m sure there’s something you connect with crow and Loki a cat and there’s a certain character people often compare to a cat.
Alright, I don’t know what to add currently so I think this is it for now until I decide to maybe edit it incase I make some more proper desings and/or this AU gets more developed [edit 1] fixed problem 
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thedappleddragon · 3 years
ugh im big stupid and haven't been posting my shit here for a while. I've still been typing it out in my notes, I just havent transferred them onto here lol. im putting it all under the cut, don't worry
Today was pretty dang nice! I spent a little time outside because it was nice and warm out, I drew a little in my sketchbook and digitally rendered a picture of Anna’s new princess outfit, ran an errand with my mom to pick up a graphing calculator and a pack of soda, ate some Wendy’s, and did a lot of sewing for my dress! I joined the bodice lining and exterior, and did a little over half of the sewing for the skirt. I’m doing French seams so there’s no raw edges on the inside, so I still have to iron it and go over the second round of stitches. My machine malfunctioned for a moment with the thread tangling up in the lower bobbin thingy, so I left it alone for like an hour and it fixed itself lol. I’m very happy with how the bodice came out after clipping all the extra fabric in the corners and test fitting it. I think it’ll be great when it’s done!! Although I may or may not need to seam rip a little bit of the skirt to extend the zipper down so I can get it over my fuckin DUMPTRUCK when putting it on. Right now there’s enough stretch to put it on, but Idk how well that’ll stay after attaching the 2 pieces. Also it might end up making me look fat/preggo in the end with how the skirt lays lmao. I also did a really quick test fit with the sleeves, and I might actually like it better sleeveless? I’ll put one on anyway and go from there to see which I like better. HOORAY this dress has pockets!! But I may have put them a little low lol. I wanted to do a big dress debut at prom, but turns out graduates aren’t allowed due to covid restrictions :( so that really sucks. But we’re still gonna hang out a little bit beforehand, and I can still do a debut. I made a little bow out of some scrap dress fabric, which I want to put in my hair for pre-prom. I think I’ll braid my hair, maybe get some fake flowers from dollar tree and ribbon to add somehow, and put the ribbon either at the bottom or the top, wherever the hair tie eventually goes. I’m so exited to work on it more. I’m kinda running out of white thread tho so I’ll have to get more. Later in the evening i got hungry and made ramen while my dad and I watched a documentary on some of the horrible shit that went on all around the world during 2020, some of which I had forgotten about, some that was really surreal and out of a dystopian movie, and some stuff that was just upsetting to watch. It was still pretty good tho. I got work tomorrow and I’m really sleepy even tho it’s only 12:30 so I think I’m gonna grab a snack and go to sleep soon. Gnight mwah
Yesterday I worked and sewed until I ran out of thread and drew a little bit. Spent most of my shift watering flowers, then I went home and ate for a moment, then watered more and picked dead flowers and talked about avatar and other animated shows with the highschool girl I work with. Came home and hung out for a while, that evening made some good pasta. 
Today I justly hung out, then went with mom to pick up a bookshelf and went through strawtown which I thought was a very funny name for a town. There was a cute antique shop in there tho. On the way back we stopped in a sewing shop called Always in stitches. I expected it to be a very small shop, but it was SO much bigger than I thought it would be. They had tons of fabric and quilting supplies, and lots of old ladies working and talking. I picked up a cone of white thread and a fabric sample pack. Then I sewed my dress a little bit. I still have lots to do, and only like 2.5 days to do it. I’ll get there tho. All I have to do is add the skirt hem, add the pockets back in (I took them out so I could see them in normally), add sleeves and hem them, and add the zipper. And attach the skirt to the bodice. I think I’ll be able to do it. I had yogurt for the first time in forever today. Tbh I used just enough to hold together the strawberry and granola bits kgelgskgs. It was pretty good tho. I drew ELEVEN pages in my sketchbook, about 8 of them being a comic about the pony au of our royalty au. I could have done the comic with human characters but ponies are so much easier to draw aggsssdh. I spent 40 minutes typing out the dialogue and editing it on top of the rest of the comic so my friend could read it, but she still hasn’t read my text :( oh well that’s fine lol. The original plot was supposed to be Sam talking to an accidental illusion of me being mean about her blight, but then I accidentally made it something different. I might just draw the alternate ending instead. Update I just did
Yesterday I sewed and went to Menards to buy tile for moms bathroom.
Today was VERY productive, I feel like. I woke up and immediately took a shower and did laundry. I spent some one just sitting on my bed scrolling and researching while listening to medieval remixes of songs lol. At some point I went out to buy subway for everyone and stopped at dollar tree for nail polish and satin ribbon. I made the ribbon into a little choker and wanted to use it for the hem of the skirt, but I was too short. In total I spent HOURS hemming and pinning and seam ripping and ironing and sewing today, but it’s still not done. I gotta kick my ass into high gear if it’s gone be done by Sunday afternoon. I started sewing the bottom hem, but my machine has been doing this weird thing where the fabric scrunches up right past the sewing foot and leaves wrinkles and gathers so loose I can move it around with my hands easily. I think it’s just my tension being too tight or something, I adjusted it a bit and I’ll test it in the morning. I’m too tired and it’s too late at night to be doing that much sewing. I seam ripped the entire back skirt seam so I could extend the zipper a little further down, and I’ll sew it back up once the hem is done. After that all I need to donis connect the skirt to the bocice, fix the zipper, and hem the arm holes. I don’t want to use the sleeves I made because the edges don’t line up at all and I don’t think I would be able to lift my arms, the way it’s built. The nail polish I picked up works way better than I thought it would, leaving a pretty good metallic sheen after just one coat. Way better than I thought for a dollar. I helped mom lay down tile a little bit, ripping up one old tile and helping a bit at a time throughout the day. I kept asking if she wanted help with the actual tiling part but she said no. We also couldn’t get the fuckin box cutter I bought to work. It’s supposed to be easy to replace the blade, but we couldn’t figure it out lol. I’m falling asleep fun. Washed my face twice, trying to take good care of myself before prom so I look good in photos. Gotta wash hair tomorrow. Made hamburger meat
Spent all day sewing and listening to bardcore remixes. Dress is as done as I bother to make it rn
Tbh I was hoping for a little more for today. I’ve spent the last like week or longer working towards this, and going especially in depth the past 3 days. I got all silky smooth, worked for hours on my dress, thought about pretty much nothing except prom day. I was late because my dad had my neighbor come over to take pictures of me in my dress. I thought it was just going to be her holding my dad’s phone to get a picture of us together, but she brought her whole ass professional camera and spent several minutes taking pictures. Then I took the weirdest way possible to get to my friend’s house on accident because google maps said it was the fastest way to get there. But HEY when I did get there I enjoyed hanging out with my friends. We ate some dinner AND??? Sammie I’m sorry if you’re reading this but THE MASHED POTATOES?? WERE S O BLAND????? AFAJSTSTHJST ily but girl. Just a little salt could have gone a long way <3 the steak and especially the green bean casserole were good tho :) dinner was good with the sparkling juice and little desert. Overall everything was just very loud, but that’s to be expected when this is everyone’s first time seeing each other in a goddamn while: actually I think they’ve all seen each other at school without me but hey whatever. I think I fucked up my phone screen on accident by sitting on it while it was in my pocket with my keys, leaving a spiderweb crack in it. I checked and yeah it’s not just the screen protector :( eh I don’t care that much, It didn’t fuck up the lcd screen or anything. We went up to Sam’s room and hung out and talked while she did Liz’s makeup and took pictures, and I borrowed a little of her concealer before photos. There was a little photo shoot in their front yard, and looking at the photos I look a little fat in them but I LOVE all the photos taken in Sam’s room where we were all just hanging out. Idk why but whenever you have to do photos and they say to do a silly one, it never turns out good, but the fun ones you casually take always turn out way better. They’re more genuine :) but then it was time for everyone to go to prom and for me to go home 😔 we only hung out for like an hour and a half. I didn’t want to take off my dress, seeing as I put in so much effort to sew the whole dress and shave and look pretty, so I wore it around the house for a bit until I got tired and went to lay in bed. I watched the mitchels vs the machines, which is a fuckin DELIGHTFUL movie!! Everybody go watch it it’s so cute <3 I also played some Pokémon and watched a little YouTube in bed, but feeling unfulfilled and wanting to do something different, I just didn’t know what. So instead I started typing this up as my sister brought me a cupcake from prom :) I had a bite and put the rest in the fridge, since it was so big and in a plastic container. I texted a friend over Snapchat asking if they had fun at prom, and they said it was kinda ass. I tried relating and saying yeah all school dances are a little ass, and my friend group once had anti prom and played dnd instead, but they just said ‘that’s nice’ back and idk if that means they’re annoyed at me or they’re just tired and didn’t wanna text or what but :( idk. Either way it’s fine, right now all I care about is going to bed. Gnight I guess. Also I keep thinking about that textpost that’s like “diary of icarly” and she talks in these simple-ass sentences and now I feel self conscious about how I write these snafnfs. I already know I write like a child in these, but that’s just because I don’t wanna go through the effort of making this sound nice and professional every day lmao. So child writing it is. Also painted my nails really horribly and it took forever to clean up which made me late
Woke up, went to work, spent a little time stocking, watered indoor plants, then attempting to work the register, and organized plants the rest of the time. I stood behind one of my coworkers as she checked people out, kind of understanding what she was doing but not that much, and read the manual in down periods. She had me check out a couple people, and it was NERVE WRACKING AS HELL. Thankfully everyone was very nice, and my coworker stood by and helped, and right as I was getting my foothold, my boss called for me to work outside and bring in the new shipment of plants. BUT YOU KNOW WHAT WAS REALLY NICE?? I was actually able to help some people today!! :D I’m slowly getting better at my job which is nice :) originally I was only gonna work 4 hours, but there were more plants to get and I felt like I could keep going, so I ended up working 6 instead. Every time I come home from the end of my shift I feel bad for not working more and like I should have stayed longer. Tbh I think I could do it if I had a proper break! I’ve been doing 4 hour shifts with maybe a water break in the middle because i don’t know how to ask to go on break ;-; Ike my secondary boss in the garden center is super nice and approachable and friendly but the main boss is like. Terrifying. I never know when he’s joking or being serious and I don’t understand him and assffsfamms it SUCKS. But whatever, I went home and ate some Mac n cheese and laid in bed because my back hurt and played on my ds for the rest of the night. I tried a couple new games, none of which I spent very long on. I tried okami den where you’re the wolf puppy child of the precious games protagonist I think, and idk maybe I’ll give it a better try in the future, but I wasn’t feelin it. I spent like 30 minutes on a pro bass fishing simulator and couldn’t clear the first level because the fish wouldn’t get close enough to my boat lmao. Sonic and Mario at the Olympic Games was fun until I lost at table tennis to Mario. I’d play it again. But I have work again tomorrow so I gotta go to bed good night. Having to blast my fan and play drawfee on my phone to drown out moms tv again >:(
Ate a pbj for breakfast? Went to work, moved plants around, took my lunch break, went to subway with an expired coupon, ate at home and times it perfectly so I could watch one section of the new drawfee episode, went back to work, made myself sad thinking about the god girl homunculus from fullmetal alchemist, picked dead flowers off the petunias, left a little early, hung out at home, left to go get mom’s medicine, found my dad at the store, followed him around and shopped for a bit, can home to unload everything, talked with him about buying one of the cars from him so it would be under mom’s insurance after the divorce, talked about being able to hang out at dads apparent after we help him move, ate some of the stuff we bought, and now I’m hanging out in bed again. I picked up my Pokémon black save and played a while today which was nice. I think I’m gonna work more in the next few days, be really busy with shit for like a week, and finally have a breather after the 15th. I really need to switch brain gears back into college stuff soon so I can sign up for orientation and figure out finances and shit, but for now it’s midnight and I don’t have to think about it lol
Today was pretty good, but also pretty boring. I played Pokémon all day since I didn’t have work, cooked some hamburger meat, and went on an errand for mom but got the wrong thing so I went out later to buy the right thing. I got spicy chicharrones instead of regular ones oops. On my drive back from getting the right thing, I rolled all my windows down and loved the feeling of driving around right after sunset when the weather was nice but cool, especially after standing in mom’s loud-ass room trying to ask about her bank card. I thought about going back out to aimlessly drive around the park and back, but instead hung out in my kitchen as my cat fell asleep on my lap. I think I’m gonna get paid tomorrow, so that’s exciting :D I probably made a solid couple hundred dollars if I had to guess. Idk what I’m getting paid per hour, but it’s probably ~$10 and I COULD go through my texts again to see how much I’ve worked, but I don’t really wanna lmao. I should just start putting that in my notes app instead...
Just had probably the most involved, longest dream ever?? It was a mix of infinity train and dangenrompa, we were mostly stuck inside my house, one boy left for years to search for supplies, I tried biking along a tail that disappeared into tree roots and a ditch with grass, cried because we had been in the same car for so long I was afraid they were gonna make us kill someone to get past, and at the end we escaped or something and had to fuck up security cameras and get past loopholes and lots of cereal boxes were involved? Idk there’s just so much I don’t remember. I wasn't sure if I had to go to work today, so I sent my boss a text and just kinda hung out. was making  hamburger meat for my mom when my boss called asking me to come in, so I took a shower and worked from 1-5. spent some time at the register, and got way better at checking stuff out :) I learned a couple things, and there was one old lady in particular who was very patient and nice to me while my coworker went to go find a smaller bag of birdseed. when it stopped being busy inside, I went ut to the garden center to help price plants and spent the rest of my shift out there. I got paid too! $9 an hour, 22 hours, $200 in total. hell yeah. not bad, although I literally have no frame of reference on if this Is good or not. after work I went home for a second, then got Hardee’s (or carls jr in the western states). I used a coupon for chicken tenders for me and my sister :) and while I was driving around today, I found myself wishing that everything in life could be as smooth and easy as driving my car through my neighborhood. and then I kinda laughed thinking about how I cried my first time driving on a major road asdjfasjdhf. but seriously I love driving my dad’s silver Volvo!! its so comfy with 4 wheel drive and good petal control, its like always driving on freshly paved roads <3 unfortunately that's the car my dad is taking when he moves into his apartment to use as his full time car instead of his shit-ass blue Volvo, and we’re gonna be stuck with the red Volvo with a really touchy gas pedal and slow break pedal. (idk if you've noticed but we really love old Volvos in this family. they’re all old and boxy as hell and I love em <3 ) then I played Pokemon black and beat the elite 4 and champion in one try with a lot of revives lmao. I was kinda underleveled, right at 48-50 range, same as them. I was angry about stuff and in pain earlier in the shower as I washed my hair, but I dont remember exactly what it was. now I have my soft Spotify playlist going so I can maybe go to sleep soon. oh wait I remember being angry that all I could thin about all day was work, even tho it only takes up a few hours of my day, and then I do nothing all day afterwards. idk it’s just weird.
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roseymoseyberry · 7 years
meridianbarony replied to your post: It’s honestly embarrassing sometimes what will...
….. >.>…. do you have more on that au tho….
oh good lord i’ve definitely thought v much about it, and I have no intention of writing it as a fanfic because frankly I don’t know enough about metal or how investigations actually work, haha. BUT! here’s basically the whole Swerve/Ultra Magnus Forensic Investigators AU:
so I don’t remember if this was actually in the comics or if i just made this shit up my fucking self but like, metallurgy for cybertronians is kind of similar to dermatology, so it’s very much a medical specialization.
So from there i figure like, most of them would have jobs similar to dermatologists, i.e. helping bots that can afford it to have plating that is less blemished/isn’t as easily blemished or helping bots with legit issues with their plating and metals, etc. Some metallurgists go into more engineering stuff (so dealing with non-living metals) but it’s kind of the looked down upon side of metallurgy. Kind of like the blue collar side of it? It’s stereotyped at as where metallurgists who couldn’t manage to keep a job in a medicinal context end up. (which isn’t true, some metallurgists just prefer non-living metal work, but you know. stereotypesssss)
forensic metallurgy is definitely a thing, but it’s v different and skews more towards science than medicine, so it’s kind of like engineering metallurgy in terms of how it’s viewed. The main reason is because the VAST majority of the time, forensic metallurgists are dealing with non-living metal. Metal from weapons or from a crime scene, etc. Most of the living metal stuff -- aka corpses oops -- is handled by the medics who do autopsies and such. Forensic metallurgists would only ever be brought in if a specialist was needed, and a lot of the time the medics won’t bother because they’re “just” a metallurgist
Swerve goes into forensic metallurgy with huge aspirations. He has definitely glamorized it in his mind, and definitely expected to have a bigger impact on solving crimes. He genuinely wants to help! But instead, his work is dealing with evidence, and usually just in a routine way -- he hasn’t been able to actually discover any clues that breaks any case. Every year that goes by he sort of continues to drain him, because he knows he’s looked down on by the autopsy medics and his fellow metallurgists, and all he was trying to do was do some good in the world! To be a hero and find a criminal!
And then, one day, in walks Investigator Ultra Magnus
And of course Swerve already knows Ultra Magnus. He’s a big name around the... precinct?? This shit is why i could never write this as a fic, haha. But anyway, he’s famous in their circles. He’s the kind of bot who gets put on murder cases, who is so thorough and meticulous that he’s a pain in the ass, but damn if it doesn’t get results
And swerve just about robo-pees himself because Ultra Magnus is in his lab and asking Swerve if he received his request to help his investigation
Swerve says he’ll do it before he even has a chance to riffle through his paperwork to actually find the damn thing because he 100% did not see it
The case itself is basically that there’s a double murder. Each of the victims, either during or after the murder, were meticulously taken apart, piece by piece, down to their individual struts and circuit boards, and then the parts of both bots are thrown into and mixed up in a box and dumped.
One of the big problems is identification of the victims. Their plating was completely buffed and scrubbed of any paint and any identifying physical traits seem to have been ground away. As well, the processors and spark cases of the victims were not with the remains. So without any of that, identification was beyond what the autopsy medics could find.
The only reason that they know that it was two bots -- not just one bot, or just a mixture of multiple bots -- was because when all the pieces were separated and sort of pieced together with other parts that seemed to fit, there was just enough parts for one large bot and one minibot.
Ultra Magnus decided to bring the case to a metallurgist in hopes that with that specialization, they might be able to find anything to point to who the victims could be.
Swerve is very, very excited. Until he has the hundreds upon hundreds of body parts and pieces delivered to him and has to face the fact that there were actual living bots once.
Insert forensic procedural here where Swerve slowly goes through all the parts and Ultra Magnus shows up to his lab every. fucking. day. and it’s kind of intimidating and intense because swerve is just so star shocked! Ultra Magnus is the kind of guy he idolizes, someone who’s going out and getting shit done, and Swerve’s big mouth drops comments about how fucking cool Ultra Magnus is, like, constantly. Ultra Magnus sort of brushes it off at first, then sort of ignores it, and then after a while he kind of is like “ok but i’m not? That great at all?”
basically over time (and swerve eventually working up the courage to ask if ultra magnus wants to meet up for drinks after work and stuff like that) they get to know each other and it’s like? Swerve has always looked up to ultra magnus because he’s the big investigator who brings all the clues together and catches the bad guys, and mean while ultra magnus feels like he’s just constantly relying on other people, and doubting that he’s even necessary or important to the process, etc. and so forth. When swerve waffles and tries to be like “ok but you’re big and strong and can get shit done becuase of that!” ultra magnus reveals that he’s actually a minibot named minimus wearing a huge suit, shit like that
because i LOVE swerve and ultra magnus talking about their insecurities together.
Also there’s a second set of murders of a large bot and a minibot that happens somewhere in there and it amps up the pressure and drama because we’ve got a fucking serial murderer on our hands. and maybethere’s a letter left in the box that’s like “i’ve got an *literal optic pasted onto the letter* on you, hopefully i’ll see you soon” or something. there’s a definite fear that the murderer has a target and it could be someone who’s a part of the investigation
And swerve is like fUCK i gotta find??? something!!??? what if they already have their next victims lined up?!?! what if it’s someone on the investigation team?!???!??? aaaaaAAHHHHH?????????
Also though ultra magnus is like sWERVE IS A MINIBOT??? i gotta solve!! this case!!!!!!!!! because what if he’s in danger??????????
also swerve and ultra magnus are slowly sort of circling each other and developing feelings and are pretty sure the other one isn’t interested in them the same way
ANYWAY BACK TO THE EVIDENCE BECAUSE DID YOU THINK I FORGOT? Swerve found with the first set of bodies that there were some spots where there was rubbing away at the plating, which were all pointed out in the autopsy reports as being additional places that the murderer took a grinder too. However, Swerve finds through metallurgy that the scouring on the plating is different -- most of the spots are from a grinder, but some are from gradual rubbing of metal against metal that would have had to happen over time. Swerve can’t really tell if they’re at all significant though, since that’s not that uncommon when you’re body is made of metal.
It’s only when he’s looking at the second set of bodies--
(which btw the autopsy medics were definitely like keeping swerve out of the autopsy because it’s their territory or whatever, he could have them when they were finished, and the second ultra magnus was like “???? why haven’t you started on the new frames????” and swerve told him, ultra magnus got the fuck up in that autopsy room and made it explicitly and loudly clear that swerve was to be part of the autopsy so he could see the frames asap and if there were any problems with that, they could take it up with him, and swerve fucking sWOONED)
--swerve notices more of the weird marks. everyone else sort of slowly makes their way out because the work day is over, but swerve is so focused because what if they mean something! even when ultra magnus comes to escort him home -- because he’s been doing that lately since he’s worried swerve might be a target and he’s v worried!!! -- swerve is like nah, i’m gonna stay overnight, i’ll see you tomorrow. because maybe this would finally be the break in the case. Maybe he could impress ultra magnus! maybe--
It’s not much later that swerve realizes what he’s looking at. The gradual wearing marks are all at joints and corners, as if the minibot was wearing the larger bot, so their plating would rub against the inside of the larger armor plates.
There haven’t been four victims. there’s been two victims, and they were both minibots who wore larger armors.
And Swerve loses his god damn mind because it’s Ultra Magnus! He’s the next victim!
I hadn’t though this part out just as much yet but i’m sure there’s a very dramatic and cool sequence of events where swerve is trying to contact ultra magnus while he’s racing down the route to ultra magnus’s apartment, and it’s definitely raining because that’s cool, and it’s as ultra magnus answers that he gets attacked and so the comm goes dead and swerve is gO N E he’s so freaked out
and he probably stumbles upon the scene, ultra magnus just laying there because the suit has been disabled somehow and minimus is stuck inside, and the murder has got a murder weapon (maybe like... a laser knife or something? that would go through the larger armor and into the one on the inside), and swerve is so scared and so brave and tackles the murderer. It doesn’t go v good for swerve since he’s not a fighter and he’s a minibot, but he distracts long enough that while nobody is watching, minimus manages to drag himself out of the armor and BLAM! shoots the murderer right through the head when he was about to kill swerve
it’s all v cool with these two perfect minibots just staring at each other, both so so worried about the other one and just!!!! robot adrenaline and shock!!!!!
Anyway, the day is saved, and once the two have been taken from the scene and checked out to make sure they weren’t harmed, minimus and swerve probably babble at each other about how worried they were about each other and then kiss because they fell in love
and also solved a crime along the way
And that, ladies and gents and other esteemed guests, is all this fucker wrote.
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