#this is wonderful genuinely i don't know what emotions im feeling but they're good ones
choctalksalot · 1 year
strangely enraptured by reddit refugees i feel like im behind the scenes on nat geo wild watching a new species being introduced into the ecosystem. which is exactly what's happening and im wildly entertained by it
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Hello there!! Idk if I have already sent something in, but if I haven’t, I would love to request! May I please have the LS members’ (separate) reactions to a new member with “soulless” or “dead” eyes (basically like the anime eyes that have no shine in them), who always seems rather closed off, but at some point the members do something nice to them, and the reader blushes and their eyes just light up like the brightest stars? Sorry if this request is a lot! If it is you can ignore! But thank you so much! (I loved the housewife s/o HCs you wrote btw, they were lovely!) ❤️❤️
Ghiaccio pfp twinsies...woag- also i like this idea a lot!! this reader sounds absolutely wonderful <33 fair warning I wrote most of these while incredibly sleepy so if they're ooc that's probably why im so sorry-
La Squadra with a reader who has soulless eyes (that light up when they're happy/flustered)
When he first saw you, he wasn't sure exactly how alive you were.
I mean, those empty eyes and the way you barely talked to anyone definitely had him raising an eyebrow at first.
But he quickly got used to it. Nothing was wrong with responding to a joke with a tiny smile instead of a hearty laugh.
In fact, with enough time, he grows rather comfortable around that blank stare of yours. He gives you your space, but whenever you do talk to him, he's more than happy to get the chance to hear your voice and chat.
One day, before you went out for a mission, Formaggio noticed you nearly forgot to bring something vital. He managed to catch up to you and give you the item before you left, but before he could say anything, he noticed your expression.
The color spread across your cheeks, and your eyes -Oh god, your EYES. It was like someone finally flipped on a light switch in them. They were full of life for once, and the sight had him speechless.
But- shit, right, you had to leave. With an absent-minded nod and pat on the shoulder, he began to walk away.
"No need to thank me," he shouted to you before he was out of sight - and it was true. The look on your face had been thanks enough.
Definitely made fun of your empty eyes often. Like Formaggio he probably compares you to a zombie, but he is willing to say it out loud.
He tries to guess what your thinking and feeling all the time if you tend to not show emotion. Like he'd say things like "I bet you're pissed about that too, you just don't wanna show it."
But like. In an annoying way if that makes sense.
I'll be honest I can't think of what kind of nice thing he would do for you. This dude's section has haunted me for days, y'all.
But in the event of him doing nice for you, he notices your expression right away. boy is he surprised by it. and boy is he LOUD about it.
"Holy SHIT! You're actually alive! I managed to break that moody façade of yours?"
You might wanna walk away or hide your face before he calls the rest of the gang over to look.
Afterwards he's weirdly a bit nicer to you? He obviously wants to see your adorable expression again, but his exact intentions are unknown...
Doesn't care in much of a usual way. If anything I think he would comment on how your hard to read expressions and closed off nature makes you good for the job.
So he never really bothers to think you may be any other way.
The two of you were set to go on a mission together, and he insisted you work on a concrete plan beforehand. It turns out his idea for the plan relies VERY heavily on your abilities/stand.
When you ask about it, he begins to talk about how strong your abilities are, and how perfect you would be for the job, how he has faith that you can pull it all off.
Your heart flutters at his words and with every compliment you feel heat rush to your face.
When he stops talking and notices how your eyes lit up, he's....genuinely unsure what to think.
It was all true, you were strong and the right person for the job, but we all know how he gets when he's working with someone he feels is a bit too vulnerable cough cough pesci
He doesn't worry about it for the time being - it's a one time thing after all - but he keeps an eye out for if it happens again.
I think he is used to people thinking he looks strange/creepy, so even it might creep him out a bit, he tries to be nice about your soulless face.
Gives you your space, but this boy is sweet, it won't take long for him to do something that makes the darkness in your eyes fade away.
idk why my first thought for the moment is him baking something new and asking you to try it. You have a taste and quickly nod in approval, it's delicious.
Relieved, Pesci proceeds to let you know he made it because he remembered you mentioning [insert flavor here] was your favorite flavor. Yep, that'll do it.
He's incredibly caught off guard, seeing your eyes twinkle with appreciation - for a second he thinks you're about to cry! He stands there, unsure what to do, until either the interaction ends or you say something to him.
Is so overwhelmed afterwards no matter what happens - was that really the real you? That sweet face was really yours?
It literally doesn't matter to him - he can see right through your dead look. It's uncanny.
You could be completely stone-faced and he would find some way to be able to tell exactly how you feel about something. He'll tell you his predictions too to see if their right.
I imagine it's one of these moments that actually leads to him seeing that cute expression of yours.
It started with "you found that hilarious, didn't you?"
He was playing his guessing game again, and like every time before, he was right. You didn't even have to answer.
"You know, you're so interesting to read. You have all these little tells for every small thought, and I think you subconsciously change them a bit every time I take notice of them!" He suddenly began explaining to you.
But it didn't stop there, he began to tell you all about how he picked apart your body language, how he noticed changes in your emotions over the entire time he's known you. "You're.... fascinating to watch."
It's not until he finishes talking that you both realize you've been staring at him with a completely uncharacteristically bright look of wonder. Then it's his turn for his face to light up, pointing at the blush on your cheeks.
"So you do like how I watch you! I knew it."
"The hell are you giving me that look for!?"
Of COURSE he takes it personally a lot - especially if you're supposed to be listening to his rambling. He isn't exactly thinking straight, so he just thinks your blank stare is some kind of insult.
But beyond that, it's rare he'll get on your ass about it.
Over time, I think he might even find you a reliable person to spew all his ranting at, if you don't complain at him or cause a fuss.
Maybe even at some point, perhaps if you've been getting picked on especially hard by Illuso, he'll ask if you have any ranting to do.
"What!? That prick has got to be getting on your nerves, doesn't that make you- WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU GIVING ME THAT FACE FOR!?"
You're gonna have to end up explaining yourself or else he won't stop asking you. When you do, he'll scoff, saying he barely did anything. At least you won't have him blabbing about it to the others, you both know it would get real annoying real quick.
If you specifically ask him to keep it secret, he'll nod, and you swear you see him smile at you.
This man also looks pretty damn unapproachable (love him tho <3). He has the least amount of problems with how you are.
Like Prosciutto, he thinks your closed off nature is good for the job. But he never brings up that sometimes he wishes you were a little more open.
One day you return from a mission. It went smoothly. Enough. Okay, you had managed to get the deed done, but you had gotten injured in the process. In order to not endure lecturing from any of your teammates, you quickly dismissed everyone's questions about the mission and looked for things to treat your wound with, hiding it from everyone else.
In the middle of hastily wrapping up the bloody injury, you felt a hand on your shoulder, and soon after you head Risotto's voice. He warned you that you weren't treating the wound carefully enough.
He didn't scold you- a scolding wasn't going to help the sting and the crimson staining your skin. No, he asked if he could take care of the wound for you.
You felt your face heat up as he helped you, but although you were sure he noticed the look on your face, he made no mention of it. Just tended to your wound, and told you to tell him about any issues with a mission next time.
Afterwards you two agreed you would give him specifics later. You thanked him and that was that.
Walking away from you, Risotto replayed your expression in his mind....how cute.
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lostfracturess · 1 month
hi nici i'm back
So I stumbled on, each day collapsing into the next.  Until the next semester started and I remembered I had an actual job.
lmaoooo wait he kinda relatable for that ngl
GASSPPP SHE'S IN THE CLASS HE'S TEACHIGN omg this is so crazy. w all their history. n it's just back to square one. teacher n student. also i cant believe it's been four weeks sighhh
"Have you ever thought about how I felt when I found you?" she snapped, her voice rising. "How terrified I was when you wouldn't respond? When you couldn't even recognize me? When I thought you'd die on me?" She took a shaky breath. "Fuck Satoru, I held your face in my hands while you were barely breathing!"
YES!! LIKE SRS I CAN ONLY IMAGINE HOW TERRIFYING THAT WAS. omg this argument scene i canttt i mean reader kinda spittin facts but also idk it's hard for him too :((
"And that," she leaned closer, almost brushing my lips, "is what makes you the most pathetic person I know."
GODD I'M LOVING THIS FUCKING ANGST RN IT'S SO GOOD. THE ANGER IS SO PALPABLE also i just love how consistently in character reader is
But I also wanted nothing more than to fuck that attitude out of her right then and there.
HELPSDKFJSHDKF i must love toxic bc this had me UHHHHHH HAD ME FEELIN LOTS
:(( omg reader saying she's been waiting for it to get easier n how he said it would (once again proposing the song loml by ts for s&c couple) also KSDJFHSDKL suguru always walking in on them damn. send HIM to therapy too LOL
man i am EXHAUSTED for satoru rn. every single day for him is like a living hell jesus. i mean it CANNOT feel good for him to live this way, obv he's an addict but i guess i always err on the side that it's not really addicts faults?? esp when you know what goes on biochemically when it comes to addictions, they are literally almost impossible to fight, and in a lot of cases, canonically for s&c gojo too, addicts didn't WANT to be come miserable n codependent on substances. a lot of times, it's just bad place/time or someone coercing or influencing them to begin. and then they're fucked for life. the fact he's managed to become a self sufficient professor and maintain surgerical prowess while fighting an addiction is incredible, but he neeeeeds to get clean. like, there's nothing more important rn than for him to just. literally put himself in rehab, in therapy, etc. idk. im word vomiting here but i just really hope he gets genuine professional help. ive always found it interesting how doctors are at times the most careless of their own health
DAMNNN he called her a bitch.
oh my godsshhh the hATE SEX. PLS.
"You're a fucking hypocrite, you know that?" I leaned closer, my mouth close to her ear. "You hate who I am, but you crave this, don't you? Giving up control, being at my mercy. Admit it."
sighhhh. yes.
I leaned down over her, my hand snaking into her hair. I grabbed it tightly, forcing her head up to meet mine. "I love you, first-year," I murmured against her ear. She trembled, but her defiance remained strong. "I hate you." I sighed — always so fierce, makes me wonder what it takes to fuck that stubborn attitude out of her.  "It's alright, I love you enough for both of us."
damn. this chapter was just pure angst. im ngl gojo's brain is an insane thing, and the way you WROTE THISSS NICI???? literal poetry. i cannot believe how you can make me feel sm emotions n im like exhauted rn. emotionally worn out. but in a good way lol idk if this makes sense, but in the sense that it hurts so good?? anyways yet another awesome chapter, thanks sm for your hard work :''')
hello in part two !!
GASSPPP SHE'S IN THE CLASS HE'S TEACHIGN omg this is so crazy. w all their history. n it's just back to square one. teacher n student. also i cant believe it's been four weeks sighhh
they really are back to the beginning, but still everything changed, i loved this idea that they have this kind of seeing each other for the first time again in class as like in the beginning of the story 🫠💔
HELPSDKFJSHDKF i must love toxic bc this had me UHHHHHH HAD ME FEELIN LOTS
lol you're not the only one haha
also KSDJFHSDKL suguru always walking in on them damn. send HIM to therapy too LOL
poor suguru – the man needs a break from walking in on this trainwreck of a relationship. and yeah, a good therapist wouldn't hurt him either 😂😂
& yes ur talk about addiction is spot on. it breaks my heart, too, because that ongoing internal struggle is a huge part of what makes gojo such a compelling character.
his addiction isn't just a simple choice, it's incredibly complex, especially when you factor in his history and the immense pressure he faces every day. and his self-hatred and guilt just fuel the cycle.
and yes gojo desperately needs help, but for him, there's that added layer of fear – the fear of vulnerability, the fear of failure, and the overwhelming belief that he doesn't deserve help. really tragic. shame the author for writing this pewww !!
DAMNNN he called her a bitch.
i found it hilarious ngl 😂😂
ahhh, thank you so so much for always reading, commenting, and sharing your thoughts so generously ellie. it truly means the world to me 😭😭❤️
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22degreehalo · 2 months
The more I think about it the more I'm just. obsessed with aroace Yuno!!!!
Like c'mon... 'The wanted wanting the wanter /isn't that just too perfect?' She's not doing this compensated dating because she needs the money or has any huge past trauma, there's something else attracting her: it's that normal relationships feel so fake and dishonest (meanwhile even if her clients get feelings for her, it's not her fault because she was upfront that this is a transactional thing) and with these types she can have full control of what goes on and when and where and why!!!
Which is Also making me think of. Complicated slightly fucked up Yuno+Kazui friendship.
And FIRST OF ALL I'm. very new to this fandom and haven't read Most of the drama CDs hahahaha so this is just my first impression BUT
so she approaches him early (i have no idea if any of this is canon im sso sorry this is just what I want. right now.) because guys like him are common clients (either bc they're divorced and lonely or want to feel young again or whatever) but he's just easygoing abt it but Firm No. ('I'm old enough to be your father.' 'Haha, yeah? Isn't that the point?') And genuinely doesn't seem interested which is kinda annoying but whatever.
So she kinda tries or or two approaches with him, like playing the more sexy role of her second MV, but still he's not giving Anything back At All, and honestly it's weird that she's even trying this hard? Normally it's the other way around??? Like it's not like he can even pay her in here so.
She stews a bit and wonders if she does genuinely have feelings for him finally which'd be both annoying and a relief, and honestly it just Fits that that'd be how these things go lmao that she finally has real legit feelings for a guy with no interest in her. (And Mahiru is probably super excited about it bc this is early when she's still perky and happy and wanting to push them together.)
Maybe at some point Kazui does admit that he feels lonely without someone physically there with him to touch and be close to. So Yuno finally gets him to lie in her lap or vice versa or whatever. But it feels sorta weird. And he gets a bit somber. And wonders aloud if this is what it would've been like to have a daughter.
And she just. Gets up and leaves.
She's had guys say stuff like that before. Sometimes cause they pitied her and wanted to 'save her', which was frustrating, and she'd cut them off immediately. Usually because it was some kinda fucked-up incest roleplay, which she enjoyed; more than most roleplays, actually. The sweet lovey-dovey rps are okay but kinda false and make her feel weirdly guilty; the more messed up ones, she can relax in. Fucked up familial relationships, fucked up romantic relationships: what's the difference?
But Kazui actually meant it. No ulterior sexual or compassionate motives.
She apologises later saying that it's because they never hashed out their red flags or what the scene would be about, but she's the professional here and she didn't make sure that happened so it's her bad. And he just seems to accept that, and says he doesn't want to overstep her boundaries. And seems to mean it.
There's some commonality between them. A willingness to hold themselves back. To not talk about things that people don't want to talk about. This dance of fake affection, until it's impossible to tell what one's true feelings are anymore.
She likes having her relationships set out in clear words, without the actual emotional honesty of having to delve into her own psyche. But now she sort of wants to share things with him, and she has no idea what to do with that. And on his side, he senses some similar circumstances between them, but he still isn't yet able to be honest about what he knows about himself deep down. But maybe if he was, he could talk to her.
There's some talk abt sex among the prisoners. These two are expected to have the most experience, but she's kinda like 'sex is okay. It feels good and it's a means to an end.' And he's weirdly mysterious about it all but claims that his perspective is closest to hers, which confuses everyone else.
And............somehow from that they end up being able to have a conversation about Not Wanting What Society Wants You To Want and the weird relationships you have with all that and the ways you do or don't get what you Actually want, an d it's all very good and meaningful but idk I haven't thought that far yet hahahaha that's as far as I got before I had to type it all up :')))
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ryutarotakedown · 6 months
susato for the character ask game! if she’s already been sent in then olive/viridian :^)
AAAAAAAH THANK YOU!!! im doing both because i feel like i say everything i think abt susato immediately on here lmao so i probably have more olive thoughts than anything
headcanon A: realistic
susato is autistic. sososo autistic. and as a result she learned most of her Way of Speaking (and english in general) from the herlock sholmes zine serials, which i think is actually pseudo-canon according to an interview with the localizer janet hsu? but anyway at one point she says something like “it is a great joy to know what emotions lie behind that cold mask” with the utmost politeness to, like, maria or somebody, and iris is like. ohh susie! i think i know where you got that from! ^-^ and susato has the delayed realization that half of her prepared lines were written by a ten year old
also susato has really good sea legs considering she's spent like [thinks] eight whole months at sea by the time she arrives in japan post-canon
i really like that one fanart with the headcanon that olive needs glasses!! i also think that she had severe anxiety as a teenager (and still does, it just manifests in a different way now) such that she had trouble speaking at all at times (selective mutism) which is how she got to be so fast at painting arrows on her palette thing. it's lessened a bit by the time we meet her but she likes doing it for emphasis anyway
headcanon B: while it may not be realistic it is hilarious
i cannot find the fanart for the life of me but please know i am always constantly thinking about that one comic where susato flies away with her hair loops flapping like a bird's wings. i am haunted by it.
on a more original note i think susato should consensually steal iris's smoke gun so she can go try to shoot her initials into the walls of the mikotoba mansion again. "the problem with the Real gun, naruhodou-sama, was the recoil! but this one should do the trick :)!" she succeeds and also dyes her father's hair blue in the process. hey at least he matches with sholmes-of-two-months-ago now
oh god let's see, do i have any good olive headcanons? i think her middle name is viridian and the difference between her original and localization counterparts is that viridian hates the color olive and olive hates the color viridian. they're both so glad their parents gave them two options.
headcanon C: heart-crushing and awful, but fun to inflict on friends
maybe i should have put this one in "realistic" but: consider the fact that susato arrives to london early the second time because she didn't get on the same boat as her father. consider that after they find out about him, both ryuunosuke and susato think it's possible that yuujin knew kazuma wasn't dead (even though this is disproved immediately after they tell him about it). consider susato running away from ryuunosuke after telling him she has to leave in 1-5. anyway i think avoidance is susato's main coping mechanism and she chose to spend 2 more months alone on a ship with no one she knew because she couldn't bear to look at her father for more than three seconds without making herself sick with wondering what he was hiding
i thought for so long about olive but the thing is. i genuinely don't think i could make her story more tragic than it already is without making it just, horrifically dark, you know? i thought a bit about whether she would be executed for attempted murder but i do think the system of tgaa is more lenient on that than the actual modern ace attorney universe, so. let's see — canon says she has parents and that she and duncan were waiting to graduate before telling them about their engagement, so i think they tried to talk to her after she dropped out but the selective mutism kicked in for like. a very long period of time. while she went to briar road every day, pretending not to hear them calling after her that this wasn't healthy. she heard them talk about possibly institutionalizing her behind her back and figured, what's another straitjacket. after she gets placed in prison they do come visit her and try to hide that they're horrified that she would ever go so far as to poison someone for that ross boy who they never did approve of that much, but she can tell. she doesn't speak much to them. they still visit every week.
headcanon D: unrealistic, but I will disregard canon about it because I reject canon reality and substitute my own.
i have said this probably a million times already but susato should have Exploded in 2-5!!! she should have blown up!!!! she should have had a meltdown!!!! why don't we have a susato breakdown sprite other than her trying to chuck her book into the ocean!!!!!!!!!! also she spills everything to haori once she gets back and they kiss about it.
ALSO also this isn't "unrealistic" exactly but it is unbelievable to me that susato & haori are not canonically childhood best friends so i am just. going to canonize that. one extra word. there
while in prison olive keeps drawing anywhere and everywhere and more and more people join in until it's a whole underground movement thing, and 200 years later textbooks will say that the term and practice of "art therapy" originated from a felon convicted of attempted murder whose name has sadly been lost to the annals of history (her signature was stylized in all-lowercase like "olive green" so as to be Emo, and so they thought she was just making a statement about color theory)
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How would you rank the barians from least favorite to most favorite
OK SO. IVE BEEN SITTING ON THIS ASK FOR WEEKS CUZ I WAS WAITING UNTIL I HAD ACTUALLY SEEN ALL SEVEN BARIAN EMPERORS IN ACTION. and now well im done watching the series SO!! im glad I waited because over the course of the back chunk of zexal ii my opinions on all the emperors got jostled around so much AND I ENDED UP LIKING ALL OF THEM A LOT. so i guess caveat for this list: love all 7 of these guys so much, definitely one of my favorite "factions" of yugioh characters. my fuckign kids
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anyway, from 'least' to most favorite
7. Girag: THIS FEELS SO MEAN. SORRY GIRAG like I said i love 'em all but I guess he's the one I like the least, if only because his design is.... unfortunate. And his backstory is......................... unfortunate. They really said "this black character didn't actually do any of his supposed achievements; a literal tanuki did them for him" and called it a day huh HHFDGSDFG Yugioh Not Fantastic Moments but what can ya do. He's still fun. I love his dub voice I genuinely do wonder if it being a bit of a Rocky Balboa impression was a deliberate choice (since he's buddies with Alito Boxer Kiddo Extraordinare).
6. Dumon: AGAIN. A LITTLE MEAN. SORRY DUMON FDHGSG he's grown on me a BUNCH since I started z2 mostly because i lesbianpilled him in my brain but he's gotta be #6 because his Barian form is probably my LEAST favorite of the bunch. I'm not big on his very flat eyes but I do love the idea that they're because He Cant Fucking See. His human form is so fucking funny they really librarypilled this guy so hard. He's low on the list but still dear to me. Definite Zexal Real One.
5. Marin: GOD. RIOMARINMERAG. I LOVE HER. I REALLY DO. her Barian form's color palette is just gorgeous and she has an awesome ice motif and she's a COOL SPORTY JOCK and she LOVES HER BROTHER but my GOD she suffers from Girl in a Yugioh Series SO BAD. THIS POOR GIRL IS FRIDGED FOR LITERALLY OVER HALF THE SHOW!!!! she does 1-3 cool things and They Shred Like Hell but there's just barely enough of her in the show for her to really blossom into one of my top favs :( don't worry sweetheart im coming
4. Mizar: ok so now we're getting into the territory of where I Just Really Like These Guys. I didn't give a SHIT about MizarMizael until the Moon Duel, and then I proceeded to give SO many shits about him. What can I say.... sad kiddo YGO character backstory gets me every time. I love that he pulled an Aporia and face-turned and tried to take on the Big Bad but fumbled so fucking hard he died in one turn. His Barian form is ROUGH, THOUGH. HIS SHADES OF YELLOW ARE TOO FUCKING CLOSE TO EACH OTHER PUT SOME MORE GREEN AND RED IN THERE. Anyway. Been cooking a trans woman Mizar headcanon for a little while now. estrogen and hooves could have saved her.
3. Nasch: I. really like Shark. I'm still sorting out favorites in my mind but Shark is definitely in my Top Five and I like him as Nasch by extension. Definitely one of the coolest Yugioh Rivals by absolute far. His slow growth as Shark from Mean Bully to Guy Who Cares So Much About His Friends just GUTS me!! This is what ygo's all about babeyyy!!! And the sheer amount of AWFUL SHIT that happens to this kid, MY GOD. He loses his sister over and over again and ends up with SO MANY LIVES ON THE LINE it's a fucking wonder he didnt have a turbo emotional breakdown and collapse. Also I love when characters have species identity crisis and claim to throw their humanity away<3 I know that one <333 ALSO his color palette is really good, I wish his pants were dark though.
2. Alito: ALITOOOOOOOO ALITO MY BI ITALIAN REP. he is latino to me. as well. anyway Alito is also one of my Absolute Top Favorite Zexal Characters I fucking love him. I love Tough Guy Who Kids Love. I love his Battlin Boxers. I love his narrative parallels to Nistro (also one of my fav characters). I love both his forms!! His Barian color palette rocks. ALL OF HIS DUELS GO SO DAMN HARD ESPECIALLY THE MYTHIRIAN NUMBER ONE AND HIS 'CONTROLLED BY DON THOUSAN' DUEL. He's just so good!!! His dynamic with Yuma makes my brain spin around. I need to draw him for real so bad. I hope they put him in Duel Links soon I will whoop and cheer and clap.
cmon. gotta be basic here but you know it's VECTOR!!!!!!!!!!! God he might be. My most favorite Zexal character. He is certainly the one making me the Most insane. I feel like a version of me from a different dimension made this character in a lab just to psychologically torment me. He's BONKERS, he's FUNNY, he's SO OBSCENELY EXPRESSIVE IT'S INSANE, he LOOKS EXACTLY LIKE MY BESTIE'S BLORBO, he LOOKS LIKE MY ART STYLE. Absolute Dana Monster Perfect Storm thats destroyed my house and my brain. And then they had to go and make him SAD!!! JUST TAKE ME TO THE VET AND PUT ME DOWN, MAN!!! s-tier yugioh character. top tier favorites hall of famer. i love him to bits. half my screenshot folder looks like this now
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icharchivist · 11 months
I was basically constantly crying throughout the And You event
Sure, I was a bit suspicious of Orologia at first, but then they're so genuine and they really just want what's best for us and to minimize suffering and there went the waterworks and then throughout all the different timelines, because I felt so, so bad for them
And oh god, when they were dying
I was physically sobbing when we fought them, in genuine despair and when the Singularity changed the option I had to pause because I was weeping because I was so happy and relieved
I don't usually cry at Gbf events but this one just really destroyed me, it's so good
It's been a long while since i have been ACTUALLY DEVASTATED by a granblue event. I was in SHAMBLE for the whole duration of the event and weeping all my way through it. What a feat.
I remember when we first started to hear about Orologia in like, their journal appearance and then mentions here and there and it was just... what is up with them? and then we got the trailer for the anni and somehow they looked soooo sus in it.
We went in thinking "Logia is def going to be sus" and then before the Prologue is even over you have Logia talk about how they'd do anything to protect you and then have their voice break as they're holding you as a child in their arms because you're so warm and tiny and it's like. oh. oh they love this child. Like, they decided to parent this child. Forever. and from this point forward this was the waterworks, and it got worse at every step.
Having to watch Logia trying so hard to be a good parent to MC. Also seeing how they manipulated fate because they didn't want us to be lonely by having Seox join us early. And then. And then having to watch them constantly locked in a loop in which no matter what, MC dies, and Logia is devastated. And Logia isn't devastated because "without the Singularity the world could turn bad" but because "tHIS IS MY BABY STOP HURTING MY BABY" and i'm just weeping all the tears from my body.
And the fact that they noticed eventually that everything they did to make MC's life easier was the reason MC kept dying... and that they still stubborningly kept trying because they didn't want to sacrifice MC's happiness. That they wanted SO HARD to find another way. One way to keep MC happy AND be by their side AND have them survive. and they couldn't have all three. and they still tried. over and over and over again.
by the end of the first part i was a total mess and i knew for a fact i'd die for Logia, and the set up that Logia was likely to die by the end of the event was the most terrifying thing of all time. I still can't recover from the rollercoaster of emotion.
And then... the final fight. How everything was set up for us to kill them. and the visual representation of fate forcing itself on us by giving us a single choice: killing them. And us proving that we can challenge fate. That we can change what's written. That we can save them.
I JUSTTTT AM NEVER RECOVERING. The event managed to make us love Logia so easily and then threatened to take them away and it was the most emotionally tortured i've been by granblue.
I feel that like, esp with how much emphasis there was on "MC's father has abandoned us and MC is suffering from that and desperately wants to find their father again" just sets up so well, imo, this desire for MC to have a family. Like. Personally i know i get choked up everytime they mention MC is missing their father or wondering why they've been abandonned. So to see someone... So. SO dedicated in being a parent to MC. SO unwilling to abandon MC. is just breaking me. i'm in shamble.
Orologia best character ever i would do anything for them. Glad to see they had their effect on everyone bc man. MAN!
Anyway always bringing it back bc it's killing me but did you see the extra Logia art they shared during one of the recent festival
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im never recovering. ever. god "and you" was such a fantastic event man.
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embossross · 2 years
ahhh hi hi i'm here with thoughts about the new chap hehe
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ok first, i LOVE this line so much. i can kind of see it now - the similarities between reader and hanma, but at the same time they are so so different. i'm not sure why but this stood out to me! there were also many lines like this thru out the chap - i do pay attention to details bc i know some writers have a bunch of foreshadowing in their fics👀
another thing is that i literally GASPED when a certain violet haired man made an approach in this fic, im guessing it was ran but i was so happy to have him in this fic!! (i don't think it was actually mentioned if it was ran or rin, but i'm p sure it was ran ahah) i rly liked the entire encounter and he was being pretty respectful which i didn't see coming lol.
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yknow i loved this entire convo so much there was a lot thrown at us but at the same time you described/phrased it in such a way that made it easier to understand. i think i re read this part like 3 times; i kinda felt like this is the most honest convo they’ve had and it was the most series imo. it was really nice seeing hanma kinda open up. we also got to know more about the docs past too.
the last line about minimizing pain for the reader 👀 idk if im being dumb or if this has some sort of deeper meaning, but is it talking about the docs emotional pain? (towards hanma maybe?) im not sure lol rip and maybe it’ll be cleared up within the next few chapters but for now i’ll be left wondering hehe
okoki this is getting so so long i’m so sorry BUT i reallyyyy wanna talk about the smut i was literally vibrating in my seat the entire time aksdj when i first read the chap tags i kinda saw where it was going. club - hanma get head - reader watches. BUT OMG I DIDNT expect the reader to join in??!AND THE EYE CONTACT? deceased. i had to put my phone down a few times bc it was just THAT good ahaha. you really write such good smut it leaves my brain all mushy (that kakucho fie lives in my head rent free btw.)
OK IM FINISHED. i’m really sorry if this was annoying but i genuinely love this fic so much and your writing as well!!!! your fics are perfect for analysis and every chap keeps me thinking ahah but thanks again for sharing your wonderful work with us!!! have an amazing week!! (i’ve also read the devotion of the girl in the mirror again but was too nervous to send an ask rip)
this is the kind of comment/ask that really means the world to me 💖 it feels like so much more than i could ever ask for. so thank you so sincerely! i was stuck on the next chapter for both stories, and after reading this, i sat down and edited 2k words and broke the writers' block. THANK YOU 🥰
the fact that you screenshotted lines that really resonated!!!!! nothing could be less annoying!!! i'm giving you a long response right back because this is so much good stuff to react to!!!
one of my favorite lines from the chapter too! And yeah, reader + hanma are so different from each other, but i think they have a pretty similar problem with how they move through the world. they never could have had this conversation before. they're only able to be this open now because a) they both think they're talking more big picture and not being fully aware of what they're revealing about themselves; but most importantly b) they have a CREEPING INTIMACY! they are so much closer than they were a few chapters back :) I am so glad you noticed that because it was Very intentional.
you pretty much nailed the pain comment. Reader recognizes that she is taking on a very out of character risk with the Hanma stuff, and that opens her up to emotional pain but also risk that he's going to make her (or her life) change, which she is resistant to.
not much to say about the smut stuff other than...i am glad to see it's working. that is what i was going for 😏😆 (also thank you on the kakucho fic :))
it means the WORLD that you find things to analyze and think about because i am pouring so much of that in there intentionally, and knowing that people see it and get something out of it too is Super motivating. You are more than welcome to send me nice asks on any story any time (in fact, i'm begging lol jk)
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red-doll-face · 3 years
Here is a request for slashers if they're open. My brain does a thing where I am affectionate w a person but if I get nudged away (even if it's just to readjust the position), it goes "oh no. They don't want u to touch them. Do not touch ever again or they will get mad at u. U disgust them." Even tho touch is my love language & it hurts, I just won't touch. If confronted, I will get confused & panicky cuz "u didn't want me to touch? Im respecting ur wishes? Did I miss something?" Its a mess.
Requests are indeed open, I’m sorry I take foreverrr to do these but i hope u enjoy! I don’t know what to call this tho. For simplicity’s sake I’m calling this nervous reader lmao, idk what else to call these.
Slashers x gn nervous Reader
Jason Voorhees:
Jason can very much relate to the feeling. When he first meets you, he’s sure that you’re frightened. He restrains from being too close to avoid coming off as overbearing, doesn't want to touch you because if you flinch he’ll be so hurt. He just assumes he disgusts you. Based on the reaction all of his other victims have when they see him, he’s sure you’ll probably be the same.
Once Jason is sure that you don't feel that way, he’s a cuddle monster. He wants to be close all of the time, holding hands, letting you sit in his lap, you name it. He’s so starved and quickly decides that touch is his love language too. He’s not even sure how he’s lived this long without it.
The only time I can see Jason maybe gently sort of setting you down elsewhere and walking off is when he senses strangers on the property of what once was Crystal Lake. He’s out the door before he can even see your hurt expression, Which is worse because this might lead you to jump to conclusions.
If you distance yourself from Jason, he immediately is thrown off. He can’t directly ask you if he’s done something wrong and when he tries to initiate affection with you and you don’t reciprocate whole heartedly, he’s at a loss.
He’ll get on one knee while you sulk on the couch and give you a silent plea to tell him what's wrong. You can panic and try and avoid it but he is certain there's something going on and he wants so badly to know what he’s done to put you off. You tell him and he immediately is shaking his head no, he could never be mad at you, never be disgusted with you. You’re the most breathtaking person he’s ever had the pleasure of holding, the first, most likely.
Jason nods because he understands how you feel. In the future, he’s persistent about how you feel when he untangles himself from you, making sure you’re ok.
Michael Myers:
In the later stages of your relationship, Michael is insatiable when it comes to being in contact with you. For a long time, towards the start of your relationship, he didn’t like it. It felt weird. All of the touch he's experienced prior was so clinical and sterile that he doesn’t quite know how good touch is supposed to feel. He’s so touch starved that he’s almost positive he doesn't even need it.
Slowly, he builds a tolerance for it, much like one does with alcohol, constantly checking his boundaries and letting him control the situation and he’s all for movie night, huddled up on the couch, or waking up with his head on your chest. His own personal pillow.
There are, however, moments when his need to make someone tremble with fear and then blodgeon them to death with a can opener from their own kitchen becomes too strong, so he tries to keep away from you. In the past, he might have used you to satisfy similar desires of a sexual nature and may have really hurt you but he knows that it’s not always enjoyable to you.
Then, you stop touching him. Much like Jason, he starts to think you’ve become sick of him. Sick of his coldness, his muteness, his withdrawn demeanor. Maybe you’ve moved on and he tries to tell himself he doesn’t care but he doesn't think he can see himself touching anyone but you now.
It gets to the point where he comes home one day and you look heavily troubled, expressions he’s seen on your face before, only in the event that something terrible has happened. You ask to speak to him and he obliges.
You explain that you don’t think this relationship is working, that you’re pretty sure he’s disgusted with you and how difficult this event is because you didn't even want to talk about it but it's been hurting you for too long.
His response is to stand up very slowly, pick you up and lay down with you over him, simply laying there. Hopefully, knowing you’re the one person he would ever allow to participate in this intimacy is enough to show you that you mean more than you think you do to him.
RZ Michael Myers:
This Michael is more perceptive to your touch than his counterpart, your touch sends little shivers down his spine and as soon as he gets pretty used to it, he’s eager for more. This also takes some time but significantly less. He’s enamored with the idea of returning to a somewhat normal life. Your affection grounds him in that fantasy as much as being a murderer might take him out of it.
As he establishes a relationship with you, he may even be the one to start touching you instead of the other way around. He’s read books and always wondered what it might feel like to have someone genuinely touch him without fear in their eyes. Without malice.
An unsuccessful ‘day at work’ might have Michael feeling a little het up though. He can be moody and more rageful. Neither you nor his hobbies can calm him. He seems colder than usual in these states and can come off as very standoffish.
So when you try and touch him and he shrugs your hand off his shoulder, he can’t or isn't in the state of mind to address your frown and worried look. Michael, instead stomps off somewhere to be alone for a while; maybe take his anger out on something else. Some unsuspecting soul or maybe even a poor animal in the wrong place at the wrong time.
After he’s calmed down some, he returns and almost forgot about that sad little gleam in your eye before he left. Michael remembers when he sees you blankly staring at the TV, pointedly avoiding his gaze even as you utter a weak welcome home. It’s not very welcoming. He sits stiffly beside you, watching you from the corner of his eye. You’re closed off from him and he doesn't like it at all.
Migrating towards you slowly, he eases you into a familiar hug, his big bear hugs that are a little tight but inviting all the same. His huge torso and long arms seem to swallow you in his warmth. You hardly reciprocate. You look a little surprised. Though he never addresses it verbally, (which is probably better for you) Michael offers a single glance that communicates everything he needs to say. Don't ever think that again.
Thomas B. Hewitt:
Thomas’ self esteem issues and self image are not good. He honestly doesn’t like to imagine what he looks like to other people unless it can be as a threatening man you don’t fuck with. Meeting you, he realizes that it’s good to protect his family but he’d rather you not see him as someone only capable of harm. Tries his best to get the point across that while Hoyt may be adamant that horrible things happen to you, he’s not going to let them.
Thomas has received affection but always a familial affection. A pat on the back from Monty, proud claps to his shoulders from uncle Charlie, and hugs and kisses from his dear Mother. Nothing so foreign as a strangers touch over his arm or a soft embrace.
Unfortunately, Thomas can get reactive when you attempt to touch him without his mask on. He’s absolutely settled on the false reality that you’ll see his face and immediately decide that you never want to touch him again. Interacting with you with his bare face? That's a no for Thomas.
He puts on his mask that covers the scarred skin over his face and you look dejected. He was preparing for you to pressure him but instead finds himself trying to find out why you won’t touch him now. It’s not his face, is it? You respond with your reasoning. Thomas is so confused. How could you think that you disgust him? That he doesn’t want you to touch him?
He’s quicker than the others and immediately sweeps you up into his arms and holds you as close as humanly possible. Feeling disgusting and like some sort of burden is a feeling he’s so familiar with and if he can take it away from you, he will.
Will aggressively initiate touch with you for the next week or so just to solidify the fact that he cares about you and won't reject you just as you didn’t reject him.
Bubba Sawyer:
Bubba is a great cuddle buddy and partner. Hugs are his favorite and he hugs his brother all the time, lifting both Nubbins and Chop Top into the air for some brotherly love. If you’re smaller than them he’s all about picking you up and perhaps a little rough housing with you. He’s careful though or at least there are attempts made to be careful
Bubba, though he could easily spend the whole day doing nothing and everything with you, has work. Chores, butchering. Cooking, and tending livestock. Plenty to do at the sawyer house and he does most of it. Suffice to say there are times when you want to lather attention all over him yet he has to go back to work.
So caught up in work that he doesn't get what's going on til way later, when you’ve had time to stew in your emotions, firmly telling yourself that Bubba is annoyed by you probably. He’s baffled and confused at your silence, your crossed arms. The little furrow in your brow. He can already tell there’s something upsetting you.
Honestly, Bubba is so affectionate I can’t see him being the kind of person even capable of alluding to the fact he might be disgusted by you. How, if all he wants to do is love you? You may bring it up as a joke that you thought he didn’t like you and he almost seems offended. Not like you?
Bubba can squash any feelings you may have about that and then some. He will not let you drown in insecurities, not on his watch. This man will do everything in his power to make you feel beautiful because you really are.
I’m sorry these are super long but thanks for requesting!
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mbti-enemies · 2 years
I challenge thee, INFJ and ENTJ slow burn 😈 Give me all the head canons
What a flipping duo, but you know they'd hate each other at first. CHALLENGE ACCEPTED SO HARD I LEGIT HAVE A WHOLE PLOT LINE FOR TWO SITUATIONS OR THEY CAN BE ONE- YOUR CHOICE (ENTER... ENEMIES-FRIENDS-LOVES). im so sorry a lot of this is entj being softly oblivious perhaps it got a bit repeptitive but you're getting it anyways
Enemies/Rivals -> Friends:
from infj: don't you just hate the way entj walks into a room? the sound of their shoes, that confident annoying walk? It's ridiculous I mean you can just TELL they think they're the boss of everyone (friend: no... I never noticed.... this is getting a little obsessive, infj)
entj: *has absolutely no problem with infj till.....*
infj: Okay entj just shut up you're being too bossy, and everyone's getting overwhelmed okay? You need to calm down, please
entj: Excuse me? Who the hell do you think you are?
entj: *never forgets this* infj is god damn patronising? one of those people who thinks they're better than everyone else because they're oh-so-sensitive- *mutters* absolutely infantile
the story of how infj earns entj's respect:
infj: *absolutely demolishes entj in a game/assignment*
entj: Ah. Wasn't expecting anything skilled out of this martyr okay next time we go again- I'll do my best. wasn't expecting to need it.
infj: *demolishes entj again*
entj: Dammit. *now has another reason to hate infj*
infp (friend): *waves while passing infj*
entj: wait- you know infj?
infp: yeah been talking to her recently she's really lovely uwu
entj: *wrinkles nose* lovely?
infp: You- don't like infj? *is visibly upset*
entj: Oh umm.... no, she's fine, it's all good, I don't mind her
entj: *gives infj a nod and a smile while passing by*
infj: *utterly melts* *internally* that seemed...I'm scared to say it but that seemed, nice? entj, nice? maybe- maybe it's not all rotten
infj: *waves*
entj walks in while infp and infj are talking- and so entj and infj start talking
-> Friends -> Lovers:
(at some point through their friendship)
entj: *is so burnt out and now thinks they've hurt a loved one*
entj: *tears up*
infj: oh- it's okay
entj: *refuses infj's help, feeling weakened*
infj: *reads right through all of entj's feelings and says all the right words, validating entj's feelings and guiding them through*
for the first time- it's entj who feels incompetent. in their own emotions, no less. but with infj- it feels ok. infj becomes the first place entj feels safe to feel sad in- simulateneously respecting and loving infj for being able to be an Ear
entj: *keeps looking over at infj*
infp (friend): You okay there entj? Wait- why are you looki-
entj: shut up
infp: n o... you- like someone?
entj: no I don't she's just- hard not to look at I don't know okay
entj: *genuinely believes they don't like infj*
entj: *refuses to even admit to themself that they like infj*
infj: Oh entj's cute and.... so flipping cool- that mind is sharp and damn do I want to be cut by it. ......*slowly realises they like entj* oh but there's.... no point saying anything. entj wouldn't want to... not with anyone right? and definitely not with me.. they're focused and wouldn't want the distraction i couldn't....
infj: *still wants to know how entj feels about them* hey entj- I umm... I really like you, you know? Really, really- like you. And I was wondering if you....
entj: *surprised* yeah I, feel the same- *a little bewildered by what they're saying* there's... something- *whispers* I like you a little too much
infj: *painstakingly slowly, inch by inch, moves hand towards entj's, and their fingers graze*
entj: *feels sparks shooting through them*
infj: *links their fingers*
entj: *drops infj's hand but.....*
entj: *still thinks its platonic*
infp (friend): so how's stuff with you and infj huh *smirks*
infp: entj?
entj: I... it's normal right? to hold a friend's hand?
infp: for you?
entj: .... no I- I couldn't.. I.. couldn't I swear- no it is normal it's-
entj: *grabs and holds infps hand* it's normal see?
it's been MONTHS of this, no kidding, and infj is getting tired of nothing happening with entj, and has gone out on a date last night with enfp
entj: *with swaggering over-assertiveness* I heard you've been dating enfp? What the hell
infj: ... why, entj?
entj: Because it makes me feel sick.
infj: why, entj?
entj: Because it's sickening? Like what would you want to do with t h e m-
infj: entj?
infj: *kisses entj without warning, done with waiting*
entj: *feels sparks shooting through them- spark and sparks and then bursting into flames*
entj: *has to come to terms with it not being platonic*
infp (friend): *smirks* TOLD YA
entj: shutup
(anecdote: almost completely platonic but I have an entj- and we uh severely disliked each other at first. Generally felt she was over-competitive, harsh, arrogant, over-competitive. Well, turns out.... she's all of that. But also a whole lot more- and bam we became friends and have dipped into periods of closeness. I genuinely find her so damn cute in the attractive sense- (it's the inferior Fi). Anyways, somehow, despite this absolutely killer combination of cuteness and power- nothing's happened- but for another infj? HELL YEAH)
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dottores · 2 years
Hi Cat 👋! First off I'm so sorry that you're having to deal with such stressful school work on such short notice. As a student, I understand your predicament and wish you the best of luck and sending all the love and hugs and kisses your way 🥰🤗😘
I know you said if we wanted to interact it's best to go to your other blog, but since I want to gush about LDA I thought it'd be best to send my ask here so as to not distract you.
Sooooooo LDA chapter 4, tbh I feel like I have a lot to say (good things of course) and also nothing to say lol. It was a good chapter for some new context. I'm really curious about these deadly weapons since reader seems to have had quite the bad experience with them, and makes me wonder if that experience is the leading cause as to why reader cut contact with the boys for their safety. Poor Ran tho😔 he's so mad that he wants to hate you because he feels betrayed but can't bring himself to. I really enjoyed being able to get into Ran's head to better understand him and his feelings. Thank god for Koko tho for pointing out your warning (I'm assuming they're taking it as a deliberate warning and not a coincidence that you gave them helpful info, I hope anyway). Also hope that the brothers not realizing it was a warning is due to them being too caught up in their own feelings and not them being too stupid to see your warning. I'm thinking that this warning was why reader was "blocked" not necessarily blocked specifically but more like all of Bonten destroying their phones for safety reasons. Makes me really excited to see what the next interaction between reader and the brothers will be like since at this point reaching out thru tech isn't the safest option for either party. Also don't mind me and my stupid lizard brain just now realizing Mina meant Minami Terano and that he is your bodyguard, is it wrong of me to want this to be a point of contention between reader and the brothers since they don't have to best past with him lol? Nothing major just an argument between reader and the brothers, mostly due to them being jealous.
Sorry this is long I just wanted to throw my thoughts out there for this latest chapter since I don't have anyone to talk to about it 😢, let me know if you're ok with these long asks or not
Cat you did it again, not that I'm surprised tho you're an absolute genius, but the dialog is 💯on point this chapter, and the way you portray/express emotions is ✨mwah✨ perfection.
(if you're seeing this ask twice, its cuz tumblr messed up while I was almost done the first time and about to send it in so trying again just in case. Just ignore one of them, they basically say the same thing)
hehehehe i cant say much but you’re definitely onto something with the whole weapon situation and YES SOBS ran is so conflicted that poor baby and rindou is so angry cuz like he genuinely trusted us not abandon them and </3 :’) we did them so dirty they deserved better. YES the reason they didn’t recognize the warning because they were too caught up in being upset over it—they probably would have realized it had it been any other situation. hehehehehe i’m so excited to write the next meeting between reader n the haitanis it’s going to be… interesting to say the least LMAO. and PLEASE i was trying to like keep mina=south subtle but at the same time hint toward it LMAO i was trying to not make it too obvious in the first three chapters—and it will be ;) hehe, im actually excited to talk ab south n reader’s past im just tryna figure out when exactly i wanna do it, it’ll prob be in a few chapters
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hearties-circus · 3 years
HI I CAN'T TYPE ALL THAT MUCH TILL IM ON My LAPTOP BUT im taking ur invitation because i have so much to say about discworld always. follow-up questions r MORE than appreciated
the basics:
-Discworld is a book series by Terry Pratchett. there's nearly 40 books, but! they're only a series because they all take place in the same world. most books follow different casts of characters and if multiple books follow the same character/couple characters then that's considered a subseries. so. like. if, out of ten books, three of them all follow Death's misadventures, then those are often bundled together as it's own "series" even if they don't take place one after another. this means most people, when reading, don't start with the first book- the first book, the color of magic, is good! but terry pratchett was writing for a pretty long time and improved over the years a lot, and by comparison to the other books, the first one's not a particularly strong introduction.
-the discworld itself is, well, a disc! this fantasy world sits on the backs of four massive elephants which sit on the back of an even bigger turtle that swims through space. it runs more on "what feels right" rather than silly things like "physics". the light that dawns over it is slow and sluggish and takes it's goddamn time.
-the series is, overall, mostly whimsical! however, just about every book also packs some hard-hitting emotional punches and "oh my god. humanity is inherently good after all."
-there's a city in the discworld called Ankh-Morpork. it's awful, it's wonderful, it's fantasy new york, it smells bad, a guy died in a condom factory there, when people try to invade they just get welcomed in and invited to buy things. sometimes robbed.
-Ankh-Morpork is ran by a man named Vetinari. he's a despotic tyrant, ruling the city with an iron fist, a machiavellian genius- and entirely benevolent. he has all the aesthetics of being evil, he intimidates the hell out of people, but ultimately he wants what's best for the people of the city- and if that means being extremely evil-presenting, well, he already likes the aesthetics!
-oh and also crime rates in this city are ridiculous. when vetinari came into power he made thieving legal as long as you have a license with the guild and pay your dues. same with assassination. actually all the ankh-morpork guilds are silly! discworld is too genuine amd heartfelt/emotional for me to really think of it as a parody but also it does parody pretty much every fantasy trope ever, including the counsel of guilds. the fools' guild (clowns) is good i like it (not just for name reasons hehe). thieves guild was actually a massive-brain move rather than a ridiculous whim though. something about how the city watch has to double their efforts to even dent the crime rates but the thief just has to work less hard.
-also. things can come into existence and be shaped by belief. the anthropomorphization of Death made him a grim reaper instead of merely a natural process and holy shit he's awesome
WITH THIS IN MIND i'll start on some of my favorite "starting places" for discworld!! no rly major spoilers so if at any point you or someone readin this wants to get into em it won't be Given Away (though imo even knowing what happens in a discworld book its still enjoyable-) (ALSO I WOULD KILL AND DIE FOR ANYONE PROMPTED BY THIS TO READ IT-)
Mort! this was my introduction. the eponymous main character, mort, is a scrawny teenage boy who's no good at anything and while his father loves him, mort is more a hindrance than help around the farm. so he is set out to be apprenticed and learn a trade! however, nobody wants to hire him.... except. death! the grim reaper materializes and offers him an apprenticeship. he agrees, bewildered, and things just get crazier from there. how can a book NOT be excellent if one of the main characters is a seven-foot-tall skeleton? hm?
-guards! guards!
hehe this one's the start of the City Watch series. this one follows a Carrot Ironfoundersson, a human raised by dwarves
a very tall dwarf. he takes things extremely literally and does his best to help people wherever he can. however! he is too tall to fit in the mine. he is sent out to seek his fortune in the ankh-morpork city watch. (also, it's highly implied that he is the Destined King, Fated To Rule but like. he'd rather be just a guy.)
the city watch is, he finds, in shambles. there are three other members. one of which includes sam vimes (who is the main character in all subsequent City Watch books), an alcoholic depressed bastard who doesn't really do his job (and he's still the most responsible). but he does survive, and that takes a lot of effort.
as crime chilled out with the various guilds, the watch had less and less funding over the years. it's pretty much become defunct! the events of this book pretty much built it up again, more or less from the ground up.
worth nothing that while the city watch are technically cops, as well as Moral, this is pretty much the opposite of copaganda? even the later books of the watch. it's very much an exploration of why cops are bad, as contrasted to, well, the alternative. it's hard to explain but! it's very good.
-going postal
this one's a personal favorite!! going postal follows the story of an (ex-)conman. he's put to death under a false name, has his death faked for him, and... hired as a government worker. put in charge of the postal system, specifically! so now he has Responsibility and it's either that or die.
this conman then eventually cons himself into being a good person, through the power of hubris, a gold-sequined suit, and falling head-over-heels in love with perhaps the scariest woman in the city.
oh, also his name is Moist von Lipwig.
ANYWAYS I RLY LOVE THE DISCWORLD NOVELS N ALL THIS BARELY SCRATCHED THE SURFACE I'VE BEEN TYPING THIS ON N OFF SINCE SECOND PERIOD please ask any follow-up questions you have literally i could talk about this for hours im just bad at "uhh what part to cover next" and there r other places to start that r recommended but these 3 are my go-to
ily heartie !!! also please please tell me the ask didn't get cut off pls
Holy shit, seeing the discworld stuff you rb has always interested me but I didnt know there was this much!!! I can't think of any questions rn as my brain is unfortunately mush but uhm. Moist. That is his name. He is called moist?
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sprouter · 3 years
Hello ☺, i saw your post earlier about the match up and i was wondering can i get a male bnha match up and maybe some mini scenario/headcanon to go with it (if you don't mind) please?
My pronouns are she/her and im demiace as well. For my appearance i look like 5'0 chubby girl, with black medium length hair (i think like shoulder length), brown eye and medium/medium tan skin tone.
I'm infp girl with 4w5. For my personality i like to think im a chill girl (kinda sarcastic sometimes) and like to go with the flow. My friends said that im a cheerful and talkative girl, kinda bit like a sunshine, with a lil hint of a brat lmao. Im a lil bit impulsive and like to do anything i want as long i could do it (and get away with it) and i also have tendency to procrastinate. Im also an emotional person but im not the type easily let people know most of my emotions and feelings, i find it hard to actually befriending someone like genuinely letting them know my thoughts and accept them into my inner circle.
For my hobbies it's usually just reading fictional books, listening music, and of course eat. Tho sometimes if im in the mood i like to cook (more like burning my food 😔), swimming, and window shopping. I also like to chat with my friends about dumb stuff lmao
Also if this any help my love language are physical touch (tho i dont like it when someone initiate it when they're not my close friends and i like hugging people while standing lmao pda who), quality times and giving gifts. I just like being adored and taken care of lmao 😔
I think that's all, sorry if this too much and all over the space, thank you 🥺❤️
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:: Thank you so so much for requesting, and I hope that you like this matchup <333 But I pair you with Kirishima!!
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# You two are constantly getting in trouble for talking and cracking jokes in class. To the point where Mr. Aizawa had to spilt you two up.
# But y’all still found ways to talk to each other so he just gave up. Plus Kirishima focuses better around you in a weird way. Motivation maybe?
# You have yet to plan anything. Since Kirishima is so used to Bakugou planning every little thing being with you is a very nice change where he can relax and not have to stick to a schedule. He’s fully planning on just relaxing and basking in the presence of you.
# Kiri can handle your brat no problem. In fact he may find it a little funny and try to annoy you or some shit when you do act bratty. But he knows when to stop. He also knows how to make you stop because what kind of boyfriend would he be if he didn’t.
# He’s actually a really good person to help you with your procrastination because of Bakugou. So let’s say you need to turn in an assignment at 4:00. He’s reminding you at 2:30 | 2:50 | 3:10 | 3:25 and you get the picture. And if you start cutting it too close he’ll help you with some of it or talk the teachers into giving you more time.
# He’s like your emotional support blanket. He knows when you need a day to yourself so he’ll make sure him or anyone else doesn’t bother you. Can handle any mood swings you throw at him. And will reassure you countless times of his love for you and won’t get tired doing so. And no matter how hard you try to hind he’ll catch on pretty soon. But doesn’t bring it up, just kinda helps you quietly.
# Kirishima definitely made the first move. Doesn’t mind how shy or introverted you are, and he won’t pressure you into being more extroverted. Didn’t care how long it took him to be included in your inner circle. He was in it for the long game and didn’t mind waiting at all if it was for you.
# You two are always sharing an earbud. You two have plenty of separate playlist for each other as well as joint ones. He also loves stealing your food more specifically any meat you have on your plate. So be prepared to have your food taken or at least fight for it.
# He’s a decent cook. Not terrible but not great either, so he’s just kinda there because you’re there and he wants to be around you. But will do whatever you want him to do to help out.
# lots of physical touch and gift giving. You two are always touching in some way. Also loves giving you painted rocks or non painted crystals.
It was 4 pm, and Kirishima decided that he want to go hiking with you. So here y’all were. Not even 2 miles now stuck on what to do next since there a path block. “Dammit maybe we should’ve planned this out.” He said a little annoyed. “More than likely but there’s nothing we can do. Might as well head back now.” Kirishima started nodding with you in a agreement. “See this is why I love you. Well one of the reasons why, you’re so go with the flow.”
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elytrafemme · 2 years
hi mare :D hope you're doin well! i abandoned my homework to read this chapter and i will say that every time i do this it proves to be a much better decision than actually doing my homework
these are some of my favorite dialogue lines ever i think, im literally fucking dying /pos and i know that im about to put so many here but i dont care cause i need them all in one concentrated spot, even if it makes things a little out of order.
"What's the point of even having him over then? He's our little baker boy. Our little bread man. Life is worthless."
"Ranboo doesn't play the drums, he is not my Little Drummer Boy, but he can be my Boy."
"The Depression Boys! Tommy and the Depression Boys! We write songs about depression and girls, still. Maybe the girls have depression, too."
"I know, but it is okay. me and my many wives all take Prozac."
"Who is, uh," Ranboo pauses. "Who is Matt?"
"My wife."
"... Okay."
"What are you two feeling right now? Tell me your feelings. I am a licensed clinical therapist. What is the worst thing that has ever happened to you?..."
"You say long words, but they cannot hurt me, bitch!"
i love cs!tommy with my whole heart. he is so fucking stupid and he means so much to me.
also for the thousandth time, you are so good at writing c!tommy. like you genuinely give him the most accurate dialogue i've ever seen with it all still being original, and i really enjoy that. it's incredibly impressive.
this dead phone business is a little suspicious if you ask me.. i sense a callback in my future...
"Tubbo was my boy. Then I kidnapped him and now he is my brother."
CS!CLINGYDUO :((((((((
"Ranboo just has an infectious sort of happiness. It's sort of rare to see, Tubbo's gathering. But, well. Tubbo would like to see that sort of all the time on Ranboo. Happiness is a good look for him."
what if i cried
no but actually to elaborate just a little, watching the development of their relationship is absolutely wonderful, as is watching each of them wish for the other one's happiness and overall wellbeing. the whole "he deserves it all" kinda thing, and then also in that way, sort of acknowledging that they're important to each other. its kind of excruciating at times cause its usually preceded or immediately followed by a moment of self-deprecation, but it's still super enjoyable.
ALSO! also. them both trying to put a name to their feelings. i eat that shit up every goddamn time. they don't know what it is yet but I DO. i do. cs!beeduo my beloveds, you are both so repressive and also slightly ignorant but i love you both still
"Tubbo, I am going to kill you," Tommy says, heavily breathing for emphasis.
"I'll tear your bones from your flesh tonight!" Tubbo replies cheerfully.
ah i love wii sports <3 it really brings out the best in everyone, doesn't it?
"... Anyway. Two, Techno told me I croquet 'okay' sweaters, ..."
UMM??? DOES TOMMY CROCHET IN THIS FIC?????? that's genuinely my favorite c!tommy hc of all time. I need to know if this means he does crochet. this is vital information.
okay something i noticed, in like three or so consecutive paragraphs, Tubbo uses the phrase "and everything" when narrating. i was wondering, was that intentional to indicate that he's picked up some of Ranboo's mannerisms, or is it just because you've picked them up from cc!Ranboo (i've done that too so i won't fault you for it if its the second one lmao)?
holy shit mood change
i don't have any idea what to say about the Quackity and Tubbo phone call. im still reeling from it honestly. the buildup was incredibly well-written. like the way it was presented and everything. absolutely stunning.
also i was fucking right about the dead phone, but apparently it was at the cost of Tubbo's emotional and mental wellbeing.
also, dear tumblr user mare nightmare-rivulets, if you hurt my boy over this for too long i will ensure that you meet your inevitable demise.
anyway! fantastic chapter as per usual. you never cease to amaze me and also i know i am just a silly little person on the internet but i would like to take the time to say that i am proud of you. just kinda for continuing cs and everything, posting a chapter even if you're nervous about it, etc. it's something that a lot of people really enjoy and i know that that can be incredibly intimidating. well done.
i think i've missed a few things but honestly its fine, i made this one incredibly lengthy cause i felt the need to put every quote from the fic in here apparently, but know that i loved all of this chapter, even the parts i didn't mention.
i hope you have a wonderful rest of your day/night/whenever you read this, and as always, i'm looking forward to the next chapter :)
HFJHFHJFD HOMEWORK IS IMPORTANT BUT ALSO... i do put off like an hour of time to post CS instead of doing my hw so i can't blame you very hard can i?
your love for cs!tommy makes me so happy. he's my Guy like i would walk through hell for him. he's everything to me. and he's so fucking stupid but so kind and so funny and i just love him i'm so glad i can write him and that people like him
i really really appreciate that; all of what i said still standing, cs!tommy has become one of the hardest to write despite being the easiest in terms of dialogue and the like. i'm glad that i'm doing a good job with him, it means so much.
you are too smart for my foreshadowing huh
HEHE I'M SO GLAD THAT LINE GOT TO PEOPLE!!! i have this specific weak spot (which this chapter displays twice) of characters who are not technically siblings calling each other siblings. which happens a lot with cs!clingyduo but just... i am weak for it. my cousin called me his sister once and i think i never recovered and bam 100k words later JDFHHJFjhf
the dramatic irony of watching cs!beeduo try to interpret their relationship is both agonizing and emotional. i feel like a proud parent whenever they get slightly closer to identifying it but then they get scared because they don't want to fuck this up and ultimately to them the friendship is more important than discovering what lurks underneath which already says a lot, but they just get so terrified of exploring their feelings. something that will continue to pop up in both of their POVs is that there is this very real fear in the face of trauma to make any other part of your life unstable. this hits cs!ranboo especially in a lot of ways including this, but for both of them, they don't want to risk losing something stable when they have so little left.
THEY'RE SO COMPETITIVE LMFAOOOO my family is NOT this competitive so idk the experience but like. really had something possess my body as i wrote it
OKAY I'LL BE HONEST I. i think that i wrote in him crocheting because i knew you liked the hc + other people had talked about it with c!tommy but i don't. know anything about it or like. remember even writing it in? but yes i think after a certain event in his life cs!tommy took up crocheting as something to cope with and keep his hands busy :]
i wish i was that clever with it but unfortunately no i just pick up ranboo's dialogue FDJHFDHJ it's absolute hell trying to differentiate their prose sometimes but that's such a good catch :] missed it in editing but ya!
i want you to know your single "fuck." gave me the best possible serotonin rush because that is genuinely what i wanted the response to be. seeing people saying "what the fuck" and "Oh my God" to the ending of the chapter is the best thing i could have asked for honestly
thank you for the compliment! thank you also for the threat but i assure you i have like 5 targets on my back at the moment cs!tubbo will be okay! eventually <3 i still got, what, 27 chapters left?
thank you so so much always liv <3 this is so so kind it means the world to me. thank you for these little asks. they mean more than u know
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ectora · 3 years
took me some time to actually get into that review lmao But i really loved the episode. I know some people will probably have complains about it, but as someone who absolutely loves Abigael, I really liked it. And honestly the fact that abigael was finally included in the main story is not even the reason why. I loved the pacing, it actually felt like Charmed. The stakes, the construction, the format, it was all on point. It was genuinely their best episode alongside 307 (two episodes related to the tomb lmao) and one of their best in the show imo.
I've put it in "hidden" cause it ended up being so long I did not expect that im sorry 😭
Maggie: 29m20s
Macy: 27m36s
Mel: 25m39s
Abigael: 20m17s
Jordan: 10m32s
Harry: 47s
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Not gonna lie, I did not miss Harry this episode. Maybe it's just cause I don't like the way they have been writing both him and Macy this season, way too focused on the relationship, but his story does not really interest me. And I enjoy watching Macy interact with other characters a lot more. I think we could have had a little bit more of Jordan as well.
What I liked
where do i even start. I genuinely enjoyed so many things in this episode.
As said earlier, I really enjoyed the structure of the episode, to me it finally really felt like charmed. The way the episode was done was beautiful and I LOVED the trial in a general manner. They're terrible lawyers, but still loved it lmao
Ok hear me out, the fact they had abigael and macy say what the fan had been saying but reversing the roles was actually sent me lmao
I really enjoyed that they balanced the rights and wrongs of abigael. I'm part of the people who think that overall, most of what she did was not that deep tbh, but the episode allowed to have nuances and hold her accountable for things she did while also recognising that she did good things.
Abigael finally interacting with the sisters. To me, that's the sign of good characters tbh, how they can interact with different other leads/mains and such relationships being interesting. Abimel, i'll talk about it a bit later cause i have lots to say. But AbiMacy ? I absolutely always love their scenes, one of the reasons being that I genuinely think they're the two best actresses in the show and you can really feel it when they're on screen. They have easy chemistry and whatever they are doing, they just work. They also had one of the best potential of the show in terms of dynamic and I will never forgive the writers for ruining this, especially because it's in part because of a man. Anyway, their scenes were amazing to watch and I need more. I was especially happy because let's be honest, if Macy has valid reasons to dislike Abigael, they often miss-portrayed that in the show and it often came across as being mostly based on the whole love triangle between Macy Abi and Harry. But this time it really was not and Macy was quite fair, even reaching the conclusion Abi doesn't belong in there - she does not- and I liked that they actually were fair on Macy's dislike and distrust. Then there was AbiMaggie. Honestly, it's not a relationship i expected to enjoy that much but oh god i love them. I loved them in episode 207 and I still do. They just have such a funny dynamic, I can't even explain it correctly but it just work. They're throwing remarks at each other sure but it's almost in a sweet funny way. Abigael calling Maggie 'Legally Brunette" was so funny and cute at the same time.
Talking about Maggie, I really liked her this episode. I love how she reacts in situations where they need a cold head. She takes the lead, she does what needs to be done and she reaches the goal. I really enjoy seeing her taking that role a little bit more. Especially because to me Maggie was always the one with the most nuanced view on the world which I really appreciate. I loved her speech at the end and she grew so much since season 1, she's really so great. The more we advance in the show, the more she shines.
I really liked what happened at the end with the sisters recognising that they are themselves not perfect and are even chaotic. I have a point about being chaotic for later but anyway. Yes the sisters are not perfect. Honestly, they have done questionable things in the past themselves and often are the cataclysm of new things happening. I think it just makes them more interesting and better characters. Black and white can only get so long. Nuanced, imperfect, that's where the complexity lies and what is more interesting imo.
The perfecti really are good characters. I mean their logic was completely f*cked, but they are so entertaining to watch, it's actually great. I like also that they continued that idea that logic without emotion is dangerous. But in some ways tbh, the Perfecti are not even logical. They want to think they are, but their own logic is flawed and like Macy said, completely lacks context.
Finally the power of three and FINALLY, the plot goes forward. Maybe that's another reason I really enjoyed the episode, the fact that it actually had a good flow, it felt like one constructed episode and it actually advanced the story which cannot be said about a lot of the episodes. So I'm happy that happened.
And finally Abimel. I mean, no one can be surprised Abigael has feelings for Mel tbh, girl has not been subtle about it lmao But that declaration was actually cute and their scene at the bar ?? paralleling the one in season 2, it was so sweet. I just love them tbh, and I really think they could have been the ship a lot of us were waiting for in the sapphic community especially.
Abigael's past. Like I loved learning more about her past and her mom. Obviously her traumatic past does not exempt her from her own actions but I do believe it give strong grounds for redemption. it also gives us a lot of insights in her character. Her mom was an absolute monster and what she did to her was terrible. There is no surprise in Abigael's absolute lack of self worth and her unhealthy coping mechanism. Like her mom basically spent her life telling her she was deficient and then punished her for something she had no control on whatsoever. She punished Abigael for her own action and her own liaison with a demon. She probably projected her anger about that relationship on the child that came out of it and it's absolutely horrifying. Like no wonder Abigael is not fond of witches and went into the demon side tbh. Like that's not surprising at all. It also explains why she was so against the idea of witch = good that the sisters keep perpetuating because that's simply not what she experienced. Again, it does not excuse everything she did but I do believe it helps understand the character better and that ultimately, it gives space for a redemption. And again, kuddo to both poppy and the actress who played her mom. First that was great casting and it was really well played.
To be honest, I don't really have things I genuinely disliked so I'm more gonna do like a section where i could criticise some of the aspect which to me did not necessarily made sense but were often still funny, and who knows maybe done on purpose. It's gonna be a mix of a little bit of everything.
One of the first thing I was kinda confused on was their use of the term chaos. Because, well, chaos doesn't equate evil. But that's the angle they started taking at the beginning which to me was confusing. It didn't make the episode bad, but the more I think about it, the more I'm like the defence they were going with had nothing to do with the charges 😭 Like, the sisters tried to prove that basically Abigael was a good person. But the charges were that she was chaotic. and by the end of the episode we did reach that kind of point where they said everyone was chaotic and everything - which i liked - but also didn't really match the angle they took the entire episode. Because, I personally never saw Abi as evil. But she is 100% chaotic like that girl is the definition of chaotic and I love her for it. But her doing good or bad is not necessarily what makes her chaotic. Good deeds can be as chaotic as bad ones. For example, Abi binding her own power could be considered as good by some people (it's not really but you see what I mean) but by doing so, she would lose the title of overlord and therefore end the treaty. In that case the war would start and that would definitely be chaotic. If she was to stay overlord however, and control the demon world, which can be seen as bad i guess, she is keeping the war from happening and stopping attacks toward witches and innocents, which is the contrary of chaotic. So yeah, the angle they took did not actually make that much sense cause the two are not the same.
Not gonna lie, bringing Godrik up was so weird to me cause like he tried to kill her first and they all know it, yet she was the one said to try to murder him and I was like ? did we all forgot what happened ? 😭
Some of the things brought by the perfecti - such as her killing those humans or demons - seemed weird because like, the sisters did the same in the past 😭 But also that's part of the whole lack of context aspect I guess.
No they really used Francesca as a witness out of all the people in the world like the woman is a whole child abuser who asked help to the elders, which have been established as like, not good people lmao I know it was part of the whole the perfecti are very selective on the information they actually take into account and they use the information as well as twist them to fir their own narrative but still it came across as weird because that woman was the definition of evil. But that's also what ticked the sisters so well.
Why did they not call Harry to testify was also kinda like ... weird. I mean at the same time I can't really complain but still, it was a bit odd. Also the fact they never thought about showing what was abigael actually doing with Jordan lmao I mean it wouldn't go along with the plot but still.
Ok, that take is subject to controversy and I know it but anyway : to me, Abi stealing Macy's power was ... not that deep. Don't get me wrong, the story was bad. The execution was even worse. In the show itself tho, objectively, as an act, it was not that bad. It actually made a lot of sense for Abigael to take it for herself. Macy wanted to get rid of her demon powers, no one was forcing her. And Abigael actually asked her multiples times if she was sure. Macy definitely had her reasons to do so. But at the end of the day, Abi picking them up when they were gonna disappear in thin air is really not that bad. It's logical. Don't get me wrong I'm glad Macy is getting them back, but I also think there has been a lot of mix up between the actual act of stealing the powers and the way it was done/optics ( I still don't understand how anyone wrote that scene and was like, yeah kneeling is a good idea ??? Like what's wrong with you 😭). But like ultimately, the act itself is not bad. questionable ? sure. Evil ? really not. Like let's be honest here. Abigael never hid who she was (past ep3 obviously). She did not pretend to be an angel, nor that she was a good samaritan. At the end of day, the sisters knew who she was and how she worked. They came to her knowing this. At some point, there is a need to acknowledge that, she was no angel, but they knew that and still went to her. She said it herself, she is used to fight for herself, and she'll sting to protect herself first - which i personally don't really hold again a character. If you go in bed with a scorpion, you can't ignore the fact there is a chance you're gonna get stung. Plus, when Abigael "stung" she also actually still gave them what they wanted/needed. I personally never saw self interest negating a good action. I don't really care if she gets something out of helping. Like at the end of the day, why wouldn't she take them ? In some ways however I do understand why Macy would be mad, she asked for help and she didn't realise Abigael stole them and she doesn't like abigael in the first place so why would she be ok with Abi taking them. That's valid too. But objectively, it was more a she was offended and mad that Abi herself had them more than a it's a terrible thing to do kinda feeling. So like it's a bit of a weird situation because Macy being annoyed and mad is valid but at the same time, it's really not that bad in itself. But overall that story should have never existed in the first place. And certainly not happen like this.
Abimel. I loved it but I also have issues with it. Mostly based on the fact we learned Poppy was leaving the show. And not gonna lie, I cant stop myself from feeling like it was almost a bit .. baity if I dare say. They had basically admitting having feelings for Mel and low key hoping it could lead somewhere when honestly, if she's leaving, they did not need to make it romantic. Because honestly, watching this episode not knowing she would leave ? You'd definitely could think it's happening, especially with all the other hints in the past. They could have made it like more about how Mel was the one giving her a real benefit of the doubt and they had a connexion and she wanted to be worthy of that. It would not be romantic. Especially cause she admitted caring about all sisters so it would have worked. Again, don't get me wrong, I want the most Abimel i can get lmao but also it feels a little weird. It's complicated. 😭
Jordan is definitely coming back, I just wonder what are going to be the circumstances. I completely understand why my boy needed a break. Like their time in the tomb was long. We don't exactly know how time works there but remember, in episode 7 when the sisters were stuck, the normal time was like what ? hours ? while in the tomb it was days for Maggie. So there it was days in normal time so in the tomb ? could potentially feel like weeks, months even. So yeah, give him a break and some time to breath. I know they're dragging this whole Joggie thing but because of Covid i also understand and will let it go. I really like them tho.
Abi has some alcohol problems I feel like should maybe be talked about. Like she uses it as an escape, as a way to numb her feelings. There is a reason it was used to symbolise her submitting herself to the tomb. And her first reaction after leaving the tomb was drinking. When she feels unhinged or vulnerable ? She drinks ? When she lost the title of overlord ? She drank. Alcohol is her escape which is a bit worrying.
Not about the episode but I think it needs to be brought up. I've seen people trying to say they brought up the abuse storyline for abigael out of nowhere and like. Listen I completely understand not trying to give more thoughts to a character you dislike, that's fair enough. But saying that storyline is out of nowhere is just a lie. The only new elements we had here were the details of the abuse she went through. They showed the clip again in the episode, where Abigael talks to Mel about her mom. She rejected her, she made her felt, deficient, wrong. All that is emotional abuse. She said her mom tried to fix her which can easily be thought about physical abuse. Like none of these things were new. To be honest, not a single thing they clarified/established for abigael this episode does not follow up with what was in the show in the past. Her feelings for Mel were honestly rather obvious at this point. Her not wanting TCO to get hurt ? There is literally a scene where Godrik tells her it's her head or the sisters and she never really even thought about throwing the sisters under the bus. She even asked who knew and it's easy to think it's because if no one knew she could put it under the rug. Again, it's fair enough for people to dislike her to not try to put more thoughts into her motivations or scenes in a general manner, but then you can't really say things are out of the blue.
And most importantly, I'm sorry, I don't care if you dislike the character, but if you dismiss the abuse just because of the dislike, that's a problem. What a character goes through in her past does not, in any way, have to change your opinion about them. Whatsoever. However when it comes to issues like child abuse, the bare minimum would be to be respectful of the subject and not say "she deserved it", "should have done more" or just say you don't care cause that changes nothing. Again, it doesn't have to change anyone's opinion at all and it does not excuse behaviours, but man, minimal respect is not that hard.
This episode genuinely had such funny moments, i loved it.
« Is this a hard time to admit I failed debate in high school ? » and « could the defendant keep her commentary to herself » competing with each other for the funniest part of the episode. The delivery was perfect on both part. And Abi and Macy interactions are always so good and them bantering more or less seriously all the time is sending me. Macy was just so annoyed with her, i loved it.
« Need something legally brunettes » I said it already but I loved that little scene between AbiMaggie and that line particularly.
Abigael went from saying "I could care less about any of you" to "because I deeply care about her" followed by a whole ass declaration AND admitting she does actually care about all of them. My girl got absolutely played and it was genuinely so funny. Like Abigael was so freaking smug about testifying against herself and she got played so hard, she was SO annoyed it was actually hilarious.
"Every battle I fought, I fought alone" like excuse me while I'll go cry in a corner. Again, Poppy has been absolutely killing her role this season.
"Your arguments are illogical" the perfecti have such audacity like girl have you heard yourself ? 😭 no one is being less logical than you right now.
Lmao when Macy said Abigael belonged into the tomb, Mel was not agreeing 😭 And Maggie was having none of the drama either she just wanted out.
The sisters realising they had to be Abi's character witnesses lmao it was hilarious pleas idc.
With Poppy Drayton leaving, there are two theories I kinda have. Obviously Abigael is either gonna die or leave. Ngl, I can feel the dying one coming more but well, that brings the two theories.
Abigael would sacrifice herself. Which I don't like but honestly let's be honest, there are 95% chances of that happening. I could see her sacrifice herself for Mel or for the sisters in general. But that's where my abimel issues are coming. I love abimel. I want the most abimel i can have until the end. But Abigael admitting have feelings for Mel just in the purpose of having her sacrifice herself for her and to be 'worth it' ? that's not only a byg trope, it's also lazy.
If she just leave, which wouldn't really make sense to be honest cause why would she just leave, would she give up the title of overlord (why even) or would they bound her powers (i would hate that) ? but anyway, if that's the case, I could actually see her learn Waverly is not actually the one rejecting her. Waverly could very possibly not be the one who communicated with Jordan and the sisters. No one ever saw her, the letters are only signed by her name. It's a bit sus tbh, so nothing stops it from being Francesca actually impersonating her daughter to keep her away from Abigael.
I want to know more about the perfecti. We know they killed charmed ones before, and it doesn't seem like charmed ones existed when they were created ? Maybe the charmed ones were created after they went into the tomb ? I still am not sure about them going into the tomb by themselves tbh. But also they don't seem to be evil in the sense they want power or whatever, more in the fact like they consider themselves perfect and that if someone stands in their way, they'll just get rid of them.
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oisaaac · 4 years
“ Six feet under ”
Pairing: Crowley x Reader
Summary: Crowley decides to pay a little visit to his one and only love.
Warnings: angst, character death, sad boi crowley
Notes: English isn't my native language, so sorry for any mistakes this hasn't been proofread either.
This is very out of the blue and maybe a little cliché idk, but i hope some of you enjoy it nonetheless <3
kinda off from the original show plot but try to bare with me uwu
inspired from billie eilish's song 'six feet under'
Help, I lost myself again
But I remember you
Thick heavy grey clouds shrouded above the cemetery as if it read Crowley's mood. It was the same heavy weight he felt everyime he decides to pay you a visit. The same weight that seems to get heavier as time ticks by.
It had been a year since you died. A year that seems to be dreadfully longer than the time Crowley stayed above earth.
It was always a reminder for him how different his celestial form is from a human being like you. You always joked around that he had to see you die at some point—with grey hair and wrinkling skin while he didn't age even a bit, yet look where he is now.
He didn't expect it to come too soon, too fast, too sudden and too painful. It made him think what was really God's ineffable plan? He couldn't even ask it himself. Besides it was ineffable after all.
He should've seen this coming though. A demon falling in love with a human? Both of you knew things can't get normal. For one he was an immortal under a lot of circumstances and you on the other hand was—fragile. The moment you saw the bright light when you were brought to this world you were already hanging on a thin thread. Surviving for only a small barrowed time. Crowley always thought it was some kind of inside joke made by God, a very cruel joke.
Small droplets started to fall down from the sky as Crowley stood looking at the flowers he have in his hands.
You would've loved this. He thought to himself kneeling down on the moist grass, not bothered by the uncomfortable feeling of the contact with his jeans before staring at your grave stone.
It still feels unreal for him, seeing your name precisely carved on the stone which made his heart wrenched.
Retrace my lips
Erase your touch
It's all too much for me
But Crowley knew he would rather feel the pain in his chest over and over again rather than forget about you even if he could never be the same when he was with you.
His closest friend Aziraphale felt pity for the demon, but loving someone always has a cost to pay and he could only give much reassurance to his dear friend. Besides, he was somehow at fault considering you died in his shop trying to help him. Crowley didn't blame the angel though, knowingly you wouldn't either, but that didn't stop him from blaming himself and giving the silent treatment to the angel (which Aziraphale understood where he was coming from) for months. You would have opposed to if you knew, knowing their friendship was one of the strongest bonds you had ever seen. Luckily they were good now yet Crowley still needed more time to mourn.
You were always so kind and gentle, one of the traits Crowley loved about you. Good or bad you seem to look surpass every label knowing it was more than just what they perceive. To you Crowley isn't just the demon who had fallen to spread evil, he was your Crowley; your sassy kind hearted loving demon. He never wanted to have such vulnerability, but he let himself otherwise.
Of course he didn't regret any of it. He would need to die first before he ever regrets choosing a path with you in it. Even if he knew the moment you walked in Aziraphale's bookshop clumsily waltzing in his life only to bring this kind of pain he was currently feeling he would never choose of you not being a part of him. If only he could have had more time just one more second to see you smile, to feel your soft touch, to look directly into your loving eyes that made him feel like he was home. It sometimes brought Crowley anxiety with the thought that he didn't deserve what he was feeling with you—the joy, appreciation and love, yet you always said that he did, he did deserve happiness but the tragedy that comes with it had come unforeseen.
Blow away
Like smoke in air
How can you die carelessly?
Why did you have to go inside? Why didn't you just wait for me. You were human afterall. You weren't built to withstand heavy flames and thick smokes. You've always been so reckless for the sake of others. You knew it was dangerous, but you risked your life nonetheless.
Crowley laid the flowers near your headstone before he caressed the letters of your name closing his eyes trying to remember every detail of your face.
"Just for a second. If you're really listening to everyone's prayer then bid mine. Just for a second. Look at me you've foresaken me and let me fall into the pit yet here I am calling out for you." He looked up calling out to somebody, something or someone who was listening to his mantra. "Please!" He choked through the verge of tears. "I love her. I'll always will. If this is my sin then punish me for eternity, but let me see her just for a second." The only response a low rumble of thunder and finally the heavy clouds opened its gates letting the rain freely fall from the heavens camouflaging Crowley's tears.
They're playin' our sound
Layin' us down tonight
And all of these clouds
Crying us back to life
But you're cold as a night
It was no use. You're gone. The pain settled in his chest eating his insides. It was his punishment after all.
Crowley was soaked by the time he was snapped out of his small trance. He fixed the flowers on your grave before putting the individual red rose in the middle remembering how much you loved that red flower then grabbing the old ones to dispose them before standing up and taking one last glance of you until his next visit.
He whispered his promise that he would come back over and over for the rest of his eternity, he had all the time in his hands anyways.
Six feet under
I can't help but wonder
If our grave was watered by the rain
Crowley turned around to head over his bentley only to be met by your e/c eyes. He didn't even realized his grip on the flowers loosened as he blinked once, twice, more than enough to make sure he wasn't seeing things while raining and there you were like an epiphany standing on your red dress drenched in rain smiling like an idiot at him. You took deliberate steps closing in the gap between the two of you while you kept your eyes locked on his yellow serpent eyes that you grew to love.
"Y/n," Crowley whispered still trying to figure out how.
"Crowley," You put your hand on his cheeks caressing his wet skin with your thumb. You didn't even understood how, but you were happy. You missed him so much that you didn't say another word and just leaned in connecting your lips with his he didn't respond at first, but slowly he recognized you. It was really you, his beloved y/n. He had so many questions hanging on the back of his head, but he didn't dare to utter any of them. He didn't want to let you go and waste whatever miracle it was that brought you here.
All the muscles in each of your bodies molded into one. You and Crowley were in sync like a melody that you both practiced over and over again. Your hands made its way on the back of his neck tangling your fingers on his wet ginger locks, Crowley's hands gripped you tight yet at the same time gently trying not to break you under his touch. The intensity of yearning and all the other emotions that comes with it all swirled into one.
Out of breath you both parted staring at eachothers eyes. "I love you too." You softly spoke your truth.
Maybe whatever was up there was really listening. Either way Crowley held on you to the very last second of your borrowed time.
"We'll be together again someday." You reassured him while you smiled. Crowley just studied your face and for the first time in a while genuinely smiled and was happy. And it was enough as goodbye for the both of you... for now.
Help, I lost myself again
But I remember you
Kinda long A/N: honestly idk what to feel about this if its good or not in my 19 years of existence i always wrote fanfics imagines and stuffs but usually i usually put it up then delete it later because i dont have any confidence of my work but im trying again. this is my first time posting in tumblr though.i hope this is good, like it gave you feels because it did when i wrote it. please don't kill me that i made crowley straight oof 🥺 sorry for any mistakes again! thank you for taking time on reading this and if you reblog and press the heart thingy thank you so much i will love you forever 💕
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