#this was sillier than it was good but i hope you like it ♡
erwinsvow · 17 days
i need to take a nap with rafe
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there's nothing better than a good afternoon nap, you think to yourself, feeling how tired you're getting from the morning's activities. it's easy to get that way—the sun is so warm and every second outside feels exhausting in the humidity.
it's nicer still to fall asleep and wake up when it'll still be sunny outside. it's a pick-me-up, you explain to your boyfriend. or at least, you try to explain.
"why don't y'just drink a coffee?" rafe says, staring at you from the driver's seat of his truck. parked in the sun, you had been waiting for him to wrap up with his friends, or work—whatever he said he's been doing. you were too tired to pay attention. you could fall asleep in the truck if it wasn't so hot outside.
"no, ugh. that just makes you all hyper. a nap is refreshing."
"yeah i don't know 'bout that."
when he takes you back to tannyhill, you curl up on the bed, enjoying the air conditioning and the soft sheets.
"you gonna sleep?" rafe asks, pulling out his laptop.
"mm-hm." you watch as he gets up, pulling the curtains closed. "no, leave them open. that's part of the nap."
"y'not gonna be able to fall asleep with the sun-"
"no, no i am. it's nice waking up to the sun."
"i don't get this. you wake up to the sun every day." a couple minutes go by—you try to get as comfortable as you can, though it's hard without rafe next to you. when you open your eyes, he's already looking at you.
"yeah kid?"
"will you come nap with me?" you think he's gonna put up a fight—almost everything's a debate with him, but this time, shockingly, he doesn't say a word. he shuts his screen and joins you in bed, and you move aside to make room for both of you.
you're asleep a minute after rafe puts his arm around you, his fingers rubbing your arm soothingly. he watches you for a moment—you two always fall asleep together and you're always up before him, so he doesn't get to see you like this often—how your chest rises and falls with each breath, how you look with your cheek smushed against his arm.
he's asleep a little later.
a little more than an hour later, you wake up, eyes blinking open while you enjoy the feeling of the sun of you. you stretch your legs, groaning while you try to sit up—though you can't move much, since rafe is asleep with a tight hand on your waist, his head resting on your chest.
you smile down at your boyfriend, hard not to when he was so reluctant to even take a nap with you. brushing fingers through his hair, you thought it would calm him but his eyes flutter open too.
"honey? you okay?" you ask, quietly incase he'll be able to fall back asleep.
"jesus. how long was that?" rafe asks, and you turn to check the alarm clock on the nightstand.
"maybe an hour and a half?"
"shit." he gets up, hair sticking in every direction while you try to hold back a laugh. "god, m'all sweaty. why do you do this?"
"it's nice, rafe. don't you feel soothed?" you ask, giggling and leaning in to press a kiss to his cheek.
"need a shower. and coffee. god, kid-" he grumbles something else, but you don't pay attention.
close to midnight, when you're asleep, rafe taps your shoulder and wakes you up.
"why did we nap? i can't sleep now. why do i listen to you, huh? jesus-"
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mncxbe · 10 months
Can you write how the hunting dogs would react if jouno is a complete sweetheart to his S/o? If not, That's okay, don't stress yourself ((: <3
Aww this is so sweet I love it. It's a bit sillier than I intended it to be but it kinda matches the group dynamic of the hunting dogs. Hope you enjoy♡
𝑱ō𝒏𝒐 𝒙 𝒇𝒆𝒎!𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓
𝑮𝒆𝒏𝒓𝒆: fluff/ silly♡
let's start off with our sweet boy
I feel like he's quite unfazed by Jouno's saccharine affections; he knows that at heart his colleague is a good person
but he still feels awkward sometimes
he's lowkey happy for the two of you and the fact that Jouno finally has a safe space to express his love
Tetchou likes to observe the sweet, little interactions between you (especially when you think no one's watching) and smiles so gently
if Jouno is especially annoying one day he'll tease him about it; "Jouno how can you be so nice to Y/N but so mean to me?"
It was Monday morning and Jouno was once again smothering you with kisses. He only indulged in these affections when he wasn't at the headquarters.
The three of you were currently on a mission and decided to take a coffee break. You and your boyfriend were on one side of the wooden table and Tecchou on the other; awkwardly tracing the outline of the cup he was holding.
"Darling do you want a sip of my coffee? Or maybe a slice of cake or another kiss?" asked Jouno in a playful voice as he leaned in, placing another peck on your plump lips.
"Sai please stop we're in public" you protesed but the tender tone of your voice hinted the opposite. You were enjoying this display of affection just as much as he did; a rosy colour tinting your cheeks as soon as your partner pulled away from you.
Tetchou couldn't help but feel a bit uneasy around you. He felt like an intruder, interrupting such a private and peaceful moment. Nevertheless he felt a warm feeling blooming in his chest as he watched the two of you.
He was happy that his colleagues found comfort in one another and enjoyed your sweet interactions. A childish smile rose to his lips as you leaned in, kissing Jouno's nose.
she always makes snarky comments about the two of you and teases Jouno, saying that he's growing soft and all that
but in fact shs's really supportive of your relationship
the first time she saw him willingly kiss you in front of them after a mission her heart exploded
if you ever go out together she's like mama y papa, mama y papa
You and Teruko were just about to end one of your infamous girls' night out. Spending half of your salary on expensive dinners and elegant dress you were probably never going to wear was something you did at least once a month.
"Shall I call us a cab, Y/N?" asked the woman as you exited the dimly lit restaurant.
"Actually Jouno's going to pick us up. He said he can also drive you home."
Teruko's brows furrowed, a look of obvious concern on her face "How does a blind man even get a driving license? Is that possible?"
"I dunno. Beats me" you chuckle "But it's Jouno after all."
"Fair enough"
Soon enough a car pulled in front of the two of you and your boyfriend stepped out of it. With a wide smile on his face he pulled you in for a hug, twirling you once.
"How's my beautiful girl doing tonight? Did you have fun?" he asked in a tender voice as he placed you back on the ground.
"As per usual we had a great time" you beamed, urging Teruko to get into the backseat.
Jouno quickly opened the passanger door and, with a bow, gestured you to take a seat.
"Wow Jouno I didn't know you were such a gentleman. Looks like Y/N trained you well" teased the rosy haired woman as your boyfriend occupied the driver's seat, turned on the engine and drove off.
In the rear-view mirror she could see her colleague's lips curl into a sly smile at the sound of her words
"I am always well mannered with beautiful ladies, Teruko." he replied in the same tone.
"But you never opened a door for me or- Wait. Are you saying that I'm ugly you idiot" yelled the young woman, causing you to burst out laughing.
"Just wait 'till we're out of the car Jouno I'll beat your ass." pressed Teruko.
"Hey guys, be civil" you added between giggles.
Teruko pouted, crossing her arms over her chest as she laid back in her seat. She caught a glimpse of Jouno's smirk in the mirror but didn't dare say another word as not to ruin your wonderful evening.
"You're lucky I like your girlfriend. You'd be dead otherwise."
"Yea, yea kiddo. Don't forget to fasten your belt." mocked the man.
Teruko didn't find this conversation amusing; she hated being given a taste of her own medicine but she couldn't deny how happy she was to hear your laughter. You've been friends ever since you joined the Hunting dogs and she knew that getting together with Jouno was the best thing that happened in your life; probably in his too. So she was willing to let the man's jokes slide.
As the three of you drove home Teruko's gaze remained fixated on your pinky, which was loosely interlocked with your boyfriend's on the shifter; a smile rising to her lips.
out of all the hunting dogs he's the most confused and shocked
what happened to the cold hearted Jouno? he could be arguing with Tetcho about some trivial matters but the second you step foot in the room he has a wide smile on his face and hugs you???
nevertheless he's happy for the two of you and constantly reminds you of that
he does sometimes tease Jouno about it tho but in a sweet way
Tachihara had his suspicions about Jouno's crush on you but he didn't expect you to start dating so soon. It's been two weeks since he last saw his fellow colleagues and he was shocked to find you and Jouno cuddling on the cushioned couch in the back of the conference room.
"Uh... What's that?" he asked Teruko, barely able to conceal his surpirse as he pointed at the two of you.
"Oh them? They've been at it for a week now. Jouno's all over her all the time really they're quite enamoured."
Before he got the chance to reply, the captain stepped foot in the room and announced the beginning of the meeting.
You and Jouno haistly rose from the sofa and occupied your designated seats opposite to his.
During the meeting he kept stealing quick glances at the two of you: that giddy smile never left Jouno's face for a second.
As soon as Fukuchi dismissed you, you all went to your offices to finish the last reports for the day. Tachihara decided not to let this opportunity go to waste and walked after Jouno.
"Hey man. How're you doing?"
His colleague nodded "Quite well actually. And you?"
Tachihara had never heard Jouno sound so light-hearted in his entire life; a sense of pride and joy washed over him.
"I'm great too actually. It's good to be back. What I wanted to say... Congrats. I'm happy for you and Y/N."
Jouno's face turned a light shade of pink upon hearing his words, his lithe fingers adjusting the collar of his vest.
"Thanks, Hara. I'm happy too."
secretely hoped that the two of you would date from the beginning
he's still surprised by how affectionate Jouno is with you
gives you that half smirk of his (y'all know what I'm talking about) when he sees you holding hands under the table during a meeting or hugging throughout the day
tries to avoid pairing you up on missions cuz there's a big chance y'all get distracted
It was a usual Friday afternoon and Fukuchi had summoned you all in the conference room to hold the weekly debrief meeting.
"So. What's the status of your missions?" he asked in his usual stern voice.
Tachihara was the first to speak. He talked about the Mafia's plans and recent activity but soon started rambling on about what the other mafia members were doing in their free time. Fukuchi didn't interrupt him and actually tried to pay attention to what the redhead was saying but his throughts slowly drifted off to the bottle of sake hidden in his desk.
To take his mind off of the alcohol he scanned the room; his gaze slid idly from Tachihara to Tetchou, who was doing pushups behind his chair then to the opposite side of the table: to you and Jouno.
His lips curled into a smirk when he saw that the white haired man was toying with your fingers in his lap, tracing their outline.
You were doing your best to remain composed as your boyfriend glided his nails along the skin of your forearm. Everyone knew how ticklish you were.
Seeing this innocent display of affection truly pleased the old man, who secretely rooted for you ever since you joined the team. He was however surprised by how doting Jouno was; always by your side, holding your hand, kissing your forehead when he thought no one was watching, allowing you to doze off on his shoulder after a straining mission or buying you cups of coffee from a nearby shop when you needed an energy boost.
Tachihara's voice suddenly snapped him out of his trance.
"Captain, are you still listening?" inquired the redhead.
He quickly striaghtened his back and cleared his throat before speaking.
"Yes, please go on."
And so Tachihara went on detailing Port Mafia's plans while he tried his best to ignore the hushed words you shared with Jouno.
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bedoballoons · 10 months
@aleksai42 thank you for this idea!! I hope you enjoy!!<3
─⊰⁠⊹ฺ✿𝔾𝕖𝕟𝕤𝕙𝕚𝕟 ℍ𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕔𝕒𝕟𝕠𝕟𝕤⊰⁠⊹ฺ✿─
A/n: Modern School AU! Part 2! Requests/asks open!!
{༻~What type of classmate/bf they would be~༺}
(Includes: Diluc, Gorou, Itto, Alhaitham, Venti, and Childe!)
Diluc would be quieter than most, preferring to sit in silence as he listens to the teacher and not partake in the whispers of the other students. In fact most of the time he has nothing to do with his classmates, unless someone's being picked on or in some type of trouble. Whenever he sees something like that he'll step in, making himself known as a hero to the select few he's helped and one that doesn't require any thank you afterwords, walking away as soon as he knows the person's safe.
After the two of you started dating, you realized he had a lot more going on in his life than you had originally thought. He's a classic gentleman, holding the door open for you after walking you to school, carrying your books cause he knows they're heavy, and giving you a kiss goodbye whenever you part ways. His absolute favourite thing though, is when the two of you are alone, cuddled up together, his arms holding you tightly as if he never wanted to let you go.
Gorou is a bit of a teacher's pet, he has good grades in every class, follows every rule to the letter and keeps others out of mischief. He has really sweet personality, but because he is such a do-gooder he often gets bullied. He doesn't let that get him down though, in fact he always seems to have a good attitude. He can't pick a favourite class, they're all his favourite...though he really enjoys being outside.
He's honestly a ray of sunshine the second he sees you, getting a little hyper and talking faster than he normally does, usually saying how much he missed you. He absolutely loves when the two of you picnic outside the school, especially when you read aloud to him or you study together. Whenever you're walking somewhere his hands in yours, swinging your intertwined fingers gently back and fourth in time with your steps.
Itto is considered, the tall class clown. He's pretty popular, telling jokes in the middle of lessons or answering questions so wrong everyone has to laugh. He's...not the brightest, getting low grades in most classes, but he makes up for it with his charisma and dedication to the things he enjoys. His favourite thing about school being his mechanical beetle fighting club, it doesn't have a lot of members, but that's never stopped him from having fun.
As soon as the two of you started dating your life became so much better, he was funny, sweet and he loved you so much. Sure he got into some childish messes you had to help him with, but he made it up to you tenfold. Planning adventurous dates, getting you gifts (some sillier than most) and absent mindedly complimenting you all the time, because in his eyes you're truly incredible.
He almost never speaks, to the point most of the class assumes he's mute, until a question he finds particularly intriguing arises and then he could spend a hour describing the answer. He's intelligent beyond his years and most people envy him for it, making alot of the class dislike him. He doesn't really care though, he'd prefer to spend all day reading books then discuss anything with them anyway.
He's not great at showing romance at first, not because he doesn't want to but because he simply doesn't know how. After a couple months though, the two of you find a rhythm and he turns out to be surprisingly good at being a boyfriend. He shows up early to walk you to school, holds you whenever he's reading (so very often) and whenever you two bicker, he's extremely careful to never hurt you. You're truly his favourite person and he'll do whatever he can to keep it that way.
He's extremely charismatic, chatting with everyone at least once and going with the flow to avoid arguments. His favourite class is music, he can play almost any instrument, but his favourites are all string based. He also enjoys theater, though he's pretty good at being in plays he prefers to be the narrator, telling the stories in such a way that captures the whole audience.
His love language is touch, meaning he's always holding your hand, hugging you whenever he can and cuddling up to you during lunchtime. He leaves you origami paper birds in your locker and desk, each one a little poem for you. He also enjoys singing to you, especially when you come to one of the plays he's in and you're in the front row, he can't help but sing right to you, especially when it's a love song.
Childe is slightly confusing to his classmates, he seems nice, always laughing and joking around, people even see him walk his younger siblings to school...but there's something about him that gives off a bad boy vibe. No one can really put their finger on why he seems the tiniest bit like a villain but everyone agrees that there's a reason. His favourite class is p.e., he really enjoys competitive games and is even apart of a sports team.
He loves when you show up to his games, it makes him work even hard to win and when you cheer it makes him confident he can do anything with you there for him. He brags about you often to his teammates and whenever you two are walking through the halls, his arms around you. He loves your kisses, begging you for them whenever you two have been apart more than a day. He also really enjoys when the two of you watch his siblings together, it never seems like a chore with you both there and after everyone's gone to sleep, he can cuddle up with you at last.
ଘ(੭*ˊᵕˋ)੭* ੈ♡‧₊˚Have a nice day!*⁠.⁠✧
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soleilnomoon · 2 years
hi!!!!! i was thinking of a zoro nsfw with a female reader where the two drink an aphrodisiac (an accident) but they were exploring an island with the crew and can't do anything until night but when night comes they sleep on the island with their straw hats and at least they try to do cockwarming but after a few minutes they can't take it and they go somewhere else and they lie down somewhere on the island and do it and it looks very romantic and passionate until they come and at the same time they're caught by one of the crew (not luffy or chopper please)
this took much longer than i meant to but, i think i've captured the essence of it ପ(๑•ᴗ•๑)ଓ ♡ enjoyyy
1.9k words, afab reader (no pronouns), a splash of fluff, a sprinkle of angst, and a scoop of nsfw (cute, huh); zoro's dumb as usual, but this time he's sort of in the right.
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after careful deliberation, you come to the agonizing conclusion that you were wrong and he was right. he’ll never let you hear the end of it now. thankfully, you’re already off the sunny, ready to explore the small island that your crew decided to explore. the climate is a welcomed change from the previous island you came from—one that had lightning storms, hail, and rain meant to burn your skin. here, the sun is a little less than pleasant, the humidity not bothersome enough to cry about it, and the water shimmers brilliantly—gem-like in its luminosity under the sunlight.
you manage to convince your captain to split the crew into groups—your intention being that you want to put as much distance between yourself and zoro, or else you might be in much bigger trouble than you already are. when you think that you’ve managed to escape him temporarily, luffy makes a last minute swap and zoro joins your group. great. you frown a bit and in return he frowns right back.
it’s not an ideal situation for him, either. he thinks back to your last conversation, where he kept trying to tell you that there was something funny with the wine you bought at the festival. by then, both of you were drunk, the argument growing sillier and rowdier by the minute. eventually, you storm out of your room and do your best to sober up on the deck before jinbe anchors it near the island. both of you are irritated—with one another, with the wine, and with the fact that your bodies are actively trying to ruin your lives.
“we should go east first,” you suggest, hoping to get your group moving; you suspect if you move around enough and sweat the wine out, you’ll be fine. surely the side effects won’t bother you if you focus your mind on something menial, like counting your steps, or counting branches on trees, anything.
as long as it takes your mind off of your boyfriend, you’ll be eternally grateful.
the day is determined to be complicated—and, no matter how hard you try to keep him on the path, zoro eventually wanders off on his own. you turn to ask the others if they can help you find him, but nami, brook, and franky leave you behind. they would, but you can’t blame them. there’s no sense in all of you getting lost on the island. 
but five minutes turns to thirty and then an hour. you’re sweating a little, and are almost ready to pull your hair out when you hear rustling nearby. zoro stumbles from behind a tree, rubbing the back of his neck, looking around—clueless as ever.
“this looks familiar,” he muses out loud, scratching his chin before spotting you. no doubt, zoro probably circled the area more than five times already without realizing.
“why is it,” you start, annoyance bubbling over as you head his way, “that every time we have to go somewhere,” you jab your finger into his chest, but it has no effect on him, “you manage to get lost?” it ends up distracting the group, and he constantly finds himself in a situation or two—not that it bothers him, he’s just there to have a good time.
“s’not a big deal, you know that.” he raises a brow at you, not entirely sure why his deviation makes you upset. you sigh and run your hands down your face. it’s really not fair for you to be irate, not when he hasn’t done anything wrong. you’re just extremely… frustrated. it eats away at your resolve, and by the time you’ve calmed down, a dull ache resurfaces in your lower abdomen.
similarly, any residual annoyance he has dies down entirely, giving rise to that insatiable hunger that he’s been ignoring for the majority of the afternoon. he lets out a slew of curse words, pacing near the tree and running a shaky hand through his hair. you both promised you would wait things out, but it seems like the longer you spend not touching each other, the more difficult it becomes to keep coherent and sensible.
because sensible people don’t just abandon their crew mates to fuck in an undisclosed part of the jungle. you do your best to remain in control, but you fail miserably. zoro watches you intently as you inch closer, and once you’re within reach, he pulls you in for a kiss. he means for it to just be short, but—
franky calls out your names and you extract yourself from zoro’s hold. you lick your lips absently and speed walk towards franky’s voice, not checking to see if zoro follows behind you or not. it’s just too much. being that close to him is going to make you implode—you’re too young to go out like that.
zoro manages to get back to your group and after a few more hours, you’re all tuckered out from the day. after having a big bonfire on the beach with the rest of your crew mates, after eating your fill of the various dishes sanji whipped up, and after laughing so hard you cry for minutes at a time, you’re finally ready for bed. you fully intend on setting up somewhere further away from the others, wanting to have space since you still feel a little lightheaded from the wine.
actually, now that you think about it, you’re not even sure if what you drank was wine. 
so much for proving him wrong.
you wrap your blanket around you, snuggling and trying to get comfortable, but feeling entirely too restless for sleep to find you. he’s not doing any better, much to his disappointment. his cock is relentless, stiff and imposing itself on him without any leniency. he pinches the bridge of his nose and takes a deep breath, deciding that enough is enough—both of you are being ridiculous and he’s sick of it.
zoro’s footsteps are always distinct to you, especially when it’s quiet. you’re not surprised to feel him slide under your blanket, thick arm wrapping around you; a smile tugs on your lips as you turn around and press your lips against his gently. his hand trails down your back slowly and you playfully suck on his bottom lip, wanting to tease him a bit before trying to sleep again, but it backfires. his mouth clings to yours as he gives you heated tongue kisses, stealing every last rational thought that remained in your mind. 
and, because you can’t help yourself, your hand slips inside of his pants and wraps around his cock; you stroke it slowly, liking the way his skin feels against yours and the way his kisses grow sloppier the longer you tease him. in between kisses, your dress gets hiked up, panties pulled aside haphazardly as he tugs his pants low enough for his cock to be free. you curl your leg around his hip and he slides his tip inside of you. you struggle to keep quiet, struggle to tell him to just fuck you recklessly right then and there—but you know if you do that, everyone will wake up and you’ll never be able to face them again.
zoro has enough sense to know that simply having his cock inside of you isn’t enough; despite loving the indescribable warmth that your pussy provides, he knows he can’t keep this up for long. you don’t last more than a few minutes, before you both decide to go somewhere much more secluded. after making yourself somewhat decent, you both quietly creep away from the others, hands tenderly holding onto one another.
on your expedition earlier, you remember one area with colorful flowers that seemingly came as you walked past them. you bring him there, excited to find that they’re equally as beautiful—if not more so—underneath the moonlight. zoro wastes no time and pulls you down with him, laughing quietly as you both clumsily remove each other’s clothes. it’s not the most romantic thing you’ve experienced, but you have to admit that being alone with him—and uninterrupted at that—is heavenly.
his hands knead your breasts as you straddle him, his fingers pinching your nipples before his mouth takes over. you moan his name louder than you mean to, but you suppose it’s fine since no one else is around to hear; you playfully chastise him for being too rough, so he sucks on your nipples harder.
you rub your dripping, aching pussy along the length of his stiff cock in retaliation, his hands fly to your hips, gripping them tightly. when you lift up and sink down onto his cock, he releases your breasts, falling back onto the grass and watching his cock disappear into your tight hole. everything about you mesmerizes him—from the way you bite your lips at the sensation of his cock filling you up, to the way you arch your back, hair cascading over your shoulder as you ride him slowly. 
everything feels so intense—much too intense—there’s a breeze but all you can feel is the heat that accumulates between your bodies. despite all of that, you enjoy every second; when he thrusts his hips upward, pushing his cock further inside of you, you let out a startled cry. your eyes close and you call his name out over and over, his hands grabbing your ass roughly as his own moans mix with yours. it’s a lewd symphony—the sounds that your pussy makes each time he thrusts into you is enough to drive you wild; you hate how much you love it. it’s filthy but also such a lovely sound, one that he covets and tries to seek out whenever he can.
eventually, he has you on your back, one of your legs draped over his shoulder as he leans close and fucks you like the world is ending. it certainly feels that way, anyway, with how desperately you’re both seeking that release. because you’ve been on edge all day, it’s no surprise that you find yourself clenching around him tightly, a subtle warning that only makes him buck his hips against yours harder—reckless, selfish, otherworldly thrusts that make you fall in love with him all over again. your nails dig into his skin, you leave scratch marks on his back and when he angles his hips in a particular way, you feel your body tense, a rush of adrenaline pouring through you.
it’s not often that you both experience an orgasm simultaneously; and maybe the ‘wine’ might have something to do with it, but you’re out of breath by the end of it, forehead pressed against his as his hips slow, your pussy having what you feel is a miniature seizure from how hard he fucked you. zoro kisses you again, a little more gently than he normally does, and you think that maybe it’s not so bad that you found yourself in such a weird situation after all.
once you’re dressed again, all smiles as his arm slings around your waist, you head back to where your crew has set up camp, hoping to sneak into your respective areas without issue when you hear a familiar chuckle off to your right.
when you whip your head, you notice that nami is up, mischief dancing around her eyes as she wiggles her fingers at you knowingly. your face burns and zoro belatedly asks what she means by that, but she hums and simply says that that’s a conversation for another day, before turning over and feigning sleep.
you know that she’ll find a way to blackmail you both into owing her money for years, and you should be a little more worried about that, but all you can think about is how you wish you hadn’t finished off that bottle of wine so quickly.
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dimiclaudeblaigan · 1 year
How or when did you realize that you love Dimiclaude as a ship? Was it already while playing the game/their routes or some time later? I already picked up on their chemistry in the game, especially their banter during WC (incl. El here, wish there was more House leader content) but tbh it really got me trough good fanwork. Probably bc I'm not that much of a shipper, in 3H there are few pairings I really care about, Dimiclaude and Sylvix on the top there. So, slowly I thought more about their[1]
[2] canon interactions and how good they would be for each other. All the things you and others already mentioned in "why do you ship them" answers, but also they do complement each other so well. Even in Hopes you can see Dimitri really needs someone to help him relax and take things a little more easy - Claude could help here. And Claude really needs someone who he can trust unconditionally to work on his issues there, and who better than someone as honest and good-hearted as Dimitri? ♡
[3] adding to my prior post: I also noticed that there are a fair number of fics that include both Dimiclaude and Sylvix, which is nice for me since I ship both. Most of them are modern au and often one of them is more in the background, but I do think it works really well in the post-AM universe, too. Imagine the King of Faerghus/Fodlan and the King of Almyra, and the Duke and the Margrave (who are more or less the most powerful nobles in the kingdom after the King himself) ... if I ever heard
[4] of two power couples it would be them. Though ofc that means a lot of responsibility and some long distance longing as well, ah poor Dimitri and Claude. Imagine, when Sylvain got send off to deal with Sreng/work to negotiate with them, at least Dimitri and Felix can exhaust themselves in practice, like the training maniacs they are (win-win!) while they "secretly" pine for their loved ones (secretly = obviously Dimi a little down, Felix more grumpy). Ok I'm getting a bit off-topic, sorry lol
Tbh I don’t really remember exactly what made me love them or when I realized it. I know it started in 2019 so it wasn’t too far into the game’s existence, but I don’t recall if it was fanart, Tumblr posts, their chemistry or a combination of those things. I do know it was BL/AM where I first really gave it thought. Originally my main ship was Dimitri and Byleth, but somewhere along the way it just kinda shifted to DimiClaude.
Generally I very casually ship things, like I can say I ship Hilda and Marianne or Ashe and Dedue, but I don’t really actively seek out content for it nor write it myself. It’s rare for them to be really dedicated to a ship and I have a few other OTPs from other fandoms that I love a whole lot, but I have comparatively way more casual ships, so DimiClaude being so interesting to me was surprising.
Aside from their canon interactions, for me it’s also the amount of possibility they have together and how many fic ideas, AUs or canon, could fit with them perfectly. They fit into a whole lot of ideas and concepts that always help explore different aspects of both of them. Having that is fun because it also helps me really see the kind of relationship they could have. They have an insane amount of potential and I love that.
Personally I do think Dimitri’s openness and honesty is perfect for Claude. I think if anyone else just said overly nice sounding things to him he wouldn’t immediately believe it, but considering how earnest and easily excited Dimitri can be, it’s hard to believe Claude would look at him and be like nah he’s lying. After Claude had such a terrible childhood, I think Dimitri would be perfect for making him feel better about himself and really giving him even more motivation to achieve his dreams. Being with Dimitri would also definitely help with his dreams since they want the same thing.
When I write them in fics I like to explore a sillier side of Dimitri that he starts to ease into because of Claude. It’s obvious throughout the game that he really does try to be relaxed and not so formal, but it’s just difficult for him. Claude is basically like... the kind of person who can be joking around one second and then get to work and do what he needs to do the next second. I feel like it’d be easy for him to slip into a relaxed, casual attitude to make sure Dimitri doesn’t tend to feel too uptight or serious around him. I like to think that eventually, being with Claude would help him open up to being a bit more silly and joking more. The way they banter in the game makes me think they could easily bounce off each other in a silly situation and have a really lighthearted moment.
Typically I am one of those DimiClaude/Sylvix people lol. For me it’s mainly because Sylvain and Felix are so close to Dimitri that they’re going to be the people who see Dimitri pretty regularly even post war. Also, I think Sylvain would notice Dimitri’s feelings pretty fast, and Sylvain is pretty loving and protective over his childhood friends. I think he’d want to stay close at first just to make sure Dimitri is alright, kind of also with the whole “if you hurt his feelings I will slay you” kind of thing with Claude. Protective older brother kind of deal.
Another character I love incorporating into DimiClaude is Dedue, because I think he’d be both so happy to see Dimitri happy and so happy and grateful that it’s someone with the exact same ideals as Dimitri that Dimitri is with. Both of them want the same things and have been planning for a long time to work on the same things. I think he would get along well with Claude and be really grateful to him for helping Dimitri.
I have headcanon about DimiClaude to keep them from having a long distance relationship because I’m a nut and I can’t handle them being apart lol. I like to write them as always being together like a normal couple, but they go back and forth between Fodlan and Almyra. Basically they’ll stay in Fodlan for half a month or a month or something at a time, then they’ll go to Almyra together. I headcanon that while they’re away from Fodlan, Sylvain, Lorenz and Ferdinand are the Help Desk instead of Dimitri. Generally I headcanon post AM that Lorenz takes care of the former Leicester territories and Ferdinand takes care of the Adrestian territories, so Sylvain would take care of Faerghus while Dimitri is away. And, of course, people know better than to try to start something while the kings are away, because Felix is grumpy and impatient and will just slice. When the boys are away from Almyra, he’d probably leave his dad and mom in charge like before he was king, or maybe have Nader be his temporary replacement while he’s away.
That way they’re always together and grow together as a couple, which would also help them get very used to each other and being around someone else in their daily life. Dimitri mentions in Houses that he didn’t have friends in the palace after the Tragedy besides Dedue because they all died, and of course we know his only other friends were long distance. I think it would make Dimitri really happy to wake up to someone every day and not have to worry that Claude will have to leave soon and be apart from him for long periods. I think Claude would also be really glad to have someone he knows loves him by his side regularly, because he’s already spent his whole life alone. Both of them were pretty lonely people. I like to think they can help each other not be lonely because they know no matter what, someone will always be there now.
Plus, I think if they show up together a lot, whether it’s a formal event or even just walking around a town together, people would get used to seeing them together and it could open up a lot of chances for their nations to get along better. I feel like Almyra would take to Dimitri faster than Fodlan would take to Claude once they know he’s Almyran, but I also think since their leadership would be so good to the people that they would start to accept Claude (and the marriage) a lot faster than they otherwise would.
One of my favorite ideas I still need to write at some point is Dimitri going with Claude to a poor area in town and visiting the kids... I have a n o t h e r and it’s that Dimitri learns to sew from Mercedes like in their supports but he handmakes things for the kids, and he often visits orphanages to bring the kids gifts. It always makes the kiddos super excited when they hear he’s gonna stop by, and when they get gifts from him they like to tell everyone they got presents from the king. Of course, you know Claude’s good little heart is melting whenever he sees this, and after going with Dimi a few times he starts to also learn some things so he can make some Almyran gifts for the kids. Sometimes they also bring ingredients so the kids can have a huge meal that day, and usually enough for leftovers for another day. They’re kings, they can afford more stuff than they’ll know what to do with in their life!
And yes, bodyguard Yuri will usually be shadowing them... even though Claude insists they’ll be fine because he’s used to being targeted. Yuri is a worrywart though despite his denial about that and will often be making sure they are safe. 
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Star Spangled
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Request: could you write something like when chris & the reader make a s*x tape? (I hope you don’t mind that I did this idea with Steve nonnie! It just worked out with what I was already writing.)
Summary: it’s your best friends birthday and you didn’t know what to get him. Luckily Natasha had a suggestion.
Pairings: Steve Rogers x Ex Villian turned Hero!Black!Reader
Warnings: minors dni, smut, making sex tape, rough sex, degradation, humiliation, dirty talk, size kink, oral sex (m and f receiving), multiple positions, mentions of past abusive relationships, I’m gonna say this is a dub con to be on the safe side 😬
(A/N: this was supposed to be put out on his birthday, but oh well 😒. Ended up being longer than I’d anticipated. Surprisingly not a daddy kink. It wasn’t on purpose I just didn’t wanna force it 🤷🏾‍♀️. Once again this was not proofread in the slightest. Anyway I hope you enjoy it. Like follow reblog and comment please 💜 ✌🏾)
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When you’d lost that bet with Natasha you hadn’t expected this. For her to find this get up so quickly or for her to actually make you wear it. From the moment you stepped out of the bathroom she’d been giggling.
Since her and Wanda were the only ones to know about your crush on Steve they thought it was hilarious. While you felt silly as hell in this short ass red and white striped skirt.
Not to mention, you couldn’t stop fussing with the blue top trying to keep your cleavage from spilling out too much. The little blue cap pinned in your hair was irritating you, but this was as good as it was gonna get. You also don’t think they originally wore fishnets with it either. These shoes seemed a little too high, too. At least they were cute.
So while Natasha and Wanda followed by everyone else giggled at your costume, all he could do was grin. First putting his hands on your upper shoulders so he could make you stand back. Taking a full good look at you. “How’d you even find this?” He asked almost completely stunned at what you were wearing.
You shrugged and sighed, before crossing your arms in front of you. “I don’t know. You’ll have to ask Natasha.”
This only made the spy laugh a little harder as she wiped tears that were leaking out her eyes. “Ah I needed this laugh.”
“I lost a bet,” you clarified, looking off to the side.
“I think I did a good job at putting it together. Whatya think, Rogers?” The red head asked as she threw an arm around your shoulders.
“The skirts a little shorter than I remember,” he replied. Oh ya don’t say. “But, I think you look very cute,” he said.
Just cute? Boo. Cute is for like kittens and babies and puppies and shit. Come on Cap! Your tits were ready to burst out of this thing. You know what fuck this. You were going to have fun in this even if you felt sillier than a rodeo clown.
You sighed under your breath. “Thanks, Cap. Happy Birthday.”
“Thanks, Doll,” he replied before kissing your cheek. “This my present?” He asked.
“Apparently,” you replied with a shrug.
Natasha chuckled. “I wanted her to jump out of a cake, but we couldn’t find one that’d be here in time.”
“Ah, what?” He groaned playfully. You couldn’t stop yourself from laughing at him. “Who needs that when you look this good though huh.” He reached out to tickle your side making you slap his hand away. “Promise to save me a dance?”
You nodded. “Of course,” you replied feeling stupid butterflies going off in your stomach.
You still couldn’t believe that Steve was born on the Fourth of July of all days. Like could he be any fucking more of a goody two shoes? Yet against all odds you ended up crushing on him like a fucking school girl. You could only imagine what your old crowd would say if they saw you thirsting over America’s Golden boy.
He was not supposed to be your type. Except he’d grew out his beard and hair and now your pussy throbbed every time you saw him. You were so thirsty. Hell even before that. When he had that short blonde hair and clean shaven face you’d wondered what it would have been like to ride it. Look there was no denying that the man was hot it’s just he wasn’t supposed to be one of the guys you ended up with.
In the time you’d gotten really close with them. Wanda and Natasha had become amazing friends. Had really helped you off your feet whenever you needed them. All of them though. It’d been such a change. Not being able to just do what you wanted. Or care if you hurt someone. It felt so much more like a home.
Especially with how they were just there. Sure the first time you met them was when they intercepted your ex’s arms deal. You’d ended up getting into a firefight with Natasha and then pushed into a wall by Wanda. Obviously you were fast friends.
It’s funny how things change so quickly. Now it was so different, but almost in a sappy way. You stole their shit. They stole yours. It was all corny and shit with girls nights which is how this stupid thing started. You were asking what you should get Steve for his birthday and she blurted out that you should dress up as one of his pinup doll looking girls.
You still can’t believe she did more shots than you. Whatever she won fair and square. So now there you were dressed as a Star-Spangled Singer. If you weren’t so sore from losing or possibly embarrassing yourself in front of him, you probably would have had less shame.
Aside from then everything was great. Even with the guys. While they were all little shits sometimes they were awesome. Sure Bucky kept stealing your Ben and Jerry’s no matter where you seemed to hide it in the freezer. He’d still held your hand when you had to get a piece of glass removed from your stomach. And did the Mrs. Nesbitt thing when you asked.
Sam and Tony ragged on you like they were your older brothers. But Sam was always there to talk and had helped you through some panic attacks when things were really hard. And Tony let you drive his cars! You can’t believe he trusted you after you messed with his bank accounts a few years back.
Since Vision apparently isn’t the same as Jarvis, he didn’t seem to care that you’d disabled him that one time. Besides you liked how he was with Wanda. Not like she can’t protect herself but with him she always looked so safe. You can’t remember the last time you felt like that. Your last relationship wasn’t exactly the healthiest.
Bruce was a sweetheart you couldn’t fuck with him. Though you did have so much fun playing with the Hulk. Then it’d get lame because you’d make him laugh or something and then Banner would come out. You’ve seen Banner naked too many times. Not that you were complaining. It was kinda cute when he got all embarrassed. Though you admit you hadn’t been expecting his giant penis. No wonder Nat was thirsting over him on the low.
Rhodey had like adopted you. And while you normally would be super irritated with something like that, you actually didn’t mind it. It didn’t even seem like it irritated him that you followed him around like a baby duck. No hard feelings about that time you and your ex got into a scuffle with this drug lord that he had to get in between.
Then on another note your mind seemed to not really function around Thor. He also seemed to realize that. It was weird. Like he was so fucking hot but also so goddamn nice. He had like zero regard for your safety but he always caught you at least. And he similar to Bucky couldn’t keep his hands off your blueberry muffins, but he always replaced them so it wasn’t the worst. And didn’t mind giving you piggy back rides all the time since it didn’t phase him.
Then there was him. As much as you hated it, it was because he looked so much like your ex. Well that was before he grew the beard or his hair out. Maybe that’s why you liked that look so much.
He was everything your ex wasn’t. Especially where it mattered. Like how he always made sure to ask if you were okay or getting up to get pancakes with you in the middle of the night when neither of you could sleep. Then how on those nights the two of you would come home get all cozy under the covers and whisper about anything until you fell asleep. It really shouldn’t be this surprising that you fell for him.
There was just something about him. Maybe because he just looked so big and strong. Or maybe something about seeing him shirtless in the gym. Then again who could blame you for that. Not like you hadn’t checked out all of them. You were a happy girl to be surrounded by so much eye candy. You’d be stupid to not check for them.
Then again, there were always signs and tells that there was something more with him. That’s kinda what you liked about him. That despite the good boy thing there was clearly something under the surface. You’d gotten glimpses of his porn searches and having a crush on your hot, perfect best friend while seeing that he likes watching such filthy filthy videos maybe gave you a little bit of a rush.
With his and America’s birthdays falling on the same day, of course there was going to be a party. Cake and fireworks. Which didn’t really seem smart considering what everyone here did for a living. 
As you’d forced yourself to mingle and get over on being one wrong move away from flashing everyone your tits, you’d noticed Steve keep looking over at you. Someone would be talking to him, asking him what it’d be like to be one hundred and something and he’d glance up at you and smile. 
Why did he have to be so hot. It was almost annoying. Like he was forcing this upon you. If anything this crush wasn’t your fault. It was his.
The last time you’d felt like this was about an entirely awful person. You’d thought if you ever felt like this again you’d be scared. With him all it made you wanna do was have him wreck the shit out of your pussy. Not like you wanted him to know that. He was your bestie.
Maria had almost choked on her beer from seeing you. While Sam had been making fun of you the entire time. Tony certainly wasn’t sparing any comments. Then there was Wade who’d tried multiple times to get you to do the can can with him. You felt like you were apart of a side show. It was kind of nice to sit away from them as they ohh’d and awed to the fireworks show.
“Hey,” he said, plopping down beside you.
“Hey, birthday boy,” you replied. “What’re you doing in here?”
He shrugged. “Noticed you weren’t there. Everything okay?”
You let out a big breath of air and shrug. “I’m not that crazy about fireworks,” you surprised yourself by replying honestly. They made it so hard though. To be who you used to be. It’s like they put truth serum in your coffee every morning.
Steve frowned. “Yeah? You okay? I know Bucky gets a little freaked too. Its alright. You should have told me.”
Ugh. See. So fucking hot. You can’t tell me that a man that cares this much isn’t supposed to be swooned after. If anything you’d be crazy not to. You half smiled at him. “I’m okay. It’s not that big of a deal.”
He shrugged. “So? I’m supposed to take care of you if you’re dressed like one of my girls.”
Your jaw dropped. “Cap!” You gasped smacking his arms. “Were you their, ya know-“
“Their what?” He asked.
“Like, pimp?” You asked all low.
His nose crinkled and he shook his head. “No! Not that there’s anything wrong with sex work or whatever.” He rambled out and explanation. Good to know he was pro sex work at least. “I never even slept with them.”
“What?” You gasped. “A big guy like you? I would have been all over you.” You didn’t mean to say it. It just kind of slipped out. Your eyes widening.
“Trust me,” he said as laughed, “I have some regrets. Always liked the little costume.” He hooked the hem of the skirt with his finger.
You looked up at him under your lashes. “What regrets?”
“I was so busy being upset that they weren’t letting me help in the war that I didn’t get to enjoy,” he replied. “Now though? Different story.”
“Oh yeah?” You asked with a giggle. “Is this doing something for you?” You asked winking up at him.
“Could be,” he said. “That wouldn’t be appropriate, though. Would it?”
“Since when have you been known to follow the rules,” you teased.
“True,” he replied with a smirk before looking over his shoulders then draping his arm around you. “Not like anyone’s around to see.”
“Why? What do you have in mind?” You asked.
He shrugged. “Nothing,” he said as he ran his finger tips up and down your arm making you shiver.
“Doesn’t feel like nothing.” You said now walking your own fingers up and down his leg. Were you really doing this. Was he really doing this. Was Natasha just your fairy godspy?
“I guess that depends on you,” he replied in your ear.
“What about our dance?” You asked him.
“I feel like this is a kind of dance.”
You laughed as you looked up at him. Hand now resting on his thigh. “Well, you know me, Captain. I’m down with anything.
“Making me want to get some pictures of you in this get up, Doll.”
“I mean…” you shrugged, “whatever the birthday boy wants.”
He licked the corner of his mouth grabbing your hand in his free one. “Don’t tell me that.”
“Oh yeah? I’m starting to think you’re not the gentleman everyone thinks you are.”
“Aw, Doll,” he said, bringing his lips close to yours. “You haven’t seen anything yet.”
With that he pushed his lips to yours. Ugh finally. And he tasted as good as you thought he would. Then he picked you up like it was nothing which for him it totally wasn’t.
“What about your party?” You asked pulling away from him with a squeal.
“Doll, I’d be crazy to give a shit about a party when you’re like this,” he said smacking your ass.
You giggled and squealed as he carried you down the corridor until the two of you were in his room. Laying you down on the bed as soon as you were in there. He climbed on top of you. Kissing you hard as you raked your nails up and down his back.
He stopped so he could kiss your neck making you let out these breathy moans. “Fuck you’re so fucking cute.”
Oh so he liked cute. That’s a good thing then.
“Still wanna take a picture?” You asked, trying to sound all flirty.
Steve chuckled in your ear before sitting up on his knees. Wait no come back! You sat up wrapping your arms around him. He laughed as he fished his phone out of his pocket. “I should have known you were a bad girl,” he said before kissing you again. Adding his tongue. You should have known he’d be nasty. Sweet boys are always the worst.
From there you posed as he used his phone to snap a few pictures. Even letting you hold his shield so you could pose with it. And then it got a little more scandalous. Remember Cap is an artist at heart. So it wasn’t that surprising when he wanted to get a little risqué.
Making you hike up your skirt for him. Then bend over on his bed so he could get a good one of your ass in those fishnets. It’s a good thing you’d decided not to wear panties so when you’d bent over he got an eyeful of your pussy.
“Fuck,” he said getting behind you after. Making you go forward as he grabbed a handful of your butt. You moaned and moved your hips then gasped as he started rubbing his fingers up and down your slit. “Such a pretty little pussy.”
“Oh,” you moaned.
He chuckled then finally started pushing one of his fingers inside of you. Your jaw dropped from the sudden intrusion. He hadn’t even asked. Just took it like he owned it. Not that you weren’t open to that. “So fucking wet,” he hissed. “So pretty I could take a video.”
“You want to?” You asked with a moan because fuck how was he working your cunt so well.
“I shoulda known you’d be a little slut for me,” he said.
You gasped, hating that you tightened around him like a vice as that word fell from his lips. Fuck you were pretty sure you were gushing. 
“You like that?” He asked finally adding another to your wet pussy.
“Please,” you whimpered. He was so close you could feel him against your crotch against your thigh. He was still in his clothes but you could feel his cock pressing into you. You’d even tried to lean back against him to get more contact.
“Please what?”
Was he really expecting you to be able to answer when you were like this. The skirt of your costume tickling your skin. As he inserted another thick finger you thought you might pass out. Who knew Captain America was gonna be able to work your pussy so good. “Do whatever you want,” you cried.
“Yeah?” He asked with a laugh. “Want me to do what I want? I don’t think you know what you’re asking for.”
“It’s okay. I can take it.”
“Oh, Baby, I was gonna make you take it.”
Well, fuck. Your eyes rolled to the back of your head at that as he kept going like he was manipulating it. Camera pointed at your dripping cunt as he touched you. “More,” you begged.
“Is that really fair?” He asked pulling out of you to smack your ass. “What about me?”
You looked back at him with a pout. “I’m sorry. What do you want me to do?” You asked him getting on your knees in front of him.
“That’s such a good fucking girl,” he said, grabbing your chin. “You know,” he started, putting his thumb against your lips, “if I’d known you’d wanted it I would have done this a lot sooner.”
“Really?” You tried to ask but your mouth was kind of full.
He chuckled. “Yeah. Just couldn’t stop myself anymore when you’re in this. Maybe I should write Natasha a thank you note.”
You giggled, perking your tits up. Geeze you can’t believe you were going full on slut for him. Then again who are you kidding you’d been waiting for this moment.
You started undoing his belt and he stopped so he could remove his shirt. Was it bad that you were drooling once his abs came into view. You laid on your stomach as he started to work his pants. Just taking in how fucking good he looked.
Then his cock sprung into view and your jaw dropped. While you’d been dying to know if the serum had affected everything you’d finally gotten your answer. “That’s not gonna fit,” you said with your eyes wide.
You literally had never seen a prettier dick before. He was perfection just looked so big and heavy. You were honestly tempted to hold it up to your forearm to compare the length. Captain America having a monster cock was not on your bingo card.
“I’ll make it fit,” he replied as if you weren’t staring at his giant penis to know better. Then again would it hurt to try.
From the moment your tongue touched his tip you were fucking obsessed. He could choke you on it until you were at his mercy and you’d probably say thank you. Then he made you so you did, looking straight at the camera when you said, “Thank you for letting me suck your cock.”
“Yeah?” He asked with a groan. You kind of wondered what you looked like. Your face covered with spit from when he went extra deep and then pulled it out to smear across your face. “Fuck. It’s like I’ve already got you trained.”
One of your hands rubbed your clit because what else were you supposed to do at a time like this. Like the man you’d been crushing on was on some gentleman in the streets super freaky in the sheets shit. You needed to try and get yourself off.
“Are you touching yourself?” He asked. You nodded, but didn’t pull off. Just looked up at him with those big eyes. “Cut that shit out. That’s my pussy and you didn’t ask for permission.”
Normally you would have rolled your eyes but a demand like that coming from a man like him. You complied. Focusing on wanting to make him cum down your fucking throat for the camera.
“Gonna make me cum, Baby,” he warned with a grunt. God you hope he was. “Not sure if I should cum down your throat or on your fucking face.” You moaned around him as he grabbed your hair to help you work up and down. “Gonna let me cum wherever I want all night?”
You nodded so enthusiastically. Fuck you probably looked pathetic. Not that you were complaining about it.
“Open your mouth,” he said, as he pulled you off of him. Seems like he made his choice. He helped you up so you were down on your knees instead. Then stepped back and laughed as you put your hands on the floor so you could catch up to him. At this point there was no thoughts in your brain except that you wanted him to use you. “Stick your tongue out.”
You did as he said. Perking up again. He grabbed his dick with his free hand. Jerking off first before sliding back into your mouth just as ropes of thick white hot cum started hitting the back of your throat. You honestly felt like you might be in heaven.
From there he set his phone down. Grabbing you so he could pick you back up. Placing a kiss on your lips and not giving a shit as he deepened it as he walked you back to the bed. This time when he placed you down he stopped so he could make his way down your body until his mouth was on your clit.
The costume had been soiled by now. With spit and now cum having dripped down to the top. Yet he hadn’t taken it off. Not that you were surprised. Obviously his goal was to fuck you while you wore it.
Your back arched off the bed as he tongue fucked your sopping wet cunt. Making your eyes roll to the back of your head. Eating you out like he was a starving man and you were the cure for hunger.
“Oh, fuck. Oh, fuck. Oh, fuck.” You repeated it because it was like the only thing you could say.
By the third time you’d orgasmed you were pretty sure he’d broken you. So to say you were scared of whatever his dick my do was an understatement. And all he did was fucking laugh at your reactions as his tongue assaulted you.
As he’d left you there open and panting he claimed back up on top of you. Kissing you again as he lined up. “Condom?” You croaked out.
He snorted. “That’s cute,” he said before pushing his tip into you. Your mind went completely blank as he did. The way he grunted as he forced himself made your jaw drop. “Look at you,” he said. “Taking me so fucking good like a little cock whore.”
Your head tilted back as you bit your lip. He was stretching you out until you were almost at your limit. Then starting moving his hips slow until he bottomed out. “Oh my god,” you breathed.
Then he pulled out making you whimper at the loss. He started helping you out of your outfit. Yet leaving the fishnets on. “That’s better,” he replied as he lined up with your entrance again. This time not really caring as much this time that you needed some time to adjust. Instead just pushing you onto his fat dick and making you gasp.
You were clinging to him as he started to move. Until he pushed you down so he could get a better angle. He was so thick he was hitting your spot whether you liked it or not. Making you your pussy juicers leaking around you because of it.
You were letting out mewls one right after the other. It was just too fucking much. Like whatever you’d been expecting this wasn’t it. You felt like a fucking blow up doll right now and you mean that in the most affectionate way possible.
You always imagined that sex with Steve would be similar to your ex. While he’d been sick and twisted in his own ways to you in bed he was obsessed with MaKiNg LoVe. He wanted it to be perfect. Like your hair had to be perfect. Lingerie on. Lights, camera, action. Surprisingly minus the camera. Funny you wouldn’t let him.
So as Steve impaled you on his giant dick you almost wanted to laugh at the irony. That the asshole was all about that perfect curated shit, the golden boy wanted to split you in half but was probably one of the sweetest people you’d ever met.
As the two of you went from missionary to you on top he was bouncing you down hard. The balls of your feet planted on the bed, so you could have an easier time moving up and down. His hand coming to smack your ass over and over.
“Steve, Steve, Steve, Steve!” You cried out as you came around him again.
“That’s it. Say my fucking name.” He grabbed your hair, pulling your head back by your hair. By now you weren’t even sure where that little hat was. You just know it wasn’t on your head anymore. You could only imagine how fucked up your makeup looked right now.
He pulled out of you so he could position you face down ass up. Grabbing his phone then getting behind you. He rubbed your clit a little more before slamming into you again. 
“I’m gonna take a video. Okay, Doll. We’re going on separate missions next week and I wanna be able to watch it when I’m away from you.”
You whimpered. Stomach tightening as you clenched around him. “That’s okay.”
“I wasn’t asking for permission,” he said as he smacked your ass. Guiding himself into you and you swear every time you felt your brain malfunction. “It’s okay I’m not gonna let anyone else see. I promise.”
“I know,” you moaned as he started picking up pace again.
“Wish I could show your annoying fucking ex though,” he grunted. “Show him how a real man fucks you.”
If he didn’t shut up you were gonna cum again. Especially with the way he was forcing himself in to hit every single spot. “Just like that,” you whimpered.
“Yeah?” He asked. “Who fucks you right, Baby?”
“You do,” you squeaked out.
“This is my pussy now. Don’t you fucking forget that.”
Your pussy tightened around him because of his words. He was just so big. You were pretty sure you’d never get used to it. Not like it mattered. Not like you wouldn’t take it over and over if he told you to. As if you’re not gonna be on his dick as much as you can be now. If he fucked you this disrespectfully on the first time you could only imagine what it’d be like next time.
“Pussy so fucking juicy,” he replied. “You like this, huh? Like being treated like a whore.”
Oh god. “Yes,” you cried. “Only for you.”
“Yeah? Gonna be my whore. Let me fuck you whenever I want?” He asked.
“Yeah,” you squeaked again. “It’s yours. You don’t even have to ask.”
He chuckled. How the fuck was he laughing at a time like this. As if he wasn’t rearranging your guts. “Don’t tell me that. I’ll hold you to it. You know I’m a man of my word.”
Why the fuck was that making you cum. Maybe because that was true. Which only made it hotter. Ugh you really were excited to be this mans fuck toy.
He threw the one down beside you as he pulled out again. Screen on the video he just took. As he flipped you over you grabbed it only getting to watch a little bit of how good it looked with you taking him from behind for a little bit. Fuck it was better than porn.
“You look like such a fucking mess,” he baby talked at you before kissing your lips again. Pulling you into his lap as he sat up. As much as you liked the other positions you liked how close he was to you in this one. “You’re so beautiful.”
You wrapped your arms around his neck as he went to your ass helping you. Clinging to him while he fucked into you. Finally putting your mouth on those strong shoulders. Sucking your teeth into his skin.
“Fuck, Baby!” He moaned. Ohhh you liked that noise. “Gonna make me cum in you if you keep doin’ that.”
You giggled and started doing it more. Hopefully leaving marks behind that would probably be gone in the morning if you did. Kissing all over his neck and to his chest.
He grabbed your neck. Forcing you to look into his blue eyes as he was grinding you onto him. “One more, Babe. I just gotta get one more,” he was slurring his words like he was just as drunk off of you as you were from him, “outta you before I cum in you.”
“Yes!” You moaned walls once again fluttering around him because of his words.
“Yeah you like that?” He hissed. “Like being my little cum slut, huh? Good cuz after this I’m gonna keep fucking you and fucking you. You hear me?” He leaned you back as he started shoving into you again.
“I love being your cum slut,” you whined as another orgasm hit you making you move your hips up and down so he had to pin you. Needing to keep you in place so he could keep hitting it just right.
“Fuck!” He yelled against your neck as it finally caught up to him. Filling you up but not stopping his movements as if he was about to fuck you through it until he stopped and slumped on top of you then quickly getting off of you so you wouldn’t get crushed.
He didn’t waste anytime to pull you into his arms. Cradling you and kissing your forehead over and over. It almost hurt for you to breathe but you already missed the feeling of his heavy cock impaling you over and over again.
“Shit, you okay?” He asked in between his barrage of kisses. You nodded not even being able to say anything back. You’d definitely need time to recover from this.“Wanna takes a bath or something while I clean up?”
“That’s it?” You managed to say.
He chuckled. “It doesn’t have to be. I just thought you’d wanna relax.”
“Not yet,” you replied.
“Okay.” Another kiss went to your lips. Fuck you were enjoying how kissy he is. “I didn’t break you did I?”
He laughed a little harder. “I’m sorry. I should have asked for your safe word, but I got so caught up in the moment.”
“It’s okay,” you replied.
“Nah. A good dom always asks.”
“It’s okay,” you repeated, suddenly feeling all warm and fuzzy inside. “Funny I so knew you were a freak.”
You shrugged. “Nice guys are always freaky. And you’re like super nice so you’re extra extra nasty.”
Not this man’s cheeks turning red. As if he didn’t just try to turn you inside out. “Yeah I guess.”
“And I also saw one of your porn searches one time. Don’t worry. I didn’t tell anyone.”
“When?” He asked raising an eyebrow.
“Remember when we broke into Tony’s account? Well I managed to get into your computer and all I’m saying is that if you wanna tie me up I’m so down.” You looked up at him.
He sighed and shook his head. “You are so bad. You’re lucky you’re cute.”
“Or what? Gonna spank me?” You teased, sticking your tongue out.
“You wish,” he said grabbing your face and squeezing your cheeks in. “Just for that I’m gonna start prepping your ass for my cock.”
He was entirely too big to ever fit but fuck you were more than willing to try.
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