#thyme variant tea
barwithnodoors · 1 year
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Thyme Variant Tea
And alcoholic take on the recipe from the Avengers Campus Cookbook.
1 cup of water
1 cup of mead wine
1 cinnamon stick
1/2 a medium Granny Smith apples (cored and sliced)
1 green tea bag
2 sprigs of fresh thyme
In a medium saucepan bring water, mead, cinnamon stick, and apples to boil and turn to low and simmer for 2 minutes. Take off the head and add tea and thyme. Leave to steep for 10 minutes.
Strain and chill. Serve over ice.
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homochadensistm · 2 months
Accidentally deleted some tea-related asks on my daily purge, heres my answer to all the anons flabbergasted by me making tea out of za'atar herbs (variants of thyme and oregano): you are all tasteless, peasants and dare I say, fake and gay.
You can make wonderful tea out of these herbs! If you can get ur hands on either Origanum syriacum or Thymus capitatus, mix either of them (not both, thatd taste a bit weird) with any kind of black tea u like and some sugar, and trust me u will never want to drink any other kind of tea ever again.
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valgasnewsthings · 1 year
Skin ready to the massage.
 Point massage and other massage kind of massage with essential oil or without will be an effectivity, a skin needs to clean. .And  on her surface are forming lots of oily acids, which decreasing under affect on acupuncture points, and for the cleaning of a   normal or oily skin a need pads cotton wet in sol. Spirit one tbl.sp. for 4 tbl.sp. boiled water   cold, or in vodka, diluted with water on proportion one to 2.Dry skin cleans with gauze towel wetted in clean water , thus massage with oil is effectivity at sauna, when skin is cleaned from oily glands. And in point massage need to do a test on an individual sensitiveness to massage oil, or oily massage composition. And for massage a big skin parts as spine, hips, such test need that to check your skin to sensitiveness to oil massage, apply a small quantity his on elbow bending and on the wrist, if allergy not having,thus you can do massage. An ideal variant is 24 hour test , thus within a day  as nothing not usual not happening. If you are feeling OK, thus massage to do. And on begin use minimal oils quantities, slowly this quantities to increase, and in the middle an oil use on one punction zone are 1-3-4 drops. And in massage doing you are attention on the specific effect of few oils. Thyme oil, rosemary, lemon causing irritation, basil, wormwood is heart arrhythmia, citric oils are skin allergy basil and juniperus is a same power effect having, that preliminary  contractions in pregnancy. 
Oily massage mixtures.
Anti-cold mixture.
Lavender oil 5 drops, oil of bergamot 3 drops, sage oil 5 drops, mint oil 2 drops, oil tea tree 5 drops. A base oil of grape seed  3 tbl.sp. In a good clay dish or glass of add oily base, add oils drops and for 1.5 min activity shake, closing dish with lid.Repeat this procedure with every component, and in a base was mixed all oils, shake mass for 2 min, before use oily composition shake her for 1.5 min.
Fight cold symptoms, allergy old, improve condition for lung patients.
Tea tree oil you can change on olive oil.
For fighting tiredness and ache in joints and vertebra.
Oil sage 5 drops, oil min 5 drops, eucalyptus oil 5 drops, pink oil 3 drops.
Base oil of grape seed or olive 3 drops.
IN a good clay dish or glass of warmed  add oily base ,add oils, same shake, closed dish. Repeat this procedure with an every component. When in a base will mix all oils , shake mixture for 3 min. Massage composition using for a fighting common tiredneess, legs tired and joints, vertebra.
Sage oil , eucalyptus 5 drops, pink oil 5 drops, cypress oil 3 drops, oily extract licorice ten drops, oily extract yarrow 15 drops, oily extract horse chestnut 12 drops.
Base is olive oil one tbl.sp, same cooking method ,as in first variant.
from Valga s health news,gardening,and cooking ,and beauty . https://ift.tt/L0yVebF via https://ift.tt/1k2KFWy
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grumpygreenwitch · 4 years
Summer Gardening.
So it’s been a while, and for that I apologize to the... 200+ people who follow me. I’m sure y’all are here for the cat pics and the nekked men, but TOO BAD. Today you get to suffer through pics of my green children. Also, I do share seed. My seed list link will be up later in the year. To begin with, the summer flowers are out en force:
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Echinacea Purpurea, the original echinacea. I do save yearly seed from these guys, although it’s an incredibly pointy, stabby and bleed-y job. 
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Mountain Phlox. Unfortunately, all of it around the house is afflicted with powdery mildew, so I will not share seed. But it’s still pretty to look at, and the clearwings (hummingbird moths) love it. Not pictured is the white variant, who grows on the other side of the house. Look, it was hot and I was already melting.
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Peppermint Balsam. This thing is basically indestructible, for an annual. It will reseed freely (to truly Lovecraftian levels) and blooms continuously from late spring until mid-fall, when the seed-pods set. There is a dormant genetic in it for double flowers, but when it pops up it’s always been sterile. It just pops up occasionally from the peppermint seed.
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I may give the roommate hell over the hostas (I hate them. They’re so useful to protect toads and control weeds, but I hate them), but they do put out pretty flowers. There are several variants around the house - white-edged, blue and green, but hostas in general are very, very hard to start from seed. I will save it on request, only. We were also incredibly lucky to have a Moth Mullein sprout in our porch bed, along with some Variegated Solomon’s Seal.The SS doesn’t put out seeds, and I don’t have enough to share bulbs (yet), but the mullein has been exceptionally generous with seed pods, and it repels bugs. It repels ROACHES. It’s going everywhere. And I may be convinced to part with some seed.
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A view from a hill. Can you see the garden? That’s OK, I can’t either. Those are peach trees, on the side of the orchard closest to the house. Unfortunately a freak storm during early spring killed all the blossoms. Also, don’t mistake ‘orchard’ for ‘organized’. There’s a pear, some apples, a plum, some nectarines? And front and center are two walnuts. I’ll probably be plunking my laurel there to see if it survives winter. And someday when I have a job and money again, I would like to drop a few Chicago Hardy figs, and maybe a kiwi trellis.
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This is the big garden (and fortunately not my responsibility, or I would cry). The guys are ‘handling’ it. The weeds say otherwise.
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The jasmine tree and the roommate’s garden. Because of a bad back injury that refuses to heal, I’ve been helping them on and off with it. And if you thought jasmine was supposed to stay a delightful little bush, AHAHAHAHAH. Yes, that’s a light-post next to it. For size comparison.
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MY CHILDREN. Please ignore the dead soccer ball. That’d be a dog toy.
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Lemon balm, amaranth, and a new bed that I’ll be finishing off during fall, for use next year. The lemon balm is a permanent row - it will overwinter just fine, and it will even keep growing through the mildest part of December. Mine didn’t die back until a few solid days of sleet in January. Unfortunately the weed fabric under the amaranth turned out to be an old roll, and fell apart on me (no big, the whole point is for it to fall apart eventually), so the weeds have kinda eaten it alive.
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Unfortunately, both cucumber beetles and blister beetles love the amaranth. Fortunately, it does not seem to give a damn. It’s an incredibly resilient plant, not minding weeds, bugs, flood or drought. We’ll see what the grain actually tastes like, but so far it’s looking like a good candidate for continuous growing.
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The lemon balm is lemon-balming. Planted on a lark, it’s proven to be a fantastic wind-breaker - because it grows so early and so quick, it keeps the colder winds that come down through the hollow from my more fragile seedlings, like the lettuce, dill and cilantro. You can see here where the spent flower-heads are dying but there’s new growth underneath; I really have to get in there and behead it. It makes nice hot tea, meh cold tea, and hanging fresh bunches of it around the balcony keeps the skeeters off. It also seems to be a decoy for cabbage moths.
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Canary Zinnia. The seed was sent to me as a gift with one of my seed orders, and this is my first year growing it. -If- I can save some, I’ll definitely be sharing and growing again. It’s a lovely plant, very sturdy, and the bees love it.
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Dwarf Castor Oil. I don’t think there’s anything dwarf about it, but then I’m a short green witch myself, so maybe it’s all about perspective. Don’t let the pods lie to you, until they dry the spikes are relatively soft. However, it being castor oil, I don’t recommend it to anyone with ducks, chickens, goats, or anything that might accidentally try talking a nibble or pecking at the beans. I do, however, recommend them from jewelry if you know how to pierce things and so on. They are a gorgeous tiger-stripe pattern.
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Say hello to the chard! Say goodbye to the chard! Nothing else, absolutely nothing else since the limas, has given me so much trouble. The deer love getting into my chard bed and destroying it (ergo all the forks). And once I managed to chase those off, the blister beetles showed up in force. This will be the last year I grow it - we just don’t eat enough of it to make it worth my while, and it only occasionally sold at the Farmers’ Market.
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Red lettuce - Merlot and Lollo Vino, a combination of bought and saved seed. I planted a red romaine of some sort, too, but unsurprisingly it bolted in the heat. The darker reds of my favorites, though, keep bugs off them, keep deer from noticing them, and keep them from bolting. It’s just now threatening to, and at this point its kind of allowed. I need more seed for next year. Seed for this will likely be shared by the teaspoon-ful.
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Calendula! I searched for a long time to find the plain ol’ calendula officinalis ancestor, rather than a cultivar where I would have no way of knowing if the medicinal principles would have been sacrificed for looks. It’s supposed to work well as poor man’s saffron (color, no taste), and I’m going to be soaking the heck outta my feet on it during winter. The plant is... not pretty. It gets leggy and the leaves get grotty very quickly. But it’s very sturdy and as long as you cut the flowerheads off as fast as you can, it’ll keep blooming until well into winter. I usually leave it to go to seed around late September.
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Green cilantro seeds. You pick ‘em when they’re brown, but before they drop off the plant. Or you pick ‘em when they’re brown-ing, and put them in a paper bag so they’ll finish ripening there and you don’t end up with fifty wild cilantro plants in your garden >_> Most of the row is already gone, and I’ll be putting in a late dill crop in its place. No such thing as too  much dill!
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Don’t let lemongrass lie to you. Unless you tie it up, it will not grow up neat and tidy, as most grass does. Instead it will sprawl like a dramatic wilting Elizabethan lady and do its best to end up under your feet so you’ll feel bad about it. I just tie it up with a half-blade of grass; it dries up and withers away before it can hurt the plant.
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I ordered pennyroyal seed because... Well, because it’s something one should have on hand, considering the way the world is going. What I got was Creeping Pennyroyal, which doesn’t care if you step on it (mint family), smells absolutely delightful, and has the most adorable, tiny purple flowers. I plan on harvesting, drying and sprinkling it everywhere in the crawlspace under the house. Making war on cave crickets, wood roaches, and other such sundries, me.
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The thyme and Spicy Oregano took a beating in the heat, but they’re slowly bouncing back. The bed behind them is more pennyroyal, desperately in need of weeding, but there’s only one of me, y’know.
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SIGH. Just. You absolute, ill-mannered monster of a creature. That would be horseradish, gloriously happy to be alive, as horseradish should be. Also, NOT IN ITS BASKET. Because never mind the rules, I guess.
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I don’t even know how I’m gonna dig that up come winter. With some construction equipment, I GUESS. 
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Decorative gourd! It’s the only one producing so far, but being the seed was 10+ years old, I’m very pleased.
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And an apple gourd (I think?), from a mixture of drying gourds that was only slightly less ancient. Snake, apple and birdhouse gourds. There’s a bunch of them competing in the basket at this point, we’ll see what we will see.
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And this, I think, is a great use of a dead canopy frame (the dogs ate the canopy. No, I’m not making it up.) I hope to coax the gourds to grow me a lil’ roof so I can sit in shade, surrounded by pennyroyal anti-skeeter barriers, eating my maters.
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My Peter Peppers (nrehehehehe) aren’t producing yet - it takes them a while. But my Chinese 5-Color are getting started. It’s a lovely pepper, both edible and ornamental, with (so I’m told) about four times the heat of a Jalapeno. They’re tiny, with deep purple undertones to the plant. They’ll go purple-white-yellow-orange-red.
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The bullhorns, on the other hand, are fairly sizable SWEET peppers on very tiny plants, and I honestly suggest staking them while they’re young so they grow a sturdy trunk, else you might end up with all of them growing at a slant.They’re just now beginning to turn colors. Keeping in mind I’m virulently allergic to peppers (less so sweet than hot, but allergic to all of them), the roommate loves ‘em.
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It’s a small pepper bed - mainly to refresh my seed on the hots, and to grow sweets for the roommate. Pardon the nekked bed, the autumn lettuce hasn’t sprouted yet. And yes, that’s a mixed basil/dill bed next to it. My basil grew in patchy holes (NEVER buying from those seed people again), so I filled the holes with dill. Unfortunately, dill seed heads are so fine that they’re hard to photograph well.
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The tomato row. After arguing with them for this long, I went the extra mile. Every plant has a metal stake. There’s also a double line growing at the top supporting the stakes so they don’t fall over. And they still fell over. Because why not, you unruly children, why not.
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Green, white, pink and brown cherry tomatoes. Delicious!
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Two kinds of cucumbers, some of the only decent shots of the dill seed-heads, and a special guest hiding in the shade. I usually plant dill as soon as the cucumber sprouts, to keep cucumber beetles off it. Otherwise I’d have no cucumbers and a lot of fat beetles.
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The Muncher is a small cucumber, somewhat delicate. It’s very sensitive to temperature changes, and it’s candy to cucumber beetles - basically, it’s impossible to grow it without a heavy curtain of dill, or a heavy duty decoy. This year I got lucky enough to have both. It’s also delicious pickled, keeping its crunch and getting a good ooomph in flavor.
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The Japanese Long is, as the name implies, long. It’s also incredibly bitey, and absolutely scrumptious. It’s sweet! And unlike the average cucumber, it does not go metallic when salted.
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And now for the SPECIAL CHILD OF MY HEART. Seriously. I have been lusting after Blue Tea Peas since I first saw them offered, and every single time they’d be sold out pretty much the day of. This year I finally got some and... remember me mentioning that freak freeze that killed the peach blossoms? Yeah. Guess what it also killed. But two plants soldiered on. I have them heavily shielded by the cucumbers, dill and chamomile, and really I have no words for the blue. Pics don’t do it justice. I won’t have the tea this year, I’m saving as much seed as I can, but I am so pleased to have it at all!
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 Last, but not least, and it’s a poor shot of it, the chamomile. I cannot drink chamomile to sleep - it does put me to sleep, but it also gives me bad dreams. I plan on using it as a skin wash for all the bug bites, along with the calendula, and to give me some respite from dry skin during winter.
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Stay green! See you in fall! Now back to our normal schedule of frogs, cats and nekked men!
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lockdownuk · 3 years
Lockdown Diary Part 10
A personal account during the lockdown in the UK due to the Covid-19 outbreak.
23/03/2020 8:30pm Boris Johnson, UK Prime Minister, gives a live address to the nation to, effectively, put the country on lockdown to stem the spread of the deadly coronavirus strain, Covid-19.
Many of us have been self-isolating for days but this latest development within the UK in reaction to the pandemic feels very serious and very scary. I decided to keep a simple diary and where better but online. Day 271: Work was dominated by Qfiniti again, including a meeting with Jon and staff from the States, where I found my self taking control to get the next steps in process (and then, Dave Stewart, the SCCM engineer fucked off and put an OOO message on Teams telling me he’s off until Tuesday (it’s Thursday)...and I am off on Monday!) But, I have to say this project does float my boat. Got a text message and then a call from PCH for another laser eye appt this coming Monday at 12.30pm. I mentioned to the lady that phoned that I will have to square it with work (I won’t, but she doesn’t know that) as I can’t afford to lose my job - it just seems the hospital, while under pressue with the admin and the clinic availability - I get it! - just aren’t seeing the issues for the patients. Plus, Peterborough has been declared a Tier 3 from Sunday under the new lockdown scheme, the highest tier. Great...I really want to travel to a highly infected area! managed to find an online booze shop that does Gordon’s and Famous Grouse and will deliver beforee Chrimbo, so I’ve placed the order for dad and Rita’s gift. I spoke with Dad today, he hasn’t heard about his vaccination yet which is a surprise (he’s in the first draft being over 80)
Day 272: Typing on day 273. Work was that manic shit at the end of the dya when I’ve got time off. I am only off on Moday but still had to tie up loose ends, complictaed further by Jon being off next week and Sueanne off this week and the Qfiniti project! In the evening I only mamaged three beers. I ate too much. Plus my sugars were all over the place and way too high! I ordered a torch a couple of days ago (£17), it arrived today. It takes rechargeable batteries or 3 AAAs. Apparently, to get the best performance (i.e. brightness) you need the rechargeable batteries in it, so i charged ‘em. Fucking hell, I’m glad I did - it’s brighter than the sun. It opens up my late walks in winter, for sure.
Day 273: While it was a very late (but sober) night yesterday (gone 4am before lights out) I was up before midday. Usual walking etc. plus gave the bathroom a clean (albeit with wipes, but I did mop the floor - and used the water to also mop the kitchen). Now I am about to stick a pizza in the oven, plus wedges (to have with microwaveable chip shop curry sauce) and watch This Is 40 which is coincidentally on telly tonight - the coincidence being clips of it are on TikTok a lot right now. I am on my second beer and am going to have a smoke right now as well. Lastly for this entry, I have been using my AudioPro speaker today, it pisses me off it’s not WiFi capable but, thru Bt, it does sound fucking good - revisiting James works very well to demonstrate the speaker’s prowess.
Day 274: I have another Paypal a/c. I have been getting emails to my standard gmail account from Paypal saying they are going to charge me £9 for an inactive account which I have been largely ignoring since my paypal a/c has a specific email address. Anyway, I tried to log in, after a password reset and, hey presto, I do have another one, with £35 in it, having just been fleeced of £9 for the aforementioned inactivity, fuckers. It’s registered with the old Market Place address and phone. When I try to transfer the £35 to my card, it wants to confim it’s me by calling the phone, which I can’t amend. Oh, and you can’t contact Paypal direct. Fuck knows what to do! Other than that, usual Sunday, a tad more relaxed since I have tomorrow off, but not that much now I have an eye appointment in Tier 4 Peterborough (it’s been up’d from tier 3)! Up at 1.30 pm (I watched This is 40 and The Guvners last night with lots of beer), feeling worse for wear but, stair climb and a 6 miler acheived!
Day 275: I was at the hospital for 3 hours. The laser clinic didn’t start until 1.30pm so, why my appointment was at 12.20, not even the consultant could understand. 15 minutes of lasering - horrible but I am used to it. It took so long it pretty much fucked my day off up completely. I got a Christmas card from Karen, in the actual post, so, a mail shot. It’s depressing.
Day 276: Back to work and it’s definitely in wind down mode. I’ve decided to compile a list of things I have done this year. It will be on the postive side, such as all the steps I’ve walked and getting an article published about my photography, but it will also include randon facts like getting bitten by a dig twice and not having a haircut. I’ll get it done so I can post in at new year, hopefully be a little inspiring, a little silly and a lot of showing off!
Day 277: Work, again, was quiet. It’s fucking pissing down now, as I type at 21:50, and has been all day. It’s causing havoc and there’s flooding everywhere. I could walk down St. Peter’s Road tonight ‘cos of it (had to go up New Road, Springfield Road, down Latham Road). Soaked a lunhtime and tonight! With a new variant of Coronavirus, France stopped frieght crossing the border. That’s now been resolved but tyeh back log has/is affecting certain food stocks in the shops, of which, fresh veg might affect me for Christams dinner (I plan to do a chicken breast with stuffing, pigs in blankets, yorkshire pud and shed loads of veg. I’ll nip to Co-Op tomorrow morning and see what’s vaialble. It’s a half day at work ‘cos of Christmas Eve, so I can nip out somewhere in the car if need be, as ong as the flooding has subsided. Or I could just get shitfaced and have burgers and pizza.
Day 278: Christmas Eve. Sueanne let me finish at 11.00am so, very shortly thereafter, off for a walk I went; it turned out to be a stop/start affair - flooding as the Nene had burst its banks, ended up doing more of a circuit round town. Bumped into Andy Smith (and his son) and, after that, Ash and Denise. Ended up doing just under 11.5km in 2 and a half hours.Knackered! As I type, I have a chilli on the stove, beer on the go, all the veg and chicken breast bought with no shortages, as feared, for tomorrow’s lunch and looking forward to eating. getting drunk, smoking, listening to music, watching telly....all over the next two/three days.
Day 279: I don’t even remember going to bed last night. As a direct result I got out of bed at 2.30pm. I couldn’t even be bothered with Christmas dinner, let alone anything else like exercise. I’m just about to have chilli for dinner (it’s 8.10pm). Watch some telly then try an go to sleep before midnight. No booze! I did talk to dad earlier. Day 280: Typing on day 281. A better, more productive day. Up @11.00am exercise and walk as usual, although the walk was a different route due to flooding. In the evening I could hear ‘storm Bella’ raging, so windy! I cooked a christmas dinner of sorts, chicken breast with Thyme, all the veg, roasted spuds and parsnip, stuffing (a first for me, albeit co-op stuffing mix), Yorkshie and pigs in blankets. It was smashing! A few beers and The Hitman’s Bodyguard, alays a fun watch. A better day, as I say, but I am feeling particular deflated this Christmas. Day 281: Typing on day 282. I realised, about mid afternoon, that Monday (tomorrow) is a bank holiday so no work. It was a great realisation but, also, worrying that it dawned on my like I’m an old person! Nevertheless, a nice long walk - bumped into Baz & Kate and had a nice long chat, then El & Camila, Aaron and Eva for another, shorter chat. I also saw Denise & Ash along the way. Fog video called later in the evening for a chat too (he told me how he fell asleep at the dinner table, fuck he makes me laugh - unwittingly - when I need it most!) A regular social fest! A repeat of last night’s dinner and a few beers - it was a good day albeit I am in a proper low ebb.
Day 282: Up at midday after a 4am-er. A very long walk (1.75 hours) and a hodge podge dinner (remaining chilli, roasted spuds and peppers, steamed cauliflower and runner beans, grated cheese) - it’s nearly ready, I’ll type the review tomorrow. I realise that this is the first time in 21 Christmases that I have at least talked to K. Is that connected to my mood slump? I reckon so. So, as that fact dawned on me, I then considered, should it be the case next Christmas, it will not be the first in along time and, as such, more manageable....fuck knows how I manage to accentuate any little positive but, thank goodness I do. Day 283: Work was a sedate affair today, fuck all to do really. Sueanne is now follwing me on Insta...I shall invetsigate on how to exclude posts to individuals, methinks. Tea, last night, was fucking lovely. More of the same tonight-ish - currently I am roasting spuds, peppers, garlic, chillies, tomatoes - it’ll all go with left over pigs-in-blankets (5) and a burger. I’ll have bisto beef with mustard on it. I can’t wait! Day 284: Typing on day 285. That meal was fucking lush! Checked on the car todfay and it would not start. Something is draining the battery so I will have to give it a run every day until I can get Julian to sort it. So, I WhatsApp’d Karen to borrow the portable starter. She dropped it off for me. We had the briefest of chats at the doorstep, first time we’ve spoken in weeks. She mentioned my hair! Day 285: NYE. I have just got back from walking to Cottersock and back. I would not have been able to do so without my new torch! I finished and published my double letter quiz on FB, including to the Virtual Pub group and the Oundle Chatter. It’s had some good feedback, I’m rather proud of it. I am going to make chicken casserole now (with dumplings - a first for me, I even bought some flour), have some beers and get a bit stoned. Before that, I am going to finish off my list of things I’ve done this year, including steps wlaked and hours listening on Spotify. I am quite proud of that list too.
Day 286: I fucked the dumplings up, added too much water, so that didn’t happen but the chicken casserole was good, just about to finish it for tea tonight. I also had pizza last night and went to bed at 5am. I have had a lot of good feedback on my list of 2020 achievements. I proud of it. K sent a happy new WhatsApp last night, around 00.30.
Day 287: No booze last night, so I was up before the alarm today (about 10.00am) Two walks, one on my own, another with Fog with a couple of beers. I fucking loved it! Watching datrts (World champs semi finals - been texting Dan while the first one has been on). Going to watch The Aviator later...I’ve not seen it before which surprises me. Why it surprises me I do not know, since I know I haven’t seen it. How the fuck can I be surprised by a fact I’m completely aware of? Day 288: I didn’t watch The Aviator ‘cos Logan Luck was on at 11:55pm on ITV4. Great fildm...I can’t believe that I very nearly paid for it (rent from Sky or Amazon). A late one last night and quite pissed. Thinking about it, having afew beers with Fog in the afternoon made it quite a long sesh for me! Up at just gone midday today, nice long walk (Cotterstock) which was mde long by a painful right ankle - I must have turned or twiested slightly sometime. Still, it survived. Back to work tomorrow - Chrimbo and New Year all done and dusted for the 55th time in my life!
Day 289: First day back at work of 2021. Boris announces another full lockdown in England (there’s a new strain of Covid19 which is seeing huge numbers of infections every day, over 50,000 per day).
Day 290: Something is up with my right foot, the little toe pad. It’s bloody sore. If it gets any worse it’ll affect my walking and exercise. I phoned Anne Bennison to talk about it, she just wants me to go and see her which i donlt want to do if poss, pandemic and all that.
Day 291: Wearing my sandals instead of the M&S slippers and my foot/toepad is already feeling bteer. However, I did inspect my Merrell boots, just in case, and the sole on te right is really worn down, in just three months. I have sent a WhatsApp to CotswoldOutdoors, where I got them from....let’s see what they say! It’s all kicking off i  the US - pro Trump protestors have storm the Capitol Building, where congrees was being held. Only in ‘Merica.
Day 292: Busy at work with rolling out Qfiniti - all that project work was pretty much for fuck all since the SCCM package has to hand held. It’s feckin’ freezing today, below freezing, slippy af on my walks. I have been shopping tonight, £106 in Corby Tesco. That does include 8 cans of sapporo.
Day 293: The fracas at Capitol Hill on Wednesday left 5 dead, it looks like Trump will be impeached. He’s already said he’ll not attend Biden’s inauguration. In a fucking world gone mad, it’s another level of madness. It’s really cold -3℃ tonight, more of the same tomorrow. Makes for brisk walks. I’ve just had chicken balti pie and chips for tea. It was so nice that I burnt the roof of my fucking gob. I’m on the Sapporo and about to have a smoke then watch Jack Reacher. I’ve (kinda) earnt after the first 5 day week for a while.
Day 294: Well, last night saw another late one...5am by the time I :went to sleep. Up at 2pm today with no instention of any exercise or walking or housework or fuck all, really. But, I did my exercises and a 9 mile walk. While I walked I came across Banners, quick 15 min chat and listed to Stage by David Bowie. He’s all over the radio right now as it’s his death’s anniversary tomorrow and his birthday yesterday. It’s a fucking good live album. A few beers tonight, eating trash, watching FA Cup highlights then End of Watch later.  Posh played today (first time in a while due to Covid infections) drew away to (shitty) Lincoln 1-1. Good point as Posh were down to ten men after 67 mins for a second yellow for handball in the area. Lincoln missed the pen. Fucking funny. Chorley, the non leaguers who knocked Posh out in round 2 of the FA Cup, beat Derby in round 3 today (albeit derby fielded an academy side of 11 first timers due to Covid ) - a great day for them!
Day 295: Up at 2pm swearing blind I’d not walk or exercise (again!) but, of course I did. I’ve done over 25 miles this w/e! End of Watch was brilliant last night. Well worth a rewatch, so emotional. I am making butter chicken as I type. I’ve added extra onion, garlic and, of course, chillies. It’s the spiciest butter chicken I have ever tasted! 
Day 296: One of those frustrating days at work when no problem of request I try to resolve goes without a hitch. After a 7km walk in the evening, took the car for a spin and cleaned the bathroom. Fucking knackered. It’s 11:30pm and I’m in bed typing this on the iPad! despite getting up so late, I feel knackered. 11pm bedtime for me, I reckon.
Day 297: Fucking busy at work, the States rolled out a new Okta trust policy and it caused mayhem. Meant my evening walk didn’t start ‘til gone 6pm. When I got back, clened the hall and stairs, made chilli (which I am about to have for tea (gone 10.15pm!) and showered. I’m, again, fucking knackered! Posh played Portsmouth in the EFL Trophy 3rd round at home. Won 5-1. Nice.
Day 298: Had an electrician rouind for the EICR cetrt. He was here until 2pm and it was a pain in the arse, having to work upstairs plus, with having to cut the electricity, all the smart devices lost their settings. And it was freezing up there.
Day 299: Work was impossibly infuriating. Not one pc remote session went to plan! It was pissing down a lunchtime during my walk but, I have to say, the cheap TargetDry coat copes fine in heavy rain for short periods. Everywhere is flooding again even though the rain turned to sleet. By my evening walk, it was dry but bloody cold. Then, when I got in I cleaned the kitchen and mopped the floor and the bathroom’s as well. I fucking done in! Chatted to dad today - same as ever!
Day 300: What a fucking work at week! I am so glad it’s Friday. To celebrate, I ordered new walking boots: Scarpas £121!
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rederiswrites · 4 years
Hey, Red! If you don't mind, I'd like to hear more about homesteading. I know you have an herb garden. How do you harvest them properly/sustainably? How much space is "enough space" for an herbal plant? Thank you in advance!
You’re just softballing me fun questions for my sake, I’m pretty sure, but I’d never be so churlish as to waste the gift. Let’s see, uhh, this is a big subject, so what to cover?
Okay first of all, there’s a different answer for every different plant. I’ve got lovage (looks like giant parsley, tastes like celery) growing next to chives (tastes like green onions, looks like a clump of fat grass), planted the same year, and one is a clump about three inches across and eight inches tall, and the other is a shrub nearly five feet tall at its tallest, with a 2 x 3 foot footprint. Thyme is a low-growing mound that’ll spread over a few feet if it’s happy, basil grows more or less straight up along a single stem (unless you strategically pinch it off to make it bushy), and even then, how far up and how bushy depends on what *variety* of basil.  Fortunately, this sort of information is often found on plant tags at the store, and readily available online, but you just have to know the answer for each plant.
Harvesting depends on WHAT you’re harvesting. Flowers, for example: Lavender flowers should be harvested actually just before they bloom, and you just cut individual stems. Chamomile, you cut the flowers when they’re fresh blooms. Chamomile is torture because I’m unaware of any way to do it except to individually clip six billion tiny blossoms, and it takes like...I dunno, at least ten blossoms for a single cup of tea. Dammit now I gotta go make some chamomile tea, hang on.
Seeds, you harvest just after they’ve turned color from green to some variant of brown, like dill or coriander, but if you wait too long they’ll all drop off and that will suck. One standard way to collect just the seed is to clip seed heads into a paper bag and then shake it/knock it around until the seeds come loose and then you can filter/winnow/pick the excess plant material out.
Greenery you just clip good condition leaves. For fresh use in cooking, I usually just clip what I need whenever I need it. If you’re clipping them for drying and you want a bunch at once, the rules are thus: usually, don’t harvest more than 1/3 of the plant at a time (there are exceptions), don’t harvest wet plant material (if it’s been rained on or the dew hasn’t dried), and the volatile oils (scent, medicinal principles, flavor) are best in the morning on a sunny day after the dew’s gone. Then hang them/spread them out to dry in a place that’s warm but out of direct sun. Hanging works best for stuff with clear central stems, like mint, which you can tie into bundles. Spreading stuff out, ideally on a screen for good airflow, works for stuff like chamomile or calendula blossoms or individual leaves.
Some plants you harvest roots, but I never get around to that. Basic theory is that you give the plant a few years to get well established and send off shoots to start new “crowns” (clumps), and then you dig up some but not all of the crowns, divide them (literally just gently pull them into chunks) and replant the divisions, and then clean and dry the roots you didn’t replant. This isn’t really feasible unless you have room to let a plant grow in-ground and spread for a while, so not a lot of people bother with roots.
Okay! TL; DR, everything depends on everything and you just have to learn individual plants! But at least herbs are mostly really hardy and easy to grow, and a lot of the basic culinary herbs are very happy in pots. Most herbs do require a lot of sun, though, so be mindful of that.
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How To Cook Moules Marinière Dish (EASY GUIDE)
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a step-by-step guide to making the peasant-dish-became-bistro-favored, moules marinière – you’ll discover it’s even extra a laugh to make at home
moules marinière, or mariner-style mussels, is the form of dish we have a tendency to devour in restaurants, instead of at home, that's a disgrace, as it’s ridiculously easy to put together, and plenty greater fun eaten somewhere you could slurp away in your coronary heart’s content material. It’s also fantastically proper fee for cash – no longer least due to the fact you can drink the rest of the wine with it. Prep 5 min prepare dinner 15 min serves 2
1kg mussels
2 long shallots
2 thyme sprigs
1 bay leaf
150ml dry white wine – as an example, muscadet
1 small bunch flat-leaf parsley
50g butter, cubed
salt and black pepper
1. select the proper mussels
preferably, buy live mussels for this, instead of the vacuum-packed ones, mainly those that are available in a sauce. Strive the fish counter of larger supermarkets or a fishmongers (as an advantage, they'll even come prepared cleaned). Packed in damp paper or a tea towel inside the bottom of the refrigerator, mussels will keep for at the least 3 days – they need to breathe, so don’t shut them in a plastic bag or bath. Felicity cloake moules marinière. 1 clean the mussels, and discard any with cracked shells or open ones that don’t shut whilst tapped. Facebooktwitterpinterest clean the mussels, and discard any with cracked shells or open ones that don’t close while tapped.
2 clean the mussels
no extra than two hours earlier than cooking, provide the mussels a very good scrub in bloodless running water, and discard any damaged or open ones that don’t close when tapped. Get rid of any dirt or barnacles which can be nevertheless attached to the shells, and pull out any fibrous little beards through giving them a pointy tug toward the hinge quit of the mussel. Three prep the other ingredients and start cooking peel and finely chop the shallots and choose the leaves from the thyme sprigs. Placed these and the bay leaf in a huge pan that’s huge sufficient to maintain all the mussels and which you have some way of protecting (if you don’t have a bespoke lid, a barely smaller pan or baking tray will do). Placed the pan over a medium warmth, upload the wine and bring to a simmer.
Felicity cloake moules marinière. 3put the shallots and herbs in a pan with the wine, bring to a simmer and cook lightly for 10 minutes. positioned the shallots and herbs in a pan with the wine, bring to a simmer and prepare dinner gently for 10 minutes.
4. add the mussels
flip down the warmth, prepare dinner lightly for 10 mins (chop the parsley while you’re waiting), then flip the heat up to medium-high. Tip within the mussels, cover the pan, prepare dinner for 3 mins, then test on them – if maximum of the shells are open, they’re executed; if no longer, cowl again and prepare dinner till they're. Discard any that refuse to open. Felicity cloake moules marinière. 4 upload the mussels, cover and prepare dinner till they’re all open (bin any that don’t). positioned the mussels within the pan, cover and cook dinner till they’re all open (bin any that don’t).
5. get dressed with butter
add the butter to the pan and dad the lid again on. Leave for 30 seconds, to provide it time to soften, then add the parsley, season nicely and divide among two bowls (or serve instantly from the pan). Hot chips or crusty bread are each great accompaniments for mopping up the sauce. 6 version one to make normandy-fashion mussels, replace the wine with the same amount of dry cider, and upload a generous dollop of creme fraiche at the give up in preference to the butter. If you want, additionally add a few chopped, unsmoked 1st baron beaverbrook with the shallots and herbs in step 3. Beer is likewise a very good alternative. Felicity cloake moules marinière. Stir inside the butter to melt, and upload parsley. stir in the butter to melt, and add parsley.
7 version two
for french basque-fashion mussels, lightly fry a small, finely chopped onion,  sliced garlic cloves and one thinly sliced lengthy red pepper in  tablespoons of olive oil, then upload 8 cherry tomatoes and 50g diced cured ham. Cook dinner until the tomatoes burst, then pour in the wine and retain from step four. Finish with a pinch of cayenne pepper. Eight variant 3 for moules au roquefort, even as the wine is lowering in step four, gently heat together 300ml creme fraiche and 100g crumbled roquefort until the latter has melted into the former – don’t hassle to season, due to the fact the cheese and mussels are already salty sufficient. Add this to the pan as opposed to the butter in step 5, and maintain from there.
Nine version 4
for curried moules – another french preferred – comply with the recipe to the end of step four, then scoop the mussels from the pan and set them aside. Stir in a tablespoon of moderate curry powder and 200ml creme fraiche, then season to flavor. Replace the mussels and serve garnished with chopped coriander instead of parsley.
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Essential Oils for Hair Loss
by Healed with Herbs
Hair loss is a long time issue, which affect both men and women. It can refer to general hair loss, or popular known as male pattern baldness. There are many causes for hair loss, which take account of fungal infection, traumatic damage like trichotillomania or compulsive pulling as a result of radiotherapy or chemotherapy, and as an outcome of lack of nutrition like deficiency in iron.
Hair loss is an extremely frustrating issue. There are many possible solutions advertised, however none of them are assured to work and they might contain harsh substances. On the other hand, essential oils might be the natural way of encouraging hair growth. There are many essential oils that have the needed properties to help hair grow well again. Below are just some of the essentials oils you can try:
Lavender Essential Oil
The fact that lavender is a natural anti-inflammatory, it is valuable for keeping a healthy scalp. Lavender also improves blood circulation that encourages hair growth. This is also renowned for reducing stress. When you believe that stress is playing a major role in your hair loss, you may need to try this essential oil.
Tea Tree Oil
Aside from being anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties, Tea Tree Oil is widely utilized for treating any health issue like cold sores, flu, insect bites, burns, rashes, cuts, bruises and abrasions and for healing of the skin and scalp issues like lice, dandruff, itch scalp and acne. It could be used along with other oils. It produces remarkable results in treating hair loss.
Carrot Root Oil
This essential oil is rich in carotenes and other anti-oxidants.  This is renowned to both regenerate and stimulate hair follicles.
Retin- a kind of vitamin A. It has long been used alone or with Rogaine to help hair growth for men because of male pattern baldness.  This essential oil is really a supercritical extract of carrot root combined in Jojoba oil. It might be one of the most useful oils for that experiencing hair loss of all forms, and can also help hair growth. It`s best used when diluted in one of your preferred carrier oils like coconut oil or argan oil.
Rosemary and Clary Sage Oils
 You can securely use rosemary and clary sage oils to boost hair growing with the finest essential oils. Both, when used together, encourage hair growth. To use these oils, boil an ounce each of these oils their dried forms in one cup of water and then strain them in order that they blend in the water. When it cools, cleanse your hair with them. As a variant, you can also boil jojoba and clary sage together to stimulate hair growth.
Also you can try this recipe for producing fresh hair growth: Add together four drops each of rosemary and clary sage oils, two drops each of cedar wood and ylang ylang and an one ounce of jojoba oil. Massage this mixture into your scalp each day and leave it on for thirty minutes.
Jojoba Oil
Jojoba oil is known to be the best oils to encourage hair growth and at the same time avoid further hair loss. It also prevents hair breaking and could be used on any type of hair, making it extremely common all over the world. For best results, wash and dry hair and apply jojoba oil into your hair and scalp and leave it on for 20 minutes before washing off.
Olive Oil
Stimulate hair growth with olive oil. Put in a fragrant essential oil to this oil in the ratio of six drops of essential oil to 1 tablespoon of olive oil. Massage your scalp and hair with this mixture and leave it on for 20 to 30 minutes and rinse. Also, you can try using lavender, cedarwood, chamomile and rosemary oil to alleviate dry hair.
For many years, olives has been utilize in preparing food. It has lots of benefits due to its antibacterial, monounsaturated fat and antifungal properties. It has the capability to improve the level of good fat in your body while minimizing the level of bad cholesterol. This also enhances the texture of your hair which is the reason why for a very long time people have utilized it for hair growth.
Cedarwood Essential Oil
Hair follicles could weaken because of lack of blood circulation. This essential oil encourages blood circulation in the scalp as well as produces hair development. It has anti-fungal properties that could avoid infections which can possibly improve loss of hair.
When five drops of this oil are mixed with 1 ounce of vodka, combined together and massage into your scalp and hair once a day, the outcome is significant hair growth. It is renowned to not only clean the scalp but also encourage hair growth. Its capabilities are proven in this part, so you could safely stimulate hair to grow utilizing cedar wood.
This oil is not only a strong antiseptic but also has a sweet and spicy aroma. You can stimulate growth with thyme and aloe vera gel. A mixture in a ratio of six drops of this oil with 1 ounce of aloe vera could be massaged into your scalp at least once a day for better hair growth.
Burdock Oil
When your hair is thinning, why not stimulate growth? This essential oil nourishes your scalp and stimulates new hair growth through encouraging the flow of blood to your scalp and transporting the nutrient follicles need. For the best results, massage the oil into your scalp. Leave it on for 20 to 30 minutes and rinse.
You can also combine all the essential oils listed above in order to come up with a very powerful solution that can aid you regrow your hair. There are other essential oils which work very well in promoting hair growth, all you need is to make a proper research and also you can ask those who already find a success in using essential oils for hair growth. Natural way is the best and safest way of re-growing your hair.
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bomberqueen17 · 5 years
seramarias replied to your post “here’s a weird tip: the tea I’m making out of oregano and thyme and...”
Now that's interesting! I wonder if lemon thyme would work?
Oh, yes, I think lemon thyme is just a cultivar of regular old common thyme, so it would have the relevant stuff in it. I really think the main active ingredient is thymol, which is in, like, commercial mouthwash and stuff. 
I Googled a bunch of herbalism stuff and I always have problems because so much of it is so subjective (this site just told me that thyme gives you courage, like... okay) but, I mean. Herbs are made of chemicals, and the chemicals have scientifically attested properties, so. 
Most of the herbalists did say thyme was good for helping with productive coughs, and it is both antifungal and antibacterial. So. 
My recipe is really like, 1 tsp of leaves, 1 tsp honey, 6-8 oz boiling water, steep 5-10 minutes, stir well, strain. I added some of an herbal loose tea mix I had that contained peppermint, red clover, green tea, and a few other things, because I wanted there to be something to taste besides thyme. But thyme by itself is pretty effective.
If you’re planning your herb garden, I’d really recommend some hyssop too, though, it’s got a flavor I’m not sure how to describe but it goes well with the thyme and with the honey, I quite like it. (There’s a variant called anise hyssop that tastes like, you guessed it, anise-- licorice-- that also has beneficial properties for respiratory stuff and would probably be pretty good in a tea.)
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yakultprobiotic · 4 years
Many studies show that the balance of bacteria in our digestive system is linked to the overall health of our bodies. Probiotics support a healthy balance of gut bacteria and provide numerous health benefits to an individual. Live microorganisms present in fermented foods or supplements are Probiotics. The health benefits linked to probiotics include proper digestive health, weight loss, and boosting the immune function of the body.
The most microorganisms present in probiotics and Probiotics are beneficial micro-organisms which are good for your health, especially for your digestive system and immunity as well as the immune system. Many digestive disease specialists recommend probiotic drinks and supplements for numerous health problems. Probiotics help to increase the number of beneficial bacteria and decrease the number of harmful bacteria in your body.
Here are some of the best probiotic drinks you can make at your home with the combination of your favorite ingredient:
1. Orange Ginger Carrot Kvass
Kvass! It’s a pleasant word to state and it’s a genuine filled with probiotic goodness. Customarily made by maturing beets, this variant is made with carrots. Some oranges and carrot, with little ginger is all you need. Tangy oranges, sweet carrots, and spicy ginger, after fermentation by adding sweetener, make the drink super healthy and tasty.
2. Gingered Tepache
Tepache is a Mexican matured beverage produced using pineapple; our rendition sets it with a lot of ginger to give it a little kick — and make it awesome for gut wellbeing.
3. Strawberry Thyme Water Kefir
Did you think kefir just alluded to that thick, yogurt drink they sell in the dairy segment of the supermarket? The good news is you can make it at home, with normal water or coconut water, for a beverage that is like fermented tea, yet without caffeine and tartness, superb for increasing probiotics in the body.
4. Homemade Ginger Ale
Making homemade all-natural ginger ale is easier than you imagine — you just need a couple of days to create your own ‘ginger bug’ — also in this one you’ll skip the sugar as compared to regular soda.
5. Blueberry Mojito Kombucha
Possibly the best formula for fermentation noobs, you don’t have to purchase a SCOBY for this one — start with premade fermented tea, include blueberries and mint, contain it and let it experience an auxiliary fermentation. 6. Fermented Strawberry Soda Due to the natural enzymes, probiotics and nutrients present in Lacto-fermented sodas, it is considered as superfood drinks. Unlike traditional sodas, this soda is made with frozen strawberries, white sugar, a teaspoon of champagne yeast and glass fermenting bottles.
Health Benefits of these probiotic drinks includes:
It Balances the Friendly Bacteria Present in Your Digestive System
Daily consumption of these probiotic drinks will help in restoring the natural balance of gut bacteria and improves your overall digestive system. The “good” bacteria present in these drinks will keep away all your digestive problems.
Prevention and Treatment of Diarrhea
One of the common side effects of taking antibiotics is Diarrhea. Antibiotics can harmfully affect the balance of good and bad bacteria in your gut and of the way to reduce its severity and to prevent diarrhea is consuming Probiotics drinks on a regular basis.
Certain Probiotic Can Help Keep Your Heart Healthy
Probiotics lower LDL (“bad”) cholesterol and blood pressure, resulting in improving the health of your heart. Consuming probiotics may also lower blood pressure, but only moderately.
Probiotic Supplements Improve Some Mental Health Conditions
Numerous studies connect gut health to mood and mental health of an individual. Studies show that probiotic supplements can improve some mental health disorders for both animals and humans.
It May Help Boost Your Immune System
Probiotics slow down the growth of harmful gut bacteria thus help in boosting your immune system. According to various researches, it is seen that some probiotics have been shown to promote the production of natural antibodies in the body.
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deepseamagick · 7 years
List of Old Fashion Remedies for Common Ailments
Stumbled upon this online, so I can’t take credit, but I thought I would share while keeping it in a safe place for myself!
Skin Rejuvenator: Two tablespoons of sesame oil, one tablespoon olive oil, two tablespoons avocado oil, two tablespoons almond oil, 2000 IU vitamin E (D-Alpha Tocopherol), 100 Thousand USP units vitamin A, a drop or two of your favorite perfume.(optional)
4 X 4 for Colds: 4 tablespoons lemon juice, 4 tablespoons brandy, 4 tablespoons unpasteurized honey, 4 tablespoons glycerin. This drink can be served hot or cold. Drink up, bundle up and go to bed.
Extracting Compress: Collect hot steamed cooked onions in a cheesecloth and this compress can be used for placing on the chest in the event of a chest cold, on the outside of the ear in the case of an earache, on a boil to help it burst, on an abscessed tooth to soothe the inflammation.
Cataplasm :Raw onion as a cataplasm (plaster) on the forehead is excellent for headaches related to sinusitis. This remedy can also be used to soothe bladder inflammation by placing the raw onion cataplasm upon the bladder area for approximately 40 minutes.
Antiseptic Plaster :The fine translucent skin found between the onion layers makes a marvelous antiseptic plaster in the event of a light burn or scaffing of the skin. Apply directly to the affected area and cover with gauze. This method also reduces the possibility of tissue scarring.
Auto Expectorant :Take a large drop of the essential oil Peppermint and place it on the back of your hand. Lick up the oil with the hindermost possible part of your tongue and allow the oil to coat the inside of your throat. This acts as a natural expectorant without the need to "force" it out.
Liver Cleanser :On an empty stomach, first thing in the AM, take a ts of olive oil (1st cold pressed / 0.5% acidity). To aid in the swallowing of the raw oil add a few drops of lemon juice. The liver's enemies are: rich, fatty foods, sauces, fried foods, pastries, alcohol. The liver's friends are: artichoke and dandy lion act as a medication for an irritated liver. Miracle vegetables for the liver are carrots, cresson, all salads including whether or not they are cooked, tomatoes and olives. Also on this list are some fruits; citrus, raisins and apples.
Urinary Retainer :A "tea" made from the infused "hair of corn" (the hairy strands from cobbed corn) taken daily will aid in aquiring greater control over urinary incontinency. This also helps disolve small gallstones, soothes colic and rheumatism.
Thyme Tea :One sprig for a large cup. You can take 3 to 4 cups a day between meals or on an empty stomach sweetened with a little honey. This concoction soothes stubborn intestinal infections, colds, the flu and engina as well. The raw leaves used exteriorly is an effective disinfectant. Rub some leaves on venomous spider or snake bites, and clean the area with the infused concoction. Toss a large number of sprigs in bath water to treat skin infections or irritations. Aromatic thyme baths are effective for alleviating rheumatism, arthritis and is a stimulant for convalescents or lethargic children. For added rheumatism relief spread a cataplasm (plaster) of chopped and heated thyme leaves directly on the painful area.
Nice White Teeth :After squeezing the juice of a lemon, use the left over rind to rub on your teeth and gums to whitten and strengthen them. This is also a good skin cleanser and softener; simply rub the rind over the facial areas desired, let stand for 5 minutes and rinse with tepid water. Eating an apple with the skin has the same effect of disinfecting the tooth and massages the gum.
BlueberryWater Eye Wash :To make this wonderful eye wash take a good handful of blueberry flowers and soak them in boiling water, infusing for several minutes. Strain out the pulp and wash the eyes with warm compresses of the lotion. Equally helpful here is an infusion made from linden-tree which, when applied on the eye, reduces wrinkles.
Milky Pink Complexion :Take a generous handful of lilly and rose petals (dried or fresh) and place them in a bowl's worth of boiling water and "cook" for 15 minutes. Filter and allow to cool before washing your face in the preparation.
Demasker and Beautifier :In the absence of sophiticated creams we can use cow's milk as a demasker to remove make-up, and use fresh whole cream as a nourishing base and beautifier. Use externally only. A good rub with dairy products will do more good that poor quality creams and lotions.
Beauty Masks : Once per week, we can spread on our face, a mask made of one beaten egg yolk and a teaspoon of oilve oil. Let stand 15 minutes and rinse using a damp cottonball dipped in tepid milk. Dry skin will be fed and at the same time rehydrated if, whenever using masks of fruit or vagetables, we add a good teaspoon of fresh cream.
Oily Skin : Hot water compresses are recommended to get rid of oily skin as these help open the pores and clean them of oils and residues. People with oily skin problems should not use fatty creams although a vigorous rub with fresh cow's milk to which has been added a few drops of cologne to remove make-up is recommended. The volume of cow's milk may be reduced to half and replaced by strawberry juice which will lighten and refresh the skin. All herbal lubricating lotions are beneficial: thyme, rosemarry, mint or savory. Just as egg yolk helps dry skin, egg whites tighten and smoothes oily skin, which makes them applicable on their own or mixed to fruit or vegetables for masks.
Mask Variants :Amongst the fruit, the most refreshing for the skin are: strawberries, peaches and pinapple crushed as is or mixed with fresh cream, egg white or yolk depending on your skin type (see previous listing). Amongst vegetables, recommended is the very hydrating cucumber either chopped or sliced. Grated carrot heals facial inflamations and sunburn. The grated cabbage mask also posseses powerful healing properties. Compresses of raw or barely cooked cabbage work wonders on wounds or skin ulcers by absorbing impurities and contributes to tissue health. Masks made of raw grated potato hydrate and reduce wrinkles. Masks made of crushed beets and cream revitalize and masks of hot cooked spinach and milk deep clean the skin.
For migrains :my mother would slice raw potatoes on a white piece of coton, sprinkle it with pepper and apply to the forehead for an hour or more . It works great .
For arthritis : boil some cabbage leaves, cool lightly, apply the warm leaves to hands or joints wrap with towel.
For sore feet or gout : soak feet in hot water and mint leaves. Thanks Jessy for submission no's 17, 18 19. :)
Hair Strengthener : Divide hair as in the application of a dye and with a small brush apply olive oil directly to the scalp. To get good penetration wrap the head for one hour in hot towels, rinsing and reheating as the need arises.
For Oily Hair : Beat two eggs along with a small glass of Rhum and allow this sun-colored shampoo to sit for a good 15 minutes. Rinse.
For Shiny Hair :After shampooing rinse using a small amount of white vinegar in the rinse water.
For Highlights : To modify the hair's color one can use an infusion of chamomile for pale highlights that give a lovely sunny color or the use of a strong tea will result in a redish lioness-type of highlight.
For Hair Loss : This situation can be alleviated by often drinking a fresh cress juice on an empty stomach.
Hair fragrance : A Lavender water is concocted by steeping over the period of one month 25 grams of lavender flowers in one litre (quart) of Eau de Vie (Brandy). Filter. This mix is as appreciated by men as by women, not only as a hair perfume but also as a body tonic and folk remedy for rheumatism. This lavender water has a long shelf life, making it ideal for home or travel use. This same process is successful using roses, jasmin, violets, lemon grass or any herb or flower whose perfume you appreciate.
Original French Cologne : Take one litre (90% alcohol), mix in 4 grams each of the following: orange blossoms, rosemary, citron-tree, bergamot. Allow to stand for 24 hours, filter and it is ready to use.
Vinegar Foot Soak : Place two garlic bulbs in a blender along with two handfuls of fresh or dried calendula petals, one handful of chopped fresh comfrey root, and the chopped hulls of several black walnuts. Pour vigegar over the herbs and blend well. Place mixture in a large, shallow pan, and add 20 drops of tea tree oil. To treat Athelete's Foot, soak feet in solution for at least 15 minutes. Rinse feet and dry in sun or in the light of a sun lamp. Use the foot soak 3 to 4 times per day. Make a fresh batch for each use.
Kitchen Vinegar : Not only does this preparation tastegreat in salads, stir fries and marinades, but it contains anti-bacterial properties as well. Gather fresh oregano and place in a blender with 10 peeled cloves garlic. Pour vinegar over the herbs and blend. Bottle and allow to sit for several weeks. You may strain out the herbs or elect to leave them in the preparation. For additional flavour and a nice presentation, you may add a whole sprig of oregano, a cayenne pepper and several orange orlemon rinds. This vinegar keeps well for several months unrefrigerated.
Massage Oil : 5 or 6 cayenne peppers, 1 cup vegetable oil, 1/4 ts clove essential oil, 1/4 ts eucalyptus essential oil, 1/4 ts mint essential oil. Chop the cayenne peppers and place in a jar. Cover with vegetable oil making sure the peppers are completely covered. Store in a warm, dark place. Strain after one week. Add the essential oils Massage on sore muscles, taking care not to get any in your eyes or open wounds and it will sting vehemently. Wash hands well afterward.
Stomach Remedy : Here's a remedy that can quiet stomach discomforts, from indigestion to a spastic colon. Take 1 tbs chamomile flowers, 1 tsp fennel seeds, 2 tbs mint leaves and steep 1 tbs of the mix in a cup of hot water for 15 minutes. Strain and drink.
Healing Salve : 1 cup comfrey root oil, 1 cup calendula oil, 2oz beeswax, 2 tbs Vitamin E oil, 20 drops Vitamin A emulsion. Grate the beeswax. Heat the oils together, and add the beeswax. When the beeswax is melted, add Vitamins E & A. Pour into salve containers and ley stand to harden.
Antifungal Salve : 1 cup garlic oil, 1/2 cup calendula oil, 1 ts black walnut tincture or 1/2 cupoil made from black walnut hulls, 2oz beeswax, 40 drops tea tree essential oil. Grate the beeswax. Heat the oils, and add the beeswax. When the beeswax is melted, add the tea tree oil and black walnut tincture. Stir well. Pour into salve containers immediately.
Liniment : Good for Arthritis, lung congestion or sore muscles. Chop 1/2oz cayenne peppers, 1/2oz powdered cloves, 1oz mint leaves, 1oz chopped eucalyptus leaves, 4 cups isopropyl alcohol, 60 drops wintergreen essential oil, 20 drops peppermint essential oil, 20 drops clove essential oil. Mix all but essentail oils. Store in a dark but room-temperature area for two weeks. Strain or press out fluids. Add essential oils and stir well. Massage liniment into arthritic joints, sore muscles or on the back or chest for congestions.
Lavender Cream : 1oz hydrous lanolin (at pharmacies), 1oz grated beeswax, 2oz comfrey oil, 2oz calendula oil, 2oz fresh calendula juice, 1/16oz borax powder, 100 drops lavender oil. Mix and heat oils. Melt lanolin and beeswax in the warm oil. In another pot, gently warm calendula juice and dissolve borax into it. Remove both mixtures from heat. Mix both while constantly whisking. Stir in lavender oil. Spoon into jars and seal. Cream made from fresh plant juices tend to go bad after 6 to 12 months. Store in the refrigerator.
Soothing Lotion : 1oz calendula tincture, 1 1/2oz comfrey tincture, 1/2oz Vitamin E oil, 1oz aloe vera gel or fresh pulp, 1/4 ts Vitamin C crystals, Essential oil if desired. Pour ingredients into a bottle and shake vigorously.
Comfrey Poultice : Use a poultice made of fresh comfrey root or leaf to help heael cuts, abrasions and other injuries to the skin. Place comfrey in a blender with enough calendula tincture to make the blades function. Blend into a wet mass. Place the comfrey directly against the skin if there are no deep lacerations. Otherwise spread onto a muslin pad, thin cheesecloth or gauze bandage so debris won't penetrate the wound. Leave on about 30 minutes. Use the comfrey poultice several times per day for an initial injury. Poultices last several days in the refrigerator. Although comfrey helps knit many minor wounds, serious injuries should be examined by a physician.
Mustard Plaster :A mustard poultice is a time-honored therapy: Your great-grandmother may have used mustard poultices and plasters to treat congestion, coughs, bronchitis or pneumonia. A mustard plaster offers immediate relief to discomfort in the chest and actually helps to treat infectious conditions - a much needed therapy. It works mainly by increasing circulation, perspiration and heat in the afflicted area. The person receiving the treatment should sit or lie down comfortably. The best poultices are made from black mustard seeds ground fresh in a coffee grinder, but ordinary yellow mustard powder will do in a pinch. To prepare a mustard poultice, mix 1/2 cup mustard powder with 1 cup flour and stir hot water into the mix to form a paste. Spread the mixture on a piece of cotton or muslin has been soaked in hot water. Cover with a second piece of dry material. Lay the moist side of the poultice across the person's chest or back. Leave the poultice on for 15 to 30 minutes; promptly remove it if the person experiences any discomfort. The procedure is likely to promote perspiration and reddening of the chest. Give the individual plenty of liquids during the procedure and encourage her to take a warm or cool shower afterward, then rest or gently stretch for 1/2 hour. Do not administer this treatment to a young child, elderly person or the seriously ill without consulting a health care professional.
Headache Pills : Skullcap, Valerian, Rosemary, Chamomile, Peppermint, Honey. Combine equal parts of powdered herbs. Blend with honey to bind. Roll off pill-sized pieces, dry and store in a tightly sealed container.
Throat Lozenges : 3 tbs licorice powder, 3 tbs slippery elm powder,1 tbs myrrh powder, 1ts cayenne powder, honey as needed, 20 drops orange essential oil, 2 drops thyme essential oil. Mix herbalpowders. Stir in honey until a gooey mass forms. Add essential oils, and mix very well. Spread the paste on a marble slab or other non-stick surface coated with cornstarch. With a rolling pin roll the mixture flat to about the thickness of a pancake. Cut into even pieces, roll into a ball and then flatten to form a lozenge and let air-dry in a well ventilated area for 12 hours.
Herbal Syrup : 1/2 cup honey, 1/2 cup glycerine, 1 cup strong herb infusion. Combine honey and infusion in a pan and bring to a boil. Add glycerine. Pour into clean bottles and let cool. Keep refrigerated. Yield is about 2 cups.
Cabbage Wrap for eczema / psorissis :Take outer leaves of cabbage and swill well under running water. Gently pat dry with clean cotton cloth or better still air dry. Spread leaves on a board or table so that the inner side of leaves face upwards (inner side of leaves must face up as they contain the most valuable nutrients with less chemicals). Bruise the inner sides by rolling out with a rolling pin. This ensures that cells and nutrients are broken. Then wrap the leaves around the affected part of the body ensuring comfort. Secure with a bandage or cloth. Assistance to do this may be necessary. Leave on for at least an hour. Remove leaves. Note: Be prepared for an awful smell. This smell confirms that the toxin drawing properties of the cabbage has done it's job! Don't be surprised to notice how much better the eczema is.
Wounds,Burns, Cramps : Some other handy things I've discovered over the years browsing in my grandmother's many herbal remedy books: Sage oil is very good rubbed into old wounds\ scars. A peppermint tea is good at relieving cramps. Chamomile used externally is good for burns, wounds and swellings and internally is good for menstrual pains. Basil used in compresses and in baths has a healing effect.
Clean Teeth : For clean teeth: brush with a mashed up strawberry Submitted by: Annonymous , thanks.
For Fever :Chop onions finely and wear to bed in socks. Fever will be drawn to the feet and the onions will cook.
Itch Relief :I like using Jewelweed (Touch Me Not) for poison ivy, etc. I put the plant through my juicer and store the Jewelweed juice in the refrigerator and it lasts during the winter months for other anti-itch uses.
For menstrual irregularities : try raspberry leaves and nettles steeped in boiling water for five minutes. Strain and drink, add a touch of honey if necessary. Tea is effective for regaining uterine tone post-partum, fibroids, and painful cycles. Also effective for PMS symptoms and encouraging milk supply in nursing mothers.
For severe sinusitus : Another paste to try for severe sinusitus is 1tsp of cinnamon with a drop of water, mix to form paste and apply to sinus areas making sure to avoid eyes. This paste will redden skin and it does tingle but results are amazing for sinusitis.
For infection : Bread and Milk poultices work very well for infection- Heat milk-add a bit of bread and wrap in gauze or cheese cloth and place on cut or wound, Also good for boils. Use as hot as you can stand it. Repeat a few times a day as long as necessary. It works pretty fast and often much better than antiseptic creams.
For foreign object in eye : For foreign object in eye, such as sand, dirt, or piece of twig: Our family doctor some 50 years back told my sister to use a drop of vegetable or olive oil in the effective eye when you first get something in it and the particle will be drawn to the corner of the eye and you can remove it. The eye will be blurry for a few minutes but it will not be sore from rubbing if done right away. It's when the child or adult rubs it that it makes it worst.
For diarrhea : 1 to 5 teaspoons of corn starch in half a glass of milk with a touch of vanilla for flavour & 1 tsp of sugar you can take 3 to 5 times per day or take double or triple doses, will stop the runs & will not hurt children can be used without sugar or vanilla.This mixture will not bind you up is over 150 years old. From Grandma Miller 1855.
Effective Face Mask :Mix the pulp of an orange with one of two spoons of honey. Apply it on your face and leave it on for approximately 20 minutes. Rinse with lukewarm water. When done, your skin should feel soft and velvety.
For Tired Eyes :Dampen two envelopes of chamomile tea with warm water. Put one envelope on each eye and listen to relaxing music. Keep it on for about 20 minutes, and when you’re done, your eyes will be noticeably better. OR mix cotton with milk and put on eyes.leave it on for as long as you want. this helps dark circles
For Soft Shiny Hair :Blend an egg yolk in a bowl and then massage the scalp and hair with the yolk of an egg. Leave it on for a minute and then rinse without using shampoo. If you also want to lighten your hair, put lemon on it.
For Colds and Flu :A first indication that you've contacted a virus, like sniffles, sorethroat, etc., chop very fine one clove of fresh garlic, place on a teaspoon, slide it off with your upper lip, and chase down with a half cup of water. The symptoms will be gone in a few hours.
For Blister Rashes :to dry up the rash of blisters using apple cider vinegar works instantly
Soft Skin Fix :While in the shower,soap up your body with your favorite soap and before rinsing off use yellow cornmeal as a scrub on your skin ( do not apply cornmeal with a towel/flanel, apply with moistened hands) and when it is rinsed your sking will feel great. It removes all dead skin leaving a vibrant and softer skin. Can be used on your face also.
Sore Nipples from Nursing : When I was a first time nursing mother I had read somewhere that grated carrots applied directly to cracked nipples would heal and soothe the pain. I didn't believe it until I tried it!
More Arthritis help : I have found that avoiding red meat, oranges and lemons make a world of difference, and when adding grapefruit to your diet, it will help even more!
To Reduce Fever : Cut a medium sized grapefruit in half and place in a saucepan. Cover with water and bring to a simmer. Simmer for 15-20 minutes, and allow to cool to room temperature. Wring out the grapefruit half into the water, and discard rind. You may add 1 tsp Feverfew herb, or 1tsp Echinacea herb to the water while cooling, to make an infusion. Strain before drinking. The tea will be bitter, so add a little honey to sweeten. Grapefruit rind is a natural source of Quinine. Quinine is used to treat the fevers of Malaria and other infections. Use fresh grated grapefruit rind with plasters and poultices to aid in healing of wounds and rashes also.
Eczema : One of my clients called about an Eczema problem...she can't believe how fast it is going away, after 15 years of suffering with it. I treated her for candida (yeast) infection. The infection comes from inside the body and is in her bloodstream. I am treating that with anti-yeast herbs and a diet that will acidify the Ph in her gut.
Burns : Beat an egg white and add a teaspoon of olive oil. Apply to burned area until dry and re-apply a few times. It works wonders, takes the burn away and leaves no mark of it.
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foxybluesky · 5 years
How To Cure Asthma Cough Naturally: Simple Step
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It’s easy to think that coughing means you have a cold or bronchitis – but if that cough keeps coming back, it may be a sign of asthma. Asthma affects the airways in the lungs, making them inflamed and swollen. The breathing tubes also become reactive, causing them to squeeze and tighten. That, in turn, makes the lungs more likely to be affected by allergens or irritants, such as pollen, pet dander, strong scents or fragrances, stress, exercise or cold air. Coughing is the body’s way of trying to remove whatever is irritating the lungs. While people with asthma often experience a whistling or wheezing sound in the chest in addition to coughing, there is a form of asthma in which the only symptom is a chronic cough (How To Cure Asthma Cough Naturally). This is known as cough-variant asthma. People with this kind of asthma generally don’t get relief from over-the-counter cough medicine; successful treatment requires prescription asthma medication, often in the form of inhalers. HERBAL ONCE AND FOR ALL REMEDY FOR ASTHMA Asthma is an allergic condition resulting from the reaction of the body to one or more allergies. It is a respiratory disease. An Asthmatic patient gets frequent attacks of breathlessness. He finds it easier to breathe in than to breath out. And this makes it to like they are gasping for breath, they experienced difficulty in breathing, accompanied by wheezing and a “tight” chest. Additional symptoms can be a dry cough and vomiting (usually in children). An asthma attack may start suddenly anywhere, anytime.
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COMMON CAUSES OF ASTHMA COUGH: Outdoor allergens, such as pollens from grass, trees and weedsIndoor allergens, such as pet dander, dust mites and moldCertain drugs or food additivesIrritants in the air, such as smoke, air pollution and chemical fumes, or strong odours, such as perfumeColds, the flu or other illnessesExercise (although people with asthma benefit from exercise; if asthma prevents you from exercising then you should talk to your doctor)StressWeather conditions, such as cold air, heat and humidity, or rapidly changing weather patterns Remedy To Cure Asthma Cough Naturally The remedy is messy, but if you can endure, then it's goodbye to Asthma Cough for life. What you need are the following ingredients; A bottle of Pure Natural HoneyBanana water, collected from the stemGarlic juiceSnail water collected from several snails, not the slimming one. PREPARATION: Mix all the ingredients (Honey, Garlic Juice, Banana water and Snail water) together and store in a clean Plastic Bottle. DOSAGE: Take 3 spoons (Tablespoon) in the morning on empty stomach and repeat same in the evening before going to bed for just 3 weeks, and it will Cure Asthma Cough Naturally forever. When on treatment, patients may experience, vomiting with blood strains, don't get worried, just take 3 spoons of Palm Oil for cooking. You can also use our recommended Supplement for Asthma Cough From Neolife International Company, tested by my folks and rated above scale Combination of Neolife Products here is good for people searching alternative asthma cough treatment. In this package we have: Respiratory formula met for clearing the airways and to heal asthma challenge or strong cough and reduce attacksCal-mag is good to chelated calmag the body during this health challenge and reduces the number of attacksOmega 3 Salmon oil will help in healing and lubricate the lungs thereby reversing this health issue. Garlic Allium Complex  will help with colds and normal breathing Click here to visit Neolife Official Website and also purchase the above Supplements. Neolife International Here are 10 Things You Need To Know Before Treating Asthma Cough 1:  Be Sure to Get Enough Vitamin B6: (How To Cure Asthma Cough Naturally)
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Vitamin B6: How To Cure Asthma Cough Naturally Foods rich in vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) should be a vital component of any anti-asthma diet. Several studies have found pyridoxine to dramatically reduce the intensity and frequency of asthma attacks. Pyridoxine plays a critical role in the production of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) and cyclic adenosine monophosphate (CAMP), molecules that have been shown to help relax bronchial smooth muscle tissue. Pyridoxine is found in a wide range of foods, bananas being a particularly rich source of this important asthma-fighting vitamin. 2: Load on Foods That Contain Vitamin C and E To Stop Asthma Cough Naturally
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Vitamin C and E: For Asthma Cough Natural Remedy Another good diet tip for asthma Cough patients is to eat plenty of foods that are rich in vitamin C. With strong antioxidant properties, vitamin C (ascorbic acid) is highly effective at neutralizing free radicals. Free radicals are unstable molecules that can cause contraction of airway smooth muscles. Studies have also shown high levels of vitamin C to be able to reduce histamine release in the body and make histamine break down faster. (How To Cure Asthma Cough Naturally) Histamine, a chemical produced by the body, can increase inflammation in asthmatics and cause constriction of smooth muscles. Vitamin E is another antioxidant that can help alleviate asthma Cough symptoms such as shortness of breath, coughing, and wheezing. Vitamin C and vitamin E protect each other and are more effective when consumed together. Quercetin, present in red onions and many other foods, has been shown to relieve asthma Cough symptoms. 3:  Eat Plenty of Foods That Contain Quercetin To Stop Asthma Cough Naturally
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Eat Plenty of Foods That Contain Quercetin To Stop Asthma Cough Naturally Quercetin, a bioflavonoid with strong antioxidant, anti-histamine, and anti-inflammatory properties, has been shown to relieve asthma Cough symptoms and allergic symptoms in some asthma sufferers. Good dietary sources of quercetin include apples, yellow and red onions, capers, broccoli, lovage, red grapes, cherries, citrus fruits, tea, and many berries including lingonberries, raspberries, and cranberries. 4:  Consume Herbs Rich in Rosmarinic Acid To Stop Asthma Cough Naturally
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Consume Herbs Rich in Rosmarinic Acid To Stop Asthma Cough Naturally Rosmarinic acid has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activities, which is why it may help alleviate asthma Cough symptoms (How To Cure Asthma Cough Naturally). The antioxidant activity of rosmarinic acid is believed to be superior to that of vitamin E. In addition, rosmarinic acid encourages cells to create prostacyclins, which help keep the air passages of the lungs open and thus promote easy breathing. Rosmarinic acid is found in many culinary herbs such as rosemary, sage, marjoram, peppermint, oregano, lemon balm, and thyme. 5: Limit Omega-6 Fats, Increase Intake of Omega-3 Fats To Cure Asthma Cough Naturally
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Limit Omega-6 Fats, Increase Intake of Omega-3 Fats To Cure Asthma Cough Naturally Omega-3 fatty acids help fight inflammation associated with asthma attacks. Omega-6 fatty acids are considered essential fatty acids (EFAs) which means that a certain amount is crucial to the proper functioning of a healthy body. However, excessive amounts of these fats can be harmful to people with asthma. Excess omega-6 fatty acids can increase inflammation in the body by producing inflammatory prostaglandins (type 2 prostaglandins). Omega-3 fatty acids, on the other hand, have anti-inflammatory effects. Many experts believe that our ancestors consumed omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids in roughly equal amounts. However, most modern diets in Western countries — where asthma Cough(Stop Asthma Cough Naturally) is most prevalent — include extremely high amounts of the potentially inflammatory omega-6 fatty acids and not enough anti-inflammatory omega-3 acids. An easy way to balance the fats in your diet is to reduce the consumption of refined vegetable oils which are high in omega-6 fatty acids and to eat more omega-3 containing plant-based foods such as walnuts, soybeans, and flaxseeds, or cold-water fish like salmon, cod, and halibut. 6: Watch Out for Dairy Products and Eggs For Natural Asthma Cough Cure Food allergies and intolerances are often linked to asthma Cough. Asthma sufferers often report that the foods that cause adverse reactions in them also make their asthma Cough symptoms worse. Although food allergies and intolerances vary depending on the individual, allergies to dairy products and eggs seem to be particularly common among asthmatic people. A diet rich in carotenoids can bring asthma Cough under control. 7: Consume Foods High in Carotenoids To Cure Asthma Cough Naturally
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Consume Foods High in Carotenoids To Cure Asthma Cough Naturally The carotenoid beta-carotene is a fat-soluble antioxidant that combats free radicals which cause contraction of airway smooth muscles. Also, vitamin A, which can be made from beta-carotene by the body, is a potent antioxidant. Good food sources of beta-carotene include yellow/orange and green vegetables and fruit such as spinach, carrots, sweet potatoes, winter squash, mango, melon and apricots. (Stop Asthma Cough Naturally) And here's a bonus diet tip for all the sporty ones among you: step up your lycopene intake! Lycopene, another carotenoid with high antioxidant activity, has been shown to be particularly effective at controlling exercise-induced asthma. Dietary sources of lycopene include tomatoes, apricots, pink grapefruit, watermelon, and pink guavas. Magnesium improves lung function and reduces wheezing. 8: Eat Foods Rich in Magnesium and Potassium To Stop Asthma Cough Naturally
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Eat Foods Rich in Magnesium and Potassium To Stop Asthma Cough Naturally Studies have shown that magnesium intake may be associated with a decreased risk of asthma and Asthma Cough. A high dietary intake of magnesium has also been linked to better lung function and reduced wheezing in people with asthma Cough. Intravenous magnesium (magnesium injected directly to veins) is sometimes used for treating acute asthma attacks in hospitals. The beneficial effects of magnesium on asthma cough patients are due to the ability of magnesium to help smooth muscle cells stay relaxed. Furthermore, magnesium is needed to maintain adequate levels of potassium, another mineral that has been associated with improved lung function and a reduced incidence of asthma. Potassium is found in a variety of foods, root vegetables and beans being particularly good sources of this anti-asthma mineral. 9: Cut Back on Salt To Cure Asthma Cough Naturally
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Cut Back on Salt To Cure Asthma Cough Naturally Studies suggest that high intakes of salt (sodium) can make asthma and Asthma Cough symptoms worse by making airways more reactive to allergens. Regions where salt consumption is high also tend to have higher rates of asthma. Moreover, excessive intake of salt can strip the body of potassium, a mineral that has been associated with improved lung function and reduced incidence of (Stop Asthma Cough Naturally) asthma cough in children. If you feel the food is lacking flavour, try using spices and herbs instead of excessive amounts of salt. Be also aware of the "hidden" salt that is present in many packaged and processed foods, such as commercial cereals, canned vegetables, and frozen meals. 10: Avoid Food Additives and Preservatives To Cure Asthma Cough Naturally
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Avoid Food Additives and Preservatives To Cure Asthma Cough Naturally Some food additives and preservatives have been shown to be strong asthma triggers in some people. Substances that may worsen asthma and Asthma Cough symptoms include benzoates, tartrazine, monosodium glutamate, and sulfites. Benzoates are antimicrobial preservatives that used in various products, particularly soft drinks. Tartrazine is an artificial food colouring used in many processed foods such as many canned vegetables, confectionery, soft drinks, sauces, chips, candy, cereals, instant soups, rice, pasta, butter, cheeses and pickled products. Monosodium glutamate or MSG is a flavour enhancer commonly used in Chinese restaurants and in many processed foods. Sulfites are used as preservatives in many packaged foods and alcoholic beverages. The best way to avoid artificial substances in food is to eat unprocessed, organic foods. With the above tips, hope it answered your question on How To Cure Asthma Cough Naturally and How To Stop Asthma Cough Naturally Don't hesitate to give us feedback in the comment box, we will be happy to hear from you... Read the full article
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parfummm · 3 years
Being led by nose for Calvin Klein Eternity Now Men
Calvin Klein has released a new scented pair. ETERNITY is a lickable oriental - Fougere variant for women and an irresistible and sparkling floral for men. The top notes are Star Anise,Coconut Nectar,  and Ginger; the middle notes are Carambola,Patchouli and Cedar; and the base notes are Moroccan Cedar,Vanilla and Tonka Bean.
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Calvin Klein Eternity Now Men is a masculine fragrance created in conjunction with IFF. The scent is available in 30 ml, 50 ml, and 100 ml EDT bottles. Because of the warm, sweet milky coconut, the vanilla, tonka bean, and the licorice spice from the star anise, it's called a gourmet. Another aspect of this fragrance is the slight but detectable patchouli in the late dry-down, which complements the warm spiced sense of the smell. This is for folks who are tired of smelling spicy and dark men's perfumes all the time. It's lighthearted and youthful.
Extremely feminine Ange ou Demon is a pastel piece with "jasmine tea" accents and watercolor-like nuances. An exuberant burst of sharp Italian winter lemon and cranberry, underpinned by a green tea leaf accord, forms the delicate, light-hearted top note. A light-filled caress of a smell. Ange ou Demon ("Angel or Devil" duality )'s character elicits fresh emotions, allures with its mystery and variety, scandalizes, and seduces. Olivier Cresp and Jean-Pierre Bethouart produced Ange ou Demon. It lasts a long time and projects well having a Beautiful bottle. It's best to wear it at night and in the cold. 
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Saffron, Thyme, and Mandarin Orange are the top notes; Lily, Ylang-Ylang, and Orchid are the middle notes; Vanilla, Tonka Bean, Brazilian Rosewood, and Oakmoss are the base notes. The sweet freshness of mandarin, white cumin, and saffron in the top notes pave the way for the luxurious floral center, which features a powerful lily note in tandem with casual undertones of Maxillaria orchid and exotic ylang-ylang. The powerful charismatic oriental composition is both innocently sparkling and sensual. Two woodsy notes dominate the trace: creamy rosewood and deep oakmoss absolute, with airy and seductive Tonka and vanilla completing the composition.
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valgasnewsthings · 1 year
Skin ready to the massage.
 Point massage and other massage kind of massage with essential oil or without will be an effectivity, a skin needs to clean. .And  on her surface are forming lots of oily acids, which decreasing under affect on acupuncture points, and for the cleaning of a   normal or oily skin a need pads cotton wet in sol. Spirit one tbl.sp. for 4 tbl.sp. boiled water   cold, or in vodka, diluted with water on proportion one to 2.Dry skin cleans with gauze towel wetted in clean water , thus massage with oil is effectivity at sauna, when skin is cleaned from oily glands. And in point massage need to do a test on an individual sensitiveness to massage oil, or oily massage composition. And for massage a big skin parts as spine, hips, such test need that to check your skin to sensitiveness to oil massage, apply a small quantity his on elbow bending and on the wrist, if allergy not having,thus you can do massage. An ideal variant is 24 hour test , thus within a day  as nothing not usual not happening. If you are feeling OK, thus massage to do. And on begin use minimal oils quantities, slowly this quantities to increase, and in the middle an oil use on one punction zone are 1-3-4 drops. And in massage doing you are attention on the specific effect of few oils. Thyme oil, rosemary, lemon causing irritation, basil, wormwood is heart arrhythmia, citric oils are skin allergy basil and juniperus is a same power effect having, that preliminary  contractions in pregnancy. 
Oily massage mixtures.
Anti-cold mixture.
Lavender oil 5 drops, oil of bergamot 3 drops, sage oil 5 drops, mint oil 2 drops, oil tea tree 5 drops. A base oil of grape seed  3 tbl.sp. In a good clay dish or glass of add oily base, add oils drops and for 1.5 min activity shake, closing dish with lid.Repeat this procedure with every component, and in a base was mixed all oils, shake mass for 2 min, before use oily composition shake her for 1.5 min.
Fight cold symptoms, allergy old, improve condition for lung patients.
Tea tree oil you can change on olive oil.
For fighting tiredness and ache in joints and vertebra.
Oil sage 5 drops, oil min 5 drops, eucalyptus oil 5 drops, pink oil 3 drops.
Base oil of grape seed or olive 3 drops.
IN a good clay dish or glass of warmed  add oily base ,add oils, same shake, closed dish. Repeat this procedure with an every component. When in a base will mix all oils , shake mixture for 3 min. Massage composition using for a fighting common tiredneess, legs tired and joints, vertebra.
Sage oil , eucalyptus 5 drops, pink oil 5 drops, cypress oil 3 drops, oily extract licorice ten drops, oily extract yarrow 15 drops, oily extract horse chestnut 12 drops.
Base is olive oil one tbl.sp, same cooking method ,as in first variant.
from Valga s health news,gardening,and cooking ,and beauty . https://ift.tt/lOh95St via https://ift.tt/TUqsgIw
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The stones in the kidneys give rise to intense pains that those who once felt it will never forget it; however, they do not pose a threat to health if they are removed in time. Connoisseurs of this condition recommend, as one of the variants to eliminate the calculations several home remedies; One of these is the use of beans, a powerful source of magnesium that helps reduce the symptoms of the ailment. The procedure is as follows: beans are removed from their pods and boiled in purified water; Then that liquid is strained and then allowed to cool to be drunk for a full day and relieve pain. Pomegranate is also used, which has many health benefits. In this case, the seeds and juice serve as a natural remedy for kidney stones; The results are related to its astringent and acidic properties. You can eat organic pomegranates and drink fresh juice. A special carrot combines the power of ingredients such as garlic, thyme, cucumber, and orange. The result is a powerful treatment against kidney stones, and as an addition, perform a cleaning of the entire stomach. Basil tea helps and can be drunk throughout the day for proper balance of fluids, minerals, and uric acid. A spoonful of basil and honey juice is also taken for six months. The kidneys are among the most important organs of the human body, they are responsible for filtering waste, producing red blood cells and even keeping bones strong and resistant. However, experts say, despite the vital role they play in keeping us healthy, many do not realize that they are not living their full potential until it is too late. One of the first symptoms of a kidney health problem that people experience is back pain. While the kidneys are higher in the abdomen - closer to the lower ribs - than many people think, a kidney infection can cause severe pain in the middle of the back. In some cases, this pain can spread to the lower back if the infection also moves to the bladder. Kidney pain When the kidneys do not adequately filter waste products from the bloodstream, fatigue is felt. That feeling of dizziness could be because you did not have breakfast in the morning, but it could also be a sign that your kidneys are not functioning at full capacity. Patients who have kidney failure often develop anemia due to a lack of EPO (erythropoietin), a hormone that is generally produced by healthy kidneys and usually results in the production of red blood cells. Without adequate red blood cells, anemia is more likely to occur and that will make anyone feel dizzy and out of place. If you feel a little confused, your kidneys could be the culprits. According to researchers at Temple University, the decrease in renal function has a strong correlation with mental gaps, so if you feel that you are not developing your full potential, it may be worth consulting with your doctor. Dry Skin That dry and itchy skin may be more than just another unpleasant side effect of rapid climatic changes. For many people who have kidney health problems, excessive urea in the bloodstream associated with kidney problems can cause severe itching. Experts say that the more advanced the kidney health problems, the more likely itching of the skin. In fact, research suggests that up to 40 percent of people who have life-threatening kidney disease develop uremic pruritus or chronic itching. If you need a sweater even on a hot day, it can be a sign that your kidneys are suffering. Anemia that often affects people who have kidney disease is often accompanied by a cold sensation, particularly in the extremities. If the kidneys are not properly removing excess fluid in the body, it often manifests as swelling in the hands. The call is to be alert to these manifestations of malfunctioning the kidneys and immediately go to the specialist.
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valgasnewsthings · 1 year
Sauna infusions are for the steam-room.
 And for the easy steam and taste  , you can cook infusion for sprinkle on the stones. A most easy is infusion of birch broom, as brooms infused in hot water and this water sprinkle on stones. And all aromatic and healing infusions you need to mix before in tub and serve with  scoop with wood handle, as on a small portion just one glass. And still traditional recipe with kvas or beer , as not add on the stones not diluted these drinks on stones  , in your sauna displaying hard smoke till asphyxia, just keeping long time, till burning out all sediment. But you need for 3 l. clean water use 0.5 l.  beer or kvas, thus in sauna keeping a long comfortable smoke fresh bread  .And who enjoying fir aromas, add in water infusion of needles a fir or extract, and you can sprinkle walls, that benefit in hypertension or nervousness.  And you can add infusion of tilia flowers, mint, oregano or chamomile. And matching are these recipes  as of herbal teas. Meadow, forest aromas at sauna rising tone, improving mood, through widening pores penetrating and breath ways,they are improving works for all organs, systems, cardiovascular vessels, and in cold in water is infusion of leafs horse radish, thyme, melilotus healing. And mustard steam most effective, and in breath ways diseases is benefit eucalyptus infusion , as steam of infused leafs eucalyptus is best, than inhalation. And for healing steam cooking you can use herbal dried mixture or ready extracts, and cooking infusions for steaming room are following:
Eucalyptus infusion.
Variant 1. Eucalyptus infusion 0.5 tea.sp, or 5 drops of oil, water 2 l.
Variant 2. Leaf eucalyptus one  tbl.sp , water glass.
Chop leafs, add to a good warmed tea pot, add hot water, infuse under lid with towel for 20 min, filter, dilute in 2 l. of water.
Thyme infusion.
Thyme 50 gr, water one l.
Chop herb,add in enamel dish, add water, on weak fire lead till boiling, boil 5 min, add in a good warmed tea pot, infuse 40 min under closed lid with towel, filter. As in serving at sauna - room,  dilute 50 gr infusion in a basin of hot water.
Tilia steam.
Flowers tilia 50 gr, flowers chop, add in a good warmed tea pot, add hot water, infuse under lid with towel for 5-8 hours.
Or chopped flowers add in enamel dish, add water, lead till boiling on weak fire, boil 15 min, and add in a good warmed tea pot, infuse 45 min, under lid and towel closed, after like in first variant, in water diluting in serving on stones.
Steppe bouquet.
Flowers chamomile pharmacy 2 glasses, thyme 2 glasses, oregano glass.
Chop mixed mass, use 8 tbl.sp. mass dried, add in enamel dish, add one l. of water, on weak fire lead till boiling, boil 6 in, turn off fire,add in warmed tea pot, infuse same, filter, keep in a closed glass bottle.
Forest bouquet.
Birch leaf 3 glasses, juniperus glass, leafs flowers, leafs 2 glasses. Chop mass mixed, use 8 tbl.sp. of dried mass and put in enamel dish, add hot water, in 7 min put on fire, lead till boiling on weak fire, boiling ten min, turn off fire, add in a good warmed tea pot, infuse under lid with towel for hour.Keep in closed lid as in glass bottle. And to these bouquets you can add wormwood,that her smell is good, and benefit too.
Infusion of schizandra china .
Fruits of schizandra one tbl.sp, water 250 gr, spirit 50 gr.
Add water in fruits and add in enamel dish, lead till boiling on weak fire, boiling 5 min, turn off fire, add in a warmed good tea pot, infuse under lid with towel for 45 min, add 5- gr of spirit as for a long keeping. As in sauna steam serving for ten l. of water  are need use 40 gr of infusion.
Aralia Manchurian infusion.
Flowers, leafs, bark, wood of aralia 2 tbl.sp, water 330 gr, spirit 50 gr.
Chop mixed mass and mix again, add in enamel dish , add water , on weak fire lead till boiling, boiling 5 min. Turn off fire, add in a good warmed tea pot, infuse under lid with towel for 45 min, filter,add spirit, keep at closed lid in at bottle of glass. Use in depression, hypotonia, post flu condition, tonic for CNS.
 Infusion of golden root.
Golden root 100 gr, vodka 500 gr.
Chop root,add vodka, infuse at glass bottle closed for 20 days, after infusion  drain, and root you can add in vodka again. And in serving dilute of ten drops in 3 l. of water.
from Valga s health news,gardening,and cooking ,and beauty . https://ift.tt/N8EVZex via https://ift.tt/uTwx3zo
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