#tora talks
toraestrial · 10 months
i love being an artist bcus i can make a bunch of ocs and draw every single one of them in a black turtleneck and no one can stop me
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daigah · 5 months
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Captain Atom picking up Jaime ☺☺☺
Justice League: Generation Lost #22
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hingabee · 7 months
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nobody else thought the matching shirts were a good idea
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oikawapng · 1 year
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oikawa and iwaizumi's ref sheets for my fic guardian's rebirth.
drawn by @flunflun
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queenretcon · 8 months
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Also the gangs back together in the blue beetle previews 🥹
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endlessfandomverse · 1 year
i think it’s unfortunate that ziyal being mixed is not a matter that’s really explored in ds9, at least beyond a very surface level
like on one hand I get it because she’s a side character who didn’t appear often but like. i wish we had seen a bit of her trying to learn about her culture, or like traditions that she makes up because neither culture quite fits her. she goes to bajoran religious ceremonies and feels eyes on her, and despite herself grips major kira’s hand. the station is always just a bit too cold, but she can’t stay too long in the cardassian spa. she takes trips down to bajor frequently, trying to find anything to relate to herself. it’s part of her isn’t it? so why is it so distant? idk i’m having thoughts on ziyal
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mercury-prince · 10 months
Wouldn't put it past our main man Skrain to set Ziyal up with Jake just to get closer to Sisko 💀
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greenlantern94to04 · 4 months
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Green Lantern #50 (March 1994)
"EMERALD TWILIGHT," Finale! Hal Jordan goes full supervillain, and nothing will ever be the same again (for about 10 years).
Last issue ended with Hal, usually the hero of this comic, attempting to steal the power of every Green Lantern in the universe via their Central Power Battery, only to be stopped by Sinestro, usually the villain of this comic. Hal, driven mad by the destruction of his city and obsessed with getting the power to un-destroy it, tells Sinestro he'll kill him if he doesn't get out of his way, but Sinestro ain't buying it -- he still thinks he's talking to the Hal Jordan who appeared in the Super Friends cartoons.
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Hal demonstrates how serious he is by nearly blowing Sinestro's pants off with all those GL rings he stole last issue. Sinestro points out that one ring vs. ten rings isn't very sporting, so Hal actually drops the extra ones so they can have a fair fight. I guess resurrecting Hal's loved ones as soon as possible isn't as important as proving to a purple jackass that he can beat him without unfair advantages.
So, Hal and Sinestro start fighting as the increasingly worried Guardians of the Universe watch on. Sinestro tries to get under Hal's skin by telling him about the time the Guardians begged him to take this sad little Earthling and turn him into "half" the Green Lantern Sinestro was, but Hal isn't in the mood for fight scene banter right now. What starts as a classic power ring battle (constructs, energy blasts) soon devolves into two angry dudes beating the crap out of each other, until Hal finally gets his arms around Sinestro's neck...
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...and breaks it. Hal doesn't even let out a dramatic "NOOOOOOOO," like a proper superhero. He just mutters "damn you" and walks away, leaving Sinestro's mangled body on the ground.
Now no one else stands between Hal and the Central Battery -- or so he thinks, until Kilowog comes back for another round. Despite having no ring, Kilowog gives Hal a good beating as he tries to make him think about the consequences of draining the Power Battery (you know, like murdering every GL currently in space or in a fight somewhere). Kilowog tells Hal he may have killed Sinestro, but he isn't evil like him yet. He can still stop. Hal replies: "No. I can't." Then he confirms it by turning one of his best friends into a pile of bones.
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Hal drops his ring, saying he doesn't deserve it anymore... and besides, he won't need it after absorbing the Central Battery's power. Hal walks up to the Battery and all the Guardians are there, but without any GLs around, they can't really do anything but lecture him. With tears in his eyes, Hal tells them: "What's going to happen is going to happen. It has to. You can't stop it... and neither can I." It's like Hal knows they're all merely pawns to a higher power: yes, Green Lantern editor Kevin Dooley.
It's only once Hal has entered the battery that the other Guardians turn to Ganthet and are like "okay, fine, let's try that plan you mentioned last issue." As the Battery begins to collapse, the Guardians perform a ritual where they send all their lifeforce to Ganthet (which you can tell because they're getting even older and wrinklier). Finally, the Battery explodes and Hal emerges with a new costume, a new more villain-esque hairdo, and, although we don't know it yet, a new name: PARALLAX.
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Parallax walks across the Guardians' shriveled up bodies and angrily steps on his old GL ring before flying off into space. Then, Ganthet rises from a pile of corpses and puts the broken ring back together (and gives it a redesign, while at it). He says that, as the last Guardian of the Universe, he'll make sure that his brothers' ideals live on, then turns himself into a ball of energy headed for Earth.
Meanwhile, the same young dude who saw Hal flying to Oa in GL #48 comes out of a nightclub to get some air and spots another "falling star" in the sky, only this one is actually falling. In fact, it's heading directly for him. It turns out to be Ganthet, who lands right in front of this understandably confused clubgoer, tells him "You shall have to do," and hands him Hal's refurbished ring.
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Without saying much else, Ganthet turns back into green energy and disappears. After confirming that the hobo who was sleeping in this alley also saw "a blue little guy in a red dress disappear" (for what it's worth), the guy decides to put on the ring -- and suddenly finds himself wearing a Green Lantern costume. "Oh man," he says, "I think my life just got a lot more complicated."
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Haha, you don't know the half of it, buddy.
Things we know about Kyle Rayner so far: 1) he likes Nine Inch Nails, based on his shirt, 2) sometimes he dances so hard that he has trouble breathing, and 3) if a little blue man in an alley tells him to do something, he does it. Perfect superhero material. Things we don't know about Kyle Rayner yet: that his name is Kyle Rayner.
I've always liked the contrast between the way Hal was recruited to the Corps in 1959's Showcase #22 (with a speech about how fearless and honest he is) and the way Kyle was recruited in this issue (with a shrug and a "you'll do").
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The Guardians did approach Sinestro about training Hal, as told in Green Lantern: Emerald Dawn II #1 (1991), but there was no begging involved. In fact, they forced him to do it. I guess he showed him in the end when his trainee wound up destroying the Corps (and killing him, but still).
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Kilowog (RIP) tells Hal "I know what it's like to lose yer home, the folks ya love..." and it's true: he lost his planet twice. Bolovax Vik was destroyed during Crisis on Infinite Earths, but Kilowog managed to preserve everyone's minds inside his ring. Then, as soon as he found a new planet for his people in Green Lantern Corps #218 (1987), Sinestro blew it up again, permanently killing everyone this time. By Hal's logic, Kilowog should have turned himself into a DOUBLE Parallax long ago.
Kilowog also mentions that Hal has gone into the Central Battery twice before: first to save the day at the end of Emerald Dawn, and then to try to save the day in Green Lantern #6 (1990), although it didn't work out so well the second time because a crazy Guardian had already taken that power for himself. You know, they really should have put a door on that thing or something.
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I don't remember if the hobo who was sleeping in the alley when Kyle got the ring will appear again, but I'm giving him a tag anyway. Wonder if they've ever done an alternate reality story about what if he'd become the All-New Green Lantern...
Guy Gardner: Warrior #18 marks the start of the "Emerald Fallout" storyline, which will reunite Guy with his old pal Hal. It kicks off with Guy's yellow power ring (which feeds off GL ring energy) suddenly exploding and showing him a vision of Hal killing Sinestro, Kilowog's corpse, and Parallax emerging from the Battery. Guy, however, seems more concerned with the fact that the ring isn't working now, so he takes it to Blue Beetle, who can't resist the opening for a dick joke.
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Beetle ends up giving Guy a prototype of the EXTREME '90s armor he built for Booster Gold (incidentally, based on Kilowog's old designs), which is somehow even more EXTREME and more '90s. Guy has some trouble adjusting to it, but grows to like it.
Next, Guy visits his on-and-off girlfriend Ice at the Arctic Circle, where she's quite literally chilling as she figures some stuff out -- as seen in the Justice League America series, she recently lost her dad after he was murdered by her evil brother, who also died, and then she gained vaguely defined new powers for vaguely defined reasons. Also, she went from modest clothes and no cleavage to an exotic dancer suit and all of the cleavage. The '90s were hard on everyone.
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Just when it looks like Ice and Guy are about to reconcile, there's a huge explosion that knocks her out -- it's that Militia asshole who tried to kill Guy last issue, who just shot himself out of a submarine's cannon to finish the job. Will Guy ever catch a break?! NEXT ISSUE: Not in this storyline, he won't.
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cecils-dragons · 1 year
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Imagine Ever Autumn but as a story driven game... behold! A messy dream game mock up, god this is really marking me wish I knew anything about the game making process or had the ability to do so! Featuring the besties Byron and Toras.
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grave-thrones · 1 year
every time i get into a new man i’m like “AHA! SO THAT’S MY TRUE TYPE!” but i’m wrong every fucking time
men in general are what i’m looking at here, the thing drawing me in is the MAN part. i could search for centuries for a type, but no. it’s just if a man does a thing, that’s what i like!!!
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wiihtigo · 1 year
do you have any gender/sexuality hc for your favorite characters? sorry if that is impolite to ask
thats not impolite at all! i love answering asks (the 96 unanswered asks in my inbox below you staring at me in shame)
well since you said favs booster and beetle came to mind (thinking emoji)
ted is bisexual. of course/....
i think booster is a transgender gay dude, i used to flip flop on if i thought he was bi or gay but i see it now. hes a mans man. theres a lot to say on why i think booster is gay but i got distracted by remembering this comic i had on hand on the subject of booster golds gender and looking for it
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if you want to hear my thoughts on any specific character feel free to ask :)
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daigah · 7 months
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Y'all ever think about Tora and Ted's friendship. Cuz I do
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tonictransistor · 2 months
It's about time I pushed my "Vampires eating you out during your period" aganda again
It's hot. End of story, argue with your mother
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queenretcon · 7 months
found this amazing heroes #190 cover the other day looking for hughes art of bea and I keep thinking about it
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rainyrindou · 2 months
if y’all ended up on one of those youtube speed dating shows with your f/os, which one do you think you’d end up with?
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charliecuntcicle · 8 months
my lovely journalism teacher is a comic fan and we were talking about the dcu today and heres a fun little convo we had:
me: yeah im hyped for the lanterns show but im scared that if they handle something like parallax theyre going to use the geoff johns version
him: no parallax. the new dcu should be CAMP not dark and gritty like snyder stuff
me: have you SEEN parallax?? those are thigh high boots
him: ok keep the thigh highs but do something else not parallax
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