#turbo and tremors
momentofch-aos · 7 months
I may have said it before but todays m’s shield though of the day is…
Mack calling Alya “Tiny Turbo” and Daisy’s daughter “Tiny Tremors”
Oh he calls Daniel “chief” as his nickname too. Daniel likes it because it reminds of Rose, Jarvis and the SSR
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elena and mack,,,, my BELOVEDS,,,,,,
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starlit-mansion · 5 months
the funniest and dumbest takeaway from the somerton debacle is that this proves the importance of networking lmao
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cipheramnesia · 1 year
Hiii beautiful Cipher!
Recently we were able to watch Nope and absolutely loved it!! Her at home we have a couple of roommates who are not really into horror but Nope worked for them as it is a horror that feels like a western/sci-fi.
So we come to you asking for recommendations on horror movies that work that way.
Nope is kind of a tough act to follow, because it's one of those movies that hits on all levels - story, subtext, character, plot, cinematography. You name it, and Nope knocked it out of the park. So, tempered expectations, there's nothing else which will hit quite the same, I think.
Two movies I think are quite good and complimentary are Prey and Tremors. Tremors in particular comes pretty close to the same scifi western monster movie vibe of Nope, including a pretty similar pace and similar plot beats. While it doesn't quite aim as high as Nope, it's a classic of the horror genre for a good reason, and a whole lot of fun. It leans more into humor, although it's firmly a horror movie. If you or your friends somehow never heard of it, and you don't have "hard out" triggers, my advice is go in fully blind because much like Nope it has a lot of enjoyable twists. Some triggers I'd add would be animal death (sheep), fear of heights, child in danger, and obviously fear of earthquakes or similar.
Prey was all over Tumblr so I don't think I need to add a whole lot. It's one of the movies in the Predator series, and easily one of the best. The original Predator could also work to compliment Nope, but I think Prey fits it better. Watch it in the Comanche dub obviously. It's more of a departure from being directly a Western movie but syncs up enough to fit the vibe and it's likely to find a similar positive reception with anyone who enjoyed Nope thanks to the way it balances character, story, and action while using a deft but light touch with the horror element. This is one that's not really much for twists and turns so ahead and go nuts at doesthedogdie.com if you wanna.
A few others that mash-up horror, science fiction, and western movie tropes or themes, but which don't compliment Nope as well, are Pitch Black, Turbo Kid, and Prisoners Of The Ghostland. Pitch Black is from back in Vin Diesel's early days, and feels like something right in between Aliens and Firefly. It's a low stakes, mid-budget monster movie that doesn't reinvent anything but makes for a fun ride. Turbo Kid is a retro 80s movie more than western per se, which imho leans too hard on the style and not enough on the characters, but it's full of weird mechanical devices and showdowns and standoffs. Prisoners of the Ghostland is something fully different than Nope, but it mashes up the western and samurai genres along with post apocalypse themes and an overall dreamy surrealism that puts it more in line with Mad God. But it sure is scifi western horror, kind of. Content warning: Nicholas Cage.
If we get a little further outside the western area, there's definitely some other films that are a good follow up for Nope. Immediately to mind is the spectacular scifi horror movie Attack the Block. It's another great movie to in blind on if you can, not so much for specific plot twists, as purely the story unfolding is so good and so fun that getting to enjoy it unspoiled is deeply satisfying. It's a fantastic bit of humans versus aliens that illustrates how to masterfully take a very conventional story and tell it in a way so unique that it feels new each time you watch it.
Related and tangential to the western movie is the apocalypse road trip movie, aka the Mad Max genre. One of my favorites is the little seen 80s movie but released in the 90s Highway To Hell. It's a curious bit of film with some bits that aged poorly, but for the most part it's surprisingly smart and chock full of iconic moments, including racing the devil for a soul. More recently I would suggest the Wyrmwood movies (Road of the Dead and Apocalypse), as absolutely balls out zombie movies like nothing you've seen, unless you like Z Nation, but even then they're still unique. In particular Wyrmwood Apocalypse has some of the western movie vibes, but it's uniquely bizarre in execution.
Lastly I wanna give a shout-out to Red Hill, which is not science fiction or horror, but is a banger of a modern day western movie, particularly with how it tricks the viewer into the idea that it's heading one way and then, well... something quite a bit else.
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eirikrjs · 2 years
Is there anything distinctly Japanese about SH’s Headless Rider or is he just a generic biker ghost?
It appears as part of Kaneko's "creature features" (not their actual name) for Game Criticism magazine.
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Here it's with other Japanese urban legends (Old Lady's Turbo!) and the columns featured 'real' legends or horror movies like Tremors and The Shining, so I'd wager it's authentic. This description from the wiki...
Headless Rider is an urban legend about a man who was riding a motorbike along the road at a very high speed when a piano string extended across the street. When he rode into it he was decapitated, but his headless body continued to move along with the bike for a short while after.
...seems to line up with that of Kaneko's in the column, particularly the decapitation by piano wire (ピアノ線). Search for Kubinashi Rider or くびなしライダー and you'll probably find more.
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blogueericdescarries · 5 months
Ford Maverick: hybride ou turbo AWD ?
Le 29 novembre 2023
Ford a lancé une mini-camionnette pick-up en 2021, le Maverick. Mais, avec la pandémie et la pénurie des puces électroniques, son arrivée sur le marché québécois est passée presque inaperçue. Aujourd’hui, plusieurs automobilistes semblent finalement s’intéresser au Maverick sans, toutefois, bien le connaître. Notez qu’en même temps, Hyundai lançait le Santa Cruz (à ne pas confondre avec le Vera Cruz du passé…) qui, lui, malgré un prix plus élevé, connaît un certain succès.
J’ai déjà publié un premier essai du Maverick mais, il a certes été oublié. Cette fois, je vais donc vous parler de deux Maverick, c’est-à-dire les Maverick selon les deux configurations mécaniques disponibles, celle «de base» avec moteur hybride électrique mais qu’avec la traction avant et le Maverick avec le moteur turbocompressé qui vient, lui, avec la traction intégrale. Ce dernier m’a été proposé en finition Tremor plus élaborée.
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Le mini-pick-up Maverick commence à se faire connaître (Photo Éric Descarries)
Au départ, j’ai déjà demandé aux gens de Ford à Detroit pourquoi avoir ressuscité le nom Maverick que les gens plus âgés ont connu chez nous comme une voiture, la remplaçante plus «moderne» de la Ford Falcon (les autos étant sur une plateforme presque identique créée, au départ, pour la première Falcon en 1960). Je leur aussi fait part de mon goût personnel où j’aurais plutôt vu le nom de Ranchero pour l’actuel Maverick. Première réponse, selon les études et les «cliniques» menées par les administrateurs de Ford, il semble que le nom Maverick correspondait mieux à l’utilité du petit pick-up. Le mot «maverick» veut dire en américain «sauvage et libre» un peu dans le sens de «rebelle». Quant au nom Ranchero, il serait toujours en réserve chez Ford (la Ford Ranchero de 1957 à 1979 était une forme de voiture familiale (station-wagon) dont le toit avait été retiré après le compartiment avant transformant la familiale en camionnette pick-up). J’ai déjà eu trois Ranchero dans ma vie alors vous comprendrez pourquoi j’espérais que le nom revienne sur le marché!  Le nouveau Maverick est ni plus ni moins qu’une version tronquée du petit VUM Ford Escape dont la partie du toit au-dessus du compartiment cargo aurait été retirée. Incidemment, le Maverick est construit sur le principe de la plateforme C2 de Ford qui sert aussi au Ford Escape et au Ford Bronco Sport.
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Le Maverick est une camionnette pick-up basée sur la plateforme C2 des Escape et Bronco Sport. (Photo Éric Descarries)
De nos jours, il est plus facile de se procurer un Maverick maintenant que la production semble s’être stabilisée et déjà, on constate que le modèle est destiné à une devenir une véritable réussite…au point même où, selon la publication spécialisée Automotive News, les concessionnaires américains de Toyota pressent le constructeur nippon d’en produire une version semblable sur base de RAV4!
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La caisse du Maverick en est son secret le mieux gardé! (Photo Éric Descarries)
Question «styling», le Maverick est le plus petit pick-up de Ford bien avant le Ranger. C’est une camionnette à quatre portes avec une courte caisse dont le plancher fait 4 pieds et demie (six pieds avec le panneau arrière abaissé) alors que beaucoup de grands pick-up ont un plancher qui ne fait que 5 pieds et demi. Comme c’en est le cas pour les pick-up intermédiaires, le traditionnel panneau de contreplaqué de 4 x 8 ne fait pas à plat entre les puits d’aile mais si l’on abaisse le panneau arrière de la caisse qu’à moitié (en détachant les câbles de retenue pour les repositionner un peu plus haut), ces contreplaqués reposeront alors sur les puits d’ailes et leur extrémité arrière sur le rebord du panneau de la caisse. Notons ici que les ingénieurs de Ford ont imaginé des partitions dans la caisse que le propriétaire peut faire selon les instructions qu’il pourra trouver sur un site Internet disponible par le code QR imprimé sur un petit portillon dans le flanc de la caisse. Ford a aussi publié une courte vidéo sur Internet pour donner des trucs afin de maximiser l’utilisation de la caisse incluant des plans pour y faire un support à bicyclette! De plus, il est possible d’y avoir une prise de courant de 120 volts dans un des flancs. La capacité de charge est d’environ 1500 livres.
Un intérieur simple et pratique
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Le tableau de bord du Maverick est simple mais très fonctionnel. (Photo Éric Descarries)
Lorsqu’on monte à bord du Maverick, on est surpris par la simplicité de sa présentation. Tout ou presque y est en plastique. Il faut dire que les matériaux ont été soigneusement choisis par les concepteurs de Ford pour ressembler à du cuir. Mais si tout y est en plastique, c’est pour que le nettoyage y soit facile.
Le tableau de bord est peut-être un peu simple mais encore une fois, c’est voulu pour que le Maverick soit considéré comme une véritable camionnette. Son design est rectiligne avec une niche pour les instruments et un grand écran au centre. Sous ce tableau de bord se trouve une console centrale avec un sélecteur rotatif de vitesses et des espaces conçus pour contenir le téléphone cellulaire (avec chargeur à plat), les clés et les gobelets. On verra d’autres grands compartiments et porte-gobelets dans les garnitures de portières (toujours en plastique). Le plus remarquables, ce sont les poignées de portières de conception très robustes dont le design permet de les agripper de plusieurs façons.
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Les places arrière sont modestes mais quand même accueillantes. (Photo Éric Descarries)
Les sièges d’avant (avec des tissus très robustes basés sur des matériaux plastiques) sont confortables. Il y a une banquette à l’arrière qui est à la fois accueillante et relativement confortable, même pour des déplacements plus longs. Le fauteuil se relève pour découvrir d’autres compartiments utiles pour grader de précieux objets hors de la vue des curieux parfois malfaisants. Le dossier se rabaisse aussi mais il ne révèle qu’un panneau pouvant accepter certains «bricolages» (même électriques) des propriétaires.
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Sous le fauteuil arrière on découvre de petits compartiments de rangement. (Photo Éric Descarries)
Une mécanique sur mesure
Lors de son lancement, les dirigeants de Ford ont pensé que la version de base du Maverick serait mue par un quatre cylindres hybride combiné seulement avec la traction avant. Il fallait alors commander le moteur turbocompressé si l’on voulait la traction intégrale. Plus maintenant. Quoique le quatre cylindres de 2,5 litres avec deux moteurs électriques qui fait 191 chevaux et 173 li-pi de couple. Il est combiné à une boîte automatique constamment variable CVT soit toujours disponible (maintenant facultatif), le nouveau moteur de base est un quatre cylindres EcoBoost de 2,0 litres qui fait 250 chevaux et 277 li-pi de couple. Celui-ci est obligatoire avec la traction intégrale et il vient avec la boîte automatique à huit rapports.  Le freinage est à disque aux quatre roues et la direction assistée électrique est à crémaillère. La suspension est semblable à celle des Bronco Sport ou Escape avec des jambes de force à l’avant et des bras multiples à l’arrière. Le poids variera de 3700 à 3900 livres selon la version et l’équipement choisis. En ce qui a trait aux capacités de remorquage, elle sera de 2000 livres pour la version hybride et 4000 livres pour celle à traction intégrale.
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Le moteur du Maverick Hybrid est reconnaissable à ses connections à câblage orange. (Photo Éric Descarries)
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Mon Maverick Tremor d’essai avait ce quatre cylindres bi-turbo Ecoboost sous le capot. (Photo Éric Descarries)
Sur la route…et hors-route
J’ai donc eu droit à deux versions du Maverick, tous deux avec la finition Lariat, la première étant l’hybride à traction, l’autre, la plus récente Tremor à traction intégrale. Au départ, je dois avouer que le Maverick n’a rien de sportif. Ses accélérations peuvent varier de 6 à 8 secondes selon le modèle, la version avec le quatre turbocompressé étant la plus rapide. Mais, le Maverick est un petit camion, pas un coupé de sport! Si le Maverick Hybrid vient avec une boîte auto CVT, celui-ci procure des changements de rapport nettement plus doux, virtuellement imperceptible. Toutefois, durant mon essai, cette boîte CVT a produit certaines hésitations en décélération qui m’ont agacé. Cependant, dans ce cas, il s’agit d’un véhicule à traction avant (encore une fois, trop de consommateurs peu informés ont voulu m’obstiner que le Maverick était à propulsion…nooon! Un Maverick de base est à traction. Point final!). Cette configuration pourrait s’avérer un peu moins efficace en hiver dans notre bout du monde mais avec des pneus d’hiver appropriés, la traction ne devrait pas être un handicap!
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Dans sa version Tremor, le Maverick vient avec la traction intégrale (et le moteur EcoBoost) plus utile sur des chemins plus rudes. (Photo Éric Descarries)
Le Maverick avec la traction intégrale est un peu plus rapide puisque son quatre cylindres EcoBoost biturbo est reconnu comme une moteur plus performant. On peut atteindre le cap des 100 km/h en moins de sept secondes. Et les reprises sont plus convaincantes (et plus ressenties) grâce à la boîte auto à huit rapports. Par contre, grâce à la traction intégrale, j’ai pu faire quelques excursions hors-route (modestes) avec la version Tremor. Notez que celle-ci possède une suspension légèrement relevée en plus de quelques réglages électroniques qui lui permettront d’attaquer certains sentiers non pavés.
Dans ce cas, j’ai encore emprunté les installations de mon ami Pierre Archambault à Laval (Pépinor) pour mesurer les capacités du Maverick Tremor. Les chemins de sa pépinière ne sont pas des plus exigeants mais ils sont invitants. Ici, je dis avouer que les pneus Falken Wildpeak A/T se sont révélés plus efficaces sur les sentiers boueux que des pneus plus conventionnels. Ces A3T3W ont été créés non seulement pour les excursions hors-route modestes mais aussi pour l’hiver ce qui signifie que l’utilisateur n’aura pas besoin de les changer pour l’hiver.
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J’ai utilisé les terrains et chemins de culture de mon ami Pierre Archambault (Pépinor) pour apprécier le système intégral du Tremor. (Photo Éric Descarries)
Autrement, en conduite régulière, autant la version Hybrid que la Tremor se sont avérées très agréables à conduire. Elles sont relativement silencieuses et leur conduite ressemble à celle d’une berline intermédiaire avec une visibilité sécuritaire. Qui plus est, leur conduite en ville est des plus faciles, le gabarit des Maverick rendant leur manœuvrabilité des plus faciles pour le stationnement.
Évidemment, avec le temps, nous verrons de plus en plus d’accessoires créés pour améliorer l’utilisation des Maverick alors que j’ai déjà vu des cabines de caisse adaptées à cette camionnette pour des besoins commerciaux ou privés.
Question consommation, la version Hybrid s’est avérée un vrai charme car mon calcul à la pompe a résulté en une moyenne de 7,2 l./100 km (mi-ville, mi-route alors que le tableau de bord indiquait une moyenne de 6,5 l./100 km). Sur 359,8 km parcourus, l’ordinateur de bord m’indiquait que 133,7 l’avaient été en mode électrique). La version Tremor m’a un peu déçu puisque sa consommation moyenne selon mes calculs à la pompe l’ont été de 10,4 l./100 km (alors que l’ordinateur de bord indiquait 10,2 !). Cependant, ce Maverick a été un peu plus sollicité (incluant des excursions dans la boue).
Il ne reste plus que la question des prix. Le plus abordable Lariat Hybrid à traction avant affichait un prix de base de 36 150 $ mais les 10 455 $ d’options incluant un toit ouvrant vitré de 1120 $, un ensemble de décoration noire, la finition Lariat de 4100 $, l’assistance Co-Pilot360 de 850 $, la WiFi 4G de 25 $ et quelques autres options intéressantes et utiles (en plus de la taxe fédéral d’accise pour la climatisation) ont ajouté 10 455 $ à facture en plus des 2 095 $ de transport et préparation ont fait grimper la facture finale à 48 700 $...plus taxes.
Mon véhicule d’essais à finition Tremor avait un prix de base semblable mais les options incluant l’ensemble Off-Road de 5 400 $, l’ensemble de luxe de 4 100 $ et autres options comme le toit ouvrant vitré, la WiFi et j’en passe ont fait ajouter 13 605 $ à la facture. Ajoutez à cela le transport et la préparation de 2 095 $ et nous voilà à une totale de 53 350 $...encore une fois, plus taxes!
Alors, lequel choisir?
Quelle version choisir? C’est alors une question de besoins ou de goût. Dans mon cas, je suis un bricoleur (on y va pour le petit pick-up qui sera alors utile) mais je ne ressens pas toujours le besoin de parcourir des sentiers hors-route (ai-je vraiment besoin du Tremor?). Par contre, la consommation de la version Hybrid m’a impressionné et vu que la plupart de mes déplacements se font en situation urbaine, là où la technologie hybride aide à l’économie de carburant, j’irais pour l’hybride.
Mais vu que nous vivons au Québec où les conditions hivernales nous font apprécier la traction intégrale et où la possibilité d’attaquer certains petits sentiers plus ou moins exigeants demeure une tentation fréquente, la version à traction intégrale (encore plus rassurante avec la finition Tremor, je me demande si les presque 5000 $ de plus n’en valent pas le coup!).   
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tonkikiosk · 2 years
Wasteland 3 sniper build
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Plugs can last up to 1000000 miles but it does not mean they would not fail before then. The Altima 2.5 is also quicker than the 2017 Toyota Camry I-4 (8.5 seconds) and the 1.5-liter turbo versions of the 2017 Ford Fusion and 2016 Chevrolet Malibu, which reach 60 in 9.1 and 8.5.The contact was able to gain control of the vehicle after it was turned. In addition, the steering wheel vibrated. The engine lost power when the vehicle approached a stop sign. While driving 70 mph, the transmission downshifted, the engine revved, and the vehicle decelerated. Tl the contact owns a 2014 Nissan Altima. nissan altima jerks and shakes on hard acccelarte Does anyone have any idead as to why this happens? 5 Answers. When driving if i hard acccelarte the rpms start to serge and the car jerks really hard and it wont get ove about 20 mph. Any unusual shaking or vibrating forces coming from the engine is cause for concern. Show example Nissan Altima Engine is shaking, pulsating or vibrating Inspection prices. Engine is shaking, pulsating or vibrating Inspection. Dash shows 60,000 but the live date from the cluster / pcm shows 245,000.Service type. Found out my cars odometer may have been altered. And the engine does not shake at idle even when I rev it. The RPM meter itself acts a little unusual because no matter if im going 30,40,60,70,90. Whenever my RPM gauge is at 2000RPM (no matter if im going 40 or 80) it makes this vibration noise. Asked by Kyle at 02:10 AM about the 2014 Nissan Altima 2.5 S. We will specifically look at the fact that your Nissan Altima only shakes at idle, if you feel vibrations at. For this we will have to examine the parts that can cause this tremor. Why is my Nissan Altima having idle vibrations? So we start our guideline with the origins of a Nissan Altima that vibrates at idle. The vehicle seems to shimmy/shake at higher speeds, higher than 60 mph. 1999 Nissan Altima: 000 miles./shake at higher speeds.60 mph.tires I have a 1999 Nissan Altima, about 101,000 miles.The Altima has historically been larger, more powerful, and more luxurious than the Nissan Sentra but less so than the Nissan Maxima.Here are 20 common reasons why a car shakes when driving over 70 mph: Out-of-balance tires. It is a continuation of the Nissan Bluebird line, which began in 1955. The Nissan Altima is a mid-size car that has been manufactured by Nissan since 1992. About a month later check engine light comes on and off over the course. Bought the car used with 37,000 from the Nissan dealership. My 2011 Altima Sr with 59,000 and a cvt as well is all messed up. Leaking green fluid-not coolant-shakes at 60+mph 2 Answers.
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hbclife · 2 years
Ford is adding an off-road package to its hot-selling Maverick compact pickup
Ford is adding an off-road package to its hot-selling Maverick compact pickup
2023 Ford Maverick Tremor Source: Ford Ford Motor is adding a new off-road-ready package to its Maverick pickup in a bid to extend the sales success of its hot-selling small truck.   The new Maverick Tremor package includes a beefed-up, higher-riding suspension and a new all-wheel-drive system system powered by Ford’s 2-liter EcoBoost turbo four-cylinder engine. The package gives Maverick buyers…
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Ngl its very accurate
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thebirdandhersong · 3 years
Mack gives nicknames to the people he loves :’))) and this is the cutest thing :’)))))
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theclaravoyant · 6 years
the fire’s out (but still it burns) - 5x14 coda
AN ~ I wasn’t feel up to it last week, and even now I’m only scratching the surface, but... basically I wanted to give Daisy the chance to react and deal with some of the shock of what just happened and have a good cry... and then Mack feels came along... and now I have this! angsty, slightly hurt-comforty bc we need SOME relief, 5x14 coda. to those who can stomach it... enjoy(?)
CW: there are no graphic flashbacks or anything, but some description of her injuries, and a lot of angsty/complicated feelings about Fitz. If you would like any more detail about what is in this fic before deciding whether to read it, feel free to message or chat with me (off anon for specifics please).
title from Flares by The Script
Rshps: Mack & Daisy, also some Jemma. Discussions of Fitz & Daisy and Mack & Fitz (though Fitz is not present). Rated T for torture & injury mentions and general angst. Set immediately following 5x14.
Read on AO3 (~1300wd)
the fire’s out (but still it burns)
“Mack, can you help?”
He gets up, moves towards the sound before he even really takes in what’s happening. Jemma’s voice is shaking, like a fence about to fall down, and Daisy is shaking just as badly, draped between the Doc and Deke and looking pale as death.
“What the hell happened out there?” Mack wonders, taking Jemma’s place under Daisy’s arm and helping lower her to the bed.
“F-Fitz,” Daisy replies.
Her voice is shaking – with fear, with anger. The air around her shakes too. The tools in the tray Jemma brings. Mack’s heart begins to feel heavier as he takes in the horrendous, bloody bruise to the side of Daisy’s head. The rope-burn on her arms. The bloody gauze that Deke is holding to her neck.
Mack’s stomach twists. He tries to imagine how Fitz could look at this, let alone carry it out, and the image won’t reconcile. A little angry spat, maybe, he could imagine. A slap, a punch, maybe even a black eye – after all, Fitz could be passionate, irrational at times, and Daisy never backed down from a fight. Mack had suspected that, should he snap one day, that might be how it would go. That would have been bad, very bad, terribly bad - but this isn’t just bad, it’s… gut-wrenchingly wrong. It’s hard to tie somebody down and cut them open in a fleeting moment of rage or frustration. This is something else entirely. Something pre-meditated. Something incomprehensible.
“Fitz did this to you?”
Daisy looks like she’s going to be sick. Over the other side of her shoulder, heart heavy and eyes brimming with tears, Jemma nods.
“Damn,” Mack whispers. It’s the only word he can find. The unspeakable, confusing horror of it all is like a nightmare.
A nightmare Daisy has just lived.
“Are you okay?” he asks. “Are you going to be okay?”
“It’s just a flesh wound,” Daisy hisses, but there are tears in her eyes, and fury competes with fear in her voice. Deke frowns doubtfully at the amount of the blood on the gauze at her neck, and he’s about to interrupt when she waves him off. “I mean it’s… It’ll heal. I’ll be fine.”
“You need stitches, Daisy,” Jemma points out.
The silence is tense as Jemma works. Daisy stares straight ahead at the wall, grinding her teeth, blinking back tears. She clutches Mack’s hand with a bone-crushing desperation, and Mack puts a hand over hers. He hopes it is comforting, despite his own nerves and uncertainty. Questions flood his mind – What happened? How, and why? - but the silence between Jemma and Daisy is too fragile to interrupt.
In the end, it’s Daisy who speaks first.
“It wasn’t really him, right? Jemma? Tell me- tell me it wasn’t him.”
Daisy holds her breath. Mack does too. The only sound is a pained sigh from Jemma, and the soft clink of metal as, task complete, she carefully lowers the tweezers and needle and steadies her hands on the tray.
When at last she replies, it’s like she has to drag the words over glass to make it out of her throat, and Mack’s not surprised. He’s a little impressed actually, by the way she maintains eye contact even though it feels like she’s reaching out and snapping the last strings of hope they have.
“I’m afraid it was,” she clarifies.
Daisy blinks at her. Reluctant. Disbelieving.
Jemma continues, dropping eye contact at last in a battle to find the words and push through to the end of the sentence. “What happened, I think, was called a psychic split. It can happen sometimes when a person with- with schizophrenia under a large amount of pressure develops a- a- an alternate personality, sort of thing-“
“So I’m right then?” Daisy presses. “The Doctor, the alternate personality, it took him over. Right? So then it wasn’t him?”
Jemma shakes her head. Tears are spilling down her cheeks now and the whole tray trembles violently in her hands. “It doesn’t work like that. It’s not like possession. The Doctor may have pushed Fitz to think from a perspective that he wouldn’t ordinarily, but… It was Fitz who made the decisions in the end. It was Fitz who– who-“
She chokes up, and Mack can’t blame her. The world is shifting around them, the whole place uncertain, and with the two people he’d bet good money on being closest to her in the world at the heart of this mess, Mack can’t imagine how twisted Jemma’s universe has become. A bullet in the leg, suddenly, is nothing.
“I got this, Doc,” he insists gently. “Go.”
Nodding frantically, Jemma shoves the tray back onto its cart and bolts from the room before she loses her last semblance of strength. Deke mumbles uncertainly and takes his leave after her, and with a heavy heart, Mack takes her seat by Daisy’s bedside.
Daisy props herself up on her arms, and her fingers clench the bedframe, even as Mack works as gently as he can to clean the wound on her head.
“I knew it,” she growls. “I knew it was him. He didn’t sound insane. He looked like he- he didn’t want to. The Doctor would have liked it. He was- He was crying. He could hear me. He knew what he was doing. He knew.”
Anger cracks and crumbles in the face of fear again. It’s more than fear, it’s horror. It’s heartbreak. It’s violation.
She sobs. Mack starts. He should have seen it coming but it feels like a gut punch out of nowhere. Never had he imagined – it was almost as unspeakable as the laws of the universe – that Fitz could have hurt Daisy so much, willingly or otherwise.
“He knew,” she sobs, tears streaming down her face in a matter of seconds. Her body shakes with them. “He knew what it means to me, what it means to us, and he still- How can I- How can I forgive him when he still-“
Mack puts the tweezers and gauze aside. This truly is a flesh wound; it can wait if it has to. It’s more important in this moment to wrap his arms around his friend. Hold her steady while the fabric of the world not only shifts, but tears beneath her feet. He’s not sure what she’s talking about, he’s not sure what Fitz did – not beyond the obvious anyway – but he’s sure that it must be something, that it must be bad, as Daisy howls and sobs in his embrace. There’s so much pain there, and anger, and grief, he starts to cry just listening to it.
She howls and the windows shake, the wheels of the bed and the med cart squeak, bottles and supplies start to drop to the floor, and Mack feels a knot tighten in his gut. He hadn’t picked up on it before but he sees it now. He pieces it together – the blood on Daisy’s neck, the profound sense of intimate betrayal, and the fact that her quaking is back. Fitz must have removed her inhibitor. Tied her down and took her Inhumanity back by force.
“Ah, Tremors,” he breathes, and it feels a bittersweet choice of nickname now. “Daisy. I got you, okay? You’re gonna be okay. You’re gonna be okay.”
He murmurs sweet nothings and rubs her back, and it doesn’t do much to soothe the otherwordly lament of agony that’s pouring out of her, but he figures it can’t hurt either. He stays with her, holds her, until the trials of the day catch up with her and she falls into a restless sort of sleep. Then he quickly, carefully finishes cleaning her head wound and posts himself as watchman over her. He’ll move her bed to be beside Elena’s as soon as he gets the chance, but for now he sits back in the chair and turns it a little more toward the door. He holds the scalpel, lightly, in his fist, just in case they get an unwanted visitor.
He wipes the tears from his cheeks.
Apparently, you really never can tell.
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trapezequeen · 2 years
3. Alphonso Mackenzie and Elena Rodriguez
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First, her nickname…I love that Mack nicknames so many of his fellow teammates…turbo, tremors, yoyo (and then her nickname for him…turtleman! So good!!!) But seriously they are so cute together!!!! I totally agree with Daisy about him being a cute little fluffy teddy bear. And Yoyo, honestly I liked her from the moment she showed up in season 3, but I’ve just grown to like her more and more every time you see her, and she’s just so cute. (Side note: I love how tiny her hand is compared to his in bottom left gif). I love the fact that they are both sweet, but also very sassy and so they make fun of each other, but they also make fun of the other team members together. I just love this ship so much and they get better the longer you watch.
Let me know your thoughts in the comments!!!
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scarlettdragnastan · 4 years
Mack to Daisy : Tremors ❤️
Mack to Elena : YoYo ❤️
Mack to Fitz : Turbo ❤️
Mack to Lincoln : Sparkplug ❤️
Hunter : what about me?
Mack : a mess ❤️
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burlveneer-music · 3 years
VA - Tsonga Tremors: Explorations in Tradition, Technology & South African Dance Music (1983-1991)
In the last decade, the breadth of plugged-in African music has become increasingly apparent. Samplers and synths have spread across the continent; nowhere is this more striking than in South Africa, where the end of apartheid coincided with the gradual move away from funk and soul-based township sounds and the emergence of electronic styles. Enter Shangaan Electro, a seminal compilation released in 2010 of 180-plus bpm South African dance tracks; its rapid dispersal through global dance channels introduced ecstatic audiences to a previously marginal scene. Shangaan Electro has its own prehistory in electronic variations of neo-traditional Tsonga music (Tsonga has replaced Shangaan as the favoured designation since the 1994 national elections). A new style materialised, pioneered in the early 1980s, integrating Western elements with electrified neo-traditional sounds, known as Tsonga Disco. Tsonga Disco emerged at a time when apartheid-dictated radio censorship laws exerted near-impenetrable control over radio airwave access. Despite the restrictions, a raft of Tsonga musicians rose to national prominence. Tsonga Tremors highlights a small but necessary sign of an emerging future. A stunning example of home-grown magic; something both organically arrived at and politically expediated through a cross-wiring of local rhythms, imported dance-pop, cultural censorship, emerging technology and limited means that became the catalyst in shaping the future of South African dance music, paving the way for Shangaan Electro’s international emergence nearly two decades later. This compilation seeks to revive an important moment in Tsonga music history. These 18 tracks compiled by chOOn!!, a label specialising in obscure, archival and forgotten releases, should serve as a necessary starting point. Featuring early Shangaan-influenced dance music from legendary producers Paul Ndlovu and Richard Siluma alongside lesser-known Tsonga Disco and neo-traditional rarities from South Africa (1983-1991), they offer a disorientating and frenetically accelerated rhythmic bricolage of programmed drum patterns, cascading percussion, squeezebox keyboard lines and truncated vocal interjections sung in rich harmony. Infinitely absorbing and tangled with rhythm in a knotty osmosis between beat and pitch. The effect is both ecstatic and unusually elegiac, a DIY brand of pastoral neo-traditional soul, amplified minimalism and infectious body music. Mastered for vinyl (2LP) and digital by Josh Bonati. Artwork by the acclaimed book designer Luke Bird. The companion EP, Tsonga Tremors: Remixes, features four exclusive edit/remixes by Hysteric, M. Baba and DJ Turbo Boom-Boom - available from  tsongatremors.bandcamp.com/album/tsonga-tremors-remixes
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Agents of SHIELD Characters | Love Languages
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feat: Daisy Johnson, Jemma Simmons, Leo Fitz. Alphonzo Mackenzie, Bobbi Morse, Lance Hunter, Phil Coulson, Melinda May
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daisy johnson
touch: since daisy grew up in the foster system, she didn't have much experince with physical touch. she developed this love language during her time at SHIELD, being comforted by her teammates, simmons caring for her injuries, mack's bear hugs, etc
acts of service: daisy will do anything for the people she loves, including acts of service like putting herself in danger on a mission so others dont have to, checking up on Fitz and Simmons when they're up late working, making food for the team even though she can't cook that well
quality time: this is a rarity inbetween missions but it means alot to daisy if she spends it with the people she loves. and, because they have such a limited amount of free time it just makes spending time with daisy all the more meaningful
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jemma simmons
words of affirmation: words of affirmation are a daily occurance with simmons, especially around her team, phrases like "you're doing amaizing" "you got this" "don't worry about it, you're going to crush it" "brilliant idea" "i'm here for you"
acts of service: she likes to check up on people when theyre stressed, buy things at the store that they know the person will like, and other actions like that
touch: simmons has never been a really physical person, always choosing comforting words over touch but that doesnt mean she doesnt like it. she will still place a comforting hand on her teammates back when she reassures them, she will hug her teammates (mostly daisy) after they get back from a life-threatening mission, and things like that
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leo fitz
words of affirmation: his dad always undermined him so when somone else accomplishes something (especially someone he loves) he'll shower them with words of affirmation. he wants to make sure that no one else goes through what he did, so he'll voice his opinion like "that's such a brilliant idea" "thats good, perfect actually" "absolutely brilliant" "that's what i was missing, you're a lifesaver" or just a simple "thanks, you're amazing" accompanied by one of his signature gentle smiles
acts of service: sometimes words speak more than actions, especially with fitz. when his injury is acting up or when words sometimes seem too hard, he shows his love through acts of service (like doing things for you around the base, grabbing you your jacket when it's cold, etc)
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mack hammer
touch: shows affection through touch ex. bear hugs, shoulder pats, putting a hand on your back to let you know that he's there
quality time: spending time with you in the workshop/in the lab is also how he shows affection
words of affimation: is probably from his natural leadership skills but he always says things like "great idea, turbo" "i've got you, tremors, i've got you" "hey, we don't give up. i know you, i know all of us, we're all stronger than we know it and we can't give up now"
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bobbi morse
acts of service: will get tourtured for you. enough said.
"words of affirmation": this is in quotations because bobbi shows her affection through tough love. it's not sappy or obvious but the people on her team know that when she says "don't die out there, okay? or else i'll kill you" it means that she cares
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lance hunter
"words of affirmation": once again, this is in quotations because it's the same tough love that bobbi gives. it may sound like he's arguing and/or insulting you but if you look past that, his words show that he truly cares
quality time: will drink beers with you to show his love. maybe even provide you with said beer if lucky
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phil "dad" coulson
touch: dad hugs, pats on back, wrapping an arm around you, holding your shoudler, rubbing your back, anything a dad does basically
words of affimation: dad jokes, "you're doing great kid "i love you" "yes! you did it!" and having those dad moments like "i missed you two working together? didn't i? dang it!" (also checking up on you after missions)
gift giving: "okay look, don't tell may but i got the team muffins"
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melinda "mom" may
acts of service: will fight off an army for the people she loves, checks everyones wepons before a mission and will switch them with her own if she finds that it's deffective in some way, makes sure no ones looking before she does it, but everyone knows anyways, stealthy but not so stealthy
gift giving: is like a angel or something because she always leaves her Bus Kids sandwiches/premade meals on the counter when she knows that they haven't eaten all day (doesn't announce it though, she just knows that they'll find it and takes amusemnt each time when they find them + hiding her grin when they ask around "do you know who keeps on leaving food out for us?")
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glittercake · 3 years
Director Mackenzie meeting Captain Wilson? I would explode and enjoy every moment of it! Also Sam's dorky jokes with Mack's dad jokes? I can HEAR their teams rolling their eyes already 😂
Omg yes😭😭 they will be the most annoying duo every time they have to team up. They'll probably have nicknames for all the team members, i mean come on: Turbo, Tremors, Cyborg brain??? Or jokes about Bucky’s grumpy ass.
Mack: "Whoops you said Buck again better go sit in the naughty corner!!" *uncontrollable giggling*
This is them all the time
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