yanderespamton78 · 1 month
ive already shown this to anyone who actually cares pretty much loll (anyone following the addison arg) but i might as well post it on here
this is actually the first proper animation ive done :'D like other than this ive animated a ball bouncing but that was more to test the software than anything,, lucky for me i consume animation memes more than i consume water so i know the basics B)
#i need to drink hmm#ok im gonna ramble in the tags about the process because i like rambling#that frame where hes looking down and saying “we're coming” was actually the first frame i did#this was gonna be a stupid meme wtf happened#i can show you the first image it was just joking about how quickly everything had escalated lmao#then i drew that and was like#“woag;;;;; ook so like what if i animated this”#twas GRUELING#it may not have seemed like it bc i didnt mention it when i was wokring on it but i wanted to keep it a surprise lol#anyways im finally free from this stupid animation I CAN DRAW PIN!!!#i ended up redrawing the first frame once or twice because it looked really really bad#then the last ones im still kinda unsatisfied with but i couldnt be arsed to change them#im still unhappy with the way he jolts his head back it feels weird#thing is because of my insistence to keep that one really cool frame in there i had to do it#basically i needed a way to get him from hunched over to back straight looking down with his face hidden at one point#and it ideally had to look very unnatural that was the general goal#but idk i thought that line where Slick called Addon blue bell was really FUCKING COOL#also in a voice message Turnip acknowledged the static#SO PROUD OF MYSELF FOR THAT URUAHGH GURAH GH GHH#YES!!! THE STATIC!!!! I DID DO STATICCC!!!!!#also i know thats probably not what Slick possessing Turnon looked like but thats how i visualised it lol#I was binging tawog while watching this B)#OK actual tag time woag#animation#beginner animator#addison oc#turn off the lights arg#not my oc#addisons deltarune#my eyes hurt
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wamtorical · 1 year
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Prologue: 1888 - 1890
Elmer Pence: 17 years old, heir of Mr and Mrs. Pence’s vast fortune. Except said fortune would never be passed on, for Elmer would soon land his eyes on a certain girl who regularly made her way past his street, picking berries and peforming errands as such. This girl, who looked his age and skipped gleefully all the way home (to which he’d watch until she disappeared from view) was not eligible for what his parents seeked in a wife and therefore irrelevant. So back to his studies he guessed he'd go, racking his brain for several grueling hours on end learning dull business affairs in preparation for a very dreaded future.
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‘Twas Autumn of 1888 when Elmer had first taken his glimpse of the girl and she stubbornly resided in a very prominent place of his mind, haunting him with her strange magnetic force for the weeks following. It’d gotten so bad, he found himself unable to concentrate on the work at hand, much to his father’s disappointment. There was only one thing for it: to seek her out. Elmer would have to be careful, and by no means was he planning on talking to her. No; he just wanted to find out more.
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Contrary to his assumption, Claudia was more than aware that the upper-class boy she'd only ever seen in the occasional paper was watching from a near distance. It was easy to dismiss his interest for ignorant curioisity, so she'd let the boy be. A few weeks of feeling his eyes on her passed by and Claudia grew tired of this secret admirer - maybe slightly flattered, but frustrated if anything: why couldn't he just talk to her, or interview her if he so pleased? So she returned his glance to find only utter adoration in his pupils - that is before he frantically pulled away and fled the scene, his face turning the shade of a freshly grown tomato. Now if anyone was curious, it was Claudia.
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After pacing up and down his room for days, Elmer came to the decision that he would talk to the town’s sweetheart and hopefully clear things up. Talking to Claudia proved to be extremely difficult, but with her reciprocation to communicate their friendship slowly blossomed and like Elmer had wished, he began to learn a lot about Claudia. It was agreed that every Monday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday they would meet by the oak tree - this was because Elmer practiced football on these days and it gave him the opportunity to be gone for hours without his father's suspicion. Elmer began to learn she had a splendid sense of humour, unlike him who feared neglect if he joked around his father. Charlotte Deane was her elder sister, and the two had been orphans since their parents passed away, their mother dying tragically during her second childbirth and their father succumbing to Tuberculosis just a few years later. She was also confident and rather traditional, confiding in him that she longed for the perfect life; a loving husband (It was at this that Elmer flushed red), many children and a stable financial state. In time, the two grew closer and closer, until Elmer couldn’t distinguish what their relationship was anymore.
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Deep down, Elmer knew developing feelings for the townsgirl would be nothing but trouble for him. It was inevitable that one day, soon to come, Elmer would be wed to a woman over conveniency rather than love. He would not know that woman nor choose her. Still, he decided he'd talk to his father - Henry Pence - in regards to the matter (hypothetically) and evident it was that even the mere association of Elmer with that possibility angered him.
For the rest of the day, his fathers words rang through his ears:
"Quiet, you naive boy! It's rather simple, don't go befriending the townspeople. Should you stray from our support then I shan't hesitate to be rid of you - Don't disappoint us Elmer, you're our only son. Do you want to see me and your mother on the streets?"
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And so as quick as he'd found Claudia, 1889 came round and posed, beautiful and well-dressed women - slightly younger than him - started to dine with him and his family. The gatherings were more business arangements than anything and just as notably so, they were an absolute bore. The sad and reluctant eyes gazing at him from the other side of the table just made him long for Claudia even more. Elmer wondered if those ladies too had someone they'd rather spend the rest of their lives with.
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Only a couple of months into the new year, the day came when Elmer's fiancé was to be selected, and he rushed to Claudia as early as he could, longing for her comfort, her touch, and her warm presence. He was certain, though he'd never felt anything similar to it before, that what he felt for her was surely love. With her daintiful hands placed upon his chest she whispered to him softly, as if speaking to a young child.
“You don't have to do this, Elmer. You know that right?"
And Elmer said nothing in response. Instead, he tightly embraced Claudia and kept her close to him for what felt like hours, pondering on what outcome was more important to him. Claudia stroked his hair with a tenderness they had yet to voice, listening to the chirps of the birds filling the empty space between them. Minutes past and Claudia offered the one thing she knew she could in the moment: the comfort and affection only Claudia Deane could give.
Without exchanging a single word to Claudia, he took her hand and led her to the tavern he'd planned to meet his parents at. And the sight - their son so tenderly holding the hand of a girl who was not his fiancé - came as quite a shock to Henry and Ethel.
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Elmer ignored the collective confusion from the people around him and instead took a deep breath before stepping forward towards his parents.
“Mother, Father, this is Claudia Deane," he said, his voice steady despite the nervous fluttering in his stomach. "She's the girl I've cherished since the moment I laid eyes on her. Sudden, I know, but I'm positive I want to start a new life with her, away from here."
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Henry and Ethel stayed silent, their simultaneous shock and disappointment - perhaps from Henry rather than his mother - palpable. On the other hand, the woman he loved spoke volumes with her body language, her grip on Elmer's hand tightening as she stood by his side.
“I shan't be asking you for much, not anything at all, not even your financial support or your blessings. Just that you'll understand and let me go."
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Ethel Pence looked down, tears silently streaming down her face. Henry was just as quiet, if not more than his mother. A heavy and slightly uncomfortable silence hung in the air, and no one spoke. Claudia said a lot more - just not with words. When he looked back, his father was gone, and that alone solidifed Henry's feelings on the matter. Ethel remained.
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Though for a while waves of guilt washed over Elmer, regret was something he never once felt. Of course, from here forth things wouldn't be as simple as they seemed. After leaving his family behind, Elmer found himself living with Claudia and Charlotte while searching for a place they could call their own
It was hard for Elmer, a boy who'd known nothing but luxury for 18 years to get used to this lifestyle but in a way, he preferred it. The Deane cabin had it's own distinct scent - soil, freshly baked bread, wet dog ... He didn't mind it one bit. Elmer and Claudia spent a large sum of 1889 trying to think smartly about how'd they deal financially if they were to move elsewhere and eventually, with Charlottes contributions and suggestions, a bank loan was arranged. £9000. The young lovers were more than positive they would be able to pay it back. With Claudia content working on the farm, Elmer could find a job - perhaps in the medical field like he'd always dreamed, if it were even possible, which he'd been lead to believe was merely a fairytail ambition.
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Elmer traded in his fancy garments for more practical clothes, and with the extra money, he purchased Claudia the dress she'd longfully commented on whilst they were window shopping. Many kisses and embraces were exchanged of course, Claudia excitedly muttering the entire time how she'd wear it every chance she got, even when Elmer assured her she wouldn't have to. A matching hat accompanied the outfit and an unusual lump in its skirt pocket too, a lump she'd discovered after it fell onto the floor was a gorgeous and expensive-looking engagement ring one would only assume had been the very ring he'd kept for years upon waiting for his bride.
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So on the crisp winter day of December 19th, 1889, Elmer Pence and Claudia 'Deane', now known as Claudia Pence, exchanged their vows inside the cozy and quaint church that stood not far from their new home near the shores of Brindleton Bay. Elmer's trusted butler, John Calvert, proudly stood by his side as his best man, while Charlotte and a few of Claudia's closest friends adorned the roles of beautiful bridesmaids. The young newlyweds had much to look forward to and embraced eachothers company as they eagerly anticipated the adventures and blessings that awaited them in their future together, marking the beginning of the Pence lineage.
Current year: 1890
Prologue end
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writer59january13 · 1 year
Ghostly spirits from deadly arsenal spell haunting annihilation
With mighty mouse and Hercules height
tried to retrieve sanity spread loose;
a faded unpleasant memory - even enlisting
decades old cartoon characters:
Natasha squirrel and Bullwinkle moose
flow of electrons the best-concocted juice since the convection
of white bread or couscous
for without Fios, light and heat
the slow strangle via an invisible noose
gripped this bantam weight
hen pecked papa -
who tried to peruse Dante Alighieri's Divine Comedy
while buried under
blankets and towels - Toulouse any and every molecule of heat,
yet frigidaire within abode
(technically about 455 degrees Fahrenheit) went with Brad and Ray,
boot did not go vamoose.
Thine recollected diatribe
analogous to a rite of initiation
thru fraternity gauntlet -
no, not necessarily atchew anyway, I sure hope urine remission
asper any offal debacle choking bugaboo which once malignantly plagued
your body, mind, spirit
as fowl existence doomed matt chew for when countless full moons ago,
the force o mother nature drew
whipped out her scimitar,
where chaos such as
power n telephone outages flew sweeping across bulwarks,
drawbridge over troubled waters, and ramparts whereby
huge limbs and wires Ole man winter with
a jude dish hiss punch did hew indiscriminate to gentile or Jew or one necessitating answering a call
to deaf ack ate while atop the loo, cuz such fate occurred there
at previous residence
DCCXXIV Railroad Ave n new where the lack of heat or phone service
induce sing expletives stronger than poo but...during the blackout,
this papa read by flashlight huddled under mildewed layers of clothes
n bland kits, and did rue how susceptible n vulnerable society
to whims of natural faw iz - tis true at least in my view, whence this generic human
predicted he would become apprised as fossilized,
immortalized, and ossified,
thence accidentally discovered millenniums in future,
hence as frozen petrified representative per twenty first century,
where wily fox prudent terrestrial realtor.
Now that yar brow didst I scrunch possibly goot dealt
a similar meteorological punch thus possibly lack king
for electricity i.e. the life source energy, this then mister mom,
and taxi dad supposed back up hunch hove (at that time)
two prepubescent darling daughters - oft times thrilled as punch
to kibbutz with during lunch when dire circumstances
imposed spurious silliness
to fritter away time –
for measly grueling fodder,
earmarked, damned cold brunch.
Twas and still Liz
a blessing social networks allowed, enabled and promoted literary trait virtually contrived acquaintances of yore,
and usually visa vis discovery
(though transient got me I rate)
hull reflect on technological
modus operandi back before bachelorhood complemented and supplemented mein kampf
with an affectionately loving mate
many years, and even of late though amity, comity
and felicity nestles this roost stir, whose then newlywed bride
that's my wife, he DOTH no longer hate
and communicate emotions
across the whirled wide web
(i.e. - this example
between yourself and me) -
Noah intent to grate now, internecine warfare usually all calm
on the western front
from hellish, gory figurative
ball of wax bollix
engineering denizens of fate
in tandem with banshees, gremlins,
and jinns out the box of Pandora rollicked
their elements of Strunk and White,
and pandemonium they did fiendishly create.
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grassius · 1 year
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Anonymous   //   INSULT MY MUSE’S LOVED ONES --   “ Hassel is too much, full of emotion and life and light. How can you stand to look at that brightness, when you’re shrouded in the dark? Doesn’t his soft touch burn? Doesn’t his smile strike your heart down? You are going to break him, colza. ”
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 hearken  words  of  yore  sentiment  manifests  gangly  shadow  demons  lurching  their  icy  talons  ‘round  colza’s  neck.  suffocating  on  words  forcefully  barreling  down  his  throat.  tongue  reserves  rebuttal, self-appointing  a  reminder  to  preserve  dignity  in  disposition.  outward  composure  stiff,  rigid  yet  complacent,  betraying  boiling  ire  rattling  in-curled  digits morphed  to  a  fist.  their  discourteous  remark  successfully  struck  colza’s  cerebrum  akin  being  bludgeoned  by  a  cudgel. facing  said  sentiments  he  himself  hath  presented  long,  long  ago.  when  such  affection  crossed  his  mind.  long  after  artistic  mediums  were  naught  but  conceived  in  a  desultory  fashion.  derived  by  materialistic  pleasures  feeding  off  his  avarice;  promised  by  the  fallacy  fame  promotes  for  said  talent.  it  was  all  a  fruitless  endeavour  plucking  at  his  fragile  strings  carelessly. bordering  over  a  tightrope  of  responsibilities,  mere  hobbywork  quickly  turned  to  depressing,  grueling  work  thanklessly  invented  for  whomever  sought  his  paintbrush.  commissions  abound,  likewise  critiques.  ‘twas  never  enough  financially.  all  this  pressure  welling  up  inside  verdant  virtuoso  inevitably  tips  over. recounting  his  yearning  for  death  right  before  hassel’s  eyes,  how  colza  felt  trapped  in  a  passionless  art  exhibit.  a  composition  of  all  things  dreary  and  drole. despite  this,  hassel  wrung  him  from  this  self-made  shallow  grave.  and  thereon,  their  friendship  blossomed  evermore.  draconic  tamer  breathed  life  unto  the  dying  embers  of  colza’s  passion,  reigniting  its  flame. that  was  when  he  noticed  a  certain,  specific  yearning.  a  world  without  hassel  involved  in  verdant  virtuoso’s  life  is  a  difficult  one  to  conceive. it  is  these  feelings  that  chiefly  forces  himself  away  and  out  of  frame  in  photographic  memories.  colza’s  hands  are  tainted  with  blood,  his  soul  forever  condemned.  between  relying  upon  marijuana  and  serotonin  inhibitors,  a  fragmented  man  still  can  not  be  fully  glued  together.  that  should  not  be  hassel’s  responsibility. colza  refuses  to  taint  hassel’s  golden,  heavenly  glow  with  his  dreadfully  grotesque  presence.  he  idolizes  his  dear  friend,  placed  atop  a  pedestal  where  no  meek  and  impudent  human  shall  lay  a  hand  upon  him.  not  even  this  individual.  
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❝  he  is  too  perfect.  i  will  eventually  break  him.  ❞  he  agreed,  stoic  countenance  cracks  slightly;  false  veneer  worn  defensively  over  emotional  bouts  consciously  stifled.  lips  stretch  in  a  fine,  taut  frown.  lower  lip  pressed  down  upon  by  his  teeth.  wrestling  against  conflicting  feelings.
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unavaatu · 2 years
I just remembered that in elementary school, I had this principle, Mr. S, who would read us all this book during lunch time, it was a long book and he’d read the entire thing, like each day was a new chapter I’d say. It was fun to listen to. I twas about this boy who loved hunting, and always wanted a hunting dog. I don’t recall too much except that he got two golden retrievers I think, and at some point during a hunt one of them got attacked.
The book described in explicit detail to gore that the hunting kid witnessed from his dog being attacked by an animal. Like DETAILS. At LUNCH. I was NINE. After that dog died, the other dog became so depressed it stopped eating and died of a broken heart.
I should mention that Mr. S read this book at lunchtime every year. The same book. He thought it was a fantastic idea to read to extremely young children, who were eating, a book about the tragic and grueling death of two hunting dogs. Mr. S was a crazy crazy man.
He was also super into uni-cycling, and the whole town knew, and he ran a whole club for uni-cycling and even went to parades with all his young little goblins UNI-CYCLING down the road.
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olivia-books · 2 years
(PDF/ePub) Fly Girl: A Memoir - Ann Hood
Download Or Read PDF Fly Girl: A Memoir - Ann Hood Free Full Pages Online With Audiobook.
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  [*] Download PDF Visit Here => https://forsharedpdf.site/58999205
[*] Read PDF Visit Here => https://forsharedpdf.site/58999205
In 1978, in the tailwind of the golden age of air travel, flight attendants were the epitome of glamor and sophistication. Fresh out of college and hungry to experience the world?and maybe, one day, write about it?Ann Hood joined their ranks. After a grueling job search, Hood survived TWA?s rigorous Breech Training Academy and learned to evacuate seven kinds of aircraft, deliver a baby, mix proper cocktails, administer oxygen, and stay calm no matter what the situation.In the air, Hood found both the adventure she?d dreamt of and the unexpected realities of life on the job. She carved chateaubriand in the first-class cabin and dined in front of the pyramids in Cairo, fended off passengers? advances and found romance on layovers in London and Lisbon, and walked more than a million miles in high heels. She flew through the start of deregulation, an oil crisis, massive furloughs, and a labor strike.As the airline industry changed around her, Hood began to write?even drafting snatches of
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hiraethminds · 2 years
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einsteinsugly · 2 years
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Couple Colors: My TWA Universe, Leah Forman and James Hyde, Green (Green With Envy)
There are elements of Eric and Donna, and Jackie and Hyde, in Leah and James. They've known each other since they were kids, and have been best friends forever. They're competitive with each other, they playfully tease each other, and they happen to be neighbors. Close in not only proximity, but in each other's playful little hearts.
But their bond is deep and intense, from the very beginning. They have never, ever hated each other, but they don't really play that game of platonic charades. There has always been unspoken chemistry between them, nearly telepathic. They play games of chess, in each other's minds, bodies, and souls. They're fiercely protective of each other, and with one little pout, Leah can make James's Slytherin heart melt.
A deliberate game of spin the bottle...
She saw it first, or heard it first, emerging from the den in utter shock. There was Leah, planting a kiss on a certainly suspecting James. And it wasn't just a polite, obligatory kiss. It had tongue. Two tongues, working together, for about forty-five grueling seconds.
Suddenly, as Jackie raised the alarm, Eric barged out of his eternal slumber. Out of his cozy den. Out of hibernation, as a burly bear threatened his house. From the inside. "Hey! That's enough of that!"
"Sorry, Daddy." Leah immediately fell back into line, feigning innocence. Like Laurie. "Those are the rules of the game."
"Whatever happened to pin the tail on the donkey?" Sometimes, luckily, he wasn't blinded by the light. He saw right through Leah's stupid charade, and he was flabbergasted. To say the least. "More like, pin a kiss on the neighbor boy."
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hidden-otaku-stuff · 4 years
Tsukishima, Kuroo, Osamu saving an S/O from traffic
My first headcanons~
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Word count: ~1.1k 
AN: Thanks for the interesting request! This was my first time writing Tsukishima and Osamu. 
part 2: Suga, Atsumu, Akaashi, and Sakusa saving their S/O from traffic
⭐ Mmm, twas a slow-burn
⭐ You were both first years at Karasuno. you were one of Yachi’s classmates & closest friend
⭐ One day, you ended up walking her to practice and coincidentally, Tsukishima arrived right when you did
⭐ He was pretty indifferent at first tbh
⭐ It wasn’t until he caught you defending Yachi from some bullies that he was like 👀👀 ooo okay
⭐ Since then, he figured the best way to get to you was through Yachi
⭐ SO, he had her invite you to the 1st year study sessions
⭐ You’re quiet, but you get your work done. And when Yachi and Tsukishima are about to kill the boys (aka Hinata and Kageyama), you step in and play peace-maker, taking over the tutoring for a bit
⭐ It was after one of these study sessions when the incident occurs
⭐ You guys had just left Sakanoshita Market after a grueling study session. Tsukishima had almost killed Kageyama and Hinata multiple times before you suggested ending the session and leaving early
⭐ Just as you turn the corner down towards your street, the loud roar of a motorcycle distracts you
⭐ You eyes widen as the headlight shines directly onto you
⭐ You close your eyes, panic freezing you in the spot before you were flung to the side away from danger
⭐ Crashing into a fence, you end up in a kabedon-position with Tsukishima in front of you as he glares at the motorcyclist over his shoulder
⭐ “Watch where you’re going!” He spat, eyes flashing dangerously
⭐ The motorcyclist stops, apologising profusely only for Tsukishima to roll his eyes, grab your hand, and lead you away
⭐ “Are you alright?” he asks, looking at you from the corner of his eye
⭐ Tsukishima was pissed
⭐ Who in their right mind would barrel down the side-walk on a motorcycle when there’s a perfectly good street right there?
⭐ You nod, tears welling up in your eyes
⭐ “Don’t lie, you’re about to cry, aren’t you?”
⭐ You nod again
⭐ He sighs, holding you close. “It’s okay, I’m here”, his arm rubs up and down your back in comforting strokes. “Let’s get you home and in bed, yeah?” 
⭐ A sniffle. “Okay”
⭐ SO, you and kuroo? twas another slow-burn type of relationship
⭐ I mean, y’all have known of each other for a while now
⭐ It wasn’t until you were partnered up in class when you actually started paying attention to Kuroo - though he’s always paid attention to you
⭐ He may have had a small crush on you for a while
⭐ after all, it just seemed like he was just always there
⭐ Having a bad day? Kuroo was there with a handful of your favorite snacks and a tight hug
⭐ He started being the first person that you call whenever you good news, and he started hitting you up whenever he was having a good/bad day too
⭐ Eventually, y’all just started acting so much like romantic partners and you both were just like “it is what it is” and made it official
⭐ You had stayed back on-campus doing your homework while waiting for Kuroo to finish with practice when the incident occurs
⭐ “I’m just gonna pop into the convenience store for some snacks,” you tell Kuroo as you grab your bag
⭐ There was still like another 30 minutes left to practice
⭐ SO, you leave
⭐ Popping your earbuds in, you jam out to music, humming as you walk down the street
⭐ Your feet tapping as you wait for the light to change
⭐ As it switches to green for pedestrians, you step onto the street
⭐ If you hadn’t been so distracted, you would’ve noticed the approaching truck
⭐ BUT, the truck honks super loudly and catches your attention
⭐ You’re turning towards it, eyes widening when something crashes into you from behind
⭐ Your eyes slam shut as panic and fear sweep over you
⭐ The honking drives past you
⭐ Opening your eyes, you see Kuroo standing over you
⭐ He had decided to go to the store with you at the last minute, but since you had your headphones in, he decided he wanted to scare you
⭐ BUT, when he saw what was happening, he sprinted like he was being chased by monsters
⭐ Cleared it in less than 30 seconds, scooping you into his arms as he makes it to the other side of the street
⭐ “Are you ok?”
⭐ “Yeah”
⭐ “Jesus christ baby, don’t do that again,” he chides you.
⭐ He was terrified. What if he hadn’t been there? What if he hadn’t been fast enough?
⭐ “I’m sorry”
⭐ He shakes his head, “it’s not your fault baby.” He kisses your forehead. “You’re probably in shock right now, let me take care of you, ok?”
⭐ You snuggle into his chest, listening as his heartbeats steady. “I love you”
⭐ “I love you too”
⭐ alright so y’all have been dating for awhile now
⭐ You had met when you’re both working at the stadium. He was selling onigiri and you were selling takoyaki
⭐ Osamu had heard about you from Atsumu when his twin bragged about a cute girl who had started working as a vendor for them
⭐ TBH, Osamu had just rolled his eyes. Atsumu was almost as big of a foodie as he was, and it was no wonder that he was impressed by a new vendor
⭐ The foods offered at the stadium hadn’t changed by much until you both entered as vendors
⭐ Your booths were directly across the hall from one another. He was eyeing your food and you were eyeing his
⭐ He was a little shocked by how young you were. You looked like you were his age
⭐ Osamu was pretty curious as to how you managed to get into the stadium
⭐ When the game starts, he comes over bringing onigiri as an offering for some of your food
⭐ Y’all hit it off, visiting each other’s restaurants, serving as taste-testers
⭐ You guys even start a little foodie blog because you’re always out trying new restaurants and recipes together
⭐ Eventually, you were like, well we already have the blog, we might as well be dating LOL
⭐ SO, at the time of the incident
⭐ It had been a long day
⭐ Like a really long day
⭐ You’d opened your shop up, worked all day, and then went to the stadium to open up your pop-up
⭐ Osamu was right behind you, carrying his own boxes
⭐ Y’all are just chatting about your days, super eager to get home and cuddle
⭐ Just as you step out into the parking lot, there’s a loud screeching noise as some guy decides to try and BOOK it from the parking lot
⭐ Stunned, you just stand there like a deer in headlights, your life flashing before your eyes
⭐ Osamu grabs your collar, yanking you back into him and away from the danger. You crash into his chest, the boxes thrown to the side in favour of wrapping one of his other arms around your waist
⭐ “Are you alright?” he rasps into your ear
⭐ You just shakily nod
⭐ “That was so close,” you whimper
⭐ “it’s okay baby, I got you,” he coos, holding you close to him
⭐ You could feel his heart racing
⭐ He was terrified. What if something had happened? And he didn’t do anything to stop it?
⭐ “I’ll never let anything happen to you, not when I’m around,” he promises 
general taglist: @scrappydaisies​ @newfriendjen​
Please contact me if you would like to be a part of my general taglist! 💞 Check out this link for information about my taglists.
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stumbleimg · 3 years
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'Twas a grueling early February hike through the frigid landscape of the Arizona Sonoran Desert for this shot. [OC][4000x2630]
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dork-empress · 5 years
Soren Can't Lie
Part of my ‘another 100 dragon prince aus’ oneshot collection
Read on Ao3
Soren has military training wired into him, so deeply he can't resist addressing Ezran by his new title.
Sorry no chapter yesterday! twas tired.
“Stop, Elf,” Soren said, brandishing his sword, “We are going to kill you and save Prince Callum and King Ezran,” He said.
“King?” Rayla fell out of the tree. Finally thrown off her balance, “You can’t say that!”
“She’s right, Soren,” Claudia said, “They don’t know about their father yet. We have to break it to them gently.”
“I’ll break her gently!” Soren said, pointing the sword at the Rayla. Claudia and Rayla stared at him, confused and mildly disturbed. “Wait, no,” he said, “That didn’t come out right.”
“WAIT!” A voice shouted over to the side, distracting them all. They watched Callum run up, breathing heavily, “Wait, stop fighting, we’re all on the same side here.”
Soren and Rayla both stared at him incredulous, “You’re kidding right?” Rayla said, “You remember she was the one going on and on about using the egg as a weapon?”
“No,” Claudia said, “/I/ said we were trying to prevent YOU using it as a weapon!”
“Both of you, stop!” Callum said, “Claudia, Soren, things are more complicated than before, but Rayla’s a good person, she just wants peace, and she’s saved our lives multiple times. Rayla, these two are my closest friends. They could help us! We all just have to put our swords down and actually TALK to each other.”
Rayla and Soren eyed each other suspiciously. Slowly, they each lowered their swords, and Callum took a sigh of relief.
“Callum,” a new voice joined in, “What’s going on?”
Soren’s muscles all tensed at the sight of Ezran, sleepily rubbing his eyes as he made his way down the path.
The protocols for being a crown guard were very clear. You were loyal to the King and Kingdom. When the King (or Queen) died, you were supposed to immediately swear loyalty to the next King. A Knight without fealty was dangerous, so it was told.
His father didn’t understand it. His sister didn’t understand. They were magic users. He had gone through grueling training until it was less about the thoughts in his head as it was the instincts he followed.
“Soren,” Claudia said, “Keep it together, this isn’t the time.”
Soren heard her words, but everything in his training was fighting to disobey her. His body knew what he was supposed to, what he NEEDED to do.
Ezran came down, finally noticing the way Soren was staring at him. “Hi Soren, Hi Claudia,” he said, “What are you guys doing here.”
“We came to find you, of course,” Claudia said, “To protect you, in case you were in danger. It wouldn’t do for the Princes to suffer on some adventure with an Elf.
The word Princes finally broke him. Soren knelt in the dirt, only slightly shorter than Ezran like this, sword offered in his hands, “By my life and by my sword, I pledge fealty to the King of Katolis, if you would accept it, King Ezran.”
Years ago, he’d made the same pledge to King Harrow. It had been the proudest day of his life. Everything was so confused now.
“C-Callum,” Ezran stuttered, “What is he talking about? I’m not...I mean, Dad is…”
“He’s dead,” Callum said, staring in horror between Claudia, Soren, and Rayla, “Isn’t he?”
Soren didn’t stand. He wasn’t allowed to until Ezran accepted or rejected his fealty. Claudia stammered, “Maybe-maybe we should talk about this inside? Or just--”
“You knew,” Callum said, accusatory.
Rayla flinched, “Callum, I’m sorry, I--”
“You knew!” Callum yelled, “And you didn’t tell us!”
“I know!” Rayla said, “I didn’t know how to tell you the King--”
“Not just the King,” Callum yelled, “Our father! How could you--”
“Callum…” Ezran said, and they finally noticed he was crying, “I don’t...I….Callum…”
Callum enveloped him in a hug, “I know,” Callum said, “Hey, breath, ok, breath.”
“I can’t--I don’t want to be King, not yet, I don’t--”
“Lets,” Claudia said, “All go inside. Talk, like Callum said.”
Ezran didn’t seem to be moving, so Callum struggled to pick him up like he did when they were younger. Rayla tried to help, but Callum shouldered her away.
They didn’t realize Soren was still stuck there for a good while.
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taraross-1787 · 5 years
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This Day in History: Carole Lombard’s tragic WWII War Bonds tour
On this day in 1942, American actress Carole Lombard is tragically killed as she returns from a WWII War Bonds tour. Her trip had been part of Hollywood’s early response to the attack on Pearl Harbor. Lombard left L.A. by train on January 12, traveling towards Indiana. “We’ve got to get out and get the boys pumped up!” she told a crowd. “I don’t have to tell you what to do: Go out and buy a bond!” “This is the first unity Hollywood ever had,” she told a journalist. “From now on it’s sell a bond, sell a bond, sell a bond.” Lombard would raise an astonishing $2 million, but the story doesn’t get to end on that happy note. Lombard was supposed to return by train, but she was in a rush. She’d had a fight with her husband, Clark Gable; she wanted to mend fences. Would she have made a different decision otherwise? Her mother and Gable’s publicist were with her and feared flying. Nevertheless, the three took TWA Flight 3 from Indianapolis early on January 16. The cross-country flight was grueling. The plane cabin was not pressurized—and COLD. Frequent refueling stops were needed. One almost saved Lombard. In Albuquerque, she nearly got bumped in favor of 15 U.S. Army Air Corps personnel. But Lombard argued her case: She, too, was helping the war. Other civilians were bumped, but Lombard stayed. Normally, the last refueling stop would have occurred in Boulder, Nevada, but it was late and Boulder didn’t have runway lights. Thus, the pilots rerouted towards Las Vegas. Unfortunately, they made a mistake when they took off again, using a flight path that would have worked out of Boulder, but not Vegas. TWA Flight 3 slammed into a nearby mountain. The new widower, Clark Gable, never really recovered. He would eventually make more movies and even remarry. But when he passed away, he was buried next to Lombard. FULL STORY: TaraRoss.com
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maxisly · 6 years
hey everyone, i’m back after some time abroad. ‘twas a family vacation and some grueling/vaguely traumatic stuff happened that triggered some bad anxiety...hopefully i will do some simming again soon to help cheer me up!
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kaoru-takaida · 6 years
What made you choose to be a Red Mage?
"What an excellent question! The answer is pretty simple, actually. Since I was little, I had known that I was able to manipulate Aether as mages do... such as many Sharlayans are. But I had not the patience to study rigorously as Alphinaud has. =_=; So staying a Bard was the only thing I could do. However, seeing Alisaie and her progress and skills as a Red Mage was enlightening, to say the least. So I sought after Master X'Rhun Tia. Thus began my journey as a Red Mage. Twas a grueling and very difficult journey. I would be lying if I said Master X'Rhun made it easy. But now that I've mastered the job, being a Red Mage is now a part of me I will not be trading anytime soon.☺" 💗❤💗❤💗❤💗❤💗❤💗❤💗❤
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thatsnakeman · 3 years
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'Twas a grueling early February hike through the frigid landscape of the Arizona Sonoran Desert for this shot. [OC][4000x2630] via /r/EarthPorn https://ift.tt/3p6jVwJ
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aion-rsa · 3 years
Christmas Movies and TV Specials: Full 2020 Schedule
Every year, the cheer of the holiday season at the end of the calendar is the reward for us good boys and girls who behaved ourselves for 11 grueling months. Never, however, has the reward of the holiday season felt more earned than in 2020.
There’s no way around it – amid worldwide pandemics, contentious political campaigns, and the cancellation of everything on Netflix – we’ve had a bit of a rough time. Thankfully, November and December marks the unofficial beginning of the holiday season on the entertainment calendar and we’re here to make sure you don’t miss a minute of any of it. 
Using network schedules, we’ve cobbled together all of the holiday movies and TV specials we could find. Be sure to chime in with anything we may have missed as we will be updating as the season moves along.
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With social distancing guidelines in place, the holiday season might be just as weird as the rest of the year. But with this schedule in place, hopefully the entertainment world can provide a bit of normalcy. Check it out below!
All times are EST.
Friday, December 18
A Creepshow Holiday SpecialShudderDisney Channel Holiday House PartyDisney+Arendelle Castle Yule LogDisney+Life Size 2: A Christmas Eve (12:00 a.m.)FreeformThe Year Without A Santa Claus (12:00 a.m.)AMCChristmas Under Wraps (12:00 a.m.)HallmarkA Glenbrooke Christmas (12:00 a.m.)HMMWhite Christmas (1:15 a.m.)AMCA Boyfriend for Christmas (2:00 a.m.)HMMChristmas in Evergreen: Letters to Santa (2:00 a.m.)HallmarkHats Off to Christmas! (4:00 a.m.)HallmarkChristmas Homecoming (4:00 a.m.)HMM‘Twas The Night Before Christmas (4:00 a.m.)AMCLittle Drummer Boy: Book II (4:30 a.m.)AMCNestor, The Long-Eared Christmas Donkey (5:00 a.m.)AMCThe First Christmas: The Story Of The First Christmas Snow (5:30 a.m.)AMCChristmas at Graceland: Home for the Holidays (6:00 a.m.)HallmarkA Christmas Miracle (6:00 a.m.)HMMHoliday in Handcuffs (7:00 a.m.)FreeformHoliday Date (8:00 a.m.)HallmarkChristmas in Wonderland (8:00 a.m.)LifetimeChristmas Dance (8:00 a.m.)HMMNew Year’s Eve (8:15 a.m.)HBO SignatureJack Frost (9:00 a.m.)AMCThe Holiday (9:05 a.m.)FreeformChristmas Bells Are Ringing (10:00 a.m.)HMMA Very Merry Toy Store (10:00 a.m.)LifetimeRudolph And Frosty’s Christmas In July (10:15 a.m.)AMCA Shoe Addict’s Christmas (12:00 p.m.)HallmarkChristmas in Montana (12:00 p.m.)HMMYou Light Up My Christmas (12:00 p.m.)LifetimeDisney’s A Christmas Carol (12:15 p.m.)FreeformFrosty’s Winter Wonderland (12:45 p.m.)AMCRudolph’s Shiny New Year (1:15 p.m.)AMCA Christmas Duet (2:00 p.m.)HallmarkMistletoe & Menorahs (2:00 p.m.)LifetimeA Blue Ridge Mountain Christmas (2:00 p.m.)HMMThe Santa Clause (2:20 p.m.)FreeformGrandma Got Run Over By A Reindeer (2:30 p.m.)AMCWilly Wonka And The Chocolate Factory (3:30 p.m.)AMCMerry and Bright (4:00 p.m.)HallmarkChristmas A La Mode (4:00 p.m.)LifetimeOur Christmas Love Song (4:00 p.m.)HMMThe Santa Clause 2 (4:25 p.m.)FreeformThe Polar Express (6:00 p.m.)AMCCheck Inn to Christmas (6:00 p.m.)HallmarkThe Angle Tree (6:00 p.m.)HMMMerry Liddle Christmas (6:00 p.m.)LifetimeThe Santa Clause 3: The Escape Clause (6:55 p.m.)FreeformChristmas on the Menu (8:00 p.m.)LifetimeLast Christmas (8:00 p.m.)HBO ComedyFour Christmases (8:00 p.m.)AMCRaven’s Home *holiday episode (8:00 p.m.)Disney ChannelOnce Upon a Christmas Miracle (8:00 p.m.)HallmarkA Little Christmas Charm (8:00 p.m.)HMMChristmas on the Menu (8:00 p.m.)LifetimeShrek the Halls (8:30 p.m.)ABCDr. Seuss’ The Grinch (9:00 p.m.)FreeformElla Wishes You a Swinging Christmas (9:00 p.m.)PBSA Very Harold & Kumar Christmas (9:43 p.m.)HBO ComedyLucy Worsley’s 12 Days of Tudor Christmas (10:00 p.m.)PBSLove Actually (10:00 p.m.)AMCA Christmas Melody (10:00 p.m.)HMMYou’ll Be Home for Christmas (10:00 p.m.)HGTVReunited at Christmas (10:00 p.m.)HallmarkA Christmas in Tennessee (10:03 p.m.)LifetimeThe Star (11:00 p.m.)Freeform
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The Christmas Chronicles 2 Review: Kurt Russell’s Hot Santa Sequel is Too Nice
By Natalie Zutter
The Best Christmas Movies Available on Hulu
By Alec Bojalad
Saturday, December 19
Pride, Prejudice, and Mistletoe (12:00 a.m.)HallmarkChristmas at Graceland (12:00 a.m.)HMMThe Simpsons *holiday episode rerun (1:00 a.m.)FreeformLove The Coopers (1:00 a.m.)AMCChristmas Scavenger Hunt (2:00 a.m.)HallmarkChristmas Song (2:00 a.m.)HMMWilly Wonka And The Chocolate Factory (3:30 a.m.)AMCA Heavenly Christmas (4:00 a.m.)HMMIt’s Christmas, Eve (4:00 a.m.)HallmarkThe Christmas Club (6:00 a.m.)HallmarkHolly and Ivy (6:00 a.m.)HMMThe Great Christmas Light Fight (6:00 a.m.)AMCLove The Coopers (7:00 a.m.)AMCKung Fu Panda Holiday (7:00 a.m.)FreeformThe Little Drummer Boy (7:30 a.m.)FreeformThe Star (8:00 a.m.)FreeformChristmas Tree Lane (8:00 a.m.)HMMPicture a Perfect Christmas (8:00 a.m.)HallmarkBlack Christmas (9:30 a.m.)HBO ZoneLove Actually (9:30 a.m.)AMCOn the 12th Date of Christmas (10:00 a.m.)HallmarkA Family Christmas Gift (10:00 a.m.)HMMThe Nightmare Before Christmas (10:05 a.m.)FreeformFour Christmases and a Wedding (11:00 a.m.)LifetimeAlvin! and the Chipmunks *holiday-themed episode (11:00 a.m.)NickelodeonLEGO City Adventure *holiday-themed episode (11:30 a.m.)NickelodeonHome Alone (11:45 a.m.)FreeformChristmas in Vienna (12:00 p.m.)HallmarkA Godwink Christmas: Second Chance, First Love (12:00 p.m.)HMMBecoming Santa (12:30 p.m.)LifetimeGremlins (12:30 p.m.)AMCChristmas Town (2:00 p.m.)HallmarkA Christmas for the Books (2:00 p.m.)HMMLet’s Meet Again on Christmas Eve (2:00 p.m.)LifetimeHome Alone 2: Lost in New York (2:15 p.m.)FreeformScrooged (3:00 p.m.)AMCHome Alone: The Holiday Heist (3:55 p.m.)HBO FamilyChristmas Comes Twice (4:00 p.m.)HallmarkAngel Falls: A Novel Holiday (4:00 p.m.)HMMA Sugar and Spice Holiday (4:00 p.m.)LifetimeFrosty the Snowman (4:55 p.m.)FreeformFour Christmases (5:00 p.m.)AMCRudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer (5:30 p.m.)FreeformFive Star Christmas (6:00 p.m.)HallmarkA Godwink Christmas: Meant for Love (6:00 p.m.)HMMToo Close for Christmas (6:00 p.m.)LifetimeDr. Seuss’ The Grinch (6:35 p.m.)FreeformNational Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation (7:00 p.m.)AMCA Christmas Exchange (8:00 p.m.)LifetimeA Christmas Carousel (8:00 p.m.)HallmarkUnlocking Christmas (8:00 p.m.)HMMDanger Force *holiday-themed episode (8:00 p.m.)NickelodeonGlobal Citizen Prize (8:00 p.m.)NBCA Christmas Exchange (8:00 p.m.)LifetimeDr. Seuss’ How the Grinch Stole Christmas (8:40 p.m.)FreeformLetters to Satan Clause (9:00 p.m.)SyFyLove, Lights, Hanukkah! (10:00 p.m.)HallmarkSwept Up by Christmas (10:00 p.m.)HMMChristmas Ever After (10:03 p.m.)LifetimeMiracle on 34th Street (11:20 p.m.)FreeformFred Claus (11:33 p.m.)AMC
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RiffTrax: A Guide to Christmas and Holiday Episodes
By Gavin Jasper
A Christmas Carol: The Best and Worst Adaptations
By Robert Keeling
Sunday, December 20
A Christmas Tree Grows in Colorado (12:00 a.m.)HallmarkA Homecoming for the Holidays (12:01 a.m.)HMMA Very Merry Mix-Up (2:00 a.m.)HallmarkThe Christmas ring (2:01 a.m.)HMMScrooged (2:03 a.m.)AMCMingle All the Way (4:00 a.m.)HallmarkCharming Christmas (4:01 a.m.)HMMA Dennis The Menace Christmas (4:03 a.m.)AMCJingle Around the Clock (6:00 a.m.)HallmarkThe Perfect Christmas Present (6:00 a.m.)HMMMerry Madagascar (6:15 a.m.)AMCAll I Want For Christmas (6:45 a.m.)AMCThe Simpsons *holiday episode rerun (7:00 a.m.)FreeformWith Love, Christmas (8:00 a.m.)HallmarkHearts of Christmas (8:00 a.m.)HMMA Dennis The Menace Christmas (8:45 a.m.)AMCMiracle on 34th Street (9:30 a.m.)FreeformUSS Christmas (10:00 a.m.)HMMRadio Christmas (10:00 a.m.)LifetimeChristmas at the Plaza (10:00 a.m.)HallmarkA Veteran’s Christmas (12:00 p.m.)HallmarkChristmas on Ice (12:00 p.m.)LifetimeTime for You to Come Home for Christmas (12:00 p.m.)HMMJingle All the Way 2 (12:10 p.m.)Freeform‘Twas The Night Before Christmas (12:45 p.m.)AMCRudolph’s Shiny New Year (1:15 p.m.)AMCChristmas Waltz (2:00 p.m.)HallmarkMagic Stocking (2:00 p.m.)HMMThe Christmas Setup (2:00 p.m.)LifetimeSanta Claus is Comin’ to Town (2:20 p.m.)FreeformFred Claus (2:30 p.m.)AMCFrosty the Snowman (3:25 p.m.)FreeformRudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer (4:00 p.m.)FreeformA Glenbrooke Christmas (4:00 p.m.)HMMInn Love by Christmas (4:00 p.m.)LifetimeA Christmas Carousel (4:00 p.m.)HallmarkThe Polar Express (5:00 p.m.)AMCDr. Seuss’ How the Grinch Stole Christmas (5:05 p.m.)FreeformLast Christmas (5:25 p.m.)HBOIf I Only Had Christmas (6:00 p.m.)HallmarkNostalgic Christmas (6:00 p.m.)HMMDear Christmas (6:00 p.m.)LifetimeThe Sound of Music (7:00 p.m.)ABCIce Age: Continental Drift (7:00 p.m.)HBO FamilyElf (7:00 p.m.)AMCHome Alone (7:45 p.m.)FreeformMasters of Illusion: Christmas Magic (8:00 p.m.)CWMarch of the Polar Bears (8:00 p.m.)Nat GEO WILDA Christmas Break (8:00 p.m.)LifetimeTime for Us to Come Home for Christmas (8:00 p.m.)HMMCross Country Christmas (8:00 p.m.)HallmarkGarth & Trisha Live! A Holiday Concert Event (8:30 p.m.)CBS22nd Annual A Home for the Holidays (9:30 p.m.)CBSA Nashville Christmas Carol (10:00 p.m.)HallmarkProject Christmas Wish (10:00 p.m.)HMMA Christmas Winter Song (10:03 p.m.)LifetimeHome Alone 2: Lost in New York (10:15 p.m.)FreeformThe Year Without A Santa Claus (11:00 p.m.)AMC
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Doctor Who: The Weird Anomaly of the 1965 ‘Christmas Special’
By Andrew Blair
The Christmas Chronicles 2: Who or What is the Belsnickel?
By Natalie Zutter
Monday, December 21
Christmas in Rome (12:00 a.m.)HallmarkThe Christmas Bow (12:01 a.m.)HMMThe Polar Express (12:15 a.m.)AMCSanta Claus Is Comin’ to Town (12:55 a.m.)FreeformChristmas Next Door (2:00 a.m.)HallmarkChristmas Under the Stars (2:01 a.m.)HMMIt’s Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas (4:00 a.m.)HallmarkA Christmas Love Story (4:01 a.m.)HMMThe Legend Of Frosty The Snowman (4:15 a.m.)AMCA Christmas Visitor (6:00 a.m.)HMMCheck Inn to Christmas (6:00 a.m.)HallmarkSharing Christmas (8:00 a.m.)HallmarkA Christmas Miracle (8:00 a.m.)HMM12 Men of Christmas (8:00 a.m.)LifetimeThe Nativity Story (9:00 a.m.)AMCMeet Me at Christmas (10:00 a.m.)HMMA Christmas Wish (10:00 a.m.)LifetimeJingle All the Way 2 (10:30 a.m.)FreeformWish For Christmas (11:00 a.m.)AMCSnow Buddies (11:00 a.m.)HBO FamilySwitched for Christmas (12:00 p.m.)HallmarkChristmas Unwrapped (12:00 p.m.)LifetimeThe Mistletoe Inn (12:00 p.m.)HMMSanta Buddies (12:30 p.m.)HBO FamilyMiracle on 34th Street (12:30 p.m.)FreeformSpongeBob SquarePants *holiday episode rerun (1:00 p.m.)NickelodeonCharlie And The Chocolate Factory (1:00 p.m.)AMCBlack Christmas (1:20 p.m.)HBOMy Christmas Love (2:00 p.m.)HallmarkThe Christmas Note (2:00 p.m.)HMMThe Christmas Aunt (2:00 p.m.)LifetimeThe Nightmare Before Christmas (3:00 p.m.)FreeformWilly Wonka And The Chocolate Factory (3:30 p.m.)AMCHappy Feet Two (3:39 p.m.)HBO FamilyChristmas in Evergreen (4:00 p.m.)HMMA Cookie Cutter Christmas (4:00 p.m.)HallmarkA Very Charming Christmas Town (4:00 p.m.)LifetimeThe Santa Clause (4:30 p.m.)FreeformScrooged (6:00 p.m.)AMCChristmas Comes Twice (6:00 p.m.)HallmarkA Christmas in Tennessee (6:00 p.m.)LifetimeThe Christmas Card (6:00 p.m.)HMMThe Santa Clause 2 (6:30 p.m.)FreeformNational Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation (8:00 p.m.)AMCDr. Seuss’ The Grinch Musical (8:00 p.m.)NBCMingle All the Way (8:00 p.m.)HallmarkSpotlight on Christmas (8:00 p.m.)LifetimeA Blue Ridge Mountain Christmas (8:00 p.m.)HMMGrandma Got Run Over By A Reindeer (8:00 p.m.)CWGreatest Holiday Commercial Countdown (9:00 p.m.)CWThe Santa Clause 3: The Escape Clause (9:00 p.m.)FreeformNew Year’s Eve (9:00 p.m.)HBO SignatureCross Country Christmas (10:00 p.m.)HallmarkHolly and Ivy (10:00 p.m.)HMMThe Christmas Edition (10:03 p.m.)Lifetime
Tuesday, December 22
Christmas with the Kranks (12:00 a.m.)FreeformOnce Upon a Holiday (12:00 a.m.)HallmarkHoliday Hearts (12:00 a.m.)HMMScrooged (12:30 a.m.)AMCReunited at Christmas (2:00 a.m.)HallmarkA Godwink Christmas (2:00 a.m.)HMMWilly Wonka And The Chocolate Factory (2:30 a.m.)AMCChristmas Joy (4:00 a.m.)HallmarkA Gingerbread Romance (4:00 a.m.)HMMHow Murray Saved Christmas (5:00 a.m.)AMCWrite Before Christmas (6:00 a.m.)HallmarkCatch a Christmas Star (6:00 a.m.)HMMSanta’s Apprentice (7:00 a.m.)FreeformChristmas Getaway (8:00 a.m.)HallmarkChristmas in Montana (8:00 a.m.)HMMA Crafty Christmas Romance (8:00 a.m.)LifetimeMiracle on 34th Street (8:30 a.m.)ABCDonkey’s Caroling Christmas-Tacular (9:00 a.m.)AMCThe Leprechauns’ Christmas Gold (9:15 a.m.)AMCCharlie And The Chocolate Factory (9:45 a.m.)AMCA Boyfriend for Christmas (10:00 a.m.)HMMChristmas on Ice (10:00 a.m.)LifetimeThe Perfect Holiday (11:00 a.m.)FreeformComing Home for Christmas (12:00 p.m.)HallmarkChristmas Wonderland (12:00 p.m.)HMMCandy Cane Christmas (12:00 p.m.)LifetimeChristmas with the Kranks (1:00 p.m.)FreeformThe Loud House *holiday episode rerun (1:00 p.m.)Nickelodeon12 Gifts of Christmas (2:00 p.m.)HallmarkJust in Time for Christmas (2:00 p.m.)HMMA Welcome Home Christmas (2:00 p.m.)LifetimeJack Frost (2:30 p.m.)AMCDisney’s A Christmas Carol (3:05 p.m.)FreeformChristmas Wishes and Mistletoe Kisses (4:00 p.m.)HallmarkProject Christmas Wish (4:00 p.m.)HMMHomemade Christmas (4:00 p.m.)LifetimeLove Actually (5:00 p.m.)AMCHome Alone (5:10 p.m.)FreeformOn the Twelfth Day of Christmas (6:00 p.m.)HallmarkThe Santa Squad (6:00 p.m.)LifetimeDeliver by Christmas (6:00 p.m.)HMMHome Alone 2: Lost in New York (7:40 p.m.)FreeformFour Christmases (8:00 p.m.)AMCThe Voice Holiday Celebration (8:00 p.m.)NBCA Christmas Carousel (8:00 p.m.)HallmarkSwept Up by Christmas (8:00 p.m.)HMMThe Christmas High Note (8:00 p.m.)LifetimeFirst Christmas (9:00 p.m.)OWNFred Claus (10:00 p.m.)AMCMarry Me at Christmas (10:00 p.m.)HallmarkA Merry Christmas Match (10:00 p.m.)HMMInn Love by Christmas (10:03 p.m.)LifetimeThe Night Before (10:20 p.m.)Freeform
Wednesday, December 23
Christmas in Homestead (12:00 a.m.)HallmarkNostalgic Christmas (12:00 a.m.)HMMThe Simpsons *holiday episode rerun (12:30 a.m.)FreeformJack Frost (12:30 a.m.)AMCA Very Harold & Kumar Christmas (1:25 a.m.)HBOMy Christmas Dream (2:00 a.m.)HallmarkRocky Mountain Christmas (2:00 a.m.)HMMLove The Coopers (3:00 a.m.)AMCThe Christmas Cure (4:00 a.m.)HallmarkOur Christmas Love Song (4:00 a.m.)HMMThe Leprechauns’ Christmas Gold (5:30 a.m.)AMCRoad to Christmas (6:00 a.m.)HallmarkHoliday for Heroes (6:00 a.m.)HMMLife-Size 2: A Christmas Eve (7:30 a.m.)FreeformChristmas Cookies (8:00 a.m.)HallmarkA Christmas Melody (8:00 a.m.) HMMGrandma Got Run Over By A Reindeer (9:00 a.m.)AMCThe Mistle-tones (9:30 a.m.)FreeformLove The Coopers (10:00 a.m.)AMCLooks Like Christmas (10:00 a.m.)HMMHoliday in Handcuffs (11:30 a.m.)FreeformChristmas Connection (12:00 p.m.)HallmarkCharming Christmas (12:00 p.m.)HMMLove Actually (12:30 p.m.)AMCThe Santa Clause (1:30 p.m.)FreeformPicture a Perfect Christmas (2:00 p.m.)HallmarkThe Christmas Doctor (2:00 p.m.)HMMFred Claus (3:30 p.m.)AMCThe Santa Clause 2 (3:35 p.m.)FreeformThe Christmas Secret (4:00 p.m.)HMMChristmas in Rome (4:00 p.m.)HallmarkCross Country Christmas (6:00 p.m.)HallmarkChristmas in Angel Falls (6:00 p.m.)HMMFour Christmases (6:00 p.m.)AMCThe Santa Clause 3: The Escape Clause (6:05 p.m.)FreeformLast Christmas (6:15 p.m.)HBO2Elf (8:00 p.m.)AMCSilent Night – A Song For The World (8:00 p.m.)CWGeneral Hospital *holiday-themed episode (8:00 p.m.)ABCUSS Christmas (8:00 p.m.)HMMChristmas Next Door 8:00 p.m.)HallmarkDr. Seuss’ How the Grinch Stole Christmas (8:10 p.m.)FreeformThe Great Christmas Light Fight (9:00 p.m.)ABCThe Polar Express (10:00 p.m.)AMCA Homecoming for the Holidays (10:00 p.m.)HMMThe Nine Lives of Christmas (10:00 p.m.)HallmarkSanta Claus Is Comin’ to Town (10:50 p.m.)FreeformPrancer Returns (11:55 p.m.)Freeform
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The 21 Best Christmas Horror Movies
By Rosie Fletcher and 5 others
The Best Christmas Movies Available on Netflix
By Alec Bojalad
Thursday, December 24
Fred Claus (12:00 a.m.)AMCA Christmas Love Story (12:00 a.m.)HMMA Veteran’s Christmas (12:00 a.m.)HallmarkA Wish for Christmas (2:00 a.m.)HallmarkA Family Christmas Gift (2:00 a.m.)HMMA Dennis The Menace Christmas (2:30 a.m.)AMCA Very Merry Mix-Up (4:00 a.m.)Hallmark‘Tis the Season for Love (4:00 a.m.)HMMThe Legend Of Frosty The Snowman (4:30 a.m.)AMCDonkey’s Caroling Christmas-Tacular (6:00 a.m.)AMCLove Always, Santa (6:00 a.m.)HMMIt’s Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas (6:00 a.m.)HallmarkNestor, The Long-Eared Christmas Donkey (6:15 a.m.)AMC‘Twas The Night Before Christmas (6:45 a.m.)AMCThe Simpsons *holiday episode rerun (7:00 a.m.)FreeformNew Year’s Eve (7:07 a.m.)HBOThe First Christmas: The Story Of The First Christmas Snow (7:15 a.m.)AMCRudolph’s Shiny New Year (7:45 a.m.)AMCMagic Stocking (8:00 a.m.)HMMCherished Memories: A Gift to Remember 2 (8:00 a.m.)HallmarkJack Frost (9:00 a.m.)AMCLast Christmas (9:07 a.m.)HBOChristmas at the Palace (10:00 a.m.)HallmarkA Princess for Christmas (10:00 a.m.)HMMPrancer Returns (10:30 a.m.)FreeformFred Claus (11:30 a.m.)AMCChristmas in Evergreen: Tidings of Joy (12:00 p.m.)HallmarkChristmas at Graceland (12:00 p.m.)HMMHome Alone (12:30 p.m.)FreeformHome Alone: The Holiday Heist (12:55 p.m.)HBO FamilyBlack Christmas (12:55 p.m.)HBOScrooged (2:00 p.m.)AMCMiss Christmas (2:00 p.m.)HallmarkA Holiday Engagement (2:00 p.m.)HMMSnow Buddies (2:26 p.m.)HBO FamilyHome Alone 2: Lost in New York (3:00 p.m.)FreeformSanta Buddies (3:54 p.m.)HBO FamilyThe Polar Express (4:00 p.m.)AMCA Gift to Remember (4:00 p.m.)HMMOnce Upon a Christmas Miracle (4:00 p.m.)HallmarkThe Search for Santa Paws (5:23 p.m.)HBO FamilyDr. Seuss’ How the Grinch Stole Christmas (5:35 p.m.)FreeformElf (6:00 p.m.)AMCChristmas Tree Lane (6:00 p.m.)HMMA Christmas Carousel (6:00 p.m.)HallmarkHappy Feet Two (7:00 p.m.)HBO FamilyThe Greatest Showman (8:00 p.m.)ABCIt’s a Wonderful Life (8:00 p.m.)NBCMeet Me at Christmas (8:00 p.m.)HMMNational Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation (8:00 p.m.)AMCJingle Bell Bride (8:00 p.m.)HallmarkFrosty the Snowman (8:15 p.m.)FreeformRudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer (8:50 p.m.)FreeformChristmas with The Tabernacle Choir (9:00 p.m.)PBSChateau Christmas (9:30 p.m.)HallmarkProject Christmas Wish (9:30 p.m.)HMMA Very Harold & Kumar Christmas (9:45 p.m.)HBOSanta Claus Is Comin’ to Town (9:55 p.m.)FreeformFour Christmases (10:15 p.m.)AMCOne the 12th Date of Christmas (11:00 p.m.)HallmarkThe Christmas Bow (11:00 p.m.)HMMChristmas Eve Mass (11:30 p.m.)NBC
Friday, December 25
Scrooged (12:15 a.m.)AMCChristmas With the Darlings (12:30 a.m.)HallmarkThe Angel Tree (12:30 a.m.)HMMThe Polar Express (2:15 a.m.)AMCSwept Up by Christmas (2:00 a.m.)HMMNever Kiss a Man in a Christmas Sweater (2:00 a.m.)HallmarkOne Royal Holiday (3:30 a.m.)HallmarkA Little Christmas Charm (3:30 a.m.)HMMFrosty’s Winter Wonderland (4:15 a.m.)AMCRudolph’s Shiny New Year (4:45 a.m.)AMCChristmas in Vienna (5:00 a.m.)HallmarkThe Christmas Ring (5:00 a.m.)HMMThe Legend Of Frosty The Snowman (6:00 a.m.)AMCA Timeless Christmas (6:30 a.m.)HallmarkA Glenbrooke Christmas (6:30 a.m.)HMMThe Search for Santa Paws (6:55 a.m.)HBO FamilyThe Simpsons *holiday episode rerun (7:00 a.m.)FreeformThe Life & Adventures Of Santa Claus (7:30 a.m.)AMCHeart of the Holidays (8:00 a.m.)HallmarkUnlocking Christmas (8:00 a.m.)HMMSanta Buddies (8:33 a.m.)HBO FamilyRudolph And Frosty’s Christmas In July (8:45 a.m.)AMCThe Christmas House (9:30 a.m.)HallmarkThe Christmas Doctor (9:30 a.m.)HMMDisney Parks Magical Christmas Day Celebration (10:00 a.m.)ABCIce Age: Continental Drift (10:01 a.m.)HBO FamilyThe Santa Clause (10:30 a.m.)FreeformChristmas By Starlight (11:00 a.m.)HallmarkUSS Christmas (11:00 a.m.)HMMJack Frost (11:15 a.m.)AMCThe Year Without A Santa Claus (12:30 p.m.)AMCA Christmas tree Grows in Colorado (12:30 p.m.)Hallmark The Santa Clause 2 (12:30 p.m.)FreeformDeliver by Christmas (12:30 p.m.)HMMScrooged (1:45 p.m.)AMCHolly and Ivy (2:00 p.m.)HMMA Nashville Christmas Carol (2:00 p.m.)HallmarkThe Santa Clause 3: The Escape Clause (2:30 p.m.)FreeformFive Star Christmas (3:30 p.m.)HallmarkA Godwink Christmas: Second Chance, First Love (3:30 p.m.)HMMFour Christmases (3:45 p.m.)AMCFrosty the Snowman (4:30 p.m.)FreeformRudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer (5:00 p.m.)FreeformTime for Us to Come Home for Christmas (5:00 p.m.)HMMChristmas Waltz (5:00 p.m.)HallmarkHome Alone 4 (5:35 p.m.)HBO FamilyNational Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation (5:45 p.m.)AMCHome Alone (6:00 p.m.)FreeformIf I Only Had Christmas (6:30 p.m.)HallmarkCranberry Christmas (6:30 p.m.)HMMHome Alone: The Holiday Heist (7:00 p.m.)HBO FamilyDie Hard (8:00 p.m.)HBOWhen Calls the Heart (8:00 p.m.)HallmarkThe Christmas Card (8:00 p.m.)HMMElf (8:00 p.m.)AMCHome Alone 2: Lost in New York (8:30 p.m.)FreeformHow the Grinch Stole Christmas (8:00 p.m.)NBCCall The Midwife Holiday Special (9:00 p.m.)PBSSurprising Santa Claus (9:00 p.m.)HGTVChristmas in Evergreen: Bells Are Ringing (10:00 p.m.)HallmarkThe Christmas Note (10:00 p.m.)HMMDie Hard 2 (10:15 p.m)HBOMrs. Doubtfire (11:51 p.m.)HBO Family
Saturday, December 26
Matilda (12:00 a.m.)FreeformThe Polar Express (12:00 a.m.)AMCA Christmas for the Books (12:00 a.m.)HMMChristmas She Wrote (12:00 a.m.)HallmarkLove, Lights, Hanukkah! (2:00 a.m.)HallmarkA Joyous Christmas (2:00 a.m.)HMMWhite Christmas (2:00 a.m.)AMCChristmas Comes Twice (4:00 a.m.)HallmarkChristmas on My Mind (4:00 a.m.)HMMThe Year Without A Santa Claus (4:45 a.m.)AMCThe Leprechauns’ Christmas Gold (6:00 a.m.)AMCA Family Christmas Gift (6:00 a.m.)HMMLet It Snow (6:00 a.m.)HallmarkFrosty’s Winter Wonderland (6:30 a.m.)AMCRudolph And Frosty’s Christmas In July (7:00 a.m.)AMCA Royal Christmas (8:00 a.m.)HallmarkA Blue Ridge Mountain Christmas (8:00 a.m.)HMMPlanes, Trains And Automobiles (9:30 a.m.)AMCSense, Sensibility, and Snowmen (10:00 a.m.)HallmarkA Bramble House Christmas (10:00 a.m.)HMMGroundhog Day (11:30 a.m.)AMCA Christmas Detour (12:00 p.m.)HallmarkFamily for Christmas (12:00 p.m.)HMMNew Year’s Eve (12:18 p.m.)HBOMrs. Doubtfire (12:56 p.m.)HBO ComedyChristmas at the Plaza (2:00 p.m.)HallmarkTwo Turtle Doves (2:00 p.m.)HMMNorthern Lights of Christmas (4:00 p.m.)HMMCross Country Christmas (4:00 p.m.)HallmarkCrown for Christmas (6:00 p.m.)HallmarkTime for Me to Come Home for Christmas (6:00 p.m.)HMMTime for You to Come Home for Christmas (8:00 p.m.)HMMChristmas With the Darlings (8:00 p.m.)HallmarkNational Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation (8:00 p.m.)AMCA Christmas Carousel (10:00 p.m.)HallmarkThe Christmas House (10:00 p.m.)HMM
Sunday, December 27
Small Town Christmas (12:00 a.m.)HMMChristmas Made to Order (12:00 a.m.)HallmarkChristmas in Love (2:00 a.m.)HallmarkChristmas at Grand Valley (2:00 a.m.)HMMFinding Christmas (4:00 a.m.)HMMDouble Holiday (4:00 a.m.)HallmarkRudolph’s Shiny New Yea (4:18 a.m.)AMC Frosty’s Winter Wonderland (6:00 a.m.)AMCChristmas at Holly Lodge (6:00 a.m.)HallmarkThe Christmas Ornament (6:00 a.m.)HMMGroundhog Day (6:30 a.m.)AMCChristmas Under the Stars (8:00 a.m.)HMMA December Bride (8:00 a.m.)HallmarkOnce Upon a Christmas Miracle (10:00 a.m.)HallmarkThe Angel Tree (10:00 a.m.)HMMBlack Christmas (11:10 a.m.)HBODie Hard (11:30 a.m.)HBO2Fancy Nancy *holiday episodes (12:00 p.m.)Disney JuniorMaggie’s Christmas Miracle (12:00 p.m.)HMMChristmas Under Wraps (12:00 p.m.)HallmarkThe Christmas Cottage (2:00 p.m.)HallmarkA Godwink Christmas (2:00 p.m.)HMMA Godwink Christmas: Second Chance, First Love (4:00 p.m.)HMMThe Most Wonderful Time of the Year (4:00 p.m.)HallmarkHappy Feet Two (5:20 p.m.)HBO FamilyA Godwink Christmas: Meant for Love (6:00 p.m.)HMMNational Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation (6:00 p.m.)AMCChristmas at Dollywood (6:00 p.m.)HallmarkChristmas Town (8:00 p.m.)HallmarkChristmas in Evergreen (8:00 p.m.)HMMChristmas in Evergreen: Bells Are Ringing (10:00 p.m.)HMMA Shoe Addict’s Christmas (10:00 p.m.)HallmarkLucy Worsley’s 12 Days of Tudor Christmas (10:00 p.m.)PBS
Monday, December 28
Enchanted Christmas (12:00 a.m.)HallmarkChristmas in Angel Falls (12:00 a.m.)HMMReturn to Christmas Creek (2:00 a.m.) HMMCheck Inn to Christmas (2:00 a.m.)HallmarkChristmas at Graceland: Home for the Holidays (4:00 a.m.)HallmarkA Christmas to Remember (4:00 a.m.)HMMThe Year Without A Santa Claus (4:15 a.m.)AMC‘Twas The Night Before Christmas (5:30 a.m.)AMCCatch a Christmas Star (6:00 a.m.)HMMThe Mistletoe Promise (6:00 a.m.)HallmarkChristmas Land (8:00 a.m.)HallmarkThe Christmas Secret (8:00 a.m.)HMMThe Great Christmas Light Fight (9:00 a.m.)AMCNew Year’s Eve (9:40 a.m.)HBO SignatureChristmas in Rome (10:00 a.m.)HallmarkCharming Christmas (10:00 a.m.)HMMHome Alone 4 (11:09 a.m.)HBO FamilyRocky Mountain Christmas (12:00 p.m.)HMMWelcome to Christmas (12:00 p.m.)HallmarkThe Nine Lives of Christmas (2:00 p.m.)HallmarkRomance at Reindeer Lodge (2:00 p.m.)HMM Gremlins (3:00 p.m.)AMCIce Age: Continental Drift (3:27 p.m.)HBO FamilyPride, Prejudice, and Mistletoe (4:00 p.m.)HallmarkA Holiday Engagement (4:00 p.m.)HMMFred Claus (5:30 p.m.)AMCChristmas in Evergreen (6:00 p.m.)HMMWrite Before Christmas (6:00 p.m.)HallmarkA Timeless Christmas (8:00 p.m.)HallmarkA Little Christmas Charm (8:00 p.m.)HMMA Very Harold & Kumar Christmas (8:00 p.m.)HBO ComedyElf (8:00 p.m.)AMCFour Christmases (10:00 p.m.)AMCNever Kiss a Man in a Christmas Sweater (10:00 p.m.)HallmarkHoliday for Heroes (10:00 p.m.)HMM
Tuesday, December 29
Holiday Date (12:00 a.m.)HallmarkChristmas on My Mind (12:00 a.m.)HMMScrooged (12:00 a.m.)AMCGremlins (2:00 a.m.)AMCProject Christmas Wish (2:00 a.m.)HMMMerry and Bright (2:00 a.m.)HallmarkChristmas Scavenger Hunt (4:00 a.m.)HallmarkChristmas Homecoming (4:00 a.m.)HMMThe Great Christmas Light Fight (4:30 a.m.)AMCMrs. Doubtfire (5:45 a.m.)HBO2Christmas Bells Are Ringing (6:00 a.m.)HMMDouble Holiday (6:00 a.m.)HallmarkA Wish for Christmas (8:00 a.m.)HallmarkA Christmas Melody (8:00 a.m.)HMMScrooged (9:00 a.m.)AMCChristmas Next Door (10:00 a.m.)HallmarkChristmas Tree Lane (10:00 a.m.)HMMPlanes, Trains And Automobiles (10:30 a.m.)AMCSleigh Bells Ring (12:00 p.m.)HallmarkThe Christmas Note (12:00 p.m.)HMMFred Claus (12:30 p.m.)AMCChristmas in Evergreen: Letters to Santa (2:00 p.m.)HallmarkNostalgic Christmas (2:00 p.m.)HMMFour Christmases (3:00 p.m.)AMCHome Alone: The Holiday Heist (3:57 p.m.)HBO FamilyChristmas by Starlight (4:00 p.m.)HallmarkChristmas Homecoming (4:00 p.m.)HMMElf (5:00 p.m.)AMCSmall Town Christmas (6:00 p.m.)HMMChristmas in Evergreen: Bells Are Ringing (6:00 p.m.)HallmarkBlack Christmas (6:51 p.m.)HBO ZoneCross Country Christmas (8:00 p.m.)HallmarkA Homecoming for the Holidays (8:00 p.m.)HMMPopstar’s Best Of 2020 (8:00 p.m.)CWA Christmas Tree Grows in Colorado (10:00 p.m.)HallmarkHolly and Ivy (10:00 p.m.)HMM
Wednesday, December 30
A Godwink Christmas: Second Chance, First Love (12:00 a.m.)HMMChristmas in Evergreen: Tidings of Joy (12:00 a.m.)HallmarkA Cheerful Christmas (2:00 a.m.)HallmarkFinding Christmas (2:00 a.m.)HMMPlanes, Trains And Automobiles (2:45 a.m.)AMCA Dream of Christmas (4:00 a.m.)HallmarkA Godwink Christmas (4:00 a.m.)HMMThe Great Christmas Light Fight (4:15 a.m.)AMCThe Search for Santa Paws (4:23 a.m.)HBO FamilyThe Mistletoe Inn (6:00 a.m.)HMMChristmas at Cartwright’s (6:00 a.m.)HallmarkChristmas Joy (8:00 a.m.)HallmarkA Family Christmas Gift (8:00 a.m.)HMMChristmas Incorporated (10:00 a.m.)HMMThe Mistletoe Secret (10:00 a.m.)HallmarkA Christmas Duet (12:00 p.m.)HallmarkThe Perfect Christmas Present (12:00 p.m.)HMMChristmas in Montana (2:00 p.m.)HMMWith Love, Christmas (2:00 p.m.)HallmarkHappy Feet Two (2:25 p.m.)HBO FamilyNew Year’s Eve (3:00 p.m.)HBOA Christmas Detour (4:00 p.m.)HallmarkTwo Turtle Doves (4:00 p.m.)HMMSnow Buddies (5:32 p.m.)HBO FamilyChristmas on My Mind (6:00 p.m.)HMMThe Christmas Club (6:00 p.m.)HallmarkFive Star Christmas (8:00 p.m.)HallmarkA Gift to Remember (8:00 p.m.)HMMHeroes On The Front Line (8:00 p.m.)CWDogs Of The Year (9:00 p.m.)CWChristmas Comes Twice (10:00 p.m.)HallmarkProject Christmas Wish (10:00 p.m.)HMM
Thursday, December 31
The Christmas Card (12:00 a.m.)HMMThe Christmas House (12:00 a.m.)HallmarkA Cookie Cutter Christmas (2:00 a.m.)HallmarkDeliver by Christmas (2:00 a.m.)HMMA Boyfriend for Christmas (4:00 a.m.)HMMA Perfect Christmas (4:00 a.m.)HallmarkEntertaining Christmas (6:00 a.m.)HallmarkFamily for Christmas (6:00 a.m.)HMMHoliday for Heroes (8:00 a.m.)HMMChristmas in Homestead (8:00 a.m)HallmarkUnited in Song: a Celebration of America’s Resilience (8:00 a.m.)PBSHome Alone 4 (9:55 a.m.)HBO FamilyChristmas at Pemberley Manor (10:00 a.m.)HallmarkThe Christmas Card (10:00 a.m.)HMMCranberry Christmas (12:00 p.m.)HMMChristmas Wishes and Mistletoe Kisses (12:00 p.m.)HallmarkChristmas Waltz (2:00 p.m.)HallmarkChristmas at Graceland (2:00 p.m.)HMMMeet Me at Christmas (4:00 p.m.)HMMChristmas With the Darlings (4:00 p.m.)HallmarkChristmas She Wrote (6:00 p.m.)HallmarkA Christmas for the Books (6:00 p.m.)HMMDie Hard (7:00 p.m.)HBO2The Countdown to 2021 (8:00 p.m.)NBCLove, Lights, Hanukkah! (8:00 p.m.)HallmarkUnlocking Christmas (8:00 p.m.)HMMDogs Of The Year (9:00 p.m.)CWDie Hard 2 (9:13 p.m.)HBO2NBC’s New Year’s Eve Special (10:00 p.m.)NBCPicture a Perfect Christmas (10:00 p.m.)HallmarkThe Angle Tree (10:00 p.m.)HMM
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