#ugh. me and my collection of diagnoses. so it goes
headpainmigraine · 7 months
LOL, that Dysautonomia Awareness Challenge has gone just as I expected - nothing since the 4th.
Anyway, here's Wonderwall
5) Day in the life with Dysautonomia
This one is difficult, not just because dysautonomia is a dynamic condition, but also because I have 500 other things going on that impacts my day in similar ways.
I can tell you that it means I can't stand for very long, even indoors.
I end up sitting on the floor when in conversation with someone, unless there's a chair nearby. If I go out (ha) that used to mean sitting on the filthy shop floor, but now I have a wheelchair. Otherwise I have to hang onto my sister or my mum on short trips outside.
The dizziness and faint feeling makes me feel weak and feeble, which is REALLY annoying. A spell can hit at any time, so I have to either do little projects I can drop in the middle without too much stress, or have someone assisting who can finish the task/get it to a stopping place without me.
Can't eat, tremors. Can't stand, tremors. Can't hold still, tremors.
Can't go in the back garden for any length of time without making sure there's a chair out there or bringing my rollator.
No spontaneity. No independence.
This question is depressing, next!
6) Your medication regimen.
I take a few meds, but the one I take for my dysautonomia is ivabradine. One in the AM, one in the PM, to slow my heart and hopefully help with the palpitations.
Eh, so-so. I certainly get the side effect of light suddenly glaring when I move outside of a dark room.
Otherwise, I used to drink a lot of water, but fell off that wagon. I have compression stockings, but only under the knee because I can't manage the full tights version I was supposed to wear.
All in all, my pandysautonomia isn't really being managed by meds.
7) Your favourite products to manage your symptoms.
Products? Compression socks help, but I hate them. I like Lucozade Sport for electrolyte replenishment, but it's too expensive for me to have a constant supply.
I like 4Head strips for when my temperature regulation goes out of whack.
Uhhhh… it's not really managed, tbh.
8) Favourite way to hydrate.
Pepsi Max.
But no, I like the cute water bottles and all, but I don't have the spoons to wash them out and they get funky and then I don't use them.
Lucozade Sport, again, is good, but, again, it's too expensive for me to rely on that alone.
I got electrolyte salts, but I think they triggered a migraine.
9) Your "saltcuterie" board/salty snacks
UGH, this one pisses me off.
For fuck's sake, dysautonomia isn't just POTS, and it isn't just POTS with low blood pressure, either.
People with high blood pressure, or just all over wacky blood pressure, can also have dysautonomia. Hell, can also have POTS.
And high salt diets are contraindicated for people with high BP and dysautonomia.
I feel like shit like this is just quirkifying dysautonomia into a collection of hashtags and memeable pics.
And what's more, leaves huges groups of people who DO have POTS or other dysautonomic conditions thinking that they can't possibly have POTS because they don't have low BP like the entire internet tells them they need in order for a diagnosis.
Seriously, you can't diagnose this kind of thing online.
You can't 'informed self-DX' dysautonomia.
Can you suspect it? Sure. And if doing all the 'typical' POTS things like increasing salt in your diet and wearing compression socks helps, go for it.
But you'll never know if you actually have POTS or if something else is causing your symptoms, whether it's another form of dysautonomia or something else altogether. Like just having low blood pressure.
And I know that's easy to say, like seeing a doctor for this is simple when it's not, but seriously. Some things you just can't diagnose yourself online.
10) Favourite pair of compression socks
I hate them all. I was supposed to get a pair prescribed, but my GP and pharmacists are all too incompetent and stupid to understand how to do so, so I just bought the right strength myself off Amazon.
THEY SUUUUUCK. I struggle to get them on, they aggravate my dermographia and I can't regulate my temperature properly in them because they make me feel hot all the time.
11) Your mobility aids.
I use a rollator inside the house sometimes, in places like the kitchen where I need to stop and talk to someone but don't want to sit on the cold, hard floor. I use it outside in my back garden so I can walk around a little but not have to crouch or sit in the grass, given that I can't just stand there for very long.
I used to have a manual wheelchair, but I don't have the strength to push myself, and I don't have the stamina to be able to do so. I go a chair BECAUSE I don't have the stamina to stand, and I wanted to have a little left over when I got back home so that a grocery shopping trip didn't leave me in bed for the next 3 days.
The manual chair wasn't doing that so I switched to a powerchair and it's wonderful. Yeah, there are drawbacks (battery life, dead-end corridors, narrow doorways, manouverability, STEPS FOR NO REASON) but I can go to Tesco or the garden centre and buzz around for an hour or an hour and a half and come home and be tired but still able to sit upright.
12) How you manage a flare
Literally, by dropping to the floor. If I'm having a really symptomatic day, I'll either spend it in one place (my bed or the couch usually) or I'll make really short trips of a few steps at a time and then sit to rest before continuing.
Hate it.
13) The thing that has helped me the most since diagnosis is…
Diagnosis it self has helped with the imposter syndrome A LITTLE.
It's helped me understand what's going on with my body in relation to my other health issues more as well.
I can tell people I have pandysautonomia without uhmig and ahing and adding footnotes to it, and it's helped me when telling benefits that no, I can't stand actually.
14) Tips for cooking/cleaning with dysautonomia
I can't do either. Maybe pick up little bits of rubbish and put them in the little bin in my room, but I can't cook for myself and I can't do any large cleaning duties either.
For smaller tasks, I'd probably say, wait for a day where you've had a rest, where you know you can rest afterwards (for the next day or two), you have no big trips out or mentally draining tasks coming up, etc.
Break the task into small parts and see what you can do while sitting down, leave those for a bad day.
Do little and often, if you can.
Don't expect yourself to be able to complete a task all at once. Make small, achieveable goals.
But mostly, have a carer. IDK how I'd manage without my mum. I'm not going into a rant about the quality of life disabled people have at higher expense in order to just live, I'm not.
15) Managing dysautonomia at work/school
Lol, I can't work like this. I was fired from my job of 10 years for my migraines, and I developed pandysautonomia a few years later. I can barely spend time out of bed and downstairs most days, I physically can't work. What are you, the DWP?
16) Favourite dysautonomia-friendly hobbies/activities
Writing most of all.
Puzzle app on my phone
Plants are good, because they only need a little sporadic care, depending on what you get, and research is sometimes something I can do in a flare, depending on brain fog.
Keeping inverts. Tarantulas are good because they need infrequent feeding and really simple care, bioactive enclosures that don't need deep cleaning like a hamster cage or litter box might.
Inverts of all kinds, really, except the tiny ones that need tiny food because flies are a pain in the butt to work with.
Reptile keeping is also pretty easy, depending on the reptile and how you keep them. Surprisingly low maintainence, but it's also really easy to do in short bursts at infrequent intervals.
I like artistic pursuits, but they're hard in a flare up when the tremors get bad and I stop being able to lift my arms.
At the moment my favourite hobby is planning out my fish tanks, also pretty easy if you've got help for water changes, and really nice if you're having a migraine but can't sleep.
17) Your go-to comfort show/movie during a flare.
Adventure Time.
Generation Kill.
My Neighbours the Yamadas
There are others (Always Sunny, Over The Garden Wall, Inside Man (not the David Tennant one), Knightmare (old TV show on YouTube), Animals of Farthing Wood, Bob's Burgers, Fight Club, various anime) but those are the main three.
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criminalmindsvibez · 3 years
My Rambly Non-Linear Thoughts About Spencer Being Autistic
so there’s obviously a lot of universal headcanons surrounding Spencer being autistic, but I’m gonna talk a little (a lot actually) about some of my more niche world-building and headcanons with this concept!
disclaimer: I am merely one autistic person, my experiences are not universal and I speak for no one except myself (and maybe my twin sister)
Spencer would’ve never gotten diagnosed as a child. It just wouldn’t have been feasible, that’s not to say he didn’t realize he was different, but it was likely chalked up to him being a genius.
Objectively, he would’ve been diagnosed with ‘Aspberger’s’ in the mid-2000’s and would’ve eventually swapped that label out for Autism Spectrum Disorder at some point.
There aren’t many people who diagnose adults in the US and insurance certainly doesn’t pay for it, so the diagnostic process would’ve been an out of pocket fee.
Setting all that aside, Spencer would’ve know. Maybe he would’ve originally come across the ADHD diagnosis and accepted it as a self-describer before realizing how much it doesn’t cover about his psychology.
When you’re autistic, some times it takes someone else pointing it out to you before you actually think about it. I have no doubts he likely had a lot of not so kind comments on his behavior and, trust me, people love to throw the word ‘autistic’ around as an insult.
Spencer doesn’t mask well. In the sense that okay, yeah, maybe he can mask for a couple hours at a time, but it really doesn’t work for him. Like he can’t get anything done and he’s not particularly good at masking in the first place.
Working in an environment where he has to present himself a certain way would be difficult, but having to team be so kind and understanding would lessen the pressure.
He likely masks to some degree in front of other officers and police departments and what not. He even has a hard time entirely letting his mask slip around the team, but he does usually and it’s a weight off his back everytime.
Vocal and movement stims are likely the most satisfactory for him. He uses wild gestures to overcompensate for not being able to flap his hands in front of most people. He usually rocks back and forth when he’s alone or really focused, and prefers a side to side motion rather than a forwards to backwards one.
He gets words stuck in his head constantly. The more words you know the easier it is to find one that sticks in your brain. Repeating these words outloud (echolalia) is one of the most satisfactory stims. But he does it less often than he would like because society tends to train you out of doing ‘weird’ things verbally.
He goes nonverbal often during or after meltdowns and after a long day. Sometimes words just won’t come and it’s really frustrating for him, but it’s something he works to accept about himself.
He overcompensates a lot of the times, something he learned as a young child trying to blend in. Instead of under expressing himself, he over-expresses things. His facial expressions are usually extremely indicative of the emotion he’s trying to portray. He also is very calculated with his use of tone and humor.
One thing he doesn’t overcompensate on is eye contact. He doesn’t make eye contact unless he has too. Usually too focused on whatever he’s talking about to even think about looking the other person in the eye.
Coffee is one of his safety foods (despite the teams constant insistence it’s not an actual food) and sugary treats usually aren’t as terrible sensory experiences as savory food (the smell, the taste, the texture)
He literally cannot have most kind of pets, even the concept of having fur or drool or feathers all over his apartment is enough to make him want to curl up in a ball. He has a turtle though! Those are super easy, he’s not super fond of cleaning the water (because the texture of water sometimes is just ugh) but he does it!
He collects special interests like some people collect stamps, his brain literally soaks up information on something hes interested in like a sponge. He’s partial to psychology, statistics, and classical literature though.
When he gets going on a rant, he just gets so excited and happy to share his interests! And if someone is actually listening and engaging (sometimes he thinks they are and they’re not, but that’s a different story) he gets even more excited! Sometimes a member of the team will engage with him about a topic he’s interested in for a while and it leaves him feeling completely energized and excited. Especially if he was able to stim throughout his talk.
Sweaters are usually great pressure stims, which is why he prefers them. Although, finding the right texture sweater is really the key.
Working in the law enforcement would come easy for him. Autistic people often have a strong sense of morality and justice, it’s not a surprise he would be an FBI agent. Often times, autistic people go into law enforcement because their sense of right and wrong is so strong they’re compelled to do something that utilizes that trait.
While his social skills aren’t particularly great, he’s really good with the team! Once he gets close to everyone it’s easy to be a good friend. Most neurotypicals are ridiculously easy to shop for, so he uses gifts and acts of service to demonstrate his love.
Physical touch is a day to day type of thing. Sometimes he enjoys it, sometimes he hates it, and sometimes he merely tolerates it.
Anyway that’s all I got for now! Feel free to add stuff in the reblogs, I love hearing other people’s thoughts about this!
@spencers-renaissance @spencerspecifics @prentisslove @agents-are-dicks @aesthetically-poetically @betterlucknextttime @paget @pagetsbae @figure-skating-ostrich
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mooifyourecows · 3 years
Moo! For the tropes: Daisuga 8 Hospital AU + 42 The Big Damn Kiss ?? (☆ω☆)
I started writing this one yesterday but I didn’t like what I came up with so I deleted it. Now I’m starting again. Let’s get into it.
Okay so hospital AUs are notoriously depressing, right? I mean... I have never read a hospital AU myself because i’m scared of death and YOU KNOW THERE ARE MEAN ASS WRITERS OUT THERE WHO JUST WANNA MAKE ME CRY BY EVISCERATING MY OTP NO THANKS!!!
But I don’t wanna do a depressing Au. So let’s make it something cute and funny. As usual. (with some sad stuff along the way though because it wouldn’t be me if I didn’t at least try to make yall cry a LITTLE)
And I’m not positive what “the big damn kiss” means. Like, I’m assuming it’s a “finally” kiss, right? Like ugh so much dancing around it until BAM finally they kiss? Sure, let’s go with that.
Alright so I’m thinking... Daichi is a doctor. And he’s a good doctor. The best damn doctor I would say, and not just because I simp for him. He has never had a patient that he couldn’t diagnose. So smart. So good at his job. I love him.
So, one of the doctors at a really nice hospital retires and Daichi gets offered his job. He takes it because papa gotta make that dough. He shows up and ooh ahh, everything is real nice and the staff is great and yada yada yada
Shortly after he starts, he gets a patient who SWEARS there’s something wrong with him.
“Doc you gotta help me, I’m tired all the time, I eat and eat and don’t gain weight and I’m hearing weird sounds in my left ear.”
Daichi is like uhhmmm okay. So he runs some tests and finds nothing. He’s stumped. What is wrong with the guy? Maybe something mental? Depression? He admits to one of the nurses that he can’t figure out what’s wrong with his patient and she’s like 
“Oh. You got Suga? Yeah. He’s our local hypochondriac. There’s nothing wrong with him.”
Daichi is like wtf. He’s dealt with hypochondriacs in the past but this guy was so convincing. He goes back to talk to him and subtly changes some of the things he came in complaining about. Suga doesn’t notice. He’s just like “yeah, yeah, you’re right. That’s what it was.”
Okay so that confirms it. He’s making it up. Or imagining it. Alright. 
“Sugawara-san, I’ll be honest with you. There is one more test we can run, but it’s extremely invasive and uncomfortable and you might die if it goes wrong.”
“What are the chances of it going wrong?”
“It’s about a ninety percent chance.”
“... you know what? Suddenly I feel all better.”
“Oh? That’s great.”
He sends him on his way, thinking he totally handled it perfectly and he wouldn’t be seeing Sugawara Koushi for a looooong ti-
He’s there the next week.
Daichi can’t believe it. He came back. Why? What was it this time?
Suga lists off another series of symptoms, swearing he’s dying for real this time, and Daichi steps outside to collect himself.
The nurses spot him and laugh. “Now you’ve done it.”
“What? What did I do?”
“You were gentle. You’re never getting rid of him now. The last guy had the same problem.”
Daichi refuses to believe this guy is that bad though. He goes back into the room and he listens to Suga’s complaints. He tries to get more information out of him, see if there’s something ELSE going on. There’s gotta be something psychological, right?
But after twenty minutes of talking to him, the only thing he’s found is charm and wit and a pretty smile and a cute little scrunch of his nose when he giggles and... ahem. Well. He seems very well adjusted, mentally.
So maybe there IS something physical. Something that he can’t quite vocalize correctly, so it seems like he’s lying but he’s not. Daichi is DETERMINED to find something. He refuses to believe this guy is just making it up.
He’s just too cute-- err... uhm... normal... to be making it up.
Commence weeks where Suga comes in to the hospital and Daichi tries something new. He makes him run on a treadmill and monitors his oxygen intake and heart rate. He has him wear a little monitor thing while he sleeps for a week. Etc. etc.
It’s harmless stuff. Nothing big or invasive that could potentially lead to him getting sued for malpractice. And while it’s wildly unnecessary, most of the tests he runs, he doesn’t mind. Because Suga is cute and charming and funny and Daichi genuinely looks forward to seeing him when he goes into work. He’s not there EVERY day, but he is there a few times a week and it’s always the highlight of Daichi’s day.
After a while, when Suga shows up, his symptoms get lazier and lazier. Sometimes he doesn’t even put ANY effort into making them convincing. “Uhh, well I smelled some milk yesterday and I think it was expired so like, will that kill me?” On those days, when he’s smiley and clearly there for Daichi and not for some imaginary sickness, Daichi does a lazy physical and then they just sit and talk.
And it’s the highlight of Daichi’s week.
So, eventually Daichi’s boss is like “bro, you can’t keep wasting time on this guy. There are ACTUAL sick people you could be helping. If he comes in, just tell him there’s nothing wrong with him and send him packing.”
Daichi is disappointed. Because he likes Suga. A lot. And he looks forward to seeing him. It’s such a refreshing break from the stress of helping actual patients and gives him a much needed energy boost to tackle the rest of his day. If he doesn’t have that anymore... he thinks maybe he could really come to hate his job.
BUT, he can’t go against his boss.
Suga shows up the next day with some half assed excuse like “My right thumb is tingling a little bit. Is that the heart attack side?”
Daichi does an examination and then reluctantly tells him that there’s nothing wrong with him. In fact, there’s never anything wrong with him. It’s all in his head. Made up. And he needs to stop coming in to the hospital over every little thing. It steals time from the patients that actually need it.
It pains Daichi to say this. But he says it.
“Oh.” Suga seems stricken that he would say such a thing to him. Daichi wants to cry.
Quietly, without another word, Suga picks up and leaves.
And Daichi doesn’t see him for a few weeks. 
He wants to cry.
Damn it. He should have just asked him out. Who cares if it would be inappropriate for a doctor to ask out his patient? Who cares? 
In the weeks that Daichi doesn’t see Suga, he just goes through the motions. He treats his patients to the best of his ability, putting on a smile, but everyone notices his shift in mood.
Eventually, the doctor that had Daichi’s position before he retired, shows up at the hospital for a simple infection and Daichi treats him. As Daichi is giving him a check-up, the doctor asks,
“So, how’s Suga?”
Daichi is surprised at first, until he remembers that the entire staff seemed to know Suga before Daichi first met him. The “local” hypochondriac, they called him.
“Oh... well. I haven’t seen him in a few weeks,” Daichi admits, feeling sad all over again.
“Is that so? Hmm...” The old doctor goes silent for a while and Daichi’s curiosity eats at him. So he breaks and asks,
“Why is he like that? Why does he lie and waste so much of his time here?”
The doctor gives him a sad smile. “You know... the first time I met Suga was when he was just a little boy. He came in with his mother. She had a lot going on. Wasn’t expected to live much longer. Despite that, she held on for quite a long time. And every time she came to see me for a check-up, Suga came with her. Even when he became an adult, he continued to live with her. Take care of her. Bring her to her appointments. Then... a couple years ago... she finally passed away. But Suga kept showing up, right on time for his mother’s next appointment.”
Man Daichi really wants to cry now.
“At first, his complaints were very valid. Pain in his chest. Lack of appetite. Poor sleep. Clear signs of a broken heart. He turned away my offers to find him a grief counselor but he still showed up to the hospital every once in a while. Though his symptoms changed. Slowly, his broken heart healed and he started coming up with random things instead. A tickle in the back of his throat, shortness of breath when he runs up the stairs...” The doctor chuckles. “But if he’s not coming around anymore, maybe he’s finally better.”
Daichi wants to C.R.Y.
“How often did he come in when you worked here?” Daichi asks.
“Hmm... he was pretty strict in keeping with his mother’s usual check-up appointments. So about once every three weeks.”
Once in every three weeks? That can’t be right. Suga came to see Daichi multiple times a week. Why? What was different?
“How did you usually treat him?” Daichi asks. “And how long did it take?”
“Oh, I would give him the usual physical and ask him how he was doing. But I had many patients. So I usually sent him on his way in about ten minutes.”
Ten minutes. Daichi usually spent well over ten minutes with Suga. Never less than half an hour. Just talking and laughing and...
Ah man.
Daichi finally figured out it out.
Once the old doctor is gone, Daichi goes and calls Suga on the number in his file. The call goes straight to voicemail and Daichi leaves a message, telling Suga that he needs him to come in so Daichi can give him his diagnosis.
A few days pass but then Suga shows up. Lookin’ wary and a little upset. He sits in the room and Daichi comes in and he’s like,
“What the hell are you talking about, Daichi? There’s no diagnosis.”
“Yes there is.”
“No. I’ve just been making it up. Like you said.”
“Nope, you definitely have something and it’s very serious. So I’m here to treat it.”
Suga kisses him back and it’s sweet and romantic and like ugh finally. 
When the kiss is over Suga’s like “... so? What’s my diagnosis?”
Daichi is like, “Loneliness. And the treatment is being my boyfriend.”
“....... I’d like a second opinion.”
but yeeeahhhh so ya know, somethin’ like that I guess?
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korijime · 3 years
You hit my line, And say it's alright I don't ask no questions, Just hold on tight Xiao feels his phone vibrate. Planning to throw it to the side and continue to vape. Of course, the vape is just water. You've been getting him to quit smoking for a while now and it's been working. He puts the pen away seeing the caller ID and answers. "Hello? Riyuu?" he retreats to his bedroom and sits on his swivel chair waiting for you to start talking. "Xiao! Ugh, I know we had something planned out for tomorrow but I'll need to cancel. I'm sorry!" you said. "Oh, okay. Just DM me when you're free again, okay?" he replied. "Okay! Thanks again!" you said after ending the call. 'Bullshit. It's all bullshit. You're hanging out with that Ajax-guy.' he thought to himself. Chucking his phone haphazardly onto the bed and letting himself fall into his sheets face first. An actual pack of cigarettes would've been really good right now. But sadly, he'd thrown his last pack away when you told him to. Don't wanna know; What keeps you close What changed your mind; What hurt you most "Hey Xiao, we've been friends for a while and I wanted to tell you something." you nervously fidget with the hem of your shirt. "What is it? Don't tell me you got caught up in Venti's bullshit again. The guy is such a freeloader" He looks up from his phone and looks attentively at you. "Tell me." he continues. "Well, before I begin, I just wanted to say that this doesn't change anything between us no matter what your response is... I just wanted to say that I have feelings for you. I've had them for a while now." you try to say get it out of your system as quick as possible. "No." he quickly replied, you froze. You knew this was coming so you softly smiled even if you felt a slight twinge in your heart. "It's okay, forget it. We can still be friends, right?" You said. Looking at him with hopeful eyes. "No- I mean- What I meant is-" Xiao sighed. Taking a moment to collect his thoughts before inhaling a deep breath. "I have feelings for you too. It's probably not as strong... but it's there. I just- I don't feel like I have the emotional capacity for a relationship right now" he lets out a shaky breath after, nerves wrecking his whole body. He goes to look at you and sees you grinning "It's alright, I can wait" you said. But how long were you willing to do so? He regret his decision, really. How he told you he needed time when you had first confessed to him. He wasn't ready for a relationship and you understood that. In fact, he still isn't ready. But he can't deny that his feelings since then had long developed into something bigger. He loves you and yet he can't find it in himself to tell you. Only distancing himself from you further, or emphasizing that both of you were just friends. Drawing a line from the both of you and the possibility of being something more. You told him you were willing to wait. And he knew that you couldn't wait forever. But he still selfishly wanted your love. Even if he isn't sure if he can give it back to you just yet. I'm wearing your clothes It doesn't matter Xiao groans. Why must he start feeling existential dread now of all times? His insomnia is already a hassle to deal with. He just wants to sleep and not have to deal with these troublesome feelings. Deciding to at least get a change of clothes preparing to go to bed despite knowing the chances of him actually getting a bit of shut eye are little to none. He opens his closet and sees a hoodie of yours hanging next to his usual sleep wear. Even if you were the reason his mood worsened, he still finds comfort in wearing it. You gave it to him, after all. So he puts it on and decides to curl up in bed. Scrolling back to old conversations with you and smiling at the funny or memorable ones. Usually back reading to the dates before Childe wedged his way into your life. 'Ew I said that?' he thought to himself. Grimacing and staring at a past conversation with you. He had only first started talking to you back then, so he was pretty straight forward, not bothering to consider your
feelings. But since then things have changed, and it's all thanks to you. It's not like you know; That I'm in love And you're okay It's way too boring; In this place I stay Turning off his phone and rubbing his eyes, he looks at the time. 'The sun is gonna rise in 3 hours so there's no use in trying to sleep' he thought to himself. He decides to back to his balcony, watching how all the vehicles leave a light trail with how fast they're all going. Hearing the soft beat of party music coming from the floor below him. 'A party, perhaps,' he thought to himself. Despite the busy nature of the city night life, It was calming. His eyes scan the complex's bottom floor and spots you laughing along with Childe and walking to where he assumes is the ginger's apartment. His eyes harden and he frowns. 'A pack wouldn't hurt' he thought, thinking of going to the nearest store to buy a pack of cigarettes. 'Fuck it.' he grabs an extra coat, some spare cash and leaves. After his trip to the store, he removes the extra layer of clothing and sets the wallet down on his side table. Deciding to go back to the balcony, he checks the time. "3:00", the clock that's built into his phone displays. Almost as if mocking him. 'I was only gone for 30 minutes. This was easier than I thought' he muttered to himself. And so he opens the pack and gets his lighter. And he smokes. He finishes 2 or 3 cigars by the time the sun started to rise. Too high to feel guilt for going back to smoking. He decides to retreat to his bed and lay down. As soon as he did he immediately succumbed to sleep. He wakes up the next afternoon feeling like shit. Who wouldn't after the long night he just had? He tiredly gets up, Microwaves leftovers and goes to check his phone. 'Just as I expected' seeing no new notification from you he puts it off to the side and continues to go on with the rest of his day. Night falls again and he decides to smoke. It goes on like this for the next week. I've been waiting for way too long Trying not to break my own heart; Break my own heart He doesn't bother to hide the fact that he's been smoking. It's not like you care anyway. And when he goes to meet up with you for the first time in a few weeks, you only scrunch your nose in disgust and tell him to put some perfume on. 'Tsk, I was right, of course you wouldn't give a shit' He mentally scolded himself for even thinking that you'd play the hero and "save him" again. After that day, he didn't care anymore. Even when his whole room smelled of burn cigars he didn't bother. Weeks after weeks pass, you've finally moved in with Childe. Nothing much has been going on with him after your last meet up. Well, other than the recent doctors appointment diagnosing him with pneumonia. But he doesn't care anymore. So he opens a new pack of cigarettes and like the smoke that leaves his lips, he disappears in thin air.
moving in with childe so true <33
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But, like, for real, anti-autism ableism, blaming autism for violence, blatant lies, misrepresentation of autism, vilification of autism, mass murder, Las Vegas shooting, seriously, be prepared to be very angry if you chose to read this. 
What we have been dreading has come to pass... people are now arm-chair diagnosing the Las Vegas shooter with Asperger’s. 
I am struggling for words right now due to the horrifying ableism I just read. 
Here’s how the article begins: 
“The explanation for the carnage in Las Vegas may be as mundane as this: Stephen Paddock may have had Asperger’s Disorder—part of the spectrum of autistic disorders.” 
Yep. The author doesn’t pull any punches. He just goes goes right for it. 
Ugh. I am so disgusted. 
He goes on to say that the shooter displayed many signs of autism (you know, based on what he’s seen in the news o.O) such as not always greeting his neighbors, being gifted with numbers which is “inexplicably” linked with Asperger’s, two short marriages which Must have ended because his wives “displayed the inflexibility and obsessive thinking typical of Asperger’s Disorder” (even though he has no information about them/hasn’t talked to them), and collected firearms. Because, obviously, this Has to mean he’s autistic... 
Another gem: 
“Many patients with Asperger’s Disorder become progressively more enraged as they note their tendency to fail in relationships, to lose employment and to lack the ability for joy. And, sometimes, that feeling of being on the outside of everything makes them want to destroy everything. I know this from my 25 years practicing forensic psychiatry, including my treating many people with Asperger’s. Some of these people shared with me thoughts of harming many others, and I took the proper precautions to prevent that.” 
I...I...I can’t even... 
Like... ???? 
First of all, forensic psychiatrist?! This man, the author, is involved in trials? He gets to assess whether defendants are fit to stand trial? This man is not fit to do his job. Diagnosing someone who isn’t a patient and whom the psychiatrist has no actual knowledge of is beyond reckless. 
Now, for some straight up lies and vilification: 
“Asperger’s Disorder or other disorders on the autism spectrum have, in fact, clearly been implicated in mass murders such as Sandy Hook, Virginia Tech and Aurora, Colorado.” 
The Sandy Hook shooter had been diagnosed with Asperger’s, but his own father didn’t think that was a factor in what he did. 
And the shooter being autistic has no relevance. Autistic people are no more violent than anyone else, with the exception of higher rates of self-harm. 
There is no scientific evidence linking ASD with homicides or other violent crimes. In fact, studies of court records suggest that people with autism are less likely to engage incriminal behavior of any kind compared with the general population, and people with Asperger syndrome, specifically, are not convicted of crimes at higher rates than the general population (Ghaziuddin et al., 1991, Mouridsen et al., 2008, Mouridsen, 2012) [source]
Importantly, rather than being more likely to engage in offending behavior or violent behavior, individuals with ASD have been found to be at higher risk of being the victim rather than the perpetrator. Indeed, findings by Sobsey and colleagues indicate that individuals with developmental disabilities are between four and 10 times more at risk of being a victim of crime. Other studies have indicated that this group may be more than 10 times as likely to be a victim of sexual assault and more than 12 times as likely to become a victim of robbery     [source]
More readings x x
 The Virginia tech shooter had a history with the psychological field, but there are no records of a diagnosis and nothing to suggest autism. And, again, his mental illness, whatever it may have been, would not be relevant as people with mental illness are 📢 NO MORE LIKELY THAN THE GENERAL POPULATION TO BE VIOLENT/MASS MURDERERS 📢 
x, x, x, x,
And, the Aurora, Colorado shooter was not autistic. He was diagnosed by many psychiatrists with various diagnoses on the schizo spectrum, however, once again, this is irrelevant. 
“Fewer than 5 percent of gun crimes are committed by people with mental illness; fewer than 5 percent of people with mental illnesses commit violent crimes.”  [source]
Fewer than 5% of gun crimes are committed by people with mental illness.
People with mental illness make up approximately 17-25% of the population. [x, x, x, x, x]
This means that people with mental illness are LESS likely to commit gun crimes than the general populace. 
“What we can say for sure is that stigmatizing people with conditions such as autism will not reduce gun violence; it will only amplify non-autistic people’s lack of ease with autistic people. Who comes up short on empathy in that scenario?” [source]
Autism does not cause gun violence. 
Mental illness does not cause gun violence. 
It’s time we start acknowledging this and stop scapegoating already vulnerable communities.
416 notes · View notes
[Recap] STRANGER THINGS 2, Episodes 6-9: A Stunning Finish
New Post has been published on https://nofspodcast.com/recap-stranger-things-2-episodes-6-9-stunning-finish/
[Recap] STRANGER THINGS 2, Episodes 6-9: A Stunning Finish
I’m back with recaps of the final four episodes of season two of Netflix sensation Stranger Things. If you haven’t looked over the recaps for the first half, you can find them here. Alright, let’s dig in!
Episode 6 – “The Spy”
If things start to come together in episodes four and five, six is where Stranger Things season two really begins to deliver on its potential. Following Will (Noah Schnapp)’s seizures, Joyce (Winona Ryder), Hopper (David Harbour), and Mike (Finn Wolfhard) wind up at Hawkins Lab where Dr. Owens (Paul Reiser) and his team struggle to properly diagnose him. What is clear is that Will‘s memory is being affected by the otherworldly presence and, as the episode progresses, his amnesia is symptomatic of the fact that he can no longer be trusted.
It’s unfortunate that the titles of Stranger Things are so prominently displayed at the start of each episode, because the reveal that Will has broken bad is blatantly telegraphed. Despite this, I still found myself swept up in the action, especially when Steve (Joe Keery), Dustin (Gaten Matarazzo), Lucas (Caleb McLaughlin) and Max (Sadie Sink) wind up trapped at the abandoned car junkyard thanks to the appearance of multiple demi-dogs. Collectively the cliffhanger at the lab and Steve‘s near-death helps to ratchet up the momentum as the series heads into its final few episodes.
Odds and Ends:
The relationship building between Steve and Dustin is easily one of the episode highlights. Plus: the scene of the group walking along the train tracks is heavily evocative of Stephen King’s Stand By Me.
I’m no big fan of Nancy (Natalia Dyer) and Jonathan (Charlie Heaton)’s sojourn into conspiracy theory-ville with Murray (Brett Gelman), though his ability to diagnose their unrequited love affair is mildly amusing.
The fatal climax, in which Will‘s deliberately leads the soldiers into a trap, is a clear homage to James Cameron’s Aliens, right down to the images appearing on the radar screen. Love it.
This is the first episode of the series that doesn’t feature Eleven (Millie Bobby Brown).
Eleven’s standalone episode 2×07 “The Lost Sister” is a singular mistake
Episode 7 – “The Lost Sister”
UGH. I wanted to give this episode the benefit of a doubt, but five minutes in I began checking my watch. Then I did some laundry. Then I began surfing YouTube for funny cat videos.
Yes, folks, this is undoubtedly THE WORST episode of Stranger Things that the series has ever produced. Yes, it pays off Eleven‘s “family” arc by reuniting her with her titular “lost sister”, Kali (Linnea Berthelsen). Outside of teaching Eleven how to hone her powers and helping her to realize that Mike and the others are her real family, however, this is 55 minutes of duds-ville.
It got so bad that I began making jokey memes about its awfulness on Twitter to pass the time. Seriously, this is one to tell friends to avoid – as Alan Sepinwall of HitFix suggests, it plays more like a bizarre backdoor pilot for a spin-off series that no one asked for.
Odds and Ends:
This is the first episode of the series that doesn’t feature any of the rest of the regular cast.
When Kali and her friends give Eleven an 80s punk look, I couldn’t help but think of the iconic ditty from Clone High about makeovers. MAKEOVER!
This is your first Matthew Modine-cameo alert for S2.
Seriously, I’d like to know who thought this episode (and its timing in the season) was a good idea? The only element that I enjoyed was that weird moment where the episode turned into a home-invasion thriller in the vein of The Purge & The Strangers.
The harrowing escape from Hawkins Laboratory is a focal point of 2×08 “The Mind Flayer”
Episode 8 – “The Mind Flayer”
With the worst creative decision that Stranger Things has ever made firmly in the rearview mirror, “The Mind Flayer” picks up right after the cliffhanger from 2×06. The escape from the Hawkins Lab is superb, particularly the cross-cutting between Bob (Sean Astin)’s solo mission to reset the power and Dr. Owens‘ guidance on the surveillance cameras (shades of Jurassic Park). And while horror fans undoubtedly knew that the writing was on the wall for Bob the moment he was told his exit path was “home free,” his death – and Joyce‘s reaction to it – are well-done.
With the season’s big death crossed off, the time comes to reconvene the disparate groups at the Byers house and prepare for the big battle. This is the calm before the storm as everyone catches up and they strategically plot their options. I’ll confess that while I appreciate the effort made to gently address the lunacy of Dustin‘s Mind Flayer/hive mind connection plan, it’s pretty unbelievable that everyone basically just goes along with it.
Once again the focus returns to Will and, in a well-executed montage, the infected boy is awoken and treated to trips down memory lane that double as opportunities to communicate how to shut down the otherworldly threat (using Morse Code, naturally). With a plan in hand and time running out, the group is seemingly beseiged by demi-dogs when Eleven returns from Duffer Brothers purgatory to finally rejoin the main group. Thank goodness – let’s get this climax on the road!
Odds and Ends:
In an episode filled with highs, the extended scene of Billy (Dacre Montgomery)’s dad beating him up for losing track of Max just feels so unnecessary. It’s still unclear why this storyline needed to exist.
Eleven and Hopper’s reunion is one of the finale’s strongest emotional beats
Episode 9 – “The Gate”
Here we go – the big finale. If there’s anything surprising about this episode, it is how quickly the threat is dispensed with: we’re barely half through the episode when Eleven manages to close the gate. This winds up being a smart decision because it avoids a long, drawn out battle in favour of narrative and emotional closure for nearly all of the characters, while once again teasing another season of Stranger Things.
After coming together briefly last episode, our protagonists split into three groups: 1) Hopper and Eleven head for the gate, 2) Joyce, Jonathan, and Nancy create a home sauna to steam the demon out of Will and 3) the D-Listers (eventually) head back into the tunnels to draw attention away from the gate and clear a path for Eleven and Hopper. And barring the occasional hurdle, including – UGH – Billy, as well as one last encounter with D’Art, things more or less go to plan.
Of course I’m doing the finale a complete disservice by being so nonchalant. In all honestly “The Gate” is easily one of the most satisfying hours that the series has ever produced, hitting all of the right action AND emotional beats.
Let’s talk about each of those individually:
1) The action when Eleven goes up against the gate (and begins levitating!) is a stunning achievement. Visually (those special effects!) and aurally (that score!), the scene delivers a more bombastic finish than some big budget Hollywood tentpoles. Throw in Millie Bobby Brown’s absolutely commanding screen presence, masterfully conveying the entirety of Eleven‘s two season journey in a nearly silent performance and you have an absolutely killer sequence.
2) As significant an achievement as the action is, however, it would be nothing without the quieter moments. I was particular awestruck by Eleven and Hopper‘s extended conversation in the truck. There’s a reason why the Duffer Brothers paired these two together and while I complained about how repetitive their storyline was in the first few episodes, it really pays off here.
Ditto the moments when Mike attacks Hopper for lying to him and when Eleven and Mike lock eyes at the dance. These scenes only work because of our investment in these characters, so kudos on making us give a damn about these people in between all of the action and special effects.
Odds and Ends:
I mentioned last episode that I didn’t understand the point of Billy‘s storyline and aside from adding an additional obstacle to the team’s success, my opinions have not changed. I have nothing against Montgomery as an actor, but this was one addition too many in S2. Seeing Max finally stand up to her step-brother’s abuse (when he’s already drugged) just didn’t work for me.
Now that the Hawkins Lab has been shut down and Barb got her damn funeral, is this a wrap on #JusticeForBarb? PLEASE?
Nancy‘s pity dance with Dustin at the Snow Ball gave off some pretty heavy John Hughes vibes. If Stranger Things had been made in the 80s, I could easily see Molly Ringwald in the Nancy role.
So Joyce and Hopper are totally going to hook up now, right?
Finally, what do we think of the final teaser/twist? Personally I found it underwhelming (the Upside Down still exists? Colour me unsurprised!) but I appreciate that this is a way to hint that there’s more to come without undoing the narrative closure covered by the second half of this episode.
So that’s it for season two. What are your thoughts now that it’s all said and done? What do you expect to see in season three? Hit the comments below and sound off with your reactions and predictions.
0 notes
lovemesomesurveys · 4 years
Do you have any allergies? I’m allergic to tangerines and I also have seasonal allergies.
Do you have any hormone problems? That and health issues have caused me to no longer have “the monthly visitor.”
Do you take any medications daily? Yes.
Do you take vitamins? I have an iron patch I wear for 8 hours a day. I have a B12 one I need to start wearing, too. I should check and see if they have one for vitamin D.
What languages do you speak? English.
Do you know anyone who is colorblind? No.
What’s the best thing that’s ever happened to you? My family.
Have you ever thought you were going to die? Yes.
Have you ever had an allergic reaction scare? Yes.
What bones have you broken? One in my leg.
Do you wish you had the power to switch off and on your emotions? >> No. I wish I had the power to deal with my emotions in a healthy fashion. <<< Yes! I’d like to get control over them and not vice versa.
What are some news stories that have stuck with you? There’s several. I know I’ll never forget the 2020 pandemic that’s for sure.
Have you ever been in extreme pain that you would rate a 10? If so, what was it from? Yes, often. I struggle with chronic pain and have really bad flare ups. Also, pain after surgery is absolutely horrible.
Have you ever given birth? Nooo. What’s the highest fever you’ve ever had? I think 101.
Have you ever gone to the emergency room? Yes.
Have you ever coughed so hard you threw up? No. 
Have you ever had cramps so bad you threw up? No, but it definitely got so bad that it made me feel quite nauseas. 
Have you ever made anything out of duck tape? No, I’ve never made anything out of duct tape. 
Do you like palazzo pants? I had to Google what they were and no I do not.
Would you travel to Paris if given the chance? I’d love to one day.
What’s the worst thing that’s ever happened to you? I’ve been through a lot, but I’d say the accident that made me a paraplegic at 7 months old.
How old were you when you first encountered God, if applicable? I learned about God as a child from both sets of grandparents of different religions who tried to impose their beliefs onto me. 
How old were you the first time you felt loved? I’ve always felt that from my family.
Were you abused? No.
Who was your favorite teacher? One of my elementary school teachers who also ended up being one of my middle school teachers.
Did you ever want to be a teacher? When I was a kid. I loved playing school with my cousins and my little brother.
Do you look good in brown? I don’t have anything brown.
Do you prefer crosswords, word searches, or sudoko puzzles? I love word searches.
Are adult coloring books tedious? I love them, I have a few. 
What do you do to relax? Listen to ASMR, watch TV, watch YouTube, listen to music, color, or read. Do you live alone? No.
Did you ever think your house was haunted? No.
Do you believe in auras? No.
Have you ever seen a spirit? No.
Do you have any food intolerances? I’m lactose intolerant. 
Do you like camping? I have zero interest in camping. It’s sooo not my vibe.
What’s your favorite place to go on vacation? Somewhere with a beach.
Do you enjoy rainy days? I love rainy days.
Do you own anything chevron print? No.
Ever thought about starting a business? Nah.
If you were to start a business, which kind would you start? I wouldn’t. 
Do you like unisex names? Some, sure. 
What are some of your favorite unisex names? Taylor comes to mind first.
What are some of your favorite current fashion trends? Haha I don’t keep up with fashion trends.
Do you like skinny jeans? leggings? jeggings? Skinny jeans are the only kind of jeans I wear. Or used to, anyway. I haven’t worn jeans in like 2 years, ha. All I wear is leggings now.
Do you collect anything? Giraffe stuffed animals and keychains. 
What exotic pet would you own if you were rich? I wouldn’t own an exotic pet. 
Did you want to change your name when you were younger? Nah.
Do you like your first name? Sure.
Are you named after anyone? Nope.
What does your name mean? ”Crowned.”
When you’re sick, do you look up your symptoms on the Internet? Yep, good ol’ Dr. Google. ha. He diagnoses you with everything. 
Are you a member of any online support groups? No.
Were you ever on a dance team? Nope. 
Would you rather have been born in a different era? Nah, I’m good.
Do you like being a millennial? I don’t care. It’s not something I think about.
What year were you born? 1989.
What are your initials? NAH. haha.
Would you ever preach a sermon? I’m not a pastor. 
Do you pray regularly? No. It’s something I want to work on.
Do you have any good luck charms? I don’t believe in luck.
Do you make wishes on anything? If so, what? Nope.
What do you do when you can’t sleep? Every night I’m up scrolling through Tumblr, doing surveys, watching YouTube/listening to ASMR, scrolling through Pinterest, and watching TV until I fall asleep.
Do you enjoy sunrises? Sure.
Are you more of a morning person or a night owl? I’m a night owl.
Is your life boring? Yes, but it works for me. Mostly. Some days seem to drag more than others and the things I like to do just don’t cut it. 
Is your life hard or easy? ”Nobody said it was easy, no one ever said it would be this hard.”
What can you do to make your life more adventurous? I’d have to get my shit together and then suddenly become a social and adventurous person. I’m neither of those things. I like to go on vacations and a few outings like to the store or to the movies, but otherwise I’m a hermit crab and it works for me.
Have you ever had food poisoning? Yes. Not fun.
Have you ever had sun poisoning? All I know is that being out in the heat for a long time makes me miserable. I overheat, I get killer headaches, I get very irritable, and I just feel like shit. I really despise summer. It actually doesn’t have take that long for me start feeling like that. I’ll step out the door and feel like I’m melting. 
What do you do when you’re bored? The same things I’ve already listed.  Are you ashamed of anything? Yes. Like of who this person is that I’ve become. 
Do you like going to the dentist? Noooo.
Do you wear glasses? Yes.
Do you have a sibling who looks like you? We have similarities, but I don’t think we look that much alike. It’s so weird cause you see some families and just know right away that they’re related, there’s no mistaking it. But then there’s others, like mine, that I don’t think you’d notice right away.
Do you look more like your mom or your dad? My mom.
How tall are you? Like 5′4.
Would you ever want to live in a castle? Nah. I don’t need that much space. I wouldn’t know what to do with it.
Have you ever been to a Chinatown? Yes.
Do you like snow? Yesss.
Do rainbows excite you? I wouldn’t say that, but they are beautiful. It’s been a long time since I’ve seen one. 
What part of nature fascinates you the most? Nature is just fascinating.
Were you born in your favorite season? Ugh, no. I was born in the summer D:
Do you ever shop at Goodwill? No.
Do you ever shop at the dollar store? Once in awhile.
What does your favorite coffee mug look like? It’s a Peter Pan one that is blue on the outside and yellow on the inside.
Do you go to Starbucks regularly? Usually, but I haven’t since all this craziness started. It’s been a little over a month now since the last time I went. That’s a record for me.
What wakes you up? Coffee can help a little, but it’s short lived. I still need it, though. It helps take the edge off and I just really enjoy it.
Do you like sushi? Nope.
What’s your favorite brand of flavored water? I used to really like Vitamin Water, Propel, and Fruit Water (it was carbonated fruit flavored water by the same brand that makes Vitamin Water and it was so good, the only carbonated water I liked, but they stopped making it). I haven’t drank any flavored water in awhile. 
Do you drink iced tea? I mean I like it, but I honestly don’t remember the last time I’ve had it. It’s been a few years. 
Do you have neat handwriting? No, it looks like shiiiiit.
Who’s the last person you wrote a letter to? Pfft I couldn’t tell you the last time I wrote a letter.
Do you have long hair? Yes, it goes down to my butt. 
What’s the highest amount of kids you’ve babysat at one time? 3.
Did you enjoy your first job? I’ve never had one.
Have you ever had a job you hated?
Are you an introvert or an extravert? I’m a total introvert. 
Are you behind on chores? I need to go through and get rid of some stuff, but blah.
Are you struggling? >> I’m always struggling, bruh. <<< I feel that.
Do you need someone? I need my family.
Do you own a shirt with an elephant on it? Nope.
Does gray look good on you? *shrug* I like to wear it.
0 notes
[Recap] STRANGER THINGS 2, Episodes 6-9: A Stunning Finish
New Post has been published on https://nofspodcast.com/recap-stranger-things-2-episodes-6-9-stunning-finish/
[Recap] STRANGER THINGS 2, Episodes 6-9: A Stunning Finish
I’m back with recaps of the final four episodes of season two of Netflix sensation Stranger Things. If you haven’t looked over the recaps for the first half, you can find them here. Alright, let’s dig in!
Episode 6 – “The Spy���
If things start to come together in episodes four and five, six is where Stranger Things season two really begins to deliver on its potential. Following Will (Noah Schnapp)’s seizures, Joyce (Winona Ryder), Hopper (David Harbour), and Mike (Finn Wolfhard) wind up at Hawkins Lab where Dr. Owens (Paul Reiser) and his team struggle to properly diagnose him. What is clear is that Will‘s memory is being affected by the otherworldly presence and, as the episode progresses, his amnesia is symptomatic of the fact that he can no longer be trusted.
It’s unfortunate that the titles of Stranger Things are so prominently displayed at the start of each episode, because the reveal that Will has broken bad is blatantly telegraphed. Despite this, I still found myself swept up in the action, especially when Steve (Joe Keery), Dustin (Gaten Matarazzo), Lucas (Caleb McLaughlin) and Max (Sadie Sink) wind up trapped at the abandoned car junkyard thanks to the appearance of multiple demi-dogs. Collectively the cliffhanger at the lab and Steve‘s near-death helps to ratchet up the momentum as the series heads into its final few episodes.
Odds and Ends:
The relationship building between Steve and Dustin is easily one of the episode highlights. Plus: the scene of the group walking along the train tracks is heavily evocative of Stephen King’s Stand By Me.
I’m no big fan of Nancy (Natalia Dyer) and Jonathan (Charlie Heaton)’s sojourn into conspiracy theory-ville with Murray (Brett Gelman), though his ability to diagnose their unrequited love affair is mildly amusing.
The fatal climax, in which Will‘s deliberately leads the soldiers into a trap, is a clear homage to James Cameron’s Aliens, right down to the images appearing on the radar screen. Love it.
This is the first episode of the series that doesn’t feature Eleven (Millie Bobby Brown).
Eleven’s standalone episode 2×07 “The Lost Sister” is a singular mistake
Episode 7 – “The Lost Sister”
UGH. I wanted to give this episode the benefit of a doubt, but five minutes in I began checking my watch. Then I did some laundry. Then I began surfing YouTube for funny cat videos.
Yes, folks, this is undoubtedly THE WORST episode of Stranger Things that the series has ever produced. Yes, it pays off Eleven‘s “family” arc by reuniting her with her titular “lost sister”, Kali (Linnea Berthelsen). Outside of teaching Eleven how to hone her powers and helping her to realize that Mike and the others are her real family, however, this is 55 minutes of duds-ville.
It got so bad that I began making jokey memes about its awfulness on Twitter to pass the time. Seriously, this is one to tell friends to avoid – as Alan Sepinwall of HitFix suggests, it plays more like a bizarre backdoor pilot for a spin-off series that no one asked for.
Odds and Ends:
This is the first episode of the series that doesn’t feature any of the rest of the regular cast.
When Kali and her friends give Eleven an 80s punk look, I couldn’t help but think of the iconic ditty from Clone High about makeovers. MAKEOVER!
This is your first Matthew Modine-cameo alert for S2.
Seriously, I’d like to know who thought this episode (and its timing in the season) was a good idea? The only element that I enjoyed was that weird moment where the episode turned into a home-invasion thriller in the vein of The Purge & The Strangers.
The harrowing escape from Hawkins Laboratory is a focal point of 2×08 “The Mind Flayer”
Episode 8 – “The Mind Flayer”
With the worst creative decision that Stranger Things has ever made firmly in the rearview mirror, “The Mind Flayer” picks up right after the cliffhanger from 2×06. The escape from the Hawkins Lab is superb, particularly the cross-cutting between Bob (Sean Astin)’s solo mission to reset the power and Dr. Owens‘ guidance on the surveillance cameras (shades of Jurassic Park). And while horror fans undoubtedly knew that the writing was on the wall for Bob the moment he was told his exit path was “home free,” his death – and Joyce‘s reaction to it – are well-done.
With the season’s big death crossed off, the time comes to reconvene the disparate groups at the Byers house and prepare for the big battle. This is the calm before the storm as everyone catches up and they strategically plot their options. I’ll confess that while I appreciate the effort made to gently address the lunacy of Dustin‘s Mind Flayer/hive mind connection plan, it’s pretty unbelievable that everyone basically just goes along with it.
Once again the focus returns to Will and, in a well-executed montage, the infected boy is awoken and treated to trips down memory lane that double as opportunities to communicate how to shut down the otherworldly threat (using Morse Code, naturally). With a plan in hand and time running out, the group is seemingly beseiged by demi-dogs when Eleven returns from Duffer Brothers purgatory to finally rejoin the main group. Thank goodness – let’s get this climax on the road!
Odds and Ends:
In an episode filled with highs, the extended scene of Billy (Dacre Montgomery)’s dad beating him up for losing track of Max just feels so unnecessary. It’s still unclear why this storyline needed to exist.
Eleven and Hopper’s reunion is one of the finale’s strongest emotional beats
Episode 9 – “The Gate”
Here we go – the big finale. If there’s anything surprising about this episode, it is how quickly the threat is dispensed with: we’re barely half through the episode when Eleven manages to close the gate. This winds up being a smart decision because it avoids a long, drawn out battle in favour of narrative and emotional closure for nearly all of the characters, while once again teasing another season of Stranger Things.
After coming together briefly last episode, our protagonists split into three groups: 1) Hopper and Eleven head for the gate, 2) Joyce, Jonathan, and Nancy create a home sauna to steam the demon out of Will and 3) the D-Listers (eventually) head back into the tunnels to draw attention away from the gate and clear a path for Eleven and Hopper. And barring the occasional hurdle, including – UGH – Billy, as well as one last encounter with D’Art, things more or less go to plan.
Of course I’m doing the finale a complete disservice by being so nonchalant. In all honestly “The Gate” is easily one of the most satisfying hours that the series has ever produced, hitting all of the right action AND emotional beats.
Let’s talk about each of those individually:
1) The action when Eleven goes up against the gate (and begins levitating!) is a stunning achievement. Visually (those special effects!) and aurally (that score!), the scene delivers a more bombastic finish than some big budget Hollywood tentpoles. Throw in Millie Bobby Brown’s absolutely commanding screen presence, masterfully conveying the entirety of Eleven‘s two season journey in a nearly silent performance and you have an absolutely killer sequence.
2) As significant an achievement as the action is, however, it would be nothing without the quieter moments. I was particular awestruck by Eleven and Hopper‘s extended conversation in the truck. There’s a reason why the Duffer Brothers paired these two together and while I complained about how repetitive their storyline was in the first few episodes, it really pays off here.
Ditto the moments when Mike attacks Hopper for lying to him and when Eleven and Mike lock eyes at the dance. These scenes only work because of our investment in these characters, so kudos on making us give a damn about these people in between all of the action and special effects.
Odds and Ends:
I mentioned last episode that I didn’t understand the point of Billy‘s storyline and aside from adding an additional obstacle to the team’s success, my opinions have not changed. I have nothing against Montgomery as an actor, but this was one addition too many in S2. Seeing Max finally stand up to her step-brother’s abuse (when he’s already drugged) just didn’t work for me.
Now that the Hawkins Lab has been shut down and Barb got her damn funeral, is this a wrap on #JusticeForBarb? PLEASE?
Nancy‘s pity dance with Dustin at the Snow Ball gave off some pretty heavy John Hughes vibes. If Stranger Things had been made in the 80s, I could easily see Molly Ringwald in the Nancy role.
So Joyce and Hopper are totally going to hook up now, right?
Finally, what do we think of the final teaser/twist? Personally I found it underwhelming (the Upside Down still exists? Colour me unsurprised!) but I appreciate that this is a way to hint that there’s more to come without undoing the narrative closure covered by the second half of this episode.
So that’s it for season two. What are your thoughts now that it’s all said and done? What do you expect to see in season three? Hit the comments below and sound off with your reactions and predictions.
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