#vampire jeanne
renxmaiden · 1 year
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A Panda and a Vampire
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ana-thedaydreamer · 5 months
Happy Birthday our mansion maroron, Jean 🥳
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Here is Jean after almost got the kitchen exploded; everyone told him to go change before starting his birthday party 🥳😤
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grelleswife · 4 months
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The de Sade sisters? Non. More like the de Sapphic sisters. 💕
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lvckheart · 1 year
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weird-profiterole · 1 year
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Since I'm currently at Rouen, I feel like it's the right opportunity to share you those,
When le Comte saved Jean from the stake, the 30th May 1431 at Rouen,
Don't repost, only reblog
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liltaireissocute · 9 months
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briefpeachdinosaur · 1 month
Being in a relationship with Vanitas
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anime/manga Vanitas no carte
headcanons on this drama queen and a nsfr part but I put a Warning there too.
He is SO dramatic I love it cuz I'm dramatic ( I would LOVE to date him )
Please ignore the grama mistakes
•he loves to kiss you anywhere honestly
•lips, hands, cheeks, shoulder or neck he is in for all of it
• suprise kisses to get your attention
•do this all on him he will blush so hard and easly
•It's easy to get him blush
•He loves to see how embarrassed you are after you make out with him.
•Like really, he loves the view of your cheeks being tomato Red and breathless because of him ( remember how he looked at Jeanne after he kissed her?)
• if your easy to blush then rip he will take advantage of it
•or if you laugh easly when he tickels you
•he LOVES to have you on his lap he thinks you belonge there
•he also has full control to tickel you or bite/kiss your neck or shoulder
Anyways uhm-
•he is into PDA he always has his arm on your hip, waist, shoulder, hand in Hand or Arm in Arm or press your wrist a little to make you blush...
•He really couldn't care less what anyone thinks tbh
• he is also a polite and respectful King, if your not into PDA he won't push you.
•If you wear glasses or smt rip part 2. He will take your glasses hold them up with a smug smile, where you can't reach them only to make you cling on him to get them ( step on his foot to make you become taller or try to cling like idk what on him to get them) only for him to kiss you on the lips in the end and putting them on you.
• he gives you so many nicknames just to annoy you, he is a trasing bitch but he also loves your name or how you say his Name so he dosen't really want a nickname because he likes the way you say his Name with your shooting voice that sends shivers down his spine because It's like honey, in his ears your voice is sugar sweet.
•he was not very happy to be in acuall love.
• his reaction to him acually being in love with Jeanne was the one he got when he realised he was in love and not had a simple crush on you
•the answer to why is simpel, it's because this guy has many walls around him, I don't really think he likes himself and he has a plethora of personality disorders and there mostly control related bc of the trauma he has and It's not like he dosen't get himself but he dosen't get himself enough.
• It's not suprising honestly, he lost his mother in child birth but it didn't start there it was when he lost his father and friends. I don't think he ever thought something this drastic would happend ( I mean who does that) and not to mention the story of what that crazy ass doctor did to him.
•before he understood the true meaning of love he also liked the control he had over you ( or that what he thought he had over you) cuz your not someone who let's themselfs be controled or just changes for this guy.
• he thought he knew you but you always had something under your sleev up and you began to fall and fall for you.
•I mean how could he not?
•in the beginning he still had his walls around him that made it hard for you to understand him fully
• you don't only Deal with an intelligence, teasing or playful doctor but also with the hurted man he is.
•Remember, he has been through so much, he has trust issues, he literlly dosen't trust anyone ( me too lol)
• He is also scared of losing people close to him, thats why he didn't wanted to be togehter with you and didn't wanted to let you in, in the first place and acually was like "yeah that can't be!" Bc he was scared he lose you
•not to mention he likes to have it in his control so letting go of that was very hard but he knew he had to, to make this work.
•when he realised he is in love with you like, Serously in love he goes through all the stages of denial
•(remember how he reacted when he was in acuall love with Jeanne?)
•he was super shy after that and wanted to not see you cuz he was also very nervous... and scared and didn't know how to act around you anymore
• he thought he was sick and about to die LOL HAHAH
• spoiler: you guys still got togehter LMAFO
•in the beginning of the relationship he was not so shy anymore but still he sometimes got a bit tensed up when you touched him... or just being near him... or being in the same room as him haha
•he got used to it and was then his normal teasing self again after some time but he was more gentle with you, more thoughtful and he droped the act or more likely droped his Maske that he wore around everybody little by little more and more
•being completly vulnerbul was hard for him and it took a lot of time for him so you have to be Patient.
•you have to communicat that he has to tell you stuff about his Plans because he always keeps it to himself and that he can trust you
•This little shit will try to make you leave him
•not only for him but also because of you, he dosen't want to lose you or that you be in danger only because of him
•but your more stubborn then he is and he is secretly thankful that you stay
• you have to communicat that you choose to go with him and face the danger that comes with his job
• he might be silence after that so you say somethink like " Vanitas say something please"
• He understands and knows that a healthy relationship is not only about loving the other person but also about not controlling it, trusting them, understanding them and communicating, being emotionaly and physicaly committed, being there for each one, listening to each other, being there in there lowest points, talking about problems and not being afraid to talk about them, opening up, respecting each other and sloving problems and that also includes having to open up or having unconfortable Talks to slove issues and so on.
•he does tell you more about Plans and even a little of himself but not everything at once. He Shows you more sides of him and acually likes having you around while on a Mission.
•your smart, absolutly Beautiful ( most beautiful person he had ever seen) and strong ( ok if you had no one to train you before he did or if your a human and not a Vampire your probally weaker them him cuz my man is STRONG AS HELL he just dosen't show it all the time, if your however stronger he thinks It's super hot)
•when he is ready to open up about really everything what happend to him then I think It's when he let's it all out, also the emotions he supressed. So be there for him and let him be vulnerable he really needs your comfort bc he has so much unhealed trauma.
•if he falls for someone he FALLS for them
•when he is at his lowest point be there for him.
• Vanitas does the same for you
• with him you don't need to be scared or ashamed about your past, mistakes, feelings or what happend to you, or what you want. He will be very understanding and comfort you the way you like it.
• He will be there for you and listen to you and hug you.
•if you need something like food he will get it to make you feel better.
• if you need space he will give it to you.
• Vanitas is good at cooking and he'll make your favorite food himself when no one does it. He can also clean and he himself is very clean too!
•He will be the one to make your wishes and wants come true, he promised you that.
• He likes it when you compliment him.
• just give him a lot of compliments, some will make him blush a lot too
•if you tease him about it he feels like he is mealting and dying at the same time and he looks like a tomato bc he is so embarrassed about it help-
•dates with him are either in the City and having a lot of fun togehter while you eat and look at all the great places with him.
• or a shopping date, I think he wants you to show him everything you want to buy or wear.
•he is also not afraid to pick something for you because he will buy you everything you want.
•he gives you compliments that are heartfull but he will also give you some to tease you and make you blush a lot.
•he loves to see you that way...
• if you ask him to explain why he likes this ans that about you He will give you a big big explenation about it and you will end up with more confidence and to love that part about you even if you didn't pay attention to it or disliked it before.
•He loves to get to know you more, he wants to know all of you like the back of his hand.
•he will buy you some Roses you want on the date or just randomly.
• expect gifts from him
• he loves how you react to his gifts and hos happy your are about them.
•loves how exited you get on dates or anything you like.
•loves talking to you and listening to you.
•he loves to take you on a date to a place that he found beautiful if It's a very fancy Restaurant that you wanted to go or a place he thought you liked, really anything.
•you guys have a lot of Talks at roof tops. At night when he is not in bed with you and you randomly wake up he is up there.
•you'll cuddle and Gaze at the sky or have deep talks/ random Talks
• He takes care of you and your relationship.
•being in a relationship with vanitas has his ups and downs like every relationship.
•not only is his job dangerous but also he himself can be very hard to Handel
•He is not only your boyfriend, he is also his own human being just like you so it will be hard
•but it will be worth in the end !!!
This will have some smut in it so Minors do not interact ( I really don't care if your a minor just don't comment then everything is fine ig)
•Tbh a part of me thinks he is a Virgin..
•I don't know why, he seems expirienced with women in the sense of flirting (he is smooth) but also... his scars that he dosen't want anyone to see... but that dosen't mean he never had Sex with someone yk?
•the first time you did it he was super red in the face and nervous but you can decide to think if he took the lead or not I don't make the rules
•he was very gentle and sweet not wanting to hurt you ( or himself )
• He was slow and took his time knowing you have to get used to that feeling and that when he Puts it in it hurts in the beginning so he ask you if your doing okay or if he hurted you
•if you look hurt or made a noise that sounded painful then he will be very worried and ask if your okay
•if you where the one to slowly undress him oh boy-
•he was a tomato
•kiss one of his scars and he feels like his heart will mealt bc how can he deserve such a wonderful person like you???
•anyways I think he is a big switch
•he likes to be on top and hear your moans and see how embarrassed you get or how you want more of him
•if you scrach his back or arms the next day he sees them and acually blushes
•save to say that he loves them and he isn't ashamed to show them off or talk to you about how he loved it (Literlly)
•like he PROUD to have them
•he loves to go down on you and eat you out and might eveb stay a little longer there for the nice view and the noises you make or that he wants you to ask him to continue and give you more.
•his lips are mostly connected with your lips or body and if not his head might be on your shoulder or neck or he just watches you
•he loves the way your voice sounds when he makes you moan or how you say his Name.
•he loves to moan in your mouth or when you moan in his mouth
•might bite you a little
•if you do it on him he is this then 🍅🍅🍅🍅
•i think he can be a big tease too durning the act but he isn't mean or annoying but he wants to make you laugh and long for more
• he is totally in for trying something new if you want to
• if you have a secret kink he WILL try it with you and would be so happy to try it with you like- he is so down bad and has no problems showing it to you
•Save to say that you don't need to be ashamed bc of anything infront of this man he is literlly your save space and he knows your his save space.
• he promised to make all your wishes and dreams come true remember? That also includes when your having Sex with him.
•( i think he wants a friend who has a kink lol, bc the way he always ask everybody if they have a kink Shows it)
•sometimes when you do foreplay he will make you laugh
•you guys probally bump heads every now and then when you do it in a more fun and playful manner that night and laugh a lot.
• will tickel you bc he loves your laugh
•Sex is something that (like everything) needs time and practice and you will see what you like or dislike after time but you have to speake about your likes and dislikes.
• I think he likes someone who is into it just like he is, so if your not feeling it he won't feel it either.
•if however, I was wrong and he is not a Virgin (and you maybe also not a Virgin) then tell him what you like and dislike It's very Important to know what the other person is comfortable with.
•if your on top he is about to pass out cuz you?????? On top of him??!!??? It will leave him breathless and his heart will beat so fast he thinks he will pass out but happy ;)
•he will tell you how good you are and how your so beautiful (it dosen't matter if your on top of him or not he will give you these compliments)
•be it under him or on top of him It's the best view he ever saw in his life
•just imagine you on top of him and oh how your hips move so good again his...
•as your head is going up cuz of the pleasure you feel while he looks up to you and you look down on him again and meet his eyes
•both of you are a red and moaning mess
•he takes you hips in his skilled hands and is now in a sitting Position where your still on top of him and he is now even deeper into your body while your kiss and look at each one. Scrach his arm while moaning inside his mouth and he thinks he will pass out again bc how can he not?
• you guys kiss alot on the lips It's even better ! He thinks, with all the heat that was build up while you come togehter...
•Vanitas is a King of after care.
• He takes care of you after the act.
•like I said he takes care of you, your relationship and after you guys do it.
Okay thats it for now..
I hope you liked it!!!
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welldressedcowboy · 8 months
aight im clocking out for the night
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lunepire · 3 months
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Vendetta as Joan of Arc... Destined to die in 5 months, but happily, she accepts her fate knowing she was able to save at least one person, and lead an army.
(this took so long 🥲)
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quarter-lif3crisis · 3 months
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The Case Study of Vanitas (2021-2022) [Anime]
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kyarycn · 1 year
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More modern Vanitas AU (This time with our favorite duo ft. Domi Jeanne  kinda)
Inspired by that one moment where Noé unknowingly flexes his fancy rich upbringing to Vanitas! I’m continuing a theme of phones with this second post lmao
lmk if y’all want some more of this AU since the first one I posted got a huge amount of attention lmao thank you  
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Jeanne: Hold on! I’m having one of those things... a headache with pictures.
MC: What??
Mozart: He's having an idea.
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amberkendslacy · 14 days
I've been reading Dracula Pastiches instead of taking part in Dracula Daily this year.
Current read is: Covenant With The Vampire by Jeanne Kalogridis.
Only 20% in but it is very good so far. Haven't seen any mention of it on tumblr so wanted to see if anyone else has read it? Or any Dracula Pastiche/Spin Offs they recommend?
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koco-coko · 6 months
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When the World Exploded - - Vincent x Jean - Ikemen Vampire Fic
-> His eyepatch was off, and yet the world didn’t end. In fact, it began anew.
Tags/Warnings <--> Angst then Fluff, Lots of Cuddles and Kisses, Soft and Slow, Bad Cooking, Hidden Relationship, Beginning of Relationship, HEAVY SPOILERS for BOTH suitors, Main POV: Jean D'Arc, HEAVY Exploration of Depression, Passive Suicidal Ideation and Religious Guilt.
Word Count: 5,005 (Around 12 pages)!
A/N <--> this originally started as super fluff but boy oh boy I forgot how messed up these two were. Still super fluff but wow I may have gone a little overboard. So please don't force yourself to read this if you're really sensitive to these things, promise I won't be hurt by it <:)
i think they might like this: @azulashengrottospiano @natimiles @weirdwriter69 (lots of interaction with the jean x vincent posts so i thought i'd tag sorry if you didnt want to be)
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Jean never expected to be here. Jean didn’t expect to be alive. Jean didn’t expect much of anything, really.
So imagine his surprise to remember that a blonde painter had arms tightly wrapped around his waist and kept drawing him closer into the scent of dry paint and sunflowers, a hint of pancake batter mixed in there, too.
Jean tried to move away, only to have the arm around him tense and pull him further in. A small hum came from the sleeping painter, his head resting on back of Jean's neck. He couldn’t help it when an uncomfortable shudder went through him. His lips were so close to his ear, the beating of his heart right against his back…
Sure, they agreed beforehand but he never expected this. A part of him wanted to escape. It was all too much, too new. Yet Vincent wouldn’t let him get away, and maybe that was for the better. Despite the blank face and cold demeanor, he was sensitive to many, many things. A case of touch-starvation didn’t help the fact. After a momentary inner conflict, Jean let out a deep sigh and dug his face into the pillow beside him. He could do it. He fell asleep like this once tonight, he could do it again.
He came to learn that there were a lot of firsts when being revived as a vampire.
It was the first time he ever felt attracted to someone, let alone a man.
It was only when Vincent started painting outside more often that Jean started feeling… things. Tingles in his stomach whenever he saw the man paint a dark night sky with swirls of light. Shakes when he caught glimpses of a notebook filled with anatomy practice and fencing positions, all suspiciously bearing a resemblance to Jean. It could be argued that a few were Napoleon, though. The lines were messy enough. These sensations started following him around the mansion, too. At the dinner table, he always felt lighter when he heard Vincent giggle at something Arthur said. Eventually, a simple greeting smile sent a shiver through the poor soldier’s body and all he could do was scuttle off into the piano room. 
Vincent was too radiant for a sinner to handle, he deduced. It seemed logical at the time. Jean’s chest was always empty and Vincent always had light to bring to someone. The world was a better place with Vincent in it and it was worse with Jean. That was just how things were. Jean was ready to accept that over… Well…
“Can I paint you?”
It was the first time anyone ever asked… that. Jean had been avoiding Vincent, more than usual, but one late night out of his room for a bottle of Rouge led to them meeting again. Vincent was already coated in paint, perhaps from a late night project, filling one of his paint cups with fresher water.
Jean was a frozen statue for a while, but when Vincent’s smile slowly faded, he suddenly came to. “Why me?” he asked, quietly.
Vincent looked to the side, the enthusiasm of the initial question trailing off. “I’ve never seen anyone like you?”
So unclean, full of sin and guilt?
“So… pretty?” 
Jean shifted on his feet uncomfortably, staring at the painter in front of him with wide eyes.
Vincent was quick to catch his mistake. “In a manly way! Very male-orientated. But beautiful and elegant, too! So, um, beautifully handsome? Does that make sense?”
Not at all. Jean felt his entire mind and body shut down, then come back, then shut down again. 
Beautiful? Handsome? Was this some sick joke?
“You didn’t drink that, did you?” Jean asked, shyly pointing to the paint-stained cup in his hands.
Vincent glanced down at it, then backed up. “No, I don’t believe so,” he almost chuckled, “Why would you think that?”
“You don’t seem in your right mind,” he responded. “I’m none of what you have described me as. I would suggest getting your eyes checked in the near future.” Jean turned to make his exit, bottle of Rouge in hand.
Vincent’s lips went ajar, blinking in disbelief. Then, he laughed. Jean froze. It was almost insulting to hear that. “Well, I don’t think so. I don’t know you too well, sure, but you seem nice.”
Those words sent butterflies through him.
Whenever Jean looked in the mirror, all he saw was a husk of a living being. He couldn’t say human anymore. He was ugly, inside and out. He longed for life, for warmth, comfort, yet every time it faced him, he ran away. God put him on this Earth to suffer in an endless cycle, yet he couldn’t break his piety to such a cruel deity. 
It was something he’d slowly started to accept– the emptiness was a part of his life. If death came to face him, like a fool, he’d fight it, only to realize that victory meant waking up to another day, only after the fact.
Then, an angel descended upon him. It smiled with bright light, with hair as gold as a halo and beamed at him with kind, blue eyes.
“I guess I’ll just ask again,” the angel asked, “Can I paint you sometime?”
Who was he, a mortal man with sins too heavy to weigh, to deny the messenger of God?
It was the first time he ever ‘modeled’ for someone. 
He never stopped by Vincent’s room for the specific purpose of sitting in a chair for hours on end (when they did try, it was so unpleasant that Jean almost fainted), but he visited on occasion.
Instead of modeling, Vincent would simply follow Jean around at random times with a sketchbook in hand, capturing moments of life in a still, pencil-drawn image. At the end of the day, when the stars twinkled in through Vincent’s window, Jean was invited in and the two chatted about the scenes the blonde had drawn.
“That’s not me,” Jean would say each time, “That man is too pure to be me.”
And every time, Vincent would shake his head and chuckle. “You should really start being nicer to yourself.” Vincent would then quietly whisper to himself, “Rich, coming from me of all people, but the advice still stands.” 
Jean never tried to respond to his extra comments, until one late evening– “Perhaps we both should.”
Vincent’s expression was unreadable as he silently flipped to the next page.
It was the first time someone tried to cook for him. Keyword: tried.
Everyone in the mansion began to notice that the most polar opposites of the mansion had so suddenly gravitated toward each other. Napoleon was surprised when Vincent first appeared at their sparring matches as a regular guest, but now? Why, now he was surprised not to greet him.
Mozart was the most confused, of course. A soldier and a painter? Really, what would they ever want to do with each other? Jean was such a recluse, too. What did Vincent say to him that made him stray from his hideaway room and weapons shop? Theodorus seemed to share this sentiment, trailing behind his older brother like a guard dog.
Still, it didn’t surprise anyone when Vincent wanted to make something for Jean’s birthday.
It did surprise Sebastian that same morning to find the kitchen in shambles. Vincent stood in the middle of it all, a fire blazing inside the oven. Apparently, he had tried to make a batch of macarons. 
It took the help of half the mansion to salvage what they could. When Jean was presented with burnt yet somehow undercooked macarons, he just… stared at them.
“How did you know I liked these?” he asked, trying to ignore the smoke coming from the kitchen area.
Vincent’s smile was drenched in embarrassment. “Ah, well, whenever we go to your shop together, I always see you looking at the macarons in the window displays. So, I just assumed you liked them. Glad you do! I would’ve looked silly if not…”
“Thank you.” Jean practically cut him off before he could say anything else. To show his gratitude, he took one from the pan and tossed it in his mouth. Vincent cringed.
The soldier’s eyes burst open with shock. It was so… mushy and crunchy and… How in God’s name could something like this even be created? It was a crime against pastries everywhere. 
“Sorry,” Vincent mumbled, “I’m not really a sweet’s fan, so…”
That was all it took to convince Jean to push through, swallowing the macaron (could you even call it that?) with much strain. 
“Don’t be. It’s the thought that matters,” Jean said, taking the tray from Vincent. “I… I’ll cherish this forever.”
Jean was looking down at the floor shyly, but he swore he saw a pink color grow on Vincent’s cheeks.
Later that night, he found a portrait of himself waiting by his door. In his critical eyes, it was too divine to look anything like him, but the distinctive stroke style made Vincent the clear painter. A note was attached to the bottom, reading:
“Happy birthday! Sorry for the macarons this morning. Maybe after you close your shop tomorrow, we can go to a bakery and get some non-burnt ones! We could bring them home for a tea party, if you’d like!
Also, I think I finally had enough sketches of you to make a painting, so here’s the finished thing! I hope you like it. I’d like to make more, if you’re comfortable with that
– Vincent Van Gogh”
Unfortunately, Jean wasn’t the most literate. He enjoyed the fact that with paintings, written words were unnecessary. It was a walk of shame to bring the note to Mozart so he could read it for him.
It didn’t completely miss him, though, despite his usual density. Vincent wanted to paint him more. An invitation for more time spent together.
When the fact hit him, Mozart had to double-take the smile he saw on his friend’s face.
It was the first time he ever kissed someone. 
Now, granted, he didn’t remember that until the next morning’s hangover passed. 
Jean was known to be insanely lightweight, so why he was given a glass of wine- no one knows. Unfortunately, his drunkenness often made him very… touchy. So when the mansion had a banquet drawn long into the night, Jean was practically laying on top of Vincent (much to Theo’s ire).
So, Vincent offered to bring Jean back to his room. His strength was only one factor in it, but Jean’s touchy-feely state made it a slight struggle to bring him into the room without losing his balance and being blinded by Jean’s clinginess. 
Vincent has an arm wrapped around Jean as they make their way into his empty room. “Jeanie!” Vincent yelped, “I’m trying to put you to bed!” Through his struggle, he was laughing. Drunken Jean thought it was the most adorable thing in the world. It also didn’t help that Vincent was feeling a bit tipsy, too. He couldn’t stop himself from giggling at the absurdity of Jean’s actions even when he was worried for him.
When Vincent finally managed to get Jean into his room without tripping over his feet for a fourth time, he was content to call it a night. Unfortunately, Jean did not. He latched onto his arm and wouldn’t let go. 
“Wait,” he whispered in a hoarse voice, “Please stay.”
Vincent couldn’t tell if it was the wine getting to him or not, but something made his cheeks grow red.
It was hard to remember the rest. Vincent tried to coax Jean into bed, but he refused, instead wrapping his arms around Vincent and locking him in an embrace.
It was a stupored dance, rocking back and forth as the painter tried to keep the soldier on his feet and not knock the two of them over. Not that he minded, though. The closeness was… oddly welcome.
“C’mon, Theo is going to worry if I don’t go back soon! I promise we’ll see each other tomorrow!” Vincent said, taking steps towards Jean’s bed.
Jean pulled back against him, his head leaning on Vincent’s chest. “But I want you here now.” 
How could the pure angel say no to such a shy request? It’d break poor Jeanie’s heart to force him off!
The swaying continued, Jean moving closer and closer, until…
What was it Arthur said? ‘Drunken words were sober thoughts?’ Did that translate to actions, too? 
The mens’ lips met, for just a brief second, but long enough for Vincent’s to turn into a living cherry. 
They stared at each other for a moment, lust and liquor made Jean’s gaze cloudy, just as it fogged his mind. Vincent was more aware, but maybe he was hazy, too. 
Jean went in again, losing all semblance of balance, leaning all his weight onto Vincent as his knees bent and only the tips of his toes remained dragging on the ground.
If he was a sinner, so be it. He couldn’t take it anymore– the strange pulses of his heart whenever Vincent smiled in the sunlight or told him he was beautiful. He was looked down upon by Heaven’s eye, so what was the point in searching for salvation any longer?
The devil named ethanol overtook Jean, but maybe it claimed Vincent’s heart, too. He didn’t even stumble, catching Jean’s weight and slowly easing into the second kiss. And the fourth. And the seventh.
When the eleventh finished, Vincent suddenly gained consciousness again and forced Jean into bed, running off soon after. Jean was too drunk by then and passed out before he could realize what he’d done.
When day broke the next day, Jean was alone in his bed. No memory came to him until 10 A.M. 
What in God’s name had he done!? What sweet temptation overcame him? He was never drinking again, surely! His heart beat out of his chest with images and sensations flashed by him. With Vincent? He had stooped so low as to share affections with a man!? An innocent one, at that! He couldn’t believe he had even dared to touch the painting angel, tainting him with fault and impurity. God almighty, damnation was all he would receive. He’d turned his back to God thousands of times, but this had to be it. The Holy Spirit would claim him at any moment, banishing him to the pits of hell. Forgiveness was fully out of reach. Why did he have to be revived? He should’ve suffered on that stake, right where he belonged.
Jean locked himself in his room for weeks, only answering when Mozart came to drop off a bottle of Rouge. The pianist would try to speak, only for the door to be slammed in his face. The few glimpses residents did catch of him weren’t all too uplifting, either: Jean, knelt over his bedside with a rosary, muttering the Hail Mary over and over as if he would face judgment at any second. He only left to go to the weapons shop. Jean would avoid Vincent like the plague, or in his case, a harsh blaze. 
Vincent didn’t fare much better. He was more shy and nervous around the mansion, his paintings became more chaotic and surreal. He tried to ignore it, push down every bit of emotion that started to rise in his chest, but… the unfinished paintings spoke for themselves. Lilly fields, the brandish of a sword, a fire burning sweetly in a fool’s chest.
Vincent felt his hands shake when he flipped through his sketchbook, only to find the same thoughts circling him. His chest felt like it would explode. He didn’t think anything of it when they first grew close to each other, but things were different now.
It was the first time anyone ever told him that.
“I think I’m in love with you.”
The sword fell from his hands with a loud clatter. Jean was a statue in the middle of the weapons shop while Vincent stood by the door, his hand on the knob.
The store was closed, but Vincent had been gifted a key a while ago. Vincent brightened any room he stepped in with such a radiant light that Jean felt blinded by it. Except… Even with the sunset behind him, illuminating him like an angel, Vincent appeared to him as a normal man.
He was impure, too. He sinned. He felt. Vincent wasn’t a big fan of that last one. 
“You’re mistaken, monsieur.” Jean’s words cut like a sword; through the air and through Vincent’s heart. Vincent clutched his chest. “Whatever… this… is, it is not love. Lucifer is tempting us. We must not give in.” Jean picked the blade from the floor and placed it back on the rack, his brows knit. He kept his back turned to Vincent. He couldn’t even stand to look at him anymore. He was trying to resist the call of lust, after all. “There is nothing to love about me. Do not let the devil fool you, Vincent.”
Vincent’s head was filled with new feelings, but he knew this one too well: Hurt. It felt like Jean had just struck him in the heart with no remorse. Jean had always been blunt, a bit cold and dense, but this was cruel! Vincent’s fingers curled in, his fingernails stabbing the palm of his hand.
“Why not?” Vincent demanded. Jean wasn’t used to a harsh tone from the painter. “I-I…” Vincent practically trembled as he tried to force the words out. “Why do you get to decide what I’m feeling?”
Jean swallowed hard. He… He never thought of it like that. God was the only judge, why was he deciding for the painter? He opened his mouth to speak, but Vincent cut him off as he stepped closer.
“I love you, Jean. And, sure, maybe I don’t have the best grasp on feelings yet, but I know I love you.” Vincent’s declaration was made and there was no going back. It was a bit scary, pouring the beatings of his heart in front of Jean, but it had to be done. “You’re not going to convince me I don’t. I’m sorry.”
Jean was… silent. His violet eyes were wide, but there were unreadable emotions going through him. Vincent couldn’t bring himself to gaze at Jean for more than a few seconds. Not yet. He had no idea how the soldier would react. He was always so cynical, so shrouded in mystery, but that only made Vincent want to show him the sun even more.
“Why?” Jean parroted Vincent’s previous question. “What is there to love about me?” His voice cracked. As much as he tried to hide it, tears were being forcibly choked and swallowed to save his pride.
Vincent’s shoulders slowly slumped as the tension melted. Oh, what wasn’t there to admire. “Well… You’re strong.”
No I’m not, his mind argued.
“And you’re very kind. You’re always so thoughtful and thinking of others.”
It can’t be true.
“I can only dream to be as selfless as you, really!”
That was a blatant lie. What kind of game was he pulling? Only then did Jean’s thoughts stray. Vincent would never lie so openly. Was there truth in his words?
“I like spending time with you, too. You’ve always got something fun to say, when you do talk. And I like it when we go places. You keep talking about that field of lilies, so I think we could go there next!”
His mind’s voice couldn’t think up a retort in time.
“And… Well, I said it when we first met, right? You’re beautifully handsome. That’s something to enjoy, too,” Vincent giggled nervously, “Not as much as the other things, though! More of an added bonus.”
Vincent peeled his eyes off the floor to meet with an unseemly sight. Saint Jeanne D’Arc, staring him right in the face, with a hand over his mouth and tears rolling down his cheeks. It was sacrilegious to watch.
“Hey, don’t cry, Jeanie,” Vincent whispered, moving right in front of Jean to wipe his tears with his thumb. His hand lingered on the man’s cheek. 
Jean felt as if he couldn’t breathe right away. Love? Nonsense. It wasn’t for him. He wasn’t even supposed to be alive! How could someone so gentle and considerate say all those things about him? This had to be some sort of trick or illusion. A dream, even.
Jean’s fingers intertwined with Vincent’s, not letting the painter’s delicate hands leave his face anytime soon.
He was just waiting to wake up from this dream. Waiting patiently. Waiting… and waiting.
It never came.
When he opened his eyes, Vincent was still there, sky blue eyes lovingly locked on him. 
Vincent’s smile was soft. Anything harsher would blind Jean. “We’re vampires, Jean. I think God has bigger things to worry about. Maybe he can let this one slide.”
It was overwhelming to be blanketed in the holy light and Jean’s tears kept falling. This time, with a shy smile on his face.
It happened naturally. The gap between their faces drew shorter and shorter, their bodies fit together perfectly, and Jean’s hands felt comfortable on Vincent’s waist.
It was reserved, at first. Neither had any idea how to navigate a kiss with the other, but it was more natural than Jean had expected. It was… warm. Vincent’s thumb ran his across Jean’s eyepatch. Involuntarily, he drew back. They both used that as a minute to breathe.
Surprisingly, Jean was the one who initiated the second kiss, and this one was much more passionate. Their tongues collided on this one, messily and sloppily. Neither had any clue how to do this, but that was part of the enjoyment. It was slow, sensual, simply taking their time to explore each other. 
It wasn’t perfect, but it didn’t have to be. Jean and Vincent backed away from each other entirely content, their foreheads pressing against the other. A dopey grin enveloped the soldier’s red face. He was certain the blonde could hear just how loudly his heart pumped in his chest.
It was the first time he felt so happy.
The days at the mansion were almost tolerable now. When no one was around, a chaste peck on the cheek or forehead would be shared. Usually Vincent was the one to find Jean alone in the library, but occasionally Jean walked by his room and left a kiss on his cheek. 
Theo and Mozart noticed how they would disappear together first. Soon enough, everyone else caught on. Most of the mansion went to Arthur and Sebastian for answers, but both refused to tell. Sebastian out of not wanting to admit the amount of intel stored in his Oh no– They Didn’t! journal, and Arthur because he thought it’d be more fun for everyone else to figure it out themselves. Being the detective he was, Vincent sighed in relief when he heard he hadn’t told anyone. These feelings, this relationship… It’s all so new and they needed to take it slow. Being outed so soon would only spell disaster, especially in this century. Besides, Jean was already suffering from the judgmental stares from his little brother across the dinner table.
So, for the meantime, tea parties were kept in lonesome meadows and their most intimate moments were behind locked doors.
It was the first time he had a picnic. 
They promised to go to the lily field, when they had the chance. Vincent was captivated the moment he saw a sea of white petals blowing in the wind, glowing under the light of the moon. Jean didn’t interrupt his pause, allowing him to absorb the beauty around him. 
A blanket placed under them, a stiff breeze moving Vincent’s blonde curls in such a way that Jean couldn’t tear his eyes away. His head rested on the painter’s thigh while he sketched the field in front of them, grinning as his mind’s eye was put to paper. 
He looked down at Jean, breathing softly as he admired him. Vincent chuckled as he ran his fingers through his partner’s navy hair. “This is nice,” he whispered, not wanting to interrupt the still of the night.
The moonlight hit Vincent in such a way that he looked as if he descended from heaven, his features chiseled by God himself. “It is,” Jean responded, closing his eyes to properly enjoy the sensation. 
“We’re really lovers, aren’t we?” the blonde vampire asked softly. “It’s hard to imagine it in the mansion, but here… It feels real.” A pause hit Vincent before he continued, a romantic sigh leaving his lips as he took the moment in. “We should go see the sunflowers next.”
Jean’s eyes fluttered open and he watched Vincent attentively. There was a distinct longing in his eyes as he stared over the waves of flowers.
He couldn’t help himself. Jean cupped Vincent’s cheek in his head, bending awkwardly to plant a kiss on his lover’s jaw.
It was the first time he said those three words.
“I love you.”
It was the first time he took his eyepatch off in front of someone.
It had taken a full year for Jean to open up to the idea of taking his eyepatch off in front of Vincent. When they said they were taking it slow, they meant slow. Molasses envied them. They both had a lot of issues within themself, so moving too fast would only cause even more problems. This was far more safe and comfortable, and for them, that mattered more than anything.
It was a planned event. Theodorus wouldn’t be home for a few days on a business trip and Mozart was completely overtaken by a burst of creativity. Melodies filled the air each night, perfect for the inexperienced lovers. The stars had aligned for them to finally have a chance to sleep together and maybe sleep in, if they were lucky. 
Sitting on opposite ends of Jean’s mattress, Vincent observed the empty room around him with slight dismay. The many paintings gifted to his lover were the only decorations on the walls. Otherwise, the place looked like a jail cell. At least Vincent's cell had a nice window and some paint stains on the floor. This was a topic for another day, though. 
Jean sheepishly cleared his throat. A fabric eyepatch sling was laid across his open palm, extending it out for Vincent to take. He feared if he held it any longer that he’d put it right back on. 
Vincent was instantly enamored with Jean’s face. He came to know of Jean’s execution, of how he covered himself so thoroughly to hide the scars that coated him from his feet to his face, but finally being able to see some, the dead skin surrounding his blind eye and the burns that brushed his usually glove-covered hands… He was so beautiful. 
Jean was self-conscious under his gaze, actively forcing his left hand not to cover his eye. Fortunately, Vincent reached out and traced the burnt lines of his face before Jean could. His breath hitched, a short quivering running down his shoulder. “Sorry,” Vincent mumbled, now caressing the side of his face. “I just… I should paint you like this sometime. If you’ll let me.” Briefly, Vincent’s eyes wandered to his torso, before gazing back at the head of his lover. He held his cheek so tenderly.
Jean’s bashfulness melted under the tender gaze of the older Van Gogh. He took his wrist in his hand and planted delicate kisses against his palm. Vincent giggled coyly. Ah, that sound was more beautiful than any hymns the angels could conjure up. “I’ll think about it, monsieur.” He was thankful the attention to his scars ended there, although slight brushes and kisses against his eye were common as they laid next to each other. Any comments on its state would’ve left Jean a mess of regret and self-hatred. Vincent was careful about that, as Jean was with Vincent’s emotional status. It was an equal trade.
The evening was quiet, lulling the two to sleep easily. At first, they had fallen asleep with their hands locked together, not all too close to each other. Vincent knew just how overwhelming physical affection was for Jean, even after a full year in this relationship. Jean was the one who set the pace when it came to touch. He didn’t mind that. 
Apparently, his unconscious state did. Jean awoke in the middle of the night to Vincent’s head tucked against his neck, arms around his waist and his back pressed against the painter’s chest, their fingers still intertwined with each other. His face dug against the pillow under him, hiding the scar from the dark nighttime. 
Sometimes, he could feel the eyes of God staring at him, judging him for every sin he’d committed. When that happened, he’d spend several days in the city church, ultimately failing to build up the courage to enter the confessional. He was sin incarnate, no Father could offer repentance for that. 
The urge to run overcame him. To be so close to another living being was too much… but the scent of paint and sunflowers granted miracles to Jean. His muscles slowly unwound and he found himself falling into the arms of rest once again. The strong arms around him kept him tied to reality and away from the dark thoughts of his wandering mind. 
Every time Jean fell asleep, he dreaded the coming morning. The cycle of a torturous, unwanted, wrongful existence continued. 
But with Vincent here… Things were different. A small flicker grew in his heart. If he could make it to tomorrow, he’d get to see Vincent smile. Oh, and perhaps he’d get to spare with Napoleon, and then play with Cherie… then he could… And then...
Suddenly everything felt worth fighting for, if only for a day.
He had taken his eyepatch off, and the world still turned.
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docteur-vanitas · 2 months
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She presses the button. She presses it again. Press… Press. Press.
Jeanne couldn't send her message anonymously. He definitely did this on purpose (specifically for her). However, she still decided to send one anyway. 𝐼𝑓 ℎ𝑒'𝑠 𝑎 𝑏𝑟𝑎𝑣𝑒 𝑚𝑎𝑛, he would answer…
❝Ahem. Would you rather: (a) someone accidentally sees you showering? or (b) someone accidentally sees you sitting at les toilettes?❞
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀Of course it could have been a trap, but Vanitas had the answer ready.
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀❞ You weren't careful, 𝘭𝘢𝘱𝘪𝘯 . I can keep my promises, but you know I want something in return ·̲·̲·
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And in that case, the doctor would guarantee her privacy, but first he wanted to know what he was supposed to keep for himself, the object of a kind of blackmail disguised as a pact, the knot in a rope that tied the makers of the deal, where each, at this point, was trying to pull the other's end into his own fist as well. Apparently, the burly vampiress was trying to rebel against the human's monopoly, but her peculiar defiance was not enough to deter him, on the contrary; this became the amusing manifestation of a feeling of irritation dug deep into his delight, annoyingly stinging her and pushing her in a desperate attempt to confuse him, to upset him: practically an irresistible invitation to persevere, for the executioner, a facet that added to the game, making it lively, never still and boring, even more exciting, fuelling Vanitas' curiosity, which he shamelessly makes no secret of.
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀❞ I am very intrigued. Let me see how long you are able to resist ·̲
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⠀⠀⠀An annoyingly provocative sensuality as such, inherent in the blatantly natural behaviour of everything Vanitas possesses, now finds its climax in the tilted skull, all the rest of the body soft to release, into the upper block, its seductive energy, which corrupts the face, drenched in a disrespectfully flirtatious smile.
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀❞ You could have been more direct and made an explicit request. Do you like water shows ͟?
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vouxq · 8 months
Vampire! Bayonetta
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Mod by @/rigby
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