#video status for whatsapp 2019
kdram-chjh · 6 months
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Cdrama: The Untamed (2019)
This scene 🔥 he saved them #theuntamed #wangyibo #xiaozhan #yizhan #lanzhan #weiying whatsapp status
Watch this video on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/YeH_m8XScpc
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ruthannabelleckl · 6 months
Is social media useful in spreading information on Covid-19 in Malaysia?
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Covid-19 is claimed to have originated in Wuhan, China, in late December 2019 and ultimately expanded to 200 nations globally (Salman, 2021). Social media, with over billion users, is vital for Malaysia’s government to spread Covid-19 awareness timely and educate the public on precautionary conduct. Social media enables people to generate and share information while socializing, enabling the flow of opinions, notions, and insights in online communities (Hussin et al., 2021). Governmental initiatives to enhance public health via social media have sprouted in the last several years (Dawi et al., 2021).
Navigating the Pandemic Wave: How Social Media Amplified COVID-19 Response in Malaysia
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Malaysian citizens have access to Covid-19 updates through social media, including the official Facebook page, YouTube channel, and Twitter account of the Ministry of Health Malaysia, known as “Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia (KKM)”. Besides, the Director-General of Health live-streams Covid-19 information on Facebook (Hussin et al., 2021). Notably, the Malaysian Ministry of Health and National Security Council reported Covid-19 cases on Facebook, WhatsApp, Telegram, and Twitter when Covid-19 initially affected Malaysia. This move was made because social media can approach individuals quickly with crucial information and updates.
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Twitter represents one of the social media channels that the Malaysian government has selected in providing updates on the Covid-19 situation to alert people about maintaining good hygiene practices to prevent the spread of the virus and to share dos and don'ts during the outbreak (Hussin et al., 2021). It was overwhelming when users gave input, participated in online conversations, commented on status or live video broadcasting, tweeted the news, and shared within communities. Public questions, complaints, and misunderstandings can be published on government official pages for speedy replies. Social media content can change people's behavior and reduce the efficacy of government remedies. The Malaysian Ministry of Health (MOH) tweeted Covid-19 information, covering daily cases, deaths, new patients, discharges, hospitalization, and verified cases to caution the citizens (Hussin et al., 2021). Roughly 20 posts on SOP reminded Twitter users of SOPs such as business operations, purchasing processes, or social events daily. Additionally, MOH published 164 Covid-19 instructions and precautions. For instance, postings mentioned the red zone, where numerous cases were found, and special precautions. Notably, hashtags are frequently included to prioritize Covid-19 information from reliable organizations to make it easy for individuals for browsing later.  
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Empowering Malaysia’s COVID-19 Response: MySejahtera
In April 2020, the government launched the MySejahtera mobile application to assist individuals in tracking their health status and registering their locations, allowing authorities to collect timely information in fighting Covid-19 which had a positive impact on people's inclination to be involved in protective behaviours (Dawi et al., 2021). Public health guidelines were more probable to be followed when citizens realized the scenario and government response. The COVID-19 epidemic is updated daily by MySejahtera. For instance, this includes the cumulative confirmed cases and the daily new cases.
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Dangers of Social Media Reliance during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Dissemination of False Information
Social media during the Covid-19 epidemic has enabled a rapid dissemination of unverified content, potentially deceiving and perplexing a considerable segment of the public. This encompasses misinformation about drinking warm salts or lemon water and taking hydroxychloroquine for curation (Balakrishnan, 2022). In Malaysia, a notable occurrence was the rise in the dissemination of false information pertaining to the lockdown measures and Covid-19-related information. This surge prompted Malaysian government to establish the Rapid Response Troop as a means to combat the proliferation of fake news, namely sebanarnya.my. Several instances of false information being spread in the country can be observed, such as the circulation of a compilation of locations within the Klang Valley that purportedly have a significant concentration of Covid-19 cases (Balakrishnan, 2022). Relying extensively on social media might increase dread, dissatisfaction, anxiety, and paranoia. Disinformation was spread in Malaysia by locals using fake or anonymous accounts (Salman, 2021). Many people detect deceptive information poorly, particularly on social media. Following the MCO's adoption, people panic-purchase and buy vast amounts of items and non-essentials at supermarkets (Ngadiron et al., 2021).
Disseminating false information is akin to spreading the Covid-19 virus. The battle against fake information persists, and the community requires daily education via diverse platforms. Social media platforms have a significant impact on fostering societal awareness and enhancing interpersonal connections within Malaysian communities.  However, individuals should be cautious, as the proliferation of fabricated information on these platforms is intended to captivate netizens and generate sensationalized or trending discussions.
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In my opinion, social media is useful in spreading essential COVID-19 information in Malaysia. It enables the government to swiftly provide updates, guidance, and safeguards to Malaysians. The MySejahtera mobile app, Facebook, and Twitter have allowed direct interaction with individuals, encouraging safety and behavioural alterations. Nevertheless, fighting disinformation is vital. Overall, social media is useful, but it demands careful scrutiny to guarantee information authentication.
List of References
Balakrishnan, V. (2022). COVID-19 and fake news dissemination among Malaysians – motives and its sociodemographic correlates. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 73, 1-8. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijdrr.2022.102900
Dawi, N. M., Namazi, H., Hwang, H. J., Ismail, S., Maresova, P., & Krejcar, O. (2021). Attitude toward protective behavior engagement during COVID-19 pandemic in Malaysia: The role of e-government and social media. Frontiers in Public Health, 9, 1-8. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpubh.2021.609716
Hussin, R., Rahman, S. H. A., & Azudin, N. (2021). Social media approach to crisis communication during COVID-19 pandemic: An analysis from Malaysian perspective. Ulum Islamiyyah, 33(S5), 77–88. https://doi.org/10.33102/uij.vol33nos5.404
Ngadiron, S., Aziz, A. A., & Mohamed, S. S. (2021). The spread of COVID-19 fake news on social media and its impact among Malaysians. International Journal of Law, Government and Communication, 6(22), 253–260. https://doi.org/10.35631/ijlgc.6220024
Salman, A. (2021). Knowledge, curiosity, communication channels and panic during COVID-19 movement control order. International Journal of Media and Communication Research (IJMCR), 2(1), 1–11. https://doi.org/10.25299/ijmcr.v2i1.6205
Statista. (2022). Distribution of main news sources during MCO COVID-19 Malaysia 2020. https://www.statista.com/statistics/1118979/malaysia-main-news-sources-during-covid-19/
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healthy-minds30 · 25 days
Answer of Question 1:
In 2022, the modern telecommunication revolution started because of the advanced mobile technology (Srivastava, 2005). This handy portable device goes beyond the means of communication (call, text message) in daily life. People use mobile for banking, reading news/books, playing games, education, entertainment, e-tickets (traveling, cinema, sports stadium, hotel), voting, online shopping, healthcare services, taking pictures/videos, or writing documents. Despite the above beneficial usage of cell phones, people connect with millions of other people around the world just by one click on social media sites or apps like Facebook, X, Instagram, TikTok, Tumblr, etc.
Smartphone technology and internet connection provide freedom of speech to everybody, which also successfully leads to social injustice activism movements. People start listening and reacting to what they like to hear or what they don’t like to hear that is instantaneously available through any social media platform. (Khan, 2024). News feeds, group communications (networking sites/WhatsApp), thousands of profiles (percentage of account creating growing annually), and circulations of messages or videos in a few seconds are some of the advanced characteristics of cell phones that old-fashioned means of communication like television, radio, and newspaper failed to introduce for audience attraction (Maryville University,2019).  
Additionally, smartphones dramatically contribute to raising voices for social injustice (human rights) because they offer different languages for typing, recording options are best for uneducated audiences, and the sign-up procedure of social media sites or apps is so simple.  E.g: largest political  #ThisWasNotOnTV.movement in Pakistan operate magnificently because of the above-mentioned features of social media (Jahangir, 2023).
Globally, numerous examples have been documenting that cell phones played an important role in social activism activities e.g. in 2001, Philippines president Joseph Estrada resigned as a result of an SMS campaign run by the citizens because he utilizing their tax-payer income into gambling (Srivastava, 2005) and (Global Nonviolent Action Database, 2001), Indian Trade Association in 2003 used SMS service to protest against VAT imposed rule (Srivastava, 2005), Shanghai Police used mobile service as a tool to warn citizen not to be a part of Anti-Japan protest in 2005 (The Digital and Development Network, 2007). The violence recorded in the case of Eric Garner through cell phones caused issues for New York Police Department Officers in 2014 (Sanburn,2014).
It concluded that human voice power is overruled at social media sites or apps for leading social injustice movements effectively. The culprit person’s capital, society, and job power cannot save him from losing renown status.
Srivastava, L. (2005). Mobile phones and the evolution of social behavior. Behavior & Information Technology. Vol. 24, No. 2, pg111-129. https://doi.org/10.1080/01449290512331321910
Sanburn, J. (2014). Behind the video of Eric Garner’s Deadly Confrontation with New York Police. Time. https://time.com/3016326/eric-garner-video-police-chokehold-death/
Global Nonviolent Action Database (2001). Philippine citizens overthrow President Joseph Estrada (People Power II). Global Nonviolent Action Database. https://nvdatabase.swarthmore.edu/content/philippine-citizens-overthrow-president-joseph-estrada-people-power-ii-2001
Maryville University (November 25, 2019). A Guide to Activism in the Digital Age. Maryville University. https://online.maryville.edu/blog/a-guide-to-social-media-activism/
Khan, M. (March 24, 2024). How the internet changed modern activism. Medium. https://medium.com/@khan0689/how-the-internet-changed-modern-activism-a878fe5fcc9c
The Digital and Development Network (June 22, 2007). Mobile Phone and Social Activism. The Digital and Development Network. https://www.comminit.com/ict-4-development/content/mobile-phones-and-social-activism#:~:text=Other%20activist%20uses%20of%20mobiles,demonstrations%20and%20other%20news%20events.
Jahangir, R. (May 25, 2023). Imran Khan is fighting Pakistan’s army with Twitter. .coda. https://www.codastory.com/authoritarian-tech/pakistan-imran-khan-social-media/
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schoenes-thailand · 1 year
Bangkok: Journalist und Blogger aus Vietnam wurde vom vietnamesischen Geheimdienst aus Thailand entführt
Ein Journalist und Blogger aus Vietnam, der 2018 vor politischer Verfolgung nach Thailand geflohen war , soll vergangene Woche von vietnamesischen Geheimagenten aus Bangkok entführt worden sein , sagen Freunde. Laut Radio Free Asia haben die vietnamesischen Behörden bestätigt, dass sich Duong Van Thai nun in ihrem Gewahrsam befindet. Duong Van Thai, auch bekannt als Thai Van Duong, war am Donnerstag, dem 13. April, nicht mehr erreichbar, nachdem er sein gemietetes Haus in Bangkok verlassen hatte, um einen Freund vom Flughafen abzuholen. Den Berichten zufolge verschwand er nur wenige Stunden nach einem Treffen mit dem Hohen Flüchtlingskommissar der Vereinten Nationen (UNHCR), der seinen Status als Flüchtling anerkannte. Die Polizei in der Provinz Ha Ting in Vietnam berichtete am Sonntag, dem 16. April, dass sie Duang Van Thai – geboren 1982 – gefunden hatte, der illegal über einen natürlichen Kanal durch Laos nach Vietnam eingereist war, was seine Freunde für höchst unwahrscheinlich halten.
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Der 41-jährige Journalist floh 2018 nach Thailand aus Angst, in Vietnam wegen seiner vielen Posts und Videos in den sozialen Medien, die die Kommunistische Partei Vietnams kritisierten verhaftet zu werden. Seitdem lebt Duong in Bangkok und hat beim Flüchtlingshilfswerk der Vereinten Nationen in der Stadt einen Flüchtlingsstatus beantragt. Stunden bevor er vermisst wurde, führte der Blogger ein Interview mit UNHCR durch, sagte ein Freund. Nachbarn sagten, Duong habe sein Haus am Donnerstag, dem 13. April, gegen 11 Uhr mit seinem Motorrad verlassen. An diesem Tag streamte er etwa 20 Minuten lang live auf YouTube und sprach über den Prozess gegen den Blogger Nguyen Lan Thang in der vergangenen Woche und den Besuch des US-Außenministers in Vietnam. Anrufe und Nachrichten an Duongs WhatsApp blieben später an diesem Tag unbeantwortet und er ging am Freitag, dem 14. April, nicht an die Tür seines Hauses. Seine Freunde sagen, dass Duong wahrscheinlich von vietnamesischen Sicherheitskräften gefangen genommen und in Vietnam eingesperrt wurde. Kürzlich veröffentlichte Duong auf seinem YouTube-Kanal Inhalte , die die Industriepolitik Vietnams, Premierminister Pham Minh Chinh und den Finanzminister des Landes kritisierten. Gestern sagte der hochrangige Südostasien-Vertreter des Komitees zum Schutz von Journalisten (CPJ), Shawn Crispin, „Die vietnamesischen Behörden müssen den Journalisten Duong Van Thai unverzüglich freilassen und die genauen Einzelheiten seiner Inhaftierung offenlegen“. „Vietnam hat eine lange Tradition, im Exil lebende Journalisten ins Visier zu nehmen. Die thailändischen Behörden sollten die Umstände seines Verschwindens in Bangkok gründlich und transparent untersuchen und sicherstellen, dass Pressevertreter nicht für ihre Arbeit ins Visier genommen werden.“ Radio Free Asia berichtet, dass der Fall dem des Bloggers Truong Duy Nhat ähnelt, der 2019 von vietnamesischen Sicherheitskräften entführt wurde, als er in Bangkok den Flüchtlingsstatus beantragte. Zwei Monate später tauchte er in Vietnam auf und wurde zu 10 Jahren Gefängnis wegen „Missbrauchs seiner Autoritätsposition“ verurteilt. Zwei Mitarbeiter von Truong Duy Nhat sagten gegenüber CPJ, dass sie glauben, dass Duong von vietnamesischen Agenten entführt wurde, die mit den thailändischen Behörden zusammenarbeiten. Die vietnamesisch-amerikanische Menschenrechtsaktivistin und Freundin von Duong, Grace Bui, besuchte Duongs Haus am Montag, berichtet BenarNews. „In seinem Zimmer sieht alles normal aus, als wäre Duong morgens gerade aufgestanden und hätte nur einen kurzen Spaziergang gemacht. Wir fanden die Tasche, die er oft beim Ausgehen trug. Seine Brieftasche war immer noch in der Tasche, und seine UN-Karte und seine Bankkarten waren immer noch in der Brieftasche. Wir haben auch seinen Laptop gefunden.“ Die UN-Karte ist ein vom UNHCR ausgestellter Flüchtlingsausweis für Personen mit Flüchtlingsstatus, die auf ihre Umsiedlung in ein Drittland warten. Auf Englisch und Thai heißt es auf der Karte: „Der Inhaber dieser Karte ist mit dem UNHCR verwandt, registriert und dokumentiert unter Genehmigung der UN-Generalversammlung und kann nicht gezwungen werden, in sein Herkunftsland zurückzukehren. Jede Unterstützung für den Träger wird sehr geschätzt.“ Aus der Inspektion seines Zimmers geht nicht hervor, dass Duong bereit war, eine beschwerliche und illegale Reise durch Laos auf sich zu nehmen, um nach Vietnam zurückzukehren, wo ihm wegen seines nach außen gerichteten politischen Widerspruchs eine schwere Gefängnisstrafe droht. Seine Freunde sagen, er habe nicht die Absicht geäußert, jemals nach Vietnam zurückzukehren. Ein vietnamesischer Flüchtling in Thailand, Nguyen Xuan Kim, sagte, dass Duong etwa zwei Wochen vor seinem Verschwinden Gefühle der Unsicherheit zum Ausdruck brachte, nachdem er Videos über die Politik in Vietnam online gestellt hatte. Duong erzählte Kim, dass am 6. April ein Mann, der ein Motorrad mit einem Nummernschild von Chiang Rai fuhr, in seinem Haus ankam und Fotos und Videos machte. Er spreche Thai, aber nicht fließend, sagte Duong seinem Freund. Amnesty International äußerte sich besorgt über Duongs Verhaftung in Vietnam, da das UNHCR seinen Flüchtlingsstatus anerkannte. „Vietnam beobachtet Dissidenten genau und hat in der Vergangenheit gezeigt, dass es sich nicht zu schade ist, sie über seine Grenzen hinaus zu verfolgen und zu überwachen. In Thailand lebende vietnamesische Flüchtlinge, die wegen der Repressionen der Regierung aus dem Land geflohen sind, müssen geschützt werden und sollten nicht in ständiger Angst leben müssen.“ / The Thaiger Read the full article
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hindimeinfo · 1 year
14 February Pulwama Attack Status Video Download 2023
14 February Pulwama Attack Tribute Status Video Download 2023 #PulwamaAttack #BlackDay
Pulwama attack status video download, 14 February Pulwama attack status video, Pulwama attack WhatsApp status, Pulwama attack Shradhanjali, Pulwama attack status video download. The 2019 Pulwama terror attack killed 40 CRPF jawans. A group of vehicles carrying security personnel on the Jammu Srinagar National Highway was attacked by a suicide bomber at Lethpora in the Pulwama district, Jammu and…
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followtrendings · 1 year
FT Tech News 03: WhatsApp status to include voice notes | ChatGPT API with Microsoft Azure | Google removed embedded podcasts | iOS 16.3 features and release date
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Let’s dive into the latest hot tech news.
WhatsApp to include voice notes in status
Currently, you can upload videos, photos, and texts as your status on WhatsApp. There is no option for uploading audio to it.  Soon WhatsApp is going to roll out a new feature in WhatsApp status. This new feature will enable users to put their voices on the status update. 
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Sometimes people don’t want to upload pictures, videos and texts are boring. Also do not want to show their faces but still want to give information about their whereabouts. In such peculiar situations, voice notes will be significantly useful. There is no official date for when it is coming to the public. Of course, it will first go through alpha and beta testing then only will reach our hands.
ChatGPT is going to launch its API
Let’s understand what is API first. API full form is Application Programming Interface. API is a method of communication between two or more computer applications. It is a form of software interface that provides a service to other software applications. OpenAI has announced that it will provide its ChatGPT API complementary to whoever uses Microsoft Azure services.
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OpenAI Logo As we have shared in our FT Tech News number 01 already, initially, OpenAI made ChatGPT for testing purposes. Soon it became a worldwide hit and Microsoft saw an opportunity in it. Microsoft offered a 2 billion dollar investment in ChatGPT to OpenAI. How could a new project reject such a huge investment from such a tech giant? OpenAI agreed and Microsoft partnered to make ChatGPT more advanced and powerful. Now after the announcement that ChatGPT AI features will be given to Microsoft Azure customers, they can make full use of high-performance AI models to scale up in the high-competition industry. How could Microsoft use ChatGPT in its services? Microsoft offers a lot of services that many businesses and companies buy. Businesses buy these services in order to give better customer service to their clients. ChatGPT is very smart and in case if you have used it, you probably know that ChatGPT talks (responds) like humans. It does one to one conversation with you. Just like you chat with customer service support staff. 
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ChatGPT User Interface Also Read: FT Tech News 02: Google’s own version of Airtag tracker | Sony new technology to block piracy apps on TVs | Samsung plans for One UI 5.1 rollout | Customizable lock screen feature for Android | Android to have wireless charging | Bill Gates prefers Android over iPhone If ChatGPT replaces customer care staff then first it will reduce the financial expenses and also the resources used. All this leads to financial profit. But this is not the ultimate goal, the ultimate goal is customer satisfaction. ChatGPT can provide this without letting the person on the other side know that it is an AI chatting with him and solving the query. It can answer any query and solve any problem within seconds that even human staff may not do. Microsoft has probably made the best move by including ChatGPT. Now its own search will get a huge advantage, customer support will get a boost, and the company itself will get a ton of benefits.  It is a master plan of Microsoft to maximize profits and increase its dominance on the internet.
Google removed embedded podcasts from the search results page
Google launched the feature of being able to listen to podcasts right from the search results page in 2019. This move was appreciated by all because users did not have to enter a website to play the podcast. This made the work very quick and efficient. But Google has quietly removed this feature. Users can no longer play and listen to podcasts from the search results page.
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This removal was first discovered by Podnews. He was surprised to know this and soon he asked for official confirmation from Google. He got a response from a Google representative confirming the change and that it was intentional. Now there will be just the podcast’s link on the results page and if one has to play the podcast then he/she will have to click the link which will direct him/her to the website where the podcast is hosted. The representative told that the change is made to serve a better user experience but this reply is completely illogical. How can this be an improvement? It just made the process lengthier and time-consuming. Those who were using it on regular basis are really gonna be frustrated. But it could increase the number of podcast subscribers as users need to visit the website to listen. On a bigger picture, it could be a plan of Google for its own Google Podcast product. As per Edison's research in 2022, YouTube is the most popular platform for users to listen to podcasts followed by Spotify. So it could be one thing that Google might be ending or just shifting podcasts from Google Podcasts to Youtube Podcasts. Also Read: FT Tech News 01: Intel’s most powerful processor | Twitter Data Leak Reply and Office Rent | Google Chrome Vulnerability | Microsoft’s Investment In ChatGPT | Google’s Software Developer Kit (SDK) | Microsoft’s VALL-E Project
iOS 16.3 coming next week for iPhone with these features
Apple has officially confirmed that iOS 16.3 will be released next week at a press conference. A new Unity wallpaper will be included for iPhones running on iOS 16.3 and Unity face for Apple watches running on watchOS 9.3. This Unity wallpaper will also be available on the lock screen on iPhones. Other features that iOS 16.3 will include are: Even after the countdown, iPhone will now wait until you let go of the buttons before dialing an emergency number. As the second level of authentication for your Apple ID, you can now use a physical hardware security key. We anticipate that beta testing for iOS 16.4 will start virtually right away once iOS 16.3 is made available. Apple Card Savings Account, Apple Music Classical, Apple Pay Later, and Advanced Data Protection for iCloud outside of the United States are some of the upcoming iPhone features that are officially announced by Apple but the rollout date is not fixed. So maybe with iOS 14, we might get these who knows? Read the full article
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lyky7872 · 1 year
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kdram-chjh · 11 months
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Cdrama: Spring Flower, Autumn Moon / Love Better Than Immortality (2019)
sad status 😥😭 love better than immortality Chinese drama WhatsApp status in Tamil 💖😍😍
Watch this video on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/UereEkP3Y2o
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8i0p90 · 2 years
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mmorgiran · 2 years
Mai teri kaabil song
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deluxebanana · 2 years
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