#wallace shawn is hilarious
ur-average-farp · 1 year
some of the best lines from the princess bride
"you seem a decent fellow, i hate to kill you" "you seem a decent fellow, i hate to die"
"not to fifty!"
"we are men of action. lies do not become us."
"Rubbish! Filth! Slime! Muck! Boo! Boo!"
"Now, mostly dead is slightly alive"
"Have fun storming the castle!"
"I'm not a witch, I'm your wife!"
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papas-majadas · 1 year
Watch "My Dinner with Kanye" on YouTube
Oy vey. 🤣
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childofaura · 2 years
Watched S3 He-Man
So much! So much to talk about! There’s positives... and some minor negatives. But minor ones! Because this season mainly was awesome!
So positives first!
2. The story was great! They managed to pace everything perfectly in eight episodes!
4. They saved Krass! And I like how she was still struggling between her emotions and continuing to be a bad guy, it really makes the confrontations agonizing.
5. Ork-0 used real magic! I’m very glad we got to see him again and he got some character growth. It had a real good life lesson for kids.
6. Ooooooooooh, the Hiss monster designs were sooooo good. The Basilisk was a smidge underwhelming but it was still awesome.
7. Actually EVERYTHING had great monster designs. Those weird mecha-horse things, Skeletor’s god forms, etc. Great stuff.
8. MY BOY DUNCAN GOT HIS TIME TO SHINE!!! Actually everyone equally got their time to shine, I’m so thankful to the writers that they treated everyone so equally respectful. But Duncan did such a good job, I’m so proud of this kid!
9. I don’t know if people will dislike it, but... I actually like that Adam restored Keldor to his human self. And it wasn’t for ham-fisted reasons and it wasn’t like he was forcing himself to see Keldor as family, he simply stated “It’s the right thing to do” because Adam doesn’t have it in him to kill.
10. Stratos and gang came back for a bit! I do kind of wish they could have played a bigger part but that’s ok. It’s hard juggling that many characters.
12. The gang has come together as a family again :’D
13. Ok even though I don’t like Smith’s MotU... that cameo was hilarious, fight me.
14. OHOHOHO, HORDAK! EVELYN IS HORDAK’S DAUGHTER! Does this mean we get a Season 4?? >:3
Now... I do have some negatives, but honestly again these are minor nitpicks in the grand scheme of things. So they don’t really matter.
1. I... really don’t like how the show kept fluctuating Evelyn/Evil-lyn’s morality and gave her this semi-redemption arc. It was dumb and ham-fisted in the other MotU show and it was really painful here. Like... I LOVE Evelyn/Evil-Lyn. She’s so delightfully narcissistic and under-handed, but making her do good things and be more prone to helping really takes the “Evil” out of Evil-Lyn. Especially because it made no sense.
2. George Takei as Mer-Man, bleh... He was ok as an actor but could they have picked someone less... controversial? You want an Asian actor to play Mer-Man? Cary Hiroyuki-Tagawa is right there, guys. At least his character died. But I’ll admit the character design was pretty rad.
3. Some weird animation errors? During the scene where they’re trying to lure more Hiss monsters into Snake Mountain, there’s a scene where Kronis doesn’t have his jaw brace but suddenly in the next cut he does? I dunno, there were a couple of weird character-model inconsistencies between all the seasons but again, it’s not a big deal.
4. WHAT HAPPENED TO JUSTINE? D: Seriously, poor girl just disappears off the face of the earth. She had kind of a cute partnership/friendship with Tri-Clops, it seemed, but then all of a sudden she’s just- poof! Gone.
5. I’ll 100% admit that this is less of an overall criticism and more of a personal issue but... I don’t really like how Kronis and Evelyn’s partnership seemed to have such an abrupt change in dynamic. In the first season, they were equals and they seemed to tolerate each other smoothly, even mutually getting along (Like ”Your runt hit me with a transport!” “When we find him, how’s about we both hit him with one?” “Hmhmmm... I’d like that”. Or all the “dear Kronis” parts?). But then suddenly with S2, and even more so in S3, they made Evil-lyn the “leader” while Kronis/Trap-Jaw suddenly gets delegated to hulking, idiot henchman. I miss when the two of them were working together, they had a fun dynamic.
6. Oh gosh, speaking of which, Kronis just lost the charm of his character from S1. He turned into an idiot and a wimp, and he is just... drastically different from his S1 incarnation. Remember that this guy is supposed to be smart as hell? Remember how he took on Cringer with his bare hands (granted Cringer didn’t have claws but assuming Cringer weighs as much as the largest tiger breed, so like.. Amur tigers, which are 600 pounds? HE THREW 600 POUNDS OF MUSCLE)? You’d think instead of being screaming, fleeing bait for the Hiss minions he would have been more... I dunno, controlled and intelligent about it? Either way, RIP S1 Kronis. You were way more of an appealing sinister badass.
7. Ok... Why hire Kevin Smith as Tri-Clops? Did they just feel bad for him or something? Seems like a really weird choice considering how shitty he’s been to He-Man fans.
But honestly, like I said before, those nitpicks are so minor it doesn’t even matter. This season was amazing, I was initially sad to see it was only eight episodes long but they did such a fantastic job with the writing and pacing that it felt long enough. I love this show so much and I only hope it does get greenlit for S4.
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antiphon · 2 years
my reactions to tgf 6x1 in order:
this show has never once made new york for chicago actually work
liz looks amazing and that jacket is incredible
I do not care about the gimmick that makes the two of them be the only people on the street. actually it is probably a dream or something.
their bro-eyness is really weird and they are very good actors so it's weird on purpose
madeline calling liz a "sweet leader" lmao
is that a smart speaker that's going to be hilarious and disastrous
confused julius is my preferred julius
omg richard being super christian in a very like prosperity gospel way
marissa annoying carmen while carmen's head is in a bag this show
ah carmen is meeting evil wallace shawn that tracks
how is she gonna get billed for this
marissa is way too good at bullshitting to freeze like this in court
carmen's cropped pants with boots? her oversized collar? daniel lawson all awards
carmen telling marissa to stfu is...so justified. so, so justified. also it's funny the degree to which carmen is just in a different show from the rest of them.
oh it wasn't a smart speaker it's a vr headset
diane immediately searching rbg in the virtual reality headset is absurdly diane
everybody's persona in the vr headset as a way of telling us things about their character vs the horrible risk of them unknowingly running into each other and the effects of that
diane's cream high-collar shirt I covet
diane thinks it's that weird that the obvious ad she encountered was an ad. she is so not tech savvy that that tracks but like. diane.
like is.......is reddick and associates down to take on this guy as a client or is he just fuckin. carmen's client.
honestly I bet the kings think these protests are what actual protests are. I mean obviously there's something off about them but like. overall?
every time diane and liz are friendly in a not-weird way it adds three years to my life
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Okay, I REALLY wanted to share this with somebody, but I couldn't think of who specifically in my friend group would find this as interesting/awesome as I do, and this requires too much explanation, so into the void of random strangers this goes! Not like many people read this blog anyway...
So I've been really into binge-watching this Cartoon Network show called "Summer Camp Island". In my opinion, it's like Adventure Time and Gravity Falls had a baby. It's so adorable and wholesome and relaxing, and anything goes, really. At first it was a little random, but near the end of Season 2 and especially in Season 3, it started dropping all this lore, and there's a lot more continuity and callbacks, and there's even an ultimate goal it's all leading to!
I love the voice acting in this show too! Bobby Moynihan does so many random voices, he's hilarious. There's also been Whoopi Goldberg, Elijah Wood, Jane Lynch, Wanda Sykes, Wallace Shawn, Charlyne Yi (Ruby from SU), and lots of child voice actors I recognize from other shows, but have no idea what their names are.
I started Season 4 today, and I think the team behind this show is *really* stretching their artistic muscles. The first episode was a musical clay-mation episode! That one was weird... but more importantly, the reason I had to stop what I was doing and talk about this, was Season 4, Episode 5, "Oscar and his Demon".
Sorry for spoilers, but basically Oscar is sent on a quest to find certain items to fix the magical library door, because if you can't close the door, the world is like a library and you have to be super quiet and not talk or make noise, or everyone shushes you aggressively. (Don't ask me why, them's the rules.) So pretty much the majority of the episode has no dialogue, just the characters miming at each other and the sweet sound of background ambience. It was refreshing, and reminded me of the silent episode from Bojack Horseman, where he goes underwater and no one talks until the very end. So I really enjoyed this episode a lot, but at the very end of it, when they're finally allowed to talk again, who ends up giving a long epic speech at the end?
Travis. Freaking. McElroy. From the famous McElroy brothers! They run the advice podcast "My Brother My Brother and Me" (MBMBAM for short) as well as the DnD podcast "The Adventure Zone" that they play with their dad! I love listening to their stuff! And man, I did NOT expect to hear Travis's voice coming out of that character's mouth, it was so utterly surprising!
It feels a little ridiculous for me to be this obsessed with a kid's show, but hey, I live for this stuff! So yeah, rant over. XD
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ot3-watch · 3 years
Episode 1: The Nigerian Job Rewatch
Nate is so far beyond done at this point it’s hilarious. “I want to hire you” “FUCK OFF MAN I’M BUSY DRINKING MYSELF TO AN EARLY GRAVE”
“Parker is insane.” No. She just has a little trouble. Don’t DO THIS to her Nate.
“They work alone,” not for looong.
And… there it is! IYS. The most overused villains and this coming from a doctor who fan who sat through the daleks coming back EVERY SINGLE SEASON after being destroyed
Why do they all sound so weird? Like the dialogue does NOT sound normal
How tf did Eliot win in that scene tho? We see how long it takes him to fight later on like I just do not get it. ANd the tea isn’t even scathed? How? Everyone talks about The Big Bang Job’s shootout scene as being super unrealistic, but honestly, it barely registers compared to this one.
“You’re precisely why I work alone.” Yeah, because you’re at risk of falling in love otherwise Mr. Heart Eyes.
I’m remembering how much I did NOT like Parker in the beginning and I don’t like that. I love Parker but early Parker was eh.
You expect me to believe that Parker is a world class thief who wouldn’t think to count the haircuts? They keep making everyone else look dumber to make Nate look smarter which makes NO SENSE because honestly, it makes it hard to believe that the other three survived on their own without Nate to guide them. WHICH THEY DID! AND THEY WERE THE BEST IN THE WORLD AT WHAT THEY DID. WTF
JENNY 8675309????
 “I know you children don’t play well with others” He’s already a dad i can’t.
If they knew about this plan and had the materials to pull it off, why did no one think of it? 
How did the burn scam even work? Like i get it, make him uncomfortable so he won’t ask questions but like… they thought no one was in the building? The elevators were shut down? Why did he not question it? How stupid????
The black king/white knight metaphor was honestly the worst part of the first episode like it bothers me so much and I cannot effectively come close to explaining why
Where does Nate live? Why is his place so fancy? HE’S UNEMPLOYED RIGHT NOW AND BANKRUPTED HIMSELF TRYING TO HELP SAM. “It’s a hotel,” my sister says. IN WHAT WORLD DOES THAT LOOK LIKE A HOTEL ROOM? ANd that doesn’t explain how he affords a hotel room that nice.
….Why didn’t Eliot just disarm Hardison? We know he can. I don’t get it.
If you knew the place was gonna blow, why didn’t you run Nate? WHY ARE YOU LIKE THIS NATE
Eliot’s already putting himself in danger to help Hardison up. YOUR HONOR THEY’RE IN LOVE. THEY’VE KNOWN EACH OTHER LESS THAN 24 HOURS AND THEY’RE IN LOVE.
“Do you trust me?” NO. NO NATE. NO I FUCKING DON’T.
I feel like passing that phone through the grate should not have worked.
Eliot’s accent I LOVE HIM “Can you hold, son?” FOREVER FOR YOU.
How are the state police so fucking stupid i can’t
They literally… they just dumb everyone down to make Nate look smarter and it SUCKS
Ah, the first Hardison safe house. 
“He didn’t pay us… I take that personally.” I-- Parker if you’re dead you can’t make more money. Parker? It’s important to me that you know this, Parker.
The websites they’re looking at are so obviously fake. 
Nate? Nate it’s just a picture. DUbenich can’t hear you, Nate.
“He used my son” I cannot explain how much overexposure has made me NOT CARE ABOUT FUCKING SAM
“What the hecks a Sophie” That, Eliot. That’s a Sophie. 
Honestly? My favorite character introduction in this episode. 
“I’m a citizen now. Honest.” YEAH FUCKING RIGHT IN WHAT WORLD
Eliot with the snacks, he’s always bringing food to his fam it’s amazing
“That’s an odd thing for you to know” “That’s an odd place for you to be” ...why am i reading a sexy sort of tension in there???
And Nate’s SMILING at it
Ok but how does Nate know about plane schematics? 
Sophie’s accent… none of them are that accurate but this one felt especially weird
Eliot playing the IT tech is everything
Also the reference to the IT Crowd by Parker is *chef’s kiss*
I’m just a simp for Eliot Spencer okay?
“I know you’re manipulating me, Anna.” Yeah but you’re still gonna fall for it, aren’t you? You stupid, stupid man.
Eliot’s so sweet though. He’s just trying to make friends. 
Like really though, he’s so standoffish and stoic, but the second he has the chance, he tries to bond and he’s so gregarious. Like, it makes so much sense that he has so many friends all over he place. 
Hardison gliding by in the wheelie chair… he’s such a goof and a mood and i love him.
...Hardison… Hardison you can hack anything… Hardison why didn’t you put them in the building directory? IT’S A DIGITAL DIRECTORY YOU COULD HAVE DONE IT THIS WAS SO UNNECESSARY
...is there anyone Sophie doesn’t have sexual chemistry with in this episode? Like, seriously, i think it’s just Hardison. She and Nate are obvious, and she and Eliot have that moment, and then… did they not put them in the directory just to have Parker and Sophie make heart eyes at each other for a few seconds?
Dubenich sounds like Wallace Shawn and looks like Stephen Moffat and I HATE HIM. Wallace Shawn is great, and i love him but DUBENICH CAN DIE
This looks like such a boring party why would anyone want to be there. THERE’S DAY DRINKING FOR GOODNESS SAKE EWWW WHY (okay maybe i just hate alcohol. I hate it more in professional settings.)
“Sir, I can take your underpants.” OKAY HIGGINS. WEIRD FLEX BUT OKAY.
Parker and Hardison look so smug walking out of the building i love it. 
And today on “I Will Never Understand the Way the Stock Market Works…” Like i get the basic idea but like… how do you make money if it’s gonna fall that much? HOw.. how does this work?
“Somebody kiss this man so I don’t have to” you will. One day, Eliot, you will. 
So, fun fact. Supposedly, their score was $32,761,349.05 each. Which doesn’t really seem like a lot of money to me? Like, at least definitely not enough for Nate to do with it what he does? Like, maybe I just have a really difficult time fathoming that much money? Like, don’t get me wrong, I’d love just a taste of that but like, also? It really seems like not so much? … And further on “This blogger does not understand budgeting.”
Okay, also, i have a question. These people, at the end, this is their first client, right? So why does it look like they haven’t seen each other since they took down Dubenich in the homecoming job? WHAT?
OKAY FINAL THOUGHTS: 6/10. Not the best Leverage episode, and certainly not the best character episode. There were a LOT of kinks to work out. Things got sorted too well. And I REALLY HATE NATE THIS EARLY ON. I’ve also never loved the “this guy is an asshole but he’s smarter than everyone else and really good at what he does so it’s fine” trope that you see in so many shows like Leverage. And they really really dumb people down early on to make him seem smarter. But like… there’s a reason I kept watching, you know? Also... I remember why it took me a while to warm up to Parker and Sophie. LIke, they’re badass but I still took a while and I remember why. 
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thistleandwine · 5 years
You were not hired for your brains, you hippopotamic landmass!
Wallace Shawn as Vizzini, in The Princess Bride 1987
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wazafam · 3 years
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Across their respective runs, there was a surprising amount of overlap between Brooklyn 99 and The Good Place — here's a breakdown of the actors that appeared on both shows. Dan Goor and Michael Schur created Brooklyn 99, a police procedural comedy series. Premiering in 2013, it ultimately ran for eight critically acclaimed seasons via Fox and then NBC, winning countless awards along the way. Set in the titular New York City precinct, the series primarily followed the adventures (and mishaps) of Jake Peralta (Andy Samberg), Rosa Diaz (Stephanie Beatriz), Terry Jeffords (Terry Crews), Amy Santiago (Melissa Fumero), Charles Boyle (Joe Lo Truglio), Gina Linetti (Chelsea Peretti), and Captain Raymond Holt (Andre Braugher).
Conversely, also created by Schur, The Good Place followed Team Cockroach - a.k.a Eleanor Shellstrop (Kristen Bell), Chidi Anagonye (William Jackson Harper), Tahani Al-Jamil (Jameela Jamil), and Jason Mendoza (Manny Jacinto). Alongside the all-knowing Janet (D'Arcy Carden) and the reformed demon, Michael (Ted Danson), their misadventures took them through the various realms of the afterlife. In the process, they explored numerous philosophical ideas and what it truly meant to be a good and moral person. The equal parts hilarious and emotional series ultimately ran for four seasons, concluding in early 2020.
Related: Why Andy Samberg Almost Passed On Brooklyn Nine-Nine
Given Schur's involvement with both shows, it's perhaps less surprising that they shared significant overlap. The themes were measuredly different and the core cast remained disparate. Still, many guest stars crossed streams to appear on both shows. Those appearances ranged from recurring, fan-favorite characters to subtle one-off appearances that might have flown over the heads of even the shrewdest viewer. Whatever the case, here's a breakdown of all 29 actors that starred in both Brooklyn 99 and The Good Place across the show's multiple respective seasons.
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Mantzoukas debuted as the titular wildcard detective in Brooklyn 99 season 3, episode 17, "Adrian Pimento". Fresh out of an undercover assignment, his struggle to reconnect with mainstream society was hilariously unfurled through several episodes across multiple seasons. Despite his relationship with Rosa coming to an end, he remained a loyal (if mercurial) friend to the officers of the 99. Over on The Good Place, he played a malfunctioning android named Derek. Built by Janet in order to get over Jason, he debuted in The Good Place season 2, episode 7, "Janet and Michael." Though Derek and Janet's romance was equally short-lived, he again recurred throughout — with Derek achieving a God-like final form by the show's end.
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The Emmy-winning Saturday Night Live alum first appeared in The Good Place season 2, episode 11, "The Burrito." As the afterlife's all-powerful Judge, she recurred throughout the series as equal parts friend and foil — depending on the influence of Timothy Olyphant. On Brooklyn 99, Rudolph guest-starred in the two-part episode that opened season 4. She played Karen Haas, the U.S. Marshal in charge of Jake and Holt's stint in witness protection. Though a stickler for ensuring that every facet of their cover stories had been memorized, she often blurred the lines between personal and professional. That was most hilariously characterized by using her "pop quizzes" to get advice on her marriage and affair with a younger man named Marcos.
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As the husband of Captain Raymond Holt, Jackson's Kevin Cozner has been a mainstay since he debuted in Brooklyn 99 season 1, episode 16, "The Party." Though stoic to the point of being cold, he still stood as a far cry to the more overtly villainous Shawn. Jackson first appeared as Shawn in The Good Place season 1, episode 11, "What's My Motivation." Initially posing as The Judge, he was soon revealed to be the head of The Bad Place. Much like how Kevin warmed to Jake Peralta and the rest of the 99, Shawn's demonic ways eventually softened — with him ultimately aiding the heroes in the creation of a new afterlife system.
Related: Brooklyn 99: Why Holt & Kevin Never Kiss (Despite Being Married)
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Cordero debuted as Jason's trusted right-hand man in The Good Place season 1, episode 4, "Jason Mendoza." As Steven "Pillboi" Peleaz, he recurred throughout the rest of the show's run — right up until the series finale, having made it to the titular realm in his own right. The actor has actually emerged as one of the most prolific of Schur's collective shows. In terms of the adventures of the 99, Cordero appeared in Brooklyn 99 season 4, episode 22, "Crime and Punishment." As a hacker nicknamed Pandemic, he attempted to aid Terry and Boyle in exonerating Jake and Rosa when they were framed for a series of bank robberies.
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The veteran comedic actor first appeared in Brooklyn 99 season 5, episode 10, "Game Night." There he played Devin Cathertaur, a division leader with the Cyber Crimes unit. After affecting the precinct's internet, he repeatedly toyed with the detectives. He's ultimately put in his place by a briefly returning Gina Linetti. He would later debut as Chuck in The Good Place season 3, episode 10, "The Book of Dougs." As a member of the inept committee for the unsurprisingly disappointing Good Place, he helped to manipulate Michael into taking over the running of it.
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Daly guest-starred as Jeffrey Bouché in Brooklyn 99 season 4, episode 17, "Cop Con." At the titular convention, the character was introduced as a rival to Captain Holt. Despite seeming initially kind-hearted, it's later revealed to be a facade that hid a devious sabotaging streak. Daly later appeared as Dave Katterttrune in The Good Place season 3, episode 6, "A Fractured Inheritance." Coincidentally, the episode also centered on whether or not certain characters were generally good or merely posing as such. Unlike Bouché, however, Katterttrune was every bit the warm and good-natured family man that he initially seemed.
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Offerman guest-starred in The Good Place season 3, episode 8, "Ava." There, he played Captain Holt's ex-boyfriend, Frederick — with whom remained lingering animosity regarding an antique decoy duck. Regardless, he ultimately helped in the birth of Terry and Sharon Jefford's third daughter: Ava. Offerman later appeared in The Good Place season 4, episode 13, "Whenever You're Ready." He was glimpsed mentoring Tahani in woodwork as she sought to craft the perfect chair and complete a truly epic to-do list. Though fans speculated that he may have been playing Ron Swanson, a character from Parks & Recreation, also created by Michael Schur. Offerman was credited as playing a version of himself.
Related: The Good Place: Why Mindy St. Claire Ended Up In The Medium Place
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As the sister of Doug Judy (Craig Robinson), Byer debuted as Trudy Judy in Brooklyn 99 season 6, episode 5, "The Tale of Two Bandits." Initially believed to be a straitlaced nursing student, it's ultimately revealed that she followed in her brother's past criminal footsteps. As well as indulging in internet scamming and con artistry, Trudy had taken up Doug's mantle as the Pontiac Bandit. She later reprised the role in subsequent episodes. As well as that, she was reutilized by Schur in The Good Place season 3, episode 10, "The Book of Dougs." There she played Gwendolyn, a cheery and naive employee of The Good Place Correspondence Center.
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Jama Williamson: The actress played the demon Val on multiple episodes of The Good Place and Teddy's girlfriend, Rachel, in Brooklyn 99 season 4, episode 13, "The Audit."
Joe Mande: As well as writing and producing on the show, Mande recurred on The Good Place as Todd Hemple. On Brooklyn 99, he appeared twice as Amy's informant, Isaac.
Anna Khaja: Khaja played Tahani's mother, Manisha Al-Jamil, on The Good Place. She also played Dr. Theresa Moore on Brooklyn 99 season 6, episode 11, "The Therapist."
Amy Okuda: Okuda starred as The Bad Place torturer, Gayle (a.k.a Jessica) on The Good Place. She also appeared twice as Terry's ex-girlfriend, Chiaki, on Brooklyn 99.
Seth Morris: The actor played Eleanor's former boss, Wallace, on The Good Place. He also starred as Agent Piln on Brooklyn 99 season 2, episode 15, "Windbreaker City"
Fran Gillespie: Gillespie played the demon Megan in two episodes of The Good Place. Meanwhile, she played Sheena in Brooklyn 99 season 6, episode 11, "The Therapist."
Jamie Denbo: Denbo played Chef Patricia on The Good Place season 1, episode 4, "Jason Mendoza" and Hillary on Brooklyn 99 season 1, episode 11, "Christmas."
Mary Holland: She played Paula in The Good Place season 1, episode 6, "What We Owe To Each Other" and Tricia in Brooklyn 99 season 4, episode 16, "Moo Moo."
Carl Tart: Tart starred as Steve in The Good Place season 4, episode 11, "Mondays, Am I Right?" and Max Prescott in Brooklyn 99 season 6, episode 6, "Crime Scene."
Todd Aaron Brotze: He played librarian and amateur pornographer Scott Fupple in The Good Place season 3, episode 7, "The Worst Possible Use of Free Will" and cuckolded fantasy novelist Miles Moorgil in Brooklyn 99 season 5, episode 8 "Return to Skyfire."
Oliver Muirhead: The actor played Professor Radja on The Good Place season 4, episode 9, "The Answer" and Kevin Cozner's Holt-disapproving boss, Dean Wesley Allister, in Brooklyn 99 season 6, episode 13, "The Bimbo."
Carol Herman: Herman played Eleanor-4 in The Good Place season 3, episode 9, "Janet(s)" and Eunice in Brooklyn 99 season 5, episode 21, "White Whale."
Phil Augusta Jackson: He played Kellen in The Good Place season 3, episode 10, "The Book of Dougs." As well as writing multiple episodes, Jackson also played the dual roles of Trent and Jeremy in Brooklyn 99 seasons 3 and 4, respectively.
A.J. Hudson: The child actor played Young Chidi in The Good Place season 1, episode 10, "Chidi's Choice" and Dylan in Brooklyn 99 season 4, episode 18, "Chasing Amy."
Will McLaughlin: He amusingly played Officer Prawnmandler in The Good Place season 1, episode 11, "What's My Motivation" and clashed with Jake and Charles as Big Santa in the identically designated Brooklyn 99 season 1, episode 11, "Christmas."
Dave King: As well as writing an earlier episode, King played Phil in The Good Place season 4, episode 11, "Mondays, Am I Right?" and starred as Holt's ironic PR supervisor, Bob, in Brooklyn 99 season 3, episode 4, "The Oolong Slayer."
Abigail Marlowe: She played Margaret in The Good Place season 1, episode 10, "Chidi's Choice" and Daniella Andrade in Brooklyn 99 season 4, episode 19, "Your Honor."
Moshe Kasher: He played Colby in The Good Place season 3, episode 1, "Everything is Bonzer!" and Duncan Traub in Brooklyn 99 season 2, episode 2, "Chocolate Milk."
Robert Paul Taylor: Taylor starred in The Good Place season 4, episode 11, "Mondays, Am I Right?" and Brooklyn 99, season 1, episode 10, "Thanksgiving."
Max Silvestri: The Big Mouth writer and producer played Dwayne DeRock in The Good Place season 1, episode 9, "Someone Like Me As A Member" and Patrick on Brooklyn 99 season 3, episode 20, "Paranoia."
Ryan de Quintal: Quintal played Damon in The Good Place season 3, episode 4, "Jeremy Bearimy" and Ned in Brooklyn 99, season 7, episode 3, "Pimemento".
The connections between what's come to be known as the Schurniverse grows exponentially with the inclusion of The Office and Parks & Recreation. As things were left, however, it proved an impressive collection of recycled actors. Given the talent demonstrated by each, it's more than understandable why such a decision was made. With Schur sure to produce plenty more offerings in the future, it'll be interesting to see how the overlaps and connections expand. In the meantime, the surprising amount already offered by The Good Place and Brooklyn 99 will no doubt give fans something else to look out for on their next rewatch.
More: Every Parks & Rec Actor In The Good Place
Every Brooklyn 99 Actor in The Good Place | Screen Rant from https://ift.tt/3dTeO0N
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lustafters-a · 5 years
a very, very extensive list of ships i’d love to write with the faceclaims i happen to have. bold means i can play said faceclaim !  lots of them are ,,, pretty wild, truthfully . i just got way too into this .
taron egerton x colin firth
taron egerton x jamie bell 
taron egerton x richard madden
joseph morgan x leah pipes
joseph morgan x candice king
joseph morgan x phoebe tonkin 
nico mirallegro x sharon rooney
nico mirallegro x jodie comer
nico mirallegro x russell tovey
nico mirallegro x hayley atwell 
daniel gilles x phoebe tonkin
finn cole x molly gordon
finn cole x asa butterfield 
finn cole x margot robbie
tom hardy x cillian murphy 
tom hardy x michelle williams 
tom hardy x charlotte riley
tom hardy x annabelle wallis
tom hardy x jack lowden
tom hardy x chris pine
katherine langford x ross butler
katherine langford x alisha boe
katherine langford x dylan minnette 
katherine langford x alexandra shipp
cobie smulders x jake johnson
cobie smulders  x chris evans 
henry golding x emilia clarke 
henry golding x constance wu
ross butler x zendaya
ross butler x noah centineo 
rami malek x ben hardy
rami malek x joseph mazzello
rami malek x gwilym lee 
joe alwyn x emma stone 
joe alwyn x margot robbie 
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richard madden x gemma chan
zendaya x trevor jackson
alicia vikander x bill skarsgard
alicia vikander x eddie redmayne
alicia vikander x kit harington
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adamwatchesmovies · 5 years
Toy Story 4 (2019)
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When they announced another, I was apprehensive but a few minutes in Toy Story 4, I recognized it as earnest and inspired. Turns out there was one more thing that needed to be addressed and this fourth chapter does it spectacularly.
Two years after Andy donated his toys to Bonnie (Madeleine McGraw), Buzz Lightyear (Tim Allen), Jessie (Joan Cusack), Rex (Wallace Shawn), Hamm (John Ratzenberger), Slinky Dog (Blake Clark), Mr. Potato Head (Don Rickles through from archival recordings), Mrs. Potato Head (Estelle Harris) and the Aliens (Jeff Pidgeon) get played with every day. They're happy but Woody (Tom Hanks) misses something. When Bonnie brings home Forky (Tony Hale), a toy she made out of garbage and who doesn’t understand his purpose, the cowboy believes he’s found what he needs to fill that void.
In the Toy Story films, we see a series that has done a lot of growing up technology- and story-wise. The backgrounds featured here are practically photo-realistic. The scenes of Woody and Forky navigating the dusty spaces behind shelves inside an antique store could've only been dreamed of in 1995. The camera movements are dynamic - perfectly matching the inventive action scenes, chases, and escape sequences which have become trademarks of this franchise. It’s got a lot of big laughs from old favorites and from Forky, who has a quasi-suicidal tendency that would be grim anywhere else but is hilarious here.
That's great. What puts this picture above your run-of-the-mill family entertainment is Woody’s story. Ultimately, his journey is about sacrifice, the purpose of life, and what it means to truly live and love. Some of it is so profound I wonder if it's too sophisticated for small children. Even as an adult, it stopped me dead in my tracks. As a follow-up to what we saw before, it's spectacular. This is what it’s all been leading up to, though we might not have seen it way back when. It's a little sad but it’s also deeply satisfying in the way few conclusions are.
The new characters introduced get you thinking about aspects of the toy world like never before, proving there's still much to explore. The film’s villain, an antique doll called Gabby Gabby (Christina Hendricks) is particularly interesting. She and her ventriloquist dummy goons are mega creepy. The film knows this and takes full advantage of it; never going too far because it’s also able to get some laughs out of them. The laughs throughout perfectly compliment the serious and tense moments.
Unlike most Pixar films (and recent Disney Animated films), Toy Story 4 isn't preceded by a short. It does, however, have a number of gags during the end credits. Stay for those and to gather your thoughts once the movie's over. It’s a joy to watch, a worthy fourth film. (Theatrical version on the big screen, July 10, 2019)
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douxreviews · 5 years
The Princess Bride Review
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[This review includes spoilers.]
Grandson: "Has it got any sports in it?" Grandfather: "Are you kidding? Fencing, fighting, torture, revenge, giants, monsters, chases, escapes, true love, miracles..."
The Princess Bride is often described as a fractured fairy tale, but I don't think that's accurate because it's so much more. In his original book, William Goldman took the standard elements of a fairy tale and twisted them off center into something exceptionally funny, while still retaining all of the elements that made it an enjoyable fairy tale. And then Rob Reiner took Goldman's story and translated it into a movie that was just as good and did the same thing, which is a remarkable achievement. The Princess Bride is a satire, a tale of true love, a touching story of bloody vengeance, and it's hilarious. It's unique, and defies categorization.
It's difficult to launch directly into a fantasy world, so Goldman cleverly encapsulated the fairy tale into a story that a grandfather (Peter Falk) is reading to his sick grandson (Fred Savage). I've always loved the skillful way it goes back and forth ("Is this a kissing book?" "She does not get eaten by the eels at this time"). Because the grandfather clearly loves the story he's telling, and at the end, his grandson does too, it bridges the generational gap between them. Lovely.
But it's the fairy tale that's important, and I love every minute of it. I want Buttercup and Westley to live happily ever after. I want Inigo to avenge his father and find peace at last. And there are so many scenes that are absolute gems. The duel at the top of the Cliffs of Insanity is probably my favorite because of the way the Man in Black and Inigo bond as they're trying to kill each other. The duel of wits with the iocane powder is priceless. I love the shrieking eels. I love the R.O.U.S.'s in the fire swamp. Inigo's duel with the six-fingered man is just wonderful, a perfect emotional climax to the movie.
The performances are also gems. Westley (Cary Elwes) is gorgeous, dashing, and ridiculous. Buttercup (Robin Wright) is earnestly beautiful and beautifully earnest, the perfect straight woman. Inigo's story is the most compelling, and Mandy Patinkin brings perfect comic timing as well as pathos to the role. It's not easy to pull off a line like "My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die!" not just once, but many times, and to give it so much impact each and every time.
I can't say enough good things about Wallace Shawn as Vizzini; practically every line he says in this movie is terribly funny. Andre the Giant imparts such sweetness to the role of Fezzik, while still being physically imposing. Honorable mention to Chris Sarandon, Christopher Guest, Billy Crystal and Carol Kane. And Peter Cook as the minister, who made one small scene unforgettable; I start laughing even before he opens his mouth. "Mawwidge. Mawwidge is what bwings us togedder today."
The sight gags are special, too. The climb up the Cliffs of Insanity. Vizzini laughing maniacally before keeling over. Inigo leaning against the tree. Practically every scene with Westley after they give him the pill. The men standing guard in front of the gate makes me laugh every time I see it. But my favorite has always been this one:
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"We are but poor, lost circus performers. Is there a village nearby?"
If I have any complaint at all, it's that while Andre the Giant is well cast, Fezzik's lines are sometimes difficult to understand. The scene with the holocaust cloak in particular is almost incomprehensible without subtitles. Okay, I've always hated Inigo's hair, too. Small things, though. And I can't imagine The Princess Bride without them.
I still laugh out loud every time I watch this movie, even while I know the lines so well that I repeat them with the actors. It's that good. William Goldman is probably best known for writing one of the great movies, Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid. I love that movie. But I love The Princess Bride more.
I wanted to put half of the movie in the quotes section, but I restrained myself and just listed my absolute favorites. So if I missed a line or two that you love, feel free to add it to the comments.
Westley: "This is true love. Do you think this happens every day?"
Vizzini: "And you! Friendless, brainless, helpless, hopeless! Do you want me to send you back to where you were? Unemployed, in Greenland?"
Inigo: "Fezzik, are there rocks ahead?" Fezzik: "If there are, we'll all be dead." Vizzini: "No more rhymes now, I mean it." Fezzik: "Anybody want a peanut?" I love the way Inigo indulges Fezzik in his rhyming. It's so sweet.
Inigo: "You are sure nobody's follow us?" Vizzini: "As I told you, it would be absolutely, totally, and in all other ways inconceivable ... Out of curiosity, why do you ask?" Inigo: "No reason. It's only I just happened to look behind us and something is there." Vizzini: "What? Probably some local fisherman, out for a pleasure cruise, at night... in eel-infested waters..."
Vizzini: "He didn't fall? Inconceivable!" Inigo: "You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means." The most quotable line in the movie. I use it a lot.
Fezzik: "You be careful. People in masks cannot be trusted."
Inigo: "I do not mean to pry, but you don't by any chance happen to have six fingers on your right hand?" Man in Black: "Do you always begin conversations this way?"
Fezzik: "Why do you wear a mask? Were you burned by acid, or something like that?" Man in Black: "Oh no, it's just that they're terribly comfortable. I think everyone will be wearing them in the future."
Man in Black: "I do not envy you the headache you will have when you awake. But for now, rest well and dream of large women."
Vizzini: "You fool! You fell victim to one of the classic blunders! The most famous of which is 'never get involved in a land war in Asia', but only slightly less well-known is this: 'Never go against a Sicilian when death is on the line'!"
Buttercup: "You mock my pain." Man in Black: "Life is pain, Highness. Anyone who says differently is selling something."
Westley: (looking around the Fire Swamp) "It's not that bad. (Buttercup looks at him) Well, I'm not saying I'd like to build a summer home here, but the trees are actually quite lovely."
Humperdinck: "Tyrone, you know how much I love watching you work. But I've got my country's five hundredth anniversary to plan, my wedding to arrange, my wife to murder and Guilder to frame for it. I'm swamped."
Inigo: "Offer me money." Rugen: "Yes!" Inigo: "Power, too. Promise me that." Rugen: "All that I have and more. Please!" Inigo: "Offer me anything I ask for." Rugen: "Anything you want... " Inigo: "I want my father back, you son of a bitch!"
I'm not much for hobbits or Harry Potter, so this is my favorite fantasy movie. I love every scene and every line. Am I being too effusive? Inconceivable!
Four out of four white horses,
Billie Doux loves good television and spends way too much time writing about it.
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luikapu · 5 years
TAGGING → Baby Charming (@aybaby) & Lui Kapu
TIMELINE → Saturday, February 16th, 2019
SETTING → Valentine’s Ball
SUMMARY → So anyway here’s what we wrote before we got bored and/or distracted...
Lui was pretty stoked about this whole Valentine's Day thing, and he hoped that Baby was, too. After he'd gotten dumped for being a cheating douchebag in high school, he'd taken ages and ages to get back into the dating game, but after getting dumped last summer when he'd been nothing but an awesome boyfriend? He had a totally different attitude towards it, and he was glad that he'd found someone as cool as Baby at the exact right time in his life. He wasn't sure if she saw tonight as like a real date, but Lui did, and he hoped that by the end of the evening he was on the same page. "How do I look?" Lui asked her with a wink, showing off his hairy, barely-covered legs underneath the ridiculous black french maid dress, as promised. "Do you think Melody Triton's going to buy that these cleaning supplies are actually cleaning supplies or not?"
Baby didn't really know what her situation with Lui really was outside of like flirting, making plans to do things in France together and their hook up on New Year's, but she really liked him a lot and was super eager to impress him in the hopes that maybe he'd think of her in a way that was a little something more...romantic than the posse of girl best friends he was also probably hooking up with. "Super hot. If you were my maid, I'd tip you so good." Baby giggled, looking Lui up and down appreciatively. "What about me?" She asked, posing in her little pink Hugh Hefner inspired smoking jacket that only just slightly covered up a lacy black bralette and tight pencil skirt, her sexy interpretation of the kind of person that would hire someone in a sexy French maid uniform. "I think so! But I don't know, she might be suspicious because...she just is. So if I see her coming your way, I'll just run up to her and think of some story to send her somewhere else. You think Ren'll be pissed if I keep sending her her way or should I pick one of their cousins?"
Lui was having a hard time remembering to look at Baby's face instead of just her body. The outfit that she had on was pretty incredible, both because of how it made her look and because of how fun it was. Lui's last girlfriend had been nice, but she'd taken herself kind of seriously sometimes. Hanging out with Baby made him laugh; she was full of surprises, her costume tonight included. "You look so hot that it makes me look like Wallace Shawn or something in comparison," he told her with a grin, looping an arm around her waist to keep his date close to him. Sure, he had friends that he should go and say hi to at some point, but he knew that he didn't want to lose track of Baby at the dance. "And because I'm me. Playing pranks at dances and stuff kind of used to be my M.O." He snorted at the idea of setting Melody on Ren, but decided he'd let his housemate have a night of fun. "Nah, what about the slutty yoga cousin? I bet we could come up with all sorts of great lies about trouble she's causing."
Baby felt her face warm up at the compliment but scrunched her nose up in thought for a moment. "Wallace Shawn? Really? No one even slightly more bangable like Danny Devito?" She snickered, hoping that he understood that she was 100% joking about finding Danny Devito being bangable. "Oh, then that too I guess! Why'd you give up on pulling pranks at dances? Was it the neutering thing you said Gwen made fun of you for?" Baby asked, lowkey wondering if her encouragement of the maid uniform and boozy fake cleaning supplies meant she had the opposite impact on him as his last girlfriend and she'd be someone's his friends would approve of. "Oh my gosh! She'd be a great one! We could say we overheard her talking about releasing her goats into the dance or planning an orgy since there's so many pretty people around!"
Lui clutched a hand to his heart, like he was wounded by Baby's words. "No way, Wallace is way more bangable than Danny! Those tufts he's got growing on the side of his head are a no go for me," Lui teased, sure Baby realized that he'd most definitely never bang either one of the men in question, either. Or any man, probably, although Lui didn't like to rule things out; he'd try just about anything once. "Huh, I dunno," Lui admitted, trying not to get too pensive about it. He liked that things were so light and fun with Baby; he felt like she kind of got the stuff underneath, even without him having to say it. "I guess I just kind of grew up a little? I still like to have a good time, but like... passing the torch to the younger tricksters and stuff, you know? Give them their chance to shine." He snickered at Baby's agreement, reaching out his hand to lead her onto the dance floor, where everyone was sure to stare at how awesome they looked. "Although you know... it would be pretty cool if there were actual goats here, we could always try a prank for old time's sakes and blame Aubrey or Audrey or whatever her name is for it..."
Baby rolled her eyes and pulled Lui's hand away from his chest, oh so sneakily not letting it go for a minute longer than necessary. "You do know what Wallace Shawn looks like, right? He's got the exact same tufts on the side of his head as Danny! Besides, they're super old and a girl needs something to hold onto and a wrinkly scalp just ain't it." She wrinkled her nose at the visual but laughed again anyway. Baby listened to Lui talk as led the way. She couldn't exactly relate since she'd never pulled a prank bigger than a shock pen in her whole life, but she could still understand what he meant. "I think people are really taking advantage of the chance you're giving them then. Last year's prom got stink bombed pretty bad and then I think I heard this year's homecoming queen had a Janet Jackson moment? I'm sure your pranks are way cooler though." Baby reached up and looped her arms around Lui's neck once they made it to the dance floor and sort of frowned at his idea, more out doubt in herself than at Lui. "That would be so so so much fun but I dunno? I've never really pulled a prank before and wouldn't our outfits just attract attention? Well, even more attention anyway."
Lui scoffed, trying not to reveal just how much he wanted to laugh at Baby's accusation. He narrowly bit back his smile, saying, "How dare you doubt me! I'm going to wear a Wallace Shaun mask on our next date just to prove I know what I'm talking about. I know everything ." Like he knew that Baby hadn't let go of his hand, and he knew that a year and a half ago, he never would have dreamed of mentioning dates in seriousness, much less alluding to future ones. And he knew that he had said that on purpose, just to gauge if she was into the idea or not. He knew that this night had barely begun, but it was already the best time Lui had had in a while, and he hoped Baby was amenable to the very not subtle hint that he wanted to do it again. "And yeah, I'd like to think I'm more epic than that. I've had bubbles coming out of flushing toilets, lots of punch that's actually spiked with good shit and not like, Krat, an invasion of toy cars that have condom baskets attached for everyone... You know, harmless but hilarious. It's always ind of been my thing." Lui shrugged as best he could while still keeping his arms around Baby; he didn't even know where to find goats right now, but even if he didn, he wasn't in a hurry to leave, even if he did get to leave with her. "Oh well, guess we'll just have to goat-ify the next dance instead, then. Think of something more lowkey for tonight."
Baby bit her lip to hold back the world's  biggest grin when Lui threatened her with a weird mask on their next date. Baby absolutely could not believe her luck! They weren't even that far into this date and he already wanted to spend more time with her. "Alright, then I'll wear a Danny Devito mask on our next date and I'll prove that you know everything, but that." Even though Baby had known all about Lui's reputation and some of his pranks well before they'd ever started hanging out, hearing him recount some of his greatest hits was super super attractive and a little bit intimidating. Especially when he put the ball in her court and suggested that she think of a lowkey prank for the night. The closest Baby had ever come to pulling a prank, was switching around all of the little outfits on her family's little mouse friends once when she was twelve. And even that hadn't been much of a prank since before Cinderella had even gotten a chance to see it, Baby had been filled with guilt and cried while switching all the tiny shirts and hats right back. "Oh gosh..I don't know. Maybe we should do something with the fake cleaning supplies we brought?"
Lui snorted at the idea of Baby dressed as Danny Devito, and almost said something about how he'd never imagined Danny and Wallace hooking up before but now it was all he could think about. He didn't, though; Baby was cool, and he didn't want her to think he was only interested in sex or whatever. That was the old Lui; now, he was trying to find some balance between like, the Old Old Lui from freshman year, who had been a kind of decent guy, and the newer Luis who liked to have fun and stuff but still wanted people to know when they were actually special. Most of all, he wanted to be special back, and Lui hoped that if tonight went well maybe he'd be special back to Baby. Or maybe he already was and he just couldn't be sure yet... "Okay, that would be hilarious. We could go up and spray it in people's faces and then start pretending that we have to call the hospital because we don't know how fast they're gonna get poisoned, or we could stage a really dramatic fight between us where we spray each other with it and put on a show and pretend to hate each other, or hmm..." Lui arched his eyebrows, wiggling them thoughtfully. "Or we could go find actual cleaning supplies, peel the labels off, and start sticking them on random people who are just minding their own business dancing."
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Book Club
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You know that thing where you see a trailer for a movie and you’re like “YES. This is going to be awesome,” and then you see it and it’s a piece of shit? That’s because the people who make trailers are in an entirely different business than the people who make movies, and usually they’re pretty damn good at their jobs. Then you have the flipside - a trailer that makes the movie look A B Y S M A L and you’re like, “ugh, who would ever go see that pile of garbage?”
Yes, hi, hello, it’s me, your friendly neighborhood garbage movie reviewer. 
That’s pretty much how I felt about Book Club when I saw the trailer. It looked like something made circa 2011 that got shelved in development hell for about 7 years until production company A acquired production company B and they wanted to clear out their backlog of completed projects. Not to mention that it’s a tacit, if not explicit endorsement of Fifty Shades of Grey, which frankly, I think we’re all VERY over. But I like everyone in the movie, and if I want society to actually give even the tiniest bit of a damn about women over the age of 30, I should probably actually go support a movie that does just that. So. Was this a book club worth joining? Well...
I kind of hate to say it but...yeah. It was. It’s light, it’s breezy, and it feels...effortless. I mean that in a very good way. The story is simple - four 60-something friends hold a monthly book club, and when one of the members suggests the first Fifty Shades as the monthly offering, each woman is affected by Christian Grey and his antics in unexpected and titillating ways, inspiring them to take more chances on their own love lives and their own happiness. The movie’s biggest asset is its cast of all stars, namely the four leading ladies that comprise the titular book club - Jane Fonda, Mary Steenburgen, Diane Keaton, and Candice Bergen. Each one has her own vibrant and strong personality, and watching them bounce off each other as friends who have known each other for 40 years is a crackling delight. The relationship between these friends is so full of life and the authentic beats of lifelong friendship that it feels like watching these actresses host a masterclass in the art of embodying characters fully. Just a joy to watch.
Some thoughts:
As dated as the Fifty Shades conceit feels, the movie makes it work pretty well. It’s clear that the women knew about the books and movies but just hadn’t been interested in them before. Honestly, the most inauthentic thing about the entire film was watching them read the book and be impressed. At least Diane Keaton got to roll her eyes and huff things like, “This is ridiculous,” a little bit.
Has Andy Garcia always been this foxy? I don’t remember Andy Garcia being this foxy. I guess playing a millionaire pilot with just the right amount of salt’n’pepper stubble helps. Ditto for Don Johnson - I see why Miami Vice was a thing now. 
Oh shit, I literally just made the connection that Don Johnson is in this movie and his daughter, Dakota Johnson, stars in the Fifty Shades movies. That seems like a weird and misguided attempt to be down with what your kids are doing, but you do you, Johnson family.
I did not expect to actually laugh at anything in this movie, but I did, out loud, multiple times. That’s what happens when you have a shitty trailer and low expectations. My favorite line was when they were teasing Candice Bergen about not having sex for 18 years, and someone asks, “What even happens to a vagina that hasn’t had sex for 18 years? Wasn’t there a documentary about that?” And Mary Steenburgen replies, “Yes, I think it was called The Cave of Forgotten Dreams.” That shit really got me.
I have missed watching Candice Bergen. I watched Murphy Brown when I was a kid, and Miss Congeniality is a true classic, and it feels like ages since I’ve seen her in anything else. She’s the perfect deadpan note to all of the more fantastical, flighty Diane Keaton and Jane Fonda zaniness going on, and I want her to be my wise, hilarious grandma.
How. Much. Wine. Do. These. Women. Drink. Women are allowed to drink other things, you know, like beer, vodka, or maybe some fucking water. You live in L.A., are you telling me that nobody needs to stay fucking hydrated?? Every single scene, somebody has a glass of wine in their hand. How do you even afford a wine habit like that? #WomenDontJustDrinkWine2K18
Wallace Shawn has not aged a day. I love my unproblematic faves (The Princess Bride is my favorite movie) who just keep thriving. I’m lookin at you, Ageless Paul Rudd.
On the surface, this might seem like a movie that dictates the only way for women to feel fulfilled (at any age) is to have a man. But I think the movie does a good job of showcasing that it’s not the man, but the connection, the intimacy, and the feeling loved and valued for who you are as a person that helps people to feel like their most fulfilled self. While this discounts the experience of asexual/aromantic folks, I don’t necessarily have a problem with this central theme of the movie. The connection, friendship, and intimacy are forefronted way more than sex in this sex comedy, and that’s pretty refreshing.
This movie was, per my low expectations, actually a lot more enjoyable than I was expecting. It’s not perfect, obviously, but I want to keep seeing women’s stories created by and for women of all ages. I would love to see more stories like this about groups of female friends who are supporting each other, and seeing all different dynamics - older women, WOC, women living in poverty, women from different cultural backgrounds, trans women, queer women. I want everyone to be at this party, because it’s a party worth being at.
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numetro · 3 years
‘The Addams Family 2’ official trailer from Nu Metro on Vimeo.
Unhappy to see you again.
See it on Nu Metro screens Friday 8th October, 2021: numet.ro/addamsfamily2
Morticia and Gomez are distraught that their children are growing up, skipping family dinners, and totally consumed with “scream time.” To reclaim their bond, they decide to cram Wednesday, Pugsley, Uncle Fester, and the rest of the crew into their haunted camper and hit the road for one last miserable family vacation.
Their adventure across America takes them out of their element and into hilarious run-ins with their iconic cousin, It, as well as many new kooky characters.
Everyoneʼs favourite spooky family is back in the animated comedy sequel, ‘The Addams Family 2.’
In this all-new movie, the Addamses get tangled up in more wacky adventures and find themselves involved in hilarious run-ins with all sorts of unsuspecting characters. What could possibly go wrong?
Cast: Oscar Isaac, Charlize Theron, Chloë Grace Moretz, Nick Kroll, Javon “Wanna” Walton, Wallace Shawn, Snoop Dogg, Bette Midler, Bill Hader Music: Michael Danna, Jeff Danna Producer: Gail Berman, Conrad Vernon, Alex Schwartz, Alison OʼBrien Based on by Addams Family, The Screenplay: Matt Lieberman Director: Conrad Vernon, Greg Tiernan
Running time: 86 #AddamsFamily2 - ©2021 Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Pictures Inc.
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michaelchallpics · 6 years
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I know, Michael C. Hall loves reading, and now we have a list of his favorite books:
“Bookseller One Grand Books has asked celebrities to name the ten titles they’d take to a desert island, and they’ve shared the results with Vulture.
Below is actor Michael C. Hall’s list. You can see Hall in season two of The Crown which premieres December 8 on Netflix.”
My Dinner With Andre, by Wallace Shawn and Andre Gregory This screenplay, a dialogue between an all-too-human aspirant and an imperfect guru, is unabashed, hysterical, grave, and unencumbered by irony or cool. Two men bound by their contemporary urban world and reaching for the transcendent over dinner on the Upper West Side. The road map for a singular film.
Stoner, by John Williams The story of William Stoner, English professor, an unremarkable man by the standards of his world (early 20th-century Missouri). Its plain and unerring truth is astonishing. Though undemonstrative and remote, I experience such a quiet and sublime intimacy with the protagonist. It’s a perfect novel.
Infinite Jest, by David Foster Wallace It’s WORTH it. When I finished, I finally felt like I was ready to start. And did. His intellect is beyond beyond, but Wallace’s heart and instinct burn just as brightly. It’s a breathless and elliptical colossus of a book. (Don’t be discouraged by the footnotes! Just use two bookmarks.) I wish DFW were still here to break it down and distill the current moment, though IJ prophesizes it …
A Thousand Acres, by Jane Smiley This novel, based on the story of King Lear and set in an Iowa farming community in the late 1970s, has a phenomenal narrator. Ginny never betrays her voice; she’s initially naïve and always straightforward. Yet she manages to drop deft charges of insight on virtually every page. A devastating and gorgeous account of fathers and daughters, husbands and wives, toxic masculinity, corrosive secrets … and an abiding heroine.
Eating Animals, by Jonathan Safran Foer This clear-eyed inquiry contrasts the stories we tell ourselves about food with the reality of factory farming. Beautifully written and never proselytizing, Foer’s book is committed to a comprehensive assessment. It fortifies my commitment to veganism as much as anything I’ve encountered.
Sex and Death to the Age 14, by Spalding Gray This compilation of Gray’s earliest monologues is heartbreaking and hilarious. Encountering the neuroses and contradictions Gray lays bare in this work gave me a permission I hadn’t yet been given: to accept and even celebrate mystery, mortality, and imperfection. To encounter these pieces is to be Gray’s vital witness. He needs you.
I Remember, by Joe Brainard This book is a gem. A memoir in the form of free-associative prose poetry, it’s deceptively simple and spare. Brainard’s collage of matter-of-fact remembrances creates a rich and tender portrait of the writer, his time and place, and magically mirrors the reader’s equivalent humanity.
Fun Home: A Family Tragicomic, by Alison Bechdel This graphic memoir is about becoming an artist, repression, liberation, death, the dichotomous feelings between parent and child … “Fun Home” takes you on a journey into the rich murkiness of Bechdel’s past. The fusion of her writing and illustrative skill make for a singularly vivid encounter. Devastating, hilarious, inspiring.
I Hate the Internet, Jarett Kobek With blatant disregard for what it “ought” to be, this book is simultaneously exhilarating and devastating. It’s propelled by an ecstatic and acute rage that unmasks the insidious, mendacious, and pervasive web of technology, gentrification, racism, sexism, celebrity worship.
White Girls, by Hilton Als These pieces are in their own unconstrained category. Als stokes the fires of contradiction and then carries you into the blaze. His luscious mind is somehow bold and keen enough to keep you from burning. Then, as your mind marvels, he shoots you through the heart. Again and again.
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geniivk-blog · 4 years
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“You keep using that word, I do not think it means what you think it means!”
The Princess Bride, yet another GREAT film that was underrated at the time of it’s release in the year 1987 because the film itself was ahead of it’s time. The film was interesting concept to say the least. It was combination of fantasy, romance, & comedy wrapped into one. Like many other films it’s still found in the spotlight in today’s media culture, being referenced too time and time again. It can be said that this film is universally loved.
Former Republican candidate Ted Cruz was a big proponent for referencing the film. Time and time again he would do impersonations of the of characters from the film, however this didn’t hold up to well with Billy Crystal who played Miracle Max in the film. He considered Cruz’s obsession with impersonations from the film to be off putting and that he should be focused on doing more important things. (How hilarious is that? haha) The film has also been referenced in the hit show, The Office, by one of the characters known as Oscar, the episode in which it is mentioned deals with Dwight leaving behind his “treasure chest”. Oscar is speaking with himself of the possibility of there actually been treasure in the chest, but it would be to obvious, however that would be what they would want him to think. He then says he is exactly like Wallace Shawn in the iconic scene where he tries to figure out which glass has the poison.
We could analyze this film through the lens of Fantasy Theme Analysis. The film is a perfect play of this concept, when someone talks about a love story or the story of them meeting their loved one. However, the fantasy world and mythical characters and creatures of the film make this love story all the more interesting. The film was good at heart and captured the audience through this whimsical fantasy world.
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