#we should be done with aftermath stuff!
intotheelliwoods · 9 months
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Update on what the mindscape is currently looking like...
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starry-teacup · 2 months
just wanna say. I am very opinionated on many stp characters. and am willing to argue about it. but I think a lot of the ambiguity of the game was intentional. we're meant to draw our own conclusions, because it's about perception, and so actually many people having many differing opinions and experiences is essential to the game. If people didn't, then it wouldn't really have done its job well, would it have?
Anyways, the way I view what's not explicitly stated in canon is the same way I talked about viewing the long quiet and its appearance on an art challenge I made a while ago. it's customized. it's individual. it's unique and different for each person. whatever conclusions you've drawn? they're true. You're right, just like the person who disagrees with you is right.
Because each person had their own experience, met their own princess, narrator, and little voice companions, and each person was their own version of the player character. Each person had their own idea of what it was to be the long quiet, of how we're supposed to relate to the shifting mound, and of the morality and implications of the narrator's quest for an immortal world. Each of us built our own story, and to say someone is objectively wrong about their separate and different story is nonsensical. To say that you have to be right about a vague philosophical concept that isn't clarified in the game itself feels controlling.
We're all free to draw up our own headcanons or implications or aftermath scenarios, and whatever you dream up? Yeah, it's what happened. To your Long Quiet. In your play through.
I know this is probably hypocritical because of how often I argue about stuff, but I think we should all be free to have our own thoughts and ideas. I just really enjoy expressing mine, even if I need to get better at clarifying that I don't think my idea is mutually exclusive with someone else's.
In other words, your opinion is your opinion. Don't let people give you shit about the story that you created, it's just as good as anyone else's. You created a beautiful story, and it's yours, so don't let other people tell you how to read it.
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pursuitseternal · 3 months
“Beginning Anew:” graveyard intimacy in “Our Blood is Thicker”
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(Ascended) Astarion x Cordehlia (Tav) | E | 3.3K
🎨 By official illustrator @marimosalad
Summary: After the fall of the Netherbrain, the Vampire Ascendant and the Bone Picker have worked to help rebuild in the aftermath. But now, in the night, they seek a moment for them, burying their pasts and embracing their future, side by side until the world falls down.
CW: Graveyard sex, semi-public sex, Cocky AA gloating he teeeechnically killed her, Cordehlia having none of that, sub/dom switching, hope for the future side by side.
Previous ch | ao3 link | Masterlist
Chapter 21:
Beginning Anew
Fires still burned, the filth of battle not unfamiliar to Cordehlia as she walked the Lower City after dark. But what was unfamiliar this time, was the warm hand laced in hers, the gentle sway of his body so close beside her. She sighed, loving the way they brushed every other step over the cobblestones.
It was done, over. Enemies defeated and villains put to the blade.
Some of her friends were lost to other places, other realms and destinies already determined to be their ends. Her heart ached for the fallen, for faces that she could easily see again and others… not quite so easily. But that was battle, loss and heartache lacing the sweetness of victory. Only this time, she wasn’t alone in her triumph.
She had him.
They had barely slept the last two days, rebuilding and guiding the citizens of the City, not to mention escaping every prying eye that wished to see the Vampire Ascendant and the Bone Picker, the stuff of legends, the pair of them. But for now, they walked in the quiet silence of night through mostly empty streets. Heading back to the Elfsong, thankful it was still standing.
From the corner of her eye, she saw his lip twist in that rakish smirk for the briefest of seconds.
“Come, my love,” he pulled her into the adjacent alley, deeper into the shadow, black so dark, she could see that faintly lingering glow in his eyes. That tingle of his new magic tickled over her skin, leaping from his touch to dance up the back of her hand.
“Now where, Ancunín?” Cordehlia hissed, teasing but gleeful as she hurried in his wake. Pulled by him, hand in hand. A gesture they had shared along elven paths and shady glades, only this time it was down rubble-filled streets. But she was just content to be following him at all. To follow him, her heart in his chest, for eternity.
He gave that teasing giggle low in his chest. “That should be Lord Ancunín, my sweet, but I’ll let it slide for you…”
Her hand, like lightning now that she mastered her new vampiric strength, flew for the curve of his ass, giving it a punishing squeeze through his suede and leather trousers. “Behave,” she smirked up at him as he gave her a mocking scowl, “my Lord.”
“Yes, dear,” he shook his head, a sultry, sinister smile that showed all his teeth caught in the dim light as he led them to make one final turn. He took note of the way her cool hand clutched harder in his as they entered under the gate of the cemetery.
She knew right where he was headed, begrudgingly, she looked into his softly smirking face as they stood at the foot of his headstone. “Why?” was all she could say.
His palm caressed her cheek, that warm touch grounding her even as her undead heart began to pound hard, if slowly, in her chest. “Now that our enemies have fallen, it’s time to start anew, don’t you think? The Ascendant and his Raven?”
“You mean the Bone Picker and her devoted husband, don’t you?” she snickered, a bit irked and yet…. Something about being his made her stomach flutter and coil with that constant need for satisfaction.
“What about, Lord and Lady Ancunín, hmm?” he pulled her flush against his body, that damned beaded jacket again, now his new favorite, scratching through the silk of her new chemise. “What we were always wanting to be… destined to be, don’t you think?”
Hand braced in the center of his chest, her every new sense could hear his heart thumping, feel the blood rush in his veins again, smell it beginning to race and pool in certain parts of his anatomy.
As if she didn’t always know the instant he grew hard for her.
“Are you seriously thinking about…” she arched her eyes wryly at him, words failing her as she chose to just grab for his erection instead. He just grinded that thickening length through his leathers into her palm. A laugh in her ear as she felt his warm breath inhaling her scent. “You know we are in a graveyard?” she taunted.
“Yes,” he chuckled louder.
“And that we are standing at your gravesite, as much of a lie as it is…”
His tongue trapped the soft bottom of her ear to suck it gently into his mouth. “Yes,” he rasped, a bit rougher in his throat.
“And you do know this is a place where I now have not one, but two horrible memories of laying near unconscious, my head near your own… headstone, right?” She shuddered under his warm lips, pulling him tighter into her hand on his cock by the small of his back.
“Yes,” he replied, “and don’t you think we grieve those poor memories to make a new one here… together?” His words were honey-sweet, balm on her wounds. His nose nuzzled against her neck, breathing in her scent, she knew.
“I’ve been… yours… for a tenday, and you’re already an absolute freak, wanting to fuck on your grave…”
“You love me, though,” he smirked, shaking his head. “It’s not like you wouldn’t do the same, little love.”
“Not my grave, not my name in stone,” she shoved him by his cock, making him grunt so sweetly as he withdrew just a breath.
“It can be arranged you know,” he forced his voice steady, trying so hard to keep that silken seduction in his tone. “After all, I did kill you.”
“Please,” she huffed, rolling her now crimson eyes as she stilled her hand and eased it off his erection. “In a fair fight, I would still kick your arse, Astarion… good thing you Ascended, just to even the odds.” Cordehlia grinned, lips twisting to one side as she let her touch fall. His eyes widened in hurt, or panic, or desperation as he caught her wrist to replace it there between his legs immediately.
“My love, I am the Vampire Ascendant now,” he purred into her face, “every fight is fair… for me.”
Cordehlia let out a very loud, nasally, and ugly noise, cracking into that smile that warmed his heart and showed all her teeth, fangs included now. “Great,” she rolled her eyes, a show of petulance, “As if you need the entitlement or fodder for your arrogance, my love.”
“Just what I’m due,” he brushed his lips against hers, her own so eager for another taste. Her breath forced its way into his mouth, her teeth nipping gently one his lips, longing for a taste, he knew. “Hungry?” he rasped into her kiss, and she was only able to nod and bite just a bit harder with her blunted teeth.
“Famished,” she whispered, licking her tongue over the roof of his mouth.
“Then kneel, my darling…”
She flashed him a look of narrowed eyes and twisted mouth, irritated but intrigued. Suspicious but aroused. Her fingers slid with tantalizing lightness down the sinews of his thighs, her knees bending as he smirked with tickled delight. The sight of his love, playful minx she was, looking for any chance she could to bend his rules. That glint in her eye, ancient and youthful, said as much.
She loved this. But she wouldn’t let him know that entirely. Not yet. For now, she was happy to taunt and gaze at his forever-ethereal beauty. The moon lit the night air behind him, those silver curls fairly glowing, kissed by the stars, just as they alway had each evening they would find one another. Perhaps he gazed with slightly more hunger down at her now, perhaps he craved having his way more than before… but not so much as he had once, the spoiled son of a noble family, destined for greatness.
And greatness finally found him, she could see he thought as much. He sighed contentedly, eagerly, his fingers tracing the line of her jaw to gasp so carefully under her chin.
To tilt her mouth just right for his kiss.
Ravenous, she arched upwards for his lips, working her mouth with all heat and fangs and mouth-watering desire. Until something warm dripped from their lips, the coppery tang of his own blood coating his tongue before he even felt the ice-cold prick of her own fang at the corner of his mouth. “Tch, naughty,” he hissed as she sucked the blood that seeped more with every lick.
Cordehlia only laughed from her throat in reply, hand gripping mercilessly at the outline of his cock, making him swallow another grunt. Laughing and sucking, she freed those small brass buttons down the supple leather of his breeches.
A sigh of pure and heated contentment in his throat, he stood to watch. Those crimson eyes gleamed at him, bright with her own lust, sparkling with mischief. Her lips twitched, waiting to catch his cock the second it sprung free.
Her fingers, warmed from even the littlest drops of his blood in her belly now, she rubbed his length. All silken skin and risen veins, she stroked him in one hand and palmed the smooth, tight skin of his balls in her other. A gentle thrust of his hips, he could feel her breath as she inhaled his musk and salt from the v of his waist. But those lips didn’t aim for his pulsing, seeping head.
Oh no, his bride wrapped her warming lips fully around one of his balls. The groan he made echoed off the walls behind her, he needed to lean one hand on his own headstone just to steady his legs. She licked, first one then the other, tongue swirling over him as he could feel them tighten, as his cock twitched against her ear, resisting her gently hold around it.
“Gently,” he hissed, the cold drag of her fangs threatening the soft velvet skin in her mouth. And she just laughed.
“Afraid?” she murmured rubbing her nose into that hard plane of his hips.
“Mmm, I will only ever admit that to you, my treasure…” he braced himself for more. For another scrape of her teeth over his most sensitive of parts. The rush of fear and lust, of pleasure and pain sent arousal like molten heat right to his core.
“I’ll take that as a ‘yes,’” she purred, aiming those fangs for the side of his thigh buried inside the gap in his trousers. A small snarl reached her ears from above, muscles under her mouth bunched as she lapped the blood that flowed.
His hand moved into her fiery hair, guiding her blushing face back before him, but instead of shoving his cock between her plump lips, he sank to his knees too, her lips too tantalizing not to consume for his own. Her body too precious to keep at his feet for a moment longer.
Those strong hands, all too familiar with blade and bow, gripped into the collar of his jacket, twisting him and pulling him to crush her into the earth, their heads almost knocking against that aged stone. He growled, his thumb prying open her jaw to dive his tongue in deeper. “Cordehlia,” his voice dripping like honey and brushing like silk, “I love the taste of you… after you’ve tasted me.”
Her smile answered as it pressed into his mouth. Cordehlia only wanted more, wanted to glut on his love for her, to feed until she was drunk on his lust and his cock and his desire. She bucked and wriggled and slid her own sensible trousers free. One of his free hands worked them off as well, until she could kick them to the side, her supple boots joining them. Satisfied at last, she slunk a hand to touch her own slickness. But Astarion only growled, a push of his mind against her own, desirous and disapproving. Instead he chuckled into their working mouths. He grinded heavily into her hips, hooking his knee into her own.
Spreading her.
Straining her apart until he could glide his length through that pool between her thighs. Her craving was palpable, her hunger filled his own stomach. One warm palm at the back of her head, and he placed her panting mouth on his own throbbing neck.
Fangs sank into his skin, his cock thrusting deep into her dripping folds. Swallow by swallow as she drank from him, she grew warm, igniting little by little from within, around him, under him. Just a bit more, he split her by her thigh. Making her gasp with a mouthful of his blood. Making her arch just right to take him in so deep, that throbbing head of his cock pressed against the end of her channel.
For laying on a patch of land to hold the dead, he had never felt so alive. Not with his pulse raging through his veins, from the tips of his ears to the twitch of his cock buried deep inside her.
Always eager, ravenous for more, demanding and needy… it didn’t matter if it was their first time
By that ancient stream or the current time, here and now by his headstone, she wouldn’t have him any other way.
Buried to his balls, eyes fixed into hers, one heart and one breath between them. Lovers then and now and for eternity. “Until the world falls down…” he had said before. And that glimmer in his moonstruck, crimson eyes now as he fucked into her repeated it over and over again.
Nails dug into the small span of his back, wherever she could reach his flesh. Her touch gripped hard beneath the band of his trousers to pull him in. As if he needed the enticement. The way their foreheads pressed tightly, their mouths slack and eyes locked… Cordehlia groaned, her own strength clutched hard around him, legs around his waist, fingers dug deep enough for blood as she bucked in bliss. He grit his teeth, savoring the way she pulsed around him, trying to to be undone at the same moment. Biting his tongue, closing his eyes, he forced himself to last through it, even as her ecstacy swept him away. The weight of her hand at his nape pulled his mouth to her tongue. Instantly she lapped at the blood that dripped from where he nipped himself.
Of course she would sense it, hunger for it. He just laughed as he stilled inside her at that moment. Letting her feast on him. “Enough?” he purred, a little unbidden roll of his hips through her extra-slick folds now.
“Never,” her grip already pulled at his collar, mouth pressed sharply into hers. He hissed, the pressure of her tight walls, the rock of her hips to take him deeper… the taste of his blood on their tongues. It was everything he ever wanted.
Well… maybe… one more thing…
Cradling her head in his palm, he sank his fang into her working lower lip, that floral taste that was so truly hers alone filled his mouth. One swallow of her essence, and he burst. Pulse after pulse, he erupted and shook as he came. His breath stifled by her mouth, it was all he could do to close his eyes to the moonlight in the graveyard and let his body ride hard and fast.
Until the only sound in that vacant yard was their rapid breathing, the slick of their sexes, and the racing of his one Ascendant heart.
He kept his voice soft, fingers stroking over that arch of her cheek, those crimson eyes fluttering and filling with tears unshed to catch the starlight. Almost like the silver they once were. “Do you remember what I promised you that last night before I… left you?”
Cordehlia gave a wet laugh, just the one. “Do you remember, Ancunín?” she teased through the surge of tenderness that warmed her inside and out.
He quirked his brows, mock offense darkening his sharp features even as he smiled. “How dare you…” he taunted back, pinching her earlobe as if she were a naughty little elfling. Which she always would be to him, deep down. “I recall promising you wardrobes of silken dresses, notoriety as the beautiful bride of a powerful man… that the City would kneel at your feet, my darling…”
Now she sniffed back her tears as they flowed for real, turning her head to hide them from him. “That was so long ago, Astarion…. I, I don’t even know if I am the same. I don’t know if I belong in a world of luxury and finery and butter-soft dresses…”
His fingers just kept stroking her face. Waiting.
She sighed. “I think she died when she thought you dead, when she saw you all those years ago in the tavern…”
He silenced her with a kiss, tender and tasting and soft as he could. His thumb wiped off a single cool tear as it trekked down her face.
“We are both dead and remade you know,” he whispered as he looked down at her again. “I’d like to still give you whatever you desire. Your delight is mine. Your sorrow, mine.”
Her eyes struggled to meet his gaze, but once they did, she grinned gently. “And yours mine,” she swallowed through her crying.
Astarion swept his hand to her hair now, soft and fiery. Just like her. “I would like nothing better than to spoil you for eternity, to rebuild this city or travel or battle or return to our home country to remember or seclude ourselves in a palace… as long as we do it together.”
“I’d like that,” she smiled wider, her own hand cupping his fiercely grinning face. “As long as we do it together.”
Lips brushed, sweet and chaste, a kiss of promise and hope and future—a caress of one breath, one blood, one heart. As they broke apart, she shoved him in the chest, trying to sit up.
A smirk on his lips, he let her, busying himself with arranging his clothes back properly as he stood. Lost in the moonlight, gazing into the sky, he only turned once he heard the scratch of a dagger into stone.
She was a sight, burnished hair spilling over her shoulders, barely clothed again, and that shining dagger in her hand. With every scratch, she carved into the headstone beneath his name.
With her own.
Cordehlia Aquilae, followed by her own years of life, far exceeding his inscribed above.
He just watched until she was done, standing to return her weapon home, dusting off her hands as she turned. “Don’t let it get to your head you killed me, Astarion,” she teased and drew closer. “You really don’t need to inflate your pride any more.”
He answered with that same wicked look, all smirking lips and devouring eyes. “Our little secret then,” he purred, pulling her close once she was within reach. “My eternal lover, beyond the reach of time… Cordehlia Aquilae…”
She shook her head, raising on her toes to kiss him again. “No, she’s dead.” The words rang with a hint of sadness. But then he looked into her eyes. Bright with the stars, her cheeks flushed with his blood in her veins. “Cordehlia Ancunín, that is if you’ll have me…”
“Forever,” he interrupted before she could say anything else disparaging, “in every position, in any place… Never again from my side.”
“Promise?” she rasped, a grind of her hips against his that ignited his body again. So soon
“I promise you Cordehlia, my bride, my love…” he pulled her close, close enough to feel her body still warm from their first coupling. The first of many tonight, he smirked so assuredly. “We have a beautiful if probably bloody future ahead of us, my love.” His finger brought her rosy lips, her glinting fanged-smile against his own. “I can hardly wait.”
Thus ends the Pale Elf Quest AU for these romantic heroes. Thank you for enduring the angst to get to the happy ending.
But….. it’s not really an ending. There will be more for Corstarion 💞🗡️. I mean, now they’re both powerful, happy, menaces of a vampiric nature. I will add on epilogue chapters, but for now this chapter does mark the “end” of the Quest in canon.
Watch this page for their Ascendant and Raven adventures however. And yes, they will be even hornier and bloodthirsty now.
♥️ Pursuits
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darkstarofchaos · 4 days
More spoilers for EarthSpark.
Okay. Let's talk about the Chaos Terrans.
The Good
Spitfire was the only one of the two I'd seen before watching the new episodes, so I was really worried that all of the Chaos Terrains would just be Dark Versions of the existing cast. It was a relief to meet Aftermath pretty much immediately and realize not all of them are recolors.
Nice of them to explain why the Chaos Terrans were different from the regular ones.
Honestly, the bodyswapping episode might be my favorite of the batch. Which is a bit like choosing the best of the worst, but I honestly kind of like the trope, and I appreciate that it wasn't played for comedy at all. I also really appreciate that they kept the VAs matched with the bodies instead of the characters, because one of my least favorite things about bodyswap stories is when characters keep their own voices. The VAs also did a really good job of playing each other's characters, even if the dialogue itself was painful at times.
Aftermath immediately adopting Spitfire as his sister was cute.
I liked Spitfire initially. She was a bit young to be so apathetic (girl, you've been alive for five minutes, where's your joie de vivre?), but compared to Aftermath just wanting to destroy stuff, it was a relief that not all of the Chaos Terrans were going to be like that.
The Bad
The moment Twitch got chosen to go on a mission, I knew Spitfire was going to be jealous and that was going to define her character from then on. And then she started going on about being superior to Twitch, and yup. Just a standard Dark Version with a superiority complex. Again, you have been alive for five minutes, you shouldn't even have a frame of reference to understand superlatives yet.
On that note, love how the Chaos Terrans just pop into existence and know things instantly. And can scan an altmode and transform within seconds of coming online, while the regular Terrans took days, weeks, or months to even figure out what they wanted to be. Glad we're chucking the worldbuilding in the trash along with the characterization.
Seriously, though, what is it about the Chaos Terrans that makes them just understand everything the moment they come alive? I can accept it from shows like G1 where new bots were built and programmed, but the Terrans are birthed spontaneously and have no knowledge whatsoever. I could kind of overlook how quickly the triplets went from zero to sixty because the plot needed them to catch on fast, but these kids just start at sixty. I hate it when characters with literally two seconds' worth of experience are just instantly able to hold conversations about things they've never even heard of.
Why, exactly, did Spitfire have to scan the drone? Even if she was too heavy for Twitch to carry, Twitch could have just caught her and slowed their fall enough to land safely. They had plenty of time. This entire "I'm you but better" thing was completely avoidable (unless Spitfire chose to scan the drone afterward, but at least then Twitch wouldn't have brought the misery on herself).
How did the cast manage to go a year collecting shards before a Chaos Terran happened? If high velocity and water are all it takes, how did none of the shards land in bodies of water immediately after the Emberstone was originally shattered? How did most of them not end up in the ocean? These things should have done like Lilo and Stitch and spawned aliens everywhere.
The Ugly
Wow. We're really doing the Evil From Birth thing, aren't we. Really doing the "they can't be redeemed because they were born bad" thing, huh. Congratulations, that might be the single most irresponsible message you can put in children's media. Nothing says "some people are born different and that's not okay" like making a pair of literal children irredeemable because of the circumstances of their birth.
I hate the fact that I knew Aftermath was going to die almost as soon as he was born. I mean, the shard was in his spark, there was no way anyone was fixing the Emberstone without removing it somehow. Same with Spitfire. Yeah, let's not only make them evil from birth, let's kill them because of the thing that made them different. Let's doom them from birth to have their organs harvested. Forget the mutated creatures, psychological violations, and all the other horrors going on in EarthSpark, this might be the darkest thing that's happened in this series. Y'know, that and the pair of them being slaughtered onscreen.
What was the point in them even existing. What lasting impact did they leave on the series, apart from being Starscream's moral event horizon. Unless the writing gets way better in the next batch of episodes, no one is going to miss them. No one came away meaningfully changed from having known them. And of course, the Emberstone is dust now, so their deaths didn't even matter ten minutes later. They died for nothing, and I would be surprised if they even come up again outside of condemning Starscream for his actions.
I didn't even like the Chaos Terrans as characters, and I feel so bad for them.
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traumxrei-archive · 11 months
【 epilogue : winter’s aftermath 】
summary tags: the end of winter break (+ this series), pov: everyone’s reactions to leonayuu being leonayuu, ruggie is having a great time, jack doesn’t get it, crowley's sobbing, grim expects more fancy tuna, and cheka’s just a sweetheart <33
word count: 3.6k
author’s note: here’s the epilogue ^^ i hope that you enjoy the last fluffy bits of this series, and happy birthday to leona kingscholar <33
[ baby it’s cold outside series | read on ao3 ]
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i. ruggie and jack
The days that preluded the end of winter break was filled with hustle and bustle. Many of NRC’s students were frantically packing last minute, and saying heartfelt goodbyes to their families as the new semester approached.
Ruggie, for one, was trying to figure out how he was going to lug all of his luggage back to Savanaclaw. His Bibi meant well, but she could be a bit of a worrywart. What started out as a few herbal medicine ingredients soon turned into many, and she insisted that he should share with his friends if they ever needed it.
“I doubt that they’d drink any of that stuff I give them, Bibi,” Ruggie said, casting a levitation spell over his luggage and stringing it down main street.
“Ruggie-senpai!” Jack called out. He was decked out in full winter gear, a messily knitted scarf wrapped around his neck. Ruggie snorted, waiting for his junior to catch up.
“You just got back?” Ruggie asked, tugging at the end of Jack’s scarf. “And what’s this?”
“Oh, uh,” Jack’s ears twitched, clearly embarrassed. “My sister made it for me. It’s actually pretty warm. Have you gone to visit Leona-senpai yet?”
“Nope,” He popped the ‘p’, shedding his jacket as they entered the Savanaclaw mirror. “I am not looking forward to how messy his room is gonna be.”
Jack unwrapped his scarf, gently placing it in his bag, “Yuu told me that they were doing Leona a favor or something, so maybe it’ll be okay.”
Ruggie blinked. Yuu and Leona spending winter together…? Well if that didn’t sound like a recipe for disaster, then he didn’t know what would. He quickly dumped his bags in his room, taking the quickest route to Leona’s room.
“Are you worried?” Jack asked, having followed behind him.
“About Yuu-kun more than anything,” Ruggie muttered as he reached for the door. “You know how Leona-san can be sometimes.”
The door creaked open, and the two were greeted with…Leona sitting on the couch while Yuu was mid-stride seemingly pacing around the room.
“Oh, hi,” Yuu greeted. Their posture betrayed their awkwardness more than anything that was actually was going on.
“Hi Yuu,” Jack said, leaning against the doorway. “What are you doing here so early?”
“I, uh,” They glanced down at Leona, who raised an eyebrow in challenge. “Leona tried to cheat his way out of doing one of the worksheets so I came back to scold him.” And that was when Ruggie noticed something off.
He glanced around the room. It was…neat. Neater than he had seen it for ages. Heck, even the bed was nicely made. And in the corner he spotted what looked like Yuu’s bag sitting right in front of Leona’s closet. Not to mention…
“C’mon, herbivore,” Leona drawled, spinning the pen in his hand. “Don’t worry your pretty little head over a single worksheet.” Leona didn’t look the slightest bit annoyed at being up early with a worksheet right in front of him. Instead, he was just focused on them, barely looking over at him or Jack.
“Leona-senpai, Yuu’s heating and cooling depends on this,” Jack said, and Ruggie could see the twitch of Leona’s brow clear as day. Uh oh. “Cut them some slack.”
Something had changed. Ruggie could hazard a guess, but he did not want to stick around and face the wrath of Leona’s anger this early in the morning.
“Listen here, pup,” Leona said, irritation in his tone. “Winter break ends in two days. I’ll get it done by then.” Jack, on the other hand, seemed confused at the sudden hostility.
That was when Yuu stepped in, "You said you'd finish early so we could go to the botanical garden." Miraculously, Leona leaned back, throwing an arm over his eyes.
"Everything's too loud today," The gripe was halfhearted, and Ruggie's jaw could've dislocated from how low it was dropping. The Leona Kingscholar...calming down just like that?
Yuu carefully sat down beside him, "Then why don't we go to Ramshackle, your Highness?"
"Don't call me that," Leona huffed, though Ruggie didn't miss the way his tail instantly wrapped around their leg.
"You said you liked it," They teased, before turning to them again. "How was you guys' winter breaks?”
Leona seemed to frown as they started conversing with Jack. And Ruggie..well, he prided himself on being able to read the room, so he very promptly turned around, shoving Jack out of the room.
"Wh– Ruggie-senpai–"
"Ah, sorry, Yuu-kun!" Ruggie called out. "I forgot I have something to do with Jack-kun, talk to you next time!” Jack didn’t know just how close he was to getting sent to do lap.
And Ruggie couldn’t bite back the grin on his face either. Now he had a cheat card to dealing with Leona’s bullshit. He made a mental note to give Yuu some of the herbal medicine that his Bibi gave him, because Seven knows that they would need it.
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ii. crowley
Crowley was having quite the headache of a day. It came with running the school single-handedly, he supposed, and he almost mourned the loss of sandy beaches and the cold drinks that he had savored just the day before.
Alas the show must go on. He was the illustrious headmage of NRC after all!
And he was on a mission to find his favorite student. He wasn’t supposed to play favorites, but he found himself particularly endeared to the Ramshackle Prefect, Yuu. They were a good kid, better than the other troublemakers at the college.
So he often found ways to give them things, such as the phone that he conveniently gave them before winter break. (For communication purposes only. Definitely not because he was worried or anything.) Or the task he gave them before winter started. (He knew how dreary Ramshackle got, so the school’s heath would give them the warmth they needed.)
“Ah, there you are!” He exclaimed, finally finding Yuu amongst the shelves at Sam’s Store. “I was looking everywhere for you, Prefect!”
Yuu was dressed well for the cold weather, and he could see they were wearing the gifts that the other staff members gave them, “Headmage. How was your vacation?”
“Oh, it was wonderful, the beaches were— wait that’s not what I’m here for!” Crowley coughed into his hand, a bit flustered. They were the only student out here that was polite enough to ask him such questions. “I just wanted to congratulate you on the completion of your tasks! The fairies were buzzing about your timeliness.”
“Oh, uhm,” They awkwardly shuffled around the snacks in their arms. They always got like that when he complimented them a bit too eagerly. “Thanks I guess. And our heating and cooling?”
“Oh,” Crowley blinked, remembering the empty words he spouted before winter break. He didn’t think they would really take it to heart. “The fairies are more than happy to help out to make Ramshackle more hospitable, so I shall send them over soon. And you’ve outdone yourself with your other task, so don’t hesitate to ask for something else.”
“Hey, hey! Little imp and Crowley!” Sam greeted, ever the jovial. “What an interesting combo! Crowley, did you finally get them your gift?”
“Gift?” They asked, staring with what Crowley would say was just a little bit of hope. Argh. His conscience was hurt.
“I should have given this to you before winter but,” Crowley laughed nervously. “I was just…so busy with the mirror business—“
“Crowley was wailing to us in the teacher’s chat about how ‘his child would freeze without his gift’ and what not,” Sam said conspiratorially.
“I-I was not!” Crowley sputtered, finally pulling out the small gift. “There. Please use it well.”
Yuu opened the small box, a smile spliting on their face, “Are these…socks?” They were, indeed, socks. Not just any socks, the best thermal socks on the market. With the NRC logo on it. But they didn’t need to know that part.
“Yes, well, a good pair of socks goes a long way!”
Yuu laughed, “You’re right. Thank you, Headmage.”
“I-It was the least I could do. And Sam, I was simply congratulating Yuu-kun on a job well done,” Crowley tapped his cane on the ground, trying not to be too proud that Yuu liked his gift. “They managed to get Kingscholar-kun to finish all his worksheets for this winter break.”
Sam blinked, “That’s a magnificent feat! What kinda black magic did ya use on Kingscholar?”
“Yeah, herbivore, what kind of magic did you use to persuade me to do schoolwork?” The group immediately startled, watching as Leona leisurely walked over, slinging an arm over their shoulder.
Yuu seemed to fluster, “I…we just exchanged favors. That’s all.”
“Hmm,” Sam hummed, a grin on his face. “My friend from the other side is telling me something interesting happened over the break.”
Crowley narrowed his eyes as Leona smirked, “W-Wait a minute! Kingscholar-kun! What did you do to the Prefect?” Nothing good could come out of Leona Kingscholar looking so…so triumphant!
“I didn’t do anything,” Leona said coyly. “If anything it was Yuu who suddenly—“
“Okay, enough,” Yuu interrupted, tugging Leona out of the store. And the weird thing was Leona easily followed. “Me and Leona have something to discuss. See you two later!”
As they hurried away, it finally dawned on Crowley.
He pointed a half crooked finger toward the exit, “Are they…dating?”
“Seems so to me,” Sam snickered. “I think they make a cute couple.”
No…Crowley couldn’t accept it. There’s no way his beloved child was dating Leona Kingscholar. There was no one in NRC that Crowley could wholeheartedly approve of dating Yuu. Especially not Leona. Not on his watch.
“That— Kingscholar!”
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iii. grim
Grim wasn't stupid. He wasn't into complicated stuff like classes, but he sure noticed the new development that had happened over winter break.
Leona Kingscholar, the scary– ahem, lazy beastman from Savanaclaw...was always with his henchman nowadays. When they had alchemy homework, he was always there in a labcoat next to them. When they studied in the library, he was dozing beside them. And especially during meal times like this! He helped himself to the food that they cooked. And the worst part was the fact that the henchman didn’t seem to mind.
It was to the point that it was worrying, because his henchman was his! Their one and only boss was him, Grim the Great, after all!
But it seemed that Leona was trying to steal his henchman away from him.
Grim narrowed his eyes as the henchman left to grab some water, "Hey. Why are you trying to steal my henchman from me?"
"Hah?" Leona glanced at him before takong another bite out of his lamb chops. "Who's stealing from who?"
"I mean!" Grim stood up on his chair. "You're always around them these days, yanno!"
Leona scoffed, but he seemed to consider his words before finally speaking, "How 'bout a truce, furball? They stay your henchman and they're my herbivore. Deal?"
Well. First of all, Grim wanted to take offense at being called furball. It was clearly an insult to his (very cute) and intimidating fire ears.
But that...
"Hmph. Fine," Grim pointed his paw toward Leona's plate. "But I want one of those!"
Leona grinned, tossing a lamb chop onto Grim's plate, "Pleasure doing business with you."
As Grim chewed on the lamb chop, the henchman returned, two glasses of water in their hands, "What are you guys talking about?"
The beastman and monster stared at each other for a moment before going back to their food. Grim kept an eye on Leona, who was being more touchy than usual. He kept poking the henchman and the henchman looked...
That was when Grim remembered Ace being all gross and talking about his past dating escapades. And that was when it clicked.
"Henchman," Grim glanced between the two with hesitation. "Are you two...dating?"
Yuu choked on their bread, and Leona wordlessly handed them his water.
"Yeah," Leona stated, rubbing their back lightly. "Why?"
"Nothin'! It's just," Blue eyes scanned Yuu, before thinking back to the many people at NRC who definitely expressed interest in them. "Henchman, I think ya could've done better, yanno?"
Leona's eyes narrowed, "You little–"
And that was how Grim spent some time running away from the beastman who chased him around Ramshackle. Meanwhile the ghosts were congratulating a still-shellshocked Yuu, so Grim's yells for help went unanswered. At least he got a lamb chop out of the whole ordeal.
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iv. leona 
It was official. Maybe Leona was finally starting understanding where Falena was coming from when he gushed over his queen. Leona himself could barely keep himself from thinking about Yuu once every few minutes.
It would be embarrassing to admit just how many times he had been distracted enough that his gaze kept drifting toward Yuu.
Yuu who was comfortably nestled against him, scrolling on their phone. He wrapped an arm around their waist, nuzzling into the plane of their back.
"What's this about?" They asked, their hand patting his own.
"Nothing," He said, his voice muffled as he felt their heat seeping into his fingers.
His thoughts couldn't help but drift back to their conversation that fateful day.
And until that moment Leona had never realized how similar they were. Their words were a mirror of his own, down to the talk of the word ‘deserve’.
He spent his life being a slave to that word. 'I deserve to be king.' 'I deserve to be the dormleader.' 'I deserve to win in the magift tournament.’
All the thoughts of 'deserve' in his life never led anywhere useful. Did he ever want to be king, or was it just the words of others around him that filled him with such hatred for his own existence that the throne was the only thing that he thought would fix it?
If he truly wanted something he should fight for it. And if he lost, and still wanted it, then he would try again. That was what he understood now. And that was what lead him to Yuu.
It still wasn't fully resolved. Leona still had his doubts on whether he could truly care for them properly. And he sure as hell hadn't figured out just what got Yuu to have such a warped perception of him. But… 
His arms tightened around them. It was something that they could figure out at a later date. For now, he would settle for the way their heart rate seemed to spike as he softly stroked their stomach.
He pressed a kiss against their shoulder, “Why’s your heart rate going up?”
“Ugh,” They sighed. “I hate that you can hear that.”
“Why’s that herbivore?” Leona’s hand drifted, until he could swipe the hair away from their nape. He learned that they were especially reactive when he kissed their neck. He pressed his lips against their skin, smirking as he heard their heart rate speed up, “Kinda cute that you do that.”
Yuu shifted until they were facing him, a frown on their face, “If you want to kiss me, you should just ask Leona.”
“You were busy,” He murmured, though he didn’t hesitate to close the gap of space between them.
“If you asked me to, I would’ve put down my phone earlier,” They said, their breaths sounding a bit short as Leona’s nose brushed against theirs.
“You’re so in love with me, aren’t you?” Leona drawled, suppressing a laugh at their expression.
Instead of saying anything, they leaned forward and pecked his lips. Something must’ve shown on his face, because they grinned, “Yeah, that’s what I thought.”
And then Leona couldn’t hold it any longer. He leaned in, their arms readily wrapping around him as they kissed. Leona couldn’t hide his impatience as he licked into their mouth, the startled noise they made turning his rationality into mush. He never thought he would ever have such greed for another person before. But this… Their hand that was buried in his hair tightened and he tilted his head further, their noses brushing when—
Leona flinched back at the obnoxious ringtone. He could see Yuu trying to catch their breath, blinking a few times to gather their bearings. Did he really have to answer the phone?
“Answer it,” They said gently. He pecked their cheek before pulling back. He found his phone on the table, the name flashing on the screen making him roll his eyes.
Meddlesome Falena
He looked over his shoulder, “It’s Cheka. Are you ready yet?” They raked their hand through their hair, the strands falling messily around their face as they gave him a thumbs up. Dammit…they were unfairly pretty at times.
And as Leona internally cursed, he pressed the 'answer call’ button.
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v. cheka (+ family)
“Hello? Hello! Papa, I can’t see Ojitan, I can only see black!” The cheerful voice that rang out made Yuu chuckle slightly.
Leona seemed to hesitate before opening the camera, “That’s because I haven’t opened my camera yet, brat.”
“OJITAN!” The squeal that Cheka let out was quite frankly earshattering. They winced before moving into frame. “Oh! Huh? Yuu-tan! Yuu-tan’s here too!”
They answered Cheka’s enthusiastic waves with a greeting of their own, “Good to see you too, little lion.”
“How come Yuu-tan is here already?” Cheka wasn’t the best camera man. They were getting a very interesting angle of Cheka’s chin and shoulder. 
“Uh…” Yuu trailed off, glancing at Leona.
“Who cares?” Leona grumbled. “Why did you call?”
But Cheka didn’t seem interested in knowing anymore, “Papa! Look, Yuu-tan’s here too.” Yuu immediately straightened their posture, while Leona took this time to yawn.
“Alright, alright,” They could see the camera shake before light flooded the screen. Falena was now proping the camera up, a colorful tapestry behind him as he held Cheka in his lap. “Hello brother. And Yuu-san too! This is perfect, hold on a second—“
“Papa’s calling Mama over,” Cheka helpfully added as Falena turned to talk to someone off camera. “Mama was very interested in what we did.”
“Tch,” Leona said, looking like he swallowed a particularly bitter medicine. Maybe he didn’t have the best relationship with his sister…?
“Do you not like the queen?” Yuu asked quietly.
“No,” Leona answered, albeit a bit reluctantly. "If she went asking that means that she already figured it out.”
“Figured what out?”
Leona leaned against their shoulder, “Wait and see.”
They gulped as another figure entered the camera’s view. An intimidating beastwoman traditional garb swathing her in colorful fabrics. She was a lioness beastman, they noted, matching Falena almost perfectly in her regal appearance. For a moment there was silence across the line.
And then a smile cracked on her face, “So. Who was the one who confessed first?” What? Falena seemed to echo their sentiment, his expression shifting from confused to realization to shock.
While Yuu was still in shock, Leona volunteered a hand, “I did.”
They sputtered, “You— You proposed at first.”
“Hmm… You were braver than Falena, then,” She tilted a head toward her husband. “It took him a whole three years to actually propose.”
“Oh gods above,” Falena muttered, still out of his mind. “Leona’s engaged? He…my baby brother…” It seemed that it didn’t take much for Falena to be shocked.
“We’re dating. Da-ting,” Leona emphasized each syllable like he was talking to a child. “The proposal was a gimmick.”
Now Yuu snorted, “You seemed to be seriously considering it before.”
“Yay!” The loud shout disturbed the calm atmosphere. It was clear that they had all forgotten that Cheka was in attendance. He swung his arms around, pumping his tiny fists in the air, “Yuu-tan and Ojitan are getting married!”
“Uh…Cheka,” Falena said tentatively. “That’s not—“
“Well before that, they would need to visit the Savanna, right, m’toto?” The queen seemed to be seriously thinking about it. Wasn’t it…a bit fast? “I for one, would like to get to know you first.”
Cheka seemed to agree, nodding furiously, “I’m gonna take Yuu-tan to all my favorite spots!” 
“Wait, we’re not actually engaged,” Yuu laughed nervously. This development was not what they were anticipating. How were they supposed to know that the Queen would be this interested in Leona’s partner?
But Leona didn’t seem phased, “I’ll bring them the next time we have vacation.”
“Leona??” They glanced at their boyfriend before looking at the screen. “Why are you going along with this?”
“Cuz,” Leona grinned at them mischievously. “We can’t have you running away from me, can we?”
“Yup!” Cheka chimed in. “Yuu-tan’s family now!”
Yuu had a feeling that they didn’t quite understand what they were getting into when they dated Leona. And now they were suffering the consequences. But well…
A vacation in Sunset Savanna didn’t sound bad. Plus they would be sponsored by the Royal Family, and they could bring Grim along. And Leona would be there.
It was a fitting end, perhaps. They started this vacation wondering about families, having not remembered their own. And it seemed now that winter was over, they were heading into spring with a brand new family.
Their friends. Crowley and the teachers. And now Leona and Cheka.
Maybe this family they had gathered wasn’t such a bad thing afterall. Yuu squeezed at Leona's hand lightly. And Leona nudged them with his elbow in return, giving them a smirk.
It was a fitting end indeed.
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and…that’s a wrap !! congratulations for getting to the end of the baby it’s cold outside series !!
it’s kind of a bittersweet thing when things end, but i decided to look at it in a positive way, because finally leonayuu's story is out there for everyone to enjoy ^^
(plus, i guess now everyone can look forward to the other leonayuu brainrot fics i’ve written >:D)
thank you for reading until this far, and i hope that you’ve enjoyed your journey :> if you’d like to read more of my writing, please check out my masterlist <3
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401 notes · View notes
bronx-bomber87 · 6 months
Happy Wednesday fandom :) I love this episode. The aftermath of 5x01. I remember being so very excited every week cause I knew this was their season. I was so giddy for every era we were getting. This ep started the hurts so good/pining era. Nothing better than having your ship on the cusp and getting excited every ep to see what comes next. Return of Genny in this one yay missed her. Imma need more in s6. Looking at you writers.
5x02 Labor Day
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We start the ep with a guilt ridden Lucy bringing Chris home to her apt. We all know at this point that’s the reason they’re still together. She nearly cheated on the man for loophole sex with her best friend. Not only that but almost partook while he was dying in the process. Still glad it didn’t go down that way but guilt is the main factor here IMO. Lucy is getting him settled in when there a knock at the door. Love how this detective comes up and doesn’t even care she’s interrupted them.
Legend already haha Says her name is Detective Misha Porter. She teaches at the UC school In Sacramento. Lucy looks star struck saying she knows who she is. Mischa said she’s been doing recruiting and her name keeps coming up. Of course it does Lucy is amazing. Saying she’s worked several impressive OPs. That makes for an ideal candidate. That she is here to recruit her.
Lucy looks guilt ridden once again as she looks at stupid Chris. Just holding her back in so many ways it’s painful. She asks when classes start? Porter tells her next Monday. Saying it’s short notice but they had someone fall out. She’s sure her sergeant would approve it. Lucy lights up for first time at the mention of Tim. Knowing he would. He would do ANYTHING for her career. Something we will see of more at the end of this ep.
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Lucy continues to hesitate. Porter sees this and says her classes will open up a ton of doors for her. Lucy tells her she knows. That Detective Harper has told her all about it. She hands her the folder. Saying every unit will want to poach her from patrol after this. Lucy tells her she will think about it…Oh my girl he is not worth giving up UC for. That guilt truly dominating all her decisions.
She returns to Chris and even he tells her to go for it. We see the stress and continued weight of what happened control her. Saying no it can wait. It’s almost like she needs someone else to push her in that direction...Also that someone else is the real reason she doesn’t want to leave. *cough Tim cough*
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We see Tim pull up to meet Genny. What is it about him driving that big truck that is so sexy? Mmm. Also in civies. Yum take me now sir. Haha Love that smile of his when he looks at the house. Thank you to your wife for having you do this. It sounds like Genny is having an argument on the phone. Tim asks if she’s ok? She sweeps it under the rug like a classic Bradford.
She just needed his signature on some stuff before the open house. Tim looks so excited this is done and they can finally move on. Genny looks extra sad about it. Seems like it's more than just the house. Tim picks up on this and tells her not to get sad over this house LOL She should be excited they’re gonna get half a mill each for this place. He then is sweet and tells her to call him if she needs anything. Such a good brother ❤️
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We return to Lucy at home with Chris. He’s going over her packet saying she has to go. I will give him this and ONLY this. He isn’t trying to keep her from UC school. Now he is trying to do the thing only Tim can. Which is talk her down and have her see some reason. Not gonna happen with you clown. You are not the one for that job. Lucy saying this is where she wants to be. It’s not though…
Lucy is still so angry as she talks about Rosalind. As she should be that’s some serious PTSD for her. Once again not the guy to help her through this anxiety. The guilt is eating away at her and nothing Chris can say will help. Because he is part of that guilt. She almost cheated on him while Rosalind got to him. That’s what’s really eating at her.
Another reason I’m glad it didn’t happened. Would’ve tainted their time together. That would’ve been a painful hill to get over. So no thank you. I’ll be forever grateful it unfolded the way that it did. She is putting off UC for one reason she can’t tell Chris about. Would only add to never ending weight on her soul currently. I wanna hug her.
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Oh how I love this scene with Angela. First off I adore him giving her half his burrito ha besties. Second she truly is a cheerleader for Chenford. Also for Tim’s happiness. She just wants to see her grump of a friend be happy. Angela knows that answer is Lucy. It’s been her forever. So she does a little poking around in this scene. Fishing to see what answers she can get. Starting off asking Tim the question that’s been on her mind since Vegas. Even more so since Chris got attacked.
‘How’s Lucy?’ We all know this question isn’t as innocent as it appears. Because well Lopez. He’s out of his damn mind if thinks she gonna let any of this go. I adore this friendship so very much. We notice how Tim likes to surround himself with strong women. His bestie is one of them. His wife another. Only ones he allows to talk to him this way. Heh. I love it. The teasing she does early on in this season is amazing. We were all rooting for her doing this.
Calling him out trying to get him to face his feelings. Do something about them. Angela is as perceptive as they come. And they are as blatantly obvious as two humans could be. Even Nolan knows LOL Tim starts off with a standard answer. She’s shaken but taking time off with Chris. Angela doesn’t care about the Chris part. Asking why he was even there in the first place to find him? Her instigation makes me laugh so hard. Trying to get a real answer out of him. Tim deflecting as he attempts to hold it together for the moment. Just saying he was dropping her off after Vegas. Lies lies and more lies.
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Angela’s face is everything. Her 'Mmm-hmm' Calling Tim on his BS answer with her facial expression alone. This is so funny. Tim catching onto what she is throwing down. Asking what she’s implying? When he’s knows EXACTLY what she’s implying. Because babe you almost did what she is suggesting here. You’re just upset cause you're getting caught in that suggestion. I love her throwing back ‘What do you think?’
She is trying so hard to get him to cop to what almost happened between them. Tim goes back to his platonic answer of ‘Just dropping her off. ’ Although his voice gets a little higher in pitch when he does,. Angela’s second ‘Mmm-hmm.’ Is everything. She isn’t buying what you’re selling Timothy. Not for one second. Angela Lopez is a QUEEN. I love her sfm. Man is lying to himself and she just wants him to realize that.
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Poor Lucy is desperate for another opinion. So she seeks out her UC mentor. She is so cute when she says Harper is glowing haha I love her sfm. Lucy is asking everyone except the one person she knows would have her answer. So she is hitting up a very pregnant Harper LMAO Who is in no state of mind to be helping her out.
James basically ushers her out of the house. My girl. She needs advice so much and isn’t getting what she needs from those around her. Trying to find someone to validate her skipping for Chris. Thing is she isn’t going to find that. No one is going to validate this guilt of her's like she is seeking. Once again just wanna hug her.
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We see Genny waiting in the parking garage for Tim. She called him earlier in the day about offers. Saying they had a developer who wanted over asking. But also a sweet family who wanted it for asking. Tim telling her to go with developer. Cause he doesn't care bout the house. So he makes a crack when she shows up about selling it to a sweet family for 100 bucks ha Such a brother things to do to her. Genny says no.... She has another reason for meeting up other than the house. It’s here we learn about why Genny has been stressed all day. Her and her husband are getting a divorce. Tim tells her how sorry he is. He has most definitely Been there.
Tim asks about the house and who they’re gonna sell it to? Asking if they’re gonna pick the happy family? Genny says no the highest bidder. That divorce isn’t cheap. HA That’ll it’ll soften the blow for her financially being a single mom now. Tim asks if her husband is moving out? She says no she wants to move. Here actually. Asking Tim if that’s ok? He lights up. If there’s anything he needs right now it's family. Especially with all the messy stuff with Lucy atm. It’s so sweet how excited he is. Also their hug is also very adorable. I just adore them so very much.
They nailed casting for his sister. They have an excellent sibling rapport. Good chemistry in that way. Also they do look like they could be related it’s unreal. I love the smile on Tim’s face as he hugs her. My heart. Family is so important to have around. Especially when you’re close to them. This is what Lucy wanted for him out of 4x08. Them to not be torn about their dad but be there for each other like this. Getting me all emotional cause what I have with my baby sister. You know he’s excited he will get to see his nephews more and such too. I love it.
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We finally reach their first scene of the ep. It’s a doozy everyone. But such a good one. This is the stage I like to call it 'Hurts so good.' I will always take good productive angst. Well written angst. It’s the BS teenager angst I cannot stand. These people are in their thirties. They don’t got time for that crap. The secret child or breaking up for no reason other than just to make the miserable. Nothing makes me angrier than useless angst just for the sake of having it.
This right here is the good stuff. They did a damn fine job with their angst. It leads us right into that good pining era as well. There is a knock at Lucy’s door. It’s Tim looking mighty fine if you ask me. Says he’s checking in. Asks Chris how he’s feeling? He replies Lucy is taking care of him. The sweet almost sad look to his smile gets me.
Knowing first hand how caring she is. She cared for him long before he was ready for it. When he didn’t appreciate like he would now. This moment is their breakup before they even got together scene. Because that’s basically what it is. We all know Tim included why she’s really holding back from UC school. Her front is Chris. When really it’s Tim and everything they haven’t untangled from Vegas. They haven’t talked about it whatsoever. Tim is there to clear the air.
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Lucy is a little bristly with him at the door. He doesn’t let it deter him. Asking her if he can talk to her? She says yes and follows him out into the hallway. Ahh this hallway where so much happened last time. The context and situation so much different this time around. Tim being straight with her right off the bat. Saying he hears she’s on the fence about UC school. She has been hunting down opinions all day long. The one she needs the most comes to her. I love this sfm. Kudos to the writers for setting up this scene so well. Lucy is shocked Chris called him.
Tim says yes it was unexpected..but he wanted him to talk to her. Interesting how Chris could know Tim would be the voice of reason for her. But can’t figure she’s in love with the man and vice versa. Lucy telling him it’s not the right time. Tim won’t stand for this answer. That she owes it to herself to go. Lucy has been the voice of reason for him many times. There to absolve him of his guilt when he blamed himself about Mitch and Caleb. She couldn’t stand him bearing a burden that wasn’t his.
The beautiful part of this heartbreaking scene is he is now doing the same for her. He came not only about UC school but for her guilt. The guilt she is wearing like armor at the moment. About Chris, about what almost happened between them while he was dying. Tim telling he’s going to be fine. That what happened to him ISN'T her fault. Telling Lucy what she used to tell him. Stop weighing your soul down with guilt that isn’t yours to carry.
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Lucy brings up what they were about to do. ‘We were about to..’ The way she says that line there is some longing in there. How yes, she’s still with Chris and the guilt that exists with that. But her desire for what almost happened is still there. She doesn’t want to ignore what almost happened between them.
Tim following up with ‘But we didn’t. We didn’t.’ Gah some longing in his voice too. He too is sad they didn’t. The softness in his voice as he delivers that line. Gah it’s so good. Part of him still wishing they had. They had this awakening of their feelings mixed with UC. Then Chris almost dying throwing a nasty wrench in it all.
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There is so much subtext behind the lines they’re saying to each other. Lucy then notes the thing she’s been clinging onto. Being his go-fer. Asking if he’s getting rid of her as it? The hurt in her voice *heart clutch* It's written all over her face. Last thing she wants is for Tim to push her away. It’s why she was avoiding UC school in first place. She doesn’t want to lose working with him if she can’t be with him. It’s the closest thing she has to that and now he’s proposing taking that away.
This feels like a breakup because well it is. Their work dynamic/relationship is a huge part of who they are. It’s how we got to this place we’re in. It’s a sacred thing to both of them. Tim is trying to ease her hurt with his reply. Telling her 'No…he’s just trying to look out for her.' The emotions in his voice as he says this. I wanna cry. They both have pre-tears in their eyes. Tim knows this is the right thing to do. Nothing and I mean nothing is more important to that man than protecting her career. Protecting her. Look how far he has come.
Was almost rabidly against her doing UC. Now he’s encouraging it because he knows it’s what best for her. Even if that means leaving him behind. Tim refuses to jeopardize her career in anyway. It’s why he fought her being his aide at first the way he did. Didn’t want anyone to question her or why she got to where she is. Didn’t want any hand in people thinking less of her when it wasn’t true. That even if it hurts them both he is going to look out for her first and foremost.
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Lucy can't believe what she's hearing. It's all over her expression in that first gif above. The hits keep coming with this scene. Tim telling her it’s time to move on. When he’s really saying is about them. They had their shot and now it’s time to move on. That they have to accept it's not going to happen for them. Gah kills me as I’m writing this. Took the man years to realizes he was in love with her. Now that he does he can’t have her. So he’s willing to do the honorable thing. Step aside and put his feelings on back burner.
Set aside what he wants for what she needs. Because he knows Lucy. How selfless she is for those she loves. He refuses to let her give up her aspirations for him. Lucy is crushed with his retort of moving on. They’re both so vulnerable in this scene. It’s what makes it hurt so damn good. Props to Eric and Melissa once again. Conveying so much with their words, eyes, and expressions. We are truly lucky to have them as our ship.
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Lucy does some double talk of her own. Saying some time away would be good. Really meaning she can’t be around him especially after him breaking this off. That if she can’t be with him better to be away from him. That this far too painful for her. For them both really. Tim trying to build up her saying what a great opportunity this will be. We know how hard this conversation is for him to have. But it shows the depth of growth in him to have it.
This is so very hard on him to give up. Lucy can’t even say more. Her heart is breaking in this moment. Her person is sending her away from him. All she can muster up is ‘Mmhmm..’ because if she speaks any further she’s going to cry. Tim most definitely won’t be able to handle that. Tim with tears in his eyes telling her she should go for it. Even if it’s killing him inside to be apart from her. To walk away from their potential romantically.
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Tim feels the best thing he can do for her is distance himself. He is going to fall on his sword to make sure her future is secure. Now that is love. My goodness. The way she is searching his face in the first gif. Oof. She looks so hurt and angry at him for this. She also is trying to keep her shit together. It breaks my heart. This entire scene does. Then our boy walks away and she looks devastated. He has a smile on his face till he turns away from her. Then we see the heartbreak evident on his beautiful face. Ugh.
How she can go back in Chris after that I don't know.. After this scene I knew this season was going to be a hell of a ride. This was the perfect productive angst for them. Hurt like a SOB to watch. A true gut punch to your feels. But damn so well written and acted. I loved it sfm. Oh my lord I love this season.
Side notes-non Chenford
Nyla’s entire birth SL is hilarious. It’s an insane ride that I love. ‘It’s a girl’ LMAO LEGEND
Thank you thank you to all you amazing readers. Wouldn’t have gotten this far without you all. Your likes, reblogs and comments fuel My soul to write. Shall see you all in 5x03 :)
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skyward-floored · 6 months
I really loved that one fic you wrote called “caged” with fable and legend, and I also really liked the sequel. I love how you described the scenes, it was really fun to read!
I saw that you were talking with another user about how legend got into the castle, and you mentioned that he probably got in through the secret passage way that he knows from alttp
I was wondering if maybe you were thinking about writing a prequel to that fic?
Maybe about how the chain lands in Legends Hyrule and they see Hyrule castle looming in the distance, perhaps under a spell of some kind and legend immediately runs towards it to find he can’t enter normally and he tells the chain that he does know of a way in. So they enter through the secret passageway and perhaps legend gets some flashbacks to alttp as they’re fighting monsters (or maybe brainwashed guards) and looking for fable.
It’s just a suggestion tho! I’m aware you have other stuff to do, so…
Uh anyways, I really liked this years whumptober fics a Lot too, they were all amazing! You are really such a talented writer!
That’s all, hugs!!🫂🫂🫂
I hope you have a nice day
So I wasn’t really thinking about writing a prequel at all, and I don’t do requests really but... well. The idea intrigued me, and I sat down and started writing, and this came out 😅
It’s minimally edited and certainly not my best work, but hey, it’s something. I hope you enjoy the little prequel anon, and thank you for the kind words :)
The sequel (Aftermath)
It was all Legend could think of as he stared at the castle in the distance, dread and anger and too many emotions for him to name making his hands shake.
They’d just exited a portal, landing in his Kakariko, and the relief of being back in his own time was immediately overshadowed by the oppressive dark magic in the air. Impa had found them soon after, and explained with a worried look in her eyes about a wizard who had tricked them, and overtaken the castle.
With Zelda inside.
The blood had begun to roar in Legend’s ears as Impa explained further, but he was barely listening anymore, his head spinning and chest tight with anger.
She’s in danger again, the kingdom’s in trouble again, and I wasn’t here to protect—
“Legend, what should we—?”
He took off.
He ignored the shouts of the others, the calls for him to wait up, and booked it towards the castle, his pegasus boots making it impossible for the other heroes to keep up with him. Rain had begun to fall at some point, but Legend didn’t let it stop him, not even when he nearly wiped out in a puddle.
He reached the castle gates in mere minutes, and banged a fist on the doors. They were shut tight though, sealed with magic that Legend knew he wouldn’t be able to break. But he pounded against them anyway, took out one of his rods and blasted at it, tried his rings and items and all sorts of things before finally kicking at them with an angry yell.
The others had caught up to him by then, and they joined his side, split evenly between looking at him and looking up at the gates.
“How are we going to get in?” Wind asked a little hesitantly, and Legend sighed, swiping some drops of rain off his face.
“I know a way.”
He’d hoped he wouldn’t have to use it, but it looked like it was the only way they could get inside.
Legend led them all around to the east side of the castle, the group’s weapons drawn and eyes squinted through the rain for any enemies. It was only a passing shower, not a torrential thunderstorm like the last time he’d used this passage, but the similarities still made Legend tense.
History sure does love repeating itself.
More then one concerned look was shot his way as they went, but Legend ignored them, as well as the memories that were trying to claw their way to the forefront of his mind. He had a job to do and a princess to save, and he wasn’t going to get lost in his head.
Even though this was at least the fourth time he’d done this and he was so tired of evil striking at his kingdom and the people he loved and having to stop them again and again. He wasn’t going to think about it.
Not now.
They didn’t run into any monsters on the way to the other side of the castle, which made Legend suspicious, but he wouldn’t look a gift horse in the mouth. He quickly revealed the secret passage that would lead them inside, and gestured the others in.
“That’s convenient,” Wild commented, and Warriors studied the passage in interest.
“Are you the only one who uses this tunnel? Seems like a security risk.”
“Only a few people know it exists,” Legend replied, then dropped in so he wouldn’t have to continue the conversation.
Legend took the lead as they began to walk down the tunnel, and kept himself several paces in front of the others, his shoulders slowly hitching upward.
Water dripped as they walked along the passage, running on the edges and making the floor damp. There weren’t any monsters in this spot either, which made it easy for Legend to stride as quickly as possible past the spot where his uncle had breathed his last.
He hated being down here. He hated the reason he was down here and the slimy feel of the floor under his boots, and the smell in the air and the squeak of rats he hated it.
And was it his imagination, or was he smelling blood?
Legend breathed in sharply as a hand landed on his shoulder, and he looked over at Twilight, the older hero giving him a searching look. They were nearly to where the dungeons connected, he didn’t want to stop now.
“You alright?” Twilight asked, and Legend let out a bitter laugh.
“Sure, I love coming home to find out the kingdom got taken over in my absence. And nobody knows what happened to my Zelda, and getting to tromp around in the sewers, I’m having the time of my life, thanks,” he snapped. “What’s one more crisis for the kingdom of Hyrule?”
Twilight’s hand didn’t leave his shoulder. “Legend.”
Legend stopped in his tracks and glared back at Twilight, gripping his sword so tightly he was sure it was leaving lines in his palms. “What.”
“We’ll save her, Legend,” Twilight said firmly, and gave his shoulder a bracing squeeze. “You’re not alone. You’ve got us this time— whatever this wizard is capable of is no match for all nine of us. We’ll save Zelda, and the kingdom. We’ll stop this together.”
Legend stared, then looked behind Twilight to where the rest of the Links were standing, and they all gave him equally determined looks. Their eyes were bright and fierce, and full of just as much resolve to save Zelda as his own were.
Legend felt his eyes sting, but he forced himself to blink the tears back, and nodded at Twilight, breathing out as some of the emotions storming in his chest eased a bit.
Twilight released his shoulder, and Legend turned back around, waving them all onward.
“Only a bit further to the dungeons. We’ll check for Zelda there first, but if she’s not there, we’ll... we’ll cross that bridge when we get to it,” Legend said firmly. “Finding her is our biggest objective. The wizard comes second.”
The others nodded as they crossed through a doorway, and Legend squared his shoulders, shoving away the rest of his anxiety and terror and digging up the courage in his chest that had gotten him through six adventures already.
We’re coming Zelda, hold on, he thought desperately, shouting a warning back to the others as they reached the dungeons, and an enemy’s sword nearly took his head off.
Please be okay.
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lucent-things · 2 months
so people with infinitely greater business and marketing insight than i have already thoroughly covered how this watchertv trash-fire clown show Never Should Have Happened in the Fucking First Place (and how it was executed in the worst way possible)
but it did. and in the aftermath, with the walk-back and apology, here's my perspective that no one asked for:
i haven't fully forgiven them. i'm still sour. it was a breathtakingly stupid decision, horribly executed, and badly researched, at best.
but i've loved these idiots since buzzfeed unsolved and worth it, and i love their content.
so, i'm- still here. i'm wary, but i am here.
it was a good apology. unironically. it was a clear, straightforward, "yeah we fucked up". it was the best, most refreshing and most respectful response they could have given after fucking up so spectacularly, in my opinion.
the move to a one-month-early-access platform is smart, and probably the best solution. i'm actually one of the fans who could afford a subscription. i am extremely lucky that my circumstances (location, finances, credit card) make it possible. and i did- extremely grudgingly- think about subscribing to the streamer.
but everything about the announcement and the abruptness and the hard turn made it feel Wrong. especially looking at the price point, compared to other exclusive streaming services. especially when i was looking at all the stuff that they could have set up/hadn't promoted before going this route (didn't know they had a patreon? had no idea they were touring in the uk??? guys. guys. make it easy for us to support you ffs)
turning it into an if-you-can model is a vast improvement. it really should have been done earlier, through better promotion of their patreon and merch and live shows, but- we're here now, i guess. we'll deal with the now.
so. i fully understand anyone who can't forgive them. i understand anyone who is permanently, irrevocably soured due to this- i get it, really, i have no argument with you. goodwill takes years to build and seconds to destroy, rightfully so.
personally- i think i've got enough goodwill left, to wait and see what happens now.
if they reshuffle how they do things - maybe focus on one or two shows to be of high production value, and let the others be rougher to balance the books (hell, some of the shows are better rougher- and i mean. did no one tell them it doesn't have to be all-in, all at once???) - promote their patreon and merch and shows more, maybe improve the perks for paid subscriptions, or build their roster slowly- who knows. they might even get a paid sub from me someday. (i don't have that much goodwill, yet. you still did a dumb thing. you'll have to earn that back.)
for now, though, they've done enough for me to stick around. i want to stick around. they screwed up, they apologised- and i'm willing to let them try to fix it.
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ekingston · 8 months
Apart from show canon, at which point did u think it was too late for lena's immediate forgiveness to kara's identity reveal
oh boy. anon, here is where i come clean about my shoddy recollection of canon’s chronology. i’ve done so many fragmented rewatches and skipping back and forth—there’s a reason i rarely dabble with canon-adjacent stuff! and that even when i do, i create worlds where Lena figures it out herself! 
second road bump to answering this question is that i have a LOT of feelings about how things played out on the show, and most of them are incongruent with the tone of sgcw. i understand their narrative reasons for keeping the secret from Lena for so long! but the execution is so, so terrible! ignoring large swathes of canon and replacing them with my own is the only way i’m able to enjoy at least the last tiny handful of seasons!
here is where i spend an hour procrastinating from my WIPs, while not successfully answering your question at all:
to be perfectly clear: i adore most parts of canon Kara. and i think i may be hard on her in ways i wouldn't be if i didn’t relate to her so much. i think her backstory is extremely compelling and i admire her ability to hold on to her kindness and hope and joy even after losing everything that was important to her, even when she’s tired and lonely and mad. 
BUT. a healthy Lena—one who we were made to believe was finally freeing herself from Lex and Lillian, rising above the coping mechanisms she’d developed as an unwanted and emotionally neglected child? i don’t think that Lena would (should?) have forgiven canon Kara at all.
after the rift, canon Kara flitted between telling Lena she’d lied to her ‘to protect you’ to ‘one person who sees me only as Kara’ to ‘your last name’ to ‘didn’t want to lose you’ until she literally told Lena she was on her own, and she’d treat her like any other villain until Lena repented, even rejecting her apology at first, as if Kara’s own decisions had played no part in Lena’s downward spiral at all.
the Kara Lena would have forgiven is the much more cohesive and coherent Kara brought to us by our talented fix-it writers: a Kara who is willing to let herself be vulnerable and to second-guess her motivations, one who is able to put together a proper apology and actually listen to Lena's own. 
but, okay, lets table all of that. this is me trying really, really hard to entertain canon:
Kara and Lena’s friendship became painfully lopsided by season 3. i think that was, if i recall correctly, when the super-friends decided to trust Lena enough to regularly ask her for assistance—but not enough to let her be part of their in-group; it’s where they left Lena in the dark about the fact that her best friend had come close to plunging to her death right in front of Lena's eyes, and was actively still fighting for her life; where they tricked Lena into having an extremely personal conversation with J’onn, while he was wearing Kara’s features, only to make belly-laughing fun of her about it later. 
and even then, honestly, it might already have been too late. what about the aftermath of Jack’s death? was that season 2? Jack was Lena’s ex-everything, someone who genuinely loved her, who saw her through the fallout of Lex’s arrest. he was one of her last remaining friends, and Lena pressed the button to let him die in order to save Supergirl’s life. how would Lena knowing that Kara went through that with her, knowing Lena had chosen to save the life of her favorite person in addition to National City’s hero, have changed the way she felt about that horrible situation? that’s where that extremely wonderful heart-to-heart on the L-Corp couch happened, right? Kara swore she’d always be Lena’s friend—while keeping silent about the fact that she was there when Jack drew his last breath, that she had witnessed their final moments.
so—i really can’t tell you anon, i’m so sorry. the 100th episode already fabricated reasons why Kara couldn’t possibly come clean to Lena back when she made the conscious decision to be her friend (and not in a ‘keep your enemies close’ kind of way!), and i’m beginning to think that was the only moment Kara could have told Lena that would have kept her conscience completely clear. Kara should have made it part of her decision—either she was going to be Lena’s friend and give her the same trust Lena was giving her, or she would keep things professional, and keep her identity a secret from her. 
Kara tried to do both, and if i really think about it, i don’t believe that was ever fair.
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Am I the asshole for calling my nan to get me when I wasn’t sure about walking home?
This happened about a year ago, but it still eats at me. I have no idea whether I was actually in the wrong, and so far that day has been one of the worst in my life so far (for several reasons). I should also state that I am autistic, so this may give a frame of reference to how I think.
So, to make a long beginning of a story short, I went on the wrong school bus and when I realized it, I got off on a somewhat unfamiliar street. I’d been driven past it before on many, many occasions, but it was still very alien to me. I call my mom, video called her to show her where I was, that sorta stuff. I should mention, I was also walking down the street while on video call, just to show my surroundings. This is like.. a smidge important later I guess.
Now, here’s where it starts to get a bit bad— I ask if she can send my stepdad to come get me, but she says that I should walk home, considering it was kinda short. The thing was… it was around 4 km? I think? Not only was that the farthest distance I’ve ever had to walk to my house, I’ve only ever walked close to that distance on hikes and walks around this one pond, and I didn’t have a book bag to carry then. It wasn’t a distance I was used to walking, plus I was in a spot that was a bit unfamiliar to me. I was a bit put off by the idea and just was like “uh.. ok” before hanging up. I should mention I was overweight (still am) and got overheated easier than most, but I feel like I’d still be at least hesitant to do it if I wasn’t those things.
So, this is the part that’s the reason I’m sending this ask in the first place. I called my nan to pick me up. It was a sound reason to do so in my mind, being a pretty far walking distance from my house in a somewhat unfamiliar area. While I was waiting, my mom found out that I called my nan to pick me up. She seemed just a tad upset at the time, but I brushed it off as something that could be cleared up easily.
Christ upon a Ritz, I was wrong.
She was actually *mad*, and even when I got home I didn’t know how mad. I was told that I shouldn’t do that by both mom and stepdad when I got home, and when we had dinner that evening the atmosphere was so bad I almost cried afterwards, and the whole time I was home I could occasionally hear them talk about what I did.
Wasn’t the worst part tho.
At some point I was called out into the kitchen, and you know what happened? My mother just verbally tore into me. About how I had took advantage of/used my grandma (don’t remember exact wording), how I had lied (unintentionally), a lot of stuff that made me cry very quickly (which she also got mad at me for). I think she may have gotten mad with my grandma too, but I don’t exactly remember. I have a bad memory. Either way, I felt worse than garbage by the time she was done shouting at me. By the way, my stepdad was there the entire time and not once did he even think to go “hey, you’re going a little hard there” or something.
And that’s not all! She even went through my messages to my nan where I was talking to her about how she had gotten mad at me and how bad I felt.
Anyway, I decided to go to bed early that night because I just wanted the day to end. Something else happened later that night tho but it’s not related to the story nor do I want to talk about it.
The aftermath is that even a year later I don’t feel like I can talk to my mom about a lot of things, and I’m kinda scared of making her mad. I think I’ve become a little more doormat-y in just not ever expressing my feelings at certain things my family does.
But… I do wonder if I actually was the asshole. I genuinely meant no harm, but that doesn’t mean I didn’t do any.
So was I the asshole then?
What are these acronyms?
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doodlegirl1998 · 7 months
Call this a nitpick (and it very may well be), but the MHA wiki states that not only did Fuyumi become a teacher because she felt guilty about Shoto's abuse, but that there are moments where she also fears/resents Endeavor.
All we see is Fuyumi trying to be peacemaker, her disrespecting Shoto's boundaries by giving Endeavor his contact information, and her putting some of the blame of Touya becoming Dabi on herself.
No. No. No. No. Stop that this instant, Fuyumi. You were a KID. What in the actual FUCK were you, Natsuo, and Shoto supposed to do about that?
Hi @nutzgunray-lvt 👋,
I think Hori fumbled with this, there should be more moments where her resentment is obvious but we rarely see inside her head and Hori doesn't show that when he is.
The becoming a teacher part of Fuyumi, to me read more like her trying to reclaim her lost childhood and be a positive influence on other kids rather than because she felt misplaced guilt about Shoto's abuse (although she definitely did.)
But I do think actually Hori does show the fear stuff well;
Giving out Shoto's contact information despite how Shoto would feel about it. - This is what many fans are rightfully annoyed at her for. Although, I see this as an act of fear on Fuyumi's end, she was afraid of defying her dad when he asked her for that information and the possible rage/shouting/etc.. that could come from that defiance. (This is where Hori could have benefited from putting in a scene of Fuyumi apologising to Shoto for that and explaining that she felt too scared to defy even an 'redeemed' Endeav. Fear of an abuser doesn't just go away because they decided they are good now - Hori.)
Putting some of the blame on herself for Touya. - That reads as (not only misplaced guilt) but also softening the blow for Endeavor because she is fearful of him and how he could blow up / revert if she said "Yeah actually it is all you."
Side note 1 - there is also Rei to think of in regard to that second point. Fuyumi clearly is influenced by her mum and takes after her more than her father so Rei saying that "it is not just on you, it is on all of us," to Endeavour regarding Touya could have influenced Fuyumi's thinking too despite how warped that is.
Side note 2 - when seeing the extreme fallout of abusive behaviour committed by an abuser, victims often think "what could I have done to prevent this?" or "I should have done this differently," Especially when they are caught up in the aftermath like the Todoroki's (bar Endeav) are here. This is an understandable but misplaced thinking here. Neither she nor her brothers or mother could have prevented this outcome.
Endeavor could have.
Endeavor is at fault.
He chose to do this. He made Dabi and no one else is at fault (especially not the Todosibs who were also children in an abusive environment.)
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theredponcho · 11 days
A Moment In Time
Donnie frowned as he looked at the hand written letter in his hands. Rereading it over and over once twice thrice making sure that nothing was out of place no careless errors or anything overlooked. After all he wouldn’t get a chance to look at it again once he was gone and it needed to be… no it had to be perfect. He had written and rewritten and rewrote this letter over an over till now and doing one final look over he gripped it firmly thinking to himself ‘OK! Ok I think it’s as good as it’s gonna be…’
Mayyybe he should look at it once over just to be sure. No no he can’t stall forever he has other things he has to do and the letter is never going to be perfect enough for him so he should just man up and just leave it already!
It won’t matter anyway there’s a good chance that after he does this that everything will disappear anyway! This is just a procontionary measure and he won’t be around for much longer anyway so he shouldn’t have to think of the possible aftermath of what he’s about to do! He won’t even be around to confirm or denia his theory’s so who cares! It’s too late to turn back now he’s done to much and lost to much to chicken out now. So with a heavy heart  sigh he placed the letter in the envelope and placed it on his work table. He turned to Sheldon who was still hard at work drawing runes and looking back and forth from the book on the floor making sure all the runes looked right. He opened his mouth and called out to him.
Sheldon looked up at Donnie and had stopped drawing to give him his full attention. “Yea dude what’s up?”
“ How long till we are ready to move forward with the plan.”
Sheldon looked down for a minute seemly calculating the time. He looked back at the book on the floor for a moment before turning to look back up at Donnie. “Probably a few more minutes I think it’s a good time for you to get your stuff ready.”
Donnie nodded and turned to go grab his bag and-
“Um dad?”
Donnie paused and turned back to Sheldon with a confused expression. Sheldon was looking down not meeting Donnie’s eyes before looking up with a slight concerned look on his face which confused Donnie even more so he raised an eyebrow. Sheldon looked at him for one more moment and then spoke.
“You know um.. you can always still change your mind about this man. I know he wouldn’t blame you for-“
Sheldon flinched back at the yell. Donnie felt bad but his main emotion at that given moment was anger, that and also sheer annoyance! He couldn’t let him finish that sentence. He had already made up his mind and he had spent the last 2 years on this plan! If he stoped now it would have all been a waste of time so no it’s far to late to go back now! He gave Sheldon a sharp glare before speaking his words with an inch of venom. He took a deep breath.
“Don’t speak for him. You don’t know what he would or wouldn’t have wanted cause your not him. I’m not doing this for him I’m doing this for my family. It’s far too late to turn back now Sheldon. So are you going to stop me or are you going to help me?”
Sheldon turned away from him with a sad expression looking down almost guilty. “ Alright dude I’m… I’m sorry.”
Donnies face softened a bit and walked back over to him and placed a hand on his robotic son’s shoulder. “ I’m… sorry for yelling. I know you mean well I’m just…” he sighed and met Sheldon’s eyes again. “ stressed I guess.” They were quite for a moment before he forced himself to add a up beat tone to his next sentence. “ Buuut at the end of the day this should all work out so theirs definitely no need to worry! Besides there’s a 50% chance that once I go through the portal this world will disappear like it never even existed in the first place! So why worry about the what ifs right! Says convincingly.”
Sheldon looked back at him skeptical for a long moment before shrugging. “I guess you have a point but just know I’m your ride or die man whatever you decide I’ll support you.” He smiled and patted Sheldon on the head before turning back to get his bag prepared. Everything will be fine! He wonder how long it would take for those words to stick in and actually MEAN it.
He grabbed all the things he been preparing and shoved them in his black duffle bag. The bag itself consisted of only what he deemed the most important for this mission. He had recreated that blue herbicide and had made a dozen more viles to stash in his bag. He also made a few smoke boom versions to stuff in for good measure. He found out a few months into researching and studying the Krang that they seemed to not handle electricity very well so when he was in the process of creating a new metal tech bow for the mission he made sure to stuff it full of electrical fire power options like taser, stung gun, extra extra. He had the new tech bow staff in the bag next to the med kit and basic necessity items (aka snacks, water bottles, and other stuff). He had a few fold up copies of some of his tech and some USB’s sticks containing all his research and important Sheldon files just in case the Sheldon part of the plan didn’t work or something went wrong.
He plucked out the important outlier of the USB’s sticks that was not like the others and had a different purpose. The only difference look wise was the color. Instead of being colored his signature purple it was green and across the top written in sharpie said watch me. He took the USB stick and walked over to where he had the envelope sitting on the desk and delicate placed it next to it before moving on. 
He placed a few more last minute items in before nodding to himself satisfied and zipped up the bag slinging it around his shoulder but then paused. He looked at the wall to find the final item he was suppose to grab… Leo’s sword. It had been hard to convince his family to let him take it from the dojo. He made up the lie that he wanted to study it to see if it had any of his brothers ninpo left behind on it to study which wasn’t a total lie but also wasn’t fully the truth. They weren’t convinced at first and it took him promising he wouldn’t do anything reckless with it and saying that while he was at before returning it he would polish the sword. That made the others finally give into him taking it. He felt bad about breaking his promise with the sword but it was for the great or good and nothing bad was gonna happen to it. Besides they even get to keep it at the end! Plus technically speaking he had fulfilled the other side of the deal by polishing it with all the respect and precision he could. It would be fine. He wished he could believe himself…
He grabbed the sword carefully off his desk and saw his reflection staring back at him. He traced his thumb over the hilt and engravings on the sword before returning to his work. This was it. He was finally going to do it. All the positions are in place and the place is set and ready. It was all or nothing now. He took one last look at his lab possibly the final thing he was gonna see. He thought for a moment about what could happen if this doesn’t work. What he would lose what he still would have. How it would have all been for nothing.  He shook his head trying to dispelling all the worrying thoughts. After all worrying doesn’t give you results it only gives you problems. 
He walked over to Sheldon who was watching him intently. “Hey dude any last things you need to do before we start.” He did a once over look at the lab and thought for a minute before shaking his head. “Alright then let’s get started.”
Sheldon held out his hand readying to be handed the sword. Donnie looked at the sword for the final time before handing it over to Sheldon. Sheldon took it and then raised it high in the air before stabbing it in the little circle on the floor. The sword hummed and glowed with an all to familiar blue glow. He watched as the energy traveled up Sheldon’s left arm and his eyes start to glow the same blue glow that Leo’s would. He watch as the runes started to light up and travel in a line till they reached the guint circle on the wall. It sparked once, twice before a warped sound admitted in the room and then a burst of glowing blue light blasted out suddenly stunning Donnies eyes. He had to cover his face but went he looked up he was shocked to see the bright blue portal standing before him. He let out a small gasp. It had worked… IT HAD WORKED! Everything is going to plan! He’s actually going to be able to do this!
He felt sheer excitement radiating off of him at the sight before his smile fell. It had work but… that ment it was finally time to do what he had been dreading. The last of his excitement fell at that and he turned his head to look out the door of his open lab as his heart fell. He took a small breath and said “ Goodbye.”
Nothing fancy nothing long just a simple goodbye that’s all he really needed right? He turned back to the glowing portal in front of him and sighed before taking a step forward and-
…what? No no no no no no NO! NOBODY IS SUPOSE TO BE HERE WHY IS HE HERE!?! He wiped his head around to see that sure enough there was Raph panting at the door frame fear in his eyes and gripping the wall like he had just done a five mile sprint and it was the only thing keeping him up in that moment. He could tell by the way he was looking at him and the portal that he knew what he was about to do but how!?! He had been so careful not to let anything slip and he hadn’t suspected a thing! He attended all the family therapy sessions, he had told him everything was fine, so HOW!? HOW DID HE KNOW?! They paused just staring at each other the only sounds filling the room were Ralph’s breathing the portal and Sheldon counting down the amount of time before the portal will close.
Raph took a deep breath and managed to make a shaky smile at him. “ Hey Don. Can you step away from that portal for me buddy?” He didn’t move. He only stared at him wide eyed and mortified. Sheldon was still counting down thirty seconds on the clock. Thirty seconds till the portal closes. Thirty seconds till the last of his brothers ninpo was used. He only had thirty seconds. Raph waited to see if he would move away but he stood his ground. The fear and worry in Raph’s face returned but still tried to make his voice as calm and smooth as possible which sorta failed due to the slight stuttering and frantic undertone of his speech. “ Donnie I know.. I know what you are trying to do b-but but you don’t have to do this ok? You can step away and Raph promises… Raph won’t be mad ok?” 
He looked away from his face. If he looked any longer it would be tempting to give in and break down into a sobbing mess which he could not afford right now. He had to get into that portal no matter what. He had to do it at the right moment. Because if he left to early Raph could easily snatch him back or even worse follow him through the untested possible fatal portal. If he left to late he would miss his only opportunity to go through the portal and still be here. No he couldn’t afford to do any more risks he had to play this very CAREFULLY. 
He composed himself and looked back up at Raph. “ Raph I want to go with you.”
He looked hopeful at that tears building up in his eyes. Don’t think about it.
“15” he heard Sheldon call in the background.
“ You can Donnie you can just take my hand it’ll all be ok!”
“14” he heard Sheldon call again.
“ If you come here we don’t have to go through with all this! We can sit down on the coach and just have a good old movie night like the good old times yea?”
“ Mikey will be there and we can order pizza and watch some Jupiter Jim o-or Lou Jitsu like we used to.”
“12” He heard in the background.
“ I know you want him back and I do to but I need you here Donnie.” No no no NO don’t think about it.
“ Raph know’s it’s been hard we all have been going through it but I can’t lose another brother so please.” He took another step forward. Time seemed to hold its breath. “ Don’t… do this.”
He doesn’t want to hurt him. Apart of him wants to cave but all of this would have been for nothing. He can’t let this be for nothing. He’s nothing short of stubborn but the hesitation is still lingering… It would be nice it sounded nice to go with him. He wished he could and he still can. Just wants to fix his family. So he had to choose. So he chose. He takes a breath.
“10” Sheldon called out in the background.
“ I don’t want to leave you or Mikey or dad. And that does… sound nice.” Raphs face looked hopeful.
“ It sounds really really nice.” His voice cracked a bit dame it. He was trying hard not to cry this was why he didn’t want him to be here. Raphs face sofend at the tone and held out his arms readying for a hug. 
… A hug he would never get.
“ But I can’t… I’m sorry. I’m going to fix this and I wish I can go with you.”
Raphs face fell he looked mortified. 
“I’m sorry hopefully one day you will forgive me. Hopefully you will forget all of this.”
“DONNIE!!” Raph sprinted toward him hand out stretch ready to grab him. It’s now or never.
He ran into the portal… He heard Raph scream.
Just as Raph reached the portal it disappeared leaving only the reamanes to sweep across his hand as he fell down to the ground. The portal felt cold but not as cold as the shear chilling of fear coursing through his vanes at that moment. He fell down to the ground a loud thud ring out through the entire lab. He could distinctly hear Sheldon in the background saying “ Portal was a success transferring data now.” Then he heard a distant loud metal thud from behind him but to be honest Raph could bearly hear anything besides his own heart beat, breathing, and the ringing in his ears that was getting louder every second. 
He took a breath… He chocked on a sob. And then… he screamed. And the lair felt a little more lonelier.
Link to chapter two -> https://www.tumblr.com/theredponcho/752513555749896192/a-moment-in-time?source=share
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Power Rangers (2017) fic rec list: (UPDATED: Jan, 2024)
Hello there, as someone who loves this movie, I decided to make a list of fics that’ve read, or am about to read, to anyone who is interested:
Note: I’m only putting here fics that I’ve read. So if someone knows a fic they might want to recommend, let me know! XD  There are currently almost two thousand works on the power rangers 2017 tag on AO3, so be sure to look around and dig for stuff you might like.
NOTE: Remember to check out the author if you like their stories! Leave comments and kudos and reblog stuff you like, apreciation is always important
Illustrated Story: @theone-with-thestuff​ ‘s power rangers sequel: part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5 , part 6, part 7 , part 8
MultiChapter fics (post-canon)
Rangers with Attitude by SmokeyCut : A sequel to the movie that is very in synch with the power rangers universe, both in how the story is told and how light it feels. THat doesn’t stop the drama from happening though. Awesome battle scenes and a very engaging take on Tommy, and the 2017 universe as a whole.
Power Rangers 2: Sythesis by SatanSpeaks (mature) : This fic is a piece, it’s another sequel to the movie, but with a much more bleak look on the universe as a well, however, it doesn’t dive too much into it and it has plenty of hopeful moments to spare. It’s a fic that leaves you on the edge of your seat, start to finish, biting your nails hoping everything will work out.
we gladiate but i guess we're really fighting ourselves by sunnydalehart: “The rangers don't really know what they're doing, but they really are trying their best.” -- Another post-canon fic with good romance, and team-bonding, check it out!!! (Trimberly) (Billy/ Jason/Zack)
Power Rangers 2: Rise of the Green Ranger by IzzyIniguez: Rita loses her coin, but finds a new power.  The rangers learn to be a team and meet the Tommy and Tamsin Oliver, the new (twin) kids in town. Sparks fly and tempers flare between Kim and Tommy, and Trini and Tamsin. I think this might be one of the most original takes on 2017 Tommy Oliver out there.
 5 Times Jason Scott Was Protective of His Team by notawriters: Jason-centric goodness!!!!      
Zack Taylor Designated Driver Squad by iwasnthere622 : Zack didn't have the best school record. His friends help him fix that. -- This isn’t as much a sequel fic as it is a Zack sequel fic, exploring his life after becoming a ranger, and how he relates to his new friends. The chapters go through his bond with each of the rangers, and it’s an amazing piece of Zack Taylor fanfic, enriching what we already saw in the movie. One of my all time favourites!!
Been There, Done That by TaikoTurtle: The team has a bonding camping trip up on the mountains, but after a series of unfortunate events, Kimberly has to figure out how to make things right, including her feelings.
One More Ride by magimumu: (NEW!) : Uber driver Trini picks up Kim on a rainy evening. (TRIMBERLY)   (This short one is amazing! Like poetry! Can’t recommend enough!)
***NEW!!!!! - (This is) Good Weird -  by Laslus -----  Poly Rangers fic!!! -  Or: The Huge Colective Denial of FeelingsThe first time Trini notices, they are around the fire. She looked at the whole picture, feeling the warmness she usually felt when hanging with them, how she finally felt like she belonged somewhere. She should focus on that, on the happiness she felt as they sang off tune, how they were a picture together. Oh.
All of the Above  by songofsunset : This short one shot is a perfetc mood setting piece, with rangers hanging out. In a few senteces, it grasps both each ranger’s personallities and the nature of their both. Sweet fluffiness all around.
Just let me love you when your heart is tired by milkyegg_carton: A cure little fluff about the aftermath of the battle with Goldar!!
walk me home by twoorangecookies: A nice little, well, it’s canon complaint but it’s sort of a missing scene, but it’s also sort of an AU where Kim asks Trini to walk her home.
Campfire Dance-Off by Skyland2704: team bonding fluffiness!
we carry each other (we’re just different colors) by hearden: This is a fascinating fic, about the rangers before being rangers! Seriously! There are so many character beats, and a very good grasp on the characters!!
am i the only living soul around by younglegends: A story told backwards,going from the aftermath of the movie to the very beginning. Again, another rich story exploring the characters and their core! An awesome read about the power rangers that really makes a point about their evolution and their bond in face of their sttrugles. I always go back to this fic for inspiration.
Do Better by iwasnthere622: One of the best jason centtric fics out there, exploring his role as leader and the way he shoulders the burden.
Dildo Wars  by cabooseachievables : I think this is one of the most fun pieces of fanwork I’ve ever read, seriously, just pure delight from start to finish as the rangers start a prank war between themselves.
**********NEW!!!!!!!!! Riding Shot Gun by zipzipnada:   --Kimberly finds out her new friends have never tried weed before, and knows for a fact Jason is a shotgun king.
Shipping Fics:
BY THE WAY, THE AUTHOR tworangecookies has plenty of Trimberly works if you’re interested, I can’t recommend enough to check them out, you’ll definetly find something for your tastes, both on AO3 and on tumblr @5ivebyfive. Another tumblr with fics in this universe is @magicmumu2
you’re my sunshine by titaniaeli: Short, fluff, and engaging, basically a tale of Jason falling in love with his team. (RANGER POLYCULE)
 in a hopeless place by twoorangecookies: (AU) This is one of my favorite fics. It’s an Outsiders AU, and I never had contact with The Outsiders, but I do love how consistent the rangers are even in an Alternative universe. This fic is well paced, and leaves tense with each cliffhanger, not to mention the forbidden romance, which is just *cheff’s kiss. (TRIMBERLY)
The Heart part 1 by The Otter Limits: While this fic is a sequel to the movie, I’m putting it here, because its main focus is the relationship between Trini and Kimberly. I really love this fic because it has a very heavy dose of Angst. I’m not sure it’s everyone’s cup of tea, but I do love the melodrama involved. Also, there is some neat world building about the rangers’ powers and the universe they live in. (TRIMBERLY)
The Hunt For Love by magicmumu: Awesome Valentine’s day Fluff, what else can you wish for? Honestly, the dialog between the characters as they go on an scavenge hunt it’s so amazing, you can’t help reading this with a smile on your face. Can’t recomment enough. (TRIMBERLY)
Fire meet gasoline by twoorangecookies: (mature) A cute little soccer AU, with that good old rivals to lovers premise. What more can I say? Go check it out!! (TRIMBERLY)
Clarity by thebrightestbird: I think this was the first time I read about this ship, and interestingly it immediately spread to be fond of it in the tv show universe as well. Great stuff!!!  (ZACK/JASON) 
with my feelings on fire (guess I'm a bad liar) by movingforthesakeofmotion: The one where a date night turns into exposed secrets and discoveries. (TRIMBERLY, CRANSCOTT)
We can have all that we ever wanted by theshipstorulethemallwrites: 5 Times Someone Thought The Rangers Were Dating and 1 Time They Were
Turning sweet love into poison by twoorangecookies: (EXPLICIT) this fic is Intense, and I really advise you to look into the tags before going in. It deals with heavy subjects like body dysmorphia, so be mindful. Now that that’s out of the way, this fic is delicious to read, two traumatize characters navigating a complex situation, it has all those spices for those who love some heavy Angst in their romance. (TRIMBERLY)
Legacy of Power by Hearden (Mature, but the collection has Explicit fics): (INCOMPLETE) .This fic is interesting because it’s sort of a nice multiverse mix between the tv show and the movie, with the simple premisse of having TV Kimberly and Tommy meeting the 2017 rangers. It’s one amazing fic, very well written with an awesome premisse and solid character work. It’s specially awesome to see two versions of Kimberly knowing and interacting with one another.
*****NEW !!!! -- Shut up and Drive -  by Twoorangecookies --  (Sort of a power rangers meet Fast and Furious, but R rated 😈)  Trini is looking forward to start her new career as a rookie cop. She isn't the best at relationships, so she goes out one night just looking for a thrill. Then she stumbles on a scene that is not her scene at all and more thrill than she asked for, and she meets a woman that is the most annoying, obnoxious woman she's ever met. A woman she wouldn't go for in a million years. At least...that's what she thinks.
PS: I have to say, it’s really interesting to go through fandoms, not only to meet how diverse people’s interpretations can be, but how rich and creative they are as well. Just the ammount of Tommy Olivers I’ve seen for the 2017 universe is stagering, not one version is the same, and that, I think, is also very precious.
Anyway, remember to comment, reblog, and all that stuff that shows authors your apreciation. Feel free to add fics you might’ve read and are not here, I’ll sure try to do so as I find new ones. I tried to categorize stuff as best as I could.
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anniflamma · 4 months
Hello! I adore your Epic animations. Your ruthlessness animation literally brought me into fandom!
I've stumbled upon your beloved king animations, and as a non religious person I have some questions, if you don't mind answering.
Is Saul in love with David? Lyrics imply it, but I'm not sure.
And why did Saul off himself?
Your animations are top tier❤❤❤❤❤
Ah, thank you! 💛 It's so fun to know that my work introduce people to Epic and heck… even Beloved King!
So a lot of stuff is going on with Saul. Buckle up, this is going to be long! (I think)
Is Saul in love with David? Yes and no! In the musical, Saul lusts after David because he is desperate for control, which then manifests in his inappropriate behavior. I would say that Saul doesn't really love David, but he wants him for himself.
That part of the musical is based on the discourse surrounding David and Saul's relationship as possibly a pederastic relationship (before David became the giant slayer). One of the main arguments is the altercation between Jonathan and Saul (which is the song "Shame" is based on). In the Bible, Saul accuses Jonathan of having an improper relationship with David, causing Jonathan to shame his mother for witnessing her nakedness. "Witness someone's nakedness" is a euphemism, which means it's the aftermath of a sexual act. And that it can pass to other partners. So for example, you are not allowed to be intimate with someone who has been with a family member of yours, because doing so will "witness that person's nakedness" as well. So if we take Saul's words literally, that means that Jonathan must have had a sexual relationship with David, which then David had a relationship with Saul for that accusation to make sense. Then again, there are other people who say that Saul is just crazy, says insane stuff, and we should not take his words seriously. 😅
And why did Saul off himself? (trigger warning)
This one is also a can of worms. When God abandons Saul, he sends "evil spirits" to torment the king. This is possibly a representation that someone suffering from mental illnesses, perhaps depression or schizophrenia. I don't want to add any labels, but we do know that in the Bible, Saul becomes very suicidal and exhibits behavior indicative of deep depression. He never leaves his room, doesn't want to leave his bed, and stops eating. He recovers when David comes into the picture and helps him. But alas, Saul then becomes paranoid, and drama ensues.
His suicide wasn't viewed as something weak, but instead, something courageous. He ended his life because he didn't want to be captured by the enemies on the battlefield. But we, the readers, and Saul too, know that he has lost EVERYTHING. His sons are dead, he has lost his entire army, God has abandoned him, and Samuel, his father figure, even after death in the form of a ghost, has disowned him. He has chased away David. Even before the last battle, he fell into his depressive state again, and the only one showing some form of compassion was the witch of Endor, who gave him food before he left for battle.
Saul is a very complicated man! Very sympathetic, but he has done some horrible stuff. Like mass murdering... 😬 I think that the Beloved King musical makes a very good depiction of Saul. At least with the songs we have now.
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knullanon · 1 year
REDO: Symbiotes being assholes Part 2
yaya! I'm finally finished with this! I'm really tired rn and this week has been very hectic for me, so I'm happy that I was able ti finish it on time! I tried to base it around the work that I've done previously and stuff, so I hope you guys enjoy it :)
words: 4194 (not including the bonus at the end \^o^/)
warnings: kidnapping, arguing, yelling, blood, somebody dies, basically no privacy in the carnage household btw, lmk if I missed any!
summary: the aftermath of being taken once again has finally simmered down, and you live your life (mostly) peacefully.
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You had opened your eyes, trying to see who was talking to you, but you only saw darkness. When you tried to respond, the only thing that came out was some kind of raspy breath. You internally cringed, but tried again, this time muttering out some gargled nonsense. 
“_____! My baby, you can hear me. Where are you?”
What? You couldn’t focus on anything, even the strange voice, and you covered your face with your arms. You could hear the voice say something else, something about where you were. But it was too late. Suddenly, everything around turned into nothing, and you felt yourself falling for a second, before “landing” on your bed. 
Your eyes shot open and you leaned on your elbow, trying to get rid of the dizziness in your head. What was that? Who was that?
“________, if you don’t open this damn door!”
Your mind suddenly remembered where you were, and you quickly jumped out of bed, ignoring your headache, and rushed to the door. You took off your makeshift ‘lock’ that was basically a bungee cord attached to your bedpost, before the door swung open, almost hitting you. 
Cletus stormed into the room, obviously very upset. “What the hell were you doing in here?” You wanted to roll your eyes. He took you, and now you’re expected to just do whatever he says? “I was having a bad dream. Couldn’t wake up.” He gave you a look, and you reiterated, “I’m serious! I couldn’t hear you!”
He gave you another look, before asking, “Are you sure that you weren’t just ignoring me?” You knew he was going to go this route. He had… control issues. Ever since you got here, it was not what you couldn’t do, it was what you could do. You could walk anywhere you wanted in the house, except the front room. You could watch TV anytime you wanted, or play any of the games that were there from the previous owners. Anything else was either off limits, or he needed to be with you to do so. 
“I’m not ignoring you, I swear. I didn’t know you were at the door, if I did I would’ve answered it.” You tried to plead with him, knowing that he would get angrier if you just argued with him. “Even if you were asleep, what’s with the lock? Do you not trust us?” He held the cord in his hand, letting it hang loosely from it. You shook your head, “I just want some privacy… Like, what if you had walked in on me when I was changing?”
He scoffed, and walked over to your bedpost, where the other end of the bungee cord was attached. He lifted it up, pulling it out from underneath. He dropped the bed with a loud bang. “Oh, don’t give me that. I knock, you know.” He wrapped the cord around his arm, before he pulled it off and began to walk back to the door. 
“I made you breakfast. If you don’t want it to get cold, you should put on a robe and come out.”
He closed the door, and left you to get ready, and let your thoughts simmer. You were angry. Not to the point you would show it, but more rather your mind was making fantasy arguments with itself. 
He can’t take it! It was ours, we made it ourselves! He’s violating our privacy! We just want some peace once in a while, is that too hard to ask?
You knew that making these little scenarios in your head wouldn’t help with your mood, so you tried to drop it. Instead, you wondered what you could do that day. You could clean up around the house a bit, or you could try to convince him again to let you cook something, maybe a small snack. 
Maybe you could even talk him into letting you outside. 
You took back the thought as soon as your mind brought it up. There was no way in hell he would ever let you outside, even with his supervision. He had too many people looking for him, too many people who would have no problems hurting you either. Of course, this is what he told you. You knew that he didn’t want you outside in case you tried to call for help or anything similar to it, but it still made you pissed that you were in the same situation as you were when you were with Eddie. 
Putting on your slippers, you quickly rushed out the door, not wanting to make him any more mad than he already was. 
The food Cletus had given you was good, you had to admit. You knew it wasn’t him who had cooked it, as he had stated he couldn’t cook very well, but probably Carnage, his own symbiote. You picked at the hashbrowns he had given you, not really eating, but also making it seem like you weren’t spacing out. Since Carnage had heightened senses that also passed to Cletus, it was hard for them to miss something about you. It reminded you of Venom, in a way.
Both Venom and Carnage were both extremely similar, both being symbiotes, having pretty much the same abilities, but that's really where their similarities ended. 
While Venom was much more patient and usually let you be in peace, Carnage was impatient and was even more controlling than Cletus. Carnage would sometimes just sit on his shoulder, and whisper into Cletus’ ear, telling him what he should do, what he should say. Sometimes, if you listened carefully you could hear it tell him random little things.
Carnage was also very much more present than Venom was. While you had assumed Venom just didn’t make himself appear because he thought you would be scared of him, Carnage had no such worries. They would sometimes just take over and talk to you randomly, usually about what you were doing or what you wanted to do. At the beginning, when you would try to argue with Cletus, they would take over and make you submit through sheer size, and lock you in your room using a chair. They wouldn’t let you out unless you apologized to both of them.
“Are you going to eat, or are you going to pout over your little lock?” 
You looked over, seeing that carnage was making more food, probably for you. You turned back to your own plate, and continued to eat your food. You heard a little ‘hmm’ from Carnage before they continued to make whatever they was making. 
Looking around, you saw the remote sitting on the other side of the table. You reached over the table, trying to grab it, but to no avail. You were about to get up to grab it, when it was taken from your sight. Carnage raised it above your hand, asking, “You could’ve asked us, you know.”
You shrugged. “You are busy making yourself breakfast.” Carnage rolled their eyes at that. “I’m making all this food for you, and all you can do is still be mad about that stupid lock. You know, we take care of you for free, and you treat us like this, all the time, every day.”
They walked back over to the stove, and grabbed the pan they were using. “Here, I hope this makes your attitude better.” They tilted it to your place, and a pancake slid off onto it. They walked back to the stove, putting the pan down, and pouring more of the mixture onto it.
You knew that they wouldn’t give you back the remote unless you apologized, so you quietly muttered, “I’m sorry.”
They stopped and turned around, still holding the remote. “What did you say?”
Trying not to grit your teeth, you said, “I’m sorry.”
“Sorry for what?”
Just get it over with, _____, it won’t help for you to be petty. “I’m sorry for putting a lock on my door without asking you first.”
They smiled, their teeth gleaming in the light. “That wasn’t so hard, was it? Apology accepted.”
They handed you the remote, before they turned back to the stove. You faced the TV, turning it on to the first channel.
“-and tonight, we have news on the supervillain Doctor Octopus, who was defeated with combined efforts, both Spiderman and Venom bringing him down. While Spideman was present after the attack for questions and the police, Venom quickly disappeared and officials are asking for any info on him to be reported to the police, or call this number-”
“Change it!” You didn’t think twice, changing it to the next channel. Another news program, this time showing some weather report on the city. You heard them grumble something, before Carnage said, “Better.”
That was another thing you had noticed from both Eddie and Venom, along with Cletus and Carnage. They both hated each other. While you weren’t aware of Carnage when you were with Eddie, you sure knew about their hatred towards each other when you were with Cletus and Carnage. They had told you their origin story about how Carnage was left behind by Venom and Eddie, and how Cletus had found them all alone, and they had joined together. You weren’t sure if it was true, but you were sure of their rivalry to each other.
However, it was also strange to see Eddie and Venom work so closely with Spiderman. You remembered Venom saying something about him, how he didn't know what he was doing. 
Suddenly, Carnage dropped another pancake on your plate, before they started putting all the dishes in the sink. When they was done, he turned back to you, asking, “Could you clean the dishes today, _____?"
You nodded, and they gave a small pat on the head. Carnage dissapeared, going under Cletus's skin. Cletus walked towards the coat rack, and grabbed his usual jacket. “We’ll be back, don’t worry: if you need any food, there’s snacks in the cupboards. Don’t use the stove or oven, you might burn yourself.”
With that, they walked to the door. “We’ll be back in a few hours!”
“Bye.” You said, more to yourself. When you heard the last click of the locks, you let out a sigh you didn’t realize you were holding. You finished your plate, and put it with the rest of the dishes, before you went to get ready.
He sat on his throne, angry, frustrated… a little fearful.
His baby was on some planet, with someone who was a known killer! He had no idea if they were alive, or if they were hurt, and the worst part was that no one could give him any damn answers. 
He looked down at the photo he had of you. It wasn’t even a good one, solely of your face. It was blurry, but he knew what he saw. His baby.
He placed the photo down in his lap, before he quickly summoned one of his guards. “Get ready.” He stood up, walking down the stairs from his throne. 
“Today is the day we will return to Earth, and take back what is ours.”
You knew something was up when Cletus came back earlier than expected. He had come back from his usual afternoon outing with groceries and the like, to tell you he hadn’t eaten anything all day (meaning he hadn’t eaten anyone that day). So he left again, making you your favorite sandwiches. He had promised you that he would make the both of you some pasta when he got back. So when he came back 3 hours early, and was an absolute mess, you knew something was wrong.
He was mindlessly putting things into different bags, and grabbing random things only to move them somewhere else. Carnage was on his shoulder, whispering things into his ear. He was muttering things back to them, still moving things frantically into bags.
You tried to talk to him, “Cletus, is something up?”
He had turned to you, saying, “Pack a bag or two. We’re leaving.” 
“What? Why?” You walked up to him, trying to see what Carnage was saying to him. You listened closely, “he’s coming here, they told us he was here, I don't care if it might be a fake, he is not someone to be messed with-"
He turned to face you, and you realized he looked like hadn’t slept in a week. You straightened your posture, trying not to act like you were just eavesdropping. “Pack a bag or two. We are leaving tonight, around 8 or 9. Sooner the better.”
You wanted to say something else, but he went back to packing. So you decided fuck it, if he wants to move so bad, they can. 
You grabbed the biggest bag you could find, and started picking clothes and belongings to bring with you.
The road was bumpy, and certainly not comfortable when you were trying to sleep. It was obvious that neither Cletus or Carnage wanted to see anyone during this trip, so they decided to go on the backroads, ones where you might see one or two other cars the whole way down. It also helped that it was nighttime, and there was barely any light to see in front of you, so even if there was someone else, they wouldn't really notice either of you, and just think of you as another car.
The whole time, Cletus was focused on the road. Carnage wasn’t even on his shoulder like they usually would. The whole time it was simply silence from the both of you. You didn’t know what Cletus was planning on doing, or if he even had a plan.
He was worried about something. You’ve never really seen him worried like this. Sure, he could get antsy or anxious when something was about to happen, but he was never actually fearful of anything. But you couldn’t tell from what, either. 
It might be the police. It might be someone who is after him. It might be Eddie and Venom. The thought of them suddenly brought you back to them, to the times you had shared with them. You could remember them arguing over something minimal while you ate whatever they had made for you that morning, listening to them bicker and sometimes silently laughing at their antics. 
It made you… sad. Not much. But just enough where your mood was brought down a little. Apparently, it was very noticeable to them.
“What are you frowning at? Don’t tell me you were attached to that place.” 
You looked out the window, trying to see if there was any light at all from the empty valley road you were driving on. “I’m not mad.”
He scoffed, “Well, something’s bothering you. What is it?”
You knew he wouldn’t be happy if he knew your real reason, so you quickly thought of something else that wouldn’t piss them off immediately. 
“Why are you so stressed?”
“About what?”
“This whole thing. Is someone after you?”
As soon as you said it, you knew you messed up from the simple shift in tone of the conversation. Cletus didn’t answer for a few seconds, opening his mouth and closing it again. Before you could ask him anything else, he said, “There… is something after us, yes.”
You turned to look at him, and you could see he was trying to avoid your gaze. You took the hint and turned back towards the road. “Do you know who?”
Cletus rolled his shoulders, and it was obvious he was extremely tired or strained.
“I do. It’s not someone who’s easy to avoid.”
The road was becoming less rough and janky. You realized that you were on a highway, the nearby areas completely flat, with some rock formations here and there. It was a stark contrast to the forests you had seen on the way there.
“Where are we going, anyway?” Deciding to move on, you realized that making him talk about it would make things worse. You could at least try to find out everything else.
“Other side of the country. I know a safe house. Not really a house, but Carnage says it's still there.” 
You didn’t realize that you were going to be so far from home. You tried to remember your family, your real family. There were bits and pieces, but in the months that you’ve been gone, it was harder to remember anything about your family. In fact, you’ve barely thought about them. It made you wonder if they even remembered you at all. Were they still looking for you? Did they even care at this point? 
“Get some sleep: It’s almost one in the morning. I’ll wake you up when I find a place to rest.”
Looking around and realizing that there probably wasn’t going to be anything for miles, you closed your eyes and slowly fell asleep.
When you woke up, there was blood over the windshield. That got you up pretty fast. You turned to ask what happened, but Cletus nor Carnage wasn’t there. You peeked out from the window, and saw that he was over someone, probably dead already, and he was eating them. 
You pulled yourself back down, and sighed. You wanted to just fall back asleep, but you realized that you had to go to the bathroom. While your mind was just telling you to ignore it, you saw that there was a bathroom in view, just a few meters away from where the truck was parked. 
Fuck it, you thought. There wouldn’t be a spot to stop at for a while, right? You opened the door slowly, hoping he wouldn’t hear you. Unfortunately, he did.
He turned towards you just as you hopped out and quietly closed the door. You both stared at each other for a second, before he said, “Let me just finish this and we’ll take a break at this place. There are snacks in that store behind you. Grab whatever.”
You nodded, and he went back to his meal. While he was busy, you went to the bathroom and did your business. 
When you got out, he was still eating, so you decided to explore the place a bit. You were quick to realize that it was someone's little shop, with 2 gas pumps out next to it. The store was quiet, and you put two and two together to realize that the guy he was eating was the one who probably worked there. That didn’t stop you from taking a few snacks and drinks. You knew that you would be hungry, if you weren’t just sick from watching some guy get eaten. 
When you walked outside, Cletus was dragging the body away, probably behind the store to hide, leaving behind a very prominent trail of blood. You ignored him, and walked towards the truck to put the items in the back seat. Organizing them so they wouldn’t fall, and so that they would be easy to grab if you needed anything, you leaned back to make sure everything was ok. You felt thirsty, and looked at the food to see if you had gotten any water, but you realized you didn’t grab any. Groaning, you closed the door and walked back to the store. Cletus was still hiding the body, you would’ve presumed, as he wasn’t back from hiding it. 
You walked around the store, trying to find where they put the water, when you heard something outside. You looked over the stands, trying to see if anything was outside or if Cletus was just messing with you. But there was nothing. You continued looking, thinking it was just the wind or some animal. When you found a few bottles of them, you grabbed some and walked to the door.
When you reached the truck, you opened the back door again, and threw the bottles into it, and closed the door. You heard someone behind you, and you turned to ask Cletus if he was done. 
“Are you done with your m-”
The first thing that gave away that it wasn’t Carnage or Cletus was the pure height of the person. They had to be at least 8 feet tall, if not more. They were huge in comparison to you. You backed away, hitting the door of the truck as you slid around it, trying to get as much space between you and whoever this was. 
They didn’t seem to care, as they moved with you, around the truck and then behind it. You turned, trying to sprint away, but you yelped when you were suddenly pulled off the ground and into the air. You kicked your legs behind you, knowing it was them who had you, but it was no use.
Suddenly, you were dropped right back onto the concrete, and landed right on your nose. As soon as you hit the ground, you heard a crunch, and you were able to tell that your nose was broken after a few seconds. For a minute, you didn’t do anything, your mind still reeling being dropped a few feet face first, along with the upcoming pain of your nose. However, the noise of a fight made you roll over onto your back and lift your head up to see Carnage and the stranger having their own little fight.
Your eyes widened, seeing how effortlessly he was just batting Carnage away with his hand. Everytime Carnage would try to strike, or even just go near them, the attacker would just swat him down and away. It was like some game to him: it would’ve been amusing to watch had you not been terrified.
Carnage, on the other hand, seemed enraged. Like whoever it was, had pissed him off so much that he didn’t even care about you at that moment, and all he wanted to do was kill them. You could even hear Cletus every time he yelled or screamed, meaning that even he was irate about whoever it was as well.
However, it seemed that even the man, as you had figured out by then, was getting bored of his attacks. His movements seemed to be more lazy and disinterested: he was irritated. 
Suddenly, he grabbed Carnage by the neck, like he did with you, however much more aggressively. Carnage started to kick and bat his arms around, almost trying to scratch the stranger's face. 
“I am done with this childish game, Carnage.” They said it with such annoyance and malice that even you winced at their tone. They moved him to the side, just for a moment, before they threw him away, at least a few couple meters away. Carnage was thrown so far away, that you couldn’t even see them through the darkness. 
You lifted yourself up onto your arms, going to see what the hell happened to him, when you realized that your sudden movement attracted the attention of him. 
“Oh, fuck.” you quickly tried to scurry away, looking around for places to hide. Before you could even think of the best place, you were picked up (again) by the man. He cradled you like you would break at any moment. You tried to say something, but he shushed you. 
“It’s ok, my dear.” he whispered, trying to soothe you. You didn’t listen to him, instead kicking and trying to push away from him. You saw his smile falter, but only a little. 
He began to walk away, carrying you towards the woods, opposite of where Cletus and Carnage were. You realized what was going on, and you were starting to panic. You started to scream, but he placed his hand over your mouth, and rubbed your cheek with his thumb. 
“Oh, don’t cry _____, I promise that we’ll be home soon enough-”
The sound of an agonized, irate scream broke his sentence. The man rolled his eyes, and turned around. Carnage was there, his own ‘skin’ falling down from his face, revealing Cletus underneath, who seemed to be passed out.
“Give them back!” Carnage trudged along, and it was obvious something was wrong with their legs. Looking at it further, it seemed to be the knee bending inwards. Even still, they continued on with, stumbling towards the both of you. 
With a scoff, the man raised his hand. “Rumble. Deal with them.” he began to turn, just as carnage was getting ready to strike. However, that moment never came. A blur of purple and orange appeared, slamming Carnage into the store through the window, a loud burst of shattering glass being thrown everywhere, including towards you. 
You raised your hands, bracing for the tiny little pieces to hit you, when you felt the hand be removed from your mouth. You opened your eyes, realizing that the man was shielding you from the glass. He wasted no time, either, turning back around to the woods. 
As he walked away from the brutal carnage (heh) behind you, he looked down at you with such adornment and endearment that you almost thought that he was out of it.
“My name is Knull, little one. And you are my child.”
Eddie leaned against the car door, already pissed that he had to wait. He knew that he was a kid, and that his symbiote wasn't even really grown, but he didn't know them very well. For all he knew, it could be some ploy by Carnage and Cletus themselves.
Give it time, Eddie. He might still show. He could already hear Venom sympathizing with them. "I know, I know. Just tired."
Right before he decided to just get in and drive away, he heard a small thump from behind him. He turned his head, and saw him. He was wearing a hoodie, and almost ran towards Eddie.
"Where the hell were you?" He scoffed, not wasting any time. He got in the drivers seat, while the kid got into the passenger.
"Hey, do you know how hard it is to sneak out when your parents are watching you like a hawk? Besides, I got some info."
As he started to drive, Eddie quickly asked, "What kind of info, trustworthy?"
The kid sighed, before saying, "I know you don't trust me very well because of the whole 'spawn of carnage' deal, but I don't like him any more than you do."
Listen to him! Even his own, uh, child doesn't want to follow him!
Eddie sighed, knowing that he was wrong. "Ok. I understand." he leaned in closer, making sure that the kid knew he heard him. "But if I find out your lying to me, it's over for you."
He could hear Venom berating him, but he quickly became quiet when the kid responded, "Hey, that's a deal. Besides, if anyone's gonna kill him..."
His hand morphed into something red and black, shifting into the symbiote before shifting back into a human.
"It's gonna be me and Toxin."
I did it! happy christmas to those who celebrate! and yes, one of the main reasons I decided to rewrite this whole series was because I wanted to include a lot more symbiotes that would make their own part and plays!
also, personally I think Carnage is portrayed more in a feminine way, so originally I gave the she/her pronouns but I looked it up and it was 50/50 so I decided to just change them to they/them, so whatever you view them as can be portrayed here!
love you all sm, thank you for such a great year, and for being so patient with me! I love, love all of you so much o(* ̄▽ ̄*)ブ
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orchidyoonkook · 4 months
Do you have any tips for new writers/accounts to get popular???
I was a shit writer for a very long time cuz I never wrote. But one day I wanted to change that so at 19 I made up a story and wrote down all my plot points and then did a DEEP DIVE on Pinterest of all things collecting every bit of advice I could. I’m talking ideas, how to do this, how to not use the word said, how to start sentences. How sentences should flow and their lengths, big uncommon words. EVERYTHING.
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Anything and everything I could get my hands on. 
And on top of that I’ve been a reader for forever. I have so many books I don’t even know how many I have. And so I use that knowledge when editing. I don’t read it from a writing POV after I write it. I turn into a reader and think about how I would feel about it from a readers POV and if something doesn’t work. I fix it.
I have a small background in script writing from my college days which definitely helped a bit. But if you’ve ever studied script writing you know it doesn’t really help creative writing outside of structure.
And when I write I’m someone who writes until I think the story is done. Not the arc. Not the characters. But the overall story of what I’m trying to portray. I don’t actively think about putting the climax of the story here or some foreshadowing there. I write intuitively if that makes sense. I try to sense out what feels right. And some of that comes naturally, some of it doesn’t and I have to work on it.
Me and @violetsiren90 were actually talking roughly about this last night. Our differences in how we write and how my advice from her last fic that I edited had already helped her with her new one cuz she can now see all of the little things that I pick up on from my style of writing versus the times where she tells me why she writes in that specific way and why she will be keeping it as is. Vi if you wanna add anything in the comments I’m forgetting, by all means feel free.
Most writers will tell you to practice. To tell you to write something even if it’s just a sentence everyday. But that didn’t help me. The stuff on my blog are the very first things I’ve written for myself ever. I didn’t write in highschool or college outside of what I was forced to write and my one story that the Pinterest board was initially for.
For me it was about researching style and reading posts like these from other writers, being confident in your style and learning what rules to break and when to break them. It was about reading over your work a hundred times and to be impartial when you read so you can fix the mistakes that won’t work.
The benefit of writing is you can go over something you’ve written a hundred times until you think it’s ready. A thousand times. I can go back and rewrite that first story if I want too. Nothing can stop me.
But don’t get me wrong. I go back and read all my works on here from time to time and I still constantly find things I would change now. Word changes. Phrasing changes. Everything. But that’s just another sign of improvement. Writing is a constantly improving art form. There is no limit. Only growth.
And the last thing I do is write down everything. I have a TERRIBLE memory. So I write down every single idea. On a scrap piece of paper. In my phone. On a computer. In a notebook. Cuz you never know when you’ll use it.
My most recent story, The Devil Wears Valentino, I got the idea for that name sometime in the immediate aftermath of Valentino Yoongi. I was in the shower after watching the devil wears Prada and my mind just connected the two. And then it sat unused in my notes all until the week before Halloween 2023. I would’ve forgotten had I not written it down. But there it was right when I needed it, a gift from past me. And here we are.
As for popularity, dude I have no goddamn idea. I don’t even think I count as a popular/big blog. I utilize the HELL out of aesthetics, formatting and tags and I’m nice. That’s my spiel on that. Aesthetic. Format. Tag. Kindness. Talent, sure. I guess. But writing is one of those things, ESPECIALLY in fic, where it doesn’t have to be the best cuz folks just wanna read their comfort character or person in the same scenarios over and over again. Source: I do that. And I’ve read stories that don’t have the best writing. But the story was good, or vice versa. People are way more forgiving on here.
I didn’t come on here(tumblr) with the intention of writing let alone giving writing and popularity advice. I just wanted to read and support people and then the community I’ve built for myself has just grown and grown and I’ve been so incredibly fortunate, which is where kindness comes in.
Leave reviews and like and reblog stuff. Tell people how much you love their work. Let them know you write too. Create friendships with people who wanna support you. And people who you wanna support. Community is the base of everything.
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