#what crack do they put into those men that makes me wanna breed them
cakeinke · 6 months
Anime creators making scruffy depressed men with slutty little waists are the ones running this world.
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severelytalentless · 3 years
Chemistry Part 3
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FlirtyFuckboy!Gojo x VirginLabPartner!Reader x Badboy!Geto
A/N: I'm having way too much fun with this..
TW/CW: sexual scenarios & strong language, alcohol intoxication, suggestive material
(Kiss me more - doja cat + sza)
“Gojo please, I'm gonna be late for History!” you try to scold him through a giggle. It's the third time this week that he's grabbed you after class and pulled you back into the chem lab by your waistband. He tugs at your skirt and gropes your tits, growling into your neck, making you squeal.
He's such a horny bastard for you.
“It's your fault for teasing me with this sexy little outfit.” he lifts you onto the nearest lab bench, “you get what you deserve..” his hands slide up your thighs and under your skirt and he thumbs your clit, still living to pull these sweet sounds you make for him. A little moan slips through your grin and you run your fingers up the back of his neck, pulling him in to kiss you.
How can you resist?
You were both surprised by your passing grade on the midterm lab since all of your study sessions have ended in hickeys down your neck and scratch marks up his back.
You two had been fucking on an almost daily basis for weeks now, driving each other completely crazy.
Both of you decided to keep this fling from the public, knowing that a serious relationship was totally out of the question. He has strict commitment issues and you have a reputation to uphold.
However, you’re starting to notice some suspiciously jealous looks thrown at you by girls that you'd seen Gojo hang around with in the past. He mustn't be paying them as much attention these days.
Maybe your late-night meetings around campus haven’t been as private as you had thought.
Maybe the flirty passing glances in the halls are a little too obvious.
Maybe it's the way he shamelessly undresses you with his eyes the moment you pass through the door of the classroom, watching you like a hawk all the way to your seat.
Or perhaps, it's the lollipops you've started rolling around in your mouth in chem lab, just to tease him.
Whatever the reason for their suspicions, neither of you has any plans to end the fun.
“Have you ever been to a party?” he asks in the middle of your makeout sesh. Not unusual for Gojo to interrupt the moment with some random thought. You raise an eyebrow.
“I don't do parties.” you quickly dive back into his mouth to try and shut him up. He breaks away and grips your hips, furrowing his brows at you.
“Come on bunny.” he pulls out the pet name. You giggle and shake your head at his pathetic pouty lips.
“Parties are nothing but trouble.”
“Exactly.” the dirty little smirk pecks you on the cheek. Your eyes firmly tell him no, but he persists.
“Well, you don't have a choice, this one is different.”
“How's that?” Your eyebrow arches again. He shifts his shades down his nose, flashing you those million-dollar baby blues.
“Because I'm gonna be there." you roll your eyes as the clown winks at you.
"Bunny pleeeease!!" he throws his head back and whines. You push him back and hop down off the counter, straightening your skirt.
"Toru, I just don't think it's a good idea. Everyone will know something is up." You swing your bag back over your shoulder and make for the exit but he beats you to it and leans in the doorway.
"Other than my dick for you?" he licks his lips and bites his smirk, "I promise I'll keep it in my pants.." you fail to hide the smile that cracks into the corner of your mouth. You're one thousand percent sure you would find his fingers crossed behind his back if you checked right now. You let out a heavy sigh and squint at him.
"When?" His eyes light up. He's got you now.
"Tonight. 10. My place." You push past him and saunter down the hall to your next class.
God, he loves to watch you walk away.
"Wear something hot!" He calls after you, eyes glued to your ass. You spin around and bite your smile at him.
Yeah, he got you.
(never be like you - flume)
You make it through the door right as the bell rings and rush to find an empty seat in the back.
Damn it...what am I gonna wear?!
You mentally flip through all the clothes in your closet, munching on the end of your pen. You pull your notebook from your bag and the pen falls from your lips, tapping to the floor. A foreign hand picks it up before you can reach.
Suguru Getou sits down beside you. You watch him twirl your pen through his fingers.
You've never formally met Getou. You forgot you both take History 310. All you know he's friends with Gojo. Other than that, he's a bit of a mysterious character in your book. Sure, he pals around with the rowdy boys in your year, but his aura isn't nearly as chaotic as theirs. You have always had a hard time getting a read on him. To be honest, you don't quite understand how he and Gojo get along so well. He seems like a completely different breed.
You're caught off guard when his mouth pulls into a subtle smirk, glancing at you from the corner of his eye. An unexpected blush smacks your cheeks and you shift in your seat. You've been looking at him too long. You quickly clear your throat.
"That's my pen.." the statement comes out like a question.
He leans forward over his elbows on the table and taps the pen on your notebook, then lays it down. You could swear you just saw his eyes flick down at your lips, and your breath catches in your throat.
"Thank you." You turn away quickly and huff out your breath, situating yourself to focus on the lecture. But you feel his gaze lingering on you, buzzing your nerves. You glance sideways and connect with his eyes. Your stomach flinches.
You dive into your notebook to busy yourself and try to shake this feeling. He leans back in his seat, turning his attention to the lecture, leaving you alone for the rest of class. His smirk doesn’t fade as quickly as you feel it should.
The bell rings and everyone starts rustling to pack up. You turn to put your notebook away, and Getou is already leaning down next to you to do the same. You hold your breath. His face is right beside yours.
“I like your perfume..” your pulse spikes.
He zips his bag and pushes back his chair, leaving you frozen, staring up at him like a deer in the headlights. Your mind fumbles for a response but he’s already walking toward the door. Heat prickles your cheeks again and you exhale heavily. He glances back at you just before he disappears through the doorway.
What the fuck was that?
(mother's daughter - wuki remix)
“She’s here..”
Getou nudges Gojo and nods toward the door. Gojo glances over his shoulder and double-takes, almost spilling the shot he's pouring.
“Oh fuck...” Gojo's glasses slide down his nose.
You look good, too good.
The outfit you chose hugs you tight in all the right places. Both men watch you sidle in and plant yourself against the nearest wall, like the flower that you are. You clutch the strap of your purse and the bottle you brought along with you.
You scan the darkened smokey room, making eye contact with lots of somewhat familiar faces, but none that you are well enough acquainted with to greet. Your stomach turns.
Shit, you should have dragged a friend along with you. You immediately start to regret coming to this.
"Hey little bunny..come here often?" Gojo appears next to you, leaning on the wall, beaming down at you with his hands full of shots. You let out a little sigh of relief and nervously shove the bottle toward him.
"Here, I brought you this." he chuckles at your stiffness.
"Thanks, right back at you." he shrugs and lifts up the alcohol he's already holding. He sees your eyes widen and laughs again.
"Come on, let's put that down for later." He turns and swoops an arm around you, leading you to the kitchen.
You relax a little more in the shelter of the kitchen, away from so many staring eyes. Gojo sets down the shots, placing one in front of you, and takes the bottle from your hands.
"Oooh, good choice babe, I love this stuff." He examines the handle, then shoots you a mischievous glare, "Are you tryna to get me drunk?" You smile back and lean your hip on the counter, crossing your arms.
“Maybe a little..” he loves this naughty look your giving him.
“I’m game, but you need to catch up,” he slides the shot closer, “bottoms up.” He lifts his own and waits for you.
Here goes nothing
You knock it back and it goes down with much less of a fight than you expected. You set the empty glass down and there’s another shot waiting in its place.
“Good girl..” Gojo lifts the next shot, he eyes you like you’re made of candy, “this is gonna be fun..”
(killshot - megdelena bay)
Your face feels fuzzy. How many shots is that? Four..five? Who cares. This is fun. He looks hot with his shirt unbuttoned like that. Mmm kinda wanna kiss him..kinda wanna fuck him on the counter.
“You look really hot in this..” he hooks his finger into your neckline and pulls you to him, hand catching the curve of your waist. You purr and bite your lip.
"Just doing as I was told.."
You feel warm and loose and the bass from the speakers in the other room is humming through your chest. You’ve been drunk a couple of times before at sleepovers with your girlfriends, but this is so much more exciting.
“Ooh, I wanna try this..” you reach for the unopened bottle you brought. He hums in your ear.
“Easy tiger, we want you wobbly, not stumbling..”
He slides it further away and catches your face in his hand, turning you to kiss him. It quickly takes your mind off the bottle you wanted.
“Let’s go fuck..” he grits his teeth at your lusty words. The shots have made you horny and impatient. He chuckles and glances behind you.
“Maybe later, I wanna introduce you to someone..” he nods for you to turn around and holds you in place by your hips, resting his chin on your shoulder.
Your heart jumps and you feel the alcohol push deeper into your system. Suguru Getou is leaning in the doorway.
(pretty little fears - 6lack + j. cole)
He’s all kinds of sexy. You’ve never really noticed it before. 100% tall dark and handsome, lazy smile on his lips, lollipop stick tucked into the corner. He tilts his head and appraises your body with slow eyes. If it weren’t for the shots, you know you’d be a nervous mess under his gaze right now. The alcohol props up your confidence and seeps through your bloodstream.
“Hi handsome..” the bold greeting hops off your tongue before you can stop it. Not that you're sorry you said it. You hear Gojo huff a surprised laugh by your ear. Getou’s grin widens and he strides in from the doorway.
“Is this guy bothering you, miss?” Getou’s low voice teases as he glances at Gojo on your shoulder.
“Terribly..” you jest back cooly.
“Oh! I see how it is..” Gojo hums against your neck and squeezes your hips.
“Suguru Getou...History 301, right?” he extends his large hand and you take it.
“And chem lab..Y/N L/N..nice to finally meet you...” his thumb strokes across your knuckles. He’s got a dark quiet confidence about him, you’re so into it. A thick tension hangs between you. His fault for starting it in History today.
“My pleasure...can I get you a drink?” His eyes don’t leave yours as he pulls the bottle back over and unscrews the top in one smooth motion.
“She’s had quite a few already, might wanna slow down..” Gojo shifts behind you. The two men exchange a quick glance. You shoo him off your shoulder, still staring at Getou.
“One more won’t hurt..” you watch his eyes narrow and flick down to your lips, just like they did in class. His attention is rubbing you just the right way. Getou looks back at Gojo and nods to you, cocking an eyebrow.
"I like her.." Getou's words pour more excitement into your gut that quickly mixes with the alcohol that's already there. He then pours three shots and deals them out.
"Told you she's feisty.." Gojo brushes your hair behind your ear. Standing so close between their tall solid bodies is making you hot.
"He's told me a lot about you, bunny.." Your breath catches and the shot pauses against your lips. The way your pet name just rolled off his tongue was ridiculously sexy.
He's pleased with the blush that rushed your cheeks. Gojo's finger tips the shot up, spilling the liquid into your open mouth, scorching your tongue.
"Cheers.." he and Getou tap glasses and exchange a knowing glance over your head before downing their shots. You cough a little at the burn of the alcohol. This stuff is way stronger than what Gojo gave you before. It makes your eyes water. The boys chuckle and Gojo rubs your back.
"Well done, babe." he turns your chin and gives you an encouraging peck. He looks over at Getou.
"Here, he said you like these.." You turn and he pops his sucker into your mouth. Cherry flavored.
Your mind flashes back to the library and you're suddenly aware of how wet your panties are. Chills wash down your body when Getou's hand skims across your lower back under Gojo's. You're too tipsy to be nervous about the contact.
"You should see what else she can do with that mouth.." Gojo takes your empty glass. Getou hums.
"Maybe we should work on this bottle upstairs.." Getou looks down at you, twirling a piece of your hair in his fingers. A surge of adrenaline floods through you when his proposition registers.
"What d'you say, bunny?" Gojo grabs at your ass. Getou runs his hand under your hair across the back of your neck. They watch you pull in a deep breath and close your eyes.
Fuck fuck fuck
Alarm bells are blaring in your head, but the 90 proof that just hit your veins is turning down the volume. The way their big strong hands feel touching on your body is quickly teasing out the bad girl in you. All this attention stroking your ego, pushing heat down into your core.
The poor sweet angel on your shoulder is trying to warn you that the thrill you're feeling isn't safe, but the devil on the other already knows you're gonna go with it.
You grab the bottle and back away from them towards the door. The look on your face has both their cocks throbbing. You tilt your head and smirk, leaning against the doorframe.
"Which way, boys?"
To be continued..
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thiswasinevitableid · 3 years
sea monster indruck nsfw? maybe including one of them masturbating while fantasizing about the other one and confessing all their dirty thoughts as they're actually having sex? scary protective monster is also always hot if you're down for that
Here you go! I wasn’t able to fit in everything, but this one was fun!
This is all the hangman's fault. 
Indrid could be pleasantly dead right now, not trapped in a gibbet on a clifftop, if the man had bothered to check his ropes ahead of time. But no, instead he failed to see the rats had been gnawing on them and the blasted noose snapped clean off the instant it took Indrids weight. To the villagers, this was a sign that Indrid was indeed a witch (and the son of a demon, a rare charge that drags his poor, deceased mother into this mess). To Indrid, it meant a new set of bruises and the worst possible death. 
They locked him in the gibbet, the Atlantic crashing in angry, grey waves far below them. The man on his right is dead, eyeballs already plucked out by an enterprising bird, and the man on his left is getting there. If his visions are accurate, Indrid has a good five days of suffering the elements, the wild-life, and his own hunger and thirst before he joins them. 
A lifetime of visions breeds resignation in the face of fate, so he closes his eyes, follows the futures of luckier men as a temporary escape. The screams of his neighbor rouse him with a start. Their source is wholly unexpected. 
Looming at the edge of the cliff is an immense monster. From his vantage point, Indrid spies the creatures’ lower body still submerged in the sea, making it well over a hundred feet tall. It’s skin is green, it’s fingers webbed, and it’s crowned by a frill of wave-shaped spikes. The face is humanoid, with green eyes and hair of black water and a squid-beak where a mouth should be. Strange tentacles appear and disappear along its torso, as if they have not made up their mind as to whether they wish to exist. 
The monster sighs, “Fuckin hate it when they leave their dead like this. Unsightly, and I ain’t sure it’s good for the seagulls to be eatin humans.”
“The dead and, ah, almost dead do not enjoy it much either.” 
Upon hearing Indrids voice, the creature peers into his cage, “Huh, guess you ain’t dead. Either of you.” He turns his eyes on the other condemned man, who starts screaming again, “why’d they stick you here?”
“Witchcraft, specifically foresight and dabbling in ‘black magic.’ Well, that and a failed hanging” He tilts his head to show the visitor the rope mark. 
“Damn, that looks like it hurts. Wonder if I can..” the tip of an immense claw extends towards him. There’s a crackle of power that makes his ears pop, and the monster pulls his hand back, “nope, fuck, was hopin it’d be a small enough thing to do.”
“I beg your pardon?”
The monster sighs, “Long story short, my kind ain’t able to interact in an, uh, altruistic fashion with humans unless they’re acolytes. Can’t even open that damn cage without gettin zapped. Never mind that some of us don’t even wanna be old gods or whatever the fuck, still ain’t allowed to help. Maybe if I get a real big stick..”
“How does one become an acolyte?” Indrid presses his face to the front of the cage.
“Uh, you gotta swear loyalty and servitude to me, specifically, and the ‘old gods’ in general, live in a place I set up for you, and do stuff when I need you to.”
“Very well, are there specific words of the oath or…”
“Whoah, hold up now” the creature raises his hands, “this shit is real bindin’, rather you not rush into it.”
“Given the alternative is death, a rush is rather necessary.”
“All I’m sayin is you might wanna think for more than two seconds before you agree! And there might be other ways for me to get you out.”
“Do..do you not want an acolyte?” Being rejected by a sea monster feels like a fitting end to his life. 
“Not really. It ain’t personal or anythin; I’m just now leanin into the whole god thing and I still ain’t all that comfortable with parts if it. Last thing I want is an acolyte who saw me as ‘not as bad as death.”
“And the last thing I want is to die of exposure, so we are at an impasse.”
The monster clicks his beak once, “Okay, here’s what I’ll do. You take until sunset to think over whether you wanna be stuck servin’ this” he gestures to himself, “for a long-ass time, and we’ll go from there.”
“Very well.” Indrid resigns himself to several more hours of misery as the creature sinks from view. He glances at the other prisoner, “what do you think? He seems very considerate for a sea monster and I for one would like to keep living.”
The man stares, babbles incoherently for a moment before shouting, “You, you conversed with a devil! You are a witch, just as they say!”
“He spoke to both of us.” Indrid blinks, puzzled. 
“I closed my ears to his lies, you offered yourself to his wickedness! Speak no more to me from your black tongue.”
“Hmmph” Indrid does his best to ignore the ongoing beration. He’s not sure the creature is a god, but then again the creature seems uncertain on the matter himself. Serving a maybe-god seems no worse than serving the king, a life among the depths no less tolerable than his small home in a town torn to pieces by accusations of witchcraft. 
After a time, the storm clouds fulfill their purpose, a downpour battering him from all angles. Then a shadow falls over his shut eyes, and no more rain touches him. 
“Seemed awful rude to leave you stuck in the rain while you thought things over.” The god explains, one massive hand shielding the human. 
“Many thanks. Ah, I do have one concern about being your acolyte. Would...would I have to hurt anyone?”
“Don’t think so. I ain’t fond of hurtin folks, and if someone did need to be hurt, seems real strange to make the tiny human do it.”
Indrid puts on his most hopeful, charming smile, “I am very cold, very hungry, and my whole being feels as though it’s been stomped on by a team of horses. Perhaps I could give my answer early?”
A chuckle, like bubbles in deep water, “Hard to say no to that face. Okay, you got a deal. I checked with Joe while I was gone, to make sure I knew the right thing to do if you said yes. I’m gonna say the oath, and you’re gonna repeat it.”
Indrid nods, makes his way laboriously through the incantation in a gurgling language he does not know. The god patiently guides him along, cracks open the cage when the last word is spoken. 
“Do I get to know your name? If it was one of those words, it will take me some time to master it.”
The monsters’ cheeks rise, suggesting a smile, “You can call me Duck. It’s a nickname. C’mon” he holds out his hand, “let’s get you outta the rain.”
“One moment.” Indrid moves to the other gibbet, undoing the lock, “you can get free if you wish. If anyone asks how, tell them it was the witch.” With that, he settles in Duck’s cupped palms, the skin smooth and cool to the touch. 
“Down we go.” Duck sinks. 
“Wait, how will I bre-” water fills his mouth, but only for a moment. A clear bubble forms around him, let’s him gulp in air as Duck dives further into the sea. More jarring than the spell is the sight of the monster unfurling behind him. He assumed Duck had legs, but instead his lower body is that of a sea-serpent, green with bronze rings and undulating in the dark waves. 
“Like what you see?”
“Yes” he wonders what touching that tail is like.
“Yeah, this is a real beautiful part of the sea. If you want, some time I can take you further out; some spectacular lookin creatures out there. Here we go, home sweet home.” They surface at the base of a much shorter cliff, Indrid woozy from the change in depth. Three cottages--one red, one gold, and one blue-- stare back at them from a grassy hill. 
“Let’s see if I can do this” Duck sets Indrid on the ground, closes his eyes, and hums. The world shudders and splits, and then a fourth, emerald green cottage sits alongside the others. 
“Ha! Pretty damn good for a first effort.” His frill flickers with silver light.
“It’s wonderful.”
“All yours. You get yourself settled, I'm gonna go find out from the others what else needs doin’ now that I got an acolyte.” He lowers himself so the two of them are roughly face to face, “see you soon, Indrid.”
The cottage holds more possessions than Indrid’s ever had in his life, including a large feather bed that he stretches his aching body across before falling asleep and dreaming of seaweed twining up his legs. 
Voices from the window rouse him some hours later. At the side of the red cottage sit three other humans, two of whom are at work in a vegetable garden. Indrid ventures down to introduce himself. 
“Hi!” One, a woman with golden hair, waves to him, “you must be Indrid. I’m Dani, this is Barclay” she points to the bearded man harvesting potatoes, then to a tattooed man polishing a pile of gold and silver jewelry, “and that’s Boyd.” 
“Pleased to make your acquaintance. You are all acolytes as well?” His stomach rumbles and Barclay pauses his digging to slide him a basket containing bread and cheese.
“Help yourself, those are leftover from lunch. And yeah, we are. Or were, in Dani’s case.”
Even with foresight, Indrid is surprised when the woman says jokingly, “Got promoted to ‘wife’ a few months.”
“Congratulations.” It seems the appropriate thing to say, given her smile, “ah, what exactly do you all do for your gods? Duck is rather unclear on the details.”
“Some of it is spellwork. Beings like Duck have some innate power, but they can get more of it from an acolyte doing rituals or making offerings. Joseph, that’s my monster, Duck, and a few others aren’t sold on the idea that they’re meant to destroy humans, so they spend a lot of time keeping other monsters from doing just that. Our spellwork gives them an edge. Other than that, it really depends on who you’re working for; I spent a lot of my first month helping Joseph understand that hauling himself up onto a random dock to ask questions is not the best way to learn about humans. Boyd spends a lot of time maintaining Ned’s treasure.”
“Only because he bloody tricked me into workin for him. Just bidin my time until the deal runs out. You hear that Chicane!” Boyd yells towards the water, “don’t care how much you steal, I’ll get my share and run one of these days.”
To Indrid’s ear, the sea laughs in reply. Boyd grumbles and returns to his work. 
“He’s just annoyed because he and Ned thought they could outwit each other; Boyd was on a prison ship bound for Jamaica and Ned offered him an out. Apparently they spent hours haggling over the terms.” Dani leans closer, whispers, “Boyds left twice, comes back every time saying he’s bored without someone to challenge him.”
They talk a while longer, Dani promising to bring Indrid some hens and a goat from town, Boyd giving him some firewood, and Barclay explaining the network of sea caves in the surrounding hills. When there’s a knock at the door, he opens it expecting another human and jumps when this is not the case. 
“Evenin’” Duck smiles as he slithers into the house, “brought you a few more things.”
“You got smaller.” 
“Can change my size some, though this is about as small as I can get.” He’s still two heads taller than Indrid, who notes that the ceilings are just high enough to accommodate him, as if the god built the cottage with visits in mind. 
Duck sets a bucket of fresh oysters in the kitchen along with a large slab of butter, some milk, and some sugar, “Had one of my human friends bring me these. And, uh, I made you this” he holds up a cloak in the same colors as his tail. It fits Indrid snugly, shutting out the chilly air and making him feel rather grand indeed. 
“C’mere” Duck pats a kitchen chair, “lemme take care of your neck.”
Indrid sits, shudders when webbing and claws rub sticky balm into his skin. The gods hands easily encircle his neck, a realization that stirs heat deep in his stomach. Duck talks as he works, a meandering story about a shipwreck, and Indrid finds he enjoys his manner of speech. The initial discomfort of the touches subside, the balm washing the pain in his neck away like a wave erasing a message in the sand. Cool hands wrapped around his throat turn as comforting as the fire crackling in the stove. 
“That looks like it healed. Good” Duck’s beak fondly nips his ear, “gotta make sure my servant is in good condition.”
“Mmmm” Indrid bumps his chest with his head, hoping for more; tomorrow he’ll ask the others if it’s commonplace for an acolyte to lounge in the coils of their gods lap like a housecat. 
The beak touches his ear once more, biting it lightly with little kissing sounds.
“Huh'' two tentacles catch Indrid as he tips sideways, his body deciding that the earlier nap was not enough rest, “didn’t think you’d find that soothin. Did it by accident, it’s how my kind show affection.”
“S’very nice” Indrid mumbles, dimly aware of being carried. 
“I’ll keep that in mind. Y’know, in case I need to reward you for somethin.” Duck lays him in bed, pulls a thick blanket over him, and bids him goodnight. Indrid is sound asleep before the door closes. 
“Ngahka miskato--ah! Give that back” Indrid wrenches his spectacles free from hold of a far too inquisitive octopus. The creature squirts him with water, then disappears back into its pool. 
Each of the gods has a sea cave in which their acolytes perform their rituals. Since the processes involves ancient, dark magic, all manner of strange sea life makes its way to the caves. Some, like the octopus or the seals that bob in the distance or flop on the rocks to nap, are known to him. Others might be classified as indescribable horrors from the deep, though Indrid thinks they look like crustaceans with a few too many limbs or the offspring of an eel and devil fish. 
His oath to Duck allows him to read the spells, and his pronunciation is improving. Duck’s requests center on defense; letting himself take greater damage from an enemy, be better able to protect his friends, that sort of thing. Indrid even found a ritual that gives the god new cloaking abilities, which he’s used to make the cottages disappear on the hillside and thus keep curious townsfolk away.  He also found one that allows Duck to remain out of water for well over a day.
The Duck who visits him in the cave and the one who stops by his home may be radically different sizes, but his disposition is constant. He talks about the kelp forests and the animals, about his annoyance with his supposed destiny as “destroyer of all man.” He conjures fine clothes from seaweed, furniture from driftwood, and brings Indrid newly made grins embedded with fresh pearls. 
“Aren’t I supposed to be the one serving you?” Indrid will tease.
“Way I see it, we serve each other. Don’t care what that fuckin oath said.”
Indrid is feeding his hens one evening when his luck catches up with him; his human friends are all standing at the edge of Dani’s house, peering anxiously around it’s corner and down the hill. Joining them, he sees a crowd marching with torches and an assortment of lethal farm equipment. 
“What the fuck are they doing? You were just in town today and everything was fine” Barclay glances at Dani, who shrugs, worried.
“My visions tell me that as they get closer we will hear them yelling about witches and that I will recognize many of them. I suspect my fellow gibbet-occupant told them about Duck.” He sighs, “I’ll try to lead them on a chase, get them away from all of you.” 
Indrid runs into the evening before the others, or his own common sense, can stop him. Keeping to the cliffside, he lets them glimpse his hair and his red glasses, both used at the trial as proof of his wicked nature. His plan is to take a secret tunnel down into the caves, but his visions alert him a moment too late to the fact there are two, not one, groups of villagers. He’s outflanked on the cliff, holds up his hands to show he means no harm.
“I understand my continued existence alarms and confuses you, but that is no reason to go running about with weapons. Would you kindly leave me alone?”
“No, witch, we will not.” The head of the party shouts over the wind. 
“I have a name, you know.” He grumbles, looking behind him and wondering if his status as an acolyte grants him immunity from death by falling in the water. 
“You have already confessed to your black work, and we have on good authority you have made a pact with the devil. There is nowhere to run, and if you come quietly I promise we will hang you properly this time.”
“And if I do not?”
“We shall see to it that your body is scattered about this cliffside before the night is out.” The mob moves forward and Indrid stumbles back, the earth giving out beneath his feet. 
He lands with a yelp in a smooth, large hand. As Duck rises more fully from the waves, the crowd freezes, struck dumb with fear. 
“Y’all ain’t gonna touch him, y’hear? Indrid’s under my protection and in case it ain’t obvious, I could smoosh the whole damn bunch of you without breakin a sweat. So, what you’re gonna do is turn around and go back to your village, and I’ll forget this ever happened. If you come after him again, I’m gonna start taking out ships in your harbor. We clear?”
The panicked flight of the mod downhill suggests he’s made his point. 
Duck carries Indrid home, joining him in the cottage once he can fit through the door. The monster follows him upstairs, pulling him into his arms.
“Thought I was gonna lose you.”
“That makes two of us.” 
Duck nuzzles the top of his head, “You mind if I stay here tonight? Little worried some of them might get it into their heads to come back and hurt you.”
No futures show this, but Indrid nods all the same. Duck curls up near the bed, not leaving until the morning sun shines through the window. He does the same the next night, and the night after that, and soon it’s been two weeks of the god talking softly with Indrid as the human falls asleep. 
When Indrid shyly asks if Duck will join him, his monster lays as comfortably as he can on the right side of the bed. Indrid is now used to waking up with a tail looped around his leg or a tentacle clinging to his arm. 
Indrid is just drifting off when the covers slide aside and weight slithers up the bed. He opens his eyes; Duck is on his side, facing him, annoyed. 
“What troubles you, my dark excellency?” Indrid nudges Ducks’ lower belly with his toes. He’s taken to calling Duck increasingly absurd things, and the monster calls him “faithful servant” or “esteemed attendant” in reply. 
Tonight, Duck just sighs, “Y’know how I was supposed to do somethin important tonight, bein’ that it’s the second full moon in the month? Turns out that somethin was, ‘spread my seed among the beds of men’ so our kind will gradually overrun the surface.” He clicks his beak with a snort, “don’t that sound fun?”
“Smart little thing, ain’t you?” Duck teases, cups Indrid’s chin, “Yeah, I said no. Problem is, apparently a second full moon makes my whole body wanna fuck, which is why that prophecy was supposed to happen tonight.”
Indrid looks down, sees something rippling under the skin at the upper part of Duck’s tail. 
“I’m gonna try sleepin it off.”
His visions give him courage; Duck turns him down in most futures, but none of them end in death or bodily harm, which at his point in his life is all he asks. 
“Or you could, ah, allow me to help you.”
Green eyes blink, slow and calculating, “‘Drid, that ain’t part of your job.”
“No…” Indrid scoots across the sheets, tentatively runs his fingers up Duck’s side, “but that is not why I’m offering.”
“No?” The rest of his tail joins them on the bed, curving so it traps Indrid against him, “Then why are you offerin, sweet human of mine?”
“Because I, ah, I want, that is I would very much like to know you in that way, and I thought it was allowed based on the others, I apologize if it’s not, I did not mean to-” He freezes as Duck cups his face, nipping his ear and throat with a kissing noise.
“Y-yes, my lord of the depths?” He’s breathless, drowning in Duck’s gaze. 
“Stop apologizin and take off your clothes.”
Indrid flails until nothing is between him and his monster. 
“Thats better” Duck’s voice deepens, washing over him like rough waves, “now, come serve your god.” He pats what Indrid thinks of as his waist, the point where his human qualities disappear entirely. 
“As you wish” Indrid tries for a coquettish smile as he straddles him, but it gives way to surprise as the slit in Ducks skin parts. 
“I was not expecting tentacles. Which, given the rest of you, was naive.”
“Not usin that future vision of yours to see what’s comin’?” The webbing of Duck’s fingers is like velvet as it caresses Indrid’s chest.
“It is difficult to focus on such things when you are here. You command my attention. You always have.”
Duck flicks his tongue across Indrid’s lower lip, “Now that kind of devotion I could get used to.”
“It is yours whenever you want it.”
A tentacle emerges from his side, petting Indrid’s face, “My Indrid. You been so good for me, so faithful and true. Letting me babble about seaweed and when my claws through that pretty hair. And you just keep gettin better.” 
“Please” Indrid rests his head against Duck’s chest, hugging him as best as his size will allow, “please teach me how to serve you this way too.”
“I can do that. You don’t gotta lift a finger.” Several of the tendrils that comprise his cock twine together to form a single appendage. The tentacle on his face gains a twin and the pair slide down to his ass, parting it.
Indrid’s thighs are uncooperative, struggle to get and keep him in the right position to sink down. He curses, reaches down to adjust only for a thicker tentacles to bind both wrists and yank them up above his head. 
“Uh uh, I said no finger-liftin and I meant it.”
Indrid moans, his cock filling as he discovers there’s no way to free himself. He expects Duck to guide him into place with his hands. The end of his tail encircles Indrid’s hips while his claws trace arcane shapes on his skin. 
“I, I did not know it was quite so dextrousOH, oh god.” The tip of that strange cock pushes in, pulsing little by little to stretch him open without pain. 
“Right here.” Duck nibbles his hair with that same kissing sound, “I got you. Take such good care of my faithful human.”
“Oh god” Indrid can’t come up with anything else to express the sensation of Duck sinking deeper into his body, of how safe he feels stretched out and stretched open in the monsters hold. He tips his head back with a cry as Duck bottoms out and his cock moves fluid and disjointed all at once. It’s pulsing, thrusting him full on each inward push, yet it’s individual tendrils curve and curl within him independent of the whole. 
“More, oh god, please, please never ever ever stop.”
 A fond chuckle, “That good huh? Maybe that prophecy was wrong. Maybe what I’m supposed to do is fuck you full and then drop you in town so you can spread the word of how good my dick is. Be my consort and prophet all in one. Get everyone clamorin for the chance for me to fuck them.”
“No” Indrid squirms, petulant, “you’re my master. Not theirs.”
A louder laugh this time, “You gonna take the amount of fuckin I was supposed to do to a whole town yourself?” A tendril curls around Indrid’s aching cock. 
“Yes” He wails, rolls his hips “you may have me as often as you please, I want you too, I’ll, I’ll be your faithful servant always.”
“You’re already somethin better; you’re my ‘Drid.” Duck twists the tendril and Indrid’s lost, his orgasm knocking breath from his chest and tears from his eyes as white spatters the green of Duck’s abdomen. 
“That’s it darlin, lookit you bein so good, cummin for your master. Think it’s time for you to make good on your promise to take whatever I give you.” The tail lifts Indrid up and down as Duck cums, the monster not so much as pausing before thrusting his hips harder, “fuuuck that’s good, my perfect servant, my ‘Drid, takin me so well.”
Indrid sobs as another burst of cum enters him and a strange feeling fills his chest; he’s buzzing with blindingly bright power. It’s coming from Duck, he knows this, and in the haze of his submissive state he understands the depth of his divinity.
“Duck” he whimpers as more tentacles twist around his limbs, the god losing himself in his pursuit of pleasure, filling Indrid until his belly twinges and his eyes fight to remain open. When the god groans out the humans name a final time, Indrid is so enveloped by him he wonders if they’ll ever fully disentangle. 
The monster carries him to the washroom, Indrid still squirming on his cock, and gently pulls him free to set him in the tub. A flick of his hand fills it with warm seawater.
“You okay?”
“I doubt I will be able to walk tomorrow.” Indrid smiles to show he relishes this fact.
“Guess I’ll be spendin tomorrow waitin on you.” Duck joins him in the tub, coiling protectively around him as he washes his chest and thighs.
“I thought I was the servant here?” Indrid cuddles closer, kissing Duck on the tip of his beak.
“Nah. Far as I’m concerned, we take care of each other.”
35 notes · View notes
albino-whumpee · 3 years
An old thing 4
Continued from here
Possibly the angstiest part of this. Not much whump really.
I´m gonna go ahead and tag @the-host-and-colton for this one. It´s not the BBU but I suppose the Boxies with babies dynamic is there. “Baby doesn´t understand the situation but the parents do” kinda thing. Excuse the ping!
CW// Dehumanization, slavery, human trafficking, forced breeding, mentions of past dub con and non con, blood, implied and mention of past whump of minors, hazing, noncon child separation, creepy and explosive whumpers, physical and emotional abuse.
Everything will be tagged and if there´s tags to be added, tell me please.
After five years, Kit was a rowdy little boy. Running around with a smile on his face at all times. You wouldn’t think he was a slave if it wasnt for the thin black collar on his neck.
In how obedient he turned with his masters. Even though he didn’t understand the concept yet.
“Master? Why are Roahn and Shy here?” Kit asked Danae once. Layo and Danae weren’t mom and dad. They were master. But for his little mind it was just the same thing.
“To serve you and us, Kit. You will understand it better when you grow up”
“Alright” Kit said watching Roahn taking care of the garden with her big bump “Master? Will I be able to play with Roahn’s baby?” Kit asked again.
“No more questions Kit” She said annoyed. The kid was quiet but he still looked at Roahn with curiosity.
“Roahn?” Kit asked the woman being hugged by Dimitri in their floor mat. She woke up as it was the middle of the night, and when she saw him, he shook Dimitri awake. They sat in the other side of the cell.
“Hey there Kit” Dimitri smiled at the toddler.
“Hi Shy” Kit said.
“What is it Kit? Are you hurt?” Roahn said stretching her arm for the kid to hold her hand through the bars. The kid took it.
“I am cold upstairs. So I thought you were very cold here too. Its always chilly down here” the kid grabbed the blanket he had carried all the way down and gave it to Dimitri. “I dont want the baby to be cold”.
They looked at each other with a pained and proud expression.
“Do you…wanna see how she moves?” Roahn asked the toddler who instantly put a smile on his face.
Roahn went close to the cell and told the kid to get closer. Kit did. She grabbed his tiny hand and put it on her abdomen. Curiously she moved. As if the little one inside her knew.
“She’s rowdy!” Kit said. The word coming from how Layo would call him sometimes. Kit was an smart boy.
“Yes she is!” Roahn laughed along.
“I cant wait to play with her!” Dimitri and Roahn went stiff “I mean, if I can…” Kit cleared up sensing their discomfort.
Roahn took his hand into hers and gave it a little kiss.
“Of course you can” she said looking at her son in the same hazel eyes she had. His worries escaped his face to be turned into smiling.
“What would you call her, Kit?” Dimitri asked him.
Kit reflexed for a bit, looking at the ceiling.
“Bunnie!” He said “oh! Or Sara! Or Emi!”
“Where did you take those names from?” Dimitri giggled. They were good names.
“Master is writing a new book. I am a character there too!” He said proudly.
“Oh? You are?” Dimitri said, resting his chin in one hand. Roahn thought it had been a long time since she saw him smile like that. Not since Olivia.
“Yes! I am a dog!” Dimitri stopped right there with a shocked face. He cracked a humorless laugh. He really hated Layo for doing that sick joke.
“Do you like dogs Kit?” He asked anyways.
“Yes!! Sadly master doesn’t like them…” Kit pouted.
“Hey Kit, what if I told you there’s a place where you could have a lot of dogs?” Dimitri asked him Roahn looking at him.
“Eh?! Really? Where’s that?” Kit asked getting closer.
“I can take us there but I need you to tell me something. I only will ask you to see one thing everyday ok?” He said getting closer to him. The camera and the microphone were not a problem. They had been tricked for years.
“If you ever see big men with black suits tell me what day they come in alright? Or if master says something about an auction tell me. And then we will go to that place, Alright?” Dimitri said. Roahn wasn’t sure if the kid had gotten all, but Kit was smarter than they could see.
He already knew how to read.
“An auction? Like last time?”
Dimitri couldn’t help himself from looking down for a bit.
“Yes, Kit. Like last time. Would you do that for us?” She asked him calmly.
“Ok. I will tell you” Kit said. “Im going to sleep. Goodnight” Kit said going away.
“Wait!” Dimitri yelled, the kid turned back.
“Thanks for the blanket” Roahn said covering her and Shy.
“We love you Kit” Dimitri said. The kid didnt know how to take that and just blushed before running off.
Dimitri and her laid down again. After a moment, the woman’s arms squeezed him lightly.
“Are you sure?” Roahn asked him.
“We cant let this slip off again, Roahn” he said.
“You have changed” she told her “I remember you telling me you didnt have bad thoughts about your owners”
Dimitri embraced her stronger dipping his face into her neck.
“Ivan was all I had. And he was taken from me. He was killed by a bunch of brainless fuckers. I told myself I wouldn’t fixate on his dead. And tried to forget. But when that happened…” Roahn reached for his hand and squeezed “I knew I couldn’t ignore it anymore. I cant let this freaks fuck with us anymore. We have to go before the auction. Much more longer before that”
“Three months” Roahn said “after she’s born, three months and we will go”
“In that time I’ll have it all ready” Dimitri kissed her shoulder “I wont fail this time” he said as she smiled.
His face had a big scar that went all the way from his cheekbone to his neck.
Layo had tried to cut his carotid when they tried to escape the first time. And he almost succeeded.
The baby was born a week later. Kit was amazed by the baby’s arrival. Apparently her name was Jen. Although Kit thought how Bunnie would have had suit her better he went on. For him Dimitri was the only way of knowing how she was doing. Kit was a curious child so he would ask him lots of questions. Dimitri had received some education but many of his questions beat him. At those times he would pat him and tell him the library had a book about that day’s question they could read together.
Sometimes, when they knew there was no one in the house but them, he let Kit sit on his leg.
By now Dimitri and Roahn had to wear clothes at all times except when their genitals were required. They weren’t that used to be so covered but definitely it was warmer. And less humiliating. But the mounting…those were nights were those rules didn’t matter.
“How is Jen and Roahn?” Kit asked him.
“They’re ok. Jen is a very healthy baby. You would love her” Dimitri said.
“I would have loved if she was named Bunnie though…” the kid pouted. Dimitri laughed.
“You know my name isn’t Shy?” He said the kid opening his eyes amused.
“Then what’s your name?”
“Dimitri” He said with a bitter sweet smile. It was the name his brother had gave him. He wanted to tell him to call him dad, but right now that was too risky.
“What a pretty name! Why are you called Shy by Master then?” Kit asked. Dimitri pursed his lips together and touched his scar.
“Its a nickname”
“A name only good friends call each other”
“But you don’t like Master at all…”
“Well, some nicknames are for people you don’t like” he giggled wryly.
“Hey, Sh—Dimitri, what does “slave” mean?” The kid asked him, getting his full attention.
“Master called me that the other day when I dropped a bit of juice. I dont know if its a good nickname…” Dimitri held him strong.
“You dont need to know that Kit” he said to him “You’re a good boy ok?”
Kit thought about the many times he had been called bad things and found comforting he said that. So he hugged back.
They stayed there like that for a while.
At night, report.
“They havent mentioned it yet then Kit?” Dimitri asked him from the other side of the cell. Kit shook his head, his curly black hair flopping.
“Thats perfect. And what is master doing on thursday?”
“They have their cocktail party and go early” kit said. Dimitri was making mental notes.
“When do they go on their trip?” Dimitri asked him looking up.
“On sunday”
Dimitri has made his plan. Five days were a bit short but the three months had passed and he had it all ready. The few money he could slip from change. A few clothes. Tools. Food. They were ready to go.
“Kit, in Sunday I need you to do something fun. Would you grab your binoculars and tell me when they go and bring me the keys in Master’s office?”
Kit physically did a step back.
“What is it?”
“Im…not allowed there…I cant…”
“It’s ok Kit. Dont worry. Can you play explorer and tell me when they go then?” The kid shook his head vigorously. “You’re such a good kid, Kit” he revolved his hair. And gave him a candy hidden in the downside of the mat.
“Ah! Thank you Dimitri! I love you!” Kit said while hugging him through the bars. Dimitri had to be really strong to hold the tears in.
“I love you too Kit” he said watching him go off.
He stared at the ceiling unable to sleep.
How much he wished Cal and Olivia were there too. But the pain of losing them wouldn’t happen ever again.
Even if he died at it. They would go and get freedom.
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sirjustice20 · 4 years
my tumblr a/c
mcsleepynelsonfollower or mcsleepy nelson and check sirjustice19
Vietnam car in the link below as well as Taiwan
Prado if u belittle folks gives ya bowed legs as the side effect. Mango juice taken with cake or bread, kinda, peels of the top skull of ya head if u belittle 1.
When a car like the new Prado got different headlight or the rear 1 in many different forms then it reduces the envy of that car like in the link below
Helicopter where u can stop propeller just like with the car braking system so that incase of default u just get down on parachute not fearing the propeller will cut ya and remote controlled as well so u control it in a wireless manner on ya parachute so it lands safely.
Some cars like new prado swell like annoyed, they don’t like bad figure structures and hooligans on it, it love well understanding people dude who are intuitive and innovative, even with old Mercedes which love serene environment with few people, kinda, u see it sad, got spirit dude, hate people who are bogged into tradition loves open fellows even some many cars like infinity, they bring the spirit of violence around dude, no kidding fellows.
If u partake mbichi fruits as raw with cold water, u see 1 who hates ya in a coffin, it kills dramatically bro, no lies dude, Christ with little children and road to emaus with Jesus as well as beatitudes. Another reason arrested showing the enemy on how to kill the oppressor via these insane tricks dude.
Made kales if u eat without eating a piece raw or looking outside besides ya this way or that way after not long cracks ya incisor teeth with ya or if one u belittle without cause partakes such
Mango, orange juice with cakes cut holes on ya forebrain, Malachi 4 to cement reality. Apple juice attracts panga accident where 1 risks his hand being cut if 1 he belittles without course partakes such. Pineapple juice does the same with orange juice or with mango juice with bread where ya forehead get big bringing it outside dude.
Mango, avocado if u partake with water as well cracks your hater teeth, even with raw pawpaw.
The women who got Burma blooded plotting death in conjunction with the same men on young men they want by force size of their kids, normally they carry basket, kikapu on their hands, wanting free things without course, king of the Jew and women with Barabbas to cement de truth. Their time of reckoning is coming when a coin is placed on the palm of the hand to see the wish if the cut 1 down, likewise will be done to them dude, we have now known their network dude.
I saw 1 walking like Samson the robust, the Lord spirit around him. He was sukuma, argentina blooded, he was brought to finish the jew but did it unwisely, they will never get it until u come up with the same ammunition they got and u did not have to finish them, don’t get into deals with them. The Fredrick Luggard who met masai and killed koitalel was signaling many of their character, don’t do likewise bro lest ya fail got spirit, don’t join the ugly lest they cut ya or the bad. To cement de fact the jew are bad people period wanting their own progress not 4 others. Time to finish them aint tomorrow but right now dude and its ripe.
Give that kid direction to take that money and give to the house help next door to see if the likes of Vincent see things from his eye, as he must see what she sees. Tell her to close her eyes when taking and giving so we find out de truth of placing the coin in the palm of the hand and it came to pass when many were asked who stole the money and the kid was pointed, u can even use a blind person to take ya thing and give to some1 then we see. Even an incident in the usa once u know the 2, u came up with trut even on plane like in the middle of the sea dude. Mr Hindu stop hick up and hunger, get to how u feed ya belly in a descent way
Buy the fingerprint padlock at kenya jumuia in the link below, secure ya door let them die their own death, the burglars.
Get a glimpse of gas powered bus or vehicles from china
If u touch ya mafi is known by how ya hand expands and then get small period dude, we know it dat way dude, just like with things like panga, axe, drills, grinder if u hard annoyed 1 and about to revenge even hitting u with such weapons above, its signals ya of real dangers bro, if u see 1 in those fine days think twice and back off. Click the link below 4 more
Some1 still rude, knows a lot, involved in wanting rich women by force not of his tribe, thinks he is cleaver yet if u place a coin in the palm of ya hand u see her rather him watching his dad being beaten up to death with his close friends such as Gregory Issac etc, watching with her close friends whom they lived next to when they were young. They target is to get like 4 weekly in different cities, take their money or if not the morgue bill as explained above used to buy a motor bike 4 the hooligans as they have now known to make formalin which now saves their expenditure. The motor bike operator return like $4 at the end of the day to facilitate the cartel work which i know not. Mrprophet when translated in swahili then to luo
Gimidwalo emari kikigen kikigen, katek, youthe, to kisumu pacho, athagra nango not sianda, get me straight dude
U think they beba ugali want to cut ya just waiting 4 meat. If u realise that u kill him b4 he does the same to ya. When 1 dont eat he dies and they want that. Mps have relented, now they have investigated scrap metal dealership is lucrative giving some people small capital to start, more lucrative even than their posts, so can even ambush those who have ventured into it or thinking. Folks take heed, ME abart dont take them back, even new dont take hin back again take a new 1. The somali people, got this bro. Click the link below
Socks, tai or shoes like 10 pairs goes 4 $5, to stop all the monitoring that ought to feed the lifestyles of the lazy, making them looking down upon ya at the 2 points i mentioned dude
Dont sing to a white woman dat why, let them be prostitutes bro, they think u wanna take technology off them to out-shine them like nyamwezi belle tisa, wanwaleny bwana in-tara tara kanyo, sauli chako, chietha, nyofrith in the link below
Somali just came to induct me of avoiding much food as it attracts a gun as plotting crime, folks disatified with little but have not gained their plan and breeds disrespect. I think with war out-break in somali long-time and no justice now, they have known the truths of hell so wanna be their at once as a tribe, its a blessing in disguise. They would long to be served like in the usa or be there but cant happen. With their women let the be prostitutes, wachana na masomo as well as they are intertwined, synonyms dude, yesus got that blood as well as china, kinda, people who dont want real progress but true with Africans breeds a certain spirit with good things, they should just be like right now
The link below shows killings organized by Dignitaries liaising with hooligans like motor bike riders to annihilated as they have known on how to make formalin by immersing cut euphobia in water then hurl cold water, so they take it to the morgue liaising with authorities so they buy just little amount or put some cash in their pockets of to buy formalin which has been made at no-extra cost, it cost like $120 4 one dead body so if many like 100 cost $12000 which is around  1,500,000, which is put on roads as motor bikes later buys taxi then buses that ferry people to different Kenya cities. Mortuary bill should not be charged to eradicate this. The nation is poor and they refuse resorting to dubious ways thinking wont be unearthed.
Wichita state University i dont wanna be thre and i done told you friends, i have gone to the university of hooliganism and i got a 1st class degree in brutality, then stop many words, dont play guitar to me dude like a cow wont listen bro, well, give me the visa and apart from hitting ya eye (male) with stone to take me to jail i will light fire on ya wooden apartment and it will be loss to ya and jail me 4 years. Dude thats ya want, tell me dude, what do u want, dont u now clearly knows ya time is over dude in the link below
Also i got beside the above, degree in domestic violence from university of du-mexico, nyofrith, pierith saying ya own things in books, daytime lies dude, am feed up with dude
If we got a padlock that if u open has a wireless alarm system that rings in ya house, blue tooth 1 or fingerprint enabled 1 and many more why keep dogs 4 male they instigate bad sexual characters in male but excusable with women in the link below
mcsleepynelson search dude
Vehicle link made in kenya below
The above kid, when he was being made was like the greatest sex. People whodont have great sex give birth to polite kids.No kidding dude, okna-ng'otho why lie bro, I did not fuck bro, sikutomba to bring a disturbing kid who wants goodie just from me, behave like he knows all yet youn, cant play like other kids. They will not stop saying u want their food or cash, yet its been years they see u eating without begging them so it hurts them, still they wanna send money to Tz with all the explained in other tumblr a/c like E-vehicle overtaking oil that tz got oil they will benefit cause the natives hate being employed and are lazy. Dude get it its wrong, change tactics, or let it be war, come out don’t call other fellows and let us fight to see the winner. U wretched and wicked wanting peoples food many people yet u u eat in darkness or seclusion. Big shame, I still say die, Mr Dennis go back to ya nation, don’t bring ya kids to people yet u still live good than them, anyway whats ya kid with kitten like ear lobes, a people who knows nothing but disturb, don’t waste my fxxxxxxxxxxxcking time, got people to see, places to go, not just with u or ya kid. Stop sickening character dude of even employing dat character to youth as its good because u r white, get back to ya nation. Many desperate get there make it and send money back home, why not u dude, stop being a drug baron and nuisance. HIM Wanting to grab ya manhood and food while reverse it, stop dude, stop monitoring what others are eating dude while u, u get money online, live ya life dude.
Movies should be taken to theater a new 1 to reduce Dstv menace, build many theater people to avert whats related to dish menace. Am eying to open 1 dude, why lie, dont let me die and once i got my cash u see me opening 1. Click the link below dude
The dough taken with cold water, or bread or wheat products taken with cold passion soda explained above u take at your own time not in their vicinity. Can keep them at ya home and partake them at night, even when they annoy ya immediately u cant take it cause they will give ya names like strangling 1 but take it at night in ya own pleasure or free time dude to a shame the Spirit not mr devil as earlier perceived.
Earth crust is 16 km, the green-man dug it long time and left to planet Venus leaving Europe and America empty b4 the whites now in Europe went their to occupy the free left land just like now with going to mass, dude History repeats its self, they dug holes from below to the upper crust as atmosphere, then some they left opened and people know to date though structures have been constructed to hide them while others they dug a big hole again on top of that hole and hurled big rocks then marum to block them, to date people dont know there are holes there but structures as well on-top of them but the white men knows the bearing of those places and now the structures on top of them, so another reason as tourists come to check with other hidden local friends like hawkers if they have been identified or not cause countries as china, Taiwan deemed to be enemies can came like in Migosi Estate and get to the utter crust via them to attack other lands once they got electric-drones which dont use fuel which the white man never fathomed could be so its a threat all-together and china getting to the usa to investigate the same even on white-house land trump meeting dude. It the Gimmick china as E-Asia is using cheating usa they dont want kebi yet writing text to each other using kids to deliver. USA take heed bro, be warned of friends. They want ya to quit, with recent technological advances like E-bikes in Taiwan and other Asian tiger nations. Click the link below 4 more, china even got drones without wings, internal propellers to facilitate the same
Mtastop haje hiyo character ya kusema mtu anataka chakula yako natena unamumonita kama ako na do, amanikuchizi. Shortly without pity or shame u talk to him good as u want from him,u think i will strungle myself 4get, sasa ni mawe, hebujaribu kunishow dhach, uone kama natowa macho, peleka mtoto wako mtukutu huku, kufa, die dont want my money then u revise it. Weka pesa kwa simu then show us the receipt that i beg u money. Jinga hii, shoga huyu, minataka vitu za bure, nenda kwenyu mwenye meno mbaya, kikuyu hii, ugly animal. Nyofridh, nyofridh, chieth, mime-enda wapi sasa, pesa sitawapatiya, kwenda huku na mboro ovya yenye wajaroga kama ya neli mimi abat
upgradecreditorsUntitledsnitchcornerUntitledmysufferingoUntitlednyandorientertainmentUntitledcomredshotelUntitlednelsonswiftairUntitledthewandetesUntitledorgasmicallyelectricOrgasmically ElectricmurraymondeUntitledmrmondeUntitledmondelocketoUntitleddavidomoloUntitleddelanustartupmondeUntitledmondegoochUntitledmondewestphalUntitledkansasnightUntitledschoupenermondeUntitledsethojwanguncleUntitledmyproblemosUntitlednelsonbotomsiepaUntitledcompanyrightsUntitledcompanylogoUntitledmcbethnelsonUntitlednelsonmcbethUntitledcompanyprincipalsUntitledcompanymissionUntitledasninelsonUntitledkingparksmondeUntitledvincentmalachimodiUntitledhurlmondeUntitledmcsleepymondeUntitledchalmerslynnmondeUntitledtolbatmondeUntitledliliansmithUntitledunderwoodnelsonUntitledmondeskyUntitledskyhighmondeUntitledmondemchurtUntitledmondescott
nosidemanUntitlednonsidedUntitledkittenedymiaumiauonyaspusyUntitledhotsoupoUntitlednamenelsonmondeUntitledgluttonedyUntitlednorthwhiteheadmondeUntitledkevinsumbandlynetgarthenjiUntitledcoreyhurlUntitledadminsharonpattersonUntitledmisvalesUntitledalisonmitchststevensheltermnUntitledjeniferbringsmnUntitledmrsclarakennedyUntitledkimberlyreedsUntitledshitty-car-mods-dailyShitty Car ModsmrpumpingadrianUntitledaintjesusperiodUntitlednelsonekoUntitledaintmosesUntitledaintkingnebuchadnezaUntitledaintanychristdiscipleUntitledaintkingdavidnorhisonperiodUntitledaintnobiblekingUntitledaintanybibleprophetUntitledaintanybiblepersonalityUntitledaintanybiblefigureUntitledsermonspeechesUntitledmrnotunderstandingUntitlednotanybiblemaleUntitledaintanybiblewomanormaleUntitledaintanybiblewomanUntitledafricanisedUntitledfreeofchargebibleUntitledaintanybiblicalfigureUntitlednotanybiblewriterUntitledcarnamesUntitledaintherodaughterUntitledmcsleepyfollowersUntitledwalmatstoresUntitled longpascodeUntitledmcsleepynelsonUntitled
sirjustice15 Updated 4 hours ago
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action Updated 21 hours ago
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mcsleepynelson Updated 2 weeks ago
sirjustice3 Updated 5 days ago
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sirjustice2 Updated 5 days ago
Mit mal thel mal thep, thup, thep, mala kwa mala, okoweyo nyato cha chien donge amos says denanu rather delanu
aseyudo nyako manyiewo na gikmoko kana kwamba mimi ni misichana, yani kanene tawuotho kagima asoko piny in a haste to spirit molo cool ni mimi ni mtu mzima i should slow down dude. Awinjo kaka nyili winjoga gi machaligi omonegi gikmoko, eeeya wang!!
Euphorbia in water then Hyde placed make gadgets like shoes, mattress, hammer car, pencils etc. When newspaper placed makes even limousine like lincolin cars, xmas lights, tree, ballons and even flowers. As what u put in the dough process to give ya those gadgets i have explained on the mrfoolsir tumblr u replace them with Euphorbia method dude.
Euphobia placed in honey makes honey buns, chapaties, mandazi, cakes, tea, coffee, cocoa, cobblers glue, gum, belts, tv and even shoes and jacket.
Placed in milk u come up with long life milk products, meat, kales, tomato, onions, fruits, cloths, cassava, soup like indomie, flour either wheat or millet, groundnuts, potatoes, milk shake, ghee, yorghurt or ice cream dude. Why go the long way if ya nation got no wheat 4 dough or rye. When the child belly is full then we start joking with the kid buying them just snacks not hiding from responsibility and heaping it on others while they got theirs. Child love starts from there dude.
Dont signal me by side, still it will land u in hell, the question being “why did you not write even in the local flights where no 1 could see on their eye what u r thinking then give it to the fellow. Folks please do that if at dat time you got the cash to board 1.‘
Nimimi ndimi nilikuwa kwa jela, nikasema wengi wanataka kujiuwa juu hawana cahakula mimi unamonitor pesa zangu kwa scrap dealer hapo tu-mtaani na inawachoma. Wacha kuona njaa bwana, peter, dedan hautashika mboloya mtu kwani wewe ni nani. Shoga hii, lazy braggart, okal hizo miguu zako za masquito utajuta, shoga hii, kwenda huko, mwenye njaa, wacha post election etoke, utaona, jinga hii, kuletea watu watoto, bure kabisa, bloodifool. Tho! Wa-eki, have never borrowed u money dude, kwenda ukufe huko, maybe mtu amebadilika mimi but mimi i dont remember, fake huyu, kwenda huko.
Inducting dedanu and his likes on how to live well in future though living big, wanaweza linda the world if white men left 4 mass and given Rusia with its attributes no they will manipulate other tribes to cause war period, their plan dude
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sirjustice25-blog · 4 years
In the bible might have killed folks using whats in tumblr sirjustice22 or those who transfigure into other animals in his belly, which one. Or u kill me as finish me like crush. Wiche dude?
Cadillac car place like human teeth or cattle or apes in the dough then hurl cold water unto it and boom the car. Like 200 kg of porridge like dough put in the container.
Speaker cable should be omitted to be replaced with wireless system dude in the link below, wires from ya stereo to ya speakers
Civil war breeding those who got the Somali blood of not relenting in doing bad yet with them is okay as they wanna be first, as a loop hole to get to the USA or Russia as they have sent spies to monitor the land and found is above them, they cant overtake it in-terms of technology, money, trade or war, so must proceed with Gimmicks which will not surface, cause its a blessing in disguise their character has been now know of forcing things and wanting their own or-else resort to lies, badmouthing bro if u dont go along with their stupid and silly ways dude
The reason why whites got much cancer is that they belittle people even in photos and these people take what i have describe above even without the prior information and give the whites cancer like mango juice taken with bread by the person u belittle cut ya throat as koo or milk/porridge taken with mandazi/bread the same. So folks take heed. Voke ni mchwi wa vitu, cheki vitu amekuja nayo, nichipukizi bro, yaani nimchafu-anamultitusk as versatile in his ways or doing dude. Pekrith, chieth, nyofrith x2, saying their own Things eti this and that, ya ways now-blocked, sema, bonga sasa. Motor bike to be bought in taslimu way tw, on cash oc not on low credit that facilitate massive dubious ways and Govt should be hard on dat dude to thwart their moves period bro
Now they have made ya like a chicken which is to be gotten to be slaughtered dude, Kinda, they got like ugali in case they get it, they cut ya into-pieces and dine on ya like in the link below
It even makes u lazy cause they are into ya, kinda, ya mind thinks rich, maybe, u should find on how to relax maybe they can set ya free, all eyes glued on ya to make ya hungry but if u go to eat they want ya food or say u eat much. Silly character dude
Black car breeds respect and bring calmness around as good spirit and sign of an understanding and a mature society, so place human genitals on the paint to repaint it with so if u see 1 see an ignited inferno instill the going to hell reality.
Are shoes peculiar with a certain people or certain group of people or they just bought the 1st shoe outcome many, in that if u wear 1 a group has worn u depict them or not guys.
Bill like mortuary, sales men bill should be payed online as they know how to manipulate on how they submit the cash to the relevant authorities to marshal up part of the profits sales gotten to help boda boda people secure motor bikes, tuk tuks and even matatu to put on road b4 in a 2 weeks or a month synonymous with motor bike operators to given them back the cash and return to the authority above without being known dude. With Morgue bill some pay 4 their people on the 1st entrance and write on the book it was promissory to be paid when they are getting out the body thus channel it on the above tricks. Online payment will abolish this dude!! Mobile phone sales men and bread, milk and alcohol does the above to get rich quickly dude!!
The posh coffins can also be made by taking the locally made 1 then u sprinkle cereals or cut grass immediately after pouring out cold water and seeing the flash of light and with anything, made cars, houses, molded things like jets, planes etc
The now get to know the number of household per country by wireless china electric meter then subtract the once 4 sme or small business and get the later and thats why they want every house to have the same, resorting to rapid rural electrification to achieve their goal of disbursing or having a rough figure of how many xmas gadgets like lights, balloons or trees the ought to make to supply, the African colonizers, Hindu, China and other African tribes who have learnt the same like not long the luo, kisii, kamba, kikuyu but luckily enough now every tom hurry and dick tribe knows the same, so it proves futile and a detriment to their pursuits resorting not to open angers but finished.
In the link above, if people are in to ya, without apparent reason, just urinate on a plastic bin, small 1, then add water and hurl outside ya house or on the road adjacent to ya and it goes well with ya, no kidding dude, what do u no to pride yaself, getting money online or eating the pussy which as well i know maybe more well than ya. Quit dude, when am done with USA, they start talking of china faintly not knowing i can do de same to china wooden structures. I will not sit with them, if they r forcing, is upon me to shrink in my dreams, to relent in my desires which they used rto abuse previously. Jesus with pharisees, woe thing, was 2 way to induct any1 not to sit with them again, after they have frustrated ya, can get to oppress ya again like they did to him, masai blood of being slow on critical issues and food lovers
Ammunition link below, Africa made, It ought to, built with Kenya luo, kisii or kamba as kikuyu teens, why not dude, answer me folks, what u gon do dude!!!!
mcsleepynelsonfollower or mcsleepy nelson and check sirjustice19
Vietnam car in the link below as well as Taiwan
Prado if u belittle folks gives ya bowed legs as the side effect. Mango juice taken with cake or bread, kinda, peels of the top skull of ya head if u belittle 1.
When a car like the new Prado got different headlight or the rear 1 in many different forms then it reduces the envy of that car like in the link below
Helicopter where u can stop propeller just like with the car braking system so that incase of default u just get down on parachute not fearing the propeller will cut ya and remote controlled as well so u control it in a wireless manner on ya parachute so it lands safely.
Some cars like new prado swell like annoyed, they don’t like bad figure structures and hooligans on it, it love well understanding people dude who are intuitive and innovative, even with old Mercedes which love serene environment with few people, kinda, u see it sad, got spirit dude, hate people who are bogged into tradition loves open fellows even some many cars like infinity, they bring the spirit of violence around dude, no kidding fellows.
If u partake mbichi fruits as raw with cold water, u see 1 who hates ya in a coffin, it kills dramatically bro, no lies dude, Christ with little children and road to emaus with Jesus as well as beatitudes. Another reason arrested showing the enemy on how to kill the oppressor via these insane tricks dude.
Made kales if u eat without eating a piece raw or looking outside besides ya this way or that way after not long cracks ya incisor teeth with ya or if one u belittle without cause partakes such
Mango, orange juice with cakes cut holes on ya forebrain, Malachi 4 to cement reality. Apple juice attracts panga accident where 1 risks his hand being cut if 1 he belittles without course partakes such. Pineapple juice does the same with orange juice or with mango juice with bread where ya forehead get big bringing it outside dude.
Mango, avocado if u partake with water as well cracks your hater teeth, even with raw pawpaw.
The women who got Burma blooded plotting death in conjunction with the same men on young men they want by force size of their kids, normally they carry basket, kikapu on their hands, wanting free things without course, king of the Jew and women with Barabbas to cement de truth. Their time of reckoning is coming when a coin is placed on the palm of the hand to see the wish if the cut 1 down, likewise will be done to them dude, we have now known their network dude.
I saw 1 walking like Samson the robust, the Lord spirit around him. He was sukuma, argentina blooded, he was brought to finish the jew but did it unwisely, they will never get it until u come up with the same ammunition they got and u did not have to finish them, don’t get into deals with them. The Fredrick Luggard who met masai and killed koitalel was signaling many of their character, don’t do likewise bro lest ya fail got spirit, don’t join the ugly lest they cut ya or the bad. To cement de fact the jew are bad people period wanting their own progress not 4 others. Time to finish them aint tomorrow but right now dude and its ripe.
Give that kid direction to take that money and give to the house help next door to see if the likes of Vincent see things from his eye, as he must see what she sees. Tell her to close her eyes when taking and giving so we find out de truth of placing the coin in the palm of the hand and it came to pass when many were asked who stole the money and the kid was pointed, u can even use a blind person to take ya thing and give to some1 then we see. Even an incident in the usa once u know the 2, u came up with trut even on plane like in the middle of the sea dude. Mr Hindu stop hick up and hunger, get to how u feed ya belly in a descent way
Buy the fingerprint padlock at kenya jumuia in the link below, secure ya door let them die their own death, the burglars.
Get a glimpse of gas powered bus or vehicles from china
If u touch ya mafi is known by how ya hand expands and then get small period dude, we know it dat way dude, just like with things like panga, axe, drills, grinder if u hard annoyed 1 and about to revenge even hitting u with such weapons above, its signals ya of real dangers bro, if u see 1 in those fine days think twice and back off. Click the link below 4 more
Some1 still rude, knows a lot, involved in wanting rich women by force not of his tribe, thinks he is cleaver yet if u place a coin in the palm of ya hand u see her rather him watching his dad being beaten up to death with his close friends such as Gregory Issac etc, watching with her close friends whom they lived next to when they were young. They target is to get like 4 weekly in different cities, take their money or if not the morgue bill as explained above used to buy a motor bike 4 the hooligans as they have now known to make formalin which now saves their expenditure. The motor bike operator return like $4 at the end of the day to facilitate the cartel work which i know not. Mrprophet when translated in swahili then to luo
Gimidwalo emari kikigen kikigen, katek, youthe, to kisumu pacho, athagra nango not sianda, get me straight dude
U think they beba ugali want to cut ya just waiting 4 meat. If u realise that u kill him b4 he does the same to ya. When 1 dont eat he dies and they want that. Mps have relented, now they have investigated scrap metal dealership is lucrative giving some people small capital to start, more lucrative even than their posts, so can even ambush those who have ventured into it or thinking. Folks take heed, ME abart dont take them back, even new dont take hin back again take a new 1. The somali people, got this bro. Click the link below
Socks, tai or shoes like 10 pairs goes 4 $5, to stop all the monitoring that ought to feed the lifestyles of the lazy, making them looking down upon ya at the 2 points i mentioned dude
Dont sing to a white woman dat why, let them be prostitutes bro, they think u wanna take technology off them to out-shine them like nyamwezi belle tisa, wanwaleny bwana in-tara tara kanyo, sauli chako, chietha, nyofrith in the link below
Somali just came to induct me of avoiding much food as it attracts a gun as plotting crime, folks disatified with little but have not gained their plan and breeds disrespect. I think with war out-break in somali long-time and no justice now, they have known the truths of hell so wanna be their at once as a tribe, its a blessing in disguise. They would long to be served like in the usa or be there but cant happen. With their women let the be prostitutes, wachana na masomo as well as they are intertwined, synonyms dude, yesus got that blood as well as china, kinda, people who dont want real progress but true with Africans breeds a certain spirit with good things, they should just be like right now
The link below shows killings organized by Dignitaries liaising with hooligans like motor bike riders to annihilated as they have known on how to make formalin by immersing cut euphobia in water then hurl cold water, so they take it to the morgue liaising with authorities so they buy just little amount or put some cash in their pockets of to buy formalin which has been made at no-extra cost, it cost like $120 4 one dead body so if many like 100 cost $12000 which is around  1,500,000, which is put on roads as motor bikes later buys taxi then buses that ferry people to different Kenya cities. Mortuary bill should not be charged to eradicate this. The nation is poor and they refuse resorting to dubious ways thinking wont be unearthed.
Wichita state University i dont wanna be thre and i done told you friends, i have gone to the university of hooliganism and i got a 1st class degree in brutality, then stop many words, dont play guitar to me dude like a cow wont listen bro, well, give me the visa and apart from hitting ya eye (male) with stone to take me to jail i will light fire on ya wooden apartment and it will be loss to ya and jail me 4 years. Dude thats ya want, tell me dude, what do u want, dont u now clearly knows ya time is over dude in the link below
Also i got beside the above, degree in domestic violence from university of du-mexico, nyofrith, pierith saying ya own things in books, daytime lies dude, am feed up with dude
If we got a padlock that if u open has a wireless alarm system that rings in ya house, blue tooth 1 or fingerprint enabled 1 and many more why keep dogs 4 male they instigate bad sexual characters in male but excusable with women in the link below
mcsleepynelson search dude
Vehicle link made in kenya below
The above kid, when he was being made was like the greatest sex. People whodont have great sex give birth to polite kids.No kidding dude, okna-ng'otho why lie bro, I did not fuck bro, sikutomba to bring a disturbing kid who wants goodie just from me, behave like he knows all yet youn, cant play like other kids. They will not stop saying u want their food or cash, yet its been years they see u eating without begging them so it hurts them, still they wanna send money to Tz with all the explained in other tumblr a/c like E-vehicle overtaking oil that tz got oil they will benefit cause the natives hate being employed and are lazy. Dude get it its wrong, change tactics, or let it be war, come out don’t call other fellows and let us fight to see the winner. U wretched and wicked wanting peoples food many people yet u u eat in darkness or seclusion. Big shame, I still say die, Mr Dennis go back to ya nation, don’t bring ya kids to people yet u still live good than them, anyway whats ya kid with kitten like ear lobes, a people who knows nothing but disturb, don’t waste my fxxxxxxxxxxxcking time, got people to see, places to go, not just with u or ya kid. Stop sickening character dude of even employing dat character to youth as its good because u r white, get back to ya nation. Many desperate get there make it and send money back home, why not u dude, stop being a drug baron and nuisance. HIM Wanting to grab ya manhood and food while reverse it, stop dude, stop monitoring what others are eating dude while u, u get money online, live ya life dude.
Movies should be taken to theater a new 1 to reduce Dstv menace, build many theater people to avert whats related to dish menace. Am eying to open 1 dude, why lie, dont let me die and once i got my cash u see me opening 1. Click the link below dude
The dough taken with cold water, or bread or wheat products taken with cold passion soda explained above u take at your own time not in their vicinity. Can keep them at ya home and partake them at night, even when they annoy ya immediately u cant take it cause they will give ya names like strangling 1 but take it at night in ya own pleasure or free time dude to a shame the Spirit not mr devil as earlier perceived.
Earth crust is 16 km, the green-man dug it long time and left to planet Venus leaving Europe and America empty b4 the whites now in Europe went their to occupy the free left land just like now with going to mass, dude History repeats its self, they dug holes from below to the upper crust as atmosphere, then some they left opened and people know to date though structures have been constructed to hide them while others they dug a big hole again on top of that hole and hurled big rocks then marum to block them, to date people dont know there are holes there but structures as well on-top of them but the white men knows the bearing of those places and now the structures on top of them, so another reason as tourists come to check with other hidden local friends like hawkers if they have been identified or not cause countries as china, Taiwan deemed to be enemies can came like in Migosi Estate and get to the utter crust via them to attack other lands once they got electric-drones which dont use fuel which the white man never fathomed could be so its a threat all-together and china getting to the usa to investigate the same even on white-house land trump meeting dude. It the Gimmick china as E-Asia is using cheating usa they dont want kebi yet writing text to each other using kids to deliver. USA take heed bro, be warned of friends. They want ya to quit, with recent technological advances like E-bikes in Taiwan and other Asian tiger nations. Click the link below 4 more, china even got drones without wings, internal propellers to facilitate the same
Mtastop haje hiyo character ya kusema mtu anataka chakula yako natena unamumonita kama ako na do, amanikuchizi. Shortly without pity or shame u talk to him good as u want from him,u think i will strungle myself 4get, sasa ni mawe, hebujaribu kunishow dhach, uone kama natowa macho, peleka mtoto wako mtukutu huku, kufa, die dont want my money then u revise it. Weka pesa kwa simu then show us the receipt that i beg u money. Jinga hii, shoga huyu, minataka vitu za bure, nenda kwenyu mwenye meno mbaya, kikuyu hii, ugly animal. Nyofridh, nyofridh, chieth, mime-enda wapi sasa, pesa sitawapatiya, kwenda huku na mboro ovya yenye wajaroga kama ya neli mimi abat
upgradecreditorsUntitledsnitchcornerUntitledmysufferingoUntitlednyandorientertainmentUntitledcomredshotelUntitlednelsonswiftairUntitledthewandetesUntitledorgasmicallyelectricOrgasmically ElectricmurraymondeUntitledmrmondeUntitledmondelocketoUntitleddavidomoloUntitleddelanustartupmondeUntitledmondegoochUntitledmondewestphalUntitledkansasnightUntitledschoupenermondeUntitledsethojwanguncleUntitledmyproblemosUntitlednelsonbotomsiepaUntitledcompanyrightsUntitledcompanylogoUntitledmcbethnelsonUntitlednelsonmcbethUntitledcompanyprincipalsUntitledcompanymissionUntitledasninelsonUntitledkingparksmondeUntitledvincentmalachimodiUntitledhurlmondeUntitledmcsleepymondeUntitledchalmerslynnmondeUntitledtolbatmondeUntitledliliansmithUntitledunderwoodnelsonUntitledmondeskyUntitledskyhighmondeUntitledmondemchurtUntitledmondescott
nosidemanUntitlednonsidedUntitledkittenedymiaumiauonyaspusyUntitledhotsoupoUntitlednamenelsonmondeUntitledgluttonedyUntitlednorthwhiteheadmondeUntitledkevinsumbandlynetgarthenjiUntitledcoreyhurlUntitledadminsharonpattersonUntitledmisvalesUntitledalisonmitchststevensheltermnUntitledjeniferbringsmnUntitledmrsclarakennedyUntitledkimberlyreedsUntitledshitty-car-mods-dailyShitty Car ModsmrpumpingadrianUntitledaintjesusperiodUntitlednelsonekoUntitledaintmosesUntitledaintkingnebuchadnezaUntitledaintanychristdiscipleUntitledaintkingdavidnorhisonperiodUntitledaintnobiblekingUntitledaintanybibleprophetUntitledaintanybiblepersonalityUntitledaintanybiblefigureUntitledsermonspeechesUntitledmrnotunderstandingUntitlednotanybiblemaleUntitledaintanybiblewomanormaleUntitledaintanybiblewomanUntitledafricanisedUntitledfreeofchargebibleUntitledaintanybiblicalfigureUntitlednotanybiblewriterUntitledcarnamesUntitledaintherodaughterUntitledmcsleepyfollowersUntitledwalmatstoresUntitled longpascodeUntitledmcsleepynelsonUntitled
sirjustice15 Updated 4 hours ago
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action Updated 21 hours ago
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mcsleepynelson Updated 2 weeks ago
sirjustice3 Updated 5 days ago
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sirjustice7 Updated 3 days ago
sirjustice2 Updated 5 days ago
Mit mal thel mal thep, thup, thep, mala kwa mala, okoweyo nyato cha chien donge amos says denanu rather delanu
aseyudo nyako manyiewo na gikmoko kana kwamba mimi ni misichana, yani kanene tawuotho kagima asoko piny in a haste to spirit molo cool ni mimi ni mtu mzima i should slow down dude. Awinjo kaka nyili winjoga gi machaligi omonegi gikmoko, eeeya wang!!
Euphorbia in water then Hyde placed make gadgets like shoes, mattress, hammer car, pencils etc. When newspaper placed makes even limousine like lincolin cars, xmas lights, tree, ballons and even flowers. As what u put in the dough process to give ya those gadgets i have explained on the mrfoolsir tumblr u replace them with Euphorbia method dude.
Euphobia placed in honey makes honey buns, chapaties, mandazi, cakes, tea, coffee, cocoa, cobblers glue, gum, belts, tv and even shoes and jacket.
Placed in milk u come up with long life milk products, meat, kales, tomato, onions, fruits, cloths, cassava, soup like indomie, flour either wheat or millet, groundnuts, potatoes, milk shake, ghee, yorghurt or ice cream dude. Why go the long way if ya nation got no wheat 4 dough or rye. When the child belly is full then we start joking with the kid buying them just snacks not hiding from responsibility and heaping it on others while they got theirs. Child love starts from there dude.
Dont signal me by side, still it will land u in hell, the question being “why did you not write even in the local flights where no 1 could see on their eye what u r thinking then give it to the fellow. Folks please do that if at dat time you got the cash to board 1.‘
Nimimi ndimi nilikuwa kwa jela, nikasema wengi wanataka kujiuwa juu hawana cahakula mimi unamonitor pesa zangu kwa scrap dealer hapo tu-mtaani na inawachoma. Wacha kuona njaa bwana, peter, dedan hautashika mboloya mtu kwani wewe ni nani. Shoga hii, lazy braggart, okal hizo miguu zako za masquito utajuta, shoga hii, kwenda huko, mwenye njaa, wacha post election etoke, utaona, jinga hii, kuletea watu watoto, bure kabisa, bloodifool. Tho! Wa-eki, have never borrowed u money dude, kwenda ukufe huko, maybe mtu amebadilika mimi but mimi i dont remember, fake huyu, kwenda huko.
Inducting dedanu and his likes on how to live well in future though living big, wanaweza linda the world if white men left 4 mass and given Rusia with its attributes no they will manipulate other tribes to cause war period, their plan dude
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I just wanna set the world on fire
Warnings: Gun mention, violence mention, post-apocalyptic surroundings, cussing, alcohol, cigarettes, death mentions
Ships: Logicality, Prinxiety.
Plot: In a post-apocalyptic world, two brothers make strange acquaintances, one must live with the knowledge that one day his lover will not be able to consciously think, nor remember him. 
((I’m trying something...very different with this one, sort of a Fallout 4 AU I guess? For those who aren’t familiar with the Fallout series, I’ll give a little back story before you read the fic. It’s based in a wasteland after nuclear bombs have been dropped and the remaining humans, and subsequent monsters created by the radiation, have to survive. Fallout 4, in particular, is based 200 years after the bombs have dropped in Boston)) 
((Edit, also: In the Fallout Universe they have things called Stimpaks that heal all health and Radaway which takes away the radiation, as these are mentioned. 
As Patton is a Ghoul in this fic I should explain Ghouls are humans that have taken A Lot of radiation damage, resulting in skin scarring, either black eyes or very pale irises with the white parts red, and very gravelly voices, some Ghouls become feral early on in their lives, some manage to stay normal for the majority of their lives, but as far as I know eventually all Ghouls become feral canonically in Fallout lore so I thought it would make some good angst.))
((Edit 2: A sequel too this with a VERY angsty ending, which is alluded too in this fic, will be posted on A03, and if anyone wishes too read it please PM me for the link))
“I don’t even get why up here,” Patton sighs, closing the box of Stimpaks and setting them beside him as he sits cross-legged on the roof of the old gas station they had turned into their personal fortress. Logan pulls the cigarette out of his mouth and watches the sky turning red as the night approaches. 
“It’s a nice view,” He replies with a shrug “Where are the others?” Patton shuffles closer and leans his head on the other man’s shoulder, pulling his spiked goggles off his head as he does. 
“Roman’s checking the turrets, Virgil is putting out the fires for the night,” Logan nods and offered Patton the cigarette, which is politely declined the same way it always is. He usually replies with something along the lines of ‘I’m dying fast enough as it is Logan, without your cancer sticks’. Insinuating they were ever Logan’s in the first place, occasionally he’ll buy a pack, most of them are piliged off dead raiders. Patton didn’t want a dead man’s cigarette either. 
“I wonder what it was like, before the war,” Patton hums quietly, the clattering of stairs makes them look up, Roman and Virgil smiled tiredly at the two, placing their weapons down next to the Stimpaks and sitting down next to Logan and Roman. 
“Buildings were probably in one piece,” Logan says gently “The sky probably looked blue, instead of grey, green or red, people probably didn’t have to use Radaway every day,”
“I’ve seen pictures,” Virgil says softly “In some of the vaults, I saw pictures, they were black and white but, the roads were all together, not just muddy and cracked, the trees all had leaves, there were flowers and real vegetables,” He stares longingly out at the devastated world, he wonders if nature cried as much as humans must have the day the bombs dropped. “Children were children, probably, they were unlikely to have to learn how to use a gun before they were 5 years old, and animals were...different,” They look down from the roof to their dog, who was barking aimlessly at leaves. “Although dogs didn’t look different, there were smaller dogs though, I guess only certain breeds made it through, cos I only see big dogs,”  
They’d found Dogmeat wandering around on his own and he didn’t seem to have an owner, so they (Patton) decided they all had a new pet. “People looked happier,” Virgil finally finishes, grabbing a beer off of Logan and cracking it open on their designated rock. “But it was people who ruined it all in the fucking end, greed, spite, and too much power bestowed in obnoxious leaders,” 
Roman steals one of Logan’s cigarettes “Human arrogance, and I guess we’ve gotta pay for it, if we’re even human anymore really, most of us have got more radiation than DNA,” He looks exhausted, his hands full of oil and dirt, with scratches over his arms and face from the days work. He leans his head on Virgil’s shoulder and the younger presses a kiss atop his hair, before yawning. 
“Ain’t gonna be fucking anything left of us, eventually, we’re all gonna be ghouls one day,” Ghouls, although initially human, were so damaged by the radiation that their brains begin to rot away, leaving them feral. At that point, there’s no choice left but to put a bullet in them. When the Sanders brothers, Logan and Roman, had found Virgil, he’d been fighting off seven of them at once. Roman had said he’d always known he’d fall in love with a sharpshooter. 
Virgil took down all seven of them in under three minutes. Logan had been suitably impressed and asked the other if he would like to join them, strength in numbers after all. It took less than a week for him and Roman to become...whatever it was they were. They were all running on borrowed time, after all, it had come as no surprised to Logan when his brother had taken interest in the black-haired wildcat of a man. He was ferocious, deadly, good with a gun, and could put a bullet in an enemy two seconds before the enemy has even noticed he’s there. 
Roman likes men that he knows could kill him, as it so appears. 
It had come more of a surprise when Patton joined their little group, and he was running off even more borrowed time. Because Patton was not as Human as the rest of them. 
The youngest was a Ghoul, a non-feral Ghoul, who they’d found in an abandoned house of an abandoned town, eating freshly cooked meat and purified water. Virgil had pointed a gun at him and the other had asked if he’d like some water. 
For a Ghoul, he had a sense of humor and was hopelessly naive. He’d grown up alone from the age of 5, knew how to use a gun but preferred to just run away, and spent most of his time scavenging corpses for food. He was acutely aware that a day could come where he no longer had a brain and therefore tried to live as if he had nothing. 
Then he met them. Virgil had been so shocked about been asked for water that he actually lowered the gun “I...what?” He asked, and Roman laughed. Logan raised his eyebrows and Patton held up the glass of water. 
“I built a water purifier in the nearby lake, so I have a lot of water, as long as there’s rain!” Roman refused to stop laughing, but took the glass of water anyway. “I’m pretty good at building things, I find a lot of pre-war schematics in the places I uh...borrow from,” 
“Can we keep him? Please?” The younger Sanders brother had begged his partner and brother, “Also this water actually tastes like water, not mud, guys please?” Logan drinks some of the water, walking around Patton with a concentrated stare. 
“He’s a Ghoul,” Virgil finally fills in the silence, gesturing at him “Feral or not, he’s still a fuckin’ Ghoul,” Roman pouts and Logan waves his hand at the two of them before they start bickering like the old married couple they'd never see to be. 
“We could do with someone who's good with mechanics,” Logan finally says “Roman’s useless at everything, and me and Virgil can’t make heads or tails of anything remotely requiring an engine, as much as I hate to admit, I think this Ghoul could actually be useful,” Patton blinks his  pale white eyes, and beams. Roman cheers.
Humans weren’t fond of Ghouls, or really anything, not even other Humans most of the time. This wasteland had made everyone a fear, and outside the fortressed walls of the nearest city, the Commonwealth was not an easy place to try to survive. Virgil didn’t trust Patton at first, he’d snap at him a lot, Logan asked him to stop and sort his attitude out, but surprisingly Patton came to Virgil’s defense. “It’s alright,” He said, putting down his tools for a moment. “Humans are supposed to be scared of us, it’s instinct, it’s a natural reflex to us because we’re terrifying when we turn feral,” He sighs, “And one day it happens too us all yanno? One day one of you are going to have too...” He falls quiet “But anyway, it’s not his fault, he’s right to be scared of me, and I don’t expect kindness from Humans ever, I’ve spent most of my life dodging bullets and not firing at me is the most kindness I’d expect out of any of you,” 
Logan goes very quiet and he thinks he sees Patton differently now, all Humans held a pre-conceived idea of Ghouls, that they lacked sentience. Patton didn’t lack sentience, nor compassion or empathy. He sat amongst people who he was convinced were afraid of or hated him, and created things for them to use and protect themselves knowing, in the long run, it might be the things they use against him one day. For once in his life, his heart twinged, and he had no idea how to respond. 
Virgil eased up after that.
It came as even more of a surprise when Logan and Patton became more romantically involved, it was a long process, as the two of them could not have been more emotionally disconnected from the world in terms of romance if they tried. Logan had been the one to swallow his pride and admit it, despite his long history of refusing to do just that. 
“I need to talk to you,” Patton, who had just finished building a turret for the third entrance too their settlement, hums in response and sets down his screwdriver, pulling his goggles up from his eyes and resting them atop his messy brown hair (That’d been another thing, Logan had never actually seen a Ghoul with hair before, it had intrigued him). 
“What’s up, Lo?” The turret beside him sparks slightly, he hits it and it begins to whir into life, “Sorry, that’s better, what did you need?”
“I needed too...confess,” He’s stood rigidly still, scratching the back of his neck. “I appear to have... realized...” He trails off and coughs, trying to understand why it was so hard to form words in this situation. Patton raises his eyebrows. “Look, matters of the heart are not my forte,” Patton chuckles. 
“I can see that, smoothskin,” Logan had initially, thought smoothskin to be an insult to Humans, but somehow when Patton says it, it sounds affectionate. “My eyes might be fucked, but I’m not actually blind,” Logan smiles despite it, but it quickly falls as Patton’s does “But, you do understand the...consequences of loving a Ghoul, right?” His face looks sad, even his eyes somehow, look haunted. “You do understand one day I’ll...I’ll turn feral?” Logan nods. 
“I’ve considered this,” He says softly “But, the day will come one day no matter what, so why not make what’s left of our lives worth it?” Patton smiles and nods. 
“Yeah, alright,” 
Virgil had dropped his gun in surprise when he’d been told, Roman had been mid-drink of water and choked. Logan shrugged, and Patton patted the younger Sanders’ brother on the back to help ease his choking. Later, Roman and Logan would have a lengthy conversation on whether this was a good idea, although he simply adored Patton and all he created, “One day one of us are gonna have to put a bullet in him, do you understand that Logan?” He spoke frantically, running his hands over his face. “One day he’s going to turn Feral and there’s nothing we can do about that, the radiation is eating his brain,”
“We don’t know for sure Roman, the Rad-X and Radaway could be helping, and how is it any different from losing one of us to a gunshot? Every day, we risk our lives, but at the end of it we don’t just push each other away, would you give up Virgil if it was the same situation?” Roman falls silent. 
“Of course not,”
So now, the four of them drink on top of the gas station, smoking a cigarette and drinking as if the world is always ending. Patton’s scrap pile of torn apart robots and cars glints in the setting sun, whilst the turrets whirred quietly in the deathly silence. Four men at the end of the world, whilst the radio with only one station crackles with music. 
“I don’t wanna set the world on fire,
I just wanna start, a flame in your heart,”
@analogical-mess //  @unikornavenger // @mycatshuman // @creativity-killed-thekitten //@theresneverenoughfandoms//@charmingprincey//@aclickonapostwillchangeyourlife//@heck-im-lost //@k9cat//@stilljittery//@romansleftshoulderpad //@sanderssideslibrary //@max-is-tired//@therealmoshar//@punsterterry//@trashypansexual // @miserykillme
Add yourself too my taglist:  Sanders Sides/Thomas Sanders
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Roped In
Now this, this is a very long overdue present for a friend and man am I sorry for the wait you had to go through for this.
But! @stardragon17 I really hope that this was worth the wait and that you enjoy reading your gift! Have fun!
.“See something you wanna wrangle Lu?” Cana propped herself up on her knuckle, leaning further into the old yet sturdy wooden fence. 
While it wasn’t unusual to see the ghost of a smirk tugging at the corner of her lip, this one evolved to a full grown grin, wickedly mischievous like the cackle she let loose at Lucy whose only response was a light ‘mhmm’ with her eyes focused elsewhere inside the paddock.
Cana could laugh all she wanted but Lucy’s had a long day, which is bound to turn into a long and tiring week. Sure she didn’t normally ogle cute guys, maybe spare them a glance then continue on her way, but this was a different case.
When there is a guy running around with horses inside a paddock, kicking up as much dust as his equine companions without any sign of slowing down and a tired grin pulling at his lips, simply sparing a glance doesn’t cut it.
It was like that scene straight out of George of the Jungle minus the billowing shirt and sunset when he leapt on the back of a particularly rowdy stallion. It reared up on its hind legs trying to buck him off but only succeeded in whipping it’s mane in his face, to which he let out a laugh lost to her on the wind. But she knew it was hearty from the way his eyes squinted and how he threw his head back.
Cheesy romance movies were right. Men and horses make a great combination to distract from real life. Especially since she’s on her father’s ranch for the first time since he brought it into fruition.
Leave it to the man, a retired stock broker, to have not only one of the wealthiest ranches in the country but also somehow managed to breed the best racehorses since Seabiscuit. Not to mention the other horses Heartfilia ranch put out were either rodeo stars or making big screen appearances in most tween movies.
Yup, the old man was making the Heartfilia name even bigger than it used to be, attracting the media’s ever watchful eye. Which is where she unfortunately dropped in.
It took her years to land a decent journalism gig. Why? Well when you’re the daughter of a well known business mogul trying to make her own for the first time in her life, no-one’s gonna take her seriously.
Everyone figured she was some airhead heiress looking for attention so she was promptly turned down without even a shot at an interview. She was damn near about to give up and go get that job at Subway when she got a call from one of the places she’d sent her résumé.
While it wasn’t the job she always dreamed of, what with her boss being like Jonah Jameson only eviller and with dumber facial hair, she hadn’t had any major difficulties until now.
Her boss put two and two together and decided, ‘hey sending Heartfilia to talk to Heartfilia’s gotta mean big bucks.’ so he went ahead, arranged an interview and shipped her to her off to the ranch with only her wits and her camerawoman in tow.
And she’s been dreading it since she got off the plane. The car ride over was basically her trying to decide whether or not jumping out a moving vehicle’s truly worth it, all the while staring out the window and noting the fact that really tight blue jeans were the pants of choice for everyone out here.
Clearly they weren’t meant for everyone.
She got here on time but Lucy’s been bouncing around the place, interviewing farmhands and wranglers, and pestering Cana to take pictures of any and everything that might be of use for the paper. Her father no doubt was doggedly pursuing her, expecting her for the interview and to hassle her about whatever else he’s been holding onto since she last saw him some years ago.
But truth be told, she wasn’t quite ready to see him yet and bless Cana for understanding. Despite the heat she’d yet to complain about Lucy’s ‘round the world journey.
“Hey, earth to drooling journalist. Are you gonna interview this one too or just keep gawking?” Cana sharply snapped her fingers in front of Lucy’s face, managing to get a few blinks out of her and a breathy sigh that sounded almost dreamy.
And maybe a little bit thirsty. But who was Cana to judge?
“Lu. Earth to Lu. Hello?” She tried again, this time reaching for her weapon of choice- the camera- snapping pictures in rapid succession. The results were even better than she expected with Lucy jumping back in shock, a garbled cry leaving her and disbelief in her eyes. “I’m sorry but if I let that continue any longer you’d jump the fence to jump him.” Cana’s eye zeroed in on the tiny LED screen of the camera, eyebrows raised.
Yeah those pictures are definitely gonna make rounds in their friendship circle.
“You make it sound like a bad thing.” Lucy grumbled, rubbing at her eyes. “Jumping a hot guy is never a bad idea but you got a job to do, remember?” Cana chastised. She pushed herself off the fence with a weak grunt and wrapped an arm round Lucy’s shoulder. “Playing when you still have stuff to get done isn’t nearly as fun as it should be. Trust me.” 
Lucy sighed, her shoulders dropping as though a sudden weight came upon them, nearly throwing off Cana’s arm. “I know.” She groaned. “ I just, don’t wanna have to deal with him yet. I know he’s gonna do it,force me in a corner and twist my words to hear what he wants. And when he does that, he does the pity thing like everything’s my fault. And I just-” Her voice quavered. Fingers tightened round her upper arms, squeezing a bit too tight but Lucy almost didn’t realize until Cana pried her fingers away, replacing them with soothing strokes up and down her arms.
Lucy’s eyes stung as Cana pulled her closer, tucking her into her side with a tight squeeze. “It’s alright. You don’t have to say it. You can ogle as long as you want, and when this is all over we can go get waffles at that diner we passed. Whaddaya say?” 
Lucy tried for a watery smile. It wasn’t the best but Cana accepted it nonetheless. She didn’t know the full story, none of Lucy’s friends knew apart from a few slivers of details that obviously couldn’t paint the whole grim picture.
Lucy grimaced, curling in on herself despite Cana’s calming embrace.
“Want me to snap a few pics of sexiness over there for the road?” Cana suggested, wiggling her eyebrows. “You never know when you might need ‘em.” She nodded in the direction of sexiness, prompting Lucy to look up. Just in time to see him thrown to the ground. A strangled sound left his throat as his back slammed against the red dirt.
He rolled quickly to the side, narrowly missing his head getting pummeled in by the stallion’s powerful hooves before jumping to his feet when the horse tried again, letting out an angered whinny when its harsh stomps gained it no satisfying results.
Lucy winced, watching him dance around the aggravated beast, trying his hardest to calm it down to no avail. The carefree grin that was plastered on his face vanished into hard set lines, a seriousness overcoming his features. His stance went rigid, lowering into a slight crouch as a silent standoff ensued between him and the horse- inching ever so slightly and its tail flicking this way and that dangerously.
“Maybe we should get him some help before that though…” Cana muttered, worry creasing her brow as they both watched the horse stop to ponder, pawing the ground and snorting, bucking its head as it tried to decide whether or not maiming this guy was really worth it.
Lucy nodded stiffly in agreement, vaguely wondering how he could stay so calm in the enclosure with danger a mere few feet in front of him. Cana’s arm slid from around her. “ I’ll stay here in case things escalate, you go over to the next paddock and grab a few of those other wranglers we saw earlier. With the way that horse’s acting you’d better make it quick before It flips out again.”
“Got it.” Lucy warily eyed the man inside the paddock again before starting to turn away. Cana steeled her hand on the fence, ready to jump into action if needs be.
 And that’s when everything went to hell.
The horse reared up with a roar that no animal, let alone a horse, should ever produce. The guy leapt back as it came crashing down, staring it down with an unreadable expression. Then something crossed it, a split second glimpse of realization before a cry forced its way up from his throat when the horse bolted. “LOOK OUT!!” 
He tried to give chase but it lashed out with a hind leg, catching him squarely in the stomach and sent him flying. His pained scream when he slammed against the ground did nothing to halt the beast charging towards them at break neck speed, head lowered ready to rip through the fence to freedom.
The sickening crack of wood sounded like a gunshot. Splinters and huge chunks of the fence became airborne, debris that promised injury apart from the horse, giving a triumphant whinny at last, finally on the other side.
It galloped away to freedom. If it didn’t give a damn about its wrangler that it probably murdered, then it sure as hell didn’t notice how it threw Cana forward. 
Not a scream passed her lips, things going too fast for her to process and crashing into Lucy. Pain flared in her head before the full force of her friend’s weight pushed her to the dirt, both of them letting out twin groans.
One of them groaned again, and she wasn’t quite sure who with it sounding tinny and far away to her though she figured Cana, rolling off her moments later with another -more alert- groan, sounding vaguely irritated at the turn of events but that might’ve just been her brain muddling things up.
“Shit, Lu? Lucy? Are you awake?” She was slightly aware, being pulled up and made to rest against her friend’s side. “She hit her ‘ead?” A voice weakly piped up.
 Maybe it came from the limping figure slowly coming into view? Her eyes were kinda blurry now.
“Yeah, just looks like a bump. I hope.” 
“Got some supplies for that. Can ya walk an’ help me carry her?” The figure swoops into view, leaning over her slightly, their brow knitting with obvious concern. 
Was that an accent? It sounded odd.
“Yeah i’m good. Is it far?” 
“Just up ahead past the barn.” Her head felt funny, she tried to focus but the words kept flowing in and out like an old tv just static fuzzing over words the harder she tried to focus. She felt herself being hoisted by two pairs of strong hands. Maybe if she just closed her eyes for a bit….her head might clear…….
When next her eyes open she almost wishes they hadn’t. A dull ache blankets her head and forces her eyes back to weak slits.
Wait. What happened?
Horse, Cana, running around the ranch, sexy wrangler…
Lucy presses a hand to her forehead to recall more and immediately pulls it back. A hiss passes through her teeth as fresh pain blazes to life from where she touched it, dying down to a weak pulse letting her know not to forget it.
Tentatively Lucy tries again, light fingers gently prodding her tender forehead and wincing slightly at the large swell she feels there. She tries to sit up but fails, sinking into the ridiculous softness of what she can only suspect to be a couch. And a fairly old one at that given how she felt brittle sponge crumbling against her palm from a tear in its seam. A frustrated sound escapes her as she struggles to rise. 
“Sounds like ya finally come to.” Someone rumbled nearby. Clinking and weak shufflings came from behind the couch, out of her sight. Which frustrated her even more.
She made another sound, a low whine from her throat and grabbed the back of the couch, hoisting herself up in one go. Lucy’s half-concussed brain didn’t particularly agree with that. Her eyes blurred slightly, the dimly lit room disappearing for a moment.
With a hard blink it returned and Lucy peered behind for whoever just spoke to her. Her eyes widened slightly, taking another hard blink and then another just to make sure that her eyes weren’t tricking her with some sort of delusion. Not that she’d be complaining either way.
Earlier when she ogled she might’ve had a shirtless daydream about him (not that Cana should ever know) but was Lucy actually expecting to see him with his shirt off, slung casually over his shoulder with a small smile directed at her?
No, and damn was Lucy wrong about those romance novel covers. Apparently guys really did come as chiseled and perfect as a statue carved by the gods themselves. His pink hair was delightfully tousled, falling into dark- almost black- green eyes. Every inch of rich brown skin toned and stretched over hard muscles. Though there were a few patches, warped and silvery, that dotted his body from face to just above the waistband of his dirtied jeans.
What stood out the most however, was the vague horseshoe shaped swell on his left side. The skin wasn’t broken but it still looked painfully inflamed. Despite the layer of salve coating it, she could still see the bruised purple skin just beneath, shining through.
At least she had the decency not to drool, her mouth instead falling into a soft ‘o’ and continuing to stare unabashedly. 
Lucy was pretty sure she was obvious about it but he didn’t notice, or if he did he didn’t seem to care, only quirking his brow at her silence with amusement in his green eyes.
“How’s ya head feelin’?”  He asked, making a vague gesture to her forehead. “There’s a ice pack ‘n a glass a water on the table next to ya, if ya need ‘em.”
She nodded slowly, eyes darting to the low coffee table in front of her. The glass had a ring of water around it, racing across the tabletop and the little ice cubes in it were almost gone. How long was she out for?
She gratefully took it, chugging back its contents just realizing how dry her throat is and welcoming the distraction from the man who’s this close to frying her brain. 
It’s cool helped clear her head. Satisfied, she returned it to its place with a soft clink and took in her surroundings. Though the curtains were drawn to a near close she she could still easily make out the junk hoarded in the very well lived living room, knick knacks of all sorts overflowed from shelves and piled high in the corners. She was pretty sure the pile of teddy bears to her left was hiding a chair but she could be wrong.
At least the bookshelves actually had books, messily stuffed back in their places and extra papers about god knows what sticking out from between them. Though they housed memorabilia too, a tiny red dragon statue bared its teeth at her in a grin from underneath yellowed paper.
“You have, a lot of stuff.” Lucy mused, eyeing him curiously as he stepped around the couch, pushing aside the empty glass (and…a blue lucky cat statue?) to settle on the coffee table, ignoring how it shook dangerously under his weight.
He held out the ice pack to her with a shrug. “I like stuff.” He said simply. “Stuff fills space.” Well he wasn’t wrong.
“Yer friend’s outside by the way. Seemed fine since she raided the fridge ‘n stole my last beer.” He chuckled, “Almost broke my hand for it.” 
That accent was weird, she wasn’t imagining it earlier. What was it, scottish? irish? Not something she’d really expect to hear this far south. But it wasn’t perfect either, there was some underlying hitch, a drag at some of his words that reminded her of Gajeel’s heavy jamaican accent.
“Yeah, sorry about that. Beer is her go to when things go wrong.” She grumbled, clutching the ice pack tightly to her head. "She’s not so violent once you get to know her.”
“Take ya’ word for it then.” A grin pulled at his lips before he reached back in a stretch,shirt flopping off behind him and cracking his shoulders with a satisfied grunt. He caught her gaze and his grin pulled wider, holding her stare with ease, his hands coming to rest atop his head.
Did, did he know? Did he know?
Of course he knew, she was obvious, Cana must’ve said something suggestive and there was no other reason for him to pull of a pose like he was a vogue model apart from that.
She takes her thirst back, he’s an ass for teasing. Stupid, sexy wrangler.
He doubles over suddenly, breaking their stare when his eyes squeezed shut in pain, hands flying to his side. 
“Are you alright?” Lucy exclaims, hands hovering out to help.
He quickly waves off her concern, other hand still gripping his injured side. He gingerly rose, shuffling off to the side and coming back seconds later, plopping on the table once again despite its angered shakes and nursing a small jar in his hand.
“Gotta redress this stupid thing.” He mumbled to himself, pulling off the lid with a soft ‘pop’. “You don’t mind if I…?”
“Oh not at all. It’s no problem.” Already her nose started to wrinkle from the pungent odour wafting from the little container. It grew stronger as he scooped out a handful and spread it over the bruise. The black ointment was thick like paste yet he seemed unperturbed by its gross smell, no doubt used to it given the multitude of scars that criss-crossed his upper body.
“Did a real number on me, damn horse.” He cursed when his hand roamed over a particularly tender spot, wiping off the rest of the ointment on his pants. The black streaks running up its side didn’t really look out of place.
“Ain’t the first somethin’ like this happened an’ probably won’t be the last. We didn’t need ‘nother horse, ‘specially that one but the boss never listens. An’ now the demon’s runnin’ wild. He’ll want me to fix that too.”
Hmm.. inability to listen and won’t take responsibility for his mistakes? Lucy suspected right, her father hadn’t changed one bit.
“Sounds like you and your boss have disagreements a lot.” She said, clearly amused.
“He’s an ass.” He growled out, tapping his finger irritably on the table. “ Half my scars are ‘cause of stuff he tried an’ didn’t work out.” He pointed to the jagged scar marring his cheek.
“Foal got stuck in a barb wire fence he installed.” He explained. “Jumped in before it got worse. An’ this one?” He pointed to another, an X shaped scar on his right hip. “He tried raising reindeer thinkin’ they were like horses. Almost mauled me to death.”
“And that one?” Lucy gestured to the broad slice that nearly wrapped around his neck, slightly faded with age. His look of annoyance faltered, something like guilt flashing past in his eyes.
His hand lowered slightly. “That one’s on me. Did somethin’ stupid as a kid.”
“Oh…” An uncomfortable silence stretched on between them. Suddenly he jumped up from his perch on the table and flopped back on the couch next to her, sinking deep into the cushions with a heavy sigh, arms stretched back behind the couch.
“Main point is he’s an ass an’ i’m sorry ya gotta interview him.”
“What?” “Yer a reporter right? That’s why yer here right?”
“Oh, right. That.” Between almost getting murdered by a horse and this encounter she had practically forgotten about why she was really here. Lucy deflated slightly, unaware of the concern on her new friend’s face as he watched her curiously.
“Oi.” He began softly, nudging her shoulder slightly. “I make him sound bad, but he isn’t all that. He can be kinda decent sometimes.” She could hear the doubt lacing his words but was grateful for how he tried even when they both knew better.
“Thanks but, he’s horrible and I gotta face him sooner or later-”
The door banged open bouncing off the wall at the force, shocking both of them but he took it a step further, jumping to his feet and his face was quickly changed, concern fading behind a serious mask. Seems like someone was always on edge.
Cana stepped into the room and past the wrangler to stand before Lucy, her expression grim and forehead bearing only a light red bruise. “Dad’s coming. You gotta bounce. Now.”
“What.” “What?!” When she said sooner she didn’t mean this soon.
As if on cue, the heavy crunch of gravel sounded outside. With two steps he was by the window, peering out the curtains. “That’s the boss’s truck aaaaann’, that’s the boss.” He finished when they heard a car door slam.
His head whipped around to fix them with a confused stare, eyebrows scrunched up together as though something just dawned on him. “Wait, did ya say dad?! I thought ya was just a reporter!”
“Well i’m both!” Lucy blurted out, tossing the ice pack gone warm long ago to the side and flying to her feet, eyes instantly scouring the room for escape routes. She caught sight of her reflection in the glass case behind her. The knot on her forehead was comically red, the skin beneath it a sickly grey.“ And neither wants to see him right now! Do you have somewhere I can hide?!”
The confusion was still strong on his face, still processing the situation. Cana snapped her fingers, bringing him back. “Well?” She asked, almost harsh. “Do you?!”
“Y-yeah, the stables not too far from ‘ere. He never sets foot in there.”
“Good. You two start running. I’ll keep the other one busy to buy some time.” And she ducked out the way she came, prepared to sacrifice herself for the greater good.
“Sure she can handle him?” He leapt over the couch in a single go, landing beside Lucy who’d already thrown open the back door. “She’s tough.” Lucy replied jokingly, gesturing to her swollen forehead. “I should know.”
He barked out a laugh, pushing her ahead of him. “Don’t let me start feelin’ sorry for the boss now.” “Would you really?” “No.”
Lucy heard Cana’s faint sound of feigned surprise behind them and her father’s clipped tone, obviously angry that Lucy gave him the slip again. The door clicked shut behind them and they started to sprint, neither going fast due to injuries  but fast enough.
“So i’m Natsu, should I at least know your name? Or are ya gonna stay just ‘both reporter and daughter of the boss’?” He beamed, eyes squinted slightly.
“It’s Lucy.” “Lucy huh? An’ how long are ya gonna run around the place?” 
“Why the interest?” Lucy panted, grateful to see the rise of a building nearing them. His grin seemed almost savage, as did his eyes, slowing his gait to almost a stop. Confused, Lucy slowed as well.
“Why? Giving the boss hell sounds like fun. That’s why.” And he barked out another laugh, hearty and strong that had him clutching his side.
Hot and wanted to screw with her dad? Oh yeah, lucy was right to take a liking to him.
I might’ve snuck in an old headcanon of mine where natsu’s irish-jamaican and if anyone thinks those two can’t work then you can fight me.
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photojunke3 · 7 years
Movie Time-ch2
Summary: continuing onto the next morning…from Tony’s perspective
Word count: 2330
Notes: Thank you all so much for the love! I really enjoy writing these chapters! Ch2 is all about introducing some characters, and setting up for a possible single Tony in the near future…because, well, we need that in our lives ;)
He was vaguely aware that it was morning, sunlight streaming in through the window and falling against his closed eyelids. He took a deep breath, keeping his eyes closed, enjoying the subtle weight of Clay’s head still resting on his chest. The quiet rhythm of Clay’s breathing telling him that Clay was still asleep.
He hadn’t realized how tired Clay had been yesterday, but he had fallen asleep not halfway into the movie, not much past 9pm. For as long as he’d known Clay, he knew him to be a bit of a night owl, so the early night had surprised him almost as much as the cuddling. Almost.
Not that he didn’t enjoy having his arms wrapped around Clay, but he had to ask himself what it meant? As far as he knew Clay had been in love with Hannah. But there had been those rumors in 9th grade that Clay liked men...he had tried not to get his hopes up back then, figuring they were just rumors at the time. He tried telling himself that now too.  All just rumors, and rumors had a dark history in their lives…
After all, he was with Brad, and Clay was probably just overly tired; he tried convincing himself. It had been hard for him to pull Clay in with just one arm, however. It felt so good to be next to him. It had felt even better when Clay leaned his body into him. He had allowed himself to lean his head down and ruffle Clay’s hair with his nose, just for a moment, when he was fairly certain that Clay had drifted off, taking in his slightly musky scent mixed with shampoo.
He had always tried his best to never make his friend feel uncomfortable, taking care that any touch was always welcome or initiated by Clay. But they had known each other for a long time, so it was only natural that they stood or walked closer to one another compared to other people, wasn’t it?
Brad wasn’t so easily convinced. He was always saying he and Clay were ‘pretty close’ and that they fought like an old married couple. It was a recurring theme in their arguments as of late.
Thinking of Brad, he felt a heaviness in his chest that had nothing to do with the weight of Clay’s head. He sighed, he had to meet Brad later at Monet’s for yet another ‘talk’. Brad, who had once been so comforting and supportive, especially when he had finally broken down and told him about the tapes, was acting differently. Lately he could tell there was something on Brad’s mind, and Brad was putting off talking about it. Instead, Brad seemed to be picking fights about random things. He tried to shake off the feeling of dread by shaking his head and opening his eyes.
He was just in time to catch sight of his mother rounding the corner.
“Hola mi hijo, you’re up early,” she said greeting him with a smile. “Do you and Clay want some breakfast?”
“Sure mama, thank you. We got to sleep pretty early, what time is it now?” he answered, searching for the clock even as he asked.
“Oh, about 6 dear. And I know, I came in and you all were snoring away. I collected your father and put a blanket on you two. I didn’t want to wake you, Clay looked so pale and tired at dinner I felt it best to just let him rest,” she said knowingly with a nod of her head.
He looked down noticing for the first time the blanket. “Thank you, ma, I’ll get up in a minute and help you with breakfast.” When he looked back up he saw his mother walking away, giving him a slight wave as an indication that she had heard him.
He looked down at Clay’s reclined body and reached up to comb his fingers through his hair. After a few passes through, he heard a change in Clay’s breathing and noticed the stirrings of Clay waking up.
“Morning sleepyhead,” he said quietly, softly raking his fingers down the back of Clay’s slender neck.
“Mmm, morning,” Clay replied. Clay pushed into his hand slightly for a moment, then began to sit up, wiping the sleep from his eyes. “Oh man, I was really out of it, sorry about that.”
“No worries man. You needed some rest, nothing to apologize for,” he replied, taking stock of Clay’s still sleepy eyes, lingering on his pouted lips.
“No, I mean I’m sorry for drooling on your shirt,” Clay said, pointing towards his chest.
He looked down to assess the damage when suddenly Clay’s outstretched finger bopped him in the nose.
“Ha, gotcha! You gotta be faster than that in the morning,” Clay said laughing, dodging as he swiped at him with a fist.
“Haha, I shouldn’t worry about you if you’re cracking corny jokes!  C’mon, let’s go get some breakfast,” he said, already getting up from the couch and stretching. He felt his back release a few pops and he breathed a sigh of relief.
“Hey Tony, I AM sorry about that. You could have moved me, I was dead to the world I probably wouldn’t have even noticed.”
“I was asleep to, I didn’t even hear everyone else get home,” he said, which was true. Maybe he had needed a quiet night in just as much as Clay did. They made their way into the kitchen where they could smell the delicious aroma of scrambled eggs.
The three were finishing clearing the table of their small but hearty breakfast of eggs with vegetables and salsa, when his father rounded the corner.
“Ah, early risers on a Saturday, what’s the plan for the day boys?” He said as he made a B-line for the coffee maker, kissing his wife on the way and accepting her offering of leftovers from breakfast.
“Well, I’ve got a shift at 10 at the movie theater,” Clay said, standing at the counter waiting to dry the dishes Tony was washing and handing over.
“I’m meeting Brad for coffee later, then I’ll be by the shop,” he said, sneaking a sideways glance at Clay. He couldn’t say why, but he wanted to see if Clay had a reaction to his boyfriend’s name. He didn’t seem to.
“Mmm, you guys still doing that? You don’t seem to spend much time together anymore.”
“Dad!” he said with a tilt of his head and an annoyed glance in his direction, despite his dad clearly not paying attention. However, he noticed that Clay’s head had shot up at his dad’s statement. He licked his lips and continued with a shrug, “I dunno, all he wants to do lately is argue without saying what’s really bothering him.”
His dad seemed to think on it a bit while he sipped his coffee. “Well, everyone disagrees and argues, it’s part of life. He’ll tell you what’s wrong when he’s ready, you just have to be patient.”
“So wise, mi corazon,” his mother said, giving his dad a pat on the cheek and a kiss. She turned back to him and said, “Before you run off, mi hijo, would you mind running these plates back to Mara? I’ve got to leave for work or I’ll be late!” She gestured to a stack of three blue plates on the island counter and turned to leave. “Oh, and don’t forget to invite her to the neighborhood barbeque next weekend!”          
“Of course, ma,” he said, handing off the last dish to Clay. “We got a new neighbor last week and ma just had to have her over to meet everyone. You wanna go with me and then I can give you a lift home?”
“Sure, sounds good!” Clay said, hanging the dish towel.
“You might like her, she reminds me a bit of Skye.”
“You mean scary?” Clay replied, making him and his dad snort with laughter, “Not really my type. I just make an exception for Skye because we were friends when we were kids.”
“Skye’s not that bad,” he tried to say nicely.
His dad laughed, “Skye has nothing on Mara as far as scary goes. And watch out for the dog.”
“Dog?!” Clay said apprehensively.
“It’s fine, she’s not that bad, you’ll be fine,” he said, laughing to try and lighten the mood.
“Mmhmm, well just be careful, you don’t have that kind of dog unless you’ve got something to guard. Girl can take care of herself though, I’ll give her that. Tried to show her some self-defense moves since this isn’t the best part of town, she nearly knocked me out! In my own backyard!” his dad said, shaking his head, making Clay look concerned.
“Really, she’s not that bad,” he said, trying to be reassuring. He grabbed the plates and headed towards the door with Clay in tow. “Oh,” he said turning to meet Clay’s gaze, “whatever you do though, don’t try and touch the dog, he doesn’t like it.” He walked quickly again, not giving Clay a chance to back out.
They crossed the street and took a right, Mara was renting 2 houses down. He spared a glance at Clay, who looked a little nervous. “She really is great, I don’t think she’s hiding anything,” he said, trying again to be reassuring.
Clay looked at him like he didn’t believe him, then said, “Actually, I’m thinking about the dog…I’ve gotten chased by a lot of them on my bike. The Clark’s down the street from me have this collie…” he trailed off, raising his hands in question.
“Ooh,” he said with a raise of his eyebrows and a nod, “that makes sense then why you always take the long way to get to your house.” Clay shot him a surprised look, but they were at the driveway. He stopped and put his hand out so Clay was stopped on the sidewalk instead of going up the drive. The garage door was open and he knew from experience owner and dog were bound to be close by.
“Mara!” he called, ignoring Clay’s questioning look, he would find out soon enough.
“Hey Tony!” came a voice from the backyard. “I’ll be right out!”
As they waited, Tony tried to read Clay’s face. Mara was blonde haired and blue eyed, covered in colorful tattoos, and from his brother’s reactions to her, very easy on the eyes. Again though, he had trouble reading Clay’s response. The wide eyes could have been for her or the giant black mastiff at her side. He frowned slightly, wondering why he cared so much all the sudden who Clay found attractive. He turned towards the pair coming towards them. The dog was quite a sight, he wasn’t sure of the breed as his owner had only vaguely admitted that he was a mixed breed, but he was sure that mastiff had to be mixed in somewhere.
“My mom wanted me to return these to you, and to make sure again that you know about the barbeque,” he said with a slight roll of his eyes. It had become a bit of a joke between them as his mom had invited her no less than 15 times already.
“Haha, well thank you and tell her I’ll definitely be there with some more dessert,” she said as she accepted the plates with a mock bow.
“Will do,” he said with a nod, the he gestured to Clay, “This is my friend Clay by the way. Clay, Mara. Mara, Clay.”
“Nice to meet you,” Clay said as he nervously shot his hand out towards her, earning himself a warning growl from the giant opposite him. Clay immediately retracted the hand, instead grabbing Tony’s arm and stepping in closer. He could feel Clay pressed at his side and it was quite distracting, so much so that he almost forgot Mara was there.                          
“Sorry about that, he’s not very trusting of strangers,” Mara said, setting a warning hand on the dog’s back.  “This is Lewis, by the way. He’s great once you get to know him, but very protective.”
“It’s ok, Clay’s just had some run-ins with dogs on his bike, you know how it goes. And Lewis is a pretty big dog.”
“Oh yes, Lewis loves to chase things. I’d tell you not to run if he comes after you, but either way would end badly,” she said glancing at the dog. “So, Tony,” she continued with a swat to his other arm, “no more Brad then huh?” Indicating Clay’s hand, still on his arm and seemingly reluctant to let go.
“Oh, no, uh, Clay really is my friend, we had a movie night last night and I’m giving him a ride after this. I’m meeting Brad for coffee in a bit,” he tried to look excited at the thought.
“Oooh, ok,” she said, a knowing look in her eye as she looked at him. “Well I hope it goes well, you should come by after.”
“Thanks, I’ll tell you about it later.”
“Ok, well bye boys. Nice to meet you Clay! Hope to see you at the barbeque!” she said as she turned, dog in tow.
“Nice to meet you too,” Clay said from beside him.
“Dude, that dog is huge,” Clay said as soon as they had crossed the street.
“I told you. So, what did you think of Mara?” he asked.
“She seems nice, despite being utterly crazy for having a dog like that,” Clay responded with a shrug.
“You don’t think she’s, I dunno, pretty?”
“I really wasn’t paying attention, dude, a little busy trying not to become a hell hound’s next meal! Uh, I like her tattoos though, they remind me of yours.”
He was glad Clay wasn’t looking at him because he had broken into a smile. That had to be good if Clay met someone attractive and thought of him…Right?                                                                                                                                   
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elizaslegacy · 7 years
i want you to belong to me (chapter 2)
Period: modern
Pairings: Lin x reader, Anthony x reader
Warnings: cursing (as always)
The show went pretty smoothly your first few nights, although you had no previous experience to compare it to. You met the rest of the cast, and had found fast friends in Daveed and Phillipa (or as she affectionately told you to call her, Pippa). At some point during your fifth show, you snuck into the wings to watch pieces of the show. It was good. Like, really fucking good. The actors flawlessly portrayed their characters as if they had lived in their shoes in some sort of past life.
You giggled at Daveed’s French accent; you marveled at Pippa’s insane vocal talent. You thought your favorite part of Act 1 was definitely Satisfied. Renee was another level of talent. You joined the men in the cast for what was apparently a nightly tradition - a backstage dance party during The Schuyler Sisters. 
You had vaguely noticed Lin’s eyes scanning up and down your body as you danced, your hips rolling to the beat. You had immediately questioned your dancing skills and quickly toned it down; you didn’t want to embarrass yourself in front of your new coworkers just yet. 
During the intermission, you helped actors fix the makeup that they had sweat off - or in Anthony’s case, “accidentally” rubbed off. You were carefully combing through his curly locks with your fingers when Daveed and Lin walked in. The taller man was laughing hysterically, his wild curls bouncing as his body was racked with cackles. Lin looked extremely annoyed and almost a little flustered. You were surprised; it was a side to the outgoing man you had never seen before. 
“What’s up?” you inquired as you glanced at the pair in amusement. Lin rolled his eyes and plopped down in a chair. “Daveed’s being an ass, as usual,” he huffed. Daveed scoffed dramatically. “I am not!”
“Yes, you are.”
“Am not!”
“Are too.”
“You’re just annoyed because I figured out that-”
Lin cut the curly haired man off with a hard pillow to the face. You giggled amusedly, tapping Anthony’s shoulder to let him know that he could go. He flashed you a grateful smile and scampered out of the room.
Back on the other side of the room, Lin was still going after Daveed angrily as the other man continued to laugh. “Dude, I don’t know what you’re so mad about, it was so easy to figure out. You’re so obvious,” Daveed howled. “I can’t blame you though, she’s hot!” You considered what you had just heard slowly. Lin was interested in someone, and it was obvious enough for people to figure it out. You felt your heart sink the slightest bit. If it was so obvious, it must be someone else. Right? You were sure that you’d be able to tell if Lin was making advances on you.
Crestfallen, you decided to at least put an end to Lin’s embarrassment. “Hey! Diggs,” you called sternly. The gazes of the two men snapped up to you quickly. “Chair. Now.” Daveed scrambled towards you, sitting in front of you with a guilty smile. You rolled your eyes impatiently as you began to stretch the wig cap over his curly locks.
“(Y/N)?” Lin called softly. You glanced up at him quickly and saw the apprehensive look on his face.
You heard a deep breath from him; it was almost shaky. Daveed began cackling once again - god knows why - so you yanked on the curly haired man’s ear. That shut him up. “This Friday we’re having a little cast party,” Lin blurted out. “Well, not really little. Our cast isn’t really great at keeping gatherings small and casual. But it’s gonna be at this high end club and I was wondering-”
“Yes, I would like to go,” you cut in, watching a small smile play on Lin’s lips. You signaled to Daveed that he was done after fastening his wig on, and the taller man left. Lin moved to the chair in front of you. “You almost seemed nervous to ask me, Miranda,” you mused. You removed the elastic in his dark hair and began working some dry shampoo in with your fingers - the actors’ hair tended to get pretty nasty after a whole act of singing and dancing.
You watched as Lin bit his lip. “N-no...” he protested, shrugging casually. “Diggs was just making me nervous with the teasing is all.” You felt your heart sink the slightest bit for the second time that night. God, why were you so bitter that Lin was interested in someone? You barely knew the guy, and you hadn’t spent tons of time together. If anything, you had been avoiding him as a result of the weird feelings he seemed to breed within you.
Shaking the odd jealousy that plagued you away instantly, you pulled yourself out of your thoughts and realized that you had been just absentmindedly stroking and playing with Lin’s soft hair. You yanked your hands away nervously. He probably thinks I’m so fucking strange, you thought glumly as your cursed yourself. But then the strangest thing happened. As you removed your hands from gently running through Lin’s hair, he subconsciously moved his head back and followed them - almost like he was searching for the contact you had just deprived him of.
You didn’t know what to say, so you did the only thing you could think of - you wove your hands back into his hair and began stroking it again. Lin immediately let out a satisfied hum, causing you to crack a smile. “My god, I’ve found your weakness,” you gasped jokingly, attempting to shatter the silence. Lin looked up at you with those huge brown eyes in inquiry. You gestured to your hands, which were working their way through his long, dark locks. “Who would’ve thought that the Pulitzer Prize winning genius would come undone from getting his hair played with?”
Lin’s cheeks flushed with color and he avoided eye contact with you. You continued to grin at him despite his clear embarrassment. The loudspeaker interrupted the moment with a “Places everyone! Please get in your places for Act Two!” At that, he leapt out of your chair and darted towards the door. He was about to leave when you stopped him. “Lin,” you called out, hoping he wouldn’t ignore you.
Lin turned to face you, still making minimal eye contact with you. The blush hadn’t disappeared from his cheeks. “Yeah?” he murmured anxiously. You bit your lip, attempting to hold back an earsplitting smile.
“Your secret’s safe with me,” you assured the flustered man in front of you. “And if it’s worth anything, I think it’s really adorable.”
With that, Lin was gone in a flash of hunter green velvet.
You eyes stayed glued to the doorframe, the recent events playing through your head over and over again. That was very weird, but you didn’t really mind hearing that content little hum fro- stop it! You shut down that train of thought immediately; it was headed on a dangerous path towards affection and attraction. Lin has feelings for someone! you reminded yourself harshly. No matter how hard you tried, though, you couldn’t stop thinking back and smiling.
You unlocked your phone out of boredom, flipping through Instagram and Twitter as you longed for the comfort of your bed. That night, your plan was as follows: pour a glass of white wine, have a bubble bath, do a face mask, and fall asleep. You savored the thoughts of the haven that was your apartment; your phone buzzed with the notification of a new text message.
It was from Daveed. Great, you thought as you rolled your eyes. Shouldn’t he be, like, on stage actually doing his job? The text had been sent in a group chat with a bunch of random numbers.
Daveed: Hola HamFam. We still on for post show Chinese takeout and movies tonight?
You were about to type out a confused reply when texts from other numbers began flooding in.
1: Ooh yeah!
2: Hellz yes!
3: I’m down for some wine as well.
2: Boooooring. I was thinking shots
1: How has Ant not died from alcohol poisoning yet?
3: Some of us would actually like to function tomorrow, Ramos.
2: Y am i friends with u losers?
4: Lol i accidentally put my phone in my pocket and it was ringing off the hook during Hurricane
4: I screwed up like 50 times BAHAHA
2: Old Man Miranda strikes again
1: Back to tonight’s plans....who’s the new number in the group?
Daveed: It’s our new favorite lil lady (Y/N)
Daveed: @ lin ^^
4: I’m firing you from my show
4: Assface
3: Watch the profanity
1: Hi (Y/N)!!!!!!!
2: Hey sweetcheeks ;)
4: Cool it buddy
2: Heeeeeey i’m just playing
5: You guys seriously can’t just talk face to face?!
5: You’re all pathetic. But Chinese food sounds heavenly.
Daveed: What do you want to eat, (Y/N)?
You looked at the screen with an exasperated stare. The group chat had jumped between nearly 10 topics of conversation in seconds. It seemed as though Daveed was giving you no option, so you reluctantly replied.
You: I just wanna go home and take a bath :( u guys are all high maintenance and u wore me out
You: But if i have no choice, i’ll have sweet and sour chicken and pork fried rice
You: Also can u all say who u are? Very confused atm
2: The man of ur dreams ;)
You: Ryan Gosling? Is that you?
2: U suck. It’s Ant
3: This is Leslie
1: Jas!!!!
5: Renee
5: Also pls stop texting?!?!
5: It’s Quiet Uptown is supposed 2 b serious + i can’t think about anything but chinese food
4: Lin :)))))
4: Sorry i had 2 go roast burr real quick
4: I’m back now
You sighed deeply and said goodbye to your peaceful night of relaxation. You could tell you had a long night ahead of you.
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dixonministry · 7 years
Male Insecurity
As much as I can bitch about any gender and all the stupid things people do, my first truly gender biased rant here is going to be about men. Yes, my fellow XY Chromosome holders, you’re about to get shot down.
There is one thing about the majority of the male gender that really fucking pisses me off. Insecurity. Yes, men are fucking insecure about everything! I’m not going to bore you with some bullshit psychobabble about WHY men are insecure about shit. Nobody fucking cares why, they just are. Probably the single biggest issue for men is not being secure in their sexuality. Yes, I said “their” not “our.” I don’t lump myself in with the rest of those losers; I’m a whole different breed of man. For example, just try asking a guy to do something “feminine” like holding his girlfriend’s purse for a minute. Most men will flip the fuck out and be all like “Nah, baby, I ain’t doin’ that shit. I’ll look like a fag or something.” And there’s what it all boils down to. Heterosexual (?) men are so fucking afraid to do anything that might make them appear “un-manly” or gay or some other stupid thing like that. Oh, Heaven forbid a little boy might be interested in doing something like becoming a ballet dancer or even a nurse. The poor little guy’s dad will snap and give him a 3 hour lecture on why that’s wrong and how “boys don’t do that stuff – that’s for girls.” Oh, fuck you, caveman. How about if a man is asked his opinion on what another guy looks like? That’s always funny as shit to see their brains twisting around trying as hard as they possibly can NOT to think of another guy “like that.” Oh, please! This, I think, comes from the stupid fantasy that all women are lesbians. Just bear with me for a second, I’m gonna explain that. See, guys don’t mind when a woman says that some other woman has a nice body. Guys don’t mind it because they think that deep down there’s some sexual connotation behind it. No there isn’t, you fuck. When a woman says “Damn, she’s got a nice ass!” she’s really saying “Damn, I wish MY ass looked like that!” If guys would get the fuck over thinking that there’s a sexual meaning behind every damn thing, they’d be able to do that too. For example, let me prove how secure I am. I think Jared Leto has a fuckin’ great body (and a kick-ass name too, lol). Now, I think that cuz I want MY body to look like that, not because I want to fuck him. Ignorant homophobic pricks… Damn, you guys get on my nerves! Ladies, you wanna hear some more male insecurities? Try telling your man that you want to spice things up in the bedroom. He could take this one of two ways. If he’s pretty slow on the uptake, he’ll just think “hell yeah” but if he’s got at least half a brain, the chances are that he’s going to think that he’s not performing well enough in bed and that you’re trying to tell him that he’s not a good lay. Let me explain this to you in psychobabble. See, men have the mindset of “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it” while most women have the mindset of “If it’s not broken, it can be made better.” So, when girls try to make something about their man “better,” he interprets it as “she thinks I’m broken and need to be fixed” (fixed as in “repaired”, not neutered…stop laughing, the pun was unintentional). If you think I’m full of shit…well, I’m just not. I got that one straight out of that “Men are From Mars…” book. Yes, guys, I have read it and NO that doesn’t make me gay…dumbass. *cough*makesmesmart*cough* Now that you understand this, ladies, I gotta say…you need to stop fixing things that don’t need fixing. Yup, I’m changing it up now and bitching about this for this paragraph. Now that you are AWARE of the miscommunication, fuckin’ stop it. Leave us the fuck alone and stop trying to make us “better” damn it. If we want to become better at anything, we’ll do it ourselves because that’s just how we operate. Listen, guys (yeah, back to the guys now), it is seriously time to get over this neanderthal bullshit. There’s lots of things that guys can do (and, in fact, secretly WANT to do) that they just won’t even try to do because it might make them appear less masculine. Get over it, asshole. Why the fuck do you care if some homophobic jock-strap thinks you’re gay? As long as you still like pussy, you’re not gay, you dweeb. And, quite frankly, only ignorant low-lifes would even CARE if you were. Like I said, I’m a different breed of man. If I had a girl and she asked me to hold her purse, I’d throw it over my shoulder and prance around like the biggest queen you’ve ever seen. Why? Because it’s funny, that’s why. Mostly, I’d do that to make fun of beef-heads who think they’re too fucking manly to carry a damn bag. Yeah, I’ll carry the purse all damn day long, prance around, talk with a lisp, and then STILL beat your stupid ass with a tire iron if you need some “proof” as to my manhood. If a gay guy makes a pass at me, I don’t freak out like “Ew, no, get away from me you fuckin’ fag.” I’ve been hit on by guys before (cuz I look good, damn it) and I always just politely tell them that I don’t swing that way. Does it make me less manly that I didn’t get all grossed out because some dude found me attractive? No! I’m still just as much a man… Actually, that makes me a much bigger man than all the homophobes out there because I’m man enough to use my fucking head for something other than knocking people down on a football field. IDIOTS. Look, I can’t help it that you don’t feel like a big enough man without being a fucking asshole to people. Yeah, I’m an asshole, but only to people who deserve it. I don’t have to be an asshole just to prove how big my balls are. I can prance around and curtsy like a little girl and STILL be twice the man you are, fucker.  How big of a man is Salt, really? Well, since most of you dickheads equate violence with masculinity, here’s my stats. I have NEVER lost a fight in my life – not once, ever. True, it’s because I’m a mean son of a bitch who doesn’t believe in fighting fair, but that’s not the point (ehehehehe). Mainly though, the number one reason I’ve never lost a fight is because I’m man enough to know when to fight. It wasn’t always that way but for the past decade it has been. See, I fight for a REASON, not just to prove what a big tough macho stud I am. If you come up to me on the street and shove me, trying to provoke a fight, I’m gonna tell you to get lost before I call the cops and press charges against you for putting your damn hands on me. If you come up to me and punch me, I AM going to have your stupid ass locked up. If you come up and hit my girl, my friend, my sister, anyone that I’m with and you have a penis…THAT is when you get to see what a big tough man I am, because that’s when I’m gonna hold the taser on you until you can’t move and THEN beat you until I think I’ve heard enough cracks come from your rib cage! Then, YOU get to press charges and I still won’t give a fuck. Are you seeing my point here? My point is that there are REASONS to be violent, but there are no reasons to be STUPID about it. That “bad” enough for ya? Shit, most of those pricks won’t even get it. I’m not wasting my time on you guys anymore. Fuck off.
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risprinabeachw-blog · 5 years
Jacksonville dating
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minusthecynic · 7 years
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I aint got time for playing games just that chick who sets my heart aflame it aint no mystery what happened with her and me/ how it wasn't meant to be/ how we fell apart like the little statuette I made of my art group leader in his honour cos it wasn't properly prepared for the kiln/ am I ready to endure that blazing tongue licking trial and torture/ don't kick me when I'm down cos you will teach me nothing you will just breed little beasties of resentment in me/ which wrap themselves around my neck and strangle the living daylights out of me/ in Jah I delight if you didn't know already/ rocking steady to this beat/ the music that's playing in my head when I write this/ I wont be defeated by my pitiful circumstances/ they say time heals all wounds but I've still got scabs cos I keep picking them open every time they start to recover/ breaking the bars of my skin cells cracking them open like fortune cookies/ fresh blood flows out my flesh/ I look like a wookie when folks give me stress/ I'm so blessed/ not oppressed by demons any longer/ though you might think otherwise if you saw the way I treat those pretty witty butterflies that come into my net/ live my love life with no regret/ you can make me soaking wet like the sea/ but I crave a deeper intimacy than the kind that your mind could ever possibly provide/ and its deeper than just bumping and grinding for me/ I want that church and steeple kind of love/ I want that sunday morning you in that white wedding dress kind of love/ I want the whole world knowing about us kind of love/ I don't like doing things in the secret chambers of a garden dark/ hey why should we hide our affection from the world we have been doing that for far too long and you wonder why I snapped my link with you/ don't expect to be respected if you aint prepared to show it shorty/ I aint hating on you I still love you but we can never be together again you already know that/ I know you harbour no illusions about the potential of the two of us to be together/ I'm desperately scribbling like an idiot jailbird chewing his last meal to avoid the temptation of another live video broadcast I shouldn't be watching streaming from the lounge room of some cutie I probably shouldn't be friends with but my love for God is endless/ so can I extend a benevolent hand without my motives being twisted all out of shape like pipe cleaners/ some say I'm a dreamer cos I spit that utopian paradise concept I utilize these skills not to pay the bills just to entertain the masses/ some may say I'm classist nah I'm just a classic/ like retro reebok or Adidas sneaks/ I do speak my mind in volumes copious compendiums of the freedom I've been extended by Jesus/ I won't end up like my grandfolks did/ going to hell in a handbasket/ unless they truly turned around on their deathbeds/ I've got to hope what they confessed to my moms n pops was genuine/ cos id sure hate not to see their lovely faces in heaven/ its pretty tricky yo when youre the second generation/ passing on the truth you learned from your ancestors/ I can relate to that indigenous struggle to maintain cultural heritage/ keep the language alive/ keep our songs and dances going/ put our art on blast/ cos we don't want our past to always remain our past sometimes we want it present in our future also/ only the bits that can potentially be redeemed for Jesus/ some say I'm an also ran/ but I aint gonna freeze up just because hate and criticism be on the increase/ shorty knows ive got it locked with Jesus He causes the evil to decrease in me/ less of me and more of you Lord this is my plea/ I know I cheat cos I don't flow to the beat/ just the music drumming in between my own ears/ perfect love casts out all fear/ you can tell I'm sloppy with my rhyme schemes panting for Christs living water like a thirsty deer/ unlike my homegirl channy I don't flow properly/ I do it sloppily but I'm still Gods property/ I dig this rap game ever since I was knee high to a grasshopper/ ive been that wannabe rhyme dropper/ homies hate on the skills got me wondering why don't they go ahead and do it themselves if they want to hear something slightly more endearing/ I would be cheering/ I aint hating for the sake of hating/ big up my homies I be celebrating/ not denigrating/ this is more than a recreational pursuit for me/ I would do it for a full time job but noones dangling golden cash carrots under me/ little wonder cos my thunder got stolen by way too many broken hearts and the molten lava I fell in/ cos my ego got in the way of my progress/ little girls calling me their idol/ people comparing me to my heroes/ as if I could ever be considered their peers and equals/ my head got big and swelled/ I could barely hold it up it was so bursting with pride/ yet when I chose to walk by the side of the lion of zion I realized how little I was without His help/ and what wee amounts of change I could accomplish stranded on my own on a lonely island/ selfishness just gets you nowhere fast/ ive got regrets for the way I used to live/ that die is cast but I broke the mould/ still haven't got a woman to have and hold/ for the rest of my life though when I do I'm gonna treat her like purest gold/ a diamond that's been cut innumerable times made more beautiful by her scars/ she will forever own my heart/ I hate the fact that I cant be with her right now/ I hate the fact that God said no to one girl but He might say yes to another/ plenty fish in the sea for this brother/ I know its a tired stale old cliché but I believe that I don't have to settle for a life of permanent bachelorhood/ and if youre a chick youre a spinster/ don't let them stick that bachelorette trash labelling on you/ whats in a name/ identity distinction/ you aint one of the bros you're your own person/ I give up on myself too soon just like I did with you/ strap me to a billion black balloons let them weigh down this sad faced clown/ fill them up with concrete when its still dripping liquid/ if that's even possible/ descriptive of the way I feel/ like I'm sweating bullets and lead/ scared of the future without a bae to call my own/ unlike that game show I don't aim to claim the throne/ I'm just happy playing follow the leader/ not straying from Jahs calling rounding up those stubborn ones I'm that sheep dog/ prodding cattle to get moving on a journey of self improvement/ no one knows the troubles ive seen or where ive been/ or the times when ive come in between a rock and a hard place/ or husbands and wives/ gossip separates friends/ and causes you to use kitchen knives/ for something other than slicing up animal meat/ I don't want any more blood flowing down our streets/ we already got robbed once I would be a dunce if I ever put myself in a position to allow that to happen again/ now God provided the money so we can claim back on insurance all that got jacked from us/ and so we could tighten our security/ Lord I wanna live a life of purity but you know what these two eyes see/ pretty young things find their way to me when I aint even looking for them/ so ive gotta be extra careful do that dip and bounce with my eyeballs/ when other dudes in seventh grade were making collages of busty babes I was pasting tiny babies snaps to my page/ we didn't even get to use a pen til then/ maybe it was freshman year/ can we live our lives without causing each others eyes to drip rivers of tears/ all of these days weeks months I wasted/ all of the blood on my lips I tasted/ only from my own d n a far as I could tell/ though some share the same  as me/ in some small way linked by code of genetics to all of humanity/ its pathetic how we start race wars and act sexist/ all because were stubborn and pigheaded/ tell ourselves we can't forgive the wrongs of the past but that's a lie of the enemy/ crazy talk like suddenly sprouting legs and trotting round if you're a sea anemone/ I aint a portugese man of war I wonder what I'm fighting for/ instead of delighting in you Lord igniting that holy fire in me/ I'm frightened for what the future has in store/ I don't wanna be the same old me anymore/ but I find myself in wrestling matches with angels / like Jacob pretty soon I'm gonna wind up missing hip bones/ could you change my name to Israel/ so I know God will prevail evey time someone calls my name/ seeing myself as His success upon each occasion when they point out my failures/ and they will know us by the trail of the dead skin cells attached to bloody bandages we leave behind us when we go strolling down the gardens of the ghettos we all know and love/ I've still gotta live with the consequences of my actions this side of heaven/ I'm so dense and intense most cant handle me so they sit on the fence and observe the way my candles lit/ while I collect my dollars and cents and just smile cos Gods a genius/ cracking me up cos suckers and liars said I could never make any money outta this biz/ guess what I proved them wrong even though that wasn't the motivating factor/ saving souls and taking care of my future family was the only reason why I ever wanted to get cashed up/ I talked way too much trash for my own good/ folks misunderstood the way I acted in my neighbourhood/ losers calling themselves outlaws/ if they got locked up in jail how would they feel for real/ bush rangers strangers highway men by way men/ you aint going my way men so I can relax/ and even if you did pull me over to one side and told this kid to give his money cough that cash give it up quick smart like pash rash or risk losing his life you think i'd care to open my wallet for such deviants/ losing my life means nothing to me cos its in the hands of Jesus stupid/ so I aint fretting if you pull a gun on me and stick it to my head tell me that youre gonna pull the trigger on my skull and blast it to smithereens/ cos I know who my king is/ and I know where my future is/ lying beyond the stars/ they treat me like a spider from mars sipping cider from a glass/ eyeball with a hole where the pupil should be/ I'm like john lennon legend and tupac I wrestle with my own vanity/ that's insanity/ but one out of three found Jesus in the end/ at least that's the truth of which I'm convinced my friend/ some say I'm gonna deal with my sorrow tomorrow then they don't live another day there  has to be a better way/ homies who consider themselves sold out for Jesus still watch movies with cussing does that even bear discussing/ why the shortie of my dreams watching scream queens better yet what I'm doing in that haunted house I should ask myself/ why the ski mask or hockey like Jason why I'm chasing that dragon why I'm facing these giants why I see myself  as a dwarf but my God towers over my oppressors/ why I love the fact that He forgives me despite my constant messing round with transgressions and gressors/ how am I supposed to address this/ so much we don't talk about for the sake of love/ like I quit paying out on atheists/ cos I knew that wasn't winning souls for His kingdom/ it wasn't Christs mindset/ even though I don't believe that atheists truly exist theyre such an easy target/ I close my eyes and try to forget/ about all the blood sweat and tears it took to get my homegirl to where she is today/ thank you Lord for all the change you have brought to her life that death for life exchange/ I had to force myself to slow down cos I wasn't getting anywhere speeding too fast through life/ is it cos I drink too much coffee that I'm mentally rushing through this cconversation already thinking of what I'm gonna do with my day once you're up and gone/ why can't I just chill with it and enjoy the moment/ I don't have a remote control button to freeze the sun and keep you here with me shortie so I've gotta lap up the milk of time you're giving me like a happy cat and don't complain/ cos I cant prolong your stay for any longer than you wanna be here/ I'm sincere in my apology for trying to express my love for you in a physical way before you were ready/ I should have stuck with emotional expressions of the deep impression you carved into my heart right from the very start/ I guess I should have been more careful the kind of pics I was allowing my eyes to look at less than an hour before meeting you/ now I'm entreating you have mercy on me/ give me date number two/ or call it business meet/ cos I mix business with pleasure when the two of us are standing on the same street/ I'm demanding your attention never commanding it/ you could conquer the world if you quit hanging with twits/ do I include myself in that category/ guaranteed you could win a game of scattergories/ look at me I'm an allegory/ for what could happen if you trust in Jesus with your whole heart/ quit playing church and pushing HIm to the furthest branch of your birch/ I know sometimes life situations have got you out on a limb/ and I can't even imagine what you went through having to endure refugee camp/ dealing with that cramped space/ though I can relate to starting over in a brand new country where no one knows your name or face/ or the beauty of your personality/ I know it was hard for your folks cos they probably started at the top in your country then slid back to the bottom in ours/ having to begin all over again/ I remember how excited you were on the advent of becoming a citizen/ we've been through some happy times together/ getting higher than Everest/ stoked off that moment enthralled by your cleverness/ when you got into uni and excelled at those good grades/ when I saw you shining like constellations up on stage/ such a sensation I'm amazed/ you were on the line up for a folk festival I only visited as a paying guest/ is it only in my fantasies you lay your head down on my chest in wedded bliss/ baby let me comb your hair/ I love you in everything you wear/ can you do a fashion show for me when you select what you determine to be the best dress for that particular occasion/ you don't need any make up to look gorgeous/ I could wake up next to you every morning and fall asleep with my head besides yours on the pillow every evening/ you got me weeping like a willow cos I only share this double bed with ghosts and memories/ they say the rap  game is a widow maker/ cos cats be onto you pouncing when you shake your money maker and bouncing round the house like that/ every dog on the block wants to chat with you/ wants to lock you in chains make a hood rat out of you/ but you aint going for their smooth talk/ cos your eyes are on your heavenly prize/ not just like some souls whose only goal is to see themselves blaze bright and all the rest of the world can just burn up like a pile of garbage you discarded in your yard cos you couldn't stand the sight of carnage/ they feed people to pigs in my country no really/ they got mafia operating in my local area maybe/ living next door to a bikie gang affiliated lady/ still she can't use her shotgun to make a hole in the foot of an intruder/ its crazy how our laws sometimes protects criminal elements more than it does those who are innocent victims/ I'm sick of chewing humble crow pie eating it just cos evil minded fools won't let sleeping dogs lie and give me peace/ as much as I care about the cause you're fighting for I can do it my own way without your help/ although you asked for mine you didn't want it in the way I was offering/ so I withdraw my assistance/ and I say forget about our friendship if you can't treat me right/ i'm not the scum between your toes/ i'm not a handkerchief you can wipe your bloody nose with/ i'm not that goober dripping from your snoz gonzo/ you think you're the fonz but you're barely fuzzy bear yet alone tonto/ Jah come to my aid pronto get this hate off my mind/ help me stop thinking about the friendships which I'm forced to leave behind/ should have drowned his companionship when my homegirl left me/ romantically though I was the one who hopped on that plane/ I didn't get why wendy Matthews song was sad cos I associated blue skies with gladness even though billy was right they do bring tears/ yet they can also fill you up with cheer/ when you know theres sunshine for days so yall can come out and play/ and I struggle to relate to songs about the sun which stays bright until late in the evening like those catastrophic gothic trolls panicking at the disco  / cos I operate under a different hemisphere but I'm more concerned about concentrating on what unites us instead of what divides/ believe it or not/ I'm ripley praying for those victims of homicide regicide and suicide/ suckers talked about killing God yet He still lives/ despite all of our obnoxiousness such snotty nosed punks He still forgives/ some get drunk off their own pretentions of genius/ yet they forget God is the one who gives their clogs their cleverness and their pants their smartness/ I wont be a bossy boots if you don't shoot the messenger/ did I forget Jesus is in the drivers seat/ I permanently play the role of passenger/ who paid for my passage Yah/ I aint saying things just to massage your ego/ I don't care if the truth is offensive to people/ though I try to speak it in love I don't shove folks in boxes/ without my spirit finding its home in Christ I'm a vagrant with no fixed address having no place to rest like He spoke of Himself in unfavourable comparison to vixens and foxes ❤ 🙂
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