#when ronan in uh trk is all like
declqn · 3 years
y’all  just  simply  don’t  understand  how  much  declan  loves  his  brothers
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astudyinfreewill · 4 years
Could you maybe do something like Adam and Ronan hanging out with Blue and Gansey near the beginning of their relationship and Ronan marvelling at how he actually gets to hold Adam's hand now and it feels too good to be true 🥺
dear anon... i’m so sorry. this spiralled from the intended 500 words of cute hand holding to 2500 words of group dynamics. i have no excuse. hopefully there is still enough hand-holding to fit the bill 😅
since this got long-ish, you can also find it over at my AO3 if you prefer to read there!
and at every table, i’ll save you a seat
adam/ronan, fluff, 2.5k. takes place after the main events of trk but before the trk epilogue.
“I’m just saying, if he starts shit, I’m gonna walk out. I don’t need that drama in my life right now.” Ronan huffed, pacing back and forth on the sidewalk, hands shoved deep into his leather jacket pockets. His breath condensed in the cold early December air. “Noted,” Adam replied, with the patient tone of someone who had heard the threat before and was not particularly concerned.
Ronan glowered - not at Adam or at anyone in particular, he just glowered. He did mean it. He couldn’t be fighting with Gansey right now, he just couldn’t.
Technically, they were already in a fight. This was new: historically, it was Adam and Ronan snarking at each other until one of them snapped, much to Gansey’s great exasperation; or Adam and Gansey waging cold war at each other until Ronan got tired of it and did something purposefully outrageous just so they’d get mad at him and forget whatever argument they were having. It usually wasn’t Ronan and Gansey. But then Ronan had dropped out of school.
The argument that had followed hadn’t been big and explosive, but rather drawn out into instalments: interrupted before things could get too bad and then picked up again at a different time, with Gansey pleading and needling and insisting graduation was mere months away. Ronan had endured a week of this before dealing with it the only way he could conceive of: by moving himself out of Monmouth and back into the Barns, which had been the plan anyway.
Adam had been a quiet bystander in this. He did not approve of Ronan dropping out, and it was clear in the tight line of his mouth when Ronan had told him. But he had always been good at picking his battles, and he had clearly decided not to fight Ronan’s for him. “Are you sure?” he had asked, looking at Ronan with narrowed blue eyes that, as usual, saw far too much. “Yeah,” Ronan had replied. In all honesty, he hadn’t exactly thought it through, because he could not think it through right now - but that was exactly why he was dropping out. He couldn’t be around people. He couldn’t be expected to function and show up and act like an engaged student and study for exams after– everything. So he said again, “Yeah.” And Adam had nodded, and that had been that.
Of course Gansey, correctly guessing that Adam would disapprove of anyone giving up on education, had tried to gain access to his – recently increased - leverage, but his efforts had fallen flat as far as Ronan could tell.
“But you must realise it’s a mistake”, he’d said on the only occasion Ronan had been witness to, one time when he’d arrived early to pick Adam up from work. “Don’t tell me you agree with him!”
“I don’t, but it’s his mistake to make,” Adam had replied, his annoyance clear even from Ronan’s sightless spot around  the corner of Boyd’s main entrance. “Leave him alone, Gansey. Just because your friends want different things from you doesn’t mean they’re not your friends anymore.”
God, but Ronan loved him.
There had been a long pause filled with Gansey’s chastised silence. This wasn’t solely about Ronan’s choices, and they all knew it.
After that, Gansey’s tactical maneuvers had stopped, but Ronan still hadn’t really spoken to him since dropping out, which was less a hostile decision and more due to Ronan not being in school and refusing to answer his phone. When he left the Barns, it was to spend the night at St. Agnes or go for a long drive with Adam, who knew better than to try to play peacemaker on those occasions.
But now it was Gansey’s birthday, and Blue had summoned them at Nino’s, and apparently would never ever speak to him again if he did not show up. So, whatever, fine. It’s not like Ronan would ever miss Gansey’s birthday anyway. He wasn’t that shitty of a  friend. He just didn’t want any drama.
“I’m just saying he needs to lay off,” he added, defensive.
“Fine,” Adam rolled his eyes. “Now are you gonna stop being a big baby?” he held out his hand for Ronan to take. “We’ve been out here for ages. Let’s go inside, I’m cold.”
“Now who’s being a big baby,” Ronan shot back, but took Adam’s hand anyway. He couldn’t help the little electric thrill that went through him at the sensation of skin on skin. It had been almost a month now since he and Adam had gotten together, since their first kiss on Ronan’s birthday, and he still wasn’t used to the idea of this being offered so casually, like something he could just have. Because he could just have it now.
They walked into Nino’s to see Blue waving at them energetically to signal her position. There was no need for it, of course, because she was sitting at the same booth they always sat in. “God, so dramatic,” Ronan moaned, rolling his eyes dramatically. “Ain’t that the truth,” Adam commented, his lips tilting into a smirk. Ronan gave his hand a little squeeze.
Blue, satisfied with her flagging-down antics, had sat back down, and now was placidly nestled into Gansey’s side, looking like one of those small angry birds who puff up and tuck their head into their body until they’re perfectly round. On Gansey’s other side, perusing the menu intently as if it didn’t have the same 12 choices as always, was Henry Cheng, his hair looking like an abstract painting and his t-shirt screaming out a Kylie Minogue logo.
And Gansey himself looked… the same as usual, which was to say, it was both impossible to tell and impossible to forget that he had died and been resuscitated in the past month. He also looked anxious. That, Ronan mused, was also usual. He just didn’t usually look anxious about greeting Ronan, and Ronan wasn’t sure he liked that. He chewed on his lip, then gave Gansey a reluctant half smile and hoped it didn’t look like too much of a snarl. Gansey also gave a half smile that looked like a gastritis grimace.
“Hey y’all,” Adam greeted. “Hi Blue. Cheng,” he nodded. Then he turned towards Gansey, starting to raise his right fist reflexively; he paused, looked briefly down at where his left hand was joined with Ronan’s, then seemed to make a split-second decision and raised that hand instead, curling his fingers into a fist around Ronan’s, making it so they both fist-bumped Gansey at once. It was embarrassing and looked silly and awkward, but somehow, afterwards, Ronan didn’t feel quite so tentative, and Gansey’s grimace was more and more reminiscent of a smile.
“Very fucking clever,” he muttered in Adam’s ear as they slid into the booth.
“I know, right?” Adam replied with a cheery smile. “I should be a counsellor or something.”
Ronan shoved his shoulder into Adam’s good-naturedly. Adam jostled him right back. Neither let go of the other’s hand.
Immediately, they were pulled into conversation by Blue and required to arbitrate a discussion between her and Henry on whether reality shows were morally bankrupt or a fascinating social experiment. Adam, who had never watched a reality show, sided with Blue out of principle. Gansey, who for very different reasons had also never watched a reality show, was discreetly trying to pull Ronan’s focus with an entreating look; Ronan, warily, let him.
“How have you been, Lynch?” Gansey asked.
Ronan shrugged. “How have you been?”Gansey looked for a moment like he was going to lose his patience. Instead, his face cracked in a different direction, an almost melancholy expression coloring it. “Alright. Adjusting, I suppose. To… everything.”
Everything being “dying and coming back to life as a patchwork tangle of ley line forest”.
“That’s rough, man.” Ronan raised his glass sympathetically, and Gansey tilted his own back.
“You must also be… adjusting. To everything.”
Everything being losing his mother, losing Cabeswater, and almost dying himself.
The undercurrent of things unsaid, hovering just under the surface, was too much; Ronan was going to scream.
But then Gansey did the unexpected.
“I’m sorry,” he said. Ronan choked on his drink a little.
“I shouldn’t have hassled you about school. I just…” Gansey waved a vague hand.
“Think you know better than everyone?” Ronan supplied dryly. Damn, maybe Parrish was rubbing off on him.
Gansey tilted his head. “Perhaps. I made a few bad calls. I, uh. I may have sold Monmouth Manufacturing to get Child to let you stay in school.”
The words were like an ice pick in Ronan’s heart. He felt Adam’s hand tighten around his, despite the fact he was ostensibly still listening to Blue. Adam knew, then. Ronan could only imagine that argument.
“Dick. You did what?”, he rasped. “I never, ever asked you to do anything like that, you colossal fucking-”“I know, I know,” Gansey said, raising a placating hand. “It was stupid. I was maybe not thinking straight. Bit concerned with my own impending death. It’s alright. I managed to buy it back.”
The storm cloud threatening to explode in Ronan’s chest dispelled. Monmouth was safe. Monmouth, with its tall windows and its dusty floors and its walls that held a thousand stories of insomnia and grief and laughter and companionship and fights and friendship. Brotherhood.
“Good,” he said, a little hoarsely. “You love that place.”
“I do,” Gansey admitted wistfully. “It’s just been a little… well. Different. Now that it is just me, I mean. I don’t see you at school, and I don’t see you at ho– at Monmouth. And it’s a big place, and I suppose maybe I was – there is a chance that I perhaps might have been a little afraid of being… well. Lonely. I guess.”
Well. That was a low blow. Or maybe it only felt like one because Ronan had not stopped to think about that and was caught unawares now – but he was gonna go with low blow anyway. It seemed wrong for Gansey – Gansey, of all people – to be lonely. He had always been the one collecting lonely people, the glue holding them all together. Ronan had spent so much time worried about losing Gansey’s friendship, so it was a baffling change of pace for Gansey to miss him.
It made him feel a little bad, but he also knew he was doing the right thing. He needed to be at home right now - his real home, his childhood home, to process everything. And Gansey had other people now – he had Blue and he had Henry, and Ronan had Adam – well, he’d had Adam before, in a manner of speaking, but it was different now. They were both following their own paths. But it didn’t mean Ronan couldn’t be there for him.
“You can still text me, you know,” he said as casually as he could.
Gansey glared at him. “I have been.”“Really?” Ronan said even more casually, scratching at his stubble. He shrugged. “Try again,” he added, more sincerely, holding Gansey’s gaze.
Gansey gave him a small, earnest smile. “I will.”
And just like that, things were okay again. Ronan leaned over the table to give Gansey an amicable punch in the shoulder, but had to raise his right hand, still entwined with Adam’s, to reach forward. It didn’t occur to him that their joined hands were visibly resting above the table until Gansey’s eyes shot down to them and quickly away, his expression doing something complicated but not displeased. He nodded, that little unguarded smile still on his face. Approval, perhaps. Ronan had not asked for it nor did he need it – but it was still nice.
Not as nice as actually getting to hold Adam’s hand though. Now that he’d been reminded of it, he couldn’t stop focusing on it – the warmth, the contact of thumb crossed over thumb, his fingertips brushing over Adam’s still slightly chapped knuckles, the way Adam’s calluses were familiar to him now in a way he’d never expected to know outside of a dream.
Adam – who by this point was wryly arguing with Henry over whether there was even a point to a student council when everyone on it was part of the 1%, to Henry’s impassioned retorts that there are more issues than just classism, Parrish – absently shifted his hand so it was resting palm up on the table, an open invitation, a gentle suggestion to readjust. Ronan followed in kind, resting the back of his hand against Adam’s palm. Adam wrapped his long fingers around the side of Ronan’s palm – Ronan closed his fingers over Adam’s.
He felt warm all over. He took a sip of his iced tea but couldn’t hide the small, private smile playing on his lips, nor could he stop staring at their hands crisscrossed over each other’s on top of the table.
And then he was rudely snapped out of it by Blue’s teasing Awww, cute.
Ronan raised his head slowly, making sure to narrow his eyes menacingly despite the distinct heat he could feel on his cheeks.
Blue was staring at their hands, an unrepentant grin on her face. She met Ronan’s eyes without a trace of concern, taking a big, leisurely gulp of her tea.
“You got somethin’ to say, Sargent?” he asked pleasantly.
“Yeah,” she replied defiantly. “I said you guys are cute.”
This was all new terrain. Ronan had never been teased for being in a relationship, but he’d also never been in a relationship, and hell – he’d all but avoided thinking about the mere idea of a relationship until last year.
Then Adam pressed his leg against Ronan’s under the table, a private show of support, a quiet reminder that it wasn’t Adam and Ronan, but Adam-and-Ronan. It was such a small thing, but it meant so much. Less than a year ago, Ronan had been sitting in this same booth, watching Adam hold hands with Blue and feeling like he’d swallowed his own heart and it was slowly poisoning him from the inside.
And now, it was Adam-and-Ronan.
He tilted his chin haughtily. “Maybe we fucking are, Sargent”.
Blue scrunched up her nose, her expression going from teasing to earnest. “Yeah, you are. It’s nice to see you looking like that for a change.”
Ronan raised an eyebrow. “Cute?”
Blue leaned her chin on her hand. “Happy.”
Well, how about that.
Ronan exhaled loudly from his nose and threw himself back against the headrest of the booth; but he also extended a leg under the table so he could knock into Blue’s tiny booted foot. She bumped his boot right back.
At his side, Adam leaned into him lightly, shoulder pressed warmly to shoulder, his head tilted in a way that suggested he might soon be resting it against Ronan’s temple, as he sometimes did when he was tired after a long shift.
Yeah. Ronan supposed that, all considered, he was pretty happy.
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emmerrr · 5 years
the thing i fundamentally don’t get about the gray man is that, regardless of the fact that he was ordered to do it by greenmantle and it “wasn’t personal”, he literally beat niall lynch to death with a tyre iron? and even though we have the initial meeting between mr gray and ronan in which they (kind of) fight and ronan tells him he’ll never forgive him, that’s like the last you really hear about it? he even helps mr gray out with the getaway car, and he works with mr gray when he and adam are trying to run greenmantle out of town (i don’t remember the specifics of that but i do remember a conversation between blue and mr gray in which he alludes to knowing what they’re doing so they obviously keep him in the loop).
we’re told that there’s some beef with his brother* but it never really expands upon that; there’s no concrete reason given as to what the feud there actually is and why mr gray’s brother would kill him if he ever found him (or honestly why it’s even that relevant?). being a hitman also doesn’t seem to be something he was forced into doing; it’s a way of life that he fell into somehow and he can’t even remember exactly how (it actually says that in trk in the ‘Depending on where you began the story, it was about the Gray Man’ chapter: “It seemed peculiar that he couldn’t quite remember his decision to become a hit man....Somewhere in there someone had breathed the word mercenary, and somewhere in there someone had given up his identity and become the Gray Man.”)
maura (and the other women at 300 fox way tbh) are awfully cavalier about him with the exception of them being like...performatively wary a couple of times (e.g. calla following in the car when they go on their date). he doesn’t mean them personally any harm and that seems to be good enough for them. they never really hold him accountable for anything he’s done, and then after everything all comes to a head and ronan actually finds out, once his initial anger has blown over he also seems to no longer hold mr gray directly accountable, switching his sights to greenmantle as soon as he shows up in town. he just sort of puts up with mr gray’s presence after that without really commenting on it, which is...uh, strange given that he literally murdered ronan’s dad. 
it’s just all sort of glossed over and yet we’ve got mr gray as this pseudo-stepfather figure to blue without anyone batting an eye? i don’t remember her ever really dwelling on the fact that this man killed her friend’s father -- and to be fair this isn’t just blue, it’s all of them -- and i didn’t really think about it on my first couple of read-throughs (probably because the narrative doesn’t really invite you to), but it’s just...really fucking weird?
the narrative forgives mr gray by normalising his presence in their lives post-tdt and not having any of them question it despite everything he’s done, which makes it easy for a reader who perhaps isn’t analysing it that closely to forgive him as well.
but he’s a hitman, a murderer, and we shouldn’t forget that.
(*EDIT: i forgot some of the specifics of what it says about mr gray’s brother as was pointed out to me in the replies, but even so i don’t think any of that was handled well within the text.)
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sophygurl · 5 years
Here is my list of unresolved questions/mysteries in The Raven Cycle, in no particular order:
What was produced at Monmouth Manufacturing?
Was Ashley spying in the Gangesy’s quest? If so, does she have a connection to one of the magical artifact hunters? If not, did she know about Declan’s magical dealings? She seemed smarter than she was letting on...
Why did Artemus disappear when Blue was born? Was he with the unmaker that whole time?
What is the joke that Ronan wrote on the rock in Cabeswater to signify to himself that it was him that wrote it? Also what was his joke that he made on the board in Latin class? Same joke??
Do the tree-lights in Cabeswater know that Blue is Artemus’s daughter? They only mention that they recognize her for being the psychic’s daughter, so do they know that she’s half-tree-light? Did any of them live through the unmaker’s slaughter? Does Blue have any other tree-light relatives in the world anywhere?
Blue and Gansey find Noah’s body somewhere that’s not directly on the ley line and nowhere near his Mustang, so did Whelk move the body? 
Why did Gansey’s mom think he wanted the Camaro?
Is the dreamer/greywarren stuff always genetic? Was one of Niall’s parents a dreamer?The Gray Man makes a comment about Niall also asking if he killed his father - what does this mean?? Was his father also a dreamer that was murdered for his power? What about Kavinsky? Were one of his parents dreamers? Another theory: Niall’s stories about when he and Ronan were born involve earthquakes. Do earthquakes happening on a ley line when someone is born cause them to be a dreamer, or does a dreamer being born cause an earthquake on a ley line? Cabeswater says “many thieves, one greywarren” - so only Ronan is a greywarren? Did Niall treat things the same way Kavinsky did, by stealing instead of creating and asking? How many other dream thieves are there out there?? Did Niall also use Cabeswater or did he have his own dream forest or did he not need one? When exactly did Ronan dream Cabeswater and what was it before he gave it shape and where were all the tree-lights when it wasn’t ... what it was?
What exactly is the reason Niall decided not to let his sons on the Barns after he died, until Ronan could figure out how to fudge the will? Why were Ronan’s powers treated as such a freaking mystery? Why wouldn’t he have trained his son in how to control and utilize that power, explain to him how it worked - instead of just telling him to never talk about it and then forcing Declan to run his business and never allow them to talk to one another about what was happening? Why did Aurora never bother to clue her sons in? I have so many questions about this! What about that devil creature he saw his dad with when he was a kid - was that Niall’s nightmare creature? Did Niall know Ronan saw that? It seems like Ronan knew/remembered/suspected some things and not others ... IDK ...
Also, like. How did they keep doctors and insurance people and such from questioning what was going on with Aurora after Niall died? Or all the cattle on the land? Like, someone must have been tasked with tending to that stuff, so WTF? And Declan was for sure sneaking onto the Barns to get dream objects to sell. What a hypocrite. 
Dream creatures are sort of PART of the dreamers, right? This is less creepy when thinking about Chainsaw or cattle. But Aurora was a part of Niall? Matthew was a part of Ronan?! How does that ... work?? 
That fucking Camaro wheel under the lake on the ley line that was hundreds of years old MIRITE?!?! And how is it related to the shield boss? They were both left behind? Calla talks about both Gansey and Glendower as people who reuse time, so ... uh ... the fuck?
Gansey DOES abandon his spare wheel at the airport to make room for Malory’s things - is that somehow connected??
What is with Gansey and sucking on those mint leaves anyway?
When Adam and Gansey are at that party and the lights go out and everyone hears that “Make way for the Raven King” stuff - wtf? Was that Cabeswater? Noah? Glendower? Someone else? Why that and then and there? Is the Gansey family mansion on a ley line??
Why does no one ever notice an entire fucking field of white Mistubishi’s with knives painted on the sides and odd fuck-ups in the design?!
Where was Ronan sleeping that Kavinsky saw him when he had his bad dream where he woke up all bloody? Just like ... in the street??
Why is Ronan paralyzed when he comes out of his dreams but Kavinsky isn’t?
What is the actual deal with Kavinsky’s family, speaking of? Like is his mom an addict or does he just drug her to keep her compliant? Does she know what he is? What happens to her after he dies? What about the whole story with his dad? Did he really kill him? Did he then copy him like he did Prokopenko?
Is Kavinsky’s creature also a night horror to him too? Or was it once? He seems able to control his, even though Ronan can feel the hate coming off it like he can with his own. Ronan’s creatures eventually stop hating him because he stops hating himself. Kavinsky clearly had a death wish, so how is he so comfortable controlling his creature?
Is Henrietta just kinda like Sunnydale and they all know something is a bit off and that’s why no one ever freaks out and calls, like, the FBI when actual fucking dragons start fighting in the sky?? (Also did the Gangsey have to bury Kavinsky’s creature that night to make sure no one found it?? What did the authorities think about Proko’s sleeping body??) Or like when Noah started throwing shit around in the counselor’s office - what did she think ... happened?? Or when there is water dripping off of a picture in the hospital waiting room - does ... does no one else see this stuff? NOT TO MENTION when there’s like a primal scream and an ancient beast appears in the street and then hordes of birds of all kinds start swooping about and flying cross country!??! 
So.... this whole three sleepers thing. The unmaker was the one NOT to wake. Gwen was Maybe the one to wake or Maybe the one in the middle or Maybe not even a sleeper since she was never fully put to sleep. Glendower was ... actually fucking dead so not a fucking sleeper at all? Adam thinks, symbolically, that he was the sleeper to be awoken, which is nifty, but prolly not what the ladies meant. Are there OTHER sleepers still?!? 
Okay. When Maura disappears, who becomes Blue’s legal guardian? I would think maybe Jimi, being her aunt? But it seems like Calla is the most responsible/parental one so perhaps Maura had already designated her as a guardian if something were to happen?? I’d love to know, honestly. I need so much more about this household,really. 
Was it one of the Fox Way psychics who came to sage the Greenmantle’s rental place? I wonder which one...
Is the sleeping that the dreamed creatures do when their dreamer dies somehow connected to the sleepers referenced on the ley line??
WHAT is the story behind the time Blue ran away and they had to call the police?!?! When did this happen?!? I need details!
Calla seems to recognize or sense something about Jesse when she meets him - what’s that about?
It seems like Gwen and Artemus, as tree-lights, can live a really long time and Gwen lived a long time not-really-asleep with no food or water or anything. Does this mean Blue will get to live a super long life? 
Can Persephone’s ghost come and go the way Noah’s does? Is that how she communicates with Adam? Why only him?
WHAT is the story behind when Jimi punched Calla??
Did anyone ever tell Declan that his mom got to be alive again for awhile in Cabeswater and how pissed was he that he never got to go and see her?
How does Gansey’s voice command thing work, and how is it/he connected to Glendower? I’ve got a LOT to work out about this one....
Which Laumonier is Piper’s dad? How did that all work? Did they all raise her as one? Does she even know which one is technically her dad? Why are they ... like that??
Who is the dead person in Calla’s life that Noah reminds her of when he’s doing the creepy 6:21 stuff? I want THAT story, too.
Are all of the Asian kids at Aglionby from Vancouver? Is that... a thing??
Here’s one: is Declan even Aurora’s kid or did Niall have him with a human person? I don’t know why I strongly suspect this so much, but I do.
How much does Matthew know about his weird-ass family? Any of it??
What is the story behind Blue dumping the stuff over the kid’s car at school? Also what’s behind the Not Your Bitch nickname the other kids have for her? Gods, tell me so much more about Blue being a badass trouble maker okay!
Also, omg, going back to the Lynch’s - so we talk about Chainsaw and Opal as being sort of part’s of Ronan’s psyche, right? So ... is that what Aurora is? Was she, like, Niall’s psychopomp??? That is so weird. 
When Blue has her tree-dream ... was she actually integrating into the tree?? Did she really take Gansey in there with her?!
The unmaker is a wasp. Gansey was killed by bees. Coincidence?! 
That woman who comes to the Barns in Opal’s story RIGHT?!?!? 
Also, gods, I have SO MANY QUESTIONS about Glendower and Artemus and Gwenllian and all of those folks. Why did the magic of putting Glendower to sleep not work? Or did it? Did it wear off? Did the kids just find another false grave and he’s still yet to be found? Did they just not do the right things to wake him? Will they come back to that? Did Artemus purposefully not put Gwen to sleep-sleep? If so that is seriously fucked up, dude. Why is Artemus so messed up after they find him again - so much lesser, I think, the narrative says? Is it because of having been down with the unmaker for so long? It feels like there’s more to it than that. Gwen seems simultaneously really ticked at her dad and really wanting for him to be found - what is their story? 
When the Fox Way ladies do their big reading at the start of TRK, they ask “does this mean she’s still alive?” - I’m guessing that’s about Neeve. And then “does this mean she’s leaving?” - probably Blue? And then “does this mean she’s coming back?” - could this be about Persephone? Is she gonna come back in some way PLEASE SAY YES, PLEASE SAY YES.
Also, omg, Persephone’s whole backstory is one giant mystery that I want uncovered. I mean - all of the lady’s stories are, really, but hers, especially. It’s said a few times how she never tells anyone anything about herself and they’re just not sure about anything about her, etc. She is so vague all the time and never answers questions about herself so ... yea, that means I wanna know everything.
I don’t know, folks. I have just so many other questions. Some are mundane things I just wanna know about the characters. Some are deep mysteries that there are probably clues to that I just have yet to piece together after my 20 re-reads thus far. Some are left hanging on purpose so we’ll have different theories and interpretations, probably. SOME ARE HOPEFULLY GONNA GET ANSWERED IN THE DREAMER TRILOGY?!?!? But this is long enough. Feel free to add to this or answer me if you think you’ve got one answered!
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jsteneil · 5 years
1, 20, and 26 for aftg! And 10 and 26 for TRC, if you're up for it
1. What OTPs in your fandom(s) do you just not get?
not an OTP because let’s be real--the one true pairing of aftg is andreil--but uh, who started shipping ichirou with people like where?? do you get?? the idea?? i don’t even think about him except when I remember he still holds Neil, Jean and Kevin’s lives in his hands lol
20. What is the purest ship in the fandom?
toss up between dan/matt and nicky and erik (andreil don’t interact, none of your is pure). oh, probably nerik because fuck!! they cute. also kudos for teenage erik for giving nicky a reason to live and accept himself after everything he went through. teenage me had trouble showering more than three times a week. 
also wymack and abby are the True Parent Pairing and I love that they’re semi-cryptids, this is a very cute and naive approach when you let noisy college kids into your team and lives
26. Most shippable character?
mmmm this is hard because I’m not a multishipper. The character I’m the happiest to see in a relationship (besides andreil) is Kevin tbh.
ALRIGHT *rubs hands*
10. Most disliked arc? Why?
does “all of the raven king” count? lol
I don’t understand the greywaren/cabeswater arc tbh and I’ve hated how big it’s become in the books since the beginning. Maybe it’s because I read too quickly, but it made no sense for the longest time and it’s just very confusing. Ronan’s childhood and family makes 0 sense at all and the illegality of most of the Lynches’ lives and possessions just stresses me tf out. One of theses days Ronan will have IRS on his tail and go to jail because he’s never paid a tax in his life. 
I just wanted to read a book about a quest for a dead welsh king!! history and latin!! that’s all i wanted
(in conclusion, i will not read the dreamer trilogy lol)
26. Most shippable character?
bluesey? the og. the best. i love them. “she makes me quiet” OUCH MY HEART. i love them. so much. they’re one of the rare ships i have atm who actually laugh multiple times on page. that toga party? the midnight calls? the forbidden drives??? U G H
ronan/gansey? love them as friends because they remind me of gabrielle (former roommate) and I but I also am a slut for childhood friends to lovers and the subtext... it’s really here, isn’t it? 
Adam/Gansey: intellectuals relationship galore. It’s the one I’m the less convinced about but I believe they would work well together for a summer and they break up and go on staying friends with peculiar interests. I just love how they became friends in canon and Adam who has no time for any bullshit just going along to look for a dead welsh king that will grant them a wish?? hell yeah
Henry/Gansey: do I need to say it!! They go along so well!!!! Discover new depths in each other and bond over them!!! I don’t have the words to say how charmed I am that they got so close in trk but hell yes outspoken henry with quiet interior and quiet-façade gansey with a burning passion!!! 
(I want to say Blue/Henry/Gansey but I have a rare condition where I can’t love two things the same amount at the same time so while I agree that it is a Most Superior Ship on paper I have actually never been able to fully get behind it :( )
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aglionbys · 6 years
trc harry potter au
because every fandom needs at least one and up to many, many hp aus. probably safe to assume this has already been done but heres my take (this became a Very Long Post sorry)
•blue is a gryffindor and she’s kind of one of the obnoxious ones -consider: PROUDLY gryffindor blue sargent reppin that red and gold 24/7 -consider also: Down With The System Blue Sargent intentionally losing house points after discovering that gryffindor has won the house cup like every year due to just. blatant favoritism @dumbledore
•gansey’s a ravenclaw no contest he’s always in the library -when he’s not in the library he’s interviewing ghosts -or statues. or paintings. they all have interesting things to say -or trying out new incantations -or wandering around the castle with his gang searching for hidden passages or rooms or corridors
•slytherin adam -angst? -no but he’s so driven like that boy is going places. he hates his housemates mostly but he w i l l be the best and he will do it himself ! -good for you adam we love you
•Ronan’s in gryffindor too -street racing whom ronan lynch the wizard is the gryffindor seeker and is often flying around the grounds at night -always a l w a y s losing house points -surplus of daring and nerve. jury is out on chivalry
•hufflepuff ghost noah -so there’s this ghost that’s always hanging around everywhere -gansey thought noah was his roommate for like. three months. because he doesn’t pay attention to things sometimes. including the fact that a. noah is wearing hufflepuff robes and b. noah is both dead and semi-transparent -he’s chill everyone likes him
•ravenclaw henry -because absolutely ravenclaw henry -“language of thoughts” henry is absolutely a ravenclaw -gansey’s always testing out new incantations but henry actually thinks of the ones that work -he and gansey are roommates! noah is not
•the gangsey is bad and often hangs out in the forbidden forest -especially adam and ronan sometimes they run into each other there at night
•Quidditch whom -Ronan’s a seeker as stated above and he’s damn good at it too -he does get a lot of penalties though -Blue’s on the team too. she’s a Beater and will whoop you despite her small stature -Henry’s the ravenclaw seeker. he and ronan have a friendly-(ish) rivalry -and kavinsky. is the Slytherin seeker. he and ronan have an unfriendly-(ish) rivalry
•it is a school too I guess they go to class -blue never pays attention in divination and actively hates it but keeps taking it as a class. she’s a classic DADA loving gryffindor student -noah is a Disruptive Influence but none of the professors can really do anything about it which he l o v e s. he and peeves sometimes get along -Ronan’s kind of unreasonably good at everything spellcasting but he never does his classwork/homework/anything he’s assigned. McGonagall likes him but pretends not to because he’s a terrible student but he transfigured his teacup into a live mouse on the first try and then just to show off transfigured the mouse into a flock of birds -gansey is a nerd and has a time turner and loves taking every class -as previously mentioned blue likes DADA. adam likes herbology and DADA too, ronan pretends not to like anything but reads about potions a lot; henry’s into charms most of all but also likes care of magical creatures and astronomy; gansey’s just a nerd and always on about something. he’s the only student who likes history of magic and actually does his muggle studies ad divination homework
•gansey is a pureblood and comes from a long line of wizards and witches (so probably has a weirder last name and goes by his middle name or smth in this au?) -helen is slytherin head girl -and declan is slytherin head boy actually •adam’s a muggleborn. it’s kind of a sore spot. his fellow slytherins use to give him bs about it, but if you call him a mudblood that ronan lynch kid will probably hex your arms off •speaking of ronan,,, he’s a half-blood. niall was a super-powerful wizard and aurora– there’s a lot of rumors about her lets put it that way -but yeah declan’s a slytherin and matthew’s a hufflepuff •blue’s a half-blood too her dads a tree and her moms a witch -they thought she was a squib for a long time turns out she’s not but just has no gift for divination •henry’s a pureblood as well but he doesn’t like to bring it up. because why would he? blood status doesn’t matter -adam holds that “oh yeah blood status doesn’t matter, unless you’re a muggle born or a half-blood” which always makes for fun conversations!
•their patronuses!! -gansey’s is a stag! harry potter w h o m but idk it just seems fitting after trk… I didn’t think it through really it just seems right -henry’s is a bee!! because naturally it is. gansey was not overjoyed at this discovery as it turns out -adam’s is a crow! which he initially thinks is really disappointing (especially since it took him so long to finally produce a corporeal patronus and then it ended up being… a crow.. ) it’s not even a raven. but it is close enough to a raven that uh he does some self-examination after he casts it for the first time what does this mean -ronan’s is a unicorn. when he first casts it everyone is like w h a t the hell ronan what’s going on here why’s that so cool and so… Not Ronan Lynch? but at the same time… -and blue’s is a doe. which isn’t something she is going to think about very much no there is no significance to this she refuses (cinematic parallels…..)
•they’ve got pets too -ronan’s got chainsaw and it makes him look metal af. are you allowed to have a pet raven? no. can they really do anything about it if you transfigured one of your pillows into a raven while sleeping in the middle of your second year? not really no -blue has a toad AND a cat and if you insult them bad things WILL happen to you -adam didn’t have a pet at first but basically adopted one of the owls in the owlery after it kept following him around
and a note because they’re at hogwarts so they must be from the uk -gansey’s from england. because he’s gansey. he’s got this posh southern accent and everything. but don’t worry he’s highkey spending all his time in wales -blue is scottish because. angry and down with the establishment and such (plus just let me have scottish accent blue okay that’s good thats a good thought) -ronan’s irish. because ronan lynch. -adam’s english too but he’s a northerner -henry’s a l s o english and he’s from london -noah? northern ireland. I don’t know what’s going on in northern Ireland.
•other things -adam, gansey, and blue all make prefect (yes all of them..) adam ends up being head boy -noah mostly hangs out with them and acts like a regular student but sometimes he puts his ghostly powers to good (read: bad) use. like scaring people while they shower, for instance -the gangsey is like the inadvertent model for inter-house cooperation how did they become such good friends nobody understands (it’s shared adventures/detentions of course) -kavinsky and his gang? mostly slytherins, nobody likes them, no wonder Gryffindor keeps winning these losers are always dueling people for the spectacle -look this is so much I got really into this AU and I keep coming up with more and more ideas
add more please I want to amass this giant collection of HP AU ideas thanks
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hi hello follow up to my question about ronans accent...... y'all thinking that gansey would be so proud of his son adam for getting ronan to open up cause Edgelord Lynch couldn't use his irish since niall died because it was too painful..... just something that's been on my mind.......
(about this post) UH HUH YES 
So like let’s say in this Au not only did the Lynch fam have Irish accents, but Niall spoke Irish/Gaelic often enough that Ronan could speak it pretty well and used to teach Gansey some Irish phrases whenever they chilled at the Barns.
Then, when Niall died, Ronan cut the language out of his vocabulary. He didn’t tell Gansey Irish jokes anymore. He didn’t do impressions of his dad. He didn’t teach Gansey another word. One time, Gansey tried to lift the mood by referencing an Irish phrase Ronan liked a lot and used to say jokingly all the time, but the glare Ronan gave him was so fierce and so laced with pain that Gansey immediately shut up.
Flash-forward to Post-TRK, the gangsey chillin’ at Nino’s, and during a conversation Adam pokes fun at Gansey in Irish. Gansey’s eyes dart to Ronan’s face, wary of his reaction, but Ronan isn’t angry at all. Ronan’s laughing, open and carefree and happy, and Gansey almost sheds a tear right there and then out of relief and sheer joy that Ronan was healing. Ronan is moving on.
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arielmagicesi · 6 years
For the ask meme (it's not letting me send the whole thing but I wanted your commentary on this passage from 'the only one'): And then the last thing Adam had expected happened- Ronan turned red.“Uh, yeah, takes fucking forever,” he said, not meeting Patrick’s eyes.“I’m sure it’s worth it, though. The Barns were always so beautiful in the summertime.”Ronan ran his hands over the side of his jacket and said, “Yeah. I mean- yes. Yeah.”Adam stared over at him. He was never this flustered...
oh god that fic! I forgot that fic... wow I wrote a lot of Pynch fic huh...
And then the last thing Adam had expected happened- Ronan turned red.
[DVD commentary: I tried later on in the fic to make it obvious that Adam found it cute when Ronan turned red because he normally had so much bravado, but no one commented on it. you traitors...]
“Uh, yeah, takes fucking forever,” he said, not meeting Patrick’s eyes.
“I’m sure it’s worth it, though. The Barns were always so beautiful in the summertime.”
[DVD commentary: yeah I wanted Ronan to be busy fixing up the Barns because they were a giant pile of garbage at the end of TRK]
Ronan ran his hands over the side of his jacket and said, “Yeah. I mean- yes. Yeah.”
[DVD commentary: this is a big mood of me talking to a cute girl lol. literally forget how to talk]
Adam stared over at him. He was never this flustered with anyone, except maybe sometimes with Adam-
Then it clicked. Adam’s eyes widened. Ronan was attracted to this guy.
[DVD commentary: at the time I wrote this, I was using fic-writing as a kinda terrible coping mechanism, and I thought that I had to adhere to “fandom popular tropes” in order to write good fic, so I thought this was the Jealousy Trope or some shit... honestly I think this is one of my good fics but still like. I wrote SO MUCH STUFF just to fit “fandom tropes” and I think now I just prefer doing whatever messy nonsense I want haha]
Adam thought for a moment that maybe he ought to be jealous, but he knew full well that Ronan wasn’t the type to genuinely be interested in someone other than the person he was dating. Besides, he was going to take this all in- Ronan, embarrassed, not capable of speaking correctly, red and fidgety. It was an entertaining spectacle.
[DVD commentary: good on you, Adam, for being so sure of yourself and Ronan and your relationship! I’m glad I put him in such a healthy place, even if that includes mocking Ronan to no end about being a Supreme Gay]
ANYWAY. Let’s hope the formatting works on this ask. Thanks for sending it in! I love analyzing my own writing haha...
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qvincvnx · 7 years
can you explain henry/ronan because...i feel like ronan is canonically just awful and racist to henry. i want to see the pairing but that's a big issue for me and it doesn't ever seem to be addressed
ok i'm drunk and on mobile but i am still going to do my best to answer this question and i apologize for. doing not good. it is a good question and i genuinely agree with. it. you make a good point. i am not trying to make light of the totally shitty behavior ronan displayed to henry in trk. but like the answer to this question though is i started kind of shipping it before trk came out at which point they were just like. mutually shitty to each other. that's it that's the answer. ronan threw a sharpie at henry and defaced his clipboard and henry called him some names. i like that in a teen boy ship. i had some wild backstory ideas like "before ronan was friends with gansey maybe they kissed at a party" and.. et cetera. which only got reinforced when we found out more about henry and what he likes to do with his time in trk (party, vandalism, and yelling). i really enjoy thinking abt aus where ronan fell in with henry instead of gansey (or k lmao), where he and henry have a dramatic and fraught like "you were SPYING on me for your MOM" / "to be fair your dad is the cause of my life's most traumatic event" kind of relationship.iirc the shitty racism ronan displayed towards henry comes right towards the end of trk? at least that is how i remember it. it is super bad and shitty! it is the worst kind of expression of ronan's in group clannishness and he and adam had better fucking work on that shit! i really was not expecting it and had already kind of talked myself into being Interested in the henry/ronan dynamic and then it kind of blindsided me. also it really... i don't know what purpose it served narratively and i think it did everyone involved a disservice. like what was the point of it. to show that ~GoOd PeOpLe CaN bE rAcIsT tOo~ or what. is it just supposed to be a valid criticism of henry? that he has an accent? is it supposed to be a cute shipping moment for p.ynch or something? was it a way to attempt to establish ronan as white (by the fact of his racism, or something???) in contraindication towards fancastings where he's not white? was it just supposed to be like Ronan Did A Bunch Of Character Growth But He's Still Shitty??? what was the POINT. it was one of several weird, no-direction & pointless character decisions in trk. i definitely think it COULD be in character for ronan (as i said, he's fairly clannish and ingroup/outgroup focused) but i really don't understand how or why he acted liketbah. so i guess my answer boils down to "i already shipped it in bllb, & then i became interested in aus exploring the way their backstories are canonically connected, and i (like you) don't really know what to do with the shitty racism". i get it! but uh my method of interacting with trc canon relies pretty hard on ignoring almost all of trk, both for reasons of characterization and because i genuinely found the world building and plot conclusion almost entirely unsatisfactory. it's pretty easy for me to be like "okay i liked the henry & sarchengsey bits, blue having a kcikass eye scar, and how pynch got together, and opal" and flagrantly ignore almost the whole rest of the book, including "how gansey died" and "how gansey was resurrected" and "blue's lack of a plotline and the shoddy emotional development / resolution she got with adam and ronan" "the fact that blue isn't actually blind in one eye" "the entire b-plot with piper and laumonier" "cabeswater" "dropped plot threads around glendower's death" "the total lack of explanation around tree-lights" etc etc etc. so like in the grand scheme of things i reject about trk ronan being shitty and racist for no reason is just one of them.it's absolutely super valid (not being sarcastic or ~tumblr~ it is a really understandable and real feeling) to find the way ronan talks about henry to be a total turn-off and for it to mean you're completely uninterested in the ship. i am not saying that its necessary a super great ship - ronan esp early in the series likes to find reasons to be shitty to people and race is liable to be one of them, probably, i guess, the same way that he was awful to adam and blue about money/class. what drew me to the ship in the first place is that i fuckin. grew up on drarry and that the ships i like tend towards either "shitty schoolboy rival narrative foils" or the other archetype i like ("best friends who love each other beyond all reason"). and like while i have seriously mixed feelings about ks function in the series i do LOVE a ship where people are mutually shitty to each other and also have big embarrassing crushes. henry/ronan fills that niche, and also i spend most of my fandom engagement fairly engaged from 'canon' as they be-all-end-all. i'm just. super into the scene in bllb where they are mean to each other because i also want them to kiss. i was already strapped into the ride when it went sideways. that's my answer. sorry it's not better. you're well within your rights not to ship it or think it's bad. it's just that i would literally die for the au where henry made friends with gansey and ronan from before the series even started on orders from his mom or w/e, and the whole "are you scared of gansey?" thing noah said and also themes of "is my friend spying on me" shit from book one actually getting played out to its logical narrative conclusion (friendship betrayal!!! hiding things about yourself, see connections to adam's attempts to hide his abuse and ronan's gayness & dreaming && blue's curse!) but like, over a backdrop of henry and ronan occasionally engaging in self-destructive self-loathing making out. that's my shit. that's where my heart is. anyway i'm sorry this answer might have been kind of rambling i really did do my best to answer it you have a valid concern and i wish my answer was better than "i just mostly ignore that entire book and think about the good times" butthat's my answer. sorry.
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emmerrr · 7 years
Thanks to @adamparrush I found out yesterday that there was a deleted scene from TRK that had Adam singing Mr. Mister (which I took to mean mr. mister the band, as in the songs broken wings and kyrie) to Ronan and it’s a TRAVESTY that we never got to see that so…here. I did the thing.
(In my head this takes place probably early on in TRK’s timeline – definitely before Ronan’s birthday anyway. Also I’m not gonna bother putting this on ao3 because it’s too short. I know the font on my theme is small, but it’s not so bad if you zoom, and if you’re on mobile it should be easy enough to read anyway. I hope you enjoy!)
It was late on a Wednesday and Adam was alone at Boyd’s, as he so often was. Just him and the cars and the radio, cranking out hits from the 70s and 80s that worked miracles for keeping Adam awake after long days.
He finished up his last job for the night and started to tidy up, and it was then that he felt a rush of air as the shop door swung open behind him.
Adam didn’t have to turn around to know who it would be, and he quickly suppressed a smile. Ronan had been making a habit of this whenever Adam worked lates at Boyd’s. It wasn’t something they really talked about, but it was still a thing that happened. And then after Adam had finished, more often than not Ronan would end up sleeping on the floor of St. Agnes.
Adam didn’t want to necessarily call it a routine, but it did kind of feel like a routine. He sort of thought he might like it.
“Jesus fuck, Parrish,” Ronan said, and Adam turned around to face his visitor at last. “How can you listen to this crap?”
Adam shrugged. “I like it. They’re classics.”
“Fuck classics, let me find you a real radio station,” Ronan said, reaching for the radio dial.
“Leave it, Ronan,” Adam said quickly, and Ronan froze with his hand a whisper away from the controls. He arched an eyebrow and Adam shrugged again. “Boyd’s funny about people touching his radio. This is his favourite station and it’ll take me ages to re-tune it afterwards if you change it.”
Ronan held his hands up and backed away. “Alright, Parrish, I’ll leave your golden oldies on.” He went and perched on the edge of the counter and crossed his arms. “Although Boyd should really give you a raise if you have to listen to this all fucking day. What even is this, Parrish?”
“It’s Mr. Mister, you uncultured swine,” Adam said, wiping his hands off on a nearby rag.
Ronan listened for another few seconds. “Oh yeah. I know this song.”
“Everyone knows this song. It’s a cla–”
“Classic, you’ve mentioned,” Ronan cut in, rolling his eyes.
Adam huffed a quiet laugh. Something that felt an awful lot like fondness started to unfurl inside him as he watched Ronan valiantly try not to enjoy the song. But no one could resist for long.
Adam figured it was pure tiredness lowering his inhibitions, but when the chorus kicked in, he started to sing along.
“Take these broken wings, and learn to fly again, learn to live so free.” He was fairly quiet at first, but he soon grew in confidence as he sang along whilst putting the last of the tools away. “When we hear the voices sing, the book of love will open up and let us in. Take these broken wiiiiiiings…”
He looked up and locked eyes with Ronan, who had gone dangerously still, something akin to awe on his face. Adam felt his cheeks heat, which seemed to snap Ronan out of whatever might have been running through his head.
“Don’t mind me, Parrish,” he said casually. “Carry on.”
“Fuck off,” Adam said, but he was smiling.
“Nah. You’ve got a surprisingly decent singing voice, don’t be shy.” Ronan grinned sharply but his eyes were kind, and it was this that let Adam know he wasn’t being made fun of.
He hummed through the next verse because he didn’t actually know all of the words, but cut back in with an exuberant, “I need you sooo…” right before the next chorus kicked in.
Adam incorporated a few… ‘dance moves’ probably wasn’t the right term, but gestures might work. Clenched fists pulled close to his chest with exaggerated emotion, eyes closed as the chorus soared, belting out the words with reckless abandon, and then Adam was rewarded with the elusive genuine Ronan Lynch laugh.
By the time the final chorus rolled around, Ronan had joined in. And then they were just two teenage boys alone in an auto-shop, laughing and singing along to Mr. Mister. No Cabeswater, no quest, no school, no worries – at least for as long as the song lasted. Just fun.
The song died away and the radio DJ started waffling on about something and for a moment Adam and Ronan just looked at each other, both smiling, both a little breathless.
And then Ronan cleared his throat. “You, uh, you done yet, Parrish?”
“Yeah,” Adam said. “Yeah, just let me grab my bag.”
He headed into the little staff-room in the back, giving himself a minute to calm his heart down. When he’d got himself sorted, he went back out to Ronan.
A new song was starting to play, and Ronan jerked his head towards the radio.
“See, this, Parrish, this is a banger.” He looped an arm around Adam’s shoulder and started to sing. “Oh, ho, ho, it’s magic, you knoooow, never believe it’s not sooo. It’s magic, you knowww…”
“Alright, alright,” Adam said, laughing as he leaned over to turn the radio off. “You can sing it to me on the way back to mine.”
Ronan’s grin was back. “Well if you insist, Parrish. But you have to sing along.”
Just for reference on the off-chance you don’t know the song I’m referring to, it’s Broken Wings by Mr. Mister and the song Ronan starts singing at the end is Magic by Pilot (which will get stuck in your head forever and ever you’re welcome).
Also, if you feel like wasting a bunch of your time, I have many more TRC fics here. <3
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emmerrr · 7 years
Prompt: gansey freaking out about how attractive all his friends are (inspired by a deleted trk scene in which Ronan wears a suit and gansey's like........you do not look appropriate)
what a good prompt, thank you! I don’t have the energy to do this for the whole gangsey but I’ve been in a very ronsey mood lately (in a non-shippy way) so I have at least managed that :) [read on ao3]
(also writing this was the most fun!!)
On Gansey’s eighth attempt, Ronan finally answers the phone with a languid, “I’m very busy and important, this better be good.”
Gansey distantly hopes that Adam gets a better reception when he calls, forgoes any pleasantries and says, urgent, “You haven’t forgotten, have you? Please tell me you haven’t forgotten.”
“Forgotten what?”
Gansey sighs. “Ronan.”
Ronan laughs, short and sharp. “Keep your hair on, Dick, I’m fucking with you. You’ve reminded me several times about your mom’s little fundraiser, I couldn’t forget even if I wanted to. Which I do, matter of fact.”
“Okay, great,” Gansey says. “So you’ll be there then? On time?”
“Ah. See, Gansey, the thing is—”
“Oh what? What is the thing?” Gansey snaps, running a tired hand down his face.
“Parrish has my car. So, short of me showing up on a tractor — which, by the way, I’m fully prepared to do — I’m a little bit stuck.”
Gansey hurriedly pushes the admittedly hilarious image of Ronan rocking up to a political function on a tractor out of his head and sighs again. It’s been that sort of day. “Well, can’t Adam come and pick you up?”
“He could, but he’s at work until like, half an hour before your mom’s thing so he’s barely got time to go back to St. Agnes and change as it is. If he comes to get me, we’ll both be late.” Ronan lets out a long breath like he’s thinking. “Tell you what. I’ll take one for the team and sit this one out. Don’t want to be any trouble.”
“Oh,” Gansey says, and he laughs without any humour. “Oh, no, no. Ronan. No. If I don’t get out of going to this thing then neither do you. I’ll pick you up.”
Ronan’s light and breezy tone immediately changes. “There’s no need to go out of your fucking way, you’ve probably got enough to do.”
“Yes. I do. I really do. So hurry up and get ready because I have an hour and a half window free now and I’m using it to come and get you.”
“I’ll be there in 45 minutes and you better be ready,” Gansey says pleasantly and hangs up the phone.
Gansey really hadn’t been kidding about only having a brief pocket of time to work with, so he holds out hope that Ronan will be appropriately dressed and waiting so that he can just hop in the car and they can leave, but he can’t say he’s surprised to pull up outside the Barns to find that’s not the case.
He gets out of the car, heads over to the house and knocks on the front door, letting himself in when there’s no answer.
“Ronan,” he whisper-shouts, loathe to enter someone else’s property without an express invitation, not that Ronan will care. The house is very quiet and Gansey heads straight out back, annoyance seeping further into his bones with every step. He’d asked for one thing — just one thing — and Ronan still couldn’t do it without making things difficult.
He can’t immediately see Ronan but after a moment he spots Chainsaw circling overhead one of the barns and so he makes his way over. He hears voices as he gets closer and realises Ronan’s not in the barn, but behind it instead where if memory serves, there’s a few vegetable patches.
Gansey rounds the corner and there, at last, is Ronan. He’s with Opal who’s in control of a fluorescent yellow wheelbarrow, struggling to push it along as Ronan weighs it down with various veggies ripe for picking, including the biggest carrots Gansey has ever seen.
“Ro—” Gansey starts in irritation, but the rest of Ronan’s name dies in his mouth as Ronan turns around to face him and Gansey’s brain all but short-circuits. “Good Lord,” he manages a stuttering moment later. “What are you wearing?”
Ronan looks down, bemused. “Overalls,” he says with a shrug.
“Overalls!” Gansey scoffs, but it’s a quiet scoff because he’s not sure he’s getting enough air to his lungs. And he’s also pretty sure almost all of the blood in his body has rushed to his ears if the way they’re burning is anything to go by.
Ronan quirks an eyebrow. His outfit is, funnily enough, the kind that Gansey might associate with the Wholesome Farmer™ look, but it’s entirely at odds with Ronan’s usual style, so much so that it still has Gansey stammering for words.
There��s not much to it really. The boots Ronan’s wearing aren’t particularly out of place; they’re his usual stomping shoes. But he’s got a white sleeveless tee on underneath denim overalls that are rolled over at the bottom so that they end halfway down Ronan’s calves.
It’s a good look, to Gansey’s absolute dismay.
“This,” Gansey says, gesturing to Ronan’s attire when he’s finally calmed down enough to string a sentence together, “is not appropriate.”
Opal babbles something to Ronan in Latin that Gansey is too distracted to translate, and he nods at her and she drops the wheelbarrow handles and sprints off towards the house, and Ronan turns back to Gansey.
“What’s wrong with my overalls?” he asks, and then his smile turns sharp. “Parrish loves them.”
“Yes,” Gansey says weakly. “Yes, I bet he does.” He shakes his head. “Look, we don’t have time for this, go. Go get ready and we need to leave in 5.”
Ronan heaves a put-upon sigh and starts marching off to the house, but at the very least he’s moving now. Gansey waits in the car, and seven minutes later, Ronan emerges, now in a suit. His shirt’s untucked, his tie is sticking out of his shirt pocket instead of being actually on, but it’s fine for now; there’s still a couple of hours until they have to be properly ready.
Ronan slams into the car, scowl firmly in place where Gansey feels sure it will remain for the rest of the evening. “Why do you even want me at this stupid thing anyway? Your mom won’t care.”
“Because,” Gansey says as he starts the Pig, “Blue and Adam and Henry will all be there. And it wouldn’t feel right without you.”
Ronan grunts and knocks his forehead against the window, but as Gansey risks a sideglance he notices Ronan’s face has softened somewhat.
As Gansey had to pick him up early, Ronan gets the unenviable job of helping Gansey help Helen and their mother set things up at the school. Ronan’s expression is mutinous but he gets on with it with only limited complaining. Helen has brought Gansey’s suit to the school so he can change here, and when he’s ready, he steps back into the main hall to see Helen fixing Ronan’s tie as he rather pointedly rolls his eyes.
When Helen’s finished with him and hurried off to attend to other last-minute jobs, Ronan immediately hooks a finger in his collar and yanks until his tie’s loosened a sufficient amount. He looks a little unruly, but it’s more Ronan somehow, and Gansey finds himself smiling. Ronan looks good in a suit.
He catches Gansey’s eye. “The things I do for you,” he says.
“Yes, yes. I’m very grateful,” Gansey says agreeably.
Henry had offered to pick up Blue so the two of them arrive together five minutes before the fundraiser is due to start. Gansey smiles at the sight of them; he does love punctuality.
Blue kisses Gansey on the cheek, looks around the room and says cheerfully, “God, this is going to be awful.” Without further comment she makes a beeline for Ronan, and Gansey is struck by the sudden realisation that Blue and Ronan together at an event like this have the potential to be an absolute nightmare. But it’s a little late for that now, as Blue says something under her breath to Ronan whilst eyeing some stuffy old Republican across the room and Ronan honest to god snorts.
Henry drapes an arm around Gansey’s shoulder, following his gaze and correctly deducing his concerns. “Don’t worry. I’ll keep an eye on them.”
“Thank you, Henry.”
Gansey lingers near the doorway to wait on Adam while the others head off to find drinks and a quiet corner in which to judge everyone else at the fundraiser. It’s not long before Adam arrives, and his eyes inevitably seek out Ronan as Gansey sidles up to him.
“He came then,” Adam says, nodding towards the corner that Ronan, Blue and Henry have claimed for the evening. “Thought he might try and weasel out of it.”
“Oh, believe me, there was an attempt,” Gansey says, shaking his head fondly. “Speaking of though, I have to ask. Does…” he trails off awkwardly.
Adam glances at Gansey and frowns before flicking his eyes back to Ronan. Gansey can forgive him — Ronan is very distracting. “Does what?” he asks.
“Ronan’s, uh… farm wear. Does he always wear those—”
“Oh, god, the overalls?” Adam interjects, his full attention back on Gansey, eyes wide and knowing.
“Yes. The overalls, oh my god, Adam!”
“I know,” Adam says. “Believe me, Gans, I know.”
ronan’s outfit is based on this fanart by @aeroplaneblues whose trc fanart consistently brings me infinite joy
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qvincvnx · 7 years
ronan, hjp
i just did harry so
FEELINGS: i love him. i mean obviously i love him. i had to put this bullet point down and do the rest of the post before coming back to this. i project all over him. i can’t think of anything to add here like my feelings about this boy are Too Big.
romantic ships:
henry cheng. i feel like this needs to go first because this blog has a hard-line pro-henry/ronan stance. i like a bickery flirt, i like boys who throw pens at each other… i want them to have a conversation about ronan’s dad and henry’s mom. i want to know about the torrid affair they had freshman year before ronan fell in with gansey and how badly henry took being ghosted. okay.
now that that’s out of the way obviously gansey. let’s go get some orange juice, et fucking cetera. they’re in love
i really like pynch in canon but the fandom has soured me on it a little and i don’t tend to seek it out
nonromantic ships
BLUE! ill write you a headcanon post someday sorry it wasnt happening today i’ll have to PERCOLATE but god i want to tsee them to be better friends. sinking feeling ronan got in his stomach the moment he realized he was ride or die for her.
his brothers………… like he loves them but family is hard for him OBVIOUSLY but i want to know more about. after aurora dies.
i want more of opal but i absolutely viscerally hate the thought of her being a pet and i don’t want her to be a sweetheart baby for him to raise like Let The Boy Exist. they’re definitely close tho idk exactly What i feel abt that relationship or how i choose 2 interpret it but it’s good. 
noah but i have complicated feelings abt that on which i go back and forth lmao. but i do like them together esp w/gansey or gansey by proxy
k*vinsky like i have complicated feelings about that relationship and how m*ggie chose to play it out but that was definitely a Critical relationship and it just. as someone whos had Complicated Relationships that i sometimes wish hadn’t happened but which were still Formative it just really bugs me when people are just like “la la la it never happened” like idk maybe i wish it hadn’t happened too but it did! this is me having trauma feelings idk.
unpopular opinion:
uhhh what i just said about the k stuff, basically, that you can have a relationship with someone and it can end badly or even have been bad the whole time but that doesn’t mean it wasn’t important. his mom shouldnt have died… niall lynch was a bad person. those aren’t unpopular i dont think. fuck.
uh ok this one is going to make me sound kind of bitchy bbbbbut it’s super hard for me to read most fic in which ronan like, exists, because in almost all the stuff i’ve read (not all! but it happens so often that i’m surprised when it doesn’t) the fic is like, about how, ronan is so desperately in love with someone and willing to take what he can get from them. like “ronan loves adam” “adam likes ronan” are tags i saw on a fic and i… i hate that he deserves better? he’s not just like. a source of love for adam or gansey, or an accessory to rodansey so that no one gets left out, like. he is a real boy with emotional needs no matter how bad he is/was at expressing them that doesn’t mean they don’t exist. also adam is crazy about him let them be idiots who are embarrassingly into each other i’m so #bored with post-trk fic where the way they feel about each other is still unbalanced. i hate it.
i like to headcanon him as trans but i would really vastly prefer it if he wasn’t in canon on account of internalized something.
oh also, uh, let him be damaged? the way a lot of this fandom talks about what it means to be a survivor abuse makes me super uncomfy. like yes he has an alcohol problem and bad coping mechanisms; the fact that he overcame the worst of his suicidality doesn’t mean he’s going to be magically better. idk. also a lot of time this is subtle and not explicit condemnation of ronan but goes hand in hand with like “adam is the way survivors of abuse should be” (may of us are not) or “k was bad because he was damaged and that’s why you should hate him” kind of stuff (no uh he did a lot of bad things and that’s why). this is incoherent.
missing from canon: his dad was a bad person, his love scene with henry, the fact that he and gansey have done it. i mean i’m joking about those but like. Give Him Emotional Range we know has it. it sucks that we didn’t get any (? hardly any? none that i can recall??) pov of him healing during bllb. uh. idk.
edit: MAKE HIM GAYER. let him be sweaty and furious about every hot boy. thanks.
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