#which is kind of the issue really. poor viking.
autisticlalna · 2 months
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🎶 warning: this escalates quickly! are you getting nervous? are you getting nervous? the mist rolls in thickly! are you getting nervous? have you lost your nerve?
im going to be drawing stuff from last lore stream FOREVER im obsessed with it. its so friggin good. i missed doing comics and while working on the transcript i kept having vivid thoughts about how the scene would go in comic form and i had to drop everything and go for it. im pretty happy with the paneling and framing here
man dont even get me started about how tViking feels about all this.
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kdsburneraccount · 1 year
So the NFLPA released report cards for each team's working conditions that graded them based on polls from players, which I found pretty interesting but also a little depressing. You can read it here: NFL Player Team Report Cards | NFLPA
More thoughts under the cut since I was initially going to put my thoughts in the tags but I thought reading it was quite eye-opening.
The Bengals being graded an F- for nutrition... I'm not that surprised considering what former players have said about the cafeteria, but it's still pretty embarrassing. And those comments were from the 2000s. Not providing dinner, vitamins, or supplements to players is a little questionable, especially if players are going to be spending long days at practice. And the fact that they’ve had breastfeeding mothers sit on the floor of public restrooms to take care of their kids is… concerning. (This is a Mike Brown moment. Unfortunately. The “no indoor practice facility” jokes looking more and more true by the moment. Like I get he’s pretty poor for an NFL owner but your team made the Super Bowl two seasons ago invest in the facilities more have an actual food service on hand cmon man why are you proving Carson Palmer right)
I wasn't surprised looking at the Falcons' grading of their strength coach (by and large, strength coaches were graded exceedingly positively by the players, except for the Falcons and the Ravens. In the case of the Ravens it appeared that they had a strength and conditioning coach who was pretty disliked by the players, and that coach did get fired, so at least the team's aware of it), mostly bc the Falcons aren't very good at tackling 😭 hopefully they make a change in that regard because man. At least they think Arthur Blank is ok.
Haven't watched mid-season Hard Knocks so didn't really have an idea of how the Cardinals' facilities were, but... wow. Overall second to last behind the Commanders (who are, y'know, dysfunctional), which kinda surprised me but at the same time the Cardinals are kind of low-key dysfunctional now I think about that. Making players pay for dinner out of their payroll... don't like that! Oh yeah and their training facilities are apparently a health and safety risk (fun).
It is interesting to note that the rankings of the facilities didn't necessarily correlate with team success: the top-ranked teams in this survey were the Vikings, Dolphins, Raiders, Texans, and Cowboys while the bottom-5 teams were the Commanders, Cardinals, Chargers, Chiefs, and Jaguars (Bengals dodging this phew). This is probably because a lot of stuff that's surveyed here can impact team performance, but only if it's egregiously bad (ie Cardinals or Commanders). Was surprised by how the Chiefs graded out on their training staff considering they just won a Super Bowl but I would wager that's to do with Andy Reid and his whole system; works but isn't the nicest about it.
I thought that the way some categories were weighted were a little questionable, ie travel and treatment of families being abt the same level. Personally having younger players room with each other is whatever, not having a proper space for families is a bigger issue. But maybe that's me being unsympathetic (and there is the whole difference between a star player and practice squad guy to consider because their treatment would be different).
Overall, pretty good survey, I do hope it's able to enact some awareness bc the NLFPA isn't that strong, but they do seem to be doing their best as a union (working in the interest of players).
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bgech · 2 years
Oogabooga, "viking pilot has liked ur post", how about fear straight into my veins?
Sneve is a funky guy I'll give him that,
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Sneve is a blaze, everyone knows this.
Sneve is a blaze, living primarily in the overworld, this is common knowledge.
Sneve, is always cold, this is no surprise but it sure is inconvenient.
The shadowlands where he's currently mooching off Shadow for housing, materials, food, money, anything really, is situated in a valley surrounded by snowy mountains. It's not exactly the warmest of climates. He'd have probably been fine if he could stay with Legundo instead, in the desert casino he runs, but Legs didn't want to deal with him, which is perfectly understandable to be honest.
He's a bit of a doofus and Legundo likes to Focus and Get Stuff Done, shenaniganary is welcome but only in strict moderation, he has a business to run after all. So he was made to live with Shadow.
Shadow himself is a curious case because Sneve is maybe sixty percent sure that he's a human. Or he was a human. For one, shadow is not that tall which is either just unfortunate genes or a point in the human department. For two, mans got skin. Withers of any flavor don't have skin, and Shadow seems pretty content to Keep Having Skin, so he was not born a wither. Maybe it will fall off, Sneve kinda hopes it does, that'll teach him to maybe light a fire every once in a while eh?
All this to say, Shadow is probably some sort of reanimated zombie corpse of a poor human lost in the nether eating something he shouldn't have been eating.
It's Sneve's best theory on why Shadow refuses to install any sort of heater in the house they share. There is a fireplace, technically, but it's in the cold, damp basement. Sneve has taken to sitting himself in a circle of torches just to get through the night without freezing to death. The cold does a lotta damage to a buttery blaze such as himself so if he has to look like an unfortunate virgin sacrifice of a failed ritual to stay warm, so be it.
It's actually gotten worse nowadays because winter comes a lot sooner in the shadowlands, so while everyone else is enjoying a nice summer or fall, sneve is sitting in that damned fireplace trying to do his best impression of someone who stays alive throughout winter.
He's not doing a very good impression of someone who stays alive throughout winter. It's not his fault, if it's anyone's fault it's Shadow's. Like, not everyone has skin to keep them nice and toasty during the first frost, ok? Not everyone has muscles and fat to keep them warm. Sneve is made of smoke, fire and broken dreams, got it? Mans gets cold.
So cold that his stupid idiot subconscious keeps trying to drag him somewhere Nice And Warm so he can sleep out the winter, which is apparently what happens when a blaze is taken and put somewhere it's not meant to be. He's woken up around torches he doesn't own or under blankets that aren't his more than twice. He's even somehow made it all the way to a portal before he woke up because of an unfortunate case of Beehive Underfoot.
He would be none the wiser to any of the reasons for this, blazes have no concept of family or community, just "defend the spawner", like a virus. The only instincts of blaze are to make more blaze asexually, copying the latest model and pasting a very slightly smarter version of it until something goes horribly wrong and Sneve has a conscience.
He's not great, as previously stated, a bit of a dummy at times but otherwise a scientific miracle. Sentience is something that he treasures dearly, though he has no cultural history or history at all when it comes to his kind.
Unlike say Legundo, who not only has the baggage of being a human guy abandoned sometime probably in his youth to be raised as a God among piglins because he's immune to the Sickness. But he also has all the issues of being a piglin living in a human body, someone who never understood the unsaid and unthought happening among his brethren.
Legundo is separated from his kind on both sides of his life, he's genetically a human but it all other walks of life he's piglin through and through. He doesn't have the voicebox to make the grunts and squeals that come naturally to his family, not does he have thick skin to protect himself batter against the dry heat of his home. But he grew up in the nether, he's adapted to very little water and hoglin steaks, mushroom stew too gritty or spicy for the average Joe to be able to stomach. The instinctual fear and inherent weakness of blue flame isn't part of him at all, but it's all he knows. Legundo feels the weakening, fully and truly even though he has no genetics to explain for it.
All this to say, Sneve has the opposite problem. He has no history to fall back on, he's the first of his kind, as far as he knows. There's no texts to research from, no teachers, no family to tell him what to do when it gets cold because anyone who he could consider his relatives aren't sentient at all. They're alive yes, smoking and smouldering in the fortress hallways and spawner cages, fighting for nothing but survival and continuation of the species, but they can't help him understand.
Sneve is alone in his plight to know what to do.
There's no rules, when anyone else gets afflicted by something unconscious they know how to solve it, they have rules to follow, plans to inact when they're feeling scared or lost or confused. Grady returns to the end, or wears a blindfold to calm the ever present dead of eye contact. Jamie takes charge just as her dragon ancestors did before her (even if her version of taking charge is a flawed monarchy dictatorship). Legundo works with gold and makes stew from his childhood, taneesha returns to the mountains, Nuke flies until the air is thin and he goes weightless, Fixx stays hidden, joy preforms magic while singing songs of the Raid, Mongo returns to the deep coral reef, all these people have ways, have coping mechanisms for when they Feel Things. Sneve has none. Sneve is not meant for feeling things, he's meant to prolong the survival of a species, not know or wonder or learn.
He's cold, and he's sitting in the fireplace while it burns around him. It's the closest he can get to feeling ok nowadays.
Blazes don't have faces, but Sneve does, something more to separate him from the others. He found a relatively nice material and fireproofed it using the first poor unfortunate mage he could find, sorry Joy. Then he drew a face on it. He had only seen a few faces at this point so he did his best, and it's wonky and honestly not great, the eyes are too big he thinks, but it's his face goddammit. His face is stagnant, it doesn't change with emotion, but he still hopes the glare he's leveling at Shadow across the room speaks volumes.
It does, Shadow is not to be intimidated don't get him wrong, but good gods he's never felt more afraid of his roommate than in this moment right now.
The empty drawn on eyes and silly smile feel somehow threatening and he thinks he can blame the uncanny valley, Sneve's limp form crumpled in the fireplace set ablaze by a fire of his own cause. There's something so indescribably wrong about the way it's Looking at him, like it's looking not only at him but every choice he's ever made. He's being judged by a biblically accurate angel shouting in it's millions of voices "be not afraid" but the wheels of fire and infante eyes say otherwise.
Maybe he should install that space heater anyway...for no reason.
No reason at all.
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thessalian · 2 years
Thess vs Two Cakes
So the theme of today’s exploration of video games is “Like X But I Like It More”. Because my brother-from-another-mother has basically looked at the week I’ve had like, “This is burnout and unhappiness and I like my umsibling and Forever DM not to burn out please so I will throw Zen games in that direction and hope it helps”, and as well as having ... well, quasi-Zen, honestly ... it’s given me thinky-thoughts.
Kingdoms and Castles, for example. It’s kind of like what would happen if you crossed Sim City with the latest Sid Meier Civilisation game, and made it cute. Like, “Look over there! Go get those resources so you can effectively build your town and make your citizens happy! Your citizens have to be happy or they’re going to balk at your taxes. Oh, yeah, and occasionally a building is going to catch fire for no reason”. But they have a setting that means you don’t get attacked by Vikings, which is nice. So when I don’t feel like Laying Siege To Germany (it’s an in-joke; don’t ask), I have a thing that lets me do a similar thing in a kind of chill way. I do miss the Sim City ability to just go, “I don’t like this town anymore - EXTINCTION EVENT TIIIIIIIIIIIME!”
The most recent one is Story of Seasons: Pioneers of Olive Town. Which is ... well, it’s pretty much literally Stardew Valley with better graphics. I mean it. Seriously. That is exactly what it is. Though with the better graphics comes a few more bits of fun. Like, I get a pet. So I have a Scottish Fold named Muffin, who I can actually take for walks. So, like, if I don’t want to be charging through town holding an axe or a hammer or a fishing rod or whatever, I can just grab the leash and take a walk through town doing my various chores ... with Muffin on leash. It’s adorable.
Now, see, I have Stardew Valley. You’d think that I’d be all like, “I can already do this; what do I need this expensive version of it for?” But the little differences just make it, for me. I like the better graphics. I like the 3D approach. I like having a pet that I can take on walks. Honestly, I like not having to take a weapon down to the mines with me whenever I go. And I figured out the crafting a lot faster too. Which just goes to show that you can have games that do the exact same thing as games already out there because a) someone might engage better with a different presentation, and b) ... well, the “HOLY SHIT! TWO CAKES!” effect. I have so many farming sim games and now I think I’ve found the one I actually just ... like.
It’s a similar premise to the turn-based, D&D-based RPGs, at least for me. Like, I don’t know how I’d feel about Pathfinder (maybe I should throw it back on my wishlist and find out), but I do know that I did not really feel it with Baldur’s Gate 3. It’s the kind of big that requires a more flexible DM than AI will ever be, and honestly I don’t like the companions that much. I get that it’s supposed to be edgy ‘poor little meow-meows’ or whatever terminology we’re using now, but I guess I prefer a set-up where the party members ... actually ... like each other? Where I don’t feel like I’m picking sides every time I talk to a companion? DA2 did “companions at odds with each other a bit” way better, if you ask me. So if I want turn-based D&D-based RPG, I play Solasta instead, where the mechanics (and story areas, frankly) are more forgiving, and where the party kind of has to get along since it’s entirely created by the player so they can’t do “I have a specific prejudice against This Member Of The Party”. (Not that they’re entirely without personality, the Solasta characters; it just goes by the personality traits you picked out for them according to background etc.)
Right. I have an entirely free day owing to Saturday Shenanigans being called on account of scheduling issues (it’s part of the package, I guess, but also good because after the week I’ve had, a whole weekend off feels like exactly what I need), and I have video games. I just need to pick which one. Which is the hard part. But I did manage to get another level-up done for the Cupcake Coterie, two if you count my own. Which I kind of have to because this is about to get hilarious. The DM PC who’s thankfully more PC than DM most of the time? Well ... she just hit level 10 Bard in her somewhat insane dual-class. Which not only means the full complement of Expertise (ask her to lie for the party. Please. Seriously, her stats are ludicrous. And also she’s never getting snuck up on again), but Magical Secrets. Which means two spells from any class. And she’s a College of Swords Bard married to a Paladin (or a Not-Just-A-Paladin, but still).
Alisaie’s getting smites.
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mermaidsirennikita · 2 years
Spoliers for Sanditon I guess but they killed Sidney off...like they could have just have him married to Eliza in London off screen. This is so dumb and honestly petty.
Yeeeeah it's really hysterically bad to me. I don't know if I'd call it petty? I don't know the motivation there, though it could've been. But it was dumb.
The thing is that it's impossible to not compare the way Bridgerton is dealing with the loss of RJP to the way Sanditon is dealing with the loss of Theo James, because they seem like pretty similar situations on paper. However, I'd say the issue is SIGNIFICANTLY worse for Sanditon, as it was crafted as a story that would center ultimately on one heroine throughout, and obviously was originally meant to focus on her love story with one man. Whereas Bridgerton was never meant to be that, and I don't blame them for not locking down RJP--I've said many times that I don't think it would've been the best call for him or the show. Their struggle is going to be in whether the future leading men of the show can hold the audience's attention like he did, which......... is a tall order, for some more than others.
But the thing is--though there's no way RJP is going back to Bridgerton, I can say with almost 100% certainty that we aren't going to hear a throwaway line about Simon dying offscreen lol. And part of that is because he got his HEA with Daphne in the end of s1, sure, but part of that is because leaving the vague idea that he could come back, even if it will never happen, is important for TV viewers. It's a dangling carrot, and if that gets them to watch more and they decide they want to stick with the show for its own merits without him, great.
Killing Sidney off... While they're doing the "we never found the body" thing, he's obviously meant to be dead. And I can only assume that they did this because they don't want the dangling thread of Sidney being off with Eliza pimping himself out in offscreenville, which admittedly IS kinda depressing. But lol. It's MUCH more depressing if he's dead??? And it kind of puts this incredibly distracting mental element in the mix, because like... Poor fuckin' Charlotte. She's what? 21 at the absolute oldest? And her first love, the first man who kissed her even, left her to go pimp himself out for the good of the family and then DIED. That's the type of shit that scars you for a while, and I don't buy at all that she could go back to the same tiny town where she met and fell in love with him and just... move on to someone else.
Like, it's not as if this is LONDON, a big hub of a city where you could meet anyone. This is a very distinct, small location that I think she would associate very largely with Sidney. And he's dead lmao. It's just unbelievable.
I would also add that they basically lost their entire appealing male cast--Leo Suter went off to be incredibly hot in Vikings: Valhalla (a promotion, a smart move, the show got like three seasons out the gate, he is the Once and Future Winner of Sanditon), the guy who played Babington is gone. And Esther seems to be wearing clothes adjacent to mourning wear in the promos so like... did Babs also die? I wouldn't put it past them.
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camdentown-library · 3 years
Dancing with the beast || Ivarr Ragnarsson x fem!reader
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( GIF belong to ithlinnesprophecy )
𝕺𝖍, 𝖆 𝖇𝖔𝖔𝖐 𝖋𝖊𝖑𝖑 𝖔𝖋𝖋 𝖆 𝖘𝖍𝖊𝖑𝖋, 𝖜𝖍𝖆𝖙 𝖜𝖎𝖑𝖑 𝖎𝖙 𝖇𝖊?
Summary: After helping Ubba and Ivarr with the Ledecestrescire issue, you and your travel friends Eivor and Sigurd take a break at a banquet to celebrate the victory organized by the Ragnarsson brothers.
Requested? No
Genre: SFW
Words: 2278
In the air was the melody of lively music, laughter, and the pungent scent of mead. Probably in your eyes as a foreigner all this could be the perfect portrait of the legends that Eivor told you about the Valhalla...well maybe the gods were missing in all their glory, but people seemed to be enjoying themselves.
After all, it had been a tough battle and despite the rather large losses, everyone deserved a slice of tranquility.
To be honest you didn't have many opportunities to attend banquets, your mentor was always busy on some missions, and obviously you and Hytham had to follow him as good and obedient students, yet you could perceive, like a dim light in the distance on the horizon , the oriental music of Constantinople superimposed on the Danish one; If you had closed your eyes you could still see people throwing flower petals into the square, women and men dancing, the scent of spices and incense.
For a Hidden-One no land is their homeland, but you would have lied if you had admitted that Constantinople, your home, your people, your colorful culture did not miss you.
"Do you have fun, little one?" Eivor asked with a horn overflowing with mead, followed by a cheerful Sigurd.
"Enough, in short, I've almost never been to parties, but I know some dances...well, those of my tradition" you explained politely, sipping a bit of mead when Eivor gently approached his horn, in a tacit offer to share .
"Ah! I remember well, in Miklagard they often entertained very colorful parties in the square, and once I saw (y/n) dancing, a real beauty for the eyes to learn new traditions, brother" explained Sigurd, encouraging you in his way to melt more and join the dances.
"First I'll try to put something in my stomach, I'm tired of eating only what the forest offers, but don't worry my friends, you will see me dance one day" you answered bringing your hands in a friendly way on the shoulders of the two brothers, smiling friendly and then having dismissed them you approached the banquet to taste some dishes, it was all quite good...but it lacked seasoning and spices, how did the Vikings eat so bland?
Maybe in the end he felt like you? Like two fishes out of water?
Your eyes darted from one side of the room to the other, as if you wanted to immortalize every moment, or maybe it was your usual Hidden-one way of finding clues even when there was absolutely nothing to investigate...
Your eyes finally landed on an empty table in the room, there was only one man sitting on the bench, with his back resting on the table. No one was by his side, no one was talking to him, it seemed a sad contrast to the rest of the hall who was dancing and partying.
You decided to advance towards the area where everyone was dancing, while as you arrived at your goal you could feel a slight resistance from poor Ivarr. Was he afraid of too much attention on himself? Or cringed?
As you slowly approached your target, you could tell from his unusual hairstyle that it was Ivarr Ragnarsson. You haven't had many opportunities to talk. Perhaps because he was too rude and threatening at times, perhaps unfounded you feared slightly his moody and unpredictable personality.
"Hello" you said as you stood in front of him, he was sitting very relaxed and not very decorous, with his legs spread and both elbows placed on the table. Ivarr looked up at you, studying you from top to bottom, his eyebrows raised slightly.
"I've already seen you little girl...are you Wolfsmal's friend...Jamila?" he said trying to guess your name, probably unknown for his language. You shook your head smiling.
"Y/n" you corrected it.
"Y/n..." Ivarr repeated your name slowly nodding to himself "What a strange name, for Thor 'sake, your father was drunk when he gave you the name? I'll call you...Eagle-cub, will easier to remember” he replied with his usual elephantine delicacy in a crystal shop.
"If you say so...then you won't mind if I call you: rush? Ivarr is too weird even for me" you said with an amused smirk, while he gave you an amazed look raising both eyebrows.
"You know, I can read on your face that you are a foreigner, Eagle-cub" he commented, raising his chin a little towards you.
"Because your name is strange to my ears?" you asked raising an eyebrow.
"No" he replied sharply, shaking his head "You wander around lost just like an Eagle-cub, and what do you do? Come and annoying Ivarr Ragnarsson. Either you're too stupid, or you're probably a reckless chick" on his lips was painted a devious smile, he was probably testing you, he wanted to discourage you, but you wouldn't let go so easily.
"My intent is to receive your friendship. With Eivor you had become a friend" you explained with a vague but sincere way.
"Yes, but I don't like you" Ivarr replied with a kind face and forked tongue.
"Because am I a woman?"
"Because you are a foreigner"
"No man likes what remains difficult to understand, you are probably the one too stupid between the two" you replied with a troublemaker smile, enjoying the slightly displaced eyes of the man who, however, seemed not to give up.
Ivarr then tilted his head to one side, observing you even inside your bones, those eyes of his seemed to study every possible way in which he could pierce you with a weapon, yet you seemed not to be afraid. Maybe Ivarr was right, you were a reckless little girl.
"Huh..." he replied with fake surprise, and then smiled in a very mischievous way "You like to talk huh, Eagle-cub? You should make friends with Ubba, oooh he really likes to talk, an effective cure for those who have too much ear wax" he replied, selflessly taking a sip of alcohol.
"Yet I am here...and you are not Ubba" you finally answered crossing your arms to your chest observing him "Why don't you participate in the dances?" you asked to sweeten that speech that had turned sour like mead. Ivarr shrugged, glancing at the people dancing and chattering.
"If that wasn't obvious enough, I don't like to dance" he said raising his arms, then resting them heavily on the table, you then raised a curious eyebrow.
"Or...you don't like it, because you're not capable" you asked ironically letting yourself escape a little laugh, while Ivarr let out a sulky snort.
When Ivarr looked back at you he noticed that you had brought a hand towards him with a small amused smile.
"Usually it is a man who asks the woman to dance, but not being in my land, so I have all the freedom to ask you if you would like to dance with me" the boy looked at you not completely convinced and you looking up to the sky you said "Come on, are you afraid Ragnarsson?" and at that point he let himself take the callused hand and let himself be dragged after emitting a slight annoyed growl.
"Ok I will be magnanimous with you, give me your hands" you said to the young Viking, who offered you his wide and calloused hands, and you gently grasping them placed one on your side and the other joined it with your "Well now come closer” He took just a step and you giggled, rolling your eyes. "Closer, Ragnarsson. You said so, I'm an Eagle-cub, so I'm harmless and I don't bite” you replied as he came closer to you.
Your chests came almost touching, now that you thought about it, Ivarr was slightly taller than you, but he had a very strong and massive musculature, covered in tattoos with strange runes, part of you wondered what on earth those marks could mean.
"Now?" he asked slightly annoyed as he looked around.
"Now you just have to relax and watch me, listen to the music and let yourself be lulled. You will soon forget the people who are watching you" Ivarr in response sighed in exasperation and then brought his eyes to yours, as you had indicated, was a little stiff. beginning, but your sunshine and your fluid movements masked his slightly wrong movements.
"Why?" he asked at one point as you made a slight twist accompanied by his hand.
"Why me?" you looked at him puzzled "Why did you choose to invite me to dance? Sigurd and Eivor seemed more inclined to accept your invitation" he explained, frowning to mask an almost invisible embarrassment.
"Oh, were you eavesdropping?" you asked your dance partner who replied even more sulky.
"Yes and then?" you rested your forehead on his armored chest and giggled under his breath, god, he was really hopeless.
"Don't you know it's rude to eavesdrop, Ragnarsson?" you asked ironically, raising your head and meeting again his face contracted in a grimace.
"Do I really look like the guy who gives a shit about manners?" he asked then, his hand lightly squeezed your side.
"No" you smiled amused "That's why I like you" Ivarr almost stepped on your foot shocked.
"...Are you fucking kidding me?"
"Why should I?"
"Why should you ever want the company of someone like me, I'm a damn warrior who likes the smell of blood, not..." but all of a sudden he stopped and shaking his head went back to dance, you a little confused you looked for him look of his dull eyes but you could not.
"What?" you asked, bringing your hand from his shoulder to his slightly rough face due to his short beard, he almost seemed to reject the contact at first glance.
"I don't deserve the affection" he murmured.
"Why?" you asked again, he rolled his eyes.
"Fuck, did you see me? Or are you blind? I can't even grow a couple of balls for Ceolbert, I can't build anything, I'm good at killing people, that's what fuck I am. And you come here and tell me that you want to be my friend, that you like me, and you touch me as if this were not repulsive” he said, squeezing your side too tightly, starting to hurt.
"Ivarr..." you whispered placing your gaze on his hand, and when he sensed he let go, returning soft. There was a dead silence between you two as the music continued to lead you into that cheerful rhythm. Ivarr glanced fleetingly between the participants and no one seemed to care so much anymore.
"When people touch you like a monster, you probably start believing. Often those who consider themselves a monster think they don't deserve the affection of others, because they probably fear that their hands will be dirty with their blood" you were serious "But I'm not the others, luckily for me I can kill as much as you and I know how to defend myself. But I know I don't need it...You could say to me to go to hell when I got close to you, but you didn't. I know you won't hurt me" you finally concluded, as the Viking listened attentively to you reflecting on your words.
"Well...I was going to tear off your hip with that hand" he commented a little in trouble and you smiled slightly.
"And you were about to step on my foot. I have to admit that you really are a sucker at dancing" you commented amused. He made a slight smirk.
"You insisted on making me dance with you, foreigner, then perish" he said, squeezing your side even more, but this time with a joke, while you in return pinched his neck.
The music you were dancing to ended, leaving you perhaps a little disappointed, perhaps the time was up when Ivarr had started to melt a little. But you weren't completely unhappy, it was always better to have taken small steps than to have not moved at all from your starting point.
Ivarr also seemed to have enjoyed this short dance, in short, he was not a great dancer, but at least he felt less out of place than before. Sure, he wouldn't admit it even under torture, but okay.
"This dance has exhausted me, I'm going to prepare a fire to warm up and a tent to stay in tonight" you said, moving away from the Viking who, feeling at first glance the lack of contact between your bodies, was a little disappointed.
"If by any chance you reached me to help me at least to light the fire, then I will take it as a sign of friendship" you said placing a hand on your chest with a playful way to distance him even further from you, while turning around you walked out of the banquet hall, leaving an uncertain Ivarr in the middle of the ballroom.
A calloused and broad hand collided with the back of the latter, who coughed slightly in shock and when he turned he found his brother Ubba who was watching him slyly.
"The fuck you want?" Ivarr then asked grumpily.
"And so Ivar the boneless, got carried away by a woman to dance?" Ubba asked at that point and in response the younger brother slipped out of his grip growling like a nervous cat.
"You're so drunk that now you're also hallucinating, brother. I'm going to piss" and with those words that were anything but pretty, the Viking also came out of the banquet hall, but there were different actions he intended to do as soon as he crossed the exit.
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summerseachild · 3 years
I finished reading Six of Crows last night, and I have thoughts about the book and how the show made adaptation changes. I haven't flailed about a book on social media for a while, so thanks to @ravenya003 for encouraging me to post my thoughts.
So many spoilers for the book and the Shadow and Bone show to follow.
First of all, I loved it. I loved getting to spend more time with these characters, and getting to see their relationships with each other develop, and not just the romantic ones. (For instance, I am HERE for Nina and Inej’s friendship and how they support each other at key moments. So good. Can’t wait to see them interact in the show now.)
Second, I’m kind of glad they aged up the characters for the show just a wee bit. I kept having to remind myself that book!Matthias is the oldest of them at 18, and he’s been in Hellgate prison for a year. They’ve all been through a lot, and for me at least, making them all early 20s instead of mid to late teens for the show made a lot more sense.
So I knew the basics of Kaz’ trauma because I went out and spoiled myself, but actually reading it was rough. I knew that he blamed Pekka Rollins for Jordie’s death, but I didn’t know anything about the depth of the long con. I think I knew there was an illness outbreak involved, and my guess going in was that Pekka’s gang robbed and killed Jordie while he and Kaz were both sick, but what actually happened is so much worse. No wonder Kaz has trust issues. Also, the bit about how he had to get back to shore after being dumped with the rest of the bodies is going to stay with me. So good. So upsetting.
And then there’s Inej… I loved her in the show, and I just… love her more now. I love that she’s brave and capable and wants something more for herself… that’s something that I actually really like about all of the tangled relationships in this book? They all have things that are really important to them outside of being part of the group or having FRUSTRATING FEELINGS THAT MADE ME SCREAM IN SHIPPER. Anyway… that moment where Inej realizes, while climbing up that incinerator shaft because Kaz trusted she could, that what she wants to do with her life and her skills is take down as many slavers as humanly possible was amazing. I loved it.
We got little hints of all of the characters backstory in the show, but Nina and Matthias were just… straight up their flashback scenes from the book, with the timeline adjusted slightly. (Nina was originally out looking for Grisha with Zoya omg want to know more about that.) I like that show!Nina is a spy, what with all of those language capabilities. ANYWAY. Nina is just… vivacious and fun and very very sad at the same time, and reading all of those sweet Nina/Matthias flashbacks with dialogue just… used verbatim in the show because it’s SO CUTE interspersed with the way that she and Matthias interact in the “present” of the book was… devastating. Also I may have screamed FUCK YOU MATTHIAS and scared my dog at one point. If you’ve read it you know where. And then I had to take it back because the straight laced viking block of ice suddenly revealed he could lie like a PRO.
Wylan is adorable. I lost it at his "Who is mark?” question and Jesper’s utter exasperation. One of the things about Wylan I really love is how he shows how this little group of people just… takes you in as you are and really respects you for the skills you have and what you bring to the table. When he started making that tool to cut Fabrikator made glass out of parts lying around the gate house and Jesper’s improvised diamond drill bit, I was impressed. Also, Jesper whining about babysitting all the way to Fjerda was highly amusing. Oh my sweet summer child.
Have I talked about Kaz/Inej yet and how it is destroying my soul right now? Can I talk about how they are both such damaged people who “doesn’t trust easily” is the understatement of the year, but they trust each other and are vulnerable with each other and will do things that step all over their trauma for that trust. (I just about had heart failure when Inej let Nina put the Menagerie tattoo back on her.) And I have so much respect for Inej for realizing what she wants and not settling for anything less, but also poor Kaz for not being able just yet to explain why he’s got all of that armor in the first place (if I read correctly, he hadn’t even told her Jordie existed before the events of the book, much less exactly what happened.) And then things end how they end with them, and Inej gets fucking kidpanned, and it’s a good thing I bought a box set with Crooked Kingdom, which I will be starting today.
So I haven’t even talked about the heist yet, and I love heists. I love how it moved, I love how all of the parts fit together, and I am HORRIFIED by the existence of jurda parem. The book’s first chapter really sets the scene for how messed up that stuff is, and so the stakes were always high, but WOW. It really made the moment when Nina decides to take it and does what she does so powerful. (We still don’t know if she’s ok by the end… please be ok, Nina.)
Other places in no particular order I was Not Ok:
The scene in the wagon where Kaz is not doing well and Inej is trying to give him as much space as she can and a;dlkfajfa;kfljad; I’m fine.
Inej getting stabbed. Not. Cool. (But Kaz’ “I am going to do incredibly violent things to you because you hurt a person I cared about while appearing calm” pushes multiple narrative buttons of mine so good on you, LB.)
Nina and Matthias discovering the burned Grisha bodies and Jesper being the one to do the mercy kill so neither Nina nor Inej had to. That whole bit was ROUGH.
The reveal of the lab and how long the druskelle leadership has been experimenting on Grisha. I think I had to put the book down, take a few deep breaths, and go outside after that because WOW that’s nasty.
Other random favorite moments included:
Matthias being the one who speaks up for Kuwei when he and Nina find him (and the reveal that he’s an inferni and his dad was a Fabrikator… the fact that jurda parem started out as an experiment that was supposed to help Grisha control their powers and hide from persecution is just heartbreaking).
And to end on a happy note… One of my favorite visuals of this whole book is Jesper fricking Fahey driving a tank with a “Fjerdan might” banner streaming behind it. I cannot WAIT to get to see this with my own two eyes.
And now I’m going to go start Crooked Kingdom because I will not be ok until Inej is ok.
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vikingsagine · 4 years
My Religion (Ubbe x Reader)
I like Ubbe, I think he’s hot. An underrated character, he is the least corrupted one of Ragnar’s children. Like come on! He just wanted to live happily with his brother’s as a family but then, sh*t happened like always. I can’t with this guy! He’s too hot for me! 
Part One > Don’t need to read, it’s just to see how things started. I write these so you don’t need to start from the beginning because I personally kind of hate that, but just gives enough background <
Summary: You took up lessons with the Viking man and discovered new found desires, sins. 
Warnings: Sexism, Ubbe being a sexy.
@ivarthebloodyking​ @soleil-dor​ @affection-rabbit​
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You have learnt, to say the least. 
Over the course of the past week, you grew to learn the world of a Viking. Not completely, but had a hint of its differences. Your first lesson with Ubbe felt like a brush with death. He stood you in front of a tree and threw axes, telling you to stand still and to not be afraid. Of course, you didn’t take it well and actually screamed and tried to run away. But eventually with more explanation from Ubbe, you sort-of willingly complied. 
The next lesson was more brutal. Ubbe handed you a weapon and said, ‘Defend yourself,’ then attacked. No remorse and no mercy. The man easily beat you over and over and over again, leaving you a bruised mess by the end of the day. You cried many times but did not quit. 
Days followed after the other and things grew easier, more tolerable. He taught you to wield other things, a shield, a sword, a spear and an axe. But none caught your interest. They didn’t make you feel empowered or wanting to voluntarily hold it. 
However, there were many other lessons you experienced during this time. Not just violence, tears, pain and a respectable resent. It was an attraction. 
It all started when you were trying to sharpen your weapon without really knowing what you were doing. Ubbe grew annoyed and caught your hands in his own, angrily pressed himself to your back and took control of your actions. Of course, you don’t remember what he had said and was instead a blushing mess. Stiff and tense, his breath fanned over your cheek. While his calloused hands grasped your delicate fingers with no grace or tender care. Though small and simple, your heart pounded.
You were trying to explain to Ubbe about Adam and Eve, the serpent and biting into the forbidden fruit.  “How could they not have known they were walking around naked?” Ubbe interrupted, staring at you with furrowed eyebrows and a disbelief look. You huffed.
“Because they didn’t know shame, they had no knowledge of good or evil.” Ubbe frowned, unsatisfied with your answer.
“Even a complete idiot would know when someone’s dick is hanging out.” You let out a shaky breath, combing your hands through your thick locks. “I mean, if Adam and Eve didn’t bite into the fruit, you and I would be naked right now?” You felt your cheeks warm, his blunt behavior catching you off guard.
“Well, technically yes.” The corner of his lip twitched, timidly sliding his eyes down your body in a suggestive way. You consciously crossed your arms and tried to ignore his heated gaze. You felt your stomach flutter, your thighs clenching together as your body reacted in a way it shouldn’t. You turned scarlet red, deciding to tear yourself away from his hooded blue orbs. 
Shame. Your attraction taking over your body evoked a pining desire, one that would be deemed punishable under the eyes of your Father. That is when you saw how serious your issue of attraction is. Perhaps it would have been fine if you were betrothed to him and he was a christian man, following under the light of God. Or your Father accepted him. But under all three, he was not. Ubbe is a pagan, believed in more than one God and was nothing but an animal. 
Now here you were, positioned by your Father and Mother, intrigued in the flicker of bodies. In all the great banquets you have attended with your parents, this was the first that was so lively. Men and women alike joined in, dancing to the rough drums and horns of the vikings. People drank and laughed. Others sat and ate, observing their joyous behavior. And there were those who sat and judged, clear sight of discontent and resent towards such acts. One of which was your Father, mumbling about ‘pagans’ and their unholy grace. 
From across the room, you found the sight of your viking mentor. His sandy blonde hair tangled in messy braids, a cup of alcohol pressed against his lips as he spoke to the blonde woman next to him. The strong shield-maiden from the town. You frowned, jealousy creeping up on you. They looked comfortable with one another, they were lovers after all. You huffed and turned your attention elsewhere in hopes of killing the hurt inside.
“What do you say, daughter?” Afton broke your chain of thoughts. There stood one of the older men, a smirk tugging at his lips as he held his hand out to you. “Do you accept?” Clamping your mouth shot, you stared at the man before you. He was dressed in fine clothes, cheeks rosy from alcohol and blonde hair shining. You gave him a small smile, standing up to accept his offer to dance. He led you to the floor and pulled your flush form against his body.
“I am surprised you are not married, you are beautiful.” The lord whispered into your ear, his hand dipping down the small of your back and to your waist. His breath smelt of meat and mead, two flavors that did not go well together.
“My Father doesn’t accept anyone so easily.”
“That is understandable.” This made you furrow your eyebrows and glance up at the thin man, staring up at his large nose and dim blue orbs.
“How so?” His fingers began to slither lower down your side and you squirmed slightly.
“For the future of his legacy, he can’t trade you for any man.” You tighten your grip around him and clench your jaw. A swarming wave of bubbling anger rose, one that would not subside so easily. “It is better to give your daughter away to a man who is wealthy and strong and capable like me.” You bit back your need to roll your eyes as he grinned suggestively. “Because you don’t have any brother’s, the only thing a man can do in his position is pray to God for a grandson.” Your blood ran cold. 
“Thank you for this dance my lord.” Stepping away from the belittling being, you bit back your tongue and gave him a sickly sweet smile. Even though there were many other things you wanted to do to him. Now isn’t the time nor place. “I am sure my Father would have enjoyed it.” 
“You are not excused.” His soft and clammy hands gripped your forearm, tugged you towards him and glared at you. Daring you to cause a scene and scream. “Just because you are beautiful and your Father is the priest, he will not take so easily to your misbehavior.” His large hand cupped your bottom, grinding himself into your lower region. “Now play nice like a woman should.” This crossed your line and in one swift movement, you pushed your palm against his lips and dug your knee into his groin.
“You should be thankful that I chose to dance with you.” You seethed between your teeth and watched as he curled over in agony, hand clutching his genitals. Because of the loud music and the swirling crowd of people, no one saw the spectacle which is fortunate for you. You took a fistful of your dress and gracefully stomped away, sure to not cause any curious glances. 
“You-” The lord leapt out to grab your form but was instead pushed back by the body of another. Ubbe. His eyebrows twitched and then his lips flickered a smirk. You watched in awe as he glared down at the poor excuse of a man, bright blue eyes challenging him to make another move. Instead he stood straight and glanced between you and Ubbe, skeptical but frightened. “Get out of my way pagan, I could have you killed for this.” The lord attempted to barge forward but instead was pushed back by the firm stance of the viking, his body never wavering. 
“Leave.” One word, his tone threatening and dangerous. It went straight to your core, making it clench and stir. There were few of those who noticed the skepticism, some of the bystanders who stared with zipped lips and the group of vikings Ubbe was once with. When you drew your attention back, Ubbe was looking at you with an easy smirk. “I saw your little move there, are you sure you are a Christian?” You followed his figure out of the mass of people, standing a few metres away.
“Thank you Ubbe.” You glanced over to your Father to check if he saw, he did not. Too occupied with one of the other men, discussing something that seemed serious. 
“I’ll have you know that King Alfred wants to have me baptized.” This piqued your interest. You studied his appearance, dressed in his thick layers of clothes and leather. Beard soft and your fingers itched to feel it, to tug it. 
“That means you must renounce your beliefs.” He perched himself onto a beam, leaning against the wall and both of you were out of sight. He took a sip of mead, eyes flickering to your face and the others.
“I know.”
“What will you do?”
“I haven’t decided.” Ubbe drew in a large breath and sat up, patting the space next to him. You obliged, resting against the wall just as he did. He leaned over and held out his cup. “Drink.”
“No, I can’t drink alcohol.” You pushed it away. He frowned, blue eyes absorbing your appearance. You are all too aware of proximity, you felt his leg brush up against yours. “My Father does not allow it.” Being persistent, Ubbe forced the cup of liquor into your hand and concluded.
“My Mother told me when I was younger not to sleep with the slaves, I didn’t listen.” You gaped at him in disbelief but also in embarrassment. Ubbe waited for you to drink the cup of foul liquor, edging you on with his piercing blue orbs. Reluctantly obeying, you took a sip and scrunched your face up in disgust. 
“Ew.” Ubbe laughed, pulling it from your hands and sculled it down like it was water. You knew better than to be here in the open with Ubbe, if people saw or more specifically your Father, he would have Ubbe killed and would probably deem your behavior sinful and the sway of the devil. “Is she your wife?” Ubbe surprised from your question, he followed your gaze to the woman you spoke of, Torvi. A lot of people assumed they were lovers where in fact, they were really close friends almost like brother and sister. 
“Why? Are you jealous?” Ubbe intended it as a joke to make you grumpy and glare. He found it cute, your small self scowling in an attempt to threaten his larger and powerful being. He expected to be corrected but instead your cheeks turned a bright pink and you looked away. Oh, the viking smirked and inched closer. 
“No, I’m not jealous. Envy is a sin.” 
“Ah, I see.” Testing the waters, Ubbe pushed his leg more firmly against yours, waiting to see if you would remain still or move away. You stayed. “No, she is not my wife but we are close.” You didn’t know whether to feel gladden or disappointed. 
“Oh, so you are...lovers?” With a forced monotone voice you locked eyes with the viking. A mistake on your side because you were instantly bewitched by the thirst behind his sky-like specs. Your lips parted and your thighs clenched. 
“Do you think we are lovers?” He leaned in, daring you to cower and sink further into your shell, but something kept you still. Whether it be your burning core or the fluttering in your stomach, you didn’t want to move. 
“Does it bother you?” Swallowing hard, you glanced down to his lips, chapped and pink. You wanted to taste them, feel them, fight with them. Ubbe traced his finger down the side of your face, drawing out a subtle shudder. It was small but he noticed. 
“N-no.” He made a clicking noise and jerked back, leaving you in the absence of his remaining touch. As silly as it sounds, electricity coursed through you just from his touch. It left a hot burn on your cheek. “It doesn’t bother me.” 
“Shame, I was thinking of kissing you.” 
“W-what?” You were flabbergasted, staring at Ubbe with big wide doe eyes. There were many things that took you by surprise. When you found your Father sleeping with another woman, a slave girl, or when you found out where babies came from. They left you stunned but not like this. 
“Torvi is a good friend.” Ubbe stood up and hovered before your conflicted being. “But we wouldn’t want to taint your christian lips, hmm.” And just like that, he was gone. Disappeared into the sea of people and left you a confused, wanting and guilty wreck.
This man made you feel emotions. Slithered like the devil’s snake, lulling you to take a bite of a forbidden fruit. And if you did not pull yourself together any sooner, you feared you would lose and succumb to temptation.
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Riverdale 5x11-5x14
So I might have fallen behind a bit with Riverdale and have only now just caught up with the new episodes post break. I decided writing reviews for each episode was going to take too much time and to be honest I don’t have too much to say so I’m just going to do a quick run down of what I thought of the episodes and then go back to single episode reviews from 5x15 onwards. Overall I’m not overly impressed with the episodes, I feel like the season started out really good but as its gone on its just kind of lost its way and I don’t know if that is covid related and all the breaks but I haven’t enjoyed the episodes as much post like episode 8, though I liked ep 10 better than episode 9. But anyway lets get into the reviews. As always these are just my own opinions and there will be spoilers.  
So the episode starts off with Veronica and Archie deciding to put a pause on their relationship until her and Chad are officially divorced which I personally think they should have done from the start because the way they got back together was way to fast, I mean she told Chad she wanted a divorce, kissed Archie and was sleeping with him, then she goes back to new york and sleeps with chad all in the space of like 2 episodes. Though I think given their scene at the end when Veronica is pushing a little for him to change his mind I don’t think she is as much on board with their pause as Archie. I will be honest I’m not really enjoying the way they’ve written Veronica this season I actually think they’ve made her kind of unlikable at times and she sometimes comes across a bit selfish I also feel like they don’t really know what to do with her character anymore. But I am glad Veronica and Archie have decided to take the break however I also think it might be a bit ominous for Varchie that they’ve done this now which I’ll get into more in a separate post. 
Ok this might be a little mean of me but I was kind of happy when Archie called out Veronica when she came to him for help about her blue opal. About how she went to new york despite him asking her not to and about how she then came back without a divorce and having slept with her husband and not even telling him why she can’t divorce him just yet. But Archie is still Archie so naturally he does help her anyway. 
Speaking of Veronica’s blue opal I did find it kind of hilarious that she seemed to care more about that then she did her father’s life. But you know fair. 
Archie isn’t the only one Veronica asks for help though she also gets assistance from Reggie and we learn more about how he ended up working for Hiram, turns out his father is still running for the worst dad of eternity award and got into debt that Reggie is now working off. I did like the Veggie scenes though and I am really glad that reggie is getting more screen time. 
This episode was an episode for the return of the side characters, Dodger and Darla are back and causing problems as per usual. Also there was that guy, Doc, Jughead was saved by who we heard about once in a story Jughead told about how as a kid he watched a guy being beat by some rich guys. To be honest I wasn’t all that interested in Jughead’s storyline this episode. I mean is that something that actually happens? Rich guys just randomly beating up homeless people like they did with Juggie and  Doc. I’m not saying it doesn’t I just thought it was a bit nonsensical for these guys just to come out of a club and start beating up a guy just because. Still bless Doc for coming to the rescue and taking care of Jughead, I did like Doc and I wouldn’t mind seeing him again. But another thing that didn’t make sense to me is that Jughead didn’t recognise Doc. Like he was old enough to remember this traumatic experience of watching a guy get beat and feeling guilty about not helping but doesn’t recognise the guy until he gives Juggie his name. Yet Doc was able to recognise Jughead even though the last time he saw him was a child? Overall I am not sure what the point of Jughead’s storyline was this episode other than to maybe show how messed up he is at the moment with the blackouts and hallucinations, I suppose it was also so he could reach the realisation that he needed to go back to new york and work out what happened to him when he lost those days. He does leave a really sweet voicemail for tabitha before he goes though and promises to finish their dance. 
The best part of this episode though was the storyline with Tabitha and Betty, also Jessica, and their search for Jughead. I really liked the interaction between Betty and Tabitha and I like that they are becoming friends. Tabitha was obviously really worried about Jughead. But Betty, wow, she couldn’t be less bothered about Jughead could she. I mean after hearing the voicemail he left for her I can understand why Betty is reluctant to get involved with anything to do with Jughead because that voicemail was yikes. I mean Betty did cheat and that clearly hurt Jughead so I am not saying that Betty is entirely blameless but I would expect the voicemail was still a shock as it had been five years since she had cheated and we know from the most recent episode (ep 14) that she and Juggie were amicable with each other and would talk on the phone so this probably came out of nowhere for her. However Betty is Betty and so she still helps. Which ultimately leads to Jessica showing up and I know we are suppose to hate Jessica but, like, I love Jessica. I was thoroughly entertained by her antics and thought she was actually kind of funny. She’s another character where I wouldn’t mind if she just randomly pops up and causes some trouble now and again. In the end as suspected Jessica is actually there for ulterior motives and wants Jughead’s manuscript. I actually really felt for her when she explained that she wanted it because she was afraid Jughead had written something that would look bad to her family and friends. It’s the same as how the serpents were upset about how he wrote them in the outcasts and how he threatens Betty saying once people read his books they’ll all know what kind of person she really is. I’ve spoken about it before but Jughead often uses his friends and others peoples stories in his writing and I am glad that the writers of the show are now showing the effect that has on the people who are the subjects of his writing. That being said I am worried that might not be the true reason Jessica took the manuscript and its possible she might actually try to publish it herself. Also it was kind of funny seeing Betty and Tabitha on the shrooms but, not ok Jessica, don’t drug people. 
Archie was rounding up all the convicts this episode and to be honest I don’t really have much to say about this other than I thought it was really smart to use this as a way of getting money out of Hiram so they can repair the school that Hiram had trashed. 
Meanwhile Penelope has started a ministry which means she gets early release from prison. Also I absolutely loved the expressions of cheryl and nana rose when Penelope told them about the ministry. I am glad that Cheryl at first was very wary of her mothers plans as oppose to just immediately going along with it, but alas she does get roped in to it when she opens a chest and finds Jason’s burned skeleton inside. I mean can we please please just let that poor guy rest in piece. Please. At this point poor Jason has been stuffed in a freezer, dumped in a river, buried and exhumed twice, set on fire in a viking burial and now he is stuffed in a trunk. Also I am a bit confused. Was Cheryl snooping in her mother’s room and discovered Jason’s remains there or was it her room and she was the one that had recovered him? But anywhere Cheryl seems to have a revelation when she sees the bird and ends up embracing the ministry life. 
So episode twelve is kind of like the breakfast club episode where it is out of the timeline and kind of like a standalone episode but still has information about the plot of the season. This episode is the backstory of Hiram but we also get some great Reggie development in this episode. I didn’t hate the episode as much as I thought I was going to when I found out there was going to be a hiram backstory episode, but I also don’t think it was very accurate in terms of what we already knew from previous episodes. I think there were a lot of continuity errors. But those aside it was a ok episode. We learn that Hiram and his dad were shoe polishers and that Hiram clearly hated the way they were treated because they were poor and wanted more from life. We also learn that it was his father who first began searching for palladium after learning about it from a business man in new york and that’s why they decided to move to Riverdale. Hiram’s motives are to finish what his father started. Hiram catches the attention of a drug dealer guy and starts running drugs and gets money and new shoes and a car. His parents are obvious suspicious and aren’t happy about him getting caught up with those guys so his dad goes to tell the mob leader that he will fire his son or he’ll go to the cops which leads to him being killed by the mob leader. Hiram then kills the mob leader’s men and pretty much drives him out of town and then he takes over. Hiram clearly loved his dad but they had issues. Hiram would get very angry about the way others would treat them but his dad would often shrug it off. But I do think losing his dad had a big impact on Hiram and it was interesting to learn more about his past. 
The other kind of plot in this episode was with Reggie and his dad which was obviously suppose to mirror Hiram and his dad. Only in this scenario Hiram is the criminal and Reggie is young Hiram. Reggie manages to pay off his dad debt but wants to still work for Hiram meanwhile his dad wants Reggie to quit working for Hiram. He even like Hiram’s father did in the past visits Hiram and asks him to let Reggie go. What’s interesting is that Hiram does, I am assuming its because in that moment Reggie’s father reminded him of his own father and he kind of forces Reggie into making the decision he himself wished he had made. But first he gets Reggie’s and Hermosa’s help in finding and killing the mob boss finally avenging his father’s death. Hiram also tells Reggie to go back to his father and forgive him and here is my problem with this. I get that its because Hiram regrets all the disagreements and the falling out he had with his own father and there’s Reggie and he reminds Hiram of his younger self and Reggie’s situation reminds him of his past but Hiram’s dad was a decent person and was a good father who always wanted the best for his son. Reggie’s dad on the other hand used to regularly abuse and beat his son. Yes he does show concern for Reggie in this episode but that doesn’t erase the years of abuse he inflicted on his son. It’s not the same and I honestly don’t think his father deserves Reggie’s forgiveness. That being said I suppose if Reggie is forgiving his dad not for his dad’s sake  but for himself because he thinks that will help him heal and move on that I can be ok with that. 
Come the end of the episode I don’t think I hate Hiram any less but still his backstory was interesting and I am glad that Reggie isn’t working with him anymore.    
Out of all of these four episodes this one was the one I liked the most. So in this section I am going to divide it by plotline/characters. 
So the episode starts out really intensely with Archie having a nightmare about his time at war and Eric losing his leg which honestly looks horrendous and I am not at all surprised that both Archie and Eric are now suffering from PTSD. It gets a bit dangerous too when Eric pulls a gun on Archie whilst having a flashback. Uncle Frank tries to help them by getting them a dog. As someone who actually has a therapy dog myself I know this is something that does actually help. But we do learn that sadly Vegas passed away whilst Archie was deployed. Also the dog Frank got is one that was used in dog fighting and ends up biting Eric. Archie’s reaction to finding out that there is dog fighting ring in Riverdale is to track them down and beat them up. I do think Archie was really struggling this episode, he was trying to get help for Eric but it is obvious that he himself also needs help. I actually really related to Archie and Eric struggling to get help for their mental health because it is something I have gone through myself and it can be really frustrating and can make you feel kind of helpless and I actually think they did a good job of showing that, which considering its Riverdale I was pleasantly surprised by. We also learn some more about Archie’s time in the war when he tells Frank the story about Bingo. At first he tells us that Bingo was a stray dog that their unit adopted who got caught in no man’s land. It is actually a rather harrowing scene where you see Archie and Eric in the trenches and Eric is badly hurt and you can hear this dog yelping in the background. It’s even more harrowing when you learn that actually Bingo wasn’t a dog but one of the soldiers in their unit. I feel like Archie changed it to being a dog to deal with the trauma of it all but when Eric tells Frank the truth and he then asks Archie about it Archie really has to confront what actually happened and that loss and grief of losing his friend in such a brutal way. Its obvious that Archie also feels responsible because he was put in that awful position of having to choose between saving Eric or saving Bingo he feels like because of the choice he made Bingo died. Despite what Frank said about not being able to save everyone I think he thought he could save them both and its really eating him up that he ‘let’ Bingo die. I also think that’s why he is so focussed on saving the town because he thinks it’s a way of making amends for not being able to save his men. I do think it was really sweet that Frank and Eric organised  the dog rehoming thing to help Archie get some of his hopeful spirit back and show him that there are still some good people out there. They also decide to name their new dog Bingo in honour of their friend which is also kind of sweet. But I do still think Archie has a long way to go in his recovery as by the end of the episode we see him have a nightmare and then a hallucination of bingo but he does at least admit to the therapist that calls him that whilst he was calling on behalf of his friend he too needs help. I mean I am glad that he is going to try to get some help but I am still worried for Archie given what happens in ep 14 which I’ll talk about more in the section for that episode. Also we got that little Barchie crumb of the light shining through his window, a lit window in the dark.  
Betty and Tabitha 
So Betty and Tabitha have been working together to try and find the truck killer and whilst trying to get information out of a trucker Glen pops up and we find out that he has been arresting the girls working the lonely highway. I mean there is a killer out there and these girls are their victims, they are struggling to make ends meet and have been forced into this kind of work and Glen instead of focussing on catching the killer is arresting them, yup I agree with Betty, girl should’ve stabbed him harder. We also learn that Betty apparently quit the FBI and did I miss that because I don’t remember her quitting? I remember Glen took over the case and moved it out of Riverdale but I don’t remember her quitting altogether. But anyway Glen then takes her badge and gun which I guess is fair if she has quit and isn’t an agent anymore but at least Betty is actually trying to catch the killer unlike Glen who is clearly not. Watch it turn out to be him that is the truck killer, go on Riverdale I dare you. Despite being warned off by Glen Betty and Tabitha are still determined to put a stop to the murders and so decide to hold a coyote ugly night. I actually thought this was a really clever way of getting information and creating a database. In order to get entry to the venue all truckers have to show their ID and give their licence registration.  am a big supporter of characters acting smart so I did like that plan. Also I love the coyote ugly movie (don’t judge me) so extra win there. I also like that the plan did incorporate alot of the characters. One thing I have been enjoying this season is that they are mixing up who is interacting with who. You had Alice working the bar, the girls dancing to keep the truckers entertained whilst Reggie and Kev searched the vans. Though I do have a question when they find the blood in the back of the truck and Betty says her and Reggie and Kevin are with the FBI where did they get those FBI jackets from? Are they just easy to come by like part of a Halloween costume or something? There is another thing that I thought was funny and that was that Betty makes it clear that no one is to go off alone with a trucker and yet at the end of the episode she does exactly that and it just so happens to be the killer who comes at her with a chainsaw of all things which was a little ott in my opinion but this is Riverdale so I suppose what was I suspecting. But at least Betty manages to capture him and she does the sensible thing and turns him over to the proper authorities, or no wait what was I thinking of course she doesn’t this is Riverdale so she’s just going to question him herself. Come one you all know it wouldn’t be as entertaining if she just handed him over to the FBI. 
Veronica and Reggie
I really liked the storyline of Veggie working together in season 3 so I was really happy to see them working together again and I really enjoyed their scenes. I just think they work really well as a team. They also come up with a really great idea for getting investors whilst also getting one up on old Hiram. Obviously Reggie knows alot about what is going on with Soldale and knows that houses will never be built there. So they phone Hiram’s investors and tell them this little rumour that Soldale is a bad investment and convinces them to invest with them instead. This was actually another smart move by the characters so again I support it. And anything that ruins Hiram’s day is a win to me. 
Cheryl and Kevin
Kevin after a little encouragement from Cheryl after she finds him cruising again decides to talk it out with Fangs but unfortunately for him and the viewers we fins out that Kangs ahs moved on...with Moose? I mean I feel for Kev its also upsetting to find out your ex has moved on I imagine it is even worse when your ex has moved on with your other ex. Kevin then also has a bit of a inner crisis when he receives a teacher of the year award and realises that this is not at all where he was expecting his life to be. He had dreamed of being in new york, writing and directing instead he is still in Riverdale and he’s still cruising and unlucky in love. Cheryl’s solution to all of Kevin’s problems is to invite him to join her cult, sorry ministry. At first Kevin is reluctant and not really interested but is finally brought around with the temptation of a musical number. So yup Kevin has joined Cheryl as a believer. Now I am going to surprise myself here and say I am actually interested to see where they take this and where this story with Cheryl and Kevin goes because from the promo pics and what not it looks like they are going to be taking over as leaders of the ministry. I don’t think this is at all a healthy copying mechanism for either of them though and I hope they do get actual real help soonish.   
This was a weird episode and was kind of told in the style of the night gallery show episodes where Cheryl invites Minerva over and shows her three paintings and then tells her the story behind each. So again I am going to split this part in the three storylines we get told. 
The first one is a painting of Archie as a miner, the portrait itself hilariously did remind me of the cover of a bad romance novel but the story itself wasn’t too bad actually I think out of the three I found his the most interesting. It does give us some more information about the shows plot for this season, pardon about one of this seasons plots. Cheryl has finally discovered that their is palladium under her maple groves and has the genius idea of digging it up before Hiram does. Like seriously why didn’t anyone think of this earlier? I mean it also ties into that long forgotten plot from the beginning of the series that Cheryl is indebt after spending seven years renovating her home. I am assuming she wants the palladium to cover those debts. So naturally she hires Archie and his construction crew to mine it for her because everyone knows that construction and mining are basically the same thing right? Though I did think it was really funny when Cheryl pointed out that Archie so far has been teacher, coach, fireman and bounty hunter. At least the show is aware of its own ridiculousness. So Archie and the boys decide to mine for the Palladium but whilst down there Archie has more hallucinations about Bingo. We also see Archie in therapy and we find out that Eric is also getting help and this actually does seem to be helping Eric which is good. Whilst initially it looks like things are improving for Archie he then gets a really bad reaction when down in the mines and becomes very paranoid which results in him storming into the therapists office and behaving very erratically accusing her of drugging him and working against her which clearly frightens her. When everyone else in the mines also then starts hallucinating Frank realises that there is carbon monoxide down there and that is what is causing the visions and for everyone to start acting aggressively. Surprisingly this is actually an accurate representation of what can happen with high exposure to carbon monoxide and we do love us some accuracy. However it does lead to one of the most frustrating scenes in the episode when Archie goes back to the therapist and begs her not to cut him lose explaining about the carbon monoxide and about how he is now seeing not just Bingo but all the men he lost. The therapist tells Archie that she is afraid to be around him and that if he is having hallucinations to that level that she doesn’t think he is safe to be around anyone. Like what kind of therapist is this. This is not what a therapist would do. If she was afraid to be alone with him then refer him to another therapist and if you are worried he’s a danger to others than admit him to a psychiatric hospital where he can safely get help. This therapist just kind of washed her hands of it and said not my problem. But this has left me feeling really worried about Archie and I do feel like he might end up going really dark and spiralling.
I do think that the gas could actually be leaking into the town from the mines though. I was thinking about it when watching the episodes  but alot of the characters are having hallucinations and visions of some kind and at first it seems like it is related to that characters trauma but now I am starting to wonder if it is actually because of the gas. It could also explain the Mothmen hallucinations too. Speaking of the Mothmen they got a mention in this episode that made me happy. When taking a lunch break Fangs tells the story about how some of the truckers used to be miners and they tell stories about humanoid cannibalistic creatures that lived underground. Why does this make me happy you may ask well because I have been predicted since the beginning of the season that at some point all the the storylines will converge and I am hoping that come the end of the season we will get a big team up with all the characters. Previously we have had Betty’s storyline with the highway killer being linked to Jughead’s storyline of the mothmen and now we’ve just had the link between Archie’s storyline and Betty and Jughead’s. Which means I am one step closer to my big team up.    
So Jughead’s storyline was my least favourite out the three. We have finally learned the truth, the big mystery of what happened to Jughead that caused him to lose three days of his life. He was in a hole. Yup that’s it he just fell in a hole, got rabies and then hallucinated a rat king. Underwhelming is the best way I can describe what I thought of that. There were so many great theories out there on what could have happened that caused Jughead to have this trauma so bad that he literally mentally blocked it out and what we got instead was just that he got upset that Betty, who he broke up with five years ago, didn’t come to his book launch so he got drunk and fell into the sewers. I kind of feel like with them bringing back the voicemail, with him saying betty was the one that lead him out of the dark, that they are kind of making it all Betty’s fault, like she is the reason for his trauma and all his problems and if she just pays him some attention it’ll all be magically fixed and almost like its her responsibility to save him and I am not sure I like that. Don’t get me wrong I am not saying that your girlfriend cheating on you with your best friend wouldn’t do a number on you, but it is all about Betty when Archie betrayed him too. Like where is Jughead being cut up about the fact that Archie who was like a brother to him kissed his girlfriend? I don’t know maybe its just me but I am finding it a little one sided. I also think it shows how unhealthy his relationship with betty has become. I think if it gets to the point where you can’t function without a person then that’s not good and that’s not healthy and again maybe it is just me but I don’t see that as romantic which I am not sure if they are trying to play it off that way or not. I did feel really bad for Juggie though when he talks about how even though he disappeared into the dark for three days no one missed him and that he felt really alone. I do think maybe that’s more where his trauma comes from and I kind of wish the writers had developed that more rather than having it again be solely about Betty. Like if we had seen him reaching out to several people and inviting them to his book launch, like a text to his dad, a phone call to his sister or mum, reaching out to Archie or Veronica and then all of them making excuses about how they are busy and can’t come. Then have him invite betty and her say yes at first and you see him relieved because he has someone coming. Then have her cancel and him spiral. I just think it would have had a bigger impact. Instead, and maybe this is a bit harsh, but it came off as him just being some drunk who can’t get over his ex ad kind of like with Veronica I kind of feel like the writers are making the characters unlikeable. And to make it clear my problem here is with the writing not the actual characters themselves but to me they’ve at times made veronica seem unlikeable like when she sleeps with Chad, Jughead with the voicemail to Betty, Betty with her not seeming to care at all about Jughead, Archie with him sleeping with Betty and then after stopping that getting right with Veronica the next day. I don’t know if its just that they are trying to keep the core four separate for some reason? But it just seems a bit off, I know I said I wanted more varying interactions between the characters but I didn’t mean at the expense of the core four relationships. But maybe they are trying to show how it can take time to reconnect with old friends when you’ve been away from each other for a long time? 
Anyway back to Jughead the other thing that was a little bit annoying for me was that the timeline was a little confusing. When Jughead is telling the story it seems like it all happened in like a year but its not its spread out over the seven years he was gone. We know that the voicemail was 2 years ago so putting it at five years into the time jump and that was the night he fell into the sinkhole. But in the story it seems like its only a few days later that Archie called when actually it would have been two years after Juggie fell in a deep dark hole. But then I suppose a confusing timeline is peak Riverdale so. But yeah I did find it made his story a bit confusing which was frustrating. 
However Jughead does seem a bit more optimistic come the end of his story and I think hopefully things are going to start getting better for him I hope he does get some support from his friends though like Tabitha and Archie, I also hope he clears the air with Betty. Just so he isn’t feeling so isolated and alone.  
So the last story is Betty trying to find out where Polly is from the trucker serial killer that she has chained up in her shop class at high school. Again not much to say about this. I thought it was smart to use Alice as a way to emotionally manipulate the killer and to make Polly seem human to him so he’ll tell them where she is. This does backfire however and we end up with that ridiculous scene where Alice tells Betty then as her mother she is giving her permission to kill him. Alice honey I’m not sure but my mum said it was ok is going to hold up too well in a court of law. Betty decided instead to see if she can scare him into telling her the truth. So she threatens him with some pretty dark stuff, saying she will cut off his feet, then his legs and the knees then the groin. Then his wrists and that he might have a heart attack at that point, but that she reckons he is stronger than that and that she has some tricks up her sleeve. Which is really dark betty really dark. Then when she is collecting a chainsaw she ahs a flashback and we find out that this is what TBK said to her which somehow makes it even scarier and worse, I really need Betty to talk to someone about this asap because just like I am with Archie, I am worried about where she is heading. We never find out whether she was actually going to go through with cutting up the trucker because when she gets back he has bitten off his own tongue and swallowed it so he would choke. Betty does figure out though that they are dealing with a family of killers who are hunting their victims.   
Phew ok so that is all of the episodes that I missed. I know I complained alot in this review so apologies for that. To end on a positive note I am very excited for the next episode as we are going to be getting the pussycats back so I am hoping for a good episode.    
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vagrantblvrd · 4 years
so i started watching The Old Guard because of your posts and mashes so well with the Immortal!FAHC so i was wondering, what are your thoughts on that, like who is the oldest, which era is each member of the crew from, how did they die the first time, and so on :3
Yesssss. >:D
But, no I hope you liked it, friend!
The first time I watched I was thinking that too!
As to Immortal!FAHC I have many thoughts on it from before watching this movie.
I’m also no good at history, and get my eras mixed up? (Like oh my God I had that intense focus thing going on as a kid for a while for WWII warplanes after watching Memphis Belle with my dad, but aside from that, yeah???)
(All of this is to say please excuse inaccuracies as most of what I know is from media and Wikipedia. Also, some of these are more well thought out than others, so pls to keep that in mind.)
Presented in no particular order:
My favorite take on it though has Gavin as the oldest, right? (Pretends he isn’t, but the others find out over time because he stops trying to hide it when he realizes it’s not an issue with them the way it’s been with other immortals he’s run across for whatever reason.)
Born during the Bronze Age and the person he was back then was just awful, horrible little asshole without redeeming qualities to speak of whatsoever.
Came from a wealthy/important family which is something that’s people can still tell to this day even if he’s not a bastard about it anymore.
He died alone and unloved (no reason to love the person he was back then, something he freely admits to anyone asking who wants the real answer) to thieves/bandits or some wasting illness, idk.
From there he learns how not to be a complete piece of shit and honestly, it takes him a long goddamned time.
Lifetimes, really. (Not his, of course, but as time goes and all that.)
Watching and learning from the people around him from the poor farmers and so on who take pity on this dirty traveler on the verge of starving to death to emperors and kings and queens and other puffed up royalty and such.
Favored Italy and England enough that he’s woven both into the Golden Boy’s persona with the accent and references to this grandfather of his that he makes to people who don’t know he’s an immortal.
(Definitely has ties to the mafia, if not served as the head of the Italian mafia for a time, making a comeback as a long-lost/bastard descendant recently discovered with a remarkable likeness to a former mafia head who’s since moved to Los Santos, because of course he did.)
To be fair, he’s still learning with the Fakes, found family and all, and he’s the happiest he can remember being? (Because sappy feels and the whatnot.)
Jack I picture as a viking, because the beard and uh, not much else reason for that line of thinking.
Just this great warrior/peacemaker among his people who dies in battle. (Possibly betrayed because jealous fellow viking at how well-liked and respected Jack is and so on.)
He’s “mellowed” over time, likes to play friendly and affable and so on, will let himself be insulted if it serves the crew’s interests and such? But oh, wow, watch out when he’s angry? (Especially if it’s due to someone hurting someone he cares about.)
Ryan I see as medieval times with the whole kings and queens and knights. (Possibly due to the influence of Kings AU???)
Noble born and served as a knight before being killed in battle or spot of ~intrigue by a political rival/enemy.
Totally got his revenge before realizing the kind of trouble he’d be in if he tried to reclaim his life - unnatural and all - and ended up living a nomadic lifestyle after that. (A vagabond, if you will, because that never not stops being funny to me.)
He gets tangled up with thieves and the like for a while, did some murder for hire that’s been his main career path ever since.
(And okay, if one of the thieves he worked with for a while was this skinny bastard with a big nose and the most ridiculous questions that’s possibly a thing that happened, because reasons. And Freewood.)
Michael I see coming in around the Revolutionary War?
Family moved to the colonies when he was a kid and so on. Signing on to fight against the British and dying in a battle against them, still remembers what it felt like bleeding out in the mud. Has nightmares about it sometimes.
There used to be this whole Thing about it when he met Gavin whenever he leans hard on the British bit that gets even more involved after Jeremy joins the crew.
(Also, also. If Michael and Jeremy collude together against that British asshole, well. That’s a thing that happens. Along with smooches, because none of your goddamned business about that, okay?)
Jeremy comes in during the whole cowboy era, because of the Rimmy Tim getup and I think it’s hilarious as hell.
Originally from Boston (hence the dumb running joke with Gavin and Michael)and moved to the ~wild west as a kid because Adventure and then shenanigans?
Died in a train heist gone horribly wrong and just. He doesn’t like to talk about it, but since he mentioned once it has something to do with his fear of heights, just.
Yikes, you know?
Also, also, the whole bit about cars becoming a thing just before he died (I’m trying not to make a joke about it being of dysentery on a certain trail, but it’s so hard), which is part of why he’s got a Thing about cars now.
(Vroom-vroom fast and that armada of his.)
Trevor, okay, Trevor.
Based pretty much on what his GTA V character used to wear and Trevor himself makes me think of Prohibition-era gangster along with Alfredo?
He and Alfredo started out as street kids in Chicago and the fastest/easiest way to make money for kids like them involved the mob and it was just.
A thing that happened? The two of them coming up in the ranks and BFFs (possibly something more, who can say???) before getting gunned down by rivals one day.
Would have woken up together if the morgue hadn’t fucked up so they went a few years thinking the other had died before accidentally running into one another again, because reasons.
They’ve been together ever since, a pain in Geoff’s ass before he managed to get them to sign on with the crew.
(Trevor kept the fashion sense he had from back then, because of course he did. Doesn’t always dress like he used to, but sometimes he gets the urge and Alfredo laughs at him for it, but he never says a word against it because Trevor looks good like that, you know?)
Speaking of Geoff?
Born around the time Trevor and Fredo were running from Elliott Ness and his Untouchables.
Lied about his age to join the Army and served overseas in the European theater in WWII. Infantry, saw his share of battles that took the shine out of things (what there was to the stupid he kid he was) really damn fast.
Actually survived through the end of the war and made his way back to the US, did some odd jobs here and there for a while as he tried to figure things out.
Listened to the wrong friend (or right one?) and ended up working for some criminal-types, got dragged into the life before he knew it.
Managed to stay alive, learning the ins and outs of being a criminal and all that up until his luck ran out and he ran afoul of some corrupt cops.
Woke up in a ditch somewhere coughing up bullets and freaked out as hell - anyone would be - and then, uh.
Kind of kept going?
Figured shit out as he went, and ran into Jack sometime in the fifties, sixties? Whenever and it was them for the longest damn time before Geoff got the idea to set up in Los Santos for a bit, see how that worked out for them.
(Regret. So much regret because look at all the assholes fucking up his life after that, you know? Really, Jack, stop laughing at him because you’re part of the problem, jackass.)
Lindsay I see as being either relatively young - died in the 80s, 90s? - or as old as if not older than Gavin, depending on the day? (My day??? Idk, I love both a hell of a lot.)
Died in a bank robbery when the asshole responsible for setting the charges to get into the vault miscalculated how much explosives were needed and it was just.
Super, super messy.
Fiona is absolutely the youngest, someone Gavin ran into in Europe when he pulled the thing about being his own descendant.
Met her in Paris on his way to the US when she got so goddamned angry at him for accusing her of picking his pocket (a thing she totally did, btw), but she cased such a scene she managed to escape before the cops or Gavin could do anything about it.
She dies in Liberty City working for some assholes who never deserved her, and Gavin happens to be there when she makes the mistake of picking pockets to get enough money to get the hell out of the city before anyone realizes she’s not as dead as she could be?
Terrible disguise of baseball hat, big sunglasses and a scarf over her face, but her response at being caught out as a thief is too similar for Gavin not to realize it’s her.
And then, you know.
He mentions this crew out in Los Santos that would be interested in someone like her? Not as a pickpocket because she’s clearly awful at it - “Hey!” - but they’ve chatted a bit and she mentioned something about sniping - or maybe just perked up when he brought it up.
(Visiting a sniper he used to work with and so on.)
Anyway, why not look them up if she’s ever in Los Santos?
And then she does, of course, and then shenanigans???
Also, also, some of them definitely crossed paths over the years. Ran into one another and are all, “Oh, this asshole again,” maybe work together for a while before going their own ways
They all have this story about meeting Gavin for the first time that no one, no one puts together for the longest damn time.
How the hell could Jack have met Gavin back when he was being a viking when Gavin claims he died in the 60s?
(Claimed to know the Beatles personally, because of course he did.)
Ryan and that thief he met that one time, got all these FEELS for him that had them being partners in crime for a long, long time before circumstanced forced them apart.
...And then met him again a century or so later and on opposite sides before Gavin did a heroic “sacrifice” to save him at the expense of his current cover. Like, they totally picked up where they left off afterward, because not that stupid? But they got maybe fifteen, twenty years after that together before they were forced apart by circumstances again.
Pattern repeats for a long goddamned time before they happen to meet up again around the time Geoff and Jack get to Los Santos and so far their luck seems to be holding steady. (I just. Man, I love the idea of them being the kind of assholes who are stupid in love with one another but the universe at large is like, lol and tosses a wrench into the works every once in a while for the hell of it and them eventually finding one another again. Because DELICIOUS ANGST.)
Or Michael when he was marching to the next battle and some asshole asking him the stupidest question imaginable next to him? (British accent, sure, but he wasn’t the only one on their side with one, so yes.)
Jeremy and that one Pinkerton agent that one time???
Lindsay and that asshole working for a rival gang who didn’t kill her even though he could have? (When she asks sometime after joining the Fakes he’s just ¯\_(ツ)_/¯  even though he didn’t like the asshole he was working for at the time and actually engineered the bastard’s death, but yeah, sure, ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ .
Fiona, well.
Everyone knows that story because she’s like “YOU MOTHERFUCKER,” when she sees him at the penthouse the first time he strolls through the door after she joins the crew.
And just.
They put the pieces together at some point and are like son of a bitch because they figured Gavin’s story about being a beatnik or whatever he said he was when he died was the truth?
And Gavin’s like, ¯\_(ツ)_/¯  because technically it wasn’t a lie.
He was a beatnik when he died in the 60s, it’s just that that wasn’t the first time he died.
Eventually he tells them about it in bits and pieces, because they don’t push, demand an explanation. (God knows they’ve all got their secrets and reasons for them and such.)
He tells them because he trusts them and they prove he’s right to by not betraying his trust in them and I’m just, like. Full of FEELS right now, so yes.
But I seriously love the idea of Meg being the inspiration behind the Morrigan.
And if she happens to meet Ryan and Gavin while those two idiots are thieving their way across Europe sometime? That’s definitely a thing that happened.
Also, also, you know she checks up on them in Los Santos from time to time, because old friends (possibly more?) and gets along with Lindsay and Fiona like a house on fire.
Sometimes literally, the three of them >:DDDDDDDD while Geoff’s back at the penthouse shut up in his room because no, no, do not tell him how much of his city’s on fire, Trevor, no.
Idk whether I like former Roman soldier Dan or medieval knight Dan, but whichever one it is he and Gavin go way, way back and they delight in shenanigating about almost as much as Meg and her terrors do in that Geoff is very much :(((((((((((((((((((((((((( when they get together because some part of the city is guaranteed to be on fire at any given point.
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dannyphannypack · 4 years
Crossover Fic Recs
Hey, saw your post for some fic recs! Unfortunately I can't continue the wonderful thread of reblogs because I wish to remain anonymous, but here have some cool crossovers that I didn't see get rec'd yet :D (you can either post this or add it to the reblogs, I don't mind either way)
Just Another Meteor Freak [500k words, complete] (and it's sequel, which is unfortunately incomplete) is a Smallville/DP crossover that's absolutely a fantastic read and I cannot recommend it enough, it's one of my faves! Brief synopsis: Danny goes to live with his aunt Martha Kent after his family dies (and for once Danny's family dying in a crossover fic doesn't have anything to do with TUE!), and misunderstandings of the good kind and mishaps ensue because of course Danny and Clark's hero complexes come into play. It's got hurt/comfort, fluff, angst, sibling-esque-bonding, and all sorts of cool stuff, including ghost king headcannons and new powers for Danny. It takes place mostly from a Smallville perspective, but Danny's woven in so seamlessly that you won't believe he wasn't in the original show to begin with. I read it for the first time after having not watched Smallville in years and I could still understand it though, so I think that if you haven't watched Smallville before you could still enjoy the fic a lot!
And like, honestly, I totally recommend other stuff by this author (jadedbluerose) too. She's got a Merlin/DP crossover that's pretty fantastic, but unfortunately she hasn't updated anything since 2014 :( still worth the read though!!
Spirited Away [70k, complete] is a Harry Potter/DP crossover, it's honestly THE MOST hilarious fic I've ever read. Synopsis: Danny is an unwilling student at Hogwarts, and the most chaotic Hufflepuff the world has ever seen. He claims he's been kidnapped but when no one listens to him, he raises all kinds of hell to try and get kicked out. And if that doesn't work, well, he can always sue them. 100% worth the read, it will definitely make you laugh.
Various Superphantom (Supernatural/DP) crossovers by sapphireswimming. Literally anything Superphantom found here? Totally the best. You can also check out Superphantom fics by surelysilly (whose fics are more on the darker end of the spectrum, and their prose style is kinda abstract rather than your traditional linear narrative) Vitaliciouscreations (they've got a oneshot collection that's pretty fun, as well as a oneshot that I wish they'd continue and a complete cute 13k-word penpal fic.)
How to befriend a ghost [80k, incomplete] is a HTTYD/DP crossover in which Danny gets stuck in the Viking era, and I originally started reading this for the Danny & Hiccup friendship because it's adorable and both of them see how similar they are to each other and find kinship in that. The dragon Danny gets (because this is a HTTYD crossover, this is inevitable!) really sneaks into your heart though, and I ABSOLUTELY adore Sparky as much as I adore Toothless. He's very lovable and complements Danny super well! Of course, it's not all friendship bonding and training dragons, the archipelago is Danny's home now (until he can find his way back to Amity Park/his own century) and he's going to protect it too when trouble arises, just like the dragons do. He even gets new powers along the way. This fic is pretty fun, there's a lot of switching perspectives and you really see the characters' voices come through in it, and you even get to see the dragons' POV, which is really interesting since you get to learn Sparky's backstory!
Den Mother [8k, ongoing] is a Young Justice/DP crossover that acknowledges the fact that Danny is by all rights a first-generation hero, and he's treated with the respect as such and gets to join the Justice League rather than the YJ team. Of course, he doesn't WANT to join the league at first, which is a different take than you'd expect, but he reluctantly agrees and is then given the same responsibilities as a Justice League member--that is, to teach the YJ something about teamwork or whatever. It's not very long right now, but the premise is so good! It has a lot of potential.
A Foreign Perspective [200k words, complete] is a DNAngel/DP crossover that I saw @scrollingdown call a fandom classic once and honestly agree, even though I don't think many people know/have read it. It's a cute friendship fic that focuses on Phantom (not Danny, but Phantom specifically) making his first friend, an older boy named Daisuke, who seems normal at first, but is slowly revealed to be a little more understanding of Danny's situation than he appears. Some comfort involved too since Danny deals with a little more with the idea of mourning/loss than in canon, seeing as Daisuke thinks he's a full ghost and therefore a teenager that died, and Danny learns to be a different kind of hero because of it. Really cool fic too since you don't need to know DNAngel at all to understand the fic, since it's told from DP's perspective, and you get to learn about Daisuke as Danny does. It's just super sweet and it's got some action here and there that makes it exciting, and it's really a fun read.
Other stuff by this author is worth the read too! They've got oneshots of a HP crossover and Ghost Whisperer crossover, and a sadly incomplete HTTYD crossover [100k words] that is still super super good and also deals with ideas about mourning and loss. Their non-crossover stuff is also pretty interesting (there's a Mute!Danny AU and Dash kinda-redemption oneshot I really liked).
Diversity [150k, ongoing] is another Ghost Whisperer/DP crossover, it's a found-family fic where Danny runs away from home after his family dies in the events post TUE. He ends up running into Melinda and she goes out of her way to help him. There's a couple underlying mysteries surrounding the ghosts that haunt this fic, and Melinda tries to understand Danny's past and ends up tangled in a conspiracy because Danny's hiding his ghostly alter-ego and also the GIW are involved at some point (and they are much more menacing here than in canon). It's totally a page-turner, and you can get as invested as Melinda in hoping Danny heals from his loss. Spellbound [150k, ongoing] is a HP/DP crossover by the same author! Danny accidentally gets trapped by Magical Britain and is bitter about it, but he's trying to make the best of it. The Wizards have no idea what to make of him, but he just wants to go home, and he makes a couple friends while he plots his escape. (It's actually been a while since I read that one, so I'm a bit fuzzy on the details, but I do remember feeling bad for Danny in this fic, poor boy's lonely and can't even interact with kids his own age because he's an unknown creature to the wizards. Good thing Danny's never been one to follow authority.)
A Visit to Paris [10k, complete] is a Miraculous Ladybug/DP crossover in which Danny is Akumatized... sort of. The results are hilarious: Danny's a troll, Hawkmoth is frustrated, the heroes aren't really sure what to make of it, and Danny and Adrien make a lot of puns. Oh, and Danny is the only one smart enough to fix Paris' villain problem (okay, so it might be slightly cracky). It reminds me very much of Spirited Away, which I mentioned earlier. It's got the same level of chaos that's for sure. All in all, it's a very, very fun read.
A Different Sort of House Call [50k, incomplete] is a House MD/DP crossover, it's been years since I read it but I've always considered it one of the fandom classics too? It was definitely one of the first things to pop to mind when I was trying to recall all the cool memorable crossovers to rec you, so this goes on the list too. It's Danny at the hospital with House, and the doctors are trying to diagnose him without knowing about his ghost half (and Danny's not exactly willing to tell them either). There's angst (especially since the author wrote this to follow Lab Rat by AnneriaWings), Vlad trying to be an ally (sorta?), and House being clever as usual. Sadly it's incomplete but it's still super good!!
Running Blind [20k, complete] is a CSI/DP crossover (it took me forever to find the link again since it wasn't listed as a crossover). It's super good, Danny runs away for reasons unknown (at the beginning of course) and gets caught up in a murder investigation and he suspects the culprit is supernatural so obviously he helps out. The CSI guys are both trying to protect him (thinking he was a target for the murderer) but also trying to uncover his past and the reasons he ran away. When you find out why he ran away, you might be awed like I was (especially when you realize how long it had been since he ran) or you might be unimpressed, but the aftermath and his family/friends finally catching up to him might make up for that. I kinda liked how Vlad was written here too.
Ghost Crimes and its sequels is a Criminal Minds/DP crossover. It's the first in a very long series (currently 500k+ words in total) that expands on the DP world and lore, and also involves a lot more murder, death, blood (and the other related gore-ish stuff), and overall realism. Like, Danny fights what is basically Jack the Ripper and its terrifying. It's kind of like a "dark and gritty" DP (but like, not unbearably or overwhelmingly dark and gritty), angst sprinkled here and there, along with darker themes and less light-hearted issues (mental health/trauma/depression/etc. and neglect/abuse and like, actual competent adults like social workers and stuff are a real thing in this fic). There's a lot going on but it's got its lighter nice moments too (Dani is there and gets to be a part of Danny's family, Val's in on the secret, among other things). Also some of the chapters are illustrated, it's great. Definitely check it out!
Okay that's a lot of fics so I'm gonna stop now. Have fun reading!!
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windermeresimblr · 4 years
Medieval Paper Dolls: Let’s Go A-Viking
So, this week we’re taking a detour to Kattegat, or wherever your preferred Viking fiction locale is. While the Vikings technically aren’t medieval, they were active in the early medieval period. Also, those apron dresses. There’s also not a great deal of meshes that can work very well as Viking clothing, so the looks this week are a bit limited, stylistically. So, we have our “before” picture, with Alun and Joyeuse still dressed in very fashionable early medieval clothes. Nothing that couldn’t be worn in Viking-controlled areas--perhaps York?--but still nothing that screams “viking.”
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Menswear in the Viking period wasn’t that drastically different from menswear in France or Italy or England. Their only real change was that their hosen were actually trousers, because Scandinavia was not a very warm climate. (They were often wrapped closer to the legs with strips of fabric or leather ties in order to keep warmer.) Additionally, all possible waterproofing precautions were taken--cuffs were either wrapped or sewn shut to avoid snow getting in, for example. So poor Alun doesn’t look that much different in his first picture. 
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Where the Vikings really stand out are hats and hoods. Again, Scandinavia is very cold and it is a truth universally acknowledged that if you don’t wear a hat when it’s cold outside, you get very cold, very quickly. So numerous hats and caps and hoods have been found, with something to suit every Viking’s taste. Skullcaps, hoods, and hats very similar to Santa Claus’s have all been attested to. I put Alun in outerwear for this look; the trimming on the poncho he’s wearing is supposed to mimic the rather shaggy homespun cloak some Vikings wore. (@simlicious has the best patterns for shaggy, shaggy fleece.)
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And because it wouldn’t be Viking without swords and shields somewhere in the mix, here’s Alun ready to charge off a longboat and cause havoc. No, he’s not wearing a helmet; it’s uncertain how many Vikings wore any sort of head protection at all in battle. Watch your head, please, Alun.
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Women in the Viking period wore a simple tunic over their shifts, like most women throughout the early medieval world, but it’s what they wore over the tunics that’s interesting. The hangerock, or apron dress, was either a sideless ‘jumper’ or ‘pinafore’ type garment or an actual strapped overdress. It was pinned at the shoulder with brooches. The style is rather similar to the traditional Russian sarafan. (There’s also evidence that a third style, which was a length of fabric wrapped around your back and sides but left open at the front, was worn with a modesty/warmth panel pinned over it to allow for nursing. It’s certainly more practical than having to unpin your whole dress when the baby’s hungry.)
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Vikings loved beads and ornaments of all kinds, and women frequently decorated the fronts of their apron dresses by stringing beads and trinkets between their shoulder brooches. Of course, the Sims doesn’t allow for this, so Joyeuse has to stick with “only” wearing a necklace. But they wore necklaces, too, so she can’t be that put out.
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Because it’s rather chilly in Scandinavia--do I really need to repeat myself with this?--lots and lots of overlayers were worn. Shawls were very common, especially among the higher-status women. While I’ve opted to put Joyeuse in a triangular-fold shawl, you could also use a more classic blanket-style shawl. Anything that covers the shoulders but gives your Sim some freedom of mobility should work. 
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Viking women also wore headscarves or head coverings, just as their non-Viking counterparts. However, there’s not a lot of evidence for what kind; there’s a suggestion that the majority of the hair was covered, at least for married women. Once again, marital and social status is determined not only by the cut and quality of your garments, but also what you’re wearing on your head.
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Of course, there was always the option to wear a really kick-ass cape if you were cold or a shawl just wasn’t enough for the occasion. There was also an option for a frontless coat that could trail on the ground behind you; mesh issues unfortunately did not let me demonstrate that look for you today. (I did change Joyeuse’s head covering for this picture, just because I saw this hair on Ifca’s blog and immediately thought “VIKING!” without much regard to whether it was historically accurate or not. I just love that kerchief so.)
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(And did you really think I’d leave you without a shield-maiden battle couple picture?)
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Now, go do some more shopping! 
Tunic 2 by @murfeelee
Boots 1 by @murfeelee (Off Duty)
Boots 2 by EAXIS (Movie Stuff Pack)
Hat  by Venus Princess (Doom Acc. 1)
Hair 1 by Ifca
Hair 2 by Ifca
Sword and shield by Severinka
Alun’s short cape, belted tunic, hosen, and “tunic sleeves” can be found in part two of this series.
"Hangerock" 1 by DarkNighTt
“Hangerock” 2 by NataliS
Shawl by Ersch Sims (the long one, nos. 3 and 4 in the pictures)
“Treasure Necklace” 1 by @murfeelee
“Treasure Necklace” 2 by LeahLillith
Kerchief Hair by @danjaley (the Nurse kerchief)
Headscarf Hair by Ifca
Joyeuse’s “kirtle,” shoes, and cape can be found in part two of this series.
I went for a more dynamic look this week, courtesy of @danjaley​‘s conversation poses. I got a little tired of them looking unhappy.
@studiok2sims made the pose Alun is using in the weapons picture; super talented as always! You can find similar sword-wielding poses in the Swordplay posepack.
Joyeuse is using a pose by Paranoia or Drunkard in HER weapons picture. (Pose no. 26 from the big medieval posepack, to be precise.)
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theskytraveler · 5 years
So, here’s the deal.
I’ve been a terrible internet friend lately to the lovely @dreamwritesimagines​. Sorry. I didn’t mean to pull a Houdini, you know? In my defense, it’s been one of the craziest years of my life, but now I’m BACK! For good! And I know I said that before, but now it’s FOR REAL.
Btw, thanks for always tagging me in your work, it truly means the world.
Anyway, I need to make up to you, so here’s a little surprise 😉 Instead of reading each and every chapter I haven’t read yet and writing my lovely comments on them – spamming your notes with me in the process – I wrote this little thing here.
To you, Dream, here are my long overdue thoughts on your recent incredible work.
To you, my followers and whoever else might be reading this, here are some incredible fic recommendations. You’re welcome.
Since this is partially a fic rec post, I’m gonna write about everything available on your Masterlist, Dream. You know my thoughts on most of these, but ah well. I’m on a roll.
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Series I have already finished: (so you can skip it if you’re curious about the ones I haven’t talked about yet)
First, my all-time favorite series you have ever written, the phenomenal Bad Habit. I guess this started as a one-shot and it became so much more. This series has it ALL! Great characters, smart and funny dialogue, fantastic character development and plot twists that hit you out of nowhere.
Oh, and the Y/N here is basically my spirit animal.
Btw, I reread this series a few days ago, and I wanna know: where is my sequel? Where’s the Christmas themed one-shot? My little Zoe acting as Matt’s sidekick and falling in love with Peter Parker (I still remember this anon headcanon, yes, and I still ship it, yes). Gah, I love this series.
While we’re on the Ben Barnes train, let’s talk about Daddy Issues. It’s a Westworld fic that doesn’t take place in Westworld. And it is GREAT. Logan and Y/N are so cute and the ending was perfect. And I still want a one-shot of a proposal, thanks.
And before we get into the more angsty stuff, we gotta talk about Invisible. It’s the softest series ever. I know it’s on a long hiatus for now, but I still think about Y/N and Steve and the fact that I lowkey ship her with Billy. When you find the inspiration for this series again, I’ll be ready. Also, what the hell happened in Detroit?
Ah, Don’t You Love Me. Don’t I love this series. (Sorry, terrible joke. Don’t you love me?). One of the best character developments ever. Y/N here is so flawed and struggling with so many things. It just makes her so human and real. And her road to recovery was a joy to read. And Steve is Steve. The most perfect puppy of a man. And how could I forget my favorite villain in all your series? Trent is GREAT! I STAN A PERFECT ANTAGONIST!
And, finally, it’s time to talk about Faint of Heart. Another one where the character development we see Y/N go through is astounding. I love Queenie, my favorite Y/N ever. This series had the most perfect ending I could dream of. And not just Queenie, I mean, this series has the most amazing cast of characters, I love all of them! The ones from the show and the new original ones. Queenie, Bree and Eric are my babies. AND I WILL DEFEND THAT SOMBER LITTLE PASSAGE WITH MY LIFE OK? THAT IS MY FAVORITE PART IN THE SERIES, NOBODY TOUCHES THAT!
From this point forward, be aware that there WILL be spoilers for new readers.
Series I started, but you have no idea who I feel about the ending because I never told you and series I haven’t started yet: (again, my bad, sorry).
There is never enough Billy Russo, is there? So, Once a Year. The one I never finished. UNTIL NOW THAT IS! Two dysfunctional people falling in love, ah. Or realizing they’ve been in love all along. Billy and Skittles give me the creeps, but I also couldn’t help but ship them. As I recall, the last chapter I read was Chapter 9 and I had a LOT OF QUESTIONS. Like, what the hell is actually going on kind of questions. AND WHAT HAPPENED LAST YEAR kind of questions. Here are my final (and edited, because this post was already super long, so I had to do some compromises) thoughts on this series:
Chapter 10: My desire to kill Krista is alive and well, I see. Carter is still a puppy and I see myself in Karen, because I too want to see all the drama up close. Skittles and Billy “broke up” and I am SAD. And also curious as to WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE?! Always questions, never answers;
Chapter 12: THEY ARE SO SOFT, I CAN’T- and now everything has gone to shit. Well, it was good while it lasted. Why can’t they just communicate? Tell him what is going on, Skittles. Why are you marrying Carter? AT LEAST TELL ME! Oh, wait. They’re communicating. WHO WOULD HAVE THOUGHT! EXCUSE ME, WHAT THE FUCK? Bring me this Aldrich dude, I’ll kill him;
Chapter 13: This whole “second wedding” thing is cracking me up, I laugh every single time. Aldrich has some nerve showing up in the gallery. And I am reminded yet again of how much Skittles and Billy scare me hahaha it’s great;
Chapter 14: It really is one step forward and two steps back with those two, huh? I love my girl Karen! She ships it and her being confused about the situation is the funniest thing ever. And then she gives the best advice. Gotta love her. And now, back to the Skittles and Billy show… COME ON, MAN! Wait. IS SHE BREAKING UP WITH CARTER? Man, I’m so glad I don’t have to wait to find out, which brings us to…
Chapter 15: Oh, geez. I feel for Carter. Dream, set him up with Rose or something, I’m suddenly so sad. Carter is such a great guy. DAMN IT, BILLY! There are only two chapters of this left, how are you messing things up, man? Oh, wait. MERMAID! Oh, I just remembered that these two CREEP ME OUT. Jesus, Billy. That’s not romantic, man. Skittles and Billy need professional help, my GOD;
Chapter 16: Poor Carter. I’m not really a beach kind of person, but I’m glad Skittles and Billy are happy in a remote location. “BEYONCÉ TAUGHT ME BETTER”, THIS IS THE BEST QUOTE OF THIS SERIES, I’M DEAD! Awn, the gallery is so cute! I love it! OH NO! Rawlings. Of course you needed to give us on last plot twist, why am I surprised? EXCUSE ME, HOW DARE YOU? YOU WRITE AN EPILOGUE OR SOMETHING RIGHT THE FUCK NOW! OH MY GOD! WHAT THE FUCK.
I just...
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Of the new series I haven’t started yet, how could I not begin with Crown of Hearts? After how much I loved Faint of Heart there is a sequel? GIMME! Let’s break this down chapter by chapter (again, I had to edit my comments, because they were just too long):
Chapter 1: OMG I’M SO EXCITED. Ah, Queenie’s childhood was so sad, I’m glad she won’t let the same happen to her children. EITR, THE BEST FALCON, I MISSED YOU! The domesticity between Ivar, Queenie and Ragnar, I can’t. It’s too cute. BJOR AND BREE! I missed them too! And Gala and Hvitty. Where’s Ubbe? And Torvi? Btw, I don’t trust any of these new people;
Chapter 2: “Baby shark”. I’m gonna laugh every time I see that. “BWE” OMG! I LOVE THAT! Oh, yes! Flashbacks! I love those. Ok, I’m warming up to this Osmond guy, but I still don’t know if I trust him. Threats everywhere, they really can’t catch a break, huh? STOP EVERYTHING, ERIC the love of my life IS HERE! I am so ready for more Eric content. Can he fall in love with that dog loving shieldmaiden of the headcanons now, please? WAIT, QUEENIE, DON’T LEAVE! I WANT MORE ERIC CONTENT! NO! ERIC, FOLLOW HER! That was cruel, Dream. Wow, those rumors about Queenie. People sure are creative in defeat (burn people from her home country, burn). QUEENIE IS A LEGEND PEOPLE, YOU TELL THIS RAYDON GUY;
Chapter 3: They are really talking about teaching poisons and swordfight to a baby? Of course they are. Oh, they’re waiting until he’s seven. That’s better. I hate Queenie’s mother. Such a vile woman. Ok, I like Osmond. Can we keep him? Make him fall in love with a Viking girl! Or boy! I see him falling in love with someone rather clumsy. I ship it already. “Who did Ivar kill?” AHAHAH I LOVE THEM. It will happen, guys. But oh well;
Chapter 4: I love them all ganging up to tease Hvitty. Poor guy, but still. It’s so entertaining. DAMN BREE, WAY TO GET ME EXCITED LIKE QUEENIE OVER NOTHING! I want this wedding, damnit! But, sure, go off on a raid instead, I guess. “THE BJOR INFLUENCE” AND “IT’S LIKE A CURSE” I’M SCREAMING AHAHHA. Ok, Bree, you convinced me. Go chase your freedom. Excuse me, but WHO THE FUCK TOOK BABY RAGNAR? I’LL END YOU;
Chapter 5: Bree is a godsend. Bless her heart. Taking care of Queenie during this mess. This entire situation is awful, btw. That was MEAN, Queenie! This fandom has raised you better! OH THEY FOUND HIM, THANK YOU! Queenie scares me sometimes, but I guess this time those guys had it coming;
Chapter 6: Queenie is gonna have to make up to Ivar, sorry I don’t make the rules. HVITTY CALLS GALA “MY HEART”, EXCUSE ME THIS IS TOO SWEET! DAMN, Hvitty. Tell us how you really feel. But, yes, I guess Queenie needed to hear that little comment about Edgard. Bree is so smart, I stan. Why are you being shady right after I decided I like you, Osmond? Please explain yourself.
I’m loving this. I missed this gang so much. The only thing lacking in Crown of Hearts is more Eric content. How dare you show him for like two seconds and then NEVER AGAIN? You’re torturing me here, Dream. But ah, I want to know more about what is going on in Kattegat. I don’t trust a whole bunch of people, but, well, can’t say I’m surprised about that. CAN’T WAIT TO READ MORE!
I literally squealed with glee when I saw that you were writing for Bucky. Untouchable is the one I was the most excited about reading. And the best part? I already have 7 chapters to binge! And I am obviously going to tell you my you guessed it, edited thoughts on them:
Chapter 1: I’m liking this setting! The 1940s, what a twist for most of Bucky fics out there, this is great. And Y/N is already so interesting! AH, HI BUCKY, I LOVE YOU! I love flustered Bucky. This feels like they are star-crossed lovers, separated by their “places” in “society” and I am HERE for it;
Chapter 2: OMG SHE’S IMAGINING BUCKY, YES! I already ship them so hard, I s2g. This Charles guy, I don’t like him. I bet he is a Hydra double agent. Who sent her the flowers? Does Y/N have a stalker? I’m worried. OMG, HI LITTLE TINY STEVE! The alley scene broke my heart, thanks;
Chapter 3: Wait. Bucky and Y/N are sneaking around? What happened? Did I skip a chapter? Did we skip time and I didn’t notice? Like, I’m glad and all, but still. AH, it was a dream. I see. Rude. And on that note, Shirley is rude too. Oh, not now, Charles! Go away! Y/N and Bucky were having a moment. Oh, there’s bad blood between Bucky and Charles, I see. Interesting. “If you knew half of the things he did, you would have nothing to do with him”. Bucky, darling, do you really think Y/N has a choice? Men are so obtuse, my god;
Chapter 4: “And sooner or later he would get mean, all of them did” I AM CRYING! This is terrible. Y/N must have had a very difficult life. And her current situation isn’t really any better. LITTLE TINY STEVE TO THE RESCUE! I stan. Steve also ships it, welcome aboard, buddy. And, Y/N is in denial. I would argue that a broth is never just a broth. Thanks for coming to my TED talk. I LIKE YOU THOMAS! He ships it too and he has no idea who is the other half of the ship. Bucky sees the real her, I can’t- “There’s nobody” and I am deceased;
Chapter 5: Daydreaming about Bucky Barnes? I sure can relate. NOPE, Linda! Don’t even think about it! And she thought about it. Argh. But who cares about that when we have Bucky and Y/N being their ADORABLE selves? Bucky, my sweet summer child, you are so fucked. You will be happy eventually, but Hydra, man. Brace yourself for the next 50 years. THE KISS! THIS MOMENT WAS SO SWEET! OMG, I’M DEAD! This was so perfect. So of course Y/N had to run away. Thanks. LINDA I’M GONNA KILL YOU! AND CHARLES IS NEXT! Y/N get OUT of there;
Chapter 6: I need to know. Are the bruises a regular thing with Charles or did she do something that made him angry? I feel like it’s the former. I don’t like it. WHY THE EVERLOVING FUCK DID YOU SIGN THE CONTRACT, Y/N? I hate you, Linda. And you, Charles. OH MY GOD, BUCKY IS THERE! He is the best person ever, so soft. Someone get me a Bucky. Omg, tell him, Y/N! Why don’t you people ever communicate? This is driving me crazy;
Chapter 7: Do NOT ruin this for us, Shirley! Don’t tell a single soul! Or else I’m putting you on my hit list. Y/N and Bucky are going on a date and I am SO excited. Hey, Ruth? Do NOT ruin this for us! Go away. “I want you to trust me first” and my soul has left the earthly realm for I am deceased. Again.
Ok, I’m loving this? I don’t want it to EVER end! Bucky is perfect, Y/N is so interesting and Shirley is also pretty great. I hope she does find true love eventually. But that General guy… I don’t trust him. At all. I’m also pretty sure he’s Hydra and things will get really ugly for both Bucky and Y/N. And given your recent history with Once a Year, I’m not really sure we’ll have a happy ending, so thanks for that. I obviously CAN’T WAIT TO READ MORE!
Now, Burn It Down has nothing to do with FoH and CoH, but it was influenced by The Last Kingdom? I’m sold. (Like I always am when it comes to your writing, as you’re probably aware, but oh well). I obviously read all three chapters and here are my thoughts (edited, as I’m sure you know by now):
Chapter 1: That was a creepy way to start a story. Like, first paragraph and I’m already kinda creeped out, thanks. Hmm, the animal heart bit? We’re not in Kansas anymore, I guess. But I’m intrigued. She doesn’t trust men what a mood, very smart of her. I like her. She’s creepy, but I like her. What happened in Ivar’s tent two nights ago? Ok, I’m intrigued;
Chapter 2: I’m liking Y/N’s and Ivar’s dynamic. It’s fun to see them getting acquainted with each other and figuring out how to deal with this little situation they have going on. Ok, but why is she helping Ivar? Like, yeah, their destinies are entwined or whatever, but he’s so rude. I’d tell him to go to hell, honestly. He’d have to earn my help;
Chapter 3: Well, Hvitty is obviously the brother that will be forgotten. Poor guy, but oh well. At least forgotten doesn’t mean he won’t have a good life. Now, the brother who “shall be the victor” is Ubbe and the “tragedy” one is Ivar, because of course. Also because I don’t accept anything bad happening to my sweet puppy Ubbe.  But like, “victor” of what? This is so vague. This Y/N and Skittles would be good friends.
Ok, I’m intrigued! Not sure how I feel about Y/N yet, but I think she’ll be more like Skittles than Queenie. I’m ready for that! This fic has a different atmosphere than the ones I’m used to see in your writing, but I’m liking it so far. Obviously can’t wait to read more.
So, there you have it! Hope you liked it and I promise I won’t disappear on you again!
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jakey-beefed-it · 5 years
What attracted you the race, class, background, alignment etc of your d&d character? I.e. What was the draw?
Gonna answer this for Altanin, my chaotic good tiefling barbarian, since he’s the one I play the most.
Race: Tieflings are neat! I’m always interested in half-breeds and ‘monstrous’ races who face judgment and discrimination because of my own mixed-race issues. Half-orc is the obvious choice for that, and particularly for a barbarian, but honestly I think horns are cooler than tusks. It’s... not deep or complicated, really- half-orcs are cool but tieflings are Cool(TM). Also, I love the shit out of the anti-antichrist angle, the ‘Hellboy just wants to pet cats and eat pancakes and you can fuck off with the whole Right Hand of Doom bullshit.’ So my poor boy grew up in a mongolian-type steppe nomad society where everyone was like ‘oh, yeah, that Altanin’s a pretty good dude for a DEMONIC BEING LABORING UNDER A BLOOD CURSE, WHY DID WE TAKE HIM INTO OUR TRIBE?! WE’RE CURSED!’ until he was eventually exiled- though not for tiefling stuff, sadly, but because he went into a barbarian rage and one-punch killed his fiancee’s asshole brother in what was supposed to be just an ordinary ‘fuck you though’ brawl.
Class: I’ve never played a barbarian before! I’ve played lots of paladins, I’ve played a wizard (abjurer with a high STR/CON who was prone to casting silence/antimagic field on enemy wizards and then just... just beating them senseless with his fists), I’ve played a fighter/rogue and a bard... I wanted to do something that was fairly straightforward combat-wise but would allow some shenanigans. Thought hard about going berserker but we kinda needed something tankier and we already had a rogue and a ranger who do P L E N T Y of damage, so, bear totem looked neat and I gave it a shot. Holy damn is it awesome. So now I’ve got a level seven slab of mongolian beef with 102 hp who, when raging, takes half damage from everything but psychic damage, and so effectively has like 204 hp unless a saucy bard insults his fashion sense (which is, admittedly, devastating). Not to mention the ‘double lifting and carrying capacity’ thing you get. So Altanin, a bit drunk at a party with aristocratic ladies and no idea how to impress them, was being 100% honest when he stammered ‘I can lift a horse you wanna see?’
Background: I knew I wanted to go for a ‘peripheral,’ less settled people for inspiration for my barbarian rather than someone from anyplace that considered itself ‘civilization.’ Vikings are rad as hell for that but it feels like it’s been done kind of a lot. So instead I went for ‘steppe nomad’ since they spent most of human history riding around making life extremely difficult for everyone bordering the entire fuckening eurasian steppe. In narrowing it down a bit I decided I liked the Mongols best. Not a strike against Scythians, Turks, Huns, etc., because they’re pretty rad, too. But Mongols, man. Mongols. Anyhow then I ended up dumping Wisdom so I was absolute shit at animal handling and decided Altanin was just like... the Worst Mongol(TM) and growing up he was never able to really ride around and herd sheep or whatever very effectively because he was so tall and awkward (most of his tribe were like, average-to-somewhat small stature, he is 7 feet fuckening tall) and the stubby horses were like ‘oh fuck no’ when he’d try to ride them. So instead he started literally pushing and then carrying the sheep back where they needed to be. And he got progressively stronger and stronger and built preposterous levels of stamina hauling full sized fucking animals around by foot fast enough to keep up even a little with the other kids assigned to round up the animals. Anyhow I had to give him a Tragic Backstory (well-adjusted people rarely take up adventuring) so I decided he’d been a foundling who grew up resented and largely outcast and who was eventually Banished For Life from the only people he’d ever known. As one does.
Alignment: I am a big softie and literally always play a good alignment. My paladins were all lawful good (back in MY day you HAD to be lawful good to be a paladin! kids these days and their more accepting deities who want paladins with matching ethoi *shakes fist*), my wizard was neutral good, my rogue/fighter and bard were chaotic good. Good because they all genuinely cared about helping other people. The law/chaos axis just describes how they thought one should go about it. My lawful good paladins always tried to be Just and Fair and once they got high level they did their best to be Reasonable Authority Figures. By and large they took a larger-view of trying to help society. The needs of the many and all that. My neutral good mage was a bit more flexible on bending the ‘rules’ if the results were good; he didn’t chafe at rules or structure so much but sometimes they could get in the way and so he’d... fudge, a bit. Look, sometimes you just gotta skip the paperwork and Do Good. Most of my chaotic good characters have been... vaguely criminal, or Living A Lie, or some other major reason to justify their alignment- valuing their individual freedom over boring ‘rules’ so long as nobody got hurt. Well, nobody innocent. Altanin has some of that attitude, but mostly he’s just got a narrower view on ‘doing good’ than my paladins- he doesn’t understand how to help Society, but by god he can help this person, here and now, if the damn cops will just shut up and let him do his thing and stop whining about ‘taking the law into his own hands’ or ‘frightening the local merchants by growling about capitalism’ or ‘destabilizing the local economy by giving wads of coin to everyone who looked like they needed a little help.’
Also frankly he’s just a lot more impulsive than my other characters tend to be, and that doesn’t work out so well with lawful good alignments, thematically, in my opinion. I mean, you absolutely COULD do a really compelling lawful good heart-on-sleeve recklessly kind character who would be really neat, it just didn’t feel right for Altanin, and that’s borne out well with his character development.
Thanks for the ask! I love talking about my enormous fiendish dire mongol son. Altanin, to paraphrase a meme, ‘looks like he could kill you, could actually kill you, but mostly just wants to help you unless you’re bad, and then he will yeet you into the next life.’
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Πειρασμός | Peirasmós
Chapter 14 : Home Sweet Home?
A/N : So sorry for the late update, my laptop went psycho on me for the past two days. But here you go, another update x)
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Like a mouse following the cheese into a trap. That’s exactly the definition she would use, seeing the soldiers pouring inside the town’s walls. Unbeknownst to them, they were actually baiting them. But after seeing Aethelred and Alfred, her whole mind went dark and had only one thing certain in it. Protect the two princes. The cubs to the lion that led the powerful army charging through the small town. Even if she had to spill blood to do it, then so be it. There was nothing she would not do; to protect the ones she love and care about.
Keeping her eyes fixated on the two young males, she rushed to her checkpoint as fast as her legs could take her and perched on top of the highest floor from one of the buildings; waiting for the soldiers to come pouring into the west wing of the town. There were about 7 people stationed there, all 7 of them being her own soldiers, Ivar knowing fully well she has not yet trusted his kinsmen. That was highly considerate of him but the cripple told his brothers that it was to make sure the plan will be carried out instead of having a melodramatic season of delay due to trust issues.
Erika took out the bow she left in the room, and loaded one arrow, placing it gently as she makes her aim. Her breathing slowed down until she could only hear her heartbeat pumping from inside, and the bowstring was pulled slowly. The footsteps coming from the Saxon soldiers made the tension rise up gradually and it was only time telling her when to give the first strike; the sign to attack. Across her, two more soldiers were ready with a barrel of oil, just waiting for her command. But just when she was about to let the arrow fly its way into either one of the Saxons, she caught a glimpse of Alfred walking into the west wing; the wing they were targeting. She loosened her grip on the bowstring and cursed. “Damnit Alfred, get out of there.” Deciding it wasn’t worth risking it, she got up from her leaning position and aimed the arrow somewhere near the youngest prince instead.
The sound of the bowstring being loosened made itself known to the princess as the arrow made its mark at the poor unlucky soldier’s chest, who just so happened to stand beside Alfred. The boy dropped dead and it was a warning shot from the foreign princess, for Alfred to notice the impending danger and flee from there. When the first shot came down, it was sign for the others to carry out the other sets of plans. The wooden planks were let down from every corner and exit of the town, successfully barricading the soldiers with nowhere to go. A single hand gesture from the raven haired woman was all it took for her soldiers to pour the oil down.
The heavy crude lubricating oil greeted the Saxons face first and the grossed out groans were heard alongside a string of complaints. Of course, the complaints would not last long because they’re going to be running wild with flames. Literally. With the barricades sealing their sides, rendering them useless trying to escape, Erika notched yet another arrow and let Irena, who stood next to her, light it up with fire before pulling it. Making her aim by also slightly applying a stronger pressure to it and let the string go swiftly, the arrow hits the pavement that was also coated with oil; letting the fire erupt ardently. Soon, most of the soldiers in the west section had already burned themselves.
The first part of the plan was carried out prominently, so she made her way downstairs quickly to join the fight. Not so she could slaughter the Saxons, more to actually keeping a close eye on Aethelwulf’s cubs. She passed through a checkpoint at the south west corner of the alley, and the barricades were slowly being lifted as the archers took their aim and plucked them off one by one. It almost frustrated her to the point’s end when she could not manage to pinpoint their exact location. She had lost track of where Alfred fled to. Successfully dodging the other soldiers who were fighting against the Northmen with all their might despite being cornered, she wasn’t keeping an eye in front of her when she evidently crashed into a figure and both of them rolled down the pavement. The wet blood that coloured the road made her gag briefly before struggling to get back up and face whomever it was that she bumped into.
It was Alfred.
Secretly thanking God, she pulled him with her to a much more closeted and secluded alley. The reaction displayed across his face was enough to tell her than he did not expect to see her. “I thought you were captured and held against your will--” Sparing the younger prince a nonchalant look, she scrunched up her nose at the manner of melodramatic self he was trying to say she exuded.
“Excuse me, what? Captured and held against my own will? Who told you that,” she scoffed, still dragging him with her through the alley with all the dark walls surrounding them. There were a few soldiers fighting but they had more pressing matters to attend to; like surviving the end of the axe. So they didn’t exactly notice the new bride of one of the Viking princes were dragging their Saxon prince. “Don’t answer that, of course Aethelwulf would try to dramatize things over. He’s always been a drama queen.” She then rolled her eyes at the thought of the petulant King’s behavior. “No Alfred, I wasn’t tied or gagged up like some prisoner princess. This isn’t exactly a fairytale land, love. If you are captured, they’ll either kill you or maybe sacrifice you which isn’t any better than the first really, or they would offer you for ransom. You see, the second option is not really viable seeing as my brother was the one who offered me into the part of an alliance agreement. Brother of the year, I know.” Poor cub was struggling to keep in the same pace as she does, while also dodging the other people raining on them from all sides. To which Erika had surprisingly fend off very easily as she either hit their heads with the stick she took randomly at the corner, or kicked them off.
“Then, how are you here now? Are you alright? Did they hurt you?” Oh Alfred, always the sweet compassionate exuberant caring pup. She grinned widely at his question which made the prince to positively wonder whether his remark was a questionable one.
“Physically, they wish. Mentally, possibly every second I spent,” she shrugged and halted on her steps, letting the two vikings crash into each other within the narrow space, before jumping over them to resume her ‘fleeing’. “I married them, not bought them, Alfred. Pretty sure they actually have an amount of decent respect towards their women, seeing as they have shieldmaidens everywhere. Killing me off would be such a stupid move for them to do, especially when I’m basically the token of the ‘good will’ between the Russians and Northmen-” Right before she could finish her whole sentence, a random viking just so happened to strike at her, which she almost did not succeed in ducking.
Pushing Alfred away as he met the walls of the alley, she spinned around and slashed the viking’s left ankle, leaving him to grunt in pain as he fell down to his knees. Taking out her sword, she hits him with her hilt and kneed him to the face before making a clean swipe over his chest. She then beckoned for the prince to follow her as he was still struck by the nonchalant manner she had exuded earlier as she killed a fellow viking who tried to take on her. When Alfred didn’t move from his position, she took his hand and dragged him away with her. “-doesn’t mean they could not try and say my death was resulted in an ‘unlucky’ battle. That was the first attempt. Huh, I’m surprised they took this long to try and carry that idea out. Guess they’re not so bright after all.” It was almost shocking to see the infamous Erikaterina to chortle in such situation, but knowing her well, he shouldn’t be surprised.
When they finally made it out from the horrendous alley, she lets out a relieved sigh before offering the latter a soft smile. “Amiable people are affable. They are kind, warm, and friendly. There are not a lot of those people these days; making them to be such a short supply. But you know who’s amiable? You, Alfred. You’re the most amiable person I’ve ever had the pleasure to meet in all my life.” Her hazel hues softened as she embraced the younger prince, who returned the gesture. He has been growing very well and she knew this might be their last time meeting each other that is not under the grounds of hostility, so she was sure to bask in every single moment of it. “I missed you terribly. You and your brother, Aethelred. I wish we didn’t have to meet like this, this is definitely not the manner I want you to see me in.” A chuckle followed shortly after.
“Armor, or dress, crown or not, you’re still Erikaterina of Novgorod, Rika. You will still be her despite everything.” His statement had made the princess bit her bottom lip before trying very hard not to smile.
“That made me feel like I actually do have an identity.”
“And you do. You are your own person, not even marrying a Pagan would change that. One day, you’ll see that.” While the two converse, she told him to find someone trustworthy to guide him back to his father perhaps. Bidding the prince off, she hoisted herself on top of the rooftops as she climbed up. Her eyes caught the sight of Aethelred fending the vikings off. His fighting manner was much like his father, but still, he is new to it making him to be an easy target. She needed to get him out of there soon, forcing Aethelwulf to get out and she knew exactly where to hit.
Just one hit that is too close to home.
Grabbing her bow from her quiver, she notched an arrow before aiming it at Aethelred. She needed to be very precise and careful while doing it or she might end up hating herself even more for failing. Aethelwulf was ignorant when it comes to wars and battles, given that he is a great warrior. But he loves his sons more than anything, making him to be a good father. It was an idea she could trust. Her nimble fingers found itself tugging on the bowstring, pulling it slowly to her cheek level, as she lets out a ragged breath.
“I’m sorry, Aethelred.”
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With that, the grip on the string were loosened and the arrow flew straight towards the eldest son, piercing his shoulder, just below his left shoulder. The prince staggered and Aethelwulf saw his son being vulnerable and went out his way to get his cub to safety, forcing the Saxon King to intervene. “Fall back! Retreat!” Hoisting his son’s arm around him, he dragged him away. Watching the scene unfold before her eyes, she sighed.
Mission accomplished.
The Vikings emerged victoriously once again. While they were busy shoving the celebratory event to themselves, Erika took the other option; perching herself on the rooftop, staring into the distance while rethinking of Alfred’s words. She could hear the cheers coming from the people below, their loud mannerisms being colloquial to the raven haired princess. No doubt that Ivar boasted over his victory and condescending his two older brothers. Not wanting to be a part of a conversation that was likely to go south, she opted to spend the day to herself, relishing in the solace and comfort it gives.
But, little did she know, the very plan that Ivar had devised in order to win over his brothers, had gone south in the end. It was giving the older ones more doubt on the youngest brother. It was starting to break their strings. While she was too occupied with her thoughts, Hvitserk poked his head up and climbed to join her, taking a seat next to her. “Are you waiting for prince charming, ravnprinsesse?” Recognizing the timbre in his tone and the nickname, a small smile crept up, as she still did not avert her gaze.
“I got a prince. I guess you could say he’s charming in his own way.”
“Any possibility that he could be beaten by anyone? Maybe a formidable opponent?” His random question made her chuckle, which was a boost to his ego. Making the Russian princess laugh was not a normal occurrence and it’s something they actually take in consideration. An achievement to the flaxen haired prince. She hummed and shrugged casually, dismissing the light joke.
“Did you two fight with Ivar again?”
That had automatically strike Hvitserk to go into a full on defense mode, following the accusatory tone lacing his wife. “What is that supposed to mean. If anything, it’s Ivar who’s relentlessly picking fights with his older brothers,” he scoffed, crossing his arms as he huffed in the cold air.
“I wasn’t trying to insinuate anything, Hvitserk. I was just asking. Ubbe and him are tense these days. Ever since the first attack on York. I’m guessing it’s because of Sigurd’s death. It doesn’t help the manner of death placated on him too. Axed by his own brother.” Her tone was all too calming, it was one of the things Ivar was actually worried over. No one really knew what goes into her head. “He’s being impartial.”
“Ivar flaunts over his victory and I’ll be frank, it’s not really something we like seeing. Ubbe suggested that we should go ahead the road of peace. He wanted to make a deal with the Saxons.” Erika, who was highly intrigued by what he was saying, turned her face around to meet him.
“What do you mean?”
“Ubbe wants us to stop fighting and go claim the lands that were given to us by King Ecbert.” The Russian only nodded in response and stared at the space again. Silence ensued over them and she tilted her head to the side, questioning the prince what he was going to ask her. “Do you think that’s wise?”
“I’m probably biased, as Ivar would say.”
“That’s Ivar. I don’t care, you’re my wife. I want to hear your opinion, and so does Ubbe. You’re experienced, Erika. You know things in some ways others don’t. That’s why the Saxons treasured you.”
Clicking her tongue in annoyance, she scowled at the prince. “They like me because I’m actually a decent likable person to be around. They treat me like a person, instead of a thing.” Briefly apologizing for her sudden outburst, she resumed her talk. “But, if it was up to me, I do think Ubbe is wise to want all the fightings to stop and propose peace. That’s a high road into the new world you have to be willing to take. Co-existing is a thing every people needed to learn. Even the Saxons. However, it’s also likely that Ubbe will be rebuked by Aethelwulf. He’s a prideful person. Especially given their defeat today. It probably scratched his ego. But it is still possible if Ubbe is willing to risk it.”
“Things are so difficult,” he mumbled and she snickered lightly before taking his hand into hers.
“Nothing is meant to be easy, love. Surely, someone’s taught you that.” Within seconds, she was engulfed with a back hug from Hvitserk, who placed his chin above her head. It was comfortable. He only hummed and tightened his embrace around her, to which she gladly returned by caressing his hands as she leaned against him.
The two stared at the sky, both filled with questions differing from each other. But they don’t know that, neither do they need to. One thing was sure, the married couple was investing everything into making the said relationship work and it has been progressing splendidly over the period. She would never admit it, but Erika grew to like and hold a mutual attraction towards Hvitserk. Hvitserk, the same. Given, the two divulged in each other’s presence every night ever since, but they were married, so it wasn’t really an abnormal thing. What’s important, was that the gesture was sincere.
Following Ubbe and Ivar's untimely fallout, she sided with Ubbe when it comes to peace and solidarity. She wanted the bloodshed to stop, more than anyone. Especially, since it was against her now former friend. It's also a hit close to home. She was sleeping just across Hvitserk, on the floor, when she could feel her body being shook awake by someone. Groaning slightly, she almost cut Hvitserk. Taking the dagger from her hold, he placed it down aside and told her to get up. With no other explanation given, the flaxen haired prince took his vest and sword with him as he followed Ubbe out. Mumbling a few incoherent words to herself, she got up and dragged her sword and outerwear with her as she trailed behind her husband.
Once she got outside, she saw Ubbe with horses ready. Still not understanding the situation, she wondered what the elder Ragnarsson was planning but went along with it. It wasn't her place to question, and she wasn't sure if she wanted to anyways. Hvitserk helped her mount her horse as he got up his. The gates were opened and a small party was led by Ubbe.
Halfway into their journey, she glanced over to Hvitserk, who was riding next to her. “Where are we going? Where is your brother taking us to,” she mumbled groggily. Her conspicuous self has not yet resurface due to her sleepiness. She was actually quite tired today. If it wasn't due to the tight grip she had on the reins, she probably would've fell after the first two minutes mounting her horse.
“He wanted to propose peace, remember.” And suddenly all that sleepiness was washed off and replaced with uncertainty.
“Are you sure? Is that where we're going then? The Saxons’ camp?” Gone was the sleepy princess. What's left is the uncertain and nervous princess. Given her current predicament on things, it was probably not the best reunion she would hope for.
Soon, they arrived just outside the perimeter of the camp. They left the rest of the party in the woods while only the three of them advanced. At first, Erika wasn't sure if she wanted to meet them but she figured she was their best chance and shot at securing any deals made between the two parties. That is, considering Ecbert was right, and that Aethelwulf would forgive her any day, no matter how high and deep her betrayal and treachery went. She got off her horse and made her way to the tent, trailing behind the two brothers.
There, Aethelwulf, Bishop Heahmund and Alfred was present to oversee their ‘deal’. Taking a reluctant seat next to Ubbe, she tried her best not to look Aethelwulf in the face. She couldn't bear it. She didn't have the courage to do so. “Why are you here.” The King's booming voice made itself known to their companion.
The entire time, they spoke of possibilities and chances to reach an accord where both parties can be at peace finally. With her facing the table and fiddling with her fingers. “And why should we accept such offer from you? You attacked us.” The room was tense and the raven haired princess could take it no more.
“He has every reason to do so. It was his right. Your father handed Ragnar over to Aelle to be executed. Therefore, he aided and abetted in his death, despite it being indirect. If your father was murdered with brutality, would you not wish revenge over the perpetrators?” The sudden question from the princess made the Saxon King silent. “With that being said, it is said and done. It has happened. The sons of Ragnar have exacted their revenge as planned and both Kings are dead. But let us not dwell in the past. Their actions had resulted their ends. Let us not be another example of that. We are better than this. We are a new generation birthed to shape the world into a better place than before. We should not stretch our standards like our predecessors. Prince Ubbe came with a sincere heart, hoping for peace. Should you not be the better person and take it? They have nothing to lose. But you, you have everything to lose. You've lived in exile after your defeat the first time, Aethelwulf. Do not burden your people with another. Do this for your sons, by the very least,” she exclaimed. The desperation for solidarity was evident in her voice.
Alfred was smiling at her. Hvitserk had a proud look on his face, to see how well-spoken his wife truly is, living up to her status and reputation. Bishop Heahmund had a certain air to him that offered her respect. Then, there's Aethelwulf, who was in the mix of being proud of how far she's become, and the tense tides on actually accepting the said offer. “I think we should be the better one and accept their offer.” Alfred spoke up.
“They have no legality. My father had no rights to give the lands of East Anglia. He was no longer King-”
“Yes, but you are now King aren't you? Show them how generous you are, father.”
The start of Alfred's statesmanship flickered and Erika couldn't help but to notice the dimming light that was slowly kindling in him. Proud was an understatement. “Alright then..one condition.” Looking up to finally meet his eyes, she saw her friend looking back to her. “She stays here.” That was enough for Hvitserk to start retaliating. Seeing how it could render their deal useless if this kept going, she stood up.
“I will stay, per your bidding.” Hvitserk came to her side and told her she didn't have to, for they cannot make her since she is her own person with her own degree of status. Smiling softly at her caring spouse, she took a hold of his hand and kissed his knuckles. “I am doing it out of my free will, Hvitserk. It's better this way. Don't worry, I'll find you again somehow,” she reassured and he sighed in defeat, knowing he cannot truly convince her otherwise. When Erika has made her mind up, it was almost impossible to change it. He kissed her forehead and hugged her.
The scene before him made the Saxon King felt like there was a bile on the way up to his throat. He was glad Erika was back now, but he never thought she was starting to even like her ‘husband'. Either that, or she was one hell of an actress. He hoped the latter. “Alfred, take her with you..” With that, she left the two princes to deal with the King and Bishop Heahmund, as she followed the younger prince out of the tent.
Alfred led her to a tent, to which when she entered, was his own. He shared the tent with Aethelred, who was laid on his bed place. He tried to get up but she told him it was no need. Making her way to him, she took a seat at the side before examining his injury. “My aim has improved by a mile, so much your father would be proud. Though I can't say he'll be much of that proud when he finds out I tested the aiming theory on his own firstborn son.” Her fingers ghosted over Aethelred's shoulder.
“You were the one who shot me?” The disbelief colouring him was truly hilarious, it made the princess bit her lip and gave him an impish grin.
“So sorry about that. It was the only way I know your father would intervene and pull you out. You needed to retreat. Better a defeat than a death.” She shrugged and brushed over his hair.
While she spent her time talking to the two princes, they were interrupted by a presence gracing the tent. It was their father, Aethelwulf. Standing from her spot, she tilted her head to the side slightly as a questionable reaction was derived from her. “How did it go?” When Aethelwulf did not answer her, she squinted her eyes in response. Something was wrong. “Aethelwulf.. What did you do.” Once again, she received no answer from the Saxon King. She went out her way to go outside and search for the two brothers when Aethelwulf tried to stop her. “You let go of me this instance!”
The last thing she saw was the sight of soldiers laughing towards one direction, where Hvitserk and Ubbe were running off in distance. “Where are they going? Why are they leaving me?” Her long time friend came from behind, standing next to her.
“They didn't leave you.. I forced them to do it. There is no deal. And Heahmund humiliated them per say.” That had caused the princess to fume in anger as she flailed her arms around in distress, a sight to which Alfred, Aethelred, Judith, Heahmund and the other soldiers bear witness to.
“This is why I should have never left you to deal with them alone. You cannot keep me here forever, Aethelwulf! I am Hvitserk's wife. Legally and lawfully right. Even you cannot undo that,” she stressed her words and Aethelwulf who looked down said nothing, leaving her to vent her frustrations elsewhere as she left him.
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piranha2509-blog · 5 years
1. Cardinals
The Pick: Nick Bosa - Defensive End, Ohio State   
Chandler Jones has been one of the fews bright spots for this 3-13 Cardinals team with 13 sacks on the seasons. His numbers are actually deflated because with no running mate other teams can double team him without having to worry. With the first pick in the draft the Cardinals can change that by selecting Bosa who dominated at Ohio State. The Jones and Bosa tandem could be one to terrorize quarterbacks for many years to come.
2. 49ers
The Pick: Josh Allen - Edge Rusher, Kentucky                
It’s very likely that the 49ers trade down to either the Jaguars or Giants both of whom are trying to get in front of the other to select Dwayne Haskins. If they stay put however, they will likely take the uber-talented pass rusher Josh Allen whose decision to forgo the chance to enter the draft last year really paid off. He put up monster numbers in Kentucky and he could really strengthen the 49ers D-Line.
3. Jets
The Pick: Quinnen Williams - Defensive Tackle, Alabama
With the top two edge rushers in this draft Nick Bosa and Josh Allen gone the Jets are going to look to get the best player available and thankfully the best player available might be the best player in the entire draft class. Quinnen Williams was a monster up the middle at Alabama. Gregg Williams comes to the Jets with his new 4-3 scheme and Quinnen Williams should slide right in at Nose Tackle.
4. Raiders
The Pick: Kyler Murray - Quarterback, Oklahoma
With the tier one players in this draft class going in the top three selections Jon Gruden and Mike Mayock might not be benefiting as much as they normally would by selecting the best player available. Watching what the division rival Chiefs did with Pat Mahomes they could draft Kyler Murray this year and give him a year to learn the offense before he hopefully explodes like Mahomes did this year.
5. Buccaneers
The Pick: Rashan Gary - Defensive Lineman, Michigan                
There are a lot of reports coming out that Gerald McCoy’s days in Tampa Bay might be numbered. Even if he stays he’s 30 years old and looks to be on the decline. Their next best D-Lineman was Jason Pierre Paul and he’s 30 as well. Rashan Gary is hyper athletic and can play any position on the D-Line. While his numbers might not be the greatest his athleticism warrants a selection in the Top 5.
6. Giants
The Pick: Dwayne Haskins - Quarterback, Ohio  State                
Eli Manning might still have a year or two left in the tank but Dave Gettleman thinks that it’s about to time to replace him with a younger Qb. Dwayne Haskins proved in his redshirt sophomore year about as much as you can prove in just one season. His sturdy frame, quick release, and pinpoint accuracy allowed him to quickly become one of the best CFB prospects who should be the future in the Big Apple.
TRADE! Broncos Get: Jaguars 1st Rounder, Jaguars Get: Broncos 1st, 3rd, & 6th Rounder
7. Broncos
The Pick: Drew Lock - Quarterback, Missouri
Watching Kyler Murray go 4th overall not only horrifies the Broncos because they’re gonna see him twice a year for another 10-15 years but it also may force the Jags to take the third best passer in the class in Drew Lock. Drew Lock perfectly fits John Elway’s mold for a perfect quarterback with good size and a big arm and those characteristics force Denver to trade up to get Lock.
8. Lions
The Pick: Clelin Ferrell - Defensive End, Clemson            
While it looks like Matt Patricia didn’t exactly have the best first year in the Motor City he was able to do a pretty nice job with the Lions defense taking them from 20th in sacks to 11th with sub-par talent. Ziggy Ansah had a down year for his standards totaling only 4 sacks and now he’s set to become a free agent. Clelin Ferrell has great moves which allow him to get to the Qb often and he can fill the void Ziggy Ansah is going to leave.
9. Bills
The Pick: Ed Oliver - Defensive Tackle, Houston
Ed Oliver was projected to go Number One overall just one year ago but he had a kind of down year in 2019. Injuries held him back and at times he had trouble getting to the quarterback at times while other defensive tackles were improving their stock. His size is also an issue but he’s still a disruptive force up the middle. At pick nine he’s a steal for the Bills who will slot him in where previous franchise tackle Kyle Williams played.
TRADE! Broncos Get: Jaguars 1st Rounder, Jaguars Get: Broncos 1st, 3rd, & 6th Rounder
10. Jaguars
The Pick: Jonah Williams - Offensive Tackle, Alabama
The Jaguars trade down 3 spots and pass on Drew Lock when the Broncos give them an offer they can’t pass up. One of the reasons the Blake Bortles underperformed so much last year was because he was under pressure at times. Assuming the Jags pick up Foles in free agency they are going to have to protect him. Jonah Williams was great at Alabama and would be a steal at the tenth pick.
11. Bengals
The Pick: Devin White - Linebacker, LSU
Vontaze Burfict has dealt with multiple injuries over his career and his latest concussion might have just put his career in jeopardy. Even with Burfict for most of the season the Bengals were still ranked 4th worst in rushing yards per game. At LSU Devin White was easily the best linebacker in college football. He’s a fast sideline to sideline thumper who would add some oomph to this Bengals defense.
12. Packers
The Pick: Jachai Polite - Defensive End, Florida
Mike McCarthy was fired at the end of the season but when new coach Matt LaFleur came in the defensive coordinator Mike Pettine stayed. Mike Pettine likes running the 3-4 defensive scheme however, he’s been missing a star pass rusher. Kyler Fackrell shows good potential and they need someone next to him and Jachai Polite has great speed and moves which allow him to get to the quarterback often.   
13. Dolphins
The Pick: Montez Sweat - Edge Rusher, Mississippi State
Cameron Wake is 37 years old and isn’t going to get any younger. The Robert Quinn trade they made last year was solid but he declined a little and soon he’s going to be out of his prime as well. The Dolphins really don’t have much other talent on the Defensive Line. Montez Sweat is 6’6” and 241  pounds and has great speed and power which allows him to get to the quarterback on a regular basis.  
14. Falcons
The Pick: Greedy Williams - Cornerback, LSU
The Falcons were just outside the bottom five in passing yards given up per game and they cut Robert Alford in the offseason. They need help badly in the secondary as Desmond Trufant and Isaiah Oliver were underwhelming to say the least. Greedy Williams is a lengthy, quick, corner with great awareness and ball skills. While he isn’t necessarily the best fit in the Falcons defense he will still be an immediate upgrade at corner. 
15. Redskins   
The Pick: Daniel Jones - Quarterback, Duke
Alex Smith suffered a gruesome injury and it doesn’t look like he’s going to return for the 2019 season. There’s also a chance that Smith never returns from his injury the same way Theismann didn’t and none of the free agent quarterbacks look like long term fixes for the Redskins. Daniel Jones was coached by Daniel Cutcliffe in Duke a man who is also credited in developing Eli & Peyton Manning.   
16. Panthers 
The Pick: Brian Burns - Defensive End, Florida State
Mario Addison is thirty one years old and has a few good years left in the tank. They need to give him a running mate and then a possible replacement after a few more years. Julius Peppers had his lowest sack total since 2007 and he’s now retired. The Panthers need someone to get pressure on the quarterback so they pick Brian Burns a pass rusher with one of the highest upsides in the draft.
17.  Browns               
The Pick: Christian Wilkins - Defensive Tackle, Clemson
Christian Wilkins dominated guards during his first three years and Clemson and that is why it was so surprising to see him return for his senior season in Clemson. The decision that seemed poor at first happened to pay off big time as he had a career year at Clemson. John Dorsey is going to continue building up this young Browns team and he is gonna take Wilkins and put him next to Larry Ogunjobi for a dangerous duo up the middle.
18. Vikings
The Pick: Cody Ford - Offensive Guard, Oklahoma          
Riley Reiff is the only sure thing on this offensive line at this point and they need help at every position. Cody Ford played tackle at times but he was mainly a mover of men at the offensive guard position. Cody Ford is 6’4” and 338 pounds. He’s a monster who finishes his blocks and rarely gets beat. He’s a great run and pass blocker and would automatically make the rest of the team better.
TRADE! Patriots Get: Titans 1st Rounder, Titans Get: Broncos 1st & 3rd Rounder
19. Patriots
The Pick: TJ Hockenson - Tight End, Iowa
It feels as if the Patriots have just won the Super Bowl for the 53rd time in a row. If there is one position that the Patriots might want to look at in the draft it’s going to be at tight end where Rob Gronkowski looks like his career is going to be winding down. In what is probably his last year in the NFL they should look to draft his successor and there’s no one better then the athletic TJ Hockenson to take his job.
20. Steelers
The Pick: Byron Murphy - Cornerback, Washington
For a team that can’t miss when drafting  wide receivers it’s kind of odd that the Steelers always miss while drafting a defensive back. Joe Haden was the only bright spot in the secondary and he looks like he will hold down one of the starting spots. The other spot currently belongs to Coty Sensabaugh who they could use an upgrade over. Byron Murphy is an aggressive ball hawk cornerback who can fix the Steelers issues at cornerback. 
TRADE! Chiefs Get: Seahawks 1st Rounder, Seahawks Get: Chiefs 1st, 4th & 7th Rounder
21. Chiefs
The Pick: DeAndre Baker - Cornerback, Georgia
The Chiefs inability to stop the pass not only got defensive coordinator Bob Sutton fired but it also kept them from playing the Super Bowl. Kendall Fuller was solid but got injured near the end of the season and Eric Berry has hit the 30 year old mark. The rest of the secondary was a complete mess. DeAndre Baker is an agile corner with great ball skills and instincts that make the Chiefs feel the need to trade up to get him.  
22. Ravens
The Pick: DK Metcalf - Wide Receiver, Ole Miss
Lamar Jackson performed well in his first year because teams weren’t used to playing a team with a quarterback who could also play running back. Teams will eventually adjust and Lamar won’t last very long in this league. To stop him from this fate the Ravens need to add talent at wide receiver. DK Metcalf is the prototypical wide receiver with a great combination of speed and size making him the ideal WR1 for Jackson.  
23. Texans
The Pick: Greg Little - Offensive Tackle, Ole Miss  
Every week DeShaun Watson has to fear for his life playing behind the worst offensive line in the league. They gave up SIXTY ONE sacks during the season. The blind side tackle position in particular was one of the worst positions for the Texans and they could really use an upgrade. Greg Little from Ole Miss has great size for an Offensive Tackle and he has great footwork and athleticism. 
24. Raiders
The Pick: Josh Jacobs - Running Back, Alabama 
When the Raiders picked up Marshawn Lynch two years ago they thought they were going to be getting the Marshawn Lynch who they saw in Seattle, a guy who powered straight through people and ran pretty well downhill. The Raiders didn’t get close to that and now they have the perfect opportunity to give Kyler Murray a run game with a crazy dynamic back in Josh Jacobs.  
25. Eagles
The Pick: Dexter Lawrence - Defensive Tackle, Clemson
Fletcher Cox has been one of the best or even the best defensive tackle in football. He can get to the quarterback as evident with his 10.5 sacks. When offenses ran the ball Cox spent his time in backfields as evident by his 12 tackles for a loss. Next to Cox however, the Eagles got next to no production as Haloti Ngata took a big step back. The Eagles draft the humongous Dexter Lawrence who complements Cox.
26. Colts  
The Pick: Kelvin Harmon - Wide Receiver, NC State
The Colts exceeded all expectations this season with a huge bounce back year from Andrew Luck which was enough to get him Comeback Player of the Year Honors. He managed to do this without very many weapons as after Hilton and Ebron the Colts pass catchers aren’t anything special. Kelvin Harmon is a big body wide receiver who catches 50-50 balls and would be the perfect complement to Hilton in the Colts offense.  
27. Raiders
The Pick: Marquise Brown - Wide Receiver, Oklahoma              
One of the reasons why Derek Carr was unable to produce at the level that he did in 2016 was the lack of weapons he’s had. They lost Amari Cooper and Michael Crabtree and replaced them with Jared Cook and Jordy Nelson who are 31 and 33 respectively. The Raiders need a deep threat who can stretch the field and make big plays and Antonio Brown’s cousin Marquise Brown would fit that role perfectly.
28. Raiders
The Pick: Devin Bush - Linebacker, Michigan
Despite having a solid Top 12 defense in almost every rushing statistic including yards per game, yards per attempts, and total rushes the Chargers got absolutely crushed by the Patriots run game in the divisional round matchup. The game showed that they needed to upgrade the linebacker position especially with linebacker Denzel Perryman entering free agency.
TRADE! Chiefs Get: Seahawks 1st Rounder, Seahawks Get: Chiefs 1st, 4th & 7th Rounder
29. Seahawks
The Pick: Nasir Adderley - Safety, Delaware  
The Seahawks managed to make the playoffs just a year after losing Richard Sherman, Michael Bennett, Kam Chancellor, Cliff Avril, and Sheldon Richardson. To add insult to injury Earl Thomas got injured in the third game of the season. After the injury he stuck up his middle finger signifying he isn’t returning to the Emerald City. Nasir Adderley is a versatile safety who should amend for the Earl Thomas loss.
30. Packers
The Pick: Deionte Thompson - Safety, Alabama
The Packers defense not only needs help on the D-Line they need help in the secondary. They drafted two cornerback in the 2018 draft but then they traded Ha-Ha Clinton Dix in the middle of the season and now there is a glaring need at safety. The Packers play one safety up more then any team in the league and a rangy playmaker like Deionte Thompson could really help the defense.
31. Rams
The Pick: Jaylon Ferguson - Edge Rusher, Louisiana Tech
Robert Quinn a key contributor on the Rams defensive line in 2017 was traded away and the Rams traded for Dante Fowler to replace him. Fowler however, is only a short term fix at edge rusher as he is a free agent and the Rams don’t look like their bringing him back. Jaylon Ferguson can replace him and despite playing for small school Louisiana Tech, he managed to set the NCAA record for most sacks in a career.  
TRADE! Patriots Get: Titans 1st Rounder, Titans Get: Broncos 1st & 3rd Rounder
32. Titans
The Pick: N’Keal Harry - Wide Receiver, Arizona State
The Tennessee Titans just don’t have the weapons around Marcus Mariota to make a deep playoff run. Corey Davis was very solid last season but around him Taywan Taylor, Tajae Sharpe, and Jonnu Smith all performed well under expectations which weren’t very high in the first place. Delanie Walker was injured and now he’s getting older and the Titans need another big wide receiver like great measurables like N’Keal Harry.
33. Cardinals
The Pick: Jawaan Taylor - Offensive Tackle, Florida
34. Colts
The Pick: Dre’Mont Jones - Defensive Tackle, Ohio State
35. Raiders
The Pick: Zach Allen - Defensive End, Boston College
33. 49ers
The Pick: Trayvon Mullen - Cornerback, Clemson
37. Giants
The Pick: Jerry Tillery - Defensive Tackle, Notre Dame
38. Jaguars
The Pick: Noah Fant - Tight End, Iowa
39. Buccaneers
The Pick: Dalton Risner - Offensive Tackle, Kansas State
40. Bills
The Pick: Hakeem Butler - Wide Receiver, Iowa State
41. Broncos
The Pick: Julian Love - Cornerback, Notre Dame
42. Bengals
The Pick: Jeffrey Simmons - Defensive Tackle, Mississippi State
43. Lions
The Pick: Amani Oruwariye - Cornerback, Penn State
44. Packers
The Pick: Irv Smith Jr - Tight End, Alabama
45. Falcons
The Pick: Gerald Willis III - Defensive Tackle, Miami (FL)
46. Redskins
The Pick: JJ Arcega-Whiteside - Wide Receiver, Stanford
47. Panthers
The Pick: Garrett Bradbury - Center, NC State
48. Dolphins
The Pick: Chris Lindstrom - Offensive Guard, Boston College
49. Browns
The Pick: Andre Dillard - Offensive Tackle, Washington State
50. Vikings
The Pick: Mack Wilson - Linebacker, Alabama
51. Titans
The Pick: Oshane Ximines - Edge Rusher, Old Dominion
52. Steelers
The Pick: Tre Lamar - Linebacker, Clemson
53. Eagles
The Pick: Deebo Samuel - Wide Receiver, South Carolina
54. Texans
The Pick: Beau Benzschawel - Offensive Guard, Wisconsin
55. Texans
The Pick: Taylor Rapp - Safety, Washington
56. Patriots
The Pick: Charles Omenihu - Defensive End, Texas
57. Eagles
The Pick: Yodny Cajuste - Offensive Tackle, West Virginia
58. Cowboys
The Pick: Isaiah Buggs - Defensive Line, Alabama
59. Colts
The Pick: Chauncey-Gardner Johnson - Safety, Florida
60. Chargers
The Pick: David Edwards - Offensive Tackle, Wisconsin
61. Chiefs
The Pick: Juan Thornhill - Safety, Virginia Tech
62. New Orleans
The Pick: Rock Ya-Sin - Cornerback, Temple
63. Chiefs
The Pick: David Montgomery - Running Back, Iowa State
64. Patriots
The Pick: AJ Brown - Wide Receiver, Ole Miss
65. Cardinals
The Pick: Riley Ridley - Wide Receiver, Georgia
66. Raiders
The Pick: Jonathan Abram - Safety, Mississippi State
67. 49ers
The Pick: Erik McCoy - Offensive Guard, Texas A&M
68. Jets
The Pick: Chase Winovich - Edge Rusher, Michigan
69. Jaguars
The Pick: Anthony Johnson - Wide Receiver, Buffalo
70. Buccaneers
The Pick: Kris Boyd - Cornerback, Texas
71. Giants
72. Broncos
The Pick: Kaleb McGary - Offensive Tackle, Washington
73. Bengals
The Pick: Isaiah Prince - Offensive Tackle, Ohio State
74. Patriots
The Pick: Ryan Finley - Quarterback, NC State
75. Bills
The Pick: Elgton Jenkins - Center, Mississippi State
76. Packers
The Pick: Michael Deiter - Offensive Guard, Wisconsin
77. Redskins
The Pick: Connor McGovern - Offensive Guard, Penn State
78. Panthers
The Pick: Kaden Smith - Tight End, Stanford
79. Dolphins
The Pick: Will Grier - Quarterback, West Virginia
80. Falcons
The Pick: Michael Jordan - Offensive Guard, Ohio State
81. Browns
The Pick: Ben Burr-Kirven - Linebacker, Washington
82. Minnesota
The Pick: Jaquan Johnson - Safety, Miami (FL)
83. Titans
The Pick: Lukas Denis - Safety, Boston College
84. Steelers
The Pick: Terry Beckner Jr - Defensive Tackle, Missouri
85. Seahawks
The Pick: TJ Edwards - Linebacker, Wisconsin
86. Ravens
The Pick: Germaine Pratt - Linebacker, NC State
87. Texans
The Pick: Damien Harris - Running Back, Alabama
88. Bears
The Pick: Jalen Jelks - Edge Rusher, Oregon
89. Lions
The Pick: Andy Isabella - Wide Receiver, UMass
90. Colts
The Pick: Joe Jackson - Edge Rusher, Miami (FL)
91. Cowboys
The Pick: Caleb Wilson - Tight End, UCLA
92. Chargers
The Pick: Khalen Saunders - Defensive Tackle, Western Illinois
93. Chiefs
The Pick: Daylon Mack - Defensive Tackle, Texas A&M
94. Jets
The Pick: Dennis Daley - Offensive Tackle, South Carolina
95. Jaguars
The Pick: D’Andre Walker - Edge Rusher, Georgia 
96. Browns
The Pick: Michael Jackson - Cornerback, Miami (FL)
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