#which: 1. EXCUSE ME???
bestworstcase · 1 year
…seven beheadings. six names. a wildcard slot
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lucabyte · 2 months
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scalproie · 4 months
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Kazuya, Power and Freedom
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lizard-dumbass · 1 year
so The World Of Mr Plant is actually rly cool
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Image ID: a digital illustration of Mr Plant from the web series The World Of Mr Plant. He is sitting on a white bed and is looking at the "camera". Behind him is an open doorway cloaked in pitch black darkness. The room is dimly lit and the lighting has a distinctly purpley blue color to it.
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varenykmeson · 2 months
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Ah yes, my favourite Gungrave characters, uuuuh...
Black Chapel and Michael Stampede?
(AKA some silly fanart based on that one Trigun cameo in the Gungrave anime)
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acidicpenumbra · 8 months
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two "ultimate" level douchebags
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marshmalleaux-queen · 4 months
people who think BOTW/TOTK Link is flat/expressionless or has no personality did not play the games, I think
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mossytrashcan · 7 months
sorry for the spam today lol, hoping to have this little ref sheet done by tomorrow so I can work on other designs for bigger pieces
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theokusgallery · 3 months
The problem with my art right now is that 1) the little drawing time I have goes to @daily-basil ; 2) I have phases, and am currently deeply unmotivated ; and 3) when I do draw what this blog is currently about (Arsenic) I draw him in a gay way (because I love him deeply) and not like the unhinged person he actually is. I'm sorry I'm so soft about him right now. Yes I want Sunny and him to tear each other apart but they also need to love each other so so so much first
#siiiiiiigh...#im sorry i need him to hold sunny gently and tells him he loves him and yes he'll say it in horrible unhinged ways BUT#poor man who does not know how to love and does not know he can be loved. he is convinced he needs to manipulate people to make them stay#writing down arsenic lore for tosteur like two days ago made me so emotional about him. shaking and crying#there's not even like An Event it's just that his whole childhood sucks and he's never been accepted by anyone and he's so lonely and#(starts crying)#he does horrible horrible things but all he does to sunny truly comes from love. deeply inhumane and twisted love but love nonetheless#(except when he's being a selfish ass who doesn't have any sort of morals and generally doesn't give a shit about other people. of course)#god he's such a horrible person (/simplification) i love him#he does not care about hurting other people and only cares about his own selfish desires#he thinks he can do anything he wants and if other people get hurt by his actions it's not his problem#don't you DARE touch a single hair on sunny's head. not in a 'i care about my bf' way btw.#but because if sunny gets hurt. he has to deal with that and 1) it's boring unless it brings him something and 2) that's *his* plaything.#even when he does nice things for sunny he doesn't make it just to make sunny happy#he does it so that sunny will associate happiness with him and stay.#that's what he thinks consciously at least. he always had ulterior motives for everything he does#it doesn't really make him calculating because it's automatic at this point. it just makes him deeply selfish#my poor little boy who has never had anyone genuinely care about him before...#which doesn't excuse shit of course but hhhh i love him so much.#(D if you see this. this is about the OC not the guy. of course)#arsenic#rant#sometimes i think about nick like a normal person ('he's so awful and interesting') and sometimes i just slhrflfbfb. (cries)
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howlhawk · 10 months
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not canon but this sure is making me consider giving charlie more tattoos. unfortunately i think my hand would die if i had to draw all of these
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bellshazes · 1 year
Drabble about whatever Cleo and Joe are up to, or coffee shop shenanigans? 👀
Tell me how to reach you - Cleo and Joe open several lines of unconventional communication in Joe’s answering machine.
[Thursday, 8:17 PM]
Howdy, this is Joe Hills recording this message from Nashville, Tennessee. If you’re looking for a Joe Hills not in Tennessee, you have the wrong number. If  you’re looking for Joe Hills from Nashville, Tennessee, or if you just don’t care which Joe Hills you’re calling, start talking after the beep.
Hi, Joe. I am, frankly, freaking out quite a lot right now so I’d appreciate a call. A serious call, and I know you’re going to think I’m kidding, but I want to have a serious call with you about dreams. And... possibly past lives. I know you’re thinking to yourself that this is clearly some kind of trick or joke, which is exactly why you should listen to how much I am trying not to panic right now and call me back, seriously. Not meaning to threaten you for once, I mean be serious when you call. Please and thank you.
[Thursday, 8:19 PM]
Howdy, this is Joe Hills recording this message from Nashville, Tennessee. If you’re looking for a Joe Hills not in Tennessee, you have the wrong number. If  you’re looking for Joe Hills from Nashville, Tennessee, or if you just don’t care which Joe Hills you’re calling, start talking after the beep.
Hi, Joe, it’s me again. Do not call when I’m asleep or I will be very, very cross. I did mean to threaten you that time. Okay, talk soon.
[Friday, 11:58 PM]
Howdy, this is Joe Hills recording this message from Nashville, Tennessee. Currently I am requesting all correspondance be sent via dreams, as I will not be checking this voicemail during my astral communication experiment to prevent information contamination. If it's not time sensitive or you're trying to talk to someone who isn't me, go ahead and leave a message after the beep.
Hello, Joe, this is - this is not what I expected earlier when you told me you were going to try something out to help me. How am I supposed to explain what I learn to you if you won't - Joe. I wanted to tell you the dreams are definitely real, we are up to a whole three and a half confirmed dream-sharers, but that doesn't mean I have been gifted long distance telepathy. I hope I'm the boogeyman in your dream tonight, you hear me? Dream of that and call me about it. In great and gory detail, I can't wait to hear it.
[Saturday, 4:50 PM]
Howdy, this is Joe Hills recording this message from Nashville, Tennessee. If it's bad or urgent, leave me a message - otherwise, all good news is best transmitted by thinking really hard and sending it to my dreams. I am no longer accepting nightmares, bad omens, curses, or threats of bodily harm by that medium, but you can leave them after the beep if you really want.
Joe, I wouldn't have to leave you threats of bodily harm in your voicemail if you didn't keep talking to me only through your answering machine. I don’t know whether to be upset because you’re being stubborn about this, or delighted that maybe I do have long-rage telepathy that allows me to express my displeasure with you. I would be much happier if you would call me back, though. 
[Monday, 9:21 AM]
Howdy, this is Joe Hills recording this message from Nashville, Tennessee and pleased to announce I’m now accepting correspondance about dreams in addition to correspondence by dreams, which is still the best way to reach me. If you don’t care about my preferences or who you’re reaching, feel free to leave a message after the beep.
Of course you’d be somehow already be asking for - Joe, listen. Last night I dreamt you owed me roundabouts six million and were trying to weasel your way out of it by making - what would you have called it, some kind of Rube Goldberg problem machine - you were creating inconveniences so I’d have to let you fix them for a credit. Which was incredibly, predictably obnoxious of you, but it was also incredibly predictable. It was exactly what I would’ve done if I were in your shoes and I dreamt I knew that for absolutely certain. You are always like this, every time, all of the times. Do you get it? You were almost charming, building me my - well, if you’re serious about this dream telepathy... thing... you can call me back and tell me what you made. I know you do listen to these eventually, despite what you said before. Don’t make me wait too long.
[Tuesday, 2:46 PM]
Howdy, this is Joe Hills recording this message from Nashville, Tennessee. Voicemails are places you leave messages for people, like, “Cleo,” you could start, if you were trying to call someone named Cleo and not Joe Hills, “I got your dream! I thought it was really sweet how you negotiated down instead of killing me like you wanted to. I’ll call you at the usual Wednesday time to compare notes.” As always, you’re welcome to leave your own contextless missive that may or may not be reaching the right ears at the wrong time since you so kindly just listened to mine. Just don’t start talking until after the beep - or do, I’m not the boss of you.
I can’t believe I’m confirming plans this way. You’re going to have to tell me about all the other voicemails you’ve gotten when we talk tomorrow, which you probably already know whether you listen to this or not. I was convinced we had a standing Monday arrangement... maybe I am going crazy after all, who knows? Or maybe it’s just because it’s you. You are just the worst, every single stupid version. I suppose I’ll have to keep putting up with this until tomorrow at least.
[Tuesday, 2:59 PM]
Howdy, Cleo. Of course I listen to you, especially all the stuff you’re not saying. You’re my friend, and I’ll listen tomorrow too. If you’re not Cleo, standard disclaimers and preferences still apply until otherwise stated. You know the drill.
You know what - nevermind an apology. I had a feeling. Talk tomorrow, Joe. Sweet dreams.
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bisexualamy · 4 months
#it actually makes me sick like physically ill how much praise is heaped onto goyishe american leftists#people who could not point to gaza on a map six months ago. whose knowledge of middle east history comes from outdated textbooks and twitte#for being anti imperial activists and well educated anti imperialists with all the right buzzwords and all the right opinions#meanwhile nothing i say will ever be good enough bc i'm jewish and palestinians are tokenized by people who care more about appearing#like someone who Listens to Palestinians as opposed to 1) doing anything material to help them (like donating money)#and 2) not spreading obvious misinformation. something that does material damage to the cause of liberation#AND further fuels the most insidious of zionist propaganda which relies on the antisemitism of ignorant western goys#this propaganda banks on their antisemitism bc it's that fucking reliable#every white western goy that harasses jews or spreads misinfo about jews or is straight up just racist towards random israeli immigrants#ppl living in the west like running coffee shops that are now having their windows smashed bc that what? supports palestinian liberation?#makes it that much easier for actual zionist propagandists to say 'see. this was never about imperialism. they want an excuse to harm you.'#'you are only safe with us'#i grew up in a cauldron of this kind of propaganda and i was playing on hard mode i got it from the orthodox#it took years of dutiful unlearning. of wrestling with some really difficult realities. of realizing that i'd been not only lied to#but information had been deliberately kept from me to keep me from knowing the true depths of the horror happening in gaza#i did not get the luxury of starting to care about this six months ago during a concerted effort to correct the record#i had to put in the effort to unlearn two decades of propaganda given to me so young i don't remember a time when i didn't know it#and i am by far not the only jew with this experience#i have put in way more effort to care about this than every white western goy with a megaphone posting palestinian flags on IG#but none of that matters bc i am a jew and for the last 5000+ years we don't get to decide how we're discussed or how we're remembered#never mind how many jewish voices (and yes! even israeli voices!) have been supporting liberation efforts in palestine for years.#who've done an amazing job reaching more people who need help seeing through the propaganda they were raised on#i can only be a token who speaks only in protest chants or i can be an evil zionist. the anti imperial work doesn't matter.#bc anti imperial work is hard and none of them actually want to do it they just want the protest photos#anyway this is why i don't discuss this on the piss on the poor website. tbh i don't trust y'all
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paopujuice · 1 year
finally watched that one defunctland video
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Oh this explains exactly why I hated Mean Girls:
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Because jesus christ NO!!! YOU DON'T HAVE TO BE LIKE THAT o_O;;;
My family moved around a lot so I transferred schools a lot lol, often in the middle of the school year too. Thanks to that I experienced a wide variety of social dynamics. In the worst, most hierarchic and 'kill or be killed' schools, I was a weirdo outsider, sometimes with literally no friends (which was fine; I knew that wouldn't last forever, bc we were probably going to move again in a couple years). In other schools where there was much less hierarchy and performance, and much more solidarity and camaraderie, I had a lot of friends and was part of many social groups.
Is your school, workplace, family etc. shit? Well, it's not like that everywhere!
You don't have to ruin your life, sell your soul or abandon all morals trying to 'fit in' when the system is shit.
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basingstokemercury · 9 months
I am becoming very worried about this boy's sense of self-preservation
At least he knows when things are dangerous I guess? But "I'll definitely have the intelligence and strength of character to outwit anything I encounter as long as I know what I'm getting into" is... less than ideal
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johndonneswife · 2 months
someone really should be talking about how difficult it is to plan a wedding - a gay wedding - when both of your families fucking suck
#who is talking about this!!!! let me know#idk i have 0 expectations for my family but they still somehow always manage to let me down which#i was anticipating#and i didn’t think i would care because i have never cared before#but liiiiiike.#i wasn’t expecting to feel sad rofl but my family is so fucking flaky. again i KNOW THIS i know i cannot rely on any of them#it’s annoying when i have given them a year and a half to make plans and i have had so many people tell me they would be there#just to back out or ghost or come up with some excuse#like do you know how expensive weddings are 😭 JUST fucking be honest with me and rsvp no#anyway i was very intentional with the few family members i did invite#and specifically invited people i have a rapport with / had a good (ish lol) relationship with growing up#people i have bent over backwards trying to please!!! and dropping everything to help them out#and they can’t even be bothered to communicate with me lol it’s fine. like. i do feel like it’s internalized homophobia at this point#or maybe they have hated me this entire time which is totally plausible#but they KNOW how much ayesha means to me and knows that no one from her family is coming to our wedding#at the end of the day it’s going to be like. 5 people from my family 1 from ayesha’s (her brother) and like 30-40 friends#which i am so grateful for obviously#i sound like such a brat but it’s also like - watching your family continuously choose drugs/alcohol over showing up for you - lol#AGAIN i’m used to this and expected as much but i’m still feeling bad#just rsvp so i can move on with my life please. stop telling me you’re trying to make it work when we both know you aren’t#i have so much more to say but i’m going to sound crazy even though i knooooow it is homophobia like i Know it#i think there are certain people i will finally go no contact with for good after this#which is a freeing thought but i only invited v few family members to begin with. there’s abt to be no one left lmao#probably for the best#ugh whatever#again i can’t help but feel a certain way when they have done more/traveled further for relatives they hardly know#meanwhile i was forced to spend so much of my life living for these people and for them alone#AAAAAAAA i just want to scream#text
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