#wob's toys
biomic · 2 years
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thefuchsianeko · 5 months
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I've had this since November but anyway… TADC oc, named Wee-Wob. They're a little quiet and unassuming but he says weird things sometimes. Zones out a lot and comes off as empty headed, but they're very nice if not blunt. She stares a lot.
Her design is mainly inspired by those carnival games where you shoot the duck cut-outs, and those old wooden duck toys with the wheels.
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everybodyshusband · 11 months
i fink little rain deserves to have a nice baff with one of the ghoulettes! washing his hair while he plays with his toys me thinks
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i agree ! i think they absolutely deserve a nice, warm bath !! and, aah, i'm so glad you like the way i write little rain !! thank you both for the asks, lovely anons <3
1.5k words of little!rain with caregiver!sunny and a nice bath under the cut :) oh ! and i've used they/them for rain in this one too :)
“Sun Sun, ‘m cold,” Rain whined, doing their best to paw at the ghoulette’s shirt from where they were curled up against her side, trying to get her attention.
Sunshine turned her attention away from the book she’d be reading aloud to them, looking down at Rain. “You’re cold, sweetness?”
Rain nodded up at her with big, wide eyes.
“Well, we can’t have that, can we?” She reached a hand down to stroke at his hair as she spoke. “How about I go grab another blanket for you, little minnow?”
Rain melted into her side at the affection, but shook their head. “Nuh uh. Blankets are no fun, Sun Sun!”
She chuckled at the earnestness in their voice. “That’s true, sweetness. Some blankets can be very boring.”
Rain nodded their agreement and scrunched up their face, no doubt thinking about all the boring, beige, standard-issue blankets littered around every room in the Ministry.
“What do you want to do to warm up then, minnow, if you don’t want another blanket?” She asked, still carding a hand through the water ghoul’s hair. Their purring kicked up in volume with every pass of her fingers against their scalp.
“We can… We can… Uhm…” Their eyebrows scrunched together as they did their best to think of something that would help them warm up. “Oh! Sun Sun!”
She waited for them to continue, but it soon became apparent they were waiting for her to join the discussion. She was tempted to leave them waiting for a moment longer—so cute they were when they bounced themselves in their anticipation—but one look at their excited face made the decision for her; they were so excited about their idea, she couldn’t keep them waiting any longer. “Yes, Rain?”
“We can have bath!” They sat up as they spoke, clapping their hands together in excitement. “Can play with bath toys, an’ you keep water warm!”
Sunny gasped. “That’s a great idea! Such a clever brain you’ve got in there, little minnow.” She took their face in her hands and pressed a kiss to their forehead, making Rain giggle.
“T’ank you, Sun Sun.” They giggled as Sunshine tapped their nose with her finger, crossing their eyes in a futile attempt to watch it happen. “Can we do bath now?”
She smiled, amused by their impatience. “Of course we can take your bath now.” She stood from the bed and held out her hand towards them. “Will you be okay walking, minnow? It’s not far, but it might be a bit hard if your legs are all wobbly.”
Rain shook their head. “‘M okay, Sun Sun. I am bit wob-elly, but I think I can do it.”
Sunshine sucked in a breath of air when Rain stood on shaky legs and had to reach her hand out to steady them, but once the two of them started making their way towards the bathroom, Rain seemed to gain more control over their legs. She walked with them slowly regardless, not wanting to risk them crashing to the ground and hurting themselves, especially not when they were like this.
As soon as they reached the bathroom, Sunshine busied herself in getting the water running and collected the basket of bath toys kept in the bottom drawer of the bathroom cupboard. She told Rain to take their pick of any of the toys, smiling as she heard splash after splash of toys being thrown into the bath. She didn’t bother waiting for the water to heat itself up, and instead chose to stick her hands in the bath and concentrate on bringing her warmth into her hands, heating the water with the small spark of fire she possessed.
“Once you’ve picked out your toys you can hop in, minnow,” she told them. “And since you’re still wearing your swimmers from earlier, you don’t have to get out of your clothes if you don’t want to.”
Rain dug around in the basket for a moment more before lifting their head up and grinning at Sunshine, holding out their hand to show her the last toy they had picked out, shivering slightly now they no longer had the blanket over them. “Gonna get in bath now. It is cold here.” They accepted the helping hand that Sunshine offered them and clambered awkwardly into the bath, chirping happily as the warm water made contact with their skin. “Nice an’ warm,” they sighed through the purr building in their chest. “No cold now.”
“Oh, I’m so glad, sweetheart.” Sunshine smiled as she took her hands out of the water, taking in the sight of the water ghoul in front of her. They’d started picking up and playing with their toys, making new, silly voices for each one as they made their toys talk with one another. Watching the water ghoul play was so entrancing that it felt like almost no time at all before Rain was pawing at her arm and complaining about the water getting cold. “Has it been that long already?”
Rain nodded and continued bapping her sleeve. “P’ease make water hot again, Sun Sun? ‘M getting cold,” they pouted, drawing their shoulders up in discomfort.
Sunshine smoothed her hands over their shoulders before sticking them back in the water with a gentle smile. “Relax, platy, I’ll take care of you.”
Rain tilted their head in confusion at the new affection. “Why you call me play-tea now?” They asked, curiously. “I thinked you call me minnow?”
“I do call you minnow, Rain,” she started, swirling her hands through the water to heat it up. Rain splashed his hands in and out of the bathwater, flicking water over her arm and watching gleefully as the droplets rain back down into the bath. “But, the platyfish is a little creature Mountain told me about today.” She laughed softly at the way Rain’s ears twitched up at the mention of Mountain, even as they continued to splash at Sunshine’s hand. “You like Mountain, don’t you, little one?”
“Uh huh. He says I am ‘llowed to play with the fishies in the pond!” They held up one of their fish toys for Sunshine to see. “Look! Fishy, like in pond!” They held it up in front of their face and bobbed it up and down in their air, making bubble noises and doing their best to make it look as if the toy was swimming through the air.
(It reminds Sunshine of earlier in the day, when Rain had clambered into Mountain’s koi pond and paddled amongst the fish, shouting excitedly at Sunshine about how cool the fish were. They’d occasionally crouched down and dipped their head under the surface—Sunshine thanked whoever had helped Rain into their clothes this morning for choosing to put them in swim trunks—while Mountain had stood next to the pond and talked with the fish, resurfacing to excitedly tell the earth ghoul about the lives of the fish in his pond. Rain had quickly grown tired of talking with the fish, and instead settled on sitting in the pond and watching them, meaning Mountain could stand away from the pond and keep Sunshine company for a while. It wasn’t as if Rain was in any real danger sticking their head underwater—they were a water ghoul after all, they had gills—but the rest of the ghouls preferred to supervise them regardless, just in case they regressed further and forgot how to use them. Once he was sure Rain was safe, Mountain had moved back to stand next to Sunshine, the two of them fawning over just how cute Rain was, as well as vowing to convince Copia to buy a small fish tank for the water ghoul’s room. Sunshine could already picture the little ghoul sitting in front of the tank for hours on end, entranced by the movement of their fish and gesturing for one of the ghouls to take a look whenever the fish did anything Rain deemed to be particularly exciting.)
“Well, Mountain told me about this very special fish who can live in cold water and warm water! They reminded me of you, little one. Because right now, you’re splashing around in the warm water just like that fish.”
“An’ that is why you call me ‘platy’?”
“Exactly! You’re very clever, Rain. That big brain of yours must be working itself tired!”
“Yeah… ‘m all s’eepy…” Their sentence trails off at the end as they go quiet, their eyes slipping closed with every other word they speak.
“Well,” she began. “How about you lie back and close your eyes for a bit while I wash your hair?”
Rain hummed, considering. “Can– Can I play toys too? If– If I want?”
“Oh, of course you can, sweetness!” She reassured them. “You just seemed to be a little sleepy, so I thought you might want to close your eyes for a bit, but if you want to play with your toys instead, then of course you can.”
Rain hummed again and made absolutely no move to play with their toys again; clearly they were more tired than they were letting on. “Maybe… Maybe I s’eep when you wash hair? Play toys is good, but I am s’eepy…”
Sunshine reached out to card a hand through Rain’s hair. “Hey, it’s okay, minnow. I’ll keep you nice and safe if you fall asleep, okay?”
They leaned into her touch and closed their eyes. “Sound... nice,” they whispered, already sounding as if they were nearing sleep. “You– You are safe to be with, Sun Sun. Gonna... Gonna keep me safe... an’ cosy…”
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foxxy0babby · 1 year
My Fwav dings to do when small!!
Color!! i hab mlp color books n helow kitty! its bery funs!
Eat snack! snack good’s yummy!
Watch shows!! i watch bweuy n mlp n oder shiws too!
Pway wit toys!! I wob los n m st uffies!! bery funs!!
NSFW DNI!!!!!!!
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anosci · 9 months
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(302-317 albums etc that I’ve listened to this year, copied from twitter) (now with art. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20] [21] [22])
names and thoughts below cut
302/ Protohype - Puppy Crew (2016) one of those albums that doesnt quite hit with me, today, in 2023. mostly. "100" hits a groove just enough for me to jam B) "Dubs & 50's" is fun too
303/ VA - Various V (2023) acid label, bleep vibes :D "To Create Is To Live Twice" has a really nostalgic sound to it, for me anyway. uziq plus some british acid ykno? immediately a big fav. the more pure acid stuff doesn't quite vibe with me this time, except "zAVONDJE 303".
304/ Towa Tei - ZOUNDTRACKS (2023) a surprisingly soft and cute sound. chopped bossa or something? short but sweet fav with "ANANAS" like an intermission between heavier funk. …if not softer, like "AMIKO" or even "OPEN"
305/ Conforce - North To South Part 1 & 2 (2016) a kind of mixed bag for my tastes, despite its cohesion. "Eclipse" i like this the most, EXCEPT that clap. calm down lol "TKY" is 2ndfav tho i kinda wish the bass were more established (longer tail) also: "Reverse". hits good
306/ VA - IT'S ALL OR MUFFIN!!!11! XD SQUEE!11!! (2023) whoops i missed this anyway, my favs: "RIPJMAN" i emember :') "Shattered Splinters of Memries Past" kind of a mess but a nice one "WHERE'S MY MAIL" much love for fooz's dist beat sensibilities "WiERDO RAVE ViRUS!!" yeah!!!!
307/ MPU420 - BPM1 (2023) i was excitedly bracing for some lush bocscapes but got some banger analogue synthjams instead. apparently mpu420 != mpu101. lol. anyway. extremely solid beats if you like your circuitry.
308/ Xilent - Your System Remix EP (2016) another older 4track wob EP that's exactly glass half full. the two tracks i dig: "Next Time (Far Too Loud Remix)" this is gross. i love it. "Reborn VIP" im a sucker for loud midtempo. this hits right.
309/ VA - Chronicles of Time (2016) huge bag. im just gonna list my top 3: "Green Memories" man that's a good jazzyprog rendition. lush acc. "Where The Monsters Hide" a really nice take on an understated track! "The Brink" beautiful rendition of a beautiful tune
310/ (music compo from qbparty 2023) 'salrite. gotta say that "Hungary" is great tho. deserved winner. it's kinda cheesed as a mod file but the result bangs so hey ok
311/ litmus* - ルミちゃんなでなで (2023) fun dance candy selection. intro track: man i could go without the vocals but. i love those wobs. it'd be an EASY highlight if not for that :| "Lonely Dog" second fav, also by a wide margin. "Nostalgia 13" is funny bc accurate title lol
312/ Captive Portal - Toy Sounds Vol. 2 (2023) its alright. it doesn't really capture me specifically, but it's hard to not admire the hand crafted feel within. "Can't Read Cursive" is the highlight for me. its a clubby texture but filtered through… something, lol.
313/ (all music entries from Nova 2023) i do appreciate some of the oddities in here, but not much is rly speaking to me tbh… except "super waterworld". its 2 cute. it won my heart.
314/ (all music entries from Black Valley 2023) p nice selection! "Eternal Sunspots Of The Childlike Mind" shouldve nabbed 1st in streaming imo! same for "Her name was Holly Schiiet" in chip! delicious rez! in fact i think thats my fav entry of all of the tunes
315/ (all music entries from Evoke 2023) a so-so collection to my taste. but then "Outsider charge" feels modular in a way that kinda vibes with me?? lol idk "Stratospheric" stands out as my fav from this selection
316/ (all music entries from Xenium 2023) all over the place etc "sparkling pantograp" has a fun crinkly laser sound i cant help but admire the entire exemzk compo is shockingly good!!! less impressed with the streamed compo but "Sliced Thoughts" do slap.
next page...
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pronoun-asks · 1 year
Heya! My name is Toby and I go by vi/virus, ey/em, and wob/wobbles! I love playing with toys and coloring! My favorite plushie is a creeper that I named Tony! And I'm a rather silly goofy guy!
Hi, Toby!
I had a visitor some time ago. Eir name is Toby. Vi likes to play with toys. That's so much fun! Maybe vi plays with plushies. That's what I like to do. Maybe wob plays with wobbles favorite plushy. Ey said it was a creeper named Tony. A perfect name for a creeper. Toby likes to color, too. Coloring is relaxing. I wonder if vi likes to color virus's own art, or if ey colors coloring pages. Anyway, I hope Toby has a good day, and wob takes care of wobbleself!
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heeracha · 2 years
## a mess together. — l. heeseung
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content/warning(s): established relationship, some kissing, toxic parents fighting, just hee being such a good bf, a hint of reader being tsundere, swearing, unproof read hehe, let me know if i missed something
wc: 0.9k oops
note: um,,, updating wob later <3
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you close the door behind you gently, putting your hands in the pockets of your coat as you start walking with heeseung beside you. “i’m sorry about them.” you mumble and heeseung nods. “it’s the whole reason why i don’t want you to meet them.”
“don’t worry,” heeseung says with a small smile. “my parents are the same, they just… hide it better than yours.”
you hum, closing your eyes as you feel the soft cold breeze hit your face. “i know, like mom said, i’m all grown up, but it still affects me, you know? i always get dragged into their fights.” you mumble, shaking your head.
“i’m sorry.” he says and you shake your head. “when they started to bicker about divorcing, i can feel your mom actually meaning it.”
you nod. “she does.” you say, looking up at him. “every after fight, she’d call me and say ‘i feel like divorcing your dad’ and more stuff, i… they just seriously call me to bitch about each other.”
it was the first time heeseung met your parents and of course, they just had to start bickering right just when it was dinner. they slipped a few divorce “jokes”, saying you’re all grown up, they can separate and part ways now. but you know, your dad is joking, but your mom isn’t. they would always drag you in the fight, explaining what happened and let you decide who was right. it was exhausting, but ten times tonight since heeseung just had to witness all of it.
“i sometimes feel like i have two kids fighting about a toy.” you say and heeseung chuckles lightly. “you got your reason now, why i’m like this.” you say and he softly smiles at you.
you were like a mother to everyone. everyone going to you to talk or rant, acting all mother hen to the boys, but you have a unique way of showing how you care. when heeseung gets an injury, you would roll your eyes at him acting as if you’re mad but you would proceed to tend his injury. you’d tell him sometimes you hate him, but you would cling onto his arm like a koala. you were the biggest tsundere heeseung met, probably even more than jay. 
you thought you were a mess because you can’t express your feelings properly, but to heeseung you were just perfect. he never questioned why you’re like that, he only accepted you the way you are and loved it. that’s the y/n he loved in the first place, why would he question it? but maybe you are right, you are a mess and that’s completely fine with heeseung because he was a mess himself, yet despite your many many teasing sessions, you never made heeseung feel like he had to be collected when he’s with you. you were fine the way he is, you love the way he is. and he’s the same with you.
heeseung stops you, going in front of you and cups your cheeks in his hands as he leans in to kiss your lips. you close your eyes, kissing back. you open your eyes when he pulls away and he thinks that the fight affected you more than he thinks. usually, you would make a face of disgust when he kisses you, but now, you lift the corners of your mouth when you look at him.
he softly runs his thumb on your cheek, smiling. “we’re not gonna be like your parents, okay?” he says and you softly chuckle. he remembered you saying that one night. you were worried what if you two turn out like your parents. “and we’re not gonna be like my parents.” he says and you nod. “when we get married and have kids, we’ll mess them up on our own way, okay?” 
you laugh, closing your eyes as you lean your head against his chest. heeseung couldn’t help but let out a chuckle, smiling widely as you gently placed his hands on your shoulder, pushing you lightly so you could look at him. “we’ll find our own way to mess up our little rugrats. not the way our parents did in a toxic way. let’s learn from them, hm?” he says and you nod.
“i would love that.” you say and heeseung smiles. you stand on your tiptoes, pressing a kiss on his lips to which he smiled at. “you’re saying this as if we’re gonna get married and have kids tomorrow.”
“i’m not saying we should get married tomorrow or as soon as we can.” heeseung says with a chuckle. “all i’m saying is, doesn’t matter when, i will marry you.”
you smile, nodding. “will i marry you, though?” you mumble and heeseung rolls his eyes, but smiles nonetheless. “i still don’t get why you chose to go for someone who’s a mess.”
that’s the only time you question heeseung. why did he love you? out a billion, he chose you.
“because i’m just as a big mess as you,” he says, shrugging. “i’m not here to fix you or anything, i’m here because i understand you and you, me.” he smiles. “if you want, we can be a mess together. even when we’re old, we can still be a mess, running around the house chasing each other, hoping not to break our backs.”
a grin slowly grows on your face and you nod. “let’s be a mess together.” you say and heeseung smiles. you wrap your arms around his shoulders as he wraps his arms around your waist. “i love you, thank you.”
“i love you, too.” he says, kissing your temple with his eyes closed, never getting enough of you. and you were the same, never getting enough of him.
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permanent taglist: @ja4hyvn @goldenhypen @acciomylove @kuromieiie @baekhyunstruly @knrejj @tomorrowbymoa-together @mygnolia @person-standing @son9oi @ferxanda @hutao-s @rising-ashes @missmadwoman @todorokiskitten @dinosdance @candidupped @clarakyunisageek @yizhoutv @kyleeanne @jaeyummies @woniewhite @staysstrays @kuuuuroo @beibybtch @iamnotgrootforiamthor @tobiosbbyghorl @w3bqrl @jakesim-p @vantxx95 @en-boyz @pjongbb204 @kpoprhia @saucytaehyung @bobatonin @bubblejunnies @intotheleeknow @jjunis @haoreo @chirokookie @elevenlatte @love-4-keum @enhacolor @beomsun @soobin-chois @xyxlyn @yeongwonie @bakubae000 @neozon3nha @karsohn @namjoo-jay @parkmejeon004
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onlycosmere · 6 years
Stormlight WoB
"Syl's inspiration came from a lot of different places. I'm not sure if I can point to one thing. The spren are inspired by Japanese mythology, that everything has a soul. That is the original inspiration for it. But Syl as a character, I'd been toying with forever, and I think she came about as a counterpoint to Kaladin's darkness; a figure of light that I knew that the story would need."
- Brandon Sanderson
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daily-klingon · 6 years
wotmey vagh
Sab decline, deteriorate v Sach expand v Sagh be serious v SaH be present (not absent) v SaH care (about), be concerned (about) v Sal ascend v Sam locate, seek and find v Sang obliterate v Sap volunteer v SaQ cry v Saq land v Sar be varied, various v SaS be horizontal v Saw marry (husband does this) v Saw' have a depth of v Say' be clean v Say'moH clean, cleanse v Say'qu'moH sterilize v SeH control v Seng cause trouble v Sep breed v SeQ be formal, be ritualistic, be ceremonial v Sev contain (an enemy) v Sey be excited v SeymoH excite v SIch reach v SIgh influence v SIH bend v SIj slit v SIm calculate v SIQ endure, bear v SIS rain v SIv wonder v SoD flood v SoH you pro So' encrypt v So' hide, cloak v So'Ha' decrypt v So'Ha' decloak, emerge from concealment v Sol quarrel v Son relieve v Sop eat v SoQ be closed, shut v SoQmoH close, shut v Sor speak literally v SorHa' speak metaphorically v Sorgh sabotage v Sot be distressed, be in distress v Sov know v Soy' be clumsy v Sub be solid v Such visit v SuD be green, blue, yellow v SuD gamble, take a chance, take a risk v Sugh install (in office) v Suj disturb v Sum be near, be nearby v Sup jump v Suq acquire, obtain, get v SuQ be toxic v Suq gain v Surgh skin v SuS blow (into musical instrument) to produce sound v Sutlh negotiate v Suv fight v taD be frozen v taDmoH freeze v tagh begin a process, initiate v taH be at a negative angle v taH continue, go on, endure, survive v tam be quiet v tammoH silence v tam exchange, substitute v tap mash, squash v taq be scarred v taQ be weird, bizarre, unnatural (maybe creepy) v taqmoH scar v tatlh return (something) v tav shake v tay be civilized v taymoH civilize v tay' be together v ta' accomplish v teb fill v teH be true v tem deny, contradict, disavow, claim as false v ten embark v tenHa' disembark v teq remove, take off v tet melt v tey scrape v tey be uncomfortable, be close v teybe' be comfortable, be easy v tey' confide v tIch insult v tIj board, go aboard v tIl salivate v tIn be big v tIq be long, lengthy (of an object) v tIQ be ancient v tIS be light (weight) v tIv enjoy v tIw react emotionally, behave emotionally v tI' fix, repair v tob test conclusively, prove v toD save, rescue v togh count v toj bluff, deceive, trick v toq be inhabited v tor kneel v toS climb v toy' serve (a master) v tuch forbid v tuD thunder v tuH be ashamed v tuHmoH shame v tuj be hot v tul hope v tun be soft v tung discourage v tungHa' encourage v tuQ wear (clothes) v tuQHa'moH undress v tuQmoH put on (clothes) v tur carry out, conduct (a mission), perform (duties) v tuS cough v tutlh be tattooed, have a tattoo v tutlhmoH tattoo v tuv be patient v tuy' spit v tu' discover, find, observe, notice v tu'lu' there is ... v tlhab be free, independent v tlhap take v tlhaQ be funny v tlhaS fight, battle (relatively minor fight) v tlhaw' hit (percussion instrument) with fist v tlhay' be tame, domesticated v tlha' chase, follow v tlheD depart v tlhej accompany v tlher be lumpy v tlhetlh progress v tlhe' turn v tlhIb be incompetent v tlhIH you (plural) pro tlhIj apologize v tlhIl mine v tlhIn be particular, individual v tlhIS spit out v tlhIv be insubordinate v tlhob ask v tlhob request, ask, plead v tlhoch contradict v tlhoD be somewhat obscured, filtered, smudged, fuzzy v tlhogh get married to, marry v tlhoj realize v tlhol be raw, unprocessed v tlhong barter, bargain v tlhorgh be pungent (referring to food) v tlhorghHa' be bland (referring to food) v tlhot land on water (like a bird) v tlhov wheeze v tlho' thank v tlhuch exhaust v tlhuD emit (energy, radiation etc) v tlhuH breathe v tlhup whisper v tlhutlh drink v tlhu' be tempted v tlhu'moH tempt v vaD be flexible v val be clever, smart, intelligent v van salute v vang act, take action v vaQ be aggressive, be effective, be vigorous v vaq mock v vay fight, battle (mid level ferocity) v veb be next (in a series, sequence) v vegh go through (an open door, a tunnel, etc.) v vel cover, coat, mask v vem wake up, cease sleeping v vemmoH wake (someone) up v ven be nerdy v ver be dizzy v ver be spiral v vergh dock v vev insert, put in v vev pin, attach or fasten with a pin v vey' be comfortable, be plentiful v vey'Ha' be uncomfortable, be meager v ve' travel with a purpose, for a specific reason, travel on a mission v vIb move through time toward the future, propagate v vIbHa' move through time toward the past v vID be belligerent v vIH move, be in motion v vIl be ridgy v vIng whine v vIt tell the truth v vItlh be high, great (in quantity, size, intensity) v vI' accumulate v von trap, entrap v vong hypnotize v voq trust, have faith in v voqHa' distrust v voQ choke v vor cure v vorgh be previous v vo' propel v vuj expel, eject v vul be unconscious v vum work, toil v vun order (in a restaurant, from a catalog, etc.) v vung cyclone, hurricane v vup pity v vuQ fascinate v vur be modern, up-to-date, state-of-the-art v vuS limit v vut cook v vuv respect v vuy be helpful, supportive v vu' manage v wagh be expensive v waH taste, try out (food) v waH try out, test, use experimentally v wal vibrate, be in a state of vibration v wam hunt v wan be straight v wanHa' be crooked, bent v waQ obstruct v waS be wrong, awry v watlh be pure v wav divide v way be striped v way' parry, deflect a lunge v web be disgraced v wech serve fermented food at its peak v wegh confine v weH raid v wel owe (someone) v wem violate v weq hit (percussion instrument) with palm v wer be creased, be wrinkled v wermoH crease, wrinkle v weS lose, no longer have, suffer a reduction of v wew glow v wIb be sour, be bitter, be tart v wID massacre (connotes indiscriminate killing) v wIH be ruthless v wIj farm v wItlh break something off v wIv choose, select v wob hurl a spear by means of a chetvI' v woch be tall v woD throw away v wogh transgress, do more than is acceptable v woH pick up v woj sterilise v wol be creased, be folded v wolmoH crease, fold v wom peck v woq confirm, substantiate, corroborate v wov be light, bright v wuD snore v wun be unprotected, vulnerable v wup burst into song v wuq decide, decide upon v wuQ have a headache v wuv depend on, rely on v yach pet, stroke v yach strum (a stringed instrument) v yaH be taken away v yaj understand v yajHa' misinterpret v yan use or manipulate a sword v yap be enough, sufficient v yatlh be pregnant v yay' be shocked, dumbfounded v yegh be spotted v yem sin v yep be careful v yepHa' be careless v yeq cooperate v yev pause v yIn live v yIQ be wet v yIr gather (items) v yIt walk v yIv annoy, bother, irk, irritate v yIv chew v yI' speak in an honorable or respectful fashion v yob harvest v yoD shield v yoH be brave v yon be satisfied v yong get in v yonmoH satisfy v yot invade v yov charge (military term) v yoy be upside down v yuD be dishonest v yuDHa' be honest v yugh include, consist of, be composed of (in chemistry) v yughmoH filter v yuq outwit, outsmart v yut distract, create a diversion v yuv push v yu' question, interrogate v 'ab have a length/height of (object is length) v 'aD have a length of, measure v 'agh show, demonstrate, display v 'al float (in/on air) v 'ang show, reveal v 'ap be dented v 'apmoH dent v 'argh worsen v 'av guard v 'aw' sting v 'el enter, go in v 'ep consume soup v 'eq be early v 'eS be low v 'ey be good, be delicious, be tasty, be harmonious v 'IH be beautiful, handsome v 'Ij listen v 'Il be sincere v 'Im render, boil fat v 'Ip vow, swear v 'IQ be sad v 'Iq be too much, be too many v 'Irgh bully, intimidate, pick on, harass v 'It be depressed v 'Itlh be advanced, highly developed v 'oD arbitrate, mediate v 'ogh invent, devise v 'oj be thirsty v 'ol verify v 'ol verify, check if (something) is true, make sure that (something) is true v 'om resist, fend off v 'ong be cunning, sly v 'or pilot, operate (an aircraft) v 'oS represent v 'ot withhold (information) v 'otHa' disclose, divulge v 'ov compete v 'oy' ache, hurt, be sore v 'uch grasp v 'uch hold, grasp v 'ugh be heavy v 'uH have a hangover, be hung over v 'um be qualified v 'umHa' be unqualified v 'up be unsavoury, be disgusting, be repugnant v 'ut be essential, necessary v 'uy press down v
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biomic · 2 years
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guess what i got~
really can't tell you how much i adore these toys. they're all way better than i was expecting. even the dinky little buckle surprised me by having the peach be reflective. the donblaster's spinning gimmick feels a lot better than you'd think it would, i don't really find myself missing the geartlinger's crank in comparison. similarly, the avataro gears look a lot better in person too, and i REALLY appreciate that there's a little plastic cover over the main art to prevent scratching. some of my sentai gears (turboranger and gekiranger, bc Of Course It Would Be Those) have become really dinged up despite me barely using them in the first place, so it's nice to know that they took that into consideration with these newer gears
but man. the zanglass sword. take this with a grain of salt bc it's literally the only sentai sword i've ever owned but just from what i've seen from other toy reviews i think this might be the coolest sword toy sentai's ever had? it feels great in the hand, it's smaller than the prop obviously but big enough that it doesn't feel dinky, the sounds are just as fun as the donblaster and the cross play between the two is super fun, and the fucking LEDs???? this thing is so sick im obsessed, i could NOT stop playing with it the other day
if these don't AT LEAST sell better than zenkai and kiramai's stuff i'll genuinely be shocked bc these are just so damn fun
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Big Girl Bed
“Harry, it’s time.” You tell your husband, a little concerned with the way he is going to take the news.
“Time for…. wha’?” He asks confused by your cryptic message. “Time ta move? Time for a haircut? Time for chocolate ice cream and brownies? Need a little more information, Darling.” He says into the phone.
“Time to move Grace into a big girl bed.” You are quiet in your delivery, trying to hold back the emotions you are feeling about your almost three-year-old daughter being in need of a major change in her life. A big girl bed. How is she growing up so fast?
“Are yeh sure? She’s two, and three quartas.” You can hear the sadness in Harry’s voice as he realizes his little one is growing up. “I’m just not sure she’s ready.”
“Oh believe me, she is ready.” You say with a slight chuckle. “Nap time today consisted of Grace climbing out of her cot five times to be exact.”
“Five times??” Harry’s voice is full of shock and a tiny bit of pride that his daughter happened to escape her cot five separate times. Without his help.  “When did she learn how ta do that?”
“Apparently today! She kept saying ‘no cot Gracie bug. I big girl!’ So I think it’s time, H.” A loud sigh is heard on the other end of the phone before Harry starts speaking again.
“Okay. Would yeh like me to call Charlotte? See if she can help us decorate and order some furniture? It’s probably time for a complete upgrade from the nursery.”
“I think that sounds lovely. Charlotte always does a beautiful job.” Charlotte helped you and Harry in the designing of Grace’s nursery. Her style fits well with the family. Very simple, but with a pop of color.
“I’ll give her a ring on my way home. Is everything else going okay? I’m sure Grace is knackered from all the climbing and no sleeping.” He is genuinely concerned with what is happening at home while he is in the studio. He misses his girls, and is slightly sad he isn’t there to witness the little escape artist.
“Today has been good besides the whole nap time incident. We have played a lot! Ready for you to come home.” You tell him sweetly. “What time do you think you will be on your way?”
“Uh, about thirty minutes. We are almost ready to wrap up.” Harry confirms.
“Alright, I’ll let you go. Call me on your way?” You wrap up the conversation, a little worried your daughter has gotten into something as the noise coming from the family room is now gone.
“Yeh. Hey, I love you.” The smile on his face comes through in his voice.
“I love you too.” you say, ready to hang up the phone.
“Bye darling! Talk soon.” Harry finishes the conversation.
“Bow bub-bowls daddy!” Grace giggles in the bathtub.
“Don’t yeh think about poppin’ it this time, fluff muffin. I want it big.” Harry says in a teasing tone to his daughter. Grace and Harry are engaging in their favorite bathtime activity. Bubbles. Tonight, Grace has popped every bubble Harry has blown, each time ending in a fit of giggles from the little one.
Harry pours a small drop of shampoo on his ringless hand, rubbing his palms together, bringing the suds ready to create the perfect bubble. Keeping the tips of his fingers and bottom of his palms pressed together, Harry creates a hole. The soap creates a screen on the opposite side of the opening. Puffing out his cheeks, Harry blows air out of his mouth. Grace’s eyes expand as she watches the bubble stretch.
“I pop?” Grace asks, moving her finger closer to the clear ball of temptation. Harry shakes his head no as he continues to blow the bubble until it gets so big it POPS, sending remnants of soap all over the little one.
“Daddy pop.” Grace giggles. “No pop daddy!”
“Sorry Bug!” Harry chuckles at the reprimand he is receiving from his two year old daughter. “Let’s wash!”
“O-Tay!” Grace says, picking up the purple polka dotted fish toy that is floating in the bathtub. Harry squeezes more soap into his palm, scrubbing the suds into her curly hair and making sure her body is clean.
“Ready for water?” Harry questions. Grace covers her ears with her hands, squeezing her eyes nice and tight in preparation. “One, Two, Three.” Harry pours the cup full of water over his daughter a couple different times, running his opposite hand through her hair, making sure all the soap is out. “Ready to sleep in yeh new bed tonight?” Harry says after all the soap is out of her hair.
“Ya, daddy cwuddle?” She asks, standing up, ready for her towel.
“I think we can squeeze in a cuddle.” Pulling her pink hooded towel from the hook, Harry wraps his daughter in the towel. “Let’s brush our teefers!” Grace steps up on a stool in her towel as Harry pulls the toothbrush out of the drawer, helping Grace brush her teeth.
Harry cradles Grace in his arms as he takes her into her new room. She wiggles in Harry’s arms, excited to show her daddy her new bed. Charlotte finished the decor today, and you and Harry are very happy with the final product. The rose printed wallpaper gives the room a softness that can only be achieved with florals. Her white bedspread is soft and fluffy, with a pink pillow placed in the center, giving the bed a pop of color. A canopy hangs from the ceiling, and twinkle lights are wrapped around the headboard. The couch is a light grey with pink accent pillows and the dresser matches the night stands in a soft cream. Her bedroom is perfect. Exactly what this little girl needs.
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“Wook! Gracie bed!” Gracie points towards her new bed, the sheets turned down and ready for her small body to climb in and sleep.
“That’s right! And it’s big enough for daddy and mum to cuddle!” Harry points out. You were a bit shocked when Harry suggested to Charlotte that he wanted a queen bed in her room. But Harry wanted the bed big enough for family snuggle time. So naturally you gave him the queen bed. Who can turn down an opportunity for family cuddle time?
“Get all squeaky clean, Grace?” You ask as you enter her new room, anxious about putting the little one to bed. Harry can tell that you are nervous about this transition. Grace has always been a really good sleeper, and moving her to a new bed may change that. During bathtime, you mentally prepared yourself to be strong, to let her know it is not time to play; it’s bedtime. As ready as you are, you are still anxious she won’t adjust and that she will have a hard time.  
“I big girl! Gracie bed!” Grace points to the bed once again as Harry pulls on her purple nightgown. “Wook mumma!”
“I see!! It’s beautiful!” You walk over to the bookcase, picking out one of Grace’s favorite books Goodnight Gorilla.
Grace pads over to her bed. Using the light pink stool, she climbs onto her bed, snuggling down in the covers.
“Bob please!” Grace uses grabby hands, reaching out for her stuffed sheep that is in Harry’s arms.
“Here ya go love bug!” Harry hands Grace her best friend as she greets him with a hug and a massive kiss on his nose.
“Alright, game plan. No giving in! She needs to sleep in her bed tonight. So if she gets out, we will just take her right back to bed. Deal?” You say to your husband quietly.
“Deal! We are rough! We got this! No games!” Harry’s tone is serious, but you know he is the softest human ever to exist and if Grace gave him one look he would let her get up and play the rest of the night.
Giving each other a high five, Harry walks over and climbs in on one side of the bed and you join on the other, both of you snuggling as close to Grace as humanly possible. The idea to get a queen bed was genius.
“Daddy read or mum?” You hold out the book to Grace.
“Daddy! Daddy!” Grace shouts with excitement for a book she loves so dearly. It makes your heart happy that Grace wants Harry to read. He makes such an effort to make her feel loved and wanted and it makes you extremely content.
“Alright! Let’s see..” Harry opens of the book and begins the story. “Goodnight gorilla.” Reading through the book, Grace helps Harry say goodnight to each of the animals in the zoo. She lets out a squeal when Harry screams when the zookeeper’s wife finds the gorilla in her bed. And she says goodnight to the gorilla when he climbs back in bed with the zookeeper and his wife one last time.
“Ready for the song?” You smile down at your little one, who is pulling her stuffed sheep closer to her chest, rubbing her cheek against the soft fur on top of his head.
“Ya…” Grace yawns, ready to hear her bedtime song.
“Now run along home, and jump into bed, say your prayers, don’t cover your head, there's just one more thing I ask of you! You dream of me, and I’ll dream of you!”  
You and Harry sing the song together quietly as your little girl closes her eyes to the music, tears begging to be released from your eyes and Harry’s too. Your little girl is growing up and transitioning so well.
“I love you Gracie!” You say.
“Love you so much Bug!” Harry says, kissing the top of her head.
“Wob ya too.” She yawns, closing her eyes, snuggling in deep to the covers.
“Sweet dreams, little one!” You say, giving her a kiss. You and Harry cuddle for about five minutes. Soon you can hear soft whimpers coming from her mouth as she breathes. Sliding out of bed, you join Harry as he makes his way for the door.
“Look at that.” Harry looks back at his little girl wrapped up in her beautiful white bedding. “She transitioned a lot better than I thought.”
“I thought it would be a bigger deal.” You whisper to your husband. “Guess our little girl is growing up.” A tear falls from your cheek. Harry looks up at you, cupping your cheek and wiping away the tear before it gets to your chin. Bringing his lips to yours, he kisses your softly. This helps you to feel supported, to know you are not alone in this journey. Releasing your lips, you notice tears falling from his eyes as well.
“She is growin’ up. But think what a beautiful woman she will become.” Harry is soft in his words and it melts your heart because you know, deep down, that she is already the most beautiful, loving, and kind soul, ever to live.
A/N: A big massive thank you to @whoopsharrystyles​ and all she does for me. She is seriously the best BETA ever to exist and I love her 1238. Please check out my Masterlist and wattpad page! thank you all for your amazing support! You are amazing! 
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kennemusicshop · 4 years
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Cyndi Seui : Best of Cyndi Seui (JP) 2020 มือหนึ่ง แผ่นญี่ปุ่น ราคา 900บาท 🚛🚛ส่ง50฿ สินค้ามี พร้อมส่ง Tracklist: 1.Up to the Beatz (feat. Yokee Playboy) 2.My Name is DOS 3.Hey You (feat. Michael Sawatsewi) 4.Flip 5.Toy Boy 6.Future Love (feat. the WOB) 7.Yellow Fang - Unreal (Cyndi Yellow Remix) 8.Vanilla Walk (feat. Karen Klongtruadroke) 9.Electrix Feeling (feat. Christine Chirawongviroj) 10.Zero Polis (feat. Yuria Tsugawa) 11.All It Takes 12.Twix Mode (Echobaked Tweak Deemix) 13.Love Candy (feat. Rungroche Uptampotiwat) 14.Glow #Cdcollection #cdaudio #cd #cdcollector #compackdisc # https://www.instagram.com/p/CGMTCt4H65_/?igshid=5x8r5nxz5uct
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lescomeres-blog · 7 years
Je veux que les fées existent, j’y crois, j’y crois !
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A:Je dis tout le temps que je suis une enfant, pis c’est vrai, pis je compte bien le rester.
Pour moi, y’a rien de mieux dans la vie que de verser du thé glacé dans ton verre en regardant ton best buddy et y disant ‘’On boit du pipiiii!’’ en pouffant de rire. Pis en essayant d’arrêter de rire, on repouffe de rire encore plus fort. Quand pour la 1000e fois de ta vie, t’as mis ben trop de café dans ta tasse et qu’elle est à un cheveu de déborder, pis t’as fait la même chose avec celle de ton chum fack vous vous ramassez chacun à aspirer du café de votre tasse, en vous regardant dans les yeux pis en riant comme des débiles dans la cuisine.
C’est jouer à Yoshi Wooly World pis faire toutes sortes de singeries à la fin de chaque tableau quand Yoshi dit son nom! C’est danser dans la cuisine sur aucune esti de musique juste parce que. C’est chanter le YMCA comme si y’avait pas de lendemain, tout le temps. Dans n’importe quelle situation. Et en changeant les paroles pour continuer à dire ce que t’allais dire sans arrêter de chanter. Juste prendre un panier d’épicerie abandonné dans un parking et embarquer dedans en se poussant mutuellement, pis en riant comme des fous!
C’est quand je suis toute énervée parce qu’on s’en va à l’arcade et qu’on va jouer à tuer des dinosaures dans le char de Jurassic Park. C’est d’avoir un petit langage inventé avec ton chum et que le monde trouverait surement ça fucking weird, mais vous vous en crissez ben.
C’est d’être toute énervée quand tu reçois des autocollants par la poste! C’est d’écrire ta liste d’épicerie, avec tous les aliments finissant en ‘’ette’ (barres tendrettes, huile d’olivette, pamplemoussettes, et même lait 1%ette) pis à chaque fois, ça te fait fuuull rire. C’est quand la plupart de tes tasses à café sont des petits personnages et que t’es énervée de boire dedans. C’est quand t’es énervée à chaque fois que tu prends une petite photo avec ton appareil instax mini :3 C’est quand juste aller te chercher un café quelque part fait ta journée.
Ça touche tout plein d’aspects de moi et de ma vie, genre d’être une personne pas pire positive et de m’émerveiller pour un rien.
C’est chaque petit moment.
K:Hello / Yes, this iz your captain speaking pis oui je suis un enfant. Quand on dit que les grands créatifs sont d'éternelles enfants, j’suis pas mal sure que c’est vrai. J’vis souvent dans mon monde imaginaire de princesses et de gobelins. Là où il fait si bon vivre. Se dire que nous sommes immortels et invaincus. J’attrape encore les jolis flocons de neige avec ma langue en comptant des points imaginaires selon le nombre attraper. Je monte le volume de la radio quand une bonne chanson joue et me fais accroire que ma vie est comme un film. J’évite de marcher sur les lignes de trottoir au cas ou la police arriverait. J’apprécie probablement plus que mon fils de 7 ans les films de Disney et Pixar. Après un film d’horreur, quand je vais me coucher, j’ai encore l’habitude de m’enfuir en courant en dessous de mes couvertures en me dépêchant de cacher mes pieds juste au cas ou le croque-mitaine m’en croquerait un. J’appelle encore la verge masculine un “kiki”. Ben oui toi, un kiki et je ne le prends pas moins au sérieux pour autant. Je “speak in cat” avec mon chat. Je dévale les escaliers en criant, le coeur qui bat à tout rompre si mon copain me poursuit en me disant “ J’va te pogner!” Je chante chaques notes d’une chanson dubstep qui joue parce que sinon j’ai le feeling que c’est pas complet! T’sais genre “ wob wob diiiii fuuuu wob wob.” Je vois des visages sur tous les objets que je vois. Je fais parler mes animaux et/ou mes choses. Je mets encore des pyjamas à pattes. #confoforever. J’ai le fameux don d’exagération. “ Il fait - 50 milles dehors, je fais quarante-douze chose en même temps. J’ai envie x 1000 de manger du “paggetti”! Aussi, ris pas de moi, mais je fais encore des courses contre le temps avec moi même. Si je mets quelque chose au micro-ondes et que j’ai envie de faire pipi, ben j’essaie de soulager cette envie urinaire avant que le “bipbip” du micro-ondes retentisse. Je speedrun la vaisselle en deux minutes top chrono. Si mon fiancé me dit : “ je finis ça dans une minute.” Ben je compte à voix haute toutes les secondes de cette mautadine de minute.
Bref, c’est pas parce que je bois du café et que je paie mes comptes que je suis nécessairement devenue une adulte au grand complet. De toute façon, du café, j’en bois depuis que je suis toute petite. C’est mon papy qui m’a initié à ça et je le bois de la même façon depuis : une tonne de sucre, une tonne de lait et pas trop chaud!
On peut-tu juste vivre parfois comme des enfants sans penser au jugement d’autrui? S’en foutre et vivre le moment présent. Faire les choses pour nous et non pour épater les autres.Transformer des moments ordinaires en instants magiques et loufoques.Se regarder dans le vert, bleu, brun des yeux et se dire à go on est fous!
1, 2, 3..Go! Soyons fous!
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danielbrohrer · 5 years
1100HP Double Mast Land Rig TOI 480 Used
1100HP Double Mast Land Rig TOI 480 Used Information
Equipment Name: 1100HP (14,000’) Double Mast Land Rig TOI 480 Equipment Location: Pennsylvania Rig Name: TOI 480 Manufacturer: Custom Horse Power: 1100HP Manufacture Date: 2011
1100HP Double Mast Land Rig TOI 480 Specification
1100 horsepower
480,000# holdback capacity
80,000# pulldown capacity
65’ x 40’ drill footprint
16′ Substructure
13 5/8 5k psi BOP
12 Trailer Load
Four Man Crew
Key Features of 1100HP Double Mast Land Rig TOI 480
Integrated : Tophead(not topdrive), Pulldown and Iron Roughneck
No Collars for WOB
Computer Controlled Rig
No Drawworks
No Topdrives
Capable of 14,000 Feet TVD or TMD
Automatic Mitigation of Fault Conditions with minimal loss of functionality
Self-reporting Diagnostics
Advantages of 1100HP Double Mast Land Rig TOI 480
Pulldown capability allows rig to drill at shallow depths without the use of drill collars
Small footprint makes the rig suitable for drilling in remote areas and confined spaces
1100HP Double Mast Land Rig TOI 480 is equipped with automatic driller and slider systems
1100HP Double Mast Land Rig TOI 480 parameters can be monitored remotely via the internet
Remote diagnostics capabilities allow an engineer to detect potential issues and adjust rig performance through an encrypted remote front panel interface
Rig up or down can be achieved w/o the use of a crane in less than 2 days
1100HP Double Mast Land Rig TOI 480 is capable of tripping 1,200 ft of drill pipe per hour
Unique single-grab iron roughneck can be controlled inside driller console or by a wireless remote control
Make-up torque can be set via the iron roughneck wireless remote control and logged to a computer
Weight On Bit is acquired by load cells located on the top drive
Fire suppression can be remotely activated at several locations including in the hydraulic power pack and in the driller console
Flexible design allows the rig to continue drilling in the event of an engine or hydraulic pump failure.
The Oilfield Equipment related post 1100HP Double Mast Land Rig TOI 480 Used is from Flowtech Energy. Looking for Oilfield Equipment including New, Used, Remanufactured and Surplus Oilfield Supply, check out our inventory or call our toll free number at 877-645-6693 for more information.
source https://www.flowtechenergy.com/inventory/rigs/1100hp-double-mast-land-rig-toi-480-used/ 1100HP Double Mast Land Rig TOI 480 Used published first on https://flowtechenergy.tumblr.com
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flowtechenergy · 5 years
1100HP Double Mast Land Rig TOI 480 Used
1100HP Double Mast Land Rig TOI 480 Used Information
Equipment Name: 1100HP (14,000’) Double Mast Land Rig TOI 480 Equipment Location: Pennsylvania Rig Name: TOI 480 Manufacturer: Custom Horse Power: 1100HP Manufacture Date: 2011
1100HP Double Mast Land Rig TOI 480 Specification
1100 horsepower
480,000# holdback capacity
80,000# pulldown capacity
65’ x 40’ drill footprint
16′ Substructure
13 5/8 5k psi BOP
12 Trailer Load
Four Man Crew
Key Features of 1100HP Double Mast Land Rig TOI 480
Integrated : Tophead(not topdrive), Pulldown and Iron Roughneck
No Collars for WOB
Computer Controlled Rig
No Drawworks
No Topdrives
Capable of 14,000 Feet TVD or TMD
Automatic Mitigation of Fault Conditions with minimal loss of functionality
Self-reporting Diagnostics
Advantages of 1100HP Double Mast Land Rig TOI 480
Pulldown capability allows rig to drill at shallow depths without the use of drill collars
Small footprint makes the rig suitable for drilling in remote areas and confined spaces
1100HP Double Mast Land Rig TOI 480 is equipped with automatic driller and slider systems
1100HP Double Mast Land Rig TOI 480 parameters can be monitored remotely via the internet
Remote diagnostics capabilities allow an engineer to detect potential issues and adjust rig performance through an encrypted remote front panel interface
Rig up or down can be achieved w/o the use of a crane in less than 2 days
1100HP Double Mast Land Rig TOI 480 is capable of tripping 1,200 ft of drill pipe per hour
Unique single-grab iron roughneck can be controlled inside driller console or by a wireless remote control
Make-up torque can be set via the iron roughneck wireless remote control and logged to a computer
Weight On Bit is acquired by load cells located on the top drive
Fire suppression can be remotely activated at several locations including in the hydraulic power pack and in the driller console
Flexible design allows the rig to continue drilling in the event of an engine or hydraulic pump failure.
The Oilfield Equipment related post 1100HP Double Mast Land Rig TOI 480 Used is from Flowtech Energy. Looking for Oilfield Equipment including New, Used, Remanufactured and Surplus Oilfield Supply, check out our inventory or call our toll free number at 877-645-6693 for more information.
source https://www.flowtechenergy.com/inventory/rigs/1100hp-double-mast-land-rig-toi-480-used/
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madeinpop · 7 years
Made In PoP ® > eventi Rock in Veneto > settimana dal 1° al 7 Giugno 2017 > stagione 14
Ciao Ciao Made-In-PoPpers, scusate l'assenza della settimana scorsa ma un infortunio c'ha impedito di essere al vostro servizio, per quanto riguarda questa settimana, fate bene attenzione che i festival da ora in poi saranno tantissimi. Buoni Concerti. CHECcO & LoRIS   «Sostenete la Musica, Andate ai Concerti»     ► FESTIVAL ◄ ▲ Festival delle BASSE Anfiteatro del Castello Marchionale ESTE (Pd) 2/4 Giugno terza fantastica edizione tra cultura, teatro, reading e grande musica MOTTA, NU BOHEMIEN, 6 1 0 (Radio2), Andrea CHIMENTI e tanto altro. programma completo http://www.festivaldellebasse.it/programma-2017/ ▲ REVIVE Festival Villa Maschio via Belle VILLAFRANCA Pad.na (Pd) 1/4 Giugno nuova edizione per il festival organizzato da I Villani con un ottimo programma, suoneranno TALK to HER, FREEZ, PLASTIC LIGHT FACTORY, ANUDO, CACTUS? e DIPLOMATICS (Shyrec), tutte le info https://www.ivillani.it/ ▲ SUMMER STUDENT Festival golena San Massimo via San Massimo 37 PADOVA fino 3 Giugno si terrà la XVIª edizione del Je T'Aime festival, fantastico appuntamento di fine primavera, sempre con grandissimi ospiti come LONE (Uk) The KVB (Uk) GAZEBO PENGUINS, BRUUNO, scoprili qua https://www.facebook.com/events/182981252216116/ ▲ FABRIK Festival 2017 via Boschetti FONTANIVA (Pd) presso lo JARA Park, il 2 e 3 Giugno andrà in scena la seconda edizione, con band come ALTRE di B, GOMMA, The SLAPS e altre ancora, programma qui https://www.facebook.com/events/324837454597660/ ▲ BRANCOTYPE Festival via Veneto 38 TAGLIO di PO (Ro) preso il museo della Bonifica di Ca' Vendramin, si terrà dal 1° al 4 Giugno dedicato alle Alternative Fotogrfiche Sperimentali, con tanto di 24 ore di camera oscura, ci sarà il concerto/performance dei MATTATOIO5 con Vasco Mirandola e Samuela Barbieri. programma http://www.brancoottico.fineartlabo.com/brancotype-festival-alternative-fotografiche-sperimentali/ ▲ BIRRAMMANO 2017 riviera Marconi LOREO (Ro) 1/4 Giugno grande festa della birra artigianale e grandissima musica in collaborazione con il DELTABLUES Festival. programma https://www.facebook.com/events/212175235940589/ ▲ HORTIS Festival parco Ca'Diedo via Mazzini ODERZO (Tv) 1/4 Giugno quarta edizione sempre più in evoluzione, con ospiti NAIVES (Uk) The CYBORGS, CANOVA, ALTRE di B e altri da scoprire qui https://www.facebook.com/events/129964427550206/ ▲ RIVIERA FOLK Festival via Vittorio E. Orlando VICENZA 1/4 Giugno sulla strada del Tormeno va in scena la XVIIIª edizione di questo festival, ricca di ospiti quali HELL SPET, The REAL McKENZIES, BOMBA TITINKA, PHIL REYNOLDS e molti altri. programma https://www.facebook.com/events/244665092665746/ ▲ FROGGIE SOUND Fest imp.sportivi Crosare via Ca'Persa BOVOLONE (Vr) 1-2 Giugno seconda edizione per questo giovane festival che ospiterà tra gli altri GAZEBO PENGUINS e NU BOHEMIEN, il resto qua https://www.facebook.com/events/1921978251356335/ ▲ PIC NIC Festival via Citella 50 BUSSOLENGO (Vr) gli amici dell'Emporio Malkovich vi aspettano dalle 12 per una giornata di cibo e musica buoni in una cornice bellisima, suoneranno EDDA, i POP X, MAKAI, Greta Narvik, O'Ciucciariello e altro ancora. https://www.facebook.com/events/1847857085467439/ ▲ SOUND VITO 2017 piazza Madonna della Pace SAN VITO di Legnago (Vr) 1-3 Giugno nuova grandissima edizione per questo festival in una piccola frazione, super band presenti come MOLOTOV JUKEBOX (Uk) DEROZER, ACTIONMEN, REBUKE (SWE), DARKO (Uk), PAN del DIAVOLO e POLAR for the MASSES, programma completo da scoprire qui http://www.soundvito.com/   ► La SETTIMANA ◄   ► GIOVEDÌ 1° GIUGNO 2017 ▲ BENICIO Live Gigs via E.Porcu 63 Santi Angeli GIAVERA del Montello (Tv) per finire al meglio la stagione, passeranno qua i DOOMSDAY STUDENT (ex Arab on Radar) alfieri della scena alt/rock/noise/nowave di Providence, in apertura MEANLOVER post/post/punk. ▲ TOCCHETTO Osteria via Risorgimento 37 MONTEBELLUNA (Tv) Tokket night dedicate alla musica indipendente, con la supervisione de La Sotterraneo Community, stasera si esibiranno L'ENTRATA di CRISTO a Bruxelles e gli interessanti The SEABROOK. ▲ OLD SALOON Birreria via Feltrina 19 PEDEROBBA (Tv) in collaborazione con RocKonnection lo stoner dei locali RUDHEN e il doom metal dei bolognesi SLOW ORDER. ▲ NASTY BOYS Saloon via Pellicciaio 4 TREVISO volge al termine la stagione dei live, uno degli ultimi è la reunion dei TOYS of GIRLS, a seguire djset Roger Ramone. ▲ AL RITROVO Bar piazza Luzzatti 4 MOTTA di Livenza (Tv) debutto per un supergruppo locals The ADMIRALS roots in levare. ▲ GATTO ROSSO via Forte Marghera MESTRE apre la stagione dei concerti sul palco grande con l'indie pop delle local band GmG & the ß Project e JUST FOUR DAYS. ▲ JACK the RIPPER pub via Nuova 9 RONCÀ (Vr) stasera sarà ospite l'one man band THE BLUES AGAINST YOUTH il nome, un programma, da non perdere.   ► VENERDÌ 2 GIUGNO 2017 ▲ PARCO della MUSICA via Venezia PADOVA concerto organizzato da EveryWhereGigs che vedrà sul palco LUCIO CORSI giovane ed eccentrico cantautore grossetano. ▲ JICARILLA Risto Pub via Postioma Centro 164 San BIAGIO di Callalta (Tv) puntuali alle 20 parte il Treviso Ribelli, appuntamento punk con le band GOOFY HEAD, NOT 4 FUN, WITHOUT WHISTLE, SKULLJERKS e The DINASYT (An). ▲ AL BIANCO piazzale Consolini VITTORIO Veneto (Tv) riparte la stagione dei live con l'alternative rock dei BELFAST. ▲ CHINASKI Music Pub via Cadorna STRETTI di Eraclea (Ve) serata postrock con ospiti gli amici HOLOGRAPHIC HUMAN ELEMENT dalla Bosnia accompagnati dai WHITE JUNK nuovo progetto nato dalle ceneri dei Kiran. ▲ PREVIEW LINE Festival SCHIO (Vi) presso l'anfiteatro di palazzo Toaldi Capra si terrà un succoso antipasto del festival estivo, dalle 18 esibizioni per ATLANTICO indietronica + The EAST emocore + HÅN darkpop + LES ENFANTS indiepop. ▲ GROOVE Bar via Martiri della Libertà LUGO di Vicenza (Vi) festa in giardino estivo con il live dei grandissimi CUT che presentano il loro recente disco + djset. ▲ VIAROMA17 va Roma 17 DUEVILLE (Vi) qui stasera ospiti la storica band krutrock teutonica EMBRYO. ▲ WEINEREI Tipoenoteca via Sant'Antonio 16 MAROSTICA (Vi) dalle 18 evento barostica dedicato alle giovani band emergenti, stasera DRAFT alt/indie WEST RED alt/hard e PORNO CIRCUITO lo-fi rock. ▲ TODOMODO via Ca'Morosini 41 BASSANO del Grappa (Vi) inaugura il giardino estivo del bassanesse, presso Villa Angaran, con i live, dalle 21, dei PYJAMARAMA e dei SAVANA BEAT CLUB, powerpop garage. ▲ TERZO PONTE via Ceramica 7 BASSANO del Grappa (Vi) serata indie rock con illive degli interessanti MOONSOON giovane band che mescola synthpop, trip-hop e folktronica in maniera psichedelica.   ► SABATO 3 GIUGNO 2017 ▲ PARCO della MUSICA via Venezia PADOVA un'icona per la scena rock indipendente italica, oltre che cantante di successo capace di vincere Sanremo giovanissima, NADA Malanima accompagnata in questo tour estivo dagli A TOYS ORCHESTRA. ▲ IN ANGURIARA via Torino 3 ROSOLINA Mare (Ro) il ritorno dopo due anni di inattività live dei SIXTEENS AGAIN melodic punk. ▲ TOCCHETTO Osteria via Risorgimento 37 MONTEBELLUNA (Tv) con il contributo delle Teste Ribelli una sana seratina punk con i NORMAN BATES, i DELTAMETRINA poppunk e i marchigiani The DINASYT melodic HC. ▲ PORKY's Music Festival presso Bar da CAPOTA strada Brussa 501 CAORLE (Ve) dalle 18 One-Day festival con i concerti di WASTED PIDO one/man/band TROMPE LE MONDE sperimentale LA DOLCE VITA punk/wave e The 1969 CLUB psych/stoner/FRANCIA + djset del Porky's guest Roger Ramone. ▲ SPAZIO AEREO via delle Industrie 27 MARGHERA (Ve) in collaborazione con TRIVEL sarà qui, per la prima volta in Italia, la multietnica band berlinese INDIAN NIGHTMARE metalcore, a supporto i locals WARHAWK. ▲ MIRROR contrada Porta Santa Lucia 18 VICENZA dalle 18 Questa Non è Arte presenta il finissage della mostra "Personal Relations" con gli artisti David Riganelli attore, ONE MAN PIER il cantabarista, due ballerini e un poeta a sorpresa. ▲ TERZO PONTE via Ceramica 7 BASSANO del Grappa (Vi) concerto dei ferraresi THE DICE e la loro miscela di rockabilly, swing, country e rocnk'n'roll.   ► DOMENICA 4 GIUGNO 2017 ▲ Anfiteatro del VENDA via Sottovenda 54 GALZIGNANO Terme (Pd) dalle 15 EveryWhereGigs ospiterà il cantautore americano RYLEY WALKER folk/country, a fare gli onori di casa TOBJAH frontman dei C+C=Maxigross. ▲ YOKELZ Plan B Pub piazza Marconi TREBASELEGHE (Pd) dalle 17 ultimo appuntamento KICK the WEEK della stagione, prima della pausa estiva, con i live per SWALLOW hc/grindcore/Venezia e per HATE & MERDA noise/post-hc/Firenze. ▲ LIGHTHOUSE Pub via Noalese Sud 2 NOALE (Ve) dalle 17 presentazione libro Italia Skins, djset vinilico della grande MANEKI STEFY e live di punk stradaiolo per GLI ULTIMI (Roma) e JENNY WOO's HOLY FLAME (Ita/Can), con la supervisione della TROJAN Legion North East. ▲ LATTERIA 2465 San POLO calle de la Laca 2465 VENEZIA dalle 20 grande sessione di blues e folk con Mr. WOB & Dr. JINX duo crossroad. ▲ IL CHIOSCO via Ariosto 10 PADOVA festa di compleanno per lo studio di registrazione STUDIO 2 che avrà come grandi ospiti la super band THE WINSTONS e MORGAN più altri special guest.   ► LUNEDÌ 5 GIUGNO 2017 ▲ vediamo se restiamo in "testa" malgrado i nove punti tolti.   ► MARTEDÌ 6 GIUGNO 2017 ▲ RIO SELVA Fattoria Didattica via Rio Selva 11 PREGANZIOL (Tv) dalle 20 su prenotazione via mail (alberto[at]macacorecords.com) cena kilometri zero e poi concerto di KING AYISOBA artista dirompente che con ilsuo strumento, il Kologo, ci porterà dentro la musica ghanese mescolata a beat contemporanei. ▲ PARCO della MUSICA via Venezia PADOVA in tour per presentare l'ultimo disco, live per JAPANDROIDS duo canadese indie'n'roll.   ► MERCOLEDÌ 7 GIUGNO 2017 ▲ GROOVE Bar via Martiri della Libertà LUGO di Vicenza (Vi) Slimer Records party con live da Los Angeles de* DEATH VALLEY GIRLS (desperate garage Burger Records) + Art expo + djset.   • http://shyrec.bandcamp.com/ • https://telegram.me/madeinpop/ • https://www.facebook.com/NewsletterMadeinpop/ • https://www.facebook.com/Shyrec/ • https://www.facebook.com/threeblackbirdsfree/
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