#womble1 fic
I’ve reread this one by @womble1 about 8 times, and it makes me cackle every time. Pure fluff and hilarious schenanigans.
Hallmark Christmas meets the Tracy boys.
Yes, I should have really waited until a more festive time of year to reblog this but, who knows, the world could end before then and what if that happened before you have read this fic?? It would be a disaster.
Rated about the same as the average Hallmark movie - fairly innocent banter but in a ‘romance’ context.
Read it now. But don’t get distracted and take a sip of coffee before laughing out loud…
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gumnut-logic · 19 days
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This was sparked by a prompt from the wonderful @womble1 :
Falling asleep on a balcony and getting woken up by rain.
It is rather random and fluffy with just a touch of hurt, with lots of comfort. Earth and Sky, big and not so big brothers.
Many thanks to the amazing @onereyofstarlight for reading through a one shot that should have taken a couple of hours, but since I didn't have a couple of hours, took three days instead, so was read through twice. You are so kind to me.
The first bit of this was posted in the last few days for WIP Wendesday, but there is plenty more after those little bits. Sky had a mind of his own and took over the fic.
I hope you enjoy it.
Something tickled his nose.
Something wet landed on his cheek. Another followed it. And another.
“Virgil, there is a weather system tracking across the Island, you might want to go inside.” John’s voice was achingly patient.
Virgil, sprawled across a lounger on the residential balcony, blinked only to have water land in his eyes. A blurry hesitation and the decking beside him took up percussion as rain swept in with its full tropical intentions.
The weather changed faster than Virgil’s brain could boot from a dead sleep. So when he leapt up, his faculties were not at full function.
Fortunately, he was well practised at moving fast with zero thought.
Unfortunately, that wasn’t usually on a wet balcony in the rain, and a misplaced foot hampered by a moonboot was enough to send him reeling.
He was faced with the split-second realisation that he was going to fall and there was nothing he could do about it. Gravity took over and he was going down.
Except he wasn’t the fastest moving person in the house.
“Woah! I’ve got you!” Two familiar and strong arms wrapped around him, preventing yet another collision with something hard..
After all, that was how he ended up with the broken foot in the first place.
“I’ve got you.” The repetition was as reassuring as it was annoying. “Are you okay?’
Virgil looked up at his brother. The rain was really coming down now and Scott’s hair was beginning to drip into his eyes. Worried eyes, damnit.
“I’m f-“ The ‘ine’ was stolen by a sudden clap of thunder. What the hell?
Scott shook his head and lifting Virgil’s arm around his shoulder, hurried him into the safety of the residential villa.
Stepping out of the rain was a relief. Tropical rain was a species all of its own, heavy, sudden, and determined.
“Sorry, guys, I should have used an airhorn.” John’s voice bounced down from orbit with exasperation.
Virgil grunted at that, not entirely in disagreement, but not willing to give in, or to use the brain cells required for a comprehensible response.
“Or perhaps alerted us earlier.” Scott’s voice was disapproving.
Virgil sighed. Scott was still in post ‘brother trying to get himself killed’ alert mode. “It was a little rain.” He was pointedly ignoring the waterfall on the glass windows. “It wasn’t going to kill me. John’s busy. Let him have a life.”
“He’s right, Virgil. I should have woken you earlier. Or alerted Scott earlier.”
“What?” He really didn’t have the energy for an argument. “Whatever. I’m going to bed. Thanks for the save.” He pulled away gently from his big brother and stepped in the direction of his rooms.
Only to lose his balance again and nearly land on his face.
But, of course, big hero brother swooped in and caught him. “Take it easy.” Again with the arm around Scott’s shoulder and ignoring Virgil’s half-assed protest, his big brother began helping him towards his rooms.
“You know I can walk.”
Scott sighed. “I’m basing my decision on your last two attempts. You don’t get a third to try and break yourself further.”
Virgil grunted, annoyed at himself more than anything else.
They hobbled their way through Virgil’s door and into his living space. “Couch or bed?” Scott’s eyes bounced between the two options before latching onto Virgil himself.
“Bed.” He had been asleep because he was tired. “Want to finish what I started.”
There was some more hobbling, this time through his bedroom door, and finally, his brother lowered him to sit on the edge of the bed.
“Sit there for a second and I’ll go grab a towel.”
It was only then that Virgil realised his hair was dripping into his eyes and was much to blame for the blurriness of his vision.
“Here you go.” Scott emerged from the bathroom with a handful of towel. But instead of handing it to him, he made an attempt to wipe Virgil down himself.
Apparently, the laser beams shooting out of Virgil’s eyes must have missed their mark, or been completely obliterated by Scott dumping the towel on Virgil’s head and drying his hair.
Virgil waved his hands about, trying to swipe his big brother away, “You do know I’m a grown up.”
Scott wasn’t fazed. “Sure do.” The towel was rubbed through Virgil’s hair, haystacking it, down his neck, and wrapped around so Scott could wipe his face dry.
“Scott-!” The towel muffled the rest of his protest.
“What?” Scott had finished his face and started on his shoulders, but he frowned, tossed the towel aside and began unbuttoning Virgil’s wet linen shirt.
That was enough. Virgil caught his brother’s hands and held them still, glaring up at his older brother. “What are you doing?”
Blue honesty shone back at him. “You’re wet.”
“I am fully capable of looking after myself.”
“Of course you are.” A twist of his lips. “When you’re awake.”
“I am awake.”
“That is up for debate.” Scott sighed and sat down in the chair beside Virgil’s bed. “Fine. Be my guest.”
When did that chair get there? That chair wasn’t usually there, but on the other side of the room.
He sat there pondering the fact for the moment.
“Virgil?” A hand waved in front of his eyes.
Virgil whacked it.
“You earned that.” Virgil undid the remaining buttons and shucked the linen shirt off his shoulders. Of course, every bruise bitched at him for it, but he was determined not to show any reaction.
He didn’t miss his big brother’s eyes landing on those bruises, though.
“Scott, it wasn’t your fault. Shit sometimes just happens.”
Quiet. “Yeah. Yeah, it does.” But his eyes were still tracking over Virgil’s chest.
“If you don’t stop that, I’m putting the damned shirt back on.” Or grabbing another one. He pushed himself to his feet and carefully, and stubbornly, made his way over to his dresser. He shoved open a drawer and dug out an old t-shirt. He threw it on, not even bothering to towel himself dry.
He leant on the cabinet a moment, back to his brother, ever so aware of the eyes still tracking him. “Scott-“
“I want to help you.”
It was said calmly, but with just that hint of Commander combined with worried big brother desperate to make amends.
Virgil turned slowly. “Scott-“
His brother shot to his feet and stepped into Virgil’s personal space. A hand landed on Virgil’s arm, his other…hovered a moment before resting on his opposite shoulder. Blue eyes pinned Virgil where he stood. “I couldn’t prevent it. It was my responsibility to look after you, and I couldn’t. The least I can do is look after you now.”
Virgil’s heart hurt. “You look after us plenty, Scott. I’m going to be okay, I promise.”
His brother’s head dropped a moment, looking at his feet. “I know. Just…” He looked up with a crooked bit of a smile. “Let me help you.”
Virgil stared at him some more, worry gnawing at the edges of the fog that was his brain. “Okay.”
Those hands squeezed gently, before one let go and brushed the wet hair out of his eyes.
Scott stared at him a moment longer before pulling him into a hug. His brother didn’t say anything, but he did have his own set of muscles quite capable of squeezing tight.
I’m sorry. It wasn’t said, but it was communicated, nevertheless.
Virgil let out a breath and, wrapping his arms around Scott, rested his head against his big brother’s shoulder. There was nothing he could say to make it better. That was clear enough.
Scott needed to do this.
It wasn’t his fault. Perhaps intellectually he knew that. Emotionally was entirely a different matter.
Virgil had a thought and pulled away, just a little. “You wanna sit and watch the rain with me? I could grab that Scotch Gordy thinks he is hiding.”
Blue shone in the dim light. “Sounds good.” And there was the soft smile Virgil was seeking. “Gordon is going to be…upset.”
Virgil straightened. “He owes me well into the next decade, I’m calling it in.”
“He’ll make you suffer.”
Virgil carefully hobbled over to his bathroom and grabbed another towel to finish wiping himself down. “That is nothing new.” A sigh. “I’ll buy him some more on the next supply run. Top it up with a few of his favourites. He’ll be fine.” And to be honest, if Virgil divulged to Gordon why he was stealing it, he was sure his brother would eagerly donate to the cause.
After all, they all loved their big brother.
Virgil chucked the towel aside and held out a hand. “Help me back down to the balcony?”
Those blue eyes stared at his for a moment before taking his hand and gripping tight.
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katblu42 · 1 month
Dinosaur Bandaids
I am totally blaming thanking @womble1 for inspiring this one, with one little line from her Sweetapple Slice 8 fic.
Also many thanks to @gumnut-logic for the read-through and help with the piece that was missing.
CW for mentions of blood/bleeding (nothing gory)
Virgil fumbled the opening of the box, contents spilling to the floor as he attempted to grab what he needed with just one hand.  He cursed himself for his clumsiness.  Again.  It was clumsiness born of distraction that had necessitated the raiding of the little first aid kit to begin with.
Just a simple slip of the screwdriver and his left hand now had a nice bloody gouge in it.  Not deep, and not longer than a few millimetres, but bleeding profusely, and a little painful.  He had immediately wrapped a somewhat clean rag around his hand to staunch the bleeding while he fetched a bandaid to put over the wound.  Next stop would be the sink to clean the area before applying the sticky plaster.  If he was quick no one else would be any the wiser about his little mishap.
Of course, his hopes on that front were dashed as he bent to pick up the mess.
“Hey Virg!  Watch doin’?”  Gordon asked with mock innocence.
Virgil simply huffed in reply as Gordon scooped up the handful of little paper packets.
“Dinosaur bandaids, huh?”  A raised eyebrow to rival one of Virgil’s own was deployed, along with a knowing grin.  “Here, let me help.”
Plain beige sticking plasters were a rarity on Tracy Island.
The older residents of the villa would say it was because the Terrible Two had always demanded bright colours and fun designs on their wound dressings when they were little, and no one had ever bothered to change the habit during re-stocking purchases.
The Two in question would complain and say it was because said older residents had never admitted that the little ones were now adults.
There were some practical reasons too.  A brightly coloured sticky plaster that had fallen off while performing tasks like food preparation or some types of maintenance would be more easily visible than plain beige.
If Virgil was honest with himself he’d say the real reason was because they all sometimes needed the little mood lift the bright designs provided.  It was part of the magic ability bandaids had to make small injuries better.
Virgil allowed Gordon to take his hand and begin the process of cleaning and dressing the injury.  Once done, Gordon gently smoothed the sticky plaster’s edges down one last time before looking up and locking eyes with his big brother.
“There you go.  All better.  The dinosaurs will take care of that little scratch.”
Virgil matched his little brother’s smile and thanked him with a hug before returning the box of bandaids to their rightful place.
Long gone were the days when Gordon or Alan would come running to a big brother because of some perceived injury that was completely invisible.  The application of a blue bandaid covered in brightly coloured fish, or a black one with little red rockets, and a kiss to make it better was all it took to have a little brother smiling and running off to do more mischief.
Mom had done the same for the older boys when they had needed their bumps and scrapes tended.  And Dad and Grandma had done their share of both patching up, and sticky plaster purchasing.  There had never been boring beige ones as far back as Virgil could remember.  And there had often been a variety of sizes and shapes in the medicine cabinet.
The habit had stuck so fast (not unlike the plasters themselves) that it had even affected the restocking of the Thunderbirds. Plain bandaids in a variety of sizes and skin tones were carried in every kit and medbay, but there were almost equal numbers of the patterned ones in the larger first aid kits.
Offering an injured child a choice of dinosaurs or aeroplanes was sometimes just the right kind of distraction from the fear and confusion of whatever event they had just been through.  Virgil had even patched up a few beloved dolls and plushies with their own teddy bear plaster.
But, the novelty bandaids worked equally well on adults. 
There had been so many occasions when Virgil had treated a rescuee with only minor cuts and scrapes, but with the tell-tale tremble and haunted expression that prompted him to offer the choice of plain or patterned.  Without fail the glassy eyes would focus on the various designs, the tension in their bodies would ease and the bandaid magic would begin to take effect as they made their choice.
After all, when you’ve been through an event traumatic enough to require a Thunderbird to the rescue, doesn’t everyone deserve their very own superhero or fairy princess plaster to patch their wounds and lift their mood.
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room-on-broom · 5 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
Tug by @marvellouslymadmim thank you so much me luv
Tagging @heathtrash @teapotteringabout @holdmecloser-gandydancer @womble1 @janetm74 @kiwi-cackles and YOU! and who else wants to do it! more questions under the read more
1. How many works do you have on A03?
48 (60 on fanfic)
2. What's your total A03 word count?
I've no idea, i messed up on my calculator and dont have the pactience to go back over it
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Currently Stingray and Thunderbirds. and worst witch. its always worst witch
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
Jabberjay-ded (128 vs 4 comments lol) Little Wizard, The Broken Hand mirror, Mildred's Monstrous Misadventures, (ah yeah witching kind!) and I saw Seven Idiots.
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Fanfic.net dosnt let me reply any more??? but I do try to. even if its just a key smash and a thankyou. or if its an emoji spam i emoji spam back. I love those.
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Hm. The closest ones I could think of are Death's acquaintance and In grief we bake. I don't tend to do agnsty endings. even the sad ish ones are kind hopeful.
EDIT: JABBERYJAYED! I forgot!? litreally a hunger games fic ends up in devistation?? fool.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I couldnt narrow it down so top 2: I saw 7 Dogs and Christmas Cards
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Onlya few times in the past. two of those times were Worst witch ship trolls and just deleted them. one was my fault, i got uppity with an 'UPDATE NOW' comment and user just went a few my other fics being rude. againn deleted.
9. Do you write smut?
write yes. post no. (not yet-!) :o
10. Do you write crossovers?
yes. Ive have a good half a dozen under my belt and a couple in the works.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
angain no not that i know of.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No but I would count @teapotteringabout @kiwi-collideoscope and Princess Sammi as , the amount i've bouced ideas about with them.
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
Mary Poppins and Bert. the OTP before i knew what the internet was.
15. What's the WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Froot, SEASICK and Cherrytree Carol. plus a bunch of WW ones. I keep picking them up but i feel like they might be left on the shelf a little longer.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Dialogue and character voices. I also love mixing humour in too, even just a little sprinkle into sad bits and I think i do that quite well.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Plot bunnies. and not finishing current WIPS. Ive made a mountain of improvement on that frount but yeah posting chapters before before the fics even 50% done. To the point ive sequeals to fics that are only two lines of an epic.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
Massivise kudos who can do that. not my forte. The closest I've come is writing the odd burst of ASL and BSL for Unshackled and Chest Compressions, and a pinch of welsh for Lucretia’s Baller but as yet Hypothetical Birthday Cake.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Corpse Bride (2005). a sad little fic for a le sad victor van dort.
20. Favourite fic you've ever written?
Ever? Probably have to Mildred's Montorus adventures. but Your mother and Mine's got a special place in my heartjust cos family and the catharisis .
Thank you!!
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idontknowreallywhy · 2 months
for the fic writer asks <3
10 - Cltr+f "blinks" on your WIP & copy paste the first sentence/paragraph that comes up
Typed it into Notes app on my phone where live most of my drafty bits - no “blinks” but I use the word “blinked” an excessive amount… basically every doc comes up 🤭😳 I mean the characters have gotta keep their eyes hydrated… right?
This is the most recent un-posted one:
She checked her seatbelt for the twentieth time and forced herself to breathe evenly. She was in a seat, not in a crate. This was safe. This was legal. Nobody was going to catch her. Nobody would die. She trusted the pilot with her life. It was an airfield it was supposed to smell of fuel. She was in a seat. With a belt. She was supposed to be here. It was… a plane. She… felt herself sliding uncontrollably in the darkness…
She jumped as a gentle touch to her arm dragged her back. She blinked the grey fog from the edges of her vision and tried to wrestle her heart rate into something resembling functional.
“Estera? You with me?”
Scott was twisted around in the pilot seat, that all too familiar crinkle of concern between his eyebrows. She swallowed and nodded furiously.
28 - On average, how much writing do you get done in a day?
String… length thereof… some days I’ll struggle to manage a sentence even though my head is full of scenes… others I get in a bit of a frenzy and write a few thousand words… then spend ages messing about with them so most won’t make the cut. If I’m in commute one-shot mode I guess between 500-1000 words?
41 - Do you tend to reread fics or are you a one-and-done kind of person?
I am an avid re-reader. If I need to relax/escape, rather than picking up something new I will more often will pick up a book I have already read and get embroiled all over again - I don’t find knowing the ending spoils it in the slightest. I still ride the same rollercoaster. The same goes for fanfics. Some days I just need one of the stories I already know will carry me away - there are a couple I could probably write out large chunks of if asked I’ve read them that many times… @gumnut-logic’s VT Green, @sweet-christabel’s Misconceptions, @womble1’s Hallmark Christmas and @lenle-g & @tsarinatorment’s Just a Bruise (which will forever be known to me as “the comfort rock” being some notable examples…
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chenria · 2 years
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It’s the 16th... so we can post this, right? I’ve been waiting since May to finally be allowed to share this XD  My contribution to this years TAG Mini Bang ( @tagminibang2022 / @tagminibang ) I got assigned to illustrate one of @womble1′s great fanfics and there was so much to chose from and many brilliant fics! ♥ But that one scene totally brought an instant image to my mind, so I had to illustrate it after I read the little story called “Rest”.
In the sunken seating area, Scott was stretched out across a sofa, head propped up on a cushion, a book in one hand, legs crossed at the ankles.
“That's right little bro,” he [note: Gordon] crouched lower, draping an arm over Alan's shoulder and lowered his voice in his best nature programme voice over impression. “Here we see a very rare sight, for a while it has been thought to be extinct by several scientific communities, it’s a resting Scott Tracy”
Story: “Rest” by @womble1 
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forest-falcon · 8 months
Fandom Creator's Self-Rec Game!
Choose five favourites from your own creations (and tell me why, if you like!), then pass on to at least five other people. I'd love to hear what you're proudest of.
Tagged by the fabulous @ajpendragon
R&R 👖
I like this one because this prank genuinely happened to a family member of mine and the memory still makes me smile!
Cold Coffee ☕
For similar reasons, this is a fun memory of making my mum that terrible cuppa, though it was tea (I ripped a bag open and poured the contents in, mixed it with cold water and watched my poor mum attempt to drink it.) And what life is like now I have my own brood of feral kids!
Night Shift 🌃
I've not finished this one but I'd love to. I can relate to Virgil's shyness about sharing work in this one! I still post then hide behind a blanket wondering if I should instantly delete my posts, but Thunderfam's wonderful 🥰
Thunderbirds Wall Mural 🚀
Okay, so this one's not a fic, but this piece of art genuinely took forever to create as it was a whole bedroom wall. It's my largest piece of creative work both in scale and time
My First Thunderbirds Fancfic
Teeny fic where I dipped my toes into the water and discovered how wonderful Thunderfam are!
Tagging, (with absolutely no pressure) @janetm74fics @firstonthescene @lenle-g @gaviiadastra @godsliltippy , @womble1, @katiedido2 @katblu42 @hebuiltfive @astranite
Plus anyone who wants to play!
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whatgaviiformes · 10 months
Favorite Fics - Self-Rec
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favourite five fics that you’ve written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love❤
I was tagged by @mrmustachious. I'll tag @the-original-sineater, @gumnut-logic @tracybirds @mariashades and @womble1. Because if I've had to pick out of my children.... *evil laugh*. But in seriousness, I also want to hear from anyone else in the fic writing space. And only if you are interested. No pressure, but please also share your favorite personal fics if you want. We have amazing writers in our fandom, and you all have so much to be proud of.
...so, if I share that my favorite are AUs - will that further encourage you or further discourage you in reading them? I feel very torn about that. I'll mark which ones are the AUs with a *, I know they aren't for everyone, but I put so much heart into these.
These are in no particular order.
We Tried the World - Oneshot
Summary: “We tried the world... it wasn’t for us.” John invites a restless Gordon to visit him in Thunderbird Five while he's healing from his injuries. They talk Characters: John, Gordon, Virgil Why I like it: There's a catharsis to this one, and a meditation that I adore. Meanwhile, I feel like I succeeded at channeling John in way that may not be everyone's cup of tea, but captures one aspect of how he speaks to me. His art is his science, and I am quite proud of the prose in this one.
Directionless - Oneshot
Summary: Two Tracy's and a Lighthouse: "You actually want to avoid lighthouses," Gordon tells him. "The light's a warning that there's land nearby and not to come too close." "Hmm. Still. I imagine if one is lost at sea any light on the horizon, even a warning light, is a welcome symbol of hope, of change to come." He breathes the smell of sea salt. "Are you?" "Am I what?"  "Lost at sea?" Characters: Gordon, Virgil Why I like it: I feel strongly about the message in this fic and Gordon's struggle to figure out what's next, and I so love Virgil's presence to ground him amidst his thoughts. The light house was a lovely metaphor for the bonds I wanted to portray, and this story just feels like a warm hug when I read it.
Hold Fast* - Multi-Chap
Summary: Autumn, 1775. “The rigging ran through his blood; it was an energy, a lifeforce.” Characters: Gordon, Virgil, Scott, John, Alan, OCs Why I like it: It just felt right, despite being an AU. And though it's nothing I've ever read before, the heart of it very much is Thunderbirds. This is Gordon's hydrofoil story, just under the lens of the privateers AU. It was my first full exploration of adding depth to OCs. It also was posted weekly, which was a challenge for me that I actually succeeded in. And most of all... this story absolutely wrecked me. The feelings are raw, and very visceral.
The great wide open* - Multi-Chap
Summary: Gordon binds himself in the blue and meets the eyes of a dolphin trying to reach him in ways he can't understand. But maybe Virgil can. A prequel to "lend me the courage of the stars." Kermadec AU-djacent. Characters: Gordon, Virgil Why I like it: If you're going to go for an AU that's not too out of the box, choose this one. I enjoy that I've gotten to explore science Gordon in a way that feels right for him (to me anyway). I always see him as more hands on, but entirely competent, and with this series it's his oceanic soul that allows him to explore his brand of science with the calls of his heart. Enki and his family was a joy to discover, and I would be remiss not to include them in this list.
Tracy Seaside Orchard and Farm* - Multi-Chap
Summary: An alternate universe. Gordon has a successful farm... and seems to have nothing to do with this International Rescue thing. Characters: Gordon, Virgil, OCs Why I like it: The beginning of chicken!Dad which has since become almost synonymous with me as a person. That and ships (I have no chickens nor have I sailed). But I also like that this story feels unique and that I had the honor to explore who Gordon would be under different circumstances. I feel like I successfully wrote an argument - a horrible one - and still managed to show that no one was in the wrong or the right. I'm proud of how tender the boys' reconciliation feels, and I hope this story feels genuine and organic and compassionate.
In summary, the ones I am most proud of are the ones that allow me to play with imagery and poetic prose, that allow me to explore the bonds of brotherhood and human nature, and that feel a little different despite also being as Tracy as it gets.
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greywake · 2 months
writing patterns tag game
Rules: list the first line of your last 10 (posted) fics and see if there's a pattern!
Ooo! This looks fun! Thank you for tagging me @gravitywonagain
Hmm... Let's see...
The Sneak Thief
Kayo frowned at the empty space on her dressing table: Her favourite hairpin was missing.
The Confidence of Idiocy
"Why? Because I'm smarter than you! If it wasn't for my brillian..."
Unexpected Collaboration
Alan frowned in concentration. He was almost done.
The Bridge
"Scans are showing that parts of the upper deck on the Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch side are failing. You need to hurry, Thunderbird Two."
Pictures Or It Didn't Happen
Virgil landed on his back, the air completely knocked out of him. He blinked and gasped a breath as his lungs belatedly remembered how to work properly.
Sheer Dumb Luck
Mom and Dad were going to kill him.
Chaos Unbound
A Little Curiosity is a Dangerous Thing
"Virgil, dear, have you seen Turbo?"
The one known as Cookie staggered to their knees, exhausted.
Blue Eyes
The wind complicated things. As always. But at least it was blowing the flames away from the mining complex buildings.
(Wow, I really do like starting things in the middle of something, don't I!)
Tagging @gumnut-logic @i-am-chidorixblossom, @willow-salix @womble1 and anyone else who wants to!
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I posted 5,488 times in 2022
That's 969 more posts than 2021!
116 posts created (2%)
5,372 posts reblogged (98%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 5,449 of my posts in 2022
Only 1% of my posts had no tags
#thunderbirds - 1,596 posts
#art - 1,499 posts
#thunderbirds are go - 1,081 posts
#thunderfam - 818 posts
#thunderbirds 1965 - 663 posts
#kamen rider - 608 posts
#scott tracy - 530 posts
#important - 491 posts
#thunderbirds fanart - 459 posts
#virgil tracy - 419 posts
Longest Tag: 128 characters
#fruit jesus i remember seeing weird worm/orb things in my sight when i was younger. i did not know it was relating to my autism!
My Top Posts in 2022:
Hey guys. Does anyone have pictures (or fics) of TOS Scott and Alan? I really need those boys rn cause I'm feeling frustrated today. (Long story short: I'm just tired of being dragged outside as if I'm an abled person and being told I'm just using Autism as an excuse for being "lazy") -_-
57 notes - Posted September 21, 2022
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Charles: “Why am I doing this?! I don’t like this! I feel like a peasant!”
Sam: *Wheezing and laughing his gills off*
Jeff: *Amused sigh*
I think I am having way too much fun with these three. Sorry Charles XD
@janetm74 @myladykayo @uniwolfcorn @willow-salix @dreamycloud @the-original-sineater @avengedbiologist @tikatu
58 notes - Posted April 28, 2022
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"Some things don't change..."
Happy Gerry Anderson Day!🤍🤍🤍
70 notes - Posted April 14, 2022
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💚🎉 Happy Birthday Virgil Tracy🎉💚
(@gumnut-logic @myladykayo @cg29 @womble1 @skymaiden32 @uniwolfcorn @flyboytracy @janetm74 @the-original-sineater @willow-salix @alexthefly @misstb2)
72 notes - Posted August 15, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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🧡💛❤️💚💙✨Happy Thunderbirds Day!✨💙💚❤️💛🧡
(@uniwolfcorn @inertplanetary @skymaiden32 @janetm74 @the-original-sineater @jacksonstarkiller @willow-salix @myladykayo @teapotteringabout @mothmannerly @dreamycloud @godsliltippy @thundergeek59 @cg29)
114 notes - Posted September 30, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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cg29 · 1 year
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I posted 1,828 times in 2022
51 posts created (3%)
1,777 posts reblogged (97%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,265 of my posts in 2022
Only 31% of my posts had no tags
#thunderbirds are go - 746 posts
#virgil tracy - 313 posts
#thunderbirds - 304 posts
#thunderbirds fanfiction - 285 posts
#scott tracy - 239 posts
#gordon tracy - 222 posts
#thunderbirds fanart - 193 posts
#john tracy - 120 posts
#alan tracy - 112 posts
#thunderfam - 97 posts
Longest Tag: 115 characters
#now i’m much older i can eat sultanas and i’d love to try some of my grandads cake but sadly he’s no longer with us
My Top Posts in 2022:
With everything going on in the world and our personal lives I thought it might be a nice idea to help lift all of the Thunderfam spirits by filling our dashboards with some Thunderbirds art, screenshots, fluffy fic goodness etc..
#TFamLove so we can all find it 💙
And here’s my first contribution some of my favourite screenshots
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See the full post
56 notes - Posted February 28, 2022
Starting an emoji Thunderbirds tag-along if anyone want’s to join in?
Show who your favourite Thunderbirds character is with 1 emoji (Without colour hearts 💙💚💛🧡❤️💜🖤🤍 ) TAG with TAGEmojiGame
I’ll go first:
62 notes - Posted June 26, 2022
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See the full post
69 notes - Posted February 14, 2022
Hey Thunderfam ����
I needed a smile today so I created a basic smiley pic👇 Decided to share the joy because everyone needs smiling International Rescue at some point 🥰 Big giant hugs to you all 🤗
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70 notes - Posted June 23, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Screenshot of the day is this beautiful doofus 💚
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Pic from S3, E9. Flame Out.
🏷 Tagging team land cabbage 💚@misstb2 @thunderstorm-bay @bonsaiiiiiii @gumnut-logic @louthestarspeaker @lenna-z @inertplanetary @little-old-rachel @weirdburketeer @sonatanotwo @5hadow-alpha @skymaiden32 @thundergeek59 @womble1 @scarlett3drag0n @drileyf @vegetacide @weathergirl8 @scattergraph @somnousbutler @cttagverse @mrseviltedi @i-am-chidorixblossom @photowizard17 @katblu42 @alexthefly
84 notes - Posted February 4, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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ak47stylegirl · 2 years
Guys, I am beyond done and frustrated with this artwork 🥺😵😭. I need some Tracy boys to de-stress, or Allie related fic/art, i been missing my boy 🥺
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Just SOS! International rescue! Anyone! Thunderfam SOS!
@janetm74 @katblu42 @dragonoffantasyandreality @gumnut-logic @lenle-g @womble1 @cg29
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gumnut-logic · 2 months
Sweetapple Slices - Slice 3
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Sweetapple | Dear Mr Tracy | Along the way | Slice 1 | Slice 2 | Slice 3
@idontknowreallywhy asked:
What is a childhood meal your character cherishes?
...and this happened.
Many thanks to both @onereyofstarlight and @katblu42 for both the inspiration and for editing help :D
This one is based before @womble1 's Extra Sweetapple and leads up to a small mention made in that fic. Thanks for the staring point :D This also means this is based before these two knuckleheads became a couple. It's also a little bit crack.
I hope you enjoy.
Virgil reached around Alex’s back and nabbed himself a chocolate.
He’d held off as long as possible as really he needed a full meal, planned to have one, and snacking, while a staple in the field, was something he had a tendency to control when it wasn’t needed.
But he’d dropped in on Alex today, straight off a rescue with an idea. It wasn’t a major one, just a little one that might help fix the issue Alex had been having with the micro-plastic contamination.
That had been an hour and a half ago and several eureka moments since. Now it was the middle of the afternoon, after a far too early morning - thank god for the coffee kit on Two - and really, his blood needed sugar, after all.
Alex himself was well into his creative zone and Virgil couldn’t help but smile.
But then he had been engrossed himself not thirty seconds ago and it was only his lunch deprived stomach that was distracting him.
Alex usually had something lying about somewhere. The engineer had offered him some of the chocolates earlier, but Virgil thought he would be okay.
Apparently not.
So he nabbed one and threw it into his mouth in the hope it would shut his stomach up long enough to finish the calculations that might, just might lead them both to a solution.
The chocolate melted in his mouth and his shoulders relaxed just a little.
But then whatever was inside the chocolate touched his taste buds.
It was a chemical. That was all he could think of to describe it. Rubber? Some kind of soft plastic? In any case, whatever it was, it was revolting.
“You okay?”
Virgil nodded while trying not to choke on whatever the hell was in his mouth.
Alex frowned at him even more.
Okay, whatever it was, it needed removal. He shot to his feet glanced around the room until he found a box of tissues, grabbed one, and turning his back to Alex, spat it into the tissue.
Wiping his mouth and running his tongue over his teeth, he chucked the wad of tissue into the bin and grabbed the remains of his cold coffee, shoving it down his throat.
Alex by this time was on his feet, worry in every movement. “Virgil?”
“I’m fine.” He needed more coffee. He could still feel that weird texture in his mouth. “Want some coffee?”
Alex opened his mouth-
“I’ll go get some. Back in a minute.” He didn’t flee the room. No, he walked calmly to the door and exited quietly, in no way indicating he wanted to scrub his mouth out with a wire brush.
A short trip out to Thunderbird Two and a quick mug of coffee while he waited for a couple more to brew, and he was back in the lab with some steaming liquid of the gods in no time.
Unfortunately, Alex was still staring at him.
“What was that?”
“What was what?” He hid behind his coffee cup.
“That?” Alex waved at the door.
“I got you some coffee.”
Alex was still staring at him.
Alex’s eyebrows dropped into enough of a flat-eyed ‘I’m not an idiot’ glare, that yes, Virgil had to own up.
“Your chocolates, what are they?”
“Huh? Oh.” Alex reached over and grabbed them, offering the bowl to Virgil. “Pineapple lumps. Want one?”
Virgil held up his hand. “No. Thank you for asking.”
Alex shrugged, grabbed one and threw it into his mouth.
Virgil didn’t wince. No, he didn’t.
“You don’t like chocolate?”
“I love chocolate.”
The bowl was offered to him again. Now he was smelling whatever they were made of.
His stomach twisted.
“You don’t like pineapple lumps?”
He forced a casual shrug. “Not my thing, I guess.”
“So you’ve tried them?”
To his dismay, Alex threw another one into his mouth. “They were my dad’s favourites. Bit of a tradition, particularly now he is no longer with us.” Alex shifted where he sat.
Virgil looked down at nothing in particular. “Yeah, traditions are important.”
There was silence a moment while Virgil thought of things that had kept his family afloat while Dad had been missing.
He looked up at Alex. “Are they your favourites?”
Alex looked down at the third pineapple lump in his hand. Virgil tried not to shudder.
“Yeah, I like them.”
Note to self: buy some pineapple lumps for Alex.
“But honestly, I prefer real pineapple.”
Note to self: buy pineapples for Alex.
“And the ultimate is really pineapple ice cream. Now that, that’s my favourite.”
Note to self: find and buy pineapple ice cream for Alex.
“So you’re a pineapple on the pizza kind of guy?”
Alex’s expression shifted to one of horror. “Pineapple on a pizza? You speak blasphemy!” But then Alex was smiling. “No, not my thing. You?”
Note to self: never put pineapple on pizza ever again.
“Of course not.”
“You’re sure? I’m sensing a little Hawaiian vibe here. No shame if you’re on the other side of the debate. You can still be my friend.” Alex was grinning.
Virgil liked the idea of being Alex’s friend. “No pineapple on the pizzas. Got it.” He returned the grin. “Just don’t tell Gordon.”
“Uh oh. You mean-“
“Yes, he’s pineapple all the way.”
Virgil smiled. “Definitely.”
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cg29fics · 2 years
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Virgil Drabbles
Since I’m going to be reading these to help me continue writing them I thought I’d use them for this weeks Fic Back Friday.
Tagging some who are usually tagged and a few of you who I know enjoy Virgil fics 💚 If you’d like to be tagged for this or any other fic updates then please let me know 💛
@janetm74 @drileyf @katblu42 @psychoseal @weirdburketeer @alexthefly @misstb2 @thundergeek59 @ak47stylegirl @dragonoffantasyandreality @burningcowboyhoagietaco @inertplanetary @womble1 @bonsaiiiiiii @gumnut-logic
Each chapter is 100 words only.
I will be posting up to chapter 12 today then sharing more next Friday until I’ve caught up with my Ao3/FFNet pace.
Virgil is the main focus of these and is the middle child.
Chapter 1: 15th August
I’ve been here before and I always swear, ‘Never Again!’
But then…
It’s over and for a few seconds, which always feels longer, I hear nothing. Then the sound I’ve been waiting for… That first cry, followed by:
“Congratulations, it’s a boy!”
The relief washes over me, as I look to my husband. The obvious pride flowing from him as our new baby is placed in my arms, and his soulful eyes lock with mine.
“Do you have a name?” Someone asks.
It’s at that moment I know I’ll be here again.
“Yes,” I nod, “his names Virgil… Virgil Tracy.”
Chapter 2: Expert
“Grandma,” John sang out, running into her arms as she stepped through the door.
“Hello sweetheart, are you enjoying being a big brother?”
“I better than Scotty!”
“Not!” Scott retorted.
“I make Virgie stop crying!”
“After I showed how... Mommy said I expert!”
“You’re both experts!” Lucille reassured, stepping behind them with a crying Virgil in her arms.
“He’s sad, we make better!” Scott and John chorused.
“No boys, it’s my turn!” Grandma announced.
“Wow!” Scott and John chimed when Virgil instantly went quiet after being placed in his grandmas’ arms.
“That’s right boys…” Grandma smiled, “I’m the original expert!”
Chapter 3: He’s A Tracy
“Virgie,” Scott and John called their arms open, while their mother watched.
Virgil attempted to leave the sofa he was holding, but instead fell on his bum and giggled.
“Hello,” Jeff said, smiling at all of them from the doorway.
“Daddy’s home!” Scott and John chorused running to him, while Lucille happily kissed him.
Jeff gazed fondly at Virgil. “Have you missed daddy?”
Virgil released a delightful squeal, and then with no hesitation toddled over to his father.
“He did it!” Scott, John and Lucille chirped.
“Of course, he did,” Jeff replied, scooping Virgil into his arms, “he’s a Tracy!”
Chapter 4: Bath Time
“No!” A two-year-old Virgil shrieked, splashing water all over his father as he tried to escape the bathtub.
“Still no luck!” Lucille asked, stepping in the room and kneeling next to Jeff.
Jeff shook his head. “He’s the same as Scott and John were at this age. Everything is a no and he hates the bath.”
“Well, maybe the next one will love the water.”
“Yeah… Wait, the next one?”
Lucille nodded showing Jeff the positive pregnancy test.
Jeff grinned at Virgil. “Well, looks like you’re going to be a big brother!”
“No!” Virgil screamed, splashing his father once more.
More Below The Cut 👇
Chapter 5: Big Brother
Virgil sighed when he saw the bundle in his mother's arms. He'd just become a big brother, but he really didn't want to be. All he wanted was to be the youngest again, he'd been good at that.
"Do you want to hold Gordon?" His dad asked.
Virgil nodded his head reluctantly.
Jeff carefully placed Gordon in his arms.
Virgil frowned, he couldn't understand why everyone was happy. It was just a baby, there was nothing special about it.
Suddenly, Gordon's eyes opened and locked with his.
"Happy to be a big brother?" His mother asked.
Virgil grinned. "Yeah!"
Chapter 6: Piano
Bright eyes gazed, watching as fingers glided effortlessly across the keys… Ears pricked, listening to magical melodies fill the room...
When the final note ended, Lucille opened her eyes and observed Virgil. She had always presumed he would grow tired of listening, just like his brothers, but he was still very much as captivated now as he had been before.
Lucille picked Virgil up and placed him on her lap.
“Are you ready for your first piano lesson?”
Virgil nodded, reached out, touched the keys, and then gasped with delight.
‘Looks like this is love.’ Lucille chuckled, cuddling her son.
Chapter 7: First Day
“Want to go home!” Virgil whimpered, when the large building loomed in front of him.
Lucille bent down so she was level with her son’s eyes. “Oh sweetheart, it’s okay to be scared.”
“Not scared!”
“Scotty was on his first day, but he was brave, and went in anyway. Can you be brave like Scott?”
Virgil nodded, wiping his tears away.
“That’s my boy! Now, I’ll pick you up later and you can show me the paintings you’ve done.”
“Yes.” Lucille replied, ruffling Virgil’s hair.
“Bye Mommy!” Virgil grinned, dashing through the school gates and towards his new teacher.
Chapter 8: Doctor Virgil
Hearing a scream, Lucille darted into the lounge. “What’s wrong?”
“Gordo… Hurt… Bear…” Virgil sobbed, holding out his beloved toy.
Lucille frowned, the bear’s arm had been torn off, obviously suffering from Gordon's tantrums. Bending down, she regarded Virgil. “We’ll fix him, but I need your help!”
Minutes later an old toy stethoscope of Scott’s was used for Virgil to wear, while Lucille sowed the bear.
“How’s the patient?” She questioned when finished.
Virgil listened to his bears chest. “Cuddles and bedrest!”
“Good decision Doctor,” she smiled, watching Virgil race off… Bear in one hand, stethoscope still in the other.
Chapter 9: Brothers
“Do you have to go?” Virgil wined, clinging onto his big brother’s waist.
Scott nodded, returning the cuddle.
“But, who will chase the monster who lives under my bed away?”
“John’s on monster duty,” Scott informed him, suppressing the amusement at his brother’s imagination.
“Can I come with you?”
“It’s a school trip, so I’m afraid not, but I’ll be back.”
“Promise,” Virgil said.
“Promise on the brotherhood bible!” Scott stated, holding out his finger which Virgil linked with his.
Virgil squeezed his brother once more then let go. “Miss, you!”
“I’ll miss you too, but it’s only one night!
Chapter 10: Drawing
“Hello sweetheart,”
Jeff kissed his wife, then placed one on her large pregnant belly. “Where are the boys?”
“Gordon’s sleeping, Scott and John are doing their homework and…”
“I’m here,” Virgil chirped, running over and handing him a picture, “drawing for you daddy… It’s transponder!”
Virgil nodded. “So, we can fly to your work and keep company!”
“Thank you, that’s very thoughtful of you Virgil,” Jeff responded hugging his little boy.
Virgil gave his dad a big grin and ran off happily.
Jeff showed the picture to Lucille. “Do you think it’s meant to look like an upside-down frog?”
Chapter 11: Swimming
Gordon surveyed his older brother. "Don't know Virgie, it's really far!"
Virgil looked over to the other side. "It is… But Scotty and Johnny are waiting, mommy's watching from the side with Alan, and I'll be next to you the whole time."
"You will?"
"I'll try, although you're quicker than me, so you might get there first."
"I'm faster?"
"Yes, you're good enough to win a medal like the swimmers on tv."
"Cool!" Gordon grinned, holding out his arms.
Virgil pulled off the inflatable armbands and put them on the side. "Ready?"
Gordon nodded.
Gordon prepared to release."
Chapter 12: Choices
Jeff lovingly held Lucille while she fed a one-year old Alan, while his four other boys huddled on either side. “Whose choice is it?” He finally asked.
“It’s Virgil’s!” Scott and John announced.
“No,” Gordon huffed, “mine!”
“Virgil gave his turn to you last time and we went to see the dolphins!”
Gordon grinned. “Yes, that was fun!”
Lucille looked kindly at Virgil. “Where do you want to go sweetheart?”
“Happy here!”
“There must be somewhere you want to go?” His father questioned.
Virgil nodded, and opened the brochure to a picture of a cabin in the snow. “Here please?”
More Next Friday- or you can read up to C52 over on Ao3 or FFNet: CreativeGirl29. For anyone waiting on chapter 22 of Gone I’ll be posting it here on Monday evening UK time.
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seathesilverlinings · 2 years
So, I know March of the OCs is over by a few days now but I’ve never been on time for anything in my life so why start now? 😂
I couldn’t do it by halves so here you have my current main OC (when my writing brain will work again) Bonnie Tracy!
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She’s currently getting into trouble in And So It Begins (she may or may not be about to drag a brother into that trouble too…) if you wanted to learn any more about her!
But, enough about my girl!
This is the reason I’ve taken so long over everything…
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I managed to collect a list of all of the female OCs (sorry I’m not very confident drawing male characters at the moment, next time!) I could find a description for/existing art of! Some of them are not my best, I’ve been trying out new markers and techniques, some I’ve kind of guessed at a little since the descriptions were vague, but overall I just hope that people like them! Or at least appreciate the effort 😂
First up we have Jade Tracy belonging to the lovely @sugar-fiend appearing first in Apples and Trees (thank you also for putting up with progress reports while I tried to do all of these and my whining that I didn’t have enough time when I had plenty I just kept getting distracted) 💙
Next we have (and honestly very accurate description of most of the scientists I know) Jen created by @womble1, she’s ridiculous and great and I love her (but for the life of me I could not find her eye colour anywhere so let me know if it’s wrong Womble and I will change it up!) first appearance was in Stag Do I believe! 👩🏽‍🔬🥼🔬
Third on the list is the sweetheart author Paige Wright who belongs to @dreamycloud (first multi chapter fic I binged in a long time!) leading lady in Only the Lonely 📚💕
Next is Ashley Daniels for @rachfielden-xo I’m not sure if you’ve used her in a fic yet or just introduced her to us but either way, I hope you enjoy! ❤️
Then we have Natasha belonging to @misstb2, I wasn’t sure what colour to use for her hair since she likes to change it up at lot (let’s be honest I would too if I didn’t work in a school) so I went with the one that seemed most common in your pictures! 💚
The lovely Sam for @chenria first appearance in a fic was in Two Miles Under The Sea… and many more appearances in some frankly amazing art! 💚
Next up is our ballerina! Cat belongs to @olliepig and was the most fun to plan out because when I originally had enough time I got to look for very pretty costumes! First introduced to the thunderfam in Waiting In The Wings (as far as I’m aware at least, please correct me if I’m wrong!) 🩰💙
And last but certainly not least everyone’s favourite witch with a space bagel of a husband Selene! Currently wreaking havoc with @willow-salix! She’s been in lots of things but I understand her fic debut was Opposites Attract - Written In The Stars 💜🧡
And with that, I’m off to bed! I hope you all like your presents! If you have OCs that I didn’t draw please don’t take it personal, I gathered a list of the ones that I knew of already or were easy to find descriptions for and was going to add to that list if I got done on time but due to certain circumstances I didn’t 😩
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iexisted · 2 years
Thunderfam meme time! Let’s spread some love. If you want to, tag people in the thunderfam for each answer. Shout out somebody who:
💙 Inspires you to be your best self
💚 Is always there for you when you need help
❤️ Draws beautiful art
💛 Always makes you laugh/cheers you up
🧡 Writes beautiful fic
💜 Someone you’d like to get to know better! Tell them hi!
🤍 Wildcard! Shout somebody out for whatever you want.
Oo! Thank you anon, and I'll gladly awnser!
💙 Inspires you to be your best self?
Everyone, not gonna bother @ ing everyone because there's too many.
💚 Is always there for you when you need help?
Honestly aren't sure about that one, I haven't been on a lot here so I haven't got to get to know people much...
❤ Draws beautiful art?
Out of the people I follow, are the following; @godsliltippy, @seathesilverlinings and @gumnut-logic! I love y'all's art :3
💛 Always makes you laugh/cheers you up?
Not really people on here but my friends at school do that :)
🧡Writes beautiful fic?
Welp, I'll try @ eveyone i know; @gumnut-logic, @janetm74, @womble1, @seathesilverlinings, @the-original-sineater and @m-calculus
I love y'all's fics, and would love to read any more you make in the future!
💜Someone you'd like to get to know better? Tell them hi!
@godsliltippy, @seathesilverlinings and @dragonoffantasyandreality
Hello! :D 🤍
🤍Wildcard! Shoutout somebody out for whatever you want.
Dunno here, everyone that I follow are amazing people so, I won't tag anyone because I'd be tagging everyone XD
Have a great rest of your day Thunderfam!
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