#wow. [pensive]. wow
kiaraalazulu · 6 months
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merylwood study
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biracy · 7 months
I can't remember if I've posted abt this before but regardless: I'm sorry but I really and truly cannot get behind the idea that there is any wide-scale societal "pressure for trans men to be feminine" or "to be twinks" or whatever. You are either conflating a very small online community's beauty standard (usually some kind of transmasc pseudo-appropriation of "femboy" aesthetics, which yes, are often Bad and regressive and fetishized and etc.) with Mainstream Society, or confusing society not wanting trans men to transition with "wanting trans men to be feminine", which are certainly not the same thing. Ultimately if a cis person believes there is any validity to the concept of being trans (i.e. not a Posie Parker-esque "there's no such thing as a trans person" type), they are more likely to think that trans men should be like as masc and buff and hairy as possible or whatever bc that's what cis people think men look like and it's easier for a lot of people to recognize someone who Looks Masc as a man. It is difficult sometimes to see derision of trans guys who are Too Feminine and Not Hairy Enough or whatever (which is not always something someone has control over btw) as anything but "this is Skye who I think is a confused little girl because Skye does not pass" slightly restyled for 2023 "filthcore fagdykes" or whatever lol
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vinesaucejoelfacts · 29 days
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what's a star war
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katyspersonal · 20 days
Cuck(2) detected
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Ok so me and @val-of-the-north consumed mushrooms from Willem's back and decided to brainstorm the Old Gods family tree! This was fun! Maybe some things will get reviewed later, but for now we good!
1) It was initially Val's idea that Caitha was Nito's daughter as someone closely tied to death, as well as he pointed out Pinwheel's masks actually must refer to Nito's family! Nito has an empty coffin nearby, and there is even a smaller coffin hidden.. So yeah. Father, mother and child! I pointed out that since Nito was not a God but Caitha is, it was the mother who had to be a Goddess- and it is further backed up by how Mask of the Mother sticks out in comparison:
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Father and Child look like just people, but Mother looks odd. I offered the idea that her quirk had to be connected to the water, since Caitha's quirk is tears of grief (death + water)! Her mask's design also features water waves motifs! o: (also I guess Nito had curly hair when he was alive XD)
2) We really liked the idea that whenever God has a child, they combine quirks of the parents, so there are other children! Gwynevere = Light + Love, Nameless King = Light + Justice as that kind of noble warrior associated with crows and what not, so this is general principle we follow mostly to detect parents
3) We are still not sure of the level on which Dancer, Rosaria and Queen of Lothric descend from Gwynevere, so the lines aren't clear! Dancer would be at least not a bastard kind of descendant since she is of royal family, so, from marriage!
4) Not sure of the exact specifics on Seath, it can be strange dragon genders or some soul fuckery, but we honestly tried to find another explanation for dragon blood of Gwyndolin, Priscilla and Yorshka and could not.. He is just the only dragon character relevant, and don't mind Gwyndolin being a sorcerer, and also the Moonlight butterflies stuff
5) Seath is the only white dragon and Priscilla is explicitly stated to be pale too, so we think it is safest to assume she is his daughter! She is also stated to be a bastard in Japanese original, so, illegitimate child of a royalty. Lifehunt ability then comes from Caitha's genes! We decided Priscilla was abandoned at infancy, clutching that doll, but we aren't sure yet whether her and Yorshka are non-identical twins only one of which shown fearsome ability potential right out or Gwyn just discovered a huge cuck fetish JHSDFFHDSHFS The thing here that puzzled me is that we receive Lifehunt ability from Soul of Aldrich in DS3, referring to him seeing 'pale girl in hiding' (Yorshka) after consuming Gwyndolin! That'd mean either that Gwyndolin had the gene too (connecting it to Seath then since Priscilla and Yorshka are no gods, ie the shared parent is not Gwyn), or that it was envisioned through sort of 'clairvoyance' from memory about Yorshka. Bro already envisioned Age of the Deep coming, so why not stop at the latter here?
6) Shira stated to be daughter of the Duke, which Val double-checked that shared symbols with Seath's title! The characters known with that status are Seath himself and that guy who is relevant to Seath, so sure, why not say the accent on that status had to be deliberate..
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^ would've been really sexy if the KEPT her white hair from concept art, then. I have an impression that either relation to Seath was an implication that got obscured later due to time constrains (like Fromsoft ALWAYS does and never learns from their mistakes) or it was consequences of how DS3 face model creators are infamous for doing the characters dirty. Look at what they did with Kirk. Look at what they did with Creighton and HIS wonderful white mane. Basically it is a straw we would like to grasp
That's I think the gist of headcanons, @val-of-the-north might add extra details and justifications if he's willing to!
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evilsciencebox · 1 year
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some practice sketches i coloured
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luminnea · 1 year
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commission for @eeveequeenjigglypuff !! <3
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comradekatara · 2 years
Honestly I don't know how you manage to perfectly balance azula as both extremely talented and competent and incredibly pathetic. It's funny. She's kind of like zuko in that way.
lmao i mean... i didn't write her character, i'm just interpreting the text as i see it. and she is shown to be extremely talented and competent, and also incredibly pathetic! she was raised as a weapon, and she's very good at serving that purpose. she's sharp, she's savvy, she's cunning, she's precise, she's strong, she's intimidating, she has good instincts, she's powerful, she's deadly. but it's exactly because she is so good at being a weapon that she is so bad at being a regular person. we see in "the beach" just how poorly socialized she is amongst her peers, not knowing how to make conversation, party, or play games with others without bringing it back to her comfort zone of imperialist conquest. she doesn't know how to talk to ty lee, someone she clearly does care about a lot, when she isn't actively giving her commands. when ty lee isn’t submitting to her as a fire nation citizen taking orders from her princess, she's the one with control in their friendship. azula was raised in an environment where she was never allowed to treat people as her equals, even if she wanted to. and it's not just because she's a princess; we see from yue that even extremely sheltered, privileged princesses are capable of socializing normally with other teens. no, it's the fact that azula was raised with extremely specific values, an imperialist ideology in which conquest is all that matters, fear is a valuable currency, and love is a weakness. under this ideology, azula excels, making her a highly intimidating force to be reckoned with. but at the same time, this ideology that she has been forced to dedicate her life to is very sad, kind of silly... pathetic, even.
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infinitystation · 8 months
i love wonder trading and getting back nicknamed pokemon. yes he IS a Soft Boi, i will take great care of him. i will watch over Jeffery with my life. i've given a great home to Egg 587
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shadowcow · 1 year
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Final words of the fallen heroes of WoW Hardcore Classic, pt. 6/???
(pt. 5, pt. 7)
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diabeticgirl4 · 2 months
A while ago my mom was chatting w one of her friends (whom I've known for years) and afterwards my mom told me that I came up in the conversation and the friend referred to me as "a they" (mom's words) and. I'm not sure what to make of it. I haven't been able to stop thinking about it since. Hmm.
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1o1percentmilk · 9 months
so much shit happened in lego ninjago and i remember none of it
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anothermonikan · 7 months
I didn't think I was a car person like at all but I've been trying to pay more attention to the cars I do see and I was walking home the other day and gosh, the most gorgeous car drove past me, she had the most striking shiny dark blue plating and she was so shaped, I think I'm a little in love with her
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verycoolsnails · 3 months
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nati-bati-yi · 1 year
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zin'tulak approximately three seconds after being rudely awoken from his nap by gord trashing little hordemar again
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one-winged-dreams · 11 months
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a9saga · 1 year
tbt - the gazette - bath room // i wish i were a hot goth doctor
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