#yandere 244
artemis32 · 1 year
Hello I saw your 244 imagine and I loved it and if your still taking requests because I wasn’t sure can you do one where his girlfriend is really shy sensitive someone he can easily manipulate but for some reason he’s really wants to keep her around idk this thought just popped up into my head 😆
Yandere 244 II
this probably isn’t exactly what you wanted but i hope you like it anyway :)) spoilers for 244 (his name and all that jazz)
Also I'm on a roll with posting these drafts, damn
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art's 21st birthday celebration masterlist
viral hit masterlist
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There are many possibilities for when and where you met him, but for the sake of this specific question, let’s say you’re on the run.
Jinho sees all types of people trying to flee to South Korea. People of different social statuses, genders, ages, races, anyone and everyone. 
All of these people have one thing in common - they aren’t good people.
Cheaters, liars, thieves, murderers, stalkers. He’s seen them all.
He’s long since past the point of caring about any of them. Why would he have to? He kicks them off the boat after they’ve served their purpose. And it’s not as if they can complain either. It’s him or the government, or worse, the people they try so desperately to run from.
So many different people have crossed his path, and all of them have faced the same fate. Inevitably, all of them end up the same way. 
All of them, except for you.
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You were quiet. Reserved and withdrawn.
Not unusual in itself, plenty of girls your age were. Being self-conscious wasn’t strange. In fact, being hyperaware was a helpful trait to have in any scenario.
But it backfired. 
Being quiet and aware was fine, but it could easily be twisted into something darker. 
Anyone who knew you would say that you were shy, sweet and slightly anxious. Anyone who knew you would know that you could never do something like this. You knew you would never do something like this.
But all of the facts just happened to conveniently line up. Every last bit of evidence pointed to you.
Really, never in your life would you believe the fact that you were being considered as a murder suspect, but the facts didn’t lie, and apparently neither did the witnesses.
Regardless of whether you did it or not, you were in trouble.
And so, you were presented with two choices: accept the charges and go to prison for a crime you didn’t commit, or try and run.
You chose the latter.
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The interest he takes in you is immediate and crippling.
Something about you is just so alluring - you're so sweet, so soft. Oh, he gets so worked up just thinking about it.
Now, if pressed, he wouldn't be able to tell anyone what exactly had drawn him to you in the first place.
Maybe the way you were so glaringly out of place on his ship? Many different kinds of people came to him, looking for an escape - thieves, beggars, murderers, terrorists, cheaters. You were clearly none of those things, all skittish and shy, saying please and thank you to a bunch of criminals with a smile.
He could have laughed if it didn't infuriate him.
Maybe he was drawn in by the way you cared so deeply for people you hardly knew. One of his men got caught in the lowering net and got hurt? You were there, tending to his injuries. One of your fellow stowaways got food poisoning, made worse by sea sickness? You were by his side, handing him water and kind words while you rubbed his back.
You were so kind. Too kind.
It made him sick.
He wanted you all for himself. No one deserved your kindness but him.
Or maybe it was the way you quaked and cried when they started throwing people overboard.
Yes, that must have been it.
Well, not quite.
While it was true that they threw the stowaways overboard, and you stood there, plastered to the cabin door, all shaking legs and wobbly lips, what piqued his interest more than all that was the fact that you never once begged for them to spare you.
There was something to be said for your pride.
You were terrified, that much was clear - but you didn't beg them to let you live, or plead with him on your knees. You lifted your head and accepted your fate, not even letting out a scream or whimper.
Truly, he couldn't decide in that moment if he loved or hated you.
Love, apparently, if the present day were anything to go by.
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He liked dressing you in such small, scanty clothing. Really, the scraps of fabric he handed you when you arrived in his apartment could barely be called clothing at all.
Something about the way he stared at you made your bones itch. When his eyes followed you as you walked from the kitchen to the couch, the way his fingers prodded lazily at the thin fabric bunched up at your waist - you felt sick just thinking about it.
But that seemed to make him even more eager.
He always held it over your head - the fact that he provided for you, the fact that he chose to keep you safe and let you live.
Your clothing? He gave you.
The food you ate? He bought and prepared for you. Hell, he even fed you, as if you were a child. Though, you suspected that he did that only because he loved how flustered you'd become.
The bed you slept in? The house you lived in? The books you read and the hobbies you could enjoy peacefully?
You had it all because he gave it to you.
Because he cared for you.
Loved you.
The sentiment was lost on you.
What you hated more than his not so subtle manipulation though, had to be the way he taunted you when he didn't get his way.
He could be so cruel, commenting on how you'd gotten into this situation, saying that if you didn't start showing your appreciation, he might be forced to hand you over to the authorities.
That always made you cry.
But more than that, it made you pliant, willing.
For a while after he pulled that card, you wouldn't argue or fight back when he took what he wanted. That was his trump card, one that he didn't play very often, mainly because you'd be all teary and anxious for at least a few weeks after that.
But that's why he loved you.
You were just so fun to play with, to tease and work up and break down.
And the best part of it was that, at the end of it all, you'd still treat him so kindly. You'd still crawl into bed and cuddle up to him, still kiss him gently, just how you knew he liked it.
Because despite the fact that majority of your situation was his fault, you were grateful.
You were grateful that he'd taken you in and chosen to protect you.
He took care of you, and you took care of him.
And if you were to ask him why he did it?
Well, because he loved you, of course. And the things he loved deserved the best.
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Platonic Yandere Mutants
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“Can I help you with anything sir?”
Giving your typical customer server voice, you finished shelving the sauces and turned to the anthropod-mutant. The world has seen a resurgence of mutated humans that are just the same as any other human other than their more animalistic traits. A big part of the service-related industry was being able to handle the large, intimidating, and sometimes violent clientele.
“I’m so distraught…” The anthropodian looked just as he said with inky-black goo pouring from his black eyes. His quivering pupils were an amber-yellow, looking deep into your soul with lashes painted by his tears like mascara. 
He was arguably quite handsome if you could get past the staggering height of 244 centimeters, the three spider-like legs, and a lean torso connected to a larger abdomen. From a glance, it seemed that he was a spider-mutant but the folded wings on his large backside and the lack of mandibles or multiple eyes said otherwise. You didn’t know if it’d be polite to ask;  in the meantime, he continues. 
“Ever since the Spring the love of my life and I have been trying to fertilize our eggs Even our roommates attempted to help us make our children but to no avail. We went to the doctors and you know how few of them actually know how to treat mutants but that’s beside the point. They told us that we technically should be able to but for whatever reason we just can’t. We suspect that it might be because of the vaccine they recently brought mainstream. It’s just been so hard going through life without our own little bundle of joy.”
“Sir….this is a Matiscoes.”
He started crying again, putting his hands over his face, and you shot a nervous glance around, trying to spot another employee or nosy customer willing to intervene. No other customers were there and your coworkers that were weren’t interested in helping you whatsoever–only willing to offer a minor shrug.
“Is there anything you want here…to quell your grief.”
His crying seemed to cease or at least let up enough to fold his hands in front of him. He was smiling now and tilting his head. You copied the motion as you awaited his answer. 
“That’s why I came here today,” he started. “We’ve been watching you for a while now and we’ve decided you're going to be our new addition to the family!”
You blanched. 
“Uhm what–”
Faster than you could react strong grey hands grasped your shoulders, hugging you tight into his chest before holding you up high. In a way that only an anthropodian could do his backside’s wings opened up. Another layer, which looks like an exoskeleton, pulls back to reveal a gooey compartment. Barely able to let out a yelp as he unceremoniously dropped you into the compartment. 
The feeling of the compartment’s innards was soft and fleshy complimented by what had to be gallons of viscous slime that coated its sides and bottom. You saw your coworkers first–all of them either preparing to scream or reaching out as if to pull you out. Opening your mouth to call for them you found yourself choking on the chunky liquid, as you reached out. It was then you felt a hand on your head pushing down as the exoskeletal layer closed over you. 
It was a mostly transparent screen with tinges of gray that matched the skin tone of the mutant who had grabbed you. Next were the wings which folded over sealing you within the blackness of the compartment and forcing you to curl into yourself. You tried to hold your breath but when your lungs couldn’t take it, you resigned yourself to suffocate within the goop and complete darkness. Come to find you somehow could…breath just fine? You wanted to dwell on it, to question what this was but you found yourself unable to register much in the darkness of the cavern. Or even registering yourself as you felt your eyes close and your body relax.
All you knew was that the muffled yells were nothing but white noise to fall asleep to.
“You look happy today? Was it lunch?” 
Granger, the harpy, was preening his navy blue and magenta feathers when the anthropodian mutant happily strolled in. Picking up on the faint scent of metal, he deduced that his roommates had treated themselves again. 
He didn’t mind it really. 
After all, he had his own specific tastes.
But as much as they were his roommates, they were the closest thing he had to friends. And seeing a smile on your recently mopey friend's face was a good enough sign. The reason he felt like asking was the blacker tint of a blush on his gray cheeks as he lightly scurried by. 
“I did have a good lunch today but I got something better!”
“What is it?”
The anthropodian let out a coy giggle, winking as he made his way out of the mansion to the den he’d recently been crying in. While Granger didn’t pride himself on being emotionally intelligent he wasn’t as stupid as others expected. 
Something definitely happened.
And maybe the landlord might want to know about it. 
Sending the text swiftly, he tucked his phone away at the silent entrance of his other roommate. She held a mass of webs in her human-like arms along with a larger web sack strung over her shoulder and strapped against her back. The drider didn’t even bother to let one of her eight eyes even glance at him as she skillfully strode along the ceiling.
The harpy tilted his head up almost leaning completely on the chair to watch her make her way to the kitchen. 
“So I hear you two went out to lunch.”
“We did.”
“Are those the only leftovers? And I took you for the saving type.”
She didn’t say anything for a while instead opening the fridge to store what she had wrapped. For a moment, Granger thought she was ignoring him but then she spoke up. 
“I sent the real leftovers up to the den in the minecart. This food I retrieved is for…Harley.”
Granger made a face.
“Does Harley have a sudden interest in normie food?”
“You could say that…point being don’t eat any of this.”
“Ugh you know I won’t.”
“I mean it, Granger, if you eat this you will know the wrath of Harley.”
“Yeah yeah whatever.”
She blinked all eight of her eyes indignantly before scurrying away. 
Everyone was acting so weird. Granger felt excluded from whatever was going it’d stop when Quintin got home.
“Sire here are the final reports of this week’s averages.”
“Thank you. Make sure the office party ends well I’ll be taking my leave.”
“Of course sire. Have a nice evening.”
Walking out of the meeting room turned party venue, he drew the eyes of everyone there. Curious staring and admirable gazes alike followed him all the way to his office, giving him a temporary reprieve from the constant attention. The albino looked like any other of his employees, other than his strikingly white hair, pale face, red eyes, and the matching snake tail sprouting from his lower back. 
He too despite his upper appearance, was a mutant. Though more accepted for his resemblance to basic humans, Quintin still received a mix of reactions for his noticeable difference. Balancing the disgusted reactions for who the mutant he was along with the odd fascination for his mutant extremity made his success a winding road. Filled with pain, abuse, and constant questions of his own existence. 
But he was here and now he was a mogul among mutants and humans alike. 
He kept an open mind as he learned of new things, different curve balls, and spotty trends. His openness allowed for flexibility that let him navigate his industry. But that didn’t mean he didn’t like plans. As much as he practiced being open, routine was vital to his level-headedness. 
Specifically with things regarding home. So a text from the unruly tenant and friend made him remarkably tense. 
<Hey so Harley and Mar-Mar are acting weird…>
<I guess something went down at lunch>
Harley and Margot must have gone on one of their little excursions again.
Quintin had a sneaking suspicion as to what it may be but he had to be sure. Considering Harley was dealing with their infertility without too many distractions he could see why he’d go do something extreme. Tapping the password he retyped so often, the familiar security camera configuration popped up.
His eyebrow twitched, his claws scraped the underside of his desk, and his tail angrily whipped around. Finding nothing but the small movements of a cat on one of the cameras the subject for those cameras was nowhere to be found.
Through gritted teeth and a hiss on the tip of his tongue, Quintin cursed, “Harley!”
He hurried home without his typical unaffected air about him but no one bothered him let alone said goodbye. They knew better than to do so. Signalling his chauffeur to quickly head home he tried to calm the anger rising from within. 
The drive felt longer than usual because his mind was in near disarray. He kept it together, calmly undoing his tie and hanging his suit jacket up as he walked up the steep path to the mansion. He planned to quickly change out of his work clothes, with his partner being so privy to the faint scents of his coworkers. 
“Quintin! There you are! What’s up?”
Dodging a feathered hug, he shot him a scornful look shutting down the playful greeting of Granger. Passing him with burning vigor, he made his way through the mansion finding his practically untouched suite. He changed into the relaxing and more comfortable poet shirt and leather pants before sprinting up the mount.
He sent a passing glance at the displaced mine carts. They had been moved recently, which matches up with Granger’s inclusion of Margot. She happened to be the one who suggested moving furniture and delivering food to Harley’s den when he first began to nest. Only confirming his suspicions he ran at speeds invisible to the human eye. Despite looking so similar to them he was wired completely different 
With no need to catch his breath, he strode past the various webbing around the mouth of the cave. For someone who claimed to be celibate Margot was heavily invested and involved throughout their fertility journey. Going so far as to insulate and effectively monitor the cave with Harley in it. Of course, it remained to be seen if this was helpful or not. 
He walked farther, attempting not to trigger the connection of webs that alerted neither Harley nor Margot. Eventually, the webbing stopped and the cave split into tunnels. He already knew where the latest nest was based on scent alone. After navigating the various paths to the entry of an even smaller cave was where he found Harley. 
It was a smaller cavern with a slow but moving body of water with a generator powering the off-hand appliances, and heating panels pointed downwards. A little ways from them in a widely dug hole was the nest, a collection of blankets and pillows that he excitedly went shopping for not too long ago. And so was Harley happily tidying up and poking at the pillows infusing them with his blood and plasma.
His smiling gray face turned to look at him with a black blush he could tell had been there for a while. 
“Quintin! I’m so glad you’re here we’re almost ready.”
“W-what, aren’t you happy?”
“I told you to wait. To wait until we were both ready.”
The anthropod made a face. 
“But I was ready. My body said it was time so I just–”
He continued to quietly justify himself as Quintin let his mind drift. This was a common conversation throughout their journey. While his snake heritage was always known to him and the behaviors connected with it the same could never be said about Harley. All they knew was that he was connected to the anthropod type in some way. Other than that it was a guessing game. More often than not they just had to rely on whatever feeling Harley was focused on hoping it’d be akin to a birthing instinct. 
It was exhausting. 
But Quintin loves Harley.
So he’d put up with that, during their latest attempt–surrogacy–he met someone who kindled the paternal instincts in him like none before. It was during an interview for an assistant intern that he happened to be watching that he’d found them. 
A human. 
An awkward one.
That was just trying to make their way in the world.
Never before had he wanted to stow anyone away except for Harley. So young. So weak+ So unachieved. Maybe it was the way you spoke, what answers were firm and not, the way your eyes checked yourself in the mirror provided. Whatever it was it solidified it for him, if this next attempt didn’t work out then he wouldn’t mind adoption. Granted you weren’t a child or a teen but barely an adult he wanted nothing more than to coddle and spoil. 
So after stringing them along a few other interviews, he rejected their application. Keeping the template-based resume and taking the vital information to do an extensive background check. It was a great distraction setting up the cameras in your home and guiding your job search to a crooked grocery store. So of course the sorrow of another avenue closing was painful but it just gave him an excuse to have a routine—-to be calm. To sync his routine with yours; watching your daily life allowing him to scold you through the screen. 
It wouldn’t be long before Harley caught wind of his turned attention, eventually scoping out his secret pastime. Quintin was worried originally, while he had the financial power Harley was just an unstoppable unit if pushed hard enough. It wouldn’t be the first time he’d made meals out of coworkers he deemed too close. But much to Quintin’s surprise, it became the newest vice for Harley’s sadness.
“When can we? I want them home soon!” 
“We need to wait…give it time then we’ll slowly reel them in.”
It was the wise way to bring their baby in. Slowly gain their trust, earn their friendship, and eventually become the parents that could be without explicitly saying it. It was a long game but it’d be worth it as they got the payout all without immense force or bringing stress.
“-it’s just that they’re getting older and we’re going to miss out! I wasn’t trying to-”
“I understand.”
“I get why. It’s fine. We’ll make this work.”
“Oh well, I’m glad you see it my way!”
How shameless.
Harley bent down to give him a light peck before happily turning away. Continuing to arrange and rearrange the nesting area. Surely there wasn’t much else that could be done, other than maybe customizing it with a few things from their baby’s shoddy shack they called home. But not too much. He could only hope your favorite things weren’t infected with whatever vermin surely lived in the rundown place he had (his staff) those cameras planted in. On that topic, he made a mental note to pick up the little creature he saw running nervously around there. Surely bringing it back home would help their baby acclimate. Speaking of them…
“Where are they by the way?”
With a small smile and a flutter of Harley’s wings, he already knew. Quintin couldn’t help but pinch the bridge of his nose.
“How did I know…anyway Harls are you going to release them soon?”
“But they’re so cozy and quiet in here!”
“I was going to but what better way to get close to each other?!”
“Harls. Most humans already are frightened by our appearance, let alone the inner workings of us mutants…they aren’t going to respond to your…” He sent a worried look to the anthropodian’s behind. “Affection all that well.”
“I know that! All babies are fussy, especially when they haven’t been with us for too long.”
Quintin decided to dismiss the jump in logic. Harley sighed before picking a place among the pillows to settle down in. With a pout on his lips, his wings flapped up and the final layer of his protective pouch pulled back. 
There you were, sleeping in the fetal position and submerged in the yellow fluids of Harley’s design. Soothed by the sounds of your light breathing Quintin took a minute to admire you before scooping you up in his arms. Not bothered by the residue soaking through his shirt, he settled you down on one of the many propped-up pillows. Making sure to support your head as he held you tight. He lightly rocked you noting you were still wearing your work uniform. He held back a sigh and sent a look to his partner who had finished closing his pouch and had turned to sit against his side. 
“What? We figured we’d get lunch along the way.”
“Did they see?”
“Nope! And if you want we have leftovers!”
“ I smelt so and…maybe if the manager is among them.”
“Hmm you’ll have to ask Margot, she’s already wrapped them up.”
“U-u-uhm what is going on?!”
When you woke up, you first remember how hard it was to open your eyes. Not only because the desire to sleep wasn’t constantly plaguing your brain but because something had glued your lashes together. It took over five attempts to blink your eyes open. 
Your lips had the same problem, you’d have to try to open them too. 
What was this taste in your mouth?! 
It was remarkably blurry. Like round spots of color barely moving blurry. But your eyes would adjust like all your other senses, including your ears which seemed to have been clogged but were slowly becoming clear.
Both those voices sounded so familiar one more so than the other. Coupled with the oddly chilly hand weight of a hand supporting your back, which seemed to lightly bob you up and down. The voices of the ones above you became clearer, talking about something you couldn’t grasp.
“Uhm, what’s going on?!”
It came out before you could register your mouth moved at all. It only made you regret it when they both turned to you with such wide eyes; almost like a feline’s glare when it came to hunting. 
The gray man gave a fanged smile, “Hi baby, good morning! Did you have a nice rest?”
You felt the urge to scream only able to hone in on the glowing yellow pupils and the sharpened teeth coming closer to you. The paler face, a much more human-like face tutted the threatening being. Pulling you to sit on their lap, letting you eye the incredibly dark cavern that you were in before covering your eyes with a pale hand. 
Eyes covered, you could only guess it was a muscular arm wrapping around your waist. Hushing in your ear and a hand attempting to soothe you by rubbing the side of your upper arm. It helped…a little.
“(Y/n), relax for me. Breathe in and out. Breathe in and out.”
You followed the man’s instructions to fight the urge to let out a shuddered breath. You could feel your tears dampen the hand over your eyes. He repeated the same instructions to you, waiting for your breath to even out before trying to speak to you.
“(Y/n) some things are going to be different now.”
“What do you mean by that? How do you know my name? Where am—”
Shushing you again the voice calmly continued,” I am Quintin and the anthropod you met before is Harley. We’ll be your guardians from now on.”
“What?! Guardians?! But I’m an adult I don’t need any–guardians!”
The voice seemed to pause, almost offended by your denial. The arm around you—that felt like it didn’t have joints–tightened around you in a vice grip.
“We are your guardians from now on (Y/n)...now would you like to see or would you like a blindfold?”
Now it was your turn to be silent. Debating with yourself on what would bring the most comfort in the stress full time.
On one hand, if they were going to torture you or force you to undergo some horrific experiments or something the blindfold would be better.
On the other hand, having your sight lets you see where you can escape and see what you’re up against. 
Well, the answer is obvious, right?
“I want the blindfold off.”
“Okay, but if you misbehave it’s going right back.”
You ignored the warning as your dim surroundings were revealed. Blinking away the blurred specks in your eyes it revealed the familiar face from the store. Your expression must’ve shown your realization because the mutant spoke.
“Hi, sweet pea! We did officially meet in the store but I’ll have you know I’ve been wanting you home with us for a long time!”
You grimace, “You were stalking me?” 
His expression became downcast before he shook his head. 
“Stalking is for hunting, sweetie. We’ll have to go over everything you know about hunting if that’s what you’ve been taught. Stupid humans if that’s what they're teaching we’ll have to reteach you everything!”
“I’m human!”
He swoons before pinching your cheeks and cuddling his face against yours. “I know but you’re our human! And that makes you better than all of them.”
You felt disgusted. While there were tensions with the mutants it was mostly through those rioting and promoting discrimination. Those same rioters tended to look down on the other race, saying things just like that. It disturbed you. 
“Humans aren’t stupid!”
“(Y/n).” Quintin warned. You didn’t listen.
“Have you ever considered that our strengths aren’t in our physical strengths alone? “
“(Y/n), please.”
“Now, angel watch your tone! You won’t speak to your father and I like that.”
“I’m going to say something if you’re looking down on people.”
“I look down on them because that’s nature, darling. Just because it’s the way the world works doesn’t mean you need to misbehave.”
“I’m not misbehaving! I’m stating my opinion!”
“Maybe you’re opinion isn’t wanted.”
“Then maybe you should’ve gotten some underdeveloped child!”
“Grrr. That’s it, I’m putting you in time out.”
Repeating the same actions as he did at the store, you tried your best to struggle this time. Scratching and squirming did nothing to stop your route to the opened exoskeleton compartment. Harley only stopped at Quintin’s hand on his chest.
“But honey they—”
“Are adjusting we have to give them time to learn their surroundings. To get to know us.”
“But Quin!”
With a sigh, he set you down again. Angrily crossing his arms Harley watched you scramble away, sending a look towards Quintin who closed the distance between you. Finally seeing his face as he came to kneel in front of you. His skin was pale, a smooth off-white that could barely be distinguished from his hair. His eyes were like crimson pearls with slitted pupils gazing deeply into your own. 
“(Y/n), I know a lot of things are changing for you,” he kept stepping closer to you; minding how your back had reached the wall of the crater. He continued to step close to you, holding his hands up when you flinched. “And there’s a lot to learn so I’ll make it easier for you.
You felt something slither between your back and the wall pulling you closer to Quintin as he reached into his pocket. Now it hit you that the albino had a tail sprouting from his behind, that easily held you tight as a blindfold was tied over your face. Naturally, you reached your hands up to analyze it only for those oddly warm and chilled hands to wrap something soft around your wrists.
“Wait did you–”
“I did.” 
You opened your mouth to protest, stopping when you felt the slicing of the air near your ear. Barely sensing the breath, you gathered that Quentin was hugging you and prepared to whisper.
“Don’t upset him. Otherwise, he’ll keep you in that pouch forever.”
“But what if–”
“He’s emotional, you won’t be able to reason with him.” He paused, internally enjoying the defeated look on your face. Taking advantage of your hesitance he set your head to rest on his shoulder. “I’ll always come back for you. When I do I can reason with him so hang tight for me, okay?”
He felt your lips wobble and the small drips against his shoulder. He tightened his hug, relishing the clinging of your cuffed hands against his shirt. 
He tried again,” Can you do that, (Y/n)? Let him baby you, just for a little bit?”
“I’m already so proud.”
He pulls away, delightfully having to unlatch your fingers from him. He fights the smile that threatens to spread as he begins walking back to Harley. The anthropodian mutant glared at him with an angry dark blush on his face. His wings occasionally and angrily fluttered as Quintin came closer. Holding his gray cheeks in place, the snake prodded his tongue against Harley’s lips. Pushing past the barrier Quintin enjoyed the warmth of Harley’s mouth diving deeper until he was met with a reciprocated stroke. Before they got carried away, they pulled away each licking off the translucent purple saliva that hung on their lips. 
“Be forgiving Harley, they’re really scared.”
Harley clung to his love’s shirt, peering over his shoulder at the helpless human who curiously turned their head.
“But what if I’m scared too, Quintin? What if they get away from us, like the last ones?” 
“They won’t. I’ll make sure of it.”
Amber eyes looked nervously into Quintin’s eyes before letting a smile stretch across his face. Harley took his time placing another kiss on the albino’s lips, stepping around him as he made his way to the human. 
“Then hurry back, I think we’ll both be looking forward to our first meal–as a family!”
Quintin smiled casually jumping out of the crater; smiling widely as watched Harley scoop you up with care. This time lightly running his nose along your head as he spoke, probably apologizing. 
The snake mutant made his way back to the mansion, not only planning to begin moving your things but also grabbing the food Margot brought especially for his baby. He had to calm himself when he found his tail unconsciously striking the trees around him. Chastizing himself, he didn’t want to knock all the trees down, he’s sure you’d love climbing them. 
“Oh right. We’ll have to talk with others, I bet they're dying to meet you.”
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antimony-medusa · 8 months
MCYT on Ao3 — September '23
The state of MCYT on Ao3, just for fun. Yes I do this every month, I like numbers. 
Slamacow Minecraft Animations (Web Series) (8 works)
The Cube SMP (8 works)
iDots SMP (14 works)
30 Day SMP | Free Trial SMP (27 works)
Legacy SMP (28 works)
Cogchamp SMP (29 works)
Epic SMP (31 works)
Art of Survival SMP (32 works)
Dominion SMP (32 works)
Shady Oaks SMP (45 works)
X Life SMP (46 works)
IvoryCello's Prison Escapes (Web Series) (53 works)
100 Hours Hardcore SMP (54 works)
Kaboodle SMP (56 works)
Bear SMP (58 works)
SadSMP (68 works)
Area Unknown SMP (72 works)
Mer SMP (74 works)
Pirates SMP (105 works)
Tortillaland SMP (113 works)
New Life SMP (127 works)
House Builder Gang SMP | HBG SMP (134 works)
Slimecicle Cinematic Universe (Web Series) (138 works)
WitchCraft SMP (164 works)
Rats SMP (208 works)
SMPEarth (273 works)
SMPLive (283 works)
Outsiders SMP (314 works)
Mianite (Web Series) (363 works)
Afterlife SMP (382 works)
Yandere High School (Web Series) (434 works)
MindCrack RPF (493 works)
Evolution SMP (545 works)
Fable SMP (767 works)
Karmaland SMP (777 works)
Lifesteal SMP (1,220 works)
Origins SMP (1,478 works)
QSMP | Quackity SMP (3,842 works)
Empires SMP (5,633 works)
3rd Life | Last Life SMP Series (7,862 works)
Hermitcraft SMP (17,370 works)
Dream SMP (80,652 works)
Minecraft (Video Game) (108,355 works)
Video Blogging RPF (262,973 works)
Some Notes
We have one new tag this month! Interestingly, Pirates SMP, despite being a child tag of Video Blogging RPF, is not a child tag of Celebrities and Real People, which puts it up with Slamacow Minecraft Animations (Web Series) and Minecraft (Video Game) as the only mcyt tags not officially considered RPF for sorting purposes. (Note: this is probably a bug.)
Fics are primarily in English, but now we have three exceptions with significant Spanish fics: Karmaland (691 works of 775, from 679 last month) , Tortillaland SMP (108 works of 113, from 106 last month), and QSMP (466 works of 3,833, up from 412 last month). QSMP also includes fics in Brazilian Portugese (175 works, up from 119 last month) and a few in French (19 works, up from 10 month).
In smaller SMPs, both SadSMP and Cogchamp saw a 3-fic decrease, one of the starker fandom decreases that I've seen. In terms of growth, Area Unknown SMP saw a 12-fic increase, Mer SMP saw a 14-fic increase, and New Life SMP saw an impressive 22-fic increase.
In mid-sized fandoms, it was the same three fandoms in a different order than last month. Fable SMP was the standout once again with 33 fics, though Evolution SMP saw a growth of 24 fics and Yandere High School saw 19 new fics.
For the larger fandoms, it was a reduced month from last month. Empires' 154 this month did not beat last month's 244 or the previous month's 218, 3rd Life's 340 this month did not beast last month's 395 or the previous month's 364, and Hermitcraft's 453 did not beat last month's 569 or the previous month's 501. Continuing the trend, Dream SMP's increase of 1,171 did not meet last month's 1,459 or the previous month's 1,376, and in fact the only fandom with a growth compared to July was QSMP, with QSMP's 725 this month not beating last month's 861 but Yes beating the previous month's 628. So the two-month run of increased growth that the bigger fandoms were turning out has definitely come to an end. Possibly the end of summer hit everyone's schedules hard.
Detailed breakdown of increases under the cut.
Slamacow Minecraft Animations (Web Series) (8 works, 8 last month, 0-fic increase)
The Cube SMP (8 works, 8 last month, 0-fic increase)
iDots SMP (14 works, 15 last month, 1-fic decrease)
30 Day SMP | Free Trial SMP (27 works, 27 last month, 0-fic increase)
Legacy SMP (28 works, 27 last month, 1-fic increase)
Cogchamp SMP (29 works, 32 last month, 3-fic decrease)
Epic SMP (31 works, 31 last month, 0-fic increase)
Art of Survival SMP (32 works, 33 last month, 1-fic decrease)
Dominion SMP (32 works, 32 last month, 0-fic increase)
Shady Oaks SMP (45 works, 43 last month, 2-fic increase)
X Life SMP (46 works, 46 last month, 0-fic increase)
IvoryCello's Prison Escapes (Web Series) (53 works, 53 last month, 0-fic increase)
100 Hours Hardcore SMP (54 works, 53 last month, 1-fic increase)
Kaboodle SMP (56 works, 50 last month, 6-fic increase)
Bear SMP (58 works, 57 last month, 1-fic increase)
SadSMP (68 works, 71 last month, 3-fic decrease)
Area Unknown SMP (72 works, 60 last month, 12-fic increase)
Mer SMP (74 works, 60 last month, 14-fic increase)
Pirates SMP (105 works, was not canonized last month)
Tortillaland SMP (113 works, 110 last month, 3-fic increase)
New Life SMP (127 works, 105 last month, 22-fic increase)
House Builder Gang SMP | HBG SMP (134 works, 130 last month, 4-fic increase)
Slimecicle Cinematic Universe (Web Series) (138 works, 127 last month, 11-fic increase)
WitchCraft SMP (164 works, 162 last month, 2-fic increase)
Rats SMP (208 works, 208 last month, 0-fic increase)
SMPEarth (273 works, 265 last month, 8-fic increase)
SMPLive (283 works, 278 last month, 5-fic increase)
Outsiders SMP (314 works, 300 last month, 14-fic increase)
Mianite (Web Series) (363 works, 359 last month, 4-fic increase)
Afterlife SMP (382 works, 379 last month, 3-fic increase)
Yandere High School (Web Series) (434 works, 415 last month, 19-fic increase)
MindCrack RPF (493 works, 493 last month, 0-fic increase)
Evolution SMP (545 works, 521 last month, 24-fic increase)
Fable SMP (767 works, 734 last month, 33-fic increase)
Karmaland SMP (777 works, 761 last month, 16-fic increase)
Lifesteal SMP (1,220 works, 1,139 last month, 81-fic increase)
Origins SMP (1,478 works, 1,449 last month, 29-fic increase)
QSMP | Quackity SMP (3,842 works, 3,117 last month, 725-fic increase)
Empires SMP (5,633 works, 5,479 last month, 154-fic increase)
3rd Life | Last Life SMP Series (7,862 works, 7,522 last month, 340-fic increase)
Hermitcraft SMP (17,370 works, 16,917 last month, 453-fic increase)
Dream SMP (80,652 works, 79,481 last month, 1,171-fic increase)
Minecraft (Video Game) (108,355 works, 107,795 last month, 560-fic increase)
Video Blogging RPF (262,973 works, 259,553 last month, 3,420-fic increase)
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okami-zero · 1 year
G-Witch, and Uh....
Okay, so Sophie the Yandere Earthian Witch proving how unhinged she is by telling Suletta to get her Gundam when she is very clearly trapped in viewport. More below the cut, cause spoilers and hoo-boy was this a doozy.
Okay, so Papa Jeturk decides to get off his ass and do stuff himself, since the Plant's garrison got wiped out. Miorine bumps into her Dad who, after getting her into a EVA suit, protects her from shrapnel and is hit himself. Old Man Delling starts doing the whole "am dying, will spill my guts about stuff" sentimental thing, but Miorine tells him sto shut up and taps him up to a stretcher (or flat piece of debris, at any rate). The taciturn Earthian Witch is wiping out all the transports, which has our Earth House folks on their newly purchased tub worried, so they are all hauling ass out the back, except Nika, who notices a shell casing floating past the viewports, and signals the Gundam about to blast their transport using the front running lights on their transport. Norea mumbles something about "ally of the Prince", and then floats away. She breathes a sigh of relief, until Martin, who apparently hadn't left or came back, asked her what she did. As to the casing thing - it is noted earlier that physical ammunition use is banned by treaty, apparently because it "pollutes space", and during the fight it is mentioned - Norea vs random grunt #244 - the response from Norea is along the lines of "You Spacians polluted Earth and then ran, so fuck you". So that is what made Nika take her gamble.
Meanwhile, Vim (Papa Jeturk) is going after the hijacked transport in his Dilanza Sol. A near direct hit causes the door holding the captive crew (Guel, or "Bob" and the mechanics) to malfucntion. They hear two of the hijackers mention there being a Gundam at the plant, so Guel figures it's Aerial (he figures right) and goes and steals one fo the Jeturk mobile suits in the transport. Unfortunately, this draws the attention of Vim, who starts mercilessly targetting the hapless Guel, who keeps screaming he's on their side (comms are not open, unfortunately), and basically just dodging (poorly) and unable to bring himself to shoot back. However, something shifts and he resolves that he isn't going to die here. So missing an arm and both legs, he charges the Sol, managing to dodge laser-fire and activating his suits heatsword/knife and stabs a too-slow-to-react Dilanza Sol right through the cockpit. And then the Sol opens comms and Vim finds the son he has been looking for, and Guel realizes he just killed his father. He opens hjis won cockpit, urging his father to eject (though from the video, it look liked Vim was missing at least his entire right arm below the shoulder). However, the suits float apart and we see the Dilanza Sol detonate from inside Guel's visor. And he screams in pain at what he's done.
Back to Suletta! Who found an evac hatch to get out of her predicament, and is heading for the dock where Aerial is being held. Just as she gets there, there is a group of hijackers around a corner. She hides, crouching down and covering her mouth, but some sound alerts them, so they start silently creeping towards her... and are calmly and efficiently wiped out by Prospera and her assistant. Suletta is understandably shocked by having watched her mom just ace four guys like she's doing taxes. And Prospera keeps using that cutesy mom tone of voice talking to Suletta (which one, creeped me out , and two, cemented to me that Prospera is likely not all there anymore, but is playing the long game a la Char/Zechs for revenge. Maybe). She gives Suletta a pep talk with the "running gets one, moving forward gets two" phrase.
Outside, Sophie (Yandere Witch) is fighting members of Dominicus, Cathedra's "Witch Hunters", who are able to employ Antidote, which nullifies GUND tech. However, Sophie jumps her Permet score from two to FOUR and is able to overpower them. The effect on her is heavy, and is shown, "But at least I'm alive!" she says. She also mentions that Antidote only works up to Permet Score Three. So she took long enough to clear the Dominicus suits before lowering the score again (presumably). Then she goes in after Suletta and Aerial.
Aerial appears, using GUND-Bits to deflect the Lfrith Ur.s gatling fire and, using some newly upgraded mobility gear, manages to take the fight outside. After fighting off both Sophie and Norea, during which she is talking to Aerial and it appears Aerial is responding, Suletta employs a new trick with the GUND-Bits, and it looks like Aerial has a new BFG, which is dodged (mostly, one poor suit got its legs melted off) and the attackers retreat as the patrol fleet shows up. Done.
After credits, we are back to Miorine, with her dad on his stretcher. She is determined to save him, if only to curse him every night in his hospital bed as he recovers. One lone attacker is left, and is aiming to shoot them both when Aerial busts through a wall and with a cry of "No you don't!" Aerial pastes the guy like a bug. Splatted from 3D to 2D. Except for part of his arm, which floats toward a stunned Mirorine, and spatters blood on her cheek as it float past. Suletta hops down from Aerial, sounding very calm. She slips and lands in part of the blood, gives a small laugh and stands, offering Miorine a hand that is covered in blood of the man she just unceremoniously squashed. And Miorine, eyes still wide in shock and horror calls her "Murdered".
SO... Holy FUCK that is a lot. Like, A LOT, a lot. Guel killed his dad (and is himself floating in a mostly inert and inoperable mobile suit), Nika's possible connection to a terrorist/resistance group (dunno which because one Earthians are the oppressed group here, but this was very much a covert "kill everyone" op, so...) is revealed, Delling's status is unknown, Miorine has been traumatized, Suletta is...either in shock or something about Prospera and Aerial has kind of messed with her head (she was horribly distraught about her mom just killing dudes, until Prospera gave her that pep talk).
Also, the visual of Aerial apparently responding to Suletta (shown as a "wave" of that Permet circuit pattern over the viewscreens is... well lending credence, perhaps to Aerial possibly having more than just highly advanced technology in it. Suletta still refers to the GUND-Bits as "everyone" (minna (sp?)), so...
My brain... holy shit.
And that's the end of Season One! <internal screaming>
P.S. - I did not mean for this to be a recap, I really didn't but there is just SO MUCH to unpack, holy shit. Really feeling for Guel, here. And we see that his whole "not dying here" is because he hasn't caught up to Suletta yet. So yea. Now, am I glad Vim is gone? Mostly. But when I saw how the fight was going, I kind of knew Guel was gonna be the one to do it. And that just... that's rough, buddy.
The BIGGEST thing, for me, though, is that last interaction. I thought she was going to put Aerial's hand in the way or something, but NOPE! Just... SPLAT. And so far as I know, I think she is the first pilot EVER, in all of Gundam, to do that. I cannot recall if anyone has ever been crushed by a hand like in Evangelion, but this... I mean, this show is not scared to show gratuitous headshots, and floating corpses with blood globules but... That was graphic as FUCK. Especially the arm bit. And Suletta is *totally nonchalant*. Like, her old self, as if she didn't just do that thing. Mika from IBO was fairly cold and detached, the Wing pilots kind of...didn't stop to think on it (except for a few times, and mostly Quatre). But this... oh this is a turning point. And possibly what gets us more answers in some way. And how will this affect the budding relationship between our two heroines?
WELP! Now we wait till Spring! <more internal screaming>
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welcometomy20s · 2 years
June 11, 2022
#237 - ‘lb’ (Diarays) [IA]
Achievement Date: 16-01-03, Upload Date: 12-09-21
Based on the famous indie game. Pretty good description of the game, and the swaying melody oddly matching the melancholy feeling of the game, along with that frantic bridge. Also I think the first use of IA that feels heavy, although it might be the guitar.
#238 - LUVORATORRRRRY! (GigaP) [GUMI, Kagamine Rin]
Achievement Date: 16-01-27, Upload Date: 14-02-22
I’m actually a bit split on this one. It’s a lot of progress from his start, but also leans on his worse tendency of leaving the song on for too long, although the chorus is good when we finally come down to it. And I think this is one of Reol’s weakest lyrics.
#239 - BadBye (koma’n) [Hatsune Miku]
Achievement Date: 16-02-06, Upload Date: 11-02-11
One of the more surprising songs to be included in Miku’s tenth anniversary album, perhaps one of the hardest from Miku, it’s not bad. It’s nothing spectacular (like the rest of the album) but it’s not something that would be a blemish, just… interesting.
#240 -  Indulging: Idol Syndrome (Suzumu kemu) [MAYU, GUMI]
Achievement Date: 16-02-13, Upload Date: 13-01-24
We have a MAYU song, I think. A couple of those here. As stated, unlike the previous song, this song is definitely a kemu song that was left on the cutting floor. But I guess Suzumu added MAYU, which is a welcome addition, anyways. It was actually only MAYU as well, GUMI was added later. Honestly, the cynical nature of the song (perhaps poking fun at the utatite scene?) makes the song much more childish.
#241 - Marieux (n-buna) [Hatsune Miku]
Achievement Date: 16-02-14, Upload Date: 15-05-12
Probably the most famous 2015 song and it’s the second of those on this list. Recently got into ProSeca, too. Kind of those slow break-up rock ballads, but this one is the rare one that doesn’t overstay its welcome. Kind of showcases the deftness of n-buna in making a driving song that nevertheless feels melancholic.
#242 -  Hello, Worker (KEI) [Megurine Luka]
Achievement Date: 16-02-15, Upload Date: 11-09-02
One of the classic Luka songs, and the first song from KEI. As the name says, it's basically a worker’s lament, but it’s good. It gets its job down, and manages to say some interesting things, all things considered. Yeah, it’s good. 
#243 - An Earnest Unrequited Love, Wanting to Make it Bear a Little Happiness.
(Utata-P) [MAYU] Achievement Date: 16-02-18, Upload Date: 12-11-23
Now this is what MAYU is about. Just a pure yandere song. Probably made to make the use of that yandere Vocaloid, but it doesn’t make it bad, not at all. Probably one of favorite of the Utata-P’s Happiness series, because that dial of insanity turns slowly, really getting into the descent of MAYU’s love for you and only you!
#244 - 1/6 -out of the gravity- (noa) [Hatsune Miku]
Achievement Date: 16-02-25, Upload Date: 09-05-07
Now this is a classic song. It has that typical ‘00s Miku voice, that tinny echo voice most famously done in *Hello, Planet. It’s about Miku trying to get away from Earth and into the moon, famously with a sixth of Earth’s gravity. Reminds me of SPiCa, kind of.
#245 - Ghost Rule (DECO*27) [Hatsune Miku]
Achievement Date: 16-02-27, Upload Date: 16-01-08
The song that heralds the return of VOCALOID, which never really went away. It’s about a liar, I think, there is a morse code for ‘deception’ and everything, but I think it’s just the production that is just clean and wonderful. There’s something about DECO*27 that is immientably listenable, I think, and all the covers and such makes it doubly so.
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Hey you're working is so bad like my dog can poop a lot and it better then your stuff
And your stealing a old Wattpad user work you a villain and you need to go to hell!!!!
Like your a fucking bitch!!!!!!
Just fucking die!!!!
Plush you need to delete your account
At least was a little bit better then your fucking ass!
Hey one that was my old account from years ago. two your just jelly I can do this and not you. There shut the fuck up you don't go on someone page and say die and horble things they should do. So please shut your pie hole
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Cuz I don't care cuz I am doing what I love and learning still
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drinkforindigestion · 2 years
"taehoon's right" no he isn't why are we gonna listen to this guy when he never shows up for any meetings until now. are we even thinking. hobin. two chunks of evidence ?? have you ever written an essay we're gonna need more than that. oh i'm sorry. we didn't get a study for exams arc in this manhwa so maybe that's on the last of your priorities. please my man this is a whole criminal organization we're dealing with PLEase
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mika-dawn · 2 years
Note: someone originally created this list (it was only 1-650 though) but they deactivated so I'm reposting it after adding a few of my favorite scenes
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•Chapter 45 : Magical Bombs [Spat Blood]
•Chapter 55 : Protect Knights From Toonka [Buckling knee, Drenched]
•Chapter 80 Giant Wave + Dragon Drying [Headache, Drenched] Chapter
•112 Red Thunderbolt [Spat Blood (A Copious Amount)]
•Chapter 162 Falling Tower [Spat Blood]
•Chapter 177 Eating Pies After Lightning [Spat Blood]
•Chapter 183 Destroying Houses [Spat Blood]
•Chapter 198 First Line Of War Defense [Blood Coming Out Of All Orifices]
•Chapter 215 ~ 225 War On Dessert & At Sea [Spat Blood]
•Chapter 238 Death Gorge [Blood]
•Chapter 244 "Are you trying to sacrifice yourself?" "Yes"
•Chapter 251 Prince + Raon Introduction [3 Days Left To Live]
•Chapter 257-259 Receiving Sky Eating
•Chapter 295 Putting Out Dragon's Fire [Blood]
•Chapter 302-306 Rose Gold Fire [Blood, Fainted] "Slap me"
•Chapter 339 Vs White Star [Fainted] •Chapter 354 The Wind Whip Trial [Fainted]
•Chapter 384 After Using All 5 + Crown [Shaky]
•Chapter 421 "He is writing a legend :"[Blood]
•Chapter 448 Earth + Water vs WS [Blood]
•Chapter 570 In The Sealed God's Test [Blood]
•Chapter 602 Sealed God's Bullshit [Blood]
•Chapter 607 Using The Shield In SG's Test [Blood, Collapsed]
•Chapter 646 'Instant Skill [Blood, Scars, Fainted]
•Chapter 6 Cale and Choi Han first meet
Other cute stuffs that happens along the way :
•Chapter 53 Saving Paseton's Life and Himbo Bob's first apperance.
•Chapter 58 Offering Dragon a house
•Chapter 59 Return home to worried! fam
•Chapter 66 Yandere eyes! Choi Han
•Chapter 67 Concerned! fam about visit to Whipper Kingdom + Dragon Name
•Chapter 71 Pre-battle trash talk
•Chapter 76 Heading into No-Return Path
•Chapter 85 venuon tortute
•Chapter 89 Ron comes back heavily injured.
•Chapter 91 "My Blood Would Be Very Effective."
•Chapter 96 Cale treats Ron from the mermaid poison.
•Chapter 97 Laziness Raises Concern •Chapter 101 Raon Reveal To Dark Elves
•Chapter 124 "Shouldn't You Blow Up?"
•Chapter 130 Asian Parent! Raon
•Chapter 133 Everyone In The New Villa
•Chapter 140 Big Shots Meeting
•Chapter 147 "Pretended to be trash"
•Chapter 163 Sleeping with Raon
•Chapter 168 Sick Raon!
•Chapter 170 Meeting World Tree Elves
•Chapter 174-175 Cale messing with Clopeh
•Chapter 176 Cale, whose favorite way of working out was breathing.
•Chapter 177 EAT APPLE PIES
•Chapter 178 “I told you I'm okay.”
“I will guard you.”
“I will protect you!”
“I'm going to surround the enemies with poison.”
“I'm going to cover their sights with fog.”
•Chapter 185 Worried Prince
•Chapter 190 Shopping Spree
•Chapter 195 Cale vs Old Nobles
•Chapter 196 Holding Up Shield For 3 Days
•Chapter 197 HUG (Choi + Cale)
•Chapter 198 “You are not the one who will create a legend. That role is already reserved for someone else.”
•Chapter 206 “If I make a mistake, it will be that I accidentally killed them. There will be no other types of mistakes.”
•Chapter 207 “Please just make it so I can make sure the soldiers have time to eat.”
•Chapter 208 Clopeh's New Religion •Chapter 209 Every1 trynna feed Cale •Chapter 232 “You seem to be someone who is quite loved.
•Chapter 235 Adressing Insecurities •Chapter 252 Ron Hearing About 3 Days
•Chapter 258 Immobilized In Bed
•Chapter 259 “Goldie! Why are you saying something that’ll make me want to destroy the world?”
•Chapter 262" Well, you can say that he l almost died but came back to life."
•Chapter 264 HUG (Cale + Alberu)
‘Both you and I have experienced it once. That is why we cannot let it happen again. This is our last house. You know that, right?’ -Ron Molan
��Chapter 285" Human! Didn't you say that you would only use a little bit of your power? Are you trying to collapse again ?!"
•Chapter 269 The reason Cale never explains anything
•Chapter 291 Raon Meet Sr Rex + Billos •Chapter 292" Imma go put out the fire i made "+ Two-man Sick Patient Act
•Chapter 306 Sleep Talking
•Chapter 309" You fucking moron: "
•Chapter 310 Gluttony
•Chapter 320" That can't all be possibly true, right?” “Mhm, that's true. ""Excuse me? "+ Hide And Seek
•Chapter 333 WS Meeting
•Chapter 335 “Don’t you dare touch my children.”
•Chapter 346 Bud Ilis, barely a day after knowing Cale, "My friend, you're such a good person :"
•Chapter 353 FEELS
•Chapter 354 "Why is only one day's worth of food gone?"
•Chapter 359 "Cale Henituse, this-" "it's fine for me."
•Chapter 362 Taking a call looking drunk
•Chapter 368 Cale Feeding Raon + CHOI HAN'S PAST REVEAL
•Chapter 391 Bud Meets Cloph
•Chapter 394-395 ‘Kim Rok Soo, it’s not your fault.’ <You were the one who was supposed to die.>
•Chapter 402 "Because I think you will use the power if things look bad : "We've had to watch you be in pain like that over and over!"
•Chapter 414 "Apparently, Choi Han woke up while shouting, 'Kim Rok Soo!' Human, do you know who Kim Rok Soo is? "
•Chapter 423 "..Why am I crying? I'm not sad."
•Chapter 424 Kim Rok Soo Meet Choi Han
•Chapter 425 "Oh, by the way, the original owner of your body is living well too. He said he is happy."
•Chapter 432 "It looks like the Henituse household will become at least a Marquis and at maximum a Duke household." + "Do you want to become thw territory lord?"
•Chapter 433 Clopeh + Witira vs Farmer! Cale & Territory Lord Hot Potato
•Chapter 434 Parental Concern
•Chapter 435 Sworn Brotherhood
•Chapter 437 Trash of The Duke's Family
•Chapter 447 Breaking out of illusion
•Chapter 456 Ron + Beacrox Homecoming
•Chapter 460 “It is not the Henituse County anymore. It is the Henituse Duchy now."
•Chapter 463 “Cale-nim, are you planning on sacrificing yourself again? "
•Chapter 470" LaNgUaGe, siX-yEaR oLd "
•Chapter 475" Honestly speaking, Alberu Crossman cherished the current Cale Henituse .. "
•Chapter 478 DHB Joins The Party •Chapter 481" The God of Death cherishes heroes, but is willing to sacrifice a few to save the masses. ""It looks like it is you this time. “
•Chapter 483 “Cale-nim ,. Did the God of Death do something?”
•Chapter 485 think your ancestor was a criminal?"
•Chapter 487 Concerned! Alberu on Cale's involvement with GoD
•Chapter 490 Meet Princess Jopis
•Chapter 494 “really seemed to have made a deal with Someone who is worse than the Demonic race.”
•Chapter 500 Guardian Knight fanboys
•Chapter 501 Back To The Other World + Cale faints after getting captured by Fake World Tree
•Chapter 502 Choi + Raon goes feral •Chapter 503-505 Aluding to 💖🔪
•Chapter 507“You showed our young master-nim despair. You shouldn't have done that."
•Chapter 515" Hand your blood over to us. No, serve it to us."
•Chapter 524".You are someone who has received the will of a god"
•Chapter 525 Conspiracy Theorist! WS •Chapter 527"Do you have any intentions of making the White Star's comments come true?"
•Chapter 528 GoD better watch out for one" innocent "swordsman + baby dragon lord" Cale Henituse, what do you think? Have you thought about it yet? I want to quickly drink your blood."
•Chapter 530 Best Actor goes to.Naru! Cale
•Chapter 535"Please give the order to kill Cale Henituse right away :, Cale Henituse said.
•Chapter 540 Choi + Raon vs WS's first name + face
•Chapter 554 "Cale had instantly fallen into darkness." "There's only one reason that a VoW of death would be cut. "That means that the other person is dead"
•Chapter 555 Sealed God's test start
•Chapter 556 "Cale's eyes teared up at that moment"
•Chapter 580 Cloppeh Sekka 2.0
•Chapter 582 Lee Soo Hyuk Reunion •Chapter 587 Ron continue to scare Alberu
•Chapter 589 <Become the sun.>
•Chapter 603 “It feels like someone is trying to pull my heart out.”
•Chapter 605 "Are you still thinking about protecting others in your current situation?"
•Chapter 615 Beacrox switches to black gloves
•Chapter 616 Caleism spreads to Earth 2
•Chapter 618 Truth Revealed to LSH
•Chapter 620 Thanking SG
•Chapter 622 SG's Test Completed
•Chapter 623 Visiting The Henituse Duchy
•Chapter 624 Basen thinks Cale wants him to become the territory lord because he thinks he's gonna die.
•Chapter 627 Reuniting with dad
•Chapter 628 Cale Fanbois
•Chapter 630 Cale in the capital + Cale fanclub
•Chapter 631 Dragon Master Cale
•Chapter 634 Motherhens about Cale's health
•Chapter 637 "Dragons." "..Ah. They're Dragons." "Nod nod. Bud just decided not to think about Cale's group anymore."
•Chapter 640 "We need to destroy everyone who messes with our kids." “I’m not going to let you mess with my noona and my hyung. I will destroy everything.”
•Chapter 646 Cale uses "Instant" (REALLY EMOTIONAL)
•Chapter 647 "Raon could never forget the arms that carried him and took him out of that cave."
•Chapter 648 "In the future, the person who gathered all these different races together would be called the beginning and the end of everything. But that person, Cale Henituse, was currently lying on a bed unable to open his eyes."
•Chapter 649 The dragon half-blood <\\3...
•Chapter 635 alternative world KRS meets Choi Han
•Chapter 655-657 The OG Cale
•Chapter 658 "Goldie gramps! Pretend to be dead!"
•Chapter 660-661 Repairing Cale's plate
•Chapter 661 Everyone thinks Cale is visiting his "mother's" grave cause he might die
•Chapter 662 Drew's diary
•Chapter 664 The red tree and young drew
•Chapter 665 “Choi Han, do you want to try dying once?”
•Chapter 670-671 Cale finds out he has to stab himself in the heart aka meeting with the world tree
•Chapter 676 "Alberu was saying that the thief who stole Taerang was named ‘Choi Jung Gun.’"
•Chapter 678 Hilsman is sus
•Chapter 679 “Capture Deruth Henituse!”
•Chapter 683 Cale uses Blood-Drenched rock
•Chapter 685 Cale tells White Star he's only been in that world for 2 years + Cale imprisoned white thing
•Chapter 687 “I finally think that my life is a bit precious.”
•Chapter 693 < The great and mighty hero did not die even when his heart was stabbed. >
•Chapter 695 "Why the hell would Alberu faint?" -bastard who always faints + they beat unranked monster
•Chapter 696-697 Cale gets interrogated
•Chapter 699 Entering the Sealed God's Temple
•Chapter 704 "Cale is saying that he is currently a ghost."
•Chapter 707 Clopeh's crazy talk ensues misunderstandings
•Chapter 710 Test Eruhaben thinks Cale and Alberu are part of the divine race
•Chapter 713 Cute Mary only believes it's actually Cale when he talks about his slacker life
•Chapter 715 SG Pretends to be Cale and makes it look like the others are ganging up on Cale
•Chapter 718 "He had lost his family at a young age, but the day that he had lost his second family had returned as an illusion."
•Chapter 719 seventeen year old KRS
•Chapter 720 younger KRS's home life <\\3
•Chapter 726 the hunter targeting KRS is revealed
•Chapter 727 Choi Jung Gun finds out about Cale
•Chapter 730 "Find the Red Blood"???
•Chapter 744 'Dodam Miru" <\3
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I Love You Means You're Never Ever Getting Rid of Me
Yandere 244 <3
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panwriter · 2 years
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I posted 3,789 times in 2021
14 posts created (0%)
3775 posts reblogged (100%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 269.6 posts.
I added 2,680 tags in 2021
#reanimator - 636 posts
#hearteyes motherfucker - 316 posts
#the tudors - 307 posts
#saw franchise - 256 posts
#game of thrones - 252 posts
#disney - 244 posts
#desperate housewives - 202 posts
#otp - 184 posts
#house of wax - 153 posts
#elder scrolls online - 130 posts
Longest Tag: 43 characters
#bark bark woof grrrr aaaaawooga hubba hubba
My Top Posts in 2021
Thank you to @margoblack for the tag!
1. what do you prefer to be called name-wise? Syd or Pan. 
2. when is your birthday? May 23. Early Gemini. 
3. where do you live?  Ontario, Canada. But fuck do I wanna live somewhere else. 
4. three things you are doing right now?  Vibing to music, cleaning my drafts and queue, waiting for @brilliancetheory to come back so we can watch Desperate Housewives 
5. four fandoms that have piqued your interest?  Re-Animator, Jeffery Combs, Desperate Housewives, Dragon Age. 
6. how has the pandemic been treating you? Had to move back into my toxic household but on the bright side I’m watching my parents abusive relationship crumble and decay from the front row so lmao. 
7. a song you can’t stop listening to right now? Shaxicula by DJ Cummerbund followed closely by Hayloft by Mother Mother
8. recommend a movie. Re-Animator. Please. I promise its good. 
9. how old are you?  21 going on (mentally) 57 
10. school, university, occupation, other?  Currently in college for Office Administration. Yes I like to file.  
11. do you prefer heat or cold?  See, I prefer the heat, but my body prefers the cold, but my lungs prefers a perfect middle and nothing else. So I just say I like fall. 
12. name one fact others may not know about you. I, the asthmatic, played Bass Clarinet. If you know you know.  
13. are you shy?  Eh, depends. 
14. pronouns?  Recently discovered genderfluid here so She/He. Don’t really like they (no hate obvi, just doesn’t feel right for me). 
15. biggest pet peeves?  Getting told/taught to do something that I already know -stares at my college classes-
16. what is your favorite “-dere” type? Yandere. Yes I have trauma. 
17. rate your life from 1 to 10, 1 being crappy and 10 being the best it could be Uhhhh 5. Highs and lows rn.
18. what’s your main blog? This one, but I have many dead RP blogs floating around out there. Try and find me. 
19. list your side blogs and what they’re used for. I got no side blogs. 
20. is there something people need to know about you before becoming friend?  I don’t shut the fuck up. Have fun. 
Tagging: @yoshla , @vinterskald , @zhongluong , @xnaitomea , @violasmirabiles , @rhysmeyers , @sweet-as-battery , @mongoose-king , @tealcoloredglasses
4 notes • Posted 2021-03-01 23:23:37 GMT
tagged by: @vam-pyr thank you sm I live for these <3
why did you choose your url? I’m pansexual and I’m a writer who will explore almost anything. Play on words. It’s my brand now (people end up calling me Pan, like the Greek Faunus, which I love bdhjfds)
any side blogs? Nope but I do have old RP blogs floating in the abyss and I have had side blogs in the past.
how long have you been on tumblr? Since 2010 or 2011 I think. This is not the blog I joined on, that one is long deactivated. This is actually my third personal blog (and hopefully my last).
do you have a queue tag? Nope but I do use my queue a lot.
why did you start your blog in the first place? Originally I joined tumblr because it looked like a fun social site. Why I made this specific blog? My old one got hacked and swarmed with porn bots 
why did you choose your icon/pfp? Herbert West is the love of my life that’s why.
why did you choose your header? Reanimator is my current hyperfixation 
what’s your post with the most notes? This post exposing some loser trying to catfish me over Henry Cavill discourse 
how many mutuals do you have? 17 lovely peeps <3
how many followers do you have? 56. I used to have thousands on my first and cursed personal blog. I don’t really care about followers but its wild that I had that many back then.
how many people do you follow? 175. I try to clean it out once and a while.
have you ever made a shitpost? Many, thats most of what my yep thats me tag is lmao.
how often do you use tumblr everyday? I check it whenever I’m bored, so about once a day at least.
did you have a fight/argument with another blog once? Yes. Real People imaginers/one-shoters are gross lol.
how do you feel about “you need to reblog this”? I used to fall for that shit when I was a wee lad, but now I scroll past or will straight up delete that reblog if I actually like the post
do you like tag games? I love them even tho it takes me some time to get to them. Please tag me.
do you like ask games? I love being Perceived 
which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous? @vam-pyr for sure
do you have a crush on a mutual? Nah
tagging: @elvenasscheek , @violasmirabiles , @sweet-as-battery , @gottliebbs , @shakyhandsshakybones , @xnaitomea 
5 notes • Posted 2021-08-16 13:29:27 GMT
If Samwell Tarly was conventionally attractive, not only would people ship him and Jon out the wazoo, but they would actually fucking talk about how good of a character Sam is.
19 notes • Posted 2021-09-22 16:28:10 GMT
Here’s my edit of Bo that Brian himself liked
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139 notes • Posted 2021-08-27 17:46:50 GMT
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238 notes • Posted 2021-10-19 01:22:37 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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artemis32 · 2 years
Can i req for yandere 244? From viral hit?
Yandere 244 I
Yes, yes you may - I'm so in love with him
Also spoilers for chapter 75 onwards
My power is out so that’s why you’re getting three posts in one day, I’m so nice :))
Viral Hit Masterlist
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I so desperately want to write this man as being soft and loving but I really can’t.
He’s probably the worst person to ever have taken any interest in you, and any relationship that the two of you may have will be incredibly toxic and unhealthy.
There are likely only two types of people he would have any sort of attraction towards:
Someone weak, financially, mentally, physically, emotionally, it doesn’t matter. He wants someone he can easily manipulate, someone who would follow his every word without question or debate.
Or, the extreme opposite, someone as powerful as him - someone intelligent, wealthy, physically and mentally strong, both capable and willing to challenge him.
I’ll split this into these two routes.
If you were weaker than him, weak in any sense of the word, he’d snatch you up quickly and quietly, and no amount of struggling from you would do anything to hinder him.
Honestly, you may not even be that weak, but because you’re not at his level of strength, he views you as weak. 
You could be someone on the run, an illegal immigrant, someone trying to flee to Korea on his boat. 
He took an interest in you almost immediately, observing with keen eyes how you steered clear of all the other stowaways and crew members - keeping everything about yourself vague and nonsensical. He saw the weary gleam in your eyes, and ultimately decided that you were worth keeping around when he saw how you acted when it came time to enter Korean waters.
Most people eagerly ran to the main deck, wanting to be the first off of the boat. But you lingered below deck for as long as you could, keeping your back to the wall as you rose above deck. 
That was what had saved you - your common sense and distrust of those around you.
Well, that, an how you snooped around on the boat when you thought no one was looking. You had actually stumbled into the drug lab less than two weeks into the voyage, breaking the record for stupid mistakes made by runaways on his boat.
He had decided shortly thereafter that you wouldn’t be a mere drug mule - no, you’d be something far more valuable to him.
It’s not as if anyone would notice that you were missing - you didn’t have anyone waiting for you.
Or maybe you were some random fangirl of his NewTube channel, someone with a love for animals, eager to meet who you believed to be a wonderful NewTuber who cared about animals as dearly as you did. Someone overflowing with facts and random tidbits of information.
Or perhaps you were a struggling student, someone who had multiple jobs, forever running on empty because you never had anytime for a break. 
You had miraculously found another side job offering a generous salary in exchange for completing a few menial tasks. Never one to turn down quick money, you accepted it and got to work.
By all means, you should never have crossed paths with Jinho in the first place, but him running late and your single minded focus led to a somewhat messy first encounter, muddy water and cleaning supplies flooding the corridor as the two of you collided.
He had been in a good mood that day, and had forgiven you quite easily. In exchange, he’d asked for a date - and you, not knowing who he was, had said yes.
Needless to say, that had been a crucial mistake, one that had snowballed into something far darker than you had thought possible.
In any one of these cases, you clearly wouldn’t be in any position to fight back against him - not when he held all the power in the situation.
If you were on his level, your relationship would be far more playful, teasing even.
You might have been a fellow NewTuber, someone with a channel for vlogs, or reviews of products and movies and books, or maybe even a channel to help people with things like diy projects, homework, or exercise. Whatever it may be, you’re of a similar social standing, having a decent amount of money and credibility to your name.
The two of you most likely meet at a convention, or maybe Jinho was bold enough to invite you to join his company - which I doubt, he likely doesn’t see many ways to get you to join him seeing as you keep much of your personal information private, making it difficult for him to find something that might interest you.
Or perhaps you’re affiliated with Taesun Ju somehow - his secretary, his daughter, niece, whatever you are to him, Jinho can’t resist the temptation, easily slipping into your life and gaining your affection.
Maybe you’re someone exactly like him - someone hungry for power, willing to whatever it takes to get to the top. He’s drawn to your cutthroat methods, your ambition and cynical thoughts.
If you’re somewhat similar to him, he’d take a gentler approach in how he catches your attention. After all, there’s a lot more at stake when he’s dealing with someone with as much power or social standing as he has.
Unfortunately for you, no matter how rich or poor, intelligent or dull, strong or weak you are, there would be no escaping Jinho once he decided that he wanted you.
He would try to win you over gently at first, but if that doesn’t work, he has no qualms against going to extreme lengths.
Manipulation, blackmail, gaslighting, physically restraining you, even breaking a few bones - he’s willing to do anything to keep you with him once he has you within reach.
And there is nowhere you can run, no one you can ask for help - no one is stupid enough to try and help you.
Truly, the way he treats you is completely dependent on you. He’s willing to treat you like royalty if you do what he says, if you act genuinely happy to be with him. Likewise, he’ll become a living nightmare if you decide to try and fight against him in any way. He would most likely make your life a living hell.
Even if he doesn’t physically keep you with him, he has connections with enough people that he can ensure that your life would be as difficult as possible - he would make you crawl back to him and beg him for forgiveness on your knees if he had to.
Overall, he’s not great. He’s very critical of everything you do, and he delights in your misery. But he’s not completely cruel, and he’s willing to treat you well on occasion, especially if you act as he wants you to.
As I said before, I’d love to write him as romantic and loving, but I just can’t - he’s manipulative and cold, never letting you rest, constantly keeping you on your toes. You would likely remain mentally fragile and on the verge of a breakdown constantly.
Make no mistake though - he does love you, truly. At least, as much as someone like him is capable of loving another person.
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antimony-medusa · 9 months
MCYT on Ao3 — August '23
The state of MCYT on Ao3, just for fun. Yes I do this every month, I like numbers. 
The Cube SMP (8 works)
Slamacow Minecraft Animations (Web Series) (8 works)
iDots SMP (15 works)
30 Day SMP | Free Trial SMP (27 works)
Legacy SMP (27 works)
Epic SMP (31 works)
Cogchamp SMP (32 works)
Dominion SMP (32 works)
Art of Survival SMP (33 works)
Shady Oaks SMP (43 works)
X Life SMP (46 works)
Kaboodle SMP (50 works)
100 Hours Hardcore SMP (53 works)
IvoryCello's Prison Escapes (Web Series) (53 works)
Bear SMP (57 works)
Area Unknown SMP (60 works)
Mer SMP (60 works)
SadSMP (71 works)
New Life SMP (105 works)
Tortillaland SMP (110 works)
Slimecicle Cinematic Universe (Web Series) (127 works)
House Builder Gang SMP | HBG SMP (130 works)
WitchCraft SMP (162 works)
Rats SMP (208 works)
SMPEarth (265 works)
SMPLive (278 works)
Outsiders SMP (300 works)
Mianite (Web Series) (359 works)
Afterlife SMP (379 works)
Yandere High School (Web Series) (415 works)
MindCrack RPF (493 works)
Evolution SMP (521 works)
Fable SMP (734 works)
Karmaland SMP (761 works)
Lifesteal SMP (1,139 works)
Origins SMP (1,449 works)
QSMP | Quackity SMP (3,117 works)
Empires SMP (5,479 works)
3rd Life | Last Life SMP Series (7,522 works)
Hermitcraft SMP (16,917 works)
Dream SMP (79,481 works)
Minecraft (Video Game) (107,795 works)
Video Blogging RPF (259,553 works)
Some Notes:
No new SMPs this month, although Pirates SMP has over 40 works and is undoubtedly coming as a canonized tag.
Fics are primarily in English, but now we have three exceptions with significant Spanish fics: Karmaland (679 works), Tortillaland SMP (106 works), and QSMP (412 works). QSMP also includes fics in Brazilian Portugese (119 works) and a few in French (10 works).
In the smaller SMPs, we had several smps that had very impressive months. Slimecicle Cinematic Universe went up by 16 fics, Kaboodle SMP went up by 17 fics, and New Life SMP went up by an impressive 35 fics. I want to particularly mention that Kaboodle went up by 17 fics from a baseline last month of 33, so like, over a 50% increase in fics.
For mid-sized SMPs, the standout was Yandere High School with 45 new fics, although Fable SMP continued to turn out their regular impressive numbers with 40 fics up, and Evolution SMP went up by 29 fics.
In the larger SMPs, QSMP's 861-fic increase handily beat last month's 628, (also beating their previous fandom record of 816 fics). Empires' 244 this month also beat last month's 218, Hermitcraft's 569 beat last month's 501, and 3rd Life's 395 beat last month's 364. Even Dream SMP's 1,459 fic increase beat last month's increase of 1,376, which means that both 3rd life and Dream SMP have two months running of beating their previous month's publications.
Overall, a month of growth!
Detailed breakdown of increases under the cut
The Cube SMP (8 works, 8 last month, 0-fic increase)
Slamacow Minecraft Animations (Web Series) (8 works, 9 last month, 1-fic decrease)
iDots SMP (15 works, 14 last month, 1-fic increase)
30 Day SMP | Free Trial SMP (27 works, 27 last month, 0-fic increase)
Legacy SMP (27 works, 27 last month, 0-fic increase)
Epic SMP (31 works, 30 last month, 1-fic increase)
Cogchamp SMP (32 works, 32 last month, 0-fic increase)
Dominion SMP (32 works, 33 last month, 1-fic decrease)
Art of Survival SMP (33 works, 33 last month, 0-fic increase)
Shady Oaks SMP (43 works, 42 last month, 1-fic increase)
X Life SMP (46 works, 45 last month, 1-fic increase)
Kaboodle SMP (50 works, 33 last month, 17-fic increase)
100 Hours Hardcore SMP (53 works, 53 last month, 0-fic increase)
IvoryCello's Prison Escapes (Web Series) (53 works, 52 last month, 1-fic increase)
Bear SMP (57 works, 55 last month, 2-fic increase)
Area Unknown SMP (60 works, 51 last month, 9-fic increase)
Mer SMP (60 works, 50 last month, 10-fic increase)
SadSMP (71 works, 70 last month, 1-fic increase)
New Life SMP (105 works, 70 last month, 35-fic increase)
Tortillaland SMP (110 works, 103 last month, 7-fic increase)
Slimecicle Cinematic Universe (Web Series) (127 works, 111 last month, 16-fic increase)
House Builder Gang SMP | HBG SMP (130 works, 129 last month, 1-fic increase)
WitchCraft SMP (162 works, 157 last month, 5-fic increase)
Rats SMP (208 works, 202 last month, 6-fic increase)
SMPEarth (265 works, 252 last month, 13-fic increase)
SMPLive (278 works, 274 last month, 4-fic increase)
Outsiders SMP (300 works, 277 last month, 23-fic increase)
Mianite (Web Series) (359 works, 357 last month, 2-fic increase)
Afterlife SMP (379 works, 371 last month, 8-fic increase)
Yandere High School (Web Series) (415 works, 370 last month, 45-fic increase)
MindCrack RPF (493 works, 493 last month, 0-fic increase)
Evolution SMP (521 works, 492 last month, 29-fic increase)
Fable SMP (734 works, 694 last month, 40-fic increase)
Karmaland SMP (761 works, 729 last month, 32-fic increase)
Lifesteal SMP (1,139 works, 1,021 last month, 118-fic increase)
Origins SMP (1,449 works, 1,416 last month, 33-fic increase)
QSMP | Quackity SMP (3,117 works, 2,256 last month, 861-fic increase)
Empires SMP (5,479 works, 5,235 last month, 244-fic increase)
3rd Life | Last Life SMP Series (7,522 works, 7,127 last month, 395-fic increase)
Hermitcraft SMP (16,917 works, 16,348 last month, 569-fic increase)
Dream SMP (79,481 works, 78,022 last month, 1,459-fic increase)
Minecraft (Video Game) (107,795 works, 107,041 last month, 754-fic increase)
Video Blogging RPF (259,553 works, 255,567 last month, 3,986-fic increase)
106 notes · View notes
hyaened · 3 years
244 is just a yandere he wanted to monopolize seongjoon for himself
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kryspy-kreme · 3 years
I didn't know I needed a yandere 244 until now
We all do anon 😩😩
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summerdazed · 3 years
I never thought I needed yandere 244 until I saw the fanart - embarrassed anon
The fanart?👀
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jasons-exposedspine · 4 years
Prompt list
hey guys so my best friend and i made a long ass prompt list. the rules are that you can only pick a limit of five prompts and send them to me with a ship and OC of mine. like for example Reagan and Negan or Clem and Cas or Destiel or Willow and sam or Laylahni and Dean. i only write for supernatural and the walking dead. so get as creative as you want but i know no one will read this post so if you are reading this please send in a request i am really fucking desperate.
1: Hand holding
2: Hair playing
3: Lap sitting
4: “Friends”
5: Tickling
6: Dancing
7: Cuddling
8: Hugging
9: Character death 
10: Resurrection
11: Date
12: Valentines Day
13: Admitting their feelings
14: Piggy back ride
15: Swimming
16: Teleporting to a different place
17: Carrying the other
18: Sad
19: Comforting them
20: Making out
21: Pulling down by tie, bandana, etc and kissing them
22: Being protective
23: Dying for the other; sacrifice
24: Getting drunk
25: Snuggling
26: Wrapping their arms around the other from behind
27: Cheek kissing
28: Forehead kissing
29: First experience in the love department
30: Yelling at them for not being more careful
31: Showering/bathing together
32: Picnic
33: Cooking
34: Licking food off the other
35: Going on a hunt/run together.
36: Tracing their face
37: Wearing the other’s clothes
38: Braiding their hair
39: Teaching them about feelings
40: Teaching them other things (wink wink)
41: Argument
42: Comforting them after an anxiety/panic attack
43: making them happy when they are down
44: Calming them/sleeping with them after a nightmare
45: Putting their head on the other’s shoulder
46: Treating an injury/kissing their boo boos better
47: Food fight
48: Forehead touching
49: Nose touching
50: Guess who
51: Chin resting on top of head
52: Sleeping on the others’ chest
53: Intense eye contact
54: Being caught staring
55: Playing with their hands
56: Telling them what’s wrong
57: They have to leave to keep them safe
58: Break up
59: Getting back together
60: Pregnancy
61: Miscarriage
62: Normal Birth
63: Marriage
64: Fixing their clothes/hair
65: Driving together in a car
66: In the backseat (wink wink)
67: Snuggling In the backseat
68: Resting their hand on the other’s thigh
69: Sex
70: Watching movies together
71: Cinema
72: Height Difference
73: Annoying each other
74: Stargazing
75. Waking up to them
76. Shelter from the rain
77: ice cream
78: being rescued/saved
79: listening to music together
80: texting
81: falling asleep on the other
82: accidentally kiss
83: being badass together
84: lOsT iN tHe wOoDs!!
85: camping
86: spooning
87: huddling for warmth
88: first kiss
89: first meet
90: one looking schmexy and the other being attracted
91: lip biting
92: wearing the other’s accessories; glasses, jacket, tie, hat, etc.
93: annoying them at work/while they are trying to work
94: making stupid videos together
95: keeping their relationship a secret from other people
96: nearly revealing their relationship in front of other people
97: coming out (if it’s gay)
98: playing with a pet (if they have one). (if they don’t, some other animal)
99: They are forced to be enemies even though they love each other. This could be in a war or sided scenario. Usually a forbidden love. They could also be together in secret. Take Romeo and Juliet for example.
100: corona edition - quarantining together
101: luxurious holiday
102: stuck somewhere together, whether that be locked in a room or lost somewhere, etc.
103: beach
104: watching the other sleep/sneak up on them sleeping
105: backstory
106: childhood friends
107: au
108: crossover
109: SIMPing over them
110: love triangle
111: third wheel
112: having a dream about the other person
113: unbuttoning the other person’s shirt/taking the other person’s clothes off
114: hotel
115: board games/video games
116: chucking paint at each other
117: cheating
118: being annoying and stopping the other person from walking by sitting on their feet and holding onto their legs
119: secret admirer/love letters
120: making hearts with their hands
121: taking selfies
122: singing/playing a song for them
123: Falling asleep on them on a bus, train, plane, etc.
124: Growing old together
125: Widowed
126: Arranged marriage
127: Forbidden love
128: Sitting over the other’s dead body
129: being walked in on doing you know what
130: family’s reaction to the relationship
131: Living together
132: Having a family
133: Senpai/notice me senpai!
134: crush
135: showing off for their crush
136: rejection
137: first date (awkward)
138: first date (normal)
139: painting on each other (for a date night)
140: flirting
141: cringey pickup line
142: Pinning them against a wall
143: sneaking in bed with them when they’re asleep
144: laughing really hard together
145: Under the other’s wings
146: underwater kissing
147: accidentally fall on each other
148: only one bed
149: kissing their neck
150: being awkward around their crush
151: Rich couple
152: Playing in the rain
153: Summer
154: Autumn
155: Winter
156: Spring
157: Walk in the park
158: walking them home
159: Other people/characters also shipping them
160: The cute neighbour
161: putting their hand under the other person’s shirt
162: telling them a story/bedtime story. (If they have a child, that makes it even better!)
163: needy
164: clingy
165: intimate
166: touchy/fondling
167: putting their leg on the other person’s leg when sleeping
168: accidentally falling off the edge of the bed/accidentally pushing the other person off the edge of the bed
167: blanket hogging
168: freezing when they see their crush
169: running away/fleeing when they see their crush
170: surprising/scaring them
171: snow
172: watching fireworks
173: comforting them during a storm
174: divorce
175: homosexual (gay, lesbian, etc.)
176: heterosexual (straight)
177: poly (3+ people)
178: one of them getting an award or something and the other cheering them on and embarrassing them
179: somehow ending up with someone who is way out of their league
180: travelling together
181: weekend of romance
182: act like they hate them but they actually like them, switch between emotions frequently (tsundere)
183: will kill or harm others for their senpai (yandere)
184: ignoring the other person
185: one not messaging the other back
186: pash
187: enemies to lovers
188: friends to lovers
189: watching the other undress
190: soulmates
191: phone call
192: prom/dance
193: highschool
194: riding on bikes (usually as kids)
195: proposal
196: teasing the other
197: watching the sunset/sunrise
198: morning jog/walk
199: waking up but they’re not there
200: waking up to the other one making breakfast
201: sneaking into their house in the middle of the night
202: partners in crime
203: ex lovers
204: crushing on friend’s sibling
205: letting them stay the night
206: accidentally in love
207: coffee shop au
208: when their parents aren’t home...
209: sitting next to them with their arm around the their waist
210: telling secrets
211: fireplace
212: sitting on the floor
213: study buddies
214: flying
215: sitting on the porch
216: see the other naked for the first time
217: double date
218: their crush is upper class but they are lower class or vice versa. eg. rich vs poor, popular vs unpopular, higher social status vs lower social status.
219: One is mature and the other is childish
220: 2 brain cells/both idiots
221: lipstick stains
222: helping the other up
223: Deep conversation
224: meet at a bar/club/pub
225: asking them out
226: being teased by their friend(s) about their crush
227: telling their friend(s) about their crush
228: mistletoe
229: virgin/losing virginity
230: screaming into their chest
231: hand brushing against the other’s
232: soulmates walking past each other in public not yet knowing the other person but still getting some sort of gut feeling.
233: asking if they’re ok
234: handsome stranger
235: a description of the character’s features
236: their scent lingering
237: arriving at their doorstep
238: sleeping on the couch
239: hot night
240: cold night
241: sweaty
242: missing the other person
243: seeing them depart/saying their goodbyes (usually if they’re leaving for a trip for a while)
244: seeing them again for the first time (usually after they arrive back after a trip after not seeing them for a while)
245: looking back after departing
246: not even knowing their name/don’t remember them properly (usually falling in love with a stranger)
247: I kissed a girl (gay)
248: I kissed a boy (gay)
249: the person they like isn’t gay
250: husband energy
251: mum and dad energy
252: wife energy
253: liking a bad boy
254: liking a more mature boy
255: diving off cliffs/waterfalls
256: Comforting the other one when they’re scared
257: hushing them to sleep
258: singing them a lullaby
259: adopting
260: surrogate
261: painting their nails, pamper treatment, etc.
262: posing for photos
263: eating spaghetti together (Lady and the Tramp style)
264: being protective when someone starts SIMPing over their lover
265: holding them tight
266: swears they saw their ex in public but it wasn’t them...
267: sleepover
268: flirtatious bartender
269: helping them
270: stumbling over their words
271: walking in on them showering
272: looking them up and down/checking them out
273: being competitive/friendly rivals dynamic
274: meeting them through social media first
275: tinder/online dating
276: daydreaming about the other person
277: one of them is sick/in hospital
278: doing something embarrassing in front of their crush
279: horseback riding
280: hammock
281: boat
282: taking them to and showing them a place that is special to them
283: dirty jokes
284: making them laugh
285: getting into a fight with each other
286: protecting the other in a fight/from getting into a fight
287: masquerade ball
288: love spell/something or someone casting love spells on people aka Cupid
289: he/she loves me, he/she loves me not...
290: whispering in their ear
291: sitting on top of the car in a field
292: if a character wears some sort of mask/something that covers their mouth/face make the other character pull down/lift it up to kiss them
293: give each other pet names (baby, babe, honey, etc) (be as creative as you want)
294: biting the other’s lip when kissing
295: buying the other flowers/a gift
296: road trip
297: friendzoning
298: Gender Bend
299: saying “I love you” for the first time
300: toxic relationship (physical abuse, mental abuse, cheating constantly, don't love them anymore) be as creative as you want.
@negan-morningstar @savedpeople @you-a-southpaw-doll @smcc212 @gabrielislovegabrielislife @galaxycastiel @winchester-reload @impala-dreamer
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