#yasmoon one shot
karatecaulfield · 1 year
Total Eclipse (A Yasmoon Series)
prompts from: @fablememes
lavender haze - “meet me at midnight” + “all this shit is new to me”
Warnings: secret relationship, implications of internalized homophobia, mentions of struggles with sexuality
A/N- I’ve wanted to start writing for this ship for months. finally, here I am! this is going to be a series, all based on prompts from the account tagged above (inspired by taylor swift’s midnights album)
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Moon stared at her phone, rereading the same message that Yasmine had sent her over an hour ago.
meet me at midnight?
This was the third time this week that Yasmine had asked her to sneak out and see her. She was getting tired of it. If they were actually going out it would be a different story, but Moon knew that it would be the same as before. The two of them sitting in an empty parking lot, making awkward small talk until one of them blurted out how desperately they want to be together. As if this was the 1950’s, and they couldn’t hold hands in public. Nevertheless, she was still going. If not to tell Yasmine how she really felt, at least to see her face again.
By the time she got there, her mind was reeling. Yasmine was perched on the hood of her car, waiting for her to show up. It was kind of romantic the first time they snuck out, and even the second. But now it felt like their lighthearted romance had turned into a serious drama. When she spotted Moon’s car, Yasmine quickly fixed her hair and sat up straighter. It made her smile a little, but it wasn’t enough to take away the feeling that was nestled inside of her gut.
“I didn’t know if you were coming…” Yasmine sighed with relief, holding a hand out for Moon to take.
“I always do,” she said. She took Yasmine’s hand, but she couldn’t bring herself to look up at her.
“What’s wrong?” She wanted to pull Moon closer, but she dropped her hand instead. It felt easier for Yasmine.
“I’m just getting a little tired of hiding…” Moon admitted, finally raising her gaze. She wished that she hadn’t the second her eyes met Yasmine’s. They were so big and blue, taken aback by her confrontational words.
“I don’t know what else to do.” Yasmine admitted, wrapping her arms around herself. She suddenly looked cold, but it wasn’t even below seventy degrees outside.
“We could try to go out for real…” Moon grabbed Yasmine by the shoulders, but not in an aggressive way. In fact, she was unnaturally gentle about it. The feeling of her fingertips made Yasmine’s stomach do a flip.
“I… I can’t.” She took a step back, leaving Moon stunned by the action. She had been more than patient with Yasmine, but this felt like a hard slap in the face.
“Do you know how it feels to be hidden away by somebody you love? To be their dirty little secret?” Moon asked, tears pooling in her eyes. Yasmine closed her own eyes to avoid the image of her crying being burned into her brain.
“That isn’t fair,” she shook her head.
“This isn’t fair!” Moon sobbed. She had never raised her voice at Yasmine before, but she got dangerously close in this moment. “You tell me you love me like I love you, but you can barely even touch me. You don’t even look at me half of the time!”
Yasmine flinched, then slowly opened her eyes to make a point. She was crying now too, her eyes rimmed with red and tears sparkling on her cheeks. When she made eye contact with Moon, it felt like a cosmic shift had just taken place. Yasmine had never doubted her feelings for the girl standing before her, but she was so afraid of what everyone would think if she said the words out loud. She’d bullied people for less a couple years ago, but she wasn’t proud to admit that. She knew her karma was coming for her at some point, and she hoped that it wasn’t right now. She couldn’t lose Moon.
“All of this shit is new to me.” Her voice was shaky, also on the verge of shouting. “It took me seventeen years to finally admit to myself that I like girls, how could I possibly just flaunt the fact down the street?”
“I’m not saying we should make out in public, I just want to see you while the sun is still out!” Moon was still crying, her eyes swollen and cheeks tinted pink. “We’ve been friends for so long, but now we only see each other at odd hours in the dark.”
“You aren’t just a friend to me,” Yasmine took a step forward. It wasn’t a big deal to the untrained eye, but she might as well have just gotten down on a bended knee to Moon. “I don’t know how to do this, Moon. I’m not like you, I’ve never fallen in love before.”
Moon’s entire being deflated. It was true that she had been in love before. With women and men. It was kind of a problem, how much she loved to be in love. But that was before finding out that Yasmine was interested in her. Moon had stuck by her side for so long waiting for a chance, but she’d never realized that while her partners came and went, Yasmine never entertained anybody for very long either. She knew now that it was because she was battling her sexuality. Possibly even battling her love for her, just like she was right now.
“It doesn’t have to be so hard, Yas.” Moon sighed, taking a step forward as well. They were within arms distance from one another. “You just have to let me in like I’m trying to let you in.”
She watched Moon for a moment, her eyes still wide and watery. She thought back to all the times that Moon tried to lean against her shoulder or play with her hair. She’d always felt strange about it and turned away, like someone was watching her and judging the action.
“I want you to hold me,” Yasmine blurted. When Moon gave her a puzzled look, she sighed with frustration. “Now, right now. Please hold me.”
“Okay.” Moon was still confused, but she did as Yasmine asked. Slowly, she wrapped her arms around Yasmine’s shoulders. Moon pulled her close, resting her head against Yasmine’s bare shoulder.
She was stiff as a board. After a few seconds she wrapped her arms around Moon’s waist, pulling her into her body with one swift, desperate movement. The feeling of Moon’s head on her shoulder made her stomach do another flip. She lowered her own head onto Moon’s shoulder, letting her forehead brush against the knitted sweater she’d given her as a gift.
“I love you,” Yasmine mumbled against the fabric.
“I love you too, Yas.” Moon let out a breath. It wasn’t the first time they’d said that, but now it felt more real for some reason. “All I want to do is love you.”
Yasmine lifted her head from Moon’s shoulder. She pulled back until Moon followed suit, and they both searched each other’s eyes for the next move. They both knew what they wanted to do at once, but a million other thoughts shouted over one another and distracted Yasmine from saying it. Moon knew that she would never be able to say it.
“Don’t move,” Moon instructed. It took Yasmine by surprise since she was never the demanding type, but she did as she was told and stood incredibly still.
Gently, Moon held Yasmine’s face in her hands and brought their lips together. Everything in the world stopped moving. Moon could only hear Yasmine’s heartbeat. It sounded like a love song that she heard on the radio. Yasmine could only taste Moon’s mouth. She tasted like cinnamon and sugar.
The kiss itself was tame and sweet. Yasmine thought some terrible things before her heart started to sound louder than her head. She was so tired of fighting herself. It felt good when she finally let go, giving herself fully to Moon as they kissed. When they broke apart, she was still hazy.
“The world won’t come to an end if you kiss a girl, my love,” Moon whispered. She rested her forehead against Yasmine’s.
“Thank you.” Yasmine’s voice cracked as she spoke. She opened her mouth to go on, but Moon silenced her with another gentle kiss.
Sometimes it’s just easier to shut the demons up than it is to fight them hands on.
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Prompt: Shoes
Pairing: YasMoon
So I have Yas and Moon rocking out to California Gurls in one of the fics I'm working on for them, so!!! I decided to write them a thing based off it :3 If, uh...if you know the line, then you know the line XD
(CW for implied underage, although nothing too explicit.)
They stop to savor everything.
Sunlight coming through tent flaps. Ocean waves. Gulls. Tourist din. Warm, salt-scented air.
Yasmine smirks. It all feels so defiant.
Ditching the crowd. Pitching a secret hideaway where they do whatever they please.
Still wrapped around Moon, Yasmine sticks a foot off the towel and finds her discarded high heel. It was the first thing to go, haphazardly thrown off as manicured fingers tugged at sundresses and peeled away the bikinis underneath.
“There’s sand in my heel.” Yasmine snickers, toeing the pink plastic. “How gauche.”
Moon giggles. “Least it’s not Neiman Marcus, right?”
“For real.”
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We You were staying in Paris To get away from your parents And I thought, "Wow If I could take this in a shot right now I don't think that we could work this out" Out on the terrace I don't know if it's fair, but I thought "How could I let you fall by yourself While I'm wasted with someone else?"
If we go down, then we go down together They'll say you could do anything They'll say that I was clever If we go down, then we go down together We'll get away with everything Let's show them we are better
We You were staying in Paris To get away from your parents You look so proud Standing there with a frown and a cigarette Posting pictures of yourself on the internet Out on the terrace We You breathe in the air of this small town On our own, cutting class for the thrill of it Getting drunk on the past, we were livin' in
If we go down, then we go down together They'll say you could do anything They'll say that I was clever If we go down, then we go down together We'll get away with everything Let's show them we are better
@karatecaulfield pspspsps
Hiiiiii it's me, I'm posting again! ^^; I couldn't help but want to pregame a bit for the August CK femslash event, and I legit just have a bunch of YasMoon moodboards lying around that I haven't had the chance to post yet ^^; I've been meaning to submit this bad boy all summer, since I wanted to do it during the actual S2 period where Yasmine was feasibly still in Paris. Pretty sure she was all the way through July, so...it still works, I think?
This goes with this and this, btw! I always wanted so badly to know what happened between Yas and Moon in S2, and how they ended up making up by the beginning of S3. Like!!! They were on horrible terms when they last interacted in 1x09!!! What happened to make them decide to mend fences!!!
(Well I mean obviously they were gay for each other, yes, but I want to know the specifics of it aksjduifhukb)
I really get so much mileage out of the "Yasmine has the same bikini" scene that it's borderline disgraceful. It's just so wild to me that Moon stalking Yasmine's instragram is the only proof whatsoever we have of Yasmine's existence during S2. Like if you started watching the show at S2, literally your only impression of Yas would be "hot blonde girl who has the same bikini as Hawk's girlfriend (sus) and whose chest we see Hawk's girlfriend ZOOMING IN ON (even more sus)." All you would know of this character is "girl no one else likes but who Moon is simping for." Like excuse me!!!
And from Yasmine's side, it's super gay, too??? Like the fact that she's wearing the same bikini as Moon for a public internet photo doesn't feel like an accident--especially since someone as hyperfemme and rich as Yasmine probably has like. A detailed outfit calendar that doesn't leave any room for slip-ups. So I'd guess it's either out of spite ("hey bitch remember how you sided with the losers and freaks over me??? Now I'm wearing your look better than you") or as a way to guilt-trip Moon ("remember when we got those adorable matching best friend swimsuits??? but then you stabbed me in the back and ruined our friendship and now we're not besties anymore :( But I can still remind you of when we were so you feel bad about it!"). Either way, I definitely think Yasmine wanted Moon to see that photo. Like this is some lesbian mind game shit I'm sorry aksjndhkuygbhy
Even just from this one little bit, it seems to me like Yasmine and Moon just...can't really let each other go, even after they've severed ties and are (presumably) no longer in each other's lives. Moon is creeping around on Yasmine's socials, while Yasmine is most likely intentionally wearing a swimsuit Moon also has to get a rise out of her. (Something something another one to the add to the list of Elimetri parallels lol) Would guess Moon has some lingering guilt about not defending Yasmine after the wedgie situation (like she was horrified--she's the only person not laughing!), while Yasmine has lingering feelings of resentment/betrayal that Moon chose Hawk and co. over her.
Betting they stalked each other's social media all summer long. Like Moon was constantly making fun of Yasmine's fashion choices and trying to convince everyone (and herself) she was So Totally Better Off Without Her and Totally Doesn't Miss Her Or Anything but like...girl. If you roasting Yasmine about having the same bikini as you involves you zooming in on her boobs just to make sure, then idk what to tell you???? (No but I will seriously never be over that O_____O)
And as for Yasmine...we don't have as much to go off of irt what she was doing in France, but The Bathing Suit Incident and her crawling back to Moon literally as soon as school started indicates that she like. Definitely wasn't as done with her "backstabbing" bestie as she told herself she was. I'd bet money she spent that whole summer being jealous as fuck of Eli. Just prowling through his and Moon's insta pictures together like "this stupid blue-haired douchebag, what's he got that I don't??? >:( Fucking karate??? Tattoos??? Lame >:( How dare he steal my secret girlfriend >:( How dare he show her off like arm candy >:( Even though I wouldn't have the guts to openly date her anyways >:( I bet he can't even eat a girl out and smell like roses doing it >:( Can I kill him a little bit >:(" Like I'll bet the girl was fucking SEETHING and I love that for her. (And then he wrecks her science group project because he was mad jelly Demetri was talking to her??? It's a wonder they ever became friends XD) Like I love the idea of Yasmine interacting with this dude all of once and then just hating the shit out of him immediately for stealing her girl, and Eli just??? Has no idea??? Like Yasmine Nolastname is sending enough hatred overseas to boil the ocean into nothing and Eli "Hawk" Moskowitz is none the wiser, busy performing heterosexuality with the girl he has all of zilch in common with and frantically hiding his gay little crush on Demetri XD One-sided rivalry for the ages, AND IF NO ONE WILL WRITE ABOUT IT I WILL
Actually no it's not one-sided it's just that Yasmine thinks they're fighting over Moon and Hawk thinks they're fighting over Demetri aksjdhukghfduy
It's fr like that one Endgame meme tho, because Hawk lowkey forgets who Yasmine is during S2 XD
Yasmine: You took EVERYTHING from me!!! Hawk: I don't even know who you are...
ANYWAYS "Paris" by the Chainsmokers is about Moon lowkey pining for Yasmine while she's in France and reminiscing on all the good times they had while they were still best friends and kind of regretting not being in Yas's corner when she needed her. It's true, Moon told me herself! Sorry, I don't make the rules :3
(Btw Moon's Gay Yearning gives me life and I will die on the hill that this Gay Yearning is 1000% mutual and Yasmine is just dumb and super repressed akasdjhliuhfk)
Kinda on the fence about if I HC Yasmine as a cigarette smoker or not. Part of me thinks she'd do it to look "cool" and "edgy" and "counterculture" without...really having to do much else in that department XD But the other part of me thinks she'd violently reject anything that might make her smell questionable, and would just embrace the "cool girl" aesthetics of the whole thing. Like Augustus Waters-style put-a-cigarette-in-your-mouth-but-never-light-it type bullshit XD That seems more her Vibe, since I feel like homegirl would haaaaate the taste of cigs.
Anyways y'all better get ready because this femslash event is gonna get me INSANE about these two >:3 Like I'm gonna probably get super ambitious and start more one-shots than I can feasibly finish and get stressed but best believe I will enjoy EVERY MINUTE of it
As always, pic credits available upon request!
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More angsty S1 YasMoon because they're so!!! THEY'RE SO!!! They're so important to me, you don't understand. I've made them both such rich inner worlds that only exist in my mind but by GOD if I'm not Unwell about the complex, nuanced, and BRUTALLY flawed versions of them that live in my head rent-free ;_____;
Like I am gripped by how many things it re-contextualizes if Yas and Moon were hooking up in Season 1. Like that's why Moon so doggedly remained Yasmine's faithful, right-hand Evil Bitch, despite being a very good-natured person normally. That's why these girls were almost grinding in that one concert video Sam showed Amanda. And that's why their beach party confrontation had enough tension to fill an olympic-sized swimming pool. It was a damn breakup akajndslfkjl
Anyways, I'm hoping I can write some full-length one-shots that delve into this more, but I'm just imagining that during S1 and before, Moon was just...an absolutely hopeless pining mess. Like she did everything for Yasmine and went along with whatever she said in hopes that Yas would eventually love her the same...or at least love her openly. She knew Yas could be sweet and giving in private, but she wanted more than anything to be shown off and flaunted like something to be proud of (part of why she eventually ditched Yas for Hawk! Although he went way too far in the other direction to the point of like. Treating her more like a coolness prize than a person ^^;). Yasmine only ever treated her softly and gently when no one else was looking, and it killed Moon. She hated always feeling like a side piece and an afterthought, and still only ever getting dismissively called "a friend." Or sometimes just a lackey, even if Yasmine wouldn't say it directly. I think finally standing up to Yasmine was just as much about wanting better for herself as well as all the people Yasmine bullied.
Like the way she seems guilty about cutting Sam off and horrified to see Kyler mocking her in front of the entire cafeteria implies she's not really comfortable with all the awful stuff Yas does. And like sure, she could stick with Yasmine out of platonic loyalty or to have a popularity safety net, BUT. Being a Yasmine simp would explain just how much she's willing to tolerate before she kicks Yas to the curb XD And hey, she's canonically got a thing for mean, aggressive people, does she not???
Anyways tl;dr poor Season 1 Moon </3 Girl was in love with Yasmine and I WILL die on that hill. Would explain why she was super high and out of it for a lot of S1, too. Girl was coping (er...not healthily) with her gf a) not admitting she was her gf and b) not cherishing her like she secretly wanted </3 Yasmine fr pushes her lesbianism so far down it may as well collide with the earth's core at this point.
In my heart she accepts it and owns it at some point in the distant future, bless iashluybkh
Big, big fan of that locket on the bottom right, btw. Headcanon Yas gifted it to Moon during S1, but was like "if you ever wear this, you CANNOT tell people I gave it to you lest they think we're... g a y" ;______; Like that's not even the first conclusion people would probably come to anyways, but poor Yas is so paranoid about people suspecting she isn't straight that she feels like she has to shut down anything that could possibly point to that D: Also dying on my hill that she has a more difficult relationship with her parents than she lets on and they're either subtly or openly homophobic, which is why she represses her sexuality so adamantly
As always, pic credits available upon request!
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Tfw the YasMoon playlist I've been cultivating for a few months is the longest fandom playlist I've ever made, like...SIGNIFICANTLY longer than playlists for OTPs I've had for literal years O______O Lesbian hyperfixations go HARD, amirite???
Maybe it's because Spotify has a disproportionate number of songs about angsty/dysfunctional sapphic relationships akajdhousvigy
Kinda hope this keeps being the case though, because it's really funny. Inb4 I end up with like 100 songs on my YasMoon playlist and the rest of my fandom playlists top at like...60-something XD I'm unfortunately VERY deep in the "hears any love song on the radio and proclaims 'THIS IS YASMOON!'" phase, so uh...Imma probably keep adding songs at what's FAR from a reasonable rate.
ALSO I love being able to be like "check out my two Cobra Kai OTPs, the karate byfriends and the staunchly-refuse-to-do-karate girlfriends!!!" It's about that d i c h o t o m y XD The contrast!!! The parallels!!! The character foils!!! The pure, sweet irony!!!
So I went into this moodboard knowing my fave songs on here were gonna be like. WAY too obscure to have little lyric edits for them, so I just made my own again!!! Now that I'm actually confident doing that, I might be subjecting y'all to that way more often XD Here are the songs, if you're wondering: 1. Poker Face - Lady Gaga (has a ficlet here!!!) 2. American Dream - Baby Queen (no ficlets/moodboards/other content for this one yet, but mark my words, it will happen. I love this song for them too much :O) 3. Chronic - Phoebe Ryan (has a ficlet as well!!!) 4. Slow Dancing - Aly & AJ and Hazel English (ficlet here!)
Also open to any potential song suggestions, or to talk about my picks more!!! Additionally, I have been feeling, uh. VERY Unwell lately obsessing over potentially writing YasMoon songfics ^^; I've refrained so far (becaus GOD GIRL GET YOUR WIPS UNDER CONTROL), but my resolve is crumbling. I might make a silly little poll about them, because there is a horrible, horrible itch within me that I do not think I will scratch until I pluck a song out of here and turn it into a YasMoon one-shot D:
(I also haven't written proper CK fic in so longggggg because the fandom kinda yeeted D: Hopefully I can find at least a handful of readers for the onslaught of yasmoon fic y'all will eventually be subjected to lmao)
Used a pink and yellow/gold color scheme for them here because that combo never doesn't slap for them, tbh. Like GOD, am I ever a SLUT for aesthetically pleasing color motifs :O And pink and yellow always hits with the girls!!! Also love the shameless, cheery hyperfemininity of it all. No broody, emotionless grays and blacks to be found here!!! Only bright, eye-hurting your average dudebro would not be caught dead in :)
As always, pic credits available upon request!
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karatecaulfield · 2 years
Requests are [closed]
@bylersdontcry is my byler side blog!
Things I write for:
Cobra Kai
Stranger Things
School Spirits
Outer Banks
One of Us is Lying
Inside Job
Fear Street
Things I write:
Character or ship one shots / imagines
Occasional moodboards if y’all would like or the inspiration strikes:)
For one shots/imagines/smut/headcanons, you can send some ideas and prompts for me to respond to for any of the characters in the things I mentioned above.
My favorite ships to write for are Toriguel, Yasmoon, Samobby, Hellcheer, Byler, Mistynat, Taivan, & Lottie Lee <3
For ships, send me a description of yourself/your personality along with which series you’d like a ship from, and your preference for male or female characters.
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