#yeosang fantasy au
hehetfics · 1 year
The Fog of Aribyrne
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Yeosang x female OC (and some Seonghwa)
Word count: 21.2K
Summary: There are many known and unknown realms, inhabitants of some have managed to find a way to travel between them. Others consider the realms to be myths. What happens when they are real and someone who should physically be unable to travel between them manages to travel to another realm?
Warnings: mentions of death, (almost) drowning and blood
Our realm is yet one of many. Some similar to ours, others more dangerous and exotic than others. A select few inhabitants of these realms have the possibility to occasionally travel from one realm to the next. The paths of the realms are never to cross, however during some rare instances they intertwine for a short period of time, allowing regular people to travel from one realm to another. Whenever realms intertwine, they bring along odd, almost magical, phenomena. Something that always brings wonder to those who cross it, but also death if they are not careful enough. Many of these occurrences leave the people to create myths about them. One such myth is the ‘Fog of Aribyrne’.
For as long as he could remember Yeosang had been traveling the twelve seas of Ophyrion. He felt more at home on the waves than on land. He had heard of the many myths of the seas, from creatures such as nereids and sea serpents to weather phenomena such as the fog of Aribyrne. Yet after spending most of his life on the seas, he had yet to experience any of these myths. Hence, he wrote them off as nothing more than myths. Yeosang had sailed under many captains, seen many crewmembers come and go, but none of them knew him too well. He was someone who did his job and kept to himself most of the time.
The Amarylis was on a semi-regular journey, one the ship made every few months. Yeosang was well-known with the waters and everything felt normal. The sun was shining down on the ship as Yeosang was staring out at the never-ending sea from the crow’s nest. It was one of the rare days during which he did not have a lot of tasks to do and could enjoy some alone time while keeping an eye on their navigational aids along the horizon and up in the sky. A few clouds cluttered the blue sky, along with a couple of birds, indicating that despite the seemingly never-ending blue water, there was land not too far away from them.
Every member of the crew was surprised when a mysterious fog suddenly rolled in; their vision being obscured completely. They could only see within five meters of themselves as an odd smell lingered around them. The saltiness of the ocean seemingly disappeared, as it was replaced by an oddly sweet smell; the smell of several kinds of flowers blooming in Spring. The men on the deck stood still, not knowing what was to happen. Yeosang carefully climbed down the mast to join the others on deck. They heard stories about this fog, of course they had. It was but one of many legends about the seas. The wooden ship creaked as the captain of the men opened the door and walked upon the deck, looking for his men. “What’s going on?” he yelled, as his view was just as obstructed as everyone else’s. “I think it might be the Fog of Aribyrne,” a voice was heard through the fog. “That is bullshit, that’s just a story to keep people off the seas. We’ve been here tons of times!” the captain answered. “But captain…” another crewmember’s voice cut through the fog.
A sudden gust of wind startled everyone on deck, pushing Yeosang against the taffrail of the Amarylis. The wind was slowly becoming stronger and stronger, yet somehow the fog never seemed to move. It was almost as if it was a part of the ship. “Captain, what should we do?” Yeosang yelled from where he was on the ship. However, before the captain had time to answer his second in command, shadows could be seen through the thick fog. Their appearance being inhuman, stilled fear in everyone on the deck. The fear within their bodies made sure no sound left their bodies, as the ship slowly started disappearing below the waves. The sound of the waves coming closer and closer, the ship creaking as the water is slowly filling the hull, everybody on board wondering how the ship was going down. As the rush of adrenaline hit the crew, screams and gurgles could be heard on the otherwise quiet sea. One by one, they could no longer hear a sound, see the daylight, as the sea reclaimed them. All except for one; the quartermaster; Yeosang.
As his body was slowly sinking to the bottom of the sea, he could hear a soft voice. His eyes becoming the size of saucers as the salt made them feel like burning; he knew he should not be able to hear anything underwater. The soft voice was calling to him; “Hear my voice beneath the sea, sleeping now so peacefully, at the bottom of the sea, sleep for all eternity, sailors live so restlessly, come with me, sleep peacefully”. His arms felt heavy, he had no idea why he did not even try to swim back up. He had been under the waves countless times, but always found his way back up. It was as if the voice held a certain power over him. With the last bit of energy he could muster, he turned his head, trying to find the source of the voice. Strands of his blonde hair covered his eyes for a second, before the sinking current got a hold of them again. The voice tried to lull him to sleep, and he knew not to give in, but as his body sank deeper and deeper, his eyelids grew heavier. “Listen to this siren’s song, worry not for nothing’s wrong, let my voice lead you this way, I will not lead you astray. Trust me as we reach the side, jumping out where men have died”. 
As his body turned around in the water, he saw a shadow making its way towards the surface. Squinting as best as he could, he saw arms reach up for him. At first it seemed like they were reaching for the corpses of his crewmates that were sinking alongside him. However, Yeosang quickly realised that they were reaching for him. Soon he saw a pair of golden eyes gazing back into his half-closed ones. Somehow her eyes seemed to be unbothered by the saltiness around them, whereas his eyes surely held a certain redness to them by now. “Let the ocean fill your lungs, struggle not, soon peace will come, taking in your final breath, sinking down to the ocean’s depths”. As he gazed into the eyes of what appeared to be a woman, her words sank in and subconsciously he opened his mouth, letting the salty water fill his lungs.
His thoughts wandered, wondering how he ended up like this. Why did the gods want things to end like this for him? In his mind he did no wrong. Yes, he might have been a pirate, but that did not mean he would hurt innocent people. In fact, he tried to help them. Yeosang was the only one of his crew to do so. A slight pang of anger and disappointment came over him as he realised, he never did anything to stop his mates. Maybe he did deserve this. 
Suddenly he felt her hands take his, giving him a soft smile before continuing with the, what he thought to be hers, enchanting song. “I wish I could always be, in the ocean’s arms, you see, ocean was your lover’s name, you had loved her all the same”. Suddenly he felt her halt, her body no longer swimming what appeared to be up. He had no idea why he was expecting her to bring him back to the surface. As she started to pull him further down, he realised that this was the end. She kept swimming deeper and deeper, the sea surrounding him showed no colour but black. Her brown hair would be indistinguishable from the sea if it were not for her pale skin to provide contrast. The pressure of all the water above him slowly became too much. He was to either pass out from the lack of oxygen or pure pressure any moment now. She suddenly started swimming faster, pulling him towards what looked to be a faint dot of a light. As she swam faster and faster, the light slowly became brighter as they neared it. “Hear my voice beneath the sea, sleeping now so peacefully” was the last thing he heard before his eyes closed, for what he thought would be the last time.
It was a peaceful day in the Aribyrne realm. The sun was shining brightly above the stunning beaches of Maelynne. The almost-white sand reflecting the sunlight back to the sky, which held nothing but a single cloud. A soft breeze brought the smell of the flowers blooming further inland. It would almost seem as if you were still in the Ophyrion realm, were it not for the inhabitants of this realm speaking a tongue not known to any other realm. Laeanna and Maiae were two of the inhabitants, they had a day off from their usual routine and the friends decided to soak up some sun and enjoy the water. The two resemble humans, however if one looked closer at them, they could see the pointy ears and different marks adorn their bodies. Swirls ran over their arms and legs in a slightly darker tone than the rest of their skin, almost making it seem as if there were long pieces of velvet wrapped around their limbs.
Laeanne put down the blanket they had brought for their picnic before Maiae placed the basket on it and started to unpack all the snacks they had brought. "Are you sure you packed everything?" Maiae asked. "I feel like we're missing a few things." Laeanne looked over at everything that was placed before the two of them. "I think so, yeah. I wouldn't know what we could possibly be missing." The other girl just shrugged and sat down, leaning back to enjoy the warm rays of the sun. "This was a good idea. I just hope the weather will stay like this." Maiae looked over at her friend's strawberry blonde hair. It was the lightest colour the hair of the people living in this realm could have and she had always been pretty jealous of it. Even though her own hair was a gorgeous chocolate brown colour, she had always been fascinated by the lighter colours. That is how she and Laeanne met years ago. To this day, she still does not know how she had the courage to step up to her and start up a conversation.
The two spent the next few hours chatting about whatever came to their minds, taking a dive and munching on all the food they brought with them. The sun was slowly setting, its warm rays cooling down and as it neared the horizon. The delicious snacks were long gone. The entire time the breeze brought lovely scents from the flowers to them. That was until the direction of the wind suddenly changed and it picked up in strength. The pristine sand blowing all over the place, including into the eyes of the two relaxing girls. "Let us pack up and go home. It looks like a storm is coming." Laeanne said first and got up to pack their stuff as a few dark clouds rolled in. "It was nice for as long as it lasted." Maiae agreed. They quickly put everything back into the basket. The pair was about to leave as Maiae glanced back at the sea one last time. She regretted not going for a longer swim earlier. As she gazed longingly, a light suddenly caught her eye. Her mother had told her about it happening from time to time. She said that it usually brought things from the other realm known as Ophyrion. Although they could travel between the realms if they wanted, they could never bring things back as they would not survive the crossing. Therefore items from the other realm were highly valued throughout their world.
She turned around fully and wandered back towards the sea. "Laeanne, do you see that?" she asked her friend who turned around. "You mean the light?" Laeanne turned around as well, following her friend from a distance. "Yeah, do you think we will be able to get the items?" She had only visited the other realm two or three times, but she was fascinated by it. However, it took too much power to travel from realm to realm to do it often. "I'm going to check it out." Maiae said with determination. "Do not do it," Laeanne said, wanting to stop her friend from doing something reckless, "What if the current is too strong and will drag you away?" But it was too late. Her friend had already taken her shoes off, unbothered by the dress she was still wearing, she dove into the water and swam towards the light. The saltiness of the water did not bother her eyes as she swam closer to the light. When she arrived at the light, she turned back to look at her friend on the shore and gave her a quick wave to let her know that she was okay. She turned back around and dove further into the continuously cooling water, the storm apparently coming from a colder place.
It was her luck that the inhabitants of this realm would almost be considered to be part aquatic, as they could hold their breath for a longer period of time and swim extremely well. At first, she saw nothing of interest, looking around herself only to spot some seaweed and a few fish. Maiae decided to dive down a little deeper before she would give up. And after swimming a little further, she could see a shadow slowly drifting her way. Her eyes widened in surprise. The shadow seemed really big compared to all the items of the Ophyrion realm that ended up in their realm. She knew she did not have a lot of time left before she ran out of breath, so she hurried up and swam towards the shadow. She became even more surprised when she realised that it was not an item, but a person that was drifting her way. Maiae knew that the inhabitants of Ophyrion usually did not survive the journey from their realm to hers, as this appeared to be the only way they could, and they were not able to hold their breath as long as she could.
She quickly swam towards the person, seeing that they were still conscious as the person appeared to be looking around. As she neared them, she could see that it was a man who had managed to find his way to Aribyrne. She swam towards him and took his hands in hers. She tried to give him a reassuring smile, to let him know everything was going to be okay. He seemed confused and out of it. She had heard stories of humans who travelled to that realm. It was said that Ahdona, the goddess of the sea, would sing to the sailors who were about to pass on, to bring them comfort and reassurance. She assumed that he must be hearing her singing right now, thinking he was still sinking to the bottom of the sea he knew so well. He opened his mouth and bubbles of oxygen left his body. Maiae suddenly halted and panicked. Had she gotten to him too late? Was Ahdona going to take him with her? 
Maiae started to pull him up towards the oxygen he so desperately needed. It took her a good minute and a half to get him there and about halfway through she realised his eyes had closed fully. She broke through the water and took a big breath of air before quickly swimming back to the shore, still trying to pull the man with her. 'I hope I am not too late'. The thoughts of being too late to save this man made her panic. "Laeanne!" she yelled as she neared the beach, she had spent the last couple of hours on. "I found someone!" Her friend just looked at her with confusion. "Did you just say someone? Do you not mean something?" she yelled back. "No, someone! And he is alive!" Although it was not a rare occurrence that inhabitants of other realms crossed over, it was unique that he was still alive.
Maiae finally reached the shore and pulled the man upon the sand. "Oh by Nahthys! How did he survive the crossing?" Laeanne spoke. "I do not know, but we have to help him." They pulled him further up the shore, near the treeline, hoping to get some shelter from the rain that would inevitably pour down soon. Maiae's dress clung to her body, but it was the least of her concerns at the moment. She turned him on his side, hoping he would cough up some water on his own. As they waited for a moment, Maiae could not help but notice the colour of his hair, she had never seen someone with such a light hair colour in Aribyrne. She remembered his brown eyes staring into hers, it would be an understatement if she said she was not intrigued by him. She gently touched the birthmark by his left eye, never having seen anything like it before. "I think you were too late, sorry Maiae." Her friend said as the man had not moved since he was dragged on dry land. "No, I cannot be." She sat him up and started to rub his back in a pattern she learned by heart at a young age, mumbling in an ancient language. "What are you doing? We are not allowed to do that! That is not why Nahthys taught our people about her powers!" She knew her friend was right; she was not allowed to use their powers on inhabitants of Ophyrion or any other realm besides their own. Yet she could not help herself. "This is your mess; I am not helping you out of it this time." Laeanne said and started backing off.
Maiae was known for getting in trouble all the time and Laeanne often came to her rescue. At the same time, Maiae was also known for having a big heart and caring for everyone. That might be why she wanted to save this man so bad. When she saw his eyes underwater, they showed surprise and fear, but also something she could not place, and she wanted to know what he thought. "I am leaving, let me know if you need to talk." This was one big mess Laeanne would not be a part of, even though they usually were inseparable. However, breaking such an important law was too much. As Maiae finished her soft chanting, she placed the man on his back again.
She sat next to him in silence, waiting for any sort of reaction. But as the rain started to fall down, she realised she might have really been too late. "I am sorry I was too late." she said to the man, although he would not be able to hear her. Even if he could, he would not understand as she spoke her own language. She got up and started to leave, a small sob leaving her body. She had hoped that she was in time to save him, but he had not taken a breath of air in a couple of minutes. Even breaking the law and using her powers could not save him. As she was walking away, Maiae was shocked to hear coughs coming from behind her a few seconds later. She gasped and rushed back to the man. It was clear to everyone who saw him that he was weak; his skin was pale and clammy, his eyes were red from the salt of the sea. The journey had taken a massive toll on his body. Maiae kneeled down next to him as he slowly sat up again. She moved the hair out of his eyes and swept some sand off his nose. 
The man quickly looked around, as if he were not supposed to be here. Some drops of water flew from his hair into her face. She tried to ignore them and gently took one of the man's hands before soothingly rubbing up and down his arm. "It is okay, you are safe here." He looked at her, not being able to understand what she said. He finally broke his silence, only asking one thing, his voice raspy from the salty water and lack of air; "where am I?"
“Where am I?” he repeated his question, his voice laced with confusion. Maiae moved backwards to give him some space, the rain still falling down on both of them as the leaves of the trees above them barely gave them any shelter. The woman did the first thing that came to her mind, which was to comfort him. “You’re safe, don’t worry”. She shuddered as a gust of wind blew through the leaves, the damp dress not doing anything to protect her from the cold. He raised his eyebrows at her, even more confusion on his face. “Did I wash up on some foreign land?” He quickly whipped his head around, taking in his surroundings. It all looked so normal to him. But as he cast another glance at the woman in front of him, he noticed her ears and the marks adorning her body. He gasped in shock and scooted further away from her. “You’re-…” he stuttered, not being able to get a full sentence out. He had heard of her people before, but none of them were stories he particularly enjoyed. The disturbing tales of the few who managed to get back to Ophyrion spread among the twelve seas echoed around in his mind. The gruesome stories of people being sacrificed to their gods in the bloodiest ways, creatures like her seemingly having no care for people like him.
Maiae quickly realised that he could not understand her tongue. She felt hurt at his fear of her, although she could understand him. Although she had travelled between the realms, he had not. It most likely was his first time in a different realm. She tried to recall the few lessons she once had about one of the few languages spoken in Ophyrion. The people of Aribyrne made it their task to at least speak some of the tongues they spoke in realms they were to visit. Although communication between the inhabitants of each realm was forbidden, it might have to be used to save oneself someday. She could merely hope he would speak the one she knows. “You… are… safe.” She hesitantly spoke, carefully considering each word. “You”, she said pointing at him, “understand?” He nodded, indicating that he could understand her. However, it did not make him feel any safer. “Where am I?” he asked once again, wiping some of the rain from his forehead. “Maelynne, in Aribyrne,” she answered, trying not to scare him even more. She sat there, staring at him. She was carefully planning her next steps. She could not simply take him to her town, the people living there would be livid that she brought someone from Ophyrion with her. She also knew she could not leave him out here. The weather might get to him or the other creatures living in this realm. The distraught and exhausted look in his eyes made her pity him.
Suddenly something on his white blouse caught her eye, a long gash surrounded by a red stain. “Pain?” she asked him, trying her best to communicate with him. He gave her an even more confused look. She pointed at his stomach. Yeosang looked down and gasped, he had not even noticed the cut. However, as the adrenaline of everything was slowly leaving his body, he could feel himself becoming slightly more lightheaded. He groaned and decided to find comfort in the sand again. Maiae knew she had to do something. “Wait… I right back”, she said and got up, wanting to get some items to patch him up with. Luckily for him, she always carried a little first aid pack with her in her bag. The woman looked for any signs of her friend Laeanne, hoping she might still be lurking around somewhere. However, she was only met with disappointment. Maiae quickly found her bag in the sand next to her shoes, all of which were completely forgotten when she got out of the water. She grabbed both her shoes and bag and walked back to Yeosang. He was facing the leaves above them, a sudden gust of wind occasionally blowing his hair across his forehead. She sat down next to him, the rough sand slightly hurting her knees. Yeosang opened his eyes to look at her, in his eyes she was way too close to him for comfort. Yet he was so weak, he would not be able to do anything. Her cold hands suddenly gripped the bottom of his blouse and slightly lifted it up. As a reflex the injured man slapped her hands away. “Stop”, he said threateningly, or at least he attempted to sound like that. “You pain, I help”, Maiae said. This time she was the one to slap his hands away and continued with what she was doing.
Meanwhile Yeosang’s mind was running wild. He was wondering if she were simply checking how he looked so they could sacrifice him later. His heart started pounding at all the intrusive and horrifying thoughts. Soon he felt Maiae put some sort of crème on the gash, making him hiss in pain, before putting what appeared to be gauze on it. “Okay, that’s it. Heal… fine” she spoke again, knowing the medicine would work fast on people from Ophyrion. The entire time, in the back of his mind, he had been slightly surprised at how she tried to communicate with him in his language. Luckily for the both of them, the rain stopped, and the skies started to clear up again. It was almost as if the weather was only brought on by the gate between the two realms opening. Maiae changed positions so she could sit cross-legged, finally being able to soak up some of the last rays of sunlight again. The sweet smell of the flowers had also returned as the harsh wind disappeared almost as soon as it had appeared. Taking in a deep breath, she smiled as she gazed out at the ocean as her damp hair clung to her face. Yeosang was amazed by their interactions thus far. All his people had told him was that the beings in Aribyrne were evil creatures, only thirsting for blood. Yet here he was, facing one of the creatures he had once feared so much. But instead of hurting him, she was helping him. He slowly sat up straight again, feeling as if he had already regained some strength. 
Yeosang was still careful to not worsen the injury on his stomach. The woman was leaning back on her hands, just soaking up the light, almost as if it were to give her energy. His mind almost compared it to photosynthesis.
Soon her gaze was back on him and she gave him a smile. He still looked at her with uncertainty. He was almost convinced that he had died in the water if it were not for the slight sting of pain coming from the large gash on his stomach. She lifted her hand and pointed at herself. “Maiae,” she introduced herself, “you?” she asked and pointed at him. He tilted his head for a second, wondering if she was once again speaking to him in her language. “Me?” he asked and pointed at himself. She simply nodded in reply, making him deduct that what he thought to be a word in her language, merely was her name. “Uhh, I’m Yeosang”. Maiae smiled, she was finally making a little progress with him. She hoped to gain his trust, but she understands that he is weary of her. “You feeling okay?” she questioned him. This time he was the one nodding in reply. 
A few moments later Yeosang had finally gained the courage to ask the question that had been on his mind for a while. “Are you going to hurt me?” She looked at him with a puzzled look. She had no idea what the word hurt meant, it was not one of the words that she had been taught. “Hurt?” she repeated him with a slightly tilted head, indicating that she did not understand him. He quickly remembered she said the word pain earlier. “Give me pain,” he rephrased. A few seconds later she gasped. She could not believe the man thought she would hurt him. “No, no, no pain!” she said in a panicked tone. “I got you out water, why give pain?” Maiae was really doing her best trying to communicate with him, but her vocabulary was very limited. It took Yeosang a little while before her words truly sank in. She had saved him. He wondered how as he was sinking towards the bottom of the sea, but somehow, she brought him back to the surface, of another realm, nonetheless.
The two of them sat in silence for a while, Maiae deep in thought on what to do next, whereas Yeosang was taking in his environment again. He was slowly starting to realise that he was no longer in his home realm of Ophyrion. He had somehow managed to travel to Aribyrne, the realm dreaded by everyone on the twelve seas of Ophyrion. She soon realised that their best option was for her to take him home, despite her inner voice warning her of how bad this idea was. Her luck was that she lived on the edge of town, but it would still be risky to take someone from his realm into her home. She could simply not leave him behind though. She had to sneak him in somehow, even if it was extremely dangerous for the both of them. Inhabitants of his realm were not allowed to be in Aribyrne, or alive at least, so if her Elders found out, they would be in huge trouble. A sudden realisation hit her as she looked at the sun that had set by now. The creatures of the night chirping away, filling the air with sounds. It was her luck that Laeanne had brought a basket of food, whereas she had brought the bag with a blanket to sit on. She looked at Yeosang with a smile, happy she had an idea to help him. “We go my home,” she spoke to him once more. The injured man looked at her with confusion and exhaustion. Everything was starting to take a toll on him, the near-death experience, his injury, the journey between realms. 
She stood up and held her hands out to him, “up!” He cautiously took her hand. The back of his mind still reminded him of all the gruesome stories he had been told. Maiae pulled him up with ease, stabilising him as he almost tumbled forwards, one of his hands clutching the gauze on his stomach. “Careful.” She bent down and took the blanket out of the bag and put it over his head. “Nobody see you.” Closing the blanket in the front before his hand took over from hers.
This sentence made another rush of fear come over him. If nobody is allowed to see him, does that mean not everyone here is like her? Will they get caught? What if they get caught? All these questions made his head spin, making him groan. She looked at him with worry, something that once again surprised him. “We go now,” she wanted to get them into the warmth of her house before the cold temperatures of the evening made their appearance.
Maiae grabbed one of his hands again and slowly started to walk back towards her home. She was filled with dread and worry, slightly clamming up her hands. She really did not want to get caught. Although she had done many things her Elders had disagreed with, it never was something of this extent. She looked back at the man she was dragging along. Even though he looked like a wreck, he was also filled with curiosity. “Are you sure nobody will catch us?” Yeosang asked, the scent of the flowers was almost overwhelming him at this point. The pain in his stomach was nothing more but a faint throbbing now, however he was still very careful with it. He had no clue what Maiae had put on it, maybe it made him feel better at first before slowly killing him. She looked back at him for a second before continuing to walk along the narrow path between the many trees and shrubs. Maiae would have loved to answer him, but she simply did not understand what he had said. There was no time to dwell on it either, as she wanted to get to her house as quickly as possible.
After five more minutes of walking, they had finally reached the edge of the town. The smell of flowers was slowly being replaced by that of freshly made food as it was time for dinner. The moon alongside a lantern every once in a while, illuminating the streets. The woman’s home was two more minutes away, they had almost made it. “Maiae!” someone suddenly yelled. Looking to their right, they saw Laeanne run towards them. She looked at Maiae and then at the blanket covered face next to her. “He survived?! What are you doing? Are you crazy?! You cannot bring him here!” she whispered and shouted at her, trying not to draw attention to them. Yeosang merely looked confused at the other person, subconsciously tightening his grip on Maiae’s hand. The only question running through his mind was whether they were caught or not. “What was I supposed to do? Leave him to die there?” she whispered back. She anxiously looked at her surroundings, hoping not to draw too much attention to the trio. “Well…” Laeanne obviously did not want to have someone’s death on her conscious, “I do not know, but not this!” she gestured at Yeosang, who was still confused about the conversation. “Simply stay out of it then. Just, please do not tell anyone. I beg of you…” she pleaded. She would have used her hands to emphasise it if it were not for Yeosang almost having a death grip on her hand by now. Laeanne sighed but nodded her head. “Do not get yourself killed because of this; his kind is not worth it.” Maiae nodded her head as a silent thank you and quickly continued her way. A few eyes had set on them by the time the conversation had ended, and it had made both of them nervous.
Luckily, the rest of the way went without a hitch and they soon arrived. Maiae’s house was a quaint little, one-story cottage. Several types of flowers adorned the little garden, big trees offering them some shade from the sometimes-harsh afternoon sun. She quickly opened the door and ushered Yeosang on and let go of his hand before giving the outside one quick glance and closing the door again. “Okay now.” She said with a smile. Yeosang slowly took the blanket off, looking around the house. It was small but felt cosy, a smell that he would compare to vanilla filled the air. As Maiae snapped her fingers, lanterns and candles suddenly lit up the place, leaving Yeosang shocked at what he just saw her do. Little plants were placed throughout what appeared to be the living room. A large cabinet filled with books was the thing that piqued his interest the most. He wondered if some of them were in his language or if they were only in hers. 
Maiae snapped him out of his thoughts by grabbing his hand and slowly taking him to another room. “Sit please” she said and pointed at a chair by a dining table. Yeosang slowly sat down, his wound stinging lightly. They did not converse as the woman turned around and started to cook a meal for the two of them. Maiae merely hoped he liked the food of this realm; she knew that food in Ophyrion was different from what they ate in Aribyrne. Although Yeosang could not see what she was making, he thought it smelled delicious. It might be because he had not eaten a proper meal in a while or simply because of the events that had occurred in such a short amount of time. Once she placed the meal down in front of them a little while later, they both ate in silence. They knew they had a lot of questions for each other, but they were also very aware of the language barrier. Maiae decided that considering how weak Yeosang still is, it would also be wise to not overwhelm him for now. “Thank you, this is really good” he broke the silence as soon as his stomach was content. The woman sitting across from him smiled; “thank you”.
She put both of their dishes in a sink. Yeosang realised that maybe things here were not so different from his home realm. “Come”, Maiae spoke again. Yeosang followed her, slowly starting to trust her, but also not letting his guard down completely. Afterall, she had done nothing so far to make him think otherwise, yet she still was a creature of some of the many nightmares he had.
At the end of a short hallway, she opened the door to a room slightly smaller than the living room. A big bed in the middle of the room and once again plants everywhere. The deep red walls gave him a feeling of warmth, whereas the wooden floors would probably be cold to the touch. The fluffy carpet looking like the only source of warmth on the floor. On the right side, dark green curtains were drawn shut, as to not let anyone see inside. Maiae walked over to the dresser opposite of the window and took out nightwear typical for her people. “My… uhm… what is the word… brother’s clothes. You wear” she said and placed them on the bed. Yeosang carefully walked through the room, as if any touch were to break everything. Maiae smiled at his amazement and let out a small giggle, gaining his attention. “I fix, clean yours tomorrow.” She was about to leave the room before Yeosang stopped her by surprise. “Thank you for being so kind, goodnight”, he spoke in a soft, still slightly hoarse voice. “Good… night Yeo- Yeosang” she said and left the room, closing the door behind her. 
Yeosang quickly, yet carefully changed into the clothes she had left on the bed, so as to not irritate the healing wound. Before putting on the shirt, he carefully removed the gauze, and to his surprise the gash was almost completely healed, only leaving a faint scar in its place. He blew out the candles in the lanterns on the wall, until the only candle illuminating the room was the one on the bedside table. As he crawled into the bed, he was surprised at how soft that it was. It was probably the softest bed he had ever slept on. The only thing he could compare it to would be a cloud. The smell of vanilla very prominent in the bedsheets, but not in a bad way. As he blew out the last candle and pulled the sheets up to his chin, he was grateful that the stories were nothing more but stories so far. “Sweet dreams Maiae,” he whispered as exhaustion took over his mind and his eyes shut for the night.
Maiae had been tossing relentlessly, not being able to get any more sleep than she had gotten by now, which was no more than a measly five hours, compared to her usual nine hours. She felt tired, but sleep would simply not come to her. She decided to just get out of bed already, two hours before she usually would. She looked through her wardrobe for a comfortable outfit, before settling on a flowy, off-white, lace summer dress.
After making herself a simple breakfast, she walked into her crafts/study room. Picking up Yeosang’s ripped shirt that she had taken from him the night before, she sat down on the stool in front of her workbench. Maiae started to hum a song sung to her many times as she started to repair the piece of fabric. “Hear them, listen to them, Nahthys, Chaesis, Ijun and Ahdona, if they call you from beyond the fog”. She opened a drawer to find her needle and a thread fitting the colour of Yeosang’s shirt, putting the thread through the eye of the needle. “Fear cannot consume you; their message is of importance.” She slowly started sowing his shirt, careful not to prick the needle into her own finger. “Hear them, listen to them, the four of harmony have a message for you.” Slowly, but surely, the gash in the shirt started to disappear. “The one who shall bring peace is on their way, their knowledge shall enlighten all.”
Sewing was nothing new for Maiae luckily. She had always had a passion for creating things with which she could express herself. Yet it was a rare occasion that she received the opportunity to work with fabric from Ophyrion. “Do not be scared my child, the four will not let you stray from your path.” Taking a quick sip of tea to soothe her throat, she continued sowing. The fabric of Ophyrion felt soft, almost too precious to hold in her hands. Clothes from Ophyrion were rare in Aribyrne. Only the wealthiest of the wealthy could afford them. Hence Maiae felt almost honoured to work with it. “The road may seem dark and frightening, the four of harmony shall protect you.” Just as she finished singing, she finished fixing Yeosang’s shirt. “Protect you as you meet the one.”
A soft breeze made the curtains sway, letting sunlight enter the room. The soft glow is warming Yeosang’s face. The few specks of dust in the air made him scrunch up his nose as the velvety blanket was pulled up to his chin. His body and mind were exhausted and in desperate need of the rest he had during the night. Maiae stood in the doorframe, wondering if she should wake him up. She was still sleepy herself, the warm fragrant tea only doing so much to wake her up. The contemplation on whether to wake him up weighed heavy on her mind, as well as the question of what to do with him. Leaving him to fend for himself was out of the question, but he could not stay here like this.
In the end she opted to let him sleep some more, he did have a near-death experience after all. As she wandered into the living room, she looked at the books. Even all the knowledge on the shelves could not help her, Maiae doubted anyone had ever experienced something like this. She blankly stared at the wall in front of her as she held the cup of tea up to her lips without actually drinking. The thoughts running through her mind distracted her so much that she did not even notice Yeosang walking into the room. He silently walked over to her and knelt down in front of her, shoving his internal fear of her aside. He had no idea why, but he slowly covered her hands with his larger ones and brought her hands down, making sure the tea stayed steady in them. He did not want to scare her, but he also needed to talk to her. “Are you okay?” he asked. The sound of his voice made her snap out of the void that was filled with her thoughts. “What?” she looked around as she came back to the current reality. “Oh, I- I fine, you more important, you okay?” she answered looking into his eyes. It somehow brought her back to the moment he almost died, his eyes capturing hers, somehow giving her the confirmation that she needed to save him. Yeosang gazed back into her golden eyes. His warm hands still cupped hers as he was struggling to find the words. Neither of them made a move to remove their hands as Maiae was patiently waiting on Yeosang’s reply, both a little lost in translation. His subconscious was yelling at him. ‘Why was he holding the hands of a creature he is supposed to fear? Why are there no traces of malice in her eyes?’ He raked his mind for answers, yet he found none.
After five more seconds of silence the man finally snapped out of it. “Uhm, yeah I’m fine.” He answered. Maiae smiled in reply, making Yeosang smile as well. The peaceful moment was interrupted by the man’s stomach making a loud rumbling noise. The woman giggled before gently removing her hands from his. “I make you morning food.” She said, not knowing the word for breakfast, and got up, walking towards the kitchen. Yeosang meanwhile released a breath he did not know he was holding. He fell forward on his knees, his forehead hitting the spot on the soft brown couch where she just sat. Confusion took over his mind, why was he like this to her? Was her kind secretly some sort of siren as well; luring sailors in by winning their trust and then offering them to their gods. A bunch of conflicting thoughts and feelings started to rage within him. Would he ever see his crewmates again? Go back to the seas he loves so much? Somehow his feelings became too much to bear in this moment and he started to softly cry, falling to his knees. Tears stained the couch in front of him, darkening the fabric as he desperately wiped the tears off his cheeks, trying to not draw Maiae’s attention to him.
Meanwhile Maiae took a break from preparing breakfast and poured Yeosang a cup of tea, thinking by now he would have taken a seat somewhere. As she walked back into the living room, she was surprised to see him furiously trying to wipe the tears from his cheeks. “Oh my…” She put the cup down on the table next to them and crouched down beside him. “You not okay.” Maiae said as she gently pulled him up and sat him down on the couch before sitting next to him. As soon as he sat down, he pulled his arm from her grip. “Please stop.” Yeosang said as he was getting rid of the last few tears on his face. Despite her urge to comfort him, Maiae took a step back and gave him his space. Soon his sniffles were the only noise in the room. Yeosang sighed and leaned back against the soft comfort of the couch. “Drink,” Maiae whispered as she pointed to the cup on the table, “I finish food for you.” She stood up and left the room, leaving the quartermaster alone with his thoughts again. He sighed, looking at the drink that was left for him at the table, his eyes red from the salty tears. He never thought he would yearn this much for his home, but he also never expected to end up in Aribyrne. He took the cup in his hands and brought it up to his face, the mild smell of fresh herbs somehow calming him down. Taking in a deep breath, he took a sip of the hot drink. The taste was odd, it was like nothing they had in Ophyrion. He was not the biggest fan of it, but he also did not despise it.
Yeosang decided that now might be a good time to have a good look around the living room. The walls, or whatever was visible of them, were a cream colour. Most of them, however, were hidden by many bookshelves. For some reason, he only focused on one of the many cabinets the previous night. Once again, he wondered if they were all in her language or if he could read some of them. Would they use the same script as him, or would it be something completely unreadable to him? The floors were made of dark wood, only one white carpet adorning it. Yeosang wondered if this was the place where she would sit and read, maybe learn more of his language. His thoughts ran wild as he took another sip of the tea. He had so many questions, yet he did not know if he would ever get some of them answered.
After a few minutes of Yeosang mindlessly sipping his tea, simply staring ahead to the many books adorning the wall, Maiae walked in and placed a plate of warm food in front of him. She tried to give him a comforting smile, but he could see the worry in her eyes. “Please eat,” she quietly said. Yeosang opened his mouth to reply, but before he could get a sound out, a knock was heard from the door. “Maiae, open the door please,” Maiae heard her best friend’s voice through the door. Yeosang, however, did not recognise the voice and looked at her with an alarmed expression. She walked over to the door as Yeosang jumped over the back of the couch and grabbed her arm. “Please, do not open the door.” He begged her with a panicked voice. She looked at his hand wrapped around her arm and carefully placed her hand on his. “Is okay, she is friend.” Maiae said as she slowly unwrapped his fingers from her arm. Yeosang let her remove his hand, but as it fell to his side, he carefully took a few steps back. He wanted to be ready to run if they were to come after him. Although his mind reasoned with him, that running outside, where more of the creatures like her are, might not be the smartest idea.
Despite knowing it was her friend at the door, Maiae opened the door only slightly, in case she brought someone with her. Peeking through the gap, she was relieved to see it was Laeanne and nobody else. “Come in quickly.” She opened the door far enough so her friend could enter. Yeosang stood in a defensive stance. Laeanne stood in the living room as her friend closed the door behind her. “Yeosang, go eat, please.” Maiae asked once more. “Laeanne, we should talk in the kitchen.” Yeosang took a step to the side when the two women walked by him, carefully eyeing Laeanne up and down. He did not even trust Maiae fully, so why should he trust her?
The brightness of the kitchen was a stark contrast to the tension in the air. The dark cherry wooden cabinets offered a certain warmth in contrast to the ivory walls. The granite countertops were cold to the touch, sending shivers down Maiae’s spine as she put her left hand down for stability as she reached up to grab a cup out of the recently opened cabinet. Laeanne sat down on a chair next to the kitchen island, being careful to not hit her head on the overhanging pots, pans, and utensils. “Why are you here?” she asked while pouring a cup of the still warm tea. “You know why I’m here. What are you going to do about him?” she questioned as she took the tea out of her friend’s outreached hand. Maiae sighed in defeat as she sat down across from her friend. “I do not know. I have been thinking about it all night, but I have no idea. Do you recall this ever having happened before?” Laeanne looked towards the living room where Yeosang had sat himself down on the couch, just staring at the food in front of him. “Sadly enough I do not.”
The two sat in silence for a moment, contemplating the very few options they had. “You know who might know something…” Laeanne suddenly said. Maiae looked at her in disbelief. “No, we are not bringing Yeosang to him.” She furiously shook her head as she disagreed with her friend. “It is too dangerous. You know he has a dislike for both me and items from Ophyrion, let alone a living being from there!”
Having heard his name, Yeosang’s interest peaked. He obviously knew they were talking about him, but having this confirmation changed something within him. He slowly walked towards the kitchen, his food on the table still forgotten. He silently walked over to the doorway and his right around the corner, careful to not make a sound to alert them. His thoughts were running wild; maybe they had heard him already, maybe they were finally going to sacrifice him. “It might be our only chance to figure out how to solve this. We both know he cannot stay here; this is not where he belongs. Besides, he has a dislike for the obsession others have about items from Ophyrion, nothing has ever been said about a living being. It has probably never happened before.” Yeosang wished he could understand what they were saying, he simply wanted to know about his fate. Maiae sighed. She knew Laeanne was right, but going to him, that was something Maiae would prefer to avoid at all cost. He did not like her, yet he was the only one who showed something besides pure contempt towards her. “I realise that you are not overly fond of him, nor he of you. However, the Elder might be the only one with an answer to this whole ordeal.” Maiae looked at her hands, contemplating Laeanne’s words. Deep within her, she knew her friend was right. It was the only option they had.
For some odd reason, Yeosang felt the urge to speak up, to make his presence known. “Who is the Elder?” he asked as he walked into the kitchen. Laeanne looked to her friend in both surprise and horror. “You taught him words from our language?!” Maiae was just as surprised as her friend was. “I- no I did not! How did he?!” They looked at him wide eyed. “How does you know the Elder?” Laeanne asked him. “Why you understand, speak our language?” she continued to question him as she walked towards him, making him walk back until he hit a wall. “I- I do not know what you are talking about!” he stuttered. “Laeanne, do not threaten him like this.” Maiae placed a hand on her friend’s shoulder, slightly pulling her back, before redirecting her attention to Yeosang and speaking in a kind and tender voice; “You said the Elder, how?” The man in front of her dropped to the floor. “I do not know, please do not hurt me.” He begged and placed his hands over his head. “We not hurt you,” Maiae spoke before gently putting her hand on his shoulder. She guided him into a standing position before she turned to her friend and sighed. “Now we definitely have to take him to the Elder.” She turned back to look at Yeosang with pity in her eyes, making the pit in his stomach grow. This issue only seemed to grow and the seemingly only way to resolve it would be to go to the Elder of Maelynne.
Laeanne, Maiae and Yeosang stood in silence. The only sounds coming from the wind softly blowing through the trees outside as the birds happily chirped along. Laeanne sighed, deep down she did not want to help her friend with an issue this big, but she also could not leave her to fend for herself. “I will be back in an hour, be ready by then.” She said walking towards the front door. She gave Yeosang one last glance and walked out, closing the door behind her.
Maiae looked at Yeosang for a second and let out a breath she did not know she was holding.  Realising he was still wearing her brother’s clothes; she wordlessly left the room to retrieve his shirt. A look of worry spread across Yeosang’s face. He still did not know who the Elder was and looking at the reactions the two women gave him, he knew he did not want to meet this person. His feet felt heavy as he moved to sit down on the couch again. Clueless and fear were the two most prominent emotions cursing through his veins right now. He put his head in his hands as he tried to calm himself down. He could sense Maiae walking back into the room. “Maiae, am I going to be okay?” She could hear the tremble in his voice. She put his folded shirt on the table and sat down next to him. “Yeosang,” she started, “You be okay, I make sure.” Her hands started rubbing his back in a comforting way, making him look up to her slightly smiling face. 
Gathering whatever bit of confidence and courage he had left in him; he wrapped his arms around her shoulders and pulled her towards him into a hug. 
Maiae was shocked to say the least, however, after a few seconds she wrapped her arms around him as well. “Is okay Yeosang”. He felt guilty for not trusting her; she had saved his life, took him in and everything. Despite only a short period of time having passed, he felt that he could trust her. They stayed seated on the couch, wrapped up in each other’s arms for what felt like forever. “Thank you, for everything.” Yeosang broke the silence, making Maiae pull back instantly. “Thank you? You know more of my language, how?” He wished he could answer her question, but he had no idea himself. “I- I do not know, is this normal?” He returned the question, as Yeosang was just as confused as she was. “I not know as well, why we need to go see the Elder.” She answered him. Maiae reached over to the table and gave the man in front of her his now fixed shirt. “You get ready.” She said with a smile which was supposed to be reassuring, before getting up and walking to her bedroom to get ready herself.
Yeosang gazed at the floor for a minute before getting up to get dressed to meet the Elder. He stood up with the shirt in his hand and walked towards ‘his’ room. As he entered the room, he felt something he did not feel last night, possibly due to his exhaustion. He felt as if he was breaking someone’s privacy. Maiae did mention that the shirt he was wearing was her brother’s, making him assume that this was his room. He did not linger too long on the feeling and took his shirt off, wanting to properly examine the gash he had gotten yesterday. Yeosang expected to see a light scar, considering how quickly Maiae’s medicine had already healed him in such a short amount of time. Instead, he was surprised by intricate swirls similar to Maiae’s and Laeanne’s covering his torso, making him gasp in surprise. “What?” he breathlessly said to no one in particular. He simply sat on the bed; his mind unable to process what was happening to him. First, he suddenly understood and spoke a bit of the strange language and now he was taking on characteristics of them as well. Was he getting possessed by some weird demon from this realm? Did this happen to everyone who somehow ended up here? His mind went into overdrive from all the questions bouncing through his mind. Maybe he would be able to fit in eventually? If he somehow managed to go back to Ophyrion, would they judge him; put him up for display in a museum? Would he go back to normal if he ever ended up back home?
A knock on the door snapped him out of it. “Yeosang? You okay?” he heard Maiae’s soft voice through the door. He quickly put on his previously ripped shirt. Maiae had done an amazing job fixing it. Yeosang was glad that his flowy shirt had long sleeves, because if these swirls already appeared on his torso, who knows where they would appear next. “Uhm yeah, I will be out in a second.” He replied in a rushed voice. He heard her footsteps retreat to what he assumed would be the living room, presumably to wait for him to finish getting changed.
He quickly finished changing, before he would get lost in his thoughts again, and walked back into the living room to see Maiae sitting on the couch with another cup of tea in her hand. The plate of food she had set on the table for him was still present. She turned to him with a smile as he entered the room. “Please, you not eaten yet.” She said and pointed her hand to the plate. He looked at her for a second. She opted on wearing a white flowy dress, almost matching with his shirt, her arms and legs covered in the odd swirls he discovered on himself mere minutes earlier. He once again wondered if he would get them on his arms and legs as well. “Thank you.” He said once more, without shocking Maiae this time. He sat down next to her and grabbed the plate from the table, looking at the food. It looked good, he was not going to deny that, and last night’s meal was really good as well. He just did not know if he was hungry or not. However, the rumbling of his stomach quickly answered that question for him.
He opted to at least take a few bites to soothe his stomach. “Maiae,” Yeosang started and turned to face her, “who is the Elder?” Maiae finished her sip of tea before she sighed, bringing the cup of tea down to lean on her knees. “He is person I not like, he not like me either. You could say he the boss here.” She nervously bounced her knee, having a guy feeling of the question Yeosang was about to ask next. “Why does he not like you?” The question she had been dreading since answering his last one made the room feel heavy. The feeling not escaping Yeosang either, making him quickly add a “you do not have to answer if you do not want”. She contemplated it for a second, wanting to keep it to herself, yet also realising that when she and the Elder will meet again today. The thoughts running through her mind now wondered how she could best convey this to him. “He-, I-, we… Well, I do many good things, but that means I break rules. Like when I save you. In Aribyrne, we not supposed to break rules.” Yeosang nodded along, slowly getting a vision of why Maiae did not like the Elder. His eyes went wide in shock, however, when she said she technically was not allowed to save him. If she had followed the rules, he would have drowned that day. “Anyway, you eat some more.” She said and pointed at his food. “I would love to, it is great, but I am too nervous to eat.” Maiae merely hummed in understanding.
A knock on the door broke the silence. They both knew it was Laeanne and that it was time for them to go see the Elder. Maiae got up from the couch and opened the door for her friend. “Are you ready?” Laeanne asked. “As ready as I'll ever be. Let me grab a cloak for him so he will not get noticed as easily as without.” Maiae walked to the little cabinet to the left side of the room, opening it and grabbing a cloak for Yeosang. He and Laeanne just looked at each other in awkward silence, waiting for their mutual friend to come back. “Here, wear this.” Maiae said and handed the man a cloak so he could hide himself among the locals of this realm. Laeanne simply looked at him with doubt in her eyes. She obviously wanted Maiae to be safe and happy, which meant she also had to keep Yeosang safe. However, that also meant she would have to break some of Aribyrne’s rules, which made her feel highly uncomfortable. “Ready?” she asked both Yeosang and Maiae as the man finished putting the cloak on, with some help from her friend. Yeosang merely sighed and nodded, as did Maiae. The movements of the two are almost identical.
It would be a ten-minute walk to the Elder, a walk all of them dreaded making during the day. The two inhabitants of Aribyrne were hopeful that the Elder would not be too busy to see them today. Even though Maiae and Yeosang would both love to postpone it, they also knew it was inevitable and it would be better to get it over withs sooner than later. Laeanne opened the door and walked out, Yeosang following behind him, followed by Maiae, who closed the door behind her. After walking out of her little front yard, Maiae and Laeanne locked Yeosang in the middle of them, to make sure nobody would be able to grab him. Yeosang finally got a good look of the village, which was hard when Maiae smuggled him in the day before, considering it was night. There were so many more trees, shrubs, and flowers than he could have ever imagined. It seems that he arrived in Spring, most of the trees are green, some even yellow and pink with all the flowers growing on them. They were a stark contrast to the purple sky. This realm had even more differences compared to Ophyrion than Yeosang ever could have imagined. “Tell him to keep his head down.” Laeanne told Maiae. “We do not need to get caught because he is not used to being here.” Yeosang somehow managed to understand a few more words, although he was less surprised by now. He was still looking around, the buildings around them giving him an ancient feeling, sort of like all the historic places he visited while traveling the seas in Ophyrion. “Please, head down.” Maiae whispered to him. Yeosang wanted to protest, but he knew she had the best intentions possible for him, thus he complied. Maiae desperately wanted to talk to him to comfort him, but if she did, they would hear Yeosang was not from their realm. She simply continued to look around nervously. “Since when does it feel as if he lives so much further away?” Maiae asked Laeanne. “Because usually it is just you, you usually are not trying to smuggle someone from another realm to him.” Her friend whispered back with a hint of passive aggression.
After a few more minutes of silence, his curiosity got the best of him and he gazed around again. Not a minute later the three of them heard a gasp coming from a man near them. “Yeosang!” Maiae and Laeanne both whisper yelled. “Is that…?” the man said. “It is nothing, you did not see anything.” Maiae quickly said. “Maiae…” the man said. “Why does everyone in this village know me? Can I not just live my life in peace?” She said with a bit of an attitude, making the man roll his eyes. “You know what, I am not even going to bother. We will probably hear it from the Elder soon.” The man countered and continued on with his day. “Guess I am not the only one who is done with your stunts. You really are outdoing your reputation in Maelynne, huh?” Laeanne jokes, making her friend scoff. “He is probably going to tell it to people around town and soon another crowd will have gathered either with the Elder or at your house, possibly both.” Maiae sighed. Yeosang turned to her, feeling some sort of shame or sadness radiating off of her. “Are you okay?” the quartermaster asked as he grabbed her hand and gave a quick squeeze to comfort her. She replied with an uneasy “yes” before falling silent again. It felt odd to him, she usually tried to speak more with him than just a single word. He rubbed his thumb over the back of her hand before letting it go again, hoping to have given her some form of comfort. He felt as if that were the least he could do for all the things she had done for him so far.
As the three continued their path, Yeosang tried to analyse what he understood of the conversation Maiae and Laeanne had with the random man. He could grasp the understanding of three to four words, excluding the Elder, despite this it did not make much more sense to him. Ever since the man talked to them, he has not dared to look up again in case of getting caught. He obviously felt lucky that the man did not cause a scene, but he did not want to risk it with any other person. He could still hear some whispers left and right. “What is Maiae doing this time?” “Has she summoned a monster?” “Why is Laeanne helping her?” However, he did not understand all of it, but it was enough to make him realise Laeanne had a pretty good reputation around the village, whereas Maiae did not. He felt bad for her, even though he had not known him for a long time, she had nothing but good intentions. It was hard to believe that she would get judged for that, the words must have a bigger effect on her than she is showing.
Maiae and Laeanne suddenly stopped, making Yeosang bump into one of their shoulders as he was walking one step behind them for a while now. “We are here.” Laeanne said. “This it.” Maiae said so Yeosang surely understood. The building itself did not look very different from the other houses he saw along the road; the entrance might have been slightly higher, but not more than a meter. The bricks somehow gave off a beige-reddish glow, or so it appeared. The intricate blue and green swirls on the beams supporting the roof remind him of the swirls on the bodies of the inhabitants of Aribyrne. The brown, wooden doors seemed to be extremely heavy to open, you would probably need two or three strong people in Ophyrion to open them. Yeosang felt nervous, as if he could throw up any moment now. Laeanne and Maiae started to walk up the stairs to the doors, both having a hand on each of Yeosang’s shoulders to guide him with them. 
He heard Maiae sigh again before knocking on the door, making both Yeosang and Laeanne tense up. It would be the first time meeting the Elder for the both of them. “Come in…” A voice, not as deep as Yeosang expected, could be heard from behind the door. He was expecting an almost demonic voice, considering this person was to uphold the rules of the village, if not the realm. The power this person held would be enormous, Yeosang’s mind slowly going back to the way it was before he ended up in Aribyrne. Fearing that this person would end him, he considered running off, even though he would not know where to go. As Maiae and Laeanne guided him further inside, he gave one last glance to the outside as the doors were closing. If he were to run, this would be his chance. When he looked behind him, he saw his chances were gone regardless, as a small group of people had gathered, mumbling to themselves about what was going on at the residence of the Elder. He saw his last chance of escaping diminish as the doors closed, he now had to face; the Elder.
The hallway seemed never ending, the only thing visible in the distance was the darkness; a few chandeliers lighting up the hallway once in a while. The deep green carpet is almost the opposite of the spring green leaves on the trees outside. White pillars on each side give the building an almost ancient feeling to Yeosang. The building seemed much smaller on the outside compared to how long they have been walking through the hallway. Laeanne and Yeosang simply followed Maiae, who knew the way to the Elder all too well. “You know, we can still opt out of this…” Maiae broke the silence. Laeanne looked at her with an unimpressed gaze, “no, we are going. You know this is best for everyone involved.” Maiae sighed. Yeosang looked between the two, still only understanding bits and pieces. “Maiae,” the quartermaster said, “why do you not like the Elder?” he asked once more, remembering the slightly vague answer she gave him last time. “It has lot of reasons.” She answered as vaguely as the first time.
After what felt like forever, a massive door, made of what appeared to be solid wood, finally came into sight. Once again, the intricate swirls caught Yeosang’s eye, and he wondered if more of his body would be covered in them by now. For some strange reason he only now noticed the two guards standing on each side of the door. ‘Whoever this Elder is, he must be very important,’ Yeosang thought. The two guards appeared to be taller and broader than the inhabitants of Aribyrne that he had seen so far, maybe they were from a different realm as well. The man now considered himself slightly dumb for thinking that Ophyrion was the only realm in existence, so who knew how many other realms there could be. Were they all in contact with each other? Was Ophyrion the only odd one out? He once more wondered if he would ever be able to go home again, but he also wondered if he could even go home considering the changes in his appearances. Would his crewmates-, no they most likely all died the night he ended up in Maelynne. What about his other friends though; would they accept him?
Laeanne slightly nudged Yeosang, breaking him out of his trance. “We are here.” Maiae said, her back still facing the other two. “Branimyr, Manauia,” Maiae said to the two guards, nodding in their respective direction as she said their names. “Maiae, long time no see.” the one named Manauia said, his long brown hair not covered by any sort of protection. This struck Yeosang as odd, considering that all the guards back in Ophyrion were heavily armed, however here they seemed to be standing there for show more than anything else. Despite them not being heavily armed, Yeosang still would not dare to attack them in any sort of way, the swirls on their arms only seemed to accentuate their muscles. “It is odd to see you here on your own accord, usually you are dragged in.” Branimyr said, his hair up in a bun, showing off the detailed swirls on his neck. Maiae scoffed, “Say what you want, I might be dragged in, yet I never struggle against their hold, I simply refuse to cooperate.” The two guards laughed at her, all too familiar with her past antics. “I see you brought friends with you this time, that is a new sight.” Yeosang once again peeked at them from under his cloak. “Trust me, if it were up to me, we would not have been here right now.” Laeanne answered with a roll of her eyes. “You wanted to let him die!” Maiae said in anger. “What?!” Yeosang whipped his head around and looked at Laeanne with wide eyes, stepping away from her. “You wanted to let me die?!” He shook his head in distress. The realisation that there was a big chance of him actually dying like the rest of his crewmates was a massive blow to him. He started breathing faster and heavier. “Look what you have done, Laeanne! Gosh…” Maiae walked over to Yeosang to calm him down, wrapping her arm around his shoulder and pulling him into her side. “Is okay Yeosang, you safe now.”
The two guards looked at the spiel in front of them in amazement. “Are they speaking-“ Branimyr started. “I think so. He probably is from Ophyrion, how odd.” Manauia answered to his friend and fellow guard. “Sometimes I wonder why you are like this Maiae, your mother is Anhaern, the Elder of Lislea, and look how you turned out. You are pretty much a regular to the Elder of Maelynne for not following the rules.” Laeanne said, in a loud, almost accusatory tone. Maiae let go of Yeosang and took a step closer to her friend. “At least I do not blindly follow the rules and do what is right, even if that means I have to break the rules!” Maiae defended herself. Branimyr stepped forward and put an arm in front of the angry woman. “Calm down, Maiae. You know it is not okay for you to get into an argument with her. That is not how we handle disagreements here.” The loud creaking of the wooden doors snapped everyone out of the little argument bubble they had created and made them turn their heads towards the doors. “What is going on with all the shouting here?” the Elder looked at all the faces that were turned to him. The air in the room suddenly felt heavy. His black hair covered his forehead, which in turn was covered by the hood of his emerald-coloured robe. Golden details decorated the endings of the fabric, intricate patterns similar to those on the skins of everyone in Aribyrne making the robe look even more breath-taking. The train of the robe making him almost appear as a royalty. The Elder sighed as he saw Maiae. “Of course, it is you again, I should have known.” Maiae fully turned to him with a smug smile; “missed me that much?” The Elder rubbed his temples. “Come on in, the sooner we wrap this up, the better.” He said, not in the mood to deal with Maiae once more and turned around to walk back into the room he just came from. It was expected of the others, except for the two guards, to follow him.
The three of them wordlessly followed him into the next room. The dark green carpet continued into the circular room, circling around the fountain in the middle of the room. Yeosang questioned why they needed a fountain in this room, but it probably had a good reason. The detail on it was immaculate. It had three tiers, each slightly smaller as they went up. The top was decorated with what appeared to be some sort of flower Yeosang recognised from when he washed up on the beach. Water flowed down, making it the only sound in the room. Even more pillars were placed along the massive floor-to-ceiling windows. The curtains are a deep blue with what appeared to be stars and constellations on them. The doors once again closed behind them as the guards went back to their post. The Elder sat down on his seat, which Yeosang could only compare to a throne fit for royalty, and folded his hands together in front of him, contemplating on what to do next. Laeanne still held her distance from Maiae, Yeosang standing slightly closer to Laeanne than he would like considering her recent confession. The others simply stared at the Elder as he got up again and started to pace back and forth. “Why is it always you Maiae?” he mumbled, walking off to the side for a minute. He knew he had to ask for the reason for their visit, but he wanted one more moment of peace before he began the never-ending discussion with the all too familiar woman and her friends.
Meanwhile Yeosang walked closer to his saviour. “That is the Elder?” he asked. “He looks so young; I expected an old man to be quite frank.” Maiae turned her head to him and laughed. “He is young, but also very wise. That is why he the Elder.” She explained to him. “That why he think he also very amazing.” She made a gesture with her hands that made Yeosang laugh, something he did not recall doing ever since he arrived in Maelynne. The Elder stopped walking and spun around as he heard the two speak, his robe and the wide sleeves twirling along with his spin. “Why are you two speaking in one of the languages of Ophyrion?” he questioned them. He quickly marched over to them and grabbed Maiae’s arm, something he had never done before. Laeanne, Yeosang and Maiae froze in fear. He might have been angry at her often, but in his mind, if she really brought someone from Ophyrion here, she broke one of the most sacred rules. “Ow, you are hurting me Seonghwa.” She said and tried to get her arm out of his grip. “Do NOT call me that!” he boomed. “Tell me, why are you speaking that language?!” He looked down on her smaller frame, seeing the fear in her eyes. He had given her many preaches, but he had never turned physical, shocking Maiae. “Stop! You are hurting her!” Yeosang stepped forward to protect her, the way she had protected him. “I did not ask you anything.” Seonghwa said as he kept his gaze fixed on Maiae, but a magical force pushed Yeosang against the wall as the Elder swung his arm. Yeosang groaned as the force made him lose his breath, the cloak also falling off his head and shoulders. He was surprised the guards had not yet intervened considering the commotion in the room.
“Of all the things you have done Maiae, why did you do this? I cannot keep excusing you for everything you do!” Maiae looked down in shame. “Wait, you keep excusing her?” Laeanne asked. “You really thought she would still be here if me and her mother did not continuously save her? She would be long gone if it were up to anyone else.” Seonghwa said. Laeanne looked at her friend, who suddenly thought the carpet was the most interesting thing in the room, and then at Yeosang, who slowly got up again, afraid of what else the Elder was capable of. “Maiae, why are you so irresponsible?” Laeanne asked. “I just want to do what is right. You know I could not let him die!” Yeosang looked on from the side, unsure of what he should do. He wanted to help Maiae, but knew he was no match for the Elder. “Maiae, what is going on?” the Elder said, gripping her arm even tighter. “I will tell you, just please let my arm go.” She bargained with him. “Seonghwa, please.” Maiae pleaded again. Somehow Yeosang managed to find a burst of courage and walked up to the two, “Let her go!” he shouted as he gripped the Elder’s shoulder and spun him around, making him loosen his grip on Maiae’s arm enough for her to pull back. Laeanne, Maiae and the Elder looked at him in shock that he had dared to touch Seonghwa and spoke their language. The former two knew he could understand more and more of their language, but speaking a full sentence was new. Seonghwa looked at him in anger before turning back to Maiae. “You taught him our language?” he questioned. “No, I did not. Can we please just explain instead of you getting mad at me?” Maiae sighed and looked down again, the usual confidence she had in front of him slowly dripping away. Seonghwa turned around and walked back to his seat. “Go on, explain.” He spoke.
“Believe it or not, but it only started yesterday, when me and Laeanne were at the beach…” Maiae thought back to when she found Yeosang, how she saw his last breath leave his body, the fear she had when he did not immediately react to her attempt to bring him back. “The light was there, and you know how wanted items from Ophyrion are. So, I wanted to see if I could find any…” She started explaining. “Instead of items, I found him, Yeosang, in the water.” Laeanne looked at her friend, knowing she would have to step in eventually because Maiae was sure to leave out certain details. “I pulled him out of the water and brought him to land, I could not let him drown!” She argued, looking back at Seonghwa’s intense stare, which was giving Yeosang and Laeanne chills. “After that I took him to my house, and this morning, he suddenly knew some words in our language and thus we came here.” The quartermaster just nodded along to whatever his saviour said, still not understanding everything. “Is that what happened?” the Elder asked as he looked at Laeanne. She looked at her friend with pity, but she knew she could not keep the important details behind from someone of his stature. “Well, yeah, most of it. There is one key detail she missed though.” Maiae looked at her friend and shook her head, pleading with her not to tell him. “And what is that detail?” Seonghwa said as he leaned his elbow on his knee and leaned forward with interest. “She used the spell of Ysdohr.” Maiae quickly looked away. Seonghwa stood up, once again filled with anger. “You did what?!” he looked at the woman, who felt smaller than ever. “In the name of Nahthys, why did you do that?!” He shook his head, desperately trying to refrain himself from harming her. He is the Elder, he is supposed to be composed and wise, not let his emotions rule him. “Like I said, I could not let him die.” Seonghwa sighed, something he often did when Maiae was in his presence. He always felt as if he had aged at least ten years whenever she left the room.
Yeosang looked between the three before stepping forward; “I only understood parts of what was just discussed. However, I just wanted to say that Maiae saved my life, offered me shelter, she has been nothing but good to me.” He started. Maiae and Laeanne looked slightly confused, feeling the same way Yeosang felt whenever they spoke their language. Seonghwa, however, looked at the smaller man in front of him with interest, slightly squinting to examine everything he might need to know. “Where I am from, we hear nothing but terrifying stories about people from Aribyrne. Yet Maiae proved me the opposite. I do not know how everyone is, nevertheless, I trust her with my life.”
As Yeosang was speaking and gesturing, something caught the Elder’s eyes. Seonghwa stood up once again and walked towards Yeosang, making him back away a little. “Do not walk away.” The Elder said with an authoritative tone. The shorter man gulped as he halted his movements. Laeanne looked at them with a slight disinterest. Maiae, however, was on high alert to protect Yeosang if necessary. Seonghwa stopped in front of him and held his hand open for Yeosang. “Your arm, now.” Yeosang looked at Maiae, asking her what he should do with his eyes. Yet Maiae could do nothing but shrug and shake her head, as she had no idea what the Elder was doing. “Seonghwa, what are you doing?” Laeanne slapped her friend’s shoulder, “Stop addressing him informally, it is rude.” She sternly whispered. “I said, your arm.” He repeated himself, ignoring the other two. Slowly Yeosang placed his left arm in Seonghwa’s hand. The latter suddenly pushed up the sleeves of Yeosang’s shirt, revealing swirls and patterns similar to those of Maiae. The two women gasped as they saw his arm, shocked at his transformation, if they had to call it something.
The Elder turned the other man’s arm several ways, inspecting the patterns from multiple angles. “Since when do you have these?” he asked. Yeosang looked at him, not sure what to answer. In the end he simply opted to tell the truth. “I saw them on my chest this morning, the ones on my arm are new.” A silence fell among the group. “How do you speak my language so well?” Yeosang broke the silence. Even though Maiae and Laeanne spoke it a little, the man in front of him appeared to be as fluent as himself. “I studied it intensely.” He gave a short answer. “I did not know about this,” Maiae suddenly said, “why you not tell me?” she asked Yeosang. “I was scared. We were already going there, and I thought it might make it worse…” he drifted off. Maiae felt slightly betrayed, she understood where he came from, but she had done nothing to make him question her. She sighed. Seonghwa let go of the other man’s arm and walked back to face all three of them. “I have never seen anything like this, people from Ophyrion are not supposed to survive the crossing, nor are they supposed to partially understand our language or start to look like us.” He rubbed his temples, contemplating what the best course of action is. “I am sorry, Maiae, but I have no choice.” He said with sympathy in his eyes. “Please do not, you know what she said last time…” She argued. “I am going to have to bring the Elder of Lislea into this.” Yeosang questioningly looked at the shocked face of Laeanne, while Seonghwa looked disappointed and Maiae looked… afraid?
“Who is the Elder of Lislea?” Yeosang asked. The Elder of Maelynne looked at him and sighed. “The Elder of Lislea is someone who is above me, she has more authority than I do, as she keeps track of a larger area.” He started explaining. “Whereas I keep track of what is going on in Maelynne, she does it for the entire isle of Lislea.” At this moment, the quartermaster was glad that the man in front of him spoke his language fluently, as he had no idea how Maiae would have told him this, despite all her efforts. “She also is Maiae’s mother.” Seonghwa ended. “I will contact her today, leave and come back tomorrow so we can solve this.” He told the two friends and dismissed them with a short wave of his hand, the doors magically opening again. Laeanne, Maiae and Yeosang looked at each other in silence. “I said leave!” The Elder said as he felt a headache coming up. The quartermaster quickly ran to the side to pick up his cloak and regrouped with the other two. “Come on.” Maiae said in a defeated tone and grabbed his arm, Laeanne following them out, as the doors closed behind them once more.
Maiae, Yeosang and Laeanne stood in the hallway once more, leaving Seonghwa with his head full of thoughts. “That sounded like it went well.” Branimyr spoke. “Please do not mention it,” Laeanne said with a roll of her eyes and a sigh. Maiae looked at her arm with a sad and confused expression, Seonghwa’s grip had left a very visible mark. She was still confused that he could do something like that, he was supposed to always stay composed. And he always did whenever Maiae tried to get on his nerves, she finally found his breaking point apparently. Yeosang’s hand on her shoulder brought her back from her trance. “Are you okay?” He questioned her. “Yeah, fine.” She acknowledged his question but nothing more than that. “Let us go home.” She said to her companions and started walking away, not even waiting on their reply. 
“Come Yeosang,” Laeanne said to the man who appeared to be frozen in place. He looked down at the ground, feeling bad that he somehow managed to get into this mess and drag others with him. He wordlessly left the guards behind him as he followed the two women down the hallway they came in not even 15 minutes ago. He draped the cloak he was still carrying in his arms over his shoulders again, pulling the hood up to cover his face. Maiae glanced behind her to see that the other two were following. The atmosphere among them was tense, all of them afraid that one wrong word might set off a bomb between them. As they neared the entrance once more, Maiae stopped. “Laeanne, you go out alone. It is best that the others no longer see you with me. I do not want you to be any more involved in this than you already are.” Yeosang stopped a little further away from Maiae while Laeanne walked up next to her. “Are you sure of this? You know they will probably yell at you again.”
Laeanne recalled the last time she happened to walk by as Maiae exited the building in the middle of town. A small group of people had gathered outside and were chanting for Maiae to be evicted from the village as she brought nothing but trouble. Although she had never done anything truly bad, she did break the rules to do good and that somehow still bothered certain people. “I will handle it, do not worry. I will simply focus on protecting Yeosang.” The man looked at the two as he heard them mention his name. Laeanne sighed and rubbed Maiae’s back. She knew her friend was mad at her, but she would also never put her in harm’s way. “If that is what you think is best. I will be back tomorrow to go with you though.” She comforted Maiae. “No. This is between me and my mother, you should not get involved.” She said and took a step back, away from her friend. One step soon became multiple as she ended up next to Yeosang, waiting for her friend to exit without too much drama, which she did after one final sympathetic glance their way.  
Maiae sighed, her shoulders slouching as the final bits of adrenaline that were coursing through her veins slowly faded. The only thing she truly wanted to do was to make herself as small as possible and cry. Yet she knew she had to be strong for Yeosang at this moment, she did not know why but she merely had the feeling she needed to protect him. The man in question did not know what to do at this moment. Although he understood about a quarter of what was said this time, he stood around cluelessly. He wanted to comfort Maiae, but would she appreciate it? Maybe later would be better? “Come on. Stay close to me.” She said to him and wrapped her left arm around his right, slowly taking steps towards the door to avoid the inevitable for as long as possible.
“Maiae,” Yeosang did not move, making Maiae halt as well, tumbling a little as it was unexpected. “We will be alright, okay? Do not worry.” She looked up at the taller man and gave him a forced smile, nothing more, nothing less. “Come.” She said and started walking again, opening the door with her free hand, while Yeosang put his head down, ready to hide from the crowd outside. As the door opened and the two stepped outside, Maiae was glad to see only a small crowd of five people had gathered.
“When will you leave Maiae?” “You only bring trouble here!” “The only reason why you are still allowed to be here is because of your mother!” were just a few of the things the five villagers shouted at her. Maiae fastened her pace, dragging Yeosang with her. The small group followed them, but not at the same speed as them. It was clear they mostly wanted to scare her, leaving them behind would be easy. Yeosang, however, suddenly stopped and took a breath. It was clear he was about to say something to them. “Yeosang, no, come on!” Maiae whisper-yelled and tried to pull him along as the group slowly started to catch up to them again. “But Maiae,” he started. “No but just go! Not safe!” She gave a sudden tug on his arm, making him slightly lose balance and tumble towards her. He glanced at the group from under the hood of his cloak. How badly he wanted to tell them off, nonetheless, doing what Maiae said seemed to be the more rational option in his mind. Thus, they continued their walk to Maiae’s house. “Yeah, just run away. Run away from Maelynne!” they heard before the group appeared to give up.
The trees appeared to be less bright than they were on their way to the Elder. As if some sort of darkness had crept over Yeosang’s eyes or Maelynne as a whole. Maiae kept dragging the man with her, not giving him a chance to stop them again or even worse, go after the men. They reached her house far too quickly for his liking, he secretly wanted to explore more of Maelynne, and Aribyrne as a whole. As soon as Maiae closed the door behind them, he pulled down the hood of the cloak, before taking it off and draping it over the back of the couch he occupied in the morning. When he turned back around, ready to face the woman who had taken him in so kindly, she was nowhere to be seen, only the sound of her bedroom door slamming shut echoing through the small house.
Maiae quickly walked over to her bedroom window, closing the curtains, cloaking the room in darkness. The moment she closed the curtains she dropped to the floor, pulling her knees up to her chest, hiding her face on top of them. Soft sobs bounced off the walls, expelling the silence out of the room.
Yeosang slowly walked to her bedroom door, unsure of what to do. Should he comfort her? Give her some space? He sat down with his back against the door, throwing his head back without hurting himself too much. A sigh left his lips, his hands resting on his stretched-out legs. Maiae’s soft sobs reached his hearing, making his heart ache. He had this indescribable urge to protect her, making sure nothing would harm her. After listening to her cry for a few minutes he decided to get up and knock on the door. “Maiae,” he spoke, “is everything okay?” He knew she was not okay, but he had no idea how to start the conversation. Was it even normal for the people here to talk about their feelings and troubles? He heard a rustling sound coming from inside the room, thinking Maiae might open the door for him. Instead, she quickly wiped away her tears.  “Go away Yeosang, please.” She said through the closed door. “I am not leaving.” He surprised himself by speaking her language once more. “I’m coming in.” He waited half a minute before opening the door, his reasoning being to give her some time to get ready in case she was not decent.
Turning the knob, he entered her room. Yeosang’s eyes gazed across the room, looking for Maiae’s figure. The walls of the room were a similar shade of deep red as those in his room. However, the curtains were cream coloured, compared to the dark green ones in his room.
Yeosang quickly spotted her sitting below the closed curtains, some light still seeping into the room through the small gap between them. He walked over to her and sat down, taking Maiae into his arms before placing his head on top of hers. “It is okay, we will get through this.” He spoke. Maiae suddenly grasped the front of his shirt before softly crying again. He slowly rubbed up and down her arm in an attempt to comfort her even slightly. “I do not want to see her. She warned me, if she ever had to come to my rescue again, there would be major consequences.” Maiae hiccupped as Yeosang stayed silent. He understood most of what she said, but also wanted to give her the opportunity to add something else. “I am scared.” She whispered, Yeosang almost missing the words that left her mouth. Of course, he was scared as well, not having a clue who they were going to face tomorrow.
He just wrapped her tighter in his arms, hoping to offer her some more comfort and safety. “I am here for you.” He whispered. They both stayed silent and did not move. Yeosang did not want to push her into talking about what scares her so much about her mother.
Shortly after Maiae’s tears were reduced to mere sniffles. “Thank you.” She softly spoke. Maiae was glad he did not push her to talk, but just comforted her in silence. “You will be okay, do not worry.” He replied, softly running his hand over the top of her head before wiping away a few stray tears. She looked up at him, the whole thing reminding Yeosang of a few cliché romantic plays he had seen back in Ophyrion. At moments like this the actors would kiss, but he was being honest to himself and it simply felt wrong. He opted to give her a quick peck on her forehead. 
He slowly let go of her, making sure she no longer fully leaned on him. After standing up, he reached his hand out for her to grab, pulling her up as Maiae put her hand in his. “How is your arm? Does it still hurt?” Maiae looked at her arm and turned it a couple of times, inspecting the slightly bruised skin. “It is okay. I know Seonghwa did not intend to hurt me.” She tried to reply in his language as much as she could. “He made mistake.” Yeosang grabbed her arm and looked at the greenish skin himself. “It does not look like a mistake. He hurt you. I will protect you from him the same way you protect me.” The floor suddenly held a massive amount of interest to Maiae. “Really, it okay.” He sensed Maiae hiding something from him, yet he did not want to push her due to what happened earlier. “Maiae, you can tell me anything.” Yeosang gently said, making her look up at him. 
They stared into each others’ eyes for a few seconds before Yeosang broke the silence, knowing he was not going to get a reply from her. “Come, I will make you some food.” He walked out of her bedroom and into the kitchen, looking behind him once every couple of meters to make sure she was still following him. “What food you want to make?” Maiae asked as she sat down on one of the chairs by the dining table, still rubbing her eyes once in a while, giving them a red tint. Yeosang looked up from staring at the counter, the setting sun visible through the window. “Uhm, I- “, he fell silent, rubbing the back of his neck. He briefly forgot that he was not familiar with the food of this realm. Maiae sniffled and stood up, placing her hand on his shoulder. “Sit, I will make you food.”
She once again grabbed a bunch of produce extremely foreign to Yeosang. Some of them resemble food from Ophyrion, but in a different colour, whereas others were just completely different. However, just like the first night, it smelled amazing. Maiae was cutting stuff left and right, throwing some in a flat pan, while others went into what Yeosang assumed to be an oven. They mostly sat in silence, only the sounds of cooking present in the room. The quartermaster got up from the chair and walked over to see what was in the cabinets. Before he opened the first cabinet he stopped, turning to the woman cooking their meal. “Maiae, can I look around?” She briefly glanced at him, humming and nodding in agreement. She figured he must still be very curious, being in an unknown realm.
Most of the cabinets were filled with things such as plates, cups, and bowls; some with food and some with what appeared to be drinks. Nothing really spiked Yeosang’s interest until he reached a cabinet with what appeared to be spices and herbs. He took out a few, intrigued by their colours, smelling a few. Maiae quickly looked over her shoulder once every few minutes to see what the man was up to. She thought it was kind of endearing how everything was so new to him and how eager he was to explore.
A slight panic ran through her as she saw him reach for the paclogano. It was a semi-rare spice and Maiae loved cooking with it, however, she was also slightly allergic to it. It was a rare allergy; yet her mother had the same. “Careful!” she said as Yeosang opened the little pot to smell it. She did not mind this, but if some of it got near her, she would have a sneezing fit for at least five minutes. As the man smelled it, he also quickly pushed it away from him, making a weird face, before he started sneezing. “Oh no,” Maiae said before turning off the fire and walking over to him. She carefully closed the lid to make sure no more of the spice managed to escape into the air and make her a sneezing mess as well. She guided Yeosang back to the chair and sat him down. “I cannot believe you are allergic to paclogano as well.” She mumbled, quickly walking over to the living room.
Scanning the cabinet filled with books, she quickly found what she was looking for. Grabbing the little pot, she walked back to Yeosang who was still sneezing in the kitchen, putting the item in front of him. She turned around and grabbed a small spoon from one of the drawers under the counter. Maiae opened the pot and put some of the blue liquid in it on the spoon, before turning back to the man next to her. “Open mouth.” She said and brought the spoon closer to his mouth. One more sneeze escaped Yeosang before he could stop sneezing long enough for Maiae to put the spoon in his mouth.
Mere seconds later, the sneezing miraculously stopped. “What was that?” Yeosang asked, catching his breath from all the sneezing. “It is, uhm, allergy?” She looked at him with a tilted head. “Allergy?” he repeated to her. A few moments of deep thinking later the word finally came back to Maiae. “Allergy!” she exclaimed. “I have same.” She said with a smile. A look of realisation came over the man. He did not know he could also be allergic to things in another realm, although it made perfect sense. “Very tasty, but not very nice with allergy.” 
As Maiae went back to finishing their meal, his worries about the day that was to come only became greater. He was deeply lost in thought, so when Maiae put his food down in front of him, he got a slight scare. “You okay?” she asked worriedly. “Yes, I was lost in thought.”
They both ate in silence once again, both of them occupied with the events that were to come the next day. “Maiae, what is your mother like?” Yeosang broke the silence, slowly getting used to speaking more of the local language. “She is very strong and intimidating, but also very sweet. I, uhm, diss- disap-,” Maiae stuttered. “Disappointed.” The man sitting across from her helped her, giving her a smile. “Yes, I disappoint her many times.” She looked down at her plate, playing with what little food was left on it. “What about your mother?” Maiae returned the question. Yeosang put his head down to look at his empty place, a feeling of sadness suddenly filling the room. “I never knew her. My father told me she is very special. She is the reason why I have become a quartermaster. It was my goal to find her, but now I am here, in Aribyrne.”. Maiae looked at him with sympathy in her eyes. 
She was very familiar with growing up with only one parent. However, she could not imagine growing up without her mother, Anhaern has shaped Maiae to be the person she is today.
“Sorry.” She whispered before getting up and gathering the plates. A silence fell between the two again. As Maiae put the plates into the sink, a realisation dawned on her. She grabbed Yeosang’s arm, making him stand up before dragging him to the living room. “What are you-?” Maiae cut him off, “I have idea! Still early, so…” She pushed him down on the couch and turned around to face the wall covered in books, searching for seemingly one specific book. “I am going to teach you about Aribyrne!” Maiae grabbed the book she was looking for and sat down next to Yeosang, who was amazed by the different characters in the book. He had a feeling this would be a long night, yet as he was probably going to be stuck in this realm for a while, he might as well learn something about it.
The night passed by too quickly and before Yeosang knew it, he was standing in front of the two massive doors to the Elder’s room again. During the night he started showing even more changes; more swirls appeared on his neck and his ears grew slightly pointier. Maiae continuously looked at him with a mix of sympathy and fear. Looking to his right, Yeosang saw even more fear in her eyes than before. He was thankful that she had taught him more about Aribyrne and its laws. That way he felt as if he might have at least some knowledge of what was supposed to come. The quartermaster was very much intrigued by their writing system as well, and would love to learn more about it if time and Maiae’s mother allowed it. 
The heavy doors opened again, the two guards on the sides not the same as yesterday. “Are you ready?” Maiae asked the man standing next to her. “As ready as I will ever be” he replied. 
They walked into the room side by side, Maiae’s mother, Anhaern, sat on Seonghwa’s throne with him standing beside her. Her robe was even more intricate than Seonghwa’s, the bordeaux-red complimenting his emerald green one. The golden swirls and patterns went further up the sleeves and bottom of the robe, indicating her higher position in the hierarchy. Her auburn hair fell over her shoulders, hiding its actual length. 
Yeosang and Maiae’s footsteps were the only sound in the room until they came to a halt in front of them. Maiae knelt down for the two Elders, gesturing for Yeosang to do the same. As he bent down, he briefly made eye contact with the Elder of Lislea, who appeared to be surprised to see him, seemingly just as intrigued by the man’s birthmark as Maiae was when she first met him. “Mother, Seonghwa.” Maiae said as she looked up at the two Elders in front of her. Seonghwa gave her a stern look for addressing him informally in front of the Elder of Lislea, making her look down again. “You may rise.” Anhaern said, Yeosang and Maiae standing up again. “Seonghwa has informed me of what had happened, but I would still like to hear your sides.” Anhaern spoke. 
Yeosang decided he would simply let Maiae do most of the talking for it was her mother and he still didn’t master their language. She started recalling all of the events that had led up to this moment, not leaving any details out like she did the first time when speaking to just Seonghwa. “Did she leave anything out or is her story the same as yesterday?” Anhaern asked. “No, the exact same things were shared between us and Laeanne. However,” he answered, “he is displaying more traits of Aribyrne than he was yesterday. I would almost describe it as if he is evolving.”
Maiae could feel the nerves radiate from Yeosang. The Ophirian stories about Aribyrne were still present in the back of his mind, even though Maiae proved she would never harm him. Seonghwa, however, was the person he was wary of. He clearly displayed he was not above physical harm the other day, whether he meant it or not. Anhaern looked at the two people standing in front of her before sighing, making her daughter look down in shame. “Please, do not do anything to her.” Yeosang broke the silence. “She did nothing but help me. I know I might not be able to return home. So Maiae is teaching me about the way life is here”, he continued. “Even if I was to return home, I would have nobody to go home to. The crew I was a part of, my friends, family, they have all passed on. I do not know where my mother is and I promised my father I would find her and my sister, as it was his dying wish.” A few stray tears rolled down Yeosang’s cheeks. 
Maiae looked up at him and took his hand closest to her into both hands. “It is okay,” she started trying to comfort him, before looking off in the distance, seemingly focussing on one of the many pillars in the room. “Please do not punish her for any of this,” he ended his statement. Seonghwa gave the man a look of pity, knowing Maiae had broken one too many sacred rules this time. She could be forgiven for most of it, except for using the spell of Ysdohr. That type of spell was only allowed on people of their own realm; not Ophyrion or any other. 
The Elder of Lislae looked troubled; she wanted to scold Maiae, but knew that deep down she could not. There was more at play here than the other three in the room knew. “Seonghwa, would you mind leaving the room for a minute?” Anhaern asked. He looked at her in surprise, before nodding and leaving. 
Anhaern stood up, her red robe dragging across the green carpet, and walked towards the two youngsters in front of her. Yeosang was taller than her, not by a lot, but the difference still made her lift her head to look him in the eyes. “Yeosang,” she said, lifting her hands and putting them on his cheek, gently rubbing circles with her thumb. “I have missed you so much.” She exclaimed and wrapped her arms around him. The action made both the man and Maiae freeze. “Mother, what are you talking about?” Maiae asked in surprise. Anhaern let go of Yeosang and sighed. "Maiae, it is time that you learn the truth.” she gulped. Maiae had never seen her mother this nervous, even Yeosang could see that this woman who was radiating with confidence when they entered now looked small. “Yeosang is your brother, Maiae.” she quietly said. Maiae and Yeosang stood in shock, trying to process what they just heard. "Wha- How? Mother, we cannot-” Maiae started. "Let me explain it,” Anhaern started. She took a deep breath, the memories of the time she tried to put away deep in her mind finding their way out again.
It was a warm summer evening in Ophirion; a young Anhaern had just travelled from Aribyrne to this realm. She was not in Ophirion for her own enjoyment, but for study purposes; wanting to know more about several realms. She did not know that this knowledge would eventually result in her becoming the Elder of Maelynne and later even the Elder of Lislae; two things she could never have dreamed of becoming. She could also have never imagined meeting the love of her life in this realm.
Anhaern crossed the beach, enjoying the shade of several palm trees, currently researching the different types of shells washed up on the shore. As she looked up she saw a ship in the distance, not thinking too much of it, simply opting to make a mental note to stay clear of its crew. Before she knew it, she became too engrossed in her research; sitting down in the sand with a collection of shells in front of her. The roughness of the sand slightly digging into her legs as the soft breeze made her hair sway. 
In the distance a man saw a figure on the beach and as he neared, he saw the collection of shells in front of the woman. He picked up an oyster shell nearby and held it behind his back. Walking closer to her, the sand crunching under his shoes, she looked both beautiful and terrifying to him; the delicate swirls on her skin, her ears slightly pointy. His gasp startled her. “I- uhm, I found this shell and I thought you would like it.” he stumbled over his words, his mind filled with thoughts about where she could possibly come from. Bringing his hands forward, he showed her the oyster shell. "Thank you.” she softly spoke in his language, weary of his intentions. She carefully took the shell from his hands. He could not keep his eyes off of her sitting down next to her, he was intrigued by her. "My name is Cyran.” he introduced himself. “I am Anhaern.” she replied, the two of them getting lost in each other's eyes. 
The next memory that flashed through Anhaern's mind was of her standing in front of the then-Elder. “You cannot continue this relationship with him, Anhaern. You are from different worlds, it would never work.” the deep voice said. “It is not worth it to break the law for an Ophirian.” She looked down, both in embarrassment and in respect for her Elder. “But-” she started. "There is no worth in trying to start an argument.” he said and turned around before walking away from her. Anhaern felt lost; she knew she was with child, she knew she had broken one of the most sacred rules of Nahthys . She travelled back to Ophirion and told Cyran about the decisions that had been made. He was devastated, he wanted to be together with her; raise their child together. Yet he could not travel to Aribyrne, and even if he could, the Elders would never allow it. And she could not stay in Ophirion because of her duties back in Aribyrne. 
However, what neither of them expected was that she was going to give birth to twins, in Ophirion. Their eyes were filled with tears of joy, looking at their little bundles of joy. “I cannot believe it,” Anhaern spoke as she held the little girl. "Neither can I.” her beloved spoke as he held a little boy. "They are beautiful.” she whispered. “Our little Yeosang and Maiae...” Cyran whispered. The two sat together in silence, admiring their babies, knowing their peace will be broken soon. The small living quarters belonging to Cyran had never felt this warm, this full of love before. The barren room nothing compared to Anhaern's home, yet it was all she wanted in this moment. The soft crackling of the fireplace warming the cold, evening sea breeze. The old brown couch suddenly felt too small for the four of them. 
It only took the then-Elders an hour to find Anhaern in Ophirion. “Anhaern, you have to come back.” the then-Elder of Lislae said. “Please, just five more minutes.” she whispered back. Cyran had never heard her speak in her own language and wanted to ask her many questions, yet all he did was hold her and their children tighter as the then-Elders looked at them. “The one you are holding can come with us, the other one has to stay here. He is not Aribyrne worthy.” he said, referring to the boy's birthmark. The then-Elders gently grabbed her arms and lifted her up from her lover's embrace. "No, no, no.” she spoke, her voice gradually getting louder. Cyran tried to stop them, but his movements were limited with the little boy in his arms. Before he knew it, they had travelled back to their own realm, his only reminder of her being the baby boy. “I will tell you about them, little Yeosang, and one day, you will meet them,” he promised.
Anhaern was fiddling with the oyster shell on her necklace as she told her children about how she and their father had met. Maiae was shocked to hear she was half Ophirian, whereas Yeosang was shocked, but not fully surprised to hear he was half Aribyrnian. "So, the room at home, it was meant for him?” she looked up at her mother. "Yes, I had you prepare it in case he would somehow ever wander into this realm.” she explained. “I knew the odds were slim, especially because he is not fully Aribyrnian. You almost passed when I brought him to Aribyrne. I was so afraid to let you travel again, let alone bring him here without any practise of Aribyrnian powers. But Maiae, ever since I had first seen you travel between realms as a teen, I knew it was a possibility, albeit a minute one.” 
Maiae suddenly turned to Yeosang and engulfed him in a hug. “I cannot believe you are my lost brother. I thought I would never see him-” she paused, “see you again.” Yeosang slowly hugged her back, still processing everything. The circular room suddenly felt much bigger, the constellations on the curtains almost appear to be shining, yet at the same time it felt as if all the air had escaped from the room. He lost his father several years ago, he sailed the seas to find his mother and sister. Now he had finally found them, even though it was in a different realm. “But why did you return me to Ophirion after I was born?” he asked as he let go of Maiae, speaking with a hint of hurt in his voice. “To be frank with you, I never thought I would have you both. I did not even know I could be with child with an Opherian. But when I had you both, oh my Nahthys, you were the most beautiful babies I had ever seen. However, I did not actually bring you back to Ophirion, the Elders brought me and Maiae back to Aribyrne, deeming you to be imperfect. All because of your birthmark.” Anhaern said with disgust, looking down at her robe. “You two are a symbol of love between beings of two different realms. I could not leave him without a piece of me, the same way that you, Maiae, were a piece of him.” Maiae's thoughts were running through her mind at a speed even she thought to be impossible. "So,” she started, “were you this strict with me to redeem yourself? To show the Elders that you had mend your way, or was it to protect me because I am half Ophirian?” 
Maiae had always felt sheltered, raised by stricter standards than other children her age, this would finally explain it all. “It was a bit of both to be honest with you. I did not know how much of an effect the Ophirian half of you would have on everything. However, I am so proud of the woman you have become; so strong and independent, not afraid to stand up for your own beliefs and values.” Anhaern said as she walked to her daughter and grabbed her hands. "Your powers continue to grow each day, not many people can master the spell of Ysdohr.” Looking at Yeosang, she continued to speak: “I am so happy to see you together here.” she smiled with tears welling up in her eyes. 
A sudden knock on the door gained their attention. "Come in.” Anhaern spoke as she stepped back from her two reunited children, walking back towards Seonghwa's chair and sitting down. As the door opened, Seonghwa walked in. "My apologies for interrupting,” he started as he kneeled to Anhaern. "But I do have other matters to attend to today as well.” he said as he rose up again, walking towards the Elder of Lislae. She smiled at Seonghwa as a weight was lifted from her shoulders. "Why of course, Seonghwa. My apologies for taking this long.” He smiled back at her, “I do not mind, it was I who requested your visit after all. I wish I could give you all the time in the realm.” 
As he stood next to her, he looked at the two troublemakers in front of him. "May I ask what the conclusion is?” Maiae nervously rubbed her arm, nervous of what her mother was going to say. “Maiae shall not be punished and Yeosang is allowed to stay.” she said as she got up from the chair. The Elder of Maelynne looked at his Elder in surprise. “May I-” he started. “Maiae will most likely tell you everything during one of your 'secret’ rendezvous.” Anhaern walked towards the door, ready to go back to her own duties; Maiae and Seonghwa looking at her in shock. “Mother, how do you-” Maiae spoke before she was interrupted. “I know of everything that goes on within these walls, dear” she said to her gulping daughter. “Do not ever think of hurting her Seonghwa…” she threatened. Anhaern made a brief stop in front of Yeosang, grabbing his hands. “If you have any questions, you are free to contact me whenever you feel like. Maiae can tell you how to reach me." She spoke in his language so she was sure he understood. She let go of his hands and continued to leave the room.
Yeosang and Maiae looked at Seonghwa standing in front of them, waiting for him to dismiss them. Yeosang opened his mouth to start speaking, but the Elder beat him to it. “Maiae, you are to take him back to your home and teach him about this realm.” he said as he regained his posture. “And we will talk about this later.” he spoke in a softer voice gesturing between himself and Maiae. "Yes, Seonghwa.” Maiae replied. Yeosang took a step forward towards Seonghwa. "Thank you, for allowing me to stay here,” he started. “I know this is all very unconventional. I still do not even know how I am mastering your language, but I promise I will not do anything to disappoint you or the inhabitants of Aribyrne.” The Elder gave him a small smile and nod in approval. “Let us go home,” Maiae said and put her hand on Yeosang's shoulder. The two walked out of the heavy, wooden doors; a small smile graving Maiae's face, knowing things are going to be alright.
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justaaveragereader · 6 months
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Pairing: OT8 x Reader
Word Count: 3.0k
Warnings: MeanDom!Ateez, Sub!Reader, Name Calling, Gang Bang, Ass Fucking, Unprotected Sex (Please Dont😀), Spanking, Spit, Tit Smacking, Breast Play, Bukkake, Dacryphilia, Oral, Cum Eating, Rough Sex, Degradation, CNC, Choking, Marking, If I Missed Anything🫣👀Lemme Know..
A/N: I can’t believe I was able to get this done before 12am😵‍💫, I tried my best to get this done before midnight, bc I wanted to make sure I posted it on Halloween. I can’t believe it’s officially over now, thank you to everyone who supported me. Rather it was with a like, reblog, a comment, an ask, anything tbh. I received so much love this October and I’m grateful and appreciate to every single one of you😭💙. Also special thanks to @seonghwasbobaeyes for betaing the first half of this fic, you are muchly appreciated babes😚! This isn’t the end of the road for Slasher!Ateez👀, we will DEFINITELY be seeing them again! I’m already thinking about what I’m going to write for November tbh..😚. My asks will be opening due to October being over, so send in your requests!
Kinktober Masterlist
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Ever since your last visit with the two masked men, you had been itching, yearning for more. They left you with an undying last in your mouth. You craved them, how sinners crave sin. They were addicting, they were like a forbidden fruit.
You hadn’t heard a peep or even seen a peep of them in weeks. You had been on the lookout constantly, trying to find any trace of them. It's like your neighbors knew you were on the fence. Making sure to greet you everyday, going out of their way to make sure you were happy. They so easily picked up your emotions. It's like you bonded with every single one of them. Wanting to get into better spirits you decided to throw a small Halloween party inviting the guys from the neighborhood as a way to say thanks for all they do, and thanks for being there for you.
You were at home prepping the food when suddenly the lights went out in your home. Letting out an annoyed huff you make your way to your circuit breaker box. Walking past your bedroom you notice a figure in your room, hiding behind the wall, you try to steady your breath clearly worked up and scared by what you saw, you quietly try to creep down the hall when your lights cut back on. Wanting to see if it was your eyes playing tricks on you, or if there was someone actually in your home you slowly make your way to the bedroom. As soon as you cut the corner to your room you see one of the masked men in your bedroom, sitting on your bed, man spreading widely. Energy as heavy as stone, he sat like he owned not only your hole, he sat like he owned you, and every move you made. Getting up slowly, he walks towards you, slow long strides.
Putting his hands up on the frame of the door. His muscular body takes up the whole door frame.
“And where are you running off to, pretty girl?”
Your eyes grow big, backing away slowly, your back bumps into a hard frame behind you. Looking up you see Mingi towering over you, staring down at your helpless frame.
“Don’t you look cute in your pajamas.” Mingi says with a large smirk on his face, running his fingers over the lace trim on the bottom of your sleep shorts. Jongho walks over to you, peeling his body off of the door frame. His large frame crushes you between him and Mingi. You can barely see his eyes through the mask, yet you can feel the intensity radiating from the person beneath it.
“Wh-what’s going on…” you whisper out through a shaky breath. Gripping your hips Mingi pulls your ass against him, grinding his hard on, onto you. Jongho moves closer, his chest completely crushing you. Gripping the front of your pajama shorts he plays with the lace on them, letting his hand slowly fall to the front of them, gradually untying the ribbon that keeps them up. Loosening the shorts, they fall dangerously low on your hips.
“What do you think is going on darling?” Seonghwa says, smooth voice floating out beneath his mask, making his way into your bedroom room. He seats himself on the bed. Man spreading his legs wide open, your eyes drift over the female plastic mask he’s wearing, down to the bricked cock beneath his skin tight pants. When Jongho squishes your body even further in between him and Mingi.
“I-I don’t kn-.” Your sentence gets cut off when the other two masked men enter, the largest one of the group takes up the whole door frame, while the shorter broader one stands in front of him. With his head cocked to the side. A shiver runs up your spine. Your brain can barely process what’s going on in front of you. All you want to do is flee but it feels like your feet are cemented to the ground.
“Look at her.” Yunho says, stepping forward into the room, clearing his large stature out of the door frame. San lets out a loud chuckle, making his way towards you.
“She looks like a deer caught in headlights.” San says through a laugh, walking on the other side of you while Yunho goes on the opposite. Caging your body in by all four men, while Seonghwa sits on the small bed watching you.
“I know you guys aren’t starting the game without us.” Wooyoung whines out, walking into the room, face paint smeared across his face yet with the lack of the red lights you can see clear as day that it’s Wooyoung. Trying to strain your neck between the men who are caging you in.
“Wooyoung, what’s going on?” You whisper shout, as if the men couldn’t hear you in the same confined room. Letting out a loud laugh, he walked over, looking at your poor helpless frame. Your body does a noticeable shiver.
“Do you want me to save you?” He says through a fake coo. Yeosang stands in the doorway, leaning his muscular form against it. Looking at you behind his mask he makes his way slowly over. Pushing through the cage the boys have you in.
“No…I think she wants all of us to help her out.” He says while he runs his gloved hand up your body. Starting from your chest, running it between your breasts, settling his covered hand around your throat. It's like deja vu, you start getting various flashbacks of each time one of these men have rearranged your guts, and practically broke your spine.
“Do you need saving darling?” Seonghwa says, standing up off the bed, making his way towards you with long slow strides, the men who caged your body slowly back away, making room for Seonghwa. His tall frame easily towers over yours. Soaking you in from head to toe.
“Of course not Seonghwa she doesn’t need saving, she needs to be fucked like the slut she is.” Hongjoong says, gripping your throat pulling your body against his invisible one. Manhandling you with ease, you swear you can see every person in the room, eyes darken instantaneously.
“Is that what it is dear? You need us to bend you over and rearrange your guts?” Seonghwa says, gripping your chin lightly while Hongjoongs hand continues to hold you tightly. Letting out a small whimper your eyes dart around to every man surrounding you in this room. Your lower belly grows hot with need. Hot with want, hot with flashbacks of every orgasm you’ve had with the individuals in this room. You open your mouth, just to close it once more, not exactly sure what words you are trying to speak. But you can tell by the way they are crowding you, and the way you are drinking them all in. You want nothing more than for them to break you.
Wrapping your hand around Yeosangs cock, you continue to pump his dick up and down. Fist tight to make sure he gets as much pleasure as possible. Gripping your chin in his hand, San turns your face towards him, cock deep down your throat, with his other hand on the back of your head, you gag with every powerful thrust he delivers to your throat. Eyes watering with unshed tears. San lets out a loud laugh, gripping the back of your head even tighter. Slamming his hips into your mouth..
“Look at this slut crying. Go on baby, cry on my cock.” San grits out, the pleasure that your warm mouth is giving him is becoming too much. Hongjoong lines himself up with your entrance, not even giving you time to prep, he slams his cock deep into your cunt. Body driving forward your nose bumps against Sans pelvic area. Letting out a loud sadistic laugh, he starts out at a rough pace, jack hammering your body forward. Causing a quick rhythm between him and San. Your hand starts to fall slack around Yeosangs cock. Gripping your head, Yeosang turns your face towards him.
“Do it right slut.” He grits out, squeezing your cheeks so tightly that he can feel Sans cock slide in and out of your mouth.
“Stretch her out.” Seonghwa says, the heaviest presence in the room. He stands up, hard cock in his hand, he slides under you. Your breast jiggling in his face, gripping your left breast, he runs his long cool tongue over your nipple. You squeeze your eyes shut, too immersed in the pleasure.
Mingi makes his way behind Hongjoong who is hammering away at you, collecting the drool that is hitting the floor from the way San is making you choke and gag on his cock. He wets his fingers, sliding them down to your puckered hole, you let out a moan so loud that all the boys can hear you. Sliding one finger in, your eyes grow huge, tears starting to run down your face by all the pleasure you are feeling.
Gripping your face harshly San gathers all the spit in his mouth, letting it slowly drop down to his cock, hitting your lips, it aids in the drool on the floor. Your eyes roll into the back of your head at the taste of him. You can taste him in more ways than one, and it has your head clouded with nothing but hot lust.
“Such a whore who loves to be degraded.” San grits out, watching you suck him down your throat.
“Look at her crying again.” Yeosang says while your grip tightens and untightens on his cock. Mocking you through a fake coo. Letting his hand travel down, he grips the breast Seonghwa isn’t paying attention to, squeezing your nipple, just as he’s squeezing Mingi slips his second finger in your ass trying to stretch you out as much as possible. Tears are running down your face rapidly, your pussy clenches on Hongjoong, letting out a loud groan. He slams his hips up into you once more before pulling out, chest heaving up and down. Holding his orgasm back, wanting to save it to paint your body.
Wooyoung lets out a small laugh, clearly enjoying the view of you getting rag dolled all over the place, sliding into the place of Hongjoong, he taps his cock against your wet cunt, sliding his cock in between your wet pussy lips, making sure with every thrust up he nudges your clit. Pulling back San bites his lip, gripping your head even tighter trying to fight the urge to cum all over your face, he slides back letting Yunho in. Letting out a choked cough, you intake as much air as possible. Trying to catch your breath before Yunhos large frame towers over your small body.
“Look at this slut..” he says while hooking your bottom jaw with his thumb. Jongho stands behind Yunho, getting an eye full of you, tilting his head to the side almost like he’s studying you.
“Wanting to take us all..” Jongho says, continuing Yunhos sentence.
“She wants us in every way…” Mingi finishes after Jongho speaks.
Moving on the side of your body, Mingi pulls his fingers out, feeling like you’ve been stretched enough, he lets Seonghwa know that you are prepped and ready for whatever he is ready to give you. Sliding out from under you, Wooyoung and Seonghwa trade spots. With his wet fingers Mingi slowly strokes his cock while Seonghwa slides in between your wet cunt. Making sure that he soaks his cock with your juices that are practically pouring down, he lines himself up with your puckered hole. Sliding in slowly, inch my inch. Your eyes scrunch shut, the feeling of him sliding in your ass is unlike any other feeling you’ve ever felt. You grip Yunhos thighs for stability, just as you are about to let out the loudest moan, Yunho slides his cock into your mouth, instantly stuffing it. Wooyoung lines himself up with your sopping cunt that is dripping down onto his cock, your arousal just leaking all over him. Yeosang and Jongho stand on opposite sides of you, large bodies towering over your frame. Bunching your eyes shut, Wooyoung slides easily into your pussy. Shooting your eyes open you let out a loud, muffled moan. Placing your hands out, trying your best to find your balance while Seonghwa is fucking your ass, Wooyoung is deep in your cunt, while Yunhos large cock is deep down your throat.
Gripping Yeosangs and Jonghos cock in your hand, you slowly start to pump them, making sure to pay extra attention to the head of their cocks. With each stroke the members are giving you, you are seeing heaven behind your eyes, Seonghwa continuously slaps your ass cheeks while he strokes deep in your puckered hole, watching your ass cheek welt with each deep stroke he delivers to you. Wooyoungs balls are dripping with your arousal, inner thighs shining with your juices. While Yunho grips the sides of your face, making sure you take his cock as far as your small throat will let him.
San, Mingi, and Hongjoongs degradation fill your ears. Making you on the brink of the most powerful orgasm.
“Look at this hungry cock slut.” Hongjoong says, slowly stroking his cock, watching everyone have their turn with you.
“Look at her crying over how good all of our cocks are…” Mingi grits out, grabbing his balls while he beats his cock. Making sure to collect the drool that leaves your mouth on his hands so he can stroke himself with ease.
“Nothing but a cock sleeve for all of us.” San says with his head tilted back, stroking himself, matching the rhythm at which they all are fucking you.
Mingi makes his way over to Seonghwa, watching the way his cock slides in and out of your ass. Gripping one cheek so it’s easier for Seonghwa to get a feel of your warm wet hole. He gathers the spit in his mouth letting it drop onto your puckered hole. The cool sensation differs from the warmth of Seonghwas length sliding in and out of you. Hongjoong lets out a small chuckle at the way you whine every time someone spits on you, he makes his way towards Yunho, holding the sides of your throat, giving it a slight squeeze your breathing stutters, with his hands tightening around you throat he can feel Yunho slide in and out, the feeling is delicious, the lack of oxygen heats your body up.
Wooyoung reaches up, squeezing one of your tits in his hand while he strokes his cock in and out of your warm walls. Giving your nipple a pinch, you let out a muffled whine. Reeling his hand back he slaps your tit, the sudden feeling of the impact causes your jaw to drop, eyes fluttering in immense pleasure. He lets out a high pitched laugh, slapping your other tit, you feel the skin of your breast heat up with each heavy slap. The warmth that spreads through your body, has your toes clenching, you feel your orgasm charging its way through your body. Before you can get yours, Seonghwa is going to make sure all of them get theirs.
“You know what she’s only good for..” Seonghwa spits out through clenched teeth, pulling back swiftly, Wooyoung, and Yunho pull back as well. Urging you to sit on your knees with your mouth open. The members gather around you, stroking their cocks rapidly. With a loud groan, all of them cum almost in sync. Opening your mouth last minute you have drool running down your chest, with your tongue sticking out, trying to catch as much of their cum on your tongue as you can.
“This whore is only good for catching cum.” Seonghwa pants out. As they watch their cum drip down your body, it pools right between your legs, creating a small puddle. Letting out a low growl, Seonghwa moves forward first. Gripping the back of your throat he shoves you face down into the floor.
Running his hands down your back, he hikes your hips up into the air, your sticky chest comes in contact with the floor, creating a tacky feeling on your skin.
Cock already brick hard again, he taps it against your puckered hole, slipping in with ease once again. You let out a loud cry, throat sore from all the throat fucking you still let out loud moans with each buck of Seonghwas hips. Making his way over swiftly Mingi grabs your shoulders, lifting you up so your back is flush against Seonghwas chest, he lays down cock standing straight up, maneuvering you Mingi brings you down on his cock with the aid of Seonghwa. Letting out a loud cry once more your body falls forward, becoming chest to chest with Mingi. Gripping your neck Seonghwa pulls you back up, fingers tightly wrapping around your throat, destined to leave marks.
Wooyoung and Yeosang stand on opposite sides of your body, gripping your breast, before giving your chest a firm slap. Your body jolts forward, yet with Seonghwas tight grip on your throat you go nowhere. All the other members make their way towards you with their heavy, cum dripping cocks in their hands.
“You are going to be a good girl, and take all of our cum.” Seonghwa grunts into your ear before hiking his hips forward, biting your lip, you nod your head. Chest heaving with want. Mingi lets out a deep groan..
“Fuckkkkk…she’s dripping down my cock. Are you going to make a mess on our cocks, princess?” Adjusting his hips slightly, Mingi hikes his hips up into yours. Gripping your ass cheeks so you are spread even further for Seonghwa. The members step closer to you both.
“You are going to swallow all of their cum, then you are going to take our cum in this tight ass, and wet cunt of yours.” Seonghwa says knowingly, letting out a loud whimper by the authority in Seonghwas voice you nod as much as you can with his fingers still tightly wrapped around your throat.
Giving your ass a hard slap, Mingi jiggles the cheeks of your ass.
“Alright princess, who do you want to swallow first?”
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Taglist: @araknoid @atinytinaa @k-hotchoisan @darkdayelixer @abby-grace @aurorasjoongie @tunaasan @jkookiejiminlvr @luckyblue98 @notevenheretbh1 @moonlightsora @raindropsondragons @park-simphwa @ro-written @hwajoongsang @certifiedmoa @pearltinyy @minniebinnie @solarstoy @frobin4ever @gvnwks @ethelia @jin-neck-shaft @nitarolls @jenthehobbityelf @gg-trini @tearfulsparks78 @10nantscompanion @moonm1st @oreoqueen @leehopehocarat @scuzmunkie @bangtan4everr @acetruepunk @s-unflowxr @rxnexxi @tenpesos @mixling-blog @helsnik @mrspettersen @mixtape-racha @realviviboss @mikaelless @queenoftrash97 @boomfrogg
Dividers and GIF @justaaveragereader
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thelargefrye · 3 months
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THE YULE DRAGON … holiday one - shot ( 17+ )
pairing : poly!dragon!ateez x witch!f!reader
genre : dragon au, fantasy au, holiday au, fluff, angst
word count : 4.3k
warnings : language, mentions of dragon hunters, talks about death, light injury but nothing major, one death threat
suffer tag : @sanjoongie and for anon who asked about any new chapters
note : very excited to write this, so let me know what you think! also here is a link to what y/n's dress at the yule gala looks like!
the winter month draws near and the clan prepares to celebrate the yule dragon festival for the first time in years. knowing this is wooyoung's first one with an actually clan, you want to make sure everything is perfect.
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when you woke up in the morning, you noticed how snow had slowly begun to fall and lay on the ground. you also couldn't help but notice how the dragons around you seemed to have been in good moods. smiles on their faces as they walked around and some even greeted you with warm smiles.
when you arrived at the nursery, the hatchlings all immediately greeted you. most of them run up and tackle you to the ground.
"miss y/n! miss y/n! did you see the snow?" one hatchling, jiyu, asked and you couldn't help but laugh as you nodded and pushed some hair out of her face.
"yes, i did. very beautiful isn't it?"
"not as beautiful as you, miss y/n!" another hatchling, minjae, said. the other hatchlings couldn't help but agree with minjae and you couldn't help but laugh at them all.
"prince mingi said that we will be able to celebrate the yule dragon festival this year!"
"the yule dragon festival?" you remember wooyoung telling you about the holiday years ago when you first met. you can't help but feel excited knowing he's going to enjoy a real one this year.
"yeah! it's been years since the clan last held one," seeun says and that quickly catches your attention. years? you thought the holiday was a yearly thing?
"alright, little ones, let's go ahead and get ready for the day," mingi comes in and ushers the hatchlings away from you in order to gather them in a line so they could eat.
you push your curiosity down for later as you go over to help mingi with the hatchlings. you watch the hatchlings with a warm fondness as they eat and talk to each other, and the rest of the day goes by in flash with you and mingi taking care of the young dragons.
"miss y/n, have you ever experienced a yule dragon festival before?" one of the hatchlings asked as they were laying down for a nap. the question of one hatchling seemed to have caught the attention of a few others around you two.
"not a proper one with a true clan, but me and wooyoung used to do a small celebration before we came to the clan," you said as you remembered your time with wooyoung back in your cottage. you can feel your cheeks heat up as you remember the first time you both celebrated the yule dragon together.
"do witches have any special holidays?" another hatchling, siyu, asked.
"we do but they're not like the yule dragon one. we focus more on what we are thankful for and mourning those that have left us," you explain.
"that sounds sad."
"sometimes it is sad, but then you have to remember that even those that left this world are still with us in spirit. watching over and guiding us on the right path of destiny," you say.
"but miss y/n, you don't have to be sad anymore because you have all of us!" one hatchling said with the others immediately agreeing and you couldn't help but smile at all of them.
"okay, okay, everyone," mingi says as he comes in and immediately calming all the hatchlings down. "its time to rest, not get excited."
"but prince mingi," minjae says looking towards the tall prince, "don't you agree that miss y/n doesn't have to be sad anymore, since she has all of us now?"
"of course," mingi says as he bends down to pet minjae's head, "but miss y/n still has a right to miss those that she lost. we all do. now come on, everyone, time to rest!"
you can't help but smile at how some of the hatchlings groan at mingi's words, but nonetheless all lay down in their little nooks. you and mingi go through and make sure each hatchling is comfortable before you leave the nesting room.
you watch as mingi closes the door behind him before he's offering his arm to you. you take his arm with a smile as he escorts the two of you back to the main palace wing.
"i meant what i said though," mingi begins and you look at him with a raised eyebrow, "that you have a right to be sad about those you lost, but also know that hatchlings are right as well and that you have all of us now. the hatchlings, me, wooyoung, yeosang, the others, and even the clan. you have all of us."
"thank you, prince mingi," you say, reaching up to press a kiss to his cheek and he smiles at you before quickly pressing his own kiss to your lips. "also," you speak up after you two continue to walk, "what did the little ones mean when they said its been years since you all had a yule dragon festival?"
"well... we haven't had one since hongjoong's parents and brother were killed. hongjoong didn't want to have a large one with the whole clan, so this is the first time in five years that we have celebrated it as such," mingi explains and you nod your head in understanding.
"what caused him to suddenly change his mind?"
"well you and wooyoung of course," you wanted to laugh at mingi's answer. more like just wooyoung, you think. you decide to remain silent as mingi guides you through the palace.
"this will be wooyoung's first yule dragon with an actual clan in years," you note as you notice many dragons setting up and decorating the palace corridors with festive decorations. you can't help but feel excited knowing that wooyoung will be able to experience the real thing after so many years of not having it with an actual clan.
your mind goes back to when you and wooyoung would celebrate together back at the cottage. both of you dressing up, decorating the cottage, and spending the entire night together. wooyoung taught you the dances that he learned. even when you weren't celebrating the dragon holiday, you would find wooyoung and yourself dancing and just enjoying each other's company.
"hey, mingi?" you caught the dragon's attention and he turns towards you as you continue to speak, "is there... a way i can help set up the festival?"
"oh! umm, i think so. seonghwa is usually in charge of things like this, but i volunteered to help him this time, so..."
"do you need help?" you ask, feeling an excitement bubble up in your stomach.
"of course you can help," mingi says, a wide smile on his face and you mirror his smile, beaming up at him. the two of you share a quick hug, mingi lets out a small laugh at your excitement, almost not expecting it.
"thank you," you say, pressing a kiss to his cheek before you are separating yourself from him. you notice the blush that covers his cheeks and ears and you have to stop yourself from pouncing on the tall dragon from how cute he is.
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as the next week goes by, you spend your time helping the dragons in the clan to decorate for the yule dragon holiday. at first some of the dragons were reluctant at accepting your help, but slowly and eventually they allowed for you to help with the decorations. sure they didn't trust you with the important stuff, but that was okay.
you only wanted to make sure everything was perfect for wooyoung, he needed to have the best yule dragon after everything he has done for you. you also wanted to make sure the clan had a good one as well, but wooyoung took priority in your heart.
"wow, look at these decorations, darling," yeosang's voice snaps you out of your thoughts and you look down from your spot on the wooden ladder to see your lover looking up at you with a smile. you finish hanging the silver garland before climbing down the ladder and yeosang is quick to press a loving kiss to your lips.
"thank you, me and the hatchlings made them," you say, feeling rather proud from how all the decorations have been turning out. many of the other clan dragons complimenting you on your hard work.
"you've been working so hard, a lot of the clan members are grateful for your help," he says as the two of you begin walking out of the grand hall, where the yule gala will be held tomorrow night. other dragons are busy around you all finishing up last minute details, with most of them stopping to bow at yeosang before scurrying away to finish their task.
"i have something for you, princess," he says once the two of you are out of the grand hall and you give him a confused look which only makes him smile. "it’s custom for everyone to wear special outfits, rather a little too fancy if you ask me, but people really enjoy it," he begins as the two of you continue to walk down the hall.
"and i bet you completely forgot to make sure you are prepared for the gala," yeosang teases and you felt yourself get flustered at his words. "but don't worry because you wonderful mate has taken care of you," he says as you both stop in front of your chamber doors. "i hired a seamstress to make you a dress and thankfully she managed to finish it in time."
"wait, yeosang– you... you didn't, you shouldn't have."
"but i did, and i wanted to. my darling, you have done so much, let me give you this," he says, cupping your cheeks before leaning over and kissing you. you feel yourself melt into the kiss as you press yourself closer to your lover, arms wrapping around his waist. the two of you only separate when you're out of breath and yeosang presses one last kiss to your lips before he's pulling away and opening the door to your bedroom.
when you stepped inside, you were completely shocked at the dress that rested on the mannequin in the center of your room. you had honestly never seen a dress more beautiful in your life and you felt yourself tear up because of it. you felt like you didn't deserve a dress as gorgeous as this.
"it's beautiful, yeosang."
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"you look absolutely beautiful, my fire," seonghwa says when he sees you walk into the grand hall.
the gala had been going on for several minutes, hongjoong lighting the ceremonial flame that burned in the center of the clan. you were amazed at the flame and its rather unique color, and mingi explained that this flame could only be lit by the leader of a clan and that it in order to celebrate the first dragon.
you honestly couldn't look away from the flame, almost like it was meant to entrance you.
"thank you, prince seonghwa," you said, bowing slightly to the eldest dragon prince. seonghwa could only smile as he took your hand into his before pressing a kiss to the back of your hand.
"make sure you enjoy yourself," he says, not yet letting go of your hand. "i want a dance before the night is over."
"of course, your highness," you say, a small smirk taking over your lips before seonghwa is nodding and making his leave. he does unfortunately have other people to see and talk to.
your eyes scan around the grand hall, looking for the head of familiar red hair and you feel your heart skip a beat when you finally find him. wooyoung looked absolutely handsome in his outfit and you were glad to see that he matched the other princes. it made your heart flutter knowing that wooyoung was being accepted by the clan.
you made your way over to your first lover, your feet picking up speed when you two made eye contact. you felt like it had been forever since you last seen wooyoung – however it had only been a few hours. you had been so caught up in making sure the festival and gala were perfect for him that you had completely forgot to pay the red-headed dragon attention.
so you immediately wrapped wooyoung in a tight hug once you were close enough. wooyoung was quick to return the hug, holding you close to him as he inhaled your scent before pressing a kiss to your neck.
"my y/n, you look so beautiful," he says as he twirls you around, the white-silver fabric that was decorated with beautiful shimmering stars and moons. wooyoung had seen the dress, yeosang having shown him before you and he knew you would look beautiful in it. but of course, seeing you actually in it he was blown away by your appearance.
"are you having a good time, woo?" you ask, heart beating rapidly waiting for his answer.
"of course i am," he says with a smile, "mingi mentioned how you helped out with this whole thing. any reason why?"
"you, of course," you say, both your hands linking with his. "this is your first yule dragon with an actual clan in a long time. i wanted to make sure it was perfect."
"oh love," he says, gently pulling the two of you off to the side, "you didn't need to do that. it would have perfect no matter what because i'm celebrating it with you. back at the cottage... i saw the two of us as our own little clan. and the yeosang joined," wooyoung says and you can't help but laugh at his last comment. despite mating and bonding with yeosang, wooyoung still couldn't get over the other dragon coming in basically setting up camp in your little cottage.
"you love yeosang, don't try to fool yourself," you tease and wooyoung grumbles a little bit before rolling his eyes.
you were about to say something when the sound of a familiar tune filled the grand hall. you turned to see a lot of the people gathering at the center and began dancing. you noticed mingi pulling yunho behind him to the dance floor with many of the other dragons cheering for the two tall princes. following them, you see yeosang and san dancing and you were a little surprised at seeing the blonde guard dancing and smiling as him and yeosang looked at one another.
"wow, who knew san could smile," wooyoung says and you crack a smile before turning to your lover.
"shall we join them as well?" you ask and wooyoung nods before he's pulling you towards the dance floor and you two quickly fall into a rhythm of the dance. the music easily guided you as you and wooyoung danced, you felt your whole attention center in on your lover and it felt like it was just the two of you.
you got flashbacks to when you and wooyoung would dance in your cottage. how back then it really was just the two of you and no one else, but now you were surrounded by people that even if they all didn't welcome you, they welcomed wooyoung. and even if you didn't feel welcomed at first, you have mingi, yeosang, the hatchlings.
seeing wooyoung smile and laugh and enjoy himself made you feel like you were on cloud nine. even if he wouldn't say it out loud, you knew wooyoung enjoyed being a part of the clan.
you felt the music guide you and your thoughts, as the music began to slow down you found yourself and wooyoung also slowing down. wooyoung pulling you close to him, his arm coming to wrap around your waist to hold you close to him.
"i have you had your ceremony?" wooyoung suddenly asks, snapping you out of your happy daze. you knew immediately what he was talking about.
"not yet, i was waiting till after the gala was over," you say, feeling a lump form in your throat at knowing what you would have to do later.
just like dragons, witches also had their own traditions and such. not as public as the yule dragon, but more intimate to each witch. celebrating those that you left you in this world. wooyoung has been with you during this ceremony like you have been with him for his. you don't know how many nights you have fallen asleep, crying in wooyoung's arms because of all the witches that have died.
"do you want me there with you?" he asks, and it takes you a moment to think about it.
"no, i'll do it alone this time."
"are you sure?" you nod your head, you didn't want to ruin wooyoung's good time here with your own traditions and ceremonies.
when the music changed once again, you pressed a kiss to wooyoung before stepping away, telling him you needed some fresh air.
"let me come with you," he says as he starts to trail after you, but you stop him.
"it’s okay," you say, hand out to stop him, "i'll be right back."
you don't give wooyoung a chance to say anything as you're turning and making your way to one of the many garden doors that lead out into the courtyard.
once the cold air hit your skin, you let out a sigh as you made your way over to one of the stone benches that overlooked most of the courtyard and even down further into the clan. the yule flame burned brightly a short distance away and you couldn't help but walk over to it. the flame reminded you of the flame that you would light for the umbra ceremony.
the flame burned brightly and you almost felt like a moth from how you were being drawn to it.
which is how you found yourself in front of it. the noises from the grand hall behind you is like static as you look at the flame, letting it consume you. you got flashbacks to when you would set up a room of candles for the witches that you lost, the flame from those candles burning brightly into your mind.
"why are you out here," the cold voice snaps you out of your thoughts and you turn to look at hongjoong with wide eyes. the prince looks at you with a stern expression, his cold eyes burning into your body.
"i was just... just getting some air," you tell him, refusing to fully make eye contact with him.
hongjoong lets out a 'tsk' sound before he's coming to stand next to you, looking up at the flame. you're surprised by how close hongjoong, this is probably the closest he has ever gotten to you without trying to kill you.
"mingi told me how you helped decorate for the festival," he said out of nowhere after the two of you stood in silence. "i guess witches can be good for something," he adds and you feel yourself deflate at his harsh words.
"i did it for wooyoung," you said wanting to make it clear that you were only doing it for your first love and no one else. "this is his first yule dragon with an actual clan in years," you add.
"and i'm sure witches are the reason why he had gone for so long without experiencing one with a clan," he says back.
"perhaps," you say as you clench your fist together tightly, "but wooyoung is here now with a clan," you turn your head to look at hongjoong, taking in his form once more. his lavish outfit and vibrant blue hair standing out against the dark night. he was the epitome of what a leader of a dragon clan should be in the fact that he always had that air of authority around him. everyone respected him and if they didn't respect him then they feared him.
you, unfortunately, feared him more than you respected him. the dragon oracles say that you two are mates like you are with the rest of the princes, but you knew hongjoong refused to acknowledge you as his mate. you were a witch, the thing that killed his parents and brother and forced him to take the role of leader too soon. you wondered if you and hongjoong would ever get along.
you notice how the flame reflects against hongjoong's skin and then something hits you.
"please excuse me, prince hongjoong," you say suddenly before you are rushing past him. hongjoong doesn't say anything and you don't know if he watches you leave as you are too caught up in rushing back into the palace.
you run to your room, feeling out of breath as you enter your chambers you share with wooyoung before going over to the large trunk that rested at the foot of the bed. you quickly dig through the trunk and pull out a set of candles. all three a beautiful rose color and it reminds you greatly of your mother.
"what are these for mother?" you asked, looking up at your mother as she handed you the three candles. they were different from the ones you were use to lightly for the umbra ceremony and you wondered why she was giving them to you.
"these are special candles, y/n, i made them myself so you can use them when you need them the most," she explains, her voice seeming ever cryptic.
"when i need them the most?" you echo and she nods, a tight-lipped smile painting her features.
"they are for the one who will need to say goodbye the most."
you gripped the candles tightly as you raced back to the courtyard and was surprised to still see hongjoong standing there. somewhere deep inside wants you to believe he waited for you, but you know that's impossible.
"prince hongjoong," you say as you approach him. "i want to thank you for letting wooyoung into your home. i know that... you despise me and my people, you lost your parents and brother after all. and i know you probably don't care but i want to share something with you."
hongjoong turns to look at you, his face void of emotion as he watches you set the three candles down between the two of you. you crouch down, kneeling front of the candles as hongjoong stands towering above you.
"the umbra witches have their own ceremony, we light candles in order to remember those that have left us and this world. we do this as a way to remind us that while they have left this world physically, they are still here with us spiritually," you pause in order to take a deep breath, licking your lips before continuing.
"my mother made me these candles when she was still alive. she told me that they were for someone who needed to say goodbye, and... i think she made them for you."
"what the hell are you talking about?" hongjoong asks, voice full of surprise and anger. "i don't need any of you stupid umbra witch shit," he adds and you notice his fist clenches with his rage.
"please," you beg, voice straining as you plead with the prince, "take the candles, it will bring you peace, prince hongjoong."
you feel a sudden shock as you are grabbed by the collar of your dress. you're pulled up from your kneeling position, face dangerously close to an enraged hongjoong as he bares his teeth at you. in the moment you are reminded that you are at the mercy of a clan full of dragons whether you liked it or not.
"i will never," he jaw clenched tightly as he speaks, "ever, forgive your damned people for what they did to my family. my people. so don't think so damned candles will change that. you will never be my mate and just know that if it wasn't for yeosang and mingi that i would have burned you at a stake a long fucking time ago."
hongjoong waste no time in throwing you to the ground, your hands skidding across the stone pathway harshly and you flinch at the sudden burn of skin. you turn to see hongjoong's eye burning, like he will kill you if you say anything else to him.
you then watch him destroy two of the candles, his foot coming down harshly on them and you feel like a part of you is being ripped apart as you watch him. he's about to do the same to the last one, but you move and grab the last candle. the last one your mother made.
then without thinking you stand up and run away from the prince. you clearly made a mistake in thinking that you could get hongjoong to open up just a little bit. you felt tears begin to form in your eyes as you ran, clutching the candle close to your chest as you collapsed in the one of the many decorated halls.
you looked down at the candle once more, the image of your mother's smile flashing inside your mind as you caressed it. you knew this candle was for hongjoong. he was the one who needed to say goodbye to those he lost, but it was obvious that now wasn't the time.
"y/n!" the sudden call of your name makes you snap your head up to see yeosang rushing towards you. face full of concern and he drops down to the floor next to you. "y/n, what's wrong, why are you crying?" he brushes the tears away and you open your mouth to say something before a sob escapes instead.
you throw yourself into his arms and he arms them around you protectively. you hold your mother's candle close to you as you allow yourself to cry in yeosang's arms. yeosang doesn't say anything, only letting you cry as a comforting hand runs over your hair.
"it's okay, y/n, i'm here," he says softly, holding you closer to him. "whatever made you sad, don't think about it anymore, okay? cause i'm here to protect you."
and so the night comes to an end as you spend the rest of it in yeosang's arms, allowing him to hold you closely as you mourn for the loss of your mother and the hate hongjoong bares for you. 
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tag list : @frankenstein852 @watamotee33 @kawennote09 @mixling-blog @marahleiwhen @kpopnightingale @harry-the-pottypus @pyeonghongrie @sanniesbum @marvelahsobx @khjcoo @mysticfire0435 @exfolitae @dementedaly @simeonswhore @moonm1st @nvmbheart @spooo00oky @frgogh @sookacc @seongwin @burnsmepls @ad0rechuu @tunaasan @northerngalxy @silverpixiedust23 @cheesekimchi @confusedmoonchild777 @mjyungi @innieontop @iweirdthingsblog @s0obinluvr @worcesheshestershiresauce @moonlightgrleric @wineyoungie @jeongwangjessmina @lemineso
network : @cultofdionysusnet @cromernet
484 notes · View notes
skz1-4-3 · 4 months
I need some recommendations for these type of ateez stories on tumblr:
Vampire!ateez member x reader
Wolf!ateez member x reader
Wolf!ateez member x hybrid reader
Wolf!ateez member x wolf!reader(or anything else related)
Siren!ateez member x reader
Ateez member x siren!reader
Hybrid!ateez member x reader
Warlock!ateez member x reader
Warlock!ateez member x witch!reader
Soulmate Au!ateez member x reader
Demon!ateez member x reader
Demon!ateez member x demon!reader
Demon!ateez member x witch!reader
Mafia!ateez member x reader
Mafia!ateez member x mafia!reader
Mafia!ateez member x Pure!reader
Or anything else supernatural because i love things like that. Also if you can recommend any ateez writers than tell me bc i still only have found about 15😔
Heres a pic of yunho as a reward ;
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shadowynn · 10 months
| in love and lore | eleven |
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pairing: ot8 ateez x fem reader
genre: fantasy/daemon/soulmate au
warnings: some cursing, negative thoughts, a little bit of self-loathing, slightly possessive thoughts
wordcount: 10.7k
a/n: so, this chapter was an absolute joy to write, which might explain why and how i managed to get it out faster than normal. it has been a very long while since i've been able to write ilal so easily and with so much joy, so i hope you all enjoy this piece as much as i do. and for all you yunho biases out there, i hope this piece might do some justice for him. <33
| ten | eleven | twelve |
The stars were falling tonight. 
You had thought it was luck when you caught sight of the first one streaking across the sky a few hours after dinner, but a few minutes passed and your eyes had found another. They were difficult to make out amongst the canopies of the tents and lights flickering around the camp, but the night sky above was clear and you were just able to make out a few streaks of light flying across the sky.
After a day amongst people, you relished the time you had to yourself. It was impossible for you to be completely alone, but you found solace in your position at the back of your tent. Yunho was on watch duty for the first half of the night, but other than a quick question of concern when you had exited your tent an hour after retiring, he had left you be. He had disappeared into the sea of tents shortly after you requested some space, but you knew he was still a call away. If anything were to happen, he would be at your side in an instant. All you had to do was say the word. 
You considered calling him over to you now at your revelation of the night sky’s activities, but quickly decided against it, not wanting him to think something might have been wrong. It had happened often in the past weeks, any small beckon you made for any of them was met with instant concern. You hadn’t minded too terribly at first, overwhelmed by what had happened yourself, but it had quickly become stifling. No matter how many times you had insisted you were fine, they never seemed to hear you, making it impossible to go anywhere without one of them trailing behind you.
You understood their concern, at least, up to a point. No one had hidden the fact the culprits had gotten away that night, but who they might have been or why they had attacked, escaped your grasp. It was clear they knew something more than they let on, but any answers you were given had been allusive at best, if they weren’t dodged completely. They claimed they didn’t want to worry you, continually stating they had it under control, and though it frustrated you, you didn’t push too hard. Perhaps they were right. Perhaps it was better if you didn’t know the whole truth. You had long since learned living in ignorance was sometimes easier than knowing the truth, after all. And you had enough other things on your mind to worry about. 
But despite the threat of the attackers still being somewhere out there, you couldn’t stand being under constant supervision for too long. And it wasn’t until you had gotten caught sneaking out the back of your tent once that they finally relented. You still had a guard on you at all times, but they were no longer right on your back, breathing down your neck. 
Of all nights, you had thought it would be the one you would most want to be alone. And you did. You yearned for some time alone, away from the daemons that had invaded your life. For just a moment, you wished to get away. To forget everything that had happened and everything that was yet to come, but the stars were calling you. Each flash across the sky beckoning you to come and watch them. To allow them to ease your worries for just a moment. 
But to do that you would have to leave camp, and unless you wanted another wave of panic to erupt when they inexplicably found you gone, you would have to go accompanied. 
You weighed the decision in your head for a minute, trying to decide which would be a more welcome distraction from the thoughts that had been driving you mad. It didn’t take you long to come to your decision. You might have felt more comfortable on your own, but Yunho’s presence would just maybe distract you from the thoughts you had tried to bury for the night. 
So, you picked yourself up to your feet, stretching out the kinks in your muscles. Ideally, you would return back to your bed and sleep the rest of the night away, but you knew the chances of that happening were slim. Not when you were finally arriving at Taeyang tomorrow. 
After a month on the road, you had just started getting used to the flow of things. You had just started to grow comfortable with your new life among the daemons, but this way of life had only ever been temporary. As much as you wished you could be on the road forever, it wasn’t plausible. The day would finally come when it would end and you would be left with no choice but to deal with the reality of your new life. A life you had purposefully avoided thinking about to this day, but one that had haunted the back of your mind ever since Hongjoong had told you the truth. And now that it was here, you didn't know what to do.
You wrapped the blanket you carried with you closer around your body, shuffling in the direction Yunho had said he would be. While the days still held a hint of warmth to them, the nights had grown cold. Cold enough, your cloak was no longer warm enough to fight against the night air, forcing you to make due with whatever else you could find as you had foolishly left the majority of your winter clothes behind. 
True to his word, you found Yunho in the small clearing between the tents that housed him and the other generals. A fire had been started since you had last been over, illuminating him and what appeared to be a large dog at his feet. 
“Who’s this?”
Yunho jumped at your question, most likely not expecting you to make an appearance this late at night. His eyes softened as he took you in, before following your gaze towards the animal in front of him. Now that you were closer, you saw it wasn’t a dog like you had originally thought, but a wolf, black as the night sky above you. 
“This is Haru,” Yunho replied as the wolf stood to his feet, stretching out his legs as he went. His tail quickly began to wag as you bent down in front of him, showing no hesitation or aggressiveness towards you as he nudged your hands with his nose. “He’s one of many animal companions I can conjure up if needed.”
“Really?” Your head tilted, reaching out to oblige to Haru’s request and scratch him behind his ears. You were quick to recoil, however, taken back by the strange sensation his fur elicited. It was cold to the touch and not quite fully corporeal, causing a shiver to course through you. 
“Each beast has their own unique use, and I’m able to see and hear what they do from quite a distance if I need to.”
“That’s amazing.” You recovered quickly, finding the sensation of his fur against your fingers still strange, but not quite as unnerving now that you were expecting it. “What other animals can you create?”
“As long as it’s an animal that I’ve seen before, I can conjure up any beast using my blood and the surrounding shadows.” He reached out for Haru, running his hands through the fur at his back. “It might not be quite as useful as some of the others’ abilities, but it does have its benefits. Haru, for example, can track a scent for miles.”
“I don’t know, I think it’s pretty wonderful.” Haru leaned further into your touch, eliciting a giggle from you at the tickling sensation caused by him licking your face. “Definitely wonderful,” you repeated, gently coaxing Haru away from your face. You turned your gaze to Yunho, proffering him a soft smile in the hopes of reassuring him you thought his ability truly was as wonderful as you said. 
“Thank you.” Yunho returned your smile, causing you to quickly turn your gaze back to Haru. Something in his eyes had caught you off guard, causing your heart to flutter. “I’m glad you think so.” 
Silence settled between you, one which neither of you seemed keen on breaking. You wanted to, but you could feel his gaze lingering on your figure as you busied yourself with Haru, preventing your brain from coming up with anything worth saying. 
“Was there something you needed from me, angel?” Yunho asked after a few more seconds, jumpstarting your brain and reminding you why you had come to see him in the first place. 
“Oh, yes.” You nodded. Haru’s presence had distracted you, but it hadn’t deterred you from voicing your request. “I was wondering if I- if we could head outside the camp for just a little.” 
You were quick to correct your statement, already aware there was no chance at all that you would get to go out on your own. Despite being less than a day’s journey from their capital, everyone was still on edge. It made you begin to wonder if perhaps they were no longer only worried about the recent attackers, but the surrounding daemons as well. After all, it was common practice to kill your kind before Hongjoong was crowned, especially near the capital where the bloodlines were purist. 
“The stars are active tonight,” you added upon seeing his confusion, “and, well, I don’t believe I’ll be going to sleep anytime soon, so I was hoping we could maybe go out and get a better view.”
Yunho was silent in the moments that followed, making you more nervous with each passing second. Haru had nuzzled his head against your chest, and you buried your hands and attention into him to help break the anxiety you felt awaiting his answer. And though Haru added to the chilliness of the night, you let him wiggle his way into your arms, wrapping the blanket around the both of you. 
“Is that what you want?”
You nodded, relieved to hear him finally speak. “If you don’t think it’s safe though, I can observe them elsewhere. I just thought I might get a better view away from-“
“No, if you wish to go, I will gladly go with you.” This time he was quick to respond, taking no time to get to his feet before proffering a hand down to you. “Shall we?”
You didn’t respond, staring at his open hand. It wasn’t until now that you became aware of the unintended implications your request had with it. What had meant to be an innocent desire to see the stars a bit clearer, held the additional weight of being alone with him. A weight you hadn’t been aware of until you noticed the way he had reacted to it. All too eager to oblige to your request. 
It left you hesitating, unsure if it was something you were comfortable with yet. Of course you had been alone with some of them up to this point, and you were clearly alone with him now, but this situation felt different, far more personal than anything you had been through before. 
And yet, what was the alternative? To stay here on your own and inevitably worry over tomorrow’s events until the sun rose? To sit and stress over the uproar your presence was sure to bring when they realized just who their king’s mate was?
As much as going with Yunho terrified you, it also sent a shiver of excitement flowing through you. You could feel the warmth flooding your stomach at the thought of sharing the night with him, at being able to share your love for the stars above with him. 
You took Yunho’s hand, allowing him to pull you back to your feet. Haru let out a whine as you separated from him, nudging your side in an attempt to grab hold of your attention once more. 
“Haru, no.” Yunho was gentle as he called out the wolf’s attempt to get in between the two of you, yet the intention was clear and Haru backed away from you. “Stay.” Haru made it clear he didn’t enjoy the command, whining once more, but eventually settled back down on the ground next to the fire to obey it. 
“I’m sorry.” It took you a second to realize the apology was directed towards you. “Haru is for the most part, an extension of myself, so he…” The light was dim, your figure casting a shadow on his, but it wasn’t hard for you to decipher the almost bashful expression that had crossed his face. “He will bother you all night long if I were to let him join us, wanting to be as close to you as I’ll allow him to.”
You could feel your own embarrassment creeping up at his confession, unsure just how to respond to it. But as embarrassed as his words made you feel, you thought you were beginning to understand. They had said the bond wasn’t quite as strong for you as it was for them, but even you felt its effect this close to him. If you struggled to keep yourself from burying yourself into his side for warmth, what was it like for him? And if it was stronger like they claimed, how the hell was he resisting it?
“It’s for the best if he stays anyways, especially if someone were to wake and notice our absence before we return. We’ll be too far to communicate with anyone other than Hongjoong, and San will be taking over my watch within the next hour or so.” 
“Is it fine if we go, then? I don’t want to cause any more trouble.”
“Trust me, angel, your request is no trouble at all. Haru will let me know if anyone is searching for either of us and lead them our way if needed,” Yunho replied, brushing past your worries. “And if it’s your own safety that concerns you, I give you my word that no harm shall come to you tonight. If my word still means anything to you, that is.”
“It does.” Despite doing your best to reassure each of them that night had been your own fault, they still blamed themselves for what had happened. And though talk of that night had become sparse, you could see the blame they still laid upon themselves in moments like these. “And my safety was never a concern of mine. I trust you, Yunho. I guess-“
You didn’t understand the impact your words held until you saw the way he reacted. The hand that was still clasped firmly against yours tightening its grip as his body tensed. His eyes widened ever so slightly as your words caught him off guard. 
“I guess,” you repeated, trying not to think too deeply about what you had just said or the implications it might have had, “I guess I’m just worried I would be inconveniencing you and I don’t want to cause any more problems than I already have. If it’s better for me to stay-“
“Angel,” Yunho’s eyes softened, bringing up his free hand to cup the side of your face, “nothing you could ever ask of me would ever be an inconvenience. You are not an inconvenience.”
Your eyes shifted to the ground, pulling away from his touch. Despite the genuinity in his eyes, you didn’t believe him. You couldn’t believe him. Not when you had only ever been told the opposite. Not when you were more than aware your mere existence had always been an inconvenience to those around you and would continue to do so. After all, how much easier would it have been for all of you if you had just been fully human? No one would have a problem with you then, would they?
“It doesn’t feel like it.” 
You felt slightly guilty once the words left, not meaning to voice your frustration towards him. If anything, he and the others were the first ones in a long time that had treated you like you mattered. That they wanted you to be around. 
But that didn’t mean you didn’t still feel like an inconvenience around them, though this was no fault of their own. It simply came down to the fact they had been stuck with a mutt for a mate. 
“y/n.” Yunho’s voice was gentle as he called you back to him, taking no offense to your earlier statement. “You are worth it-“ You shook your head, opening your mouth to rebuke his statement, but he didn’t allow you a moment to speak. “And I know you might not believe it now despite how many times I may try to tell you, but I hope that someday you might.” 
He tugged you against him then, pulling you into a tight embrace. Your eyes widened at the sudden move, body stiff as you were pressed flush against him. You struggled to react, still attempting to process what he had said to you right beforehand. The combination was almost too much, the situation threatening to overwhelm you, and yet… you could feel the panic easing out of you as the surprise faded away. Your head had fallen against his chest and you could hear his heart beating, the steady rhythm it thrummed helping to control the panic that had risen up. 
“In the meantime, please try and extend some of the grace and kindness you show those around you to yourself.”
His body was warm, making it impossible for you to keep from moving in closer, burying yourself fully into his arms. “It’s hard.”
“I know.” His reply was soft, words mumbled against the top of your head. “But you can talk to me. You don’t have to go through this alone.”
You knew the wisest action to make would be to pull away, but was that what you wanted? His touch was comforting, helping to ease the anxiety coursing through you. It was a welcome relief from the past hour you had spent by yourself, trying your hardest to avoid the fears that crept up in the corners of your mind. Would it be so terrible if you were to give in just this once? If you opened up just a little and allowed him to carry your burdens with you for just a moment?
You felt the words bubbling up at the back of your throat, begging you to open up and confess them to the man before you if you only found the courage. 
“Yunho, I’m scared.” You hadn’t realized how heavy the words were until they were out, immediately lightening the load on your shoulders. “I’ve stepped foot into hundreds of war zones, snuck my way around them knowing exactly what might await me if I were to get caught by the wrong person, but none of it compares to the fear that has been building up with each step we take towards your world.” Now that it was finally out, the rest of the words flowed with ease. “I’ve barely come to terms with the fact I’m your mate here within the safety of this camp and around those whom my identity as the Black Angel might have earned me an inkling of respect. So, how the hell am I supposed to come to terms with any of this amongst those who will be more vocal in their distaste for it?” 
And there would be those against it. There was no doubt about that. Even if you weren’t their mate, and had simply been brought back because of your ability to heal, you would come to deal with the same prejudice and hatred you had faced back home amongst the humans. But this time, you weren’t just some random half-daemon who could save a person from death, you were Hongjoong’s mate, and by proxy, his guardsmen as well. If they didn’t want you in their city, they most definitely didn’t want you as their queen. 
And you couldn’t even blame them. Not when you didn’t want to be queen either. 
“I’m sorry, angel.” Yunho’s arms tightened, attempting to bring you in closer than you were already. “I know how terrifying it can be to leave your home and arrive at court in Taeyang, but that doesn’t mean I have any idea what it must be like for someone like you. Nor will I ever.” He was gentle as he slowly loosened his hold on you, pulling away just far enough so that he could look you in the face. “I do not know exactly how things will go when we arrive tomorrow nor how some will react, but you won’t have to go through any of it on your own. We’ll be by your side each step of the way.” 
“What’s it like?”
“What’s what like?” Yunho’s brow furrowed, taken back by the sudden change in conversation. “Taeyang?”
You nodded. Though you had caught snippets of the daemon’s capital from them over your time on the road, the majority of the city and its inhabitants were a mystery to you. And though Yunho’s confession had prompted the question from you, you would have been lying if you had said you hadn’t just asked if as a way to direct the conversation away from yourself.
“I would assume it’s quite different from any city you’re used to.” He let you go for just a moment, hands lowering to take hold of your hand and begin guiding you towards the southern edge of the camp. “Though I’m sure you’ve already been able to gather that much from the few cities we’ve passed through this past week.”
He was right. Though you had done your best to keep your head down in the cities and villages you passed by, all it took was one passing glance to take note of the difference. The design of the buildings was vastly different from any town you had been to before, alongside the structure of the town itself. You were used to hard lines and stone, buildings compact against each other between streets of dirt and mud. But here, everything was more open, buildings sprawled out amongst the terrain, incorporating the nature around them into their design. And a large majority of buildings featured areas, though covered by the sloping roofs above, left completely open to the warmer air of the south. 
“To me, it’s most beautiful in the autumn during the Festival of Memories when the Dal is set ablaze by the lanterns sent out along it.” The hint of a smile appeared on Yunho’s lips. “Then there’s the way the city comes back to life in the spring when the plum blossom trees bloom. You should see the royal gardens at that time, especially at night when the fireflies come out.”
“It sounds beautiful.” You could only imagine the scene in your head, having only ever caught glimpses of the gardens in Maehwa when your services had been requested by the council. “Do you miss it?”
Yunho was silent for a moment, mulling over your question as he led you past the edge of camp and off into the nearby field. “Parts of it, perhaps. There’s a familiarity about the city that is comforting after all this time. It is my home, after all, but I do not miss the politics of deception that fills the halls there. There are many who will do or say anything if they believe it might benefit them in some way.”
You understood what he meant. Though Maehwa had never treated you well, it had been your home and a part of you longed to return. It may have not been the greatest of lives, but you had been happy at times. Life was constant. There were no surprises. No unexpected events that would change the entire course of your life. You were normal, or at least as normal as you could be as a half-daemon, able to carry on with your life with little issue with your siblings by your side.
“Do they know?” You were conscious of the way Yunho hadn’t let go of your hand during this time, but you didn’t dare attempt to slip it away. Not with the way it helped to keep you grounded, a physical reminder that you were not alone at the moment. “About me? About my relationship to all of you?”
Yunho nodded, but you weren’t sure exactly how the revelation made you feel. “The majority of the court learned about you when Hoseok, Hongoog’s father, did. He… he saw your relation to his son as a reflection of weakness upon him, so he wasted no breath shaming Hongjoong on the matter.”
His words made you feel like you had just been dumped into a bath of ice, body freezing as the weight of them hit you. You had always known how ridiculous it was for someone like you to be his mate. When they had told you, it had felt like some attempt at a cruel joke, made worse by learning it was indeed true. To know the only reason any of them had shown an ounce of kindness or expressed attention towards you was because of some supernatural bond that tied you all together. Even now, it still hurt, fully aware Yunho wouldn’t even be out here comforting you without you. 
And yet, you had never stopped to consider how it all might have felt from their view. From Hongjoong’s view. How had he felt when he first learned about you? How had he felt when he had first learned the person he had been waiting for was a half-daemon? Had he been upset? Had he felt shame? Had he wished things might have been different? That you had been different?
He must have. It was only natural for him to wish fate would have delivered him a better hand. It was only natural for him to wish it had been someone other than you. Someone better than you. 
And yet, he had saved your life, going so far to risk his own for yours. When he should have ignored the bond and listened to the other daemons and allowed his father to kill you, he hadn’t. 
Why? Why hadn’t he? Why hadn’t any of them? 
“Many of them believed you to be dead alongside your father in the years that followed.” Yunho continued, sensing the way your body had tended beside him. “And it wasn’t until after Hongjoong was crowned that they discovered what had truly happened and that you were still alive. As you can imagine, it created quite the uproar on many accounts. Nothing like this had ever happened before.”
Was it simply because of how difficult it was to reject a mate? They had told you how impossible it was to fight against the bond. How it was stronger than either of you could fight against and strong enough to drive you insane if you attempted to reject or ignore it. In the end, it didn’t matter how ridiculous it all sounded. It didn’t matter if they were against it. There was simply no way to fight against it. A fact you were quickly coming to learn for yourself. 
But would they have dealt with the repercussions if none of them had ever met you? Would it have been impossible for them to reject you if you had died so long ago? 
“Would it not have been easier to just let me die?” You pulled Yunho to a stop, terrified to hear the confirmation you knew awaited you at the other end, but desperate for it all the same. You needed to know. “Perhaps if Hongjoong had never met me. If none of you had ever met me, then-“
“He would have spent an eternity with a part of him missing, just as we all would have when the bond between us fully snapped into place. Even if we had never fully known you, we would have spent the rest of our lives mourning you.” His reply was soft as he brushed aside the hair the wind tossed into your face, expression terribly gentle “As impossible as it all may seem, none of us regret the choices we made to get to this moment here. To get to you. How could we?” He raised a hand against your cheek, thumb tracing along the bone. “You have no idea just what you do to us, do you? What you do to me?” He moved the hand he held towards his chest, laying your palm against the area above his heart. “Can you feel that, angel? Can you feel how it beats for you and only you now?”
You could feel the heat pooling inside you, locked into place from the intensity he took you in. The raw emotion in his voice made your breath hitch, heart thudding in your chest. You didn’t believe him. You couldn’t believe him, but one look at him left you trembling as your chest ached for you to just let him in. To let yourself be loved.
“Never before have I so fully been enraptured by another. Your presence captivates my entire being and not a second goes by that I do not think of you and what I wish might become between us. Of everything I would do for you to finally make you see yourself the way I see you.”
“Yunho…” Your voice quivered, breathless from his confession. You didn’t know what to say, let alone what to think. All you could focus on was the way he peered down at you so lovingly, as though he fully believed each and every word he spoke to you. 
Whether it was on purpose or not, you could feel the wave of emotions that flooded through him into you. You could feel the desire he spoke towards you filling him, of how much he yearned for you to return the same sentiment towards him. And when his thumb brushed against your lower lip, it was impossible to tell whether you simply felt his desire to kiss you burning through you or whether it was your own natural inclination building up. 
“We chose you, angel. We have accepted you just as you are.” Yunho leaned closer, slowly closing the distance between the two of you. “Won’t you now please accept us? Just give us a chance?”
He gave you no time to respond - not that you would have been able to if he had, his words fully rendering you speechless - closing the gap completely and pressing his lips against your own. They were hesitant at first, just barely brushing against you as though testing to see just how you would respond to it. Only once you hadn’t pulled away did he finally deepen it, using his grip on your face to tug you closer to him. 
You were frozen in place. A thousand different thoughts were running through your head, but you couldn’t quite grasp at any of them. It was impossible to differentiate them from his own desire that overflowed into you still, looking at the base of your stomach. The only thought you could properly take hold of was how soft his lips were against your own and how very warm they were. 
Your body responded before your mind did, fingers tightening their grip on his shirt in an effort to pull yourself in closer. The action left him gasping, and a wave of pure joy ran over into you from the excitement he felt at you returning the kiss with a similar fervor. 
It was over just as quickly as it had started. Yunho was the first to pull away, breathless as his forehead came to rest upon your own. You remained silent in the seconds that followed, eyes still shut as your mind replayed the moment in your head, holding on to the high the act had created for as long as you could before reality came crashing back down on you. 
You could feel his fingers trailing across your face, taking you in as much as he could for the brief moment he had you with your guard down. And when your eyes finally fluttered open, you were caught off guard by the face that met you; the pure adoration that lined his features convincing you for just a moment that everything he had said was true. That you were worth it. 
Your face turned away as the situation finally processed in your mind, cheeks tinting pink as you realized what you had just done. You felt no regret for allowing him to kiss you or for the way you had returned it, but the yearning you felt to give in and close the distance between you once more did scare you. The desire you felt for the man standing before you was completely foreign and you struggled to process it. Never before had you ever wanted something, wanted someone, as much as you wanted him now. 
“I’m sorry,” Yunho’s voice was strained as he broke the silence, “should I not have?”
You shook your head. “No, it’s…” It was a struggle to speak, unsure of just what to say. Your head was still spinning, thoughts flying as you tried to straighten it all out in your head and just how you felt about all it. “It was nice. It’s just… I just…” You stumbled over your words, face growing hotter with each passing second. You struggled enough as it was with communicating your emotions and having to do so now over something you had very little experience with felt nearly impossible. “I’ve never-“
You cut yourself off, unable to stop the wave of embarrassment that ran through you at the thought of revealing your lack of experience. Of revealing that you had never before shared this sort of experience with anyone before. Of how you had never kissed anyone before. Of how you had never felt this way before and how terribly overwhelming it all was. 
Instead of attempting to finish your thoughts, you tucked your head against his chest in the hope of hiding your reddening face. He didn’t try to push you further and was silent alongside you as his fingers brushed through your hair. 
“Shall we go and observe the stars now, love?” Yunho was the first to speak, pulling your face back out to meet him.
You nodded, having completely forgotten why you had come to him in the first place. Despite the overwhelming nature of everything that had occurred between the two of you, it had worked as the distraction you had hoped for. You had long since forgotten why you had wanted out in the first place and the stress that had plagued your mind earlier in the night had been replaced with a different anxiety altogether. 
You allowed him to guide you further into the night, away from the lights of the camp behind you. As you went, you resituated the blanket along your shoulders, feeling much colder than before now that you weren’t pressed up next to Yunho. You hoped it would help with the heat still pooling inside you and prayed it would ease the redness of your cheeks.
It was just a kiss. It may have been your first kiss, but it was still just a kiss and nothing to get so worked up about, but one glance in his direction was all it took for your face to flame again. Your thoughts kept trailing back to the feeling of his lips on your, alongside the way he had looked at you so lovingly. The way he had so unabashedly confessed his feelings to you making your stomach flip. 
“Is this far enough?” 
You nodded, any and all feelings you might have pushed aside in the silence fully returning once Yunho turned back to you. A hint of a smile danced across his face, and you were once again struck by just how beautiful he was. You had always known it, but the kiss had given rise to a whole new wave of emotions flooding through you. It made you wonder if you had fallen asleep without ever realizing, and the events that had transpired between you nothing more than a dream. Seeing him bathed in starlight, the near epitome of perfection, left you feeling small beside him. How could someone like you have ever caught the eye of someone like him?
You tumbled to the ground, wondering why you had ever thought this would be a good idea. When you had asked for a distraction, this wasn’t what you had meant. You hadn’t wanted to spend the night wrestling over your feelings for a man you knew was way too good for you despite everything he said. 
The night sky offered little comfort. Everything was cleared out here away from the lights, but you struggled to piece the stars together. Everything was different here, the stars shifting far more than anything you had seen in your travels before, reminding you just how far from home you truly were. 
“Minnie, Woo, and I used to sneak out all the time when we were younger to observe the stars. My mother had taught Soomin the constellations before she passed, who in turn taught them to us before she outgrew the act of sneaking outside Maehwa’s walls.” Your voice was soft as you spoke, finding a bit of your panic fading away as you slowly found your way amongst the twinkling lights above. “Soomin says she loved the stars, so much so that she named each of us after them. And though I never knew her, I feel as though I can see a sliver of her in them.”
And tonight, the stars seemed to echo your sentiment. The stories said that falling stars were tokens of good luck and fortune sent by those who had long since passed from this world. And though you had never given much merit into the thought, it gave you some form of comfort tonight. Who else could have sent them besides your mother who had loved them so dearly in her life? As though to tell you, I see you. I hear you. I am with you always. 
You shivered, wishing more than ever that you had had a chance to know her. What had she been like? What about her had drawn the attention of someone like your father? Hadn’t he also been a member of the former Black Guard? Hadn’t he also been forbade from any sort of relation like the one he had with her? Had she ever felt the same way you did now? As though she wasn’t worth the love he gave her? As though she wasn’t worth the risk despite how happy she might have been?
It hurt to think about, chest aching as you wished more than ever before that things had been different. You wished you could have known them, seen who they truly were for yourself and not from snippets you heard from others. You wished it could have been your mother sitting by your side tonight, giving you guidance at a moment you felt completely lost. 
“Soomin is a summer child, so you aren’t able to see her constellation this time of the year. The stories claim it is because the serpent goddess disappears into the southern seas each winter, hibernating through the colder weather to return in full strength in the spring.” You didn’t know what possessed you to explain the origins of your namesakes, but it was comforting to think about and a welcome distraction from everything else. “It’s why they say it always rained so much at that time, as she brings the sea with her to nourish the earth for the new year.”
“Hyunwoo and I were born in the dead of winter, however, so you should be able to see them at this time. In fact, Hyunwoo’s should be somewhere…” Your eyes followed the trail of stars, piecing together the patterns until you found the collection you had been searching for. “There!” You did your best to guide Yunho’s gaze towards them, subconsciously leaning over to better line up his sight. “His namesake was said to be a great and mighty archer whose ability caught the attention of the Gunungsins. They challenged him to a competition, promising him a spot amongst their rank if he were to succeed. He did, of course, and now he roams the skies above keeping watch over those down below.”
“And then-“ Your words cut off when you caught sight of him in the corner of your eye. He was looking at you again, the hint of a smile dancing across his face. “I’m sorry.” The blush you had finally gotten under control came rushing back. You had been rambling, boring him with information he hadn’t asked for, nor did he care to hear about. “You probably didn’t care to hear about all that.”
“No, please continue. I’m most interested in what you have to say, especially on your own.” He nudged your shoulder, gently encouraging you to continue on. “And I apologize if my distraction made you think otherwise. It’s just… you’re very beautiful, you know? Especially when you are talking about the things you're passionate about.”
God damn it, Yunho.
“I’m sorry, truly.” Yunho replied, clearly hearing you curse him in your head. It hadn’t upset him though, and he struggled to control his laughter at the outburst, making you wonder if his apology was sincere or not. 
Your cheeks were definitely red again, however. Any and every feeling you had managed to suffocate over the past few minutes returning once more. 
Was he doing it on purpose? Enjoying the way you squirmed under his gaze and hoping perhaps if he prodded enough, you would do something about the growing desire you had to kiss him that had been pooling in your stomach ever since the first. 
“Please, continue,” he added in your silence, leaning closer towards you as he finally turned his gaze back towards the sky. “Which one is yours?”
“It’s the cluster just to the south of Hyunwoo’s, just above the horizon.” It took a second for you to steady your voice, aware of Yunho’s side now brushing against your own as he followed your guide. “She was said to be a maiden whose lover had become deathly ill. The only cure was in the flowers that grew at the peak of a nearby mountain, and though he had begged her not to go as the path was long and treacherous, she persevered and obtained that which she sought.” It had been a while since you had last thought of the story, and it felt strange telling it to Yunho now. Despite being a tale told through the ages, it felt oddly personal telling it to him now. “When she arrived home, however, she learned her lover had succumbed to the disease in her absence. She mourned for days, unable to live without him and ready to take her own life. The moon, however, who had watched the tragedy unfold, was moved by the woman’s selfless love and offered the woman passage to her immortal domain in the stars where she was reunited with her lover. Now they forever roam the skies together, given the happy life they had been stolen here.”
“Your mother named you well.”
“Soomin thinks so as well. She used to curse our mother for naming me after the maiden, claiming it had caused me to take the story too seriously and share her lack of concern for her own life. And I don’t know,” you shrugged, remembering all the times Soomin had cursed you in the past, “maybe she’s right. Maybe I have been cursed by my namesake, but she persevered to the end, did she not? Perhaps I will too.”
You hummed in response, wondering what it was that had prompted him to call you out by name.
“May I kiss you once more?”
This made you stop, and you could feel the wave of heat flooding through you at the request. You didn’t dare look over at him, doing your best to not show just how much his sudden question had caught you off guard. 
“You wish to kiss me?”
“Very much so.” The pressure at your side grew as he leaned in closer next to you, fingers brushing the hair that blocked your face back behind your ear. “If you’d let me, that is.”
Your fingers dug into the fabric of the blanket you held, trying to process his request in your head and just what it was you wanted. Deep down, you already knew what it was. You wanted him to kiss you because you wanted to kiss him. 
So, then why did the thought of it scare you so much? 
You wanted it. There was no doubt about it, but the thought of acting out on your emotions terrified you, and you couldn’t quite pin your finger as to why. Was it the unknown that scared you? Simply self-conscious of your lack of experience. Or was it the underlying fear that they would change their minds that strayed at the back of your mind? That despite their reassurances, eventually they would realize what you knew all along and move on. And the only way to keep yourself safe was to keep your distance. 
You made the mistake of turning your head. One look at the man beside you and you could feel yourself caving; your want for him outweighing any fear you might have had. 
Fuck it.
You didn’t have to verbalize your consent, the way your head tilted towards his own telling him everything he needed to know. He wasted no time, pulling your chin up towards him and capturing your lips against his own once more. 
He continued to periodically kiss you throughout the next few hours you remained awake. At his behest, you pointed out more stars and constellations, telling him their stories as best you remembered. He would interrupt you every so often to kiss you once more, seemingly at random. You would be in the middle of a story or pointing out a new constellation and he would cut you off with his lips, making you lose your train of thought each and every time. 
At some point, the blanket you had was extended towards him, and he was quick to bring your body in next to him. A part of you was still conscious of the closeness, of the vulnerability you were showing him. Would it not be best if you pulled back? The less involved you got with them, the less it would hurt when it all came crashing down. And it would, would it not? You would arrive in Taeyang tomorrow and they would finally come to their senses and realize you didn’t belong in this world. In their world. 
But for now, it was nice. Perhaps the nicest night you had had in a very long time. For once in your life, you were able to forget your worries and just relax. Thoughts of tomorrow had been pushed to the back of your head, overtaken by the man next to you and how warm he was. How terribly sweet he was. 
So, for once in your life, you let yourself enjoy the moment for what it was. You let yourself relax into Yunho’s side, allowing yourself to open up just a little bit, because perhaps he was right. Perhaps things would all work out. All you had to do was let them. All you had to do was accept them. 
Is it almost time to switch?
San didn’t so much as open his eyes as he lazily reached out to Yunho, hoping the other daemon would tell him he still had a little time left to sleep. He hated pulling the second shift of your guard. While Yunho might have gotten an hour or two of your time before you went to sleep due to your insomnia, he wouldn’t get to see you until you woke up in the morning. And by then, everyone else would also be awake and vying for your attention. 
It was only in the second bout of silence that he realized Yunho wasn’t just ignoring him. He couldn’t feel the taller daemon’s presence on the other side of the bond at all. Yunho was nowhere in his current vicinity at the moment, cutting off communication between them. 
This had San waking quickly, reaching out just a bit farther along the bond that tied him to you only to be with silence once more. Neither of you were anywhere nearby. 
While he was concerned, he didn’t allow the panic hovering at the back of his head to take hold of him just yet. San knew how nervous you had been, he could feel the anxiety growing within you each day you drew closer to Taryang, so he didn’t doubt you must have simply wandered off somewhere in the hopes of easing it. And with Yunho being gone as well, he could only assume the two of you must have gone out somewhere together. 
He was met by a pair of black eyes as he exited the tent, finding one of Yunho’s shadow beasts lying near the fire Yunho had sat near at the beginning of his watch. Haru’s head lifted at his approach, observing him with mild curiosity. 
“Where are they, buddy?” San bent down next to the beast, scratching the back of his head. If Yunho had left him here, then he knew the two of you must have been somewhere safe and there was no reason to wake any of the others. “Can you take me to them?”
Haru stood up at the request, stretching his front legs and shaking out his fur before setting off towards the south of camp. San was quick to follow, running a hand through his hair in an attempt to straighten it as he yawned. He wasn’t sure what time it was. The candle set out to signal the end of the first watch had long gone out, signifying Yunho’s watch had ended some time ago. Wherever the two of you had gone, he must have lost track of time, causing San to curse under his breath. Normally, he wouldn’t have minded if Yunho took over part of his watch, enjoying the extra sleep, but not when it was because he had gotten distracted by you. If only the watches had been switched, then it could have been him out there with you right now instead. 
You hadn’t strayed too far from camp. Once Haru had left the tents behind, he could feel hints of your presence along the bond once more. To his surprise, your emotions had shifted significantly since he had seen you last. The anxiety that had riddled your body had almost completely disappeared, leaving you far more relaxed than he had ever felt you before.
This had him curious, wondering what might have conspired between the two of you to put you in such a state. For one brief second, the impossible crossed his mind. Yunho hadn’t mated with you, had he? But he shook the thought away before he could ponder it long enough to feel the outcome of that scenario. It was impossible, at least now. You hardly let them touch you at this current time, growing flustered and escaping away the moment things became too heated for you. There was no way you would give in and bare yourself completely to Yunho at this time. 
He didn’t have to wonder for long, eventually finding you curled up against Yunho on the ground in the nearby field. The two of you were bundled up beneath a blanket and your head rested against his chest as you slept. It was the most peaceful he had ever seen you, for once completely at ease with one of them. It didn’t completely erase the jealousy that was brimming in his chest as he took you in, but it did alleviate some of it. How could he be upset seeing you like that? Knowing that whatever Yunho had done or said had eased your mind enough to help you sleep before the day you had tomorrow? 
Yunho’s eyes were also closed, but San knew he was awake before he brushed against his subconscious. Despite how comfortable the other daemon might have been next to you, he would have never drifted off. Not when your safety was at risk in an environment like this.
I see now why you didn’t wake me.
It was hard for San to keep his tone from sounding too bitter, wishing once again that it could have been him instead. Though you had loosened up around each of them in your journey, he had yet to get as close to you as some of the others. And not nearly as close as he had been that night in Maehwa so long ago. 
He still remembered the moment he had first seen you that night. He had thought you were beautiful the moment he first saw you, but the feelings that had arisen seeing you dressed like that had been something else altogether. You had looked so radiant, so regal, that night, and it was at that moment he knew without a doubt that he would lay down his life for you. Spend the rest of his waking moment serving you in any way you desired. He would do anything for you, his queen, and bathe the world in the blood of anyone who stood in your way. 
“She fell asleep,” Yunho couldn’t hide the smile Sam’s words pulled as he replied, shifting slightly in the means of pulling you closer to him, “and I didn’t see the harm in straying here for just a bit. I don’t want to wake her after she finally got to sleep. She needs all the rest she can get for tomorrow.”
San couldn’t blame Yunho, both of them aware the moment between the two of you would end the moment he took you back to camp. And if he had been in Yunho’s position, he would have held you as long as he could. He would spend the entire night under the stars with you if he could. Whatever it was that you desired. 
“She kissed me, San.” Yunho’s following words made San stop, and he had to replay them over in his head before the implication of them hit. “Well, technically, I kissed her, but she let me. She kissed me back. And then she allowed me to kiss her again when I asked.” He paused, shifting to his side as gently as he could to better take in your sleeping figure next to him. “Don’t worry though,” he was quick to add, eyes glancing over at San as if he knew just what thoughts had popped up in his mind, “I think it will be a while again until she allows me to do it again. In hindsight, I probably shouldn’t have done it. She was vulnerable, desperate for any form of distraction from the days she has in front of her, but I couldn’t control myself. Not with the way she was looking up at me, and certainly not with the thoughts running through her head.”
And what thoughts would those be? San spoke to Yunho directly when you stirred in your sleep. As much as he did want to spend time with you, he couldn’t stand to wake you either. Not after you had finally gotten to sleep. 
She thinks we should have just let her die. 
San was thankful he had taken the time to sit down on your other side, Yunho’s confession shaking him to his core. 
That everything would have been easier if none of us had ever met her.
San was well used to your attempts at rejecting them. You had made it clear that you didn’t believe you were deserving of any of them, believing your status as a half-daemon made you lesser than them in some way. He knew the insecurities you held towards yourself, fueled by all the lies you had been told by the people before them. Their treatment towards you had cut you deep, and though killing them had alleviated some of his anger on the matter, it did nothing to heal the scars that remained. And to now hear their lies had led you to believe it would have been better if you had died alongside your parents, refueled his hatred towards them fully. He wished more than anything he could go back in time, realizing whatever death he had given them then was far too merciless. They deserved to suffer for what they had done to you. 
But the rage Yunho’s revelation brought only lasted so long, dissipating the second his mind thought of the inevitable. What would have happened if Hongjoong and Yeosang hadn’t gotten to you in time? If Hoseok had succeeded in his attempt to kill you alongside your parents? 
He could only stray on your death for so long before it became too much. The sheer panic he had felt when you had been attacked was something that still haunted him to this day. For days he had been unable to keep you from his sight, putting up as many barriers as he could manage to ensure nothing else happened to you, even going so far as to sketch the runes beneath your saddle to ensure no one but them could approach you when you were on the road. The last thing he wanted to think about was a life without you in it, let alone a life in which you never were. 
It made him wonder just where he was going wrong? Had their actions not shown you how much they cared? Had they not shown you just how much you meant to them? Had they not been enough to convince you that they would do anything to keep you safe? To keep you happy? 
He would have been lying if he said he hadn’t cursed your humanity before. Not for the reason you would have expected him to; he couldn’t care less about your blood status. He didn’t care if you were considered pure or not; it didn’t change who you were as a person, let alone how he saw you. But he did hate how your human heritage did limit the effects of the bonds that tied you to them. It had only been around two months since you had entered his life and he was already beginning to go insane. Every fiber of his being was drawn towards you, desperate to finally claim you as his own. It was driving him crazy. You were driving him crazy. Each second he spent next to you only fueled his hunger for you. A hunger you very well would have felt just as strongly if you had more maetha flowing through your veins. 
He may have promised alongside the others to wait as long as you needed, but he knew he hadn’t been the only one who had lied to you at that moment. He wouldn’t be able to wait that long. It would be impossible for him to wait another lifetime to finally have you. He knew it. The others knew it. But it didn’t really matter. In the end, the lie was meaningless. Even with your humanity, not even you could fully withstand the bond that mates shared. Already, you were cracking. A fact shown in your current position curled up to Yunho beside you. 
Does she realize that would have changed nothing? That it would have simply resulted is us feeling as though a part of us would have been missing for the rest of our lives? 
I told her as much. 
And… then I kissed her. Yunho paused, weighing the situation in his head. I guess a part of me hoped to convey just how much she means to us and that we mean each and every word we say. …At least that was the original intention, but then… The way she looked at me, San, I couldn’t control myself anymore. 
San was silent as he took in Yunho’s confession. As much as he wanted to be jealous, he knew Yunho wasn’t telling him all this to simply rub in the fact he got to kiss you first. Some of the others might have, including himself, but that wasn’t something Yunho would do. He was simply trying to piece the situation together himself, working through the wave of emotions flooding through him. 
Did you know she was named after the stars? Yunho shifted, eyes wandering the sky above. That’s why she stays out so late at night. It’s the one place she feels truly at home. 
Do you think she’ll ever feel that way with us? 
I hope so. Yunho sighed. You should have seen her, San. The passion that filled her. The way her eyes would light up. I like to think a part of her enjoyment was getting to share a part of herself with me. Of having someone to share it with. 
A wave of images flooded San’s mind as Yunho shared his thoughts with him. He could hear the hushed excitement in your voice as you spoke about some particular collection of stars, and see the way your eyes lit up just before turning away shyly when Yunho gently encouraged you to continue. To think Yunho had managed some control over kissing you was a shock to San. If it had been him, he would have kissed you under the stars until your lips were bruised and you were desperate for air. 
As much as I wish to stay here, we should probably head back. Yunho’s fingers ran through your hair, taking in what little time he had left with you. Dawn will be arriving soon and I don’t doubt she’ll be more comfortable waking up in her own bed rather than here. She has enough to worry about tomorrow. 
I’ll get her. San was quick to offer, eager to have you in his arms again, even if it was just for a few moments. 
Yunho offered no resistance, allowing San to wrap his arms around your sleeping figure and gently pick you up. You stirred once more from the movement, but did little more than curl in closer to him once he had you secured. San’s heart fluttered at the action, unable to resist planting a chaste kiss against the top of your head as his grip on you tightened. 
It was hard to let you go once they had made it back, and even harder to lay you down in your own bed, knowing he couldn’t stay there with you. All he wanted was to take you back with him, curling up next to your body which would slot in so perfectly next to his own. 
Nothing would happen if you weren’t ready. He’d be perfecting content with just having you next to him for now. But if you would just give him a chance, oh, the wonders he could show you. The things he could do to convince you he wanted nothing more than to have you by his side for the rest of your lives. The way he would worship your body and sing your praises all but forcing you to believe just how much you truly meant to him. 
But today was not that day. And he didn’t doubt it wouldn’t be any day in the near future either. For now, you were still stuck behind the walls you had built around yourself, an invisible barrier he had yet to find his way through. For now, he would have to be content with your mere presence, knowing that one of these days you might finally allow him to come inside. He just had to be patient, because one day he would succeed. One of these days he would finally get to fully savor you in the way he had craved ever since he had first set eyes on you. 
And he couldn’t wait. 
taglists are in the reblogs :)
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hoshiseon · 4 months
desire ; preview
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♰ pairings :: ot8 vampire!ateez x fem!witch!reader
♰ genre :: dark fantasy, smut, strangers to ?? to lovers, fluff, maybe slight angst?, soulmates/fated lovers
♰ content :: polyamory, references to religious themes, all of them are kinda down bad... some more than others, reader is enamored with them (i'll add more by chapter, they're not written yet)
♰ word count :: 580
♰ note :: all of the descriptions are general as this is the preview, please read the warnings for each chapter!! this is my first time not writing in third person :,) each chapter will probably focus of different sets of members. the chapters aren't planned, i'm writing this as i go so pls be patient. i'm not sure how many chapters there'll be. feedback is greatly appreciated and i should have the first chapter up very soon!! ♡
♰ gen. warnings :: blood, violence, predator/prey dynamics (non sexual & possibly sexual in later chapters), fear, anxiety, sight obsession, stalking, general dark themes, manipulation (non sexual)
☽ smut warnings by chapter, MDNI!!
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as i look around confusedly, i forget that there was a small chance i was being followed by something. instead astonishment replaces the fear as i look around. but not for long. i start to hear the distinct sound of crunching leaves coming from my right. this time my entire body freezes for a fraction of a second and i do not turn to see whatever it is coming for me. instead i turn left and start to run. as i sprint through the tree line, i make it long enough that the clearing behind me starts to morph back into endless trees.
but turning back to look proves to be a mistake as i trip once again and fall, unable to catch myself as i collide with the ground. sharp pain shoots through my knee again and i know this time i would not just have a bruise. i wince and cry as i push into the dirt to roll onto my back. through my fear, i could only hear my boots making contact with the earth beneath me but now that i am still i can definitely hear the pursuit of something coming towards me. it doesn't sound like running but then again i may not be able to hear over the sound of my own pounding heart and heaving breaths. i attempt to scramble to my feet and push through the pain in my leg but i can only manage a weak limping jog. i feel tears pool in my eyes as i stop to lean my side against a tree. there's just no way i'll make it to my cabin like this. and there's no way i'd beat whatever it is that's following me. as the pain in my knee starts to throb, i sink lower until i'm sitting with my back against the tree.
through my wallowing i failed to realize that the sound from before had stopped. as i turn my head to look around, i spot a silhouette to my left. back from where i originally started running. it looks like.... a person? who in their right mind would be out this far? it seems like the seconds drag on as i stare wordlessly at the unmoving figure. i have no options to weigh so i wait. for impending doom most certainly. but there's nothing i can really do. trying to get up again really isn't practical and would just alert them to my location, if they don't see me already. i blink and suddenly the figure looks a lot closer than they were a second ago. no... my mind is playing tricks on me no one moves that fast. my heart rate kicks into high gear as the figure starts to become larger. they're definitely getting closer. my reflexes kick in and i scramble with no success to get onto my feet. i hear my breath stutter and a cry threatens to leave my lips as the figure finally really comes into view and then stops. though it's still very dark, they're close enough now that i can see the person is a man. he's human looking... enough. but that doesn't really quell my fear. he's still not close enough that he could hear me if i spoke in a normal tone but i shouldn't get my hopes up. i watch as his head tilts to the side for a second before he starts to walk, much slower now, towards me.
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icarusignite · 6 days
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Pairing: Captain Hongjoong x Runaway Princess Reader Summary: Weary of the gilded cage of royalty, you escape your opulent life, only to realize that your longing for freedom has landed you in the clutches of ruthless pirates. Determined to prove your worth, you must persuade the enigmatic captain to defy the bounty on your head. (coming soon)
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Pairing: Siren Yeosang x Poacher Reader Summary: You have always lived by the code of the hunt, and as a skilled poacher of exotic creatures, the only law you abide by is that of your own survival. But when a lucrative contract tasks you with capturing a siren alive, you find yourself ensnared in a perilous game where delivering the prize without succumbing to your own guilt or its elusive song proves impossible. (coming soon)
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Pairing: Ex-Naval Officer Jongho x Captive Reader Summary: As the daughter of the naval commander, you find yourself ensnared by the very pirates your father hunts. Among them, your most ruthless captor is none other than the man who once served your father but is now a deserter of the worst kind. As days turn to weeks, you uncover the hidden truths that drove him from the ranks of the navy, and through the eyes of your captor, you witness the cruel corruption that festers within the very force sworn to protect the seas. (coming soon)
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Pairing: Cartographer Yunho x Pirate Reader Summary: When you find yourself marooned on a remote island after your ship is stolen, you must rely on your wits to survive. With the unexpected help of an old friend, you join a new crew ready to take back what was yours. Among your new allies is the soft-spoken cartographer, whose quiet strength and compassion offer you unexpected comfort. (coming soon)
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Pairing: Explosives Master Mingi x Medic Reader Summary: Life as the ship's medic is no easy task, battling not only the fierce skirmishes and injuries typical of a pirate's life but also the ship's resident explosive expert, who constantly finds new excuses to seek your company, often accompanied by yet another injury for you to tend to. Despite your repeated warnings, his cavalier attitude toward safety continues to test your patience and skills, until his recklessness costs him more than he could ever anticipate. (coming soon)
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Pairing: Lookout San x Spy reader Summary: You have managed to infiltrate a notorious pirate ship through deception and lies. Your mission: to pass on their secrets to their enemies. But navigating the perilous waters becomes increasingly difficult when you discover the all-seeing eyes of the ship's lookout, who seems to witness all and scrutinize your every move. Caught between the need for stealth and the watchful gaze that seems to penetrate your every facade, you must tread carefully, or risk being exposed and facing dire consequences. (coming soon)
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Pairing: Firstmate Seonghwa x Ghost Reader Summary: Trapped for centuries within an ancient artifact as a restless ghost, you find yourself unexpectedly released by the intimidating first mate of a pirate ship. However, there's more to him than meets the eye, and as you struggle to adapt to a world you no longer recognize, he finds himself strangely drawn to you and your secrets. (coming soon)
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Pairing: Quartermaster Wooyoung x Pirate Hunter Reader Summary: You have dedicated your life to eradicating piracy from the seas, but when a case of mistaken identity finds you on the wrong side of the law, you're forced to flee with the very crew you have sworn to destroy. Onboard the pirate ship, tensions run high, and you find yourself torn between your duty and an unexpected connection with the charming quartermaster who is determined to make you stay. (coming soon)
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A/N: lol so Ateez at Coachella was my final straw and I absolutely had to write for them. This pirate/maritime theme has been rattling around in my head for a while so I'm excited to get into it. They're probably going to be one-shots or maybe 2 parters if they get long. Comment if you wanna be added to the tag list <3 will probably post the first one sometime next week cuz exams this week rip
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116 notes · View notes
i-luvsang · 7 months
like a dream — kang yeosang
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pairing : dryad!yeosang x gn!reader ➖⟢ genres : fluff, angst, fantasy, strangers to lovers ➖⟢ cw : mythological inaccuracies, food mentions, borderline controlling parents, scary encounter with dark fae, kissing, pet names ➖⟢ wc : 13.3K ➖⟢ for : the stuck in summer collab held by @a1sh1teruu ➖⟢ special thanks : to @yuyusuyu for beta reading !! <33
bonus : inspo pinterest board & playlist
about dryads : in this fic, dryads retain their core attribute of being nymphs/spirits of trees, their life force being connected to the tree they reside in. they differ from traditional greek mythology here, in that they can be in the image of any gender (not just women), and are considered to be a type of fae.
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it all felt like a dream, like magic. the summer haze that fell over the quiet countryside, the trees rustling softly with the gentle wind as twilight fell. the cool water of the lake in your hair, fresh strawberries from the farm just a short walk away, and more than anything at all, him. his smile, the twinkle in his eyes, and, like a miracle, his hand in yours.
admittedly, it didn’t feel that way in the beginning. to be whisked away to your practically estranged grandmother’s home in the middle of nowhere was never what you imagined for the summer between high school and the start of your college journey. you left the day after graduation, still vividly angry with your parents as they shooed you onto the train.
“i swear i’ll be fine on my own! mingi’s parents offered to help if i need anything while you’re gone,” you protested, trying not to let them hand you your already packed bags.
“your grandmother has already prepared to have you. you are getting on that train. we paid for the ticket, you’re all packed, and we are not letting you stay home alone for two and a half months,” they refuted. you had wanted to argue more, maybe bring up a new point, but by then, you had said it all, and despite your recent entry into legal adulthood, your parents still held far too much sway over you.
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the train ride is long, dreadfully so. despite the glory of the city fading and gradually being replaced by tumbling hills, trees, and fields, you cannot help but curse it all in your head, too wrapped up in self-pity to love the sights in the way that you normally would.
a woman that you barely recognize from your childhood greets you at the bus stop as the sun begins to dip low in the sky. she’s sweet to you, but not overbearingly so. during the ride from the station to her home in her small, run down car, you do your best not to act coldy to her, trying to remind yourself it’s not her fault that your parents dumped you into her care for two and a half months.
by the time you arrive, the sun has set, and she has grown on you more than you would like to admit for how adamant you’ve been in hating everything about your current situation. she understands that spending the summer with her is not your ideal by any stretch, and she promises she’ll do her best to make you comfortable in any way she can. the way she says it all is kind and genuine, and you’re grateful to see that she’s far more understanding than your parents have been all month leading up to this.
she allows you to settle in for the first few days, showing you around the need-to-know basics of the sweet cottage she lives in. she’s seemingly unbothered by the way you spend most of your time in your room on your phone, bemoaning your unfortunate state to your friends over text or the phone.
but it only takes her five days to have you falling in love with the place around you. the first two are for your sulking, the third for getting you to come out of the house and take a look at her gardens. the fourth day is for a walk to a nearby farm to purchase fresh produce (the strawberries being your favorite), and the fifth is for the sunset.
it’s glorious, and you have no choice but to admit it. after a freshly cooked meal, eaten on her porch as the heat of the day finally begins to subside, she asks you to stay and watch the sunset with her. you agree, even if the sun won’t set for another hour, now aware that you don’t mind spending time with her at all. you talk as you have been for the past few days, the conversation easy and never forced. when a breeze cool enough to feel like an early manifestation of the night rustles the leaves on the trees and the clothes on your body alike, you wonder why your parents ever distanced you from her at all. 
she doesn’t let the conversation die out even as the sun truly begins to set, and you like it that way. it feels natural and gentle to have the colors become brilliant in the sky as you learn to accept and love the place you have been plopped into for the summer.
it’s not half as bad as you imagined. though you still feel bouts of jealousy for the adventures your friends are having without you and bitterness aimed at your parents for not allowing you to experience this summer the way you wanted, you try to heed the silent advice from your grandmother to make the best of your situation. she never says that out loud, of course, knowing you’d hate to hear it, but she gives you ways to do so each time she shows you a new beautiful thing.
in the second week, you muster up the courage to ask her over dinner if you’re allowed to go into the forest behind her house by yourself. the day before you went on a short walk into it together, and you felt as though you’d fallen in love with it. she does nothing to hide her smile at the question. 
“of course!” she delights. “it’s very safe, it’s quite hard to get lost so long as you don’t stray too far and stay on the paths. almost all of them lead back here or to the main road. i’ll show you tomorrow.”
she sticks to her word, as always, and takes the whole day to show you around the closest areas of the woods. from that day forward, the forest becomes yours. while your grandmother loves it, some stretches are more difficult for her to navigate in her older age, so most days you explore it on your own.
when you’re in the forest, the adventurous side of you comes out. of course, you’re still full of caution, but you are not immune to the allure of a bit of well-calculated risk taking for the sake of tree climbing and wandering off the path just a little bit.
the things that pull you off the path are simple; flowers, mushrooms, long stretches of moss, and the likes. usually it’s something you’d like to capture with the digital camera your grandma has lent you for the summer.
this time, it’s where the furthest navigable path begins to change direction to lead you back home. right where your grandmother told you it’s best not to stray any further. but it’s not far from the path at all, just a small patch of mushrooms that you’ve missed up until now. you make your way over without a second thought, pulling out your camera and snapping a quick picture.
when you stand back up and look out over the small downward slope just a few feet away from you, something else far more special catches your eye. you hesitate this time, knowing that you won’t be able to see the path if you climb your way below it to examine the white flower that you see on the edge of your vision. but you can’t resist the allure, too curious about the single, out of place bloom. so, taking note of your spot at the top of the slope to make your way back to it easily, you carefully make your way down and across the stretch of your vision to confirm your suspicions about the flower. up close, you take in its appearance, and while you’re not an expert, you know enough to tell that it’s a dahlia. 
it’s curious, to say the least, to see the white flower fully blossomed when your grandmother had shown you the short dahlia stems in her garden, telling you that you’d be lucky to see them bloom before you left. in response to the phenomenon, you take your time to snap a few photos to show your grandma the early bloom.
once satisfied, you stand from your bent over position and grin when you see a butterfly fluttering deeper into the forest. you take a few steps towards it, trying to get close enough to identify it, when a deep voice interrupts you.
“i wouldn’t recommend going much further from the trail.” the voice is gentle, but it still startles you into whipping around in surprise. you take in the figure standing a few feet away from you. the first thing you notice is that he’s absolutely gorgeous, features soft and beautiful enough to rival the looks of the fairies in the set of paintings hung up in your grandma’s hallway. but that does nothing to aid your surprise. he is, after all, a stranger in the middle of the forest who has somehow approached you in complete silence.
“who–,” you choke the word out, nervous and not even sure what you want to say.
the soft smile on his face shifts into a look of light regret. “sorry. i didn’t mean to startle you. i live close by,” he explains.
“oh.” this doesn’t explain why you couldn’t hear him approach, but you let it slide by chalking it up to the fact that you weren’t paying much attention to anything but the flower and the butterfly. “my grandmother never mentioned you.” 
“was she supposed to have mentioned me?” he asks, the hint of a teasing lilt in his voice.
you clear your throat a bit awkwardly. “well, no? i mean, maybe. she told me about everyone else who lives in the area,” you tell him. you’re a bit offended she never mentioned a boy so strikingly handsome. 
he hums in acknowledgment. “i don’t go out much,” is all he offers in information. you look him up and down, growing a little suspicious under his gaze with all of these vague answers. he looks perfectly normal, dark brown, almost black hair that falls down to his cheeks in the front and wearing simple clothes. he sports a mossy green t-shirt and dark wash jeans that make him look like he belongs in the forest. he looks confident and comfortable where he stands, as if he knows every inch of this place. maybe he does, granted his claim that he lives close by.
“i mean it, though,” he interrupts your train of thought. “it can be hard to find your way back to the trail if you go any further than this.”
“ah. right,” you nod. “i was just looking at this flower. i thought dahlia’s didn’t bloom until august.”
his reaction to your words is odd when it looks like an expression of nervousness flashes across his face. but it disappears so fast you take the time to wonder if you’d just imagined it.
“usually,” he confirms, “but sometimes they bloom early here.”
“interesting,” you muse, curious again what could be the difference between the forest and your grandmother’s garden. a moment of silence passes between the two of you, and it seems there’s nothing left to say. plus, you’ve got to get home sooner than later to be in time for dinner.
“i guess i’ll get going then.” you point vaguely in the direction you came from.
“right.” there’s silence only interrupted by the sounds of your foot falls as you begin walking away, already thinking of the many things you’ll have to tell your grandma over dinner. the early blooming flower, the somewhat strange boy. he pulls you right out of your thoughts once again with his melodic voice. “i’m yeosang, by the way.”
you turn around to face him, surprised when you’re met with what you could only describe as a bashful expression on his face.
“oh!” you give him your name, not even having realized the two of you never really introduced yourselves to one another. “i’m staying with my grandma for the summer.”
“well,” he echoes your name, and the way it rolls off his tongue in that deep voice of his has your heart jumping in a way you hadn’t expected at all, “see you around.”
“mhmm,” you agree, suddenly eager to meet this stranger again. “see you!”
with that, you turn and make your way back up to the trail, and when you glance back around to seek out his pretty face one more time, he’s nowhere to be seen.
when you arrive back at the cottage, it’s just in time for you to help your grandmother set the table for dinner. the food is aromatic and fresh as always, but even the watering in your mouth at the sight of it isn’t enough to distract you fully from your odd encounter in the woods. it’s hard to hold back from telling her all about it the second you got home.
but, you don’t have to wait for long. once you’re both settled at the table with food served and a few bites eaten she asks you how your outing went today.
“actually,” you begin eagerly, “it was quite eventful. and before i say anything else, i promise i stayed within sight of the trail.” she raises an eyebrow at that, but you can see the smile tugging at her lips that tells you to go on. “i saw a dahlia off the path. it was white and in full bloom. i have pictures to show you after dinner! do you think there’s a difference between your garden and the forest?”
“really? that’s fascinating,” she ponders, “i’m not sure if there’s any difference besides maybe the soil, but that’s still unusually early for wild dahlias.”
“that’s what i thought,” you agree. “but grandma! i met some guy while i was looking at it. do you know someone named yeosang who lives around here? he didn’t seem much older than me.”
“ah!” she claps her hands in recognition. “i’m surprised you met him. i’ve never met him myself. i’ve heard he lives in a small cottage in the forest. according to anyone who’s seen him, he's quite a recluse, but still kind.”
“he was a little bit odd. but nice, he seemed to mean well,” you pause a moment before deciding to go on, “but grandma!” you let out a light laugh, “he was… he was really cute.” you’re downplaying the extent of his beauty, but you’re not really one to call a man you just met “gorgeous” in front of your grandma, no matter how fitting the word truly is.
“well, well, well,” she laughs, “have we found you a summer crush?” she teases.
“that’s not what i’m saying,” you refute. “i’m just saying he’s good-looking. maybe he comes across nice but has a rotten personality!”
“i hope that’s not the case!” she lets out another laugh. “maybe you can get him to get out of his shell and get to know the people he lives around. he’s so young, it must be hard for him to live alone.”
“he’s alone?” suddenly a new wave of curiosity and even concern crashes over you.
“well, as far as we all know. i feel so sorry to say it, but he’s so rarely sighted and even less talked to that i think many of us forget about him. i’m sure he’s a kind boy and could use a friend like you.”
you hum absentmindedly at that, already wondering if you’ll run into him again.
but it’s not until the next morning, once again making your way to the deepest point in the forest you’re allowed, that you realize you’re starting to hope to see him again. you find yourself far too curious about him, wanting to know more, looking for his fairy-like features every corner you round.
you reach the spot where you stepped off the trail yesterday, pausing to wonder if he’s more likely to show up here since it’s where you saw him first. it feels a bit silly when you shuffle to the edge and bring your foot over into the vegetation right off the path. 
“you don’t have to leave the path for me to show up.”
you can barely process that the tone of his voice is genuine, not teasing like the words themselves might suggest, as you nearly trip over nothing when you’re startled into spinning around too quickly.
his smile is sheepish and apologetic when you lay your eyes on his face. “sorry.” the boy—yeosang, you remind yourself—doesn’t have to explain what for; you recall his apology last time for surprising you like this. 
“how are you so quiet?” you wonder aloud, voice curious and void of any accusatory tones, not bothering to keep the question silent this time. you hope it’s not rude to ask, but he just shrugs.
“i’m just used to moving like that, living out here.”
it’s not a very clear or enlightening explanation, but you brush it off regardless. there’s a moment of silence as the two of you just peer upon the other, a hint of curiosity in his eyes that mirrors your own features.
“so…,” you begin, hoping he doesn’t mind if you ask more questions, “you seem to be quite at home here … how long have you been living here?”
“my whole life,” yeosang must sense your surprise at that answer, so he continues speaking to explain, “my parents were, well, recluses, and since they moved out a few years ago, i seem to be following in their footsteps. that’s why most people around here—like your grandmother—don’t know much about me.”
suddenly, you decide you don’t want this to be a short lived conversation. as you ask a new question, you take just a few short steps to sit on a flat rock at the edge of the trail. he follows in suit, taking his place right on the forest floor, leaning his back against a tree directly across from you.
“do you prefer it that way, then?”
he pauses, as if he doesn’t have an answer prepared for that. “i guess,” he shrugs. “i’m used to it.”
“so you don’t get lonely? yknow, living alone now?” you’re surprised by the questions that spill out of your mouth as if without permission. they’re not the kind of thing you normally ask pretty boys you’ve just met. but, more than that, you’re curious about the way the features of his face reflect the internal debate he must be having as he tries to come up with an answer to your question. it’s either as if no one’s ever asked these sorts of questions, nor has he thought about the subject at hand at all. or maybe there’s an answer he could give, but would rather not. you suppose it’s the former option, if he’s really been so secluded from all the people around him for his whole life. 
“sometimes,” is the cryptic, too-simple answer yeosang decides to give. but, as seems normal with him, his voice and the look in his eyes are laden with much more. you feel crazy for thinking it, but it feels like he’s saying, “sometimes i’m lonely, but most of the time i’m alright. either way, it’d certainly be nice to have someone else around. you, maybe.” you hope that’s what his eyes are telling you, but you could just be pushing your own feelings onto him because you don’t want to be the only one who feels that way. you love your grandmother’s company, but these days you’ve been missing in-person interaction with friends your age. 
“sometimes,” you nod, mumbling the word under your breath. for a moment, you let the air fill with bird calls and the rustle of leaves in the breeze. “so, mr. yeosang,” you speak louder, weaving a bit of playfulness into your voice, “since you’ve been living here your whole life, is there any chance you’d be able to show me around the forest. you know, off the trails.” you watch as a soft, almost hesitant smile makes its way onto his lips.
“sure,” he replies, his answer short as always and turned into something meaningful by the borderline innocent, and certainly sweet look on his face. yeosang’s glad you asked, he just doesn’t say it out loud.
“cool,” you grin. eyes drifting down to examine the plants beside your feet, you wonder what you’re supposed to say next. but that’s no longer a worry when he speaks up first.
“we can start tomorrow,” he proposes. he rushes to follow up, with a kind, “if that’s alright with you, of course.”
your smile grows at his consideration, the light worry in his voice that he hasn’t been perfectly kind to you. in your eyes, he certainly has.
“that’s perfect,” you assure him, “i’ve got practically nothing to do all summer long, anyways.” 
“great.” he sends you a smile that catches you completely off guard. or rather, it’s your own reaction that surprises you. the way the curve of his lips and the sparkle in his eyes sends your heart racing. on second thought, maybe hanging out with the prettiest person you’ve ever laid eyes upon isn’t the best idea you’ve had. of course, that thought is completely wiped from your mind when his melodic voice meets your eager ears again. “you know the giant rock at the fork between painter’s path and luna moth trail?” you nod quickly at his question. “we can meet there, then.”
“sounds good!” you chirp, then glance up to the sky between the treetops to check if the afternoon sun has begun dipping low enough to force you back on the trail homewards. sighing, because you’re just a little bit disappointed your time with him can’t last any longer today, you tell him it’s about time for you to head back and bid him goodbye.
“see you tomorrow,” he calls softly after you. his words send a rush of excitement in the form of flitting butterflies to your stomach, so you rush off, wondering what’s gotten into you. butterflies? already?
the next morning, you wake with yeosang already on your mind. the first thing that you realize is that you never set an actual time to meet with him. it was just “tomorrow.” you let that slip up worry you for a measly thirty seconds as you pull the cream colored sheets away from your body. but the way that the morning sunlight sneaks into your room through the white curtains and illuminates the framed artworks above your dresser steals that prick of worry away, replacing it with something akin to whimsy. somehow, you’re sure he’ll know when to meet you. and if not, by some chance, you wouldn’t mind waiting for him one bit. 
after a quick breakfast and a hasty goodbye to your grandma, you grab your bag, already packed with your usual supplies of water, lunch, and your camera, and rush out the back door. by now, most paths are familiar, and you easily make your way to your designated meeting spot. that boulder is clear in your memory, as well as the pictures of it captured by your camera. you adore the way that the moss grows on the intimidatingly large stone and the view of the forest floor from the top when you managed to climb it last week.
it’s a delight to find him already there, perched up high at the exact spot you ate your lunch last thursday. it takes up all of your willpower to keep from pulling out your camera and capturing the image of his practically divine figure, soaking up both the sunlight that filters in through the leaves and the dappled shade that the trees provide. once again, you’re struck with just how much he appears to belong in this forest, as if you couldn’t imagine him anywhere else but here.
he’s already looking in your direction when he comes into your line of sight, and you’re reminded of how you don’t have his talent of traveling through the brush in complete silence. the subtle wave and soft smile that he gives you sends a rush through your body. you return the wave, now more eager than ever to explore the forest with him as your guide. he tells you to wait at the path for him, disappearing for only a moment before reemerging from the side of the boulder in mere seconds. you’re not sure you’ll ever be able to look at him without his beauty throwing you off momentarily like a breeze that rustles your clothing out of place just enough that you have to stop a second to collect yourself.
“you ready?” he asks, the tone of his voice not helping you to respond normally. you clear your throat unnecessarily before answering.
“mhmm!” you nod your head enthusiastically. “where to?”
the light smile on his face quirks up so that it’s almost mischievous. “a surprise?” he says the words like a question, both to sound extra teasing but to also leave you room to protest if you really want.
your grin grows. “if you insist.”
he smiles wider too. you get the inclination that his smile will be the death of you someday.
it surprises you just how easy it is to talk with yeosang considering how flustered his presence makes you sometimes. but you don’t complain at all; instead, you soak it all up the same way you do with the new scenery that comes when you part from the path. he’s a wonderful listener, clearly content to hear anything and everything about you with the way he asks actually interesting questions and retains every detail that you provide him. of course, you hate to be the only one talking, and you hate not to hear more of his voice, so you’re sure to engage him to talk about himself. he’s intelligent with his words, reserved with how much he says, but speaking volumes in just a sentence or two. the simple things are nice too. you get to learn the way he pronounces words like lychee, syrup, and caramel and he gets to learn how much you love fresh fruits for dessert and that you hate frosting unless it’s homemade and not too sweet.
you’re about to ask him if he likes rainy weather when he tells you to wait for just a moment. you nod, and he pulls himself up to the top of the shallow ravine you’ve been walking through. it’s taller than the both of you, and the grace in which he climbs to the top is impressive. he crouches at the edge and extends his hand out to you. you flush when you realize you’re supposed to hold his hand. trying not to think too much about it, you reach up to place your hand in his. it’s alright for a split second, but when his deep voice meets your ears as you keep your eyes level with the vegetation in front of you, your heart begins to hammer in your chest. you almost don’t catch what he says.
“if you put your left foot on that rock by your knee, i can pull you the rest of the way up,” he advises. you hope he doesn’t notice the slight buffer in between his words and when you actually follow his instruction. but he’s right, it’s easier that way and you’re standing at the edge of the small cliff seconds later, just far too close to him for your heart to come back to its normal resting rate.
“thanks,” you breathe out, voice quieter than you expected it to be. but he hears you easily with your body pressed against his and only the rustle of leaves sounding through the forest. 
“of course.” you feel a bit better knowing that his voice has come out almost as hushed as yours, as if there’s something special about being this close to one another. as if this is something you both would rather not brush off as nothing. instead, being close to him is something, it means something. what it means, you’re not sure, but you do know that despite the nervous fluttering of your heart, being near him is safe and filled with peace.
you try not to hate it when he pulls away because you feel strange that you’re so attracted to him barely three days into having met him. yet, you question the harm of it. who’s to say you can’t have a summer love under the leaves, with a quiet, gorgeous boy who seems to have taken a liking to you too? certainly not you.
when you turn to face the direction he’s looking in, a different type of excitement takes over your mind. there’s still a bit of a ways left, but there’s no doubt that what you see in the distance is the sight of sunlight catching on water.
you spin your head to face him again. “there’s a lake?”
he lets out a light laugh at the clear excitement in your voice. “i think i’d classify it as a pond, but yes. we’re close to my favorite part on the shore.”
“perfect,” you grin. you let him continue to lead the way, reminding yourself not to get ahead of yourself in the case of unexpected landmarks like the kind he’s been steering you clear of the whole way here. he seems to know every little thing about the forest, easily guiding you away from roots, rocks, and the likes that you would probably trip over were you alone. that’s just a small reason you’re so glad to be with him.
when the trees break and you’re met with a small patch of land between the trees and water, you pull in a gasp of awe. the following breath comes out as a contented sigh. he’s right; the body of water isn’t nearly big enough to be classified as a lake. but that doesn’t take away any of its glory. the lily pads are blooming and the trees lining the edge are beautiful in contrast to the water. and you could fall in love with sunlight reflecting off of any water every time you see it, and this time is no exception. it’s just that maybe you’ve fallen in love a bit more than you normally do, knowing that this place is tucked away, almost a secret. knowing that you’re discovering this place with him, and knowing that there’s more. suddenly you’re curious.
“have you ever shown this place to anyone else?”
the question seems to catch him off guard, and you instantly wish you’d bitten your tongue before letting it slip from your mouth. you wish you’d just told him that it’s beautiful, that you love it, that you’re grateful he’s shown it to you regardless if you’re the only one or not. but then there’s a light smile on his face.
“no,” he answers, “there are people that know about it, of course, but i’ve never shown it to someone.”
you nod, thankful he’s not upset that you asked, but instead seemingly glad to answer instead. as if he’d like you to know you’re the only one, but he’s too shy to bring it up himself. as if he’s glad that you’re asking because it means that you want to be the only one.
“well, thank you for showing me. i love it.” you let that hang in the air and hold back the questions that you still have because you want him to know that you mean it.
“i’m glad you love it,” he says, voice sincere as always. and the silence isn’t the kind that you hate, it’s the kind where you both know that the quiet is right because you’re both basking in the beauty of what’s before you, you’re basking in the fact that it feels like the person beside you is willing to understand you and if feels like they’ll continue to do so. you’re basking in the silence because all of it feels right, feels like a fairytale, like a dream. because how the hell do you meet someone twice for so short of a time and then talk for hours when you see them next? how could silence already be comfortable? turns out it just is.
for you, it turns out the quiet boy is always kind, is always willing to listen, and always willing to answer. it turns out that he never tires of showing you new places like the bubbling creek and he doesn’t mind that you love catching frogs and salamanders just to hold them for a moment. he must think it’s cute that you find them cute every single time. he tells you about the types of moss and lichen that cover the boulder over twice the size of the one you meet at nearly every morning. he obliges when you want to go back to the pond to wade in the water and look for tadpoles in the shallows. he knows that you’ll love that one clearing in the middle of the deep trees that always filters in the rays of the sun just right so that it always appears to be straight out of a fantasy movie. and he loves to take you to the willow tree.
the moment you told him it was your favorite spot, yeosang thought he’d kiss you right then and there. but he knew it was too soon. before then, you’d only held hands, first as you ran through the forest to his small, bare cabin to escape the rain, then shyly a few times more just because it felt nice.
you’re holding hands now as you near the willow for the millionth time in the last month since you’d met. it’s a normal occasion by now, as you claim to only be grabbing his hand because it can get cold in the forest, but the two of you know it’s because neither of you can get enough of it. you’re just too shy to admit anything like that.
it doesn’t take long for you to settle at the trunk of the tree; the routine of sitting side by side in the grass with lunch splayed out in front of you is easy and natural now. once the food’s all gone, you’ll sit and talk for hours until you have no choice but to head home. today is no different, the same motions are there, along with the butterflies in your stomach that always come from sitting so close to him, his voice practically right in your ear as he goes on about something that you love to hear. but today he seems quiet, pensive. it’s almost as if you can feel the way that thoughts swirl around in his mind, like you can see it in his eyes as he silently eats the sandwich in his hand. he’s a bit far away, in a way that’s not quite bad, but not good either. you wish he’d tell you what’s on his mind.
you let it sit for a while, understanding of the want to just be. to let oneself be quiet without the pressure to hold a conversation. but you also want to help. you don’t want him to feel like he has to hold in whatever he’s thinking of if he doesn’t want to.
“what’s up?” you ask, voice light and airy as if to show him that you’re giving him space to do as he wishes.
“do you believe in magic?” the question slips out of his mouth as if he hadn’t meant to say it out loud. yeosang’s gaze avoids yours, staring straight forward as you peer at him. you take in his features the same you that you always love to. the lines of his profile perfectly catch the light of the sun that streams through the delicate leaves of the willow. your gaze drifts from his ridiculously dainty eyelashes to the unique curve of his nose and finally to the lips you haven’t been able to get out of your mind since the time you named this place as your favorite. 
when you said that two weeks ago, you’d been sitting like you were now, shoulders and thighs brushing together. he didn’t say a word, but he turned his head to meet your eyes and suddenly he was leaning close, closer than he’d ever been. but a far away look flashed through his eyes, one that mirrored his gaze now, and he let his lips curve into a sad smile that you still don’t understand. then he moved away, and said, “i’m glad,” and you knew he meant it.
suddenly, you realize you’ve let his question hang in the air for too long, lost like always in thoughts of him. you pause a moment longer, wanting to answer truthfully and thoughtfully.
“i want to believe in magic,” you admit. “though i guess it could depend on how you define magic. like actual fairies and spells and storybook tales that aren’t real—or that we don’t know if they’re real—or things like this. to me, this is magic. the sun lighting up the leaves and the side of your face, and the beauty of this tree. to me, magic can be the way someone makes you feel. but if we’re talking about the other kind … i want to believe in it. i wish it were real but it’s kind of hard to believe in it when i’ve never seen that kind of magic. i’m a hopeless romantic in some ways. i’ll still imagine that fairytales could be real, that if i hope hard enough i’d see a fairy living in a toadstool fairyhouse. but i still like proof, so i settle with that hope.” once you let out your long-winded answer, you realize you’d probably never say that to anyone else. that happens a lot when he asks you questions.
something in yeosang’s gaze changes and he’s not so far away anymore. if anything, there’s that last word you spoke reflected in his expression. hope. like that’s the perfect answer for you to have given him.
“i like that way of thinking,” he says, voice soft and honest. you want to ask him if he believes in magic, but for once the question stays stuck in the back of your throat. it doesn’t feel like he’s ready to give his answer and you’re a bit bewildered as to why, but you let him be. you always let him be when that far away look interrupts his smile.
exhaling lightly, you let your head tilt to the side until it’s fallen onto yeosang’s broad shoulder.
“it’s nice to hope,” you say, wondering if his heart could be beating as fast as yours is.
“it is.” then his head is resting on yours and you wish that summer would never end. you don’t know it, but he wishes the same in a far more desperate and bittersweet way.
today, you’re meeting him at the willow rather than the normal spot at the boulder. you readily agreed when he asked if that would be alright with you, confident in finding the way on your own. the confidence was warranted, as you’ve walked there many times and the journey has been smooth from the beginning. you know you’re almost there when you pass the bend in the creek with the young maple tree hanging its branches over the water. it’s only a few steps later that something catches your eye.
instantly you’re reminded of the first time that you met yeosang, a fully bloomed dahlia coming into view. this time it’s dark in color, the deep red-ish undertones of the petals visible even from your vantage point. without a second thought, you pull out your camera and clamber your way over to the regal flower, surprised you’ve never noticed it before. now that august is right around the corner, it’s far less odd to see a dahlia bloom, but now that they remind you of yeosang you can’t help but want to capture the pretty sight in your camera.
as you focus your gaze into the viewing piece of the camera, you frown at the dark lighting that you can tell will be reflected into the image. there was plenty of sunlight filtering through the leaves just moments ago. you pull the camera away from your face to reevaluate your surroundings, confused.
without warning, everything begins to grow dark, like the once artful shadows of the forest are multiplying and expanding right in front of your eyes. it’s like when a storm approaches and the sun is swallowed up by thick clouds, but it’s not a darkening of the sky that swallows you up, but rather the shadows themselves.
fear hits you like a truck, and your heart hammers in your chest because you know instinctively that none of this is right. i need to get to the willow, is all you can think, and yet the moment you resolve to run, it’s as if you can’t tear your eyes away from the flower in front you.
you wonder if this is what it feels like to be under a spell, a real one, a dark one. nothing like the spell of falling in love, nothing like the feeling of being stunned into silence from one glance at those glorious eyes of his.
“you’re a lovely little creature, aren’t you?” a horrified chill runs up your spine when the dark, thin voice permeates through the air just like the unnatural shadows. you dare not look up to where the voice came from, though you’re not even sure you could look away from the dahlia. sharp, shallow breaths escape your mouth as you panic. it feels like you’ve been thrown straight into a nightmare. you shut your eyes tight and beg in your head to please wake up, please wake up, i have to wake up.
your eyes almost snap open when the voice speaks again, sinister and demanding. “don’t be so afraid. look at me.” but you realize that with your eyes closed, you’re no longer being pulled towards the flower by your transfixed gaze.
so you turn and run.
opening your eyes doesn’t do much to help you, the darkness that’s wrapped around the trees is not too different from the dead of night. you trip over roots and get whacked in the face by low hanging branches, stumbling along in the direction you can only pray is back to the safety of the willow. you’re not even sure why you’re so convinced that the tree can save you, but you have to run somewhere.
it feels like a miracle when you see the shadows begin to thin in the near distance. the promise of daylight prompts you to push yourself to run faster. and you think it’s working because you haven’t heard anything but your own rapid footfalls and heavy breathing. the light is getting closer.
but something as firm as metal shackles latches itself around your upper arm and you can’t control the scream that rips from your throat as you’re yanked into darkness again. this time the darkness is solid, wrapped around you like spindly, immovable arms. then the darkness speaks and you realize you really are being held by something.
“you’ve wandered too far for me to just let you go like that. humans.” the last word is spit out like something disgusting and covetable all at once. then you realize the last word makes it sound like whatever freakishly tall and strong thing holding you captive is not human. that would make sense if there were other things in this world that could talk but aren’t human. but that’s not real and this has to be a horrifyingly realistic nightmare.
you struggle in the grip he has you in, desperate to get away. “let me go!” you scream. he just clicks his tongue.
but then he does. his arms release you and you almost crumple to the ground with how weak your knees are with fear. you try to run, but suddenly he has his hand on your chin, forcing you to look up at him and you can no longer move of your own free will.
his face is striking, beautiful even. his black eyes are so empty it feels like they’re burning holes straight through your soul. he looks human. almost. but he's at least 7 feet tall and his face is framed with shadows rather than locks of hair. his robes seem to be shifting and swirling like black smoke. he himself seems to be shadow. and those eyes are certainly not human. just like he’s the black dahlia, you can’t look away.
“that little dryad thought he'd scored himself a sweet prize, didn’t he?” he tilts his head as he asks the rhetorical question, one that makes absolutely no sense to you. “a shame you wandered too far from his tree. i can’t believe he let you walk alone so close to the border. getting you to cross it was far too easy,” he croons. the first tree that comes to your mind is the willow and you have to shut out the wild thought that this monster is talking about yeosang. yeosang who loves the willow tree, yeosang who asked you to meet him there, leaving you to walk the whole way on your own. yeosang who you first met at a white dahlia bloom.
thoughts of him crowd your mind, pushing out the darkness bit by bit. so you concentrate on everything here that’s felt opposite to this nightmare; everything dreamlike. in your mind there are rainstorms watched from the safety of your grandmother’s porch, frogs from the creek in your hand, and sunlight dappling the forest floor. there’s the shining pond, fresh strawberries, and priceless sunsets. there’s his hand in yours, his breath on your cheek, and the branches of the willow tree swaying in the breeze. and then there’s nothing tying you to the darkness, so in desperation, you bolt, praying that this time you’ll be fast enough.
the light approaches faster and there are tears on your cheeks. letting out a cry, you see a figure running towards you, backlit from the sunlight that was always supposed to be there, and you know it signals safety before you can see his face.
yeosang gets closer and closer, and suddenly his hand is wrapped around your wrist and he’s tugging you along behind him, towards the light. you hear nothing behind you, but you know the shadowy figure is there, his dark smoke nipping at your feet, trying and succeeding in catching up.
but yeosang runs far faster than you thought he could and at any other time you’d question how you’re able to keep up at all. now you can see it. the blurry border where you can somehow see the light and dark balance perfectly. and you know you need to get past it where the light overpowers dark, where it is natural and shadows only exist because there is sun.
you let out a cry of surprise when you feel a sting at your lower calves and look down to see the smoky shadows climb higher, biting at the back of your legs and climbing up to your knees and lower thighs as your captor comes closer to keeping you in his cold grasp.
“keep going,” yeosang urges, and you resist the urge to let out a loud sob at the sound of his voice. you want to scream at him and ask what the hell is going on. instead, you follow his lead and push yourself even harder than you thought possible, and suddenly you’re sprawling forward, straight into the ground as your hand slips out of yeosang’s grip.
the fear clenching your heart squeezes hard, but nothing else snatches you up, no shadowy, steel-like hands, no cold voice in your ear. just him at your side in milliseconds, voice asking if you’re okay and hands pulling you up from the ground. you don’t say a word as he hoists you to your feet, telling you that you’re safe for now, but should get farther from the border as fast as possible. you just let him hold you close as he guides your tired and wobbly legs away until you’re under the leaves of the most familiar tree in the whole forest. only then do you let your knees buckle and a fresh wave of tears escape from your eyes. he keeps you steady so you don’t fall, gently lowering you to the ground and into his arms.
he holds you like that for god knows how long, rubbing your back in an attempt to sooth your shaking, and whispering a mix of broken apologies and comforting words to calm your crying.
“i’m so, so sorry, sweetheart. i’m sorry,” he calls you by a mix of sweet things and your name said like something holy. “i never meant for anything like this to happen, i’m sorry. please, please tell me you’re alright,” he begs. you hate how sad and guilty he sounds, but you can’t say a word, completely unable to process anything that’s happened. you just lay in his hold like it’ll keep any threat in the world away from you.
eventually you’re still and quiet in his arms save for your shaky breathing. his shirt is wet under your head. he’s mostly quiet now, still whispering out apologies here and there. it takes a moment for you to speak.
“is this a dream?” you whisper, tilting your head up to look at his very real, heartbroken face.
“i’m sorry,” he answers, voice guilt-ridden. that means no. your head drops back down to his shoulder and you sigh.
“i’m… i’m scared to ask, yeosang,” you begin, voice soft and still a little shaky, “i’m scared to ask what the hell that was and why the hell you seem to know exactly what’s going on.” your tone isn’t accusing, just tired and confused. once you start talking, it’s hard for you to stop, even when the words make little sense. “that– that can’t have been real, i swear. how the hell could that be real? he was– there’s no way that he was… human. he didn’t look, well, possible. and it was like i couldn’t move sometimes and god! i must have been hallucinating.” your voice drops off into silence with a thud. he doesn’t say a word. there’s a stretch of silence, and it feels like the only moving thing is his hand on your back, still rubbing back and forth in comfort. your voice is even smaller than before when you speak again. “and he… he said things and i think he was talking about you. why was he talking about you? why… why aren’t you telling me none of this is real?”
the pain in his voice is enough to tell you without looking that his lips are drawn tight in a frown and his eyebrows are furrowed with something almost as intense as sorrow.
“i’m sorry,” when he speaks his voice is small too. “i wish i could tell you it wasn’t real. and i’m sorry because i never meant for anything like this to happen, i never meant for you to find out like this, and i never should have let you walk out here alone. i wanted to tell you that the magic you let yourself hope for is real, it almost slipped out of my mouth a million times… but i didn’t know how. i didn’t know if there was a right time, or if i’d scare you away, and that’s the last thing i could ever want. i didn’t want anything to change. so i’m sorry i kept you in the dark like this and i’m sorry this happened. please, please, please tell me how i can fix it.” the words tumble out of his mouth like a waterfall, unfiltered and uncontrolled and so clearly true. it’s so different from the way he normally talks. he’s always truthful, but he picks and chooses his words both precisely and scarcely. here, it’s clear that he’s let it all come falling out, too guilty and upset for your sake to filter through the mess of his mind right now.
“and that’s why you asked me if i believed in magic a few days ago?” as you say this, you try to understand, finally pushing yourself up. you stay in his hold, still tucked into his wide frame, but now more level with him to better engage in a real conversation. it hurts a little to see the pain on his face, but it’s hard not to look at him either way.
he nods at your question, not even caring for now that you haven’t directly addressed his previous plea. “and so i decided to tell you. for a while i wondered if it would be better if you never knew at all. but i didn’t want to hide things from you and your answer was… it was… i was going to tell you today. i was going to surprise you with something small, right here.” his hand reluctantly leaves you to dig into his pocket. when he opens his fist to show you, it’s a tiny set of clothes, like the kind you’d find for small dolls. “these are my friend’s. he’s a pixie.” your silence makes him realize you must still be completely overwhelmed. quickly, he shoves the clothes back away and looks at you apologetically. “i’m sorry. this is too much, isn’t it?”
“i– so,” you struggle to find your words, “you’re telling me that magic is real? like the storybook kind? and you’re friends with pixies and there are horrifying shadow-men that try to capture you if you stray too far in the forest?” he cringes at that, and you want to apologize because you didn’t mean it like that. it’s just that you can’t seem to wrap your mind around this at all.
“well… yes.”
“oh.” you blink, once, twice, three times over. you try to let it sink in and he doesn’t say a word because he’s afraid of scaring you further. there’s silence for a long moment. “and… you. you’re magic too?”
he lets out a sharp exhale. “yes. i’m a dryad, a type of fae. a light fae. the shadowy man is a dark fae.”
you surprise yourself when you start to feel a hesitant smile try to find a way to your face. “and this is your tree?” you look up at the grand branches of the rustling willow.
he can’t hide the small smile of pride when he answers. “this is my tree.”
“it’s beautiful,” you marvel, as if you haven’t said so a million times before. but this time, the meaning is new, and once again, yeosang is dying to kiss you.
“thank you,” he breathes out, hopeful you’ll be alright, and hopeful that you won’t shut him out for hiding a whole entire world from you. there’s another pause for silence as you take in the tree with a new set of eyes, and he knows he’s in love with you when he sees the sparkle in your eyes. he feels like he’s ruined any chance with you after putting you in so much danger and throwing you into a world of the unknown and utter confusion. and here you are, staring at his tree with a wonder so pure in your eyes, as if he’s shown you the most beautiful thing in the world. 
to you, that’s what it feels like, though. your brain may be running a million miles an hour and your heart may still be beating in fear, but magic is real. for you magic is real in so many ways, because to you, his dreamlike smile is a magic of it’s own, and now he’s really, actually magic. he is one with nature, in a way you can only begin to understand now, and even more deeply, he is one with the most majestic tree you have ever laid your eyes upon. everything about him is beautiful in ways you didn’t even know, but that you feel blessed to have been shown now. 
and you struggle to even think that he’s to blame for not telling you yet. it’s true, you’d much rather not have found out the way you did, but how could anyone dismiss his hesitance? no one, when you belong to a species so destructive, especially to mother nature. not when it was because he was afraid of scaring you away. not when he didn’t know until just days ago if you would even be willing to believe in anything near fantastical. you’re honored to know he did intend on telling you, because you believe him wholeheartedly in everything he’s told you. 
but a sudden series of doubts cross your mind. what if he’s been playing me this entire time? what if he’s not who he claims to be? what if he’s using magic to make me trust him… to love him, even?
but he interrupts those thoughts with his soft, careful voice. “you broke his spells, you know? those moments when you couldn’t move, you were under the influence of his magic. his kind is far stronger than mine. my magic is connected only to nature. i’d have a completely hellish time trying to break that kind of spell with my magic,” he admits before continuing, “and without any magic? well, it’s nearly impossible. but you did it. your mind is incredibly strong and full of light. of course, i’ve known that for a long time now, but you’ve just proven it to one of the strongest faeries in this forest. you’re practically magical too,” he muses, and every doubt is wiped from your mind.
“i thought of you,” you admit quietly, “and other things that i love.” the confession is subtle, but yeosang doesn’t miss it.
his voice is begging and oh so gentle when he asks. “can i kiss you?” 
“please,” you breathe out. then he’s tilting his head closer and closer to yours, just like before, but this time he doesn’t get the faraway look, and this time his lips finally meet yours.
you thought that the faraway look would be gone forever once you found out about the world of magic. but it’s come back now that your days with him dwindle. it’s not that you’ve even addressed the end of the summer approaching, and therefore, your time with him too. but it isn’t hard to guess that he’s thinking about the fact that you’re leaving, and he’s not. what you can’t understand is the extra layer of sadness and regret. you can’t figure out what it means because somehow you know it’s not just the fact that you’ll be apart—though that part is plenty distressing to you.
you already knew that the end of the summer would bring a difficult goodbye, but now that he tucks his head into your neck when he’s shy and makes white dahlias bloom for you in seconds, you’re not sure how the hell you’ll be able to part with him. now that you see the way he glows when he channels magic from his tree and shows you fairy houses built into toadstools that are no longer lived in, you can’t fathom that you’ll have to go back to a life where he and his magic are practically a entire world away. now that he kisses your knuckles when he thinks you’ve fallen asleep under the willow with your head on his shoulder, you know that you’ll miss him in a way you’ve never missed anyone before. and now that there’s no doubt in your mind that you love him, you wish he’d tell you the things he keeps hidden behind that unreadable look on his face.
you interrupt the sound of the breeze dancing through the leaves. “it’ll be alright,” you say, voice almost hushed since you’re still a bit afraid to talk about it. but the way you catch him looking at you sometimes has you desperate to comfort him.
“i know.” but his smile is anything but convincing.
“i mean it,” your voice comes out strong this time. “i’ll come back during all my school breaks and i’ll get you a phone so that we can talk while we’re apart. we’ll be alright, we’ll make it work.” you believe in your own words wholeheartedly, but you’re begging for him to do the same.
your voice comes out of his mouth almost at a whisper. “i– that’s what i want. i wish you’d never have go at all, but–”
“but what? there doesn’t have to be a ‘but,’ yeosang,” you argue without even hearing what he has to say. he sighs in defeat.
“you shouldn’t limit yourself.”
“sangie,” you plead, “don’t say that. i’d be limiting myself if i didn’t let myself have you. i’m coming back to you. just because i’m going to meet new people and have new experiences doesn’t mean i’m going to forget about you. yeosang, you’re unforgettable.”
“i–,” suddenly he looks away, avoiding your earnest gaze. the moment of silence that follows stretches out like an eternity, and you begin to fear if he really means it when he wishes you’d never go. “i’ll be waiting for you.” he says it like it’s a wish placed on a shooting star that you can’t see, like there’s still something being left unsaid. but the look in his eyes tells you that he means it, so you lace your fingers through his and bring his hand up to press a kiss to it like a promise.
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you curse the early setting sun of the winter. by the time your parent’s car pulls into your grandmother’s driveway, the sky is as dark as it’ll get. you know that, realistically, you wouldn’t have been able to see him today, regardless of the color of the sky. but you can’t hold back just a bit of disappointment.
you let the feeling fall away, though, when your grandma welcomes you back to her home for winter break with open arms and a hug that’s probably warmer than the fire raging in her hearth. even now, you’re still struggling to understand why your parents never let the two of you get close until this past summer.
settling back into your summer room is easy and satisfying, pine cones and fairy clothes you couldn’t take back, gifted by him, still decorating the dresser. of course, this time it’s colder than you’re used to, but the extra blankets and knowledge that yeosang and his willow are right there lull you to sleep quickly.
when the morning sun chases you awake, you’re up with a grin, more glad than ever to get ready for the day and disappear into the forest. you can’t escape breakfast, but you can’t complain about it either, more than happy to taste your grandmother’s food and speak with her more again. and of course, your parents implore you to stick around to spend some time with family. you slip out the back door within minutes of that suggestion.
the snow coated trees are like a foreign home, undeniably familiar, yet different in a way you’ve never seen before. it excites you to realize that you’ll be able to learn about this version of the forest. the branches hang heavier, adorned with the snow that glitters in the cold winter sun. it seems that no matter what season, the forest sparkles in the light of the sun—and magic—to make it feel more like a dream than anything else.
you’re impressed by yourself when you’re able to still find the way to your summer meeting place, the boulder newly majestic with it’s blanket of whiteness. the whole journey is almost as wondrous as discovering magic; experiencing the forest in its snowy glory distracts you for a moment from the fact that the boulder stands tall … and alone. you’ve never seen the boulder this way. empty. there’s not a single time where he wasn’t there, waiting for you.
you try not to let your heart sink heavily into the pit in your stomach, but you can’t shake the way that it feels all wrong. it’s easy to tell yourself that there’s no way he would know you were here to look for. but you then remember what he told you, sitting up on that rock together, soaking up what sun you could. that he’s always there, waiting for you because he can feel it. he can feel you when you enter the forest. so why isn’t he here now? he promised he’d be waiting for you.
maybe it’s the snow, you consider. somehow even that feels like a silly excuse. but you don’t turn around, back in the direction of home. you search the paths that you can see in the midst of the snow, softly calling his name in hopes that it will be carried to him somehow. through the wind, the leaves, or the word of a fairy that you can’t see. you trudge along until you grow too cold and the hot chocolate in your thermos runs out.
two more days of searching through the snow, and your parents are beginning to question your daily outings into the forest that only result in a few pictures on your digital camera and a moody quiet from you.
your grandmother comes to your aid, serving you more soup for dinner and telling your parents about how much you adored the forest all summer long. this is the part where you think she’ll out you, tell them that you fell in love with a boy in the forest even when you made her promise not to say a word about it.
but she says nothing. even worse, does nothing. there’s no teasing smile or subtle wink from your end like you would have expected from her, the kind of reaction she always gave you when you talked to her about him. you tread forward with caution, as if testing new waters.
“so grandma, have you seen yeosang lately at all? how’s he doing?”
her response is strange enough to scare you.
“yeosang? you mean the young man who lives in the forest?” she relays this information back at you as if he’s some distant figure, someone you’ve rarely talked about at all.
“yeah,” you confirm, trying to hide any bewildered questions from rising hot into your throat and out of your mouth.
“why, i haven’t heard about him in a long while. i’d forgotten you met him over the summer. it seems i’m really getting old, aren’t i?” she chuckles, as if this is the most normal thing to say regarding the boy her grandchild gushed to her about for months. “but i do hope he’s holding up alright in this cold. we’ve gotten quite a bit of snow this year!” and with that, she starts going on to tell your parents about the snow from this year and last, and probably the year before that too.
you spend the rest of the meal in silence, quick to disappear to your room once your dishes are cleared from the table and washed. you find it difficult to wrap your mind around what happened at dinner tonight, wondering and wondering why the hell your grandma could seem to remember close to nothing about the boy you told her you love. for a minute you’re afraid that she’s getting sick, and that her age truly is what’s affecting her memory. but you think back to the first time you mentioned him to her and can’t help but feel an unsettling sense of deja vu.
missing him worse by the minute and growing increasingly worried for him and maybe even yourself—because what if you’ve made everything up in your head, what if it really was all the dream that it felt like it was—you resolve to finally attempt to make your way to his willow. the past three days, you’ve avoided the journey, afraid of traveling in that direction alone once again after what happened last time. but you know that if you’re to find him anywhere, it’ll be his home.
“sweetheart, you probably should stay inside today,” your grandmother advises over a hot breakfast. “there’s supposed to be a snow storm today, i’d hate for you to get caught up in it!”
“thanks, grandma.” you smile softly, trying to make her feel like you’ll heed her directions to lessen the worried crease of her brow. it makes you feel a little bit guilty when you know that you have no intent whatsoever to skip your outing in the forest today. 
the moment you’re given the chance, you slip out the back door like you’ve done every other day, this time leaving a note in the living room for your grandma not to worry too much.
the forest is less glittery today, with the grey clouds stretching out to cover the vastness of the unseen blue sky. you set out in the direction that your heart knows better than your mind, trying to drown out the fear hanging in the back of your mind and the ache in your joints that comes from the hard work of trudging through thick snow.
when the snow begins to fall, you pay it no mind, solely intent on finding yeosang and unworried by the slow drifting down of the tiny flakes. but with each passing minute, the snow in the sky grows thicker and falls with determination rather than passivity. then, when you can barely see a few feet in front of you and it feels like your toes, fingers, and nose will fall off from the cold, you finally begin to wish that you had listened to your grandma.
what scares you even more is that, with the landscape so obscured, you’re not quite sure where you are anymore. a moment of panic overtakes you, and without thinking, you cry out his name into the silent air. it feels almost like that’s the only thing that could save you from the storm; if he finds you.
but that panic subsides into a more manageable pit of anxiety in your stomach when you try to push yourself back to rationality. you seek out your own footprints before they’re completely covered by the new snow and follow their faint outlines until they fade away. you don’t get too far, but you pray it’s enough to point you in the right direction. yet, your hope wanes as your exhaustion grows along with the hot pit in your stomach that you wish could warm your shaking limbs.
“yeosang?” you call out, quieter this time. “why can’t i find you?” you choke out, and suddenly you feel a lump in your throat and a burn in your eyes. but the last thing you want to do out here is cry and have your own tears freeze to your lashes and cheeks. “you said you’d wait for me…”
you hang your head as a feeling of defeat washes over you. you curse under your breath and force yourself to lift your head and keep going, intent on saving yourself. but as your gaze goes back to the white streaked landscape, the image of the dark trees and bright snow is interrupted with something moving towards you, quickly and silently. for a moment, you’re scared, but in the next you’re heaving a sigh of relief that comes out sounding much more like a sob.
you’ve barely taken a step forward before his arms are wrapped around you. his heavy breathing is loud in your ear and the brush of his cheek against yours as he pulls you into him is like a piece of heaven.
“yeosang,” you gasp out as your gloved hands clench the plush of his thick coat. he doesn’t speak for a long moment, just holds you as if he thought he’d never see you again.
“you’re shaking,” he whispers, pulling away from you to properly look at you.
you nod. “it’s cold,” you offer as a lame explanation while taking in the image that you’ve missed so much. “you’re so beautiful.” whether the flush in his cheeks is from the cold or your words, you’re not sure, but god are you happy to see it again.
his face becomes serious in a split second when he remembers that you’re shivering. your face had him distracted for a moment. “it’s far too cold for you to be out here right now, lovely.”
“i just wanted to find you,” you let your reason slip. now he’ll feel sorry about it.
and as you knew it would, his face falls even further, but the love in his eyes still grows. but he doesn’t scold you softly in the way you thought he would. he doesn’t tell you that you shouldn’t have been that reckless for him. not because he doesn’t care, just because he’s so relieved to see you. at least you’re safe now.
“let’s get you warm,” is all he says, pulling you into his side and guiding you to the closest shelter he knows of. he’s glad you wandered in this direction, easily taking you to the cabin he told you he lived in before telling you the truth about his magic. you lean into him heavily, letting him do most of the work in getting you there.
“thank god,” he mumbles to himself when he finds the cabin stocked with wood and matches. he sits you down in a chair by the fireplace and wraps you in the few blankets he can find before starting a fire. he tries to keep you talking as he removes your boots and damp socks, redressing your feet with his own pair. then there’s a pot full of water hanging above the fire that’s already starting to bubble with heat. he’s sitting at your feet on the rug, hands holding yours through a blanket to try and transfer some of his body heat to you.
“i missed you,” you mumble as you finally settle down, comforted by the heat of the fire that burns so bright in the hearth that it’s almost raging.
“i missed you, too.” his voice is hushed. it’s earnest, but he says it like it’s something he’s never supposed to be able to tell you. like he can’t believe he’s got you again.
“i meant it when i promised i’d come back for you,” you whisper, fighting the urge to fall asleep. 
“i know,” he assures, “and i meant it when i promised i’d wait. i have waited and there’s not a day that went by where i wasn’t thinking of you.”
“so why didn’t you come to me when i first started looking for you?” you beg for him to answer in truth.
“my love,” he starts, cautious and afraid to say it out loud, as if he’ll jinx himself and unravel it all by admitting it, “you weren’t supposed to be looking for me. you weren’t supposed to remember me, at least not the way that we were. you weren’t supposed to remember loving me.”
you squeeze his hand and furrow your eyebrows in confusion. “what do you mean? how could i ever forget loving you?”
“magic,” he says simply, dropping the word heavily. “it makes humans forget, at least for the most part, about meeting creatures from our world to protect us. sometimes they’ll remember those of us like me, the ones that look like humans, but never more than a vague idea. it’s like a dream. so vivid when it happens, but quick to disappear from your mind once you’re awake and out of that world. so…you’re not supposed to remember anything much about…us.”
it all feels like a tall wave of stinging water, salty like the tears threatening to spill, surging over you and knocking you right off of your feet.
“why–,” your voice cracks, “why didn’t you tell me?”
“i didn’t want to hurt you,” he says, voice pleading. “if you knew, it would have been looming over your head like a ticking clock. i wanted you to be able to just be happy while we were together, i didn’t want you to worry about it. about me.”
“but it was looming over your head,” you cry, “you were hurting all alone, convinced i’d forget that i love you, and what? you’d have to love without me to love you back?”
he nods, and a tear slips down his cheek. “i loved you– still love you so much that i couldn’t push you away. as long as i could love you while you remembered me, i was alright with loving you when you forgot. i’m sorry for hiding more from you, i swear i am, but it was worth it to me. to let you leave me with hope rather than a final goodbye… i wasn’t ready to say goodbye.” the last sentence is whispered, as if it’s something he’s realized just now, that he didn’t say a word just as much for you as for himself. it breaks your heart to see tears flow from his apologetic eyes so freely.
“but i do remember you. and god, do i remember loving you. i’ve remembered you and the way you make me feel every day since i told you that you were unforgettable.” he looks up at you like you’re the most heavenly thing he’s ever set his eyes upon.
“thank you,” yeosang whispers through his tears, voice thick with emotion, “thank you for remembering. i don’t even know how it’s possible, but i thought i’d go crazy without you. i thought it would be fine, but it took everything in me not to go right to you when you got here. i knew i wouldn’t be able to act as if i didn’t love you more than anything else. i’m sorry i’m late.”
“quit apologizing and just kiss me, will you?”
his expression is relieved as he scrambles to his knees and leans in close to you. you lean forward, letting the blankets fall from your hands in favor of placing them on his cheeks and pressing your lips to his. you almost break the kiss when you feel a fresh wave of tears fall from his eyes, but you wipe them away gently with your thumbs, kissing him harder to prove to him that you’re really there. then his hands are on your waist, holding you tight and pulling you closer. the movement of his lips is practically desperate, and he wants to kiss you with all the gentleness that he can muster, but he just can’t help it when you’re right here in front of him.
“i love you,” he mumbles against your lips and cuts off your reply as he goes back to kissing you hard. he’s trying to get so close that he pulls you right off the chair and onto the floor, into his lap. “i need you,” he whispers with the softness he wants you to feel from him. your arms wrap around his neck and you think his kisses must have magic in them too when his lips are on yours again. it’s safe to say that you’ve warmed up by now. to catch your breath, you pull back and brush your nose against his with all the affection in the world. “yeosang, you are like a dream. just the kind that’s so beautiful and loved that i could never, never forget you.”
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arkive78 · 2 years
ATZ Fanfics I’ll Forever Reread
Ok so most of this blog is me reblogging some of my favorite ATZ content, and I thought I’d make a masterpost of some of my all-time favorites. Please let me know if links aren’t working btw! A lot of these have NSFW/18+ content, so minors please DO NOT interact with those mentioning 18+ or NSFW below the cut!!!
** Updated: August 25, 2022 (added some fics and also tidied it up a bit hehe)
✨ Mists of Celeste by @hongism
NSFW!!, space pirate au
Ok, so if you’ve been on ATZ tumblr, you SURE have heard of this story by now, its at like 46 (roughly I might be remembering wrong) chapters of pure space-pirate galore and it’s honestly one of my favorite stories ever. It is NSFW, and is. M/18+, so yeah, it’s got smut and violence and trauma. 
The way she writes is absolutely amazing from the world building to character development it’s insane. No character is perfect, and honestly the MC is such a badass it’s just amazing. The personas she builds is just crazy and I swear she’s a god at tying plot points together or dropping some of the juiciest info or moments at the BEST TIME!!! 
Also, if you love pirates, this fic is great. I’m such a hoe for this fic it’s insane, it’s so well done and just everything one could want. It also has MANY funny moments that had me cackling. I do love the very “human” moments of just dissecting the human psyche or emotions and dealing with trauma and the like, or even the complications of relationships and ethics. Overall a work of art.
✨ Horizon by @pxedpiper
SFW, pirate au
Another iconic pirate ATZ fic, I read this one a LONG time ago, but it’s a classic pirate AU with the MC as a princess who gets stuck on ATZ’s ship and it’s very found family vibes and cute. 
It’s 21 chapters of everything I love too, and is completed hehe. It is Hongjoong x reader, so it’s even 100000x better because I am a huge simp for Captain Hongjoong on so many levels it’s a shame that there’s not more pirate Hongjoong fics. 
✨ Do you believe in fate? by @lettersfromaphrodite
SFW, soulmate au, magic au
A glorious HJ x reader chapter story with soulmates, magic, and all that good stuff. I read this one a long time ago, but the story is just so good and I love a good soulmate AU ahhhh. There is a sequel that’s a Chan x reader one (as in Chan from SKZ).
✨ Pirate King by @chaseatinydream
SFW, pirate au
NOW THIS!! THISSSSSS!!!!! I rmb when I first found this and was like huh this is a lot of chapters, and I wonder what it’s like. I swear hands-down I obsessively read the HELL out of this. IT’S SO GOOD!!!! 
It is another Pirate AU (my favorite), and it’s done so well I screeched multiple times, the whole story is so immersive and you literally cannot help but keep reading it, I would read this story til like 3AM it’s crazy. 
The MC’s storyline is SO COOL and unique from what I’ve seen. And the ending is just absolute perfection. I would make everyone read this if I could (like MOC LOL).
✨ Body Talk by @jungkxook
NSFW, 18+ smut
This is a 3 part story FWB! Wooyoung x virgin!reader, and the story is basically, reader asks wooyoung to take her virginity and the like. The smut is written so well and I just love a good ole idiots to lovers vibes because obviously they’re both in denial LOL.
✨ You’re the one that I want by @ateezmakemeweep
18+ NSFW
this is peak Badboy!Seonghwa do not get me started. This author has the tendency to pull you in and immerse you and then destroy you in the best of ways. 
I have actually not finished this out of fear of what happens next but lemme tell you, if you love a good angsty love story, read tf outta this. the way they write this story is just PERFECTION with the build-up and everything. 
Highly recommend this author in the first place but man, this was so good and the relationship building is awesome too (and ofc the angst if you love it). I swear I’ll finish this one day when I’m emotionally ready.
✨ Richboy!Seonghwa by @ateezmakemeweep
18+, NSFW
but another iconic writing by this amazing author. You will become obsessed immediately. It’s just absolute perfection.
✨ Into the Aurora by @honeyhotteoks
18+ NSFW
one of my favorite ot8 x reader fics, premise is really great and written VERY WELL. 
It’s so good it will have you absolutely SWOONING!!!!!! 
✨ Murphy’s Law by @uhmingi
NSFW, 19+ a/f/s, soulmate au, alien au, enemies to friends to lovers, san x reader, and ?/reader
the way I’m absolutely OBSESSED WITH THIS STORY??? should be illegal, it literally had me geeking out from the very first chapter, especially with the whole AU itself. 
Because aliens? How you gonna portray that? what kind of world are we in? And like literally it has me on the floor freaking out over how GOOD IT IS. 
Literally I had no idea what would happen next with each chapter. There is sadly only going to be 4 chapters, BUT I feel like this story will end satisfyingly, that’s the vibes I’m getting. 
But man, I will forever wish I could look at this story for the first time all over again just relive the shock moments. 
You will NOT regret reading this story. I would sell my soul for more chapters, but man this author got me YEARNING for these characters AGHJJJJJJ. 
Literally this story had me SWOONING
✨ Letters to a Ruined King by @ zetsumyona (on AO3)
18+, mature, 
another pirate AU that has me having heart eyes over captain hongjoong tho he hasn’t done a lot yet in this story. I
t is marked as an ateez x reader, tho granted they can always throw surprises at us but my assumption is that any member is game LOL. this series is also Mature and 18+ btw. 
It’s got great worldbuilding, portrayal of emotions, and it’s been fun to guess how each relationship is gonna go.
But the level of depth they’ve given the characters is crazy, and you don’t know what to expect next
it’s definitely an interesting take on a pirate AU
✨ You Belong to Us by @teeztheflag
18+, mature, ot8!werewolf ateez x werewolf!reader
about four parts right now, but man I love this fic. I think why I always liked werewolf!aus is the found family vibe but also the soulmate vibe and I always love re-reading it because it makes me so curious about their dynamics.
✨ Der Damonen Klan by @teeztheflag
18+, mature, demon au, poly teez
this was the first fic I found on their page and I love it. It' just such a vibe and I'm such a fan of ot8!fics because they're so entertaining and seeing the dynamics of each relationship (but also lowkey having people interested in you woohoo what fun). The storyline here I really like too because the MC is still trying to figure out what works and how she feels about them and the like. hehe.
✨ Blood Masquerade by @hongism
M/18+, fem!reader x tba, smut, violence
So ofc it's Miss Caly herself so obviously it's amazing. It actually mimics a dating simulator so she'd have choices after each chapter. and man this story is so immersive and I love how the MC is such a badass and isn't letting the boys win her over so easy, and although there's only 2 chapters so far, its stunning. The best part is you don't know what to expect since it's a twist on dating simulators and it's just so good, I cannot wait for more parts.
✨ catlike by @ maganxx (AO3)
witch au 
san gets turned into reader’s familiar and I’m about halfway thru it but it’s so good!!! It just finished I think.
✨ Kiss of Chaos by @ tenelkadjo (AO3)
Here’s the tumblr link as I’ve learned recently they’re also on tumblr @tenelkadjowrites
another witch au
Seonghwa x reader
literally I wish they would write one shots with each member because I think it would be so cool (please write one about Fae Hongjoong I might lose my mind) !!!!!!! And Seonghwa is such a hottie in this too!!!!!!
One shots! One’s that are NSFW are labelled but please read the further content readings when you go to the post.
✨ Can’t Stand You by @domjaehyun 
NSFW, HJ x reader
basically HJ is bad boy and reader is good student, and they get paired together
✨ 5 weeks by @ zetsumyona (on AO3)
strangers to lovers, colleagues to lovers, smut, there is an age gap btw (the reader is older)
idol!wooyoung x fem-stylist!reader
✨ Can’t take my eyes off of you by @bobateastay
san x reader
70s college au, boy next door san, smut
✨ Take me home pt 1 by @yeosanghwas
wooyoung x reader
THIS WSS SO GOOD WTF, it gets so heated in the best of ways
sub!wooyoung, softdom!reader, smut, frenemies to lovers, college au, fluff
✨ hop hop little bunny by @bngchnsi
yeosang x reader
when I read this for the first time I about died thank you very much
brat tamer!yeosang x brat!reader
✨ A Fever You Can’t Sweat Out by to_shinestar (AO3)
wooyoung x san x reader
!!! the iconic duo!!
this literally got ME sweating
✨ The House of Eden by @ faerbloom (AO3)
literally the softest thing I ever read
this is a very wholesome fic and just makes me wanna live in the woods with my lovers as a witch like wtf
ot8 x reader
✨ Room for Three by @honeyhotteoks 
yunho x reader x seonghwa
a duo I didn’t think I needed
there’s a second part too
this fic is literally so good i was SWOONING!!!!! just the dynamics and everything got me SCREECHING if they made a whole series of this I would go feral please and thank you
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teezersfics · 2 months
Journey To Wonderland
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Genere : Fantasy, Royalty, Pirate
Pairing : Secret
Ch.5 / Ch.6 / Ch.7
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Chapter 6 : The Story
With every coming day, you are taking your trainings from the seniors and mainly helping with the navigation. You seem to have started developing friendships with many people on the ship, but it's quiet hard to gain seniors trusts yet, San has been your friend from first day, Wooyoung next. But it is most hardest to even hold the conversation with Seonghwa and Jongho, they seem a little too tough. And Captain, its a very distant case. He hasn't spoken to you after your first encounter. He eventually strolls around the ship and whenever you both spot each other, you try to give him a smile but he just gives you judgemental look or a short stare. It makes you feel like you've done something gravely wrong and he is judging you for that. Lately, you have also felt like someone has been watching you, it's just a feeling, when you scan around, you spot no one around you.
But, you are also quiet enjoying your time on the ship. Some days ago you also met Captain's dear pet, a very cute and talkative Parrot, who likes to mimic all the seniors. So far he has been making all the seniors embarrassed by saying silly things in their voices. His name is Crescent, and the story behind this is that he was found by Captain on the crescent moon night. But he was in very badly injured condition. Captain bought him to the ship and got him treated with the help of Yunho. The Captain also gave Crescent a collar made of gold and gems embedded on it with the bird's name craved on it. This made him look like a Royal Parrot. Since then Crescent has also been helping Captain perform tasks like delivering and carrying some urgent messages. No matter how far Crescent goes, he eventually finds his way back to the ship, no matter wherever the ship may be. He is also very intelligent.
And recently he has for sure gained liking towards you. He surprises you with suddenly sitting on your head or shoulder and sulks when you don't pet him. He does not speak alot but eventually teases any crewmate passing by. He also tells you if he wants anything. When Wooyoung saw your and Crescent first interaction, he was shocked because, Crescent's initial interaction with Wooyoung was just Crescent biting him whenever Wooyoung approached Crescent. Wooyoung also said that Cresent never easily trust any people. If Cresent like anyone that means that person passed the trust check. On the ship, Cresent's judgement is considered second important after the Captain.
So far it's been all good. But most of the crew is curious about Wonderland and all the things that happen inside Wonderland. And so, to clear everyone's doubts there is going to be a secret story session tonight after dinner. You are extremely excited for the night, to know more about the Wonderlands secrets. All the new crewmates and the other who are excited to know about Wonderland are all secretly invited to the session but keeping this away from the Captain and Seonghwa. Even though its kept a secret from them, its sure that they will eventually know about this. Nothing remains a secret on this ship for a long time.
But, on the other hand this session is beneficial for all the crew to know what they are going to get themselves into. After this, they can decide whether they want to join Captain into the Wonderland or not. Many information about Wonderland will be shared which not every other person knows. The fact that the Navigator, Yeosang will be leading the session while other seniors will help him fill in the any missing details of the story.
And the night finally comes. After dinner all of the interested crewmates are gathered in one of the reserved store room on the stern of the ship. Doors closed, all of the crewmates sitting in circle with candles in the middle. Everyone is so curious and excited for the story to start. All the seniors sitting at one side, while everyone else listening like the curious audiences.
“So, it all starts from actually long time ago, when the XCARS, the Gods of different powers and possessing the ability to give any supernatural powers to any common person of their wish. The RAVENS who were the devil's possessing the dark powers, the powers that can destroy the whole universe, declared the war against the XCARS. But, the XCARS we only 5 in number whereas the RAVENS were a massive clan of brainwashed people. At that time the XCARS asked for the help from all the Kimgdoms on the earth. They asked for the Army of the Soldiers as much as possible. And humans decided to help. The XCARS blessed all those soldiers and the royalties with some powers that would help them win the war easily. With the help of human soldiers, the XCARS did win the war, and all the RAVENS were sent to the most gruesome and horrendous place in the hell for what they did over many years. After winning the war, the XCARS decides to let the soldiers and the royalties have all the powers. But then they started misusing the powers. They started using those powers for their own satisfaction and own benefit. The people grew more and more greedy and was fighting among themselves. So before going to reside back in the Cloud Palace, the XCARS took back all the powers that was granted to the humans.
But the XCARS knew that humans has done alot for them. Especially all the Kings who lend them their soldiers. So they really wanted to do something for them, for humans. But they also knee that humans were greedy. If humans get anything easily, they simply crave for more and more, and there is no end or limits to humans desire. So they had to give humans something that they gain with their hardwork, by this, humans could realise the joy of getting the award that they have worked hard for. That's why they gifted with Rufescent Gem. One of the most beautiful gem in the world. Its Reddish in colour and during full moon it changes its colour, to remind the War that was won by the XCARS on full moon night. This gem is available in every part of this earth, but you will get it only if you work hard to find it.
But,the twist is you can't sell the stone to anyone because once a person finds it, it will glow only if he possess the stone. If he tries to sell it to anyone it will lose its abilities. So because of this, the person who wants to posses the stone, has to work hard for it.
But, for the royals, they decided to awards them with something big. The XCARS knew that if they let the Royals have some powers, they might rule their kingdom with more ease and with the intention of making their kingdom a better place to live for anyone. And…..they also knew that if they are granted the powers easily, they might again turn on the wrong path. That's why they gifted the earth with Wonderland. Where, by completing all the tasks, the Royals can wish for any power of their desire.”
“That sounds easy, then why does very less number of Kings has ever survived the Wonderland? There should have been more, right?” One of the curious crewmate asks.
Yeosang starts again.
“It's not as easy as it looks. The Wonderland does not consist of any simple games that any child can play. Even many trained King's and Warriors can not complete the game. The Kings who were greedy for power has never returned from the Wonderland and those who actually wanted to dp something for the betterment of their kingdom and their subjects, won the games and were granted with powers. The Wonderland has specific rules that the players need to follow. The game can be completed only if the rules are followed.”
“Then, is there any information of the rules of the games??” Another crewmate asks.
This time, San answers. “No, there is no specific information about the rules. Some people has even contacted with the only 3 King's that has ever survived the Wonderland. But, the Wonderland put the restrictions on the winners ti not to tell the specifications of the games. If the rules are leaked, there will be consequences for the winner.”
As San is done with his explanation he gestures Yeosang to continue further story.
“But, some basic information and rules are available for us to know.
1- The people entering the Wonderland should be from the Royal family. Commoners are not granted the entry in Wonderland.
2- Only one Kingdom can enter the Wonderland and play at a time. If another kingdom tries to enter Wonderland forcefully while other is playing, there would be clash of energies and the trespassing kingdom will be thrown out. If the Wonderland restricts you entry, you should understand that another one is playing.
3-There are tem gems that you have to acquire by playing ten games. The same player cannot play the games again and again. 9 different players have to play the initial 9 games by their own, other can help and support them from far. And the 10th and the last, game is the group game. It fully depends on the trust, coordination, control, understanding and all other aspects that are required for the group to win. By winning each game, you can retrieve a gem at the end of it. Later on you go back to the start of Wonderland and submit all the ten gems in some sort of sockets.
4- After submitting the gems, the players who actually played can wish for any power they desire. And when asked for the power the players should also tell the reason behind having that power. The reasons should be genuine. No ill intentions.
5- After the powers are granted, the winners slowly starts to see the changes. They slowly starts to realise their powers. The Wonderland not only gifts the players but all their kingdom, with some little things. The kingdom can also visibly realise the changes. The Wonderland also watched over the Winner after they have returned to their kingdom, it watches if the winners are using their powers for good or not. Wonderland is not just a place, it's an entity itself. It can speak and also watch.
This is the most information we could gather till now.”
There is a pause. Everyone is still processing the new information. Recalling all the rules again, to asks their doubts. And, one raise his hand to ask the question.
“What if, these rules are broken? Are there any consequences?”
The answer to this question is on Yeosang's tongue, but he contemplates whether to tell everyone or not. But he has to, the crewmates should know what they are getting themselves into.
He continues.
“Yes, there are consequences. And the best I can do to explain the consequences is to tell you all the <Tale Of Ynitasia>”
Here, the another story starts. As he spells the name, you have goosebumps over your body. You don't know why, but there is this feeling in the pit of your stomach, something strange feeling that you cannot figure out. You have actually heard some light news about Ynitasia, but never heard the actual story. Your already curious self, becomes more curious for some reason.
“You All must have heard about Ynitasia at least once in life. One of the most spoken Kingdom on the earth. Let's start from beginning when Ynitasia was at it's peak. Ynitasia was one of the most looked up to Kingdom in the east. It had the most skilled warriors, rich commoners and even richer Royals. It is said that there were no beggars on that land. Also having the best resources available, best constructions, most amazing sea techniques, clever cultivation and most importantly a happy and welcoming kingdom. Ynitasia was also the possessor of the world's most expensive and rarest gem, MARILEAN. A ‘Marine’ stone which was ‘Cerulean’ in colour. That's where it gets its name from. Ynitasia had everything a successful kingdom needed. But one day the king decided to go to Wonderland to make his kingdom even more efficient and by possessing All those powers, Ynitasia would've become the best Kingdom all over the world.”
“But, here is where it all starts. The king suddenly decides to go to Wonderland but he did not have the team that required enough preparation and mental and physical training. They did everything in haste. The king did enter the Wonderland and won some games, each game, he grew more and more greedy for the powers, he was blinded, but in one game he lost, he couldn't complete the game. That brought him out of his rage and overconfidence. He couldn't bear it, he wasn't ready to face the consequences and he forcefully tried to get out of the Wonderland. In that rush, he lost his and his crewmates life. All of them were dead. The king also took his daughter, Princess of Ynitasia with him, because she insisted. She was just a teenage girl. He was so confident that he would return back, that he took the risk of taking the only princess of Ynitasia with him. They lost her too. The only rightful heir.”
There is a pause.
“The day King died, that night everything changed for Ynitasia. That day was the worst day ever for them, the worst that could happen to anyone. The flowers died, the houses made of marble and expensive wood, turned into mud houses, with creepers surrounding them, the Palace was all surrounded with creepers and mush, the walls became cracked, the expensive clothes that the people were wearing became torn from places, people lost most of the wealth that they had, sickness started taking over people of Ynitasia. The dark gloom surrounded the island of Ynitasia. Ynitasia was cursed by Wonderland. Seeing this, there was chaos in the whole kingdom. The King's wife couldn't believe that it was true, that the king died. No one was ready to believe. At that time, the second rightful heir to the throne, King's brother's son. Prince of Ynitasia, he couldn't resist. He decided to go out and search for the King and his father. He took some of his friends, warriors and other experts from the kingdom. At that time the Prince was also just 16 years old. Sudden after what happened, he felt responsible for all the things. He felt that he should set things right. He set the sail to Wonderland, but some days later, some broken parts of the ship washed up on the shore of the Ynitasia from the direction where the prince went to. The people and Queen waited for some more days, but no sign of the Prince. A storm shortly hit Ynitasia after that incident and everyone considered that they also lost the Prince in that storm. Ynitasia was broken, they lost all of their hope. Their hope to stand back again, was all broken.”
“After some days, Ynitasia received a scroll, it magically appeared on the porch of the Palace. It read, that the king died in Ynitasia, but nothing about the Prince. It confirmed the death of King. Wonderland also said that, if the next rightful heir or any other kingdom plays in the name of Ynitasia and wins, Ynitasia would come back to its glory. As their successor sets the foot on the land of Ynitasia, everything would suddenly change, it would all become like before. The kingdom would also need to crown that person as the King or Queen of Ynitasia. This would completely eliminate the curse on Ynitasia making it as joyous as before. But, that day never came for Ynitasia. It's believed that the Queen does manages the things in Ynitasia now, but she is sick and still mourning and waiting that someday the king would return with Prince, Princess and the warriors.”
“What happened to Ynitasia was brutal and they are still in that misery. The gloom still surrounds Ynitasia. Nobody knows when they will be free from the curse. If nobody wins for Ynitasia, it will continue to live in that curse forever.”
There is pin drop silence in the room. Everyone feels something after listening to the story. Some are deep in thought, some are confused, some feel bad for Ynitasia, some are terrified after listening to the brutality of Wonderland. Every crew's decision depends upon how they take in the story.
“If you want to see if what happened to Ynitasia is real or not, then in two days we are going to pass by that kingdom. You can see it for yourself.” Yunho instructs.
Wooyoung starts with next instructions,
“Well, one more important thing that we have to tell. Before going to Wonderland, we will stop on an island or restock a d stuff. Before that you have to take decision whether to follow eight of us, into the Wonderland or not. Because only 10 people will be playing this game, and if we win, only 10 of us will have the benefit. There are chances, we might lose some of our crew in the Wonderland, even we can lose our life. But we are ready to face everything in Wonderland to win. We are so determined to win, because we want to bring good to Ignim, turn that land, into a non-pirare zone, make it safe for trading with other lands, start many facilities for people and children to make living efficient. We can't dream to have all of the luxuries like another big kingdoms, but we can start from basics. Slowly slowly providing and spreading the amenities all over Ignim and slowly opening it up for people of other land. We want people to think more of Ignim than just a Pirate land. We want to welcome people into our land and gradually end pirating. It might take some time but we know, the right way of persuasion can change people's mind. This is what we are so desperate for. At the end, it's your decision.”
The way he speaks about their dreams for Ignim, just feels your heart with somewhat pride and motivation. If you guide them, they can get step closer to achieve their dream and you will be somewhat part of it. You have to do it, not only for yourself but them too.
As you thought that today's story session is over and now it's time to go to bed, a crewmate raises his hand out of no where for a last question
“But master, you said that only Royals have entry in the Wonderland. Then, how is Wonderland going to grant us entry when no one among us is a Royal?”
There is a chorus of “ohhhh"s from all the crewmates as this question really makes everyone think.
Mingi smirks, as if he was prepared for this question. With a sigh he says,
“We have a solution for that-”
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Chapter 7 : Face Off
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babyjask · 26 days
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All the merteez boys + the dresses that inspired their tails and my reference pics
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thelargefrye · 1 year
just want yeosang to use that deep voice of his as he makes love to witch yn 🤪
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[ DEEP LOVE 18+ ] —— yeosang and you spend some time while wooyoung is away.
pairing : dragon!yeosang x witch!f!reader (background poly ateez) genre : dragon au, fantasy / medieval, smut warnings : language, unprotected sex, monster cock!yeosang, pet name (princess)
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“how long will wooyoung be gone?” yeosang ask, his body bending over yours as his voice basically caresses your ear. his bare chest presses into your bare back as he bends you over the table you had been attempting to clean since breakfast was over.
“till around noon,” you say as a moan rips through your throat as you feel yeosang’s fingers touching your clit before running through your slowly dripping wet folds.
the black haired dragon hums as his other hand gropes your breast, tweaking your nipple. you let out a breathy moan as you make a sad attempt at arching your back. yeosang presses a loving kiss your scarred shoulder before he trails his kisses up your shoulder, neck, and jaw before he kisses your cheek.
“you gonna let me fuck you then? fuck you right here on this table and leave you full of cum for wooyoung to come home and see?”
you let out a moan at the image of your red haired mate walking through the front door to be greeted with your cum-filled pussy. how wooyoung would probably eat you out before fucking your pussy as yeosang either fucks your mouth or wooyoung.
“a-ah! please fuck me, yeo,” you beg as you rub your ass against his hard cock. the length alone sliding against your ass is enough to make you shiver in excitement.
yeosang let’s out a chuckle, “such a needy princess, aren’t you?” he teases before lining his cock up with your entrance and then slowly pushing inside.
“o-oh, f-fuck! sangie, yeosang! hmm,” you whine out feeling the fullness of yeosang’s cock inside you. the dragon pins you down to the table as his holds your hips in a tight grip. he waits a moment before he begins thrusting into you at a pounding pace that has the whole table shaking.
the small cottage is filled with the sounds of your moans and his grunts and words as he calling you his “dirty princess” and asks “are you going to hold my cum until woo gets home?” “you going to let him eat it out of you while i fuck him?”
“y-yes! yes, yeo— fuck, yeosang! please fill me up! please cum in me, your cock just feels so good,” you cry out feel his cock stretching out your tight walls as you desperately try to clench around him. “fuck so big,” you add as you feel your eyes start to roll in the back of your head as you grow closer to climax.
“fuck, princess, are you growing closer to coming? you gonna come?” he asks, his breath ghosting over the shell of your ear and you clench as how deep his voice is in the moment. you can tell he’s probably also growing closer with how his hips stutter and rhythm getting thrown off a little bit.
“yeo, can i come? will you come with me?” you ask as you feel his hand making contact with your clit once more as he vigorously makes tight circles on your bud.
“o-of course you can, y/n, let go whenever you want,” he says as he kisses his mate mark that rest next to wooyoung’s. you remember how wooyoung was a little grumpy about yeosang marking you right next his own, but hopefully got over it.
you do finally come when you feel yeosang bite down on his mark. you let out a loud moan as you clench hard around the dragon’s cock as he finally comes as well.
you let out a small groan as yeosang rests on top of you for a few moments before you start to worry about the two much access weight on the wooden table. “yeo…” you mumble catching his attention as he sits up. you can’t help the series of whines that leave your lips as your mate pulls out of you.
yeosang let’s out a laugh before he’s turning you over on your back and adjusting you further on the table. “make sure you look pretty for wooyoung. you know how much he loves eating this pussy, princess.”
“especially since it’s filled with sangie’s cum,” a new voice says and you looked through fuck-dazed eyes as wooyoung appears next to yeosang. you can’t help but clench at the sight of the two dragons looming over you and you know you are all in for whatever is about to happen the rest of the day.
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tag list (bold means unable to tag) : @frankenstein852 @watamotee33 @kawennote09 @mixling-blog @hwal0v3r @marahleiwhen @harry-the-pottypus @rdiamond2727 @sanniesbum @marvelahsobx @voidcupidz @khjcoo @mysticfire0435 @exfolitae @kangskims @cvpitvno @lzvxndxr @dementedaly
honorable tag : bestie @songmingisthighs (your request is in the works right now 😭)
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wayvlocks · 2 years
ℳ𝓊𝓉𝒾𝓃𝓎 & ℳ𝒶𝒹𝓃𝑒𝓈𝓈 Pt. 1
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synopsis: you’re a nurse who finally got promoted to work with a psycho.
pairing: ateez hongjoong x afab reader
word count: 1.8k
genre: psycho au, fantasy au, possessed pirates au
warnings: minors DNI!, not really smut yet but def will be warned for the rest of the series - HONGJOONG IS A PERV, so theres some sexual and/or dark themes  -  if you are uncomfy about psychiatric hospitals - this may not be for you as I might mention a few things within the series to come.
Chapters: Part I, Part II
additional notes: hi :) wayvlocks here. just wanted to say thank you to those who commented and liked my last post about making this ff happen. tbh i am planning to make this into a series fyi so hopefully you guys are interested in seeing where it goes. idk how many parts there will be - i just kinda make this crap up as i go and as i please lol. i wanted to also mention to those of you who will want to actively read this series, that i am a full time college student. therefore, i really can upload when i can, im sorry - i just dont have the same set schedule every day/week. anyway, enough about me, read this ff (its what you were here for in the first place)
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You’ve been working at KQ Psychiatrics, in the outpatient clinic for a few years now, and you finally were able to get that promotion you worked so hard for. Years of pushing yourself more than ever, taking time off the clock to visit VIP patients, and even volunteering in the cafeteria paid off. Little did you know your promotion was an assignment change to work in the Special Cases department.
The Special Cases department was famous in the outpatient clinic. There was never a boring day when gossip floated around of a patient in the Special Cases department. There were so many rumors about patients that you had heard, and they were starting to turn your stomach with thoughts about your new promotion.
Staff1: “Did you hear what happened to Mr. Nakamoto during his medication time last week?”
Staff2: “Yes! I heard he manipulated the previous nurse on duty to go into his room!”
Staff3: “Oh my god! That's right! When she went in, he jumped her, ripped up her clothes and stabbed her in the legs with a spork!”
You thought you were lucky enough not to be assigned as a personal nurse to someone like Mr. Nakamoto. Of course, since the reveal of the true nature of your “promotion,” you haven’t truly experienced luck today. Furthermore, your bad luck deepens when it's revealed to you who you really are assigned to. The most insane, manipulative, possessive, wicked – rumored murderous man held in the hospital…
Kim Hongjoong
Kim Hongjoong was notoriously famous amongst the patients and staff. He has been housed in the hospital for nearly 5 years now. He was 17 when he was taken from his home to be permanently kept here. Hongjoong is the patient who is talked about the most, especially between other patients. They have rumored the reason he got taken from his home was because he murdered his family after having some “alternate dimension revelation” – whatever that means. The creepiest rumors you’ve heard is that sometime at night, after lights out, he disappears from his room – just “poof.” After five to ten minutes, he reappears like nothing happened. You can’t really seem to trust these rumors, after all, most of them come from the Psychiatric patients who are known to hallucinate. However, you remember one staff member telling you that he does in fact disappear.
•             •             •
You just finished clocking in, today is the day, a new job position. You make your way to the main doctor’s office to tell them you're here. One of them, proceeds to walk towards you. His coat reads:
Dr. Joshua Hong.
Joshua: “Hello Y/n, find everything okay in your Special Cases pamphlet?” He said with a quiet chuckle.
Y/n: You started to force a smile. “Ah, yes. It was somewhat informative.”
Joshua: “It shouldn't be too bad, just making sure they get their medications and sunshine,” he smiled.
Y/n: “I think I can handle that for the most part. It’s just... just...” you mumble.
Joshua: “Hm?”
For a moment you don't say anything, but before you opened your mouth, he knew.
Joshua: “Ah… you’re Kim Hongjoong’s nurse. I remember reading through the new nurses' files earlier this morning.”
Y/n: “Yes...”
Joshua: “Hm. Listen, I’ll walk you to the department and show you around, if you need me to. I can even stand by when you meet him for the first time today. The last nurse he had didn’t go through with that idea and ended up quitting within an hour.”
You thought about what he said for second. Is that true? You now wonder how malicious and sinister he could be to ruin a conversation that ended with a nurse quitting. As you stood there, stressing about meeting this Kim Hongjoong, you noticed Joshua staring at you for a response.
Y/n: “I’d love for you to show me around the department. About meeting him though...”
You stopped for a second. You thought despite all the rumors surrounding your famous patient, you realized how hard you worked for this new promotion. Think back to showing how your hardworking skills paid off, you really didn't want to show up the first day looking afraid or weak. You knew deep down you could probably handle this guy; I mean, you would barely have to talk to him, right?
“…I think I’ll be fine on my own.”
•            •             •
Joshua leads you down the halls, passing many different patient rooms and offices. At the start of the walk, you passed by rooms of patients that you had often checked out in the lobby or held conversations with daily. Some waved or spoke quiet hellos to you, which you exchanged back.
As your walk continued you started to notice the difference between every hallway, traveling further into the hospital, getting closer towards the Special Cases department. There were less patients you could recognize while the rooms kept getting duller and duller. It started to look grayer than before. You also noticed many of the patient’s rooms had bars on the windows or doors.
The rooms you passed had no pictures on the walls. There were safety locks on door and window handles. One room you passed, had stains on the floor leading from the door to the bed. It was the most shocking image on your walk. You read the patient’s tag outside the door, reading ‘Choi San’. You weren’t sure what the stains were, but it bothered you that they ranged in colors from yellow to red.
Joshua: “Hey are you okay?” You quickly came back to after zoning out.
Y/n: “Yes, I’m fine. Why do you ask?”
Joshua: “I just noticed you were blankly staring at some of the rooms. It must feel super different being down here than in the lobby for you, doesn’t it?”
Y/n: “Actually… yes. Everything is so gray and there were weird stains- “
Joshua: “Oh, yeah. Don’t mind those. Honestly, it’s better to just go about your day. I’ve heard too many stories when I asked about them my first day. Not an answer you wanna hear,” he smiles.
You were in shock. You started to have second doubts, again. You looked at his smile and felt like you weren’t entirely sure if you could believe him. You wondered if it was true, what the answer could possibly be. It was obvious he was just trying to make you aware that the less you know the better. Just then, Joshua immediately stops walking. You nearly bump into him because you were zoning out again.  
You look up past his shoulder in front of you. There’s a seven-foot metal door with a small bulletproof window and slightly rusted hinges. A guard behind the other side of the giant door looked through the small window. Joshua held up his ID and then proceeded to move out of the way to show you hiding behind his figure. The guard unlocked five or six latches until the door finally screeched open. You walked through the door frame, only to be in another hallway, only this time the walls looked like pebble stone or rocks with no windows.
Guard: “And this is…?” He looked down at you, still hiding behind Joshua.
Joshua: “Oh, this is Y/n,” he smiled. “She is going to be Mr. Kim’s new personal nurse.”
Guard: “Really huh? I hope she’s mentally strong enough for that bastard. Fucker said the most disgusting things to the last nurse he had.”
Joshua: “I’m sure she can handle it. Didn’t you hear? She’s the one who got the promotion quickly for her volunteer work. She was personally recommended by the head nurse when the top doctors had that monthly meeting.”
You started feeling flustered hearing this new information from Joshua. The head nurse? You thought the staff in charge of filling this position just got desperate for someone. You started to think maybe you specifically chosen, that others thought you could do this job. This idea started to block out anymore doubts you had about yourself. Now you knew that you were in fact strong enough for this position.
You and Joshua exchanged smiles with the door guard and walked down the dismal hallway. At some point you reached a set of stairs, leading down towards a smaller hallway with lights. You and Joshua both walk down the stairs carefully, then walking through the shorter hall. There was a caved-out room with what seemed like jail bars separating the cell from the rest of the hall. You saw a person standing in the cell, turned away from the bars. Joshua faked a cough to get the person’s attention, causing them to slowly turn towards you. You started eyeing this figure from his bare feet to the gray sweatpants and then the matching, loose t-shirt. He was holding an old leatherback book in his left hand, to which you saw a small birthmark. You noticed a distinctive mole on the left side of his neck. The second you saw the face, you could tell. Hongjoong. He was attractive. His hair was dyed, split black and white. He had a pointed nose that was slightly upturned and full, barely defined cupid’s bow lips. The most prominent feature you saw was his thick long eyebrows. Following down to his almond shaped, dark brown eyes, which were staring intensely at you. He smiled devilishly.
Joshua: “Mr. Kim, this is youre new nur- “ Hongjoong chuckled, still smiling devilishly directly at you only.
Hongjoong: “Yes I know exactly who this is. Don’t need to be told something I already know, isn’t that right darling?” You looked right at him, feeling tense.
Joshua: “Right of course, Mr. Kim.” You swore you could hear Joshua curse Hongjoong under his breath. You bite your tongue as Joshua take a step back and gives you a goodbye. You’re alone with him now.
•             •             •
Y/n: “Hello Mr. Kim…” you timidly stated.
Hongjoong: “Please darling,” practically staring into your soul, “call me Hongjoong. No need to be formal with me.”
Y/n: “Right… Hongjoong.” You took a deep breath and thought about the pamphlet you were given. Reviewing all the information in your head on the spot. “So, I’m assuming you already have gone over the schedule with the doctors. I can only work with you on certain days with minimal hours. Do you understand?”
Hongjoong: “It is not to my liking. I’d rather spend more time with you, darling. Get to know you better. Afterall, you’re going to learn about my dirty little secrets. Shouldn’t I know a few things?” He looks up and down at you, fixating his eyes on your pelvic area to your chest. You already feel disgusted, trying to cover yourself with your hands and his patient paperwork.
“I can tell we’re already off to a great start... Y/n.”
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darkphoenix07 · 7 months
Elixir of 🕸️Death (J.W)
A vampire series by @darkphoenix07
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Paring: Wooyoung x Reader
Genre: Dark Romance, Fantasy, Tragedy
Song suggestion 🎵 : Precious by Ateez
Warning ⚠️: Mentions of blood, Violence, Degradation, Death, Mention of suicide, Sympathy fuck, Blood sucking, Mention of death, Suicidal FL.
Synopsis: When the girl who doesn't have any will to live meets the demon whose only wish to slaughter humans.
"How will it help me if I drain your blood right now when I can use you anyway I want to?"
- Jung Wooyoung
Chapter 1
🍷"To the people who craves comfort and a single reason to keep themselves alive" 🍷
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"How can I care about omens
If you are the worst one?
How can I think about death
When you will be the cause?"
Your lips start melting inside his once he starts kissing you on his own bed. You thought it was going to be an usual mad sex like normal strangers but there is something different in his touches. Specially the way he is holding your on wrist by his hand and pinning another above your head. There is a delicacy when he is nipping on your bottom lips and rubbing his nose on yours.
Your heart starts feeling heavy by the way he is kissing you, holding you inward.
"Suck my blood," you tell him but he sighs against your neck stopping his endless kisses.
"Last time I almost kill you. I don't want you dead yet," he tells you starting to kiss you again but you hiss.
"Just bite me, please."
"If you have a fetish for bitting then you'll have to go to a human to satisfy you because I can't bite you without my fangs digging inside you," his eyes glowed in anger and you feel frustrated not because he is not listening to you but his soft touches aren't the ones you expected.
"Why are you so scared to bite me then? I know you don't care if that kills me," your words make him pin your both hands above you as he cages you beneath him.
"Because I have no wish to do so. Let me do as I am doing," he says and waits for your reaction.
You are stunned, speechless by what he said.
"I don't like how you are doing it."
"Your body is not letting me in yet, how else should I treat you then? You are a lady after all. I can't just start by thrusting ins-"
You pull yourself up and kiss him bitting his bottom lip making him fall on you while his body melts with yours. You release all the tension you have in your muscles as he kisses you. He stops and moves your body around making you lay on your chest.
"I shouldn't have tied them up," he says and you chuckle hearing him as he starts untying the ribbons.
As your back becomes bare in front of him, he slowly touches you with his knuckles. His cold touch starts from your neck and reaches right above your hip. You squirm grabbing the sheets under you as he keeps making your body awake and comfortable to his touch.
It wrecks you thinking how a demon is pleasing you better than any other men you've slept with. They were humans but they treated you like an animal and satisfied themselves.
Whereas, he is satisfying you first, making you drink some comfort and feeding your soul not only your body.
As his hands clasp your shoulder, he makes you sit in front of him slowly dropping the dress from your shoulder to your waist. He kisses on the wet wound he gave you when he bit you.
It heals a part of you, you never thought was needed.
"Drink my blood," he demands and you look above yourself to face him.
Your shoulder is nothing compared to his which causes you to hide inside his body.
He gently touches your chin making you lean on his shoulder, "It will heal the wound I've given you."
"Drink mine first and I'll drink yours," you don't know why your voice sounds so soft when you spoke.
"Deal," he says moving you around and making you sit on his lap crossing your legs around him while your dress is still on your waist.
You didn't have any inner on, you are simply bare now where you were afraid of him taking advantage of you some hours ago. It's tragic and also surprising.
Maybe you are just vulnerable to comfort.
You feel his bulge against you when he starts kissing your neck moving your hair.
You start grinding against him while he clasp your hair inside his grip and keeps leaving soft bites on your neck.
When he nuzzles inside the crook of your neck, you hear him whisper, "Y/n, I might end up draining you."
"Is it a warning?" You ruffle his hair from the neck side pressing him against your neck, "Or a gift?"
"I'll just make it hurt so bad," he sounds like he is scaring you but you don't feel scared when he says.
He pulls the bandage on your neck and it hurts you making you grab him against you tightly.
"You can still deny," he says gulping as he watches the two holes he created.
He doesn't know why he feels this uncomfort in his chest but he is also dying from hunger. The monster inside him wants to drink the last drop of your blood but some lost part of him wants to stop.
"I don't want to. You said your blood will heal me," you tell him starting to grind again which wets the dress you are wearing.
"I'll make you regret it," he says and moves you away from him pulling your hair while his other hand supports you wrapped around your back.
He inserts his fangs on the start of your right breast making you dig your nails inside his shoulder. It hurts you more than it hurt your neck because of how soft your skin is there. It causes tears rolling down from your eyes and your breath hitches while he sucks your blood and you feel it all inside your body.
Digging your nails doesn't feel enough because of how much it hurts. Your body feels light and your fingers stop helping you endure the pain.
You fall on the bed while he is still above you sucking your blood.
"Oh God!" A plea leaves from your mouth but you don't want him to stop.
He has become a real monster now that he has gotten some blood on his lips. It washes over his head and he keep drinking until you scream not being able to take it anymore, "STOP!"
He barely pulls himself up and you see your blood dripping from his mouth while he smirks staring at you.
He licks away the last drop of blood and pulls you dress away abandoning it on the floor.
"Open your mouth, you are fucking bleeding," he urges but you don't.
"Fucking open your mouth. You told me you'll do so," he looks genuinely worried to you which concerns you.
"Damn you,Y/n!" he presses your cheeks with hand and bites his wrist then presses his blood dripping wrist on your mouth.
You try to spit his blood out from your mouth but his hard press makes you drink it making you want to gag.
You start coughing realizing how bad it tastes.
"Don't you dare spit it," he says helping you to sit down but you keep coughing endlessly. You forget about how bare you are in front of him, you forget about the purpose of coming here, you forget why you made the deal, you forget about everything that is around you without him shouting at you with concern.
You don't understand the cause and you don't know when you have stopped coughing.
"Thank God," his voice and his eyes on your neck makes you realize that your pain is gone, the scars he gave you are gone. Some drop of blood is left on you nothing else.
You don't know why your eyes don't leave him. You just keep staring at his eyes wondering how they would look if he was a human. Maybe dark brown eye color would suit him best.
"What are you staring at?"
He finally asks you and you smile.
"Your scary monstrous act is gone," you tell him and he makes an annoyed face.
"You haven't seen me eating human yet which is why your courage sounds concerning," he says and pick up the duvet from the bed to wrap around you but you hold his hands still looking into his eyes.
"Your blood grossed," you whisper and he looks at you.
His eyes look bright red for some reason and they dims again when he grabs your chin, "Do you still want to see the monster I am after how I have hurt you?"
The fear of him tearing apart is long gone from the moment you hear concern in his voice.
"That wasn't the part of our deal," you climb on his lap and wrap your legs around him once again.
When you start to unbutton his shirt, he looks down to your face watching you carefully undressing him.
When you are on the last button your head aches and you start to fall behind but he immediately captures you inside his arm,"You don't have to fill the deal now."
"I am scared, it's not about the deal anymore," and you unbutton the last one removing his shirt from his chest.
The view of his abs, his chest flashing in front of you triggers you to grope his neck kissing him. He tastes you with the same amount of hunger and leaves you breathless.
It is definite that he pulls you closer and your wetness hits his pelvis making both of you grown in pleasure. It's just the beginning of a storm yet it's too suitable.
His kisses become restless when he reaches on your chest. Your soft breasts feel like cotton candy against his lips. It does something to you that he starts leaving soft bites there, kissing you like a monster time by time.
Your head hits the headboard not being able to contain so much pleasure from his lips.
He is cold yet, he feels so warm against you.
"Please," you moan and his eyes fall on yours while the tip of his tongue is on your nipple making circles.
He removes on of his hands from your back and you feel it reaching your pelvis.
"Who are you?" He softly asks you and you feel his index and middle fingers rubbing you slowly avoiding your clit. You have soaked his fingers and it embarrasses you quite much.
"Fuck, this feels-ah" you moan sounds like a mumble against your lips when you feel his fingers inside you.
"Good?" He asks you curling his fingers inside you stretching your walls. It leaves a shock inside your body and you starts squirming when he keeps repeating this.
He is so fast and it is confusing your body feeling so much at once.
"Yes, yes...keep go-oh God," your eyes roll from his abuse and your body becomes a shaky mess getting so much pleasure at once.
He rubs your clit with his thumb while his fingers are still inside you and it leaves deeper shiver inside you making your body create a wave.
He keeps inserting his fingers knowing well that you just came on his fingers.
You grab his wrist and remove it from your core.
It gave him enough information for which he makes you sit on the bed while you lean on a pillow supporting on the headboard. Your body feels weak but you can't care less about it.
His eyes never leaves yours when he takes his pants off and crawls in front of you to come closer. It aches your pelvic floor but you welcome him giving your legs on his palm so he can make them wrap around him again.
You don't know why you are jumping into this hell but this is the only thing that is keeping you together.
He pulls you a little too hard keeping you into pieces and you feel his cock stretching you out all together.
Your breathing starts becoming irregular when he starts moving. His whole cock is inside you without any warnings and you only hear the cracking sound of the bed and the slapping sound of your skins.
It's madness, your inner self tells you.
But you keep looking into his eyes while he keeps going back and forth. Tears keep flowing from your eyes making your breath heavy but you give no reaction for him to stop and he doesn't until he makes you come. When it's his time, he removes himself from you and taint the bedsheets with his essence.
Maybe it took half an hour but he never left your eyes. His eyes is glowing the brightest now that you have made him come and for some reason it makes you proud of yourself.
You just have sex with a demon who slaughter everyone but refused to do it to you. Why does it leave you lonely again?
Sorry for being late <3
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yunho0o0o0o · 1 year
Scout's Honor [chapter 1]
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Fantasy AU, Soulmate AU
Genre: Fluff, Angst, Eventual Smut
Pairing: OT8 Ateez x fem!Reader
Warnings: alcohol consumption, attempted theft
Word Count: 2123
Note: Hello! Here's the first chapter of Scout's Honor. I'm having a lot of fun writing this and I hope you enjoy reading it! Feedback is greatly appreciated!
Mini Masterlist
The sun’s golden rays are sparingly cast over the market street, but the work day is far from over. Vendors still shout advertisements for their products and crowds mingle around each booth, browsing the contents.
Having already bought what you came here for, you’re sat on a stoop at the far end of the path simply watching over the businesses. Your hand mindlessly reaches into your satchel, patting the section your coin pouch is tucked in. Not many people join you, too busy rushing to finish up sales. 
The market streets have become thick with tension over the past month, with the war in the far country of Sena cutting off trade supplies. Not many materials are affected currently, but those that have been are far too expensive for you to even consider purchasing.
Your heavy brown cloak is settled over you, obscuring your figure from those around you. The hood over your head serves to further hide your features, as well as to shield your eyes from the harsh light of the near-setting sun. This scene is one you’ve grown familiar with over the past few years of living in Priua. 
The call of one particular merchant draws your attention to the opposite side of the street. Under your hood, you can see old man Dal waving his arms around with a scowl as he scolds a slim man dressed in fine leather.
The younger man seems more interested in the minuscule scuffs on his boots and dirt under his nails than in whatever Dal has to say to him. 
Your town sees its fair share of travelers, but this one has a careless attitude that has you on edge. Rising from your viewpoint, your feet take wide strides across the cobbles until you stand just a pace away from the man.
When Dal catches sight of your hood, his face relaxes a degree and his hunched shoulders square to meet you. He gives a slight bow of his head before stating his case.
“Sir Eun, This boy tried stealing from me!” the man cries. Your eyes catch onto the form of this supposed thief, tilting your head slightly as you study him. “Right from under my nose like I’m senile!” His boots are high quality, yet they’re scuffed and muddied. 
“He asked for an item then tried snatching these off the table when I wasn’t looking!” he yells, holding up a worn pouch of herbs. From what you can see of the dagger on the traveler’s hip, it would go for a good price at the market. “As the best healer in the city, you would know the hard work it takes to procure this fine product.” 
Trailing up the new man’s form, your shadowed eyes eventually raise to meet his cat-like ones. His eyebrow twitches upwards as does a corner of his lips. You level your stare at him, thinking. He hardly looks like someone who would need to steal.
Shifting your glance between the merchant and the man, you decide to give him the benefit of the doubt. You take steady steps towards Dal and pull the coin pouch from your satchel.
 “Perhaps our friend here is down on his luck at the moment. Here-” you pass the necessary coins with a soft, diplomatic smile, “for the herbs.” You pause, then tuck a few more coins into his palm. “And for the trouble.” 
“You’re too kind, Sir Eun.” You wave away his comment and grab the bundle of herbs from him, then turn to face the newcomer again. 
Only this time, nothing but open air awaits you. Your eyes dart around the darkening street, but you catch no sign of the man. “That bastard…” you grumble under your breath, settling for tucking the herbs into your satchel and trudging back to the tavern for the night.
You leisurely kick a pebble down the path for the short walk there. While you walk you ponder what you could do with the herbs. Perhaps you could simply resell them? From what you recall of the rare item, they aren’t good for much unless you’re working with poisons. Even then, its presence is hardly discreet.
By the time you set foot in the tavern, the regulars have already gotten comfortable at their usual tables. Come to think of it, you’ve become somewhat of a regular yourself here these days. However, you don’t go drinking yourself into a stupor any chance you get as the typical crowd here does.
You sit in the middle of a long table. With how dead the tavern is tonight, no one will mind if you take up a large space for yourself. The soft clink of glass on wood in front of you raises you from your thoughts. 
“Your mind must be quite busy to not greet me first thing, Eun. I brought you two tonight, as a precaution. I’ll have to go back to work in a second, but I always make an exception for my most valued customer.” Your eyes shift to meet those of the person sitting across from you, hands locked around two pints of ale on the table between you two. 
“Sorry, Jihye,” you say, gaze jumping around the room. “Just stressed, is all.” The chair gives a loud creak as you lean back into it.
“What’s stressing you?” she asks wiping her hands on her apron and leaning forward to rest her elbows on the table. You pause a moment before responding.
“I have to meet with Sir Iseul of Chion,” you state, a distant look covering your features. Chion is not a terrible city by far, but you’d much prefer to stay in Priua where you’ve made your home. 
“Chion? But that’s so far! Nearly a month’s travel! What business is so important you must go to Chion? You shouldn’t be getting any closer to Sena!” she exclaims, eyes and mouth wide with shock. 
“It shouldn’t concern you, Jihye. It simply has to do with the healing arts. And Chion is a full two months travel from the battlefront. There’s nothing to worry about. We would know of the approach long before they ever reached the city.” you wave off her worries, taking a few sips from the closest pint.
Jihye shifts in her seat before her eyes raise to the door at your side. You take another sip from your pint of ale and follow her gaze, only to nearly spit it out when you see the form entering the tavern. 
The man from before pauses a few feet into the establishment to look around. You turn and lower your head as his gaze sweeps over your table, hoping your hood will help you blend in. The approaching footsteps alert you that your attempt at stealth was unsuccessful. Jihye seems to notice his approach and stands from her chair.
“Well, I should be getting back to work, Eun. Yell for me if you need anything.” She dusts off her apron before quickly walking towards the kitchen. In the next moment, the chair to your right is pulled from under the table and flipped around. The man sits down on it backward and sets his arms on the backrest. He looks over to you with a quick smirk.
“You know, I didn’t get to thank you properly earlier.”
“Perhaps because you were too busy running away?” You send him an amused grin.
“I didn’t stray too far. I was close enough to see you bought what I wanted.” He leans forward against the backrest, gesturing with his hands as he speaks. “How about I buy it off you? I swear I’ll pay this time.”
“Hmm... I’m not sure.” You pick at your nails, seemingly disinterested. “What if I happen to find myself in need of some…”you pause to recall the name of the herb in your possession, but come up short. “What if I plan to keep it?”
He pulls a coin pouch from his satchel and places nearly double the amount you had paid on the table in front of you. “Would this amount suffice?” he asks, lip curling into a smirk. You pretend to contemplate the decision momentarily, tapping your chin.
“I suppose it could,” you say, gathering the coins into your palm and retrieving the bundle of herbs from your bag. As soon as you lay the herbs on the table, he snatches them away. “What do you plan to use those for anyways? They’re hardly common around here.”
“A friend of mine asked me to retrieve them while we were in town. I have no clue what he plans to do with them.” A loud series of footsteps from the entrance grasp your attention.
“San, who’s the new friend?” Seven more men take seats at your table, all but encircling you.
“This would be Eun. He saved my ass from an angry merchant earlier today.” Your eyebrows raise slightly at his informality.
“Have you thanked him properly?”
“I was getting to that before I was so rudely interrupted by you all.” He pauses a second before continuing. 
“Eun, let me introduce my friends. This is Seonghwa.” The blond man who spoke earlier perks up and sends you a calm smile.
 “Hongjoong.” Next to Seonghwa, the man with light brown hair waves politely. 
“Yunho.” The taller man sitting to your left gives a mumbled greeting with a nod of his head.
 “Mingi.” He smiles wide at you from across the table.
 “Yeosang.” He simply raises his hand. 
“Wooyoung.” To Yeosang’s side, a hand waves enthusiastically. 
“And Jongho.” A soft ‘hello’ comes from the last. “We’re passing through Priua on our way to Krae.” Your eyes widen at that information. Krae is a settlement Northeast of here and perhaps a week's travel from Chion. In fact, they would pass through Chion if heading there from Priua. 
“Can I get you men anything to eat or drink?” Jihye stands, observant as ever, in front of your table. Hongjoong raises his hand.
“Eight pints, please.”
“Of course. I’ll be out with those in a moment.” Silence washes over the group.
“I want to join you,” you say. Exclamations of surprise echo around the table.
“Why?” Hongjoong questions immediately. A glance at the others tells you they’re all wondering the same.
“I need to get to Chion. I’m meeting with someone.” The men share a look with each other before Hongjoong continues.
“Why should you join us? What do you have to offer to the group?” Glasses clink on the wooden tabletop as Jihye sets one in front of each of the newcomers. She sends you a charming smile.
“Well, Eun is the best healer in town. Hell, maybe even the country. He’s extremely skilled.” A slight flush rises on your cheeks at the praise and you look away from her gaze.
San leans closer to you and says in a low voice “They must be very important to you for you to travel so far.” You nod. 
“Extremely,” you answer, adorning a determined look.
“So just how good of a healer are you, Eun? Surely you have some stories.” Yeosang asks with a flat expression.
“Aish- Detective Kang back at it again” one of the men murmurs.
“What?” he asks with a glance around the table. “ I want to know more about who we’re dealing with here.” he shrugs.
 Jihye makes her way back to refill everyone’s pints just in time to answer for you. 
“Oh, he’s the best! Once Hyunjin snapped his arm clean in two and Eun here was able to get it back together, healed, and functioning in record time! And one time In-Su got bit by a venomous snake and Eun sucked the venom out! Don’t doubt his abilities, he’s called the best for a reason.” she finished with a stern look at Yeosang.
“That’s good to hear. We could use another healer considering the trouble we’ve had recently.” Hongjoong says, shooting a half-hearted glare at the man to your left.
“It was an accident, I swear!” he exclaims. Seonghwa and Hongjoong whisper to each other for a minute before their attention returns to you.
“I suppose if it’s just to Chion, you can accompany us,” Hongjoong says, extending a hand to you. “Welcome aboard, Eun.” A few cheers and mumbles erupt from the surrounding men at his exclamation. Some of your new companions seem eager to celebrate, with how they’re throwing back ale like there’s no tomorrow.
“We leave Priua tomorrow before dawn, will you be ready? Chion is three weeks away if we’re quick.” Seonghwa asks, eyes searching your own. You give a nod. “Good. We’ll meet in front of this building. Bring all you’ll need.” he says, leaning back into his chair.
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dreamingofyeo · 4 months
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Comment to be added to the taglist ♡
Genres : Fluff, angst, mild gore, possibly suggestive content later on
AU: fantasy
Characters : OT8 ateez & skz x named reader 'Arla'
(I’m sorry I can’t stand typing ‘y/n’😭)
Overall TWs: mentions of abuse, violence, strong language
- so far I’d say this is a 15+ fic any specific tws will be at the start of the chapter they correspond to
Synopsis : In the lands of Calgrai, the kingdom of Igoras is a barbaric place filled with hatred and sorrow. Unbeknownst to you, deep in the forest a hum of power and hope rises; when a mysterious man finds himself in the village stocks, you had no idea the events that would unfold when you come to his aid. Alliances are discovered, forged and dissolved. Arla sets off on a quest with her new and growing companions to unite the land’s fallen forces against Igoras, discovering hidden truths and links about herself and her friends along the way. Was it all fate? Or is someone pulling the strings?
• characters • map • playlist • 15, 608 words
chapter 1 - The boy in the stocks
Chapter 2 - Lady Luck
Chapter 3 - Into the woods
Chapter 4 - Passage to Reynyr
Chapter 5 - Flora and fauna
Chapter 6 - Branches of guilt
Chapter 7 - The alliance
Chapter 8 - The wolves
Chapter 9 - Scattered histories
Chapter 10 - Ties of frailty
more to come...
- please point out any typos or grammar mistakes I miss, I won’t take offence :)
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