#you really think the DEATH devil would be a teenage girl?
problemcore · 2 years
csm2 manga spoilers in tags
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strawberry022 · 1 year
Something that I talked about many times with a friend, is about Denji's thinking.
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In those chapters of the manga, Denji said that if he had been smarter, he would have done something different (use more of his head and come up with a smart plan) to avoid Aki's tragedy.
The point I'm getting at with this is that if the opportunity arises (which it most likely is), Denji and Asa/Yoru face each other, well, this time... Maybe Denji can come up with a better plan to save to Asa of her death.
And without having anything to do with it.
Following the last chapters, can you imagine that at one point, Asa badmouths Denji in front of Chainsaw Man?
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Telling him what an idiot Denji is , that he stood her up on the second date among more negative things about his person. Something like that, as happened in chapter 104, but in reverse. If it happens it will be so hilarious. I'm going to laugh a lot. "I know because I'm Denji!"
Jah, nah, bro. I cry laughing imagining it. But I have my doubts that it will happen, since, maybe he don't want to go against Nayuta. However, Denji also wishes to reveal his secret identity.
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So, imagine Asa's face, when she finds out that Denji was always honest, and he told her the truth. :D
Now, out of the joke.
Let's think about how desperate Denji must feel because he can't reveal his identity. That he really is the chainsaw man. He's pretty much a teenager driven to become a hero, and he pushes himself every day to do a good job.
Of course, those hurtful words that Asa said in chapter 104 made him very angry, but there is no doubt that she could have hurt him. Maybe I'm thinking too much about it
The same would happen if Asa spoke badly about Denji, when he had, despite everything, helped her during the Aquarium arc. And she, without knowing it, he continues to help her. Imagine how upset he's going to get (being in his devil mode), that this same girl who criticized Chainsaw Man before, is now doing the same, but with Denji.
Maybe Denji really is hiding his insecurities by wearing the chainsaw "mask"...
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bcbdrums · 5 months
About your soul fan mail post:
I don’t think anyone’s upset about Spirit receiving attention from women. It’s more of the fact that he cheated on his wife about 57 different times. Soul continues to be loyal to Maka while Spirit floats around.
I’m not saying Spirit isn’t like a good dad or that he doesn’t deserve slack but it’s not the same scenario here.
Spirit cheated? My short response: prove it.
I actually really appreciate what you said. I appreciate your thoughtfulness about the topic and that you didn't jump to Spirit being wholly unforgivable, like I see a lot of fandom do. (And a lack of condemnation of other characters for other sins, arguably more grievous...) But I really want to address this topic, and you've given me the perfect opportunity.
And to be clear, my own viewpoint on cheating is that it's wrong. Plain and simple, it's wrong. Physical, mental, emotional... It's all wrong. It's not something I agree with on any level.
In any case, talking at length about Spirit Albarn is something I love to do so here is my argument that will stray as far as to suggest: he never cheated at all.
LONG text post under the cut, includes both manga and anime context.
What proof do we have that he cheated other than the perception of a five year old? We have Maka's flashbacks at the very beginning, we get to see her trauma from her dad's supposed cheating. But before I get into Maka's possibly incorrect perception...
Where is her mother???
Seriously, where is the woman? I propose: she left soon after Maka was born. I propose that she either left the world of Shibusen entirely, OR that she left to work at one of Lord Death's other locations around the world. And clearly...she did not come back.
Maka's favorite memory of her mother being the divorce. Maka says that clearly and without hesitation, and even Crona who has no concept of a normal family life knows that this is bizarre. How on earth could her favorite memory of her mother be...the divorce proceeding???
The mother was not at Maka's kindergarten graduation. Subjective point, you say? Yes, perhaps. But how would Spirit have the opportunity to dance with other moms if his wife was there? (Not that dancing with other people is wrong, which I'll come back to.)
No family photos include the mother. But she's the one taking the pics, perhaps? Still... Any normal photo album is going to have photos of the mother and child. And since Maka places her mother up on a pedestal and loathes her father (on the surface), why does she have photos with her father but not with her mother...?
In the clown arc of the manga (I just call it the clown arc, forget the chapter names) when Maka and Soul learn the Devil Hunt Slash technique, the clown attacks her mentally/emotionally and...which relationship does it attack? It attacks her father. If her mother is sooooo special to her, why doesn't it attack her mother? And we see more of her actual feelings about her dad. But this most isn't about Maka, so moving on from that...
Now, what's this all have to do with Spirit cheating or not cheating? And an incorrect perception on Maka's side of things?
Now, we're back to my original post about Soul getting all the fan mail and such. So let's start with...just who is this man?
Ahem. Spirit Albarn...is an attention whore. And he likes women. Both these things are true. We see the brief moment in the manga of Azusa looking at a teenage Spirit hitting on a girl. But more telling is Spirit's adult behavior.
In a manga/anime loaded with disgusting fanservice and misogyny (and misandry for crying out loud, but one thing at a time) there was ample opportunity for writers to give Spirit some gross behavior... But they did not. Not once. We never see Spirit behave lewdly toward women. Not one single inappropriate glance, comment, or action. It never happens in either canon.
What DO we see from Spirit?
We see that this man...likes...to drink. He's likes to drink and he is a happy drunk. And he likes being around people who are happy.
We see (in the manga) that he will lie and build himself up to get more attention, when he was making up stuff to Risa and Arisa about how he is the real power in Death City, not Lord Death.
We see him enjoying the company of the cabaret girls, putting his arms around them, and that is the most he ever does. He's more physically affectionate in the flashback with Azusa to that teen girl than he is to the cabaret girls.
Now, is going to a bar or club, or to some place like...say.... Hooters... cheating? Subjective again. My personal opinion is yes. In this sense, I do think Spirit cheated. I think putting his arms around the cabaret girls at all is a level of cheating. But probably a bigger chunk of the world considers going to a club a normal social activity, and would disagree with my opinion. Meanwhile, the women are just doing their jobs. It's their job to give the customer attention and to sell drinks.
Also we must consider that this man has shown himself repeatedly to be an emotional basketcase. At the club, the women merely mention his wife or Maka and he goes all to pieces. Every single time. You really think this man would be emotionally resilient enough to get into bed with anyone else? Let's be real... He doesn't stand a chance of following through even if he's thinking it.
But back to who is this man? Spirit Albarn is...a celebrity.
Spirit isn't just any death scythe. He is Death Scythe. He's Shinigami's personal weapon. He is the biggest celebrity one can be in Death City and in this universe. He's gonna get far more than fan mail. He's gonna get women following him around (like Soul had), stalking him, falling all over him, coming at him in public for photo ops and autographs and who even knows how far some crazed fans will go...
Which brings us back to little Maka.
Maka seeing him surrounded by the waitresses at the club? Back when she was only five, he was still a new celebrity and would still be getting crazy attention like that. The women Maka saw on the street? Who is to say it's not a photo op? And the one that makes no sense is Spirit dancing with the curly-haired woman at what was clearly based on the surroundings some very large fancy event... It's normal to dance with people other than one's spouse??? That's a normal social behavior, not cheating at all. Now if they're up grinding on the person, that's different... Spirit wasn't doing that anything we saw, nor allowing it to happen to him.
Also.... Back to her mother's absence... Why was Maka at this party watching her dad?? Escaped the academy's daycare room perhaps?
How did she see her dad with the women on the street?? Maybe he didn't want his little girl in the fan photo and told her to wait for him for a minute, since these adoring fans ran up?
Who was watching her (rather, not watching her) that she was able to sneak out of the house to follow her dad to the club?? Where he was surrounded by way too many women for that to just be waitresses, those were fans admiring the celeb.
Maka's mother is not there. Her mother has not been there. And poor tiny Maka is probably deeply confused, needed to cast blame, and is going to draw understandable (wrong) conclusions from seeing her daddy with other women all the time.
I repeat, Maka's mother...was not there. Now let me phrase the same statement differently... Spirit's wife...was not there. She left them!
I repeat: cheating is wrong on every level, and I personally don't think he should have been at the club. But let's assume I'm right, that his wife was never there... And really, really think about this.
It was a teen pregnancy. The woman was supposedly some incredible meister, but...then she got pregnant. She's not going to be out fighting kishin egg monsters and whatever while in her second and third trimester. Having a baby...ruined the woman's life. No more battles for her. Bye-bye fierce warrior, hello stay-at-home mom. Hello post-partum depression, perhaps. I honestly think she ran away from it all. I don't even think she went to work at another branch of Shibusen, I honestly think she just...left them.
And so Spirit is married in name, married on paper... He may have truly and genuinely cared for that woman. He may have genuinely tried to make it work. He did marry her after all, and he raised Maka lovingly and attentively. But a marriage is two people, and Spirit...was very clearly alone.
The overall point is: nearly all of Spirit's actions make sense given the total context. He's an attention whore. He likes women. He's the biggest celebrity there is. And we don't see him do anything gross or lewd. We see an effectively single dad... A happy drunk forgetting not to put his arms around the women who are paid to give him attention and sell him more booze, because he's lonely and desperate for affection. That's ALL we see, in both anime and manga. That's the extent of it. That's as far as we see him go, and nothing implies he went any further.
So again... I don't condone cheating. What I don't understand is why the fandom at large won't seem to cut him any slack. Especially when the evidence weighs heavily on his side.
Thanks for your thoughts, Anon!
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lionheartedmusings · 1 year
hey i thought your post about the moral glorification of natalie is super interesting. but what do you think about the moral glorification of lottie? by the show and the fans? the ending of s1 set her up to be this ominous figure, only for season 2 to humanize her at every turn and emphasize her good intentions. i have mixed feelings because while i do love lottie's arc this season, i can't help but wonder if we were robbed of a more morally grey lottie
thanks for enjoying the post! it had been driving me a bit insane but i'm glad it resonated! as for lottie… oh boy, buckle in because this is going to probably be long and a hard one to answer.
from the fandom's perspective, i have spent a lot of time watching the yellowjackets reddit and tumblr seems to be a lot more sympathetic to lottie's character than the sub — over there, lottie is as bad as the devil and she's a massive evil mastermind which… i vehemently disagree with. i will even go as far as to disagree that she was ever really set up to be anything other than she is: she's a teenage girl doing her best to help people keep hope, and she fully believes that her reverence and submission to the wilderness is actively doing good, so she keeps doing it.
the show has done a brilliant job with humanising every character enough that they're all (at least to me) deeply understandable and relatable in both their good moments and their bad — i'll use misty as an example for a moment. misty isn't all there before the crash and she's clearly desensitised to violence to an extent, but her destroying the black box? i understand that. i don't agree with it, but i can 1000% understand how an isolated teen got a glimpse of friendship and acceptance, and wanted to keep it going for a bit longer. in misty's mind, maybe it would take them a bit longer to be rescued (a couple weeks vs a few days) because people were looking for them —she was completely unaware of the consequences of her actions. i understand misty's actions, she just didn't think of what the ramifications of them could be... like lottie.
lottie, a mentally ill completely neglected teen, goes into the wilderness and communes (or believes she does at least) with something bigger than herself and starts listening and appeasing it... and it starts "rewarding" them, so she keeps going. she's helping, it's helping, so she pulls as many people in as she can because the more they pay respects to this entity, the bigger the chance of them surviving. she's just doing her best to help — by the time she realises that she's been made into a prophet and is being deified, it's too late to turn back, and she ultimately passes (or tries to, i definitely don't think it'll stick) the power off to someone else who she hopes will do a better job.
but the interesting thing is, her actions directly lead to the escalation of violence and the ritualisation of their survival — it's her faith that leads the others down the rabbit hole and regardless of good intentions, she actively starts a religion that ends up being one of cannibalism and blood. how do you analyse the morality of it? i think teen lottie herself would see herself as a villain, if her suicidal ideation and martyr complex are anything to go by.
adult lottie is, i think, set up to be a lot more morally grey by the show — she's pulled back into this way of thinking by travis, and she spirals further when natalie arrives at the compound (the cult-like society she created to try and help people, the same way she couldn't help her friends twenty years ago, because lottie's a character about cycles more than anything else). she's the one who suggests a submission to the wilderness again, it's her actions that lead to the hunt and to natalie's death, but in the end in her delusion she thinks it will all have been for a good reason (keeping van alive, which is a whole other can of worms i don't have time to unpack).
when did lottie go from a teenager horrified by the consequences of her actions, to a grown woman who sees death as vindication? in the wilderness it was a coping mechanism, but adult lottie is fully aware that the line between the wilderness and their actions is very blurred — when did that happen?
i think seasons 3 forward are going to have us see a much more morally grey lottie, but up until now i think her characterisation makes a lot of sense because it establishes intention vs. consequence very very well, and it allows us to do what the girls couldn't do in the 90s — see lottie matthews as a person and not some prophet or messiah, so we can now see how the well-meaning and kind go down the rabbit hole of fanaticism to the point of seeing death as a bargaining chip they can actively play all to justify the horrors they've caused so far.
her characterisation is about the deterioration of lottie's character and thinking, and you have to rise characters up to let them fall. now, i support all her rights and her wrongs but by god, is lottie a wildly interesting character with a lot more layers and thought than she's usually given.
i'm so sorry this turned into... this.
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multi-writer · 2 years
Love in the past: Chapter 5 - New Friends
Eddie x 2022! Reader
(time travel reader)
Chapter 4: Old Movies > < Chapter 6: The Crazy Van Dude
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Summary: who would have thought that a simple investigation of events that happened more than 30 years ago would lead to an unforgettable and somewhat bizarre journey?.
Author´s note: Sorry for the delay, this chapter was supposed to be out yesterday, it's just been a busy week with personal, family and work issues. But finally, here it is. We're already in the TV series so the good stuff is coming! Hope you like it!!! <3
The two teenagers looked worried, their breathing hitched by the speed at which they were coming on their bikes. The boy kept looking at Steve while the girl's eyes rested on you looking up and down, analyzing you.
"Have you watch the television? There's been a murder. Something else to add to the list of why Hawkins is a lousy place to live" Steve said.
"Steve, how many phones do you have?" the boy repeated.
"I don't know...two?" Robin said as she shrugged. "Three counting Keith's." The answer seemed to please the boy as he threw his backpack over the desk and then jumped over it causing a mess in his wake making Steve and Robin to let out groans at the same time. The red-haired girl next to you kept looking at you.
"You who are you?" she asked with apprehension.
"She's from the future...by the way...we don't know your name" Steve commented as he picked up several pencils that had fallen thanks to the boy who was now standing next to Robin.
"I'm (y/n) and I don't think it's wise to tell everyone I'm from the future." You commented as you folded your arms.
"Well, (y/n) this is Max and the brat with Robin is Dustin" Steve said calmly. "And don't worry, they've been with us on the weird stuff you claim to know."
"Are you seriously going to believe they are from the future Steve?" Max commented angrily, analyzing Steve's words, Max became even more upset. "You told him about what happened last year?!"
"Hey, take it easy. We haven´t say anything" Robin commented. "And if we've been up against the Russians and fighting creatures from another dimension, I don't think a traveler from the future is the craziest thing."
"Dustin what are you doing?" asked Steve frustrated.
“Eddie Munson is in danger” said Dustin.
"Eddie ‘The Freak’ Munson? Your new older best friend?" Steve said in an annoyed tone. "I wouldn't be weirded out about it, he plays D&D, those things are the devil´s work." This comment made you look at Steve quizzical and made Dustin look annoyed.
"Steve, I play that ‘devil´s work’ and believe me it has nothing to do with it."
"Really? Dustin, you're going to believe she's from the future? What if she's a spy?" Max interrupted the two guys arguing about a board game
"Max, Robin is right. Her being from the future would be the least weird thing we've ever experienced" Dustin said as he grabbed a telephone and started calling different numbers.
"Well I do believe Eddie killed that girl" Steve folded his arms.
"Cut the crap and help us find him" Dustin replied angrily.
"Besides..." Max continued. "Yesterday Eddie was weird, I heard screaming from his trailer and then he ran off scared. He took off in his van. Something else is going on besides a death."
"You guys think... something strange is going on again?" asked Robin.
"Strange? Like beings from another dimension?" you asked as you lowered your arms. However, no one answered you.
"Could be..." finished Dustin.
"No, that's impossible. Didn´t the gates or portals close or stop or something like that?" continued Steve.
"Steve, maybe Eddie is innocent" Max said quietly.
"Look, I believe in that ‘innocent until proven guilty’ thing but I do think Eddie did have something to do with it" Steve's comment made everyone look at him quizzical and frustrated. There was a few minutes of silence until you decided to cut him off.
"How can I help you guys?" Your question caused Dustin to smile and start explaining to you about Eddie and his plan in calling different numbers. You, Robin and Max began to write down on different sheets of paper any data you found about Eddie's whereabouts, any information you got was being written down. However, they were not finding much as little was known about the boy. They stayed like that for a long time until Max began to write down quickly and then hung up, making everyone to look at her.
"Does anyone know where to find a Reefer Rick?" asked Max. "They say he's someone close to Eddie."
"I think he's the one who gives Eddie some drugs to sell" commented Dustin thoughtfully.
"Wait...your friend is a drug dealer?" you asked in surprise causing Steve to open his arms.
"Thanks! Someone else who thinks Munson is a bad influence on you guys" Steve said in a motherly type, both Dustin and Max looked at him with a serious expression. Robin, seeing this, spoke up to break the tension between the teens and Steve.
"We may be able to find him in the store's database. This is where everything is recorded" Robin said as she typed something into the computer, this made Dustin and Max move closer to her. Steve just let out a sigh to approach Robin. You stood back watching them as they took away options to find out where this Rick guy was. It didn't take long before they managed to find a clue. Quickly everyone started grabbing their stuff to look for Eddie. Steve told you what his car was while he and Robin locked up the video store. Dustin, Max and you got in the back of the car while Robin rode as a copilot and Steve drove.
The only thing you could hear was the car radio, causing an awkward silence.
"So...from the future?" said Dustin. "What year?"
"2022" you said as you hugged your backpack.
"What's it like?" Max continued, apparently she was already calmer because of your presence.
"Boring, not much has changed... Well, it has, but in phones, computers and televisions. Cars still don't fly and we haven't gone extinct from an apocalypse, so it's quiet. At least, as far as I know, we don't have beings from another dimension attacking us like in 1986" You said smiling.
"That means we won against them, right?" Dustin asked smiling. You just shook your head making his smile disappear.
"No. I don't know. Nothing that happened at Hawkins right now is documented in the future. It's hard to find information about this place, especially this time" You said.
"How did you get here?" Max continued.
"The same reason there is no information I decided to come and investigate. Long story short, I walked into the lab and all of a sudden I found myself here in this year."
"Hawkins' lab? Isn´t that dangerous?"
"It was abandoned when I went in, and there was no one there when I came out, so apparently it's not that dangerous to say the least."
"It is... or was. Experiments were being done on humans there. We'd like to think Eleven got her powers from there." Dustin said.
"Eleven? Like the number?" you asked.
"Yeah, she's a special girl with powers, a great friend. She's not here right now because she went to live in California with Joyce, Will and Jonathan, other friends" Said Max seriously.
"Mike went to visit them for spring break" commented Dustin.
"Dude, may I remind you that they doesn't know the group or any person you just mentioned" Said Steve from behind the wheel.
"Well...what do you want to know about this year?" asked Dustin surprisingly.
"Absolutely everything."
"Then get ready because it's a long story."
During the hours of driving Dustin was explaining to you all the events that had happened in town since Will disappeared, how they found Eleven, explained her powers and how she disappeared. As the conversation progressed, Steve told you more about how he took care of the children and how they went upside down. Then Max went on to tell how she had arrived, how she had made friends with the boys and her brother Bill. When this was mentioned, Max just remained silent and decided to just watch the window. Finally, Robin explained about the Russians they had confronted and what had happened at the mall.
So many things had happened in town so it was even stranger why there was no information about it at all. Even stranger that all of this was only known to a smaller group of ten people. How come the rest of the town hadn't heard about all this?
When we arrived at the house that was supposed to be Rick was already getting dark, the sky was turning dark shades of blue while some stars could already be seen. The sky was so clear that you wondered if the sky would look more beautiful at this time when there was less pollution in the sky compared to the skies of 2022.
You were the last to get out of Steve's car. You walked slowly as you looked at the sky and then at the lake. It was honestly a nice and peaceful place to live. Your thoughts were interrupted as you approached your new group of friends, all looking at the house in front of you, everyone was silent until you saw something that caught your attention.
"Hey! I know that van!"
(If you want to be tag or your tag is missing please tell me, some tags are not working and thanks for supporting this story! <3)
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viisator · 2 years
The Devil's Contract • • • Teaser
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Title: The Devil's Contract
Pairing : Yang Jungwon x F!Reader
Genre: Fiction, Fairytale, Yandere
Warning: Major character death, Teenage pregnancy.
Summary: Y/n bear a child but died due to its poor lungs. But then, her family disowned her. Until the devil showed itself to her and made her his slave for her to take her dead child back, but then, the devil became attached to her, and would not let her set free.
Not Proofread
(This fic is inspired by Brother Grimm's fairytale "The Devil's Sooty Brother")
– Can I have a request, please? After/before you read this(thanks for checking this out btw) like or reblog, or both; is really appreciated!! And it will help my blogs reach other ppl too!! Thank you!! Have a good time reading!! –
• • • • •
There, deep in the forest wander a little mother. Three days ago she gave birth to a little boy, the boy was beautiful, but he died after a day in the hospital because he had a lung problem and had not survived.
The mother was heartbroken, not only her son died before she could even hold him, but the father of her son is also unknown, her family disowned her for being pregnant at the early age of sixteen, and they had thought she had abandoned her studies and so she is no longer their daughter.
Her father made a condition, that she should be their daughter again but apologized to her knee and abandon her child. But to her pride, she could not, thinking it was not her fault, so she ran about the woods and found herself lost later.
After a while of wandering about the cold unknown woods, tears are streaming down her face when a beautiful man stands before her.
She cried and cried and flopped herself to the ground pleading with the person in front of her.
Then his voice was so beautiful in the ears, it made her want to hear more.
"I know what you want," said he. "Food. Shelter. And your son." The man had no emotions as he said those to her.
"Yes!!" said she. "Please! I'd do anything, to bring my son back!" 
The man then grinned looking at the girl's pleading face.
"Then you shall be my slave." said the man. 
"But what can I offer?" asked she.
"You shall not disobey what I tell you, for I am the devil. You shall serve me for seven years, then you are free. If you disobey any of my orders, you shall be punished. If you died before your seven years contract, you shall be punished and will burn to hell forever. But if you obeyed all my orders, and survived after those seven years, you shall be rewarded. You shall marry a rich man that will love you for a lifetime and until death. And then, I shall give you your son."
And so the devil took the girl in hell and made her his servant, she obeyed all the devil's orders and last for two years and a half. Until she longed for her old human life and missed her home. The devil could not comprehend.
Release date: ?? ?? ??
Full Story
©® Viisator 2022
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kingofsummer93 · 2 years
Alpha Sigma Phi
Elain has never thought of herself as a bad girl.
But slip some devil horns on her head, and suddenly the possibilities are endless.
Elucien college AU.
Read it on Ao3
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Elain was fuming. 
Two weeks. It had taken Graysen all of two weeks after dumping her to not only meet someone else, but to start posting pictures with her all over his Instagram. Graysen despised social media. He had never posted any pictures of the two of them together in the two and a half years they had dated. Not once.
Now here he was, his arm slung around some broad with perfectly sleek hair a trendy shade of ash blonde and teeth so white they were practically see-through. The real kicker, though, was the boobs. The girl’s tits were so large they probably had their own zip code, and were obscenely spilling out of the crop tops she seemed to exclusively wear. 
Elain looked down at her own modest chest and sighed. It had never truly bothered her before, even with her sisters’ teasing. Nesta’s own set of XL tits had started to make their appearance when she had turned eleven, and had grown so large that Elain sometimes wondered how Nesta didn’t just topple forward every time she tried to stand. Nesta had nicknamed Elain “fried eggs” for an entire year, until their mother had overheard and had dumped Nesta’s phone in the toilet as punishment. Elain had mistakenly assumed that Nesta had inherited all the chest-growing DNA, but then Feyre had sprouted magnificent jugs of her own and it was just her with boobs so small that she looked like a prepubescent girl when she was flat on her back.
Still, it hadn’t really bothered her, and with the recent fashion of wearing bralettes for shirts she had even considered it an advantage. But something about seeing that bitch’s giant boobs all over her ex boyfriend made her feel like an insecure teenager again. 
“Stop looking at his Instagram,” Vassa demanded, not even bothering to look up from the makeshift vanity on her desk, where she was currently meticulously applying her signature flick of eyeliner. 
“I’m not,” Elain lied. She went to swipe away the app, but Vassa was faster.
Quick like a bird, she jumped off her desk chair and lunged for Elain, tackling her to the bed and grabbing her phone. She glanced at the screen and then fixed Elain with a look that was somehow an eye-roll and death glare at once. 
“We broke up two weeks ago and he’s got a new girlfriend already? He’s posting pictures with her? He barely even knows how to use a phone!” 
Elain’s voice had turned whiny and she would have been embarrassed to sound so dumb with anyone else, but this was Vassa. They’d gone from strangers straight to soul sisters the day they met, at a party during rush week freshman year. Elain had been standing in line for the bathroom, wondering if she was going to piss herself before the dude getting head in the bathroom finally finished. Vassa, who was in line behind her, had growled in frustration and grabbed her hand. She had led her to a dark corner behind the Kappa Alpha Theta house, where she’d stood watch while Elain relieved herself next to the garbage cans. Elain had returned the favor, and they’d been inseparable ever since. 
Something in Vassa’s fierce gaze softened now, and even though she didn’t say anything Elain knew what her friend was thinking. If Graysen was already posting pictures with a new girl, it meant they had probably met when he was still dating her. 
“This girl is trash,” Vassa said simply, jabbing at the screen. “You’re champagne, she’s ten-dollar moscato. I guarantee you she’s involved in at least one MLM scheme.”
Elain couldn’t help but snort at that. She had, of course, stalked the girl’s profile already and knew for a fact that this was true.
“Aha!” Vassa exclaimed, flopping to the bed beside Elain. “Younique and Skinny Tea. I knew it.”
Vassa propped her head on a fist to look at her. “Look. I know you’re sad, and you have every right to feel that way, but Graysen is not worth it. He’s arrogant and rude and you said yourself the sex was boring. Life is too long for bad sex, Elain!”
Elain shifted uncomfortably, looking anywhere but at her friend. She had no qualms discussing Vassa’s sex life in minute detail but when the roles were reversed it always made her squirm. Partly because Vassa had vastly more experience than she did, which always made her feel like a puritan by comparison. Vassa would have punched her in the face if she admitted this out loud, but it was true. 
Elain’s entire sexual experience pre-Graysen had been a messy handjob in a cinema her senior year. The sex with Graysen had not been bad, and to be fair she didn’t have anything to compare it to, but she couldn’t truthfully claim that it had been good. The only times she got off were when she tried really, really hard, which usually involved shutting her eyes and thinking of someone else. She could admit this was probably not what people in healthy sexual relationships did. 
“What you really need,” Vassa continued, jumping off the bed to rifle through her closet, “is some quality dick, and then you’ll forget all about Graysen. Which is exactly why we’re going to this party.”
“I doubt some frat asshole is what I need,” Elain replied drily.
She watched with increasing dread as Vassa dug up their angel-and-devil costumes from the past Halloween. It seemed like her friend had taken scissors to the already skimpy costumes and had made them even more so. The devil costume in particular was so revealing that you practically needed a magnifying glass to find it. “Who even throws a costume party in the middle of April? Only those twats would be pretentious enough to do something like this and make it seem ironic instead of dumb.”
“Those twats, as you call them, also happen to all be hot as fuck. We are going to this party, you are going to grab the first guy who catches your eye, and you are going to take him upstairs. You are then going to demand he eat your pussy, and then you will let him dick you down until you forget about Gregory.”
Elain snorted with laughter, even as she felt herself blush all the way to her hairline. It was easy for Vassa to declare things like this. She wore her confidence like a cape and was heart-breakingly stunning, in a way that made people stop in their tracks to look at her. Her copper bob was striking against her tanned skin, her freckles charmingly girlish, and the mischief in her blue eyes made her irresistible to men. 
Elain was no stranger to the male gaze, and she was vain enough to admit her own good looks, but still. She didn’t consider herself to be shy, but what Vassa had just described took a different kind of confidence that she didn’t think she had.
“You just want to go because Jurian will be there,” she said, a tad petulantly.
Jurian was Vassa’s latest conquest, and judging by the amount of times Elain heard Vassa yell his name through the wall their rooms shared, she could guess that Vassa was probably not pretending like he was someone else in order to finish.
“Absolutely,” Vassa replied, nodding in agreement. “We’re talking about premium grade dick here, of course that’s why I want to go.”
Elain sighed an all-suffering sigh. “I’m not going.” 
What she wanted more than anything at this moment was to take off her bra, put on her oldest, comfiest, most ill-fitting sweats, order the greasiest take-out available, watch some dumb romantic comedy that would somehow make her cry, and wash it all down with an entire bottle of cheap wine that would give her a headache in the morning. 
Vassa, however, had other plans. Her eyes glittered even as they narrowed on her, so laser-focused that Elain immediately knew there was no getting out of this. It was the same look that had somehow convinced her to get a tattoo, even though she had walked towards that table like it was her execution and had silently cried throughout the whole thing. Still, she could admit that the delicate fawn outline on her hip was pretty cute. Graysen had pursed his lips when she had first shown it to him, and suddenly that made Elain like it even more. 
“You are going. You are getting drunk. And you are getting laid. In that order. Now strip.” Vassa planted her feet like a general observing her troops, a scrap of sequined red fabric in her hand. Elain could not for the life of her figure out if it was meant to be the top or bottom half of the costume.
“You know who else will be there?” Vassa continued, still brandishing the costume. “Lucien.”
Elain’s stomach did a little flip, as it always did whenever Lucien’s name was so much as mentioned. Not because she liked him, obviously. Only because she wasn’t blind. 
Lucien Vanserra was campus royalty. His family donated so much money to their university that there was a library named after them. He was also, conveniently, hotter than the bottomless forges of hell, and fully aware of it. 
In other words, he was about as attainable as George Clooney.
“Yeah, right,” Elain replied dismissively. “Maybe I’ll sleep with Ryan Reynolds too, while I’m at it.”
Vassa smiled in victory. “I knew you had a thing for him! I guessed it when you stopped complaining about me dragging you to the soccer games.”
Elain squirmed again. She had never admitted this crush to Vassa, but maybe she had been less subtle in her gawking than she had thought. It was his fault, really, for walking around with a face that looked like it belonged on an ancient greek god. 
Elain had known him since freshman year, given his king-amongst-mortals status at the school. But she’d met Graysen, and Lucien was out of her orbit, so she never really gave him much thought.
Until last fall, when Vassa had dragged her to a soccer game so she could drool over Jurian, and Elain had reluctantly gone. It was as boring as watching paint dry, but then Lucien had whipped off his shirt and swung it around to celebrate a particularly spectacular goal, and suddenly soccer wasn’t so boring anymore. The sight of his sweaty golden skin rippling with muscles had instantly been burned into her memory. 
She would never admit this to Vassa, and barely acknowledged it to herself, but whenever she managed to get off with Graysen it had usually been Lucien she had been thinking of. There was just something about that long red hair, which would have looked absurd on anyone else. Elain could imagine that hair framing her head like a curtain of fire as Lucien moved above her, his broad chest damp with sweat, hard and slick under her fingertips…
She cleared her throat as a tell-tale blush betrayed her. “I do not have a thing for him,” she declared. “I just have eyes in my head. Besides, he’s never looked twice at me.”
Vassa scoffed. “You were in a relationship, he’s not an ass.”
“He dated a Tik Tok star!” Elain continued. “He dated someone who dated Calvin Harris! He would never be interested in someone like me.”
Vassa’s gaze shifted sideways, and Elain’s eyes narrowed in suspicion. Those shifty eyes were Vassa’s tell that she was hiding something.
“What?” she demanded.
Vassa seemed to struggle with something for another moment, until she gave a little fuck it shrug and grinned at her like a Cheshire Cat. 
“What if I told you that I knew for a fact that Lucien has a not-so-little crush on you?”
That combination of words was so absurd that Elain figured she must have misheard. “What?”
Vassa’s grin broadened. “According to Jurian, Lucien talks about you all the time. Apparently he hates Gregory even more than I do.”
“Graysen. His name is Graysen.” Elain tried to sound stern but it was difficult to accomplish given that all her brain cells were currently pinging around her head like she was a living pinball machine. 
Lucien Vanserra, the number one most desired guy on campus, owner of that knee-buckingly stunning face, talked about her? It was absurd. 
“And you’re just telling me about this now?” Elain accused. She didn’t know what to think or feel. Somehow she was both mortified and thrilled at the same time. 
Vassa winced. “Well, you were with Graysen, no? But now that he’s fucked off where he belongs…” She held up the devil costume once more, waggling her eyebrows suggestively.
Elain wordlessly grabbed the costume, all thoughts of take-out and Netflix suddenly extinguished. 
“Dude,” Cassian drawled over the din of the party, “I know I was skeptical at first but this was a genius idea.”
“Told you,” Lucien replied with a lazy smirk. “Something about a costume party always makes girls more slutty.”
As if to prove his point, a trio of girls walked through the front door wearing what appeared to be nothing but mesh. Lucien could not for the life of him think of what their costumes were meant to be. 
Cassian turned to openly stare after them, his jaw hanging clean off its hinges. “That’s not even a costume. What are they even supposed to be?” He sounded almost offended.
The party was in full swing. The ground floor was packed, the floor vibrating from the thumping music, the air thick with the smell of spilled beer and sweat. A makeshift dance floor had been set up in the backyard next to the DJ booth, and it was so jammed with gyrating bodies that the dancing had spilled onto the lawn up onto the deck. There were no less than five kegs, and an actual licensed bartender was mixing drinks in the kitchen. 
It was, in other words, an epic fucking party. The heated pool, which was a thing of great envy from lesser frats, was currently empty, but Lucien knew it was only a matter of time before people started jumping in. Drunk people could not resist a body of water. 
“Where’s your girlfriend?” Lucien asked, nudging Jurian. His friend was staring at the front door, craning his neck to see as people walked in. He tried to make his question seem casual but of course Jurian knew right away why he was asking.
“Don’t you mean where’s her friend Elain?” He taunted. “And Vassa’s not my girlfriend.”
Cassian and Lucien both snorted in unison.
“Please. You’re so pussy-whipped it’s embarrassing,” Cassian quipped. 
Jurian chose to ignore this jab. “Did you know Elain broke up that dickhead boyfriend of hers?” he asked with a smirk.
This was news to Lucien. “Really?” he blurted, too quickly, too loudly. Both his friends snickered.
Lucien cleared his throat. “When?” he asked, taking what he hoped seemed like a casual sip of beer to hide his smile.
Jurian shrugged, his attention back towards the front door. “Couple weeks ago, I think?” 
Lucien was buzzing, and not from the alcohol. Elain Archeron had been single for weeks and he hadn’t been aware of it? 
He slipped his phone out of his pocket and quickly opened her Instagram. He looked at it so often that he could describe her last ten posts in minute detail. Colorful shots of plants and flowers around campus, a brick wall covered in ivy, goofy shots with her sorority sisters. And a selfie, a large ice cream cone in her hand, a wide grin on her face- and that dumbass Nolan next to her, smiling so reluctantly it was almost a grimace. 
Lucien clicked on Graysen’s account and scoffed out loud. “That dickhead dumped Elain for an MLM bimbo?” he asked incredulously. 
That Graysen Nolan had even managed to date Elain Archeron for over two years was still inconceivable to Lucien. He was the most pompous asshole Lucien had ever had the misfortune of meeting in his entire life. He wore cardigans draped around his shoulders, for fucks sake. Who actually dressed like that in real life? 
Graysen had tried his hardest to befriend Lucien since the first day of rush week freshman year. Lucien was a legacy at Alpha Sigma Phi and Graysen was desperate to get in. He was always casually slipping facts about Lucien’s family into the conversation, as if that would impress him. People like Graysen were always trying to get his attention, and Lucien could smell a poser from a mile away. 
He’d met Jurian and Cassian at the same party, coincidentally. Neither of them had so much as blinked in recognition when he’d told them his name, and when they’d undoubtedly figured it out later they still hadn’t said anything. 
Cassian peered over his shoulder, his large cardboard bat wings slapping Lucien in the back.
“Dude, watch your wings,” Lucien complained. It was a ridiculous costume, really, considering how tall and broad Cassian was. Adding wings to the equation made him a safety hazard. 
“Says the dude wearing a tail,” Cassian retorted. 
“Chicks love foxes,” Lucien said with a smirk. “Nobody likes bats. And nobody even knows who you’re supposed to be,” he added, poking Jurian in the back. He was wearing a mixture of vaguely Founding Fathers-esque clothing with a plastic sword strapped at his side.
Jurian did not react. He had gone so still that it seemed like he was not even breathing. 
“You good, bro?” Cassian asked, waving a hand in front of his face. Jurian did not so much as blink. 
Lucien followed the direction of Jurian’s gaze, and suddenly the noise around him seemed to dim. Vassa had just walked through the front door, dragging a slightly reluctant looking Elain by the arm. Vassa was wearing angel wings and a lacy white dress that definitely looked like lingerie, but Elain. Her costume consisted of a red sequined skirt that looked more like a belt, a red corset, and devil horns, and fuck him but it was an exercise in self control to convince his dick to behave. Lucien was convinced that Elain Archeron could make a garbage bag look hot, but in that devil costume she was an absolute smokeshow. 
“They’re coming over, be chill,” Jurian mumbled.
“You guys are both pathetic,” Cassian declared. With that he smacked them with his wings and disappeared into the crowd.
Lucien didn’t bother to correct him, considering that he had momentarily lost the ability to speak and his heart was beating so fast he thought he might vomit. What was wrong with him? He’d dated an Tik Tok star, for fuck’s sake. He knew how to talk to girls. But something about this particular girl was so fascinating to him that one glimpse of her was enough to make his palms sweat. 
She was beautiful, of course, but it was more than that. There was something about her, an inherent happiness, a light, that sang to him. The fact that she never paid him much attention only added to his obsession. 
The crowd parted like the Red Sea to let the girls through, and Lucien shook himself out of his trance.
“Hey angel,” Jurian drawled. “Have I died and gone to heaven?”
Vassa rolled her eyes but immediately threw her arms around his neck and stood on her tiptoes to kiss him, not bothering to even look in Lucien’s direction. 
Elain was smiling at him shyly, and Lucien couldn’t help but notice that her cheeks had turned the most delicious shade of pink. Was that because of him? The thought made him stand a little straighter. 
“Does that mean I’ve gone to hell?” he asked. As soon as the words slipped from his mouth he instantly cringed. What the fuck kind of greeting was that?
Elain blinked. “Excuse me?”
“You know. Your costume,” Lucien said lamely. He stuck his fingers on top of his head like horns, and Elain’s lips twitched. 
“That depends. Have you been bad?” Her wide brown eyes were glittering with humor, but her blush intensified. 
Was his dream girl really flirting with him and blushing as she did so? Lucien was struck dumb. He was so captivated by those glittering eyes that it didn’t occur to him to respond. 
Elain bit her lip and suddenly looked embarrassed. “Sorry. That was dumb. I’m Elain, by the way.”
“I know who you are,” Lucien replied, too quickly. Elain’s lips twitched again. “I’m Lucien.”
He stuck out his hand, and immediately regretted it. Did people their age shake hands? He suddenly had no idea. 
“I know who you are,” Elain replied, smiling as she looked at his outstretched hand. 
Lucien had never felt like a bigger dumbass than he did then, standing there with his hand outstretched. But then she took his hand and shook it, and that chaste touch lit his blood on fire. Her skin was so soft that he immediately wondered what the rest of her would feel like. 
His eyes betrayed him then and dipped to her chest. Her corset was so tight that it looked almost painful, but it also made her tits swell in a way that made Lucien’s mouth water. He wanted to lean down and lick that cleavage so badly that he immediately dropped her hand and took a sip of beer to occupy his mouth. 
Elain bit her lip and blushed again as she noticed the direction of his gaze. Lucien cleared his throat and shifted awkwardly. Fuck, what was wrong with him? It was like he had never spoken to a girl before. Was it his turn to speak?
Stop staring at her boobs and say something, asshole. 
“Would you like a drink?” he blurted.
Elain grinned at him, a cheeky little smile, and Lucien nearly whined. “Does a fox shit in the woods?”
Lucien grinned. “I prefer a toilet myself, but I can’t speak for the others.”
Dumb, dumb, you’re such a dumbass, why the fuck did you just say that, you’re not funny…
Elain threw her head back and laughed, and Lucien had never heard a more beautiful sound. He knew with absolute certainty that he was smiling like an idiot but he couldn’t help it. 
He pressed a hand to the small of her back to lead her to the kitchen and the feel of the laces on her corset made his knees go weak. What he wouldn’t give to slowly undo those laces, one by one…
He was so distracted that he didn’t notice that someone had walked up to them. He didn’t notice who it was at all, until he turned towards the kitchen and collided with Graysen Nolan.
“Shit, sorry…”
Elain was so distracted by Lucien’s hand on her back that she didn't immediately notice who Lucien had bumped into. She giggled as whoever it was spilled beer all over themselves, and then her eyes traveled up, as if in slow motion. Her giggles died in her throat, replaced by such a powerful mix of emotions that she froze on the spot. 
Graysen’s eyes were narrowed in anger as he looked between her and Lucien, back and forth, back and forth, like they were a tennis match and he didn’t like the outcome. 
“Sorry,” Lucien said again. “Didn’t see you there.” He glanced down at her, clearly uncomfortable. 
“Can you please take your fucking hands off my girlfriend?” Graysen’s voice rang out above the noise of the party, and several people around them turned to look.
Elain recoiled in shock, mortified to her very core. “Excuse me?” she asked. How dare he. How fucking dare he post selfies with some other girl and then turn around and call her his girlfriend. 
But Graysen only kept staring at Lucien, his face contorted with anger. The way he was sneering was so off putting that Elain couldn’t believe she had ever found him handsome. 
Lucien glanced at her again, gauging her reaction. She knew what was about to happen and she was desperate to prevent it. He was about to take his hand off her back and lift it in the air, palm out, and then he would mumble an apology and leave …
But then Lucien’s lips twitched, as if he could read what was going on in her mind. He stepped closer to her, so close she could feel his body heat radiating off him. 
“Is my hand on you bothering you, my lady?” he asked, tilting his head to the side. 
“Absolutely not,” she replied with a sweet smile. She might also have batted her eyelashes for good measure. 
Lucien’s shoulders shook with silent laughter. “How interesting.” His arm snaked around to rest on her hip and Elain leaned into him further, as if by instinct. Even with the awkwardness of the moment she couldn’t help but notice how large that hand was, how tall he was, how short she was next to him, even in heels. 
Graysen finally looked at her then, and she could have laughed at the incredulous look on his face. “Can we talk?” 
No, she immediately thought. Only a few hours ago she would have jumped at the opportunity to just see him, but now that he was in front of her she felt strangely empty. How long had it been since she and Graysen just had fun together? She’d been having more fun in that short conversation with Lucien than she’d had with Graysen in ages.
Lucien’s fingers tightened slightly on her hip. She could tell it wasn’t a possessive gesture, but more a silent communication. He wasn’t going anywhere, if she wanted him to stay. 
Elain did not want to talk to Graysen. She wanted to stay tucked next to Lucien and keep flirting with him until he blushed again. But she also knew Graysen well enough to know that he was very capable of starting a scene in the middle of the hallway if she said no.
“Fine,” she said finally. She made sure her voice sounded as reluctant as she felt. 
Something flashed in Graysen’s eyes, not relief but something like victory. Asshole. 
Elain extricated herself from Lucien’s embrace and shot him what she hoped was an apologetic look. Was it just her runaway imagination playing tricks on her, or did he look disappointed? 
“I’ll be around,” he said. It sounded like a question and a promise. 
Elain grinned. “Good. You still owe me a drink.”
Lucien smiled back, and it was a struggle to look away from that smile. Shit this guy was hot. 
Graysen reached for her arm but she sidestepped him and walked towards the open doors that led to the backyard, not even checking to make sure he was following her. She didn’t stop walking until she reached a relatively quiet spot away from the packed dance floor. Graysen was following so close behind her that when she suddenly stopped he almost walked right into her. 
She whirled and glared at him but he didn’t give her a chance to speak. 
“Why are you playing at?” he hissed. 
“Excuse me?” She was starting to sound like a broken record but really, what else was there to say to that? “What am I playing at? What are you playing at?”
“Why are you flirting with guys like Lucien dressed like that?”
He took a step closer to her as he said it, and Elain was so shocked by the venom in his voice that she backed away from him. Graysen tracked the movement and his jaw clenched in irritation. 
“And why would you care what I wear or who I flirt with?” she asked drily. “You broke up with me, Graysen.”
Graysen rolled his eyes in exasperation. “That was a fight, Elain. Couples fight, it doesn’t mean we weren’t going to find our way back to each other.”
Elain was so baffled by what was happening that for a moment she could only stare at him. Graysen misunderstood her silence for emotion, and smiled gently. “Elain, you and I are forever. I gave you a promise ring.” He looked down and frowned when he saw she wasn’t wearing it.
Something about that made Elain suddenly see red. Honestly though, did he expect her to still wear his ugly ring after he dumped her? This whole conversation was absurd, and she wanted it over with. 
“And what was the promise, Gray? To love me and cherish me until a hotter, more interesting piece slid into your DMs?” 
Graysen had the decency to look pained. “That was a mistake. You have to know that, Elain. You have to know I would always come back to you.”
He reached for her hand then, and she swatted him away. “All it took was one glimpse of me flirting with someone else while looking like hot shit for you to come crawling back? You’re pathetic.”
Graysen blinked in surprise at her tone. Even she was surprised by her own reaction, but it felt so good. She had a right to be mad, and she was tired of moping around. Being angry at him felt like she was making a decision. 
She looked over his shoulder and spotted Lucien, hovering near the edge of the deck. He was staring in her direction, but he was too far for her to read the expression on his face. 
“And you know what else?” she continued. “Maybe I don’t want you to come back to me. Did you ever think of that?” 
Graysen carefully arranged his features into a neutral expression that she knew only too well. It was the placating expression he used when he thought people were being unreasonable.
“Elain, I know you’re mad, and I can give you space if that’s what you need…”
“And are you going to be sleeping around during this break?” She said that perhaps more loudly than she had planned, and several people turned to look at them. “But I’m guessing that I wouldn’t be allowed to? Perhaps you’d like me to go home and change into something less slutty, too?”
Graysen winced. “It’s just that you have to know that people could get the wrong impression when you walk around dressed like that…”
“And what impression is that?” Her voice was now deadly calm. “That I feel good about myself and I want to have some fun tonight?”
She looked over his shoulder again. Jurian and Vassa had joined Lucien on the deck. Vassa caught her gaze, pointed to Graysen, and slid a finger across her throat. A laugh bubbled out of Elain’s throat before she could stop it.
Graysen turned around to see where she was looking and when he looked back at her his expression was murderous. “You know that guy’s fucked half the girls in this school? That’s what you want?”
“Maybe it is!” she exclaimed. All her pent up frustrations were rising to the surface in a burst of anger. “Maybe I’ll even let his friends fuck me too, how about that, Graysen?”
Graysen recoiled and leaned away from her, as if she’d spat in his face. But Elain wasn’t done.
“Maybe if he’s fucked half the school then I won’t have to think about something else in order to get off!”
She had definitely said that too loudly but she was beyond caring at this point.
“Be careful with what you say, Elain. If I walk away now I’m not going to come back.”
“Fine. That’s fucking fine by me! Because you know who’s going to walk away? Me.”
And with that she stepped around him and walked away, making sure to bump into him as she did so.
Graysen’s pleading voice rang out behind her but she dutifully ignored it as she walked around the pool towards the deck. She could see Lucien walking in her direction, and she had almost reached him when a hand clamped on her forearm.
It happened so quickly that Lucien didn’t realize what was happening at first. One moment he was walking towards Elain, and the next that prick Graysen had grabbed her by the upper arm and was screaming in her face. Lucien dropped his cup of beer and ran towards her. 
“What is going on here? Are you alright?” 
Elain yanked hard against Graysen’s grip and staggered backwards. Lucien put out a hand to steady her, and to his surprise she stepped closer to him.
“We’re fine,” Graysen hissed through gritted teeth. “This doesn’t concern you, Vanserra.”
“Actually, it does concern you, because Graysen was just leaving and I was going to ask you for that drink.” Elain’s eyes were flashing with residual anger and Lucien knew it was wrong butshit she had never looked prettier. 
He turned to Graysen. “Get the fuck out of my house,” he growled. 
Graysen sneered. “Your house, huh? You entitled asshole…”
“Shut the fuck up, Graysen!” Elain yelled.
Lucien laughed. “Yes, Nolan. My house. You know what else is mine? This entire fucking school. So you better fuck right off and stay out of my face, because if you don’t, I might just develop an urge to call the Dean. Did you know he’s my godfather?”
His heart was pounding with adrenaline. He usually detested pulling rank like this, but sometimes it just had to be done. Graysen’s eyes narrowed, and he took a step towards Lucien. Was the fool about to try to fight him? 
“Lucien!” The sound of name being yelled from across the yard distracted both him and Graysen. 
Lucien turned to the direction the voice had come from just as a football came hurtling through the air, straight towards his face.
It was too late to catch it, and pain exploded across his face as the ball smacked him right in the nose, full speed. He heard people screaming, including Elain, but his ears rang as blood gushed down his face in a thick stream.
Lucien staggered backwards from the impact, not realizing that he was right next to the pool until he was teetering on the edge. He reached out instinctively for someone to hold on to, and it was only when he was falling backwards with a lurch that he realized he had grabbed Elain.
They fell into the pool in an ungraceful tumble of limbs. It might have been funny if his nose wasn’t bleeding and he hadn’t inhaled a lung full of chlorine water. 
He swam to the surface with a gasp, immediately reaching for Elain. She was sputtering water and absolutely drenched, but otherwise seemed unharmed.
“Shit, I’m so sorry!” he exclaimed. 
“Oh my god are you ok!?” she asked at the same time.
They stared at each other for a beat and then Elain burst out in giggles, clapping a hand to her mouth. Lucien huffed out a laugh, wincing as pain shot through his nose. 
“We’re done,” said a dark voice from above them. 
Elain rolled her eyes and turned to Graysen. “That’s literally what I’ve been saying for thirty minutes!”
Graysen shot him another murderous look, and then he had turned and disappeared through the crowd.
“Holy shit dude, I’m so sorry!” Cassian had appeared at the edge of the pool, cringing as he took in Lucien’s bloody nose.
“It’s fi-“ Before Lucien could say anything else, Vassa had stomped to the pool and pushed Cassian square on the back.
His friend yelped as he belly-flopped into the water, creating such a splash that both Lucien and Elain were immediately drenched again.
Apparently people took this as some kind of signal, because the next moment people were jumping into the pool with cheers and whoops.
Elain laughed again, and when she caught him staring she blushed.
“I’m sorry,” she said.
Lucien quickly shook his head and winced as the motion shot pain through his nose again. “No, I’m sorry. I dragged you in.”
Elain giggled as more people jumped in the pool. “Well, it looks like you started a revolution.”
Lucien reached up to touch his nose gingerly. “I’d love to stay and float but I should probably take care of this situation.”
Elain nodded, though her smile dimmed slightly. “Sure, of course…”
“I could probably use some help,” he quickly added.
Elain giggled again and god what a glorious sound it was. “Aren’t you pre-med?” 
“Yes, but we haven’t talked about noses yet. I might die if you don’t help me.” He also might die if she didn’t keep flirting with him all night. 
“Ahh, of course, makes sense. Sounds like I do need to help you then.” She nodded seriously, her big brown eyes twinkling.
Lucien winked and elbowed his way out of the pool and back towards the house. The kitchen was still packed, so he jerked his head in the direction of the hallway before leading the way through the main floor and up the stairs. 
He was holding his wet shirt to his nose, and the blood was seeping through the soaked fabric like a watercolor. Truly not the scene he had imagined for his first real interaction with his crush, but if anything at least it would be memorable. 
The upstairs hallway was also packed, and several people raised their glasses or reached for a high five as he passed. Lucien cringed internally and hoped that Elain either didn’t notice or care. Once they reached his room at the end of hall he held the door open for her and followed her in.
“Sorry,” he said, hovering by the door as she looked around curiously. “It’s just that the bathrooms downstairs are probably gross by now. I swear I’m not being a creep.”
But aren’t you just a little bit, though?
Elain smirked. “So you weren’t trying to get me alone?”
Good god she would kill him. 
“I mean, maybe a little …” he quipped back.
Lucien had almost forgotten what they were doing there until Elain peered in the direction of his bathroom. “Towels?” she asked.
“Right, yes…”
Lucien hurried into the bathroom and Elain followed, still looking around his room with interest. “Do all the rooms have en-suite bathrooms?”
Lucien loosed a nervous laugh. What was wrong with him? You’d think this was the first girl to ever step foot in his room. “No,” he said. “Just a few of them. They’re usually reserved for seniors.” Or Vanserras, he didn't need to add.
He handed her a large towel and used another one to dry his sopping hair. Elain wrapped the towel around her waist like a skirt and ran a washcloth under the tap.
“Sit,” she instructed.
Lucien did as she asked and perched on the closed toilet seat, amused at how she was suddenly taking charge. It was giving him ideas, as if being alone with her in his room was not distracting enough. 
“You know,” she said, her lips quirking into a small smile, “if we were in a movie this would be called a meet-cute.”
Lucien laughed, but then she was moving towards him until she was standing between his legs, and suddenly it seemed like there was a lot less oxygen in the room. He could smell her sweet perfume underneath the sharp scent of chlorine, and it was an effort to not breathe in deeply like it was his first breath of air. It would be so easy to put his hands on her hips and pull her down so she was sitting on his lap…
“Sir,” Elain scolded, one of her eyebrows raised.
“What did I do?” Lucien asked innocently. 
Had he been oggling her tits again? In his defense it was rather difficult not to when they were right in front of his face like that…
“You were thinking loudly,” Elain retorted. 
She braced herself on his shoulder and dabbed at his face with the washcloth. Lucien could tell his nose wasn’t broken, but it hurt like hell and by morning he would be magnificently bruised. He’d have to think of an appropriate prank to play on Cassian as revenge.
“There,” Elain said after a while. “It’s not bleeding anymore, but it’s already bruising.”
“Thank you. You’re a very good nurse. Not sure what I would have done without you.”
“You might have died,” she replied, nodding solemnly. 
Those brown eyes were twinkling at him again and he couldn’t help himself. He reached up and rested his hands on her hips- no pulling, not pushing, just resting. Feeling the warmth of her skin seep through the towel, noticing how she went very still. Was he being a jerk? She’d just dumped her boyfriend not half an hour ago…
But then she dropped the washcloth to the floor with a wet flop, and then both her hands were braced on his shoulders. Lucien’s heart was beating so erratically that he would have bet Elain could hear it beating.
“Look,” he said nervously, “I know you just broke up with Graysen like a minute ago, but…would you maybe want to get brunch with me tomorrow?”
Elain blinked in surprise, and Lucien could have kicked himself. What the hell was he doing? She’d just gotten out of a serious relationship, obviously she wouldn’t be ready to go on dates, much less brunch dates. She was clearly flirting with him, but maybe she just wanted some rebound sex…
“You want to go for brunch…tomorrow?” she asked. She hadn’t moved, but her hands clenched his shoulders a little tighter. 
“I mean…”Back pedal, back pedal, back pedal… “You know. It could just be as friends, if you want. I totally understand if you’re not ready to go on dates right now, but I’ve been wanting to ask you out for a long time and I just…”
His rambling died in his throat as Elain plopped herself on his knee, wrapped her arms around his neck, and kissed him full on the mouth.
Lucien broke the kiss with a chuckle, smiling in amusement. “Should I take that as a yes for brunch?” 
Elain didn’t bother to answer before kissing him again. 
She knew realistically that it would be smarter to take things slow, to go on the date and see what happened. But he smelled so good, and he was so hot, and knowing he had been wanting to ask her out made her brain melt out of her ears. 
Lucien chuckled again, but instead of pulling away he looped his arms under her knees and pulled her fully onto his lap. They were both soaked, and the wet towel wrapped around her waist was uncomfortable and awkward, but it didn’t matter.
The only thing that mattered was the taste of his mouth, the feel of his body under her palms, the spicy, musky scent of him in her nose. It didn’t even matter that she wasn’t used to being the one to instigate sex. Lucien certainly wasn’t complaining, and that was the only motivation she needed.
Besides, she was dressed like the devil. Might as well act like it. 
When she felt him lick her bottom lip she parted for him, and then his tongue was sliding against hers, slow and languid. Elain could have sat there kissing him forever. He was kissing her so slowly and thoroughly, almost lazily, like there was nothing else he’d rather be doing. With other guys kissing felt like a prelude to something else that they wanted more, but the way Lucien was kissing her felt like she was a treat he wanted to enjoy. His hands hadn’t even wandered from her hips, though his fingers had started rubbing idle circles on the exposed skin just above the waistband of her skirt.
Elain tangled her hands in his long hair, wrapping the long locks around her wrists so she could tug on it a little. Lucien’s answering groan sent a shot of lightning straight through her. 
“I love that,” he whispered. His mouth was so close to hers that his breath tickled her lips when he spoke. His full lips were red from kissing her, his pupils were dilated, and truly she had never seen anyone more beautiful.
“Shit, you’re so hot.” Her voice came out almost whiny, and Elain was momentarily mortified until Lucien tangled his fingers in her hair and pressed his lips to her again.
He kissed her for so long that she became breathless and dizzy with lust. When he finally broke the kiss and dipped his mouth to press soft, wet kisses along her neck she decided then and there that she wanted to fuck this man tonight.
“Yes?” he whispered, his mouth pressed to her ear. 
His hands slid up her sides, wrapping around her back to fiddle with the laces of her corset. Why had she worn such a complicated garment? That thing would take forever to take off. 
Lucien licked the inside rim of her ear and Elain shivered violently. She was so wound up that every new touch sent a thrill of anticipation through her. 
She deserved this, she told herself. Even if it didn’t go anywhere. Even if he wasn’t serious about brunch. She deserved to have a little fun. Wasn’t that what college was for?
Lucien lifted his head from her neck to look into her eyes, and the look in his gaze was so smoldering that her breath hitched. No wonder this guy had a reputation. How was a mere mortal meant to resist that look? She had to resist the urge to grind against him wantonly. 
Elain held his gaze as she reached forward to start unbuttoning his shirt. Her heart was pounding but she sent up a quick prayer to any god who was listening to keep her fingers from trembling. Lucien’s eyes widened slightly in surprise, and then he grinned at her in a way that could only be described as feline. 
“Well,” he whispered. “Youare a little devil.”
Elain shifted higher up his lap and looked up at him through her eyelashes. “You’re wet,” she said simply. “You’re already injured, I wouldn’t want you to get sick, too.” She could feel him getting hard, and she shifted closer still, until they were practically chest-to-chest. 
She undid the last button of his shirt and a little noise came out of her throat at the sight of his rippled abs and muscular chest. He was obscene, really. It was unfair to other guys. 
His skin was warm under her palms as she ran her hands up his stomach, letting her nails drag just a little bit. 
Lucien’s hand tightened in her hair, and he pulled just enough to make her tilt her head back. “Aren’t you a good nurse.”
Elain hummed noncommittally. She’d never been this brazen with Graysen, but then again, she’d be willing to bet that she had never been this wet, either. 
She pushed against Lucien’s shirt until he let go of her hair and peeled off the wet fabric with some difficulty. Elain stared at him for a second before leaning forward to lick up the golden column of his neck. He tasted like chlorine and sweat, and suddenly she wanted to taste all of him. Her mouth watered at the thought. 
She kissed and licked her way up his throat, reveling in the little noises he made. She wanted to know what other noises she could pull from him. 
“You’re killing me,” he groaned. His head was tilted back against the wall and she could feel his heart racing under her palms pressed to his chest. 
“You’re confused,” she whispered. “I’m just licking you.”
Lucien groaned again, and it made Elain feel bold. She was seconds away from slipping off his lap to get on her knees when Lucien’s fingers returned to her back to gently undo the bow in the lacing of her corset. One by one he slowly pulled the lacing apart, each little touch of his fingers scorching her skin. Finally, with one long, slow pull, he pulled the laces from the last eyelets and ran both his hands up her back.
Elain reached back and tossed the corset to the floor. The rush of cold air immediately made her nipples pebble, as did Lucien’s gaze as it dipped to her chest. She stood up and chucked her towel to the side before sitting back on his lap, straddling him this time. 
“I wouldn’t want you to get sick either,” he teased. 
“What a thoughtful patient you are.” Her voice hitched as Lucien cradled her breasts, teasing her nipples with his thumbs. 
“Tell me what you want,” he whispered, his lips pressed to her ear. 
Elain shivered again, and Lucien laughed, a low, dark laugh that sent heat straight between her legs. She remembered what Vassa had said earlier, and she tilted her face to look into his eyes.
“I want you to lick my pussy,” she said. “And then I want you to fuck me until I forget about all other guys.” 
Lucien’s eyebrows lifted so comically high that she almost laughed. He stared at her for such a long moment that she started to feel embarrassed at her boldness. Was she being too slutty? Would henot want to date her after this?
“Holy fuck you’re so sexy.” 
Lucien sounded as breathless as she felt, and all her insecurities immediately went out the window as he stood and hauled her up with him. Elain wrapped her legs around his waist as he carried her into his bedroom and gently dropped her to his bed.
The scent of him was thick in his sheets, and she had to resist the urge to roll over and press her nose into his pillow. Instead she watched as he tossed his fox ears to the side, undid his belt and pulled off his wet pants and socks. Elain’s gaze dipped to the large bulge straining the front of his boxers, and when she looked up at him again he was grinning with pure male arrogance. 
He crawled back up the bed on top of her, bracing his arms next to her head and letting his hair fall around them like a curtain. He stared at her for so long that Elain squirmed. 
“What are you doing?” 
Lucien smiled softly. “Committing you to my memory. In case you refuse my brunch offer.”
Elain giggled, even as her stomach fluttered at the sincerity in his voice. Surely that couldn’t be pretend?
Her giggles turned into a moan as he lowered his head to lick one of her nipples. He kissed and nibbled and sucked, teasing her other nipple with the pad of his thumb. Elain arched her back instinctively, pressing into his face, and Lucien hissed, fingers flying to his purpling nose. 
“Shit! Sorry!” she squeaked. 
“Be gentle with me, Satan,” he teased. 
Another laugh was about to bubble out of her throat, but then Lucien’s mouth had moved to her other nipple, and his hand was running up the inside of her thigh. When he finally slid his fingers in between her legs he groaned at the same time she did. She was so wet that her thong was soaked through.
“God, baby, you’re so wet.” He said it almost reverently.
“Only for you,” she replied. 
A strangled moan escaped Lucien’s throat, and he leaned up to kiss her again. Not slowly and sensually like earlier, but almost desperately, like he was a starving man. His fingers slipped into her underwear and Elain moaned into his mouth as he stroked through her slick folds and circled her clit. 
Her hands were everywhere, stroking up his chest, his back, tangling through his hair. She wanted to feel more of him- she wanted to touch and lick every part of him. She wanted him in her hand, in her mouth, inside of her. 
She had been right to fantasize about his hands- not just their size but what he could do with them, too. He was building her up with his fingers so quickly that it was almost embarrassing.
Elain reached down between them so she could palm him through his shorts, and Lucien’s moans mingled with her own. 
Her hand stilled as Lucien caught her wrist and pinned it above her head.
“Stop distracting me,” he growled. “I have some pussy to eat.”
Those words would normally have made her blush, but she was already burning from head to foot, so what did it matter? 
Lucien moved down her body, pressing kisses along her stomach as he went. When he removed his hand from her underwear she whined weakly, but the next moment he had yanked off her skirt and thong in one smooth movement. He spread her thighs gently and actually licked his lips as he looked at her, bare and open for him. The bruises on his face were worsening, and suddenly Elain felt bad. 
“You don’t have to,” she blurted. “If you don't want to.” 
Lucien only looked at her incredulously. “Elain. There is nothing I want to do more right now. I will eat you out all fucking night if you let me.”
His fingers slipped back in between her legs, and she bent her legs to give him better access. “But your nose…”
Lucien scoffed. “Did your ex go down on you with his nose? Because if that’s the case I can see why you dumped his ass.”
With that he dipped his head and licked straight up her center in one slow drag, all the way up to her clit. Elain’s protests all fell away as her eyes fluttered shut and a desperate moan escaped her lips.
Graysen rarely went down on her, and when he did it usually just felt wet, but it was clear that Lucien was highly skilled at this. He swirled his tongue against her, alternating between slow circles and teasing licks. 
Elain opened her eyes to watch and the sight of that red hair in between her legs nearly made her come right then and there. Her thighs were shaking as her pleasure built, higher and higher, coiling tightly in her belly. It was taking him no time at all to bring her right to the edge, and Elain willed herself to slow down and enjoy it. 
Lucien looked up at her then, and when he caught her looking he laughed. The vibration shot through her clit, and her orgasm ripped through her with a violent shudder as she cried out. 
Lucien rode her through it, holding her legs tight and prolonging her pleasure with hot swipes of his tongue. When her body relaxed again she was strangely disappointed that’d she’d come so quickly. There was no way she’d be able to have another orgasm tonight, and he was so good with his tongue that she wished she’d lasted longer.
But Lucien was apparently not done. Instead of wiping his face on her thigh like Graysen would have done, he kept licking and teasing as he slipped a finger inside her. 
The noises that were coming out of her were truly embarrassing, but Elain was in no presence of mind to care. Especially not when Lucien slipped in a second finger, stretching her so deliciously that she wriggled against him, desperate for more.
Lucien laughed again and pressed her hips down with his free hand. “Easy, there. If I get another nose bleed I might die.”
“I don’t think you’ve been paying attention in cla…oh fuck.”
Lucien had started fucking her with his fingers roughly, as if giving her a taste of what she had asked for.
“That’s enough out of you, Satan,” he murmured before attacking her with his mouth again. 
There was nothing slow or gentle about his movements now. He was licking and nibbling and sucking like a starving man presented with a feast, driving his fingers in and out of her relentlessly. 
Elain was so wet that his fingers were making absurd sounds as they moved inside of her. Lucien just lapped it all up, moaning as if he couldn’t get enough of her. 
She couldn’t get enough. It was too much but not enough all at once. Her skin felt too tight, her limbs felt heavy and yet weightless. Lucien was practically dragging her towards release again and there was nothing she could do but dig her fingers into his hair and hold him against her. 
He curled his fingers deep inside her, hitting a spot that sent another orgasm slamming through her almost unexpectedly. She might have screamed his name this time, but she was so lost in a fog of pleasure that she couldn’t be sure. 
Lucien only stopped his ministrations once she finally slumped to the bed, breathless and shaky. He kissed the inside of her thigh, and then the other, so sweetly she suddenly wanted to cry. 
When he moved back up her body to kiss her she could taste herself on his tongue, and something about that made her feel possessive. 
Mine. This man is mine.
Elain sank her teeth into his thick bottom lip and Lucien groaned, low and rumbling. When she reached down to palm him again he didn’t stop her. He was so hard that he was practically throbbing against her palm. She pushed against his chest until he moved off her and she could straddle him. His chest was heaving, his neck and cheeks flushed pink. She wanted him undone and wild, at her mercy, as he had just done to her.
With one quick tug his boxers were on the floor and Lucien was gloriously naked under her. He propped an arm behind his head to watch as she crawled in between his legs, running her hands up his strong thighs.
“This wasn’t on your wish list, you know,” he teased. 
It was Elain’s turn to smirk at how breathless he sounded. “Stop distracting me, I have some cock to suck.”
“Well shit.”
Elain wrapped her hand around the base of his cock and stroked him, reveling in the breathy moan that fell from his lips. He was watching her, his lips still quirked in that maddening smirk. She held that gaze as she leaned down and licked the bead of precum glistening at the tip of his cock. He tasted salty and musky, his skin velvety soft under her tongue.
Elain wouldn’t have previously said that sheenjoyed giving blow jobs, and she had certainly never let anyone finish in her mouth, but she wanted to do this for Lucien. She wanted to make him feel as good as he’d made her feel. 
She licked a hot stripe up the underside of his cock, teasing the pulsing vein there, before swirling her tongue around the tip. Lucien moaned again, louder, and that sound sent straight heat right in between her legs. Every little sound Lucien made was so erotic that she was desperate to hear more. 
His free hand had slipped to the back of her head, tangling in her hair. “You’re such an evil tease.”
Elain chuckled darkly. “That’s what you get for inviting the devil into your bed.” 
With that she wrapped her lips around his cock and sucked him into her mouth. He was so large that she could barely fit half of him in her mouth, so she made up the difference with her hand, gripping him firmly and stroking him in time with her mouth. A string of filthy praise was tumbling from Lucien’s mouth, increasing her confidence. 
“You’re going to have to stop that if you want me to fuck you,” he groaned, pushing her off him.
Elain laughed again. “You can fuck me tomorrow, after brunch.”
The noise that came out of Lucien could only have been described as a whine, and Elain was still chuckling as she took him into her mouth again. She relaxed her jaw and took him deeper, fighting the urge to gag when his cock hit the back of her throat. 
Lucien’s breathing was becoming erratic, his hips bucking up into her mouth unconsciously. She could feel his body stiffening under her, knew he was close, so she gripped him tighter and increased her pace.
“Elain, stop…” His fingers tightened in her hair as he tried to pull her off him again, but Elain only swatted him away. 
“Jesus, fuck, Elain…”
He came with a loud groan, holding her head still as he spilled himself down her throat. Elain could feel his body seizing with the force of his orgasm and she felt a thrill of victory.She had done that.She had made him come that hard. 
“Shit, where have you been all my life,” he mumbled.
Elain giggled as she looked up at him, head slumped to the side, his chest still rising and falling heavily. “In hell,” she teased. She was still wearing her devil horns, and Lucien yanked them off her head as she fell to the bed beside him.
“I’m starting to think maybe you’re not the devil after all,” he murmured, pressing his face into her hair. 
“Is that so?”
Elain snuggled into him, fighting the butterflies swarming in her stomach. She loved this part, the intimacy, the closeness. She relaxed into him, telling herself she was allowed to enjoy it, even if it never happened again. 
“So, can I take that as a yes for brunch?” he asked, almost shyly. 
Elain pressed her face into his warm chest to hide her smile. 
“Yes. Yes, you can.”
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pythiaswine · 2 years
nothing makes my heart twist in knots more than Fear Street 1666. fantastic. it's the historical, fictional sapphic movie i needed. camp as fuck. like fuck netflix okay but this is one thing i actually really love. this and Ratched of COURSE.
the absolute TRUTH in the story of a woman demonized by the covert actions of a man who plays the good guy even to the woman he's damning, the "deviancy" of teens even in 1660s colonial america, the queer love story that's pursued despite the whole "this is wrong" shebang, the offered "cure," the overshadowing horror, the trilogy altogether being about these serial killers and the absolutely sickening backstory where you're led on for the first two movies to believe it's the work of a witch who cursed the land and then really it's the fact that she was a scapegoat who was in the wrong place at the wrong time!!! fuck! it kills me. the men allcoming together and straight up lying out of their asses just to implicate sarah and hannah in the crime of witchcraft. the assault as they "search" hannah for marks. fucking vile. witch hunt unraveling in its purest. the way sarah trusts solomon. the way he kills her off not because she's a witch but because she's the only one who knows he's the real villain.
FUCK. and don't get me wrong i love Midnight Mass and even though the degeneration of peaceful small-town christianity into a cult is chilling and incredibly well-done, and it got my heart racing, something about the way Fear Street unfolds itself, something about how it tricks you into believing it's the same old teen slasher story about a curse on a town from centuries ago, or leads you to believe the witch is really a witch. it's something about the way two teenage girls are trying to just exist and love in a world that paints them as witches and whores and sinners, a world where the "holy" men of the town would control them, assault them, rape them, hang them if they so choose. they were at a disadvantage BEFORE solomon made a deal with the devil. it's personal to me as a young lesbian who has never seen such a great portrayal of the scrutiny and lesbaphobia, the intersectionality of misogyny, homophobia, and the purity culture of christianity. i went into the trilogy with a feeling of disappointment like oh good, another evil witch, another good cop... AND THEY 360 THAT SHIT!! and i love it!
and then the horror aspects?? all of the gore was awesome imo but i was never quite so uncomfortable (and that's how gore should make you feel in a horror movie, i think) as when the children and pastor had their eyes gouged out. the hand scene was gnarly too but badass as fuck. kate and simon's deaths were gross and pretty awesome, i genuinely didn't expect either of them to go despite this being the slasher genre. the whole 1978 movie was great and it's totally a modern Friday the 13th with some totally rad heroines who are well written.
the happy ending we deserved!!!?? the tragedy of Sarah ultimately being hanged despite her best fighting efforts because even though she escaped him, nobody was going to believe her anyway, then we finally have victory. Sunnyvale/the Goodes get what they fucking deserve.
and don't get me started on how we learn the story of what happened in 1666 through our current characters, it's so warming and familiar. it makes the audience keep focus. fuck i loved this trilogy. i loved RL Stine's books as a kid and the world-building in this was so colorfully reminiscent. the music was also awesomeeee ughh
amanda ford's costuming??? love her so much
and to top off the happy ending, Deena and Sam get a date over Sarah Fier's grave in honor of her memory and the history it's romantic and sapphic as fuck i love it
then of course some classic horror nonsense when ee see the book in the credits. so much to adore here.
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ortelassa-goldstein · 8 months
Another shitpost about my beloved tav Haltyrr. Now about her relationship with companions. More details under the cut.
template by @raysoffrost, thank you!
(Please note - everything below is written on behalf of my oc. My own opinion may be different! I find all the characters charming, but from Hal's point of view it's a little more complicated) (oh and pls ignore my bad english, i try my best, thank you)
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Shadowheart. This girl is harmed. She bleeds painfully right front of me and pretend to be fine, pretend no one sees her weakness. She NEEDS something. Protection, maybe? I dont understand. She is so funny in her pathetic rudeness. When I look at her, I feel my own weakness, and it's sucks. I should stay away. Lae'zel. I never seen githyanki before, and this woman was mystery… For some time. She's annoying, she's predictable, and… amazing in her faith. I adore her directness and urgency to fight to the death for her ideals, but also this is a blindness. She always follows the line of least resistance. People like Laezel are good on battlefield. I need these type in our journey, but she and i will never be an equal and never understand each other. Maybe one day she'll try to kill me, or, maybe I'll kill her first. Karlach. A simple woman, maybe too simple for me, but, in any case, she knows how to prioritize correctly and live in the present moment. She is very sensitive and perfectly defuses the situation if tense raises because of someone else's sick ego. We need her. Actually, I think, everyone needs a woman like Karlach. Jaheira. I don't know how to treat her. Sometimes she looks so much like me and this is pisses me off. But sometimes I find sweet how she grumbles and looks at everyone like at stupid children. I'm sure she sees it too - we are quite similar, and it's better for us to keep a respectful distance from each other, otherwise one day well fight to death, and then we both regret it. Halsin. Well, he's huge, a druid and an elf at the same time. It's a terrible mix in my opinion. Sometimes I'm just freaking SCARED of him. Druids are strange af. Elven druids?! Please don't. Part of me despises Halsin for just running away from his beloved grove when it needs a competent guidance more than anything else, but at least my weirdos like him. (or I'm too soft-hearted). Gale. If someone hurts Gale, it will be the last thing they will do in their lives ever. (I wish I could beat the shit out of his ex, but it's hard with goddesses.) Perhaps this man is the only one from all over the upper world who really understands and accepts me. I don`t know how he did it, but my trust in him is unshakable. Magic, probably. Astarion. I don't blame him for trying to survive. I blame him for doing it ridiculously. Sometimes he tires me so much that I want to tie him up and throw into the river. Next to Astarion, I feel like a babysitter, and this is the last thing I would like to do in our situation. I think sooner or later this pathetic elf will get angry because of a something Very Important For Him in a teenager way and leave, and it would be noble of me not to stick a dagger in his back. If you want to be respected, respect in return, darling. Wyll. I don't understand what he's still doing in my camp at all. I mean, I've heard so many rude things from him about how unreasonably cruel I am that it's even funny. I behave quite decently and don't even point out to Wyll that he seems to be much more interested in wine, pretentious speeches and condemning everyone in a row (me in particular), instead of doing, you know, things. He also brought this annoying devil with him. Oh, spider queen, give me strength.
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I was tagged by @peridotglimmer and this was one I haven't done before!
Rules: List ten books that have stayed with you in some way, don’t take but a few minutes, and don’t think too hard - they don’t have to be the “right” or “great” works, just the ones that have touched you.
A Girl Named Disaster by Nancy Farmer - I cannot express enough how obsessed I was with this book. I first read it when I was six which is probably too young but I would read it two or three times a year until I was sixteen. I adored the mythology, the Odyssey-like story, and the main character Nhamo. I admired her determination and her resourcefulness and how she questioned the authorities around her. Nhamo was my hero as a child.
Pictures of Hollis Woods by Patricia Reilly Giff - This book and a couple others on this list have a brilliant way of slowly unfolding the trauma, aftermath, and information about a defining event in the life of the main character. I adored the use of Hollis' art to tell the story, and it just sank into my bones and didn't leave.
Saffy's Angel by Hilary McKay - this book was so funny to me, and I wished I had a family of such colorful characters who were offbeat but supportive. The idea that you will not get the answers you seek and must define for yourself who you are and where you belong resonated with me.
Death on the Nile by Agatha Christie - the first Christie book I ever read, it hooked me and I fell deeply in love. I haven't recovered since. I started devouring murder mystery books after this but Christie was always my favorite.
World War Z by Max Brooks - anyone who's read my Buddie Zombie AU or has read the stuff about my Horsemen Quartet on Patreon will not be surprised, but this book blew the door wide open for me on zombies and the zombie apocalypse.
Maus by Art Spiegalman - I read this in high school, assigned by a teacher. Not officially assigned, it wasn't on the coursework, but she told us to read it anyway. That book taught me... not everything, because there's still so much learning and growing I've done since then, but some days, it does feel like everything.
The Bluest Eye by Toni Morrison - I read this in college and I don't know how to describe the emotions I felt other than "I was too haunted to even cry."
Out of the Dust by Karen Hess - This story is written as a collection of poems, and its bare bones, punch-in-the-throat prose stuck with me. The unflinching look at guilt and what life was like in the Dust Bowl in the 1930s was powerful, and in retrospect it's one of the few books that had a disabled protagonist that I think handled it really well - the anger, the frustration, the pain - without making it inspiration porn.
Define "Normal" by Julie Ann Peters - I learned only a couple years ago that Peters is gay, which probably explains why I could not put this book down as a teenager who knew something was different about her but was too scared to examine it closely enough to define it. The friendship between the two girls had a lot of queer undertones, in retrospect, and I think that's a big part of what led me to read this book until it fell apart.
The Devil in the White City by Erik Larson - this was a book I snatched up from a relative's house and read when I was... thirteen? something like that. This was the book that taught me what nonfiction could do - just how entertaining and engrossing it could be, and that nonfiction was just as stimulating and fascinating as fiction. Certain passages are still burned into my brain.
Tagging @mistmarauder @captainofthefallen @givemeunicorns @extasiswings @catdadeddie @evcndiaz @qqueenofhades @oldshrewsburyian @devilsbrokerank @tulipfromtheinternet and @tripleaxeldiaz because I am deeply curious to know all of your books.
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bat-besties · 5 months
hi rose wilson for the ask game?
Thank you!!
Headcanon A:  realistic
Trans woman Rose!!! Growing up, I think she didn’t have any disconnect in being a boy, since she was allowed to do and act how she wanted regardless of gender, and was in a very female environment. When puberty and the Gender Trouble hit, I think Lili was extremely supportive - so much of Lili’s life has been different than how she expected it to be as a sheltered minor royal all those years ago, and she didn’t get this far without being able to adapt. She loves her child more than anything, no matter what.   
I think Rose has physically transitioned, and struggles with very little dysphoria now. She also doesn’t choose to disclose her identity to anyone unless she really trusts them, as is her right! 
Headcanon B: while it may not be realistic it is hilarious
God, it’s hard to think of anything funnier than how canon Rose is. 
I think she should print out a picture of Cassie to throw darts at
Headcanon C: heart-crushing and awful, but fun to inflict on friends
I think that because Rose is a young woman who is abrasive and well, Rose, people who know her assume she doesn’t want kids. In actuality, she doesn’t know, it’s not something she’s thought about and she's still young. But she loves kids, as we know from canon, she gets them and finds them genuinely interesting. Having a little girl like Lian one day…isn’t something she can let herself want. What if Rose messes up? What if she’s come too far from being that teenage babysitter who everyone trusted, what if having built up her walls she’ll become a prisoner inside of them?
Or worse, what if she does become soft and open and loving with her kid…and that weakness leads to both of them getting hurt. She knows Slade would want her kid, and other villains could hurt them, just like her kidnapping leading to her mother’s death was revenge against her father.
So yeah, she doesn’t think about it.
Headcanon D: unrealistic, but I will disregard canon about it because I reject canon reality and substitute my own.
I think Rose should be able to hug Eddie/Kid Devil for a few moments because of her super serum, maybe feeling a bit of a sizzle like if you stand too close to a fire or have food which is just spicier than your tolerance.
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sepia-stained-sunset · 6 months
An Eden Overthrown
"I made a deal with Death, once", Hazel says, once every five minutes it feels like. She says it out loud, she says it in whispers, she says it to herself because saying it feels like believing in it.
"Did you mean, 'a deal with the Devil'?" A bemused teenage girl who'd been waiting at the check-out line had asked her.
The girl looks a little like Death. Sharp chin, impish grin.
Maybe there was a little bit of Death in every living thing. A little mark, staking her claim. But no, she wouldn't have done that, would she? Not her. Hazel had seen her eyes. Those weren't eyes that would dance with flames or show cold nothingness like pools of darkness or any of that exaggerated nonsense. That wasn't like her.
"No, I did not", Hazel sighs, "she wasn't one bit like a devil or a demon or anything. She was…seraphic"
Foxglove had gifted her a romance-themed word of the day calendar one Valentine's, a pretty one, bound in red with pink hearts all over its cover, with gold lettering in cursive. It had looked expensive when she'd first received it. Its cover was worn from use now, pages faded from being thumbed through.
Baby steps, that's what it had been. Encouragement, a way for Hazel to gain more confidence.
'Seraphic' hadn't been in that one. She'd only learnt it later, when she'd bought more for herself, more and more and more, reading them in the hours before Alvie slept and awoke and took her single-minded devotion, collecting them on a little bookshelf in the living room of their Beverly Hills home. It was a place of display, of pride. A small victory that she'd have shown off if there had been anyone in the house to show off to. Still, she refuses to let the books collect dust, dusting them routinely.
"Did she have a scythe?" The woman at the beauty salon asks her as she smears conditioners and serums into her hair, remaining unimpressed with her work until Hazel's hair smelt like orange blossoms and lavender, a whole bouquet of flowers she didn't even like.
Hydrangeas were her favourite. Blue hydrangeas. They reminded her of Fox's eyes, so vivid and electric. There had been bushes of them growing untended in New York. She'd seen a few of them in the back of their apartment building, once. Back when they'd lived with Barbie and Wanda and Thessaly and they only slept when the Sun began to rise and their biggest fights had been over a green frog mug they'd long since lost.
There had been so many hydrangeas, blossoming wild even when they were uncared for. She'd cared sometimes, watering them if she remembered. Like she was tending to her relationship with Fox when she sprinkled water, like she was reminding herself to keep caring. And she had cared. She had. Until someone had cut them down so the grass would be level.
"No scythe", Hazel answers seriously, even though she knows her hairdresser thinks she's touched in the head, thinks follow-ups are a courtesy born from pity. But she needs someone to know. Fox doesn't really pick up her calls now, and it's like she's only half there when she does. No, the math on that is wrong. Having all of Fox meant having her in person. A distracted Foxglove on the phone meant Hazel barely got a quarter of her.
She needs someone to know, someone to understand. That when they finally met Death, they didn't have to shut their eyes or wince or scream or try and fail to keep their hearts from racing. That they didn't have to be so afraid, that they could reach their hands out and she would be sure to hold them.
"No scythe, huh?" Her hairdresser asks distractedly, pulling and tugging at her hair, combing it down and teasing it up even though she'd only asked for a little trim.
"No scythe. No horns, no hooves, no tail. That's not what Death looks like"
"Huh", the hairdresser mumbles, tilting her head this way and that, examining her in the mirror, and Hazel can tell that she's lost her, that she'll forget this conversation within the hour.
"That's not what she looks like", Hazel insists softly, "she's beautiful"
"Beautiful?" The postman scoffs, turning to leave, and Hazel wants to grab him by the shoulders and shake him and point to her front porch where Alvie is scribbling enthusiastically on his drawing pad.
"Isn't that beautiful to you?!" She wants to scream, needs to know, "The fact that he's alive, the fact that I get all this time with him, isn't that beautiful to you? All those days, all those memories, do they mean nothing to you?"
But of course she doesn't say any of that. Of course she just watches as he walks away.
There are no hydrangeas in Beverly Hills, and all the tabloids keep talking about what hunk they think Foxglove is sleeping with, and the postman begins to smile at her with condescending sympathy, and Fox sometimes texts her instead of calling, and no one, absolutely no on at all, believes her when she says that Death can be kinder than life.
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sombredancer · 2 years
How to fight your doom (Pt. 6)
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Episodes 27-36 From now on the fearsome and almighty Demon Lord turns to be extremely gentle and soft and it causes in some viewers cognitive dissonance. But is his defence I could say that he is in love for the first time in his life, his love is finally requited so his teenage delight is understandable. Besides, he is like that only when he is tête à tête with the Girl.
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The great awkwardness of the moment when you are jealous and at the same time fragile in terms of your love. I like Girl's face expression here. The most part of Silent Moon Palace story arch Girl tries to be worthy of Demon tribe as if she already decided to turn to their side (which is strange) and still tries to persuade Devil not to kill demon and fairy people on the battlefield (which is a really good idea). She even agrees to be tortured if it can ease demons' hatred. At the same time Devil takes his punishment as an atonement for losing opportunity to return his people from stone captivity.
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So, Devil and Girl try to find a compromise, that can solve the Romeo and Juliet problem, but at the end of a day there are only two opportunities – to be apart or to solve the main conflict. The story, though, chooses for them both variants at once, which is the sacrifice. If you can't bear your beloved as well as your folk suffering, you can protect them all at cost of your well-being, your life and your pain.
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Devil sacrifices himself: if Girl would not love him anymore, she would be safe (because the bracelet could be removed) and his people would be saved as well (demons could use Chidi`s soul from the bracelet to break the spell over 100 000 soldiers). Girl would be sad, yes, but it would be more painful for him as he destroyed his love with his own hands. But this plan doesn`t work so he decides to sacrifice himself in more physical way and to hand himself in the claws of ancient Melkor in order to save his people without killing his beloved.
Girl sacrifices herself as well. She kills herself in order to save Devil`s life but it also miraculously solves the main conflict: resurrected demons and fairies all bow to her divine power and start truce.
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«I promise you to stay with you forever». So they are truly heroes in this story. In the hero`s journey a true hero is a person, who is ready after all hardships and inner development to sacrifice everything, even his own life, for the greater good/well-being of all people/his country etc. In Chinese culture The Folk is much more important than one person, so self-sacrifice is the right way to portray the real hero in there.
Btw, patricide is an unforgivable sin in Chinese (as well as European) culture, but authors of this story craftily turned it into «father`s suicide for the greater good and out of parental love», so it was the hint that Devil will be alive in the end of the story).
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I don't think Devil did to Girl so many bad deeds during the story that he needed to punish himself for that at the end(and to allow Siming to beat him up). Maybe it is something that is left from the novel, in which Devil was not so fluffy and nice. His misbehave at the beginning of the story couldn't shake Girl's good attitude towards him so it barely pained her. Kidnapping her can't handle as his bad deed – he saved her and she really couldn't go back without dying under the hand of Heavenly Emperor. A wish of destroying Fairy Realm was not a crime against Girl specifically and at the end Girl understood his reasons (although she didn't want it to happen). Her suffering in Fuju Cave was willingly. The only moment when he really hurted her was the moment he lied to her before war, but it wasn`t cause of her death. If he said to her the truth, she would sacrifice herself as well in order to save him. So I think that this huge bunch of sufferings and punishments for Devil is the part of his redemption. If you are a villain (even if you are soft and fluffy and empathic in your soul) you should die or atone.
I like that story coils itself like Ouroboros, biting its tail: at the beginning of the story Devil unwillingly made nice things to Girl and she liked it – at the end of it he pretty willingly makes the same nice things to her with no effect; before, he was disgusted thinking he can be Girl's servant and by the end he WANTS to serve for her but she doesn't need him anymore. It shows that nothing can be started over again. Love gives you only one chance to build it in a right way.
Then he is ready to let her go and confesses his love for the last time: «Everyone feared, hated, relied on or respected me and only you loved me with no reason and accepted me with all my thorns and dickery but I haven`t got an opportunity anymore to say to you that I`m no more that thorny jerk». And (the power of accidents!) it is the reason why resurrected Goddess gives him a hint that he was heard.
It`s funny but only because resurrected Girl is THE girl he wanted to get back he finally looks into her Book of Fate and decides to change her fate.
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Farewell kiss feels bittersweet. Devil never prefers duty over love throughout the story. He chooses to punish himself and to kill himself instead. He makes impossible for Girl, goes against Heavenly rules and gets his punishment for that, which is death. And a really hard choice, hero's choice is up to Girl. She needs to shatter the primordial spirit of her beloved one in order to save the world (a shattered spirit can't reincarnate and can't be put together again, as it was in case of Chidi's and her Student's, who are gone for good). And she does it.
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It`s funny: fairies say that Goddess` sealed abilities can be revealed only with marriage with GoW but we can see them in their full power when she protects her loved one Devil (in the Mortal Realm and in the Final Battle too).
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Devil`s demon army coming to help in the name of Three Realms and his ability to get the Glazed Fire although he is a demon wraps the conflict between demons and fairies up for good. Even Heavenly Emperor admits that he was wrong thinking that demons (read: inferior, wicked and cruel beings) are not capable of doing something like that.
Our heroes are indeed cheaters (THE POWER OF ACCIDENT!): it turnes out that at their first meeting their souls were intertwined and Girl's primordial spirit filled everything inside of Devil. And it was the reason why he has an opportunity to resurrect her. And, honestly speaking, at these circumstances, did he ever have a chance NOT to fall in love with her? If it isn't a fate, what is it then?
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And the main cheat is his comeback at the very end of a story (I read it on tumblr in someone else's meta, but I think it is pretty logical to be true): she places her curse on his body once more (the previous curse disapreared when she died), tying him to her and ORDERS him not to go when he starts dissipate. So his Blood of Heart, a piece of primordial spirit, can't disobey and puts itself into her arm.
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An interesting thought: as I remember, the heart-hidden hairpin was used by the Moon Tribe Founder so her Fairy-ex-BF couldn't see her heart. Does it mean that the same curse connected them too? Could it be that Xishan curse had always something to do with love relationships? And then, if your Girlfriend IS the powerful Goddess, who can resurrect hundred of thousands people at once, it is only matter of time when she resurrects you.
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It is a beautiful story which represents ideal «enemies to lovers» relationships development (but in a fairytale way, because, as you could see, THE POWER OF ACCIDENT reigns here). It has got everything that you need to believe in their relationships: unusual methods to get close, painful unresolved romantic tension, ABSOLUTELY ADORABLE salvation of this romantic tension, sufferings and parting that only build their final union more joyful for viewers. I`m under impression. Wow!
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samismusicjournal · 1 year
Ethel Cain’s “Preacher’s Daughter”
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1. Family Tree (Intro)
This song is so cinematic, I love it. It’s a walking-in-slow-motion song and very badass. It’s a powerful elegy about generational trauma (”The Fates already fucked me sideways” meaning she was doomed from the start due to her circumstances).
2. American Teenager
A tonal and emotional shift from the previous song. Very fun and angsty.
3. A House in Nebraska
We really explore Ethel’s artful lyricism in this song. The images are so distinct. It’s a very mournful song that anyone going through a heartbreak would probably vibe with and cry to.
4. Western Nights
There’s a very desolate and resigned atmosphere to this song. It talks about being “in love” with someone with serious problems and red flags.
6. Hard Times
This is such a sad song about abuse. It has a similar resigned tone to Western Nights, like we’re experiencing the abuse in real time, just having to let it happen. It’s terrible to think that someone who you idolize and respect and love so much could hurt you so bad.
7. Thoroughfare
I love the folksy vibe this song has. It has a romantic western/rock feel to it. Oh my god I’m listening to it now and it’s quickly becoming one of my new favorite songs. It has the same adventurous and devil-may-care attitude that America’s Horse With No Name has.
8. Gibson Girl
This is another badass- sounding song, but this one is about the dark parts of her new relationship. She’s being objectified and drugged by someone she thought she could trust.
9. Ptolomaea
Instantly, I’m creeped out by this song. It is so doom-filled and foreboding, it sounds like the soundtrack to a nightmare.
10. August Underground
If what I’m reading is correct, Ethel is dying in this song, and she’s being held hostage by Isaiah. For not having any lyrics, this song sure does pack a disturbing punch. I recognized the title as the infamous snuff film, so it makes sense that the subject matter is so terrible.
11. Televangelism
What I read about this song is that it’s her ascension into Heaven after her brutal death.
12. Sun Bleached Flies
This was the first song I heard before listening to the album in its entirety. It came up on my Discover Weekly on Spotify, and I really liked it. Now, hearing it in the context of the album, it’s even more emotional. This is Ethel processing her traumatic journey. At the end of the song, she admits that she never stopped loving Willoughby, her first love.
13. Strangers
Isaiah takes Ethel out of the freezer and eats her, but she warns him that she will be “turning in his stomach and making him feel sick.” She also laments the fact that she will never get to see her mother until she gets to Heaven, and that her mother will “wait up” for her when Ethel appears on the side of a milk carton as a missing person.
Final Thoughts
This is a haunting story. It shows how people trapped in the cycle of abuse are more likely to find themselves in troubling situations. Although Cain’s demise of being cannibalized is a little extreme, it serves the album well by using the shock factor to make the listener pay attention. The whole story just makes your heart ache for her because all of her circumstances are so unfortunate, and none of them are really Ethel’s fault. Generation trauma that was handed down to her by her father’s abuse, her strict religious upbringing, losing her first love, losing her second love in a shootout, running away from home, and being betrayed by one of the only positive male influences in her life. I’m definitely going to do more research into the story of this album because I’m very intrigued by it. This was a great listening experience, although I would never have figured out any of the plot if it hadn’t been for the numerous articles and Genius annotations I read. I like when artists include little hints as to what’s going on in the story of their music, and Cain does a decent job of that (especially the part where she is cannibalized). However, the loss of her second lover in a shootout with the police after a robbery was not clear to me at all. Neither was the transition between her being drugged and her death. But knowing the story makes this album all the more enjoyable. I’m glad people online have come together to figure it all out. Will definitely be listening to Thoroughfare a lot over the next week at least!
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righteousdelusions · 1 year
rereading part 2 thoughts (part 2)
For all that Yuko is a crazy fangirl using a hero to justify her want for blood, i kinda like that she's not far off in that "Chainsaw Man kills bad guys" without nuance.
Also her saying the reality of CSM going to her school disappointing because he doesn't stop bullies, only devils. How would a Denji like that even look like, considering he... Doesn't have a solid grasp in human morality conventions...
Those panels where the bubble is behind the window... So cool
It's probably just a japanese school clothes convention (?) but i like how the devil hunters look like Jotaro. I think they are organized in a way that makes sense, if they were dealing with a weaker devil they could've had a chance...
This type of club should be illegal, then again, with so many deaths, i guess it's logical that people just don't know how to regulate things like teenagers wanting to be heros
Gives more weight to the theory that Yoshida's organization wants to make people avoid seeing devils in a more positive light or people think making contracts with devils is good
Btw why is the Justice Devil preying on so many kids? First the class prez, now Yuko. It seems as if its looking for something, maybe Justice also wanted to fight Chainsaw Man...
Yoru having a guerrilla armament hiding in almost every classroom is kinda badass. Also the fact she wanted to use Yukos body parts, because Yuko is Asa's. Yoru is neutral to this lesbian drama, but waiting to see what'll happen next. She's like me watching telenovelas
So messed up that she compared herself to the gun devil.... Her sense of justice is completely warped up. But that's the thing about justice right.... The way people use it.... And why they fear it....
Becoming a symbol once again is relevant... It really makes me wonder what will happen to Denji sjsjs
It's interesting that Yoru asked what Yuko offered in exchange and Yuko said nothing. I don't remember if they say it later, that's why I'm re reading. If Yuko is just lying, then that's funny. Of Yuko really didn't have to offer anything, then the Justice Devil was super duper using her for the shady reason they use school girls.
Klk reference
Yoru looking at the power of possessions coming from deep love with surprise... She already tried to found Asa a bf please don't get ideas in your head sjsj
Like a child's justice.... Pure revenge. The believe that just destroying the school will bring peace... Also justice devil is so funny for contracting with two morally dubious high school girls in love
The fact she blamed someone else because she couldn't accept SHE hurt Asa. Funny. But not funny haha
Never meet your heroes absjsj
You know Yoru feels smug that Denji is indeed Chainsaw Man like she told Asa to keep talking to him. Well, that if she recognized him
I suppose Denji tries to reveal things slowly because he thinks that makes him look more cool. I personally would've just transformed in front of the tv cameramen. But i guess we wouldn't have a plot
Also Denji trying to convince the frightened girl that he's human <\3
I don't understand why Yoshida hand signal has to be like that... Unnecessary
Also I've always thought Fujimoto's male hands had way too long fingers but it makes sense if he reads BL like ajsjsjsk long finger yaoi men Aki and Yoshida. You know he's giggling while drawing them
The way the girl looked at Asa... I wonder if she'll start a rumour...
Hilarious that they live in a world so bleak and dark and yet they say a girl has no backbone if she makes a deal with the devil... Truly a realistic depiction of society, kudos to Fujimoto
That dream is so cool... Visually i mean. Kinda makes me think Asa will keep killing every innocent that comes in contact with her.... Whatever it does mean, it will be sad. That Yuko sword must be powerful too...
Door leitmotif
Would you still love me if I was a worm
Also did she become a fiend and if she did, were Yukos feeling enough to mix with Justice, or Justice is just letting Yuko do whatever because if fits their plan
Yuko: I'm a bad person because I did something good to you because I wanted to be friends. Me: sure that's a sound logic, totally not warped up by loneliness and fan culture
Other people's thought drown her head. She can tell she doesn't really think that's justice... I guess, in order for true justice to happen, you need absolute truth. But truth is sooo warped up by people's perception of things... And a human can't hold all that in her head. So it seems justice is fickle. But i don't want to analyze justice too much as a concept, because Fujimoto and me come from two totally different cultures.... Also Fujimoto just does whatever anyway, like it's more about the vibe than a deep set philosophy. Then again Makima was pure domination in every sense of the world, so we shouldn't underestimate this story
Was Yuko fighting a complete possession? Also she's confirming here that yeah, Justice is at school looking for something.
Asa but you deserve to laugh, it's absolutely hilarious ajajsjs
Never promise to give back something like that... It's manga curse
That man is way more muscular than Yoshida c'mon, i don't think it'll be him but welp, we have to wait
Chainsaw Man part 2: Chainsaw Men
I like the art style a lot but the shadows are a bit distracting, they look too cartoony.... What's the point of that? Maybe it just looks cool
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elshells · 1 year
What inspired you to write Encore? Is there any specific character or characters you felt inspired by when character designing?
Oooh, I haven't shared very much about Encore yet, but I'm excited to talk about it! Thanks for showing interest!
The whole idea came about from the Final Girl trope. It's everywhere in horror, and I've always been fascinated by it. Everyone dies except one person, who lives to tell the tale, but their story ends before we get to see what happens. A lot of horror is left up to interpretation, but one story in particular changed how I saw it.
I used to be really into watching YouTube let's play videos when I was a teenager, and one game I watched a ton of people play was this choose-your-own-adventure style horror movie game called Until Dawn. It very much has the vibe of a cheesy horror movie where none of the characters were likable and it was painfully obvious that none of the writers had ever had any meaningful interactions with real teenagers, but it still had a charming quality to it and the plot had enough action that I was able to look past it. But basically, the premise is that there are multiple endings with different outcomes where depending on the actions you made throughout the game, you could kill everyone, or save everyone, or somewhere in between.
At the end of the game (assuming at least one character makes it out alive), there's a cut scene during the credits where the remaining characters are interviewed by the police. There was one character in particular (Sam, I think?) who very much had Final Girl energy from the very beginning. She was one of the few characters with redeeming qualities, and she always showed remorse at the deaths of her friends, blaming herself for what happened. But at the same time, she seemed slightly unstable, and of course, the cop or reporter or whoever she was speaking to didn't seem to believe her recount of what had happened.
Most importantly, it was the first time I realized that we never got to see what happened after all the horror, and the first time I became invested in finding out. The Final Girl survives, but the story is over after she serves her purpose. Suddenly, I was interested in finding out what happened to her afterwards. Did she move on? Did she try to solve the mystery? Did she continue to spiral?
So, Encore takes place ten years after such a tragedy, with an up-and-coming musician named Cece Harper as our lead character and resident Final Girl. The rest of the process of how the story comes together is weird because it kind of happened all at once. I had this idea for telling the Final Girl's story for years, but didn't yet have a plot, until it all just hit me like a truck, and even though I was already working on another story, I was just like, "Aight, let's do this."
As for character designs? I guess Cece would have been inspired by that girl from Until Dawn, but very loosely. Really, the Final Girl is the only thing they have in common. The only character that came from another source was Red, the street magician that helps guide Cece through her journey in time. Her character design was inspired by the music video for a song called "Phantom," by Give Heart Records, which I've talked about before for being one of my favorite villain themes. The phantom character in that video very much has a 'deal with the devil' vibe that heavily influenced how I went about creating Red.
Thanks again! If you decide to read it, I hope you enjoy it! At the moment, it's unfinished and only posted to my Wattpad account, but I do plan on sharing it to Tumblr eventually.
Maybe I'll introduce it in October, just in time for Halloween. That seems appropriate.
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