#yukimura and mc
rs-camroll · 2 months
Yukimura~ main story~
Samurai love ballad party`
[ Mc & Yukimura's first night ]
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To summarise; Yukimura, had actually been in a war right after his daughter Momo, was born, he had promised our Mc that he would return safely even if it meant he had to give up his victory so that he could live with his family, which was his first priority.
Well things happened and Yukimura, lost in the war and was sent to a village stripped off his samurai title.
Yukimura and Mc, started living like any other ordinary family in the village with Momo, but....after all that peaceful days the storm arrived. One of Yukimura's samurai enemy (or so I think) visits and asks him to join one last war, so he could restore his title and his people.
After all sorts of thinking, Yukimura, finally said yes! Before he could tell to us (Mc) he proposed her to marry him, because, they weren't able to conduct an official marriage and yet went ahead and had a kid 😅
Mc agrees!.
Yukimura, MC's brother, mother, Yukimura's brother, the ninja kid(?) and his sensei attended the marriage. Very simple tbh.
Later on, during the first night Yukimura breaks the news to Mc, and well they got into a heated talk which eventually lead to a heated session 😉
MC is just very worried, but yukimura is stubborn!
Anyways I wish for them to have a 2nd child and I'm pretty sure yukimura will be alright!!!
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asian-ascian · 1 year
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[leomicah 🦁🐭/ 🦁🌸 ]
true ending unlocked
leomicah valentines art from twt that I forgor to post here on tumblr
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natimiles · 4 months
Out of Context Ikesen | Mitsuhide's Route
Tags: spoilers; Eternal Route cg; suggestive themes; out of order, but eternal shots are mostly at the end of the post; risk of falling in love with Mitsuhide and his MC
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shatcey · 7 months
This is the last time I write about Shingen's route (hopefully).
The route is actually surprisingly full of jokes. I decided to combine them together just as a reminder of how much fun it was.
And yes…. there will be spoilers.
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Thank you, girl, my thoughts exactly. Men don't go to war because of a woman. Maybe in fairy tales, but not in the real world.
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Yuki and a bit of Kenshin
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I'm not a witch since the last time I checked… Wait a minute, I've never checked… How can I check it? Whatever, even if I'm a witch I'm pretty curtain, I can't change someone's mass that significantly…this will leave you with a lot of questions.
Kenshin and Sasuke:
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Kenshin don't turn on Ieyasu here... nobody will believe you.
Sasuke and Ieyasu:
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And a lot of Mai with Shingen:
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And don't forget that there was a scene where Mai treated Nobunaga like a kid.
There was more, but either I didn't take screenshots, or I just didn't find them (my phone is already overflowing with screenshots).
I still don't understand what she found in this guy...
Okay, I get it… When a mountain of muscles twice as big as you is standing next to you, smiling as if he had just received a Christmas gift, and saying such incredibly sweet words it is impossible to think stright. But still…
No, I'm lying…
He is smart but playful, a good carpenter (which is totally unexpected), and like the cherry on the cake, he is extremely loyal and patient… Damn it… she didn't stand a chance.
I really liked this route, but (and I don't remember how many times I've said it already) not because of the main guy himself. I like how the devs have made this story so interesting and deep. So many interactions with different characters makes the story looks more complex and alive. Yes, I still don't care why Kennyo is so obsessed with his revenge, and I'm 100% sure I won't go for his route. But beyond that… I love all guys. And I look forward to reading this story again some time later.
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amenomiko · 10 days
Modern AU
A situation of "I lost my boyfriend at a party", Ikesen MC version
MC: Oh no.. Where did he go...
Definitely at the candy area.
Munching candies while commanding.. Yes, COMMANDING, the HOST to pack it up for him.
Mitsuhide is the accomplice. Duh.
Is... Somehow helping in the kitchen.
Or with the staffs to clean around.
And- "MITSUHIDE!!!! What are you doing encouraging our Boss to eat more unhealthy stuffffff OAO!!!"
Drunk and become a mat (people accidentally stepped on him).
Or if he is not drunk, he become a pole dancer.
And MC will wonder where did all the money came from-
( ͡^ ͜ʖ ͡^) 👈 *Sits at a corner of the room, silently enjoying MC searching for him.*
Until his boss spotted him that easily to become the accomplice of packing the candies.
Continue with the above scene when Hideyoshi spotted him.
The one who choose to pet any pet of the host.
Almost HISS to everyone nearby. Especially Mitsunari.
PANIC silently realizing he got separated from MC
Enters the party normally.
Enjoy it normally.
Until he saw a book on the floor and didn't budge AT ALL making MC think she have lost him.
Enters the party normally +1.
Until his positive side drained, he went away for a while to bar section.
..Then saw Masamune and joins him for pole dancing.
Glaring daggers at almost EVERY MEN in the party.
When he saw the bar section.
Sip sip sip drink drink drink. Another one to pack every good drink.
He is not available to any women to flirt anymore so there he is, at the candy section.
Glaring contest with Nobunaga.
Escapes when Yukimura spotted him.
Awkward dot com + Why I have to be here dot com.
Ehh.. This food and drink is not bad.. Wait isn't that..
"BOSS SHINGEN! WHAT DID I TOLD YOU ABOUT EATING THOSE??" Thus the reason he got separated from MC.
It's easy.
He enters the party normally. Until he saw Kenshin creating a scene at the bar area..
Blend in with the wall no jutsu. I'm sorry MC, I will get back to you soon.
Enters normally + glaring daggers.
About to take a drink for MC when he saw Kenshin creates a scene at the bar area.
Joins him.
Enters normally, eat and drink normally..
A certain decoration caught his interest.
He have been spending hours on admiring the object until MC didn't realize he went missing from her side.
Enters with MC but since he don't fancy this kind of thing..
He is at the balcony area.
Silently watching MC searching for him + grinning to himself.
Enters normally + do his part as romantic partner by serving MC with food and drink before himself.
Was about to get a dessert when he spot a special section : Japanese Snacks.
Was there filling his mouth with endless senbei.
As always the sweet type, getting all the food and drinks to share with MC.
Joins Nobunaga for the fun of it.
And later joins at the entertainment area to sing like an idol. He is a star of the night.
........I will just...sit here.
Oh.. A cat. *Pet pet pet pet* Alright I'm done.. MC?
Ah.. *Another one to PANICC*
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amarara · 4 months
p.o.v you give valentine chocolates to your cute, precious, and adorable senpai 😚
his face turns red 😳🫣 and he shyly says thank you 😳😳😳
note : this time student council don't intrude your precious moments 🫣😂
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the12thnightproject · 11 months
I thought of a HC request, if that's fine by you: the Warlords each receive a letter signed by an anonymous person saying that "The most important person in their lives is being held hostage."
However, it turns that no one was held hostage, and it was all just an experiment done by MC and Sasuke. I saw this in a comic book story years ago.
I apologize if this is confusing.
Hi Anon!  Thank you for stopping into the ol’ ask box. “The most important person in their lives is being held hostage”…? Yikes, even as an experiment that’s cruel (especially as an experiment). So… ok, I’m going to actually acquit Sasuke of this…. Even though he’s not the most emotionally adept, he’s smart enough to know that this kind of note is not the sort of thing you do in Sengoku.
We’ve seen in several event routes, that MC, especially if she is feeling inadequate, or jealous or whatever, WOULD indeed do something like this. In event routes, we’ve seen her try to make her suitor jealous, followed them, tried to give Masamune alcohol, considered giving Mitsuhide an aphrodisiac…
Yeah, if this is an event version of MC, she would do this. The question is… does she send the message and hide, HOPING that her suitor will think she is the hostage, OR does she send the message and then stand next to the warlord as he opens it, to see the reaction?
Let’s just assume she’s hiding.
"The most important person in your life is being held hostage."
Nobunaga – Opens the letter, is momentarily worried, but then he notices the top of MC’s head over the edge of the tenshu balcony. He pitches his voice loudly and announces, “Oh no! My WIFE is being held hostage.” There is a shocked whisper of “wife?” from outside, and then a scared squeak because MC loses her grip and almost falls. Nobunaga rushes out to the balcony and pulls her back to safety. Then he assures her that she is the love of his life, and makes her promise to never do anything that stupid again.
Hideyoshi – Panics. But panics in such complete brain melting gibberish, that MC is unable to tell whether or not he is worried about her…. or Nobunaga.
Mitsuhide – Realizes instantly that MC wrote the letter, and – while creeping carefully toward where MC is hiding – says, “Well… that’s way too much to pay for MC. Guess I’m going to just die a sad, lonely, man.” Then he pulls her out of her hiding place and says, “Dear me, I’ve found a tricky little mouse who apparently wants to play games tonight.” Follows that up with some suggestions about what kind of games they could play.
Masamune – Immediately takes off intending to rescue MC. MC has to chase after him to assure him that she is ok after all.  After his initial relief passes, he promises her she is the most important person in his life, and makes her promise never to do anything that stupid again.
Ieyasu –  “My sourdough starter!” Runs back to his manor to check on it.
Mitsunari – The ransom note gets mixed in with all the loose papers in his room and he never sees it.
Keiji – Plots a daring rescue. Writes a poem about the daring rescue. Puts the poem about the daring rescue to music. Hires a group of travelling players to act out daring rescue. Forgets to actually pull off daring rescue.
Ranmaru – Is doing his secret squirrel spy ninja stuff around the castle when he runs across MC hiding before he even gets the note.
Kennyo – Because everyone is important to Kennyo, he spends the rest of the week checking up on every person he knows to make sure they are ok.
Motonari – Catches MC writing the ransom note and eagerly volunteers to help her carrying the abduction.
Kicho – “And…?”
Kenshin –  If you’ve ever wondered why today, Kasugayama Castle is in ruins… well, wonder no more.
Kanetsugu – “Kenshin!” Then realizes that no force in the world could take Kenshin hostage, and hunts down MC’s hiding place. Takes fifteen minutes to icily explain to her why this was a cruel joke, but as soon as she starts crying and apologizing and vowing never to do such a stupid thing again, he gathers her in his arms and assures her that he loves her very much.
Shingen – Reads note, and recognizes MC’s handwriting. It takes him no time whatsoever to locate her. He then spends the rest of the night assuring her how much he loves her, how much she means to him (granted, he probably didn’t need the entire night, but Shingen is thorough).
Yoshimoto – MC realizes that she cannot do this to Yoshimoto – he’s suffered enough in his route and she doesn’t want to push him over the edge. So instead she sends him on a scavenger hunt, and when he follows all the clues, he finds MC at the end, lying in his bed, wearing only rose petals. She spends the rest of the night convincing him how much she loves him.
Yukimura – Enlists Sasuke’s help. Sasuke reads the note. “Wait, I believe I read this in a comic book somewhere.” He helps Yuki find MC where she is hiding. When the inevitable argument follows Yuki’s, “Dummy! How could you do such a thing. You know I love you, right?”  Sasuke slinks away.
Sasuke – Is pretty sure he read about this in a comic book, but goes to Azuchi to check on Ieyasu just in case.
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ikemenlibrary · 8 months
The Act (Ikemen Sengoku)
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Pairing: Yukimura Sanada x MC (Mai) Summary: Mai seeks out Yukimura's help for something that she feels only he can help with - tricking Shingen.
Word count: 1.1k
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51.🤞 must pretend | spy | secret identity | identity reveal | undercover | fake dating | secret relationship | fake-married | fake [insert role] | essentially, they must pretend to be somebody they’re not/to be in a dynamic they’re not
A note from the author: Not me returning from the dead after a year away LOL - anyways, this was written as a request from @/belovedstill's prompt list. Requests are still open if you would like to send something in for ikevamp, ikesen, or ikepri! Thank you @belovedstill for this lovely list and prompt, I loved every second of this!
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“What do you mean, ‘Yukimura, I need you to pretend to be my fake lover to get Shingen to take a hint.’?” Yukimura and Mai were enjoying some late afternoon tea in his room, when Mai had proposed this idea to him rather nonchalantly. “Are you crazy? He can read me like an open book. He also knows I’d never date an ugly boar woman like you.”
Mai huffed, blowing air out of her hair, making her bangs fly up and lay askew on her forehead. “Don’t say it like that Yuki! Learn some tact, wouldya?” 
“Oh shaddup Mai,” Yuki said, gesturing at her with his full teacup. “You know it’s true!” 
“It isn’t true and I’m not a boar woman!” Mai argued, her brow furrowing in frustration. “I happen to be a very graceful woman. Like… like a swan!” 
Yuki snorted into his teacup. “Yeah, that works.” He leaned in closer, glancing at her neck. “You do have an abnormally long and curvy neck.”
Mai’s cheeks flushed in embarrassment, the way they always do when she gets into a heated argument with Yukimura. He always found a way to get under her skin, and she usually finds herself wondering just why she chooses to spend so much time with him when he’s back in Kasaguyama. This time was no different. 
“Yukimura, I’m serious! Shingen won’t leave me alone. He’s constantly calling me a princess, or a goddess, or his angel. I want him to stop!” Mai slammed down her teacup a little too hard, forcing the table to wobble more than Yukimura would’ve liked. “He’s all bark and no bite. Just smile nicely and move on.”
She looked at him with wide eyes, almost panicked - like a deer in headlights. “But he has tried to bite me! Quite recently, might I add.”
“He’s old, probably turning senile too.” Yuki responded, reaching for more hot water to warm his tea that had turned cold. “And shouldn’t we do everything we can to make sure grandpa’s are happy in their old ages?” There was a hint of sadness in Yuki’s eyes as he looked intently at the floor, and Mai dropped whatever retort she had as Shingen brazenly waltzed into Yukimura’s room, pausing only slightly when he noticed Mai sitting nonchalantly on his friend’s floor. “Well, well, well. What do we have here? Yuuuuki, you didn’t mention anything about having any female visitors this afternoon.”
Shingen’s shark-like, suave grin had Mai rolling her eyes, biting her lip so as not to snap back at Shingen. She was in Yukimura’s room, and they were good friends so she wouldn’t disrespect Yuki like that, as much as she wished she could. So, Yukimura’s response to Shingen had Mai, whipping her head up to stare wide eyed at her friend. “Please don’t disrespect Mai like that again, Shingen. The woman I love is more than just a female visitor, maybe you were mistaking me for you?”
Shingen faltered slightly, his grin slipping for a moment before returning. “The woman you love, eh?” He questioned, bringing his hand up to rub at his chin. “And don’t think I didn’t hear you insult me. I’m just in a particularly good mood today and will let it slide.” His gaze fixed on Mai now. “Mai, you didn’t tell me that you and Yuki had this… relationship. No wonder you never took me up on any of my nightly invitations.”
Before Mai could lose her courage, she shoved her hand into Yuki’s, gripping his calloused hand in her own sweaty one. “Yup! I couldn’t betray my Yukimura like that. Sorry Shingen, I should’ve been more honest. My sweetie pie is just very shy, as I’m sure you know well. Right Yuki?”
“Hey! I’m not your–” He cut himself off as Mai dug her nails harshly into her skin, shooting daggers at her before plastering the fakest smile on his face she had ever seen. “You’re right, boo bear. I was a bit embarrassed to admit my feelings for Mai to you, Shingen. That’s why I asked Mai to not mention anything. We’ve been meeting late at night every night, but today I couldn’t bear to wait any longer to see her, so I asked her to meet me for some afternoon tea.”
“I see,” Shingen nodded, eying their tightly clenched hands. “It seems as if I’ve interrupted something, so I’ll leave you two lovebirds to it. Yuki, you know where to find me if you need any tips or suggestions on how to keep a woman happy.” “Goodbye, Shingen.” Yukimura dismissed his elder, his eyes not once leaving Mai’s face as his grip on her hand loosened into a gentle hold.
“Goodbye, you two.” Shingen turned away, and as he exited the doorway, he called over his shoulder. “By the way, if you want anyone to actually believe you two are in love, you better start working on your acting.” 
Shingen’s laughter could be heard from down the hall, and Yukimura hastily jerked his hand away from Mai’s rubbing it on his kimono. “Your hand was so sweaty! It was gross!” 
Mai recoiled, shoving her finger in his face to point at him. “Yeah well, we wouldn’t have had to hold hands if you didn’t decide to pretend to be in a relationship with me!”
“You asked me to, woman!” Yukimura swiped Mai’s hand away from his face, capturing her hand in his once again, and clumsily interlocking them. “And this is how you hold hands! Not whatever you tried to do before!”
“Why are you always so critical of me?!” Mai asked moving to stand up and rip her hand out of Yukimura’s. He didn’t let go though, instead opting to use their linked hands to tug her back down, tumbling into his lap.
“Because you’re a boar woman, and someone’s gotta keep you in check.” Yukimura’s voice was deeper now, his lips brushing against the shell of her ear. “Plus, you seem to like it. Always asking to spend time with me.” 
“I–” Mai faltered, turning to meet Yuki’s gaze, not realizing just how close he had gotten. “You’re just sometimes more tolerable than the rest, is all.” Yukimura squeezed her hand, and a surge of electricity shot through her body. “If I’m tolerable, you should reevaluate your taste in company. Sounds like we need to get you more air.” “Hey Yuki,” Mai muttered, their noses so close they were almost touching.
“Yeah?” He whispered back, his eyes searching her own for any sort of clue as to what she was gonna say next. “Shut up!” She exclaimed and shot up from his lap, escaping from his grip as giggles bubbled from her lips while he scrambled to chase after her, muttering under his breath that he was gonna get her when she least expected it. 
On the other side of the wall, unbeknownst to Yukimura and Mai, Shingen and Sasuke stood shoulder to shoulder, exchanging knowing looks as they heard their two friends’ laughter ringing through the hallways of the otherwise quiet castle.
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limonzu · 1 year
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One day I'll get these printed out as posters....
... But for now, I'll have to make do with using one as a wallpaper....
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Modern enemy of the warlords
This is just a little headcanon I have in mind. During the sengoku era, every warlords' enemy is the opposing warlords and traitors. But if they went to the modern world...who or what will they considered as their enemy?
He has the same VA as Gintoki and there's also an episode where Gintoki went to dentist so it's easy to imagine him wailing like a kid internally.
You will only get him to the dentist because you work together with Hideyoshi to trap him.
No way he would come voluntarily.
Everything about dentist just unsettle him.
The boring waiting room, the sound of the tools, the distinctive odor, and the idea that someone has to gain access to open and meddle with his mouth (only you can gain free access).
Of course it was Hideyoshi who insists his lord to get a check up because his sweet tooth lord won't give up on eating sweets.
cue glaring
But the sound of terror coming from the tools are stronger than any enemy he had faced.
He will cease the glare and throw pitiful puppy look toward you as last resort.
Nope. Not working. Hideyoshi already gave strict instructions to you.
After the treatment, nobunaga never felt this betrayed before. He even prefer Mitsuhide to betray him for real rather than being dragged to the dentist.
Why? If you combine Mitsuhide's trickery and Masamune's recklessness into one occupation you'll get a magician.
Seriously tho...he will get a heart attack if you bring him to watch a magic show with dangerous stunt as a surprise.
It was a bad surprise idea because...
"wait wait wait!!! That's dangerous! Hey you! Wha-"
You need to silence him down before he interrupted the show and start his lecture about safety.
You'll have to tell him that everything is scripted and safe...most of the time.
"But it's still unacceptable to see people play around with their lives like that."
He also dislike them more when you told him that there are also those who can hipnotize other people.
Even a simple card tricks will annoyed him.
Maybe it's because it gave him the same familiar sensation like being fooled by Mitsuhide.
Sushi terrorist
Have you heard the news?
Lately in Japan there's this group who terrorize sushi restaurants by licking the soy sauce bottles, tea cups, and sushi on conveyor belt (the culprits already got arrested).
Masamune as the chef of the group and the one who appreciates food the most, definitely won't tolerate this act of disrespect toward foods.
If the culprits are still running loose, he will hunt them and whoop their asses.
"so you lads were the naughty nasty kittens who ran around licking things? You should have told me. I have better "catnip" for you lads to lick. Oi Ieyasu, give me your best batch of sauce and pepper."
You better believe the culprits find enlightenment after tasting Masamune's "special" course.
Pesky sales
Whether it's shady neighbors who tried to recruit him to join shady group or average sales who diligently offer their products...all of them annoyed him.
"No, I don't need it. Leave me alone."
You started to wonder why he seem to be attracting the attention of those sales.
There were always several sales flocking on him wherever he goes.
Maybe because he looks soft and an easy target for them?
He became more grumpy and decided to wear a hat, glasses, and mask whenever he goes out.
In addition, there was that one time when someone offer free pack of tissues on the street.
He accepted it but he was curious why there is a phone number on it.
He asked you and you told him that's a phone number to order a "service" from those ladies.
(⁄ ⁄•⁄Д⁄•⁄ ⁄) He was blushing hard and found those sales tactic as unbelievable. He became more cynical and suspicious toward any kind gesture from modern people.
He might also have the same problem as Ieyasu since he also look like an easy target. But he managed to unintentionally blinded them with his angelic smile and steer them away...almost like they are being manipulated. Of course that's also thanks to your help for teaching him what's right or wrong in this era.
But even Mitsunari can found something as unpleasant.
It was during a date. You brought him to a traditional japanese festival.
There were a lot of stands but a particular stand picked his curiosity.
It was like a gambling game with prizes.
He was observing how it works. He noticed that something is off.
He confronted the owner by asking a barrage of questions and ended it by presenting his calculations to prove that the game is rigged.
Winner: Mitsunari.
Yes, it's similar to karma akabane but Mitsunari did it without ill intent.
Ah...he is a hard one.
He is too composed and smart for his own good.
But...even Mitsuhide should have his own fair share of struggle in the modern world.
Fangirls with moe power.
Act suspicious and smug all you want, but you are weak against strong and straight forward affections, right Mitsuhide?
His mysterious allure might attracted fangirls, otaku, and even creepy stalker fans like sasaeng.
He learns that people in this era can be more aggressive in their approach when it comes to forming a relationship or admiring someone.
Poor kitsune.
He can't keep up with the power of moe.
You offered to console your exhausted kitsune.
Like Ieyasu, in the end he decided to disguise himself when he goes out.
Pretty much everyone and everything.
He hates the police for forbidding him from carrying his sword.
He hates those scouts who keep trying to scout him into modelling, host, and even boyband.
He hates those small fry criminals like molesters (if they touch you, they die).
He hates those who keep staring at him with glimmering eyes.
Imagine a scene from ouran high school where there is this yakuza guy who glares at a bunch of girls, but the power of moe is stronger than his glare. It's similar with Kenshin.
He has similar problem like Mitsuhide, but Kenshin is too...rebellious to hide himself. Hiding is not in his nature.
He won't disguise himself unless you ask him.
"How dare you order me around. Are you trying to get in my way?"
Oh yeah..he will also hate rules like limited purchase.
This one is unusual. I can't see him as disliking someone strongly. So...
Low ceiling.
Yep, it's a struggle for all tall people who came to Japan.
Walking in the hallway? He need to bent a bit.
Sometimes his head bonk into hanging direction plates.
Just...don't take him to a capsule hotel if you want a steamy night with him.
Host club
(o/////o " ) blushing intensifies
"h-how can all of them flirt in a room full of people? Don't they have some decency?" *closing his eyes with both his hands*
It's like in a room full of lord Shingen.
Poor boy can't take the heat and wanted to leave immediately.
He is more astounded when you told him that they don't even flirt genuinely.
Seems like a fitting job for his lord. Of course, he won't allow it if his lord really did want to become a host.
Is there any?
He is a modern man.
He is used to it and can handle it.
Along with you, he will help the warlords to get used to life in modern time.
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sunshineandviolets · 7 months
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been missing these vampires so wanted to give them some new looks, just cause <3
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asian-ascian · 1 year
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[COUNTDOWN ART: ⚔️🌸🐻🐈‍⬛💙🐰🐭]
A lil something I made for twst JP’s third anniversary. Featuring (at the time) all my TWST MCs + the manga MCs (speaking of, I love Yuuken & Yuuka so much)
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rs-camroll · 3 months
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Samurai love ballad party, has me bawling my eyes out 😳 omg~
Yukimura, rushing after his wife, after getting to know that he's gonna become a father. He literally begged for her to stay and sobbed for her!! This ...THIS is what I mean when I say I need a husband ( a husband like him )
I just loved this episode so much literally played until 7 in the morning 🌄 bruh 😔��😩💗✨
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ezxthan · 1 year
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their bond is so comforting 🫶
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colourless-hydrangeas · 5 months
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Sandayuu is not wrong for the first time (or so I think. My brain was not braining for most of the last few chapters.)
Anyway, what is the difference between the Light and the Shadow Endings? What happens in the Shadow(possibly The Bad?) Ending?
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amenomiko · 1 year
MC: _____! There's a cockroach 😭😭😭😭😭!
Cockroach: *FLIES*
MC: EEEEKKKKK THAT YoSHITaki-look-alike CAN FLY 😱😱😱😱😱😱😱
The Assh0le
Nobunaga: *Saves his konpeito jar first*
The normal reaction
Hideyoshi, Masamune, Shingen,
Kennyo: *Laughs and quickly catch it and throw it out*
MC: Wash that hand ಠ_ಠ
Assh0le +1
Mitsuhide & Keiji: *Didn't do anything because watching her running in circles are more interesting*
MC: You will sleep outside tonight (☉д⊙).
The contrary
Ieyasu, Yukimura: Calm down. This thing wont harm you. *Seems calm but deep inside he's SHRIEKING LIKE A GIRL*
MC: ಠ_ಠ...
The "Playing Dart"
Kenshin, Kanetsugu: *Throws their sword like playing a dart and cockroach K.O*
Motonari, Kicho: *Shoots it with his gun, one hit K.O*
MC: MAH HEART +1 😩😩😩😩😩😩--
The one who screams MORE beautiful than MC herself
Ranmaru: Kyaaaaa!! It's coming QAQQQQ
*Most probably MC was lost in the crowd*
The eh..
Sasuke: *Sprays*
Cockroach: *FLIES MORE*
Sasuke: RIP me.
The eh.. +1
Mitsunari: Oh dear oh dear oh dear (´・д・`) *Runs but bonk himself on the wall + faint*
The uhm..
Yoshimoto: I would love to help but I feel conflicted. That thing is not beautiful.. And if I could choose I'd rather catch you myself 🌸🌸🌸
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