aestheticboy17 · 4 years
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Fall in love with your best friend. With the person who makes you laugh the most. With the person who makes you smile even when you don’t want to. With the person who makes ordinary days feel extraordinary. Fall in love with the person who’s seen you at your worst. With the person you’re OK to not be OK around. With the person who understands your hurt and wants to heal it. With the person who has stood by your side through Hell and back. Fall in love with the person who inspires you to be your best. Who encourages you to chase your dreams. Who believes wholeheartedly that you can do anything you set your mind to. Who roots for you even when everybody else abandons you. Fall in love with someone who gets you. Who can read your expression as if you’re an open book. Who knows your hopes, your fears, your dreams, and never judges you for them. Who understands you better than you understand yourself and loves you all the same. Fall in love with your best friend, because no one will love you like someone who already knows how to.- @moltocalliente
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aestheticboy17 · 4 years
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Do not be afraid to wait for your epic love story. It may take a while, but do not give in. Do not settle. Your love story is waiting for you. Your other half is waiting for you. Go say hello, go compliment her floral dress or his cute little smirk. Do not waste time on someone who does not notice your worth. Your future love story is worth fighting for. Be patient. Be loving. Be sappy. Go out and order one milkshake with two straws. Go out and hold hands, while walking through the city. Go out and get lost on an adventure. Go out and talk for hours about what house you want, where you want to live and where you see yourself in five years. Go find that all-consuming love that makes you feel alive. Go find that lovely person who makes you happy. They may be a friend, they may be a stranger, they may be the customer that comes into the same coffee shop as you every Friday morning. Point is, find your love that gives you 110% back. You deserve to smile from ear to ear. You deserve to come home and find an envelope with a handwritten note, saying, “I adore you.” Be patient. You will find that. I believe it. I believe in the power of love. I believe in the power of you and your crush. Go tell them you like them. Don’t hold it back. Don’t be scared. Take that leap. I didn’t and I regret it. You’ll find that person who understands you and is on your level. Build your empire together. Find your all-consuming love by keeping your heart open to possibilities that could very well change your perspective on love.-Chase Christensen
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aestheticboy17 · 4 years
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I’m not just falling in love with you. I’m falling into you. You’re an ocean, and I’m falling in, drowning in the depths of who you are. Like you said, it’s scary in a way, but it’s also the most amazing thing I’ve ever experienced. You are the most amazing thing I’ve ever experienced. — Jasinda Wilder, Falling Into You
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aestheticboy17 · 4 years
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I hope one day someone looks at you like they’ve been waiting a long time to feel as happy as they do now. I hope they tell you cute things like how they found this cozy Italian restaurant around the corner and kiss your nose before spinning you around in the street. I hope when you ask them to go for a walk in the middle of the night they don’t complain that it’s too cold and even though you can see the condensation of your breath in the midnight air I hope you feel warm. I hope old ladies smile knowingly when you walk by, hand in hand, along the pavement and I hope you are smiling too. When he whispers how much he loves you I hope you feel your heart beating so fast you’re scared you’ll never recover. I hope he stays and makes you feel important, like he wants every part of this and isn’t afraid to admit it. I hope he finds words that touch you where his fingers cannot and knows how to pull your hair when you’re feeling electric but hold your soul when you’re fragile like glass. And I hope you find someone who asks before they kiss you, not because they need permission but because they want to see your knees buckle and your lips part ways. I hope their hands feel right around your waist when you reply ‘yes’ and again ‘yes’, until you’re falling apart in his arms whispering ‘yes, yes, yes’ and I hope you never need to ask if he’s the one because the answer will be staring you in the face. – S.Z.
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aestheticboy17 · 4 years
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I don’t want a fifty-fifty relationship. Life doesn’t work that way. I want to be your strength when you simply cannot cope, when you come to me with the world on your shoulders, when your spine cannot carry the weight you hold. I want to be your hope. I want to be the one who doesn’t walk away when things get tough. I want to be the one who proves to you that people can still win this war of love. I want to be the one who shows you that some people still stay during the dark times, that some people still fight. I want to be your light. I want to be your best when you are not your best. I will not judge you for your sadness, I will not resent your for your flaws. When life gets rough, know that I will always be there to hold your hand, I will always be there to turn off the world for you. I don’t want you to think that you ever have to do this by yourself. I am with you because I want to be a part of your life — your whole life; through the good and the bad. I am with you because my heart feels compelled to beat for yours, and I will continue to choose you through the hurdles and through the highs. I know that life kicks your teeth in sometimes, and I may not know how to fix every shard of hurt and harm, but I do know how to love you — and I will love you deeply whenever things come to be too much. I don’t want a fifty-fifty relationship. Life doesn’t work that way; it is real, not perfect. There are going to be moments where we will have to be more for one another, where we will have to build the other up, and I cannot wait to grow with you in those ways. I cannot wait to show you just how much I can love you when you need it the most. Words: Bianca Sparacino
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aestheticboy17 · 4 years
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This is how you forgive the person who broke your heart. You forgive them by giving yourself time to heal. This doesn’t happen all at once. This doesn’t happen overnight. It’s a slow progression. You take two steps forward and four steps back. Sometimes it won’t make sense. But you grow a bit stronger, a bit more resilient, every single day. Even if you don’t always see it. You forgive them by focusing on yourself. Stop pouring your energy into toxicity. You unplug. You unfollow. Practice self-care. Reread your favorite books and go out with your best friends, laughing and remembering how good things can be when you surround yourself with positivity. Tell your broken heart it’s okay to take a break – to remember how to smile again. You forgive them by removing yourself from the situation. The longer you dwell in it, in the heartache, the more it festers. It’s difficult, but you have to leave it alone. Honor your emotions. Honor your feelings. But don’t keep circling back. Don’t keep obsessing over what occurred. Imagine it like a balloon. Let it float away. Tell it goodbye. It can’t hurt you now. You forgive them by accepting what they did. That doesn’t mean the pain is erased. That doesn’t mean you suddenly think it’s okay or you’ve let them off the hook. It doesn’t mean they aren’t responsible for their actions or that you’ve forgotten what happened. It just means accepting what’s done is done. It means admitting there is no rewind button. You can only move forward. You forgive them by regaining your life. Because there is so much more than just one person who broke your heart. Words: Kris Miller
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aestheticboy17 · 4 years
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You deserve someone who'll take you on cute breakfast dates and get you iced coffee. Someone who'll give you neck kisses, head massages, and play with your hair. Someone to sit with and talk about big ideas and life. Someone to remind you how dope you are when you aren't feeling so cool. Someone should do that for you. Because you shouldn't have to settle for anything less.
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aestheticboy17 · 4 years
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I learned time and time again that human beings cannot be saved, or fixed, or grown by others — they can only be loved. So I will love you, and I will love you well. I will love you on the days your laughter meets your eyes, and I will love you just as much when it does not. I will love you on the days you are made of light, and I will love you just as much when the world feels like a load you have to carry upon your shoulders. I will love you through your healing, and I will love you through your hurt. I will love you through your peace, and I will love you through your pain. I will love you when you love yourself, and I will love you when you do not. I refuse to fall in love with the idea of who you can be if I were to nip and tuck and patch and sew you into someone else. If I were to throw a blanket over the baggage in your ribcage, only focusing on the prettiest parts of you. I refuse to love you in halves. So — show me where you thrive, and I will love you there. Show me where you break and I will love you there. Show me where you hope and I will love you there. Show me where you doubt and I will love you there. Show me where you hide, and I will love you there. Show me your open heart, flayed and beating in its decay and in its growth, and I will love it, darling. I will love it.
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aestheticboy17 · 4 years
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So it's not gonna be easy. It's going to be really hard; we're gonna have to work at this everyday, but I want to do that because I want you. I want all of you, forever, everyday. You and me everyday.
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aestheticboy17 · 4 years
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Even if you come home late and I’m already asleep, just whisper in my ear one little thought you had today. Because I love the way you look at the world. And I’m so happy I get to be next to you and look at the world through your eyes.
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aestheticboy17 · 4 years
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Maybe you don’t end up with the person your heart chooses. Maybe that’s not how life works. Maybe you don’t get what you want. Maybe you end up finding what you need, and maybe the Universe knows what you need more than you do. Maybe love changes. Maybe it goes from “I’ll wait up and call you after work,” to “I’m going to sleep, I’m tired.” Maybe it goes from “You have nothing to worry about,” to “I really wish you didn’t overthink so much.” Maybe it goes from “I choose you,” to “I have to choose myself right now.” Maybe love isn’t one of those things that grows with certain people. Maybe you become too big for it. Maybe it becomes too uncomfortable, too small for who you change into. Maybe it’s like that sweater you always loved growing up, or your childhood bed. You learn to appreciate it for what it was, but you come to terms with the fact that you have outgrown it. You learn to let it go. And maybe letting go of love isn’t some loud celebration at the end of a dark tunnel. Maybe letting go is the moment you decide that you can no longer keep the past alive inside of you. Maybe it is quiet, maybe there is no checklist, or way of telling if it has actually happened. Maybe it is simply just you learning how to release your grip, how to let things be, how to lay down your arms. Maybe that is how it's done — in the silence of it all, in the calmness of everyday life. I am starting to learn that maybe walking away is the best thing you can do for yourself, and for the person you love. Maybe walking away is you making peace with the fact that sometimes things and people and happiness changes. Maybe it is the bravest thing you can do. Maybe, when you walk away, you’re not making the biggest mistake of your life. Maybe, when you walk away, your life is just beginning.
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aestheticboy17 · 4 years
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One day, if you haven’t already, you’re going to meet someone and immediately realize that you’ve found a soul friend. She’s the friend that you can message at any time of the day and you’ll surely get a reply. She’s the friend that will leave you a random message saying that you should make sure not to do anything too crazy and that she’s always there if you need anyone to talk to. She’s the friend that will tell you to text her when you get home so she knows that you arrived safely. She’s the friend that lets you gush about the guy you’re crushing on, but laughs at you because you two have never even spoken. She’s the friend that reminds you that you can do anything as long as you have the guts to go for it. She’s the friend that you can talk to about your dreams. She’s the friend that will laugh at you when you fall, but is also the first one to pick you up. She’s the friend that will tell you that she’ll punch the air out of the boy who keeps on hurting you. She’s the friend that will tell you that it’s all going to be okay. She’s the friend that always says she loves you, and shows it with every action. She’s the friend that knows everything you’ve been through. She’s the friend that knows your deepest, darkest secrets but never judges you. She’s the friend that reminds you that you deserve so much better. She’s the friend that always says, “I got you,” and actually means it. She’s the friend that tells you that you are strong and that she believes in you. She’s the friend that reminds you to eat when you’re too busy to remember on your own. She’s the friend that tells you that true friendship can’t be measured by how long you’ve known each other. She’s the friend that made you believe you can do anything. If you’re lucky enough to have this person in your life already — thank them, for it makes growing up and getting hurt and falling in love and simply just being, so much easier, so much more manageable, when you have someone like that by your side.
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aestheticboy17 · 4 years
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And now I’m looking at you, and you’re asking me if I still want you, as if I could stop loving you. As if I would want to give up the thing that makes me stronger than anything else ever has. I never dared give much of myself to anyone before, but, since the first time I saw you, I have belonged to you completely... I still do.
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aestheticboy17 · 5 years
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At the end of the day, if someone wants to be in your life, they will be. Truly — they are capable, they will make the effort, they will show up. If they do not — let that be your closure. However, you do not have to hate them. You do not have to remember their contribution to your life as anything but beautiful. Do not ruin them in your mind, do not grip until you feel resentment. Instead, love them without attachment. Love the lessons they taught you. Wish them well every single time you think about them. Miss them, but do not ache for them to come back. If the people in your life left because they were not ready to value you, or love you, or be there for you, do not wish for them back, do not ask for them to be more than they can be at the moment. Wish for them to figure themselves out. Wish for them to grow. They are on their own journey — a journey you are not a part of. And that is okay. You have to learn that that is okay. So instead of focusing on the people who left, focus on the people in your life who have chosen to be there. Focus on the ones who stayed, on the ones who appreciate you and respect you. Focus on the people who match the love you give them, focus on the people who empower you and grow you and make your life beautiful. You are surrounded by human beings who will not shy away from the love you give. You are surrounded by human beings who know that they want you in their life, people who show you that every single day. Do not take them for granted. Do not lose touch of what you have, chasing what you no longer do. Trust me when I say — you will miss out on beautiful things if you continue to stay rooted in all of the ways you were wronged, if you continue to let your past pull you from experiencing what the present has to offer you. Do not close yourself off to your potential. Instead, open yourself to the world, and allow for it to fill that space with the kinds of people, the kinds of moments, and the kinds of experiences that exhilarate you, that compel you — that make you love yourself, and your life, and what you have to offer, more and more each day.
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aestheticboy17 · 5 years
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When they work, long distance relationships are the best sort of beautiful, I think. That a person could wait months, cross miles and oceans for a few short spectacular moments with the person they love — that's it, you know, that's what we're all searching for.
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aestheticboy17 · 5 years
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This is how you forgive the person who broke your heart. You forgive them by giving yourself time to heal. This doesn’t happen all at once. This doesn’t happen overnight. It’s a slow progression. You take two steps forward and four steps back. Sometimes it won’t make sense. But you grow a bit stronger, a bit more resilient, every single day. Even if you don’t always see it. You forgive them by focusing on yourself. Stop pouring your energy into toxicity. You unplug. You unfollow. Practice self-care. Reread your favorite books and go out with your best friends, laughing and remembering how good things can be when you surround yourself with positivity. Tell your broken heart it’s okay to take a break – to remember how to smile again. You forgive them by removing yourself from the situation. The longer you dwell in it, in the heartache, the more it festers. It’s difficult, but you have to leave it alone. Honor your emotions. Honor your feelings. But don’t keep circling back. Don’t keep obsessing over what occurred. Imagine it like a balloon. Let it float away. Tell it goodbye. It can’t hurt you now. You forgive them by accepting what they did. That doesn’t mean the pain is erased. That doesn’t mean you suddenly think it’s okay or you’ve let them off the hook. It doesn’t mean they aren’t responsible for their actions or that you’ve forgotten what happened. It just means accepting what’s done is done. It means admitting there is no rewind button. You can only move forward. You forgive them by regaining your life. Because there is so much more than just one person who broke your heart. Words: Kris Miller
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aestheticboy17 · 5 years
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i will kill the spiders. i will share my fries with you when you’ve finished all yours and are still hungry. i won’t ever pop my collar. i will never be rude to your tummy- when i hear it growl and gurgle, i promise to bend down and reply respectfully. i will eat the mushrooms when we order the supreme pizza. i will kiss the papercuts. and the door-slammed finger. and the counter-bumped hip. i’ll try my hardest not to get annoyed when you whisper questions and comments during movies. i will be the big spoon. i will let you win at wrestling. sometimes. other times i will not. i will go faster. harder. i will pull when you want. and tease you when you don’t. i will send you random texts and leave you silly gifts. not always. not on schedule. just whenever i want to. whenever i think you need one. or seven. i will check your tire pressure. and remind you to take your car in. i will hold your hand. i will love you. i will love you. i will love you.
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