#28. lady
science-slapfight · 1 year
24. Dr. Diana Diamond (She/Her) @numberposting
She's a science lady. She's trans. AND she's a lil stupid and lame!!! She's got it all!!! She lives in a universe where “mad scientist” is an Actual job you can get, she literally has a degree in Mad Science! She’s Very adamant that mad science is all about pushing the limits of science without being “constrained” by ethical standards set by society, which is to say that she has a moral compass made of swiss cheese. Hashtag girlboss <3
While some people can be a liiittle off-put by her basement-turned-lab containing fun death lasers, she’s honestly just a dweeb once you get to know her. When she’s not conducting weird experiments for mysterious benefactors (or just for personal enjoyment), she’s hanging out with her epic and cool wife Alice!!
Although Diana can be a lil withdrawn, Alice’s optimistic and excitable personality really brings out the best in her!! They do almost everything together: Baking, stargazing, long walks on the beach, vivisecting people…
Her wife is super normal btw don’t even worry about it <3
In short, you should vote for certified sillygirl Diana becuz:
1. She’s a funnie trans lesbian
2. She loves her wife SO much
3. She didn’t get a PhD in Mad Science for nothin’
4. She listens almost exclusively to They Might be Giants and Oingo Boingo
5. She could use the validation tbh
6. She lost the last poll she was in on round 1 isn't that so sad :(
7. I love her :D
Also she does enjoy cupcakes!! She prefers cookies tho <3 If given a cupcake she'd probs just give it to Alice cuz that's what love is all about!!
Relevant Links: She has a whole Neocities blog site thing!! It hasn't been updated in a long while cuz College Hard BUT it'll be updated again sometime in the future!! https://diamondexperiments.neocities.org/
28. Lady (She/Her) @forkdork
Lady is a cold-hearted scientist who would do anything in the name of science even if she has to commit horrible actions. After all, in the end, this is for the better of the world even if she has the break a few hundred eggs to get the results she wants. Who else would sacrifice the things she has to get to this point? Who would go to such extremes to the point of the only thing you have left is your work and your name? Well. Lady would even from a young age this was the case her whole life pretty much leading her to the point she is now. Her twin sister didn’t even get in the way of her goals. Being one of the first to figure out how to use science to manipulate magic due to this headset of hers
This pretty much led Lady to be ‘respected’ or feared more then anything in her workplace with the actions she has committed. Lady being responsible for hundreds of documents, subjects, and scientific discoveries to be made. While also being responsible for hundreds of families to be torn apart.. Lives to be lost… people being driven insane due to her experiments… Obviously, this has bitten Lady in the ass many MANY times. With subjects escaping and attacking her when they get the chance, but of course, they never go far and just end back in Lady’s grasp.
Relevant Links: here! it has uh alot of violence! and blood! i dont normally write alot but i do draw a bunch https://toyhou.se/12615920.lady-/gallery
(Image credits: @numberposting and @forkdork respectively)
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forkdork · 1 year
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Ok class what do we do when your twin sister that turned into a monster who you experimented on and you're 99% the reason why they have gone insane is out for (YOUR) blood RUN??!?? EVEN LADY AINT FUCKIN WITH THAT!!!! GO BITCH GO!!!!!
THIS IS PROPAGANDA!!!!! @science-slapfight
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zoe-oneesama · 19 days
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Getting whiplash in this hospital room.
Episode 53 Part 28 First < Previous > Next Season 1, Season 2, Season 3, Season 4, Season 5 Ep 41, Ep 42, Ep 43, Ep 44 Ep 45, Ep 46, Ep 47, Ep 48, Intermission, Ep 49, Ep 50, Ep 51, Ep 52
Ko-fi | Patreon
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bellamysgriffin · 5 months
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ULTIMATE SHIPS CHALLENGE - Defining Moments [3/3]
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chippedcupwrites · 2 months
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Sansa Stark │Character Creation (in/sp)
HERE are screenshots of the whole set, if you wish to read the little details.
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emergingghost · 4 months
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admireforever · 6 months
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Portrait de la Jeune Fille en Feu
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izel-scribbles · 1 month
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malevolent doodles - spoilers for malevolent pt. 28
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i will never never shut up about how well lady lamb's music fits malevolent. here's my playlist btw. pls pls lmk what you think
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evignonita · 3 months
You're not invited to my sims 2 themed birthday party.
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science-slapfight · 1 year
28. Lady (She/Her) @forkdork
Lady is a cold-hearted scientist who would do anything in the name of science even if she has to commit horrible actions. After all, in the end, this is for the better of the world even if she has the break a few hundred eggs to get the results she wants. Who else would sacrifice the things she has to get to this point? Who would go to such extremes to the point of the only thing you have left is your work and your name? Well. Lady would even from a young age this was the case her whole life pretty much leading her to the point she is now. Her twin sister didn’t even get in the way of her goals. Being one of the first to figure out how to use science to manipulate magic due to this headset of hers
This pretty much led Lady to be ‘respected’ or feared more then anything in her workplace with the actions she has committed. Lady being responsible for hundreds of documents, subjects, and scientific discoveries to be made. While also being responsible for hundreds of families to be torn apart.. Lives to be lost… people being driven insane due to her experiments… Obviously, this has bitten Lady in the ass many MANY times. With subjects escaping and attacking her when they get the chance, but of course, they never go far and just end back in Lady’s grasp.
Relevant Links: here! it has uh alot of violence! and blood! i dont normally write alot but i do draw a bunch https://toyhou.se/12615920.lady-/gallery
3. Gordon, Fritz, and Fresco (He/Him for all 3) @subparticlesupercollider
Fresco is a chemistry professor at [REDACTED] University and Gordon is his TA. Fritz is a student at the university who has a big crush on Gordon <3 all three end up studying reanimation together until one day Fresco literally explodes and becomes an undead creature (hence why he’s just a brain with eyes and a skeleton) and then later Gordon has to get reanimated (long story) and becomes a Frankenstein-esque undead creature as well. Fritz is ok though.
Relevant Links: https://www.tumblr.com/subparticlesupercollider/651018126352433152/whew-heres-a-full-lineup-of-my-protag-ocs-from-my
(Image credits: @forkdork and @subparticlesupercollider, respectively)
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forkdork · 1 year
She indeed was too much of a bad bitch to be killed!!!
BUTBUT!!!! PROPAGANDA!!! @science-slapfight OF LADY!!! VOTE THE LADY!
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lady-lostmind · 4 months
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Love is: When you look at his lips for half the conversation because you can’t stop thinking about kissing him.
a @steddielovemonth prompt Thank you @oh-stars for betaing this!
WC: 274 | Rating: M
ao3 link or under the cut.
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Eddie knows Steve is talking. He’s probably telling him something really important. Probably something he’ll need to know later. Something about plans they have this week, or something Eddie is supposed to do. He should be paying attention. But it’s hard when Steve’s mouth looks so pretty. He’s been complaining about the cold weather and chapped lips and started wearing fucking cherry lipgloss that Robin gave him and it has turned Eddie’s brain to absolute mush. 
All he can think about is how much he wants to kiss him. Over and over. Wants to fucking devour his plump, juicy lips. Wants to lick into his frankly pornographic fucking mouth. Wants to see those lips stretched over his hard–
“Eds, are you even listening to me?” 
Eddie’s eyes flick up, his face flushing bright red, mouth opening and closing as he scrambles for words that won’t come. “I uh– I–” He flashes Steve a wide grin, making sure his dimple pops. “Did I tell you how pretty you are today, sweetheart?” 
Steve rolls his eyes, grumbling under his breath. But Eddie sees the way his cheeks pink up. Eddie sighs, leaning in to trail his fingers down Steve’s neck and play with the collar of his shirt. “I’m sorry, baby.” He lets his eyes flick down and linger on Steve’s lips again. “I was a little–” He looks Steve in the eyes, his mouth pulling up at the corner. “Distracted.”
Steve shakes his head but doesn’t protest when Eddie pulls him in by his shirt and plasters their mouths together, licking along Steve’s lips, and groaning at the taste of cherry that coats his tongue.
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illyanarasputinfan · 10 months
Can you recommend any good titles that are not published by DC or Marvel?
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Here are the titles I’ve read that are not published by Marvel over the past few months. I enjoyed all of them. If you’re looking for something different, I recommend giving these a read.
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mrschwartz · 11 months
Alex singing Hollywood Hopeful by Loudon Wainwright III before Dancefloor (Los Angeles, August 7 2014)
The lyrics to the song:
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admireforever · 2 months
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“In the solitude, I felt the liberty you speak of. But I also felt your absence.”
Portrait de la Jeune Fille en Feu
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thepeachboys · 1 year
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Page 28, January 2023 As my friend put it, "impossible couples are my specialty" so here's another one that made my heart break. I didn't keep track of how long this took, but I'm pretty sure it was about 10 hours. There are so many layers of contrasting colours on their faces; first they were too cold, then too bright. Greens, blues, purples, greys and then a thick layer of peachy pink on top, and finally I think I got there.
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