#Alternate Universe - Demons
camilleflyingrotten · 7 months
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AU where Crowley lied and said to God that the suggestion box was also Aziraphale’s idea.
They lied bc they genuinely thought that if they said that someone else had the same idea, it’d add weigh to their suggestion…
God knew it was a lie but just so Crowley could be devoured by guilt forever, She banished them both.
After that, Crowley undoubtedly felt so guilty toward Azazel (the demon name Aziraphale choose for himself) they decided to protect him the best they could from both Hell and Heaven.
Azazel never knew about Crowley’s lie. He just thought he had made a shtty job working on humans and thus got banished.
He is visually impaired, since he’s linked to the proteus salamander. And grew a moustache that actually helps him feel and “see” his surrounding!
And as the usual, these two have a hard time building a healthy relationship. Azazel is very much opened about his love for Crowley, mainly because he doesn’t fear Heaven anymore. But Crowley is still feeling very guilty, so they try to act distant. (but it’s so hard, they constantly fail)
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grandkhan221b · 3 months
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But what if they were all redeemed tho ?
This was a fun exercice, as heaven's colour palette isn't really one I'm used to x)
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rosycliff · 3 months
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angel alastor designed by me 🦌⭐️☁️
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explicit-tae · 8 months
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An alternate world in which you encounter someone in the middle of the night - a man seemingly hurt. Much to your luck, you were extremely wrong. (Teaser)
@juju-227592 @seokjinkismet @bloodline1632 @darkuni63 @castlewolfsbane @babycandy111 @chimmy-licious @whipwhoops @chimmisbae
Word Count: 8.669
Warning: demon jungkook, unsolicited touching/kissing/groping, ass slapping, humiliation kink, degradation kink, public sex, dirty talking, slight coercion, fingering, oral (f receiving), spanking, unprotected sex, blood play/licking, biting, creampie, squirting,
Alternate Universe | Halloween Masterlist | PART 2
“W-What’s happening?” you want to hold your baby close to you once more, inhale the soft baby scent that even a half demon like he had. 
The six men surrounding you began to chant. You’re unsure what’s happening, but your heart sinks. There’s an uneasy feeling in your core.
“Jungkook…” you murmur, reaching out for him.
“It’s alright, my beautiful human.” Jungkook takes a step back with the baby, rocking him gently. “The bond has been completed. Now we can be together for eternity. In Hell.”
The room begins to shake, as if an earthquake was beginning to happen. The candles on the stone walls all fall, falling onto the ground and erupting around you.
“Jungkook!” you shout, your nails clenching the thin sheet surrounding you. What in the world is going on right now? 
“The pain will not last long, my beautiful human…” Jungkook trails off. His son begins to cry, feeling the distress coming from his mother - noted seeing as he was just as connected to you as he was to Jungkook. “...once it’s over, you can reunite with us in Hell. We will be waiting for you.”
You cross your arms in front of yourself firmly, shivering as the heavy rain fully engulfs you. You’re soaking wet and obviously pissed. You had gotten off of work late due to your boss being an asshole - you had stayed hours past your scheduled time out. Usually you would have not cared because extra hours meant extra money - but today was different. Every Friday you made it your mission to visit the cemetery and place flowers onto your mothers grave. Since you have gotten off of work late into the night, there was no time to stop for flowers (and it would be useless due to the rain).
Not only were you stuck in the rain, but you had to walk the entire way to the cemetery, then home. There were no buses running at this time and that meant you were in for an hour walk home after the already 30 minute walk to the cemetery. Let’s not forget that you saw your boss drive right past you without any eye contact.
The sky is dark and starless and there appeared to be little to no street lights on. The only light you do get comes from the moon high above. You've seen this before in a horror movie. A lone girl walking at night and bam, a killer chasing after her. Maybe you shouldn’t be thinking like this at this time, but you couldn’t help it. You were utterly hopeless with no one to call at this time - and even if you did, it’s pouring rain and your phone is tucked deep into your purse to not get it any more damage than it already was.
Your feet ached as you reached the cemetery. The rain was dying down, but you were already soaking wet and it was the least of your concerns now. It took a few more strolls until you reached the familiar headstone belonging to your mother. You sigh, dropping to your knees. You would regret it later while getting the mud stains off of your work clothes, but you were off the next two days and that was enough to not think about it further.
Visiting your mother was bittersweet. Sometimes you’d go just to pay your respects, other times you would speak as if she was there with you - talking about your day and what was new in your life. Now you were exhausted and your body ached, you remained silent and enjoyed the quiet company. 
You’re unsure how long you’ve sat there, but you noticed that the rain began to pick up once more. You knew by tomorrow, you would be sick and decided to call it a night. You’d probably even decide to visit once more when the rain cleared up the following day to bring the flowers you couldn’t bring today.
You got off of your knees, touching the gravestone lightly before making your way out of the cemetery. Your eyes remained forward as your feet strolled through the grassy field. You cursed at your luck - your clothing stuck to you and it was becoming uncomfortable to walk.Your shoes are covered in mud and grime and it’s nearly pitch black in said cemetery, the moon shining but so much.
Your feet halt in their tracks. You blink your eyes, zoning in on a figure not far away from you. The figure appeared to be hunched over, on their own knees. You clench your burse tighter, eyes blinking away the droplets of rain to try to get a better look. 
The moonlight shines off of the figure and it appears to glow - it’s a person, no doubt. You ponder if they’re there for the same reason you are - but not everyone would be caught in the rain paying respect to a deceased loved one, right?
You begin to step closer to the figure, unsure of what your body is doing. Your mind is screaming out alarm bells, that something wasn’t right and this could end up going completely wrong. 
The figure’s head lifts up, shining eyes glowing in the dark. A man, you note, just as drench in the rain as you were. Black hair sticks to his scalp and covers the majority of his forehead. Just as before, he appeared to be shining underneath the moonlight.
“Are you o-okay?” you stutter out, uneasy with the intense stare of the man. You can make out his features - chiseled jawline, sharp eyes and full lips. 
Your throat swallows a lump, body visibly stiffening upon noticing the man's eyes turning a shade of crimson. There was no possible way you were seeing things.
The man begins to lift from his knees and once onto his feet, your mind is screaming at you to run. The man is tall - and athletically built. He wore a suit of the sorts, completely black that it nearly disguises him in the dark scenery. 
Your heart is beating outside your chest, your mind coming back to reality when he begins to step closer to you. His feet snap a twig beneath them. You want to run - you can even feel the way your body jerks to do so, but you cannot.
What the fuck?
Your heart beats even louder that even the pouring rain is no match for it. Your hands clench your purse tighter against you.
Why is it becoming harder to breathe?
Your throat tightens.
Your body begins to shudder, trembling. You’re unsure what in the world is going on with you right now. You’re trembling, feeling a rush of cold air go through you one moment and the next, you’re burning up. Your body temperature hightens, as if your blood is boiling at a rapid pace. Your clothes being wet and sticking to you already didn’t make anything better.
Your eyes widen hearing the man's voice so clear - as if there wasn’t rain pouring. The wind kicked up, swirling around you, yet still, his voice was coherent. 
“are such a beautiful little human.”
Air filled your lungs once more and finally, you were able to breathe. Your mind swirls around on his words - a beautiful little human? What did that mean?
The man appears in front of you in a blink of an eye - how you didn’t fall back with a scream, you’re truly unsure. He’s tall, towering over you with his menacing gaze - eyes appearing even darker with a mysterious glint to them. Those eyes…they weren’t human, you note, they couldn’t be. Even if his overall appearance to be that of a human man - there was no man you met with such crimson eyes. 
The man offers you a smile - no, a smirk. It didn’t appear genuine like a smile someone would give you upon introducing themselves. This was a cunning one; devious.
You do not realize that you’ve dropped your purse until it hits your feet. Your body still feels hot, temperature rising every second. 
You feel the man's hand place itself against the skin of your cheek - they were calloused and even hotter than your own skin. His thumb traces the outline of your lips and you can hear he’s humming to himself.
“Your heart is beating so loud, beautiful. Are you afraid of me?” the man questions. “Do I frighten you? Or do I make you nervous?”
“Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty.” you manage to say - more stutter. Breathing was difficult enough, but speaking appeared to be a battle. 
The man chuckles. “A prayer?”
“I will say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.” Surely he will save you from the fowler’s snare and from the deadly pestilence. He will cover you with his feathers-”
You feel your throat tighten once more, this time by the man's hands. He forces you closer to him. “Shut up.” he hisses. “Your prayers do not affect me, beautiful. It makes me want to ruin you even more.”
Your body was feeling weird. Goosebumps prickled your skin - you can feel it beneath your clothing - and your stomach was beginning to bubble. You closed your eyes to not look into his eyes, but even then you could see them glaring at you.
“Christ be with me, Christ within me, Christ behind me, Christ before-” your prayer is cut short when a pair of lips are against yours. You’re struggling against the lips, a muffled scream dying in your throat.
The man removes himself from you, but he holds you close. His hands wrap tightly beneath your chin. Your eyes squeeze shut, heart thumping rapidly.
“You can feel it, right, beautiful?” The man's words are sultry, coming out more as a moan than a regular statement. “I know what it’s doing to you. I know you can feel it…right here…”
You gasp, feeling a tense grip between your legs. Your eyes snap open, the crimson eyes .boring right into your own. You want to jolt away from his prying hands - to push this man, no, this monster away.
“I know, beautiful…” the man sing-songs. “...the arousal feels amazing. Doesn’t it feel like you’re sinning for me, Y/N?”
You froze. Your eyes couldn't even grow wider. This man knew your name.
This man, whoever he was, knew you. He knew you’d be here visiting your mothers grave - that or he followed you.
“Yes, beautiful, I know your name.” the man chuckles, his hand rubbing along your clothed head. “I’ve always known your name. I’ve known of your existence since the day you were born.”
This man wasn’t human - your heart told you. His eyes, his words; he was something otherworldly. 
“Dear Father, Thank You for protecting me. Thank You for the angels that you assign to watch over me. I can be at peace today knowing that my very life is in Your hands-”
You squirm feeling a sickly substance upon your cheek. The man is licking you now - up your jaw, to your chin and now your cheek. His fingers hold your face in place in a tight grip. He reaches your ear, flicking the lobe. “Praying won’t stop me from having you, beautiful.”
This monster was doing something to you and your body. You would never feel this way. He had you under a spell - your legs are clenching against his prying hand. You could feel a pool of slick sticking to your panties - and so does the man.
“I need your help in this battle. I cannot walk alone, Lord-”
“Ah, that prayer!” the man cackles. “You feel it running through you, beautiful. The lust. You’re moaning right underneath my hand, beautiful. I can smell the sweet smell of your pussy.”
The man's words are so vulgar that you’re unable to respond. His hands cup your clothed heat even tighter. The hand that once grips your chin now loosens so he could push you closer against him.
“You’re a monster.” you hiss - but it’s not a regular hiss. No, the man notes this tone. It’s a moan of disgust, but a moan nonetheless.
“I am.” the man chuckles. “A demon straight from Hell, beautiful.”
Your throat releases a scream when your hair is yanked backwards. Your eyes are towards the sky, the droplets of rain blinding your eyes. You continue to scream when you feel teeth against your neck, biting down.
You want to fight the man - this predator. This demon. Your prayers aren’t working and appear to be falling on deaf ears. 
The man shudders at the taste of your blood. So pure and not laced with any impurities. But he wasn’t here for your blood - no, this was just a part of the ritual. 
“My name is Jungkook.” the man purrs, licking his lips of your delicious blood. “Finally, you’re mine.”
You cough. Your hands are clenching onto Jungkook’s chest unwillingly. You’re trembling, eyes fluttering. 
“You’re afraid of me, beautiful?” Jungkook tsks. His tongue licks the wound of your neck, twirling it up to your chin and to your lips. He presses an open mouth kiss onto your lips and moans. 
“I’m not yours.” you wheeze out.
“Oh…” Jungkook could only laugh. “...but you are, beautiful.”
Jungkook’s hand squeezes your ass. “I can smell your arousal. You’re so wet for me, Y/N. You’re clenching and unclenching around nothing.”
You feel ashamed by how true Jungkook’s words were. You want to cry out - you didn’t belong to this demon! You were a part of your local Church and attended said church with your mothers for years. You prayed constantly, remained God as your main priority and prayed away whatever petty sins you committed. 
“You belonged to me the day your mother gave birth to you, my love.” Jungkook’s hand pulls at your clothes. Your shirt rips in seconds, revealing your bra beneath. “That was part of the deal, after all.”
Your hands grasp Jungkook’s wrist when his hands tug along your pants. You didn’t match his strength, and like your shirt, your pants are ripped to pieces. 
“I won’t submit to you, demon.”
Jungkook wants to coo at your cuteness. No matter how many times you denied him, he wouldn’t listen. You were going to be his regardless of what you felt - he had waited decades to get what he was promised. You had no skill, will or strength to deny him anything - you were already aroused. Soon, you would be begging for him and he would give you what you’ll be begging for.
You are turned away from him and flipped. Your face meets the muddy ground. You squirm when you feel your hips being lifted by Jungkook’s arm. The position is filthy and you want to be removed from this humiliating state.
Jungkook marvels at the sight of you - face down, ass up. So cute and exactly how you were expected to be. One hand grips your ass, gently rubbing before he brings his hand back and slaps it roughly.
You scream once more at the impact, and again and again. Jungkook continued, crimson eyes darkening at the sight of you squirming beneath him. 
“P-Please stop!”
Jungkook hums. “Why?” He slaps your ass once more, the sound like a melody to his ears. His hands trail between your legs to rub gently. “You’re so wet for me.”
Your eyes squeeze shut, teeth biting your lips to repress a moan. You can feel yourself grow wetter at the second and that’s what frightens you. You didn’t want to fall into temptation due to the demons hold against you.
“Let’s see just how filthy you are, huh?”
Jungkook fingers hooks between your panties. He pushes them aside and finds his mouth watering. “Such a whore you truly are, beautiful. So wet and clenching around nothing.”
You couldn’t help the groan that comes from your throat when he rubs a thumb against it. Your thighs quiver to close, but Jungkook only slaps your throbbing ass once more to punish you.
Jungkoom continues to rub along your clit, fingers sliding between your folds effortlessly. He can feel his pants tightening at just the sight of you.
“So wet.” Jungkook grunts. He smirks, fingers dangerously close to your opening. “I can just slide…”
“N-No!” you gasp, but even with your pleas, your legs widen for him. 
“...right in.” Jungkook enters two fingers inside of you. So warm and wet - and inviting. He pumps his fingers inside, marveling at how you take him so well. “You’re milking my fingers, beautiful. Good little whore you are, huh?”
You shake your head, eyes squeezing shut. 
Why were you moaning for this demon? Why was your body not cooperating with your brain? Why were you so wet and aroused with such sinful acts?
Jungkook groans. “That’s right, beautiful. Just give in.” he murmurs, his fingers picking up the pace. “It’ll be over if you just submit to me.”
“N-No…” You don’t want to moan any more. You can feel a familiar feeling in the pit of your stomach.
Jungkook removes his fingers from inside of you. He doesn’t allow you to fall forward. He lifts you and presses you against him. “Taste yourself.” he hisses and before you can protest, he enters two of his fingers inside of your mouth.
Your tongue swirls against his fingers unwillingly, your juices hitting your tongue. 
“I wonder if you taste as divine as you smell, beautiful.” Jungkook whispers in your ear, popping his fingers from your mouth. “Give me a taste.”
Jungkook hums. “No?”
You nod your head. 
“Then why are you leaning against me, beautiful? Why are your hips jerking for more pleasure?”
Jungkook flips you once more. He’s laid against the ground and has you hovering above him. You’re firmly in his grasp, unable to escape. His teeth - so sharp and canine like - bite at your underwear until they’re as ripped as your shirt and pants were. 
You gasp when Jungkook places you on his lips. You’re sitting directly on his tongue, palms back against his abdomen for balance as he licks between your folds. 
Jungkook grunts. “So sweet, beautiful.” he murmurs before going back to ravishing you. 
Your eyes are unable to remove themselves from the sight before you. Jungkook’s tongue - long with and split at the end, rapidly lick upon your clit and between the folds. You could no longer hide your moans, allowing the pleasure to run through you.
This was wrong.
This is a demon - no matter how attractive he may be, this was a demon.
You consider yourself a child of God, fully committed to your faith.
But Jungkook using his tongue to pleasure you felt far too amazing to not moan - too amazing to protest his advances any longer. And, as sad as it sounds, far too amazing for you to utter the word of God in hopes of stopping him.
Jungkook’s nails dig into the skin of your inner thigh. Your scent intoxicates his mind, your slick sliding against his tongue. Finally, you were his - and now you weren’t refusing him. Your moans are loud - even with the rain starting up once more. You were giving in to your rightful urges as his.
Jungkook’s eyes flicker to your face. Such a beautiful face contorted with pleasure. Mouth agape and moaning with pleasure, the droplets of rain trailing down your skin. It glistens beneath the moonlight.
“My beautiful human.” Jungkook growls. His tongue swipes at your clit once more. “Pleasure yourself against my tongue.”
Jungkook slaps your thigh in encouragement. He wants you completely submerged in pleasure that you would willingly participate in.
Your hips jerk forward and onto his tongue. A deep moan comes from your throat and you now find yourself thrusting onto Jungkook - a demon. Your eyes squeeze shut, wanting nothing more than to feel your release.
Jungkook’s hands roam your body, tongue laying flat while you use him. They trail up your thighs to your hips, wrapping around them to encourage you to go faster. He then slides them up your sides to grasp your breast from your bra. He squeezes them, pinching the sensitive bubs of your nipples.
“J-Jungkook, I-I can’t take it!”
Jungkook pinches your nipple once more. He clamps down onto them so hard that you scream out, lifting yourself from his tongue, juices releasing.
And Jungkook’s laps every drop, a groan rumbling deep within his soul.
Whatever soul Jungkook had deep within Hell that was.
You fall limp against his legs, legs quivering.
“My poor beautiful human.” Jungkook moves your body so that he is on top of you. “Came so hard that you can barely function.”
Jungkook leans down to swipe his tongue against your cheek once more, the reason you’re unsure of. 
“I’m going to make you cum over and over again.”
The rain falls even harder, but the majority of it is hidden beneath Jungkook’s body. He kicks off his pants along with his underwear.
You can’t see it, but you feel how large Jungkook is when he forces himself inside of you. You feel like you’re being stretched to the max. Your arms wrap around his neck tightly, breathing hitching.
“Beautiful human…so tight.” Jungkook growls. “Made just for me. My perfect little human.”
Jungkook doesn’t allow you the luxury to adjust to his size. He thrusts deeply inside of you, cracking his hips harshly. Your back hits against the muddy dirty roughly with each thrust. You were going to be filthy once this ended - if it ever did. This was a demon here with you? Did a demon’s stamina ever go out? It wasn’t like he was human.
“Jungkook, please!” you plead with him, but Jungkook doesn’t want to hear it. His teeth clamp down onto your skin, biting it harshly enough to release blood. “I-I can’t handle-”
“You can!” Jungkook hisses. He leans back to admire your disheveled appearance. You were covered in mud, blood and soaking wet. Your hair is sticking to you and your eyes are struggling to stay open. But to him - you were perfect. “Finally mine.”
There’s a bulge in your stomach, reminding you just who you were fucking. Jungkook is a demon.
A demon.
You were going to Hell surely.
There’s blood trailing down your thigh, but still Jungkook refuses to halt his abusive thrusts.
“Your soul, your mind, your heart and your body belong to me.” Jungkook growls, appearing utterly animalistic. “All mine, Y/N. My beautiful human. And all it took was a deal from your father.”
Your father?
You didn’t have a father - physically. You were raised with two mothers; when you grew up you never had a reason to look for who your biological father was. You asked your mothers, sure, but it was stated he was someone who provided them sperm and nothing more.
“He got what he wanted and in return…”
Jungkook flips you onto your knees. He wraps an arm around your neck and enters you once more. He continues the brutal pace, skin slapping and echoing off of the trees. You’re not sure if you were going to survive this. Your insides hurt - even if it came with brief pleasure. Your body was aching just as bad and Jungkook showed no chance of stopping.
“...in return…I got you, beautiful human of mine…” Jungkook grunts. “...you’ll be coming back home with me to Hell.”
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It was your alarm that had woken you up that following morning. You jerked upward, eyes scanning the room. Your room.
You were in your room.
You inhaled deeply and exhaled just the same. Your ears are ringing and your fluttering eyes are attempting to adjust to the sunlight coming from your bedroom window.
Your aching legs manage to move. You swing them around your bed and lift yourself. You managed to make it to your mirror and you gasped.
You weren’t dirty nor covered in mud like you expected. That couldn’t have been a dream - everything felt far too realistic to be one. You were intimate with a demon - he had told you that you were his because of a father you never met.
Your eyes scan the scars and bruises littering your body. There’s hand marks upon your throbbing skin, one around your neck and two on both sides of your waist. You can see the bite marks that drew blood on your neck and another between your thighs.
You want to cry, but felt that even that would be hypocritical. You allowed a demon into your body - to have something precious that should have belonged to your human partner. You have learned from an early age that demons were tricksters and you had fallen into their trap.
You shower until the hot water runs cold - and even then you did not want to remove yourself. You washed your skin countless times in hopes to rid yourself of the sick feeling, but it never left. You could feel his hands on your body now as if he was here - his teeth and his tongue grazing along onto your skin.
Your mind betrayed you as did your body. There’s flashes replaying the long night Jungkook had bestroved for you. How he had taken you so roughly against the cemetery ground, both of you covered in blood. How he had flipped you and taken you against a tree, allowed you on top of him - almost every inch of the area you had been fucked on.
You clench your legs together and clench your fists. You dried your body, trying to rid your thoughts of the sinful encounter - but they wouldn’t leave. You were beginning to feel the uncomfortable throb between your legs once more.
You had to pray. 
You dressed in fresh clothing and went towards your vanity. Your rosary would be there. You grasp it in your hands, ready to send a prayer when the rosary begins to burn in your hands. You screamed, dropping it to the floor and watching with wide eyes as it began to burn through the hardwood floor. 
You trembled, not taking your sight off of the burning rosary.
You were too far gone - you were damned to Hell.
The tears finally came. You have dropped to your knees now, praying for forgiveness for the sins you committed. Your God would understand - he had to. You didn’t want to sleep with the demon that was Jungkook. You had no choice. He had you underneath a demonic spell that had you moaning his name, crying tears of lust and pleasure…
Had you been screaming his name, claiming how much you wanted Jungkook…
You wrapped your arms around him and begged for more - each and every time…
The feeling was returning. The familiar arousal between your legs and the warm feeling against your skin. You lay upon the cool hardwood floor, wanting nothing more than for your temperature to subside.
Why you?
Why were you being cursed by Jungkook?
What was the supposed deal Jungkook made with your biological father? And even so, you didn’t even know the man. Was he even still alive?
“Beautiful human.”
Your body jerks at the sound of Jungkook - his sultry voice.
Jungkook leans against the nearest wall of your bedroom. He’s sporting all black once more, this time a fitted shirt and slacks. His eyes are the familiar shade of crimson and they watch you closely. 
“Look at you. In a pool of your own arousal once more.” Jungkook shakes his head, a smirk placed on such beautiful lips…
You shake your head. This wasn’t your mind thinking - it had to be the demonic spell.
“I have not put you under any spell.”
Can he read your mind?
“I can read your mind, beautiful.” Jungkook states. “You can learn to read mine. Once we venture to Hell.”
You aren’t going to Hell. You were going to ask God for his forgiveness - to be allowed to be underneath his guidance once more. 
“God…” Jungkook chuckles darkly. “...will never take you. He never had you to begin with, beautiful. Why do you think it was so easy for me to get my hands on you?”
The familiar tightening in your throat, the heat radiating your skin and the goosebumps were returning. Your clit throbbed uncomfortably as if your body knew Jungkook was near. 
“Your body will always submit to me, beautiful. As it belongs to me.”
“I know you feel the arousal once more. How wet you are. You’re such a needy little thing, huh?” Jungkook cackles loudly. “Touch yourself, beautiful. See how wet you are.”
You weren’t going to.
If so, why were your hands going beneath your shorts to touch yourself?
“It’s okay, beautiful. Touch yourself and watch me.”
You want to deny him the satisfaction of watching you, but you’re already succumbing to his demonic spell. You were positive that he’s done something to your mentality that you could never deny him.
“I-I can’t.” you snatch your hands from your shorts, feeling flush with embarrassment.
“That just means you want me to, huh?” Jungkook is kneeling down beside you in the blink of an eye. You want to ask how he does it, but you’re afraid of the answer. You weren’t ready to go down a rabbit hole of demonic entities and powers.
“Is that a question, beautiful?”
Jungkook’s already tugging your pants down and taping your thighs aside. He’s amused by how easily you give into him.
“Go ahead and tell me no.” Jungkook plays with the lace of your underwear. Your clit is visible to him - wet and inviting as always. “Then I'll leave.”
“You’ll leave?”
Don’t sound disappointed, you think. You wanted this demonic entity gone - right?
“Of course. Tell me to leave, Y/N. And I’ll go.”
Jungkook hooks a finger inside your laced panties with a shake of his head. So divine and so sweet - even after he completely ruined you not long ago.
Tell him to go.
Tell him to leave you alone and to never return.
Be stern, you think. Resist him and the impure thoughts of this demon.
But you don’t. Those words never leave your lips. 
“Already so wet, my beautiful human.” Jungkook enters a finger inside of you for a second. He then removes it and enters it inside his mouth. “And taste so heavenly.” he cackles. “Heavenly for someone going to Hell.”
You don’t respond to Jungkook’s words. He’s already entering his fingers back inside of you. He pumps slowly at first to get you comfortable - and then he’s rapid. The sounds of his moving fingers echo off the walls of your bedroom - mixed with your moans of pleasure. It sends shockwaves throughout your body.
It’s so sinful, you think. How when you were a child with your mothers going to church, even if the three of you got awkward stares - how you read the bible alongside them. You prayed every night before bed, before every meal - you needed to know where exactly you went wrong.
“Still blaming yourself, sweetheart?” Jungkook’s so beautiful, you think. You recall many times hearing that demons were often beautiful to trick you into sinning with them. “I told you, you were destined to me long before you were even born.”
You feel Jungkook’s fingers hitting your g-spot, curling inside of you with each thrust. It’s as if he was going deeper and deeper each time. You don’t want to look at the beautiful man, but it’s as if he compels you to. His crimson eyes - so captivating and inhumane. You were told that you were under no spell, but that had to be a lie - demons always lie.
“I never tell no lies, my beautiful human.” Jungkook comes closer to you, licking his lips. “What you feel right now is not due to any spell, but your own body submitting to me.”
Your soft moans only fuel Jungkook on further. His tongue licks along the skin of your collarbone. Your thighs tremble with pleasure when you feel his teeth once more - he’s biting you. It doesn’t hurt, you note, not like it did when he bit you at the cemetery. 
You’re breathing quicken and your eyes snaps shut; you were going to cum. You cannot remember when you ever felt this much pleasure in such a short amount of time until now, and all you can truly think about was succumbing deeper and deeper into the pleasure.
“I know you feel it coming.” Jungkook’s breath tickles your neck as he speaks. “Say my name, beautiful human. Who is the demon who’s going to make you cum?”
“J-Jungkook…!” you shout, feeling the wave of pleasure shoot out of you. It engulfs your entire body, shuddering up the back of your spine and causing goosebumps to litter your skin.
It was when you opened your eyes did you think you were going crazy - completely insane. Jungkook was gone, seemingly never in front of you. Your fingers were inside of you instead of his own, completely soaked in your slick.
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“How did you find me? I know your…mothers. They wouldn’t give up that information.”
It took a week to track down your biological father - a week of torment each night with Jungkook. You cried after you realized that you masturbated, not because you thought it was wrong - you’ve done so before. But because you weren’t sure what was real and what was fake anymore. No prayer stopped Jungkook from returning to you each night - and you never told him yourself to stop; your body submitting to him each time like he’s stated.
You visited your mother on the third day and even she saw the bags beneath your eyes. She questions your appearance, but all you could think about was the very man before you - it took hours to convince her, but she eventually caved. 
“Well…” your father murmurs, sighing after a moment of silence. “...what do you want? Money?”
Your eyes roam over the large estate he lived in. Money would’ve been nice if there wasn’t a literal demon fucking you every night - but even you wouldn’t think to ask him for money. He was nothing but a donor for your mother’s to have a child, never truly intending to be in your life. 
“What deal did you make with the demon?” you ask bluntly.
Your father’s eyes widen slightly at your choice of words. He turns to close the doors to the office you sat in before turning back to you. 
“What…are you talking about?” he coughs, turning back to you. 
“What deal did you make with the demon that’s tormenting me?” you don’t mean for your tone to come out harsh, but it does. You were upset - rightfully so. “What are you? A musician? You promised that son of a bitch your first born child for a record deal-”
“I’m not a musician.” he raises his hands in an attempt to calm you. “H-How did you find me-”
“Are you not listening?!” you take a deep breath, again, not wanting to appear too angered. “There’s a demon tormenting me every night. He said that my…father,” you didn’t want to call him that. He had no intentions of ever being in your life, he was nothing but a donor. But it didn’t matter to Jungkook. “made a deal with him. What the fuck was the deal you made with the demon? Why am I the one being tormented when I know you have other children-”
“You are my first born daughter.” the man caves. His voice comes out in a whisper and barely audible. “I have a son older than you before I made the deal.” his voice is cracking - was he guilty? After all these years did he feel bad for whatever he’s done? “I…I needed money to support my family. The demon said if I had a daughter that I…” the man blinks away from you. “...my wife fell pregnant with another son after we made the deal. That demon was upset. I’ll never forget those eyes. He threatened to kill my wife and kids if I didn’t give him a daughter. That was the plan. I never knew demons were specific with gender.”
Your blood runs cold as his words ring in your mind.
“I…what’s your name?”
You’re taken aback by his sudden interest. “Y/N.” you murmur.
“I thought the demon…I don’t know what I thought.” he sighs. “I kept tabs on you for years now and you remained alive. The demon didn’t take you when you were born like I initially thought he would. Each year passed and I began to think that maybe…he forgot? He didn’t want you anymore.”
You want to laugh. To think your life was given away before you were ever conceived. Your eyes roam the large office space and linger on a picture - a family one. The man before you with a woman, his wife, and two boys - his sons. They appeared happy as a small family of four. 
You sniffle, unsure truly if you could be upset with him. He was only doing what he thought was right at the time, trying to provide for his family. You ponder what would happen if he did have a daughter instead of a second son - would Jungkook have been tormenting her instead of you? 
You shake your head. 
“I have to go.” you exhale. “I-”
“I am…so sorry.”
You glance at the man’s way and nod your head. 
“So am I.” you murmur to him, your legs already walking towards the door of his office.
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Your body is sweating, beads of sweat pooling down your skin. Your shirt sticks to you thickly and you’re sure that this is how you were going to die - or pass out. Whichever came first.
Your eyes snap and you lean your head back, cupping your forehead. You sat at your desk, your work forgotten about.
It’s been two months now since you've been tormented by Jungkook - though he had been missing for the last week. You were grateful - in a way - that he has not returned. Your body needed the rest.
Your throat closes up and your eyes snap open. You never ran as fast as you did now, pushing past your co-workers to make your way into the restroom. You slam the stall door open and hurl right into the toilet. You felt physically ill, vomiting for the next ten minutes.
You were sent home once a co-worker found you like that, crying and vomiting - you weren’t even sure you had enough in your stomach to continue, but your body kept on.
It was the following day - you were given a few days off to recover - when you noticed that something was terribly wrong with you. You visited your mother that night for dinner - she claimed that you looked both hungry and ill. She was just going to start dinner - steak - and that you needed to relax while she finished up.
You thought the smell of raw meat would disgust you, but it didn't. While your mother washed dishes in the sink, humming to herself, you opened the fridge to find yourself something to drink. You were parched and now growing hotter by the second. You smelt it first - the raw steak your mother had placed in the fridge for another day. She hadn’t seasoned it yet like she usually did and it caught your eyes almost instantly. Your eyes glanced before the fridge door to your mother, scrubbing along the dishes.
You grasp the bowl the steak was placed in and sniff it, your stomach rumbling. Before you can process what you’re doing, you sink your teeth into the raw meat, the blood oozing from the corner of your lips. It tasted delicious - finally something you could smell or taste without vomiting it up moments after.
Your mind suddenly clicks on what in the world you’re doing. You slam the fridge door shut and hurl the bitten steak in the trash. You feel ill - not because you just ate raw meat, but because you liked it.
“You ate raw meat?” your doctor asks, chuckling awkwardly. “That cannot be good.”
“That’s why I’m here.” you murmur, playing with your fingers to not look your doctor in the eye. “There must be something wrong with me. I-I sweat constantly. I always feel sick. I can’t sleep most nights-”
“That’s what we were looking into.” your doctor nods, offering you a kind smile. “We ran some tests and a part of the problem can be answered. You’re pregnant.”
You shake your head slowly, eyes now widening at the doctor. “I can’t be…” you trail off. 
The only person - were demons even people? Your mind races at the word pregnant. You were only sexually active with Jungkook - an act you weren’t sure if you had complete control over. 
Demons had to be infertile - you were a human woman. There was no way you could be pregnant by a demon.
“We took multiple tests, Y/N. Would you like for me to perform a sonogram?”
You’re starting to feel ill again. 
“Y-Yea.” you whisper. 
The gel placed upon your stomach is cold. You don’t want to look upon the screen, but you’re drawn to it. 
Your doctor hums. “That’s weird.” he murmurs. “The baby appears large.”
You’re unsure how to read the screen, but you try your hardest. 
“But you’re rather small. You are still in the beginning stages of your pregnancy.” your doctor continues.
You pull your eyes away from the screen.
You shake your head. 
“I can’t have this baby.”
Your doctor glances at you, but he doesn’t say anything but nod. 
“Is there a way I can set up an appointment?” you continue. “I-I can’t keep this baby.”
Your doctor nods again. “We can set one up as soon as we have available. Let me speak-”
Your doctor coughs, and then begins to clench his chest. You lean forward as he begins to cough blood. He proceeds to fall to the ground, sonogram equipment crashing alongside him. 
You swing your legs around to get up from the hospital bed. You swing the door open and scream out. “I-I think he’s having a heart attack in here!”
The room swarms with nurses, all pushing you aside. You couldn’t take your eyes off of your doctor as he’s being ushered out. Even as you make your way back home, did you feel as though you were at fault.
You swing the door to your home open and walk in. You close it behind you and wake your way towards your bedroom.
You come face to face with Jungkook.
“Welcome home, my beautiful human.” Jungkook offers you a smile, small dimples on display. “I’ll allow this realm to be your home for now.”
You shake your head. 
Jungkook takes a few steps closer to you. “You’re glowing.” he hums.
“You did this to me.” you hiss his way. “You put this…thing in me-”
“Thing?” Jungkook cackles, red eyes glaring at you. “You mean our child?”
“This isn’t a child.”
“But it is, my beautiful human. Made with our flesh and blood. A product of our love.” Jungkook is in front of you in a matter of seconds. He turns you around so you are facing the floor-length mirror in your room. He places a hand upon your stomach. “Such a powerful being to rival the strongest and most powerful demons of the underworld. I can feel it.”
You feel your throat tighten.
“You cannot feel such power yet. But as he grows throughout the months, so will his powers. They’ll be similar to my own.”
“Yes. He. It’s a boy - I can feel him. He can also feel your disappointment, my beautiful human. You don’t want our child to feel hatred while he’s not yet been born.”
You shake your head. You didn’t want a child - not with a demon. You had your life planned the best you could. Find a man that you loved, get married - have children when the time was right. 
This time was not right.
“It is right.” Jungkook lifts your shirt to reveal your stomach. You feel disgusted that it begins to move. You’ve never seen anything like it. Women in early pregnancy didn’t look like you now. It was as if the child inside of you was attempting to claw its way out.
“Our childs power has shown itself today. He had his first kill.” Jungkook appears proud, crimson eyes shining. “It was self-defense. You tried to get rid of him, Y/N. He knows you did.”
Your heart sinks. Your doctor having a form of a heart attack, bleeding out in front of you. That was you - the child you were pregnant with. 
You blink rapidly to not cry, even if you desperately wanted to.
“Everything would be fine if you would stop fighting your destiny. You were destined to be mine - to submit to me. You are now having our child.”
Jungkook removes his hands from your stomach and lifts it in the air. From his reflection, you witness a small box appear in his hand.
“How do you feel, Y/N?” Jungkook asks, opening the box. “Do you feel nauseous? Headache? Hot?”
You shake your head, watching Jungkook remove a ring from the box. “I know,” he says. “you haven’t felt that way since you walked inside the room. It’s because our child feels welcomed with me around him. He isn’t on alert. He feels safe.”
Jungkook turns you around, holding up the ring. It’s large, a dark stone at the center surrounded by smaller diamonds. He grabs your hand in his own, sliding the ring onto your finger. “You humans enjoy jewelry as an act of commitment.” he states. “Now here it is. Consider us…married.” Jungkook shrugs his shoulders. 
Jungkook offers a smile, unbeknownst to you, a cunning one. Humans were always easy to manipulate.
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Your chest is ready to explode into small pieces. Your chest is tingling, you unwillingly inhale hoping that your lungs would be filled with air - the perfect amount of oxygen needed. Instead, it fills with water. Your head begins to feel numb and light, almost as if it’s going to crack open.
You feel dizzy, as if it dawned onto you just now that you were going to die here. Your arms flapped around for anything, but the weight of the water just brings you down deeper and deeper.
You managed to open your eyes, but the water isn’t clear. It’s hard to make out your surroundings and you cannot fathom what you’ve done to get here. 
You clenched your eyes shut in hopes the ringing in your head would go away, but it didn’t. Instead, it got louder and louder.
There’s no air left in your lungs, nothing keeping you alive. 
Your flaring hands cup your stomach - the bump that grew larger throughout the months. Your baby. Your heart sinks at the thought that not only you would be dying right now, but so would your son - even if a part of him was Jungkook, a demon, he was still a part of you.
Your chest burned while the rest of your body ached. You could no longer fight your kicking legs. You feel yourself sink deeper and deeper into the abyss, your surroundings only growing darker and darker.
Your mind, what little left you had of it, screamed for Jungkook to save you - that he was truly your only hope left. Not just for you, but for the child you both shared.
Your screams echo and bounce off of your ears. Your body begins to frail once more, feeling yourself being restrained. Your eyes finally focus and you realize that you are not deep in the abyss anymore.
Cries are heard throughout the room and finally, you stop fighting against the hands restraining you.
“I-Is that…”
You aren’t in a room. You aren’t sure where in the world you are. The walls are stone and high. There’s candles that are lined around your cot and on the walls. Surrounding you are several men, all unfamiliar except one. Jungkook. He’s holding something in his arms, wrapped in a clothed blanket. 
“Our son.” Jungkook rocks the wailing baby until he’s quiet. 
“Can I…hold him?”
The six men surrounding you all watch as Jungkook places the baby into your arms. Your eyes are fixed on him. He doesn’t appear to be that of a newborn - yet, he was half demon, so you wouldn’t hold anything against him. He’s still so small in your arms and against your chest and warm to the touch. There’s a mop of dark hard atop of his head.
Your son's eyes are open - and they are the same as Jungkook’s. Crimson, shining right up at you.
Your finger touches his skin, feeling your heart feel warm at just the sight of him.
Jungkook hums, feeling himself smile. He had you now - fully. Now more than ever would have if it was not for the child he’d given you; you had called for him while in the abyss to save the both of you. Even if there was never any direct harm to you physically, mentally you were calling for him. Him to protect you and his son.
“It’s time.” one of the men said. Jungkook takes the baby back into his arms, shushing when the small infant begins to sob at your lack of contact.
“W-What’s happening?” you want to hold your baby close to you once more, inhale the soft baby scent that even a half demon like he had. 
The six men surrounding you began to chant. You’re unsure what’s happening, but your heart sinks. There’s an uneasy feeling in your core.
“Jungkook…” you murmur, reaching out for him.
“It’s alright, my beautiful human.” Jungkook takes a step back with the baby, rocking him gently. “The bond has been completed. Now we can be together for eternity. In Hell.”
The room begins to shake, as if an earthquake was beginning to happen. The candles on the stone walls all fall, falling onto the ground and erupting around you.
“Jungkook!” you shout, your nails clenching the thin sheet surrounding you. What in the world is going on right now? 
“The pain will not last long, my beautiful wife…” Jungkook trails off. His son begins to cry, feeling the distress coming from his mother - noted seeing as he was just as connected to you as he was to Jungkook. “...once it’s over, you can reunite with us in the Underworld. We will be waiting for you.”
The chants only get louder and the room hotter. When you managed to take your eyes away from Jungkook, you looked towards the shaking ground. It erupts, pits of flames crashing through the ground. You scream, unsure of what was going on.
Jungkook’s words ring in your mind - you would be reunited with them in the Underworld.
Your blood runs cold, feeling your arms being pulled upon from an unknown force deep within the pits. 
Your eyes lock with Jungkook for a last time, crimson eyes staring right into your own. You’re unsure how to read him - he was a demon and could demons ever truly be trusted? They were cunning and selfish; only truly anything for personal gain.
��I’ll be right down there when you arrive, Y/N. We both will.’ 
You’re shocked for a moment, hearing Jungkook’s voice directly into your thoughts. Now your body is being dragged down into the Earth, swallowing you fully and yet, all you could hear are Jungkook’s words in your head.
‘You have my word, my beautiful wife.’
PART 2 | Divine Intervention (Taehyung Version)
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whereserpentswalk · 22 days
Your body will transform to fit the world you go to, and you can choose for time to pass slower on your original world. There's a good chance you'll end up dating (and probably fucking) the creature you with if that's the thing you're into. You can still contact them after you go back home.
Reblog to get them to appear swiftly. Like to give them a little treat on their way there.
521 notes · View notes
yuki2sksksk · 9 months
-` 𝕄𝕒𝕤𝕥𝕖𝕣𝕝𝕚𝕤𝕥𝕤 ´-
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【 𝙃𝙖𝙜𝙖𝙣𝙚𝙯𝙪𝙠𝙖 𝙃𝙤𝙩𝙖𝙧𝙪 𝙭 𝙍𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧 】
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6 (Ending)
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【 𝙑𝙞𝙣𝙨𝙢𝙤𝙠𝙚 𝙎𝙖𝙣𝙟𝙞 𝙭 𝙒𝙞𝙩𝙘𝙝 𝙍𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧 】
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
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【 𝘿𝙚𝙢𝙤𝙣 𝙎𝙡𝙖𝙮𝙚𝙧 𝙈𝙚𝙧𝙢𝙖𝙞𝙙/𝙋𝙞𝙧𝙖𝙩𝙚𝙨 𝘼𝙐】
Kanae meets Sanemi and Shinobu is trying to grill Giyuu alive
Giyuu is saved yay
The Butterfly Pirates info
Lionfish based merman Kyojuro and Betta fish based Akaza (ft Inosuke)
Barmaid Mitsuri
Sea creatures they're based off
Sanemi stares at Kanae's poster
Yooo Giyushino crumbles 🤭
How Tanjirou and Kanao met + doodles
Injured Kanae
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【 𝙐𝙣𝙝𝙞𝙣𝙜𝙚𝙙 𝙉𝙚𝙯𝙪𝙠𝙤 𝙨𝙚𝙧𝙞𝙚𝙨 】
The first
The second
The third
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【 𝙂𝙧𝙚𝙚𝙣 𝙁𝙡𝙖𝙜𝙨 𝙎𝙝𝙚𝙣𝙖𝙣𝙞𝙜𝙖𝙣𝙨 】
Chibi Tanjirou, Luffy and Izuku
Tanjirou's forehead
Ft. Nezuko and her Blood Demon Art
One day at the park...
They have tragic siblings yeah
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starchbean · 5 days
The reason I'm diving so headlong into the SVSSS fandom when I also love TGCF (I haven't yet read MDZS) but haven't delved NEARLY as deep into the fandom is thus:
Fanfic for TGCF... well, it FEELS like fanfic. That isn't bad. I LOVE fanfic. But the story of TGCF is self-contained. The /real/ Xie Lian and Hua Cheng etc are them as portrayed by MXTX. They had the trials they will have, and now these poor old men get to rest in each others' arms, which is beautiful.
Scum Villain fic does NOT feel like fanfic, because IT IS REAL! It happened! It ALL happened! Thanks to the Bing-ge extra, the persistent existence of multiverse and multiple instances of Binghes and Shens etc is evidence that there is definitely more out there the original MXTX story doesn't touch on. And the best part is, it doesn't matter how wacky it is, it's STILL REAL!
Terminally ill Shen Yuan finds his way to a catgirl cafe where femboy catboy transmigrator Binghe is trying to work his way out of poverty? Mobei Jun kidnaps Airplane Shooting Towards the Sky and forces him to rewrite PIDW so that HE becomes the demon emperor because Binghe is real fuckin unstable and it's a headache--and every written change alters their world immediately after Airplane writes it? It's out there somewhere in the multiverse, surely!
And of COURSE they'd act slightly differently between iterations, BE slightly different--it's not OOC, it's multidimensional variation. No matter how hard you meme, it doesn't feel fake at all, and that's INCREDIBLE! It lends itself to being a superfandom!
388 notes · View notes
cult-of-yuri · 10 days
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350 notes · View notes
trivia-yandere · 8 months
Hello! I love the stories you guys write! Thank you for taking the time to write. I’m not sure if you’re still taking requests, but I was wondering if you could write king jungkook/jimin tying princess reader up to the bed and having his way with her and it’s her first time. She has to marry him now. Thank you again!
so i followed most of what you sent, with a little twist :) i hope what we came up with is enjoyable
word is bond
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in order to save your kingdom from perishing, you agree to give your body to the demon king - jimin. @chimmy-licious @bangtans-momma @sweetempathprunetree @momnomnom @darkuni63
word count: 5.142
warning: unsolicited touching/groping/biting/grinding, blood, voyeurism, public humiliation/degradation, oral (f receiving), throat fucking, yandere tendencies, finger sucking, dark themes, sadism, compulsion, riding, creampie, violence, multiple character deaths, manipulation, mind break,
halloween masterlist | alternate universe masterlist
The castle walls are tall, towering hundreds of feet above you. The throne room is bright - pentagon shaped windows shining the early morning sun into the throne room. You saunter down the marble floor, the heels of your boots clicking against it. Your royal attire is made to attract attention - and to separate you from the townspeople, of course. The royal jacket is larger than you’d like, but plated in gold, fur lined around the collar of it. Your skirt drags along the floor as does the cape you wore.
You can feel the eyes of the townspeople, behind a mountain of guards, on you. You keep your eyes straight ahead on the throne, the large elevated seat that you once dreamed of sitting upon.
You made your way to the throne chair, a guard assisting you upon the elevated surface. You look back at the large crowd, so many people in such a closed off room - all of which are here for you. Your heart feels heavy with joy knowing that your people were here to witness you be crowned as Queen.
Your eyes caught with your brother - the former King. He’s seated at the far right of the large throne room, an emotionless look in his eyes. He doesn’t smile your way when your eyes meet, but you aren’t surprised. You cannot recall the last time your brother smiled at you, maybe back before he was crowned as King once the death of your parents; and that was many years ago.
The crowd begins to clap and cheer once they witness Haneul, an old soldier who once fought alongside your father and now stood as a mentor, lift the crown high above your head. The crown is gold, several circle ornaments displayed upon it with several different gemstones and diamonds upon it. A smile forms onto your lips when you feel the crown be placed upon your head. 
“All hail the Queen!” Haneul says, voice boisterous and loud so all of the crowd could hear.
You bow your head slightly to the crowd, eyes roaming to all faces of the people - your people. 
Once again, your eyes meet those of your brother. You aren’t upset that he doesn’t appear cheerful - after all, the throne was overthrown and now you took his spot as ruler. However, there's a tint in his eyes that you cannot understand.
Your elder brother had been King for years now, nearing a decade since the death of your father a year after your mother. He wasn’t married, and still hasn't found a wife to call Queen. He was always a busy man, becoming a soldier once he was of age, working his way up to lieutenant, sergeant and so on. 
The death of your father came sudden, and your brother was crowned King a week after. You saw the once youthful look turn to one full of stress and disdain. His expression turned emotionless overtime, appearing completely far gone.
Your brother was once loved as a Prince, but became hated as a King. He became tyrannical once he was in power, no longer valuing the townspeople's needs or wants. He was now responsible for the suffering of the same people, forcing working hours to increase, along with tax becoming nearly unreasonable. Anyone who rebelled against your brother was arrested, sended to an underground confinement - and likely to die.
What caused the rebellion against your brother had you at the forefront of it all. You had begged your brother to stop his madness, that it wasn’t like him to be such a cruel individual. You had stormed past guards and elite soldiers to get to your brother, in his hands a gun pointed straight at a man. Guards are attempting to hold back a forming mod, all protesting the life of the man who your brother held a gun at.
You’d never forget that day your brother had made you decide the fate of the man. Princes or Princesses never had the authority over a King or Queen’s decision. “I allow you to live a good life in the palace, sister.” your brother stated. “But since you are too stubborn to mind the business of a Princess, then I’ll allow you to make a decision of a Queen just this once.”
The life of the angry mod - nearly 100 - or the life of the man was in your power to decide. You had refused, shaking your head at the thought of it. The man didn’t deserve to die, he was just one of the first to go against your brother's harsh ruling, the mob following soon after in protest.
“You’d be a weak Queen, sister.” was your brother's final words to you after he killed the man and detained the angry mod in confinement. 
It was now evening, the townspeople all guided out of the palace. It’s eerily silent inside the castle, even the guards don’t appear to speak much.
You sit inside of your study - the same that once belonged to your father and brother while they ruled. Your arms are crossed as you look upon your brother. He leans against a large bookshelf, dark eyes on you. 
Haneul observed the pair of you with a sigh. He was such a close friend to your father, he was there when the two of you were born nearly a decade apart. He was seen as a mentor when you both needed him to be, or a friend if it was that. Witnessing your brother become a complete tyrant wasn’t something anyone expected, but neither was the fall of love the two shared as siblings.
“Congratulations on becoming Queen.” your brother steps away from the bookshelf, hands behind his back. “You’ve surprised me by holding a sword in front of you so threateningly.”
Your brother’s teasing. He had scoffed when you had come, stating that he had no business being the King if he couldn’t run it without causing such fear upon the people.
“I have given you the title as Queen willingly. To think my own flesh and blood would betray me in such a way.” your brother hisses with a shake of his head, dark hair flowing around him.
“You became a tyrant!” you hiss, slamming your hands onto the table. “You were never a leader or a King, brother. You became someone that not even I knew.”
“I’ve done whatever to assure your safety most importantly, sister.” your brother stalks towards you, a malice look in his eye. “I’ve done everything with good reason.”
“Good reason?” you scoff. “Murdering our own people is a good reason, brother? Forcing them to work such cruel hours and raising the prices of taxes and rent is a good reason?”
You shake your head. You had no need to listen further to your brother's ramblings. 
Haneul steps between the pair of you with raised hands. “Let’s attempt to remain calm.” he says with a warning tone. 
“No.” your brother hisses. “Since my dear sister believes that I am nothing but a tyrant, how about I tell you the truth.”
You knit your brows at your brother. 
“There’s a reason we do not get out of our Kingdom's walls and why they are so high, sister. You’ve been told countless folklore of the mountains that surround us and just how we are to not step foot from the gates - especially at night?”
You swallow the lump in your throat and nod your head slightly. There was never a need to question the elder people in your lives who told you how dangerous outside the walls were. The townspeople remained inside, living comfortably in their own homes. Schools, sanctuaries and factories remained inside the Kingdom grounds, surrounding the castle you resided in. There was enough food to be had between the townspeople and the royals - farmers growing the best vegetables and raising livestock and all.
“There’s a reason for this, sister.” your brother continues. “I had good reason to become the way I am. Haneul, you were one of several survivors that fought the darkness that are outside our Kingdom walls decades ago while our grandfather reigned. You understand the threat we face day by day.”
Haneul nods slowly, eyes glancing at you.
“What darkness?” you question, leaning closer to your desk.
“Women are not allowed in the army, sister, and thus you have no true reason to understand just what we are raised to fight outside the Kingdom walls. We have been able to slain such darkness for decades until a new threat came upon.”
You feel the hairs on the back of your neck rise at your brother's words. 
“I’ve come face to face to a new threat, a King such as myself, of this darkness.”
Haneul is the first to react, his eyes widening at your brother's words. “Impossible.”
“I tell no lies, Haneul.” your brother shrugs. “It seems as though us slaying the lower demons were just a distraction for the King to rise into power once more.”
“Your grandfather has slain the King back in his reign. I’ve watched-”
Haneul is interrupted by your brother once more. He waves the older man off with a huff. “He was never slain, Haneul. He killed all of my men that came with me years ago and left me as the sole survivor.”
You gasp at the words.
You recall the time your brother was brought in several wounded after returning, but you were not given a direct answer to what had happened. The sight of the blood stained floors had haunted you for weeks on end.
“What exactly are you saying, brother? What darkness is threatening us?” you try your best to not appear frightened, but it’s impossible.
Your brother - after all these years - wore an expression. That of sadness…fear.It’s as though you can finally let his guard down and tell you what he was feeling; allow everything in his mind to fall right into your lap.
“The demon King was never dead, Haneul. He was unable to seek his revenge for he was wounded, which is why he had his own army to do so. But in the last few years, he’s grown stronger by the day. He warned me that we would be coming to take over our Kingdom and get revenge on the very people he managed to defeat him temporarily.”
Your brother's eyes never leave yours.
“You and I, sister, are who he wants dead. He left me alive just to spread the word - that or this is all a game to him.” your brother’s voice cracks -  one that was once so deep and stern, now has a whimper to it. He can finally break the wall he has put up, but at what cause?
“I did what I had to do to raise an army to fight this darkness, sister. Haneul. I needed the townspeople working constantly on our weapons, armory and anything else we needed to fight them off. We needed the money to bring in outside sources from down the mountains if need be.”
“Brother…” Why didn’t he tell you?
“All the sacrifices I made, sister, was to not only protect the Kingdom, but to protect you.” your brother turns away from you. He was your elder brother and right before your father’s death, he had promised that you would always be out of harm's way. “You told me that you’d never forgive me for the tyrant I’ve become, sister. And that was the risk I was willing to take if it meant you’d remained alive.”
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“What is a Queen willing to do in order to protect her Kingdom?” is what the demon had asked you.
“Anything.” is what you told him.
Your brother had told you that soon - maybe within the next five months - that darkness would take over your Kingdom and that was the reason he became completely tyrannical. You now understood why he became so harsh, why he needed such a large amount of money to supply weapons and armor; even if you didn’t completely agree with his reasoning. 
You were now Queen and the Kingdom and the townspeople needed you to be there for them. Against Haneul and your brothers wishes, you made your way out of the large Kingdom’s walls, assuring to close the gate behind you. You never been outside the Kingdom, walking down the dark path towards the forested area - you never had a reason to, either. The moon is high and shining bright and you’re thankful that it gives you enough light to see where you were going. 
Though you were never raised to fight in the imperial army, you were trained in combat and how to protect yourself if need be - you just hoped that what you were taught was enough if you came across whatever darkness was out there. 
You’re unsure how long you’ve walked the dirt path and yet, you’ve found nothing. Your plan was something you weren’t sure of yourself - find the darkness and what? Fight them off yourself?
Your head snaps to the left, instantly, you grab your dagger to defend yourself. Before you can do anything to defend yourself from any attacker, you feel your feet being lifted from the ground and the side of your body throbbing in pain.
You’re at a loss of breath, chest heaving while your heart is beating erratically. Your back is pressed firmly against a tree, your hand clenches along your ribcage.
“I’ve never seen a woman out this late.”
The voice is sinister and you do not see who it belongs to at first. Your vision is blurred and you’re doing everything in your power to focus on your surroundings.
Footsteps, you hear them coming. Your eyes slowly become wider when they capture the thing in front of you - was this the demon your brother spoke of? Part of the darkness that was going to take over the Kingdom?
The demon is tall, you note. Its eyes are dark and appear to have no irises. It’s covered in hair and its spine is curved. You recall the tales you heard when you were younger from your brother of werewolves, but this cannot be that - right?
You raise your dagger, the light from the moon flashing the demon right into the eye. You gulp just as the demon lunges. 
You scream upon feeling something slash along your cheek, but you were determined to win this fight. Your dagger comes down onto the demon's shoulder as it gets closer to you, and your feet kicks it away from you, but to no avail. You feel your royal attire being ripped, your jacket going first. 
To think you survived this long without truly knowing the truth of the darkness that plagues the forest and mountains outside your kingdom - lived long enough to become Queen.
To now possibly die before finding a way to fight for your Kingdom long enough.
Your clothing is ruined, near shreds when you hear a high pitched scream come from the demon before you. It begins to burn before your eyes. Your hand immediately touches your cheek, the warm blood oozes onto your fingers.
You cannot see anything surrounding you - or whoever the voice belongs to. There's a breeze in the air now and it causes you to shiver due to your shattered clothing.
There’s a force pulling you by your hair. Your hands reach out to try to get whatever it was off of you, but you’re shocked to feel your clothes being ripped, as well. You struggle against the unseen force, your thighs being pulled apart.
“I’ve yet to see a woman out of the Kingdom.” The voice speaks once more. “Until now. And not just any woman…” you’re shocked to feel a wet sensation upon your cheek. “...the Queen.”
Your clothes - though shattered - are completely off of your body. You’re left in nothing but undergarments and chest binding, and soon the bandage bindings are off of you, as well. You feel disgusted with the unseen’s force hands upon your skin, touching and groping.
You feel a pair of lips kiss down your bare skin, the wind blowing erratically around you. The unseen force places kisses upon your neck, down to your collarbone, breast to your stomach. There’s goosebumps littering your skin, the foreign sensation disgusting you - more so because you feel a pool of pleasure between your legs. 
“What is a Queen doing outside her kingdom?” the force asks.
“The King…” you trail off, just as you feel hands tug at your undergarments, the cotton clothed that is the only piece of dignity you had left. “I-I need to see him…”
You force stops and for a moment, you begin to think that you’ve hallucinated. You go to cover your breast, chest heaving as you breathe.
You close your eyes for a moment to capture your breath, and once you open them you’re startled. 
“You’ve come out of your Kingdom to see me, Queen?” the man's voice is the same as the unseen force - low and sultry, a hint of taunt in his voice.
The man appears human, tan and smooth skin with dark hair with matching dark eyes. His lips are plush, pink and full.
You feel as though you’re hallucinating once more. The man is right where the unseen force had been, now instead he’s pinning you down. You feel far too exposed for his eyes and unsolicited hands wandering. 
“Usually I kill whoever comes so deep into the mountains…” the man's nails are long as he trails them down your cheek. You feel the cut on your cheek begin to burn and you winch slightly. The cut disappears in a matter of seconds and you no longer feel the throbbing pain from your side. “...but you look far too appealing to get rid of, Queen.”
You swallow the lump in your throat.
“Why have you ventured out to see me, Queen?” the man doesn’t stop his touches, nor does he care about asking for any form of permission. His hands grip both of your naked breasts, tongue dipping down to capture a nipple into his mouth. 
“Please, stop.” you beg, shuddering beneath him at the foreign sensation. “I-I…you’re going to attack my kingdom.”
Your back arches when the demon continues to suckle onto your breast, eyes flickering up to you. “I am.” he says after popping your nipple from his mouth. “Such a whorish body for a virgin, Queen.”
The demon shoves your thighs apart, his eyes on your clothed center. He notices the wet spot on your underwear and hums. 
You feel hot with embarrassment, thighs quivering to close. 
“I sense that you’ve come out here to make a deal with me, Queen? You’re far too weak to kill me.” the demon laughs, as if the thought of you attempting to cause him any harm is just that comical. 
The demon rips off your underwear and dips his head between your legs. His tongue laps between your folds.
Once again, your back arches and your eyes clenched shut. You want to fight the demon, but there’s no use - he’s stronger than you, even if he appears human. He holds onto your legs tightly as he ravishes your clit hungrily.
Your moans don’t go unnoticed from either of you. You didn’t want this - he was a demon and presumably the King your brother spoke of. However, you cannot control how your body feels - and it feels far too amazing to not moan.
“What is a Queen willing to do in order to protect her Kingdom?” is what the demon had asked you, lifting his head from your throbbing clit, licking his lips.
“Anything.” is what you told him, fresh tears pooling down your cheeks with overstimulation.
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“Sister…” the look on your brother's face breaks your heart. “...what have you done?”
The demon’s name is Jimin - or that’s what he called himself when he allowed you to leave, making sure your skin was littered with bite marks and bruises before he did so.
The last time you saw Jimin was months prior when you had strolled through the forest. He had allowed you to leave and told you in five months time, you would see him again. 
Jimin didn’t say that when he’d return, it would be without bloodshed. He allowed the darkness - as your brother called them - to wreak havoc upon the Kingdom. Innocent lives were lost and nearly half of your soldiers had gone with them.
Your brother’s eyes fall upon you, running towards the same demon King he had warned Haneul about months prior, a look of disbelief on his face. He holds the sword high in one hand, ready to attack Jimin if given the chance to - only you had stepped right in between the blade and the demon. The demon held a smug look upon his face, a smirk forming on his plush lips.
You were crying, your brother notes. Your hand grasps Jimin’s top, pushing him away with all your might - something he allowed you to do. You had fallen to your knees next, begging for the King to call off the darkness surrounding you - to stop the havoc upon innocent blood.
“I told you I’d do anything.” you cried to the smug King. 
“That you did.” Jimin quips.
The demon king raises his hands, flicking it slightly. It was as if it was a call to attention - the once demonic entities that savagely attacked the townspeople and guards - now surrounded you. 
“Sister…” your brother murmurs, eyes gazing along the different types of entities surrounding you all. 
“A Queen is willing to do anything to protect her Kingdom.” Jimin states to your brother.
Jimin snaps his fingers, and in a blink of an eye, the scenery changes. You are now inside the palace in the large throne room. Your brother, several guards and soldiers including the demonic entities occupy the room.
You swallow the lump in your throat, eyes roaming to the frozen crowd.
“They’re conscious. Just unable to move.” Jimin states from behind you, a hand gripping your shoulder. “I want them to watch their Queen crumble beneath my fingers. Especially that brother of yours.”
Jimin snaps again and now, you feel it once more - the unseen force. Your royal attire is being ripped from your body once more - falling to shreds at your feet. Jimin watches intently at the show before him, you flushed and hot and embarrassed.
Jimin raises a hand and points two fingers at you. He flicks it low and instantly, you fall to your knees. 
Jimin is slow to walk towards you, and when he does, he grips your cheeks harshly. He pries your mouth open and enters two fingers inside of it.
“Don’t choke.” Jimin commands, forcing his fingers deeper inside of your mouth.
You do, feeling the tips of his fingers reach closer to the back of your throat.
Jimin sighs with a shake of his head.
You gasp when your cheek stings. You fall to the side, barely managing to catch yourself. 
“Open your mouth for me, human.” Jimin commands, but it’s as though he does it himself. Your mouth opens wide as if on impact - having no true control of your actions.
Your eyes are wide as you watch Jimin release his trousers. It falls to his knees and before you is his cock - erect, veiny and large. 
“I can smell your fear, Queen. You being afraid will not stop me from taking you in front of your soldiers, guards and brother.”
Jimin places the tip of his cock on your tongue, rubbing it along the wet muscle for a moment before he fully enters your mouth.
Jimin is a true demon - your human tears do not affect him. With each thrust, he hits the back of your throat, but your mouth never falters - you’re compelled to keep your mouth open until he is finished. 
Jimin grunts, surprise how your throat takes him so well - he can see the outline of his cock on your throat as he fucks you, and it only makes him want to hurt you more. 
Your throat swells with a thick, salty substance and you find it difficult to breathe. You’re squirming beneath Jimin, wanting everything in your power to fight his compulsion and to get away from him.
“Swallow.” Jimin hisses - and you do. It’s difficult at first, so thick that it takes several tries. But when you do, you begin to cough at the new found oxygen you receive when Jimin takes his cock from your mouth.
Jimin cackles at your appearance - puffy lips and face, blurry eyes with tear stained cheeks. 
“Go ahead, Queen,” Jimin tilts his head. “tell me how you are going to save your kingdom.”
As if it wasn’t humiliating enough to have the eyes of people who respected you watching, Jimin wanted you to further be embarrassed. 
“B-By letting you use me.” your throat hurts, throbbing with such pain. 
“Hm…” Jimin shakes his head. “I want to hear you beg, Queen. You came to me, afterall.”
You’re shuddering, naked skin erupting in goosebumps. You bowed to Jimin, wishing that this was nothing but a cruel nightmare you’d wake up from. “Please u-use me…”
Jimin snorts, unamused. “If that’s what you call begging, then I’ll kill them now.”
One guard is unfrozen. He falls to his knees, engulfed in bright orange flames. His screams echo off the wall of the throne room, echoing deep within your mind. 
“Please use me and don’t hurt my people!” you scream, hot and fresh tears soring down your cheeks. You’re trembling in fear, Jimin’s true nature showing. “Hurt me as much as you’d like!”
Jimin’s interest peaks, a smirk forming onto his lips. “Oh?”
The unseen force slams your face against the marble floor and forces your legs apart. You feel Jimin behind you, sharp nails against your naked skin. His skin burns yours, so hot that it feels as if it’ll melt yours. 
“A Queen would do anything to save her kingdom.” Jimin cackles once more.
You scream out when you feel yourself being stretched out. Your eyes clenched shut, tears finding their way out of your eyes somehow. 
Jimin grinds deep inside of you, hissing at just how tight you were - a true virgin. Instantly, you’re bleeding, blood seeping down your thighs mixed with slick. But Jimin doesn’t care. He doesn’t slow his abusive thrusts.
“For years I’ve been bound into the forest until I was able to break free.” Jimin says, his abdomen slapping against your ass as he takes you. “Years my kind has been falling to the likes of filthy humans such as yourself.”
You’re going to die, the pain excruciating. With each thrust, you’re pounded against the marble floor roughly, hitting deeper and deeper inside of you that you’re positive you’d be split open. 
“And now, Queen, I will take out decades of frustration upon you with no remorse.”
Jimin’s promise rang true. He continues to pound into you at a brutal pace for who knows how long. You felt yourself being filled countless times - each time more than before.
Jimin had flipped you onto your back, admiring how your breast bounced  furiously as he fucks you, his cock causing a bulge so large in your stomach. Your cries are nothing but music to his ears, pussy clenching him so tightly as it drips a large puddle around him.
Jimin hoists you up, fucking into you against one of the frozen guards, not caring about any of them or their lives - humiliating you was his true purpose. You’re unable to speak, only screaming and crying louder with each thrust.
Hours upon hours had gone by and you had no tears left to cry or any protest to give. You accepted your fate by now. Your insides hurt and you’re truly unsure just how many times you could be pleasured by such a demon - an insane amount of liquid had squirted out of you countless times.
“It’s your turn, Queen.” Jimin drops you onto the ground, amused by your twitching form. His cum oozes out of you rapidly, clit throbbing and red.
Your body suddenly feels hot and any exhaustion you once felt is now gone. This had to be the work of Jimin’s demonic powers.
You spring from your fetal position to wrap your legs around Jimin. He sits upon the cold marble floor, wrapping his arms around you.
What was going on? Why had you suddenly regained such strength and stamina?
You sit upon Jimin’s erect cock and moan out. Your hips rise and fall at an alarming pace - you’ve never done this before, however, you appear a pro at it. Your fingernails dig into his skin and you feel your eyes roll to the back of your head. 
Jimin chuckles at your new eagerness, allowing you to go wild against him. It may be his compulsion over you, but he cannot fake your orgasm or your slick - that was all you.
“You seem to be enjoying yourself, Queen. Does my cock do this to you?”
You nod your head erratically, your hips never buckling. You’re creaming his cock, stars forming in your compelled eyes. All you could think about his Jimin - his cock, his cum, and him overall.
“You’ll only cum when I allow you to, Queen. Is that what you want? To cum?”
“Please, please, please!” your mind is blank - you’ve forgotten what you initially agreed upon with the demon, all you can think about now is cumming all over his cock. “Please let me cum!”
“Cock hungry whore.” Jimin wraps a hand around your neck and squeezes. “These people would never respect you as their Queen even after you risked your life to save theirs.”
You’re cumming, a pool of slick shooting out of you, but even then you cannot stop your aggressive riding. You wanted more than to cum - you wanted Jimin’s cum deep inside of you once more - over and over again.
“What are you willing to do to have my cum, whore?” Jimin begins to thrust along with you, reaching deeper. “Would you watch your Kingdom burn for it?”
You’re too far gone now and you nod your head.
Humans were truly easy to fool.
“So be it.” Jimin snaps his fingers, the room erupting in a fit of fire.
Even with the sounds of screams, you want nothing more than for Jimin to use you - to breed you. It’s what whores truly desire, Jimin thinks, to be bred by whoever is willing. He’s positive once you come back to your senses, you’d be devastated to know that your brother, Haneul, the royal guards and soldiers are dead - however, he promised you that your Kingdom would remain; not the people occupying it.
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koaahata15 · 21 days
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Here in Mexico it was Mother's Day and the children celebrated it for their "mommy"
254 notes · View notes
tja---7 · 3 months
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4. Mayor and LBD
352 notes · View notes
ani-dragmire · 3 months
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171 notes · View notes
legoangstissogay · 3 months
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A silly little au someone on Discord made! decided to draw a few of the scenes they described that could happen, we love a tortured Red son :D
195 notes · View notes
yuamui · 5 months
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keep your tutor warm
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selineram3421 · 3 months
Heeeey, semi-insipred/totally inspired by "As the World Caves in" can you do a story that involves Alastor going after that one last killer he hadn't got yet. Like alot of serial rapist-murders, they have a type they go after. Maybe Alastor's fiance is exactly 100% the type, and he starts noticing a new car in their neighborhood and a new seemingly friendly face in their lives that seems to be VERY interested in his fiancé, but mostly he is just seen walking a dog and from gossip might be the new bf of a neighbor (who doesn't fit the type). Nothing OBVIOUSLY suspicious to your averge person but maybe not Alastor.
Maybe they can be kind of a foil to Alastor where Alastor in his own twisted way has a nobel cause of trying to stop extremly dangerous crime by killing criminals that the cops aren't getting either on purpose or theoufh incompetence.
Maybe the serial rapist murder also thinks they have a nobel cause thinking they are "saving women from this terrible world." Or whatever idea that they got in their head to justify their wants. Maybe just some guy. Crooked cop knowing how to dodge the system. Ifk.
Idk, I'm messy and here for the DRAMA!
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Ooooo~ Some of you wanted mooooooore. Lol.
Coming Apart
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As The World Caves In
Human Alastor X Human Reader Oneshot
⚠ she/they for reader, mentions of hunting, blood/gore(discriptive injuries), fluff/angst, food mention-breakfast, hinting at the start of cannibalism, stalking, attempted rape, murder, blood!, bad dog owner, reader gets their hands dirty, self defence ⚠
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Being engaged to Alastor is very much like being partners in crime.
It is never boring.
Instead, its quite exciting and unexpected at times. Sometimes its good but sometimes it could also be bad.
Like right now.
It was late at night.
Only students working on papers or assignments are up at this hour. Thankfully with blasting music, headphones or not.
You were up waiting.
Alastor was out on one of his "deer hunts", you like to call it. Only because you found antlers mounted in his dorm when in college and thought he hunted them.
It gave a good cover for his occasional late night outings.
The hour was way past twelve, quiet in the apartment save for the ticking from your antique mantle clock sitting on the windowsill.
Outside was a different story.
Modern times have a more active night life, and cars pass by now and again. Not too often.
Thank god I don't live on a main street.
You thought, scrolling through images on your phone. Trying to ease the multiple worried thoughts swarming in your mind.
He was late.
Later than usual. Both of you had a long talk about how to carry out his "hunting" properly to ensure it did not disturb nature too much.
It was still bothering you.
He's late.
Then you notice that you've started bouncing your leg in place, and your thoughts keep spiraling.
Finally, there's a sound by the door.
Practically jumping up, you rush over and check the peep-hole, seeing him looking down the hallway and leaning over a bit.
Opening the door quickly with a smile, it shifts into a gasp. "Alastor!", you end up saying in shock instead of happiness.
He's holding himself up by leaning his hand on the doorway, his other hand is red and pressed up against his abdomen. "Hello darling..", he gives you a wobbly smile. "I'm home."
"Get inside, quick!", you whisper shout and pull him carefully.
He hisses in pain but follows you inside the apartment, not going too far. Moving to the wall, he slides down against it to a sitting position in the entryway. Letting out a few more noises of pain when you peel away his hand and shirt from his wound.
"Al.. Al honey, we have to get you to a hospital.", you manage to not stutter out.
"No-what? No. Then they'll ask how I got stabbed.", he says and moves your hand away with a sound effect to go with it. "Pssshh."
"And that tells me how much blood you've lost.", you say as you call an ambulance.
Both of you end up learning more first aid so this doesn't happen again, and so there is no suspicion.
At least it was never boring. Both of you hate being bored.
Weekend mornings are Alastor's favorite.
Because every weekend morning starts off with music.
"Lovin' you is easy cause you're beautiful~", he sings and dances with his fiancé in the kitchen.
"Don't forget to flip the pancake.", they say and give a quick kiss, that turns into a slightly longer one.
Flipping the pancake quickly, he goes back to them to continue dancing.
"And everything that I do is out of lovin' you~", he hums the rest.
The radio continues to play the song as the two prepare breakfast.
Coffee is almost done and mugs are set out, plates are on the counter nearby the stove, and the table has a vase full of flowers that were picked from yesterday's grocery shopping.
Yes, everything should be perfect..
But why does this look lacking?
Alastor thinks as he stares down at the plate he is putting food on, which has scrambled eggs, toast and sausages.
"And every day my life is filled with lovin' you~", she sang while pouring coffee into the mugs.
Shaking the thought out of his head, he finishes up serving the food and takes the plates over to the table.
"Darling, do we have anything planned for today?", he asks as he sets the plates on the table and pulls out the chairs.
"Hmm.. I don't think so.", they say, making their way to the table with the mugs full of coffee. "I'd like to go thrift shopping though, we can try finding that old radio you wanted.", they say placing the mugs on the table.
"I quite like that idea. Let's do it!", he agrees with a smile.
The two sit down to eat and talk about what else they might buy.
Its a week later that his fiancé notices a new face in the neighborhood.
"Do we have a new neighbor?", they ask while looking out the window, but staying near the wall to be out of sight.
"A new neighbor?", he asks and makes his way over, standing next to them and also taking a look.
There's a man sitting at the bus bench on his phone with a dog leash in one hand. Odd thing is that a dog is nowhere to be seen.
"Do you think someone was dog sitting for him?", she asks.
"Perhaps, but we can't be too sure.", he says. "Let's go back to planning love. We're almost done with all of the food options."
"Don't forget the sweets table.", they say and head back over to the couch.
"How can I forget your sugar addiction.", he says with a light laugh and follows behind them.
"At least I know you won't steal my treats."
A few more days pass and the stranger is still hanging around the apartment complex. Not liking the odd vibes he gives off, Alastor visits an elderly neighbor that both of you like to call Grandmother.
He knocks on the door, holding a pie his love baked before heading off to work.
The door opens, revealing an old woman with white hair and wearing a purple dress, with a small pink flower broach pinned on their off white cardigan.
"Alastor, what a surprise.", the old woman smiles.
"Hello Ms Rosie, how are you today?", he offers a smile back.
"I'm doing well dear, come in!", she says and opens the door wider, walking to the living room. "Where is that lovely fiancé of yours?"
"They had to go to work today, one of the people called in sick.", Alastor answers and closes the door behind him before following the woman.
"Would you like tea? I just made some cinnamon tea.", Rosie now makes her way into the kitchen. "Set the pie down on the coffee table."
He sets down the pie like asked and sits down on the couch, knowing the woman would make a slight fuss if he didn't.
Rosie comes back with two mugs of tea and hands one to him before sitting down on the other end of the couch. "How are you dear? Anything interesting to tell me?"
"I'm doing well, nothing too interesting but my fiancé and I went to a few antique stores last weekend.", he says with a fond smile, remembering when they got excited over finding a 1930s typewriter.
"Oh how lovely, was there nice jewelry or tea sets?", she asked.
"There was a good amount of tea sets but most of them were incomplete. We managed to find you something that you might like.", he says before taking a sip of the tea, burning his tongue in the process.
Too soon. He thought with a small sigh.
"How sweet of you both. I'll make you both something to wear. Do you like sweaters?", Rosie continues to talk about different kinds of sweaters she could make for them.
"We both like sweaters, I'll visit again soon and let you know what kind with my fiancé.", Alastor says and puts the mug on the coffee table. "I wanted to ask if you know something about that strange man sitting on the bus bench across the street with a dog leash. He looks about like he's in his late thirties."
"Hm.. Yes, that man came into the building once. Asking to put up some missing dog flyers. Don't understand why he's just sitting on the bench. Maybe he's just waiting for someone?", Rosie says, mumbling the last bit. "Well, the other women say he might be a boyfriend of some young girl living in the apartment. Of course its just a guess."
"Hmm. I see.", he hums.
"Why do you ask dear? Did that man cause trouble?", Rosie asks.
"No, just surprised by the new face.", Alastor flashes a smile.
Before leaving the old woman's apartment, she gives him some red tea.
The next day both he and his fiancé are walking to the car when the strange man walks over.
"Excuse me, have you seen this dog around?", he asks them and holds up a flyer.
"No.", Alastor says after taking a glance at the picture.
The dog looks fluffy and has a bandana around its neck, but the image is terrible and you can barely tell what kind of dog it is.
"What about you miss?", the man then asks them, taking multiple steps forward.
"No, sorry.", they shake their head, taking a hold of Alastor's arm.
"We'll keep an eye out.", Alastor says quickly taking the flyer and the two keep walking. "Are you alright love?"
"Yeah, that guy just got too close.", they say.
That night, he looks up a list of stalkers and assaulters online. Only falling asleep after remembering that he has work tomorrow.
During work, there was an uncomfortable feeling in his gut.
When it hit five, he gathered his things quickly and left the radio station. The drive back home was a little annoying due to traffic, but he got there earlier then he usually does.
Then his phone rang.
Picking up the phone after seeing it was her, he let out a small sigh of relief.
"Hello darling. I just got home, so-", he started.
"Hey Red, remember that guy that kept sitting on the bench across the street? He- he followed me to work today.", they say shakily. "He had flyers like last time but he's been outside the building since putting some up."
"I'll be there. Stay on the phone with me and tell your boss the situation.", Alastor says quickly and gets ready to head out.
When he gets there its dark, only the street lamps, a few stores, and cars passing by are giving off lights. The phone call ended when he said that he was around the corner.
Getting out of the car and running over, Alastor heads inside the building they work in and asks for them.
"You're their fiancé right?", the woman, who he assumes is your boss asks.
"Yes, are they ok?"
"Yeah, but the guy is still around. I'm going to need you to "buy" something while they sneak out. That ok?", she asks.
"Yes, that's fine. I don't care.", he says and gets a few bags of candy in the front.
Then he sees them walk out to the front.
"Hey.", they wave.
"Thank goodness you're ok.", he sighs and pulls out his wallet and keys. "Take the keys while I pay, the car is nearby. You have it yes?"
"Yeah.", they nod and take the keys, then look over to their boss. "I'll head out now."
"Walk out with Anthony and be careful.", the woman says as they head to the back. "The candy is for them isn't it?", she says as she scans the items.
"They eat candy while at work don't they.", he says with a chuckle.
After getting everything, he heads back to the car and sees that they've made it inside safely.
She unlocks the drivers side when seeing him walk up.
Opening the door, Alastor gets in and passes them the bag of candy, locking the door quickly after closing it. "How are you feeling love?", he asks while starting the car.
"Uh, a bit terrified to be honest.", she says and takes out sour candy. "Thank you for the candy."
"Let's go home.", he says.
Both of them keep an eye out for any cars that might be following them. And to be extra safe they don't turn on the lights when entering their apartment.
After that, you called the police but of course nothing was done about it. They only said that they'd keep an eye out.
It was unsettling.
That guy knew where you lived and where you worked.
Seeing your uneasiness, Alastor suggested that both of you get away for the weekend and rent a cabin.
"We'll have Rosie come by and house sit for us so it looks like we're still here. I'll rent a car and we can go up to that mountain you told me about so much.", he holds you close, pulling you into a dance.
"Really? We can go anywhere, it doesn't have to be-", you started but were shushed with a kiss.
He pulls away with a smirk.
"Yes darling, you love it up there and you can show me all of the little shops you've explored, like that Little Dandelion bakery.", his smirk softened into smile as he lifted his hand up to caress your cheek. "I want to see you smile up at the trees again."
You hid your blushing face by resting your head on his chest with a soft huff. Alastor chuckles and continues to sway you in place, kissing the top of your head.
Rosie came to your apartment with her knitting tools and measuring tape the next day, a Friday evening. She had a book on patters for sweaters, yarn rolls almost spilling out of her bag.
"I'll take your measurements before you head out, go through the book if you want something specific.", the old woman said placing her things down on the coffee table.
It didn't take long before you both went out through the back of the building, going to the rental car that Alastor got. You helped put some of the bags in the trunk before he stopped you.
"Don't bother with this love, get in the car and lock the doors until I'm done.", he kissed your forehead.
"Ok.", you nodded and went into the passenger side.
Once finished, he joined you in the car and began driving. Both of you didn't know that the man had taken note of all the licence plates in the area.
The drive was peaceful, just an hour and a half away. You held the map on your phone as the car passed by familiar grassy hills and the old church ruins. At some point you both got off the car to get snacks and stretch your legs.
Driving up the mountain, you were beaming when the car drove through a cloud.
"I hope it rains, it's so pretty and smells nice in the rain.", you commented.
Soon both of you arrived and you told him to park near the shops.
"The restaurants are nearby, so we don't have to walk that far.", you explained.
Alastor smiled as you dragged him from shop to shop, and even praised the food from one of the restaurants that you took him to. The last stop was at the bakery you favored.
He took the orders while you found a spot to sit outside.
Paying for the sweetbread and coffee, he also got you a small pie. It didn't take long for the drinks to be ready and they quickly gave the baked goods.
Now I see why they like it here so much. Good service. He thought before stepping outside and looking for you.
But you weren't anywhere to be found.
"Darling?", he placed the items on a nearby table and looked around the area.
You would have told him if you were going somewhere, he knows that you would have waited for him. Something was wrong. Where were you?
Looking at the woodland floor, Alastor quickly went into hunting mode. It was quite easy to pick out shoe prints as the dirt was still damp from the morning rain. He knew your shoe size and the pattern on the bottom of your shoe, because you added little hearts to make markings with every step you took.
He found the little prints, but what had him more alert was the signs of struggle.
Someone had forcefully dragged you away.
Quietly, he followed the prints and soon found you pressed against a tree with a man covering your mouth.
"Don't you see I had to save you?", the man said as he tried to undo your pants.
"Mph!", you clawed and punched to get out of the gross thing's hold, effectively scratching the man's face till it bled.
"STOP FIGHTING ME!", he shouted and threw you on the ground.
You hit your shoulder on a rock which made you yelp in pain.
Alastor used this moment to tackle the man.
"YOU FUCKING PIG!", he growled and started beating the man in the face. "HOW DARE YOU! YOU NASTY, LOATHSOME-!"
There was a loud bark and then before he knew it a dog was trying to maul him.
"Get off you beast!", Alastor tried his best to throw the dog off but it just kept biting and ripping his jacket.
He was angry.
At the man and at himself.
How could he have ignored everything else? He should have noticed there was a mutt. But in that moment all he saw was red. He couldn't let that man lay another hand on you.
"Argh!", he yelled as the dog bit his leg. "You little shit!", he kicked the dog.
It took longer than he would have liked but he knocked the dog unconscious.
Alastor dragged himself to lean on the trunk of a nearby tree. Arms and legs firing up with pain, him barely able to move an inch before the burning flared up again.
He heard his love scream out.
Finding her and the disgusting man near the other side of the trail, he sees that they've taken the upper hand and pulled out their sharp pair of scissors.
Ah, its Mr. Stabbington.
"STAY STILL YOU BITCH!", the man yells, grabbing her by the neck and trying to choke her. "CAN'T YOU SEE THAT I'M DOING YOU A FAVOR!?", he rolled them over until he was back on top.
"L-LET GO OF ME!", you coughed before stabbing him in the neck.
Blood splattered and dripped onto your face as the man looked down at you in shock, his face staying frozen that way as he dropped.
You shivered in disgust as the body pressed against you, feeling how aroused the creep was when you moved your leg to kick his lifeless body off. Not sparing another glance at the body, you quickly turned to rush over to your lover's side.
"Alastor!", you cried, throwing the scissors as you stumbled over, kneeling down by his side to look over his wounds. "Oh god, you're bleeding so much-!"
The dog had left bite marks and gashes, his blood starting to sink into the soil.
"I-I'll call the local police and-and an ambulance will get here!", you took off your jacket and covered him before shakily taking out your phone. "Fuck!", you shouted at the no signal.
He called your name softly and held onto one of your hands. "I'm going to be ok, just go to the cafe and bring help."
"I don't want to leave you here.", you sniffed, and pulled the chain of your necklace, a whistle at the end of it. "I'll use this and shout but I'm not leaving your side."
Your love nodded and let you do what you wanted.
"You look beautiful in that shade of red."
It only took a few minutes before someone had come to help.
"HOLY SHIT!", the person yelled and ran over.
Local police arrived and the clinic vehicle as well, you told the police the summary of what happened before promising to tell the rest after Alastor was taken care of.
You got into the back of the clinic van and held onto your love's hand whenever you could.
He would be ok.
He had to be ok.
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This took me a while but yay. More human Alastor. There will be more✨
~Seline, the person.
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whereserpentswalk · 2 months
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