#Gadget screamed when I told him lol
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Happy Aibo Day to my two sons!!
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momobani · 2 years
LOVE IS BLIND (or voluntarily shuts its eyes) - YANG JEONGIN 
Fashiondesignmajor!Jeongin x fem!reader
Sum: you hadn’t heard of Versace or Armani, but you had heard of Yang Jeongin. 
Warnings: swearing, alcohol consumption, mention of weed, mention of food, angst, fluff (not proportional to the angst tho sorry), no smut but a whole kith <3   
Song rec: (although a little ironic) Versace on the floor - Bruno Mars 
 A/N: somewhat inspired by the TV series Sex Education, arguably one of the best N-flix shows, give it a watch if you’re old enough lol. As foretold, this may come under the umbrella of ‘idiots in love’, enjoy <3  
Sometimes there are certain people you can never remember meeting for the first time. Were you in the same class? Did you catch the same bus that time? Was it a party? Did it matter?
You weren’t sure you cared about the answer to any of those questions as you counted the bills in your hand, the pad of your thumb grazing the paper with a satisfying shuffle sound. This right here is why you were involved with “Young Master Fennec”, or as you knew him, Yang Jeongin, in the first place.
Your cut was juicy despite you only being his secretary or assistant or whatever; you weren’t here for labels either. The red velvet curtain of the photo booth is pulled aside and Jeongin’s latest client walks out. You give the guy your best customer service smile as he exits.
“Come again!” You call loudly, giving him a wave. Judging by his outfit, he might become a regular.
Jeongin emerges from the adjacent, conjoined photo booth, putting the tiny voice modulator gadget in his jacket pocket. It was like a confession booth, he’d told you when you were picking locations for appointments. You had to confess it was a pretty smart idea.
You turn your attention to him. Jeongin is wearing grey jeans, the legs rolled strategically once, twice, and a white t-shirt underneath an emerald corduroy jacket. The tell tale signs of a fashionista were all in the details.  
It screamed ‘campus model’ so you had no idea why he even bothered with the anonymity - people probably guessed it was him since he was one of the only people around here who knew the difference between dressing well and just buying expensive clothes. That’s and he was a member of one of the most well known frats on campus. Yeah, that might do wonders for his anonymity. Not.  
“And that’s another one saved!” He grins, as you slide your headphones down to hear him. He insisted you kept those on while he was in meetings for the sake of client confidentiality. “How did we do?”
“A fat stack considering he paid you to trash talk his closet. Here,” You hand him a bunch of bills. “Thirty bucks.”
“Thankies, it’s nice doing business with you.” He accepts the money and shoves it in his other pocket. “And clearly the people know that Young Master Fennec is here to help them, that’s why they cough it up.” He adds cockily.
You sigh loudly. “Did you have to choose a fursona for an alias? You may as well just have called yourself Fantastic Mister Fox to the same effect.”
“Uh uh,” he sing songs. “Say that again and I’ll make it sixty-forty for me.” He threatens, the smile remaining. Jeongin liked to flaunt his generosity for leverage whenever you disagreed with him, your current fifty-fifty split always on the line.  
“Alright, fine, do whatever you want. I’m just the admin, I know.” You check your wrist watch. “You’re going to be late for your five-thirty, Young Master, let’s get going.”
And so you left the mall basement, going up the escalators twice to reach the rooftop. There was a partial carpark and a cafe to the side of that. You left Jeongin at one end of the parking lot and called the client over the phone.
She was coming up the escalators when you met her, offering her a blindfold (a sleeping mask with a sheep design) as you reached the door leading to the rooftop.
“Seriously?” She asked. You nodded apologetically.
“Seriously.” You confirmed. You helped her put it on and held her arm, guiding her to where Jeongin was waiting. He skipped the voice modulator this time and just picked a voice impression to do. This time it was his grandma nagging voice.
You put on your headphones again, slipping one side off a fraction so you could listen to him. You had to admit it was one of your favourites.
Imagine paying to get lectured by a grandma about your terrible fashion choices whilst blindfolded on a rooftop. Then again, you weren’t going to judge because you were the one getting paid to help this person get schooled by some guy pretending to be a grandma on a rooftop.
Some things you just didn’t need to question. Like how the hell you even ended up doing this with Jeongin of all people.
Maybe it was all those parties.
You’d been headed to the bathroom when you found the door open and some guy trying to roll the sleeves of his flannel while looking in the mirror. You also noticed his hair was slightly damp, presumably with water. You thought you were drunk because surely no one needed a mirror to roll their damn sleeve, right? He told you he was just listening to Jeongin’s advice and apologised for holding up the bathroom. At the time a little bell rang in your head but you couldn’t picture who this Jeongin was.  
That same night you met your friend Changbin around the beer pong table, offering him a beer. He had just tied his over shirt around his waist, leaving him in a tight black t-shirt that showed off his muscles. You asked him what he was doing instead of taking the can of beer in your extended hand.
He told you Jeongin said he should wear it like that if he wanted to reel in that hook-up of his, some soccer chick who was definitely looking in your direction. You nodded and left after handing him the beer. You didn’t want to disturb your friend’s odd mating ritual or whatever was going on there.
Those instances a couple months ago revolved around this Jeongin dude and both had occurred in the same place.
The Sigma Kappa Zeta house.
At the time, you imagined he was either in the frat or a friend of theirs. Whatever, so he was just some guy not minding his business.
Except it wasn’t whatever when you were at the next SKZ frat party.
You ran into some girl crying on the staircase because her dress was ripped. Your braincells shuddered, quaking in their boots. What do you do in that situation? Was that really a problem, you asked her. The rip wasn’t obvious or giant. She just wailed harder so you gave her your cardigan to cover it up.
An hour later you got dragged away from your comfy spot on the couch chatting with Changbin and the previously aforementioned soccer chick to a hallway. The girl with the ripped dressed pointed at you.
“It was her!” She said. The guy standing next to her had his arms crossed, his pronounced biceps completely contrasting with his pout while he stared you down. His glare was accusatory and you were suddenly annoyed. Then you saw your cardigan in one of his hands.
“So it was you.” He said, his voice serious. He unfolded his arms, holding the cardigan up to you. “Do you know what this is?” He asked. Was he trying to make a joke or something?
“Um,” you blinked. “My cardigan?”
“Cream!” He replied dramatically. You had no idea what was going on. The colour of your cardigan was cream but that’s where he lost you.
“What about it?” You shrugged. He had the audacity to look offended.
“You do not put cream over fuscia! Oh my god! Take it!” He thrust the cardigan to you. Then he turned to the girl with the fuscia (you assumed) dress. “Okay listen, we can salvage this. All I need is a pair of scissors and a belt. Come with me.”
You were too stunned to speak. Had you had too much tequila already?
All you knew was that your legs carried you forward, following the fuscia up the stairs. You leaned on the doorframe and watched as the guy worked fashion wonders. He made several incisions on the dress, carefully shaping them while the girl just stood still, in shock. Then he pulled a thin belt off the dresser to his left and threaded it through the cutouts.
The girl gasped in amazement, her jaw falling open. She screamed happily and thanked him several times before scampering off to rejoin the party.  
You thought you dreamt it. Every part of that incident seemed bizarre to you, so it really would be possible for it have been some kind of lime induced fever dream or something.  
And that’s how you met Jeongin. Maybe. You think. It’s a little blurry in your head. You felt his face was somewhat familiar so maybe you had seen him before.  
After being hung over for a day or two, you woke up with the the brilliant idea; why didn’t he do this regularly? And get paid for it? The inspiration originated in your bank account, the realisation that you’d need a lot more money for law school soon. You offered to be his manager, every star needed one, right?
His eyes sparkled when you called him a star. You had him hooked.
Another day, another hopeless baby bird that can’t figure out what to wear.
You’re listening to music while Jeongin is with a client at the other end of the cafe booths. They’re sitting back to back and talking, while you sit three booths down and facing the client. You don’t look at her as you sip on your drink, you’d rather not make that awkward eye contact.
You were the business’s face, the first and last point of contact, managing the schedule, the finances and the clients, not the advice giver. It wasn’t that taxing to fit into your timetable and besides, the money you made was completely worth it. You made more than minimum wage in an hour and you didn’t do any hard labour.
The fashion clinic was perfect because you made money while Jeongin got to do one of his favourite things;  telling people what to do, well he calls it ‘helping’ but to you it was the same difference.
You’d get clients to send in photos of things they wore, pieces in their closets and give them to Jeongin to assess before each consultation. There he would talk to them about how to use those clothes and when. The process made sense to you even if you didn’t understand a thing about fashion. So you just went along with it.  
A couple minutes later the client smiles at you and leaves, making sure not to look at Jeongin, mimicking how you imagined Orpheus walked out of the Underworld without looking back. You smile back, sliding down your headphones as Jeongin slides into the opposite seat of your booth with his iced Americano.
“Done and done. How much did she pay?” He asks, his smiling eyes crinkling in curiosity.
You had both agreed to work on an semi-open tariff basis, meaning that there was a minimum price (twenty bucks) and clients were free to add more if they wished. Depending on the client’s wish, you negotiated raising the price for the depth and scale of the advice Jeongin was giving, like the other day, the guy in the photo booth wanted a full closet evaluation. So he paid for it.
“Forty in total. Twenty for you, Young Master.” You say as you slide the bills across the table.
“You know, I can tell you’re calling me that sarcastically.” He pouts as he pockets the money. Today he’s wearing a white button up and beige sweater vest with black slacks, not missing matching silver chains on his wrist and around his neck that accented the veins protruding from each. Not that you were paying attention, of course.  
“What, you actually expect me not to clown you? Pfft.” You sip on your drink.
“I don’t expect anything actually, just don’t call me by my name in public. I have to keep my air of mystery.” He says pointedly, looking around the empty floor of the cafe with paranoia.
“Alright, Jeongin.” You reply, containing a smirk.
“You did that on purpose, YN.” He narrows his eyes slightly but you can tell he’s not annoyed. One corner of your mouth turns up despite your efforts.
“How’s your saving going anyway?” He asks after a moment. You weren’t expecting him to care much about why you’d suggested this business, but he did occasionally ask you how you were managing with money.
Whilst Jeongin was a thriving fashion design major, you were a struggling prelaw major, knowing that this was only the first level of Hell you had to endure. You knew you better start saving money from now so you could manage things when you actually started law school and you’d been very transparent about it when you had made your business proposal to Jeongin.
“Not bad, I’m being careful and putting most of it aside, it’s better than getting a job too since I have time to study.”
“Oh yeah, I forget that some people are actually here to learn something.” Jeongin muses, suddenly deep in thought.
“At least you’re self-aware.” You say, eyebrows quirking.  
“Hey, only people in our programme can make fun of it, don’t look down on us. We do learn stuff.” He berates you immediately. You must have hit a nerve. “Just ‘cause you’re a masochist doesn’t mean the rest of us don’t want to have fun in our degrees.”
“‘Fun’ and ‘degree’ in same sentence just sounds absurd to me, but you do you, I guess.”
“It’s kind of good though, when I become a world famous designer, I’ll need legal representation so at least I know someone I can trust.” He says reassuringly. It’s so typical to get comments from everyone asking if you can be their lawyer or wanting free legal advice from you when they found out you were going to law school. You weren’t even there yet for fuck’s sake! What if you failed to become a lawyer?
“Ah yes, Young Master, I’m sure you won’t forget about the little people that you knew along the way.” You roll your eyes.
“Of course not, now let us go, for the fashion peasants of this world need me!” He practically giggles, his eyes sparkling in the LED lights of the cafe. You humour him, nodding and getting up. There was never a day you were bored when you were with Jeongin.
It’s somewhere around midnight and your fifth shot of tequila that you and Changbin are laughing at something soccer chick said, your little group becoming a regular at the kitchen island every weekend at the SKZ house. You’d sent Jeongin to make a couple of rounds whilst he was still one shot in and therefore mostly sober, pointing out clients that might be waiting at particular spots around the house.
The music’s loud, the bass thumping from the living room through some solid looking speakers. There was an aux cord with a whole laptop attached to it, the frat’s president Chan providing most of the music but taking turns with some of the other guys in the house while he ran around making sure everyone was being safe. (You swore he was tallying each shot that travelled from your cup to your mouth).
Jeongin had told you that Chan wasn’t that uptight but judging by the way he locked his actual laptop in a safe, he may be at least stressed in a slightly control freaky way, though you couldn’t fault him since he practically parented this whole frat.
You sat on the counter top, pouring out drinks for the three of you, only half listening to the chatter around you and the music from across the hall. You spot Felix, one of the other Sigma Kappa Zeta guys, coming towards your group and you instinctively pull out another paper cup from the stack and pour another drink out, finishing the bottle to the last drop.
“Hey, you guys,” he directs a sweet thousand watt smile at you. “Did you try the weed brownies yet? I made them fresh today after class.” He opens the Tupperware in his hands, offering it to you. You’re tempted but ultimately pass and so do Changbin and his date. (You had no idea what their deal was, if she was his date or not, but they were constantly together at parties nowadays.)
You offer Felix the drink and he takes it with a quick ‘thanks’ before disappearing to deliver more brownies, stopping by people, Boy Scout style. Your semi-drunk self chuckles at his enthusiasm and you take another sip to finish your cup.
“I’ll be back in a minute.” You tell your friends and hop off the counter in search of the bathroom. They acknowledge your comment but are absorbed in their own world.  
As you walk around the house, you keep an eye and ear open for Jeongin, to see if he was with clients or just partying. You don’t spot him so you make your way to your destination. There’s only a slight queue outside and you lean against the wall in case you sway.
You’re at a comfortable buzz-like tipsiness but not properly drunk at this point in the night. You tended not to get too drunk anyway, partially because your tolerance was high but also because you didn’t trust anyone at these parties to put yourself in a vulnerable position like that. Simply, you were a cynic and believed the worst could happen.
Your bathroom trip sobers you up a tad and you head back to the kitchen.
On your way, you hear Jeongin’s voice through all the static of other noise. You’d listened to him talking so much that you could recognise his voice anywhere. You stop and look around, turning in the same spot as if you’re trying to echo locate him. You hear him once more and find the general direction of his voice then follow it. It’s coming from a room down the hall and your legs carry you there.
The door is wide open and Jeongin is sitting down presumably with a client. You hang back not to disturb them and observe from a distance. He’s sitting with a sketchbook, a pencil in his hand, focusing on the page in front of him. You can’t see what he’s drawing but you can see how focused he is. The client is talking about something and Jeongin is nodding and sketching at the same time.
It strikes you how professional he looks even though he’s just some guy giving advice at a party. You feel a faint smile of admiration make its way to your lips. He’s completely in his element and you can feel the gears in his brain turning from here. You had to admit he was pretty cool when he did that. But you would only say that in your current tipsy state, of course.
After a moment, you leave, wandering through the sea of party people again back to the kitchen.
You can hear Changbin’s loud and drunk voice from a few steps away. But you stop short before turning into the kitchen as you overhear the conversation.
“…I can’t believe he won’t tell YN he likes her,” you hear him slur. “My little brother is such a coward. The kid just needs to do it. Like-” you hear the sound of his hand slapping the countertop. “Ripping off a bandaid.”
The sound of your name rings out to you, the sound barely just registering in the cavities of your head. His little brother? Is he talking about Jeongin? Must be, though you were aware Changbin was one of the older members of the frat since he’d taken a gap year so potentially it could be any of the younger guys. You didn’t really know all of them that well though.
But what soccer chick says in return confirms it for you.
“Jeongin seems like the shy type, let him be, he’ll do it when he feels ready. Now let’s go, I have practice in the morning.”      
What were they talking about? It was absurd.
Yang Jeongin? Like you? That’s the dumbest thing you’d ever heard, the most prolifically idiotic statement of this century and last. There was no way. They’re bullshitting.
The two of you were just business partners, friends if you stretched, which you would admit, though your definition of friendship was a little rough around the edges.  
Surely you would have noticed if Jeongin was acting like he liked you? To be fair he’d always been fairly nice but he’s nice to everyone, except for the sassy quips that escape his mouth every once in a while but even those aren’t supposed to be mean.
To you, being nice didn’t equate to liking someone. Why would it, really? You can be nice to anyone and everyone for no reason.  
You decide to ignore it for now. This doesn’t matter, it’s not like he’s said anything so you’ll operate on the basis that you never heard this.
You can hear footsteps coming closer to the kitchen door and you scramble to get back up the hallway so your friends don’t see that you’d heard anything. Even if you had, you’d tell Changbin’s drunk ass not to yell about it so loudly next time.
You stumble backwards and end up accidentally colliding into someone’s back. You whip around startled, and the apologies start to tumble out of you. You see it was Seungmin and his girlfriend and they both look more startled than you and you worry that you might have ruined their conversation.
“It’s okay, don’t worry.” She says to you, smiling artificially, which made you think it was really not okay but you nod politely, say sorry again and scram.
You look back just to see Changbin and plus one leave, not even glancing back.
After about a half hour, you leave the party, not finding the overwhelmingly crazy environment fun any more. You can’t find Jeongin anywhere to say goodbye. You walk home alone, tugging your jacket closer to your frame, mulling over what you’d heard.
Your curiosity was getting the best of you; was it true? Could it be? No one had liked you before, at least to your knowledge.  
If he did say something, would you reciprocate? You weren’t sure. You enjoyed being in Jeongin’s company, finding it easy to get along with him but it was probably because you had something to be working on, a clear cut goal of what you needed to achieve through your business relationship.
True that at first you were wary of him after the cardigan incident, he seemed like a wild fox to you, unpredictable and overly passionate but as you got to know him, you adjusted to his volume or he adjusted his volume for you, and you came to respect his passion for what he wanted to do.
Sure you liked him as a friend but could it ever develop into romantic feelings? You hadn’t ever bothered exploring romantic feelings before, your crushes being fleeting and shallow enough to be forgotten after a little while, so much so that none of them really stuck. You’d never prioritised having a boyfriend before, thinking that you had too much on your plate to attempt dating. It might have made you numb to the idea over all this time and perhaps you still were numb to it.  
By the time you got home to find your two roommates passed out on the couch, drunk snacked and washed up, you’re still thinking about the same thing. You almost feel silly for the impact this information is having on you. Well, alleged information, you didn’t have solid proof.
That’s it!
You needed to get evidence. For that you’d need to observe Jeongin and give it some time to see if his behaviour chalked up to what Changbin said. The cogs in your brain started turning already…
You had a couple of classes, and consequently a couple of headaches as the professors droned on about the exact same stuff that you read in the textbook. You went back home and ate lunch, scheming your plan into existence.
Yesterday you’d booked two appointments at the mall for Jeongin, both on the rooftop instead of the photo booth since the weather was nicer than usual.
You weren’t even vaguely self-conscious, or not yet, about your plan since you had nothing to lose; it’s not like anyone will actually care, sure they might stare at you in the street but embarrassment was temporary and you could survive it while you focused on the big picture - figuring out if Jeongin did in fact have any feelings for you.
So you commenced the plan.  
You put on the cuntiest, most horrifically abysmal combination of hot pink crop top and leopard print high waisted lounge pants you could find, a blue Hawaiian shirt, and topped it all off with a pair of crocs that sported a flame design, as if your feet were one of those toy Hot Wheels. (How some of those had ended up in your possession was a long and arduous tale that you did not wish to remember but one part involved making bets and let’s just say you were not a gambler).
You looked in the mirror and decided you belonged in the circus or some kind of institution. In other words, it was perfect. Maybe all those themed frat parties were not so dumb after all - your closet had become a wonderland after each one.
You make your way out, almost killing one of your roommates by making her choke on her orange juice as you walked through the living room.
“YN, what are you we-” you hear but you’re already out the door, taking long strides ahead before you could be dissuaded from this ridiculous idea.
You weighed up whether you wanted to walk or take the bus, but you end up on the bus since you could just sit at the back and nobody would look at you. Not that you cared, of course. You just wanted for the ground to swallow you up, no big deal.
(Maybe this wasn’t such a good idea, after all.)
Jeongin is waiting for you on the rooftop as you walk up behind him.
“Hey.” you say, anticipating his reaction.
“Hi.” He glances at you but does a double take, his eyes roaming over your outfit. You could swear his eyes bugged out slightly but he turns back to the view. “Is the client here?” He doesn’t mention anything, and you’re not sure if it’s the desired effect or what this result even tells you.
No comment at all? No judging side-eye or even a sassy head swivel from him. What did that mean?
This is why you could never be a science major of any sort. You’d bet in your hypothesis that if someone did what you’re doing, he would not hesitate to critique them but you hadn’t really thought about how to gauge his reaction if the outcome was otherwise. Does this mean he doesn’t care about what you wear or about you? Or both?
It honestly felt like both. He didn’t care enough about you to care about what you wore. It made you feel less important than a client. Ouch.  
You’d never cared that much about what you wore even though you know it was something people used to express themselves, sure it was great if you wanted to do that but it wasn’t you personally, you just wore what was comfortable and practical and didn’t look horrific on you. Yet, suddenly you knew you were expressing something on purpose and you wanted a reaction.
You didn’t get one. It was cruelly anti-climactic.
Were you disappointed? If you could call it that.
You’d just have to do it again and more often and see if he says anything. You wanted to test what he really thought of you, despite not knowing if it was the right way to test it. It’s not a conversational thing you felt you could bring up. You weren’t blunt enough to right out confront him about what you’d heard from Changbin. It might even cause tension between the two of them, so better do things your way.
Your phone rang and you hurried to go pick up the three forty five client.
After the appointment, which lasted a grand total of five minutes, a new record of speed for whatever reason, you and Jeongin descend the escalators again. You’re happy to go home already since you’re starting to remember to be self-conscious around other people but Jeongin insists you stop by a claw machine game he spotted on the way down.
“You’re not a kid, you can go alone.” You tell him. Jeongin’s mouth forms a pout and you know you’re about to be convinced to stay.
“Yeah, but it’s no fun if you go alone. Besides, it’s weird if it’s just me.” He says. “I’m pretty good at it anyway, it won’t take long.” He adds more cheerfully. There’s a curious part of you that decides to take him up on his word, but you don’t expect anything.
You take that back.
‘Won’t take long’ was an understatement. Jeongin had been right. He was actually good at this.
You’d always thought that claw machines were designed to be a con and were supposed to empty your pockets in the process of frustrating you. But this is the first time you witnessed someone winning with your own eyes.
He managed to win a fluffy ram plushie within five minutes flat. It was basically the shape of a loaf of bread but with a cute face and some curvy horns on either side of its head. Jeongin pulled it out of the little door at your knees and held it up victoriously.
“See!” He grins, admiring his handy work. “Give it a name.”
“I don’t know,” you shake your head, looking at the plushie sceptically. You were waiting for it to make an impression on you. “Hmm, it just looks like a ‘Ramie’ to me but that somehow feels unoriginal.” You conclude. Jeongin turns it around and stares at it too.
“Eh, you might be right.” He agrees. You look at him expectantly, anticipating something brilliant from the creator of fursonas himself. “He’s a Ramie.” Jeongin confirms. You scoff at his cop out.
“You can dish it but you can’t take it, can you?” You roll your eyes. “Can we go now?” You cross your arms, starting to feel impatient.
Every time a kid with their parents or a gaggle of kids walked past, ogling at you, you felt a shred of your dignity wither away like the petal of a flower falling off. You also hated standing there in fucking crocs; it felt like a trespass against your soul.
“Yes, we can. Here.” Jeongin thrusts Ramie at you and you almost drop him in surprise.
“Why are you giving it to me?” You ask, getting a steady hold on the fluff after a moment. Jeongin glances over his shoulder at you with an unmistakable smirk.
“I can always win another one.” He shrugs and walks away.        
You stare after him, speechless, your haste to leave forgotten. When did Jeongin get cool?
As your experiment carried on, you varied dressing crazily and dressing what was normally to you, Jeongin not batting an eyelid at either. You were starting to suspect maybe Changbin had been wrong; maybe what he’d said was a drunken, speculative statement and didn’t hold up against sober reality.  
You were so tempted to up it to even more extreme looks but you still valued your dignity and you also couldn’t keep asking to borrow your roommates clothes to mix and match with yours. It was kind of exhausting thinking of new things too.
(You’d really put in a lot of effort, sometimes matching a brown jumper with a silver skirt, or a button up with joggers when you felt a little lazy, once going as far as thrifting to find a purple jacket that would be an eyesore with your azure tank top. It worked, though you weren’t sure you should be proud of that.)  
You were headed to another appointment with Jeongin, this time giving a special consultation to the younger sibling of your client for her prom outfit. Naturally you bent your practice a little and went to the dress shop to meet the client. You’d cut the anonymity too, making sure the kid wasn’t going to be freaked out or anything.
Today you’d dressed with inspiration (read: a failed cosplay) from the classic Mean Girls; you’d taken to watching movies to find outfit ideas. After a marathon of Legally Blonde, 10 Things I Hate About You, and Clueless, you’d picked up a few things, specifically picking out clothing items that would certainly and definitely clash when part of the same outfit.
You’d found a pink polo similar to the one Cady borrows from Damian, some “army pants” (just khaki green cargo pants), and “flip flops” (well Birkenstocks that you had no idea were called that until recently, curtesy of the fashion guru himself) paired with florescent Grinch green socks. You felt as if you had really transcended your deliberate and humble experimentalist beginnings to morph into a fashion menace. You felt powerful, unhinged and unstoppable.
You were so set on pushing Jeongin to snap, it didn’t even feel like your original experiment’s purpose any more, you just wanted him to do something. It didn’t even have to be anything big, just like an eye roll or something.
You enter the dress boutique and call your client. He picks up on the first ring and tells you that they’re waiting on the second floor. You go up and meet them, a brother and little sister looking at dresses that were lined up on racks positioned around the room. You feel a pang of endearment at the scene.
After clarifying the budget for the dress, the brother and you take a seat on one of the tiny couches across the dressing rooms and wait for a mini-fashion show. You’re not surprised when the girl comes out in dresses that are both beautiful singularly but also perfectly suited to her energy, whether it was the right colour, or style or both, Jeongin had picked wisely. She looked so happy trying them on as you all told her how pretty she looked.
For a moment you were glad you’d started this clinic other than the money it paid. Maybe this is what Jeongin found rewarding in it - helping people feel more confident about themselves and have fun expressing themselves. Had you misunderstood what you’d been doing all this time?
You looked over at Jeongin, who sat on a stool a few meters away from you, focused on looking through photos the girl had given him to look at to understand her style further and see a variety of colours on her so he could gauge what else to try.
He seemed so absorbed, his broad shoulders tensed as he hunched over his phone. Today he wore a flannel and t-shirt combo and black jeans, paired with a small baseball cap, possibly one of the most generic outfits you’d ever seen him wear. Must be his attempt of looking as non-threatening as possible.
You watched as he tilted his head in thought, pursing his lips as he came to some sort of conclusion. The girl came out in yet another dress, a lovely lilac piece that had a high low hem, reaching just above the floor, and a boxed neckline matched with some short sleeves. It was possibly the best one so far and she was positively beaming.
The brother gasped next to you when he saw his kid sister and you glanced at him to see him smiling affectionately. This might be the winner.
Except Jeongin takes absolute pride in his work and is very thorough so he asked her to try on a few more before making the decision, thus extending your live viewing of Say Yes To The Dress. You sighed and leaned back to wait for the next series of dresses. You wondered what you would have worn if you’d gone to prom.
While you wait, you decide to have a little wander to stretch your legs and see if anything stands out to you in case Jeongin had missed it.
You walk along a line of racks, trailing your eyes over each dress. A deep bordeaux piece catches your attention and you pull it out of the pile gently, holding up the hanger. It doesn’t exactly scream ‘prom’ but it’s lovely nonetheless. It’s a spaghetti strap almost floor length number, with a slit and some tiny embroidered flower chains along the bodice. You had to admit it was gorgeous.
“That would look great on you.” You jump out of your skin as Jeongin sneaks up behind you, his voice quiet but sincere as he stands a little too close to you. Your pulse is thundering in your ears. Why was he here thinking about what you’d look like? That wasn’t the task you were getting paid for.  
“Jeez, you move like a Tesla.” You complain. You collect yourself for a moment, not used to him being in this close proximity. “It doesn’t matter how it’ll look on me, give it to your client to try, she might like it.” You hand the dress to Jeongin adamantly. You don’t wait for him to respond before you make your way back to the couch.
You try and forget whatever the hell that was, fighting the blood rushing to your cheeks and focusing on the myriad of dresses that come next.
Eventually they narrow it down to the lilac number, a dark sapphire strapless cocktail dress and surprisingly the bordeaux dress that you’d chosen. In the end the lilac wins, mostly based on happiness levels and as it should, you think.
The brother starts to pay you while the girl is getting changed back to her normal clothes. You look over his shoulder to see that Jeongin is busy talking to a staff member. The client wants to give you sixty bucks but you tell him you’ll give him a fifty percent discount since they had to buy the dress too so he gives you thirty.
“Thanks for making my sister happy you guys, I appreciate it.” He says as they part ways with you after buying the dress. You smile genuinely and nod. Jeongin is also incredibly happy, his eyes shinning and crinkling with his grin.
“No problem. You know where to find us if you need anything. Have a good time!” He says brightly. The girl thanks you again and they set off.  
“Here’s your cut.” You say as you hand him the thirty when you step out of the shop. You don’t know what possessed you to do it, but it felt good, a tiny sprout of serotonin filling your system.  
“Thanks.” He accepts the money, his fingers brushing yours briefly. You ignore the way it sets alarm bells off in your head and retract your hand quickly.
“So I’ll see you on Thursday?” You look up at him. “You have an early slot in the library, 11:45, okay?”
“Sure, do you want me to walk you home?” Jeongin asks. It had been a couple of hours since you’d been in the shop and it was getting dark outside already. He’d never asked you before and while you appreciated the gesture, you couldn’t wait to get away fast enough and you’re not even sure why.
“No, no, it’s alright, I’m catching the bus anyway. See you, Jeongin.” And you speed down the street, only realising you’re walking in the totally wrong direction to where your stop was. You end up going to a cafe on your way to get something to drink since you were really parched.
There’s a quiet radio playing in the background as you wait for your order. You recognise the song but it takes you a few seconds to identify it. You stand listening for a moment, utterly still and use it to calm down. What was that at the shop? He shouldn’t sneak up on you like that, it made your heart race and you didn’t like it.
It was unnerving.
You watch as the wind moves the clouds over the horizon, lifting the wisps of white rapidly through the air as the sun shone through their cover. You’re on the library rooftop, standing some distance away from Jeongin’s consultation, contemplating what to have for dinner later. You had already figured out lunch so you may as well move on.
You clearly weren’t going anywhere soon.
You were a little torn between chicken or ramen. You might see what your roommates were up to and see what they wanted or you could just keep debating it alone since you were bored.
This appointment was taking a little while since the client kept flirting with Jeongin. Initially you had had your headphones on, minding your business but it was sort of hard to miss the forced giggle that pierced through your music.
You thought it odd; what could Jeongin have possibly said that was that funny? Like okay he was funny but did it really make her squeal like that? Jeez, it was so loud, you thought your ear drum might burst. Regardless, you slid one side of your headphones to the side and listened, not out of curiosity but out of suspicion.  
The girl was trying the most but Jeongin was as awkward as ever.
“So do you think I should wear outfits with more cleavage or should I try to show off my long legs more?” She asked, for a moment it sounded like a genuine question but then she kept sweeping her hands over her short clad thighs. You had to salute her strategy, it was pretty on the nose but unfortunately Jeongin’s nose was buried in the notes he’d made before the meeting. Regardless, something about the situation bothered you.  
“Do whatever you want, I’m just here to tell you what clothes go well together.” The reply was as oblivious as ever. You bit back a laugh. Ah, that’s more like it, that’s the Jeongin you know. He’s not smooth, she’s just into him. That was hilarious in itself since she was wearing the damn blindfold and could only hear his voice.
To be fair to the girl, Jeongin had skipped the voice modulator again and instead opted to deepen his voice whilst throwing in the occasional southern dialect phrase in, and that might seem hot to some people if you were into it. Not that you were, of course.
You forced yourself to cover your ear properly again. You didn’t want to hear any more of it.
You hear at least four more songs before the appointment finishes and you send your client off. She gave you fifty in total. You split the money between you and Jeongin does a double take.
“Wow, amazing. I must give really great advice.” He grins to himself. The two of you are standing at the railing, looking out to the skyline of campus. It seemed so vast from here, this little bubble of your university.  
“Yeah, I’m sure that’s it.” You mutter, thinking she was probably had other intentions but you let it slide.
“What? Did you say something?” He tilts his head at you, the way animals do.
“Nothing, at the risk of inflating your ego, you do actually give good advice.” You look away as you say it, somehow feeling awkward yourself. You meant it but you weren’t exactly the type to say stuff like this out of nowhere, so you tried to be as nonchalant as you could.
You were reserved, especially if you thought highly of someone. Did you think highly of Jeongin? Must be so if you were stingy with praise. That and something about his shining confidence made you want to humble and level him a little; you didn’t want him to spiral out of control and become an asshole.  
“Wow! Was that a compliment? Haven’t heard one from you, like ever?” He laughs.
“Don’t make me take it back, Young Master.” You warn jokingly, feeling his eyes fall on you. You keep your gaze on the horizon, tracing the skyline with your eyes.
“No, no don’t! It’s just that you don’t say stuff like that usually, it was refreshing. And besides, who doesn’t love being told they’re awesome?” He smirks happily.
“I never said you were awesome.” You hum, turning to leave. It was getting a little gloomy outside, the sky filling with darker clouds; the weather was giving you whiplash.
“But I know it’s what you meant!” He calls out after you then scrambles to catch up. You allow yourself a smile at his confidence, or was it blind optimism?
You descend to the ground floor and exit. Jeongin follows after you like a stray puppy, his long stride easily making the distance that separated the two of you.
At the bus stop, there are a couple of other people, seemingly from your university. Two girls who side-eye you and start whispering amongst themselves, as if you weren’t standing like four feet away. You knew what they were talking about, your outfit consisting of a jean skirt and a purple puffer vest over a green button up.
You felt a little annoyed whilst they giggled, the whole thing giving you flashbacks to high school where for some reason people wouldn’t mind their own damn business. Who ever said that college or life were any different? You wished the bus would come faster.
Jeongin said nothing.      
“You doing anything for spring break?” He asks finally as you wait. The question takes you by surprise; was he looking for work during vacation time?
“Nothing, but listen, you should just use it as a holiday, I don’t think we should have any appointments.” You tell him.
“That’s not why I was asking. I agree though, I don’t feel like working over the break.”
“Oh, okay. Then what is it?”
“We’re throwing a bunch of parties, the one next Saturday is going to be a little fancier so dress nice, okay?” He informs you. You maintain a poker face as the light bulb goes off in your brain. You just couldn’t help doing stupid things could you?
“Aha, sure, I’ll see you there.” You smile.
Were you going overboard? Probably. Were you going to stop your ridiculous mission? No, since you were very much determined to break him. You felt like now you were testing your friendship more than anything else.
Friends looked out for each other if something was off about them, right?
You were kinda over the experiment and hated most of the stuff you wore but it was one of those things like impulsively cutting your hair, or splashing into puddles even though you knew your shoes were going to be fucked when you did.
You knew the consequences objectively, but you did it anyway.    
It’s not on your bingo cards when you walk into the Sigma Kappa Zeta house and find every other party goer is wearing super random and clashing outfits, as if they decided as a collective to get dressed in the dark.
What the fuck was happening?
Jeongin told you to ‘dress nice’, so naturally you did the opposite, dressing in the most outrageous pieces of clothing you had. You were wearing a crop top with a cartoon drawing of a monkey which was made with some felt fur fabric and a pair of lounge pants covered in silver sequences, which made you look like a walking disco ball if you walked past a light.
Despite that, you basically blended in. How had you not heard this was a themed party? (Probably because you didn’t have a lot of friends.) And in that case, what was the theme? YN’s silly wardrobe? Fashion disaster?
You walk around to see if you can find any of the SKZs to tell you what you were seeing and end up in the kitchen when you don’t find anyone. You stand at the counter, trying to get a grip. Was Jeongin on to you?
Regardless, it opened your eyes. You’ve been ridiculous this whole time, you and your silly little outfits and playing dress up for no reason.    
“You didn’t like it?” You jump at Jeongin’s voice behind you. You whip around to him and your eyes bug out. He’s wearing a black and white spotted button up, black leather pants and a massive fur coat over the top of it all. A pair of sunglasses adorns his face, the glass faded black so you can’t see his eyes.
“Like what? Jeongin, what is all this?” You demand. He hums in thought for a moment.
“A concession? A truce? Whichever you prefer.” He shrugs.
“I admit and acknowledge your fashion choices, now for the love of Gucci, please stop being a menace to society and just be you, okay?” He smiles. You look at him blankly.
Was he talking about your experiment? Did he know what about that? You hadn’t told anyone why you were doing it so how on Earth would he know?
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” You decide to play dumb.
“I think the monkey on your shirt does though.” He scrunches his nose at it. “The YN I know would only ever wear that ironically or not at all.”
“Then you don’t know me very well.” You counter, starting to feel your fight or flight response kick in.  
“I think you’d be surprised how well I do know you. Enough to know you’ve been up to something.” He crosses his arms. “Now, why is it that you continue to commit crimes against fashion?”
“What kind of question is that? I’m just wearing whatever I want.” You argue but it sounds unconvincing even to your own ears.
“We both know that’s not true, just tell me what’s going on.” He continues to try and coax it out of you, leaning on the counter like you are. Now that you’re faced with the confrontation, you suddenly don’t know what to do.
“Fine.” You say, your heart thundering in your chest. “I just wanted to get your attention. I wanted you to say something, anything. But you didn’t.” And you feel and sound so desperate as you say it, the tension leaving your body after weeks of this facade.
Jeongin stands still, the smile on his slowly fading.
“You wanted me to say something?” He asks, disappointment lining his voice. “What more do you want me-”
“You care so much about what other people do, but you ignored me.” And now that you say it out loud, you know deep down you’d been a little sad he had. “We spend so much time together and I thought we were becoming friends. Wouldn’t a friend care a friend was getting laughed at?” You pause, not sure where you were pulling the friend card from - this whole thing was to check whether he had feelings for you but all you had evidence of was that he didn’t care about you at all.
“Friends?” You watch his face contort in thought, as if you weren’t in the middle of a conversation.
“It’s not even about that, I heard something dumb from Changbin and I wanted to see if it was true but now that I’m thinking about it, it clearly isn’t.” You can’t help but scoff at your stupidity. How could you have ever attached any meaning to something that came out of a drunk person’s mouth?  
You were starting to lose it. You were getting confused too. Was this what you wanted all along? Jeongin to do something? Well he did; he threw a whole party to try and stop your ridiculous experiment even though he didn’t know what it was. So why did you feel so flustered by it?
“What uh, what did Changbin say?” Jeongin looks a little tense, as tense as you feel.
You considered telling him the truth but you didn’t want the humiliation; you’d endured all your silly outfits and people’s stares, but you couldn’t stomach the humiliation that you would feel if you did. It felt like you would be begging him to like you, not just asking what he thought.
And you didn’t beg anyone for anything.
“It doesn’t matter. Just forget anything ever happened between us, okay? Let’s just stop whatever-” you gesture with your hands helplessly. “-this is. Find a new admin.”
Jeongin faltered, one hand coming up to his face to take the sunglasses off. The corners of his mouth flopped into a frown and the expression on his face was suddenly so crestfallen. It made you regret how harsh you’d sounded, an ache appearing in your chest.
“You don’t want to work with me any more?” He looked at you with those sparkly eyes of his, the embodiment of that emoji everyone adores and for a moment you wondered if it was the lights or something else.
“No, I don’t.” You word vomit. “I just-” you pause. What did you want? Wanted him to have liked you? To have reassured you when people stared?
You had lost sight of what you were even doing, aimlessly putting on random clothes, trying to make yourself look crazy enough that he’d react. How could you be so childish? This was like the equivalent of kindergarteners pulling on pig tails cause they liked someone.
Hold up-
You were the one pulling in this context. And for what reason? You didn’t like Jeongin, did you? Did you?
“I don’t know!” You say out loud, breathing out shakily. “I’m leaving.” You can’t bear to look at his face, the disappointment, the pouty kicked puppy expression, it was too much. You weave through the crowd of bodies and disappear into the night, practically running home.
You had looked over your shoulder several times to see if Jeongin had made any attempt to follow you out of the house, but you knew it was selfish to think he might after what you’d said to him. You felt so shitty for making him look like that - the way his face fell replayed in your mind on loop. He was probably really mad at you, for being weird, for overreacting, for quitting so suddenly. All of it.  
It had been over a couple of months since you’d started the advice clinic. All that time, you had to admit you’d grown fond of Jeongin and his little voice impressions and that stupid sheep blindfold that you still had on your desk, ready to use at the next appointment. There was no next appointment. Not for you anyway.
You’d become friends, at least in your head, but had your fondness grown into attachment and maybe something more?
Initially you had been in it for the money, but over time and especially after that one consultation in the dress boutique, you’d come to understand something profound about what Jeongin found rewarding in the experience. It was more about the way people felt. Maybe it put Jeongin in a different light that you hadn’t seen before.
You make it home and catch your remaining roommate lounging on the couch with a beer in her hand.
“YN?” She calls when she hears the door open and close. You throw off your shoes and make your way to the sink for some water.
“Yeah, I’m home.” You reply. You grab a cup off the dish rack and fill it, chugging until you feel breathless.
“I thought you were going to that party tonight, what happened?” She straightens up and looks over at you from the couch.
“I don’t want to talk about it.” You sigh. “I’m tired, I think I’ll just have an early night.” You move to take a half eaten tub of ice cream out of the freezer.
“Ah, alright. Come through if you’re lonely, I’m catching up on some shows.” She tells you. You hum in response, grateful your roommate isn’t the pushy, invasive type. “Oh YN! I forgot, a package came for you yesterday. It’s in the utility closet.”
“I didn’t order anything, are you sure it’s for me?” You ask her, ice cream forgotten. She takes a sip of beer, nodding.
“It definitely had your name on it.”
“Okay, thanks.” You mumble and let her get back to her show.
You don’t know what you’re expecting but you go find the package and take it to your room.
It’s a white box, about A4 size in length and it has your name and address on it. It’s not that heavy when you pick it up and you wonder what on Earth it could be. Had you impulse shopped at 3am again? No, you’d remember if you were expecting a package; call it organised or paranoid, but you would.
With a pair of scissors you slice the box open, following the lines and being careful not to ruin the box. You sit and move the flaps carefully and find a layer of tissue paper and folded note on top.
Your eyes scour the note, more like short letter, and your heart physically sinks.
You were the biggest douche you knew right now. You feel like screaming in despair. Why would he do this to you?
You let the note flop to the bed and unravel the tissue paper, your suspicions confirmed when you laid eyes on the bordeaux fabric folded neatly in the box. You let out a groan and lie backwards, except you underestimate your stability on the edge of your bed and tumble down with a yelp.
You hit the floor with a thud and all you can think about is how karmically deserved that was. You just lie there for a moment and your roommate bursts in.
“YN?” She shouts, scanning your room until she finds you on the floor. “Are you okay?” She asks, lowering her voice.
You let the question sink in for a moment, trying to control the influx of frustration, anger, regret, guilt and more, followed by tears.
“Am I ever okay?” You say, your throat closing so you sound like a wheezing cat.
“Um,” your roommate hesitates to answer what was meant to be a rhetorical question.
“I fucked up so badly.” You confess, the tears spilling over the edges of your eyes and falling down the sides of your face. You sniffle and close your eyes.
“Oh sweetie.” You hear your roommate shuffle until she’s sitting next to you and pulling you to rest your head on her lap. “What’s going on? Talk to me.”
“Read that piece of paper.” You instruct, pointing to your bed. It might make more sense for her to see that first before you explained everything.
She reaches up on to the bed for it and grasps it, turning it over in her hands.  
“‘Dear YN. It’s been almost three months since we started the clinic. In honour of that I’m throwing a party themed ‘opposites’, just like you and I are. I know you’ll probably wear something that is in the eyes of others heinous so I wanted to give you another option, one that matches you better. As Christian Dior once said: ‘There is certainly a red for everyone.’ And this one, I’m certain, is yours. If I’ve learned anything in the past few months, it’s that clothes enhance the beauty that lies beneath them. So I humbly invite you to be the only person who does not come as their opposite, but as themselves. Yours, Young Master Yang.’”
You choke on the sob that reverberates through your chest.
“Oh my god.” She says, blinking. Then she gasps dramatically. “It’s a love letter!”
“And I’m a bitch.” You cry harder. Your roommate flicks your forehead and glares at you. “What? I thought we were just stating what things are at this point?”
“No, we are not and you are not. Whatever happened, I’m sure it’s not that bad.” She reassures you naively.
“Wanna bet?” You sniffle.
You get up and sit on your bed, the two of you sitting on either side of the box, your roommate listening intently to every bullshit thing you did since the beginning while you clutch Ramie the Ram to your chest.
At the end, there’s silence as your roommate digests the information you just bombarded her with. She tilts her head and purses her lips, the action putting her in the most pensive state you’d ever witnessed her in.
“Okay,” she begins. “Maybe it was kinda bad, but it’s fixable. It sounds like a misunderstanding, about the dress and what you said at the party. So you could start with that?”
“You don’t think it’s that bad but you didn’t see his little face, he looked so crushed and disappointed. And I quit too. That was just even worse.” You tell her.
“Listen, I’m going to ask you a bunch of questions, yes or no ones. Ready?” You nod. “Do you want to fix things?” She asks. You nod. “Do you want to keep working with him?” You nod again. “Do you like him?” You find yourself nodding again then stop abruptly.
“Holy shit.” You whisper. You roommate looks just a tad happy with herself.
“Oh would you look at that, you can tell the truth.” She gloats, throwing a smirk your way. You click your tongue at her.
“You tricked me, okay? It doesn’t count.” You reason, shaking your head. At that she groans, a loud monstrous and exasperated sound.
“Would you give it up already? Face it, you’ve fallen for Jeongin and that’s why you kept doing the stupid dressing up thing. That’s why you’re distressed and crying about what happened. Because you care about him.” Your roommate spells it out for you in small words.
There’s a sense of relief in your chest as you hear it out loud for some reason; as if you’d known for a long time that this was the case but you’d been so caught up in petty things that you’d never paid attention to the mounting feelings you had.
“Okay, yes, I care about him. I like him.” It sounds so bizarre as it comes out of your own mouth but also incredibly right. “I like it when he laughs, when his smile reaches his eyes, when he says something snarky but not mean at all. I like it when he does his voice impressions or vows he’ll make me his lawyer one day.”
“Jeez, you fell hard.” Your roommate mutters. “Don’t tell me about it, tell him!” She exclaims.
“What, now?” You ask, dubious.
“Yes! Go!”
“No, he’s probably so mad right now, I can’t go and do that. I should give him time to cool off first.” You reason.
“You’re just being a coward again, aren’t you?” She asks sceptically. “He probably just wants to know you don’t hate him.”
“I can’t do it. I can’t just go and give him whiplash like that.” You shake your head. “It’s not fair for me to say one thing and then another in one night.”
“Love isn’t fair and life’s too short to wait for it to be fair. Now go before I kick you out of the apartment.” She huffs, she looks down at the box between you and seems to get an idea. “Go now or the dress gets it!”
You gasp in outrage.
“You wouldn’t! Don’t you dare hurt my dress. It’s precious.” You threaten back.
“So is your relationship with Jeongin, now leave already, would you.” She gets up and starts to drag your arm.
You let her usher you out the door, not even pausing to let you put your shoes on properly but thrusts them into your hand and shuts the door.  
“Don’t come back until you tell him how you feel.” She says, her voice muffled by the door.
You knew she was right. It was just astonishing how terrible you felt about the whole situation and how worried you were about what Jeongin might say if he saw you again tonight.
Well, he already hated you probably, so there was nothing left to lose, was there? You wanted to apologise. You, who didn’t beg anyone for anything, were going to beg Jeongin for forgiveness.
It was getting late now, past midnight, but you speed walked back to the Sigma Kappa Zeta house, forcing yourself to put one foot in front of the other. The party was probably not over yet as the usual end time was around 2am, a Chan imposed curfew on every party goer and SKZ member. He maintained that it was for keeping some kind of sleeping pattern but you knew it was probably ‘cause he didn’t want to keep chaperoning everyone all night.
As the house came into view, you could tell from a distance that the party was still going strong. You made it back in, looking wildly all over for a glimpse of the fur coat.
You hear your name being called out from behind you and you whip around to see Changbin approaching you. He’s wearing a shirt and sweater vest contrasted by a pair of basketball shorts. To his right you notice one of the other SKZ members, Hyunjin, wearing the top part of the basketball jersey and a pair of black slacks to match.
“Where have you been?” Changbin asks. “What happened with Jeongin? He’s been holed up in his room all night. Do you know anything about it?”
You sigh, the guilt rising up in your chest.
“It’s my fault. Don’t worry, I’ll take care of it.” You promise. There’s a hint of scepticism in the way he quirks his eyebrows but Changbin nods.
“I know we’re friends, but that’s my little brother, I don’t want to see him hurt.” He warns. You understand where it’s coming from although at the same time you want to tell him you’d heard what you had from him first and foremost, but you know he’s right. Changbin will stand up for his family no matter what and you respect that.
“Me neither, which is why I’m going to fix this.” You bid him goodbye and head towards the stairs. You heart is thumping at your throat as you go up, each step feeling like it takes you miles forward.
When you get to his door, you hesitate, swallowing down your anxiety as much as you can. The party is still noisy downstairs, the music thumping through the house and chatter filling up the air. You raise your hand, resting your fist against the wood for a moment. Before you can over think it, you rap your knuckles against the door and wait.
You can’t really hear anything but after a moment the door swings open and Jeongin stands on the other side. He registers who it is and a flash of surprise rocks his features.
“Please can we talk?” You ask, your voice quieter than you thought it would be.
He doesn’t say anything but stands aside to let you in. You’d not really been in Jeongin’s room before, maybe that time with the ripped dress girl but that was so long ago you didn’t remember what it looked like. His room isn’t messy but it’s not pristine either; the bed is half unmade, the large fur coat thrown haphazardly over the desk chair, a bunch of sketchbooks and pencils littered on the desk itself.
Jeongin sits on one corner of the bed, looking down at his hands and you stand a few feet away, looking at him, wondering where to start.
“I got your note,” you begin. “And the dress. It came yesterday but I didn’t see it until a while ago.” You shift from one foot to the other. You don’t waste any more time. “I’m so sorry, Jeongin.” You say. “For everything I said. And for quitting on you and for the silly experiment and not talking to you like a normal human being should have.”
Jeongin perks up slightly. “Experiment? Is that what that was?” He asks.
“Yeah,” you breathe out. “I was trying to figure out if you’d comment on what I was doing, whether you would tell me how to dress better like you do with other people. It was stupid and childish, but I did it because I thought it might show if you had any feelings for me at all.” You sigh, realising how random it must have sounded to him. “Anyway, I played myself because I got too caught up in it and hurt you so it was all for nothing.”
Jeongin blinks for a moment, considering what you were revealing.
“You wanted to find out if I had feelings for you? Why?” He asks, a small frown appearing on his lips.
“Because I heard that you might but I didn’t trust it without proof. And I didn’t get any in the end, I guess.” You half shrug apologetically.
“What do you mean you got no proof?” Jeongin stands up suddenly. You’re taken aback at the abrupt action, your heart starting to hammer in your chest. “Was that note not clear enough? Was me putting up a truce nothing?” He questions.
“I don’t get it.” You whisper. Was he telling you that Changbin was right all along?  
“You know, for the smartest person I know, you sure are dense.” He shakes his head, a smile breaking over his features. “Of course I have feelings for you! Of course I like you! There, is that obvious enough?” He says, looking at you expectantly.
You swallow, your mouth suddenly dry. Now that you heard it from him, it still didn’t make sense, as if your brain couldn’t compute the information.
“You do…” you trail off, a wave of relief coursing through you. “Then why didn’t you tell me I was being weird and stop me?” You ask.
“What do you mean?” Jeongin tilts his head.
“You should have criticised me the way you would have anyone else, why didn’t you? I thought you couldn’t care less about me.” You explain. Jeongin’s mouth widens in an ‘o’ with his understanding. He hums for a second.        
“I didn’t say anything because” he pauses. “To me you were always more important than what you looked like and always beautiful no matter what you were wearing.” He says, finding your eyes and holding them with his.
It renders you speechless and you feel like even more of an idiot for going to the lengths that you did, every action left in vain by Jeongin’s simple explanation. His words make your head spin and your chest feel tight, the symptoms of nervousness zipping over your body.
No one ever said this type of shit to you, not one single soul. If anyone else had said it, you wouldn’t believe them, but because it was Jeongin, you somehow knew deep down he meant it.
“Okay, I have a feeling I know the answer but I’ll ask just in case.” He steps towards you and stops in front of you. “Is it mutual? Or have I just misread the reason why you came here?”
You’re so close you can see the light reflecting in Jeongin’s irises and smell his perfume. He was still wearing his party outfit, the first few buttons of the dotted shirt undone.
You take a breath, exhaling shakily, and steel yourself. You were only telling the truth tonight.
“It is mutual.” You reply. “It is, and I don’t know when it started to be, it doesn’t really matter, because it is.” You say with newfound conviction. It was so much easier to say it and it made you feel so much lighter. Maybe because just being in front of Jeongin, you felt yourself becoming braver.
“I’m really happy it is. It means I can take you out on actual dates instead of appointments.” He beams. You look down when you feel him reaching for your hand. He takes it gently with his slightly larger one and holds it firmly. You can’t help but return his smile, your face muscles moving of their own accord. “So, can we kiss? Because I missed you so much already.” He whines, tone switching in a heartbeat.
You burst out laughing at the sudden change. That was more like the Jeongin you knew.
“God, you’re so dramatic, you saw me two hours ago.” You say jokingly, closing the space between you. “Now, come here.” You reach up to cup his face with your free hand, and bring your lips together.
You don’t know what you were expecting, but it’s a hundred times better. Jeongin lets go of your hand in favour of curling his arms around your waist to pull you even closer, smooshing the two of you against each other and you deepen the kiss, getting obsessed with the feeling of his soft lips on yours. Your hands land on each of his shoulders, fingers scrunching up his shirt and if you weren’t so preoccupied, you’d worry you were messing it up.
Eventually you pull away to breathe, your lips swollen but still chasing Jeongin’s. He holds you close still and looks down.
“Take off your clothes.” He says, his voice gravelly. A thrum of energy runs straight through you but you blink at him.
“Aren’t we moving too fast?” You ask. He chuckles at your question for some reason.
“That’s not what I meant!” He shakes with laughter. You’re confused. “Your disco pants are literally blinding me right now.” He steps back a fraction and you notice how the light coming from his desk lamp is reflecting on the tiny sequences of your outfit. You snort at your lapse of understanding, feeling the embarrassment heat your cheeks.
“Ah, right. Sorry.” You say sheepishly. Jeongin lets you go and walks over to his closet, sliding a drawer open and plucking out an item of clothing.
“Here, before you start attracting ships from over the horizon.” He giggles, handing you a pair of checkered pyjama pants.
“Jeongin, I’m not a lighthouse!” You complain but take them.
“What? You told me to criticise you like other people. I’m saying it because I care.” He says and pulls you closer again, planting a soft kiss on your temple as you pout.
“Don’t make me regret it, Young Master.” You ‘humph’ at him.
“Aha, okay, my Lady. Got it.” He nods. You take a good look at the pyjama and reckon it will fit you. It was kind of funny you were already getting your boyfriend’s clothes. Wait- was he your boyfriend now?
You suddenly feel the urge to ask. “Also, just to clarify, we are starting to date, aren’t we?”
“YN!” Jeongin groans, the answer evident in his voice.
“Okay, okay, it’s official. Just checking.” You hold up your hands innocently, smiling at the conclusion.
A/N: thanks for reading!! feedback is always appreciated <3 i had fun starting the series, though i have to admit i didn’t expect for this one to end up this short lol and it’s probably the lack of smut, forgive me, it didn’t fit the vibe here, but i have promised it so i shall deliver it at some point, please bear with, thank you! 
*copyright 2021-  © momobani
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ieatsurveys · 2 years
Name all the pets you've ever had. Kasey, JJ, Baby Brown, Chloe.
Are you on break, or do you still have a couple days of school left? Not in school.
Do you like Stephen King novels? I've never read them.
Have you ever had a macaroon? I don't believe so.
One of my friends dislikes animals in general. Are you like her? I love animals. Your friend sounds weird.
Do you prefer being on time, or do you not mind being late? I'm usually waaaaaay early to things because I get antsy staying at my place.
What is one adventurous thing you'd be willing to do? (ex: skydive) Cliff jump. 
Have you ever made a bucket list? Not officially. I just have things in my head that I want to do.
What subject at school did you absolutely hate? I hated Social Studies and Science. But now, I find them pretty fascinating. It depends on the teacher, I guess.
How many cell phones have you gone through up till now? How am I supposed to know?
Italian food or Chinese food? Hm, that's a hard choice.
Do you have more than the standard earlobe piercings? No.
Ever studied a foreign language? Nope.
Don't you hate it when your family eats all the ice cream at home? By family, you do mean myself, because I live by myself. And yes, I hate it when I eat all the ice cream ;)
Ever been in a near death situation? If so, what happened? Yes, I totaled my car.
Do you like to make flash cards when you study? Yes. That's the only way to study for me.
Favorite flavor of gum? Mint.
Do you tend to be frugal, or are you more comfortable spending money? I'm both haha. But, I have a savings account and I do have a spreadsheet of my budget.
Do you have a connection to any religion? Yes.
Ever played a team sport, or are you not sporty at all? I used to play softball.
Do you put posters on your bedroom walls? No.
Do you sleep with one leg sticking out of the covers? No, that's how monsters get to you, duh.
I have extremely weird, frightening dreams. Do you? Sometimes.
Has anyone ever told you that you're a good singer? Yes, but I don't think they know what good singing is, lol.
Ever been to the Big Apple? If not, do you want to visit? I live in NY. Just not the city.
Opinion on Gangnam Style? I honestly thought it was stupid and not sure how it went so viral.
Do you ever watch TED talks, live or online? I used to.
Did you ever watch the Lizzie McGuire movie? I believe I did when it came out.
If you did, do you know what the guy that played Gordo looks like now? (ew) No.
How many email accounts do you have? Two. My personal and my work email.
Ever shamelessly played Farmville on Facebook? Yes.
Are you a big fan of dessert? Not really.
Ever had a brush with the paranormal? If so, describe. Yes. And there were a bunch of stories at my parent's house. I had to finally go through and bless it and they left. It was the scariest thing and things just happened to me. Then it started happening to my brother and I got protective.
Were you one of the popular kids in high school? I became popular in college (student council and RA).
I dare you to write the name of a person you strongly dislike. I really don't hate anyone.
Do you know the band Vampire Weekend? No.
What do you think about Marilyn Manson? Never listened to him.
In general, do you prefer going out or staying home? Staying home.
Biggest trouble you've ever gotten into at school? I got suspended for slapping my teacher in the face when I was 7, haha. She was screaming at me and got in my space and screaming inches away from my face, so I slapped her.
Do you own one of those "professional" DSLR cameras? No.
Does it bother you when you see a 6th grader with a bunch of gadgets? No.
Favorite pair of shoes? A pair I got from Maurices.
Where were you on 9/11? In Social Studies.
Any food in particular you just can't get enough of?
Sushi. -> yes.
Did you buy yearbooks every year in high school, or did you not bother? I did.
Do you have Restless Legs Syndrome? I do. It sucks. No.
Are you a fan of British Youtubers? (Marcus Butler, JacksGap, etc) No.
Jalapeños: yay or nay? Nay. I don't do spice.
Did you ever play Minecraft? No.
Did you ever have a Club Penguin account? Were you a member? I want to say that I did.
Favorite concerts you've been to? Did you scream until you were hoarse? Skillet.
So where were you when the Boston Marathon bombing happened? No idea.
Rainy days on the weekend: yay or nay? Yay.
Do you look down on girls that wear shorts with Uggs? No, but it's not something I'd do.
Californian girls talk and dress a certain way, don't they? Uh, sure.
Ever crushed on a teacher? If so, what subject did he/she teach? Yes, gym.
Ever take an art class? If so, what'd you think? I had to elementary and high school.
0 notes
starbornvalkyrie · 3 years
the gift [an elucien one shot]
a/n: hellooooo friends. this lil number here was born of a morning discussion about pegging with @vanserrasvalkyrie​ @oversizedbats​ @vmiae​ @ladyvanserra​ @illyrianvalkyrie​ @booksandlewks​ @arielle-reads​ and @nina-zcnik​. you know, normal things. don’t worry, there are no acosf spoilers! this is pure filth, so i hope y’all like it lol enjoy!
content warning: hella explicit sexual content. obviously.
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Celebrating Winter Solstice at Feyre and Rhysand’s riverside estate has been tradition for as long as Elain could remember. Ever since it was built, they celebrated here. Even after she officially moved to the Spring Court with Lucien on the other side of Prythian, she still came back to celebrate with her sisters and their growing families.
It was hard at first, being so far away from them. She missed them terribly, but at least she knew she could see them whenever she wanted. She’s been so happy being close to her sisters again, especially knowing that they’ll have centuries to grow together.
These last few weeks, however, didn’t leave her with much time to miss them. Ever since her mating ceremony to Lucien, they haven’t spent much time outside their manor, let alone their bedroom. Almost a month later, and Elain is still itching for gifts to be exchanged and dinner to be eaten, so that she can take her mate to bed. 
From where she sat alone on the bay window, Elain felt a tug on the bond deep in her heart, and immediately sought her mate out in the crowded sitting room of Feyre’s home. He had just moved to the bar cart to refill his drink, a reprieve from whatever conversation he had been having with Cassian about the latest Illyrian training regiment. Elain rarely knew a word coming from the Illyrian’s mouth. Most of the time she only smiles and nods until she’s able to step away politely. A quick scan of the room showed her that Cassian had returned to Nesta’s side.
Returning her attention to Lucien, her blush deepened when she caught his eye, a knowing smirk gracing his lips. He knows what she has been fantasizing about from the moment they left the comfort of their bed in the guest wing. She merely cocked her head to the side. The picture of feigned innocence. Lucien narrowed his eyes as though to say, Challenge accepted. He crossed his arms and brought a hand to his chin. An innocent gesture until he flicked his tongue against the pad of his thumb, pretending to wipe something away from his bottom lip.
Elain almost regretted forgoing her undergarments as she clenched her crossed legs tighter, knowing the action is futile in the presence of High Fae and skilled soldiers, but either her family is far too drunk already or have chosen to ignore the scent she’s sure to be releasing. No matter, she supposed. They all deserved it for their own newly-mated episodes. Elain felt Lucien’s chuckle and turned to glare at him before Mor exclaimed, “Rhys! Presents! Now!” Elain laughed as Rhysand rolled her eyes, grateful for the distraction from her own arousal.
With a wave of his hand, the presents appeared before the roaring fireplace. One by one, they were distributed, and Elain watched with a smile on her face. She was watching Nyx play with his new training dagger from Azriel when a present and a card appeared on her lap. She knew without looking up that it was her mate in front of her.
“I thought we weren’t exchanging gifts until later,” she accused, cheeks reddening once again as she remembered what they had promised.
Lucien sat down and effortlessly pulled her sideways onto his lap. “It’s not from me. It’s from my… father.” Elain looked into his russet eye, finding the emotion within that came from acknowledging Helion as his father. She cupped a hand to his face and gave him a quick kiss, just because she could. “I’m not sure where he ran off to, but he told me we need to open it together.” Needing no further explanation, Elain tore into the white and gold wrapping paper, as Lucien read the card to her. “For fun,” was all it said.
Together, they lifted the lid of the box. Elain gasped and Lucien choked as they beheld a variety of gadgets to use in the bedroom to play. There was every toy Elain could think of, but her attention snagged on one particular device. Her eyes traveled along the straps and buckles until they reached the attached appendage. She looked at her mate, his metal eye whirring. No doubt he knew exactly what she was thinking before she had to say it. “Can I…” She swallowed, her voice thick with arousal. “Would you be okay with this?”
Lucien licked his lips and whispered, “Do your worst, Flower.” Elain exhaled through her nostrils, imagining her mate on his knees in front of her, his face buried in the pillows and silks of their bed. She bit her lip and involuntarily rocked her hips on his hardening length. Lucien hissed and gripped her tighter by the waist. “We still need to eat dinner, my love.” He leaned in closer, his breath tickling her ear, “But my Solstice present to you is letting you do whatever you want to me tonight.”
Elain shot up from his lap, leaving him laughing behind her. She sought out Nuala and Cerridwen to see if they needed help completing dinner. They told her it would only be a few moments, but she helped them anyway.
Dinner was the usual, Nyx throwing food at his Uncle Cassian, Nesta scolding Cassian for throwing food back. Amren ignoring Mor’s bargain for her jewelry. Feyre and Rhys talking mind to mind as though they think no one knows they’re actually fucking in there at inappropriate times. Like at the dinner table. But Elain didn’t care because she kept stealing glances at Lucien, her mate staring at her right back.
As soon as they were done eating, Elain bid a quick farewell, pulling Lucien behind her. She ignored the cheering that came from Rhysand and Cassian. She was beyond caring at this point. That primal need to take her mate wherever and whenever was still strong. When they reached their room on the far end of the estate, Elain wasted no time pushing her mate against the door and claiming his mouth with hers.
Lucien’s gift to her was for her to take charge, and that was exactly what she planned to do. She reached between them to his belt, pulling it free without breaking the connection of their lips. She palmed him through his trousers, eliciting a groan from both of them. He was already hard, already ready for her.
Next came the buttons of his shirt. Elain began at the top, trailing kisses down his neck, lingering on the wild pulse beneath his skin. With each pop of a button, her lips moved lower and lower. She traced her tongue along the ridges of his chiseled abs. Elain straightened and removed his shirt before pulling him towards the bed.
The bed was already equipped with leather straps tied to the headboard, set up earlier when she excused herself to freshen up. Lucien looked from the bed to Elain, eyes wide with confusion--and need. Elain only pushed him to lay down on the bed and said, “Happy Solstice, Lucien.”
Once he was settled in the center of the bed, Elain straddled him, hissing as her bare center made contact with his chiseled abdomen, her dress pooling around her. As she made quick work of the straps around his wrists, Lucien growled, “Were you not wearing underwear all night, Elain?” He growled as she nodded in confirmation. “Take off your dress, love,” he commanded.
But Elain wasn't having that.
“Uh uh,” she tutted, lifting herself to her knees. “No talking.” She silenced him completely, gripping the headboard with one hand, her dress in the other so that she could sit on his face. Her mate didn’t hesitate, plunging his tongue deep into her molten core. Elain didn't bother suppressing her moans as he devoured her like a starved man. She rocked back and forth, the feel of his mouth on her igniting the fire in her veins.
Elain ground harder, chasing the release that was already so close after a night of teasing. Her mate must have known she was already on the precipice of falling because he sped up his ministrations.
“Yes, yes, yes,” she panted, “Make me come, Lucien, I need to come.” He made a long swipe of his tongue from her ass to her clit, nipping at her sensitive nub with his teeth. The pain mixed with pleasure sent her crashing over the edge. She screamed through her release, but Lucien’s tongue never stopped helping her ride the wave.
Breathing heavy, she climbed down and kissed him deeply, groaning as she tasted herself on his lips. Already, she was wanting more, aching to be filled. She adjusted her hips until she felt his rock hard length against her entrance. Supporting herself with her arms, she stared down into her mate’s russet eye as she sank down, down, down, filling her completely with his cock. They both groaned in pleasure, the bond between them lit with the wanton need for each other.
Seeing his eye filled with molten desire only for her, Elain couldn’t help but lean forward and kiss him again as she moved her hips up and down, faster and faster. Every slip in and out of her molten channel elicited wanton noises from her throat. “Elain, fuck,” he breathed as she used her inner muscles to clench tight around his cock.
She sat up again, bracing herself with his hands on his solid chest. Despite his hands being tied, Lucien still bent his knees to pound up into her, meeting her thrust for thrust. She cried out when he hit that particular spot that had never been hit before she found her mate. Without breaking rhythm, she finally shed her dress, throwing it haphazardly to the floor.
Lucien’s metal eye whirred, taking in every detail of her perfect, cream skin. Elain reached over to their new box of goodies and returned with a small device that vibrated in her hand. Her lips curled into a mischievous smile as she brought the toy to where they were still joined, still moving. She could hardly describe the sensation that came when the vibrations made contact with her clit, her screams filling the room as her body tensed with her release. “Elain!” Lucien roared as he followed her into the abyss, filling her with his seed. Lucien struggled against his bonds, squirming against Elain as she held that vibrating device between them until she could no longer handle it.
Elain collapsed next to Lucien, breathing hard and groaning at the emptiness she felt. “That was…” she trailed off.
“Amazing,” her mate finished for her, breathing just as heavily.
Elain propped herself up on an elbow and leaned forward to claim Lucien’s lips with her own. Through their kiss, she could feel all the love he felt for her and channeled it right back. His tongue demanded entrance and she happily obliged, opening her mouth to deepen the kiss. They were a clash of tongues and teeth until Elain reached up and undid the straps restraining her mate.
But before he could grab her and pull her close like he so desperately wanted, she grabbed his wrists and whispered, “Did you think I was done with you already?” Without waiting for a response she climbed off the bed, commanding him to get on his hands on his knees. He raised his brow at her, but listened. He moved slowly, she noticed with no small amount of pleasure.
She felt powerful, taking what she wanted from him. They are equals in every way, including in their bed, but the feeling of being in control of each move has caused her to be aroused all over again. Elain reached for the box from Helion, feeling Lucien watching her as she lifted that contraption of straps and buckles. She made quick work of securing it to her waist before climbing behind her mate on the bed.
Using a tube of lubricant she found in the box, she lathered the rubber length, and then used her finger to tease Lucien’s rear end. He stiffened at first, but didn’t pull away as she inched the tip of her finger in. Lucien moaned, and Elain told him, “Let me know if this is too much, okay?” Lucien nodded and pushed back on her fingers. After pumping one in a few times, she added a second--and then a third. “Are you ready?” she asked, removing her fingers.
Lucien lifted up on his arms and looked over his shoulder at Elain as she lined himself up to his back entrance. She made eye contact with him, waiting for him to give permission. She may be in charge here, but she wasn’t going to go any farther if he didn’t want to.
But her mate, her wonderful, sexy mate said, “Fuck me, Elain.” And so she did.
Guiding herself in, she went slowly at first, stopping when Lucien dropped to his elbows when his ass snapped around the head of rubber. He was panting, so she stayed still, searing this image of her mate on his knees before her into her mind. After a few seconds, Lucien adjusted and pushed back, urging her on.
She pushed in more, more, more until she was buried all the way to the hilt in her mate’s fine ass. “How does it feel?” she asked.
“Full,” he laughed, then moaned from the movement. “But… I think I like it.” He looked over his shoulder and repeated his words from before. “Do your worst, flower.”
She didn’t need to be told twice. She pulled out almost all the way and pushed back in, faster this time, again and again until she found a pounding rhythm. Her earlier vision came to life as Lucien yelled into the pillows, clenching the soft sheets in his fists.
Powerful--this was power. She gripped her mate’s hips and increased her speed, snapping her hips against his. Elain leaned forward and pressed kisses to his spine, the way he likes to do to her. In this position, she formed a wicked idea in her head and reached around his body. Finding his cock, unsurprised to discover it’s hard again, she worked him with her hand as she fucked him from behind.
Lucien’s screams intensified as he approached his impending orgasm. She grabbed a fistful of his red hair, forcing his back to bend. “Do you want to come, my love?” He grunted in response, but she said, “I need to hear you say it.”
Lucien turned his head to the side against her grip, panting, “Please, Elain. I need to come.” He locked eyes with her, his pupil dilated further than she’s ever seen. “Please.”
Satisfied, Elain cupped his balls and squeezed before stroking him again in time with her thrusts. In no time, she felt Lucien’s body seized beneath her, spilling his seed onto the sheets with a groan. She milked his cock with her hand until she was finished and pulled out, eliciting a strained moan from her mate. She let go of his hair so that he could until he could collapse on his stomach, careful to avoid the puddle of fluid left behind.
Quickly removing the strapped contraption, Elain joined her mate on the bed, happily falling into his outstretched arms. She peppered his face with kisses to coax him down from his high. Eventually, he opened his eyes, the metal whirring as his brain tried to function once more.
“Good?” she asked demurely.
“We’re doing that again,” he growled.
And two more times that night, they did. When they were finally satiated for the time being, Elain fell asleep in her mate’s arms as he whispered, “I love you,” against her hair.
Thanks for reading! If you’d like to be added to/taken off my general SJM tag list just send me an ask and be sure to include the fandom! i’m very good at losing them in the comments. love y’all! *bold tags didn’t work*
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sweet-art-o-mine · 2 years
Can I request... Silco and Jinx in a situation where Jinx is severely injured and Silco gets all protective and whatnot ;; Or what would've happened if he was awake during Singed's operation on her? Whichever one of the two you'd like, honestly! Requesting this because my heart just swelled 5x over when he found her on the bridge; I don't know why I have a spot for this type of angst but I do and Arcane robbed any future moments like that with them 😩
[[A/N: Hi! Author Allie here. Thank you for the request! I also love angst a whole lot (fun fact: before meeting Ami, I used to be purely an angst wrtier lol. But she taught me how to write romance and fluff<3), and I'm sooo sad we'll never get more dad Silco moments in the show 😭😭 hopefully this short drabble will placate you. Hope you enjoy!]]
He knew he had made a fool of himself, but he couldn’t find it in him to care.
The way he paced in his office, his one good eye scanning the same parchment of paper over and over - seeing the words on the paper but being unable to comprehend them. Every thought in his head twisted to the memory of his daughter, injured and bleeding out where he’d found her.
He was supposed to be looking over the numbers of his Shimmer sales in his office, but the moment one of his underlings had barged into the room to tell him how the latest mission had gone wrong, he’d pushed his way through the bustling people in The Last Drop until he found her. Her shock of blue hair stood out amongst the crowd, but it was stained with red blood and ash-grey soot. The soot was a familiar sight, he’d seen it on her far too many times after her gadgets failed to work the way she’d intended and would - quite literally - blow up in her face. But the blood… the shock of red sent a rush of cold fear through his body.
“Jinx!” He’d called, moving towards his daughter. The crowd parted as soon as they recognized the voice. Sevika was holding the teen girl in her arms, injured herself but not as severely. Silco couldn’t help but wonder if the blood on her jacket was her own, or if it belonged to the girl in her arms.
“She’s alive,” Sevika placated, panting from the effort of running all the way here with the girl in her arms. “Someone called the doctor, he’s on his way.”
“What happened?” He’d asked immediately, eyes wide as he scanned over her bruised and bloodied body. His hands hovered over her nervously, needing to prove to himself that she’s here, she’s alive, but simultaneously afraid that if he laid his hands on her she’d shatter like glass. Jinx was barely conscious, muttering something under her breath that he didn’t even try to understand. Her blue eyes were open but glazed over. Before Sevika could get a word out, he found himself scowling at her - his shock and fear turned to bubbling anger. “How could you let this happen?”
It was all downhill from there. She argued back, of course, always angry to be blamed for something Jinx had caused - but the argument had been cut short as the doctor arrived to tend to the injured. Silco had been adamant on staying to oversee the treatment, but the bandaged doctor told him he couldn’t work with him pacing and looking over his shoulder every few seconds. Thus, Silco had, very hesitantly, made his way back to his office.
He shook his head, placing the papers down on his desk much harsher than intended. He ran his hands through his black and grey hair, trying to soothe his wracked nerves. Sevika had been right, of course - he had no intentions of babying Jinx. She was smart, reliable and strong, and she could handle herself. There are always mishaps in battle, he tried to remind himself. She should have been more careful, it was nobody’s fault but her own…
Yet, his fatherly instincts told him to rage against those who’d hurt his only daughter. His only family. A part of him screamed - how dare they? They’ll pay for this - but he drowned it out with the click of a lighter as he lit his cigar.
She’ll be fine. The doctor told him it looked worse than it actually was, she’ll be back on her feet and causing mayhem for the Topsiders in no time.
He looked around his office as he inhaled deeply, the usually warm smoke serving to only chill him further as his thoughts ran rampant. The monkey mug sat on his desk, mocking him with the angry frown that Jinx had scribbled onto it long ago - yet he could only look at it with fondness. The ashtray he favored was the same, drawn all over in bright neon colors. He looked up and saw the same treatment all along the rafters of his office. Bright colors, random scribbles, childish monsters with razor teeth and sharp claws, and various ‘Jinx was here’s all over the room. With every little doodle he glanced at, his heart sank. She wouldn’t die, he tried to tell himself. She could not die…
For how could he live without her?
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webtrinsic1122 · 2 years
MY REVIEW!!! (One that’s absolutely all over the place cause I’m ranting)
I really enjoyed it!!!
Starting out I knew there would be narration from Batman, I’ll be honest I thought at first it was a little odd and hoped it wouldn’t last the whole movie since I thought it would take from the plot by telling rather than showing. But it actually only happens in the start and the very end and is a great insight into Batman’s inner voice - showing he’s immensely well spoken and articulate which obviously lends to the story in that Bruce is worlds greatest detective.
There is some things told in the book “Before the Batman,” and things said by the creators before hand that probably would have helped being at least better hinted at and mention or just funny to know when walking in:
The most important of those things being Bruce not only left Gotham for a while to study and such but also in his free time races cars. Which is like a huge “ohhh” moment when you see how he goes through the car chase scene so we’ll with all the obstacles
Also the two smaller but things brought up but not told in the story that I think are funny: Batman is apparently a virgin - kinda explains his sometimes off interactions with Selina, and that the riddler is an Uber driver which is just kinda funny
Speaking on Selina, adored her and I was rooting more for her way of doing things than Batman’s at parts. I think she had some right to want to kill her piece of shit father and I’m just like you go girl u should lol but yeah I do get Batman’s moral objections but like sometimes it’s just her personal business but that’s just my own bias
At points Bruce is kinda just a dick, especially with his interactions with Alfred. Like damn that shit hurt. But it’s rectified in one of my personal favorite scenes in the movie:
The decision to have Bruce’s screams for Alfred completely silent was astounding. Him driving so fast and just the sheer anguish written on his face because he’s so fucking afraid of losing Alfred was touching.
I enjoyed that but I can’t say all of the sound design in the movie. Mainly because the Batman theme is absolutely fucking phenomenal and the decision to have it start for like five second and then shut off the second Bruce was no longer on screen and then boom back again when he’s back was so frustrating. Like let the damn song play the whole scene please- it’s too good of a song to just keep jumping in five seconds intervals.
The POV shots in the movie are cheesy as fuck and a little jarring but for those weird scenes there’s hundred of other brilliant ones that make up for it. Not to mention the set design especially the Wayne manor is gothic and beautiful.
The plot itself is choppy and almost convoluted at parts. It’s not the smoothest of movies but it’s damn well enjoyable, when things get going they really get going to the point you can’t look away.
I’ll be honest this movie has my absolute favorite action/fighting scenes of any Batman movie. He’s a fucking beast. Legit though because of that I don’t think I’ve ever worried for a Batman so much before because he’s just so fucking reckless- he’s taking on like dozens of people at a time and your just like BROOO
Like I adored it but dear god man was gonna give me a heart attack
There was so many good dc references, am a little confused how they will explain the joker stitched up face situation since death in the family obviously has no part in this so who knows
Basing the riddler off the zodiac was creepy and a great chilling move, his traps for the corrupt cops were straight out of the SAW movies and the torture and damn phone call of the murder of Selina’s friend was upsetting.
The acting was superb, and showing us some gadgets that displayed this was a detective Batman story rather than a militarized one was interesting.
Interesting to finally see them use the camera contacts in live action but they certainly did the trick for the plot
Glad they talked about mental health in the Wayne family was not always good, poor Martha and poor Bruce
I found it hilarious cat woman is legit trash mouthing rich ppl the whole time even when she knows that Batman probably most definitely came from money even when she doesn’t know how much or that he is fucking prince of Gotham
Penguin was a great comic relief and i can’t wait to see where the villains from the story go from here because the set up for their returns was done well.
Anywho those are just my thoughts and opinions for now.
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ducktales-wco-oo · 4 years
(Finally saw the ep and I LOVED it KDJKSFNDSKFDSf - Gonna ramble incoherently about one of my Favorite things (the Fenton x Drake interactions/dynamic) because RIP )
(God, I love how Drake seems to like and admire Fenton, and still dislikes Gizmoduck as much as ever. Giz getting credit for saving St. Canard is just icing on the cake omfg ‘His talents are wasted designing doo-dads for that hack Gizmoduck’ - Drake thinks Fenton is talented and Fenton hooked ‘Darkwing’ up with hella gear and that computer has an Advanced AI with Humanity that actually SASSES Drake and lbr, that screams Fenton Design. lol Drake lying about Fenton not being able to ‘stand the guy’ also waters my crops, and likely stemmed from Fenton being Humble as ever and frantically trying to downplay how great Gizmoduck is when he was brought up because he was embarrassed/didn’t-want-to-be-conceited/saw-how-much-Drake-HATED-the-guy RIP)
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(Fenton is being torn apart— literally —by a super villain, and when he’s told that Darkwing is ‘busy’ and needs to call him back, he IMMEDIATELY says  ❝  Oh, yeah- sure. I’m flexible-  ❞  even as he’s being OVERWHELMED and was about to ask for assistance for ‘Gizmoduck’. No arguments, no hesitation- just the polite boi we all know and love JKDNSFJKDSF Fenton calling people from inside the suit as he’s fighting crime is also something I adore, because he’s just- doing his best trying to juggle defending the city/civilians as well as asking for assistance without giving away his identity and I’m Love Him and It.)
(‘Hello, Darkwing?’ - ‘Still not a good time, buddy.’ - Fenton is Darkwing’s friend and I AM tHRVING... Also him just pouring over how to bring Waddlemeyer back for several nights with Drake and trying his best to help is just *lies down and cries* I was hoping for mere nuggets of interaction— at the very least, some Giz and DW —but instead I was given several moments of genuine Drake Darwking and FENTON interactions, as well as even more things to sob about and overanalyze when it comes to my fluffy boi and I Am Living For It)
(Fenton totally provides Darkwing with gadgets and technical assistance in his civilian life, as well as fighting alongside him as Gizmoduck and the fact that Drake is friendly with one whilst despising the other— ironically, the opposite reaction people normally have to Fenton’s identities —is everything I hoped for but dared not dream would actually be shown. lol)
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atamascolily · 4 years
The cover of Junior Jedi Knights #5: Vader's Fortress by Rebecca Moesta features Anakin and Artoo dodging blaster fire while Tahiri does a bad-ass leap and Darth Vader looms in the background. So I guess this next field trip is to wherever the hell Vader's fortress is located... and given that this book was published in 1997, I'm pretty sure it isn't Mustafar.
Readers, I squealed with delight when I realized they were actually going to Bast Castle on Vjun.
[cut for length and discussion of Dark Empire]
Vjun's first appearance was in Dark Empire, but it's the main setting for Sean Stewart's Clone War-era novel Yoda: Dark Rendezvous (2004), which happens to be one of the best Legends books ever. Period. Drop everything and go read it now. Stewart's Vjun is a Dark side Gothic horror wonderland full of crumbling castles, crazed nobility, and flesh-eating moss. I love it, and you will, too.
Vjun also appears in various video games, with no less than Kyle Katarn describing it as "a big, dead, important rock". High praise, indeed.
Oh, and if you're curious, Wookiepeedia says Vjun is "pronounced as "VAH-JUHN" in Star Wars: Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy, but in Star Wars Battlefront: Elite Squadron, it is pronounced as "VUHN"".... so anything goes, really.
Anyway, so having dealt with his heritage by going to Dagobah in the last book, the logical next step is for Anakin to actually go and visit Vader's castle in person. You know, exposure therapy. Right?
Okay, let's see what the text says.
Anakin, Tahiri and Uldir are hanging out on the landing pad on Yavin IV waiting for Tionne to show up. Tahiri loves Tionne so much, she doesn't mind waiting around, and she wishes she could have gone with Tionne on this latest trip to Borgo Prime and I just... I love their relationship, okay?
Tionne has a new ship - the Lore Seeker! Anakin uses the Force to determine it's in great shape despite its odd appearance. (It has sails to harness solar wind, lol!)
“I’m glad to hear you say that,” the Jedi instructor said with a smile. “I thought so, too. But because the ship was so old, I was able to buy it from a Randoni trader for a song.”
“How much did you really pay?” Uldir asked.
Tionne shrugged.
“Just a song. Really. While I was looking for Jedi legends, I came across an ancient song that told about the very firstRan - doni merchants and the vaults where they hid their wealth. The trader was so interested that she offered me the Lore Seeker in exchange for the song. Now come help me unload my cargo, and I’ll show you some of my other treasures.”
Also, Tionne got some other stuff, too:
“You may carry this Twi’lek story-chain, Tahiri-each link tells a different part of a story. Please be very careful with it. Uldir, here is a holodisk. It holds a recording of some very old Jedi songs. Anakin, would you please carry this scroll? I’ll take the tapestry.”’
But Tionne found out something else important "in an old fortress on a planet called Vjun" and this is where I started SCREAMING because I know exactly where this is going and this is such a great set-up - especially since none of the kids have a clue.
Of course, they want to go, and Tionne's trying to be diplomatic about it.
“Does anyone live in the fortress?” Anakin asked.
Tionne shook her head.
“Not anymore.”
“Well, if it’s really that important, don’t you think you ought to go find it?” Tahiri said. “And don’t forget that you promised to take me with you this time.”
“I’d like to go along, too,” Anakin added.
“Yeah, it sounds like fun,” Uldir said.
Tionne frowned.
“I’m not sure Master Skywalker will approve. It could be a bit dangerous."
LOLOLOLOL, since when has that ever stopped anybody in this series?? But according to Tionne, the danger isn't Sith ghosts or anything like that - it's other people trying to snag a certain treasure first.
And what is this special object? the kids want to know.
Tionne’s face lit with a wondering smile, and she gave a happy sigh.
“It’s Obi-Wan Kenobi’s lightsaber!”
ITS A MACGUFFIN! Also, given all of Vader’s issues with Obi-wan, the fact that he kept his old master’s lightsaber in his hidden Gothic Drama Castle is... something. But I digress.
Cut to Luke, being Luke.
Luke Skywalker, dressed in a comfortable black flightsuit, sat on the stone floor in the room where he meditated and did his office work. At the moment, though, Luke was not meditating. Before him in the center of the room stood his barrel-shaped blue and white droid, ArtooDetoo. It was time for Artoo’s routine cleaning. Anakin’s older sister Jaina often helped Luke with this chore, but the Jedi Master didn’t mind doing it himself. He actually found it relaxing. With his tools neatly laid out on the floor and fresh packets of lubricant beside him, Master Skywalker opened ArtooDetoo’s front panels and got to work.
After checking the droid’s numerous electrical connections, Luke added a few gadgets and upgrades Jaina had scrounged up for Artoo: a retractable mirror attachment, a power booster for the comm unit, and a new focusing lens for the hologram projector.
I'm sure NONE of these upgrades will come in handy later on in the book. Nope. Nope. Nope. Move along, nothing to see here, just a boy and his bro-bot.
Ikrit is hanging out on top of Artoo's head during all of this, when there's a knock at the door. Luke asks him to open the door and Ikrit DOES and I don't know why I find this so adorable, but I totally do. More of this, please.
Luke looked up from the packet of slippery lubricant he held in his hand, then smiled when he saw who his visitors were.
“Come in,” he said, “all of you.”
His words seemed to open an invisible dam, because people and noises instantly flooded into his quiet room. Luke laughed as everyone tried to talk to him at once.
“Master Skywalker, I have wonderful news,” Tionne said. “You’ll never guess in a million years,” Tahiri added.
“Can I go with them?” Anakin asked.
“Yeah, me too!” Uldir said.
News of Obi-wan's lightsaber makes Luke have all kinds of Feels (and a handy flashback for those who have forgotten the movies). Luke's like, Oh, yeah, Bast Castle, I've been there before back in Dark Empire when things got weird, and Anakin FREAKS OUT. Tionne's like, huh, maybe that's why my contact said only family had a right to claim the lightsaber then.
Tionne wants Luke to come with her, but Luke is meeting with Leia for pressing NR business, so Anakin volunteers to go as the family rep. I love that Luke looks at Ikrit first, and only says okay when Ikrit nods. Of course Uldir wants to come too, and Luke is about to say no, but Tionne's like "he's just going to stow away, so you might as well and the cargo hold on my ship is too small for him plus our stuff" so Luke caves. DID I MENTION HE'S A SOFTIE?? And with Artoo and Ikrit to help, Luke feels good about it, but again, he insists on the parental permission first.
[Oh, no, I just realized that Luke might not want to go back to Vjun after all the traumatic shit that went down in Dark Empire, and that's ALSO horrifying to contemplate. Like, it's not dangerous anymore, so he's okay with sending Anakin there with supervision, but he might not be eager to re-visit it? MY HEART.]
We skip that scene, though, and jump immediately to everyone in the Lore Seeker, and Tionne teaches them about lightsabers. Nomi Sunrider is namedropped (queen!) but overall lightsabers are reified, and I don't know how I feel about that tbh, even though they are admittedly SUPER COOL LASER SWORDS BUZZ BUZZ BUZZ.
Fortunately, Ikrit's there to say "Not All Jedi," since I am not, which catches Tionne off guard, since she didn't know he was a Jedi master. Tionne is apologetic about treating Ikrit like a pet, but Uldir continues to be a jerk, especially when Ikrit starts sharing his own personal trauma. And then Ikrit declaims about Anakin and Tahiri's powers, but graciously includes Uldir once Uldir pokes him about it.
The skies of Vjun are stormy, so it's a bumpy ride down. They land outside the castle instead of on the landing pad at the top because the weather is so awful. Anakin did his homework, and explains the situation (Dark Empire recap!):
“Did Uncle Luke tell you anything about the fortress itself?” Anakin asked.
“I don’t know much about it.”
“Well, I found out as much as I could before we left. Apparently Vader built Bast Castle as one of his private strongholds; he was a powerful man. After both he and Emperor Palpatine died, some of the Emperor’s followers brought a copy of Palpatine’s body here-a clone. This second Emperor was defeated too. Since then, the fortress has been abandoned, as far as we know.”
“I still don’t get it,” Uldir said to Anakin. “Why would your grandfather choose to build in such a desolate place?”
Oh, you sweet summer child.
They spy another shuttle, and Tahiri is forced to wear shoes again so they can climb up in the rain. It's basically the Stairs of Minas Morgul from LOTR, only the rain is turning to sleet. Artoo hates stairs and Ikrit rescues him when he falls off - but he can hack the door open, so that's good. The hall has a giant, larger-than-life statue of Darth Vader toppled over on the floor, because... drama.
Then the laser fire starts, and everybody ducks for cover. Artoo uses his newly-installed reviewed mirror to deflect the laster bolts, so they can disarm the automatic security system. Tionne steps in with her lightsaber when Artoo gets shot, and she and Ikrit start tossing random objects to block them while the kids race for the control panels and it's epic. The statue explodes and Artoo manages to hack the system right before he powers down.
Uldir clapped one hand down on Anakin’s shoulder. “Not half bad for a kid,” he said.
Quiet, you condescending fuck. Yes, I know, he's like 14, but he's still obnoxious as hell here.
Anyway, they repair Artoo, except he can't climb any more stairs (I'm so confused how he did it earlier, but okay), and they debate whether to split the party. The smart answer is always "No," but they eventually do anyway, because plot. Tahiri's just happy not to wear shoes. You'll be happy to know that the bathrooms still work. This whole thing feels like an RPG dungeon crawl and I'm HERE FOR IT.
Tahiri notices the floor's texture shifts and that turns out to be a clue and I LOVE THIS. There's a secret pit trap full of spkes, and then suddenly they're attacked by monsters. But eventually, the others find them and deduce that they're holograms. Anakin IDs himself to a door and it opens into a secret chamber... and then this happens:
At the same moment, a puff of smoke erupted in the doorway, and a dark-haired man with a neat beard, tawny eyes, and a deep purple cloak stood before them. The man threw back his head and laughed, although Anakin couldn’t see what was so funny.
“The powerful Mage of Exis Station thanks you,” he said. “I would never have found the lightsaber without your help.” He snatched the weapon from Tionne’s hand. “But I’ll take it now.”
Tahiri starts pestering this guy with questions and he is startled enough to admit he's the Mighty Orloc. Tahiri realizes he's a stage magician, but even so, he manages to open a trapdoor, sending Tionne and Ikrit elsewhere. The kids rush him, but there's smoke and when it clears, Orloc has vanished.
Ikrit and Tionne are fine, and they start looking to rejoin the kids, who are searching for them and/or Orloc. Artoo and Uldir take a tunnel while Tahiri and Anakin go up stairs. Everyone keeps tossing the stale Imperial ration bars they picked up earlier to test for traps, and the RP gamer  in me approves.
“What’s this?” Tahiri asked, pointing to a raised platform that held a huge tube made of black plasteel. Wires and hoses snaked out from the cylinder in all directions. She ran a hand along its smooth side and found some sort of control panel.
“This looks like the tubes they use to bury dead people in space,” Anakin said.
It's actually Vader's bedroom! They find a little hidden hologram of a young Luke and I just... can't even...
Anakin opened his mouth to speak, but nothing came out. The little hologram of a young Luke Skywalker turned in a slow circle, so that they could see it from every angle.
...Anakin felt a lump form in his throat. “My mom keeps holograms of me and Jacen and Jaina on her desk at work, and Dad has one of me and the twins in the Millennium Falcon. I think Darth Vader was just doing the same thing.”
“So maybe he wasn’t all bad,” Tahiri said in a soft voice.
Anakin starts to feel better about coming to Bast Castle, which is good, because he has Deep-Seated Issues that need to be resolved.
Meanwhile, Uldir sees the lightsaber as a magical talisman that will help him become a Jedi. He abandons Artoo and confronts Orloc, who draws the blade on him. Orloc offers to teach Uldir his powers if he'll come with him. Orloc's looking for the Holocron in Vader's private quarters, and Uldir is tempted, but ultimately turns him down because he realizes Orloc is a fraud.
Anakin and Tahiri find Orloc and Uldir and Tahiri slides down a pole to confront him. Orloc attacks her with the lightsaber. Tionne and Ikrit show up, and Artoo uses a high-frequency blast to distract Orloc long enough for Ikrit to yank the lightsaber with the Force. Orloc disappears, and Uldir mentions the Holocron in Vader's private quarters. So Anakin and Tahiri take them back there.
Tionne's like, let's GTFO, but Uldir suggests they test it, which is a mistake, but Tionne agrees. OF COURSE Orloc comes back and snags it. They chase Orloc through the castle, and there's a lot of trap door shenanigans, but ultimately Artoo helps save the day and they get the holocron back, even though Orloc conveniently escapes.
(Maybe I've been watching too much Scooby-Doo, but I honestly expected Orloc to say "And I would have gotten away with it, too, if it weren't for you meddling kids and your talking [lagomorph]!" ...maybe in the next book?)
Ikrit suggests they use the ships in the hangar to fly down to the Lore Seeker instead of walking. Anakin suggests Ikrit keeps the ship, since he seems to enjoy piloting, and I don't know how Ikrit is piloting this thing since he's a lagomorph, but it makes him happy, and they all make it back to Yavin in two ships without incident, which means it's time for the inspirational moral!
“It feels good to be back,” he said with a sigh. Tahiri giggled. “That was certainly more of an adventure than I had bargained for.”
Tionne looked at her two students.
“Are you sorry you came with me?”
Anakin shook his head.
“The trip was worth making. I learned some interesting things about Darth Vader.”
“I learned to trust the Force and not just my eyes and ears,” Tahiri said.
“And we did find a lightsaber and a Holocron,” Anakin said.
“And a new ship for Ikrit,” Tahiri added. “So I think we’re glad we came along, but it may be a while before we go looking for adventures again.”
HAHAHAHA, right, kids. You just keep thinking that.
Ikrit names his ship the Sunrider after Nomi Sunrider, because he, too, stans a legend. Anakin and Tahiri ask if they can take the turbolift up to the Great Temple when Luke starts walking up the outside stairs, and Luke has NO IDEA WHY THEY HATE STAIRS, and... on that note, the book ends, with Luke being VERY confused. [I like that Moesta remembers the Great Temple has outside stairs, but... THE LAYOUT STILL MAKES NO SENSE!!!]
So, I don't know how to feel about this book. PROS: I love the character details with Luke, Ikrit, Tionne and Tahiri, and I like how all of the adults continue to be responsible while still allowing opportunities for the children to be competent and show initiative. It's great to see Bast Castle, and the whole thing has the feel of a classic RPG dungeon crawl. Yay for Artoo saving the day ON MULTIPLE OCCASIONS, lol.
CONS: Uldir is annoying, and I wish he'd stop being such a jerk. None of the characters have ever played RPGs and it shows in their lack of genre-savvy. And I guess we'll see Orloc again in the next book, because... it feels like there wasn't much resolution of that particular plot in this book... no resolution to who Orloc actually is, or what or why. I feel like this book is part one of a two-episode plot, and I wasn't expecting that, but okay.
It's unclear if Obi-wan's lightsaber has any further plot significance or if it's just a macguffin. Ditto the holocron. But given the next book is Kenobi's Blade, I suspect Orloc's going to try and snag both, and Uldir is going to have a Not-So-Secret Test of Character about it. (To be fair, he passed the one in this book, so he's not all bad, but he's so obnoxious, it's challenging for me to give him credit where it's due.)
This book also kinda sorta falls into the "Jedi lightsaber fetish" trope, which I hate. Don't get me wrong, I love the laser swords and they are freaking awesome, but I hate how everybody latches onto "Jedi = laser sword" business as a symbol of identity. I know, I know, Star Wars is really ambivalent about whether the Jedi are Space!Samurai or Space!Monks, and I just... lean more towards the latter than the former, I guess?? But like I said, the lightsaber is more of a macguffin here, and Ikrit at least lampshades the issue a little bit, so I feel better about it.  
Also, it just occurred to me it's unclear whether Tahiri hates shoes, sand, or stairs more, lol.
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Title: Secrets
Characters: Pepper Stark, Peter Parker, Morgan Stark, Happy, and Mentions of: Tony, Rodney, May, and Bucky.
Word Count: 1k+
Summary: Pepper believes that she knows all of Tony’s secrets. Even after he’s passed and saved the world, she’s sure that there isn’t anything left behind that she doesn’t know of, but during the anniversary of Tony’s death, she finds something tucked away in his office.
Warnings: Angst and Fluff
A/N: So... this is not a reader insert. It’s more of an Imagine. The idea manifested in my head and I just thought... “OMG! WHAT IF?” And I just had to write it and share it with you guys. I love Tony and Peter’s relationship and I wished we could have explored more with their dynamics, but then endgame happened. Anyways, I hope this warms your heart like the idea did mine!!
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Everyone is at Tony and Pepper’s home near the lake in celebration of a life worth while. It had been one year since Tony sacrificed himself, like the true hero he was, to save billions of lives. No one will, or can, ever, ever, be able to replace him.
There was no argument that Tony loved a party, especially when he was the center of it. So why not do just that? Have a party to commemorate a man that was – no, is – a legend of his own making. Pepper, Rodney, and Happy knew this was what he would have wanted. The idea had been entertained, more than once, that Tony was probably having a party of his own up in heaven, talking God’s ear off. The notion was hilarious, yet undeniably believable.
In the midst of the party, Pepper had stepped away from all the noise and bodies. Hearing stories of Tony’s life and seeing how those stories lit up the eyes of his friends only proved to her how much he was loved… still loved. The emotions in the room were overwhelming and she needed space. She needed time alone to grieve the man she loved the most. Her husband. The father of her sweet baby girl.
Slipping into his office, Pepper scanned every untouched corner to the room. It was left exactly the way he had left it. Papers strewn across the table, gadgets and gizmos littered all over the place… everything about it screamed, Tony.
Tears finally spilled passed her eyes as a choked sob lurched from her throat. She missed him so much. She missed him everyday. Unable to keep herself up on her feet, she took a seat on Tony’s chair, elbows on the table face buried in her hands.
“Get it together, Pep. Tony wouldn’t want you to be this way,” she told her self, wiping the tears from her eyes.
Needing to feel closer to Tony, Pepper opened one of the drawers, pulling out folders after folders just to admire his handwriting. She laughed at the sight. His penmanship was terrible, nothing but chicken scratch, but she had worked with him long enough to be able to decipher every foreign-like symbol.
Pepper peeked back into the drawer and saw a small briefcase. Her brows furrowed in confusion for she had never seen it before. It looked custom made. Out of curiosity, she pulled it out only to find that it was a protected with some high tech lock. There was a screen and buttons, clearly a lock Tony had crafted himself. Whatever was in the case, Tony wanted to keep it private.
She pressed one of the buttons and the tech whirred to life, blue light illuminating. The screen read, “enter passcode.” She entered all the possible passwords that Tony had ever came up with, most of which were ridiculous, however none seemed to do the trick. She punched in her name, then Morgan’s, then Happy’s, and then Rodney’s, but to no avail. Defeated, she leaned back on the chair, consuming herself with what other possibilities there could be. Tony liked his acronyms, but if that was the case, then it could literally be anything.
“Uh, excuse me, Mrs. Stark?”
Pepper’s eyes fluttered upwards to see Peter with Morgan latching onto him, her arms wrapped around his neck and her head resting on his shoulders, much like how she would cling to her father. “I think Morgan is ready for bed.”
A smile appeared of Pepper’s face. Tony had always been fond of Peter, and now so was Morgan. “Okay, I’ll tuck her in.”
“Mommy, can Peter put me to bed?” She asked, sleep heavy in her voice.
“Uh…” Peter started, “I don’t mind. I can do it if you need some time to yourself,” he nodded.
“I’d really appreciate that,” Pepper replied.
“Okay, great. Uh, I’ll see you later,” he smiled before disappearing out the door.
Once Peter left, she entered another possible password into the lock, one she couldn’t believe she’d missed. “Spiderman.” The light turned from blue to green and the case hissed open from the hydraulics. “Tony and his toys,” she murmured to herself, a small smile playing at her lips as she shook her head.
Pepper opened the case wider, exposing its contents. She noticed a certificate with Peter’s name on it. She couldn’t help but giggle. It was a certificate, made by Tony, indicating that Peter was an official Avenger. She remembered that day. She had set up a press conference for the reveal, but Peter had turned down Tony’s offer to be an Avenger in exchange for being the friendly neighborhood Spiderman. The kid thought it was all a test, so instead, they announced their engagement.
Under the certificate was a navy folder. Something about it made her hesitate, but the feeling only fueled her curiosity. Inside were documents. Reading through them, her eyes widened, jaw dropping, and she immediately felt her heart crash down onto to her stomach. Tears filled the rims of her eyes once again as she wondered how long Tony had kept this from her… how long he had been thinking about it. She wondered if May even knew about this. Or if Happy knew about this. It would have been wonderful.
“Mrs. Stark, are you okay?” Peter stood at the doorway. “Uh, I just, um… wanted to let you know that Morgan’s all tucked in.”
“Thank you, Peter. You’re a great kid. You’re a great big brother.”
Peter’s eyes nearly popped out of his head, glossing over with delight, at her words. Big brother? Pride swelled inside of him and Pepper had never seen Peter smile so big in a long time.
“Wow. Th-thank you! That’s really nice of you to say.”
“Hey, kid! I been looking for you. I thought teenagers were supposed to be glued to their phones? Why didn’t you answer?” Pepper heard Happy from behind the wall.
“Well, I was putting Morgan to bed,” Peter answered, glancing at Pepper every so often, offering an apologetic smile.
“What are you doing? Why is that door open?” Happy appeared in sight and Pepper waved at him. “Oh! Pepper! Hi. I didn’t know you were there,” he grinned. “Sorry, I was just looking for Peter. Aunt May is looking for him. It’s a school night and he has to head back home.”
“What? Already? But I think I was starting to get Bucky to like me,” Peter whined, earning a whispered chortle from Pepper. “Goodnight, Mrs. Stark,” Peter mumbled towards her, bottom lip jutting outwards in an adorable pout.
“Goodnight, Peter. Oh, and Happy, can I speak to you for a minute?”
“Sure thing, he replied. “See ya, kid,” Happy bade Peter farewell. “What is it?” Happy returned his attention back to Pepper.
“Did you know about this?” Pepper stood, handing him the documents.
Happy took the papers from her hands. Pepper watched as his eyes maneuvered through the words, before his expression transformed into a similar reaction to one she had… So he didn’t know.
“Tony thought about adopting Peter?” Happy gawked.
“What?” Both eyes whipped towards the door to find Peter standing…
A/N: Tell me what you think?! I really want to know! I just love the idea that Tony wanted to adopt Peter. Their relationship is just so beautiful. lol. Please, reblog and leave some feedback! I’d really love to hear your thoughts! 
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marvelxfam · 5 years
Who Are You Going to Fight For?
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Peter Parker x Reader (Platonic!)
Requests are always open!
Summary: After Tony’s death, Peter and you are sent on a mission, but Peter doesn’t know if he can do it. You try to comfort him, and tell him what needs to be said.
Warnings: one “curse” word lol
Everything was peaceful. The night was clear, and the stars were sprinkled across the sky, glimmering at certain moments.
Except, inside the new Avengers compound. It wasn’t really a compound or building after the other was blown up. Just a temporary, ramshackled and rundown space to bring the new Avengers together.
Everybody was on edge after learning that they had a new mission coming up. It was going to be the first one since the snap was reversed.
Since Tony Stark had died.
When the news of a new mission reached you and Peter, since the mission was specifically for the both of you because of your guys’ combination of skills, Peter hadn’t stayed long enough to hear the details. He had shot up and angrily pushed back his seat, glowering as he exited the room.
You sighed as you smoothed your hair back, trying to relieve stress that couldn’t be relieved. Peter and you had met before, but you were only starting to really get to know him. He was never really himself after watching Tony die, you knew that for sure. He didn’t bounce and speak rapidly like he used to. The light that once shown in his eyes vanished when Tony’s arc reactor became dark. Peter lost a part of himself and was sure that there was no way to get it back.
Without scaring Peter, you stepped into an unfamiliar, dimly lit room. One you had never known was there. It was almost like a shrine, but more of a model of what Tony’s room really looked like inside the old Avengers compound, where they had managed to salvage some of his belongings. Inside, Tony’s iron suits and gadgets were scattered everywhere, and you could still smell the faint scent of his cocky, yet charismatic cologne.
Almost like he was gone temporarily.
Peter knew you had entered, but didn’t look up as you cautiously slid next to him. There was a thick silence, but it wasn’t awkward. Comforting in a way, really, and you couldn’t help but observe Peter.
“You’re thinking about him, aren’t you?” You asked, pausing to glance at Peter. He had shot his eyes tightly and pressed his lips together firmly. After a moment, he laughed sadly.
“How could I not think about him? How could all of us not? I mean, it’s only been a few months since he...you know. And now they’re making us go on a mission, like nothing ever happened?” He seem to be asking himself these questions instead of you.
“I haven’t really told anyone yet, but, I don’t sleep a lot now. That’s why I always have these dark circles around my eyes because whenever I drift off, all I see is Tony slowly dying. I’m saying ‘Mr. Stark, we won’, but by the time I get close enough to touch him, he’s gone,” Peter’s voice broke as he spoke, wiping away the tears as soon as they fell. “He said he wanted me to be better than him, but how can you be better than Tony Stark? The man who saved the universe?” Peter questioned himself, shaking slightly as he struggled to compose himself. Although you and Peter weren’t close, you wrapped an arm around him, attempting to comfort him.
“You want to know why I walked out during the mission briefing, Y/N? Because I’m scared. Terrified. How can I-any of us-live up to Tony after all he did? Because I ask myself that question every day, and every night as I struggle to sleep, there’s Tony, and it happens all over again-“
“-Peter.” You cut him off gently, seeing his bottom lip quiver and hearing his shallow breathing. “It’s not about how we lost Tony.”
“How is it not? You’re saying his death didn’t matter?”
“No! Of course it mattered, Parker!” You said defensively, shocked that Peter thought you felt that way. Tony was a part of you, from the very beginning of the Avengers. Being in that room, stepping into it for the first time was like a nightmare for you. Everything screamed his name, but at the same time, everything screamed he was gone.
You took a breath. “For me, stepping into this room, even looking at it for the first time since he’s been… gone,” you paused. “It’s like being slapped in the face or realizing some horrifying truth all along. But Peter, as much of a diva as Tony was, do you think he would want us sitting here, wallowing in sadness and crying about him being gone?”
“Yeah, I think he actually would want us doing that. It sounds like a Tony thing-“
“-No! He became apart of the Avengers for a reason. To avenge the world. To keep us safe. He would be mad at us right now if he knew we were mourning instead of kicking ass right now! Peter, it’s not about how we lost him. It’s about how we remember him.”
You leaned against the wall, observing every little detail of Tony’s suits and toys. You remember every hilarious or inappropriate joke you made with him, every old movie you watched with him, every memory, flickering through your brain like a movie.
“So, Peter, how are you going to remember Tony?”
Peter smiled for the first time in a long time. You reached out your hand, and he grabbed it with determination in his eyes.
“I’m going to fight.” Peter declared, taking out a picture from his wallet of Tony and him, putting it next to one of Tony’s Iron Man masks.
“For him.”
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frangipanidownunder · 6 years
Fic: Three times Scully buzzed Mulder and one time he buzzed her
Based on the vibrator/blobfish blooper. How many times did Scully startle Mulder with that vibe? NSFW at the end. Tagging @today-in-fic
She swore the first time it was an accident. Mulder wasn’t supposed to be there. He’d dropped by with a housewarming gift – a peace lily – to surprise her. She really didn’t need another dead plant on her conscience but there he stood at the entry, smiling up into the security camera, with a glazed white pot in one hand and a bottle of zinfandel in the other and that ‘how could you turn me away grin’ on his face. How could you turn him away?
           His ass looked fine in those skinny jeans as he walked through the apartment nodding here and peering there, approving of the gadgets, pressing all the buttons on the keypads and picking up every remote. Finally, he settled into her chair by the fireplace. Adele was playing in the background. Pizza was on its way anyway. Why not just go with the flow?
She sipped the wine as he yammered on about how some Reddit thread about fauna he’d jumped on had turned feral and she half wondered if the houseplant was a sign she’d missed or some kind of new euphemism. She chanced a Google, punctuating his ever wilder story with the occasional nod and ‘oh’. Urban Dictionary listed nothing for peace lily, but calla lily seemed to suggest a soft woman who was hot in bed. She tried to hide her cough of surprise but it caught his attention.
           “Bones in the wine, Scully?” The smile that spread across his face showed her just how much she missed casual evenings on that couch in their shitty little house. Now, she sat opposite him, regretting her choice of the two single-seaters. Everything seemed so clinical, so isolated. There was nothing to connect them.
Mulder carried on his lurid tale and she looked at her phone to see the street definition of houseplant. An antisocial guy who ignores his girlfriend. She took a large sip of wine and hit the back button. A buzz. A yelp. And Mulder leapt up.
“What the fuck was that?”
Her phone clattered to the floor as she stood up too. The buzzing continued, muffled but insistent. He pulled up the cushions and she sucked in a horrified breath. Fuck. His long fingers wrapped around its pink girth and her cheeks flushed a complementary shade. Fuck, fuck, fuck.
“Oh my, Scully. One is the loneliest number,” he said, holding up the Je Joue.
If the office was a trusty old friend, motels were the two-faced bitch who’d draw you in for a hug then snap at you for being overly familiar. Adjoining rooms, sounds of Mulder murmuring. Was he on his cell, talking to real people or vocally admiring internet porn? She messaged him.
           Take out?
           Eat out?
           Don’t lol me Mulder.
           You wtf’d me, Scully. I can lol you if I want.
           You said you wanted to eat me out.
           “There’s no way I would be that crude, Scully.” His real voice was always a honeyed surprise. She shivered despite herself as he walked through the door.
           “Make yourself at home,” she said, as he lounged on her bed.
           “Besides, if I wanted to do that, I’d ask you properly.”
           “And, pray tell,” she said, sitting next to him and relishing the dip in the mattress that meant their thighs slid together. “What is the proper way to ask to eat someone out?”
           He took her cell from her hands and smiled that lazy, arrogant, sexy grin. Before he could answer, a buzz. A yelp. A guttural groan and he pushed his hand under his ass.
           “The fuck, Scully?” He whipped out the vibe. Her skin burned. He held it up to the light, inspecting it. Her breath left her body. “You love this thing, don’t you?”
           “You take it everywhere, it gets to sit on the couch with you, you take it to bed with you…”
           “You make it sound like a pet.”
           He shrugged. “I was going to say boyfriend, but whatever floats your boat, Scully.”
           There was a magic moment of silence, weighted, where she waited for his next jibe but it didn’t come. He simply slipped the vibe back under his legs and she heard his lips pop open. He picked up her cell. “What do I press, Scully?”
Her apartment was toast. Burnt out. The smell of smoke lasted longer than the sadness she felt at saying goodbye. The living had been Spartan, cool, short-term. Their house was more shabby than chic but she felt its warm welcome as she walked up the steps and pulled open the fly wire. Mulder had cleaned up. Kind of. There was less clutter on the shelves, only a small pile of magazines on the side tables, the fridge was newly stocked, the kitchen cupboards reasonably full. And there was always something comforting about the way Mulder used the staircase as a library. In fact, the smell of knowledge always left her feeling a little horny.
           He helped her with her bags, standing them on the landing between the main bedroom and the spare. There were more piles of books, pushed against the walls between the doors. She liked to think of it as a bridge of words, connecting their minds.
           “I think it’s too early,” she said, watching him deflate a little.
           He took the bags into the spare and stood in the doorway, arms folded. “Thank you for choosing chez Mulder,” he said.
           She indulged him with a genuine smile. “I’ve heard the hospitality is second to none.”
           “The spare room has a particular vibe…I’ll let you get settled in.”
           His hand was a familiar weight in her hand. “Help me unpack?”
           He folded, tucked, hung and layered without a word. There was one small bag left, a Maine holdall that reminded her of killer dolls and mass hysteria. Crazy times when inanimate objects took on a life of their own. She tipped it upside down on the bed, contents rolling out haphazardly. Mulder sat, sending the contents rolling side to side. Her phone sparked to life in her hip pocket and she fished it out, walking to the landing to answer. The connection was hinky and she paced to find the best spot.
           Bill took too much of her time with family stuff and preaching, and by the time she opened the door again, Mulder was lying across the bed, on his side, face covered in a silk slip she hadn’t worn since forever but couldn’t part with. She imagined the smell of that item to him was comparable to his books to her. Memories, skin, romantic nostalgia.
Climbing behind him, she draped an arm over his and he pulled her hand to his, tucking it between his legs. A buzz, a low growl and she felt him flinch and twitch.
           “I was hoping you’d do that,” he hissed as the vibration continued. “I swear, Scully, if you ever find out how to properly control this thing, it’ll be such a downer.”
It would be a cold day in hell when she’d eat sushi again. And as for blobfish? Never again. Mulder shook his head and grabbed her hand, hurrying them out of the restaurant.
           “We’re out of here,” he said, wrapping her jacket round her shoulders. The air was fresh. But the company was warm. Mulder was home. It didn’t matter where the physical location was, as long as he was there, it was a welcome place. It had taken her 25 years to realise it, but she had now and driving up the gravel path to their home, uneven roof, holey fly wires, splintered steps, Ikea furnishings, nothing else mattered other than his presence by her side.
           Her clothes might have hung in the wardrobe next door, but her heart hung over the bed in the main room. She luxuriated in the Egyptian cotton comfort while Mulder cleaned his teeth. The night was ink-dark and the soft golden pool of light from the bedside lamp spilled warmth over her side of the bed. His smile was as promising.
           “Have I told you lately that I love you?”
           “It’s a marvellous night for a moon dance,” she said, pulling back the sheets.
           “Is that a euphemism?”
           “Call it what you will, Mulder.” He was warm and pliant in her arms, kissing her with familiar passion.
           Divesting themselves of clothes took no time and skin-to-skin, she wrapped her leg over his hips and ground herself against him. They fitted together perfectly. Always had. It felt so good, sparking waves of pleasure from the inside out. He mumbled into her neck and her nipples stood on end.
           “There’s something I want to do for you, Scully.”
           She imagined his head between her legs, bristled chin chafing her thighs and a flush of liquid pooled at her centre. But instead, he reached over her and fumbled in the drawer.
           “I think we’re a little beyond needing protection, Mulder.”
           He chuckled and rolled her onto her back. “No barriers, Scully.”
           “What is it?”
           A buzz. A deep, resonant hum. And she couldn’t tell if it was the vibe or her. He pressed it to her and she parted her legs with a deep sigh. His breath poured over her, warming her chin, neck, chest, before his lips found a nipple and at once she purred, pulsated. His insistent massaging played in rhythm to his licking and sucking and she was about ready to implode.
           “Fuck, Mulder. This is unbearable.”
           “Tell me what you want, Scully.”
           She couldn’t put the words together as he pressed the vibe against her clit. No matter how many different ways she played with this thing, there was no beating the confident hand of the man she loved. She bucked up to meet it, heels digging into the mattress. Wet heat escaped her and his cock leaked against her thigh. “I want you to fuck me. Just you. In me. Now.”
           It was a whirlwind of skin and slickness and thrusting and bumping. He pounded and she pushed up, she groaned and he bit, he pulled her arms above her head, she shifted her feet to his shoulders, he knelt and she screamed. Stars burst behind her eyes. It took a long time to come down and when she finally did, she heard the buzz and the whirr and then the crash of deafening silence as the Je Joue fell to the floor.
           “I think we broke it,” Mulder said, half-laughing. “How will you survive without it?”
           She pushed his fingers against her still pulsating clit. “I think I’ll cope.”
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notimetoblog · 6 years
Crashing App and Soaring Heart
Summary: Bucky takes on a tech problem for you and you might get more out of his kindness than expected.
A/N: The original name for this was going to be “App Time”... lol just kidding! After two stories with ‘time’ in the title it was time for a change lol (I’m really not doing this on purpose lol). Here is ANOTHER fluff-full story for you guys. The angst-bug is starting to bite so i may write up a more agnsty one for next time. The first part of the story actually happened to me but sadly that's as far as the similarities between the story and my life go... Also a massive thank you to everybody who read “Perfect Timing?” that was wild! Thank you guys so much for reading!! 
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“Ugh!!!” you screamed out. “Did the entire planet decide to make my day miserable? I mean, did I miss the email announcement or something?”
You heard a low chuckle coming from behind. You did not have to turn to know that Bucky had entered the room you were currently in. You had been trying to play some music on your phone for the past hour while you sat on the couch working, but your music app crashed over and over again. Music was not exactly necessary for the task Steve had asked you to complete, but the frustration of not getting the app to work made it impossible to move on. You had taken it as a personal challenge to just get the darn thing to play music! But every time your hopes went up as the title of a song appeared, the app simply crashed. You would set it down promising yourself that you would just move on but the simple thought of a victory over the crummy app was too tempting, so you would pick up your phone again, repeating the cycle.
“What are you complaining about this time?” he asked, and you just knew he was sporting his usual grin.
You knew it was silly. Of course, there wasn’t a global conspiracy bringing down your music app simply to piss you off. But why couldn’t it just work?
“Nothing,” you said still not turning to face him. The last person who should have to hear about your exaggerated complaints was Bucky. The guy had been through so much and here you were losing your head over an app.
“You just accused the entire world of conspiring against you, Y/N. That does not seem like nothing,” he said as he started to laugh.
You started to chuckle too. It was impossible not to join Bucky when he laughed. The sound of it always reminded you of how far he had come. He had overcome a lot of things and was still able to laugh and get others to laugh with him too. You constantly told him how proud you were of him because of this.
“It really is nothing,” you said after finally turning to face him. “I’m just being over dramatic. See my music won’t play and I’m just stuck here trying to get it to work.”
“That’s it?” he asked with a smile. “Have you tried turning it off? Steve told me that should always be the first step when trying to fix these gadgets people have now.”
Of course, Steve would say that. That had been a staple of Steve’s approach to technology. Turn it off and then on again, he would say, It works all the time! He could’ve been talking about a phone, a TV, a computer, or a blender. It was all the same to him. Tony had made it his mission to make Steve more tech savvy, so he had been acquiring new techniques over the last couple of months.
“Yeah, Buck, I did,” you said as you looked down at your phone again. “I turned it off three times already and it still doesn’t work.”
His brows furrowed, and you couldn’t help but giggle. He was always so sweet to you. Who else would take this issue with your music as seriously as Bucky? He was a sweetheart and you would be lying to yourself if you said he didn’t make your heart melt.
“But its alright,” you said. “I’ll just work on this thing for Steve without it. Thanks for your suggestion, though, Buck.”
“Now wait, Y/N. I mean the thing has to work. Has it ever done this before?”
You shook your head; secretly grateful he was still here and so wiling to fix this most pressing of issues.
“I thought it was the Wi-Fi, but FRIDAY ran a connectivity test and the signal is up and strong. So, its not that,” you said.
He came closer to you and sat down beside you.
“Can I take a look?” he asked.
“Yeah, sure,” you responded to him as you handed him your phone.
You saw as he took the phone in his right hand, opening the settings. You looked on at him and felt as your lips involuntarily turned upwards into a smile. Bucky was too sweet for his own good.
“What?” he smiled as he felt you looking at him.
“Nothing,” you giggled. “You’re just sweet, Buck.”
“Sweet?” he asked as he turned to look at you. You did not miss the tint of pink that colored his cheeks. “I’m just being a good friend, Y/N.”
“I know,” you said as your heart fell a little at the mention of him just being a friend. Despite this, you couldn’t help but hold on to the small bit hope, the blush on his cheeks casted your way. Maybe it meant something. “That doesn’t mean you’re not sweet, though.”
“Many people would disagree with that, doll,” he said as he went back to scrolling through your phone’s settings.
“Yeah well all those people haven’t had time to get to know you. If they had, they’d be saying the same thing I am, trust me.”
He chuckled as he shook his head.
“I somehow have a hard time believing that,” he said softly.
How could he not see? Bucky Barnes oozed sweetness. Everything in his life had attempted to make him cold and distant, but it was no match for the overall goodness and sweetness that always existed within him. His true self had defeated whatever Hydra had tried to make him into. He had cared for Steve when they were children, cared and protected all the new friends he had made since coming back, and he was most definitely caring and sweet towards you.
“I think I got it!” he exclaimed bringing you back from your thoughts.
“What?!” you asked incredulously. “Did you really just fix it!?”
He handed you back your phone and you opened your music app once more. You prepared yourself for it to crash again as you went to play a song. Much to your surprise, the app did not crash. Instead, the song you had selected began 
to play and your jaw dropped.
“How!?” you asked as you looked at Bucky. “Do you know how long I spent trying to fix this thing? How’d you do it?!”
“I’m afraid I am unable to share that information, doll,” Bucky said in his this-is-official-business voice that would come out during important meetings.
“Oh, come on Bucky! Just tell me. I mean what if it happens again?”
“Well, if it happens again, which it won’t because I mean, I fixed it which means it was done perfectly. Then I guess you’ll just have to come find me,” he said with the cockiest grin you’d ever seen splashed across his face.
“You’re really not going to tell me?” you asked.
“Answer me this one question and I might consider it,” he said with a spark in his eye you had not seen before. You felt your stomach twist and flutter with the possibility that spark might hold. “Do you really think I’m sweet?”
You smiled, “Of course, Buck! I said it like two minutes ago, didn’t I?”
“Sweet enough to have you consider accepting a dinner invitation?”
If your jaw had dropped when he got your app to work, it completely fell off when you realized what he was saying. You couldn’t seem to form an intelligent sentence. Every time you tried to speak nothing would come out, but you had to let him know that my goodness, of course you would accept a dinner invitation.
You forced your brain to start up again, hoping Bucky’s suggestion on how to fix your phone worked on your brain.
“Yes,” you said after what felt like an hour. “I would love to go to dinner with you.”
Bucky gave you the most charming smile. The man knew how to charm a girl, that’s for sure.
“Sweet,” Bucky said chuckling at his choice of words. “I’ll stop by your room at 7.”
“Ok,” you whispered still trying to process the fact that you and Bucky were actually going on a dinner date later tonight.
You saw as Bucky got up from the couch and started making his way towards the door.
“Bucky, wait!” you yelled stopping him before he left the room. He turned towards you with a confused look on his face. “You… you didn’t tell me how you fixed my app,” you smiled. “You’d said you’d tell me if I answered your question.”
“Um, I said I would consider it, doll. And after a lot of thoughtful consideration I decided I might tell you after dinner.”
You rolled your eyes at him knowing very well he would probably never tell you, simply to tease you, for as long as he could, that he was able to solve a tech problem you couldn’t figure out.
“And besides,” he continued. “You won’t even be thinking about the app tonight, Y/N,” he said with a smile before winking and leaving the room.
Sweet just wasn’t enough to describe Bucky Barnes all of a sudden. The new word that kept running through your mind was ‘enchanting’ and you were more than sure you would be able to think up more colorful words to describe him after dinner tonight.
Bucky Tag Club!! Thank you so much guys for reading!!
@camillechan @just-add-butter @buckyisthepuresthuman @faunacea @carry-on-my-fandom @creideamhgradochas @sixweekcure4dreams  @sold-my-soul-in-2016 @verycoolveryunique 
Good luck to anyone going through finals week! Almost end of the semester for me !!!!
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sammyhale · 7 years
J2 NolaCon 2017 Main Panel
J2 jump onstage!
Jensen moving the chairs closer together before the panel even starts :)
Jensen doing the Who Dat song for the New Orleans Saints. 
Jared says the city killed his phone: “I’m trying to navigate to where Jensen is and it won’t work. Saw a lot of the city!” Referring to his adventures last night walking around NOLA. 
He was wandering around Bourbon Street trying to get cell service: “Searching...my buddy had already left and gone to the hotel.” 
Jared stopped at a bar for WiFi and someone told him, “Oh, so you’re dressed up as Sam Winchester from Supernatural” and they weren’t impressed when they found out he was the real deal. “So, you dress like him, too?” 
Since Jared’s phone died on him he got to rediscover what it’s like to walk around a new city without any phone gadgets. 
Jared says there’s gonna be Alex in the gag reel, and s13′s reel might be really long. 
J2 hopes that Alex will come to conventions soon!
Jared says “hazing” and Jensen says “welcome package” on the breaking-in of Alex. 
Jensen on Alex: It’s the first time they had to wrap me and him (Jared) first so the other person could work lol. 
J2 to Alex, who was worried about laughing in so many takes: “It’s okay, all your bosses know we’re assholes.” 
Question about lead roles. Jared: You mean Sam or Dean? You said lead roles. 
Jared jokes Misha has the best job in showbiz because he barely works and people think he’s a lead. If he could play anyone else it’d be Cas. 
Lead supporting roles? Jensen: I hear those come in briefs, also. 
Jensen jokes about Misha’s presence in the black room at the end of 13x03.  
Jensen, referring to the end of 13x03, says: Misha filmed that last scene in his bedroom. Jared: They took out all the toys...VFX’d away all the toys. Jensen walks away laughing. 
Jensen would be a wendigo ‘cause he’d be taller than Jared :P
Jared jokes that he wants to be a shapeshifter so someone else can play their characters but still get paid. 
Jared: I’d be a shapeshifter. Oh no, I shift myself... ba dum dum. Jensen tried so hard not to laugh. Couldn’t do it. Instead: “you shifted yourself AGAIN.” 
Jensen: Dean is in a turbulent state, lots of anger that’s a stage of grieving. You’ll see a transition in Dean about Jack, between now and ep 10. 
In s2 when Jensen saw the script saying he had to take a crowbar to the Impala he was like nooo. 
Jensen talks about taking things apart with his hands. J2 are now miming correcting a picture on the wall. 
During a scene there was a painting that had to be crooked for continuity and Jensen threw something in the scene and it swung into place lol. 
Jared: How funny would it have been if instead you just stopped and casually fixed it? 
Trick to emotional scenes? Jared doesn’t lie while acting, he just tells someone else’s truth. 
Jared: I love Sam! His hair is so great! Jensen: You say his hair is so gray? *makes face behind him* Jared: Dude I can see you! Jensen feigns innocence. 
Jared: I don’t like the word “tricks” when talking about being emotional. Jensen: I like to use tricks. 
Jensen: We’ve lived with these characters for so long that we naturally get emotional and no longer have to delve into our own emotions. 
Jensen is answering for Jared about how they get prepared and into the character’s heads for emotional scenes. 
“I love these characters...so if they’re going through something, I feel that. “
Jensen whispered “instinctual” right before Jared did. 
Jensen talks about how Jared reads script over and over whereas he goes into it more visceral and Jared builds on Jensen’s answer, links to Sam’s tendency toward research versus Dean being more reactive. 
J2 talking about Kim Manners. Jared: “He set the tone.” He wanted to make sure they had fun making the show. 
Jensen could talk for a week about how amazing Kim Manners was. 
Jensen about KM: “He put us on a path to succeed and we’ve been honoring him ever since.”
Jared: Kim truly cared about people. 
Jared goes wide-eyed when a baby screams in the audience. 
Jensen is excited about Stranger Things. 
Therapy question. Jared to a fellow parent: We also take our kids to a therapist because of our situation. Daddy isn’t around a lot. They want to help the kids understand why he’s not around so much. 
Gen and Jared go to counseling to learn how to parent the best they can especially with Jared not being around often. 
Jensen says acceptance is one of the biggest things we’re teaching in his home. Wants to teach his kids that they are loved and they give love. 
Fan. Hi I’m (name) from (St) Jared: Why did you have to read your name off your phone lol? 
J2 are fighting again about gif vs jif lol. Jensen: Jif is peanut butter! Gif is on your phone. 
Jared says single best part of being a celebrity is sending gifs of yourself to non celebrities. Jensen agrees. He loves text battling their friends with SPN gifs :P Jared’s fav gif of himself is the L’Oreal ones. Has sent it to everyone he knows lol.
Jensen: There are a lot of Supernatural gifs. I was like, hey, Jared, we’re popular...
Jared deferring to gif because Jensen said so. Jensen: Jared can be taught. 
Fan: First of all I wanna know if you have any single friends? Jensen walks over and points at Stephen . 
Do you like classic rock? Jensen: I like Big Butts. Jared: He does. 
Jensen: I named my kid Zeppelin. 
They’ve been trying to get Metallica on the show since day one. Finally got them this season. 
Jared: I have put everything I have into Sam. Jensen: makes a surprised/smirky face ;) Jensen laughs and Jared whispers something, Jensen laughs again. 
Sam has taught Jared a lot, including how he perseveres. 
Jared used the word indubitably while answering. Jensen: Did you just say indubitably? We talked about this, you’re embarrassing me. 
Jensen says there was more of a connection between he and Dean in the beginning seasons but now there’s a separation. Jensen: Sometimes I say, what would Dean do? 
Jared: Sam’s current position on Jack is how he feels about himself. Sam wants to believe he can be good. So he needs Jack to be good. 
Jensen talks about directing and how Bob Singer doesn’t need a bunch of notes like Jensen. While Jensen had a complete road map, Singer just had one note, “the ole switcheroo” to remind him of how he wanted a scene to go lol. 
Jared mentions Will and Grace. Jensen: Who will you be in this scenario? 
If there was an SPN movie, Jared wouldn't want to use foul language. Jensen: *horrified face* Jared: I know words longer than four letters :P
Fan asks a question about what filming was like for Jensen and Sam Smith when Mary saw Baby for the first time. Jensen is confused, thinking Sam the character. Jensen: The scene took on a different tone in shooting than it had in the script. Jared: for Dean or Jensen? 
Last question: The scene where Dean sees Mary remembering what happened in Baby wasn't scripted. That was Bob Singer. 
J2 thank the fans and give a fist bump before heading off stage :)
Info via: Fangasm, Cherie, Eileen, Lullys, Sil’s livetweet list
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dunkalfredo · 7 years
Im in love with your vision of Infinite and Rookie and i want to hear some of your sweet headcanons about their time together. If anyone asked something similar, refer me to this post, please. Thanks!
alskdjnsjklnljkls tysm!!!! yeah sure ill share some headcanons. i did a post on a similar topic about a month ago but that’s more their individual personalities/aesthetics than actual relationship material so ill go ahead and add on some stuff here.
i should note that portions of this are based heavily off of the idea that they grew up together so prepare for some au territory at this point. my backstory for them is becoming so intricate jfc;;;;;; i really hope ur not disappointed with this answer i have like an entire pre-forces narrative planned out in my head at this point OTL if u were hoping for more general stuff just lemme know i can give you some more hcs for that (there’s already some but there’s also Backstory stuff that i can’t really explore through oneshot format)
this is entirely self indulgent tbhhhh anyways click that mf Keep reading button
there’s a lot of like. casual touch. lotsa hugs and leaning on each other and resting their chin on the other’s shoulder (or top of head depending on who’s who bc height difference) while looking over them at what they’re doing and its really rooted in their learning early on how much Gadget loves that sweet sweet Physical Contact (if u scratch behind his ears he will melt, guaranteed, you’ll have yourself a Boneless Gadget with a two-liter coke)
if it’s raining out gadget will insist on doing something that’s not just sitting inside all day but snugglin w/ infinite ends up tempting him into doing Exactly That lol
there’s a lot of companionable silence between them when it’s just Them Alone in a Room. sure they talk and chat and joke but there are so many times where it’s just,,, being Together,,, and enjoying being in the other’s presence as they each do their own thing
sorta going into childhood/backstory stuff but uhhhh:
starting freshman year of highschool they started just bein each other’s dates to school dances even though they were “just friends” for like half of that timespan . i love cheesy stuff like that im sorry bro i had to include that tidbit i know it’s super specific and particular to my own backstory for them but just, they’re best buds and they gonna have a good time at homecoming lol
please imagine: those cute pre-dance pictures that parents take at the stairwell or front porch or somethin right before their kids leave, but with gadget and infinite. gadget’s got braces and they dont really fit in his mouth and his lenses reflect the light in the photo and oops infinite blinked and his shirt is too big and tbh their suits in gen just don’t really fit them right, gadget’s shirt is untucked and infinite’s tie is crooked but it’s okay, they’re both smilin reeeeaaaal big (and besides they figure out how to look Aesthetically Pleasing by junior year)
summers were hot in their hometown (note: i grew up in the north so i know nothing of True Heat, bear with me on this one.) most evenings were spent out on gadget’s fam’s back porch, cold towels resting on the backs of their necks, sweat in and under their fur, and they’re melting into the wood of the deck, fan plugged into that one weird outlet on the outside of the house that’s really more a fire hazard than anything else but the cool air is nice. they’re just lounging around reading comic books and listening to music on infinite’s old zune (lots of mid-2000s punk rock bands bc what else were u expecting) and in later years when they’re in that teen puppy love stage they’re trying to cuddle but it’s TOO DAMN HOT OUTSIDE so they resort to like, gentle hand holding, infinite reading some pretentious literary work or whatever and gadget spacing tf out next to him
when they graduate and are assigned a partner to walk down the aisle with they still end up w/ each other even though technically the partners are chosen according to alphabetical order and they’re on opposite ends of that list whOOPS how’d they do that? (hint: last minute shuffling in line)
when they move outta their small lil home town and into The Big City (im gonna say that would be Sunset Heights to tie in some canon plot relevance) they move in together and share a flat. a) its more financially manageable to just split housing costs like that and b) it’s been a dream their entire lives to live together when they’re older so oh!!! they’re older now!!!!! time to live together
(okay that’s all for backstory stuff back to reg hcs)
neither can cook but its ok
it may seem like they bicker a lot but it’s usually either the like, joke argue of “what do you mean craft mac n cheese is gross take that back” or reprimands like “it’s one a.m. time to sleep u Fool” (self-care is important, lads). they actually communicate really well so high-stakes arguments aren’t super common (and when they do happen they dont tend to explode. i wanted to have them be the type that argue for understanding and not to prove they’re right, so that greatly affects the outcomes of their disputes.)
infinite loves to hum while he’s doing things, or just in gen, and his voice is very low and smooth and gadget looooooves it, so much. they’ll be, i dunno, doing some mundane thing, like maybe they’re out getting groceries or doin dishes or something (i love me that domestic content) and he’ll start humming quietly and it just, it really grounds gadget in a way that sometimes he doesn’t even know he needs till infinite does it.
anyone here ever played bayonetta? any a yall remember those bits where there’s a woman in bayo’s memories singing and/or humming ‘fly me to the moon’ all quiet and low? think that but just,,,, pitched down,,,, yeah,,,
the tunes are usually very slow and while not so much melancholy theyre just? i dunno melodic in the same lax, smooth-tempo’d way a lot of melancholy songs are? i dunno i like quiet, introspective infinite and aesthetics that reflect that
here’s a long one: about a month before infinite “goes missing” and forces happens, infinite lands a job at a local news outlet as one of the column writers and even tho he’s more into prose than journalism he’s so fuckin pumped. it’s mostly just excitement over not doing cashier work and having a money-makin outlet he’s at least somewhat interested in lol …aaaaaand the way ship headcanon works into this bullet is that when he finds out that he landed the job he so excited that when gadget walks into the room (it’s morning and gadget literally was just gonna get some coffee, he’s still in his pajamas, he’s got bedhead) infinite sees him and whoops he tackle-hugs him and then whoops he knocked them both onto the floor but its cool gadget kinda let it happen and when infinite tells him what happened and apologizes he’s now also super excited and happy for him so now there’s two (2) people screaming inside (and out) about this awesome development
here’s a short one: they wear each other’s clothes a lot
gadget’s v cuddly in his sleep so he gets really clingy w/ infinite when a) it’s early morning and they’re just waking up b) it’s Late o’ clock at night and they’re chillin at home or c) he’s Actually asleep and within like three feet of infinite
i dont really know how to end this lol i dont really wanna just start repeating myself and i might think of other stuff later but for now pls consider the following: when they sleep whoever’s big spoon ends up resting one hand over the other’s heart and it’s super sweet
oh and they smooch a lot (i told you this response was self indulgent)
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Don’t Come Over Again (Suho Drabble)
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Image not mine, found it /here/ through Google search
Author: @julietsoddeye AU: Canon / EXO Universe Genre: Fluff | Angst Pairing: Suho/KJM x Reader (Feat. Baekhyun) Trigger Warning: Some cursing, but nothing too shocking haha. Word Count: 952
Plot:  Did Junmyeon really broke up with you through text message? :(
You pressed the home button of your phone and saw the notification.
‘Don’t come over again.’
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It was almost there.
The sleep that you’ve been trying to build up for an hour was almost at your reach.
But then your phone dinged.
That familiar pop of notification with a single vibration on your wooden nightstand that came along with it.
You groaned silently and mentally kicked yourself in the ass for not turning off your phone.
You grabbed the gadget to see that your boyfriend sent you a text message.
That’s weird, you thought. He never sends you text messages at ungodly hours like this.
Only if it’s an emergency.
And by emergency, you meant when he really needs to ask your opinion about yet another dad joke he concocted in his divine, yet eccentric brain.
You love his jokes a lot. It’s one of the reasons you both fell in love with each other.
It’s also one of the reasons why you wanna smack him upside in the head, but of course, you don’t do that. You love him too much.
“Kim Junmyeon, I swear to God if this is another dad joke… I’m gonna fucking kill you for real this time.”
You mutter under your breath through hard pursed lips.
You pressed the home button of your phone and saw the notification.
‘Don’t come over again.’
You unlocked your phone and stared at his text message for what seemed like forever.
All the colors of your face drained.
Your hands shaking as you try to type a reply.
‘waht wyhy?’
You’re not sure if it’s your nerves or the speed of your typing that caused the typographical errors.
You think both.
You wait for a response.
It never came.
It’s almost 3 AM and a few hours ago, you were just with him and his friends, EXO.
You visited them in their dorm and you brought home-cooked meals you and your mother personally prepared just for them.
He seemed unhappy the last couple of hours you were there. You ignored it thinking he’s just tired from rehearsals.
That’s it. Maybe he was finally done with you.
6 AM came and you’re still awake. Thank God it’s the weekend and you don’t have to go to work.
You force yourself off your bed. Sleep won’t come anytime soon anyway, might as well die of exhaustion. You have no more reason to live anyway.
Accepting defeat, you coerce yourself to your kitchen.
You opened your freezer and grabbed the big tub of ice cream and tears voluntarily fall as you stuff your mouth with the cold dessert.
The ice cream was sweet, but it tasted bitter in your mouth. Maybe it’s your heart that was bitter but you aren’t too sure.
/Doorbell rings/
You walked to your door with tears still streaming down from your eyes, cradling the big tub of ice cream on your left arm and a big spoon on the other.
Whoever it was on your doorstep, you don’t care if they see you in your current state.
Thinking it was just your neighbor asking for sugar again or something, you twisted the locked knob. And as you pull the door open, Junmyeon’s face popped out.
“Hey babe, I brought breakfa—“
You stabbed the spoon onto the ice cream as you scowl.
“What are you doing here?”
“Babe, why are you eating ice cream at 6 AM?”
Junmyeon’s eyes widen when he saw your face.
“Why are you crying?”
He pushes his way in your apartment and you retreated, backing out as he closed the door shut.
“Why do you think I’m crying?”
More tears came as you drop the tub of ice cream on your kitchen counter.
“I— I don’t know?”
Junmyeon drops the two plastic bags on the dinner table and attempted to reach out to you.
“You asshole, what are you doing here?!”
You swatted his hands away.
“Why are you mad at me? What did I do?”
Junmyeon’s face is full of dread and confusion.
“You broke up with me and told me never to come over. Now you’re acting as if nothing happened!”
You almost screamed, but your crying made your voice soft and small.
“What are you talking about, when did I break up with you?”
You grabbed your phone from your shorts pocket and shoved the thing on his face to show his text message.
Junmyeon’s once confused face fell into an emotionless state.
And then he started laughing.
Probably mocking you and your misery.
“Baby I’m so sorry, I fell asleep last night and when I woke up this morning my phone was dead. I forgot to charge it.”
Junmyeon immediately grabbed your body and hugged you tightly. Your face buried in his chest, his thin shirt collecting your tears.
“I was gonna say that you should never come over again because I’m jealous.”
He slightly pushes you off his warm embrace to look at your pathetic ugly crying state.
“You’re jealous of what?”
It was the only thing you said.
“Baekhyun was hogging on you yesterday and I hate that.”
Junmyeon pouts like a child.
“He was hogging me?”
Instead of words as a reply to your inquiry, Junmyeon crashes his lips on yours and you melted like chocolate on a hot summer day with his kiss.
“I don’t like sharing you with anyone. I don’t like that he’s too comfortable with you.”
Junmyeon said with another pout after you both pull away from each other.
“Is that why you were so glum-looking last night?”
“Why didn’t you say anything then?”
“Because I don’t want to argue with you.”
“I’ll never argue with you about meager things like that. I love you.”
Junmyeon beamed with your words.
“I love you more.”
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A/N: WAAAH!!! This is my last Fluffy Junmyeon drabble for a while lol. You’re probably done with my Junmyeon fluffs lol. Can’t help it, he’s my bias. Just experimented with Fluff. XD
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Gormless Ch. 12 – Nothing quite pumps the breaks like lesbian sexual assault
A well-meaning friend gave me a book series that is hilariously bad. The first book was Souless and my riffs were entitled brainless. This second book is entitled Changless and these riff are then gormless.
I mean to say I have entitled them gormless! Not that my riffs are dumb, and the effort I spend on them stupid since I’m the only one who enjoys them. HAHA!
The story is SUPPOSED TO be about how a badass lady wearing a rad-looking carriage dress hits baddies with her umbrella and bangs her hot werewolf husband.  In reality it’s mostly poor attempts at being witty, flirty, and superior.
For the last book check out the brainless tag.
If you want the TL;DR version but want to read these new riffs anyway?
This story is set in supernatural Victorian steampunk England.  Alexia is our NOT LIKE OTHER GIRLS protag.  She is a soulless, which means she’s able to negate the abilities of vampires and werewolves by touching them. She’s recently married a big oaf, named Lord Connel Maccon.  He’s the manchild in charge of the supernatural police with a zillion dollars and he’s totes super hot too ok.  Their relationship is mostly arguments about how Maccon can’t tell her fucking anything.  Alexia has also recently become head of ~Soulless affairs~ in Queen Victoria’s government.  She has a dumb friend named Ivy, a gay vampire friend named Akeldama, a family who’s evil because they do the same shit as her but while being blonde, and most importantly Alexia is better than everyone cause…cause.
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Last time on Gormless:
There’s some mysterious force that’s turning the Vampires and werewolves into humans. Alexia is in charge of figuring out that deal, and she is doing a bad job at it.  They are at her husband’s old pack castle about it.  Are they hiding something?????  There’s an active shooter in the castle no one cares about and LeFoux is unconscious because of it.
If the title didn’t give it away TW: sexual assault.
Chapter 12 – Nothing quite pumps the breaks like lesbian sexual assault
Okay so we start with a lot of needless explanation of who’s there for the mummy unwrapping party.  Alexia’s real sad LeFoux can’t be there, cause she’s been shot and is just I PRESUME bleeding out in a high-back velvet chair right now. 
Alexia describes the ceremony as being unnerving to her.  The mummy’s wrappings have the broken Ankh symbol so the body is obviously the source of the humanization thing. Can we just get to that point?
We take a random detour for Alexia to explain that, despite the church employing Soulless people to fight Supernatural people, the church says that there’s no way for a Soulless to get to heaven.  ….Are you fucking kidding me?  Are we talking about the same church that used to sell get-out-of-hell free cards?  They’re not going to throw some bullshit out there like, “Soulless can’t go to heaven….unlessssssssssss they fill out a Supernatrual murder card! It can be redeemed for a free salvation or small ice cream!”  Have religious groups exploited groups they look down upon? Of course! But why didn’t they go the other way? Why are they not TOUCHED BY GOD hence why they can naturally purge the big evil Supernaturals?  Cause persecution complex is why! WHY IS THIS EVEN HERE IN THE MIDDLE OF THIS RACISM PARTY? IT’S NOT GOING TO BE RELEVANT IN THIS STORY AT ALL IS IT?
So Ivy and Felicity faint while watching this.  Alexia talks more about how unnerved she is by the mummy and when she leaves the room Ivy is awake and she playing some downright epic tonsil hockey with Tunstell in front of everybody.  This comes totally out of left field by the way, there’s no explanation for it like lol cpr or “I WAS SCARED SEEING YOU FAINTED! OH GOLLY I SURE DO LOVE THE HECKUMS OUT OF YOU.” But hell I guess we gotta wrap up this shitty plot point.  Alexia, whomst, never has had an impure thought is about to chastise her for this when she hears her husband’s grunty grunts.  But he’s taking a break from angry or horny grunts to grunt in pain so Alexia goes down to help.  He’s been hit with a poison dart and is out cold.
Thank god his inane sexism shouting is put on hold.
When this is explained to the other werewolves one of them comments about how poison is a WOMANLY thing. Which makes no sense cause that’s how they tried to kill the queen. BTW bro, it seems by not having a high enough constitution roll, that makes your old alpha a fucking bitch then DON’T IT? Here’s a hot writing tip: Since this writing is smug and for women, can ONE OF THE TIMES we bring up a dude bro being sexist you can like OWN him? Instead of just rolling your eyes?
So Alexia does what anybody would do with her husband out of commission.  Get a woman naked.
She first blames LeFoux for everything, threatens to kill her, and takes off all of an unconscious woman’s clothes in order to find ~useful gadgets~ and ~clues.~
But it gets worse friends cause we gotta get commentary about how great LeFoux’s UNCONSCIOUS tits are but NOT AS GOOD AS ALEXIA’S! I’M NOT EVEN JOKING!
“It was odd to think, but she had never before seen another woman’s naked body until now.  She must admit Madame Lefoux did have a rather nice one.  Not so well endowed as Alexia’s own, of course, but trim and tidy with neat small breasts.”
So this made Alexia mad horny (even though she denies it), but worst of all its victim-blamed away when Alexia makes a note that LeFoux’s PULSE may have QUICKENED when she was stripping her. SO LIKE THAT’S CONSENT RIGHT?
And all this goes down for what?  So Alexia makes a note that somebody MAY HAVE used LeFoux’s dart device to take out her shit husband? REALLY GLAD WE HAD THIS SCENE!
Oh yeah and Tunstell was in the room the entire time cause WE MIGHT AS FUCKING WELL AT THIS POINT!
After my favorite scene in this series so far…Since it’s a man who’s been knocked unconscious we now have to take the loose attempted murderer seriously. Alexia grabs Maccon’s stashed away gun, and goes to get some nonsense out of the bag she put in Ivy’s room. Ivy wakes up (not knowing that Maccon has been attacked and the castle is in chaos-mode.) So she cries about how she really loves Tunstell and she’s still not sure what to do.  Alexia blows her off and even calls her love struggles ~folderol.~
Which on one hand, sure she has other things on her mind, but she doesn’t tell Ivy, “Hey listen, that blows but my husband was attacked, the attacker is loose, and I just discovered I’m a sexual predator…but like the gay kind so that sucks.”  So Ivy gets upset with her flippant attitude, in my opinion, reasonably, and Alexia waltz outta there. She remembers her papers where actually in her umbrella not her bag.  Also the papers were like her ~official~ I’m a  government snoop, let me do whatever I want papers.  She flashes them to the werewolves and they’re like, “…Okay?” and nothing changes.
So the point of the last scene? And then it gets proper muddled here and I’m surprised an editor didn’t pick up on this nonsense.
She gives Tunstell the gun, and tells him to send an aethogram.  He asks to whom and Alexia just screams at him to do it.
She tells the werewolf pack to not go into the room where Maccon and LeFoux are and says that Tunstell will totally kill you if you try.  Uhh okay?  Not sure what that’s accomplishing? Also isn’t he supposed to be sending that gram?  Cause that machine is explicitly not in that room.  She tells the werewolves to gather all their Egyptian artifacts into one room while she’s gone.  She then goes up to send that gram and forgets she told Tunstell to do it I suppose?
She finds all the crystalline what-itz smashed up with an unconscious servant there. WOULD HAVE BEEN GOOD IF YOU CHECKED BEFORE BUT I GUESS THAT’S FINE! But she hid away Akeldama’s frequency so she’s able to send a message to Akeldama about doing the research she SHOULD HAVE DONE IN THE 2ND CHAPTER.  Akeldama says that Soulless need to be cremated and basically sends her the symbol of the broken ankh.  She asked him if he knew anything several chapters ago and he didn’t but within a half hour he pinpointed the exact information she needed.  Okay cool, cool, makes a load of sense.
So after Alexia talks the death out of it with Sidheag, she realizes that the mummy was a dead soulless.  And, if dead and persevered, will emit a humanization aura. The broken Ankh is a symbol of a soulless, cause an Ankh symbolizes eternal life and it being broken means a soulless can break eternal life blah blah blah.  And like boy howdy, I’m so glad that the drama of this story is predicated on the fact that NOBODY even centuries old vampires and the members of the minority in question knows jackshit about the basics of the world around them.  Every supernatural knows the identity of every soulless, but nobody knows that you gotta burn their dead bodies?  SEEMS LEGIT!
So somebody tells them that LeFoux has woken up and Alexia tells Sidheag to tell no one about the soulless body.  I mean…maybe she should have told her to burn the corpse so they can all have their powers back but that would mean that her husband would wake up.  And her husband must not wake up to find her sexually assaulting another woman. The scandellllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll.
Say something nice Faps:
I got fucking nothing for you.
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