#Harry Potter movie thoughts
neptunezo · 14 days
I’ve been sitting here trying to figure out whats so appealing and familiar about the ship maxley from the goofy movie “an extremely goofy movie” and it finally hit me.
its literally drarry. its all just drarry. I cannot say this enough, it’s drarry. its draco malfoy x harry potter but as mickey mouse animals. which also means mickey mouse the clubhouse is the mauraders but we arent ready for that conversation just yet.
This is why its so appealing. We already know and love drarry, its now just a new form. Drarry is already an amazing put together dynamic (no thanks to jkr, we do NOT like her here!) and maxley is literally just the same dynamic but as skating goat-dog-things.
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hannaxjo · 5 months
Alan Rickman, David Thewlis, Gary Oldman and all those are iconic in their roles in Harry Potter, but I’ll always be a bit sad about that casting, because having that ‘Marauders era’ cast be age appropriate would’ve just been so much better for the story.
Sirius wasn’t this old man who spent 12 years in Azkaban, no he got locked up at 21. He spent almost third of his life in a cell. He wasn’t this wise father figure to Harry, he was a reckless thirty-something who never really got the chance to mature past 21.
Remus was an exhausted, bone deep tired man carrying both physical and mental scars from the suffering he went through. Because he’s a werewolf, because of the war, because he lost all of his friends. And he’s only 33 when first introduced.
And Snape. Snape wasn’t an old bitter man who just hated everyone and enjoyed being antagonistic. He was 31 in Harry’s first year. He began to work for Voldemort as a teen, and as a double agent at 20. He’s a thirty-something bitter man, who never got to really live or make real connections. From Harry’s perspective he’s scary and intimidating, but really he’s just kinda…sad and pathetic. And then especially that scene where Snape is begging Dumbledore to help save Lily, and promising anything in return. (Because apparently Dumbledore needs something in return…for saving people.) He’s twenty. Barely out of his teens. Rickman was good in that scene, but having someone who actually looks twenty, would better show how scared, young, guilty and just desperate he was. That might not put Dumbledore in such a good light, though.
And then, the characters I think would’ve been the most important to cast age appropriately. And most people probably already agree and know who I’m talking about. James and Lily. They were 21 when they died. When Harry sees them in the mirror of Erised, they’re 10 years older than him. That’s the age difference Ron has with Bill. In that scene I might understand somewhat them being in their thirties, because that’s what Harry wants. He wants his life with his parents, he wants to have been raised by them. Though, I don’t know if the mirror could know what they might’ve looked like in their thirties, since they didn’t live that long. But then, in the cemetery when Voldemort’s wand spits the last spells cast, we see Lily and James as they were. 21. They’re telling their son to hold on just a moment longer. And they are 7 years older than him. In Deathly Hallows, Harry sees Voldemort kill them. They’re not this happy couple who’s got to love each other for a long time, only to have that happiness torn from them, no they started at Hogwarts ten years ago. They’re 21, and they’ve barely tasted that happiness. At the end of the book Harry talks to his parents. They comfort him and promise to stay with him, as he goes to die. Harry’s seventeen. James and Lily are four years older than him.
It wouldn’t have felt as nice. Harry being comforted by someone who looks almost his age. But it wasn’t nice. It was pretty tragic. Casting people who look 21, would’ve really made it land on the audience. It was a tragedy. They were barely adults.
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basiatlu · 7 months
Day 27: Costume
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Pansy and Hermione decide to set up our boys in a special couple’s costume for the Halloween party - unbeknownst to them, of course.
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oxydiane · 2 years
looking back at the harry potter books with like… actual time frames you realise that the most ron’s ever gone without really talking to harry was like two weeks but everyone always makes such a bigger deal out of it because harry is the one who makes a gigantic deal out of it. i think the fandom should make fun of him more for how dramatic he gets when fighting with ron.
you read the books and each time ron doesn’t talk to harry the narration is like. harry woke up feeling miserable. he turned to talk to ron but then remembered they aren’t talking and that made him start wallowing in his own sadness. there’s no point in going to the great hall, he can’t eat. he spent the potions class looking at ron who decided to sit with seamus instead of him. he was so busy staring at ron wishing they could make up he didn’t notice his cauldron exploding. snape is screaming but ron is still not talking to him. he has detention? big deal. if ron was there they would have detention together
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bythepen98 · 9 months
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Severus 🐍
Aside from Harry and Hermione, he is arguably the next character whose pov I read about the most (gen or ship wise). Can't help that he's too interesting of a character for me to ignore when written right.
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severussnapemylove · 7 months
Severus; "The only thing I've ever done that I'm proud of is marrying you. And I don't know how I managed that."
Y/N; "It was my idea. Remember?"
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trashmouth-padfoot · 1 year
Sirius: “I thought I might stay over tonight”
Remus: “Why?”
Sirius: “‘Cause we’re boyfriends”
Remus, definitely teasing by now: “to do what?”
Sirius: “I’m actually not sure”
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hollowed-theory-hall · 2 months
do you like the movies at all? do you think they have any merit as works of their own in terms of world building?
Honestly, I haven't watched the movies in years, so I don't remember them all that well. From what I do remember, they mischaracterized basically everyone and had holes in the plot that only made sense if you read the books. The biggest travesty for me was Harry himself. I love him so much in the books, and the movies made him into wet cardboard. The Golden Trio of the movies was just, way less engaging and felt less like actual friends to me. Harry's personality was non-existent, Hermione was too perfect, and Ron lost all his cleverness and skills.
The sad thing is, I liked a lot of the cast, for some of the characters they literally couldn't find better actors. With a different director, they could've been so good, which is the biggest tragedy. I actually love the feel of the Wizarding World in the movies. Especially the first two.
The aesthetic, the design of Hogwarts, the fashion, and the character design for some (Hagrid and Snape for example) were brilliant. When they changed directors for the third movie, they just lost the whimsical magic the Wizarding World had in the first two.
And that's like my biggest issue with the movies. There were a lot of good things in them, like the costumes (first two movies mostly), the castle, the feeling of magic, the soundtrack, and the casting, but then the writing and directing didn't make use of all the great stuff there.
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iamnmbr3 · 5 months
not me thinking about the fact that as far as Draco knew Dumbledore would've been fine if Draco hadn't disarmed him and given Snape the chance to kill him. So from Draco's POV Dumbledore's death and Voldemort's subsequent unopposed takeover and everything that happened as a result - both to his own family and to the rest of the Wizarding World - was 100% his fault. I wonder if that was going through his head when he said "I can't be sure."
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zoyanazyalensky03 · 6 months
Are you familiar with the feeling you get after finishing an awesome book or movie or series?
It's like it made a special place in your heart and now that it ended all that is left is the beautiful scenes and a hole.
A hole, proof of it's existence and your love for it.
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Tom Riddle defo faked his accent
orphanage,,,,in London,,,,mid 40s
bring back Cockney Slang!Voldemort
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firinniee · 1 year
Imagine one time Percy is calmly taking care of himself and suddenly Oliver comes in and is like: “Ok we basically didn't play a game because your brother wanted to attack new Slytherin Seeker but he punched himself with his own spell and then he started vomiting slugs and instead of taking him to the hospital wing I was watching as he, Harry and Hermione run away to Hagrid place, I think. Don't look at me like that, at least he didn't fall off his broom, right???” I wouldn't want to be in Oliver's shoes after this.
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tenacious-minds · 10 months
I hate when I’m in the mood for something very specific in which searching tags is basically useless.
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rosabeetroot · 9 months
RIP James potter
he would have loved the barbie movie, I see him preforming I am Ken. 🩷🩷
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foe-of-fate · 8 months
Currently thinking about how almost none of the Harry Potter characters have character growth. I mean sure they grow, they’re kids and we do see their mental state change as they grow, but from the beginning to the end of the books the characters themselves don’t really change at all.
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thehappyvet · 11 days
Oh dear sweet child a book isn't actually that good if it makes all the bad characters fat or horrendously ugly, calls the Chinese girl essentially ch*ng ch*ng, makes the Irish boy either blow something up or try to turn his drinks alcoholic, and decides to explore a species slave race by making a main character "embarrass" herself by protesting and standing up for their rights because "they like being slaves".
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