#I thought you loved me
We used to be everything, now we're just strangers.
Shared a million laughs, smiles and tears, yet now we don't spare a moment,
To say hello to the one we thought we loved, forever and always..
What a short forever it has been,
I guess life's funny that way, people just drift apart,
Once the center of my world, now you're just a space in my heart.
We bumped into each other, at a crowded concert,
You looked the same, and it was bittersweet.
I missed you so much, and loved seeing you there,
But i hated you in the same fleeting moment.
I know you saw me, I could feel your stare, and couldn't get myself to meet you there,
for why should i? To see what? Just why?
A stranger that promised to always be there by my side,
And watch as the promises broke in thin air.
Id rather not look and ruin the memory of us...
We're not 'us' anymore.. I guess that's just how it goes
It's weird how life goes, we move on, we change,
The 'you and I' chapter, now just feels so strange.
We keep walking our paths, with new stories to write,
From 'can't live without you' to 'hey, hope you're alright.'
I guess this is how it was meant to be?
You do you and I do me.
I'm glad you aren't missing me anymore,
I hope she gives you everything you want, and more.
Im sorry,
I can't do this anymore
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notdelusionalatall · 3 months
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I guess you do prefer them over me guys you never even really liked me to start
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gabrielmarkanthony · 1 month
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Why do you want to hurt me?
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I've been sick in bed all week and tell me why pookie is just bullying me.
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nopoodles · 4 months
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Prompt: Dare OCs: Aodhán/Sinhán + their father, Sin From: Fae Courts/Winter King Spoilers: No (not yet published, still playing with the universe)
Title: I Thought You Loved Me
Aodhán slammed the door to their father’s office open. Magic crackled, lighting everything possible in the space: candles, lamps, the fireplace that might not have been there before Aodhán’s entrance. The papers, physical manifestations of magical contracts and things to do mixed in with real paper reports from all of Sin’s spies, rustled with the wind Aodhán brought.
Sin glanced up, turning his attention back to the papers across his desk, as if Aodhán’s presence was of little consequence. He glowed. He always did. Dripping sunlight magic wherever he went. Staring too intently was just like staring at the sun itself. Blinding, impossibly powerful. But he’d been a young fool once, as everyone seemed to manage – especially those with magic. And once upon a time, he had taken a piece of himself and formed it into the only being in the entirety of faerie or possibly the entire universes who might be able to withstand that power. And that one singular being was stood in his office right now being ignored.
“Father,” Aodhán snapped.
“Yes, Sinhán?”
Sinhán, little sun. Tiny Sin. His. Defined only as such. Aodhán had been called such for almost as long as they had existed. It had begun as a nickname, but faerie changed these things.
“Aodhán,” they corrected, voice suddenly going quiet. They couldn’t do this. They shouldn’t have started it. They should have let it be. They should have left it. They should have known better than to expect the sun itself to give them the same attention they offered to it.
“Did you need something?” Sin prompted.
“Yes. I… Could you look at me when I’m talking to you?”
Sin’s eyebrows rose but he didn’t look away from his desk. Offended, but not enough to take his attention away from whatever he had decided upon.
“This is important.” Again Aodhán’s voice settled itself in a softer register. Too quiet. They needed to make themself heard and this wasn’t the way to go about it. Sweeping in here in a burst of magic and then soft and demure and sweet afterwards. “Someone opened a portal to the human realm.”
“I know,” Sin replied. “I took care of it.”
“That’s the problem,” Aodhán said. “You set me that task. Guardianship of the portal was mine.”
Sin waved a hand. “Don’t worry about it.”
Aodhán’s hands shifted to fists. Magic burned in their chest, spreading over their limbs.
“You don’t need to light up like a torch, Sinhán, I dealt with it.”
“I don’t want you to deal with it,” Aodhán snapped. “I want you to actually let me do my supposed job. I want you to not undermine me in front of the entire court and beyond.” They waved an arm at the doors behind them. “Practically the entirety of faerie knows you set me to the task of guarding the portals and you just whipped that responsibility away on a whim. It was my job.”
“It doesn’t matter. Your reputation isn’t important.”
“Excuse me?”
Finally he looked up, those gold eyes shining with power. “Your reputation isn’t important except how it reflects on me. You are here as a reflection of my power. I can show just how powerful I am entirely by being more powerful than others with you sitting pretty by my side.”
“No. I will not be some pawn for you.”
“You always have been. You were designed as such.”
Aodhán’s hands landed on the desk, they leaned across it, teeth bared in a feral snarl. “You think I have no memory of my own design? You think you can gaslight me into believing that was my intended purpose all along when you were the one who called me into creation?”
“You need to calm yourself.”
“I willnae.”
Power flashed. Growing around Sin in a swirling yellow and gold display of light. It flared like tentacles, and pressed against Aodhán, hot and dry and heavy. “You dare speak to your king like this?”
Aodhán’s power flared in response. Sin might be the sun, but Aodhán was still fire. They could burn bright and hot and fierce too. “I’d dare do more than speak.”
Sin sucked his power back in. Trust him to do so. Like a click, as if it was easy. He always was a fan of playing power games like that. Out and out fighting was, he said, the realm of the barbarians in the Winter Court. “My child. I think I have the perfect job for you that will help you have confidence in your own skills and power.” He tucked their face in his hands, placing a fatherly kiss on the top of their head. “You can become my ambassador to the Winter Court. Pack your bags, I’ll send the missive now.”
This has been I Thought You Loved Me by Will Soulsby-McCreath. Feel absolutely free to reblog around Tumblr but don't copy and paste to anywhere else (c) Will Soulsby-McCreath
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stephaniesblogxx · 5 months
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ℬ𝓊𝓉 𝒾 𝓉𝒽ℴ𝓊𝑔𝒽𝓉 𝓎ℴ𝓊 𝓁ℴ𝓋ℯ𝒹 𝓂ℯ?
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jesusbutbetterrr · 6 months
"just a dude" and "cursed bitch ass motherfucker"
so I'm just some dude to you?
Does the marriage mean nothing?
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musicslie · 1 year
I wish I could erase all of the places you’ve touched me.
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Why did I let myself love my first love the way I did you? The thought of you still brings me peace & pain.
Mourning all of the what-if’s and could’ve been’s.
I know things like this have been written a hundred times over but I honestly don’t know if I could take it all back that i would. All the days we’d spend running away from our responsibilities … through empty streets and waking up next to you in simple sheets.
I always loved the simplicity of us. We were just fact, no questions asked.
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spreading-stardust · 4 months
"I loved my friend.  She went away from me.  There’s nothing more to say.  The poem ends,  Soft as it began,— I loved my friend"
-"Poem" by Langston Hughes
(note: I changed the word "he" to "she")
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king-of-havoc · 4 months
"Those words have never been spoken before until now."
okay here's a brand new sentence that still somehow makes sense: I still cannot believe that Homestuck predicted bisexual Obama
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sp00kysk3lly · 1 year
You really made me just believe and love you, ain't it funny?
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sarahrox · 2 years
I just don't understand how someone can hurt anyone like this how can they take advantage of you , use you then just discard you like you are nothing , how can someone just cut you off from their life after you have done every fucking thing for them . One sided friendships really eat you alive like you made your whole book about them and you don't even have a page or a line in their's it's like you don't exist you never did
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unknownthouughtss · 1 year
I want to be free
I feel like a prisoner
Stuck in my own mind
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shanti-ashant-hai · 1 year
It's pronounced pay-aa-ness btw
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