#Quill Drabble
fateisnotafactor · 1 month
Why not just throw part 2 here while I'm at it? Just throwing these on Tumblr as I write, I'll probably clean it up and throw it on AO3 when I get to it.
Continuation of whatever got into my head yesterday, <800 words. (Part 1)
Three days later Shouta and Hizashi are pulling up outside your apartment complex in their SUV. The vehicle is already weighed down with gear, but with a bit of Tetris, Shouta finds a place for your things. Your tent, backpack, sleeping bag are loaded into the back with everything else and Hizashi is already holding open the door and helping you into the back seat.
He doesn’t need to, but he buckles you into the seat, smoothing the strap across your chest as he murmurs a sleepy hello for the fifth time.
“He’s really not a morning person,” Shouta says, dragging the blond away from you and shoving him into the passenger seat. “Hope he didn’t cross any lines, he’s a bit of a cuddle bug,” he adds, smirking as even the mention of the word ‘bug’ causes a shiver to rush through his partner.
You don’t catch it though. You’re too busy rummaging through your bag to grab a quick granola bar to snack on. “You don’t mind if I eat in here, do you?” you ask, the wrapper already torn open, so used to your friend’s crumb-filled car, it didn’t even occur to you how spottless the vehicle was.
“Shou doesn’t mind, just don’t make a mess,” Hizashi says. He yawns loudly as he drops the back of his seat so that his head is just inches from your lap.
You jump a little at the sudden movement, but laugh when he breaks off a piece of your granola bar for himself sending a few crumbs raining down on him.
“As I recall, the only one who makes a mess in here is you.” Shouta gives Hizashi’s knee a squeeze.
Hizashi grins at his partner and reajusts his seat, a middle ground where he’s not leaning all the way back, but can still see you when you talk.
The drive to the trailhead passes quickly as you get to know the pair you realize you know next to nothing about. You learn about their students, a roudy batch of aspiring heroes, always getting into trouble. Shouta’s been pushing for a summer training program for years, get the kids outdoors to show them that not all hero work is done in the big city. There’s plenty of times when emergency rescues will send them out of the city, wildfires, landslides, floods.
Shouta could go on about his students for hours, but Hizashi is getting restless. Itchy. Scratching at his collar as the SUV takes you further into the mountains. The reminders of bug bites, poison ivy, and everything else he hates about the so-called “great” outdoors. He’ll take the climate-controlled studio at the radio station over this anyday.
You perk up as Shouta continues driving past the entrance you normally use. He catches the flash of worry in the rearview as he hums to himself, turning on the radio as he tunes in to a pre-recorded Put Your Hands Up Radio show. Hizashi can’t help but gush about every song that plays, from the date it was released, to trivia about the artist, to the particular version he chose and why. Practically a walking, talking encyclopedia about music, he holds you in rapt attention, hanging on every word.
Finally, Shouta reaches the pull off he was looking for, slowing as he turns up what looks to be an old logging road. The deep tracks tell you that someone still comes up here from time to time, though the fallen log about a mile and a half in appears to the signal the end of the road.
The doors unlock and you’re the first one out, taking in a deep breath of the fresh mountain air. Crisp with the scent of pine playing together with sweet notes of honeysuckle and the earthy dampness of moss. The trees aorund you are brimming with life; bird calls and the hum of insect life echos around you as you take in your surroundings. It feels like home.
Shouta is already lifting the hatch and sorting through the gear as Hizashi complains trying to scrape the mud off his no longer pristine hiking boots with a stick.
“Do we really have to hike anywhere? Isn’t this far enough? C’mon Shou, we’re miles from civilization already.”
“Suck it up,” Shouta orders, gruffly shoving a backpack into Hizashi’s chest.
You can’t help but laugh at the two of them. Shouta continues to sort through the back of the car, dividing the gear into piles. He’s clearly used to Hizashi’s over dramatic antics, paying no mind as the lanky blond cries out as he walks through a spider web.
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bruisedboys · 1 year
he really is just so boyfriend. like the kind who would reach the boxes in shelves you can’t reach
he is just always into being your hero . doing things to make you swoon
peter quill has a hero complex for sure but it gets hiked up about 200% when it comes to you. he’s obsessed with doing everything for you because he knows you like it, even if you don’t actually need the help. he knows you’re totally capable of taking care of yourself but he wants to do it because he’s so incredibly down bad for you it’s sick.
yes he’s definitely the type to reach high shelves for you!!! so casually dominant of him tbh. he comes up behind you where you’re tiptoeing in front of the shelf and easily snags the box you’re reaching for. when he hands it to you he’s veryy smug about it. especially if he gets a thank you kiss, which he usually does.
he’s also always tying your shoelaces or zipping your dress or fixing your clothes for you. your shoelace comes undone while you’re out with him and he doesn’t even hesitate to get on the dirty floor to do it up for you. you put your hands in his hair and tug gently as a silent thank you and he swears he dies on the spot. and if your clothes ever ride up and threaten to show more skin than he knows you’ll want to, he’ll fix them without a word and it flusters you so much.
ugh and if you’re clumsy!!! he gets so good at catching you before you hurt yourself. if you’re about to trip he’ll catch you before you do and dip you cos he’s a dork, his arm locked around your lower back. you’ll laugh and swoon and say my hero all sarcastic and it boosts peter’s ego wayyy more than he’d like to admit.
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autumn-hiraeth · 1 year
angst, fluff and, in fact, it's a requited love.
a/n: Peter Quill, my beloved. ( u should listen Neptune by Sleeping At Last, just saying)
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You caught Peter before he fell to the ground, he was drunk again; his strong arms wrapped tightly around your body;pulling you in closer.
Your cheeks turned red but he didn't notice, Peter never seemed to realize the effect he had on you. In fact, he was probably the only one in all of Nowhere who didn't realize how much you were in love with him.
"You have to rest Quill" you spoke as you tried to take him to his bed, however, Peter looked at you, his eyebrow furrowed. He looked cute, yeah, drunk but cute.
"why are you upset, Y/n?" your heart pounded when he pouted.
"I'm not upset" you replied letting him fall on the bed carefully.
Peter scoffed "you only call me by my last name when you're upset" of course you were upset, you hated seeing him like that, every day he got drunk and never let anyone help or advise him. You just wanted him to understand that life was cruel and most of the time unfair, but he still had to go on because he was loved, you loved him. Although that wasn't enough for him.
"call me Pete, Y/n. I like it when you call me Pete" he begged holding your hand not wanting to let go yet. "I can't stand that you're upset with me" he confessed. His puppy dog eyes made you weak.
"Sleep now, Pete " you said and he smiled pleased, it was one of the few times you had seen him smile and it was almost always 'cause of you. He made you feel warm and Peter felt warm too, like he hadn't felt in a long time.
"That's my girl" he whispered before falling asleep, leaving you with racing heartbeat.
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starglitterz · 1 year
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"XIAO, what's your deepest desire?"
you're draped over his body in your shared bed, scraps of twilight spilling in through the window and bathing your torso in violet hues. as he tenses, you can feel his heartbeat pick up from how you're lying on his chest, but his voice is steady when he answers, "bold of you to assume adepti even have desires." "i'm nothing if not bold," you chuckle, finger idly tracing the outline of the green marks splattered across his arm, "you should know that by now."
you can hear the smile in xiao's voice when he replies, "indeed i do, dove." he shifts slightly, wrapping his arm around your frame and tucking his chin over your head. one might believe that this kind of skinship would be unthinkable for the conqueror of demons, and it is a fact that rang true at one point. but both time and love worked their magic on the adepti's heart until he learned to trust you, and he swears that may have been the best decision of his existence. "why do you ask?" he murmurs, voice muffled by your hair.
"just curious," you shrug, tilting your head up to meet his gaze, "wondering what's going on up in that pretty head of yours, loverboy." his eyes seem to gleam under the light of the stars, and you're struck by how stunning he is - his honey irises look at you with so much quiet affection that you think you could drown in them. his nose scrunches at the pet name, and a light blush dusts his cheeks, "i told you to stop calling me that." "maybe you'd prefer pookie? or sweetheart? baby?" your voice takes on a teasing lilt, smirk widening as xiao grows more and more flustered with every nickname.
he clicks his tongue, though there's no real irritation in the sound, "it's late. you should go to sleep." "aww, but we're having so much fun!" "goodnight, dove," his tone is gruff and abrupt, but you know it's just because he's embarrassed. now you're the one who's getting flustered, because you're so happy that you're close enough with xiao to be able to tell apart these subtle differences in his exterior. you nuzzle impossibly closer to him, "for your information, my wish was for us to be together forever!" a yawn slips out of your mouth before you can elaborate, and the repetitive motion of your lover stroking your head is already sending you off to dreamland. "goodnight, xiao," you manage to mumble, and then you're asleep.
once certain you aren't going to suddenly wake up and tease him, xiao permits a gentle smile to curve his lips. pressing a featherlight kiss to the crown of your head, he whispers, "my deepest desire is for you to be happy. i wish for nothing more." and with the galaxy as the sole witness to his confession, the yaksha permits the drowsiness weighing heavy behind his eyes to finally overtake him.
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© starglitterz 2023. do not repost or modify in any way - reblog w comments if you enjoyed !
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star-quill · 1 year
cuddling with peter and pillow talk… sighs
mmmmf pls☹️
he's definitely definitely the big spoon, one arm under your neck and the other around your waist. he holds u close to him, mumbling little phrases against ur neck in between kisses. you're absolutely blushing and thank god he can't see ur face because ur sure u would just explode.
his pillow talk wouldn't necessarily start as intimate as u think it would, it's mostly him just talking about ur relationship and how much he adores u.
"didn't think i'd end up back here to fall in love."
"u don't regret it, do u?"
"hey hey.. no no.. god no.. shit, i think i love you."
u giggled when he kissed ur neck again, burying his face afterwards and making u laugh.
"and like.. fuck, ur so pretty, so sweet.. mmf.."
you hadn't realised when u shifted ur body that u must've grinding up against him to make him groan. he did it again when u turned ur body around, straddling his thigh and curling up into his chest. the arm that was under ur neck was now around ur shoulders and the arm that was across ur waist was now over ur thigh.
"u think i'm sweet?"
u knew by asking that ur just provoking him, but u want to hear what he has to say—you just have to hear how much he wants u.
"in every sense of the word.. lookin' all sweet in those flowery sundresses u wear all the time, answering the door to the mailman like i haven't just fucked u in the kitchen like 5 minutes before.. and u taste real sweet too.."
and here he goes, the pillow talk now starting to make u shiver.
"and i mean it when i say ur real pretty too.. i see u in the garden watering the plants and i just.. i get so lost just starin' at you.. sometimes i think about calling u from inside the house, hoping u come back in and sit on my lap so i can see just how pretty u look up close.."
u drop ur head into his neck, one hand moving to grab his shoulder as he talked.
"and don't be forgettin' all those times u think i couldn't hear what u were doin' up there.."
"before we started doin' all this.. and i was just helping you around the house, i'd come upstairs to use the bathroom and.. shit.. the sounds u were makin' baby? sounded like a fuckin' angel's chorus.."
u just whimpered, squeezing ur legs shut around his thigh.
"could talk to u all night about how pretty and sweet u are for me but u need to sleep.. ok baby?"
"nuh-uh sweetheart.. u need to.. fuck.."
your hand had moved down to grab him through his boxers and he just grunted in response.
"i.. i thought about you too, when u were helping me. thought about dropping to my knees and sucking u off in the kitchen.."
"you'd look pretty on ur knees, baby.. you'd look so fuckin' pretty.."
ur hand moved back up to rest on his chest, feeling him sigh when u pulled away from him. u were both getting each other so worked up but not enough to go again for round 2, the high from earlier just winding down now. then ur eyelids fluttered closed and he had managed to talk u to sleep. he glanced down and smiled when he saw ur eyes were shut. his initial plan wasn't to almost dirty talk u to sleep but he wasn't mad it happened in the end.
he placed a small kiss to ur forehead before he whispered an "i love you" into ur skin. he closes his eyes then too, not noticing the smile on ur face from what he said.
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wait damn it i dont think i was anon making that request so HIYA AGAIN 💀💀 (basically this is just restating my request)
foaming at the mouth for peter quill (per usual) so this is a peter req! so maybe smthn abt reader stealing his shirt/s like hes trying to find one and hes like okay where did all my shirts go and then he sees reader all comfy in his shirt and he just MELTS 🥰
Hopefully you can do this soon, ur like famous so u have like 1000 requests LMAO have a great rest of your week/end!
hii again🪐!! and dw you were anon for that request😭😭 this is so stinking cute! thank you for requesting, hope you like it💌 have a great rest of you week too<3 also wanna know something funny? I have 2 of his tshirts, he left them at mine ;)
sharing is caring
Peter Quill x f reader
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wc || 0.8k
warnings || none just fluff
masterlist + rules
There are many great attributes about Quill, and sometimes there are too many to list. But one thing in particular, is his style. Despite his knack for good music and food, there's just something about his clothes that often made you gawk. 
Over the years, Peter has acquired quite the collection of fun and funky t-shirts, most of them bought on various planets as souvenirs after a mission or even as little gifts from you. 
Quill has so many tops that he couldn't possibly have use for every single one, so more often than not, you'd find yourself riffling through his drawers to steal one or five of his t-shirts. His clothes always smell so comforting and homely that you couldn't stop yourself from stealing, even if you wanted to. Your favourite shirts of his are from his slightly chubbier days. They'd feel so soft and comfortable against your skin that you'd often wear them day and night. The bigger the top, the more loved it felt. But you weren't being picky because you loved literally anything he wore. He could wear a trash bag, and as long as it smelt like him, you'd wear that trash bag too.
So today, like any other day, instead of picking your clothes from your side of the closet, you scrounge over to his side, flicking through the hangers to see what you want to wear. 'Happening' upon his grey, long sleeve with white writing, you quickly remove his other t-shirt you were wearing, flinging it across the room into the dirty pile before dressing yourself. Slipping on a pair of joggers, you make your way to the living room, plopping yourself down on the sofa, and wrapping a fluffy blanket over you.
A few short minutes later, Peter is standing in the doorway with a towel draped over his lower half, tiny beads of water covering his chest. "Ahem," he says quietly, a sly smirk on his lips. "Uh- why can't I find any of my clothes?" he asks, sounding like he already knew the answer.
"Maybe they're in the dirty pile," you playfully lie with a deadpan expression, avoiding his gaze. "We haven't done any laundry in a little while. I'm sure there's stuff in there,"
"Hm, okay, right. But the thing is, I was sorta planning on wearing this one top today," sheepishly smiling, ruffling through his wet curls. "Don't suppose you've seen a grey long-sleeve?"
"Nope, haven't seen it," you coyly grin, bringing the blanket to your neck, covering the evidence.
"Yeah?" he hums, making his way over to you. "You sure you haven't seen it?" 
"Nope," you repeat, shaking your head. 
"So if I just..." he says slowly, reaching for the blanket.
You copy him, reaching for his towel, playful eyes as you threaten to tug the fabric down. He looks down at you and shrugs. Grinning. "Do it. I don't care," 
"Okay, alright, fine. I'm wearing it," you cave, ripping away the blanket. "I couldn't help it," you bribe, sweet eyes dancing up at him. 
"How long you been stealing my clothes?" he asks, his tone full of warmth, chuckling.
"Not long," you lie. "But I really can't help it, okay, Pete? It's a problem. I can't stop myself," you say playfully, brushing over your arms as if to show your comfort. "See?"
He stares down at you, his eyes full of admiration. "Yeah? That why I have no clothes left?"
"You have tonnes of clothes. You have so many you didn't even realise they were missing," you say impishly, eyebrows quirking. "They just smell like you," you shrug, a sweet smile on your lips. "You're not mad?"
Shaking his head. "Nah, they look better on you anyway," he grins. "But, have you seen that dark blue one? The one with uh-- the um, light blue circle smile face thing?"
"Maybe... sorry. I wore that the other week," you playfully frown. "But it's clean," you bribe. "I washed it right after. It should be in that pile over there," Pointing.
"Mhmm," he says with squinted eyes and a grin.
He returns half-dressed with the t-shirt in hand, swinging it as he makes his way back to you. "I wanna wear that one," pointing to you. "I wanna smell you," he says quietly, practically inaudible.
"What?" you grin, only hearing fragments. 
"I wanna smell you, now give it," he repeats loud enough for you to hear, his fingers grabbing towards you. "I’m getting cold— look my nipples could cut glass, hurry,"
"But it smells like you," 
He boyishly grins as if he's thought of an idea. He puts on the blue top, rubbing over the fabric as if to transfer his scent before removing it and handing it to you. "Better?"
Sitting up with a smile, you undress from the top, putting on the new one as Peter did the same. He plops down beside you, draping his arm over your shoulder. "You do look cute in my clothes," he grins, kissing your temple.
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@annielr @ugh09876554444 @spacetalbot @bubblezuku @idontknowwhattohaveasmyuser
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itsagentromanoff · 5 months
We're All Team Tony
“Ya know, it’s really creepy that cape of yours cuddles with Tony,” Bucky huffed at Strange.
“Cloak,” the doctor corrected, smirking as he watched his cloak glare at Steve who tried to cozy up on the couch next to the genius, “You’re just jealous that Tony likes me better than you and Rogers.”
The ex-assassin scoffed at that, “Ain’t nothin’ to be jealous of.”
“Beep beep! Outta my way,” Quill interjected, bumping his way pass the other two, “Here ya go StarDust.”
“Aw, thank you Peter,” the genuis smiled, sipping the hot coffee in his hand, humming “Just the way I like it hot.”
Not to be out done by the half-alien, “Do you need me to get you anything, Tony?“
“Unless it’s to allow me back into my lab, no Cap,” Tony gave him a hopeful smile.
It nearly broke the super soldier’s heart when he shook his head at the engineer’s request.
“You know I can’t allow that Tony,” the blonde regretfully told him, “You heard what your doctor and Banner said and you sure as heck know what Miss Pott’s would say if she knew you were trying to sneak off to work.“
Tony pouted at that, frustrated that he’d sidelined by Loki and some Doom bots.
“Hey doll, wanna take a look at my arm?” Bucky called out, purposely bumping the Sorcerer Supreme but paused. Did the cloak just hiss at him?
Just as Bucky was about to take the free spot beside Tony, boxing him in between himself and his best pal, T'challa swooped in.
“Here are the plans that you asked for, Anthony,” the young King offered passing the StarkPad to the brunet, “Shuri asked that you contact her as soon you are able to.”
“Thank her for me.” Tony snorted looking through the tablet, “Is this you?”
Tony turned the screen to the King, Bucky peered over his shoulder watching the younger man’s face morph to humiliation.
The ex assassin caught his friend’s eyes having a silent conversation while the young King grumbled about double checking his sister’s surveillance again.
“Aw, Your Pantherness was this your first time with this tech?” Quill teased, winking at Tony who rolled his eyes at the other man.
The dark man glared at him, “No,” he gritted out, he have to have another word with his younger sister, “It was merely a training accident.”
“Oh sure,” Strange commented from his spot in the living room, “What with you being new to the superhero world it must happen all the time.”
The engineer raised an eyebrow at that. Was it him or was there hostility within the group? Trying to diffuse the situation, “So what’s everybody’s plans for dinner?“
Cue four men shoving each other out of the way to head towards the kitchen, while Strange whirls a golden portal turns and winks at Tony before entering it.
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A Call Home
Summary: Peter went back to see his grandpa, leaving you in Knowhere. Out of a sudden, your intergalactic pager beeps. Earth's in trouble.
Genre: angst, fluff
Pairing: Peter Quill x female reader
Tag: @nix-rose-q
Warning: kissing, cursing
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Peter did stay in touch. For a while.
You caught up with each other every week, and then things got busy.
Once every two weeks.
Once a month.
Then he didn't call back.
Three months after that, he apologized for not staying in touch. Things got busy on his end. You both promised to talk soon.
One year later... radio silence.
You figured he must be enjoying his life back with his grandpa, so you didn't try to reach out to him anymore as to not bother him.
It didn't go unnoticed by the team -- your sudden silence, your absence. You didn't go day drinking like Peter did, but they knew something was bothering you.
"There you are."
You heard Rocket on the rooftop where you were sitting.
"Mind if I join you?"
"By all means."
He sat next to you, joining you in enjoying the view.
Knowhere was doing so well under Nebula's care. She's attentive, caring, no issue you have will go unnoticed by her.
"Are you alright?"
"Fine, Rocket."
"You always say that, but you don't really mean it."
You chuckled and rolled your eyes. "I will be fine."
"Yeah, well," Rocket sighed. "We're here for you. Quill leaving was definitely unexpected, and I know how much he means to you."
You glanced at him.
"Oh come on," He chuckled. "You were so obvious. I'm surprised Quill didn't pick it up himself."
A blush spread across your cheeks. "Are you here just to tease me, or?"
"Relax, relax, no need to get defensive." He smirked. "Just thought you might like some company."
Out of nowhere, your pager beeped. It was the pager Nat gave you before she passed. It hasn't beeped ever since you last visited -- since Thanos.
"Looks like you're going home." Rocket said. "Better take Milano 2.0. Say hi to Quill for me, and tell him to call us. We miss him around here."
You sighed. "This can't be good."
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Milano 2.0 was something you and Peter built together. The original Milano was sort of destroyed after a battle, so 2.0 was a small project you both did -- an attempt to save as much of it as possible.
You and Peter first met when he saved you from an explosion at a nearby planet. It was anything but romantic. You were trying to steal something, and Peter was trying to stop you from stealing it.
Then he realized you were also human -- the only other human he's ever met out in space. So he decided to help you with your job, and you both became friends.
If only Peter knew that was also when you started having a crush on him.
Peter looked out the window to the sky above. For a second there he thought he saw a shooting star, but it must've been in his head.
"4 down. 9 letter word. Starts with G, is a protector or a defender." Jason said, wanting Peter to help him with his crossword.
"Guardians." Peter said, his lips playing a longing smile.
Jason was beyond happy when Peter came home. It felt like his life was finally complete, everything was right again. But he also knew that Peter grew up not on Earth -- it was confusing to him at first, all of this.. space work Peter rambled about, but once he mentioned his friends Rocket, Nebula, Drax, Mantis, Groot, and you? He understood immediately. Albeit the weird names, you were his family just as much as Peter was his. And he knew Peter missed you.
"Peter, talk to me." Jason put his newspaper down.
Peter sighed. "This past.. what, year and a half? Has been amazing. Being home feels so good after all the stress I've been through. But.."
"But you need to go back out there."
Peter looked surprised. "How did you know?"
"Pete," Jason chuckled. "You don't have friends here. And every time you talk about your friends, I can feel how much you miss them. Do you even still talk to them?"
He sighed. "I.. have been avoiding their calls, actually."
"Now why would you do that?"
"I just-" He sighed again. "Every time I hear their voices, see their faces, I want to be there. But I know you need me here-"
"Whoa, whoa, Pete." Jason laughed. "I've been here for 38 years without you, I think I'll do fine."
"So you don't need me here?"
"Don't get me wrong, son, having you here has been amazing for me, too." Jason explained. "It's the best thing that happened to me. But you need to get a move on in your life, kid. Your future isn't here at home, mowing lawns and driving me to the hospital."
Peter chuckled. "Didn't know you still had one last lecture for me."
Jason laughed in return. "Don't tempt me, kid."
"Anyway," Jason continued, "Tell me about this girl you have a crush on."
"It's not a crush." Peter rolled his eyes. "She's just.. she's amazing."
Jason smiled as he listened to Peter talk about you. How you two met, how his world managed to light up whenever you're in the room, how you stood by him when everything crumbled down.. and how he possibly have broken your heart.
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Peter was enjoying the last of his fries when there was a blast nearby. It was big enough to cause an earthquake, and Peter had to call the nurse to pick Jason up so he could check what's going on.
"Stay here, okay?! I need to go help as much as I can!" Peter yelled out before running towards the blast.
If it were any regular explosion, Peter would've ignored it. But he saw what could've been people flying, so it had got to be something serious.
When Peter got to the scene, he saw War Machine, Dr. Strange, and -- is that you??
"Y/n??" Peter yelled.
You diverted your attention for a second, before being hit by the octopus-like thing attacking you.
Peter ran and broke your fall, getting hurt in the process.
"What the fuck are you doing here? Get back!" You said, blasting your gun at the giant octopus.
"What the hell is that?!" Peter asked, taking cover behind you.
"I don't know, I'm just trying to kill it!" You ran behind a car. "Peter, you don't have a gun, get out of here. You're a civilian at this point."
"Then give me a gun!"
Turns out the big-ass octopus was sent by Wanda, who was hunting a girl named America Chavez to help her get her sons back. You didn't even know she had kids.
You were finally left alone with Peter, and decided to visit his house that was nearby.
The walk was absolutely silent. You didn't expect to meet Peter -- though you wanted to. And now that it happened, you don't know what to say to him. It's been a year since you last talked, and you were expecting he'd give some lame excuse to why he stopped calling.
"So," Peter started. "I know you're probably mad at me for going MIA."
You sighed.
"I think I'm ready to go home now."
"You know, I missed you. A lot."
When you didn't reply again, Peter stopped you from walking by standing in front of you. "Remember what you promised me?"
Your eyes shot up to look at him in disbelief. "You shut me out first. You stopped calling. You stopped answering my calls. You were the one who-"
Deep breaths.
"I get it, Peter." You said. "You're with family, you want to spend time with them. I don't blame you -- I know I shouldn't. But I'm just.. still pretty mad at you."
Peter clenched his jaw. He knew it was his fault. He reached to hold your hands and put them on his chest, right on his heart. You could feel his heart racing.
"Look at me." Peter said, lifting your chin. "Please."
Staring at pleading eyes, how could you stay mad at him? He looked like a lost, kicked puppy.
"That day I left," Peter said. "I knew what you wanted to say to me."
"I knew- I know."
Your breath quickened. The day he left was the day you wanted to tell him you've been in love with him.
"I.." He held your waist gently. "I love you. I couldn't say it to you the first time because I was so messed up. I had unfinished inner issues that I had to resolve, and I.. I didn't want to drag you on, not knowing how I'd end up."
It felt like a panic attack, but in the best way possible.
You hadn't realized how long you stayed quiet, just looking at him and listening to his heart.
"Say something, please." Peter broke your trance.
"I.." You gulped. "Why- You- Oh fuck it-" You pulled Peter by his collar and kissed him.
Peter's hands immediately found the back of your neck and pulled you in closer, if that's even possible. You struggled to keep your composure. His hands clawed and grabbed your hips gently, but you knew the desperation was there. The need to be alone in a room and just fuck the shit out of each other -- you felt it too.
You broke the kiss to get some air, but Peter let out a small 'no' before pulling you back in.
It was hungrier, yearning for a taste of everything. It felt very, very hot. Peter's touch burned you and felt like it left marks. Your lips felt bruised and swollen, but fuck you couldn't get enough.
He only hummed, lips still busy leaving kisses down your neck.
It felt like you were drunk, there was a coil in your stomach and it made you want to jump into his arms. If it weren't for his neighbor who yelled "get a room", you probably wouldn't have stopped.
You finally pushed him away before you got too dizzy and passed out. Peter chuckled and still managed to hold you close to him.
"I'll.. I'll go bring in the ship." You panted.
"Good." He smirked. "We can make even more new memories there."
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a/n: I'm so thirsty.
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mirkwoodshewolf · 2 years
Drawing chaos; Peter Quill x toddler reader
*Author’s note*
So this comes from @white-wolf-buckaroo​ who I thank for being sooooo patient with me and I hope this is the continuation you were looking for. After seeing the Groot shorts on Disney+ the Magnum Opus short was BIG inspiration for this fic so I hope you as well as all my readers enjoy this little drabble.
No warnings just some pure, unadulterated fluff.  This can be served as a sequel to this story here.
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It had been four years since the Guardians had found little (Y/n) and to say their lives had changed well—it definitely had its fill of surprises.  Like the one time when they were on a mission in Tamaran to stop a Leviathan attack and (Y/n) (who had just started learning how to walk) had gotten out of the ship and while completely and blissfully unaware of the dangers on the planet, walked through the forests of Tamaran and nearly got eaten by an alien plant.  Of course Rocket managed to spot her and get her out of there.
Or the time when she was three and her father Peter had to stay behind on a mission because he had injured his arm pretty badly.  Though he enjoyed spending time with his daughter, he almost had a heart attack when they were playing a game of hide and seek and he couldn’t find her anywhere. It took over 2 hours of him having a panic attack searching every nook and cranny of the Milano but he couldn’t find her.
Only to have the team come back, yell at him before helping to find her until Gamora saw that she had slipped under Peter’s bed and had fallen asleep.  Of course as soon as Peter saw how cute she looked asleep, he couldn’t stay mad at her and took her back to her room (but he did give her a lecture about scaring him like that again).
Now at four years old, (Y/n) could walk and talk and she seemed fully invested in her world of the Milano.  She was especially good friends with Groot, or Baby Groot, again. Yep, another incident had made Groot burn up and he had once again become Baby Groot.  And of course when you get a baby as mischievous as Baby Groot and a curious toddler like (Y/n) Quill, things can get a bit chaotic.
The Guardians were out cruising through the galaxy when both (Y/n) and Baby Groot had decided to make something for their dads. Together the two of them got the supplies they needed to make their drawings.
They got to lounge room where they had their meals, coffee breaks or wanted to take some time away from the others.  (Y/n) and Baby Groot set down their supplies and set down their papers.  Groot began to white out the ALFIE comic book cover he had taken from Quill’s collection while (Y/n) was using an old page torn out of a Laskavarian translation book.
Groot then used some glue and placed it not only on the paper but also on the tail hair he had cut from Rocket’s tail.  While (Y/n) used her markers to draw her pictures.
“I am Groot.” He said to her.
“No my picture will be better.”
“I am Groot!”
“No mine!” (y/n) stuck her tongue out at Groot before returning to her drawing and Groot back to his.  (Y/n) capped her red marker before picking up the green one next and drew the next person she was going to draw.  She then looked up to see Groot holding her father’s boot which had his rocket propeller. “Hey that’s daddy! He wouldn’t like you using that.”
“I am Groot.”
“You better or I’m gonna tell on you.”
“I am Groot.” He mumbled before placing the broken shades over his face and activating the rocket boosters and placed it over his picture to draw off the glue.  After a while their pictures were almost done when Groot got the idea for how to get glitter.
He placed one of Rocket’s makeshift bombs on top of a green glittering hard drive Groot had pulled from the ship and then took him and (Y/n) out of the room with the detonator.
“I am Groot.”
“No I wanna push it.”
“I am Groot!”
“You can push it.”
“I am Groot.”
“No you push it.”
“I. Am. Groot.”
“Okay, I will.” She had tricked him thanks to an old gag she had seen on a cartoon show.  Groot gawked at her then pouted as she hovered her finger over the big red button before she pressed it and the room exploded loudly.  After the smoke cleared and the massive wave og glitter than shot out of the room had fallen to the floor, the two kids raced back inside with their pictures to use the glitter as they saw fit.
Suddenly Groot almost tripped over a large hole that had been made in the ground by the bomb.
“Uh-oh.” Said (y/n).  Groot pondered before racing over to the cabinet drawers and pulled out a roll of duct tape.  He raced back over and pulled apart the tape and together the two kids tried to patch the hole up before anybody noticed.
Walking through the hallway was Quill as he looked around with both a curious but worried look.  All day he hadn’t been able to find (y/n) and he knew she wasn’t playing another game of hide and seek.  For one thing she hadn’t finished her lunch which was odd because (much like her dad) she never leaves food behind.
He came into the engine room where Rocket was doing some repairs to the control panels that had been acting up and glitching on his side of the ship, preventing him from taking control of the ship when he wanted to.
“Hey Rocket.” Peter called out.  Rocket peeked out from the floor and lifted up his goggles holding both a hammer and blowtorch in each hand.
“What do you want Quill? Can’t you see I’m very busy fixing up my ship.”
“Uhh first of all it’s my ship. And second, you hadn’t seen (Y/n) or Groot around have you?”
“I’ve been down here doing repairs Quill, hadn’t seen hair nor twig of em.”
“Well I haven’t either and I’m starting to get worried.”
“Alright, alright. If it’ll keep your pants on, let’s see if we can’t find them.” Rocket said lifting himself up from the floor, set down his tools and took the goggles off.
The two of them walked along the hallways when they felt the room shake as well as the big boom that sounded off.
“Oh no.” they both said worriedly as they both took off running.  As they turned left, they saw that the room that lead into the lounge area had gone up in smoke and the fire alarm was blaring off. “Groot! (Y/n)!”
“(Y/n) can you hear me!?” Peter called out.
“Groot are you dead!!” Rocket exclaimed as they looked around frantically for both their children only to look down at the floor to see them both completely fine as they continued to patch up the hole with duct tape.  “Oh there you two are. Wait are-are those the ship’s fuel rods?!” Peter gawked as he pointed out the entire destruction in his ship.
“And how did the walls collapse like that and why is everything on fire!? And more importantly what smells like something died in here?!”
“Wait a minute is that….” Rocket sniffed the air before bending down and picked up the purple soap bar.  “Drax’s soap?”
“He’s been bothering me looking for that thing, won’t shut up about it.” Peter said.  The two parental figures then turned to the kids and Rocket scolded them both.
“Kids, why does it look like a bomb went off in here?” As Baby Groot pulled on the roll of tape he said.
“I am Groot?”
“Don’t give me that boldface lie. There’s no way this was a gas leak!” Rocket reprimanded him.  Peter crossed his arms over his chest before looking to (Y/n).
“(Y/n) Meredith Quill, give me the truth or it’s no music for a week.”
“We used the-the bomb for the glitter.” She said.
“WHAT!? How did-Rocket I told you to keep your bombs out of reach of the kids!!”
“Hey don’t you put this on my Quill!”
“You’re the one leaving bombs easily available for the kids to get to! Who else am I gonna blame!?”
“How bout the two gremlins who caused the explosion in the first place!?!?” the two of them looked down at the kids who were now looking down shamefully at their pictures. “Now don’t you two think you’re getting out of this by being cute.” Rocket scolded.
“He’s right. What you two did was completely dangerous and unsafe! You could’ve been hurt or worse killed!” the two kids looked at each other before holding up their pictures.
“What? What’s this more trash? Better be a written apology.” Rocket said as he took Groot’s picture while Peter took (y/n)’s. Rocket pulled out a pair of glasses and set them along his muzzle as he looked at the picture.  “Huh this is….hmm…..wow this is, this is pretty cool. Oh this is very nice!”
“Let me see.” Rocket showed Peter Groot’s picture to see that it was all of them together with Groot encompassing his arms around his friends and family.  “Wait why am I crying in the picture?”
“Cause you’re always a crybaby Quill. Face it, you whine more than these two do.”
“I do not!” Peter whined.  Rocket raised his brow with an expression that said, ‘really?’ Peter grumbled before clearing his throat and said.  “Well at least my baby girl sees her father for what he truly is. BAM! Top that!” Peter then turned over (Y/n)’s picture.
She had drawn each of the Guardians in a way she always remembers them.  Her and her dad dancing to music, her aunt Gamora’s hugs, climbing onto uncle Drax’s shoulders pretending he’s a mountain, and Rocket along with Groot (in his current state) with machines.
“Hmm. Impressive job there kid. Even though I still disagree with how you drew your old man.” Rocket ruffled (y/n)’s hair.  “We’re gonna have to get these two pictures framed, maybe even put them on top of the refrigerator.”
“You really like them?”
“Of course squirt, you and Groot did a pretty good job on each of your pictures.”
“I am Groot?” Peter and Rocket looked at each other before Peter said.
“As long as no one was hurt, I guess we can’t really fault you guys. Besides Rocket can fix this up.”
“Your bombs, your mess. C’mon kiddo.” Peter picked (y/n) up and they walked back to their shared bed quarters.
As promised, Peter managed to find an old picture frame that he had kept and placed the picture inside and sealed it up before setting it right by the bed.
“There. Perfect spot for it.”
“Perfect spot for it.” (y/n) repeated which made Peter chuckle softly as he ruffled his daughter’s head.  “You know baby girl, that was pretty unsafe of what you and Groot did, I thought something bad had happened to you.”
“I sorry daddy. Just wanted to make the picture more prettyful.” She softly said.
“I know. But next time don’t follow Groot’s instructions on using bombs to make glitter. At this stage Groot’s a little psychopath.”
“What’s a psychopath?” she asked mispronouncing the word but Peter understood what she was saying.
“Well….it’s a person who doesn’t understand right from wrong and makes bad choices everytime. Which is something I don’t want you doing promise me okay?”
“I promise daddy.”
“That’s my girl. Now go to sleep.”
“Will you sing for me?”
“Of course. Which song shall it be tonight?”
“My song! My song! My song!” she cheered as she got under the covers.
“Alright, alright, alright calm down. Get settled in and I’ll sing it.” Once he tucked her in, Peter softly began to sing ‘Ooh child’, the very song she’s always loved ever since he officially adopted her what felt like a short time ago.
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raccoonfallsharder · 10 months
headcanon 5
Rocket was taken from Earth/Terra around the exact same time as Quill. Intergalactic attention is increasingly on Terra in the late 1980s (the Kree are searching for Mar-Vell, Skrull refugees are moving in, Ravagers are trawling for Ego’s son. Both Quill and Danvers get snatched within about a year of each other). This is when the High Evolutionary’s attention is also drawn to Terra, and he harvests his initial crop of Terran wildlife, as well as his concept of Terran culture, as we see play out on CounterEarth / HalfWorld.
It’s possible that Rocket and Quill were scooped within days of each other. Within miles of each other. It’s possible that a distressed and grieving eight-year-old Pete, in the days before his mother’s death, was roaming around outside the hospital while his grandfather went to pick up some dinner for them both from the cafeteria. It’s possible that he stumbled across a tiny den of raccoons high up in a tree, and they watched him curiously while he kicked rocks and scrubbed at his wet eyes. This little boy - who is angry and mourning his dying mother, who gets into fights for protecting small frogs, whose teachers lament his behavior as if he’s not going through one of the worst things a kid can go through - sees these tiny animals peering down at him with their big eyes and their dark masks, and for just a minute - for maybe the first time in days or weeks or longer - he smiles.
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multi-fandom-imagine · 10 months
«For Humanity || Peter Quill ||
A/n: I’ve decided to write something for Peter Quill
Prompt used:
“Okay, but I think we should do that again. For research purposes. For humanity.”
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You hadn’t meant to kiss Peter, you honestly blamed the rush of adrenaline from defeating that asshole, the excitement of this fight being over and that was a lie.
That was a lie because you’ve been dying to kiss Peter ever since you joined the Guardians and so you did.
You kiss Peter Quill.
And he was kissing you back.
Peter was surprised at first but he wasn’t about to push you away, not since he finally recognized his feelings for you thanks to the promise. He had to bend down to kiss you but he didn’t care.
He didn’t care because this felt good, it felt right, it felt like fire works were going off but of course he just had to be a humans and humans did need air to survive.
Breaking the kiss, Peter took in a few deep breaths in as he gave you a rather goofy smile. His head resting against yours, his fingers clutching your hips as he held you close.
“Okay, but I think we should do that again. For research purposes. For humanity.”
Snorting, you gave him a sly smile as you let your finger trail across his cheek. “I think you’re right Star Lord.”
Shuddering, Peter’s eyes darkened for a moment as his lips grazed yours. “I love it when you call me that?”
“What…Star Lord?” You teased but a small yelp escaped your lips as you were heaved over his shoulders. “Where are we going.”
“Back to my room, research purposes. For humanity.” Peter gave your hips a squeeze as you let out a soft laugh.
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bruisedboys · 1 year
okay but. thinking about peter quill teaching you how to fly his ship. he gets you in his lap in the pilot’s seat and reaches around you to show you the controls, murmuring the names into your ear as he points. he wraps his hand over yours where it rests on the joystick and helps you take off like 2 inches off the ground. and he’s sooo into praise so when you touch down (not so smoothly, the entire ship shakes but he’s not going to mention that) he gives you a smiling kiss and murmurs that’s my girl :)))
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autumn-hiraeth · 1 year
Star Lord's charm
a/n: Peter Quill has a chokehold on me. This gif >>>>>
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Peter held you in his arms as he kissed your neck making you giggled "Peter!" you said as his hand slowly massaged your breast.
If Peter Quill loved something, it was having his hands on your body all the time, he liked to feel your soft skin against his and tease you only to have you begging for him.
It was the Star Lord's charm.
"Peter…" you moaned softly as your lover rubbed your nipple and his other hand slid down between your panties making you arch you back against his body as his skillful fingers reached your clit.
" This feels good, love?" he muttered mockingly making you groan as you nodded.
" don't stop..." you begged holding onto his hand making him laugh softly as he rubbed your nub faster and harder.
You were so close, that delicious sensation of his fingers on your most sensitive part was driving you crazy, making you moan and gasp for your lover's name.
His other hand kept playing with your nipple and his soft kisses on your neck made everything feel so heavenly. It didn't even matter that the other guardians could hear them, you could take their teasing.
"Pete.. I'm so close" you gasped feeling how your lover increased the pace and suddenly you came with a pornographic moan.
"you make the most beautiful sounds when you cum on my fingers Y/n" Peter whispered against your ear before grabbing your chin and finally kissing you on the lips.
Well, you definitely loved Star Lord's charm.
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star-quill · 1 year
would love ur nsfw peter headcanons!! x
omg omg okok
he loveloveloves when u ride his thigh. like he adores just watching u tremble above him, hearing u whimper while u bury ur face in his neck. he's encouraging u the whole way, praising u and having his hand on ur back to rock u back and forth. when u do come, he praises u even more ("good girl" "doing so good baby" "so pretty for me sweetheart").
is rough but likes to go slow and watch u squirm. fills u up to the hilt and slowly drags himself out of u, smirking when u desperately try and grab at him to push himself back in. he will go slow at first until u whimper out "more please i can take it please" and then he will just pound into u. ur gonna have a few bruises on the back of ur thighs tomorrow but it's all worth it when he's making u feel this good.
oh and he's big and he's heavy. every time before he fucks u, he will push against u and let his dick lay on ur skin, showing u just how deep he's gonna get when he's all the way in. then his size kink kicks in when he's like "u think u can take all this baby?".
he purposely does anything to rile u up and get ur attention, knowing how easy it is to push u into submission. whether it's just walking around the house shirtless, or going for a workout in the back garden while ur watering the plants. next thing u know, ur hands are grabbing at his curls while he fucks u against the shed door outside.
man spreader. comes over to sit next to u on the couch, his legs spread out while ur sitting with urs tucked under u. then ur eyes fall to his crotch, his thighs and he catches u looking. "u want something u just gotta ask for it baby.". u blink a few times before turning back to watch tv. he's a menace and u know u'll end up in his lap before the program's finished anyway.
eats pussy and is fucking amazing at it. his nose, tongue and facial hair is the best combination when he's buried between ur legs. u prefer when he does it in bed or on the sofa, knowing that the few times he's done it in the kitchen, u almost keeled over from ur legs shaking so much.
he loves when u act like a brat. purposefully pissing him off at neighbourhood barbecues and then feigning innocence when he pulls u up on it. silently giggling when he takes u home and pushes u on the bed. u immediately start getting undressed before u see him standing there, arms crossed. then he speaks "good girls get fucked, brats have to do it themselves." then he watches as u touch urself for him, stopping whenever he tells u to, which only prolongs ur orgasm. but don't worry, once he does let u come, he makes sure to fuck another two out of u afterwards.
loves to touch u up. he's always got to have a hand on u, nicely in public but at home it always goes between ur legs. he loves when u lay across his lap, ur head resting on his thighs while his hand worms it's way through ur legs, his fingers feeling though ur folds. ur hands just grab at his arm, holding on while he fingers u to orgasm, and then one more orgasm until ur spent and out of breath in his lap, curling into him. his hand comes up to wrap around ur waist, pulling u up into him. it's almost always late at night when this happens, then he lifts u up and takes u to bed.
if he's fucking u missionary, he will wrap his hand around ur neck, squeezing gently so as not to hurt u but still make u feel it's there. ur hands grab at his wrist and u just choke out a whimper. his thumb rubs at ur skin as he praises u ("ur being so good baby" "such a pretty lil' thing" "u feel so good honey, takin' me so well").
can and will coax multiple orgasms out of u until ur absolutely spent and he has to rub ur back until u calm down again. ur body is just limp when he's done with u and u love it. u love when he has to take care of u afterwards, him carrying u to bed and softly massaging every part of u until u sigh out. he may be a little rough but his aftercare is top tier.
slightly possessive in public but u love it. he always has his hand on u, always calling u "his girl" or "my girl". u always slightly turn it around in bed ("am i ur girl?" "am i ur pretty lil' baby?") knowing it makes him even more turned on than before.
do not wear a sundress around this man unless u want fucked whenever u do. u took him shopping once and picked out a few to try on in the dressing room. he just sat outside, waiting for u to show him. but once u showed him the first one, he just absolutely had to have u in it, following u back into the cubicle and pushing u against the wall. he bunched up the dress around ur waist and fucked u right there, his hand over ur mouth to stop u from making any unusual noises.
mmmfmfm i have more but like this is already a lot
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hey I'd really love it if you could write smth about like jealous!peter quill or just him being overly possessive like maybe like you're just friends at the moment and you guys are at this club and like idfk the avengers team could be there 😭😭 and one of them starts flirting with you abd you flirt back and shit ans just how u think peter would react- anything basically with him being just jealous and shit omg thankyou in advance 😭😭
hii!! omg I love it and had fun writing it!! thank you for requesting, hope you like it💌 *I didn't mark it as mature, tumblr did :/ *
Peter Quill x f reader
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wc || 0.7k
warnings || none, just quill being a lil jelly
masterlist + rules
After the Battle of Earth two years ago, you and the other Guardians remained quite good friends with the Avengers you had met. Every so often, you and the team would be invited to parties at their temporary compound. As it was such a long journey from Knowhere, you all tended to decline the invitations, much preferring to remain in the comfort of home rather than travel halfway across the galaxy. But, as it was coming up the anniversary, you felt as though you were obliged to make an appearance considering what you had all been through. 
Rocket lands the Bowie on the landing bay just outside, and you all stand from your seats, stretching your tired legs as you straighten over your clothes, preparing to exit the ship and join the rest of the party. You turn to Quill, sweetly smiling as you extend a hand, silently asking him to take it in his. He laces his hand into yours, firmly shaking as a boyish grin spreads across his lips. 
"No—" you sigh, pulling your hand from his. "You weren't supposed—ugh,"
"What was I supposed to do?" Peter questions, his tone full of sincerity as he watches you walk away with the girls.
"You were supposed to escort her off the ship, Pete," Rocket says flatly, walking past.
"I am Groot."
"I am not a moron." Quill protests. "Drax, you hearing this?"
"You are a moron Quill," he replies simply, following behind Rocket and Groot.
"Whoa, whoa, whoa. What is this? Gang up on Quill day? Look, I didn't know she wanted me to help her. I thought she wanted to shake my hand, that's all."
"Then go find her, idiot." Rocket adds, nodding Quill along.
Peter makes his way inside the compound to search for you, immediately bumping into people he doesn't recognise. "God, this music is awful," he mumbles, adjusting his jacket as he makes his way to the bar upstairs. Quill hears a familiar Asgardian bellow of a laugh as he walks up the steps, following the sound, he sees the back of Thor with his arm draped over the shoulder of a woman- a girl, Quill's 'girl'.
He rushes over, abruptly interrupting the conversation. 
"Oh hey, Quill," you say slyly, leaning into Thor as you bat your lashes at the clearly jealous-looking guy standing before you. 
"Good to see you," Thor greets, extending a hand. "Missed ya, buddy,"
Peter swats his hand away. "Yeah, yeah, yeah. What uh—what you doing?" he asks inconspicuously, gazing around the busy room with his hands on his hips. 
"He was just telling me a funny story," you pause to laugh, tapping Thor on the chest. "You should tell him. He'd love it."
As Thor described the humourous events of the story, you watched Peter's face begin to contort, barely keeping his composure, his nostrils practically flaring as he stared at your lingering hand. Keeping your eyes glued to Quill's, you taunt him further, lightly circling your hand over Thor's muscular arm as you engage in the conversation. 
"Tree?" Thor pauses the story as he catches a glimpse of Groot above the swarm of people. "One minute," he says, slipping from you. "I'll be right back."
"What the hell was that?" Quill whispers, his tone full of irritation. 
"What was what?" you ask, crossing your legs as you pat the now-empty space beside you, silently urging him to sit.
"You're such a dick," he chuckles, sitting close beside you, his hip pressed to yours as he drapes his arm over your shoulder.
"Yeah, well... so are you," you snicker, resting your hand on his thigh, slowly leaning into him. "God, this music is awful," 
You and Peter sit together in comfortable silence as you gaze around the room of unfamiliar people, watching the conversations play out as you snuggle into one another's side. Both of you avoiding the daunting question. The question of your undeclared situation.
"We really should mingle," you say begrudgingly, tapping him on the leg.
"Ugh," he groans, slipping from your warmth and standing up. He extends a hand, patiently waiting for you to take it. Lacing your hand in his, you shake it with a smug grin across your lips.
"What? I thought you wanted me to shake it," you laugh heartily, wrapping your arm around his side as he leads you through the crowd of people.
"You really are a dick."
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@annielr @ugh09876554444 @spacetalbot @bubblezuku
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starbula · 7 months
give a little
prompt: missing you rating: T (implied adult content) for @starbulaweek, day 2
“Just admit it, you’re going to miss me when I head back to Earth tomorrow.”
Peter was helping Nebula as she worked on an inventory of Knowhere’s educational supplies. Nebula thought it looked more like “sitting down and doing nothing”, but Peter insisted it was “supervising”. 
Nebula looked over her shoulder, trying not to scowl too obviously. “You’re right, I’m going to miss all your valuable help around here.”
Peter laughed, “Is that so?”
“Yes, I don’t know what I would have done without you these past two weeks.” Nebula wasn’t even trying to hide the sarcasm this time.
Nebula heard Peter stand and walk up behind her, his footsteps surprisingly quiet. She knew that he was up to something. 
Peter placed a hand on her hip and whispered, “You’re saying I haven’t helped you at all since I’ve been back?” 
His low voice caused a shiver to run down her spine, images of their lively activities from this morning replaying in her head. He was trying to distract her, and she hated to admit that it was working so easily. 
Giving up, she turned around, “If you help me again right now, I promise I’ll miss you for real.”
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