#SFF Community
always-coffee · 7 months
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Darlings! I have a new poem out today at The Deadlands! I am really excited for you to read it”Five of Cups Considers Forgiveness,” and I hope you like it!!!
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gwen-tolios · 4 months
I tend to hide I'm an introvert pretty well, but tonight after a full day of Capricorn i needed time with just me and a book.
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ratracewriting · 22 days
I rise from the grave: Writeblr Intro
Hello everyone! And a special double hello to everyone I connected with about a month ago before falling into a finals-induced-brain-death. I have since reanimated with only minor changes (you can hardly notice something is off) but even still, I figure a new introduction is in order.
My name is Sal (they/she), I'm a 21-year-old college student vibing in the Bible Belt of America. I'm studying English and my current career aspiration is to work in non-profit literacy services (and maybe get a master's degree at some point, but who knows!) I started taking my writing seriously about a year ago and I still know nothing. But who does anyways? I desperately want to write a novel, but right now what I'm actually writing are short stories in the speculative-realm. I tend to gravitate towards themes of family trauma, divinity, queerness, end times, femme-angst, and getting your ass beat.
I like reading a whole lotta genres; weird fiction, fantasy, horror, sci-fantasy, classic lit, and more. Some of my favorite works are The Locked Tomb, Slaughterhouse-Five, The Murderbot Diaries, Our Wives Under the Sea, Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, and Disco Elysium. Richard Siken is my favorite poet.
now for WIPs! .... ....
Well, at some point, I want to tell y'all about my WIPs. Though I struggle to even call them that. It's more like I have 4 big ideas that have been plaguing me for months to years. I think about them, too often, but I have written basically nothing on them. The common denominator between them all is that there is some BLOCK keeping me from actually developing them. I'm self aware enough that I must power through them if I want to actually write a novel (I do, terribly so), but I don't have enough force of will to... actually do the thing. I'm working on it.
Anyways, thank you if you've stuck with this rambling mess so far! Feel free to dm me, tag me in challenges, or whatever!
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innocentlymacabre · 8 months
would absolutely love to read more writing from other writeblrs (and become friends with other writers!) so hit reblog with links to intros or completed projects!
prime genres of interest: SFF, gothic, slipstream, magical realism, etc.
will also accept others à la romance, comedy, etc. as long as they're quick little one shots.
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arijensineink · 1 year
we as a queer sff community do not talk about Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts enough and i think that is an atrocity good morning.
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crabtalesmagazine · 9 months
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Imagine a crab. He becomes rounder. Even rounder. SO ROUND. Such a round crab guy. He is wearing a hat and introduces himself as Barry Crabcraberson.
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k--havok · 4 months
The Ghost & The Machine
An Adult Romance SFF Novel
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Summary: Cyberpunk | Beauty & The Beast Remix | 3rd Person Limited POV | First Draft | Novel
Specter isn't so sure who she is, or her past. All she knows is she works for the ruthless fence known as Ricco Maestro using her strange power to jump into people's brains to extract information clients have paid for her to get.
When Mr. Maestro gives her a job to extract information from the notorious Dragoon, a bounty hunter and assassin, Specter's world falls apart. Captured by the only person who somehow could pull her out of his head, Specter finds herself imprisoned by the enigmatic monster. Dragoon is a beast of metal and machinery; and no one knows who he is or what he looks like.
But Dragoon isn't what Specter expected. He's rough, full of fury, and materialistic. But also clever and filled with a longing that resonates with the same frequency as Specter's own yearnings.
Specter is still employed by Mr. Maestro. And she will do anything to complete her job. She cannot fail. But as she and Dragoon grow closer, and Dragoon shows her a whole new side to the city, her own relationship with her boss, and herself, questions begin to arise.
Why can't she remember her parents? Where did she grow up? Who is she, and where do her strange powers stem from?
As Specter and Dragoon search for answers, a new threat lurks in the shadows; one that wants Dragoon wiped away and forgotten. And they just may have the answers Specter is looking for.
As enemies close in on all sides, Specter must decide what is worth more; the truth or trust.
Finding out who you are, the nature of loneliness, the different faces of abuse and how it shapes us, mental illness, true power comes from within, found family, enemies to lovers, LGBT+ themes and characters, cyberpunk with magic, magic and technology, what makes a man and what makes a monster, Beauty and the Beast meets Shadowrun
Graphic depictions of violence. Graphic sex scenes. Graphic depictions of torture. Abuse and abusive relationships. On-page panic attacks and other symptoms of mental illness. Graphic depictions of illegal experimentation on sentient beings. Swearing.
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Main Characters
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| She/Her | Half-Elf | Bisexual | Protagonist |
Specter is a half-elf in her late 20s who isn't so sure who or what she is. She has no real memories or sense of self. Before her fateful capture by Dragoon, she lived in an apartment paid for by her boss, Mr. Maestro, who also paid for her clothes, utilities, and food in exchange for her talents for espionage. With no family, no friends, and not much purpose, Specter put all her faith, trust and livelihood into her boss's claws.
Specter is not so sure where her powers of possession hail from, where she learned such power, or when it manifested either. There are large gaps of her memories missing. All she knows is she can easily possess anything; whether it be a person, animal, an object, or even the air itself. When possessing a person or animal, Specter can access their brain, picking through thoughts and memories as easily as flipping through folders in a filing cabinet. This makes her exceptionally good at pulling out information from others with minimum risk and maximum reward. Despite the dirty nature of her job, Specter is against harming or killing others, and does her best to minimize pain for her targets.
Despite her lackluster, almost boring, life, Specter does try to entertain herself. She is an animal lover and refuses to possess animals. She enjoys watching the birds and rodents scurrying around the city. Specter also enjoys yoga and music. She often hangs around joints with live music or sings to herself when at home. She likes trying new food and cooking meals for herself. Specter is an empathetic soul, but not exactly kind. She has a cheerful disposition most of the time, although is quiet, hard-working, and observant of her surroundings.
Specter is intersex. She has pale skin with brown hair and brown eyes. Her pupils contain cybernetics that record everything she sees. Half her head is shaved close to the scalp while the rest of her hair hangs short, curling around her jaw. She has a beauty mark on the left side of her lip and no other identifying markings. Specter tends to wear well-loved and practical street clothes consisting of plain shirts, leather jackets, leather boots, and hardy denim pants. Specter is about five foot seven, about 150 lbs, and has a broader chest and shoulders with a short torso and long legs.
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| He/Him | Chimera | Bisexual | Antagonist/Protagonist |
Dragoon is a chimera, made of several different animals, and is in his 50s. Dragoon has both sides of man and monster and struggles with balancing them out. He works as a bounty hunter, but at times will take jobs to kill targets as well. He primarily works alone and is freelance. Dragoon is known to be expensive, but never fails a job, making him quite invaluable. Despite his volatile nature, he is also known to be simple to work with. He does not have much interest in idle gossip or the social network of criminals.
Dragoon lives inside a life-support suit made of complex nano technology which he built himself. Along with supporting his bodily functions, his suit is a deadly weapon in itself. Dragoon is a master of both blade and gun. He is also a self-taught engineer who creates his own illegal weaponry and hides it within his suit. His suit contains hundreds of different guns, blades, bombs, and a flamethrower hidden inside it. It also modifies his senses, making them sharper, as well as his strength, speed, and stamina.
Dragoon is a neurotic and independent individual. He has an active interest in engineering and the applied sciences. When not working, he is often found either buying and hoarding random things or working on his many cars, planes and helicopters. He also enjoys programming and assisting abandoned robots he finds, re-purposing them as companions of sorts to live with him. Dragoon is quick to anger, and struggles with techniques designed to calm him down, which includes meditation and martial arts. He does not trust easily and has a phobia of needles. He is socially awkward, which leads him to be quiet and avoid small-talk. He can be witty and is mildly blunt. He has a possessive nature in regards to both objects and people, making it difficult for him to distinguish between the two.
Dragoon is male and gender-apathetic. His real form is hidden within his suit. His suit is dragon-like in appearance and can change color based on his mood and surroundings. Usually it is a dark red with bronze and black trimmings. He has a noticeable gauntlet and pauldron on his left arm and shoulder. His helmet consists of a longer snout with horn-like protrusions from the crown of the helmet. Two horns curl forward and two curl beneath fin-like protrusions, similar to a ram's. Spikes line the bottom of the jaw. The jaw of the helmet can open and close and is lined with metal teeth and a whip-like tongue. His true face is hidden behind a one-way black visor. The back of the suit and his tail is lined with a double set of spikes. The spikes on his back can protrude further out to spear anyone who tries to grab him from behind. He has clawed hands and feet and does not wear clothes over his suit. Dragoon within his suit is roughly seven foot two and weighs nearly 400 lbs.
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#The Ghost & The Machine | #tg&tm
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yvesdot · 2 months
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(March 22-29, 2024)
Since people have gotten ahead of me on reading my queer monster short story collection for Trans Rights Readathon, I figure I ought to introduce it. Something's Not Right is a collection of stories featuring a diverse cast of human and non-human characters struggling with what society thinks is right. There are stories about transphobia, stories about trans love, stories about casual hot trans roommates who help you deal with your problems (dealing blood to vampires and witches); whatever bizarre relationship to queerness you could imagine, it's in there.
Anyone who can't afford a copy and/or can't get one at their local library is welcome to contact me directly for a free e-copy, no questions asked. I also have thousands of words of free fiction available on my website, including two explicit novelettes (Long Line and Band Girls) both of which include trans characters.
And a week's worth of personal trans recommendations from my top reads of the last couple of years, should you need it anytime:
Detransition, Baby by Torrey Peters
Confessions of the Fox by Jordy Rosenberg
Females by Andrea Long Chu
When the Angels Left the Old Country by Sacha Lamb
The Third Person by Emma Grove
Other Ever Afters by Mel Gillman
decolonizing trans/gender 101 by b. binaohan
Bonus links: ko-fi | Patreon
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scholar-of-yemdresh · 2 months
It's frustrating being a person who's really only interested in diverse adult science fiction and fantasy books and has no interest in YA/kidlit or romance.
Frustrating because on one side the people who are into primarily adult sff are only talking about the generic medieval euro cishet mantasy slop; the Wheel of Dragon song light storms by Brandon Mcwhite dude, then the other side is primarily only about YA or "NA" romantasy.
I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place. It's near impossible to find diverse adult sff book people that aren't like 90% into YA/ YA books masquerading as adult with majority of the adult books they read are romantasy smut 💀
So as relatively romance/sex repulsed asexual and someone who doesn't care for narratives centering teens/kids, I'm just in my lonely little SFF corner. I can't interact with the broader book fandoms because both sides of it don't interest me much
It's the same issue I have with anime/manga fandom which is 99% about infantile battle shonen and then Berserk as the token adult manga. For God's sake where are the grown adults interested in adult stories where the only thing that marks them as adult is smut?
I like to read about adults with adult problems I also like to read about queers & POC in Interesting fantasy/sci-fi worlds
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words-after-midnight · 10 months
I've been toying with the idea of starting a side project that just showcases a bunch of new and upcoming releases in literary/contemporary genres (with a focus on indie works), because I rarely see them discussed much in social media writing/reading spaces, which - in my experience, please do tell me if this isn't a universal thing lol - tend to be very SFF-focused. Am I completely off the mark here, or is this something you think people would be interested in?
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always-coffee · 3 months
Rhysling Poems!
**Kermit Flail**
Three of my poems have been nominated for the Rhysling! I am super proud of all of them. (The SFPA is doing it differently this year. There's a longlist, which they'll whittle down via committee.)
You want links? I got links.
The Deadlands
Small Wonders
I am incredibly proud of these pieces, which each mean a lot to me for different reasons. If you haven't read them yet, I would love for you to. **hopeful face**
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transcendragon · 6 months
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Talk To Me About Worldbuilding - I wanted to try my hand at a cute little design, and I’ve been thinking a lot about worldbuilding lately. I borrowed a lot from my earlier pieces, and added some new stuff!
My original art made in Procreate, image description in alt text.
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thecatwriter23 · 2 months
Bird Vomit, Vomit Bird
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✨New Publication✨
My work ‘Bird Vomit, Vomit Bird’ is finally out in Here was Once the Sea: An Anthology of Southeast Asian Ecowriting published by Mānoa Journal. Thank you again to the editors for picking up my macabre swiftlet story!
You can read a snippet of it here:
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innocentlymacabre · 9 days
Hey hey hey! Popping in with an exciting new announcement today!
So, I am fully aware that I kind of dropped the regular content ball lately (shit happens, whatcha gonna do?), but I am here with a plan to fix that. Introducing, Innocently Macabre Presets: Micro Monday.
Every other Monday, I’ll pop into your inbox with a micro to flash length piece. I’ve got a whole bunch of these written already, and I’ll be scheduling them ahead of time so it’ll be smooth sailing on that front. The first edition will be in your inbox next week, and then you’ll have a new story every other Monday!
Sign up right hereeee!
I will also post them here and operate a taglist (just ask to be added!) but we all know how reliable Tumblr is so I would still suggest signing up for the email list.
I’m going to schedule them to be sent out in the morning so you can have something fun to start your week with, but time zones unfortunately exist and I can’t yet buy Mailerlite’s premium plan which would allow me to circumvent that. (Psst support me on Ko-fi if you want to help change that).
{{tumblr is being weird so taglist is now in the replies}}
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crabtalesmagazine · 9 months
Crab Tales Magazine - Submissions Open!
We are open for submissions until the 23rd September.
Please see our submissions page for guidelines on what we are looking for: https://crabtalesmagazine.com/
We pay 3 cents per word.
We love SFF and we love crabs!
*clicks claws*
Rachel Handley is our EIC (and everything else).
You can support the magazine here: https://ko-fi.com/crabtalesmagazine
All donations go towards paying our contributors!
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k--havok · 7 months
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soft touches, godless hands tainted love, holy grin no one can save me from my sin
Soft Touches, Godless Hands
An Adult Sci-fi/Fantasy Romance Series
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Summary: Sapphic | Enemies to Lovers | 3rd Person POV | First Draft | Series
God has turned away from His flock of angels. The Golden City has grown cold and silent. And no angel knows why, not even the Seraphim, the ones who serve His Throne directly.
As angels begin to Fall, transforming into demons, the universe is thrown into chaos. Darkness is spreading, and cracks are beginning to form in the fabric of Space-Time.
With the population of angels dwindling, the seraph, Auriel, is tasked with the job of the archangels; to protect the third dimension and the beings that dwell on the planets within it.
Auriel is sent to Earth to follow up on reports of demonic activity. But as Auriel investigates the growing chaos, they realize there is more than just demonic activity afoot.
The demons know something that Auriel, and the rest of the angels do not. But to work with demons is heresy, especially the demon known as Beelzebub, the one who has Fallen the farthest, and broke Auriel's heart millennia ago.
To righten the universe, it may take more than Auriel's prowess as a seraph. There is something evil afoot. And perhaps the demons are not the propagators.
But if that is the case, then who is?
Grey morality, foreshadowing/mystery, eldritch horror, cosmic horror, bringing order to chaos, friends to lovers to enemies to lovers, our relationships make us who we are, figuring out who you are, LGBT+ themes, giving in to temptations, longing for more, becoming worse but whole, learning to accept yourself, true evil does not exist.
Graphic depictions of gore, violence, torture, cannibalism, and body horror. Depictions of mental illness. Religious persecution, imagery, and abuse. Graphic sexual content. Eldritch Horror. Co-dependent relationships. Misgendering. Genocide. Religious Bashing.
Main Characters:
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| They/Them | Seraph | Protagonist |
Auriel is one of the remaining four seraphs, who reign over all other angels and only kowtow to God Himself. Auriel is a seraph of Chasity, one of the seven heavenly virtues, and has spent the longest amount of time within the Golden City compared to the other seraphs.
Auriel is known to be no-nonsense, clever, and loyal to other angels and God as well. They have a strong, unwavering faith for themself and others. They are a minimalist that does not care for appearances, material wealth, or beautiful visas. At least, before they traveled to Earth, that is. Likewise, due to staying in Heaven for the majority of their millennia alive, Auriel does not care much for the Third Dimension or material world. Although loyal to a fault to God and the rest of His angels, it is an intense loyalty that succeeds everything else, even Auriel's sense of self.
Despite their virtues, Auriel is arrogant to the point of prideful. Logical to a fault, Auriel knows that they are among the most powerful angels, and does not hesitate to use that fact to intimidate foes and remind friends and subordinates alike. Likewise, Auriel is neurotic, and struggle when things are not under their control. They value routine and predictability over spontaneity. They have little humor, and the majority of the time remain serious. Despite their outwardly calm demeanor, Auriel lives in a constant state of stress and anxiety.
As a seraph, Auriel does not have a true body of flesh and blood, taking on forms of different creatures mattering on the need at the time.
In their human form, Auriel goes by Abigail Torres. They have brown skin, long black hair, and brown eyes. Their features are plain and unremarkable with a rectangle-shaped body. They wear plain clothes in the neutral colors of brown, white, black or gray consisting of loose trousers that allow them movement and a blouse.
In their true form, Auriel is made of energy and the light of the cosmos. They do not have the same senses as material beings, but can sense other angels, demonic activity, the passage of time, as well as wrinkles and faults in the fabric of space. Their true form burns with a holy light and fire, strong enough to sear and destroy those of the Third Dimension by merely existing. In their true form, Auriel is an eldritch creature consisting of many wings and eyes which they keep tucked around themself. These eyes do not "see" as a human would; each eye is dedicated to keeping watch of different parts of the universe, Heaven, other angels, and demons. Their body is mainly quadrupedal, but they do have opposable thumbs and can still choose to be bipedal if they wish. They do not have a real face or facial features, and so it shifts constantly, twisting with their own power and their emotion. Auriel's true form is a colorful one, and alight with thousands of colors, many unseen to the human eye.
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| She/Her, He/Him | Demon | Antagonist/Protagonist |
Beelzebub was once one of the seven seraphim. The third to Fall after Satan and Lucifer, Beelzebub was stripped of her holy light and her angelic name. After being stripped of such things, she was left with herself. Dubbing herself "The Lord of the Flies," Beelzebub set her sights on the Third Dimension to continue the rest of her bidding.
After being stripped of her connection to God, Beelzebub was left with only himself. Although such exile may have wrought others, Beelzebub was always confident in himself. Beelzebub is also known to be smart, and is always plotting or scheming. He tends to think his plans out thoroughly, and is good at reading other angels and demons alike. Beelzebub is also opinionated, charismatic, and humorous.
After her Fall, Beelzebub found herself enjoying tinkering with different Third Dimensional machines. She also has a soft spot for insects primarily found on Earth. She enjoys collecting and breeding rare insects.
Beelzebub still has many vices that grip him. Alcohol and sex being the two primary ones. But on Earth, Beelzebub is welcome to sink into his greed of power and material objects. Beelzebub walks as a false idol among humans, hoarding wealth for himself.
To walk on Earth, Beelzebub must possess unused human bodies, as he does not have the ability to create flesh and bone from scratch. Corpses are her go-to. However, demonic magic is not gentle or patient. And so it twists the appearance of whatever body Beelzebub tries to possess, and her true nature almost always shines through. Although Beelzebub can hide these changes from most humans, some of the more small, subtle shifts are noticeable to those perceptive enough.
Oftentimes, Beelzebub's human forms sport two curved horns, pointed ears, claw-like hands, fangs, and ashy or pale skin. Insects, especially flies, tend to follow him. Despite possessing corpses, Beelzebub usually does not smell. Beelzebub oftentimes also has insect wings sprouting from her back; usually that of a fly.
| #stgh | #Auriel | #Beelzebub |
Tag List:
If you want updates for this WIP, please let me know and I will add you to the tag list!
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