mochathesamoyed · 10 months
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Slow Cooking Regrets
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inthetags · 11 months
Reblog and put in the tags your favourite smell
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I like how he smells
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incognitopolls · 4 months
We ask your questions so you don’t have to! Submit your questions to have them posted anonymously as polls.
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mapsontheweb · 1 year
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Smells of Vienna.
by @austrianmaps
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copperbadge · 5 months
Walked into my kitchen this morning to make myself some breakfast after making the Malort Italian Beef yesterday and was assaulted by a smell I can only describe as meaty wormwood. It was like a ghost floating around the kitchen, waiting to attack.
Ill omens all over. Sometimes science goes too far.
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whumpster-dumpster · 11 months
One thing I'd like to see more is utilization of smells in whump. There isn't much mention of it but when you think about the scenarios these whumpees are in, it adds another layer. Whumpees who haven't been able to wash in who knows how long, living with their body odor and sweat and oils. Whumpees who have been ill, unable to escape that stuffy sick smell of vomit and artificially sweet cough syrup. The stinging, clinical, chemical smells of a lab or medical facility. The metallic tang of blood. And on the other hand, comforting smells too. The smell of warm soup, of freshly laundered blankets, of their familiar caretaker when they give them a hug. Let's use all of the senses here!
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cheeseforlife · 1 year
Types of people based on smells (tag who you are):
Gasoline: Staying up late, feeling like you should be crying but not being able to, thick jackets, hands in pockets, sweat, motorcycles.
Sawdust: Always having your bedroom door closed, sitting next to your friends when they’re sad, waning moon, stubborn, the feeling of home.
Hot chocolate: Warm hugs, fogged up glasses, contagious laughs, weighted blankets, found family, fingerless gloves, zoning out.
Books: Long skirts, flannel, small smiles but big grins, old hair ties, dried flowers, honey, lowering the dimmer on lights when walking into rooms.
Buttercream: Daffodils, summer sun, late mornings, food fights, wish lists, jazz hands, that perfect person.
Wet rocks: Walking in the dark, cucumber water, shampoo, running as fast as you can for no reason, asmr, burying yourself in the ball pit.
Dogs: A blanket a loved one made, stale cookies, faded jeans, a well earned nap, wanting stay in the shower, the word affection.
Campfires: Coughing and laughing simultaneously, talking aloud in bed, melting chocolate, mirrors, dancing in the dark.
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Heyy 🌸🩷 I’ve been a really big fan of your Headcanons about the boys <3 I wanted to request something as well and it’s
,,what are their favorite fragrances on you“ or what fragrance really attracts them I know for a fact Crosshair would go for something strong
This is a fun one, thank you! I went with smells in general, so it could apply to a perfume on a partner or a fragrance they'll smell in their environment that makes them happy 😊
(I actually have a different HC for Crosshair, but I could see him enjoying a good strong scent every once in a while.)
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Fox and Jesse love sweeter smells, though only Fox would ever actually admit this. Anything sugary, flowery, or fruity is their jam.
Kix and Crosshair tend to go for clean smells, something fresh like soap or ocean breeze, or more sharp like citrus or lemongrass.
Wrecker and Mayday prefer natural aromas, whether it's someone's B.O. (no joke, they don't mind a little sweat), or something woodsy and mossy. 
Wolffe and Hardcase go nuts for something dark and heavy, especially if it has a hint of spice. They want to feel surrounded by the scent.
Cody and Tup are classic vanilla guys. They like the simplicity and homeliness of it, making them feel like they're wrapped in a cozy blanket.
Fives and Tech enjoy complex fragrances, things that keep them guessing. Like an aged wine, blended incense, or a layered perfume/lotion.
Rex and Echo have a thing for lavender. It's calm and refreshing, but it also has an herbal tone to it that gives it just the right kick.
Dogma and Hunter don't really have a preference, just so long as it's not too strong/thick. They are rather sensitive to smells and don't want to be overwhelmed.
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Every Character Tag: @dangerousstrawberrypie, @justanothersadperson93, @arctrooper69, @Sleepycreativewriter, @techie-bear,
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@severalseashellsbytheseashore, @lackofhonor, @flowered-bicycles, @foodmoneyandcats, @Nahoney22,
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scopophilic1997 · 7 months
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scopOphilic_micromessaging_788 - scopOphilic1997 presents a new micro-messaging series: small, subtle, and often unintentional messages we send and receive verbally and non-verbally.
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vital-information · 4 months
Do y'all know about the ODOR CUBE!?!?
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This is actually from a peer-reviewed scientific journal article in Chemical Senses titled "A Sensory 3D Map of the Odor Description Space Derived from a Comparison of Numeric Odor Profile Databases", but it's a godsend for writers (and neurodivergent folks who want to actually be able to tell people what smell is bothering them lol)
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carionto · 8 months
Humans are forged in fired so we always smell like ash to the aliens, and when we don't, its still always something earthy.
[24/09/23] Hmm... born of fire and earth, living with or through ash and dirt, ending in dust. There's something there. All Humanity makes is certainly with fire or force, everything we eat as well. Such... brutality, in a sense, is at the core of our being. A consequence of being from a world where peaceful continuation only happens artificially. Yet many if not most aliens are from far more accommodating planets, thus their natural existence, all the way down to their cellular make-up and baseline instincts, differs from Humans. Even to the point where they, and us as well, can sense that the other is fundamentally different, not just as a species, but something more fundamental that neither can fully convey or properly understand. (now how do I want to present it in the verse...)
[27/09/23] I'm just gonna reread the above once and let my brain run free tomorrow.
As the first year since Humanities return to the Galaxy and beginning stages of integration into the Galactic Coalition draws to a close, some unofficial interactions between civilians from both ends are starting to occur. And subsequently - rumors and anecdotes start spreading, certain biases are in their early stages, as well as prejudices reemerging from the first time Humanity had its unsatisfying experience with the... Responsibility Barrier. We have since retired that policy.
One particular anecdote that is being reported by both Humans and other Coalition member species is a strange smell that envelops the other party.
We hear many say that Humans have this strange hint of burning, or fire, or metal, an in rarer cases of soil or dust. Likewise Humans have reported that many among us have a slight essence of a floral scent, a few of salt, and a small number of what Humans call "morning right after rain".
This phenomena persists even when both parties have undergone extra thorough and identical decontamination, save for any respective symbiotic microbial life on their surface. The "scent" seems to correlate somewhat with the origin world of the respective species and deviates according to their individual upbringing, though not always.
What's more is that Coalition species don't sense it from others, only from Humans, and Humans also don't notice anything of the sort from species whose origins are even a little closer to the hostile nature of Earth, though nowhere near such extremes.
The most peculiar aspect is that, while we call it a scent or say we smell it, there does not appear to be any physical connection with how smells work, as species whose olfactory senses are either incredibly dull or non-existent report a similar sensation when interacting with Humans.
When questioned, all diplomats who had dealings with Humans and the Human delegates admit they felt it too, but their training forbade them from speaking up about something as trivial as "how someone of a completely different species smells". Diplomacy 101.
In any case, a curios subject to investigate on ones own terms, but as it stands these "scents" don't particularly impact any interaction and may remain a mystery. Perhaps another entry in the infinite expanse of "Psychology and Brain Chemistry is wack".
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"A women never smells too much good"
French vintage postcard, staged and photographed by A. Bergeret
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askticcitobyshit · 7 months
Weird question, but what does everyone smell like? I saw that most people agree that Toby smells like a campfire and another scent. (The other scent is usually varied. Like dirt or sweat or something.)
((ngl I think about this A LOT
● Toby: Normally smells like a campfire and sweat. He showers every day, but he also gets dirty/sweaty pretty quickly because of his job as a proxy, and general shenanigans. After he showers, he smells like whatever soap/cologne he's given or finds at the store. On occasion Nina will give him scents from the men's section from Bath and Body Works like Teakwood or something.
● EJ: Soap and a hint of blood. He keeps himself clean and is CONSTANTLY washing his hands. He still has a slight blood smell to him due to how often he has to feed. His body always smells like whatever soap he uses, but his breath is where the blood smell is coming from. He brushes his teeth/tongue regularly, and drinks peppermint tea to minimize the smell as much as he can. No one really minds the smell since it's minimal, but Jack is still a bit self conscious about it.
● Jeff: Blood, sweat, and a hint of a musky cologne. This dude is just gross and showers maybe twice a week. He'll douse himself in cologne to try to hide the smell of sweat and blood, but it doesn't work too well. He doesn't really exactly care what he smells like, but he's gotten a few complaints. His body odor doesn't smell terrible, but it doesn't smell good. He kinda just smells like "outside", if that makes sense?
● Chev: Marshmallows and a hint of sweat. Sometimes vanilla or honey as well if she has to take a Epsom salt bath for her chronic pains. She's very self conscious about her smell because she didn't always have access to a shower in her teen years, and also because she sweats very easily. Now she showers regularly and uses marshmallow and vanilla scented products to smell sweet.
● Nina: Strawberry Poundcake & A Thousand Wishes. She's a total B&BW girly, but also smells a bit like blood. She has the scents listed above in literally every product they have. Body wash, body spray, candle, lotion, room spray, ect. She also likes to buy scents for her friends (Teakwood for Toby, Vanilla or aromatherapy for Chev, ect)
● Nat: Doesn't really have a distinct smell. She smells like outside if anything, but even then it's not very noticeable. She doesn't really pay attention to the way she smells, and will only care if someone brings up that she smells bad. She's just pretty indifferent about it.
that's all I have for right now, but if you want someone specific, I'll answer that too!))
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dk-thrive · 5 months
But what is memory if not the language of feeling, a dictionary of faces and days and smells which repeat themselves like the verbs and adjectives in a speech, sneaking in behind the thing itself, into the pure present, making us sad or teaching us vicariously.
— Julio Cortázar, Hopscotch ( Pantheon; February 12, 1987) (via Alive on All Channels)
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balkanradfem · 7 months
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