#So i just put all my over 700 songs on shuffle and wow look at that
widevibratobitch · 4 years
Tag game yeaaaah
Rules: Put your music on shuffle and expose your first 10 songs
Tagged by @babinicz (moja autokorekta sama zasugerowała twoje url so XD)
Se al volto mai ti senti - Mozart's "La clemenza di Tito" (Barbara Frittoli, Elina Garanca, some... bass sorry dont know him lol)
Carlo ch'è sol il nostro amore - Verdi's "Don Carlo" (Mario Sereni)
Son io, mio Carlo...Per me giunto...O Carlo, ascolta - Verdi's "Don Carlo" (Mariusz Kwiecień)
Piano Concerto in B-flat Major - Mozart
Hurt - Christina Aguilera (wow would you look at that)
Der Vogelfänger bin ich ja - Mozart's "Die Zauberflöte" (Detlef Roth)
Vy mne pisali - Tschaikovsky's "Eugene Onegin" (Mariusz Kwiecień)
Casta Diva...Ah, bello a me ritorna - Bellini's "Norma" (Rosa Ponselle)
Ah, sii maledetto - Verdi's "Don Carlo" what a surprise (Cesare Siepi, Ettore Bastianini, Giulietta Simionato, Siena Jurinac)
Alla bella Despinetta - Mozart's "Così fan tutte" (Luca Pisaroni, Topi Lehtipuu, Miah Persson, Anke Vondung and two other singers whose names I don't know oops)
If you see this, consider yourself tagged.
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jjeangrey · 6 years
Sorry For Writing All The Songs About You part 2 (Bucky x Reader)
Summary: Tony accidentally found out about the little secret you’ve been hiding under your bed.
A/N: I’m so overwhelmed by the love and support the first part got so here’s the part 2, as requested! Here’s the part 1 if you haven’t read it yet. Enjoy! 
Warnings: angst, cussing, and just a very sad story oops
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It has already been a week since that little “situation” happened. Fortunately for you, no one ever talked about it or even mentioned it again.
Or so you thought.
It’s 6 am and you’re getting ready to do your daily run with Sam when someone knocked on your door. You opened it and it revealed a very concerned Wanda who looks like she hasn’t been getting much sleep lately.
“Um, good morning?” You greeted her and gestured her to come inside. “So...”
She sat on the bed and sighed heavily. “Y/N, i’m so sorry.” You sat in a bean bag chair in front of her as you’re putting on your running shoes. “You know?”
“I know.”
“Read my mind?”
“Well, the secret’s out. So much for me trying to hide it. Hey, just a little tip. Don’t write songs about your feelings. And definitely don’t put them somewhere where Stark can easily snoop around.” You chuckled, trying to make the atmosphere around you lighter, but she just looked at you with pity, and now all you want to do is curl up in a ball and cry. You cleared your throat. “Does everybody know already?”
“I don’t think so. Although I think Steve’s trying to piece it all together.”
“Then let’s keep it that way. I don’t want any more drama in my life. And I don’t think he does, too.” You stood up and started filling your water bottle with water. She scanned the papers containing the lyrics of your songs. “By ‘he’ you mean...”
“Yeah, I mean Barnes.” You turn around to her and glanced at the papers she’s holding. You took a deep breath. This is hard. “And Wanda?” She turns to you with a confused look plastered on her face. “Remind me to burn all that shit later.”
After your early run, you were called to a meeting by Fury. As you enter the conference room, you see everyone there already. Tony, Steve, Wanda, Sam, Bruce, Clint, Rhodey, Natasha and of course, Bucky. Thor was apparently not there because he had to go on another planet. You made your way beside Wanda.
“You haven’t taken a shower yet? You smell.” Clint joked and you flipped him off.
“Let’s start this meeting, shall we?” Fury dropped the files that contains pictures from the security cameras of a S.H.I.E.L.D base and everyone started scanning them. “HYDRA has infiltrated yet another S.H.I.E.L.D base in Siberia and it looks like they’re getting smarter this time. One of the S.H.I.E.L.D agents that worked there turned out to be a mole and has been sending our files to HYDRA ever since.” He dropped another picture in the center of the table and it was a familiar man going through one of the computers with a flash drive that has a skull logo on it.
“Hey, I know him.” You looked at the picture closely. “I used to train with him when I was just starting as a S.H.I.E.L.D agent. Rumlow, isn’t it?”
Fury nodded. “Indeed, Y/N. Brock Rumlow. The mole who has been betraying us all this time.”
“So, what do we do now?” Tony asked.
“You have to get to the S.H.I.E.L.D base and get rid of the HYDRA agents there and make sure to stop them from transferring our files to HYDRA, if they are still not finished with it yet. Some of our agents who were unable to escape are also hostaged.” Fury continued. “And I believe Rumlow is still there, so bring him to us, dead or alive.”
“Got it. We’ll start packing up so we can leave immediately.” Steve said as he was about to leave the room but Fury stopped him.
“Hold up, Cap. Not everyone is going. I’m picking the ones who’ll stay and the ones who’ll go.” He looked at the members of the team, trying to figure out who he’s going to send in a deadly mission that could possibly cost them their life. “Tony, Bruce, Wanda, Rhodes and Sam, you guys stay. The rest will go.”
“Uh, can I stay?” You asked shyly. But if there’s a way you could avoid Bucky and Nat, you’d take it. “I can help with Tony and the rest here to uh... guard, or something.”
‘Or something’? You just wanna smack yourself in a head because that sounded very convincing.
Fury narrowed his brows and looked at you. “No, Y/L/N. You’ll be going with Romanoff, Barnes, Rogers and Barton to the mission.” You pouted. “But—“ Fury cut you off.
“What’s the matter, Y/N? You’ve never turned down a mission before, especially when it’s about HYDRA.”
You gulped. Fury’s getting suspicious and everyone’s looking at you. You said you didn’t want any more drama but drama wants you.
“Nevermind, sir.” You looked down on your feet. God, you wish you were dead right now.
“Good. Now you and the others who will be going on the mission, get ready. The quinjet will leave in an hour. Tony and Bruce, ready the earpieces and other gadgets they’ll be needing. Dismissed.”
As soon as the quinjet’s door opened, all of you were flooded with gunshots by the HYDRA agents who were waiting outside. Steve and Clint were seperated from the group so you were left with the two people that you have been trying to avoid for a week now.
You tapped on the earpiece. “Steve, Clint, are you guys alright?” You said as you hold your gun up, checking all the hallways and corners after you successfully enter the base.
“We’re fine. We went to the other entrance.” Clint’s voice echoes on the earpiece.
“I think it’s better that we’re seperated into two groups, that way, we can take down more HYDRA agents and get this over with.” Steve said.
Your forehead furrowed. “What do you mean seperated? No no. Get your asses over here guys.” You hear Clint’s laugh on the other side. “Relax, Y/N. Missed us already?”
“Fuck off, Barton.”
“Y/N, HYDRA agents are coming.” You turned when you heard what Natasha said, and sure enough, there’s at least ten HYDRA agents coming your way.
You rolled your eyes and threw a big ball of fire at them. You gave it a few seconds then you walked over to the burnt agents, took back the fire and shot them all in the head.
“Wow. Y/N clearly has issues.” You hear Tony’s voice on your earpiece. You forgot that the team members who were left on the tower were watching you by the base’s security cameras.
“What are you, Stark, a therapist?” You chuckled and he laughed. “Not even close. But I know inner rage when I see one.”
That made you speechless.
“Whatever, I just wanna go home and finish this shit.” You said and continued walking. You heard the couple shuffling behind you awkwardly, trying to catch up. You didn’t look back at them.
Go home and finish this shit, that’s your goal for today. But that’s not going to be easy, especially when you’re surrounded by people who are trying to kill you.
You entered the room where all the computers are and you saw Rumlow in the middle, his eyes focused on the computer in front of him. You noticed the hard drive is still plugged in. Great, he’s not finished yet.
“Rumlow.” You said as you slowly walked over to him.
He just smiled devilishly. “Ahh, Y/N! Thought we’d never see each other again after you became a superhero. Small world, right?”
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“I’ll smack you so hard you’ll be out of this world in a second.”
“Still as feisty as we first met, I like it.” He chuckled and you just want to punch his vocal cords out of his body. “You know, I was going to recruit you as part of HYDRA before. We could’ve been an amazing team.” You started creating small balls of fire in your hands. “You really thought I would join you or even think about joining you? Then you must be dumber than I thought.”
“What are you gonna do, throw fire balls at me? I’d like to see you try. You’d just burn this place to the ground.” He pointed his gun at you and you took a step back.
“I will melt your face.” You growled.
“Try melting a bullet that’s going 1, 700 miles per hour.” And then he pulled the trigger.
You closed your eyes, waiting for the bullet to hit you, but it never did. You opened your eyes and you see Bucky laying on the ground, his shoulders already started to bleed.
“Oh... oh my god.” You were in shock. You knelt down and held Bucky in your arms. “Bucky, what the fuck did you do?” You started panicking, covering his wound with both of your hands.
You looked up and you see Rumlow take off his hard drive from the computer and ran outside. You don’t know what to do. You either stay and keep Bucky from bleeding to death or you run after Rumlow.
Luckily, Natasha spoke behind you and said, “I got Rumlow. Take care of Bucky.” You turned to her and mouthed a ‘thank you’. She nodded and ran after Rumlow.
Your eyes went back to Bucky who’s breathing heavily, struggling to keep his balance.
“Why the fuck did you do that, Barnes? That must be the stupidest thing you’ve ever done.” you said as you pulled out a piece of cloth that’s sticking underneath a table and wrapped Bucky’s shoulder with it.
“I took a bullet for you.”
“That’s the fucking point, dickhead!”
He chuckled softly. How you missed hearing that. “I missed you cursing at me.” You couldn’t help but smile. “Well you’ll be getting more of that if you keep on doing dumb shit like that.” You let him lean on the wall behind both of you. His eyes are slowly closing but you keep on slapping him gently in the face. “Keep your damn eyes open, Barnes. You’re not dying on me. And especially not in here.” He smiled. “Got it, ma’am.”
There was silence as you put pressure on his shoulders to prevent it from bleeding even more. You bit your lip. You have so many questions to ask him and you didn’t know what to ask first.
“Why did you do that?”
He didn’t speak immediately and you wait for an answer. He rest his head on the wall and closed his eyes.
“I don’t know. I just... don’t want you to get hurt.”
“A little too late for that.” You looked down.
He lifted your head using his cold metal fingers and you looked at his mesmerizing, deep blue eyes. “I’m sorry, doll.” You looked away. You felt your eyes getting hot and your vision getting blurry.
“I’m so fucking furious at you, you know that? You didn’t even break up with me properly.” You wiped the tears falling down on your cheeks. You hate being like this. You hate looking weak, especially in front of the person who hurt you pretty bad.
“It’s because I...” He sighed and looked directly in your eyes. “I didn’t want us to end. But you deserved better. Especially after that big fight we had before we left for the mission.” You slowly removed your hands from his shoulders. Looks like the bleeding stopped, which is good.
You closed your eyes. You have thought of this moment in your head. You were ready for what to say when this moment comes. But now that you’re right in front of him, suddenly a cat got your tongue.
“Fighting is normal in relationships, Buck. We said horrible things to each other, but breaking up without even talking about it is definitely not the way to fix it.”
“I know, I realize that now. I’m sorry, Y/N. I’m sorry for everything.” He wrapped his arms around your waist and buried his face into your neck. “I’m fucked up, and I really don’t deserve you but I love you so much and I cannot physically and mentally live without you, doll.” You heard him sob and you can’t help but cry too. You were hurt but you just can’t stay being mad at the love of your life. Even if he is fucked up.
But you realized something and slowly pushed him away. “What about Nat? You were all over her ever since you came back from that mission.” You said bitterly. “Nat and I, we were supposed to be just a one-night-stand. But I ended up making her my... what’s that word in today’s generation?” You laughed. “A rebound?” He smiled and you can’t help but get butterflies in your stomach. “Yes, rebound.”
“Well, you still cheated on me and you’re not gonna get away with it that easily.”
He sighed heavily. “I know, doll and I shouldn’t have done that. I was foolish and I promise I would never even dare to think about doing it again.” He rest his forehead on yours and kissed the tip if your nose. “I love you, darling. So much.”
“Promise me also that when we have our hard times, you won’t bail out immediately.” You said as you intertwine your fingers with his. He held your hand up and kissed it. “I promise.”
Bucky felt like a heavy weight was lifted off his shoulders. He loves you more than he loves himself and he will make sure he won’t ever try to hurt you again. But he could not believe it took a bullet to make him realize that.
Natasha came back but now, with Steve and Clint. You looked up at them and your cheeks started turning red. “I... we... uh...” You turned to Bucky. He just smiled and pulled you in for a kiss. Then turned to them. “We’re together.”
“You mean back together?” Clint grinned. You look at him with confusion plastered on your face. “Wait, you knew?” Then you smacked yourself in the head, remembering what you did a week ago. “Well, of course you knew. I just sang a song about him in front of everyone a week ago.”
Steve chuckled. “No, Y/N. We knew even before you sang the song. It was obvious. How Bucky looks at you whenever you walk into the room, or how your smile is even wider when talking to him.”
“Or even an easier explanation, we saw you two making out in the rooftop.” Clint said and Steve glared at him. “Oops.”
All of you just laughed. You couldn’t believe they knew all this time. You looked at Bucky. “We’re really not good at keeping secrets, huh?”
“Nope.” You smiled and wrapped your arms around him.
You stood up and turned to Nat. “No hard feelings?” You asked.
“Of course. Come here, girl.” She pulled you in and hugged you tight.
“Uh, hello? A person who just got shot here. Below.” Bucky muttered and we laughed. Steve and Clint helped him stand up and get to the quinjet.
As soon as he sat down, he pulled you close and kissed you passionately. “I love you.”
You smiled. “I love you too, James Buchanan Barnes. All of you.”
“Oh and doll?”
“You should definitely write songs and sing to me more often.”
And that’s the end of this imagine! Hope you liked it guys. I will do more soon, and you can send requests if you want!
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