#also this was actually my first time drawing jet star
iiigris · 1 year
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DON’T FUCK AROUND, THIS IS OUR LAST CHANCE (click the photo for full ✨crispiness✨)
here’s day 5 of me drawing something every day of 2023!! (still consistently posting these about thirty minutes into the next day too lol 💀) I decided to go with a traditional medium for this one and I actually had a lot more fun with it than I have with my previous daily drawings, so I might use paper and pencil more often for these if I get the chance :)
also omg you gUYS I think I’m in love,, I can’t stop drawing him and I don’t know what to do wkdbajhdbrfs— not that I’m complaining or anything, don’t get me wrong here
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imsodishy · 2 years
Harringrove Week Day 2
Drowning is a lot different than Steve expected. There’s way more sunshine for one thing.
Not that he's spent a lot of time thinking about how he might plausibly drown, but there were moments (drunk at the quarry, or drunk at lover’s lake moments mostly), where it seemed like a possibility. So, stone cold sober, on vacation in California is a bit of a surprise.
Not as big of a surprise as the mermaid though.
Or merman?
Or… is it a merman if he’s got legs? Legs, but also fins? Long graceful fins and dizzying whorls of colorful stripes and spots, like the exotic fish Steve saw at the aquarium in Indianapolis on a school trip when he was twelve.
It’s definitely a man that grabs him around the waist and hauls him to the surface. And it’s definitely a man that deposits him, sputtering and coughing back on his rented surf board (that probably should have come with more lessons). A distinctly fishy man.
Chest flat to the board, legs dangling in the water, Steve just clings for a minute. Trying to get his body to believe that he's not going to die today after all, and steadfastly ignoring the bright blue eyes, with weirdly shaped pupils, starring intently at him from across the board.
Until a jet of water hits him square in the face.
“The hell? Did you just spit at me?” Steve demands looking fully at his rescuer for the first time. It’s disturbing honestly, to see a face so obviously human while simultaneously so obviously not.
Steve doesn’t know why he's surprised when the fish man talks back, it’s no weirder than anything else that’s happened so far. “No one ever taught you manners, pretty boy? They don’t say ‘thank you for saving my life’ on dry land?”  He pulls his long hair over his shoulder and twists it into a thick, blonde rope. Steve notices there’s a pointy little shell dangling from his left ear. The merman has an earing, why not.
“Sorry, Mister Merman. Just trying to process a lot of stuff all at once right now, but yeah, sure thank you.” Steve checks his knee-jerk sarcastic tone, “I mean, yeah. Thank you, actually. Thanks for saving my life.”
“Not a merman,” he mutters.
“Excuse me?”
“You see a tail?" He kicks a foot up briefly above the water. His toes look webbed, but it’s definitely one of a pair, "I’m not a merman.”
“Alright, what are you then?” Steve asks skeptically.
The not-a-merman scowls at him and snarls, “A person.”
Steve fights not to roll his eyes, “Fine. We're both people. But if I'm a human, what are you?”
“A siren.” He swings his hair back over his shoulder so it smack Steve in the face with a wet thwack.
Steve freezes halfway through trying to haul his sorry ass up on the surfboard. “Uh, don’t sirens usually, um, drown people?” Steve forces a laugh, like maybe it’s a laughable thought.
The siren flicks a translucent lid over his eyes and, Steve not sure how he knows this, but he instinctively does know, that it’s a gesture of annoyance. A fishy roll of the eyes.
“Sirens do lots of things. You know, like people do.”
Steve nods, finishes his very ungainly scramble up onto the board and straddles it. “Well, lucky for me you were around.” Steve looks down at his rescuer's face, and it’s still alien but it’s undeniably a beautiful kind of oddness, with his strange eyes and warm, tiger stripes on the highpoints of his anatomy.
“You’re a terrible swimmer,” the siren says and any warm fuzzy feeling Steve was starting to feel evaporate. “Maybe you should practice in one of those,” he draws a little square in the air, “Artificial pools you guys build, until you get better.”
“I’m an excellent swimmer,” Steve protests, “I’m a certified lifeguard.”
“What’s that?”
“I save other people from drowning!”
He does that weird blink again, slower. It comes off as less annoyed, more sarcastic.
“I fell of the board, okay, it was very disorienting.” Steve huffs.
“Whatever you say, princess.”
“Steve. My name is Steve.” He extends a hand, the siren stares at it, “Do you guys not do handshakes?”
There’s a long pause before he pulls a hand out of the water and presents it to Steve like he’s expecting a kiss on the back of his wrist. His fingers are webbed like his toes, and tipped in little, needle sharp claws. Steve grasps his hand and gives it a firm shake, “And your name is?”
“Billy,” he says, observing their joined hands like a foreign object.
Harringrove Week Day 2: Sirens, “It's poor judgment', said Grandpa 'to call anything by a name. We don't know what a hobgoblin or a vampire or a troll is. Could be lots of things. You can't heave them into categories with labels and say they'll act one way or another. That'd be silly. They're people. People who do things. Yes, that's the way to put it. People who *do* things.” - Ray Bradbury, The October Country
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sugarplanet · 1 year
Realizing How Important Storytelling Is To Art
For a lot visual artists, writing fully fleshed out stories doesn’t seem to be as widely an exercised skills. Many have scripts, storyboards, outlines, footnotes, or loose ideas in their reference folders or notes apps but it can be hard to connect the dots all the way. I myself find writing to be pretty taxing (thank you short attention span) while I do love making lots of unsorted detailed lists of traits spread out among characters and little factoid sheets, telling a full cohesive story was a bit harder to get into.
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For some of my latest character development project, I’d imagined a world in which religion and culture was heavily developed around astrology and astronomy on a planet where humans and gods were once the same thing, the effects of which can even be seen even in a post modern wire-punk dystopia. I had some ideas I thought were cool and ideas for outfits and quirks but not much to tie it all together. It wasn’t until I found myself no longer satisfied with just doing that alone, looking at what I developed thus far, that I remembered one of the key aspects of growth as an artist; references. If you need pictures of tigers or knees so you draw tigers and knees correctly, it stands to reason you also shouldn’t rely on the confines of your brain to help you write a fleshed out made up universe.
For this character, Jet, I set him up with some cool animal transformation powers.
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I also didn’t know where his powers came from. He just needed to have them and be the way he was because it seemed really cool. When I started questioning other aspects of my designs (why is this character some sort of patron saint of moon worship with healing powers and why does she have an annoying talking rabbit god side kick? And what does she want with this dude? Why didn’t I make the rabbit a backstory and also visually cuter?)
A while ago, I had gotten a book on astrology on a bargin-bin surfing whim and lately I’ve been sifting through it in bits and pieces at a time in the mornings. Right now, I’m finishing the long decoding each western zodiac sign. I’m not a strong believer in astrology but I did find it interesting and it lead me to research on non western perceptions of the “zodiac” and where there were differences and similarities. I looked up how they’re used in modern terms and what they meant back when they were first a thing. I even dabbled in chakras and their ties to astronomy in some spiritual practices. Inspired by my research, I started cobbling some things together like wet sand into a sand castle.
If your zodiac sign and its traits could have some sort of iconic embodiment, it could be cool animal powers. Perhaps since gods separated themselves from humans and fled to the stars, the moon, the sun, to other planets, then their relation to your zodiac sign could be significant. Jet is a Leo born in the year of the monkey and born during a pretty improbable alignment of planets closest to the earth during a solar eclipse and is therefore a special case special boy. (The only challenge is making that interesting while not letting it overshadow his actual character) Building a magic system with a more clear idea of what my world looks like and having intention behind what I’m pulling from and where to use it was a lot easier as well.
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I even managed to change the look of my costar to suit the color coding theme and to look less like a weird monk of vague lineage and denomination and more like a kid who only really has a magical bunny as a parent, teacher, and friend for the longest before clinging to Jet. (Not to mention change her rabbit pal drastically to a more cohesive design...)
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Not only was I feeling more confident in my design work, but I was having fun working on this project again. I’d encourage everyone to do a little homework if they’re feeling stuck as well but please keep in mind that you’ll want to do so mindfully. You have to first have any idea at all of what you’d like, an overall theme, and a place and time where your story happens. Consider what you’re basing the world you’re building on. You can look up significant historical events or scientific breakthroughs as a basis for the world building. I’d also recommend keeping notes next your concepts as you’re working them over lest you design something really cool that you fall in love but that is totally ill fitting to what you’re making that look FOR.
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raredrop · 2 years
copies and pastes my oc info from my th
just some random facts of why i chose to do certain things in my designs for my console gijinkas (also some of these might be on their bios but whatever)
nintendo family
gamecube was the first one i designed, i dont remember exactly what triggered it, but i was reminded of when i had tried to design a gamecube gijinka maaany years ago when i was a kid (so i wanted to do it again)
her design is inspired by the gamecube's code name: dolphin (the swimsuit like outfit and the dolphin on the top)
nes's design takes inspo from both the english and japanese versions of the console (aka the famicom)
his zapper on his leg is actually a real gun unlike the real life zapper
snes's design inspo comes from a few different games: mother, mario, and zelda (the stars might be from kirby i dont remember)
64's design inspos are mario and zelda (specifically mario 64 and oot)
wii's main outfit was inspired by the wii's original name revolution
wii and wii u consider themselves twins despite the fact that neither console were made at the same time, i just wanted to make fun of the whole "is the wii u just an add-on to the wii?" type of stuff (theyre androids so its ok we can bend the rules)
most of switch's colors come straight from different joycon pair colors
her eyes are also styled after the joycons as well (which is why theyre lazy)
3ds never wears her glasses bc the whole thing about the 3ds is having no need to wear glasses to see the effect
sega family
most of dreamcast's inspo comes from jet set radio and sonic
his jacket is actually the same one i draw my sonic gijinka in, i thought it'd be cute if they matched
the pocket on his overalls represents the vmu (the chao plush for chao adventure)
saturn's inspo is from NiGHTS as the saturn was well known to not have a main sonic title (it did have some side games tho)
master system's head wings come from fantasy zone  
i think her red comes from alex kidd but i forgor
genesis, like dreamcast, has inspo mostly from sonic
sony family
ps3 was an oc i created in high school of my own ps3 alongside another ps3 gijinka based on my friend's (tho i dont consider him a gijinka anymore)
ps1 was chosen to be a girl much for the same reason why i picked 64 to be a guy  (the controllers)
microsoft family + pc
all of them have various levels of an alien theme to them based on the original xbox's very...alien theming
xbox is the only one without earrings
360's eyes are inspired by the red ring of death
he did that to his own clothes, he overheats easily
xbox one has bones bc hehehe xbone
xsx's hair color comes from one of the xsx's code names: project scarlett
as well as his collar: project lockhart (its a heart with a lock in the middle hehe)
another code name is project anaconda and uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
pc's main design is inspired by COOL GAMER COMPUTERS hence the rainbow lights
the tube in their left leg is for cooling
pc's second design is based on the imb 704 (and yes thats why there are daisies)
and their third design comes from just a random...windows 95 type design
info not from th that i keep forgetting to mention:
chip (my literal computer wizard) also made them (he also made ant a living computer anti virus program) tho they only consider whoevers under the same company to be family (to avoid things getting...too weird)
this comes from a moment in a dream i had yes i will consider most oc lore that comes to me in dreams step aside twilight
as far as we know theres only one of each in the world, however consoles themselves still exist (except for pc)
however u can bring another one to life
theyre magical androids dont think too hard about things
they can be reverted back to their original non human forms (this also was in the same dream, tho their android bodies usually have to completely break down first)
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funneylizzie · 3 years
I really do like your art bits based around a trip to Grulovia! Raz & Lili heading over there would make for an interesting opening for another game (or a short story in an official comic). I can see them going there on a mission to get Helmut's body back and Raz commenting on how this is the first time he's ever set foot on his country of origin
Yeah!!!! Actually lemme give u a bit of an idea dump LOL because I feel like it would be SO FUN (plus some bonus art, some I have posted before) so prepare, long post! Lizzie Ramblings!!
First of all, I ABSOLUTELY ADOREEEEE the idea of cozy winter fits with the whole gang, they gave me a taste in this old concept art and I want more HAHA, since we already got some pics of Sasha & Millas fits I did some doodles of what I think Raz & Lili would wear (u can just ignore my little notes or not, id like to think they’re somewhat entertaining HAH)
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SO ANYWAYS, love the idea of Raz in a bomber jacket (I believe that’s what it’s called? Correct me if I’m wrong), but I was like A HEEM HEEM I could do like a little story with this (:<
I think it would be fun if Raz & Lili werent originally assigned to the mission, I was thinking Norma and Lizzie were assigned to go with Sasha and Milla (and Bob and Helmut ofc, but that’s obvious and I kind of wanted to do something based around Sasha and Milla & their two kids Raz & Lili) and they just so happened to hear about it, maybe from Norma bragging, “I have no time to talk, Raz, me and Lizzie are going on an OFFICIAL Psychonauts mission with the super-star special agents Sasha Nein and Milla Vodello, and I have to prepare.” Ykno, braggin’
You know both Raz & Lili would kill to go on a mission like that!!! (Lili showed a lot of interest in going on a psychonauts mission Re:“Yes! Isn’t that GREAT?!” “What?! How is that great?” “THIS could be an honest to goodness psychic emergency!” LOL) and I know Raz would love an opportunity to go on this mission too, I could see him telling Lili something like “this is my chance to see where my family COMES from! We have to go!”
So them being sneaky kids, this part is not completely thought through but I thought this would be funny, Lili manages to ‘hack’ into the PN database or SOMETHING, she’s got connections, and manages to change the assignment to her and Raz.
Here she is being sneaky HAHDHAHDJH
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And the context of the “EVIL” drawing, I know a lot of u guys were a big fan of it khdkahf
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Queue the jet, flight to Grulovia, shenanigans ensue, I have NOT thought this part through at all, I was just thinking about What If a villain shows up outta nowhere and starts like causing a ruckus 😭 not too serious a villain! I had this whole funny storyline where Raz and Lili are somehow kidnapped (not in a serious way, more like a ‘oh no haha lets annoy the crap out of our captor because he doesn’t really pose a threat and we know Sasha and Milla are gonna find us’ kind of way LOL HAHA)
Like literally heres them trying not to laugh at the villain monologuing
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This is a TPT comic idea too, so it would be more centered on Sasha and Milla like goin to rescue their kids Raz and Lili, so we would get like HELLA badass teamwork moments with those two, that’s something I just really wanna see!!!!! Kickbutt power couple!!
Everything is resolved yadda yadda yadda, Helmuts body is recovered, emotional stuff happens, everybody goes home, found family happy end!!! Until Raz and Lili get in trouble for changing up the mission assignments, they’re on brain tumblr delousing duty for a MONTH!
Also!!! If this interests you in any way POSSIBLE, id love to talk more about it! Maybe steal some ideas from any y’all, would be fun!
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happytroopers · 2 years
Boba Fett season finale shit post
Spoilers below. Obviously.
Rip hot twilek your 6 minutes of screen time will be duly forgotten
Fuck the Pykes man
I can tolerate space drug trade but I draw the line at killing renowned jizz musicians
God Fennec Boba and Din in one shot now there’s a sandwich I wanna be in
Many thoughts and yet none at all just sin
Not them trying to redeem the mayor
“I have an idea to draw Fett out.” I’m sending g that there’s the inspo for a new WAVE of self insert fanfic
Luke coming to help his boy toy???
The child????
That’s artooie:)))
Wait can he drive
Me and PELI are on the same page
R2 s like we’re on a SCHEDULE
Is he dropping out of Jedi school
If so I’m gonna have to start kinning baby Yoda
Goth Wookiee :)
Someone’s gonna sneak up on them
Din stop being so sexy
God boba in his armor is so sexy
This is the showdown we wanted in clone wars
Star Wars-issficstion of southern idioms
Ok but two of them are wearing beskar and u are not
Boba said “no 💖🖕”
Why do I feel like fennec is gonna take the brunt of this
Fennec being the sexy voice of reason as always
“Ur going soft in ur old age” as if Bane isn’t fucking ancient
I love my little beuqacratic wiggler
Yep just as I fucking thought
I don’t appreciate them ripping my found family trope to pieces
So that augmented eye is very helpful to his aim huh
Not the water waste
God I love her
Lil punk said lesbian panic!!!
The only woman I would call Mommy
The last time Din got trapped in a blown out bar, it didn’t go well
We love a loyal bestie
More self insert inspo “I’m with you til we both fall”
He said I’m not afraid to pathetic
Is he not gonna read that first
What if it just said “fuck u losers”
Yay space slurs!!!!
Pls be inappropriate
“Nothing 💖”
Creative writing king! He wrote that so fast
Jet pack hotties
Overkill a lil boys???
Awww yay :)
Can y’all imagine like living in this part of town??? Just like, trying to get brunch, and this shit happening.
No the moped!!!!
Disapproved dad says save it
Din’s thighs :)
Oh no
Hey maybe we should start shooting now
Yes start shooting now that they put their RAY SHIELDS up
Ahhhh clone wars nostalgia
Goth WOOKIE said show off
Well that was a waste of a missile
Quick mafs
“You’ve run out of friends” me too boba
God I love this man
Both of them actually
Hey maybe let’s not just run in a mobbed straight line guys????
There is one droid chasing you and approx 60 of y’all
Slutty lil spin there
Din is so fast ????
Bonk !!!
She’s gonna show that baby and dins gonna be like “YOU BROUGHT MY SON INTO A BATTLE ZONE????”
I fight usually leads to dying
They’re in love
Fave dilf
Not the tooth!!!
Zillow beast vibes
Boba lemme sit on ur lap while you ride
ok that was hot
Remisnent if genonosis Kenobi
Boba u are so hot
They’re in LOVE
But fr fr city x country makes the best pairing
Imagine if that was ur house
Boba I demand reparations
Who is the lil pretty boy we keep seeing
Not mysmotinal support space beast!!!!
They’re gonna date!!!!
Wiggler x PELI!!!!
I doubt they’ll kill off Bane. But liek…. What if they did
Also that’s ANOTHER problem for the city
Mmmm Jango ment
Just grab his little face tubes
Oh maybe they will kill him
Makes since tho he’s like OLD OLD
He’s wAs old in Clone Wars
Oh nvm he’s def not dead
Ok now for a King Kong parallel
ok that was hot Din
How to train ur dragon parrlell
Found my new screen saver
Yay decaptiated heads are back!!!
They should hire a tourism director
So sneaky :)
Rip to the ham guards
truly encapsulated what having a toddler is like
Is there an end credit scene
Just realized that in the choral grunting they’re saying Fett- I’m an idiot
Yep end credit scene
I swear if it’s bane
Boba quit modifying ppl without their consent!!!
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dindjarindiaries · 3 years
10 Underrated Quotes from Season 2 of The Mandalorian
As previously seen with season one, I’m here with another list of underrated quotes from The Mandalorian—this time, from season two. I’m going to highlight some of my favorite quotes from the season or quotes that stick out to me and why I think they’re noteworthy.
I don’t own any rights to content from The Mandalorian and, if you haven’t watched season two yet, potential spoilers are ahead!
1. “Pay attention when a superior addresses you.” (Chapter 15: The Believer)
While this scene certainly isn’t underrated, I believe this line spoken by Valin Hess when he finally catches Din Djarin’s attention by the Imperial terminal deserves some reflection. It’s interesting to think about how responding to Hess’ first call of “Trooper” is something Djarin just... wouldn’t think to do, or is something he thought he could get away with. It seems that Mandalorians, while they value their leadership, don’t focus on hierarchical structures in their society, so Djarin isn’t used to having to obey orders like that. It’s even worse that he has to deal with this unfamiliar situation without his helmet for the first time since he was a child. It really draws our attention to how little Djarin knows about the Empire and other organizations outside of his covert.
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2. “This is the Way.” (Chapter 11: The Heiress)
I think many of us can agree that the first time this statement is uttered in this episode, we’re less than pleased about it, thanks to Bo-Katan’s ridiculing tone. When it happens later on, however, there’s so much meaning packed behind the words. First, from Bo-Katan, who has witnessed Mando’s bravery firsthand and has likely realized how wrong she was making assumptions about him based off his covert and his traditions. In return, Mando’s response of the phrase is strained. Why? Well, it’s up to interpretation—but to me, I think it’s because Mando’s in awe of the idea of these Mandalorians who have already proven their abilities to him actually coming to respect him and the Way he’s known ever since he was a child. It was a great moment of reconciliation.
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3. “Is he speaking? Do you... understand him?” (Chapter 13: The Jedi)
Something I love about this line in particular is the way it’s delivered. There’s such desperation concealed behind Mando’s modulator that tells us so much about what he’s been thinking while pacing the forest floor nervously. This desperation also tells us how eager he’s been to communicate with his child. Mando and Grogu have been together for a long time, now, and we know they’ve had plenty of one-sided conversations. I’m sure Mando has longed to know what Grogu’s been thinking in return, and now that he might have an opportunity to, we can really hear that sheer curiosity and desperation in his voice with this line he offers to Ahsoka.
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4. “Jet back, you’re faster that way.” (Chapter 12: The Siege)
I’m sure we all have our mixed opinions about the season one Nevarro crew, but this moment in particular really strikes the depth of their friendship and companionship. Once they’ve all heard about Moff Gideon’s return and his request to get the child once again, there’s no doubt in anyone’s minds that Mando wouldn’t be going back for him immediately. Even though the job isn’t completely done and Greef, Cara, and Mythrol all still need a way out, they don’t even try to ask for Mando’s help. Instead, Cara insists that he gets back as fast as he can, even if that means the three of them don’t make it out themselves. I really love how that shared understanding and dedication to the child in all situations shows their deep friendship amongst the trio (and Mythrol).
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5. “I’ve spent much time on Tatooine. I never saw a Mandalorian there.” (Chapter 9: The Marshal)
Mando’s response to Gor Karesh insisting that he knows of a Mandalorian on Tatooine could potentially be telling us more than we’re aware of. As far as we know, Mando’s only been to Tatooine once—and it was only for two days, tops. But here, he’s saying he’s “spent much time” there, which means it’s possible that Mando lived on Tatooine for a time while the Bounty Hunter’s Guild still operated out of there. If you think about it more, Mando knew exactly where to go for some work in Chapter 5, another hint that there’s more to Mando’s time on Tatooine than we’re aware of. The same thing could be said about his knowledge of Tusken and his friendship with the Sand People. Any time we get a potential hint of Mando’s backstory, I’m excited about it!
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6. “Am I under arrest?” (Chapter 10: The Passenger)
This line comes quickly in the midst of Mando’s conversation with the New Republic pilots in Chapter 10, but I really love it. These few words say a lot about Mando’s character and how he responds to praise. He’s just been told all about his heroics in Chapter 6, when he risked his own life for Lieutenant Davan and reprimanded Mayfeld, Xi’an, and Burg—and when asked whether it was true, Mando offers no confirmation. He doesn’t even own up to his good acts. Instead, he simply acts this question, remaining the practical man we know him to be. This truly shows us the humble nature of Mando and how he tries his best to focus on the present rather than dwelling on things he’s done in the past, good or bad.
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7. “... talent without training is nothing.” (Chapter 16: The Rescue)
On the surface, this seems like a very practical statement that many Jedi make throughout the series (see Ahsoka talking to Mando in Chapter 13 and Obi-Wan talking to Luke in Episode IV: A New Hope). When you think about it more, especially in context, you might be able to see Luke hinting at something much deeper. Luke heard Grogu’s cry for help from the Seeing Stone where it’s very possible Grogu was talking about his desire to protect his father by strengthening his abilities. Luke knows all too well what happens when you abandon training in an attempt to protect those you love—as for him, it didn’t go well. Yoda tried to warn him but he didn’t listen. Now that he’s learned his lesson, Luke can offer this wisdom to a Grogu who wants to keep his father safe. He knows that training first will then allow Grogu to protect himself and his father to his heart’s content, just as Luke was better able to protect his friends in Episode VI after he finished his training.
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8. “Okay, I’m gonna protect you.” (Chapter 14: The Tragedy)
The scene in which this line is delivered is what truly establishes this episode as a tragedy. Mando’s tried three times to break through Grogu’s Force-field—not because he wasn’t thinking, but because he was so desperate—and now he has to come to terms with the fact that he’ll only hurt himself more if he keeps trying it again and again. Mando’s voice is pretty shaky if you listen to it closely enough in these lines, reluctant to leave his child atop the mountain alone but eager to protect him somehow. We know Mando doesn’t like to feel helpless, but we can sense he feels that way in this moment. He doesn’t even know if Grogu can hear him, yet he keeps speaking to him with such fierce protectiveness and reassurance. This is a promise he doesn’t fall through with, even if Grogu does fall into the Imperials’ hands for a time.
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9. “Give it to me.” (Chapter 15: The Believer)
This is the moment where we all really knew what was about to go down. What I love about this quote is that Mando says it with no remorse. He says it firmly, insisting upon doing whatever it takes to get those coordinates and get to Grogu. He’s already made up his mind. Despite the fact he gave his word earlier about not showing his face, Mando’s going to do what he has to for his son. The firm way this line is delivered proves that, especially when he shifts from taking a backseat to Mayfeld to taking charge again as he pulls the data stick right from Mayfeld’s grip. I just really love Mando’s determination in this scene, despite the circumstances.
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10. “I’ll see you again. I promise.” (Chapter 16: The Rescue)
Do I particularly think this line is underrated? No, not the direct meaning of it. But when you watch Star Wars Rebels and think more about the genius of Dave Filoni, there’s a whole new layer of meaning attached to these words. For those who may not have watched the show yet (you definitely should!), Kanan and Hera are two people who care very much for each other (wink wink) who once had to exchange a goodbye very similar to Mando and Grogu. Kanan was about to go on a very dangerous mission without Hera, unsure of what would happen to him, when he delivered these words: “We’ll see each other again. I promise.” This is almost exactly what Mando says to Grogu in the face of their temporary separation. The good news is Kanan and Hera did get to see each other again—but Kanan was changed forever. Will this happen with Mando or Grogu? It’s possible. But it’s just another one of those moments that makes me yell “FILONI!” in Darth Maul style.
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tiburion · 3 years
Some Megastar AU ramblings
If you saw my fanarts there are two things I love to draw: Megastar with a trine of sparklings and Misfire being one of them, my brain then started to wander and kind of created an headcanon around this family and then per usual a little bit of angst was added to the mix.
Before the start of the war Megatron, in his late gladiator days when he was still gathering together allies for the insurrection, took Starscream as his conjunx (an allaince between Kaon and Vos maybe? idk I like this trope in fanfictions). Some years later the war on Cybertron started, around that time they had the trine of  sparklings: Astrum, Redstorm and Flyhigh ( Starscream admonished Megatron that “if he ended up carrying this one he would have carried the next”).
Since the war didn’t seemed to end anytime soon resulting in more and more devastation on both sides, Megatron pressed Starscream to let the sparklings away from Kaon for a more safe Vos. Starscream, after a priod of reluctance, accepted and sent the sparklings away. 
Eventually even Vos got bombarded by an Autobot raid. Once they managed to arrive to the half destroyed city of the seekers only two now sparkless shells welcome the warlord and his conjunx between the ruins. Starscream, furious with Megatron, flew away and desappeared for days.
This blow left a huge scar in their relationship.   
We arrive now in the post war era with a not-so-warlord-anymore Megatron, emperor perpetua Starscream (I don’t care how, it’s my jam and no one will take it away from me) and a big bumb magenta jet with his group of outcasts named Misfire.
Misfire truly is the one sparkling whose body wasn’t found all that time ago between the ruins of Vos, his brain was actually damaged during the attack resulting in a partial memory loss and the malfunction in his aim module. As a sparkling he was passed from place to place during the war and also got the name “Misfire” till grown up he joined the Decepticons only to later end up with the Scavangers (Will there ever be a family reunion? Yes. Will it be a mess? Absolutely!)
On Cybertron, Starscream and Megatron slowly, REALLY slowly manage to re-establish their torn relationship. Years later they have another sparkling (cuz Megs still remembered the promise Star made him take all those years ago when they had the first three) even tho there is a clash at the beginning since Starscream doesn’t want it due to it bringing back old pains and worst memories of those they lost.
BUT since there had been enough angst and I want at least an happy ending they keep the little glitch that ends up being a triple changer.
I don’t know what I’ll do with this thing, but at 100% I’ll do some fanarts out of it.
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wiypt-writes · 3 years
Stark Spangled Banner
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One Shot: The Stealth Suit
Summary: Katie has a Stealth Suit Kink, but who doesn’t??
Pairings: Steve Rogers x OFC Katie Stark.
A/N: Let’s face it…there’s no plot here bar a load of smut so…yeah.. Enjoy.
Disclaimer: This is a pure work of fiction and classified as 18+. Please respect this and do not read if you are underage. I do not own any characters in this series bar Katie Stark and the other OCs. By reading beyond this point you understand and accept the terms of this disclaimer.
Stark Spangled Banner Masterlist // Main Masterlist
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“For the 500th time…I’m FINE, Steve!” Katie snapped at him. Steve took a deep breath, his hands falling to his hips as the jet fell silent. “I’m not the one with a bullet in my leg” “There’s nothing in my leg!” A voice said causing them to turn to the back of the jet where Natasha was sat, Clint wrapping her leg in a bandage. “Its just a graze…” “Nat, I’m so sorry…” Katie started and Nat shook her head, waving her hand. “Nova, I told you to take the shot.” She shrugged “It was a 50/50…ee had to take the chance. Besides, it hit him too so…” “2 people, 1 bullet…” Clint grinned, but Katie couldn’t find it in herself to smile. “I told Fury this was a bad idea…” she shook her head. “I shouldn’t have come.” Clint frowned “Hey, Nova look…I know you’re not technically an agent now but we’d have been out numbered and out gunned without you…it would have been a lot worse.” Katie didn’t say anything. Instead she simply nodded and headed over to retrieve a bottle of water before she sat down. How she had gotten roped into this she had no idea. Actually that was a lie. She knew exactly how it had happened. SHIELD had been tracking a big player who had been bragging amongst certain circles that he had something new, a game changer in the world of arms dealing- a piece of the whiplash technology that Ivan Vanko had developed and used to fight Tony back in 2010. As Tony was currently in London, Fury had asked Katie to look over the blueprints Natasha had retrieved whilst undercover. She had JARVIS confirm it was, indeed, a similar technology and that she also knew from history with Stark Industries that it would be possible to manufacture with the right equipment. That was enough for Fury to run a full scale op to exfil Natasha at the same time as shutting the target down and acquiring the designs to prevent this happening again in the future. Katie had been all set to wish them good luck when Clint had levelled her with a look and told her they were a sniper down as Evans had broken his arm in a training op. Katie had shrugged until Fury had looked at her, asking her to take a place on the field team for this particular mission, and as she had sighed Steve had turned to her and simply said that she didn’t have to do anything she didn’t want to whilst crossing his arms over the front of his broad chest which was adorned with the silver star and stripes…and that was it. She had agreed.
Because she had a weakness for her soldier…and a fucking kink for that goddamned midnight blue and silver kevlar. The mission had gone to shit. They’d gotten what they needed, Katie covering the rendezvous point where they were meeting Natasha only to see her approaching being followed by a man with some form of machete looking weapon. Katie didn’t have a clear shot as Natasha started to duck and dive out of the hostile’s way but Natasha had instructed her to take it anyway. So she did and the bullet had hit it’s intended target…after first grazing Natasha’s thigh as she had thrown her legs up around the guys chest to flip him over. “Stop beating yourself yourself up about it Nova.” Rumlow piped up “Sometimes we take collateral and this time collateral was Widow.” Katie gave an angry noise and turned to Rumlow “I don’t like collateral on any fucking scale Brock…” Rumlow looked as if he was going to bite back but Steve shot him a look causing the man to fall silent. Katie shook her head and made her way back to the seat, pulling our her StarkPhone and burying herself in her actual job, replying to a few emails. Once the debrief was over and Katie had apologised, once again to Natasha, she headed off to the locker room. “You should go talk to her.” Nat looked at Steve as he stood up from where he had been undoing the buckles on his boots. “She’s pissed…” “She’s upset.” Steve corrected. “Get to Medical, that’s an order.” “I’ll see to it she does Cap.” Clint assures him. Steve gave a nod, swinging his shield up onto his back before he headed off after Katie, taking the elevator down to the floor which held the equipment stores and the changing rooms. He knocked on the female one, poking his head in as he knew she would be the only one in there given the hour and the fact Nat was the only other female on the mission. “Honey?” He asked softly as he stepped inside. She emerged from the locker area, dressed in the tight compression tank-top and shorts she wore under the catsuit. “You ok?” “No.” She admitted to him. “Not really…” He sighed and crossed towards her, pulling her into a hug. She pressed her check to his chest as he dropped a kiss to her head. “It wasn’t your fault.” He said and she shrugged in his arms. He pulled back slightly and tilted her chin up with his glove clad hand and she allowed him to capture her lips in a soft kiss. Katie pulled back, and Steve watched as she cocked her head to one side, biting her lip.
He knew that look very well. “You’re a nightmare…” he chuckled, arching an eyebrow and she shrugged, running her hands up his chest, fingers tracing the silver star. He caught her wrists in his hands and she glanced up at him, swallowing at the darkness that was now in his eyes as they flashed with desire. Without a word he reached down, hands hooking on her thighs as he hoisted her up, his lips crashing to hers, her legs wrapped around his waist, underneath the edge of his shield on his back. Shucking off his boots, he strode out of the main area of the room through to the wet room at the back where he gently set her down on the edge of the counter which held the sinks along the edge of the room. He shifted his hands to her back, holding her strongly to him, lips moving from her mouth to her jaw line and then her neck where he nipped gently. Katie gave a groan and her hands dropped to his utility belt, hastily unclipping it before she next went to the button and zips on his uniform pants. “Want something baby girl?” He teased “You know what I want…” she said as he grinned and decided to help her out. He reached for the waist band of his combats, intending on pushing them down over his hips but she stopped him. “Leave it on” “What?” He asked, his voice was gravely from his arousal and he wasn’t quite sure be had heard her right. “You know I love this suit…” she said, reaching into his flies and grabbing his length on her hand, drawing a load grunt from his mouth as she freed him through the space now his trousers were undone at the front. “Leave it on…” “Yes ma'am.” He mumbled, one hand tangling in her hair, the other on the base of her spine as he pulled her close for another deep kiss. He gripped the bottom of her compression tank top and she moved her arms so he could pull it over the top, freeing her breasts and she gave a soft sigh as his head dropped to her chest. His tongue gently traced her nipple, teasing it to a peak as his other hand rubbed at her core through her lycra shorts which were fast becoming soaked. She groaned, her head falling back as Steve grinned to himself, the sight of her simply surrendering herself completely to him in such a raw, trusting and unabashed way was something he would never tire of. His lips traced upwards and he felt her gently pushing on his chest through his uniform. Stepping back slightly, he watched as she jumped down and pushed him round so he had his back to the counter before she dropped to her knees, hands sliding up to the back of his thighs. “Fuck…” he half groaned, half cursed as Katie licked the underside of his shaft making her way from the base up to the tip. She looked up at him, his still gloved hand fell to the back of her head, gently tangling in her hair, the other one grasping at the marble counter top behind him. Maintaining eye contact, Katie wrapped her lips around him and slowly moved her mouth up and down her fingers tightening on the backs of his thighs as he did so. He allowed her to control the pace, his hand simply resting in her hair as her head moved back and forth. His eyes never left hers, the mischievous twinkle still present and as she took him to the back of her throat he let out a loud hiss as his cock twitched. His fingers tightened around the marble top and it was then that they both heard a loud cracking noise. Katie stilled, releasing him from her mouth with a small pop and looked up as Steve glanced at the place his hand rest, the side now displaying finger shaped marks in the marble. “Something got you worked up Soldier?” Katie teased and with that Steve gently tugged her hair. “Get up here…” he instructed softly and she did as she was told, rising to her feet. Grabbing her hips he spun her around and pushed her roughly against the sink basin. His hands tore the fabric of her shorts easily and he tossed the shreds of lycra to the side before he pressed his body into hers, one hand settling on her hip, the other ever so tenderly wrapped around the front of her throat. Steve leaned forward, lips by her ear as he used the hand on her neck to hold her head in place so she was looking directly in the mirror. His eyes locked onto hers as he whispered his simple instruction. “Watch” He saw a flicker in her ears, excitement, as he used his foot to knock her legs apart, bending her forwards slightly before he buried himself in her in one slow, deliberate move, eyes not once leaving hers in the mirror. He saw her face screw up in pleasure as she gave a moan at being taken this way and the hand on her throat gave a gentle squeeze. “Eyes on me doll…” he instructed. Her eyes opened again and locked back onto his as he moved his hips, rocking into her, as deep as he could get. Her back arched, her mouth freely allowing her soft cries and whispers to escape while he thrust deeply into her, again and again. The feeling was exquisite to Katie. He always felt good but now, accompanied by the feel and scratch of that suit against her skin, the noises it was making as it rustled with each movement, the clinging of buckles and belts and then the fact he was being so dominant, ensuring she did as she was told and watched him…fuck, she was all kinds of turned on here. The hand that had been on her hip crept round the front if he belly and Steve reached down, teasing her clit, causing her to shudder and a loud wail of pleasure fell from her lips. Steve chuckled slightly, eyes on hers in the mirror. “Shhhh” he said softly, before he smirked “Like that, huh?” “Fuck, yes…” she groaned, as the hand on her neck moved to the side of her face and Steve turned her head so he could kiss her, his hips moving faster now as he could feel himself starting to unravel. “You close baby?” His voice was a whisper and she answered him with a soft moan as his fingers continued to work in time with his trust, his mouth moving to her jaw line, nipping softly before his hand, once again on her neck, forced her face round to look at him in the glass again. “Cap…Captain…I’m gonna…” “Let go…c'mon…thass my girl…” his Brooklyn accent rolled off his tongue as he continued his deliberate thrusts into her, hand holding her neck in place so her face was focused on his in the mirror. He watched carefully, as her eyes fluttered shut for a moment and she reached up, grabbing at his arm, as he felt her tightening around him, her legs shaking as she gave a loud, drawn out moan, her entire body convulsing. When Katie opened her eyes she saw Steve’s own flutter shut, his mouth dropping open as his head fell forward, pressing into her neck, biting down softly as he groaned, hips faltering with his release. She watched him, those long eyelashes resting against his now flushed cheeks and when they cracked open to reveal those deep blue eyes she had fallen in love with from the very start, she gave him a soft smile which he returned, tipping her head to kiss him. “You ok?” He asked, his hands sliding over her belly, noticing the marks where she had banged into the unit, frowning slightly. “Did I…” “Stop it…” she instructed him, looking at him. “I’m fine…more than fine…that was amazing.” He chuckled, a swell of smugness in his chest warmed him through as he kissed the side of her neck. “Guess you really do like this suit, huh?” He asked as she turned to look at him, her hands tracing the lines of the star. “Prefer the guy that’s in it but…yeah, not gonna lie. It does things to me…your ass looks great.” She said, looking round him as he laughed. “Its all yours baby” he quipped and she grinned, leaning up to kiss him. “I need a shower.” She mumbled “you joining me?” “Can I take the suit off for that?” He asked. She nodded as her lips ghosted over his “Like I said, the suit’s a kink…what I really love is the man in it.” 30 seconds later said suit was not so stealthily littered around the female changing rooms as Steve backed his girl into the large, rainfall shower cubicle, shutting the glass door behind him with his foot.
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lillywillow · 3 years
From Russia With Love
Summary: When Steve and Bucky investigate an old HYDRA base left over from World War II, they find something nobody could have ever predicted... A pilot from the legendary 588th night bomber regiment frozen in time.
 Word Count: 2117
 Square Filled: Military Base
 Pairings: Bucky x Female Reader
 Warnings: WWII warfare, slight angst
Written for @star-spangled-bingo
 Author’s Note: Although I will be using real historical people and events, some of the names and actions I will be using are fictional. The 588th night bomber regiment were an all female squadron from Russia in World War II. They were given hand-me-down men’s uniforms and poor, outdated equipment. Their planes were not designed for combat. The planes let out a whistle as it idled through the sky which the German’s thought sounded like a broomstick, giving them the nickname ‘Die Nachthexen’ or Night Witches.
 Germany, 1944. Three Polikarpov U-2 biplanes move silently through the night sky, their engines cut at the behest of the navigators. A soldier was making his rounds about the perimeter of the base when an unearthly scream pierced the air. A chill ran down his spine as he looked around. Suddenly, a shadow of a plane darkens the ground. The soldier abruptly realised what was happening.
 “Die Nachthexen!” he screamed. The base was rapidly brought to life with activity when the air raid siren wailed. Soldiers rushed to man the anti-aircraft guns as the Night Witches dropped the first bomb. Two of the planes broke formation to draw away the ground fire as the third dropped the next bomb. The last plane made a sharp turn and was able to drop the last bomb on the base. With their mission complete, the engines went back on and the planes headed home to Russia.
 Out of nowhere, a German fighter plane appeared. The biplanes were slower but their much smaller size gave them an advantage in the fact they had a tight turning ratio but for one plane, it wasn’t enough. One of the pilots cried out in pain as a bullet grazed her arm. The canvas wings of the plane were ablaze, there was no other option but to bring the plane down. The navigator held the pilot’s shoulders to steady her as they crashed into the ground.
 Dazed by the impact, the pilot held her head, feeling something wet and warm drip down her face. She turned behind her to check on her navigator whose head was slumped to her chest. She reached for her hand.
 “Yelena... I’m sorry...” Black spots swam in her vision before the darkness took over.
Germany, present day. Steve and Bucky were called on a mission to investigate what was possibly a HYDRA base left over from WWII. On their way in, they noticed the remains of a downed plane a few miles out from the base that nature had taken over in the course of sixty years give or take. On the surface, it had the hell bombed out of it. Steve managed to find a charred door in amongst the wreckage and went in, Bucky following behind. Underground was a rabbit warren of rooms and passageways, their secrets lost to time, waiting to be uncovered.
 “We should split up,” Steve said, getting out his flashlight. Bucky nodded and got out his own. The duo headed in, checking each and every room for anything that might be of HYDRA origin.
 This place gave Bucky the creeps and bad memories began to invade his mind; memories of when he lost his identity of Sergeant James Buchannan Barnes and given the new one of The Winter Soldier. Room after room they looked in until Steve found something.
 “Buck, you gotta see this...” Bucky made his way to where Steve called him to and whatever he was expecting, this was not it. The room was still lit with sickening fluorescent lights. In the back corner, there were two pods. One was empty, whatever test subject it held was long gone. The other had a woman still cryogenically frozen inside. Bucky placed his right hand on the glass.
 “She’s just like me...”
 “Think you can make sense of these?” Steve asked, holding up a dusty file written in German. Bucky picked them up and read through the notes. It stated the woman’s name and why she was there. There was also information on a second woman, presumably whoever was in the second pod. Apparently, they were going to be used for a programme akin to the Winter Soldiers or the Red Room but the project had been scrapped and only one of the subjects was moved.
 “I’m going to let Fury know what we’ve found.” Steve headed out to make the call but Bucky stayed behind. He couldn’t leave this woman all alone now that he knew she was there.
 Feeling a pounding in your head, you opened your eyes. Slowly, you sat up, looking around. You appeared to be back in your base. Funny... you didn’t remember making it back. The last thing you remembered was crashing after completing a mission. Was a rescue sent out and that’s how you got here? You spotted another woman in one of the other beds. Steadily, you got up and went over to her.
 “Come on, Yelena. We’ve got another mission,” you said, shaking her shoulder. As she sat up, you immediately noticed that this was not your navigator.
 “You’re not Yelena...”
 “No, I’m a new recruit. My name is Natalia Romanova,” she replied in Russian.
 “Well I hope you’re a quick study, Natalia. Major Bershanskaya will not make things easy for you. Now get ready. Training for you starts now.”
 As you got dressed, something struck you as very odd. Your uniform fitted perfectly like it was tailored for you and your boots weren’t oversized. It set off alarm bells in your head but you didn’t want to frighten the new girl. As you headed out, you saw an officer standing and waiting for you.
 “Who are you?” you asked, confused as to why this man would be here, especially one who looked so high up in command. Something else that you noticed was that there were planes around the base.
 “I’m your new commanding officer...” That did it. There was no way your commander would leave her girls. You managed to snatch his sidearm but even faster, Natalia had you in a headlock, one hand holding the wrist you held the gun.
 “Who are you?! Where am I?! What have you done with Yelena?! Where is my navigator?!” The pair exchanged a look and conversed in English, something you didn’t understand.
 “I can explain everything... just give me the gun,” the man prompted. Slowly, you handed him the sidearm which he put away and Natalia let go of you.
 “You have been asleep for over sixty years...”
 “What?! How?! We... we were just there... and... Yelena! Where is she? Is she okay? Is she safe?” The pair exchanged another look.
 “You were the only one we found in the base...” You broke down sobbing and straight away the man held you up as you trembled. He rubbed your back and stroked your hair which you found strangely comforting. How could you have been asleep for sixty years? It was only hours ago you were flying to drop bombs on German bases.
 A few hours later, you were sitting by the window of the room which had been set up for you thinking over all the new information which had been given to you. They had given you new clothes but the only ones who spoke your language were the ones you met at the fake base camp. Your thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door.
 “May I come in?” A male’s voice asked.
 “Yes...” The man who you came to learn was named Bucky walked in with a plate of food.
 “I thought you might like something to eat...”
 “I’m not hungry...”
 “I know what you’re going through but you still need to eat...”
 “How could you possibly know what I’m going through?! Do you know what it’s like to be with friends one minute and find out they’re all gone?! To wake up in a strange place with strange people?! To have no idea what the hell is going on?!” He was quiet for a few moments.
“Actually... I do.” You were taken aback from his response. Bucky sat down on your bed and began telling you his life’s story.
 He told you about his best friend Steve who always used to getting in trouble. He enlisted in the American army the moment he could. His time in the Howling Commandos. About how he fell off the train and became a weapon for HYDRA for decades. As he spoke, his eyes began to ghost over, reliving the old memories that you could see were haunting him. You sat next to him and held his hand. Bucky hastily wiped his eyes.
 “What about you? Tell me your story...”
 You smiled softly. You told him about your father who died defending Osowiec Fortress and how it inspired you to fight for your country. When the call went out for women to fly bomber planes, you and your best friend Yelena Belsky both applied and got in, you as a pilot and she as a navigator. You flew many sorties together. Your commander Major Yevdokiya Bershanskaya was stern but fair with you girls but taught you everything you knew. You spoke about your last mission, the one you were on when your plane was shot down.
 Bucky listened to your every word, looking at you with total admiration. Most of the men looked at you with pity or distain. You couldn’t help but blush a little under his intense gaze.
 “I, um... I think I’ll have something to eat now,” you mumbled, taking the plate he brought with him. “Thank you...”
 “Anytime... if you ever want to talk, you can always come to me. Nat should be available too...”
 “I appreciate that.”
 To Bucky, those memories were a lifetime ago but to you, they were only like yesterday. It somehow felt good to share those stories with someone who understood what it was like to go through the same thing you were.
 The months flew by and before you knew it, a year had passed. Between Natasha and Bucky you were now fluent in English. They taught you hand to hand combat and other things you would need to join The Avengers, although, you were pretty much an ace pilot when it came to the jets. Natasha became your best friend and you frequently spoke in Russian with her. You formed a bond with Steve too once the language barrier came down, sharing war stories with each other but the person on the team you were closest to was Bucky. He taught you a lot over the months and it wasn’t long before you started dating. It was inevitable.
 One night, you were standing on the balcony, looking at the moon and thinking about that fateful night you were assigned to bomb that base all those years ago. You wondered if your friend was dead or alive. The team had told you they would help you find her, searching all HYDRA archives they came across and Bucky helped you to follow every lead. Your heart hoped for the best but you knew to expect the worst.
 “Hey, Doll.” You turned to see Bucky standing in the doorway. He walked over to you and put his arm around you, kissing your head. “What’s on your mind?”
 “Yelena... I can’t help but hope that I’ll find her one day. She was like my sister. Natasha has been wonderful, you all have but it’s hard being stuck in the past...”
 “Tell me about it,” Bucky muttered softly. “You know... it’s been just over a year now since we met...”
 “So it has,” you wistfully replied. “Time sure flies...”
 “It sure does... and I don’t want to waste any more of it.” You looked confused as Bucky pulled away from you.
 “When I was called on that mission to uncover an old HYDRA base, I never thought I would meet the love of my life. You’re one of the bravest, strongest, most incredibly women I know. Will you marry me?” Bucky got down on one knee and presented you with a beautiful ring. You couldn’t help but tear up.
 “Yes, Bucky, I will!” Bucky smiled and stood up, sliding the ring on your finger and kissing you.
 Who knew that a German base lost to time would connect two military personals so perfectly together?
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cipheress-to-k-pop · 4 years
Amadeus Cho x Rand!Reader
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A/N: I can’t believe I’ve never done a Rand!Reader before?? Like how?
Also I totally wrote a Danny Rand as your older brother kind of headcanon so if you want those big brother feels definitely check it out here
Your favourite time of year was Christmas
Because it was the time that reminded you of K’un-Lun the most
The white snow
The beautiful lights
And just the Christmas spirit is why it’s your favourite time of year
It’s also your favourite time of year because you love to buy people presents
But since you moved the S.H.I.E.L.D. Academy it’s been more difficult to buy presents because the amount of people in the team has increased
So, everyone settled for doing a Secret Santa
And you were notorious for buying extremely extravagant presents
So, everyone always wanted you to get their name
The new students at the academy just heard about your generosity like a legend
“Once she got me an apple watch.”
“She got me the latest iPhone.”
“She took me to Italy.”
And Danny’s just there wondering if you’re spending too much money before being like eh what the heck people like it
So, it’s the same deal this year
You get first pick because everyone wants an equal chance of their name getting picked
Everyone had to do a thorough check because Sam tried to cheat once by only putting his name in the draw
So, you draw out your piece of paper
Read it with such an inconspicuous face and wait for the others to pick theirs
After a while some of you leave for training
The only people left in the mess hall are Luke, Peter, Sam and Amadeus
“Who’d you get?”
“Squirrel girl.”
And everybody turns to Amadeus like he’s cursed
And he’s like “what?”
And they’re like you’re so screwed
“(Y/N) is rich, she can have anything she wants, which means you have to get her a great gift.”
And this poor baby is just confused like “She doesn’t seem like the type to be very money minded or anything.”
“She isn’t but what if she got your name? If you get her something she won’t like, then it’s gonna make you look bad.” Peter explained
“Once, she got Luke a whole expense paid trip to a 5-star hotel and spa. And he got her socks.”
“Of course, she’s gonna say that! She’s an angel! But you don’t give socks to an heiress!”
And that makes little Amadeus just so worried and nervous
He obviously wants to give you something that you’ll love because he has a teensy tiny crush on you
But he’s also not made of money so he can’t exactly say sky’s the limit
So, he goes to the person who knows you best
Your brother
Danny says that you really don’t care what you get
“Something personal is always the best way, maybe cook her something? Or get her something that has meaning to it.”
But he knows that he can’t cook for his life so he goes to every old store trying to find something but nothing seems good enough
So, he’s just about to give up hope until he passes an empty training room
You’re talking to a friend on the phone
“And Mistletoe is banned here! Just because Nova tried to hang mistletoe in the doorway whenever Fury passed by as a prank! Now no one is allowed to bring Mistletoe here! Like why?! I was so looking forward to it this year!”
And boom
He’s not sure if you’ll like it
But deep-down he really hopes you do because he wanted to ask you out on a date if you did
So, it’s finally Christmas Day and everyone is opening their presents in the mess hall
And it quickly stops being Secret Santa because everyone says who has who before giving the presents
You got Ben a trip on a private jet to Fiji because he said he wanted to see the beach and do some water sports
It’s a family trip so he can take the spider boys and May if he wanted to
And that’s how you end up underneath a spider pile with them thanking you and you just giggling
And it’s finally your time to open your gift and you’re so excited
Amadeus hands you a small box that’s about the size of a ring box and everyone is waiting eagerly to see what he got you
“I heard you say that you really wanted this the other day, so I hope you like it.”
You open the box to fine a little mistle toe pin sitting inside
It isn’t huge or gilded or something
But he sees the huge smile on your face and his heart skips a beat
Then you chuckle and turn to him
“This wasn’t what I wanted though.”
And his heart just breaks
Everyone literally stopped in their tracks because you have never said you haven’t liked anything before
Even Danny who’s first response is to scold you can’t even process it because you’re never disrespectful this way
And Amadeus knows that
‘So, she must really hate it.’ He thinks but doesn’t know what to do when you’re looking at him that way
“We can return it, if you want.” He says in a really small voice
“Yeah, we can get anything you want.” He says and his heart is just clenching because he really thought you’d like it
And if you didn’t, he thought you would appreciate the thought he put into the gift
“Anything I want?”
So, you hold out the mistletoe pin and he thinks you’re handing it back to him
But then you hold it just above his head
And plant a slow, soft kiss to his lips
Pulling back and giving him a small smile
“Thanks for the Christmas gift, Amadeus.”
Before getting up and leaving like a boss
But as soon as you get into your room you’re screaming into your pillow and squealing
Meanwhile everyone is just SHOCKED af
Amadeus is actually frozen in place
Once the others actually process what the heck is going on, they all start teasing Amadeus
Flustered Amadeus is my favourite kind of Amadeus
And then Danny is just glaring at him like
“I don’t like what just happened here.”
And the two of you just avoid each other for the next few days
Even though everyone and their mother is invested into your “relationship”
Even Nick keeps an eye (literally) on the two of you
Danny asking you about it but you just blushing and hiding your face in his chest like “Please don’t ask”
You actually don’t see each other for a few days
Until on New Year’s you had been planning to talk it over with him
But then there was an emergency that called for the Spider Boys so you missed him
Just at the stroke of midnight however
Amadeus flies right in front of you and grabs your cheeks
Kissing you underneath the fire works
“Happy New Year, (Y/N).”
Before flying off again to fight crime
You could’ve sworn your heart stopped
As a couple, it’s very easy to tell that you’re kids
Because you’re always just doing the most childish things together
The epitome of young love
Not doing any cheesy shit though cuz Amadeus is an awkward baby
Making breakfast for him all the time
You all share a dorm so when you ask him for a glass of water in the night, he gets out of bed to get you one
Starts keeping water bottles underneath your bed because you always forget but are always thirsty
The type to notice when you get hurt in battle and will tend to you after it’s over
“Be more careful next time okay?”
You’re always wearing the mistletoe pin and then kissing him
“It’s not even Christmas.”
“Oh, so you don’t want a kiss?”
“Get back here!”
Initially everyone really liked to tease you
But the two of you quickly managed to turn it into teasing them
“Oh, you’re just jealous because you haven’t had a girlfriend since you came out of the womb.”
And Sam just walks away like a kicked puppy
To say that your relationship gets old to them quickly is an understatement
Danny is, conflicted
On one hand he wants to be cool and calm about it
On the other hand, he wants to sit on Amadeus
It feels like the only peaceful solution at this point
But you know he likes Amadeus because let’s be honest, they are very cute together
Danny’s like a mother hen to him
Naps in the corner of the lab while Amadeus is working and he takes breaks to check if you’re stirring
Meditating together but it’s just your meditating while Amadeus thinks and then gets an idea and just has to write it down
Cuddling in the leather seats of your private jet because people keep interrupting your dates
And none of them have the keys so they can’t even disturb you
That doesn’t mean they don’t try
But you and Amadeus just put on eye masks and cuddle
Just holding hands after a mission with your head on his shoulder
Quietly appreciating that the both of you survived
Just being such a wholesome, pure couple that is just so full of love
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Bleeding Hearts
Summary: Being Tony Starks daughter has its pros and cons. One of the pros being you get to live with your best friends, the Avengers. One of the cons you will soon find out is having to deal with the one and only, James Buchanan Barnes...
Takes place during the imaginary time after Civil War where everyone love in the tower and goes through to Endgame.
Trigger warning: Talks of depression/depressing thoughts
Chapter 5
2nd person POV
Fading. That's how you describe the feeling when you start to stoop into a depressive episode. You can feel your emotions fading to numbness, and eventually an all encompassing emotional down. Each avenger has their own way of trying to help you through it. Honestly you want to be left alone for the most part, alone to dwell in the sadness you think you deserve. It was harder when you first decided to move back into the tower after living on your own when you had been released from the hospital. In the beginning, you couldn't even get a moment alone. But eventually everyone got into a pattern of how they help you deal with your depression.
Wanda and Vision make you baked goods. Mainly strawberry cupcakes. Wanda comes to deliver them to your room every morning, and subtly implies she will be going shopping later and hinting at you coming. It worked a total of one time. But after having a mental breakdown in the Gucci dressing room you realized it probably wasn’t best for you to be in public when you feel this way.
Steve and your dad are always the most worried. They check on you multiple times a day. Steve also draws you caricatures of avengers and writes something funny underneath them. This is the closest Steve has ever gotten to understanding memes. Tony on the other hand tries to lure you out of your funk by bribing you with a trip to your favorite Korean food restaurant in South Korea via his private jet.
Pepper sends you flowers. The two of you aren’t close and aren't overly fond of eachother. You assume she mainly sends the flowers to please Tony.
Peter constantly sends you memes throughout the day, which you mostly ignore.
No one knows where Thor and Bruce are so it’s safe to say they don't know when you’re suffering, and no one wants to call Clint just to inform him you’re sad again.
Uncle Rhodey usually finds out because Tony needs to vent to someone about his worries. What he does for you by far one of the coolest things. He has a military buddy of his hack into the computers of major entertainment companies so you can see blockbuster movies before they are released.
Natasha, who is sort of a mother figure to you though the two of you would never admit it, comes to you late at night when your insomnia kicks in. Neither of you speak, she simply sits down on your bed beside you and braids your hair while the TV show ‘how it’s made’ plays softly in the background. The two activities always help you to sleep. And on the nights you can’t stop crying, she’ll lie there with you, rubbing your back like a mother calming her child until her tears stop.
Finally, Sam comes in the moment you need it most, right when you are so tired and drained that you’re ready to open up about how you're feeling.
It’s day 3 of your depression and you have just reached that point. Somehow, Sam always knows when you’re ready.
You’re sitting up in bed, bundled up in an exuberant amount of blankets and staring blankly at the wall in front of you. Your mind drifts through a series of depressing thoughts.
These are the words that are most consistently in your mind.
For a moment you consider no longer taking your meds. Sometimes it feels as though they don't work anyway.
That’s when you hear the knock outside your living room door.
“Friday, tell Sam he can come on in.” You mumble to the disembodied AI, your voice raw from all the crying you’ve been doing.
“Of course, miss.” Even Friday sounds saddened by your less than pleasant mental state.
You don’t bother to wipe your tears away, you would be crying soon again anyway.
You hear Sam make his way through your front door, passing through the living area and opening the door to your room.
You notice Sam holding a steaming plate of eggs, sausage, and hash browns in one hand. He must have found out from Friday that all you’ve really eaten this week is Wanda and Visions strawberry cupcakes.
“I would have brought some OJ too but then I wouldn’t have been able to open the door.” Sam jokes. He takes a quick glance around your room, trying to gauge how bad the episode is. Used tissues cover the floor by the right side of the bed. Worn pajamas are strewn around on the floor and the pile of clothes you leave on your chair hasn’t been cleaned up. You usually clean it once a week. Not to mention your greasy hair makes it obvious that you haven’t showered in a few days.
“Pretty bad, huh?” Sam asks.
“Yeah.” You answer honestly. You don’t need to bullshit with Sam.
He takes a seat by you on the bed, placing the food in front of you. “You hungry?”
“Yeah, but-“
“But you feel like you deserve the pain?”
“You know that.” You sigh.
“Tell me why.”
“You know why too.”
Sam pushes a fork in your hand. “I’m trusting you with this.” He jokes, earning an actual laugh from you before moving on. “I have a general idea, but I don’t like to make assumptions.”
You poke at the eggs with your fork. “I-“ it’s hard to speak. You know at any moment you’re going to break out sobbing. “I feel so weak.” You choke out. “I put the whole team at risk by being naive enough to think a guy wouldn’t try drugging my drink at a crowded party. Even if it is my house.”
Sam doesn't speak yet. He always waits for you to let it all out.
“How could I be so fucking stupid?!” You sob. “I was selfish. Why do you all even keep me around? I’m a liability and a burden to the team. I hate that about myself and I hate that I’m so weak! I hate that no matter how hard I train, I’ll never be strong like any of you! And I know that that’s also selfish because you all went through so much pain to be what you are, but I can’t help but feel insignificant. I’m just some dumb fucking artist that sits around all day doddling while you all are actually doing something meaningfull in the world!” There it is. The root of what triggered your episode. It’s not just about Authur. It's about the fact that you can’t protect yourself. It’s the constant feeling of insignificance that lingers in the back of your mind.
Sam puts a hand on your shoulder and squeezes it gently. “First of all, you’re not just some dumb fucking artist.” He quotes you. “You are a world renowned artist and you should be proud of it. More importantly, you are not insignificant or a burden. Ok? If we didn’t want you around, you wouldn’t be here. We all love you and want you to be here with us. You’re part of our family. You might not be on the front lines, but you do more for the world than you know.”
You roll your eyes. “Yeah I doubt that.”
“I mean it.” Sam Insists. “You said so yourself that you know how much pain we’ve been through. How do you think the avengers would keep it together without their own little therapist.” He laughs lightly.
You furrow your brows. “Um, Sam, I’m not a therapist. I can barely keep myself together.”
“You might not be licensed but you are always there for us. Getting us to talk through our thoughts and feelings. Giving us advice and helping us come to a resolution.”
“That’s what friends are for.” You shrug.
“Yeah well friends don’t usually have to deal with their other friends' war trauma and helping them deal with finding out their best friend they thought was dead is actually alive and actively trying to kill them.”
You stay silent for a moment. “I guess that’s true.”
Sam pats you lightly on the back. “You keep the avengers sane so that we can help the world. Which is just as important.”
Finally, you take a bite of your eggs. “I disagree that it’s just important but I know that argument won’t go anywhere, so I’ll just accept it.”
“I know that this conversation won’t solve all of life's problems, but maybe it helped you feel good enough to to get up out of bed? Maybe get up and take a shower? No offense, but you don’t exactly smell like daisies.” He laughs.
You shove Sam in the arm. “Hey! You should take a whiff of yourself after you come back from a mission.”
“Touché.” Sam pauses, noticing something on your bedside table.
“Sour gummy worms? That’s not part of your usual routine…” Sam trails of, reaching over you to grab the box of candy before you have a chance to stop him.
It's too late, he sees the note written in scribbly cursive on the piece of paper attached to the back of the box.
“Who’s this from?” He asks curiously, hoping from your bed and moving around as you chase him down, frantically trying to remove the letter from his grasp.
“Sam stop!”
“Dear y/n,” Sam starts to read aloud. “I don’t pity you. I relate to you. When I said I’m sorry I meant it.”
You jump, reaching for the letter but Sam moves it high above his head.
He continues to read. “I meant to tell you sorry before the party. I only blew up at the hospital because I was mad at myself for letting someone on the team get hurt. I shouldn’t have been such an asshole to you. I know it’s a lousy excuse but I was just jealous of your happiness. If you give me the chance, I’d like to make it up to you. I heard you like Star Wars. I haven’t seen the movies… maybe we can watch them sometime? Sincerely, James Buchanan Barnes.”
Sam looks at you with the biggest shit eating grin on his face. “You two got a movie date?”
You finally snatch the candy and letter from his hand. “See this is why I didn’t want you to read it! I knew you would take it that way.” You pout.
“How else am I supposed to take it?” Sam laughs.
“Like a guy with a guilty conscience is trying to be nice to the sad girl.” You say as if it’s the most obvious thing ever.
“You can be so blind to some things.” He shakes his head.
You furrow your brows. “What do you mean?”
Sam takes a seat back down at the end of your bed. “Everyone living in the tower can tell he has the hots for you.” He pauses in thought. “Expect for Tony. Barnes would be as good as dead if he knew.”
“You’ve been talking to Nat and Wanda, haven’t you?”
“And Steve and Vision.” He grins. “We have a whole group text dedicated to the conversation.”
“Great.” You groan, rubbing your temples as you take a seat by Sam on the bed.
“Look, you don’t have to believe me. But you should at least give him a chance to make it up to you. I’m not Barnes biggest fan, but he’s really not a bad guy.”
You open your mouth to protest, but Sam interrupts you.
“Just think about it, ok?” Sam gets up from your bed, making his way to the door. “And take a shower in the meantime! You stink little sister!”
You grab a pillow and throw it at him, the pillow only managing to hit the door as he closes it.
“And eat some food too!”
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krakenbait · 3 years
kraken bait 3.5: this is why we can’t have nice things
me on july 11: yes! the expansion draft is in 10 days, my last kraken bait list is finished, everything is good!
me on july 15: gravy to the devils? ok, ok i dig it! messes up my kraken bait list, but oh well.
me on july 17: why are the gms are having a panic sale and fucking everything up
me on july 18: *looks at the protection lists* well fuck.
welcome back for the actual last kraken bait list! the last several days involved a lot of chaos and now a good chunk of my previous list is defunct. lovely. 
you guys know the drill by now. it’s a mock expansion draft with some actual predictions and a few funny theories, i had help from my buddy corwin (@chaos-hockey) and a few other folks. i’ll try to keep this short today, so there will be minimal commentary for anything that hasn’t changed from the last list.
*sigh* let’s get on with it. list under the cut.
Anaheim Ducks: Haydn Fleury
going by casey’s reaction, anaheim fucked up their protection list and leaving fleury exposed was a surprise and a mistake. guess it makes sense that the next expansion team also has a fleury (even if marc-andre and haydn aren’t related)
Arizona Coyotes: Christian Fischer
same as last time. next!
Boston Bruins: Jeremy Lauzon
see above. next!
Buffalo Sabres: William Borgen
i went with rasmus asplund last time around, but he got protected by the sabres. guess they want to keep all three rasmi (rasmusses?). so let’s go with... this dude, who is a defenseman one of the writers from The Athletic picked.
Calgary Flames: Mark Giordano
the flames picked tanev over giordano, but i had a feeling that might be the case. giordano will be a good veteran presence in seattle, etc. next!
Carolina Hurricanes: Nino Niederreiter
brady skjei, my pick last time around, got protected. kinga is probably happy, but i had to take a different route. i had a few other ideas (jake bean, petr mrazek), but corwin liked nino to seattle, so here we are! here’s hoping i spelled his name right.
Chicago: Nikita Zadorov
i had adam gaudette here last time around, and while he’s still available, i just think zadorov is a more interesting option to take from chicago. i might have said dylan strome if he wasn’t protected (sabs’ dreams are crushed)
Colorado Avalanche: JT Compher
as i mentioned in my intro, ryan graves, my previous pick, got traded to the devils (woohoo!)- savy joe sakic didn’t want to give him up for nothing. it was between compher and joonas donskoi to take gravy’s place, but i went with JT since he’s a little younger and his contract is a little less. donskoi is the better performer though, so honestly it could go either way.
Columbus Blue Jackets: Dean Kukan
boone jenner was protected, so there goes corwin’s idea. sticking with the same pick from last time. next!
Dallas Stars: Jamie Oleksiak
jason dickinson got traded to the canucks instead of being kraken bait, so that pick was toast. i didn’t really know who else could go here, but corwin liked the idea of oleksiak, so that settled it.
Detroit Red Wings: Vladislav Namestnikov
i’m sticking with it. next!
Edmonton Oilers: Tyson Barrie
this pick is maybe a little more likely now than it was last time since barrie wasn’t protected, but the odds aren’t necessarily great. i still enjoy my wishful thinking. next!
Florida Panthers: Chris Driedger
i think this is my slam dunk pick now, considering it seems like driedger’s already been talking to seattle. next!
Los Angeles Kings: Olli Maata
viktor arvidsson got protected (corwin was wrong), so it was back to the drawing board for the kings. i wanted to pick andreas athanasiou here, but i needed another player who wasn’t a 2021 free agent and i wanted the same forwards/defensemen ratio as last round, so i went with maata instead.
Minnesota Wild: Kaapo Kakhonen
matt dumba got protected, so my wild pick was toast. i also had to make up for a lost goalie spot (more on that soon), so i went with the young goalie out of minnesota.
Montreal Canadiens: Philip Danault
the habs protected jake allen after carey price waived his no move clause, so i was tempted to pick price to fill that goalie spot, but i don’t think it’s gonna happen on account of price’s hefty contract. instead, i went with ufa but good performer danault. i heard his name a lot watching the cup finals, so it works, right?
Nashville Predators: Calle Jarnkrok
calle jarn-kraken. it’s happenin’
New Jersey Devils: Andreas Johnsson
i will talk about my resentment and anxiety that nate bastian was exposed another time. in the meantime, i am trying to hypnotize ron francis from across the country into taking mango.
New York Islanders: Jordan Eberle
keeping it the same. next!
New York Rangers: Colin Blackwell
i honestly can’t believe the rangers protected kevin rooney. so i’ll go with my second choice for the pick from the rags, which is definitely seeming likely right now.
Ottawa Senators: Chris Tierney
didn’t change. next!
Philadelphia Flyers: James van Riemsdyk
corwin got their wish and nolan patrick got traded. this pick stayed the same regardless. next!
Pittsburgh Penguins: Zach Aston-Reese
i briefly considered changing it up here, probably for brandon “sees ghosts” tanev, but why complicate things? next!
San Jose Sharks: Ryan Donato
keeping it simple. next!
St Louis Blues: Vince Dunn
i’m running out of snappy ways to say “i didn’t change the pick.” next!
Tampa Bay Lightning: Blake Coleman
no more likely than it was last time, still enjoying my wishful thinking. next!
Toronto Maple Leafs: Travis Dermott
another static pick. next!
Vancouver Canuck: Zack MacEwen
i didn’t have to change this pick, i just felt like it. he has a cute dog, so i think macewen makes decent kraken bait.
Washington Capitals: Vitek Vanecek
second verse, same as the first. next!
Winnipeg Jets: Mason Appleton
kept the apple pie in a mason jar on skates around. won’t say “next!” because that’s it.
and there we go, a somewhat coherent response to all the recent chaos. in summary, it’s 3 goalies, 16 forwards, and 11 defensemen, which is the same ratio as the previous list, and a cap hit of 72.3M, which is actually less than before (it was 76.4M last time).
this is decidedly the last kraken bait list, but i may have some more commentary on the expansion draft on wednesday and an analysis of who, if anyone, i got right. in the meantime, hope you enjoyed!
credits, or thank you to everyone who helped me on the last list and therefore this one: @dantonheinens @summerteukka @doubleminor @jakejuentzel @bigmouthnatebastian @18minutemajor @powerblais @heddy
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reidecorating · 4 years
the bau team and their star signs based on science
hotch: clearly an aries. this is not up for debate and i don't take criticism. natural born and excellent leader? maybe. but bossy boots because he is just a bossy boss man who probably sleeps in a suit or those pyjamas that have suit graphics on them? most definitely. when he speaks, his voice sounds like it’s coming out in all lower case, when he yells, it’s all caps. angery. down to throw hands at anything in his immediate line of vision probably. will exterminate you like a roach if you mess with someone he cares about. don't break the rules or my boss will kill me 😡 to you're breaking the rules under MY supervision, that way my boss will kill US 🥰. probably microwaves food a lot. type of dad to say no to getting a dog, then two months later get matching christmas costumes with said dog. never stops working because he is an absolute UNIT built like the circuit of one of those infinity pools in bali. could use another sabbatical.
rossi: i saw his birth certificate and the rumours are true, he’s a november sagittarius. two wives away from being a modern day king henry the eighth. it’s rossi’s world and we’re all just living in it. he is a prophet. his third eye has been opened and he ascended to the seventh dimension at the age of 24. when he takes leave, the only way to contact him is through a ouija board in latin or maybe greek depending on the position of the sun. he will only die when he chooses to die but will dissolve at the words ‘what are we?’. the major arteries in his body are just long pieces of macaroni. definitely has hooked up with one person from every state the jet has landed in. no filter between his brain and mouth, will destroy your self confidence intentionally. uses abbreviations when texting. liberal - because of the experimenting back in college. probably friends with your mum on facebook.
prentiss: imagine her being anything but an air sign. you can't because she's clearly an aquarius?? work comes first (first equal with her girlfriend). if you tell her to do something she simply won't do it, especially if it was something she was just about to do. she once came home from a run with her mother in the summer and her mother politely suggested that she should drink some water. emily, an anarchist, did not drink water and was hospitalised for heatstroke in due course of proving her point of nonconformity. has been to jail. sucks on candy canes and makes them pointy because christmas is one of her least favourite days. on probation. no, i really like him *deletes his number*. maybe moves to iceland to become a sheep herder to avoid having to ever see anyone she has romantically affiliated with ever again. actually quite the jester, joke levels exceed 4000, but can make you laugh and cry in the span of approximately the length of a short youtube ad. the antichrist.
morgan: has at some point caused someone to question their sexuality. am i really a straight man? do i really only like women? - direct quotes from anyone who has seen him. if that doesn't scream libra i don't know what does. i’m trying to refrain from using the words ‘hot’, ‘sex god’, ‘rail me’. the kinda guy who will hold open a door for you, but also have no problem kicking one down for you. has never ditched class before. momma’s boy. tries to make his pecs move in the mirror. he KNOWS he’s hot okay??? but THEN its not just that because people are like ‘oh he's attractive’ but then they find out he’s RESPECTFUL, and INTELLIGENT and COMPASSIONATE and then that awkward moment when you just DIE because he is not flawed??? it’s like he’s a lucid dream??? probably secretly is really good at baking some obscure european good. uses colognes that have really manly man sounding names for instance, ‘Man Musk’, ‘Mystical Muscles’, ‘Beards and Buttercream’.
garcia: the epitome of a female pisces. a baddie™. definitely owns a pair of those really skinny sunglasses that influencers wear and looks like god herself while in them. spirals from being the momma bear to the wine-aunt. she will care about you so hard but if that's not reciprocated, will hack into your my eyes only and fax those pictures to every machine she can connect to. accidentally has flirted her way into at least 19 relationships. really good at writing fan fiction??? like - seriously good. knows 4 different synonyms for the word “member” iykyk. researches things the people she loves most enjoy, so when she talks to them she can have more detailed conversations. catches feelings for people who are definitely not good for her. sometimes just takes off her glasses because she's tired of, well... seeing. hand makes cute lil earrings for her friends. a master at fireboy and watergirl and will never play with anyone else because ‘another player just slows you down, i can do it myself in half the time’. THAT FRIEND WHO WILL WAIT FOR YOU TO TIE YOUR LACES.
jj: virgo. she was definitely that girl who had notes with pretty titles and colour coded highlighters in school. also did extracurriculars in the weekends so she’d have to be picked up from sleepovers early to go to soccer games. when she takes the time to learn something she learns it well and perfects any craft handed to her because anything less than 100% is failure in her eyes. gets annoyed when other people cry for too long probably. will judge you. so much. silently. especially if you cry. don't make her mad because she has caused civil unrest in 13 continents. live, laugh, love signs in her kitchen. security footage surfaced in 2007 of her roundhouse kicking a middle aged man, in the junk food aisle of a trader joe’s, after he took the last re-stocked bag of cheetos. has a ‘mom first, agent second’ mug that garcia got her. likes family walks which will most likely be planned out meticulously, involving a detailed itinerary of the day i.e. Henry’s toilet break, 10AM
reid: he despises star signs and anyone who gives them any thought because “where is the SCIENCE?” this bitch is a scorpio. definitely only knows his sun sign. so intense! have you seen the way he looks at things?? the way he stares??? the way he analyses dead bodies??? the way he loves??? ridiculously put together to everyone around him but emotionally life is soup and he is fork. kinky. breaks off bananas little by little with his hands before eating each piece individually because eating them normally is too sensual and he’s paranoid morgan might see him doing it and take a picture. wants the kind of love he reads about. has a superiority complex about having a superiority complex. keeps a straight face while saying literally anything so you cannot tell if he’s being serious or not like one day he’ll just be like “yeah i killed a man with an axe once to enable myself to more easily empathise with future unsubs who potentially work as lumberjacks or have a history of logging. it’s called method axing,” and then leave the room to draw circles on maps or something. believes that parallel parking should work, in theory, but never seems to work for him in practice.
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atsukashii · 4 years
❝devils advocate❞ // k. bakugou
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SYNOPSIS: ➛ In a world of guardian angels, somehow, you got stuck with a guardian demon who is too hot for his own good. 
» CHARACTER PAIRING: demon!Katsuki Bakugou x human!reader
» GENRE: demon x human au, guardian demon au
» WARNINGS: 16+; mentions of death (non-character related), blood, swearing & fluff
« masterlist || ao3 »
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Everyone on earth had a guardian angel. Guardian angels watched out for you, protecting you until it was eventually your time to pass on. You couldn’t see them, but you would meet them twice within your life. First, when you were born - a memory that would always remain as if had been engraved into your soul, and then again when you died. There had never been a recorded case of someone not having a guardian angel, until you. Your parents had taken you to a doctor once they had become aware of it, thinking something was very wrong. However, the doctor quickly deduced that you were either lying or just simply didn’t remember. Because everyone had one, but somehow you didn’t have one. 
You were nine years old when Katuki Bakugou saved your life. 
You had been walking home from a dinner reservation with your parents, full-bellied, and full of smiles when the unthinkable happened. What was a shadow on the wall, emerged a man who struck down your parents with only a few swift blows. Knocked to the ground, you stared at the puddle of blood slowly making its way towards you, then to the crimson liquid that splattered from the killer’s brutal swing of his blade. It was on your hands, your clothes, everywhere. You don’t remember much of what he had said back then, but you remembered the way the moonlight glinted off his silver blade, as he rose it over his head - his intention to make you his next victim, only for him to never have the chance to even bring the weapon down. The killer just...evaporated into a bloody mist. You remembered how the air around you seemed to tense, the smell of electricity entering your nose as you looked upon this new stranger who had appeared from literally nowhere and had saved your life. 
You didn’t know much about guardian angels but you knew they were meant to have wings of white feathers. This...thing didn’t. Instead, his wings were jet black, dark membrane that resembled the wings of a bat, but with razor-sharp a looking talon’s on the top of each wing. They were utter terrifying. 
He stared at you for a moment and just watched, his red eyes glowing in the dark alley. Dressed from head to toe in black, it was a stark contrast to his ash blonde hair, but it was his eyes - that crimson gaze that once turned on you, your body had trembled in fear. He had walked towards you, so menacingly that you had scrambled away until your back met the wall of the alleyway.
“P-please, don’t kill me. I’m sorry, p-p-please…” you had cried and begged, your voice weak and quiet. You were just a kid and maybe that was why he had spared you that day. Instead of misting you like he had the other guy. Your eyes moved from him to your parents, still on the floor of the alleyway and you couldn’t stop the tears from running down your face. A cold hand met your face, turning your head from the sight and made your eyes meet his crimson gaze. His eyes glowed in the darkness whilst also seeming to suck you in as he searched for something. Letting out a scoff at whatever it was he found, he dropped his hand from your face and glared at you.
“No guardian huh?” Your heart stopped inside your chest for the millionth time that night. How had he known? “Listen up kid, from now on you’re under my protection. Nothings going to happen to you. Now get the fuck up,” And so far, he had been true to his word. 
Katsuki Bakugou wasn’t an angel, he was a demon. Something you hadn’t realised was real until that day, but if guardian angels were, it made sense that they were too. And for some reason, Katsuki had made it his mission to be your guardian...of sorts. He seemed to step into your life whenever he chose and took advantage of the fact that no one else could see him or hear him, a lot. He was a sarcastic asshole ninety percent of the time, and the other ten percent was when he went lethal and became death incarnate. He revelled in the fact that he was a major pain in the ass and liked to be the vaguest creature on the planet, dodging all your questions about him and demons in general. But over time, you’d gotten somewhat used to it. When you were younger, he was around sparingly, but once you had moved out of your grandparent’s house and into a boarding school, his appearances became more frequent, until he was spending almost every day with you. You both loved it and hated it. He could be nice, but it was rare, and instead had decided to hang around frequently purely to annoy the crap out of you. He would spend a lot of time just hanging out with you in your dorm room doing incredibly mundane things, and acting like he despised every second of it and had better things to do - yet never actually made a move to leave.
And today was no different. You are supposed to be doing your homework as you’ve got exams soon and should really be paying attention as you’re in your final year of high school. Graduation was so close you can almost taste it, and then you wouldn’t have to see anyone from this pompous and obnoxious school ever again. But the weather outside was dreary and the rain and could cover had motivated you not to do school work, but instead to get out your notebook and draw. So you sit at your desk, music playing from your phone, softly flowing through the room as you for the millionth time, trace a familiar shaped eye. You weren’t sure when you had first started drawing Katsuki, but whenever you sat down with something in your hand, purposely to draw - he tended to be the first thing that came out.  A familiar scent of a thunderstorm floods the room and you feel yourself relax in your chair as loud swearing breaks the peaceful quiet. 
“Hey idiot, clean up your damn room. You can barely see the fucking floor!” Looking over your shoulder to the blonde, you drop your eyes to the small pile of washing on the floor and roll your eyes. So dramatic. You ignore the remark and turn back to your drawing, not caring if he sees what you’re doing - he was already past the point of teasing you and now just critiques your work. “I ain’t fucking ugly!’ was his favourite retort about your drawings. You hear Katsuki walk over towards you, looking over your shoulder to the sketchbook on your desk, and then shifting to the unfinished homework in the corner. He scoffs at your antics, but can’t be surprised as you handing in uncompleted homework is a common thing at this school. You weren’t exactly the star pupil.
“Do your fucking homework y/n.” he badgers you. He constantly nags you over the most trivial things, like making sure you’re eating, getting out of bed on days when you just want to sleep through the whole day. For someone who can strike the fear of death into the hearts of grown-ass men, he sure acts like a mother hen a lot of the time.
“It’s just math stuff… I’ll do it later. And besides, my teacher has it out for me I swear.” You defend, but he just scoffs like he doesn’t believe you and sits on the edge of your bed. It’s then that you notice the plastic bag in his hands. Raising your eyebrows, spin your chair towards him, and hold out your hands.
“What did you get this time?” You ask, giddy at the surprise dinner that happens most nights because you don’t want to face your classmates in the communal kitchen. 
“Wouldn’t you like to know. You ain’t getting any idiot until you fucking start your homework.” Katsuki growls, pulling a plastic bowl from the bag and the smell of Italian food makes your stomach rumble. You glare at the blonde, knowing well how this is going to play out. 
“You would deny me sustenance that I need to make my brain work out of pure spite?” You ask. The demon’s eyes swirl with amusement and you know that you’re winning. 
“Don’t you use that fucking pity card with me.” He says, standing up to his full height and placing the bowl on your desk. “Eat, then do your fucking work idiot,” Katsuki grumbles, giving in easily before falling back onto your bed and opening his own food. You grab the plastic utensils and practically dive into the ravioli. The creamy flavour bursting on your tongue if so rich you groan. 
“Where did you get this?” You ask, and the look Katsuki gives you - you can basically hear his response in your own mind. Where do you think I got it, idiot? With his ability to slip into shadows, your guardian demon also has a knack for travelling to other sides of the world in seconds, just for food. You have knickknacks from around the world in your dorm room from when he travels and you convince him to buy you something small. He’s got a dark sense of humour, so a lot of the things can be kinda creepy or just plain stupid, but you don’t mind. The fact that he brings you something is enough. You had a feeling he had once again, slipped into shadows and gotten tonight's dinner freshly from the homeland of pasta, and you wonder if he somehow knew you were craving Italian food.  You both eat in silence before something on your desk catches Katsuki’s eye, and he can’t help but open his mouth. 
“What the hell is that?” you follow his gaze to the partially scrunched up flyer sitting on top of your school books and sigh.
“A flyer for the school dance on Friday.” You say, shoving ravioli into your mouth so you don’t have to keep talking about it. You don’t really have a lot of friends, its a fact that you’re not embarrassed about. It was just the fact that you didn’t have a guardian angel had gotten you teased when you were younger, and add on top of that what happened to your parents - people thought you were bad luck and tended to stay far from you. But today, something had changed. 
“And you’re going to go to that fuck fest?” Your food gets caught in your throat and you momentarily choke from his words. He has no filter. Your eyes water as you drink from your water bottle, you look at Katsuki whos watching you with his regular frown. Not even concerned in the slightest that you were just choking.
“No, I don’t think so…” You manage to get out, putting the lid back on your now-empty food bowl and pushing it to the corner of your desk. You can feel his glare at the back of your head as you hesitate to grab your books, but like usual, the demon wins and you grab your homework. You don’t have to look at him to know that he’s smirking at you. Him and his stupid smug face. Opening your books, you let out a sigh at the work. Katsuki has an unnerving ability to see straight through you, so you’re not surprised when he suddenly snaps at you.
“What the fuck do you mean, ‘i don’t think so’?” he growls and you just shrug.
“I was asked.” You suddenly blurt out, your cheeks pink as you recall the awkward conversation earlier that day between you and a guy in your class. Because you didn’t really have a lot of friends at school, when you were asked by one of the most attractive guys in your grade, to say you were surprised was an understatement.
The demon just blinks at you, shock actually evident on his face, which is a first. He hides a lot of his emotions from you, basically everything other than anger and annoyance, and somewhat amusement. 
“Someone asked you?” Katsuki grumbles, and something in his tone annoys you. He says it as if the thought of someone asking you was so unthinkable, and that hurt. Turning towards him, you give him a proper glare that has him stilling - not out fear because you’re you, and he is a demon - but just interest. He knows he’s annoyed you, it’s something he does a lot - but this time he’s properly pissed you off. 
“Is that so hard to imagine?” you snarl at the blonde. If he’s taken back by your pissed off tone, he doesn’t let it show. 
“Didn’t mean it like that idiot. I only meant that you don’t really hang out with a lot of people.” He was digging himself a deeper hole. “And why the fuck would you want to go anyways? I don’t.”
“That’s because you’re a demon and ‘mundane shit is beneath you,’” you quote the words he has used against you multiple times before. You don’t give him a chance to respond before you go off again. “And I want to go because I feel like I’m missing out on some big thing in the whole ‘high school experience’ if I don’t. I didn’t get the stereotypical school adventure that other people seem to get. I didn’t go to parties or sports events. So I’m going to this dance because someone asked me, and if you’ve got a problem with that you can leave.” You’re breathing hard when you finish, glaring with everything in you at him. He simply scoffs at you and gets up from your bed.
“Whatever. Go to the fucking dance, I’ve got shit to do.” for a moment your heart lurches in your chest as he moves away from you and towards the door as if he’s actually going to use it. The thought of him leaving always makes you feel uneasy for reasons you can’t really explain, maybe you’ve just got some weird separation anxiety from him seeing as he’s always around. 
“Katsuki-” His eyes are on yours as he steps into a shadow and then he’s gone. You let out a sigh and turn back to your desk, looking at your drawing book still open, his eyes in monochrome staring back at you. You close the book harshly and lean back on your chair. 
Why is he such an asshole?
❀ ❀ ❀
Friday comes around quickly but doesn’t go the way you were expecting it to. The dance begins at seven, yet here you are at half-past, sitting on your bed. You’d scrambled to find a dress and even put on makeup, and it was all for fucking nothing. Because you have been stood up. The whole thing was a damned joke, he never wanted to take you. You’re eyes sting and you quickly sniff - no I will not let this mediocre, insignificant guy ruin my damn makeup! you coach yourself, trying not to let it hurt as much as it does. You reach up to rub your nose until suddenly, striding out of nowhere like he owns the place, Katsuki appears in your room. You hadn’t seen him since he walked out on you two days ago. At first, you were pissed because you were his friend and he was being petty. But then, you’d missed him, a lot. You’d missed him lecturing you on your untidy room, you’d missed him when you had to walk to the food court for dinner, you had missed his smug face when he would catch you looking at him when you were reading and he was sitting doing god knows what. You had just missed his presence a lot, and that made you realise that you really liked this demon that had come into your life in the worst of times, yet somehow made it a whole lot better.
You’re about to question what the heck he’s doing here when he stops in his spot and looks over you. The red dress a now waste of money, along with the heels on your feet. It was all for nothing. “Aren’t you supposed to be at some dance right now?” He asks, his voice low and dangerous as he slowly puts things together. He probably already knows what’s happened just by looking at you, he’s too intelligent not to.
“I got stood up.” You explain embarrassed. You should have listened to Katsuki when he said it was a bad idea. Something deadly flickers to life in his vermilion gaze, and he suddenly spins, stalking for the door with a lithe swiftness that you know means he’s about to go and cause someone grievous bodily harm. Nope nope nope, that’s not happening. “It’s fine, Katsuki. Really.” Your words make him stop in his spot, and he turns half towards you, searching your face. “It was stupid to want to go anyways. You were right, it was a waste.”
“No it’s fucking not.” He hisses, pure rage radiating off him pulses. Closing his eyes, he lets out a sharp breath where you could have sworn you actually saw steam come from his nose. But then he looks you over once more, taking in the rare appearance of you in a dress. Thinking back on it, there’s a high chance that he’s never seen you in one, as you normally opt for shorts or jeans. 
“Fuck this.” Katsuki sighs. He snaps his fingers and in the blink of an eye, his jeans and tee shirt are swapped for slacks and a button-up. Still pitch black in classic Katsuki fashion and his hair is still a mess but he’s dressed up and you can’t help but admit that he looks really handsome. You stare at him, processing the action for a moment.  He looks so different. His wings are gone, you didn’t even know he could do that, heck you didn’t know he could snap his fingers and bam! If you didn’t already know he was a demon and you wanted to die, you’d tease him about how fairy-like that was. But again, you value your life. 
It’s odd though, to see him without his wings. He almost looks like a regular person, but there is something about him, that makes him look like something more than human. Maybe it’s the sharp jaw or the piercing eyes, you weren’t sure - but there’s something other-worldly that he couldn’t seem to contain.
“Get off your ass.” His voice interrupts your thoughts, and you stare at him as he stands with his hand on the door handle holding it open. Shifting your gaze between the open doorway and him, you glance up at his face and at his serious expression. He’s not joking, he’s going to the dance. For you, with you, so you can go and won’t be alone.
You can’t contain your smile as you stand up and practically skip to the doorway. Happiness bubbling inside you and you want to grin, but for his sake, you calm it down and settle on a small smile. He rolls his eyes and offers you his arm. He’s full of surprises tonight, you think as you take it.
He doesn’t make a single grumble or comment as you head to the school gymnasium, and you hold your tongue as he hands the person at the door two tickets. How the hell did he even get those? The student collecting tickets eyes you both as you walk inside. It’s so cringe and everything you pictured it would be, and you can’t help but grin. Streamers dangle from the roof, white table cloths and balloons cover the tables, dim lighting and somewhat loud music - its perfect. You look to Katsuki who is eyeing your smile with raised eyebrows. I can’t believe you like this shit, he seems to say, but from the small smile on his face you know he’s amused by you.
“Come on idiot, let’s go.” As you walk through the throngs of people towards a table, you feel their eyes sticking to you like glue, shocked to see you here. And it’s then that you realise that other people can see him - you didn’t even know that was possible.
“I didn’t know you could make yourself be seen by people.” You mutter to him. Katsuki scoffs at you and gives you his typical ‘you’re an idiot’ expression.
“Of course I can, how the fuck do you think I saved your life dumbass?” He says, mentioning when you had first met and he… Okay, that makes sense. But he’s never done this before, he’s never let himself be seen by other people, he’s never changed his appearance like this either… You come to the realisation just how big of a deal this is for him, and you squeeze his arm in thanks. He flexes his arm under your touch and you know that’s his version of telling you it wasn’t a big deal. 
You two spend the rest of the night laughing as Katsuki rips into other people and making up random crap about them just to make you laugh. His attempt to cheer you up isn’t missed by you, and you’re so grateful that he’s trying. People glance at you both every so often, wondering just who he is, but no one has approached to ask - however, that’s most likely due to the vicious glare that Katsuki drills into anyone that comes too close to your table. But you’re thankful for the fact that its just the two of you. 
The music switches to something slow and you can’t help but eye the people coupling off in the middle of the gymnasium floor. Looking quickly at Katsuki who looks too good to be true in the blue lighting, you suck in a breath and prepare yourself. Ignoring the sudden nervous rollercoaster-worthy butterflies springing to life in your stomach, you stand from your chair and shove your hand towards your guardian demon. 
“Dance with me.” You try to say with confidence. Katsuki’s lips tick up ever so slightly at your lame attempt of assurance.
“I ain’t dancing with you, idiot.” He says, leaning back in his chair and pretending to get comfortable. Maybe if you didn’t know him any better you would have thought he was serious, and that dancing was his limit. But you had known Katsuki for years and spent more time with him then you had with anyone ever. You knew him, and he knew you. And you knew that although it would probably earn you grumbling, groaning and eternal complaints, he would do it. 
“Please…” With an over-dramatic groan, Katsuki raises from his chair and takes your hand. Your cheeks instantly warm at the contact, and your heart jumps to your throat as he leads you from the table. It’s not the first time he’s touched you, he’s held you before on sleepless nights where you’ve woken up from nightmares of your parents and sat with you tucked into his side until you can determine what’s real and what’s not. But this time, it’s different; you realise you want him to hold your hand. You want him to tuck you into his chest and hold you - and you want him to want too as well. He guides you out to the crowd of people and walks you right to the middle before placing his warm hands on your hips, pulling you towards him. Your arms brace yourself on his chest as you crash into him, and he grins wildly at your blushing face. 
You sway side to side, ignoring everyone else in the room as you look up to him. Not in a million years did you ever think you would find yourself here, but it was harder to wrap your head around the fact that it was with Katsuki, the demon that had taken it upon himself to look out for you.
“Why are you doing this for me?” You have to ask. You have to know if he feels the same way as you. Because if he doesn’t then you’ve got to draw some sort of lines, because your heart won’t be able to take it - no matter how much it will hurt to separate yourself from him. 
His vermillion eyes stare into yours, and you feel yourself being slightly sucked in. He had told you at first that it was a demon thing, but maybe it’s just a Katsuki thing. They glinted like rubies when the lights hit them, and as much as he would hate you saying it - he was very pretty. 
“Because I didn’t want you to miss out on something that obviously meant so much to you dumbass.” Alright, that was a logical answer. But there was something more than he was withholding from you, you knew it. 
“Please…” the whisper left your mouth, and if he didn’t have enhanced hearing, you knew he wouldn’t have been able to hear it. Tearing his gaze from you, your eyes settled on his throat just in time to see him swallow nervously. Surely not. You couldn’t even remember a time when you had ever seen him anything other than confident. 
“When I first found you, I had no idea where I was or what I was doing. Something pulled me to that alleyway that night and I still don’t know what or why. Once I saw what was going on, I was going to leave you there.” his admission rocks you, and instinctively try to step back, but his arms tighten around you - locking you in place and keeping you close to him. “And then I saw your parents, and you on the floor and I had to do something.” He sighs, hanging his head slightly so you can hear him better. “There are laws, even for my kind, that we have to follow. And that day, I broke a lot of them - and have continued to do so every day since then.” He says, his explanation surprising you. He doesn’t really talk about his private life, and or what really goes on with demons. So him even telling you this, its a lot. He moves slightly, now looking into your eyes with complete severity and something else in his gaze that traps the air inside your lungs. 
“I can’t explain what I’m doing, because I don’t even fucking know. But I know one thing, and that’s the fact I want to be around you all the damn time, and if I’m not with you, I’m thinking about you and it drives me fucking crazy.” his hands tighten on your hips as if trying to tether you to this moment for as long as he can. Because with his revelations, your brain is threatening to float away but you force yourself to stay grounded to hear the words you’ve wanted to hear for so long.
“All I want is you, dumbass.” Holy shit. Katsuki is smiling softly down at you, and you honestly can’t believe what’s currently happening, but you honestly know if you don’t kiss him now you will spontaneously combust.
You don’t even give him a chance to breathe before you grab his cheeks, raising on your toes and crush his lips to yours. You feel him tense beneath your hands and for a split second, you think shitshitshitshit and try to pull away. Then in a movement too fast to be natural, a hand moves to the back of your head, tangling itself in your hair as he deepens the kiss, and proceeding to make your legs turn into noodles. You should probably care that you’re in the middle of a high school dance right now, but you can’t bring yourself to. All you care about is the demon currently stealing the breath from your lungs and making butterflies swarm your stomach in a mad panic. Your lips separate by just a few inches, and you finally breathe again, unsure as to if you’re lightheaded from the lack of oxygen or the kiss, but you have a feeling its both. The smug smile that tugs at Katsuki’s mouth make you think its probably the latter. 
“Um, I...” You want to say something other than that, but your brain and mouth are no longer working together, so you momentarily stand there like a moron, which makes the guy in front of you smug as hell. 
“If I knew that’s what it took to shut you up, I would have done that a long time ago.” Katsuki grins another feral smile and you can’t stop the laughter that bubbles from your lips. Your face floods with embarrassment over your lack of motor skills and you lean your forehead against his chest. The sound of his pounding heart makes you grin too, knowing that you’re not the only one affected by this new massive thing in your life. Katsuki’s hand brushes your head softly and you close your eyes, just letting yourself sway along with him to the music. You realise that the argument you had earlier in the week wasn’t about the dance, but someone taking you to the dance… and of course, he couldn’t come to that conclusion and asked you himself because he’s too stubborn and is a demon… He’s a demon, the reality jumps around your brain, and you try to find the problem with the statement, but you can’t. Not when he is who he is. 
“This is going to be complicated, isn’t it?” You ask against his chest. 
“I’m not going to lie to you, it’s not going to be easy. There’s so much I need to tell you,” Looking up at him, he lets you see the insecurity surrounding your response, something he wouldn’t let anyone normally see. Did he honestly think that you were going to leave now? After all of that?
“Nothing in my life has ever really been easy,” you point out, unable to hide your smile once again. “So I’m not surprised that anything surrounding you would be anything but.” Any hesitation he had is gone as he leans his forehead against yours, a sigh slipping from his lips. You can’t hold the words in, and for once, they come out with such conviction, it leaves no room for doubt. 
“I love you Katsuki,” His eyes are closed, but his smile is wide, and you can see the happiness in his features. 
“Thank you y/n.” Unsure as to why exactly he’s thanking you, you tighten your arms around him and this time he places a gentle kiss to your lips. “I love you too, y/n.” You revel in the words, closing your eyes and swaying along to the music. 
Katsuki Bakugou was a demon who had saved your life when you were nine years old, and you were stupidly, irrevocably in love with him, and that would never change. 
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©️ 2021 all rights reserved to atsukashii, do not change, edit, translate, or repost any works on any platform.
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melzula · 4 years
could you possible write a forbidden lovers jet imagine? 🥺
a/n: I’m still not that great at writing for Jet so I apologize for the clunkiness // gif used below is not mine !
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As the daughter of a high ranking noble family in the Earth Kingdom, it was only natural for your parents to shield you from the outside world no matter the circumstances. Socializing with those of a lower status would be a great disrespect on your family’s name and residing in the lower rings would taint the pristine image they had built for themselves. So you learned how to sneak out and in doing so came across Jet.
He had saved you from being mugged and offered to accompany you during your visit to the lower tings, an offer which you gladly accepted.
“If I were you, I’d wear something a little less attention drawing. That gold embroidered silk cape kind of gives you away,” he had teased with a smirk.
“Oh, right,” you had blushed sheepishly.
“I’m guessing this is your first time breaking the rules,” he pointed out thoughtfully. “Strict parents?”
“That’s an understatement,” you sighed. “Just being here right now is ‘tainting the family name’ according to them. But I just got so sick of being in that house.”
“Well if you need someone to help you navigate the outside world I’d be happy to help,” he winked. “The name’s Jet.”
“Y/n,” you replied with a small smile. “And I’d definitely appreciate a guide.”
From then on you found yourself sneaking out almost daily to spend the evenings with Jet exploring Ba Sing Se. He kept you safe, he made you laugh, and he treated you like an actual human being rather than some sort of show pony like your parents did. With him you felt like you could finally breathe, and Jet felt the exact same way. You were different, a nice change of pace to what he was used to, and he found that you balanced him out.
It was a beautiful night in Ba Sing Se as you sat on the rooftop of a random building, enjoying the peacefulness of each other’s company as you stared out at the night sky. Your fingertips brushed against each other’s often, slight blushes and content smiles on your faces at the closeness. You were in love with someone your parents would greatly disapprove of, and it was hard. You had to be careful sneaking around with Jet; if word got to your parents that you were not only sneaking around the lower rings of the city but also galavanting with someone like Jet they’d surely keep you locked up forever.
“It’s so pretty,” you murmur softly as you gaze up at the sky.
“Sure is,” Jet replies, his eyes trained on your profile. Then, as blunt as he can be, “I want you to be my girlfriend, y/n.”
“What?” You blush, gaping at him in shock.
“I like you a lot, more than I’ve ever liked anyone, and I really want to be with you,” he admits with a slight redness to his cheeks.
“Jet, I... I really like you. But my parents...”
“They don’t have to know. It can be our little secret,” he says with a wink. “C’mon, sweetheart. You can’t let them control you forever.”
A small smile etches itself across your features. He’s right, why are you going to let your parents stop you from being happy? You really like Jet, and if they don’t approve of him that’s not your problem.
“Okay,” you nod quickly, nearly pouncing on him for a kiss. Laughter escapes him at your eagerness but he’s happy to wrap an arm around your waist and keep you close as you kiss underneath the stars.
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