#and they ‘die’ in fucked up ways while you’re trying to escape are you kidding me
ickypuppi3 · 11 months
they should make an as above so below escape room like that’d be so fucked up someone should do it
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luci-in-trenchcoats · 2 months
The Ranger (Part 3)
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Summary: The reader and Dean are in trouble as they come face to face with the person who's been pulling the strings all this time...
Pairing: Alpha!Dean x Omega!reader
Word Count: 2,800ish
Warnings: language, angst, mentions of murder/manipulation
A/N: Please enjoy the finale!
“Stand down!” a voice shouted, holding up a closed fist. “He’s fucking feral!”
Feral? You reached a hand down between your thighs, pulling it back and grateful to find no blood. On the one hand, you were grateful Dean went feral. It was like a shit’s hit the fan reflex in an Alpha. Knots deflated instantly so pairs could escape danger. He would be stronger than five Alpha’s combined. Dean’s hair stood upright on every inch of his body, sense hyper aware of everything right now, searching of a way to protect his omega. 
But going feral meant that in a few hours, Dean’s body would force him to play catch up for going into overdrive and knock him out for a while to recover. You had to find a way out of this and fast.
“Are you fucking…” said a heavy sigh, your head popping out from behind Dean. Your heart skipped when one of the men ripped off his mask. “You fucking mated him? You let this fucker knot and claim you all the way didn’t-”
“Did, did you just come in here to try and kill my mate? My Alpha? My goddamn true mate?” you growled, stepping around Dean but held back by his extended arm. “If anyone takes a step towards him, I’ll kill you myself. I don’t care if you’re my dad or not. Don’t fuck with my mate.”
“He’s your dad?” said Dean, his scent threaded with a sharp twinge of heat, like burning ash, anger pulsing with every heartbeat. 
Your dad, turned his back, shaking his head. “Put on some damn clothes. We aren’t doing this right now.”
“Get these people out of my house and maybe I will,” you shot back. He grumbled but you watched as the others in the room walked out the broken front door, gathering at the far end of the front porch. The two of you dressed quickly, Dean always keeping an eye on you. Your dad grunted when he turned around, eyes narrowed at Dean. “Of course it had to be you, you sniveling little shit.”
“Dad, back off. What the fuck are you doing here?”
“He’s full of shit is what he is,” said Dean, picking you up before he stepped over the back of the couch to avoid the glass. He set you down by his side, careful to make sure you stayed behind him. “You were gonna kill your daughter’s true mate before we could cement it. The only reason I’m not dead right now is because it’d destroy her.”
“Why would you want to kill Dean? You told me he was innocent,” you said, brushing past Dean to join him at his side. He didn’t like that but he was the one in danger right now, not you. “Why?”
“Because you’re The Boss, aren’t you. You’re the one that gave out orders to my team lead for who to kill. Didn’t you?” Your dad stared at Dean, his jaw clenched. “Don’t deny it. I know there was someone above him calling the shots.”
“Listen you little shit,” he said, taking a step closer, resting his hand on his holster. “You don’t get to walk away from my business. You were all supposed to die that day but you lived. I let you live, Winchester, don’t forget that. I told the bureau you were a good kid with shitty luck to lose your whole team. I told them to help you get accepted to be a fucking forest ranger in the middle of bum fuck nowhere. I told them I’d watch out for you like the good person I am. I let you go, Dean. I let you think your little conspiracy theories were right. I was going to let you go but you just had to be her mate, didn’t you.”
“Touch her and I’ll-”
“I wouldn’t dare,” he snarled. “That’s my fucking daughter.”
He wiped a hand over his face, breathing deeply as Dean grabbed the back of your sweatpants, holding you close.
“Seeing as how killing you would make my own daughter hunt me down, I’m going to let you live.” Dean scoffed, your dad cocking his head. “Boy, don’t you think for one second if I hadn’t gotten here five minutes sooner you’d be still breathing. I won’t fuck up my own family but yours? I have no problem sending Sam and his little girlfriend a visit or your parents. You fucking work for me again and this time? You’re not hiding behind your team. You’re killing who I say when I say it.”
“No he isn’t.” You took a step forward, Dean’s grip still there. “In case you didn’t realize, those people you just threatened are my pack now. They are as much my family as you are. Dean let go of me.”
“Be careful,” he muttered, reluctantly dropping his hand. You raised your chin and took a few more steps, as close as you dared. He wouldn’t hurt you but you still couldn’t trust him.
“I know you love me, dad. If you didn’t, we wouldn’t be talking right now.” He shifted on his feet, keeping his face blank. “Today was supposed to be my day to spend with him. Today’s supposed to be the best day of my life and you stole that. He’s not a hitman. He’s my fucking soulmate and if you do not stop hurting him right this second, I will call her, call them both, and tell them everything.”
His lips parted as he took in the threat, the way you stood your ground. You honestly weren’t sure what he’d do. Clearly he wasn’t the easy going nice guy you’d always known him as which made your gut churn. But you’d deal with that later. Right now you needed this resolved.
“Well?” you asked, crossing your arms. “Am I calling them or what?”
He raised his hand and did a twirling motion with his finger. The people on the porch shared a look but you watched them retreat off into the woods. Your dad let out a long breath before crossing his arms back at you. “Alright. I will leave your…mate and his pack out of this. Happy?”
“What the fuck is going on?” mumbled Dean behind your back. 
“My dad has two mates. My mom and his true mate he met a few years ago,” you said, turning around for a closet down the hallway. You ripped it open to find a broom and dustpan, happily grabbing them before tossing them at your dad. “Clean up the mess you made.”
“Y/N,” he said, voice low and dangerous. “You don’t understand the kind of liability this kid is.”
“Clean. It. Up.” He grumbled but picked up the broom, sweeping the glass into a pile near his feet. “What Dean chooses to do is not your decision to make. You’re going to live with the consequences of your actions. Unless you want me to tell mom what kind of man you are? Tell Sasha who you are before you claim her?”
“You haven’t claimed your true mate?” asked Dean, your dad turning so his back was to your both as he worked. “How the hell did you hold off?”
“Dad always said it wasn’t fair to mom since he loves them both but when he met Sasha, he was strangely against it. Seeing as we both know just how hard it is to not claim a true mate, I’m going to guess it’s something else,” you said, glancing at Dean.
“He’s on Novi-Alpha,” said Dean, shaking his head. “You can’t claim her or you’ll kill her.”
“It’s why you moved out here away from mom for a ‘covert’ job huh? You don’t want your mates near you,” you said.
“Thanks for being such a sympathetic pup to the fact I have cancer,” he said, throwing the broom down. “For the record, miss know it all, I’ve been on Novi-Alpha for a decade. The kind I have is extremely aggressive. If I stay on it, the cancer stays away. Hopefully.”
“Hey,” you snapped back, holding up a finger. “I don’t want you to be sick. I don’t want to know that you’ve been…killing people for hire for who knows how long. I am so angry with you but do not think that means I want you dead.”
“Oh? What if he wants me dead?” asked your dad, nodding towards where Dean stood beside you. “You going to let him do that?”
Yes, I would. He’d forced Dean to be part of a group that relentlessly made him to be part of their hits. Maybe he hadn’t pulled a trigger or taken a life until it was his own team but he’d participated. Helped plan, coordinate. All against his will so his family would stay safe. So yeah. Dean could walk over there and kill him this second and you wouldn’t be more than a little upset. 
But you hid that gut instinct to yourself for the moment.
“This may come as a shock but I don’t like killing people unless it’s absolutely necessary.” Dean bent down, palm wrapping around the broomstick. He held it out to your dad, staring him dead on. “My friend is an oncologist. A good one. He’s the one that was giving me access to Novi-Alpha the past few years while I thought someone was hunting me.”
Dean nodded his chin, looking him up and down.
“It’s better than the basic crap your insurance covers. I could talk to him, see if we could get you on the new stuff. It might actually heal you and you could be with your mates again.”
“Why the fuck would you help me?” he asked. Dean glanced over his shoulder at you, giving him a smirk.
“You have a lot of making up to do with your daughter and your new pack family. We need you alive to do that,” said Dean. Your dad reached for the broom, Dean holding it back. “Why’d you kill in the first place?”
“Why do you think? When I was diagnosed, Novi-Alpha didn’t exist. I was trying to get money fast to pay off the house, pay that one’s student loans, make sure my family was taken care of. They didn’t know it could cure cancer when it first came out so I kept at it.”
“So you went Walter White on the situation,” said Dean, handing over the broom. “Maybe you ought to quit the business while you still have a family willing to take you back.”
Your dad pursed his lips, gaze wandering to you. “Not sure that’s possible anymore.”
“Probably not. But that’s your pup. You have two mates, one you’re overdue to claim. You owe them.” Dean turned, giving you a small smile. “You want to give him a second chance?”
“We’ll see. But first, you need to do something else for me.”
Three Months Later
“Good morning,” said your dad, hopping out of his truck as you sat on the front porch with a cup of coffee. “Surprisingly sunny today, isn’t it?”
“Yes it is, Harry,” you said, taking a long sip, eyeing him up and down. “Coffee?”
“No thanks, got some in the truck,” he said, Dean walking out the front door, adjusting his coat. “Dean.”
“Asshole,” said Dean with a smile, tilting his head. Your dad hid his frown well, Dean taking a seat across from you with his thermos. “To what do we owe the pleasure, Harry?”
“I uh, wanted you both to know I’m leaving town. I sat mom and Sasha down last week and…told them the truth about everything.” He kicked the dirt with his boot, shoving his hands in his pockets. “I was always worried about them getting along and now they’re closer than ever with how much they hate me. Guess I got what I wanted.”
“I’d try groveling,” said Dean, slurping up the steaming hot coffee with his best bitch face. “You’re starting to get good at it.”
“Yeah,” he laughed dryly, gaze shooting to you. “I need to go try to salvage something with my Omegas.”
“Sasha will let you back, eventually. She’s hardwired into you. Mom might be a different story, though,” you said. 
“I just wanted you girls to be okay when I was gone,” he said as you sighed. “Sorry. I know. Not an excuse.”
“I know you’re trying but you’re going to be making up for this the rest of your life. So go try with your mates. Dean and I will be fine on our own for awhile,” you said. 
“You still hate me,” he said. 
“Travel safe, Harry,” you said, your dad nodding before heading back for his truck. “I heard the new Novi-Alpha strain you’re on is working better.”
“Are you happy about that?” he asked.
“I’m not unhappy.” Dean reached over to take hold of your hand, giving it a gentle squeeze. “Call once you’ve settled in back home.”
“Take care of her,” he said, Dean humming. With that, he was gone, down the gravel driveway and you could feel Dean relax beside you.
“He won’t do anything,” you said, raising your hand and running it through his brown strands. “S’okay, Alpha.”
“I know. He makes me nervous. S’like my body remembers going feral because of him and will always be on edge.” 
“I doubt he ever moves back here. Mom and Sasha are making him donate every penny he ever made from killing, volunteer, be a blood donor once he gets the all clear from his doctors, therapy, and a whole bunch of other stuff.”
“I like those two,” he chuckled, closing his eyes when you scrunched up your fingers against his scalp. “Oh, you’re making me want to go back to bed, Omega. A nice massage sounds like heaven right about now.”
“You are the sheriff. You can show up late you know,” you said, trailing your finger down the side of his cheek, tickling his jaw.
“Ugh, raincheck. I have a staff meeting at eight I’m supposed to run.” He nuzzled into your touch though, his breathing calm, steady. “Why’d you make your dad call the bureau and tell them to give me a job as a cop?”
“Because you’ll never get to go back to being an agent. Because you deserve to be able to help people how you always wanted to.” He inched closer, resting his head on your shoulder. “You never have to be The Ranger again.”
“I know,” he said, sighing against you. You frowned, reaching into his coat pocket to pull out his phone. He lifted his head when he saw you dial, watching you hold up a finger.
“Hey, Caleb, it’s Sheriff Winchester’s wife. Listen, Dean’s not feeling too great today so he’s calling in sick,” you said, Dean flashing wide eyes at you, trying to steal back the phone but you got up before he could. “Yeah it is too bad, just a touch of flu. Well he’ll be in tomorrow if he’s feeling better, alright? Take care.”
“Omega!” said Dean when you hung up, his hands on your hips as you shrugged with a smirk. “You…you…”
“Yes, sheriff?” you purred, scratching under his chin, scraping over the bonding gland in his neck. He mewled at the sensitive touch, losing the urge to turn into it. “What a good Alpha you are when you relax for me. Hopefully with Harry being gone you’ll relax more. I do love helping you relax.”
“I do like relaxing with you,” he mumbled when you squeezed his hip. “I…I still don’t like it when you call me a good person. It doesn’t feel right when I killed four people and researched how to-”
You pressed a hand to his mouth, Dean staring at you with soft green eyes.
“Think of it this way…you were doing what you had to to protect your pack, just like a good Alpha does. You are not a bad man, Dean Winchester.”
“How do you know that?” he whispered.
“Because I can feel your soul and yours is one of the best.” 
“Oh, Omega,” he said, voice smooth as honey, the sweet smell of cinnamon rolls in the air. “Your soul is my favorite too.”
“Want to finally relax?” you asked, sliding your hand down to his. He laced your fingers together, smiling when he found your face.
“Yeah. I think I finally can after all this time, Omega.” He pressed a kiss to your lips, grinning through it. “Love you.”
“Love you too, Alpha.”
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anystalker707 · 8 months
Only for me us
Pairing: Trafalgar Law x [gn, afab] Reader x Eustass Kid Kinktober prompt: cucking Tags: Transmasc friendly / use of 'pussy' / Penetration / Exhibitionism
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          A sigh escaped your lips as you scratched your head, looking around. That city felt like a fucking maze—was that what Zoro felt like? You’d not seen anyone known for a while, so when you ran into Kid, there wasn’t much choice aside from going with him. He raised an eyebrow when seeing you approach, hands on his hips.
“Oh, look at who we have here!” He chuckled, raising an eyebrow.
You narrowed your eyes, twisting your mouth. It wasn’t even worth arguing. “Shut up. I’m lost.”
“Lost? I bet that’s an excuse to see m—”
“Seen Law?” You raised an eyebrow, crossing your arms over your chest. A smile threatened to tug on your lips when Kid’s face fell, but you held it.
“Haven’t seen anyone, actually,” Kid sighed in frustration as he looked around. “Almost feels like something is wrong, but…” He shrugged and turned back to you. “This city feels like a maze. I couldn’t find the docks either, and the people aren’t much useful.”
You pressed your lips together and looked up at the sky, seeing the first stars start to shine in the darkening blue sky, with some dark gray clouds in the distance. “Got any money on you, big guy? I don’t promise to return it, but I don’t think you’d have trouble doing me a favor, hm? A cheap room will do.”
There was a glare in response, unamused, but you just grinned in response, wriggling your eyebrows. Kid scoffed.
“A cheap room? You want me back that much?” He mirrored your grin, though it dropped quickly with how you kicked his shin. “What’s wrong with you?”
“What’s wrong with you?” You clicked your tongue, shaking your head. “I’m just asking for a favor, idiot. If I die, it’ll be your fault! Then, Law will find out and fucking obliterate you, you hear me? He will leave each part of your body in a different place in the world. Do you want that? Are you really leaving me to die?”
Something about your words made Kid laugh before he shook his thoughts away and looked at you. “I don’t care about what that loser will do, actually, but I will do you a favor because I’m a good person.”
You couldn’t help but snicker, nodding sarcastically, as the two of you looked around the place. The street was growing a little less agitated with the fall of the night, and some stores seemed to be getting ready to close, while some restaurants and bars were getting ready to open. Either way, you could already feel your limbs get heavier. It’d be better to look for the others tomorrow, in daylight. If you didn’t know where you were going during the day, it wouldn’t get any easier during the night.
“There,” Kid’s voice cut through your mind; he pointed to an inn with his metal hand. Thank hell.
“Seems good enough.” You nodded, rubbing the back of your neck with a sigh as you walked to the inn with Kid.
The person behind the counter kept their eyes on the magazine in their hand even after the two of you approached, making you stand there for a second before deciding to catch their attention.
“Two rooms, please,” you tried, hoping they’d look up, but the moment they opened their mouth to answer, your head was turned to look in the other direction. You hissed at the way Kid’s fingers hurt your scalp lightly. “Fuck you, Kid, I— Oh, it’s Law!” Your eyes widened at the sight of the familiar figure with his back turned to the entrance of the place, trying to talk to someone, and the receptionist didn’t really matter anymore as you ran to Law before he walked away. “Law!”
Both of you sighed in relief once he turned to you, dropping the scowl he had on his face. “I’ve been looking for you everywhere.”
“Yeah, I—”
“Maybe you shouldn’t even have strayed away alone in the first place,” Kid cut in.
You slowly turned around and glared; Kid stood behind you, arms crossed over his chest. “You’re still here?”
Kid clicked his tongue. “Don’t act like that! We were talking just a second ago!"
Before you could retort anything, Law raised an eyebrow, looking at Kid from under the brim of his hat. “And what are you doing here, Eustass-ya?”
Kid scoffed, shaking his head as he looked away. “Well, someone had to help (y/n).”
“I manipulated him into paying for a room for me,” you said simply, stifling a laugh at the glare you received from Kid. Law flashed a grin, but it was short-lived, replaced by a tired expression—one slightly different from his usual one. “Come on.” You hooked your arm with Law’s to bring him with you to the inn. “I’m still tired. This place makes me want to throw up.”
Whatever Kid complained about, it was ignored. He fell silent either way when you reached the counter again.
“Two rooms, please,” you told the receptionist.
They raised their eyebrows, twisting their mouth as they put the magazine away and checked a scribbled page of a notebook. “Two—”
“Only one, actually,” Law cut in, receiving questioning looks from you and Kid while he grabbed the key from the receptionist. He smirked a little, in that menacing way that made you start questioning things. “Y’know, maybe Eustass-ya would like to join us for a little something.”
           The room wasn’t great, but it had a couch and a wide bed, aside from a desk, and it was also clean. Nothing significant to complain about.
With a sigh, you left your shoes by the door and took a seat with your legs crossed on the bed, unpocketing your weapons to let them on the bedside table near Law’s hat, and he left his sword against the wall. Kid just hung his coat, muttering something under his breath as he sat on the couch, letting his arms over the backrest. Your attempts to understand what he said were in vain, and your attention turned to Law as he sat down next to you.
“I see you’ve been a little too daring, Eustass-ya.” Law raised an eyebrow. “Or maybe your memory ran a little short, don’t you think?” There was an arm around your shoulders, with a little more pressure than usual.
Kid furrowed his eyebrows, scoffing. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
Law clicked his tongue. “I don’t see why you act as if you need to take care of (y/n). Don’t you see I’m right here?” He sighed, nuzzling the side of your face and giving it a kiss, slowly going down to your neck; you hummed as your cheeks heated up. “Right, love?”
It was like Law was giving you a cue to say the safe word if you needed to, but you really didn’t. Your eyes traveled to Kid, watching his glare fixed on you while he pursed his lips, Adam's apple bobbing with a dry swallow. That could be fun. A sigh escaped your lips, and you let your tongue poke out to wet them. You decided to keep your thoughts to yourself, shrugging a little in response.
“I don’t see why there’s so much confusion, since it’s been a while since you two parted ways.” Law’s eyes were on Kid right before he leaned in and started kissing more along your neck.
Your eyes were still in Kid’s as Law kept the kisses going, but they averted to the ground the moment there was biting among the kisses; your breath hitched, and it turned each time more difficult to hold back your sounds. Damn it. Your face was all hot when Law finally pulled away to take a good look at the hickey he’d left behind.
Kid sighed as he rolled his shoulders back, and his lips parted into a grin. “A shock of reality is good once in a while, isn’t it?”
Law pulled you to your lap, his chest firm against your back as your legs were spread open by Law’s hands. He kissed your neck, running his hands along the inner side of your thighs. All of that was making you so hot, so easily—you gulped, holding on to his forearms as his hands kept moving up. Eventually, they were unbuttoning your pants, slipping in.
“Fuck,” you breathed, trying to keep your sounds to yourself. Both of them had heard it, many times each, but something about having the two in the same room as that… It’d take you a while.
A soft hiss escaped your lips as fingers pressed right to your folds through your underwear; Law hummed in approval before he started moving his fingers, keeping rubbing his fingertips into your clit until you finally cracked.
“Mmph,” you whimpered, rolling your hips into his hand.
Your gaze met Kid’s for a second, but you couldn’t hold his gaze. His pupils were blown, eyes narrowed, and focused on you.
“Feels good?” Law whispered into your ear, and with the way two of his fingers started slipping into… Hell, it was impossible to keep quiet.
“Yeah,” you breathed with a moan, squirming as his fingers slipped in deeper whilst his palm messily pressed to your clit. It only took him a moment, pressing around until he found your sweet spot; your toes curled, and a louder moan spilled from your lips. “Please, please,” you gasped, arching your back against him. Your grip tightened around his forearms, leaving behind bright red crescents on the skin.
Law smirked a little, holding Kid’s gaze for a moment before he pulled his hand out of your pants, licking his fingers clean so that he could start undressing you. He started with your shirt. You could feel Kid’s eyes on the marks that already covered your skin, all left by Law on previous nights. His eyes continued on you once your pants and underwear came off, but something else grew in him. Kid’s veins were more noticeable now as his hands balled into fists, and he swallowed dryly.
“Damn it,” Law whispered, needing a little help so he could lower his pants, and seeing his cock curving up against your pussy once you sat back down made you throb more in need. “So wet for me already,” he sighed, parting your folds with his fingers—Kid’s breath hitched. Law sighed as he guided himself into you gently, letting his cock slowly stretch you open. “Fuck,” he gasped. “You take me in so well, you know that? Only me. Built for me,” he whispered.
Kid’s lips twisted a little as he watched you, shifting a little to adjust his position on the couch, never letting his eyes away from your pussy, all open around a cock that wasn’t his. Maybe he’d never feel it around him again.
“Move your hips, sweetheart,” Law whispered into your year, suppressing a moan at the way you clenched around him and held his forearms again. You were so tight and wetter than usual, and Law would’ve mentioned it if it didn’t imply the fact Kid being there was having any positive influence on you. He held your hips, hissing softly. “You feel so good around me,” he groaned, “so tight.”
Law’s hands went down to your thighs firmly, spreading them open further so that he could show Kid the way your pussy could take him so well. Remind Kid that he wasn’t able to be in his place anymore, and he was the only one to fuck you so deliciously like that, having your juices all over his cock, sending that obscene squelching sound through the room.
The growing bulge in Kid’s pants was evident, but he didn’t give it any attention. He kept his eyes trained on you, sometimes widening his eyes a little, but he wasn’t missing any second of that.
“Nngh, Law,” You gasped, whining. Law’s fingers were across your clit, messily rubbing circles into it while you kept riding him, though it made your pace falter. You didn’t know whether you were supposed to push into his fingers or back into his cock, whimpering with his touches, and it didn’t help any better when your eyes met Kid’s again. You felt so raw like that, so vulnerable, all in such a good way.
“You feel good?” Law whispered against your skin, kissing from your neck to your shoulder, where he started nibbling. “So tight around me… You clench around me so, so good…”
You couldn’t help the louder moan that escaped your lips, clenching more around Law as you felt your orgasm approaching. Your whimpers filled the room as your movements stuttered, but Law didn’t stop stroking your clit, making you quickly cream all over his cock, gasping for air as you rocked your hips messily to get through your high. It felt so good, making your pussy spasm around his cock as the pleasure slowly eased, and Law’s fingers slowly stopped, returning to your thigh.
“You did such a good job, my love,” he whispered with a groan. “But I didn’t cum yet… And I think Eustass-ya is feeling a little too lonely, hm?”
.𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟.
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34saveme34 · 4 months
Snowtrapped 2 but it's emotional instead
I barely edited this thing but I must post it <3 I like it too much tbh
anyways light touches of suggestive, and references at snowtrapped obviously, although they don't outright talk about it, no cover this time we die like men
anyways word count: 4602
It started like any other day. With the usual arguments following them, as they perpetrated the intense part of their dynamic. 3 agitated 4, 4 agitated 3, hijinks ensued. It was how it always went these days. The 2 were fine with this… for the most part. The worst part of this was that both of them were sensitive but still liked to mess with each other. They had to walk a thin line for nothing bad to happen. And boy, was that hard. 
It was a snowy day, and 3, 4 and friends went to an especially snowy place as a vacation. They all deserved it. Although, the snow could bring out memories for the 2, it was a bit easier now to push it to the back of their heads. It was the past. It was a different time. They were different. They felt different. They’re friends at this point! Although 3 seemed to deny it a lot, 4 could see through that. Which is also why it was so tragic when he accidentally pushed 3 too hard and had to again see the man upset by his own actions. It always reminded him of the past. Something he had a complex relationship with, as it was something that affected him to this day, with all its differences, similarities and furthermore things that would just confuse him. Confuse him in so many ways. He wished he had answers. Maybe he wished a bit too hard. 
As their snowy hijinks, which they were doing with their friends brought them to an all too familiar situation: being snowed in. No escape. Only each other’s company. It was almost like faith that it was only those 2. Or maybe it was planned, who knows.
“Ugh…” 4 got up as he fell in pretty hard, he was on top of 3, more or less.
“Get off me, you bitch!” 3 quickly pushed him off, annoyed at 4. 
As they got up, looking at the door, both realized what happened. And that they were stuck together.
“You’ve got to be kidding me” both said at the same time which made the 2 glare at each other.
“This is all your fault!” 3 yelled at 4.
“Mine??! How would it be mine?? I wasn’t the one launching a whole damn avalanche!”
“Shut the fuck up” 3 sat down, grabbing at his face. It seemed he was trying to keep at least some sanity.
“No, you shut the fuck up!” 4 said, also sitting down, facing away from 3. 
Truly maturely they stayed like this for a while not uttering a word. But soon, the cold set in.
“Hey… 3…. m… my man” 4 sat beside 3, who looked at him cautiously.
“Yeeees?” he squinted at 4, not trusting him for a second.
“I’m cold”
“Well, shit, 4, I don’t control the weather!”
“No, I mean-”
“I’m definitely not desperate enough for that yet…”
“Yet?” 4 teased him, for which 3 hit him hard in the head.
“In the meantime while you get over that, we could try and get out somehow. At least try.”
3 sighed as he got up.
“You’re unfortunately right…”
“Maybe we could even find a meme and use it to get out!”
“Yea, good thinking” 3 mumbled it a bit, although 4 could still understand.
“Don’t know why you need to be so defensive about me being right”
“YOU do the same thing as well”
4 was about to protest but realised that 3 was kind of right.
They started really examining the place. Not much food, no meme in sight, a single blanket folded neatly in a closet.
4 took it for himself fast.
“Hey, you hogger!” 3 glared at 4.
“As I said before-”
“I’m not cuddling your stupid ass!”
4 looked down to his feet. He knew that it was just their thing but.
“I really thought we got further…”
“What did you say?” 3 looked at him with an expression that was hard to read.
This scared 4. He wasn’t sure what to do, repeating it felt like a hard task, so he just stared.
“You can’t just talk in half sentences, 4”
“I just… thought you’d be more comfortable with me at this point”
3 was about to protest but thinking about it, he really should’ve been less stupid about it.
“I can’t just- I’m tense, okay, I’m tense! Are you happy now that I told you??”
4 chuckled.
“You never really tell me. I just have to guess myself how you feel”
“Well, you aren’t the easiest case yourself- it- ugh, I don’t want to go into it, definitely not right now-”
“Into what?”
“It doesn’t matter, forget about it”
“Don’t 3 me”
4 sat down with the blanket under him so it wouldn’t be as uncomfortable to sit. 3 paced around for a bit. Tried to use his hands as shovels to maybe get out then quickly gave up. This kept repeating. It was kind of tiring to watch. 4 was on the verge of commenting on it. But he could see that he shouldn’t: 3 looked close to snapping. He knew that look. It was upsetting.
Especially as 3 seemed to tire, having to keep up with the cold, now he was starting to feel it too. He leaned against the cold wall, trying not to let the cold get to him. 
4 was watching him. It was awful to watch. He could see 3 slowly slipping down against the wall. 
“Alright, that’s enough” 4 had enough of this as he wrapped his arms and blanket around 3, who didn’t have nearly as much fight in himself as before.
“...Thanks.” 3 lightly leaned closer into 4 arms. That was shocking to 4. He wasn’t sure how to feel.
Sure, he insisted on 3 joining him, but he… never really considered what he would do once he did. He never considered what would happen if 3 didn’t fight him. The comfort made him weird. He wanted to stay somewhere deep in his heart but decided to just slip right out of the blanket and just put it on 3.
“Oh..?” 3 looked at him, the weakness in his eyes showing. He looked painfully genuine.
“I’ll try myself this time”
3 glared then looked away from 4. It was hard to tell what he might be thinking.
4 tried to separate the snow. It was easy, the snow was soft yet cold, and the more he would shovel with his hands to the side, the more would fall in. He panicked, which made him feel agitated as he started to get faster with it. He got so fast the snow of the ceiling fell on him, leaving him colder than ever.
3 rolled his eyes.
“I always think you can’t be more stupid but you always manage to prove that wrong”
“Sh-Shut U-Up” 4 was practically shaking from the cold. Who knew he was so sensitive.
3 sighed and got up. He brushed the snow off of 4. Usually such casual touch wouldn’t be this bad for him but the isolation was getting to him. He cared so much. But, right now, especially right now, he didn’t want that to come out. He didn’t want his caring side out in the open, for 4 to witness and tease. 
to his surprise 4 only gave him a soft smile before adding a few words to his reaction.
“You didn’t need to do that, I can take care of myself”
3 was disappointed.
“I don’t want to be in the same space with a dead body”
“Hey now, you’re already thinking of me dying??”
“Well… It would be funny now that you say it” 3 grinned.
“I don’t find it funny”
“When did I say I care?”
“I see through you, my friend, I do”
“You’re as blind as a bat actually”
“I’m not, I got the 20/20 vision going for me!”
“Crazy if true, considering how much you’re on your pc”
The 2 glared at each other. For quite a few painful seconds. The tenseness in them took over as they started to fight physically.
Although it was one of those little slap fights. It felt less like a fight and more like a comedy bit.
The 2 separated, although 4 found himself cold again. He stared at 3 without realising.
“What?” 3 asked, in a defensive manner as if 4 was about to strip him with his eyes. The thought sent a shiver down his spine. It just further reminded him of past events… But they were different now, it wouldn’t happen.
4 took a bit but he did manage to snap out of it.
“Huh? Nothing! Nothing at all”
“You’re cold, aren’t you?”
“Noooo, what gave you the impression?”
“You shivering”
4 facepalmed. 3 was right, he couldn’t believe how obvious he was.
“Come here, I did say I don’t want to be stuck with a dead body”
4 resisted first but the cold got to him, he had to. He didn’t like it but he had to.
“Jeez, I didn’t think you would be this cold”
“Why did you think I was shivering”
“... Fair point”
4 leaned into 3’s chest, trying to get closer in a less uncomfortable way. It was really hard though, considering how they were just a few moments ago. He was too tired and cold to care though. He even wrapped his arms around 3, having a secure hold on him. 4 didn’t like how comforting this felt. Something about cuddling 3 felt different. Suddenly  the memories hit him again, of the past. It made him feel a bit gross for his thoughts. He wouldn’t ever wanna think of 3 that way. Not again at least.
The 2 stayed silent for a while, it felt illegal to speak. Even though both of them still felt tense. 3 felt too weird in all this, he had to comment on it.
“If I didn’t know any better, I’d think you enjoyed this”
“What?? You think I do?” 4 looked offended.
“You were cuddling me with the same glee Eggdog would and oooh he loves me a lot” he talked with with his baby voice at the end when mentioning his child. Just simply the thought of him made him feel happy.
4 rolled his eyes.
“I’m just trying to stay warm, really. If I liked cuddling you, I’d do it  outside of dire situations like this”
“Like I’d care if you would… stupid”
“Would you?”
“Oooh, but it looks like you would” he found 3’s reaction just a little bit entertaining. Indulging a little shouldn’t hurt much!
“Shut up! I wouldn’t! Even the hand holding feel unnecessary”
“Well, we had to do that, to save the world and all that stuff”
“Okay? Doesn’t change a thing. I don’t like to do it”
4 stared at 3, unimpressed. 3 felt a bit nervous.
“You’re as annoying as ever” 4 said as he got up “You know what, I rather freeze”
3 felt that struck at his heart. That HURT to hear, christ. 
“The fuck you mean you’d rather freeze??”
“If you don’t want to be near me so badly, then I won’t bother you. I can try and bury myself in the snow so you don’t have to face me dead cold”
“Jeez, how kind of you to- HAVE YOU LOST YOUR MIND??? You THINK I WANT THAT??!”
Aaaand they fought again. This time a bit more violent as 3 pinned 4 down.
“Any last words?” 3 was tired so he didn’t sound as threatening as he would’ve wanted to.
“You’re gay” 4 teased as he pulled 3 down on him with the little strength he had left. Unfortunately, this way they were left to stare at each other, it was kind of hard to pay attention to anything else when they were this close. 3 didn’t look amused. 4 chuckled.
“And you said you don’t want me near”
“I would push you off if I had the energy to”
“Nice excuse”
“It’s a reason, not an excuse”
3 sighed as he fully laid his head down on 4’s chest. He was now truly too tired to care.
“Why can’t we just get along”
“Cuz you’re a piece of shit”
3 looked at 4 again, clearly unamused.
“Like yourself, of course”
4 found it interesting how 3 deflected by calling him an ass too.
“Maybe, yeah… I don’t know why really”
“We’re just like this? I guess, I don’t know. We should be, right?”
“It’s… what’s the best, right?”
3 thought for a bit, some hard words on his mind.
“We’re… friends”
“I… I know”
Air felt heavy, as the 2 were trying to comprehend each other, what were they going for.
“You know…” 3 started, already feeling his face heat up “Ever since we became friends, it’s been… a bit less fun to be a villain. Juuust a smidge”
4 found himself smiling, hearing that his heart just warmed up whole.
“Glad to hear that…”
“It’s something I struggle with it a lot though”
“Why so?”
“Who… am I if not your local villain… who would I be?”
The question caught 4 so off guard, staring shocked at 3. He never thought 3 could feel that way. He kind of felt bad for a lot of the things he’s said and done now. He gently grabbed 3’s face by his cheek, by which he noticed 3 being a bit more hot. He was sure it’s just them slowly feeling weird from the cold.
“Hey now, don’t say that… you’re so much more… a cool streamer, a great meme guardian partner… a great friend, maybe… my greatest”
3 was practically turning into a heater from the compliments. But it definitely didn’t mean anything. 3 collected all his courage, to ask one thing he wanted to know.
“Your greatest?”
“Yea… pretty much”
“Isn’t it Mario for you?”
“You’re… different”
“Well, you know- yeah, you’re a friend in a different way than he is to me. You’re just… different… I guess, we just work differently”
“You mean the meme guardian stuff?”
4 glanced to the side, it was hard to guess what he could mean by that.
“That too”
“You know… I do kind of find it weird… that we have to hold hands to use our powers.. or at least touch”
“Yeah… but I don’t think you would be this close to me without it”
“Let’s not even think about that”
3 looked kind of bummed about the idea.
“Awww, you’d miss being friends with me that much?”
3 growled, though too tired to act.
“You say that like you wouldn’t”
“Of course, I would miss it so much” 4 said, hugging 3. The air being not so tense felt nice. It was easier to express himself.
3 was in deep, Jesus. He could barely think, besides lightly hugging back. 
“You could’ve warned me at least”
“Nope, it’s more fun this way”
“But you said you care about me”
“There’s some privileges you’ll never get”
“Tch… stupid”
“Ahem… Tsundere”
3 stared at 4, a single word making him feel energy come back to him. Out of anger of course. God, that made him so so angry.
“Not that word again, no, shut the fuck up. No one wants to hear that, idiot”
“I wanted to hear it personally” 4 chuckled.
“For what? You’re implying you’re my crush or something? You’re wrong then, bitch” 3 got up, angrily pointing and gesticulating. Oh, that touched a nerve, didn’t it.
4 raised an eyebrow.
“I didn’t say that… Only you did, just now” 
3’s face was painted with realisation, as then colour drained from his face. Oh no, he did not fucking do that!!
“The word is literally used that way. How am I supposed to take it then? Why did you call me that anyways, asshole” 3 turned away from 4.
“I just found it fits… even in a platonic way. It’s so obvious you want affection but you still push people away”
3 looked back at 4 then away.
“Just like that” 4 sighed.
“You… YOU” 3 turned back “ You ALWAYS think you’re the bigger and better person”
“Well, I am right now? I’m not the one misinterpreting shit”
“You just have this air around you, you know? Like you always think you’re the god of this show! That nobody is better than you, especially me, I’m really tired of that. Really fucking tired”
“Are you really getting mad about me calling you a tsundere??”
“IT’S A PATTERN… a long going one” 3 stared daggers into 4. It was like a whiplash compared to what they had previously.
“What pattern???”
“Stuff’s always about you. You’re always trying to one up me as well. It feels like whenever you butt into something, it becomes about you.”
4 stared. He didn’t know what to do with that information.
“You’re so weird. First you say you wished we were friends earlier, now you berate me”
“Because you can’t shut the fuck up when you need to. Maybe if you did, we would get along better”
“Well, MAYBE, if you stopped being an ASSHOLE, that would help a lot more”
The 2 stared at each other, unsure whether to feel angry or sad. 
“You know where it hurts, huh? You know me so well you know EXACTLY what to say to make me angry” 4 spoke, anger seething through him.
“Not hard when you get upset about everything!!”
“You make me more than upset”
“Oh yeah? What do I make you, huh? Tell me”
4 looked down.
“Confused. And sad. You make me sad”
3 stared at him.
“That’s it? Really?”
“Do you really want to know?”
“Well, now I god damn do, not like I care about your thoughts”
4 had enough, as he got up and pushed 3 against the wall. It was cold, just as cold as 4’s stare.
“Do you REALLY want to know, 3?”
3 tried to look anywhere but 4. 4 grabbed 3’s chin.
“I… I guess… I can’t really back down now, can I?” 3 was visibly nervous. 
“You make me so… bad. I feel bad, each time. I don’t know why”
3 still tried looking away from 4. This was starting to feel uncomfortable.
“So… you don’t even know how I make you feel, huh?”
“Well, how do I make YOU feel then? Huh?”
“Tense, very tense. Especially right now, with backing me into a wall and everything”
“Ah-” 4 stepped back, giving 3 his space back. He felt a bit embarrassed about what he did. He realised what that looked like now- he was glad it was only 3 to see him do something like this. Since considering how they were, this was definitely not getting out from between the 2 of them.
As they stood there, they felt cold again. 3 thought for a bit then grabbed the blanket and threw it over 4’s shoulder as he then leaned into him, shoulder to shoulder. It wasn’t too much to handle at least. 4 stayed silent but he didn’t move either. His head seemed to be full of thoughts. 
“Hey… I’m sorry, 3… I gotta learn how to control myself around you”
3 looked at him, with a questioning look.
“I mean yeah but… what the hell do you mean? Around me”
“You just bring the worst out of me”
“Well… I can’t argue with that”
“I think… I do the same to you…”
Both stayed silent for a while, then 4 spoke words that had no right to hurt so much.
“It feels like we’d be better apart…”
3 didn’t even know how to react. He just… stood there. 4 couldn’t look at him for a bit, feeling his own words even claw at his own heart. But when he did… oh, he wished he didn’t.
He didn’t want to see 3 so sad, tears running down his cheek. His lips trembled looking back at 4 before punching him in the face.
4 stumbled but didn’t fall. He was never able to say the right words.
“I… well” he felt himself getting drawn to tears as well “We… fight so much…”
“I care too much about you”
“I know but… look, it feels like we never get along… I care too and the idea hurts me too…” his tears came too, matching 3.
I just- I can’t do this-” 3 started pacing and suddenly decided to get back to the snow again, desperately wanting to get out.
4 felt guilty. He felt awful. He thought this would give him some peace of mind but it didn’t. He thought, he thought very hard- how could he solve this? How could he make this right for 3?
“How could I… make this right for you?” 4 asked, his voice weak.
“By shutting the fuck up” 3 continued shovelling the snow with desperation. 3’s hands felt cold. Way too cold. But at least it was almost distracting him from 4’s stinging words. 
4 hated looking at what 3 was doing. He turned away, trying to close him out but the quiet sobs and the soft noises of the snow being shovelled by hand was too prominent in his mind. He wasn’t able to close it out, not even a little bit. He clenched his fists. He must do something. Anything. Just stop this.
3’s hands were starting to hurt so much he could barely take it. But it didn’t make him want to stop. What stopped him was 4 grabbing both of his hands and pulling him away from the snow. And 4 wasn’t easy on him, having strong grips on both his hands. As 4 felt just how cold 3’s hands were, he held on even more, pulling 3 close.
“I can’t… I can’t just watch you hurt yourself.. you mean too much to me”
“I thought you wanted us apart”
“Want and need are different”
3 looked ahead of himself, embracing he was now trapped in 4’s hold, as much as he didn’t want to be.
“Are you saying you need me?”
4 replied so fast, it made 3 feel a bit hot again. 
“So… you need me, even if I… cause you to be worse?”
“I need you because I…” 4 stopped. 3 paid attention for a bit, waiting for an answer. The more seconds passed the more tense he felt.
“Don’t leave me hanging, dude!” 3 spoke nervously, he hated feeling this uncomfortable.
4 just didn’t move, not until he whipped 3 into a deep embrace, pulling as close as he could. It was the kind of hug you couldn’t escape from, no matter how much you wanted to. It was tight, scary, full of emotion yet somehow fulfilling. 3 slowly hugged him back. It still wasn’t quite as comfortable as he wished it should be, but the tightness definitely helped. He wished it would be just that easy to press the bad things out of him.
This lasted a while, neither wanted to speak. Neither knew what to say. But they both had a lot on their minds. But they chose to remain this way. At least for a while, some peace.
4 slowly pulled out a bit, looking at 3. 3 only noticed a bit after, his face still red from crying and the cold. The 2 just stared at each other. Felt like no one else existed to them but each other. It felt so obvious. It felt so obvious what they wanted, it was written all over them. Just a single thing on their mind, a simple yet disastrous wish. Something so easy yet so hard.
3’s grip tightened on 4 as he pulled him in, it happened so fast, yet 4 followed along immediately. The desperation finally kicked in. They needed each other so so badly and it showed. And when they’d pull away, they’d just pull right back in. Their lips touching were too addictive. It was a rush of excitement neither have felt in a while. 3 was the one to end up against the wall, then quickly switching to 4. 3 had a strong hold on 4 that made him feel weak. He didn’t know that feeling weak by someone could feel so good. It felt like it should be a crime.
They slowly let go, although they didn’t want to. Especially since they then had to face each other. It felt… weird. Where did this come from? Why were they both so into it?
“So… that happened” 4 awkwardly scratched his neck.
3 facepalmed.
“Is that all you’re gonna say?”
“Umm well… I guess I always liked you, heh,... uh… yeah”
3 couldn’t keep a straight face, he laughed. He found 4 ridiculous, yet somehow cute.
“I love you too, idiot” 3 replied finally, after leaving 4 hanging with just laughing.
4 looked down then back at 3. He was visibly getting so giddy it was a joy to watch. 3 pressed a kiss on 4’s cheek. 4 could explode the world with the happiness he was feeling. This whole thing really made him realise what he was feeling, as it was previously an unknown thing to him. He didn’t realise, even though he felt it badly. He’s a fucking idiot.
3 knew very well but it wasn’t exactly something he liked to think about. It was already hard to make friends, let alone admit his feelings for his ex rival. 
“I’m… glad you do, 3”
“Do you know how hard it was to keep this away from you??”
“Uh.. no? I think you hid it well”
“That was the intention”
“Yeah… you know, I only realised just now”
3 blinked at 4.
“You.. You can’t be serious”
“Why can I not be?”
“Whatever… I’m just glad you feel the same”
“Yeah… we’re still trapped though”
“No shit” 3 sighed.
The 2 rested against each other. At least now they had less reason to be tense about that. 
“I mean… the others know we got stuck, right? They should be able to help then…”
“I sure do hope so”
The 2 thought though, anything they can come up with. 3 had an idea float in his mind, now feeling like it’s less embarrassing to suggest.
“Hey so, 4… you know how we channel meme energy with touch?”
“What if… it’s possible to channel it with kissing as well?”
4 rubbed his chin then with seemingly zero hesitation, he pulled 3 in for a kiss, and concentrated. Maybe a bit too hard at that, or maybe it was just such a powerful move that the energy practically blew up around them. Their prison was gone. Literally, they blew the whole thing up with their meme energy kiss.
“Woah” 3 chimed up quietly, trying not to look too impressed but… meme explosion?? 2 of the greatest things together??
“Yippee we’re free we’re free!!” 4 hugged 3 and jumped up and down.
That’s when the crew noticed the 2, with 4 jumping around crazy. That’s just how it is with them sometimes. At least they chilled out now! It’s been needed for a long while now.
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shankschewtoy · 1 year
Hey Evou!! I was surfing YouTube and came across vr videos of people playing scary games (mainly Fnaf which I will vouch for is TERRIFYING in vr I was literally shaking the last time I played it 💀) so I came to ask, how do you think the monster trio + Kidd and Law and whoever else you want, would do playing Fnaf, Help wanted in vr? Thanks in advance!
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a/n - hi anime!! omg pls I’ve played horror games on Roblox with my 8 year old cousin and I was literally shaking while trying not to cry 💀 tysm for thé request! I hope you’re doing well 💜💜💜💜 I’ve never played fnaf and I don’t think I ever will 😭
Warnings ⚠️ - g/n reader, I bully kid
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- if you thought you knew curse words? No you didn’t
- … I cant think of anymore
- he sounds like this and literally breaks your eardrums
- “You need to hold my hand?…”
- “Tch- just shut it.”
- *literally squeezing your hand to death*
- he’s screaming at literally the tiniest noises 😭😭😭
- he’s hid behind you a couple times on accident too
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- literally not scared??
- “HAHAHAAA- y/n this dude’s funny! He has a funny hat! Oh I died. This game’s boring- let’s play Mario kart!”
- “why does it say I died again?..”
- “Y/n there’s a duck staring at me.”
- you’re absolutely shocked- this man was not afraid in the slightest
- he only kept dying bec he got distracted by all the little items around him
- “Can I turn lights on? It’s dark.”
- “that’s the whole point Lu.”
- “That’s stupid- how can you see anything?? Oop something just appeared?”
- “y/n is this a furry game?”
- “are you a furry?”
- 💀
- while he’s wearing the headset he has no sense of his surroundings so he’s broken a lot of things 😭
- that vase? In pieces
- your wooden coffee table? Knocked over
- the chair? Moved at least 20 ft away
- man has the audacity to take off the headset and look at you with a confused face
- “y/n what did you do to the room? Hehe! You have weird hobbies.. I’m gonna go grab some snacks!!!”
- … you’re about to punch him so hard that even nami can’t compete
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- about to shit his pants
- visibly shaking as he’s clutching onto your arm
- could only play for a couple minutes before he had to cuddle you for a couple hours
- “uh y/n- is this to test my bravery because I promise there are better ways to- GAHSHAUBEIDBSIDBISBEIFB-!”
- literally trying to punch the air in front of him😭
- he only agreed to play bec Zoro challenged him saying that obviously “I’m braver than you- twirly eyebrows.” “HUH?!”
- oh it was on
- both of them lost
- Luffy won
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- if you think you’re bad at games- compared to smoker? No you’re not
- “Y/n what does this button do?”
- “I’m stuck at the pause screen.”
- “I cant read that fast how the hell do you pause it??”
- pls he can’t understand what the fuck he has to do in the game
- literally about to punch the TV when the characters jump outta nowhere
- “Y/n it’s biting my toes?!”
- “What is this game?! Why does it look real?!”
- literally his blood pressure is going to skyrocket
- frantically waving his bulky ass arms around in attempt to try and escape and not die
- going to have a stroke please give him some water
- you’re going to have to hold his hand and pat his back for a while after 😭 he’s lowkey traumatized by screens
- he’s also one of those guys who can’t figure out how tf to turn off his phone flashlight 💀
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a/n - sorry anime I did random characters 😭
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yeahimcal · 3 months
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[And you are a lithograph/Sketching my history]
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[Under the floodlights you look more like god to me/You’re way too fucked up, you’re way too tough]
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[Two shots of tequila to speed you up/And I guess what I’m trying to say here is thank you]
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[But I go cold]
(Symbolism below the cut if you care!!)
[You are a lithograph]
Young Jason has a target on his back, showcasing how being Robin put him in danger. He was just a kid. He’s talking to Batman, looking up at him, showing how much he trusts him, all the while he has a glaring red target on his back.
[Sketching my history]
Jason’s memorial plaque with his shadow over it. The shadow has ‘history’ written on it to show how Jason has become history, how he is just a story now, he’s not even in charge of how he’s remembered. To quote Richard Siken, ‘history is a little man in a brown suit trying to define a room he is outside of. There are many names in history, but none of them are ours’. Jason is history. He’s not Robin anymore.
[under the floodlights you look more like god to me]
Silhouette of Batman with no eyes, to show how Bruce never really… saw/understood Jason. Jason died thinking that Bruce was this good man, the best man, who always knew what was right. A god. But there is no god to Jason, not anymore. The floodlights are turned off. Jason had to die to recognize the flaws of his father.
[You’re way too fucked up, you’re way too tough]
Half of adult Jason, half of young Jason. Jason can’t go back to who he was. He can’t go back to that little boy who was too tough for his age, who thought Robin gave him magic, who was so good that it hurt. Jason is way too fucked up, now. He came back wrong. Everyone thinks so.
[Two shots of tequila to speed you up]
Jason’s Red Hood mask, a crowbar, a batarang, and his old Robin mask. Two things from his new life, two things from his old. He can’t go back. He can only go forward.
[And I guess what I’m trying to say here is thank you]
Jason’s pointing a gun at his father, who still does not see him. But he cannot kill his father. No matter how many times Bruce fails him, Jason will never be able to take that shot, he will never be able to wipe away the only father he has ever had. Even if he has every opportunity, even if he wants to, he’ll never be able to kill Bruce.
[But I go cold]
Bruce covers the target on Jason’s back as the sun rises over Gotham. Because no matter how many times he fails Jason, he will always keep trying to protect him. Try to keep him intact. The night is dark and it will always be dark and no one will ever be able to wash away all the bad, but as long as the world keeps spinning, Bruce will love his children. Even if Jason doesn’t want the protection, Bruce will give it to him. This is their curse. The will never escape it.
I have some pretty. Insane thoughts about Jason and Bruce’s dynamic as a father and son. So. Yeah…….
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taytrashmouth · 1 year
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Im not a kid Joel!
Joel miller x female reader
Description: camping out in the woods after a pretty rough escape from a group of clickers and a bloater. Joel accuses you of being a kid, another piece of cargo that had to learn when to stand back and you loose it with his constant mood and tell him just how wrong he is
TW: mentions of rape, substance abuse, murder, teen pregnancy, blood, yelling, swearing etc.
————————The Last of Us————————
The fire was cracking and the noise of the wind flowing through the woods made me tense.
Ellie had fallen asleep reading her comic, she had a long week, after escaping all the clickers, watching Sam and Henry die. All of it.
Joel and I stayed up, keeping watch.
“Why don’t you get to bed, I can keep watch.” Joel spoke up.
I just shook my head. “Wouldn’t be able to sleep anyway, hurts.” I pointed to the huge slit down my face, from my lip to my eye. Some raider attacked me.
There was a short silence.
“Thank you.” I spoke up. He just frowned.
“If you hadn’t have shot that clicker when I tried to save Ellie I probably would’ve been dead, we both would’ve.” I looked at his messy hair in the orange fire light and I thought about how messy my long hair looked after a couple weeks without a brush.
“Yeah well you should know when to step back.” He mumbled.
“Excuse me? I saved her.” I pointed to Ellie who was curled up in her sleeping bag.
“No you endangered her, if you hadn’t have moved in the way I would’ve had a clear shot and killed the damn thing sooner!” Joel was yelling in a hushed tone trying not to wake Ellie.
I stared at him in shock.
“You’re no better than her, you’re a kid, and you don’t know what you’re doing.”
I scoffed. “I’m 37 Joel! And might I remind you that the only reason I’m here is because Ellie is the first one in 20 years that is like me.”
I watched Joel’s eyes trail to my healed bite on my neckline.
“Why the fuck are you even mad!?”
“BECAUSE YOU COULD HAVE FUCKING DIED Y/N! And I don’t have time for your childish behavior! It’s bad enough having one of you!” Joel yelled.
I Flinched.
“Joel I am many things but a child is not one of them….I wasn’t a child when at 5 years old my dad left and I wasn’t a kid when my mom overdosed and while she was out my stepdad raped me, when I was 8, and 9 and 10 and every year after that until I was 15 and I got pregnant.”
Joel stared at me. I had tears in my eyes but my gaze never left him.
“I wasn’t a kid when I gave birth at 16 and my mom kicked me out, or when the outbreak started when I was 17, with a 1 year old and a shitty boyfriend called Dan….but I loved them both.”
Joel watched my tears fall down my face rapidly.
“And I definitely wasn’t a kid when at 18 Dan got bitten and he didn’t tell me, I woke up one night to find him chewing up my two year old, and I haven’t been childish since I put a bullet between the eyes of my baby and the man I love.”
My voice was shaking.
“Now you’re an asshole! And I don’t deny that I might not know what I’m doing but Im still alive and I’m here. So do not take whatever anger you have out on me.” I finished.
After about 10 minutes Joel spoke.
“I’m sorry y/n.”
I didn’t look up, I just started walking towards my sleeping bag.
“What was its name?” Joel asked. I stopped walking.
“His name was Joel…” I whispered.
He was quiet, probably thinking about how I complimented his name when we first met.
“I lost my kid too”
“I’m sorry.”
“First day of the outbreak, her name was Sarah.”
I turned around and sat next to him.
“I’m only mad because everyone I love, i loose and I can’t loose you too y/n- I can’t-“
“You love me?” I interrupted.
Joel just looked at me, shocked at what he had just admitted.
His eyes fell to my lips and I took that as the green light. My lips were on his, both chapped. He pulled me closer to him and my hands were in his hair and his were on my back. The kiss felt like it lasted forever before we broke apart.
“You’re still an asshole.” I sighed with a smile and for the first time since Ellie’s diarrhea joke I actually saw him smile.
We both started laughing and our foreheads were touching, looking at his every feature so close was so intense.
“For Mr tough guy your kisses are real sweet.” I joked.
“I think it’s past your bedtime.” Joel sighed.
“You’re not the boss of me.” I laughed.
“With almost 20 years between us I think I am” he gave me a look that told me he was in charge and I liked it, it made me feel a twist in my stomach that I hadn’t felt in years.
He picked me up bridal style and I laughed and kicked as he put my on my sleeping bag and kissed me so gently as he walked back to the fire holding his gun, ready to protect me, to protect Ellie.
I smiled as I stared at the stars.
“Fucking finally!” Ellie whispered next to me.
“You little shit!” I whisper yelled and she just smirked.
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plusvanity · 1 year
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Alright so, I wouldn't have finished this so soon but some of you showed interest in my silly ramblings sooooo... here are some of my headcanons for Larry's 'aloof' personality.
Asperger Syndrome
-Since he was a small child, there were a few behavioral differences between him and the rest of the children.
He never really knew how to properly communicate. That might be very common in children BUT he literally had struggles trying to explain anything. Sentences like: 'I want that' or 'can I have that?' were never on his tongue and lots of time he'd get upset at himself/ people around him for not being able to read his mind and take care of his demands. This kind of behavior crosses a bit into 'anti-social' tenancies. (Hard time to communicate, preferred playing alone, very poor social skills, etc) Shortly, his 'forever-upset' personality resulted in children excluding/ isolating him from their games and plays.
-Larry didn't know why nobody wanted to play with him, why everybody avoided him like plague and gave him dubious looks. Throughout his kindergarten and early-school years he never made friends, never had any significant relationships except with his parents.
Why did nobody see these signs and act accordingly?
We're in the late 90's. There's no such thing as ‘diagnosing kids with mental illness’ unless they've got some kind of schizophrenia that really makes them act out. Parents had little to no information about mental health, let alone autism and how it manifests in children. Rough times but that's how they were.
-Growing up lonely, Larry found his refuge in drawing and writing silly little cartoon stories. Solo hobbies are extremely common in the autistic spectrum, especially when they come in package with die-hard fixations/ obsessions.
-Sensorial sensibility: he can’t stand bright lights in his basement. That’s why he always keeps a small desk lamp on and nothing else to see around him.
-In school, he did poorly. The motto was: it’s either you’re the only one who gets it and nobody else does OR everybody else gets it and you’re the only one who doesn’t. No way in between these two.
-The internal struggle of 'Why am I like this? Why do they hate me? What's wrong with me?' never left his brain. Now, communication was absolutely required no matter if he liked it or not. That's school, you're supposed to answer stuff, use your brains to solve problems and get through the day.
-Firstly, he did what his autistic mind told him to do.. he went fully fucking honest and blunt. With every occasion when he got asked about something, he innocently pointed out everything that bothered him/ seemed wrong or annoying without any fucking filter whatsoever. Needless to say, his true-nature approach didn’t escape punishment. His mother was called, the teachers complained that he’s ‘too mean and arrogant’ , ‘never focused’ , ‘too lazy and selfish’ etc. Everything while Larry looked like a fucking deer in the highlights telling his mom that he didn't do nothing wrong.
-When he finally understood that ‘being honest’ wasn't the key for normal human-communication, that's when his mind began searching for other ways to go by.
Masking was the second option.
-He watched, heard, studied, learned and taught himself the Fine Arts of mimicking normal human response in social situations. Now, that's how he mostly made it work.
-As a chill but tragically misunderstood child, he had finally learned how to make friends. It started with Ash and Maple (alternative music and general outcasts) and later in middle-school, Ash presented him to Todd. (Now, I'd rant about Rob and their 'brother from another mother' dynamic and friendship but that's for another long post if any of you are interested)
-When his father abruptly disappeared from the family frame, it just.... made everything ten thousand times worse for Larry (This is gonna be another post if you're interested)
-All in all, now with a select group of friends he’s still aloof, weird, too loud or too quiet sometimes BUT at least he’s not alone and miserable anymore.
Normally, he's a laid back dude, a stoner (autism and substance abuse is another headache of a post..) a metalhead and maybe just a little delinquent sometimes after 8 pm because of teenage rebellion and all that stuff.
-His ‘masking act’ falls sometimes when he talks about painting, video games, music and basically everything that interests him. Asperger in boys is a lot different than in girls. Girls tend to keep their ‘masking act’ better than boys as boys often don't realize when they slip and start talking miles and miles about their favorite hobbies/ subjects without noticing if the person they're talking to completely loses their interest or gets angry for being talked over and interrupted all the time.
His friends find him a bit annoying at times cause… fuck, who like being talked over? but they’re so used to him that it’s just common and gets easily forgotten.
-When the sudden chronic-insomnia hit him, the fatigue and lethargy didn't go unnoticed by Lisa. Finally, she managed to drag him to a doctor that surprisingly or not, completely missed to diagnose him with autism. The shrink blamed his insomnia on weed (another rant here) and …. ADHD?. Larry took the classic DSM-4 test (oh boy, gotta love the 90′s..) it came back negative on symptoms, confirming everybody that he didn't have ADHD. (Now, I know that the two behavioral illnesses often came in package but with Larry it wasn't the case) After that, nobody did anything.
-Now, he lives freely his teenage years hanging out with Sal, regularly smoking weed, getting deeply offended by the un-true belief that he might have ADHD, still trying to figure out what's actually wrong with him that no shrink or DSM could tell and ultimately enjoying his hobbies and little shenanigans him and his best amigo do.
-The ‘masking act’ has long become an automatic behavior, an unconscious switch for normal social situations so, now he’s most definitely not aware that he’s doing it. 
Sal highly suspects him of being autistic due to the fact that he had far more contacts with doctors and psychiatrists in his entire life that he knows VERY WELL the red flags or autistic behaviors. That and because of their first interaction when Larry was like ‘Sup, you like metal? You GOTTA like metal!’ it screams autism from a fucking mile.
This post is embarrassingly LONG and useless.. and I'll shut the fuck up now for real. BUT If anyone feels like asking questions or going deeper down this rabbit hole, feel free to text me <3 as I love waffling about psychology and pretty much anything lol.
Sorry for my bad English, I did my best in trying to explain all that's written above. These are just some of my little silly headcanons and possibly?? more in-depth explanations for some of the things that go on in my SF fanfic.
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thegreencanary · 2 years
I don’t want to do this anymore
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Biased on this request
Billy Hargrove x female reader
Summary: You took Billy’s place in the Starcourt incident but survived….not without emotional and physical wounds.
TW: Cursing, Violence, Blood, Descriptions of Depression, mentions of suicide
This is a heavy one (As are all of my stories) SO please take the Trigger Warnings seriously! This will have a happy fluffy ending but its gonna take some work to get there!
The world was moving in slow motion, kind of like you were underwater. The last few minutes didn’t register in your head. Billy was at the mall, the Mind Flayer was trying to take out everyone….he was trying to save your life but you didn’t want him to die. Lunging forward, you tackled Billy and forced him out of the way. There was a lot of anger in his face, but El was safe and he was safe so why… then it hit you. The pain, your face twisted into pure agony as you felt the teeth dig into your thigh. It had you. Billy’s face changed into fear as you were dragged away from him. You tried to scream out but you don’t know if any sound actually came. Nothing made sense anymore, but the kids and Billy were safe. Billy was safe, you’d worked so hard to protect him from his life…the last thing you could do was give yours so he could live the life he always deserved to. The Mind Flayer twisted you so you were staring directly at it, and you closed your eyes with a smile. This was a beautiful death, a good death, there were a lot of things you still wanted to do; but it was okay. You were wrapped up in painful teeth on your legs and arms when the building started to shake. Everything had faded away, and you were falling. Death wasn’t what you expected, everything was dark and it felt empty. A voice comforted you in the vestibule of death, it was Billy. He was yelling and you could hear the pain in his voice; but it was still him. Something didn’t feel right… you should have been dead a while ago so why were you still connected to him?
The bright lights invaded your eyes, causing a new wave of pain to surge through your body. Something was down your throat, you couldn’t move. Panic set it as you tried to escape and get out of wherever you were. Shaking and trying to yell with no success, tears streamed down your face, then you heard it.
Billy. His hands, his strong calloused, comforting hands touched your face. He was gentle, which wasn’t something Billy Hargrove was good at. Focusing on him was hard, how was he here? You had nothing but fear and panic in your eyes as he tried to calm you down.
“It’s okay baby. Im here. You’re okay, we’re okay…you’re awake. You’re alive. Thank fucking God…”
Billy was comforting himself the longer he held you. He had gone through hell the last two weeks. A coma could last for years, and he was prepared to live in that hospital room with you if he had to. He lied and said he was your husband to get special privileges, and your parents didn’t stop him. The doctors ripped him away from you before you could fully calm down. You were surrounded by white Coats and you tried to find Billy again but you couldn’t. Panic set back in and your body started shaking uncontrollably. You heard someone say something about sedation, and you felt a sharp pain in your arm. The last thing you heard was Billy shouting for you. The darkness came back, it was a waiting room of emptiness, pure silence and weight. You felt so unbelievably heavy as you stood in the vast nothingness. It was so scary, you wish you would have just died instead.
The next time you woke up, you weren’t as restrained as before. You still were tied down, but nothing was down your throat and you could speak. Billy was asleep on the uncomfortable couch in the room when you woke with a scream. He immediately ran to you.
“I’m here. It’s okay…I’m here.”
Nothing cohesive came out. You felt Billy I strapping your restraints and he pulled you up into a hug. It was warm, familiar, safe. Fresh hot tears streamed down your face as you wept into him. You felt his drip onto your shoulder. Embarrassment and anger, the first two emotions you felt outside of panic and fear. You weren’t weak, you didn’t cry. Now Billy was holding you while you wept. It was so stupid….so you pulled yourself away from him and composed yourself.
“What happened?”!
Billy sighed.
“Can I just fucking sit with you for a second.”
“I don’t even know where I am Billy.”
“The hospital. You tried to fucking save everyone. You didn’t let anyone…you didn’t let me help you.”
Billy was mad but he was also relived you were still alive. He didn’t know how to talk to you yet.
“I didn’t want you to fucking die Billy!”
“You think I wanted to LOSE YOU? Are you fucking serious?? I NEED YOU.”
He was shaking you and crying as you two yelled at each other. You yelled back as you two fought but it felt good to you both. You both were here and able to yell at each other. It needed with a passionate kiss and you two forgetting to breathe because you were just so happy to be with each other.
The following days proved to be another nightmare. The doctor was trying to tell you your leg was permanently damaged and if you didn’t start intense physical therapy, you’d never be able to walk again. You were doing okay with your emotions around everyone else, you kept a smile on your face and a somewhat positive attitude. Everyone was impressed that you could bounce back so fast, only Billy knew what was really going on. He had to go back to work and school so he wasn’t there as much, which you understood. It was still hard though.
Today was the hardest day. You’d been in physical therapy for a while and you still couldn’t get your bitch ass leg to support your weight. The poor nurse was trying to help you and you kept snapping at her. Your mom was even trying to help you out but nothing was working.
“It’s fucking pointless! I should’ve just fuckin died at the mall I can’t do anything!”
The nurse tried to help, she gently touched your shoulder And you pushed her off.
“Don’t touch me! You want me to walk?? Fine!! I’ll prove it!! I’m worthless!!”
You let go of the side supports and go to take a step, collapsing into the floor.
You couldn’t stop it. The wave of emotions you were holding down came gushing out. A few doctors came in but you screamed at them to go away. Your mom was crying, no one knew what to do.
“Kill me! Just kill me! Why won’t anyone fucking listen to me??”
You felt like you were screaming into nothing. No one was listening. Your mom ran out, and you were surrounded by strangers.
“Don’t fucking touch me!!”
You scooted away and they got closer.
“NO!!! STOP!!!”
Closing your eyes all you could see was the Mind Flayer. Opening them, all the doctors looked like it. It was happening again. You couldn’t breathe, your heart was going to beat out of your ears. Your tears burned your skin…then it all stopped.
The faint smell of cigarettes and motor oil wrapped around you. The feeling of his biceps squeezing you into safety, his body pressed against yours; shielding you from everything bad.
“Billy. I can’t do this. I can’t do this. I can’t do this.”
You kept repeating it as he shifted, lifting you up. He didn’t ask permission to take you back to your room; he just did. When the two of you were alone he sat with you in his arms on your bed.
The room was filled with the soft sound of your messy sobs.
“Stop thinking you have to hold it together. Lean on me. I’m right fucking here and I’m not going anywhere.”
“I’m. So. Useless. I can’t even walk. I should’ve died. You should’ve let me die. I don’t want to do this anymore Billy.”
“I’m going to say this one time. So listen up. Don’t ever fucking say that again. I need you. Max needs you. You saved everyone. We all need you. Boo-hoo you’re sad. Get over it. I know you’re in there. You can do this. You beat a fucking giant alien demon. You’re gonna let a leg stop you?”
Anyone else listening in would have thought Billy was a horrible boyfriend. It helped you though, he was pointing out everything you’d been through and you handled it all with his help. You two leaned on each other, and he was ready to hold you durning this. The crying stopped and you began to breathe a bit more normal.
“You’re not…disappointed in me?”
“I could never be. You’re so fucking good. You’re the one who saved me from so much. I’m so proud of you.”
Taking a deep breath you calmed down.
“Okay…okay. I…I can do this.”
“That’s my girl.”
“I know baby. I know. I love you too.”
The two of you kissed. You weren’t alone. You had him.
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intheorangebedroom · 6 days
Cassian Andor x rebellion pilot!reader x Din Djarin
Is absolutely screaming at me 😵‍💫🖤🥵
Just the thought makes me
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Thank you so much for this ask, Kyla 🧡🥰🧡 This one is so old. Before I even knew there was fanfiction on tumblr! I spent weeks, no, MONTHS, daydreaming about it, right after I saw season 1 of The Mandalorian. I'm gonna try ot give you the short version because it goes very deep 😅
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So you are a teen when the Empire destroys your home planet and kills your family. Classic. You're left with nothing to lose, no one to love. After you escape, you get radicalised and join Saw Gerrera and his crew. With them, you train very hard to become a ruthless killing machine. You can use any weapon, blaster, vibroblade, rifle, your fists, you basically turn your own body into a weapon (can you tell I want to be Black Widow when I grow up?).
However, as you grow older, you don't always see eye to eye with Saw's modus operandi, and when you meet this young rebel intelligence captain (this was long before the Andor series), you decide to follow him.
The connection between you is immediate (yeah ok, I know I have a brand...). You work together, and there's nothing you can't do, no intel you can't retrieve, no mission you can't achieve successfully. You think and work and move as one, two peas in a pod, it's uncanny the way you can communicate without words, and that's what makes you so good at your job.
At night, at the base, you share one bunk bed, and there too your connection is otherwordly. It's not even sex, it's a communion.
It's weird to think of yourself as happy, given the war and the circumstances, but you are fulfilled. You have a purpose, and someone you'd die for.
Until you get word of this super weapon the Empire is building... So here it merges with the Rogue One plot, but without Jyn (I'm sorry Jyn, I love you, but there's no room for you in this pod). On Scarrif, at the very last moment, before the impact, Cassian manages to shove you into an escape pod despite his injuries, and you're propelled into space, drifting helplessly as you watch the love of your love being blown to atoms. You hurt so much you think you’ll die yourself. You want to die. When you reach base they have to sedate you. You miss the battle of Yavin and all. 
Fast forward a little, you become a pilot for the Black Squadron, some kind of last chance unit that gets sent in when the situation is desperate. You’re the best because you're reckless, you've got a deathwish. You’re dead already, anyway. 
When the war ends, the politics start and you’re gutted because half the Imps are pardoned and walk free. So you go rogue, hunting them down on your own. You’re now wanted down by your former comrades, people you’ve fought alongside with. You live in the shadows. But again you don’t care, you’re dead. 
That’s how you end up on Nevarro, helping a certain Mandalorian escape with his little package (my babyyyy).
At first, Din doesn't trust you at all. Things are very rough between you. But he understands he needs you. And he's intrigued. He saw you fight. As for you, you stay because you won't let the Empire get what it wants.
So time passes by, on the run from the Empire and the New Republic. You cohabitate in silence, you fight alongside each other, you take care of the kid together. After a while, you become intrigued too. He’s righteous and competent and a reluctant hero and... broad. You look at him and caught him looking too (as much as you can tell with the helmet). However, you know about the Mandalorian way. And that shit's not for you.
So you strike a bargain. You two can fuck whenever the kid’s asleep, but you only take off as much clothing as he does. So it’s a dance, sort of, over many weeks, months, between you and him. You're tough, and he's tougher, but is he really? It's him wanting more and more of you, so taking off more and more of his armour so he can touch more and more of your skin (yeah I know, the armour-peeling metaphor is not very original 😂).
However, Cassian haunts your dreams. Or rather your nightmares. Even more so now that you’re slowly falling for another man, even if you don’t realise it yet. You wake up in sweats, crying out his name, and Din is fucking burning to know but he can’t bring himself to ask. He grows increasingly impatient and furious at your reckless ways, you take too much risks, it’s obvious you don’t care if you die and he just can’t take it anymore. He cares. And he wants you to care too. He’s giving you his trust, forgoing his way, and you’re not committing yourself. You remain on the edge. And his frustration and anger reach an all time high (*swoon*).
After one particularly violent fight-- wait, should I tell you how this ends??
Anyway, I can't believe myself, I said the short fucking version 🤦🏻‍♀️ The girl who couldn't be concise to save her life (or that of her friends). I'm sorry! Plus it's most likely not the mmf you expected, it's just fight and smut and angst, I'M SORRY!
Here, for your trouble:
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(this gif makes me fucking sick)
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theewokingdead · 1 year
Random References - Benergy Universe
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Pairing: Benny Miller x wife!Reader Summary: Benny is known for saying and quoting random things. What happens when he catches you doing the same? Word Count: 400+ Rating: No rating but my blog is 18+ Warnings: First person POV, Language Notes: If you don’t know these references, you’re too young. Here’s the cartoon, titled "Rejected" by Don Hertzfeldt, which found its way onto the internet in the early 2000s. Yes, my husband will yell random lines from it all the time, yes the kids find it hilarious, and yes it drives me insane lol.
Main Masterlist | Benergy Series Masterlist
“Nanny Plum. Nanny Plum.”
The name escapes my lips in a shrill sing-song voice, complete with a poor attempt at a British accent. I don’t mind letting the kids have screen time, but God I hate children’s shows and their annoyingly catchy songs and lines. They tunnel into my brain and burrow themselves deep, hibernating until they are suddenly roused, and refusing to leave until they eventually die off.
Sophie’s latest obsession is a cartoon on YouTube about a fairy princess and an elf. I heard someone singing the name Nanny Plum literally just one time, and now I find myself mindlessly repeating it while cleaning the glass shelves of the fridge. As if I wasn’t irritated enough by having to clean up whatever Benny allowed to ooze all over the place.
“Nanny Plum. Nanny Plum,” I sing aloud again. I want to get it out of my head, but I just can’t. To make matters worse random rhymes that follow the tune keep spilling out of my mouth. I scrub a little harder at the sticky shit before grumbling, “Want to shove my foot up Benny’s bum!”
Of course, that would be the moment Benny walks into the kitchen.
“And you tell me I say random shit!” he points out, pretending to be offended.
“I never said I don’t say random things too sometimes,” I defend. I’m fully aware I’m a bit of a hypocrite, giving him shit for always shouting the most random things when I know damn well I do it too.
“Sometimes,” he scoffs, rolling his eyes.
“At least I’m current. I’m not the one who walked across the house with a bowl of ice cream shrieking ‘My spoon is too big!’ like anyone knows what the fuck that references anymore.”
“That video is a classic!”
“Yeah, a classic. As in it’s old. Leave it in the early 2000s where it belongs, Benjamin.”
“You know, I don’t think you appreciate me enough. The girls think I’m hilarious,” he retorts, grabbing an apple off the counter before walking off without another word.
Rolling my eyes, I return to my task. Now that he’s out of sight a small smile creeps onto my lips. As annoying as he can be, I love the shit out of him.
Just then, I hear him screech at the top of his voice, “MY ANUS IS BLEEDING!”
It’s so unexpected I startle.
“Jesus Christ, Benny!” I shout. How does he remember this random shit? “Wait until I shove my foot up your ass! Then we’ll see how much it bleeds.”
A booming laugh echoes from down the hall. “I’d like to see you try!” he calls, opening the front door. “Love you, babe!”
“Yeah, yeah,” I grumble, knowing the door has already shut behind him. “Love you too…asshole.” I huff and return to my scrubbing, doing nothing to stop my lips from curling into another smile.
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roseworth · 2 years
i went apeshit over that last one. anyway roy & anyone u choose w “i’m scared” pls 🫶
send me a prompt 😙
i chose mia is anyone surprised
For the millionth time in his life, Roy wished that Gotham rogues would just stay in Gotham. Whenever they got bored of Batman, they would come to fuck shit up in other cities, and everyone else just had to deal with it.
Today, it was the Riddler. His snarky tone and infuriating way of talking were already pissing Roy off, not to mention the fact that he had locked him in some kind of fucking escape room. 
“Are you a mythology fan, Arsenal?” Riddler asked over a speaker. Roy rolled his eyes and started looking around the room for a way to get out. When Roy didn’t respond, the Riddler continued. “Artemis and Apollo, the moon and the sun, the twins of the hunt. Brother and sister.”
Roy narrowed his eyes and looked up, trying to find some camera to stare into or something. “What do you want?”
“I think you are going to be the one wanting,” Riddler responded. Roy couldn’t wait to punch him in the face. “Because you’ve got a kind of twin yourself, don’t you?”
Roy raised an eyebrow. “A twin,” he repeated, wholly unimpressed.
“A sister in arms, a replica of what you once were,” Riddler explained in his stupid droning tone. 
Mia, Roy thought, his blood running cold. “What the hell do you want with Speedy?”
“Once again, I won’t be the one wanting,” Riddler sing-songed. “Maybe you should keep better track of your clothes.”
A hatch clicked, and a drawer opened with a single comm sitting in it. He took it out and shoved it in his ear. “Speedy?”
“Roy?” Mia said groggily. “What’s going on?”
“Riddler got us,” he explained. “I thought it was just me, but looks like we’re in it together, kid.”
Mia laughed quietly. “Always dragging me into your problems, huh?”
“Guess so,” he smiled. “Where are you?”
“I, uh…” she trailed off. “I don’t know. It’s dark in here.”
“As you may recall,” Riddler shouted over the speaker, “Artemis’s temple was burned to the ground back in 356 BC.”
“Riddle me this, Arsenal,” he said, a grin evident in his voice. “What is not alive, but grows? Doesn’t have lungs, but needs air? Doesn’t have a mouth, but is killed by water?”
“Damnit,” he said under his breath. “Mia? Are you okay?”
“Fuck,” she whispered. “I don’t want to be burned alive.”
“You won’t be,” he promised. “He gave me some riddles, that’s his whole shtick, right? I’ll get you, no problem.”
“‘No problem,’” she repeated in a mocking tone. “I can’t believe I’m getting fridged.”
Roy laughed breathily. “You’re not getting fridged, I promise not to go through any emotional development after you die.”
Mia snickered. “Just do the riddles, asshole.”
Roy turned back to the room. There was a drawer with a small slot, with the label What has a head, a tail, is brown, and has no legs?
Roy rolled his eyes and searched the room for a penny. If all the riddles were like this, he would have Mia out in no time.
He found a penny sitting on the ground, then pressed it through the slot. The drawer popped open with another riddle. He breezed through them, making small talk with Mia all the while.
“How are the Teen Titans?” he asked.
“Fine,” she said. “Cassie started dating that one girl that we think might be Ollie’s.”
He snorted. “Cassie is sorta-half-sister-in-law material, right?”
Mia laughed. Roy worked through a few more riddles, picking up a pair of gloves after the riddle They have no flesh, nor feathers, nor scales, nor bone. Yet they have fingers and thumbs of their own. What are they?
He looked inside the gloves and pulled out a strip of paper.
I make two people out of one. What am I?
He read the riddle a few times. “Hey, Mimi, you good at riddles?”
“No. Also, ‘Mimi’?”
“There’s no better time to try out nicknames than right next to death, Memes.”
“I’ve got the riddle ‘I make two people out of one,’ any thoughts?”
Mia thought for a moment. “I’ve got a friend that’s a clone, maybe it’s a cloning device.”
“I don’t think that’s it,” he said. “Besides, Donna’s kind of sort of a clone, and she–” He cut himself off. 
“It’s a mirror.”
“And you got that with the power of Donna?”
Roy searched the room for a mirror. He looked at a wall across from him and inspected the mirror. “What can I say? Donna’s smart, I guess just thinking about her makes me smarter.”
“Huh, you must not think about her a lot.”
“Very funny,” he drawled. He couldn’t find anything on or behind the mirror. He frowned, then threw it on the ground.
“What was that?”
“And you broke it?”
“Riddle’s behind the glass,” he said, flipping it over and picking up a slip of paper that had fallen out. “You have me today, tomorrow you'll have more. As your time passes, I'm not easy to store. I don't take up space, but I'm only in one place. I am what you saw, but not what you see. What am I?”
“I hate riddles,” Mia replied. “This is stupid.”
“‘I don’t take up space’ probably means it’s a concept.”
“Sounds like a thought,” she said. “You have them today and more tomorrow, and everyone has thoughts. Well, most people have thoughts, I don’t know what you have.”
“Love you too, my darling sister,” Roy said sarcastically. “It’s what you saw, so it’s in the past right? Memories?”
“Ah, yes!” Riddler yelled over the speaker. “Memories! And you’ll have to live with the memories of your sister for–”
“That ones a bit of a stretch,” Roy interrupted. “Not a good riddle if you have to explain it.”
“Roy!” Mia yelled. “Fire!”
“Fire!” she repeated. “It’s fuckin– It’s coming closer, I’m gonna–”
“Stay calm, Speedy,” Roy said, instantly shifting into seasoned vigilante mode. 
“Now that we’re properly focused, let’s move on,” Riddler said smugly. “What is it that given one, you'll have either two or none?”
Roy frowned. “A…” he trailed off. He had heard this one before. “A choice?”
A door flew open behind him. “Exactly!” Riddler yelled. “You have a choice: You can stay here and save Speedy, or you can leave now and save yourself! You can’t do both.”
He heard the comm in his ear click. Fuck. “Speedy? Can you still hear me?”
“No outside help,” Riddler cackled. “Now, a choice!”
The choice was pretty clear. He could leave to get help, but he had no guarantee Riddler wouldn’t kill her while he was gone. Even if the man killed him after Mia was safe, it would be better than her getting hurt.
“I choose Speedy,” he said, crossing his arms. 
Riddler said nothing, but the comm in his ear clicked again. 
“Right here, kiddo.”
She breathed a sigh of relief. “I thought you left me.”
“Never, I swear.”
She didn’t reply. Roy wished they could go back to 2 minutes ago when she was teasing him instead of the nervous silence she had now.
“Talk to me, kid, I’m still sorting through these riddles,” he said, flipping to the back of the memory riddle and finding a new riddle to work through.
“There’s still a fire,” she said quietly. “It’s slow, but it’s getting closer.”
“You’re gonna be out of there in no time, don’t you worry.”
Mia stayed silent for a while, and Roy kept moving through riddles. They were all softballs from here, like “What has hands, but cannot clap?” then the next riddle inside the clock.
“Roy?” Mia said, her voice raspy and shaking. 
“I’m scared.”
“You’re gonna be okay,” he assured her.
“How do you know?”
“Would I ever lie to you?”
“Yes,” she answered. “You lie to me all the time.”
“What? Name one time.”
“The other day you told me Nightwing was raised by a family of monkeys and that’s why he’s so acrobatic,’” Mia ranted.
Roy couldn’t help but laugh. “Okay, fine, that was–”
“And you tried to convince me that the real way Ollie got off the island was by growing gills and swimming away.”
“Come on, those were all–”
“And just last week you told me you were going to visit home, then you didn’t,” she yelled. Roy’s stomach twisted at the way her voice wavered like she was holding back a sob. “And I waited! I-I was waiting all night because I thought you were coming like you said, then you didn’t and I just–” She took a deep breath, then mumbled, “Whatever. Didn’t even care.”
“Mia, I–”
“It’s fine, you were doing something important, or whatever, I get it.”
“I’m sorry, kid,” he said, squeezing his eyes shut for a moment. “I would’ve, I swear, it wasn’t about you.”
“I know,” she said. “Still hurts.”
“I’m sorry,” he said again. “But trust me now, you’re going to be okay, and you can yell at me to my face about it soon.”
“I don’t want to,” she mumbled. “I don’t want to be mad at you about it, I just want you there.”
“Whatever, man, I’m in a room of fire right now, just– just do what you need to do.”
Roy grimaced and looked at the next riddle, only to find that there was no riddle. Just the sun on a piece of paper.
“Congratulations, dear Apollo, you’ve seen the sun!” Riddler yelled. “But alas, the moon cannot be seen without the sun’s light! Rise, dear moon, and reflect the sun’s shine as your own!”
“Roy,” Mia said. “A door to the roof just opened above me, I’m getting out.”
“Thank god,” he sighed. “Get far away, don’t let him find you again, okay?”
“What? No way, man,” she argued. “You’re still trapped, I’m not just gonna leave you.”
“I can get out myself, don’t worry about me,” he replied, not sure if he even believed himself.
“Don’t lie to me, I’m– wait a minute."
Roy frowned. “What’s going on?”
“I need you to trust me.”
“That’s not very reassuring.”
Seconds later, a wall blew up behind him, and Mia walked through the rubble.
“Explosive arrows!” she exclaimed, holding her bow above her head. “He left my quiver on the roof.”
“Jesus, give a guy some warning, Mimi,” he grunted, dusting himself off.
“I told you to duck.”
“Alright, fine,” he said, then opened his arms. “C’mere, kiddo. I’m just glad to see you safe.”
Mia’s face broke out into a grin as she sprinted straight into his arms, tackling him into a hug, nearly causing him to fall over with the force of it. He beamed and lifted her off her feet as she hugged him tighter. 
“Can we find Riddler and punch his stupid face now?” Mia asked from where her face was smooshed against Roy’s shoulder.
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heli0s-writes · 2 years
bite the hand
a/n: featuring a whumptober prompt of “fracture, dislocation, are you here to break me out” 2.6k words of wolf/shapeshifter reader & human bucky, who are both trying to break the mold of their species.
warnings: violence, blood, language.
moonchild masterlist
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You’re not any kind of damsel in distress but there’s no point in lying to yourself this time. There aren’t many ways to escape a steel cage and considering the silver they tied you with and the after-effects of enough tranquilizers to knock out a stampede of horses, you figure you’ll be here indefinitely.
Nine humans tore through early morning. Raids have been far and few but once in a while they get bored, get audacious. The pack moves often enough, and deep enough, to where hunters can’t track, but sometimes they also get lucky.
Or you’ve been had. Because you’re the volunteer liaison, and Barnes always said you were too damn trusting for one of your kind.
Maybe you trusted him too much. 
You shut your eyes, tired all the way through, and try a number of any imaginary techniques to keep from despairing. How long do wolves stay alive in captivity anyway? It’ll drive you fucking insane before you die. Your muscles might atrophy with this tiny perimeter to pace around in, but your heart will go first, getting carted out of the wilderness and into smoggy, disgusting cities.
They’ll either sell you or gut you or parade you around as another circus act. Let their ugly children throw rocks and garbage between the bars, but at least it wasn’t any of the others—and especially not any of the pups.
You could bite the one feeding you, hold their arm between the bars with your teeth until another one puts you down.
But what if they don’t give a shit? Humans can be horrible like that. Depending on who it is, they’re likely to weigh their options, wonder if you’d be worth more sold as pelt or organs or teeth crushed to powder than the poor bastard giving you scraps.
You let out a whine. Slump down as comfortably as you can because the damage to your left shoulder is not letting you forget it any time soon. If you could turn or push up against something, you would—that’d set the damn thing right—but the chains and the drugs and yada-yada.
On the bright side, if you give up and let them take you, at least it means they won’t come back for the kids.
Pietro and Wanda and little Peter who’s a damn prodigy when he darts through the trees but skin and bones after a long winter. Most of you are, which is why humans showed up, which is why you were barely strong enough to fight, get shot to hell, and strapped down to the bed of a truck.
Your animal form would have been hard to manage, but you were weak, tired, and human. Your shoulder dislocated, and leg fractured, and if you see another tire iron coming your way you’ll beat the fucker swinging it to death. No. You’ll fucking eat him.
If you see Barnes, you’ll eat him, too.
Delirium is definitely sinking in. Being the liaison between humans and wolves means that the wolf should never have the urge to eat a human or else it would totally compromise the position. And yet here you are, fantasizing of biting down on Barnes’ beautiful skull.
“See you in the spring,” he’d said as he fixed his gloves. He was hilariously bundled up, nose a startling pink, admitted he couldn’t deal much with the cold and snow but then after a couple weeks of scarce prey and hungry bellies, there’d be a deer, or a rabbit, dragged close enough to where you’d smell it, far enough to where no one else would.
Rumlow would call you a traitor to your face for taking it home, but at least the kids ate. If he had his way, the nearest town would be a bone yard. But that’s the stupid in him. The dumb animal part that hasn’t evolved past eat-fuck-kill. That’s gonna get the locals burning the entire forest just to smoke the pack out.
One of the men who captured you knocks a pipe against the bars.
“Crazy bitch really does look human.” He bangs the cage without rhythm, just hitting it over and over, chortling. After a few more seconds without a response, he pulls back further to wind up.
“Cut that shit out, man,” another one says.
“We ain’t got nothin’ to fuckin’ do until sundown.”
“If you’re bored, go into town with John and get some fucking gas and bandages. We got a long drive tonight.” A third guy snatches the pipe, throws it over his shoulder and jerks his thumb toward one of the trucks.
“You do it.”
They bicker for a while longer, and the shittier one between the three of them picks up a rock when he loses the argument, hurling it at you as hard as he can. It bounces off the bars, and you can only hope that they have the same crappy aim at wherever carnival you get hauled off to because the metal is still quivering, and you have never been in love with the idea of being stoned to death.
The sun is sinking, resting low atop the tree line, temperature dropping rapidly in the absence of its heat.
They’re going to move you as soon as the last ray winks out. Take the cars past the edge of the forest, hit the interstate and then they’re home free. Wolves wouldn’t chase humans on the highway, across state lines. There’s no bureau of jack shit to follow your trail. Rumlow would never even suggest it. He’d just call you one of them, anyway, as if wolves aren’t half-human to start.
You shoot up when the air shifts. The scent on the wind is different, the noise dimmed but it’s a stillness that’s too quiet for these woods and for these humans.
Four went and five stayed because despite their advantage, on the off chance you got loose, they probably figured they’d need one for each limb and one to blow your brains out.
The one by the fire spits out a mouthful of chew and checks his phone, oblivious.
Your skin is prickling, hairs on the back of your neck lifting because the new smell isn’t stale tobacco and 3 days worth of grit— it’s— familiar. Like intention, an adrenaline that doesn’t rush so much as slinks forward.
It’s how you feel padding between the trees, ears pulled back, your sights set on the pulse of a fawn’s neck.
And then, the rush hits.
He’s there, eyes flashing blue between the pines, to the fire, to the cage. You fight the wolf that wants to tear out of your skin—fight the instinct to howl at bloodshed, to kneel and leap and affix your canines to something soft.
A bullet flies through the trees, pierces one in the shoulder. A second through the side of the one next to him. A third to another guy just now on his feet.
They pull out their pistols and shoot back, blasting into the pines blindly, recklessly reloading.
Shouting commences, and the humans split apart, try to flank Barnes in the trees.
And regardless of how you thought about biting off his head earlier, your fists are clenched, wanting to give anything to break free.
Pops go off in the distance with thuds following. There’s snaps of twig and bone and soon after, there are no more bullets, only the pained whimpers of wounded men.
He dashes out, a ring of keys clutched tight in his hand.
“Hey,” he says, crouching and out of breath. He’s talking fast, puffing out continuous clouds in the late February air. “Think all the ammo’s in the other truck. Heard some guys bragging about catching a wolf last night. When I said see you in spring, I didn’t mean like this.”
He’s too damn casual about it. You jerk helplessly at the one suddenly sprinting up from behind. “Move!”
He quirks a brow, “That’s all I get?” and proceeds to dodge a bat full of nails like it’s made of cotton candy. “No thanks for breaking you out?” But his eyes catch on the swollen mess of your shoulder, the dead limp of the rest of your arm. The silver. And then he’s immediately serious, sharp and deadly, and gets a foot into the nearest ribcage.
Logically you’d known that he would have been strong enough to, at the very least, keep his life if the liaison decided to eat him rather than broker peace. But for a man who doesn’t change into anything the way you can, he’s pretty impressive.
He fights like he’s been in a lot of them. Like maybe he’s been trained.
He ducks low, sweeps a pair of feet out, and then he’s sending a single kick to the temple, and uses the motion to fall forward into the other guy. He’s swiped at, a hidden blade cutting across his chest but his leather jacket takes it, and it only nicks his jaw, sending a single trickle of blood flowing out.
You growl at the sight. The low buildup starts from inside your belly and rolls upwards until it’s roaring out of you—a promise of retribution for every drop.
It makes his last opponent flinch, and Barnes tackles him over, punches him til the lights go out.
All five are accounted for, unconscious and strewn across the dirt. There’s no noise for a few seconds other than the calling of nocturnal birds until you hear the other truck around the bend of trees, tires crackling against fallen branches and gravel road. You hear it first, but Barnes is listening too, watching for your signal.
“Hey,” you say, urgent, “are you here to break me out or are you just gonna stand there looking pretty?”
He looks like he’s about to smirk and give you shit for calling him pretty by any degree, but you start pulling against the cuffs, let him hear the way it sizzles, and then he’s rushing forward with keys, throwing the door open, kneeling by your side.
“Shit,” he mutters, face screwing up when he gets a whiff of blackened flesh. He unhooks the padlock, rips the links off, and flings them across the cage.
“Come on.” You nod at the jut of bone as it nudges against your skin. There’s no time to waste. “Go, go, go.”
His pained frown keeps on, big eyes darting back and forth.
“Barnes,” you say, ducking your head so you can stare into him, into all that worry and fear that’s taking hold of his reason because you know what you look like right now. Skin and bones and bloodied up. But you won’t look like it for long—but if he keeps getting stuck, both of you are going to end up in the dirt. “The adrenaline will be enough, you hear me? It’ll be enough.”
He nods, shutting his eyes for a second before calmly settling in front of you. With one hand, he takes your elbow, with the other, he gently places at an angle, right beneath the swelling.
The correct way to set a shoulder is to relax the tightened muscles, which takes massaging, and breathing, and patience. But right now the car is pulling up—you can smell the exhaust, the open beer, the sour smoker’s breath on the wind, see the flicker of headlights as they make slits through the trees—and you need pain. Need that kick in your system that overrides reason.
“On three,” he says.
You take a breath and don’t even make it to one before the explosion of your joint ramming back into place whites everything out.
It’s sirens all the way.
Slamming doors, footsteps, yelling. Shots. You’re a terror of instinct shredding across the short distance from vehicle to cage, landing first on the one with the gun. A bullet grazes your belly, but it doesn’t hurt. You sink your teeth into a neck, then an arm, and when someone else reaches for a new magazine, you take their fingers. Take their shoulder, their side. It’s indiscriminate killing and what they would have done to you, and the kids, and one of their own.
You counted every drop that slipped off his chin. You’ll take a mouthful for each.
When logic comes back, you’ve got your paws on a jerking limb, fur matted at the snout and claws.
Barnes is still by the cage, like he meant to go somewhere and then forgot.
“Shit,” he says, awed, ambling forward. He reaches out his hand, touching the side of your face gently, parting the furs and stroking your cheek. “Goddamn. You’re beautiful, aren’t you?”
You bare your teeth, canines nearly 3 inches long and sticky with blood but he just says, “Nah,” like you’re not one yawn away from cracking his skull, stupid smile a wild slash across his face. “You’re a sweetheart.”
He rubs the line of your snout, up between your eyes.
“Yeah,” he says again, quieter, “you are.”
And because you can’t fake it anymore, because you’re too tired to fight it for fucks sake— and he’s looking so soft and dumb as he strokes his thumb over one ear and then the other, you start to change back, one crackling bone at a time.
He takes off his jacket, placing it around your naked shoulders when you’re bipedal again, eyes fixed on the stars overhead until you clear your throat. The leather smells like him. Warm and musky but clean like fresh air. There’s notes of his morning coffee—caramel and lemon aromas. His soap, his toothpaste, his maple syrup. His sweat.
You feel out your shoulder and previous fracture, both healed slightly after the change. “So it wasn’t you who led them to us.”
“You’re breaking my heart. You think I’d do something like that?”
“Hm.” No, not really.
“I think maybe they followed me, though. Followed you.”
“Do you have a poacher problem in your town?”
“No, they’re from somewhere else.” His brow furrows.
You think about Rumlow, how he transplanted himself into the pack, digging his heels in and trying to assert some kind of dominance. How the hierarchy existed but loosely, because packs evolve, and change, and those who don’t fall behind.
Human-wolf relations are changing, too. You’re not the first liaison and you won’t be the last. Small towns are trying to learn how to coexist all over the world.
You look at the many unconscious men behind your back, and the one to your side, alert and watchful. Him, and you, agents of change— despite the challenge, side by side.
“The kids care much?” He gestures to the very human artifact over your body.
“No,” you admit, “they like you.”
He whistles, scrubs his hand through his hair, letting the wind rustle the long waves he’d grown out during winter. And it’s killing you—all that smell whipping around so carelessly. All of him, just there. That pretty, pretty aroma separating him from the rest of his kind.
He doesn’t even notice. “What’d I do to win them over?”
You sigh. Before this? Nothing, really. He didn’t do anything except be decent. And be your friend. But then again, crossing the distance from one species to another, two polar opposites that have hunted each other, have hated each other, is brave. And bravery is high on the list of good virtues for wolf pups.
For grown wolves, too.
“I like you, is what.”
He stops playing with his hair, color flaring back to his wind-whipped cheeks. “Don’t let Rumlow hear you saying that.”
“Think a human’s the only thing I’ll bite?” You grin, pulling his jacket tighter to your body, dropping your head dramatically to inhale.
“Oh,” he breathes, kicking dirt as he stumbles around his words, attention glued to how you nuzzle in because wolves don’t forget scents. Not even feral ones, when they’re lost to instinct and chasing thoughtlessly after the moon. Rumlow would only choose to leave you to rot because he’s an asshole— not because he can’t track.
So when you take in a lungful of Barnes, you’re promising him of some kind of forever.
And if Rumlow gives you shit for coming home wearing Barnes’ clothes, you’ll just have to remind him you’re not human enough to consider yourself above cannibalization.
It had been a long winter, after all.
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geliditramonti · 2 years
Pairing: Jack Daniels (Agent Whiskey) x f!Reader
Summary: You and Agent Whiskey are on a mission and you’re at a dead end.
Warnings: swearing, shooting, falling
[Part 2]
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*We're fucked. We're totally fucked.*
You can't think of anything else while hiding behind a small cement wall containing an outlet noozle, squatting on the ground of this building roof, while bullets fly over your heads hoping to caught you and blow your brains out.
"There's fucking loads of them!"
Shit, this was never in the cards. When Champagne entrusted you with this mission you thought you could do it without much trouble...and you would've gotten it if only Tequila hadn't decided to get high like a kid at his first party yesterday night, being completely knocked out this morning and leaving you and Whiskey alone to handle a plan set for three. Stupid prick. The goal of this mission was to take a dose of antidote in a test tube and go back to the base without being seen. It was meant to be a quick, clean work...but everything has gone to shit when the alarm went off and you found ourselves forced to run on this fucking roof, ending up surrounded and with no escape.
"We're not gonna make it" you say aloud to Whiskey, squatting beside you "they're too many!"
Your breath is racing, looking at his face and almost feeling his brain working really fast to come up with something. He just stays in silence for a bit before speaks, reloading his guns as fast as he can.
"Ok, listen" he says in a short breath "I lost my whip and only have a few slugs left. You have to cover me and you have to do it without missin' a shot. Got it?"
"I told you hiding on the roof was a stupid...wait, what?"
"You got that?"
"No, what...no! How-"
"Cover me!"
It's a split second, you don't even have time to reply while see Whiskey take a breath and stand up in a lightning movement, running to a group of soldiers with open arms and responding to fire with his two revolvers, jumping headlong into the fire conflict.
You have no choice but to have his back. His brilliant plan was just to jump into the fray like that? Jesus. You aim as precisely and quickly as you can, shooting at those bastards who haven't given you a breath in over an hour. You shoot and keep shooting, watching Whiskey confront a group of at least seven soldiers in camouflage, picking them off one by one with some fast and precise movements. His motions are so fast that with your eyes you almost struggle to see them, seeing only the enemies fall ruinously one by one like little toy soldiers in the hands of a sadistic child playing war. You try to keep your concentration even if it's not easy while something touches your head so closely that you can feel the air shift on your ear, making you freeze for a sec.
It's a matter of seconds, of quick but very long moments, before you realize that Whiskey has run out of bullets...and so have you.
Hiding again behind the wall your hands convulsively move on your pockets looking for more bullets, you thought you had at least one box left...
The fear of seeing Whiskey die right in front of your eyes is making you more than shake and is clouding your mind, not allowing you to think clearly anymore. You have to figure something out. Even though you're a kick-ass at hand-to-hand combat in this context it'd be nothing but a suicide mission: others are on the way. You look at him spinning his lasso in the air like a cloud full of lightning, waiting for the first move of who'll have the guts to face him...and you can see a little smirk on his face from afar.
There he is, that's your cowboy.
When you joined the Statesman Agency a few months ago you did it convinced that you'd never break the rules that you had set to yourself. The first one: accomplishing a mission is the most important thing. It doesn't matter what it involved, what you should have lost, what you should have given up. If carrying the mission entrusted to you requires the loss of your life, fine. The second one: no distraction. If something had made you waver, distracted you in any way from your goal, made you lose your cool...you'd have eliminated it immediately no matter what. And the last but not least one: never, never get emotionally involved with a colleague.
And guess what: it's completely without pride that to this day you can say you've broken all of them.
You certainly can't deny it to yourself anymore: you fell in love with Agent Whiskey a long time ago now. You never had the guts to confess anything, limiting to observe him in silence from afar, admiring his experience and his incredible skills in combat...you've never seen anyone fight like him before. Fast, lethal, incredibly precise. His whip doesn't miss a shot and he wields his guns with great mastery. And then his way of behaving, of talking, of moving...so cocky and so fascinating. You always tried not to make him understand anything, shifting your gaze as soon as his curious eyes rose upon you realizing he's been watched.
"Agent Brandy, are you still with us?"
Champagne's voice brought you back from your thoughts in a second, making you feel so stupid as your cheeks turned red like a tomato straight from the oven.
"Uhm, yes..."
"Did you listen to what I just said?"
You nodded silently lowering your head, the shame was warming your skin while you felt the looks of the other agents around the table all on you. Whiskey, sitting in front of you, smiled softly as he looked down.
You never said anything, keeping it all inside and never leaking any kind of feeling. And damn, God knows how you fucking suffered every time he had to sleep with a target to plant some bugs or to extract important information for the purpose of a mission...but what were you supposed to do? Whiskey is your partner. How could you continue to work with him or even look him in the eye after his rejection?
"Take your time, Brandy!"
It's Whiskey's voice. Once again your thoughtlessness is interrupted by a voice that screams your name, bringing you back to the real world and pulling you out of yout thoughts pit. Here you are again, catapulted into this battle. In a second you take back the reins of your mind as your eyes fall on a gun that fell to the ground, still held by the severed arm of the man who was pointing it at Whiskey. His electric lasso cut him clean and cauterized. It's close, you can do it.
You can do it.
With a lightning movement you try to reach it, snapping forward without losing sight of it, but something squeezes your throat and drags you away, just giving you enough time to see Whiskey lose his lasso as you cling with both hands to the arm that's squeezing you up a few inches from the ground. You're having a hard time breathing. Without thinking too much and with a precise blow you stick the knife that's hide in one of your sleeve inside his thigh and free yourself from his grip, lowering and hitting him in the stomach as he grabs you by the hair, throwing you to the ground. You get up but lose your sight for a bit at the exact moment his fist hits your face, so hard that you almost blacked out. You can taste your own blood in your mouth. Your head starts spinning as you realize you're on the edge of the roof, there's the void behind.
Your eyes open wide.
"You're on the wrong side, bitch."
His evil little smile, those blue icy eyes, his hands covered with black leather gloves lean on you in a very fast movement that you see in slow motion. In a second you feel your body lose balance, falling backwards in a moment that seems eternal. You close your eyes, accepting your destiny and the fact that it had to be this way. That it's over. That you'll never see Jack again. That you were a disappointment to the Statesman, to Champagne, to your parents and to yourself...but in a split second something holds your wrist, making your body dangle in the void and bumping against the wall.
When you look up and see Whiskey, your heart leaps.
"Don't let me fall" you beg, looking desperately in his dark and frightened eyes "...please, don't drop me."
Despite his efforts he can't lift you up, his arm shakes and you feel his grip tightening more and more while 'cause of the sweat your hand starts to slip. His shoulder is bleeding, he has no strength left.
You look down and then up again, to his face that you're sure is the last time you see. Your heart's beating so hard you're afraid it's gonna jump out of your chest.
"Fuck, I...I can't..."
"Jack, I - "
It's a moment. A second. Your hand slips, no more friction, no more grip. Gravity drags you down with it and your body falls into the void. His eyes screams at you full of terror and desperation. You see them, you see them well as you fall back as they pierce your soul from side to side. You see everything in slow motion, Whiskey leans out even more in an attempt to grab you again, his open hand, his hat flying away from his head. His face, his fear and his despair are the last things you see, maybe he's screaming your name but you can't hear him anymore...and then...all turns black.
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vacantgodling · 8 months
what is the deal with utah and co tbh...i am very intrigued
so this is such a “UMMMMM GO—“ kind of story lmao. but so was NAD and i just take a bunch of half baked ideas i had as a child and make them more coherent but also weirder.
this is definitely weirder.
so it’s definitely a road trip gone wrong type adventure which is my favorite type of thing. but i think things initially start with aunty risk having to take utah and slug to see their estranged mother on the opposite side of the world/planet/idk what they’re on.
risk is also an estranged aunt but not because they don’t know her but moreso because she’s been charged to look after them since they were young but she isn’t really a nurturing person/she had her own shit going on. so she kinda let the kids go to their own devices while barely keeping a roof over their head. this led to utah meeting gator—another kid with a fucked up family life and they’ve been attached at the hip since they’re teenagers. they’re also dating. but they’re always yelling and bickering at each other but they also do wild shit together. gator is a really talented computer hacker and utah is the weapons and engineering guru that brings gator’s crazy blueprints to life. they work well together even if they’re perpetually pissy pff. (at least utah is). utah at some point had the idea that they would go try and find their mom and gator agreed to help but bc dk where she is, they built a vehicle type thing for cross country/earth/idk travel together and have been for years. but when they’re around ready to go, risk gets mail from someone claiming to be utah and slug’s mom/her sister saying hey come find me :) SO risk bullies utah into bringing them along to chaperone and slug doesn’t want to be left alone so all four of them start off. there’s interpersonal drama between utah/risk/slug because risk didn’t really raise them well and can’t just start acting caring now/estranged sibling relationship because you abandoned me to fuck off with someone else (slug @ utah) and utah being like ok but you’re fucking annoying and gator kind of being like Can Everyone Shut The Fuck Up.
but then there’s the intrigue of who the fuck is their mom and why did she abandon them? utah remembers her but slug doesn’t, and she didn’t have the weird horn thing going on like risk and slug do.
ALSO a major thing is the fact that slug & risk have said weird fucking horns/pointy ears/(and risk has a tail) and why? cuz then they meet others who maybe do have similar shit going on but i think it’s connected to some weird hive mind center of the planet situation????? dude i wish i knew i’m just imagining some crazy epicenter of the world where shit is glowing and when it’s activated it’s almost like mind control that’s honed in by the horns as some kind of beacon or they can hear it with their longer ears. also risk & slug unlock powers on the way but utah lives and will die by the power of the glock LMAO.
they also end up meeting a host of other weird characters that are related to what’s going on with that: agent oogma (or olive oil gives me amnesia) has probably been investigating this epicenter (but can’t remember bc of said olive oil), they meet green, an escaped android who was possibly made to harness whatever is going on in said epicenter OR to defend it from invaders or to be apart of a government militia haven’t decided. ANNNNND yeah. tldr: road trip gone wrong to find missing mom we blew up half a planet in the process dw about it :))))))
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xtrafluffyteddy · 2 years
I was wondering, if you could do a Steve x Eddie x fem!reader where she’s like eleven and she’s remote-traveling.
The reader is in a big pool of water and she’s in the void, trying to find Vecna and she’s struggling to fight against him.
But the reader heart stops beating for a moment, LONGER than a moment and Steve and Eddie think she died.
(Also can the reader’s hair be shaved? :] that’s if you want!)
Never ever feel bad about having ideas chicken noodle I love your ideas and this one is the bomb dot com
Pairing: steddie x reader
Mentions: violence, temporary death, happy ending.
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You had just escaped from the lab a second time and knew you had to protect the kids as well as your boyfriend from the newest enemy Vecna. You had gotten glimpses of him in past traveling but now you’d be fighting him to save your friends and your family.
“You don’t have to do this!” Steve pleads “we can handle it” he takes your hands his shaking as the kids prepare the salt bath “not in the way it needs to be handled Stevie I won’t have you or Eddie or one of the kids die not to Vecna not in the upside down” you press a soft kiss to his lips caressing his cheeks “just trust me” you look at Eddie who was worrying his lip “I’ll be okay I’m stronger than you think” you gently kiss Eddie as well as they help you into the salt bath.
“We’ll be right here right beside you” Eddie reassures as they help you lay down slipping your blindfold on “I’ll be okay” you reassure them as you close your eyes and sink into the upside down. Eddie gently pets your shaved head missing your old hair but finding this new style kind of cool while Steve squeezes your hand a worried look on his face.
“VECNA” you call out from the darkness bare feet splashing on the water “PETER!” You call again “HENRY I know your here!” You yell voice echoing over the vast emptiness.
Suddenly your in Vecnas hellscape staring at the broken remnants of the creel house and the destroyed bodies of your old friends “COME FACE ME YOU COWARD” you yell as you see him coming towards you in the distance
You use your powers to lift him into the air the familiar coppery smell filling up your senses as your nose starts bleeding “ILL KILL YOU” you scream as you throw him hard against the floating remains of his house.
In the outer world your body begins to shake in the tub causing Eddie and Steve to look at each other with worry before the take your hands pleading for you to keep fighting and that your stronger than he is.
Faintly you can hear your boyfriends voices echoing in your mind as your pinned against a pillar vines wrapping around your neck and arms “you bitch about everyone doing the same day to day henry” you choke out glaring as comes closer “but your just the fucking same” you exhaust your powers moving you both in your turf the void where you hoped you had the upper hand.
“Cmon henry” you growl as you charge at him using your powers to slam him to the ground “your nothin but a coward, a bully” you taunt angering him more as gets up “you think your powerful because you “rule” the upside down news flash Henry your just another fuckin puppet” you spit out blood as you grow weak your powers becoming weaker every time he attacks.
“She’s not breathing!” Eddie cries as he shakes you in the tub “fuck fuck we can’t take her out yet he’ll kill her if we do!” Steve shouts as he tries to keep Eddie from pulling you out “hell kill her if we don’t!” Eddie screams as pulls you out of the bath laying you on the cold floor of the gym “breathe damn it” Steve pushes him out of the way as he begins doing chest compressions .
“I won’t let you hurt my friends” you growl weakly taking a deep breath as you use your happy memories to strengthen what little power you have left screaming in agony as you watch him disappeared into flake and particles, before you collapse into a heap on the void floor.
“Stay with us!” Eddie pleads as tears roll down his cheeks “stay with us!” Steve repeats as he continues doing chest compressions feeling hopelessness seep into his bones “the gates are closing she did it!” Dustin screams over the walkie talkie cheering being heard in the background.
“Eddie-“ you call out weakly from the void as your vision becomes fuzzy around the edges “Steve” you begin crawling towards them and your physical body collapsing every once a while from the pain you can hear them crying and pleading for you to come back.
Eddie lays his head on your chest as Steve stops doing chest compressions both of them sobbing thinking they you were gone for good. Suddenly you gasp eyes flying open as you catch your breath only eye milky white “what’re you two cryin about” you joke raspily reaching up with a weak hand to wipe their tears “told you i won’t let him get me” you wince as they both pull you into a tight hug “we did it-“ they say in unison “it’s over you defeated Vecna” Steve presses a tender kiss to your lips followed by Eddie “your a hero” Eddie sniffs kissing your cheek over and over “our hero” Steve finishes both of them clinging to you even after the kids arrive.
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