#and this was just me messing around again in procreate
zylphiacrowley · 3 months
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arolesbianism · 11 months
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Another quick drawing from last night
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myname-isnia · 3 months
*randomly watch some youtube video about drawing*
*get inspiration to draw*
*open drawing app*
*remembers I can’t draw*
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i-drop-level-one-loot · 5 months
Xyleth had me giggling n kicking my feet likeeee ok big man 😘 “trying to make me jealous little one?” GAJRLCIWOENDLS tbh the whole planet messing around w/ thembo reader was so peak,,, if it’s too much to ask could we hear more about them 🙇
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Alright, dear Anon ❤️
I'm so sorry, I know you asked this a long time ago now (I've been so busy omfg), but I did just post a mini sexy drabble for my beefy boy and thembo Reader ❤️
But just for you, here's some extra seasoning ❤️ thank you for your patience ❤️
Even the most overt flirtations go right over (Reader's) head. Everything that Xyleth does is instantly chalked up to "cultural differences", and it is always a shock whenever someone explains to the barbarian that, no, this was not a platonic gesture.
Everyone in the village adores Xyleth's mate, and finds great humor in watching them lose their mind over simple concepts.
(Reader), returning to Xyleth's tent with their arms full of food: Everyone's so nice here! They all kept congratulating me on becoming your friend haha :)
Xyleth, bursting with love: Oh, what do you mean by that?
(Reader): Well, they all kept saying "Congratulations to our leader's mate"!
Xyleth, smiling: :)))))))
(Reader): ...What?
I feel like Xyleth would absolutely love children, although whether it be by gender or species differences, he would certainly propose adoption. Because for Xyleth, it wouldn't be the act of biological procreation, but raising the finest warriors of any species alongside his most favored warrior, (Reader) ❤️
Also, Xyleth and Thembo! Barbarian have the best relationship I think of any of my characters, because any controlling, weird behavior of Xyleth's is just completely misunderstood by (Reader), so there aren't many opportunities for (Reader) to feel fear or discomfort.
Xyleth, standing with a giant statue of (Reader) in the middle of the village: And for you, my mate, I've commissioned this piece to preserve your strength and beauty for all time~
(Reader), looking saddened: Are my delts really that small..?
Xyleth: I will behead the artist immediately.
(Reader), happy again: Nah, bro, you don't have to do that! That first means I have to work out harder! You wanna help me get these arms looking statue worthy?
Xyleth: I fucking love you.
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sugarlywhispers · 1 year
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Pairing: Bakugou Katsuki x Reader (fem) x Midoriya Izuku. 
A/N: hello there! just a few notes; dont feel afraid of the yandere tag/warning, it's not going to be that bad, i simply put it just to be safe because of the villains😉 i dont have this completely written, i'll go with the flow like i always do✌🏼, so if someone has feedback or ideas, you're more than welcome to talk to me!🤍 also, idk how long this gonna be, but it'll have several chapters. so get your snacks, and enjoy the ride~😉
WARNINGS: TRIO RELATIONSHIP, adult sexual content, angst and fluff, penetrative sex, oral sex, unprotected sex (USE GLOBOS, GUYS, preferably, pink ones lol😉), yandere themes –toxic/possessive behavior, mention of blood and violence, swearing lots of it thanks to bakugou lol
Summary: After several disasters that happened around the country, the government had no other choice but to enact a new law that would mostly shock every single person, including heroes. 
"Please, please…Order in the room! I know," he says to someone that it's asking something but it's mostly impossible to actually understand for viewers like you who are not–were not present at the conference. "But, please, believe me when I say we have exhausted every possibility there is for this. This law was our very last resource." 
By the tired tone in this man's voice and expression, you believe him. And you hate that you do, because that means you have no other choice. No one does.
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Chapter One: The Law.
It doesn't matter how many times you rewind the whole conference from the start on your TV, the words are the same. The words mean the same.
"Thank you everyone for being here today," the same old man you have already watched–this was the third time–says, also greeting other people around he could recognize in the big crowd of journalists, governors, some famous people like idols, show directors, heroes, yada yada. The old man takes a deep breath, barely able to hide it in front of all the mics put there for him, "Due to recent misfortunes happening in our country, we can no longer postpone what we once thought could happen thanks to the society we live in today. The population has gone down in numbers, mortality rates spiking down lower than what we could ever hoped for. This law, that I'm about to present now to you, is the only way several professionals and analysts, in addition to Quirks used for this matter, could find to prevent the population from reaching the bottom–which can be translated as, from entirely disappearing."
No sugarcoat. That is something you do appreciate from this mess. You have always preferred the blunt, harsh reality of things than some kind words that were mostly used to not tell the truth.
"As from today onwards, a new law is going to take effect in our society, if not the entirety of the world. For now, we are the first country to approve this law, and we encourage others to. This law stipulates that one male, whether they are civilian or professional hero on duty, must marry and procreate with a female at least two new lives for the sake of humankind." The room explodes in protests, questions being yelled at the governor representative, and even talking between each other. "Please, please…Order in the room! I know," he says to someone that it's asking something but it's mostly impossible to actually understand for viewers like you who are not–were not present at the conference. "But, please, believe me when I say we have exhausted every possibility there is for this. This law was our very last resource." 
By the tired tone in this man's voice and expression, you believe him. And you hate that you do, because that means you have no other choice. No one does.
The governor starts to speak again as the room settles a bit, "Each citizen will have to get through several medical tests that will help our specially prepared team to match them to perfection for this purpose. This stance will be called The Pairing. After this is carried through, each Pairing will have from two weeks to a month to finally sign a contract that validates the union between each part and compromises them for the purpose they had been Paired for." 
There's chaos again in the room, and it doesn't settle until a woman stands from her seat and asks, "You said our population is currently going through a critical disbalance, right?" The governor nods admitting and signaling with his hand for her to proceed with her question. "Whether that means there are more females or males, how do you and your team plan to resolve the odd number that will complicate the Pairing of couples?"
Oh, good question!, you think again, enjoying way too much how she referred to that 'team' the governor kept talking about with so much sarcasm.
"The law establishes an exception to the Pairing of two. If one female is compatible with more than one male, or vice versa, there will be a more exhausting analysis to determine if she will be Paired with both of them."
"If that's the case, then how many children must they procreate?"
"The law does not change, there has to be two children for each couple."
Everything is chaos again and you sigh as you turn your TV off, same time that your phone vibrates over the little coffee table in front of your couch, where you sit with your legs pulled towards your chest. You pick it, the name Tora shining on the screen.
You don't get to properly set it over your ear that you hear her scream, "A FUCKING MARRIAGE LAW!" Her ear riping shout makes you wince, "Do you fucking know what this means, Y/N!?" Her excitement is not reciprocated.
"Goodbye my beloved freedom?" You answer groomly. 
You hear her exasperated tsk, "No, silly! This means we could get paired with actual Pro Heroes!"
Oh, yes, Tora's obsession with Pro Heroes. An explosive blond one that is mean to everyone, a green haired one that is considered the Symbol of Peace of this generation, a red head one that looks more like a villain –in your opinion– and a white and red haired one that is colder than ice. And many more. How could you forget that?
You roll your eyes. The only reason you know about those is because of her, Kira and all the stories the kids in your class like to tell you about their favorite heroes.
"I think all of this is ridiculous. They are using us, women, just to procreate."
"Men too, girl. Don't forget that without the fish, there's no egg…" Tora adds, and even though the saying does not go like that, you understand what she means, so you don't even try to correct her, you simply agree. However, the fact that in this current population are more males than females, speaks volumes about the kind of governors that ruled society.
"I know it's both, it's just…"
"You're angry, angry, I know you…" She says, and it warms your heart a bit.
Tora has been your best friend since the first day you walked through the college campus and collided with her. Yes, collided, because she was using her roller skates to get to her room through the crowded place the first time you met. She hadn’t seen you opening the door to the room, trying to avoid precisely not crashing into anyone, but failed with you. You didn’t even have time to react properly before you felt the coalition and both of you fell inside your room, the pair of boxes filled with each other's belongings that each was holding flew and scattered everything around. ‘What a manga scene’, you had thought back then, laughing alongside Tora for such a mess. You have been best friends since then.
Then, alongside came Kira. While Tora is all sunshine and rainbows and a torrent of energy, Kira is the complete opposite. She is chill, wears dark and elegant clothes and looks at everyone like they are underneath her feet. You admired her confidence in every possible situation. 
You, well… You are somewhere in the middle between those two girls. Not too bright but definitely not too dark. However, you were confident in your own skin, so that is what matters.
"And there's all the medical tests we have to do," you went back to the conversation. "What if a woman is sterile, or a man? Would they be absolved from all of this?"
"From what I understood, yes." Tora replies, clearly munching something she is eating.
"I hope I'm sterile!" You hear the comment from somewhere behind Tora. You snort, recognizing Kira's voice.
"Shut up, you dark and pessimistic soul," Tora protests, and you couldn't smile wider. "Oooon another note… have you searched for what permissions we need to take the kids to the museum?"
"Oh, yes! They were kind enough to send me the papers for it." You smile, now excited with this news.
"Fuck. Have I ever told you two how much I admire the patience you both have to work with kids?" You hear movement with Kira's sudden comment from the other line, now closer to the phone. You could imagine both of them lying on their stomachs in Tora's bed.
You smile fondly at Kira's words. Tora and you are school teachers. You teach kids from four to five years old, while Tora decided to teach bigger kids, between nine and ten years old. Again, Kira is the opposite of you two. She is the one with a Stylist major and a very successful career in the fashion industry and all the juicy back stage details.
"No, but a bit of love won't hurt," you say feeling in high spirits even though the news of a big and detrimental change in society had just been announced.
"You kinky Miss Y/L/N, I love you," Kira says in a very seductive low tone of voice as you gasp and Tora erupts in a fit of laughter. She was clearly referring to you as your position of teacher, and that is something no joke should come from. You work with kids, for God's sake!
"Don't you ever say that again!" You protest, trying not to laugh thanks to Tora's contagious one.
"You love me, still." Kira's tone of matter of fact makes you shake your head smiling. These women were your salvation.
“I have an amazing idea!" Suddenly Tora yells in excitement, and you already see it coming, "Let’s say goodbye to Y/N's so beloved freedom and welcome the new hot and lickable male heroes and future husbands in a very 'Trick Trio' way!” You roll your eyes.
No. Never ask about Tora's way of calling your three person friendship. EVER.
You fake a tired sigh but then smile, “Pizza and anime?”
“Pizza and anime, baby!” Kira yells back, and you can hear their high-five through the phone.
See? How could you not be friends with them? They are definitely what you consider the sisters you never had.
"What if I get paired with Chargebolt… Or! What if it's Red Riot!" Tora's steps are little jumps as she walks in the middle looking like a kid who is about to be taken to their favorite toy shop. Her excitement is completely shared with Kira's, but the last one has more self consciousness and just chooses to smile as she walks as elegantly as always.
You sigh. It's not that you're completely against this atrocious law. It's more the part in which you don't have any say or choose in it. What if you end up with someone mean? Or a secret villain? Or what if it's someone who is horrible with kids?! 
You were not going to repeat your mom's history. Or so you hoped.
"You know what would be cool? Marrying Red Riot's abbs. Oh, what would I give to sit on that hot and sexy table."
You frown. How…? Why…? You shake your head. You are better not asking.
Being friends with those two taught you way more things than you expected. One of them was that there were times when you didn't need to know or to understand everything they talked about. This was one. 
"You know what's hotter? Dynamight's biceps." Tora contributes as their destination appears at the distance. "My hottest scenario includes Dynamight coming back from work, all sweaty and buffy and making me lick his biceps. Oh, I would gladly die for them."
The imagery makes you gag.
"That's disgusting, Tora," Kira says, surprising you and Tora herself. Kira is always up for nasty and dirty scenarios with the Pro Heroes they like. It's a bit weird that she is not on board with whatever Tora's vivid imagination comes up with. But suddenly, she smiles and looks sideways to her two friends, "I love it."
You roll your eyes for the nth time as Tora beams in the next thing Kira says, "My hottest scenario includes Deku smashing my ass to Detroit." She smiles proudly as Tora groans.
The imagery again makes you wince.
"I swear… those big, powerful hands, ugh."
You do not engage in this type of conversations. Not because you don't find some of this generation of Pro Heroes attractive, they are; and the way that they risk their own lives for the country is very admirable. It's just that you don't follow each thing they do, nor actually know much of them. Of course, you hear the stories of how they defeated some big villains –or even helped a nanny cross the street– through your two obsessed friends and the kids at school that idolized them. But even then, when the news on the TV turns into Heroes feats, you simply change the channel or even turn it off. You have better things to do, honestly.
Your friends keep going on their fake scenarios talk as you three approach the door to the big and ostentatious hospital where the tests for The Pairing are carried out. They are simple blood and Quirk tests, nothing too complicated. From what the old man in the conference said, it was mostly to analyze the physical aspects of each individual to pair them with the best possible counterpart that would have the chance to fertilize the egg on one hundred percent of success. Yes, those are the exact words he used. And the very small, tiny letters in between the lines said: to create humans with the best Quirks ever known.
Of course, no one would ever admit that.
You hmm to something Tora asks your agreement for, not really paying attention to what is the conversation about now.
You don't have a very useful Quirk; not that the thought of becoming a Hero has ever crossed your mind. In fact, being raised by a man like your grandps actually opened your eyes and never even the intention to know more about Heroes in general crossed your mind. So, you really doubt you would ever get paired with some Pro Hero. You're mostly sure that they will be very selective in that aspect. A useless Quirk like yours, which gave you the ability to create illusions, more specifically in paper –you had only once tried it on thin air, and you almost die; so nothing else but paper, thank you very much–, will get nowhere near a Quirk like the oh, all mighty and greatest Pro Hero Deku, for example.
As you look side eye to your friends, and knowing the type of Quirks they have –and their eternal fantasy over Pro Heroes–, you realize you don't have it in you to pop their delusional and warm looking bubble. They are happy in their bubble, and you love seeing them happy.
But the fact remains. They would never pair them with Pro Heroes.
Kira's Quirk consisted in her having the ability to manipulate small things with her fingers from a distance. It had helped her a lot in her career, especially when the time to apply makeup to her clients or even herself came. The distance wasn't much, a couple of feets away, but she said she had never been able to move anything bigger than an eye brush or a pencil. Nevertheless from a very far away distance. She is okay with it though, she is still a hot badass successful woman. You are so proud of her. In Tora's case, she could make letters on the school board or actually any surface grow bigger, but she had never tried it anywhere else. She always says that she's better not having a cool, massive Quirk, or she would be insufferably annoying to everyone. Something you do believe with all your might.
You are so immersed in your thoughts that you hear Tora's warning of "Y/N!" late. You collide with a strong wall, your nose hurting thanks to it. You actually have to rub it to alleviate the pain, already feeling the redness there. But when you open your eyes you realize that the wall turned out not to be a wall, but a man. A huge man. He is the biggest man you have ever stood close to. Tall, almost three heads over yours, arms that looked like big rocks thanks to the thickness. His face is handsome, strong jaw and fine lines that accentuated the elegance in any spot you looked at in his face.
But all that handsomeness is slightly uglied by the deep scowl in his eyebrows.
"Watch where you're going, grub."
His bark almost goes unnoticed by the thickness in his voice that makes you tingle in places it shouldn't. But as he walks past you, you realize what he said… Did he just…?
"Did you just call me a grub?"
He doesn't reply to you, but he does look slightly back at you and you see the corner of his mouth lift a slight centimeter in a smirk.
"Oh, fuck you, asshole!"
You yell as he simply walks out of the building through the door, not troubled at all by your insult.
What a stupid jerk.
"I'm on your side, I'll forever, always be on your side," Tora appears suddenly next to you, her hand grabbing yours as you watch the jerk walk away, "but that was a fine, delectable man that you just insulted very out loud in the middle of a Hospital reception."
"He started it." You defend yourself before turning around and walking towards the counter, trying to ignore all the stares in your direction.
You hear both of your friends sigh in delight as they keep staring at the guy.
"Traitors." You shake your head, receiving the form you had to complete from the receptionist. You wanted to get out of that Hospital as soon as possible.
Two hours later, you were sitting in front of an old lady who looked at you like you had just been the shit she accidentally stepped on outside, and it was your fault. By the white doctor's gown she wears, and the little medal of the government attached to the right pocket of the gown, it isn't difficult to comprehend that she is the medical scientist in charge of the whole Pairing part of the law.
"Your test results are good. All functioning well and wealthy. You are fertile." Her robot tone makes you angry, and you want to protest so hard about all this protocol bullshit–about the whole fucking law! But for some reason, you can't take your eyes from the big, heary looking mole that stands on her face, right next to her nose on the left side.
You can even hear Kira in your head, "That is an uuuuuugly mole. I mean, the woman is ugly, but that mole makes it worse. Like a witch. A witches face indeed. Would her Quirk be a witch?" And you can hear Tora laughing at Kira's words. And you feel bad about thinking about all of this as the woman speaks.
"It won't take long to find a perfect match for your eggs." You visibly wince at her words. 
"The fact that you people call it egg, only makes me feel like a chicken being prepared to–..."
"A chicken would be able to find itself a partner faster than you. Your age and still no children? You're clearly the problem, not your body."
You're sitting perplexed in your seat. The hot, very fucking hot sensation of letting yourself explode in anger travelling up your body. Who the fuck does she think she is?
Now you definitely don't feel bad about your thoughts.
She sighs, tiredly and annoying at your mere presence, "You shall receive a letter in the span of three to five days with the results. There will also be the date in which you'll have to meet your husband with the representative governor who will make you sign the contract."
She closes your chart and puts it away, then she looks boringly at you, expecting you to go.
The venom is right at your tongue, and you can't go without saying anything to this… horrible woman.
"I'm twenty five years old, and I haven't had kids because I made the choice not to. You're almost sixty, what's your excuse?"
Hell, you don't know if she has or not kids of her own, but by the expression on her face, eyes and mouth opening wide in indignance, says you have just spot on the right thing to say.
You smile, big and fakingly charming, as you stand and leave the doctor's office without giving her a chance to say anything else.
Once you're outside, you swear loudly. You just dug your own grave. Fuck.
Two days later, a letter was left in your mailbox. It had the signature of the Government so it wasn't difficult to comprehend that it was about this freaking law. You don't open it though until you're inside your apartment. You leave it at the table, while throwing your bag and tote bag  with the Tupperware of the day inside, over the couch. You need to firstly freshen up before you get into your house duties.
You turn on the TV, news channel currently going, and walk towards your room to get changed. Thanks to the small apartment you own, you don't need to have the TV very loud to be able to hear it from your room. You leave alone, you don't need much or a bigger space.
"It happened again! Heroes Deku and Dynamight saved the day once more! A group of synchronized villains attack the Central Bank of Tokyo, witnesses say–..." 
You huff, not really paying attention anymore. It's not that you aren't interested in what happened, you'll know either way tomorrow when Tora goes on about it, all day.
Once you're more comfortable, you walk back to the living room/kitchen, grab your tote bag so you put all the Tupperware to wash, still news of heroes on the TV that you really don't pay attention to. When that's done, tote bag folded back in its drawer and everything cleaned up, you turn and see the letter. You sigh, grab it and walk to the couch to sit.
"On other news, the Law is already taking effect in our country. Today, after five days of the official announcement, the first three couples have signed the Contracts after being Paired. All of the males are Heroes."
"Do you think it is a coincidence?" Comments the other journalist of the show.
"I don't think it is. It's clear that Heroes have the pressure to make this work alongside the government," answers another, to whom you snort in agreement.
"I agree. I don't know if it's by duty or support, but in the end, they are like us, don't you think?"
They kept talking about it as you opened the envelope in your hands and read its content.
'Ms Y/L/N, the government it's pleased to announce that your results have been Paired. We happily wait for you on the following date to meet your Paired to officially place a date for your Contracts.'
You feel like vomiting.
Shit, it's happening faster than you thought.
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kaybreezy3000 · 2 months
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I call this Five's WTF face, and it's the same one I had this morning when someone sent me an ASK, not specifying one particular post I have done, with one word that said, "AI." See below if you want to see how I made this. (not AI 😉)
Link to my other Tumblr art and story posts
Disclaimer: I am not a professional artist. My background is in painting, and I started sketching people a little over a year ago, and I have a post on A03 (Link to that) to show my progression with that to this based on the lovey character of Five.
I just do this for fun and I haven't found my style yet, other than I like to try everything. I use Procreate digital drawing app, not AI for my art or the stories I post.
I have done things for other people on occasion that use a photo filter-like to dress up a pic for them or for a cover or something, but that's about as AI as I get.
I totally understand the AI question because it's out there everywhere, so I figured since I got 'asked,' I'd show how I do things this time.
This one above was done with a painting style, but the process is very similar for the more cartoonish/anime or sketch/line art I have done.
Here is the picture I looked at. (I always use a picture or several pictures or models as reference.)
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This next one is my step one, which is getting the main lines right, and in this case, not much detail because it's for a painting. For this, I like to use the studio pen tool. (Looks very bad at this point. Sorry, Five. 😆)
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This next one is the start of me adding colors and messing around with where shadows and highlights will be, but very little blending yet, and I am only using the basic 'soft brush' tool and smudger.
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For the next step, I just keep going, adding more color and try to get things looking closer to the actual photo, but I also start using the wet acrylic brush and the dry acrylic brush-nothing fancy.
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After that, it's what we get at the top of my post, with simply finishing it by adding more and more paint until I get it dark enough in the darkest spots and then I get to play with lighter colors on top again. I also go back and use my studio pen to darken areas and correct the sharper lines that got painted over.
~So that's it. If anyone ever wants to know how I do something, never hesitate to ask; I am an open book.
As a final note. Thank you to all who have liked and reblogged my art and my stories, and for all the people/artists/writers/meme makers on here just trying to make stuff because they like to. I adore you all. 💕
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fourfoldtrap · 1 year
open for better quality!
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hit the keep reading if you wanna read me rambling about 2012 Raph's traumas within the show, I'm not the best at writing so take that as you will.
I think out of all the 2012 ninja turtles Raph has the most 'wow this is fucked' centric episodes. (note i'm writing from the memory of watching the show as it released so its been a while.) But while Leo has the most fatal injuries, Donnie's injuries are more centered around his mind/head, and Mikey is just a jack of trades for getting hurt. I think the majority of Raph's 'injuries' are related too his overall too his phobias, ability too protect, and insecurities (tho that honestly falls under all four of the turtles ngl).
Its amazing how many times everything that makes Raph- Raph is used against him, from mutant roaches, his anger towards his brothers managing too overtake his love for them directly causing his best friend too attack his family, had a squirrel crawl into his stomach a experience mitosis, his mutagen drained and becoming a plant-dog thing, the brainworm, almost loosing his family a 100 different ways, that whole melt down in the trashcan where he hallucinates bugs, the bug planet. And that's all I can remember off the top of my head!
honestly typing just too type but Raph just like all of his bros have been through it and I think it should be acknowledged more.
I'm honestly rlly proud of this bc its the first thing I've created on clip studio paint and was kinda just my test run for the program. Messed around with a lot of brushes, I love the verity Procreate nor Paper have this much stuff to utilize. Also love that i can rotate and resize stuff without immediately loosing the initial quality (procreate).
first artist too ever draw fly baxter stockman hated the whole thing, never again.
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I think I only discovered this recently, or rediscovered since I'm pretty sure that knowing me, I might have had this thought process before but have just forgotten it. I think—no, I know I would love to be fucked in the backrooms by the backroom monsters. Just thinking about it right now while I'm at work waiting for cases to come in makes me wet. Imagine being stuck in multiple levels of the backrooms before you realize that no matter how high of a level you get, there's no escape. I watched a video that said death in the backrooms mean escaping, and escaping in the backrooms are impossible, so you will just respawn to level 0, but with respawning comes the wipe out of everything you learned in the previous backroom levels you had been on. Imagine realizing half way through maybe level 158 that escaping is pointless. Of course, you had long since encountered the entities, some of them hostile, some of them friendly, some of them not taking any notice of you. Then the realization that there's nowhere for you to go dawns on you, and that you'll forever be stuck there. There's no one else as sentient as a human being around you, but we all know that one of the keys to survival is procreating. I think I've always liked the feeling of helplessness in these situations. Humans are more of monsters than the entities in these levels, anyway. At first, you resist the call of your flesh but what if at one point, your fight or flight instincts go haywire? Your flight response (the one you've been using all along since you respawned) goes offline, so it's all fight response now. However, your constant juggling between paranoia and fear and your brain running at 100 mph just shuts off the fear in your brain in your state of delirium and strips you down to your most basic survival instincts. Again, to procreate. I would like to imagine myself just shutting down all the fear receptors in my body and just... let the course of this unnature take you. The entities are hostile at first, as they normally were, but you stopped giving fucks a long time ago. Imagine a ravager ape finding you at level 803 trying to fuck yourself with your small measly hands. It is baffled at first, but then the scent of your perpetual horniness and the slick running through your legs from touching yourself with all paraphernalia you find in each level catches its attention. It cannot smell your fear—again, you've lost it a long time ago. It can only smell your horny thoughts and your chaotic thoughts of breed breed breed. In your state of ecstatic delirium, you don't register its presence until it has its grasp on your legs and spreads them wide. It leans in and tastes the arousal straight from your core and you think finally! it's gonna breed you and fuck you until you're nothing but an incoherent mess of fuck fuck fuck and please please please with your eyes rolled back and your hands trying to touch yourself to match the pace of its tongue or cock or anything it wants to use fucking you until it wishes, maybe breed you if it has eggs or wants to pump you full of its seed. You don't want it to end, you just want to be speared on its cock or tongue until you can't think of anything else and your mind goes blank. Ah, I just want to noclip into the backrooms and be fucked by a backroom entity.
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nuokis · 1 year
please post a tutorial or walkthrough or even just a longer process video talking about how you draw!! im obsessed with the textures and colors but i cant seem to wrap my head around it!! (i would pay money for a whole mini course tbh if you were interested in uploading one to gumroad or wherever 😵‍💫)
thank you, i'm flattered :') texture and colour are really important to me so i'm always fine-tuning them to find what works. to be honest i feel like i'm not qualified to teach others since i haven't really even settled on a process, i just kind of mess around until i like what i'm looking at. there are certain things i do much of the time but it's definitely not a linear process!
that being said lately i've been experimenting with traditional media and i've found i really enjoy how gouache behaves so i've been trying to replicate the process in digital. i'll try and explain how i've went about it recently using this super boring piece of a random person...
i'm using a basic pencil brush and a default procreate brush called gouache. i picked it for the name when i was looking for something similar to the paints i'd been using but honestly it looks more like a marker to me.
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i find trying to do separate inks on top of a sketch distracting so i just erase what i won't need. i'll add a darken layer on top of the sketch and go over it with a single colour as a kind of underpainting. i did the flat colours on a separate darken layer here but generally i'll just work on one layer.
we'll add some colour variation and shading, it looks super subtle here but i'll punch it up later. i think the critical thing with this kind of brush is working with transparent layers so you don't lose the texture and you can play with mixing colours.
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i'll often mess with the curve tool a lot but this piece is pretty simple and i ended up only using it once or twice. when i'm happy i'll duplicate the colour layer and see which blending mode i like, testing stuff out at different levels of opacity until i find something cool. i think i went with a transparent overlay layer here.
the lineart is getting buried so i duplicate that layer as well, drag it to the top of the pile and repeat the process of stacking blending modes. something i like to do is add one layer with the lineart blurred to give it a softer look.
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i'll fill a new layer with a dark colour, add about 80% noise scaled up a bit and set the layer to saturation. again you can experiment with the blending mode but i've been using this one recently.
this next part might be pointless but i save the image, open the new file and resize it without actually changing the resolution much, then sharpen it to bring back the detail. maybe it's in my head but i feel like this makes the image look a tiny bit more finished and adds some crunch.
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finally i duplicate the whole thing, blur the layer on top and set it to luminosity on low opacity to create a soft glow effect.
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final touch-ups and you're done!
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sorry for the convoluted explanation! my process tends to messy, i get distracted and don't often work in distinct steps but i think i managed to describe some of the things i do the majority of the time. i hope it's even a little helpful :)
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a-door-to-somewhere · 11 months
Ok watched spiderverse 2 again here's some thoughts in no particular order (spoilers and long post ahead):
- peter b is reading a book called "how to talk to kids" at the very end. Presumably because may can't speak yet and Gwen and Miles were zapped away I choose to believe he was reading this so he can go talk to Miguel LMAO
- I fucken love the way spot, after he powers up, move around via just like... sliding around in the air basically with his bad posture like he's hung from strings like a puppet
- when gwen is drumming at the opening and when spot gets zapped both are intercut with frames from later in the movie and also later in the future. I'm guessing spot got a glimpse of canon events but when Gwen was doing her intro it was phrased like a retrospective- but unlike most intros it didn't have a shot of a new spiderman comic being thrown on the pile. So when was she doing this retrospective? I hc she'll pick back up at the end of the third movie
- someone needs to make procreate brush packs for each universe/character PLEASE
- ok the "watercolor" effect being a mood ring is incredible but I havent seen anyone talking about the sort of abstract animation?? It almost reminds me of like experimental film from the impressionist/dada/supremetism eras, you can see it synced to the drum in the intro and also in some of the backgrounds during her big speech
- also during the Guggemheim fight when the Renaissance Vulture was like "you call this art?" And Gwen was like "well we're talking about it aren't we" YOU'RE SO RIGHT GWEN I AM KISSING YOU ON THE LIPS
- the shaky 1st pov cam when Gwen's dad sneaks up on her both times reminded me of when Miles accidentally watched kingpin kill perfect Peter? Idk if it was exactly the same I'd have to go back and rewatch but UGH it really gets that Gwen's dad has two sides too and the cop side isn't really human almost, lurking in the shadows, silhouetted
- also Gwen's dad just being a shit cop, giving her mixed instructions, raising a weapon at an unarmed person who is trying to communicate, firing warning shots, yelling the Miranda rights over her which is not how its supposed to be given
- contrast that with Jeff who literally never pointed a weapon at anyone and went charging after spot with his bare hands, is casual with his spiderman. I mean even when Jeff was talking about Miles not capturing Spot correctly it was lighthearted and joking, he's actively not going by the book, he's keeping the squad off of Spiderman's back, he apparently talks to spiderman about his family troubles???
- have I mentioned I LOVE MUSICAL MOTIFS????? Seriously they’re always good (fuck Wagner everyone knows Toby Fox invented the leitmotif) I mean everyone noticed the horror style Prowler stinger but even more characters got some: Gwen got a Little Rock theme with a guitar lick that echoes the ‘spi-der-man, spi-der-man’ song, Miguel’s distorted synth whine, the interesting mouth and bells percussion that Pav gets (good job Hollywood avoiding the exotic Asian pentatonic lick for once), at the end when the 42 prowler reveal slowly changed the prowler stinger into a human scream???? There’s probably more but I’d have to go back and watch it again again lmao
- I really love how Miguel is kinda goofy. He’s aloof and over serious but he makes mistakes and shows other emotions despite his best efforts. His flaws are shown off in his very first interaction, with his unwillingness to ask for help despite the fact that he knows he needs it. He’s frustrated. He’s got group object leader energy. It makes it so much more lovable that he’s susceptible to quips and he also gets knocked down and messes up and shows up and has his quirks that everyone puts up with. THATS how you make an interesting, relatable, lovable antagonist. Perhaps it worked too well LMAO
- I am an Oscar isaac simp I gotta go rewatch moon knight
- when miles was swinging around with gwen he passed a truck called "redex" bc gwen rejected him lmao
- theres an 8 clearly visible in the background of earth 42? Wacc
- the Spread Your Wings, Man scene focusing on the plastic wrap on top of the Alchemax flowing in the wind like it’s an ocean?/??? I really hope they call back to that imagery later because it clearly means something and I need to know what
- I’ve got an inkling of something that specifically revealing one’s spider-dentity to a loved one is some kind of anti-canon event, like maybe it’s the thing that fixes the destabilization? I mean we’ve seen that it’s ok if loved ones figure it out themselves (or if they then die, like uncle Aaron) like it’s a clear theme that miles keeps trying to tell his parents, and then Gwen tells her dad, which causes him to quit the force, thereby averting the canon event of him dying indirectly??? Also, it’s implied that the MJ of 1610 sold out Perfect Peter Parker to Fisk, leading to his death, ALSO also, gayatri probably figured out Pav’s identity right before HIS world destabilized??? Idk lmao
- I hope spiderbite/Margo and Jess get proper intros I can’t wait
- the background spider hockey girl has my heart, I couldn’t stop looking at her during the chase scene
- God I need to watch moon knight again
- when mj moved into mays room to greet them she lifted a picture frame back up as she moved in the door? What's up with that???
- not Spanish originally starting as a too-relatable joke that Miles gets a B in despite his mother speaking Spanish at home as well, not living up to his expectations, and then 42!Miles presumably speaks more/better Spanish due to being closer to his mom because his dad died???
- not miles aceing ap physics and ap studio AT THE SAME TIME in his SOPHOMORE YEAR free my boy from grounding he’s done nothing wrong
- btsv’s main villain is gonna be the sat I’m telling you
- most importantly: what was up with the Comic Code Authority’s seal being shown after the studio logos at the beginning??
Did that happen in the first one??? Why would it be there??? The cca has obviously been defunct since before superhero movies were really a thing. Famously, the cca seriously censored a ton of content, causing Marvel to be unable to portray darker stories involving drugs and other more mature themes, which they wanted to do with many superheroes including Spidey??? Is the Spider Society secretly the cca, censoring storylines that they think shouldn’t be portrayed, including darker timelines like 42? There was also issues with the convoluted Spider-Man comic lines going through unsatisfying ‘resets’ to keep Spider-Man relatable, without evolving the character into anything too far away from the OG Spider-Man, ie young, relationship issues with MJ, nerdy, tragedies etc. this is the detail that had me wondering the most because it was so clearly displayed right at the beginning, and the cca was generally a shameful part of comic book history in which publishers submitted to satanic moral panic. Like, not really something that reads as a cute little callback to an era of comics like he use of Ben day dots or misaligned printing or the onomatopoeias??
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caelanglang · 10 months
What brushes do you use on procreate? I just got an iPad and thought I’d give it a try but all the brushes are giving my primal traditional paper and pen drawing brain a headache
Do you have any tips?
As someone who prefers paper too, I totally understand. I enjoy the built-in sketching brushes of procreate! If you’re using an Apple Pencil, tilting it gives pencil like results! Here are some of my favorites (these are all on default settings)
Pencil tests ft. Dazai
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If you want a digital brush, the one that I am using for most of my sketches came from a brushset I found on Bilibili! I lost the original source but the brushset name is called NAY. I tried looking for them again on Bilibili but I couldn’t find them anymore I’m so sorry T-T)// I would love to share the brushset but I can’t do it without asking for permission….
But here’s the brush settings of my favorite brush from the set! (I highly recommend customizing your own brushes if you wanna mess around! :3)
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Also for streamline, I love increasing that one for my fave brushes just so that I could have cleaner lines :)) I have a procreate pencil and 6b pencil duplicates of the exact same settings but with increase streamline
ps. I actually don’t know much about these settings but mess around and find what suits you the most if :,3
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If you also want to have the traditional eraser feel, I recommend lowering the opacity of your eraser! It gives the sketch on paper vibe more imo :))
For coloring I use airbrushes and also mess around with the ink brushes! Here are some of the built-in brushes I love using
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To be honest, I like to gather different brushes I find on the internet and test them out as I paint, so I don’t really have a ‘main’ preference but these are the built-in ones I always resort to for coloring! (Airbrushes of all kinds of range save lives in my humble opinion) let me know if you want me to compile some brushes / artists brushes :)) I’ll try my best to find them ><;;
Hope this helps! I wish you all the best!!
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artthemasquerade · 6 months
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She was their Deity
"Like a deity, Miki is what keeps Akira and Ryo going, it is what makes her love and hate them both for all eternity. Because to them now, she is nothing but a symbol to fight wars over. A saintly love without flaws and a deep regret that’ll never truly be forgiven. Because Miki will never be allowed to be a human being in their eyes again, for in their eyes and through her end, she has become divine."
Okay so I've finally gotten around to watching Devilman Crybaby, and I don't hate it, I actually like it a lot more than I thought I would despite its flaws and oh boy are there some flawwsss (holy shit they did Sirene so fucking dirty in this series!!! Worse part of crybaby for real) and I can't say I was 100% fond of how they depict Ryo (before going into this series I did headcanon that they were portraying Ryo/Satan as someone who had lived in such a warlike mindset for so long he couldn't get out of it even when he thought he was human, and thus couldn't live in peace, Akira was the only thing that gave him peace but he couldn't admit it, if he admits love exists and thus sorrow exists and that'll slow him down from doing what needs to be done. Maybe I'm just coping but whatever it works for me, and if that was what the creators were going for then they needed to make it more clear and have more eps cause the break neck speed this series had really hurt it! But I have to say the last four eps were really good and ep 9 and 10 really brought me to tears like damn the series had good bones it just needed more time!😭Also I needed more Zennon pleasseeeee! 
Crybaby really made Miki an almost saintly character and while I do like that she ultimately helped Akira by inspiring every devilman to come out and fight for humanity, I do miss her feisty side and her being just a normal teenage girl being unfairly murdered all because Akira had lived with her family and how society tends to punish women especially teenage girls who are barely involved more harshly than the people directly involved. But whatever those are different takes and honestly both are good but ya know personal preferences and hey since I like to play with time loops in my AUs its one of those possible things (tho I will say that my crybaby verse is much more edited and Sirene has pretty much the same motives and arc as she did in the manga and ova cause woww nope not having what happened crybaby)
But more nice things I will say about the series, I really love the music, it is amazing and also I love the intro so much, I've been listening to it a lot and I try to watch it when I watched the next ep! I love the ink blotty look to it and the symbolism!And that's what lead me to make this picture, cause yes my ot3 exist even in my crybaby verse, but oh boy is it messy!XD Since Miki is pretty saintly in crybaby, I wouldn't be surprised that Akira and Ryo would come to see her as a saint after her death, Akira mourning her loss and Ryo regretting letting her die. So I did some grayscale shading with the watercolor brush in procreate and it was fun to mess around outside my usual style and yes I gave Ryo his sideburns, he needed them back! XD it was fun to play around with my style and maybe I'll do something like this again sometime, maybe not crybaby related tho.
Btw if you like what you see and want a commission drop me a direct message on tumblr, instagram, a note on deviantart or artistree https://artistree.io/missn11
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sashi-ya · 2 years
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𝑵𝒔𝒇𝒘 ~ 𝑰𝒏𝒄𝒖𝒃𝒖𝒔! 𝑴𝒂𝒓𝒄𝒐 𝒙 𝑺𝒖𝒄𝒄𝒖𝒃𝒖𝒔! 𝑭! 𝑹𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓 ~ 𝑬𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒏𝒂𝒍𝒍𝒚 𝑩𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒅
So, tumblr decided to mess up my post and because of it the answer had to be delete it T-T But I still have a copy of the request! so...
@the-witch-of-one-piece asked: Hello, Sashi my love !!! <3 My soul sister love you boo!!! I'm excited about this event!! I know you have been working really hard on it!! I'm so proud of you love !!!! if possible request Incubus Marco x Succubus fem readerwith the kinks breeding, praising kink and creampie, in meido Can you fall in love in hell? please love! Thank you so much, my love. You have been truly an amazing person and I love you so much babes!!!
HEWOO MY SOUL SISTER!!! so here I am with your Marco making a baby with you for this fic 🙊🙊🙊 I hope you enjoy and like it baby!! I love you my friend!! 💖
➡ Tw: nsfw. written in third person, "she" instead of "you". creampie, praising kink, breeding. ➡ wc: 1k ➡ Want more? visit the masterlist
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This is the story of two sinners that went to Hell, they were in love, so in love. Sinners that promised never separate, sinners bound forever, even after death…
It took them long to find the other after they passed away, holding hands as humans did nothing to free souls. Souls that forget, but souls that somehow are still connected.
Meido isn’t as terrible as hell, they say. And in both cases it’s fun to stay there. You can reincarnate in different places each time, maybe humans again, sometimes animals, others are meant to be angels, other demons.
Ahh… demons, how many types of them are? A lot!  There are oni, there are some cute fluffy ones, the yokai. Other are scary, some of them return to the living world to torment humans, and others are those in charge to procreate. The King of Hell needs more demons, but frankly he sends Incubi and Succubi to earth just to satiate the hunger for sin they have.  Hunger for sin, and for sex. Demons of concupiscence, of lust, that are supposed to quench their desires with humans… even if sometimes they can’t stop themselves with the ones of their own kind…
“We shouldn’t… but I can’t stop myself” the beautiful succubus says, as she kisses him. The blonde incubus, whom hands are all around her has already accepted his faith. He is obsessed with that demon; he needs her, and no human could ever satisfy him.
“I don’t care how many times they scold us; I will fuck humans if they want… but they can’t prohibit me from fucking you-yoi” he says, pushing the succubus against the warm stone wall of their cell. Cell they’ve been put on as a punishment. See, in Hell rules are non-existent, but in Meido is a little different… though, who would put two sinners together when everything they want is to be together? That’s the real punishment… for every time they break the rules, they add one day more of lockdown.
“They want demons? Let’s give it to them, the purer kind of” she says, pulling him closer, both skins sweaty, sticking to each other, as the heat of the arousal grows stronger. “You want me to fuck you until I put my seed inside of you, my goddess?” he asks, panting with his hardness against her lower belly.
She smirks, eyes on fire like her core. Sharp fangs ready to carve marks on his neck. “Do it, Marco…” she begs, licking the lower lip of his lover. “It will be a pleasure-yoi”.
No clothes, they don’t need them. The whole purpose of their punishment is to resist the urge of sin. Marco uses his beautiful white teeth to nibble on her nipples, he pulls softly but hard enough to make her shiver and moan. Moans that echo all around, that makes every sinner aroused from only listening to them.
His finger travel down her body, praising each bump of her anatomy. Marco enjoys the soft touch of her skin over his fingertips. Fingertips that soon get wet by his lover sweet honeys. He plays with her folds, up and down, and sometimes around. Marco smirks, making her weak, weak for the need, week for the… love she feels. Love? Can demons love? Is that even possible?
One of Marco’s hands traps her wrists over her head, as the other masturbates her. Finger up and down her entrance, making her legs tremble. He drools, he is frothing for her, demonic lust that is even stronger than any human’s.
She whines under his touch, the more he fingers her, the more she feels like her walls spasm and stretch. And she needs him inside, to fulfil her hunger. “Fuck me. Fuck me Marco~” she pleads.
“Already, my beautiful succubus?” he asks, knowing too well he needs it as much as she does. “Well, well-yoi…” he whispers, caressing her clit with the tip of his sex. “You want it inside?” he says, as he guides his shaft towards her entrance. She squirms, her legs moving so it finally slides inside her wet cave.
Marco waits long enough, that feels more like an eternity, to let himself get fully inside her. But first, only a little bit of his sex penetrates her, pushing up to make his lover mewl. The pressure and the need for more, the stimulation she already received was preparing her for climax, drop by drop, little by little.
Her legs round his hips, strongly pulling himself in, making him go deep, deep inside her. She can feel his big size stretching her walls, fulfilling her to no extent. Both lips press as they start making out and his hips drilling on her. Thrust by thrust, they get a step closer to heaven.
Thrusts that light the spark of her insides, and the so needed release arrives for her body. She squirms, and moans, she pulls his lip, she whines into his mouth. Marco grunts, swallowing her pleasure screams, feeling the milking motion of her walls clenching to his sex. “More…” she begs, as if her orgasm wasn’t enough, and Marco will give it to her.
“More? More, you want more, my beautiful goddess?” he asks, as he fucks her with harder motions, faster in and out ramming, beasty strikes that makes her climax last for as long as he wished for. But, just like her, his body also succumbs to pleasure, and pure ecstasy hit his anatomy… the perfect occasion to impregnate her, to fill her up with his warm sinful seed.
“I’m coming…” he mumbles, biting her neck. “Fill me up, and make sure to put a baby in me, Marco” she pleads, burying her heel into his back so he can’t pull off. Although, there is no need. Marco wants to creampie her as much as he does, he wants to put a baby inside her, badly… and oh, he does…
He moans, and grimaces. His frown only shows pure love, the grunts getting louder, her hips making himself go deep, deeper than ever. Trembling he comes, flooding her insides, making them warm.  “My sweet queen, hold it inside. I love you…”
And just like she feels the pressure on her womb, she shivers… “I love you” he said, and flashbacks of her past life make her realize that their souls were still bound one to the other… Until death do us apart? It’s just a myth…
“I love you too, my love… eternally~”
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patt-off · 1 month
nobody cares but me but whateva here’s an evolution of my art style broken down for no reason
2020: phone and finger on procreate pocket, inconsistent art style as i wasn’t really drawing in any significant way
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early 2021: style choices changed rapidly since i was drawing like multiple things a week sometimes, never remembered to draw ears, and hair had lineart while the rest didn’t?
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late 2021/early 2022: actually started to develope a polished look and spent more time on details, started to play around with lighting and colors more, still stuck to the cartoony cell shading look
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2023: didn’t draw for 9 months and randomly decided to pick it back up again a completely different person i’m not quite sure what i unlocked during my time off but something happened
mainly just messing around with different brushes and styles trying to see what happens
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2024: kinda settled into a style, exaggerated colors and lighting, photo references, long periods between drawings and longer time spent on drawing
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bengiyo · 2 years
BL Round-Up #5
So @negrowhat tagged me in a current watchlist and I realized I haven’t done one of these since I started a new job. We have a lot to catch up on! We’ll clear out what I’ve completed first.
Recently Finished
I apologize in advance. I have completed a great many shows.
Minato Shouji Coin Laundry aka Minato’s Laundromat (GagaOOlala) 10 - I absolutely loved this show, and am currently showing it to my BL watch partner on our Tuesday/Thursday watch sessions. This show utilized its entire cast so well to explore the nature of age-gap romance, being gay and cowardly, and the nature of youth desire. Absolutely phenomenal, and I can’t recommend it enough.
Gameboys 2 (GagaOOlala via VPN) 10 - Gameboys 2 knew exactly what it wanted to be and completely delivered. I enjoyed this so much more than the movie, and was glad that the Terrence and Wesley dynamic was given more breathing room. Pearl and Achilles fit well into the drama this time, and I even enjoyed the way we got to see more of Gav’s family this time around. The IdeaFirst Company continues to make absolutely incredible queer content. It’s just a shame that so much of it ends up behind difficult paywalls for international viewers.
21 Days Theory (Rookie Thailand YouTube) 9.5 - This show shot up in my rankings for this year because of the way the adults played out their insecurities and supported the youngsters in this drama. This show is so good that it actually made me root for a straight couple. I am 100% here for shorter Thai BLs that use all of their couples well, rather than the bloated mess so many of the pulps tend to be.
Triage (Grey) 9.5 - This was everything I hoped to get out of a time loop show. Continue to love with the Manner of Death team has been up to and can’t wait to see more of their work. This isn’t exactly the normal fare for BL, but it’s the kind of gay characterization I enjoy. 
About Youth (Gaga or Viki) 9 - I don’t think this show had enough time to explore all of its ideas, but this show is a valuable addition to the Summer ‘22 High School BL Extravaganza. The cast is just so beautiful, and the boys from Taiwan continue to give earnest performances that I find incredibly endearing. Fuck Ye Guang’s parents, though.
Great Men Academy (Grey) 9 - I didn’t intend to watch this, but @flukenatouch convinced me and it ended up being a lot better than I expected. It’s not BL at all really, but holy hell was I absolutely obsessed with James Teeradon by the end of this show. Also I got to enjoy Captain’s gorgeous eyes again! This show involved a lot of gender swapping, but I enjoyed the show’s kind exploration of masculinity and what it means to admire someone.
Papa & Daddy Season 2 (Gaga) 8.5 - Papa & Daddy 2 has all of the same struggles as the first season, but I genuinely love it for what it’s trying to be. I think, in so many ways, this show encapsulates the strange experience many queer people have of growing into parents and starting families when it was something we never thought we would do. I think straight people naturally consider what kind of parents they might be because procreation is a likely outcome to their desires for intimacy, but it’s not something queer people really have a lot of guidelines for. I liked the challenges and themes of this season, even if I find myself consistently frustrated with filial piety.
Senpai, This Can’t Be Love! (Gaga or Viki) 6 - Very disappointing finish. I felt the lack of communication to be overly juvenile, so I can’t walk away from this show envisioning them as a functional couple at all. 
Love Mechanics (WeTV) 6 - There are some things I liked here, but Mark and Vee are not my thing, and I found much of this to be rather tedious. 
Coffee Melody (Viki) 5.5 - Boring, and frustrating. Not a good show. Don’t waste your time.
Currently Watching
This is still a lot, but I’m finally under 10 shows.
Takara-kun & Amagi-kun (Gaga or Viki) 10 - Episode 5/8. I cannot overstate how much I’m enjoying the way this show is exploring first desire and relationships with Takara and Amagi. It is the show I most look forward to each week.
180 Degree Longitude Passes Through Us (Gaga) 9.5 - Episode 7/8. This is not BL. It is a story about a young, angry gay man; his overbearing, narcissistic mother; and his father’s best friend and missed love. It is exploring the ways different generations have reacted to queerness, and I cannot stop thinking about it. It is essentially a play adapted to screen, and everyone involved is giving some of the best performances I’ve ever seen out of Thailand. It is no surprise that Pond Ponlawit is a Nadao alum, because I haven’t been this gripped by a Thai performer since ITSAY/IPYTM and Great Men Academy.
I know many folks will never watch this because it isn’t the kind of fun fare that Thai BL often offers, but this is the kind of play that someone sees on a whim that alters the way they see themselves and the world.
The Eclipse (YouTube) 9 - Episode 7/12. I’m really enjoying how complete this show feels. Each moment feels intentional and like it’s contributing towards the end goals. I enjoy it when BL knows what it wants to say, and I’m enjoying the unsubtle politics of this show. Also, Khaotung and First are such a great pair. Neo is finally in a role that he can really shine, and he’s working with Louis in a way that finally lets me see why they’ve been paired.
Love in the Air (iQIYI) 8.5 - Episode 6/13 This show doesn’t really have a plot, but I honestly like it more for that. I personally love when BL is more character driven, and I’m enjoying watching this as a vanilla type and reading commentary from folks like @lutawolf. Though I still struggled with the early bits of this show, I like where it’s gone and can understand why they skipped what I think are incredibly necessary aspects of consent to show. I remain surprised that I have this many positive things to say about a MAME production.
My Only 12% (iQIYI) 8.5 - Episode 7/14 I think @absolutebl broke me when he said this show felt like a Thai take on a Big Eden (2000) prequel (iykyk). I also imploded over the inclusion of Love of Siam (2007) in the storytelling of this narrative. In so many ways this show feels like it’s screaming out the pain and frustration and loneliness we felt as queer in the early 00s trying to sort out the kind of people we wanted to be when we were young and struggling to find community. It was hard entering the community when all of your elders were still coping with so much grief, and there were just so few depictions of queer joy to turn to.
Earth and Santa are a good pair, but for once I’d like to see one of Earth’s characters be happy. I’d also like him to not play a naggy character in the future.
Once Again (Gaga or Viki) 8 - Episode 4/8 - I like the way the sci-fi elements feel in this show with the time travel implications. I know this is going to end sad, but I’m loving the texture of the sense of inevitability in this show.
Ai Long Nhai (iQIYI) 8 - Episode 1/12. It’s fine so far. I like the gay dads. I like the friend dynamic. Subs are only okay. This show might end up being forgettable, but I hope it’s fun.
Vice Versa (YouTube) 7 - Episode 11/12. I haven’t been enjoying this for a while. I have just had to accept that I am not a Jittirain fan, and the way she tells stories just doesn’t work for me. I find myself completely frustrated with and by Puen, and I feel constantly bad for Talay. Otherwise, Jimmy and Sea are a pretty pair. I hope all the constant ads are generating enough revenue to pay for the rest of the BLs on GMMTV.
War of Y (Gaga) 7 - Episode 8/20. I continued this because it moved to Gaga, but I constantly suffer from a dissonance with this show. It wants to explore the dark side of BL by making so many recognized BL pairs and supporting cast play out scenarios that are incredibly uncomfortable. It’s a weird experience to watch a BL that seems to want us to not watch BL anymore.
Not BL
Midnight Diner (Netflix) 10 - This has become my wind down watch before bed. I find this kind of light drama incredibly relaxing. I also love Japanese filming styles that rely on long takes. I like letting the actors act. I don’t want to feel the editing constantly when I’m watching something. I notice it when I come back to Thai productions and it’s constantly cutting and changing the angle of the shot, or refusing to put actors in the same frame for more than one line delivery.
Is It Wrong To Try to Pick Up Girls In a Dungeon? IV (HiDive) 9 - We all have shows we make exceptions for. I make mine here because I enjoy adventuring party shows. This season has been a really good adaptation, and I continue to love all of the character dynamics.
Do Revenge (Netflix) 9 - As a long-time fan of Throw Momma From The Train (1987), I do love a good Strangers on the Train story. This one was excellent, and used its lesbian characters well. Everyone turns in fun and memorable performances, especially Camila Mendes, Maya Hawke, and Sophie Turner.
9-1-1 (Fox, HULU) 8 - I’m an American and do love a first responder procedural.
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easy-there-leftovers · 8 months
Not bg3 related, but it also sort of is(?) (but it's also just more about me and my personal life that I suddenly remembered and thought was funny)
I was recently working on something on procreate (might post later) and as I was messing with the layers and almost exited the project (meaning you can't undo shit after you closed it and opened it again) and I was instantly reminded of someone I had a small crush on in high school who used the same program and messed with me quite often.
Not to put him on blast, but there was this one time that he kept trying to prod at a project I was working on and he kept failing what he was trying to do so I asked him what the he was doing.
You know, like a normal person.
I wasn't too bothered, but I thought it was funny/ weird that he kept swiping on my tablet.
And the guy looked at me with a shit eating grin and said, "I'm trying to exit the project."
So I fucking said, "you know I can't undo anything anymore if you do that, right??"
And he just said, "Exactly." The fucking grin on his face never went away.
I was also sort of semi-friends with him. In the way that he approaches me from time to time but because we have completely different circles (and we were only really working together because we were responsible for the Art Council of our school. SO we designed posters, made flyers, pubmats, etc.) but I'm sort of scared of the guy.
I think he thought we were friends(?) I'm the kind of person that doesn't really impose that title unless the other person has straight up used that term to refer to me, so I'm really unsure about what he thought about me. All I remember is that he'd ask me about school work (we shared a lot of AP Science classes), or council work, but we don't really talk outside of those things.
The only exception being if our class had a party and I went for once.
Not to mention, he's a pretty popular guy because he's rich(?) Nearly everyone at the school I attended was pretty well off anyway, but he was one of the more elite(?) ones. (Ya'll, I also don't know much about the whole ordeal because I only knew him for two years and then we graduated after.)
So. The guy, right? Sort of scared of him because he was a bit more unforgiving with me than he was with our other classmates. Not to mention that he likes to mention his wealthy background from time to time, is an elitist, has an interest in art, and likes acting like a little trickster from time to time. Very sociable, likes talking about himself and what he likes and what he wears, hangs around the higher crowd.
And that got me thinking.
He sounds like how some people characterize a young Astarion in those university/modern au-- fics djnbfsdlkfbndsljb
He wasn't mean, or annoying by any means, but I have been told that he was "picking on me" and that did not register to me at all LMAO.
Anyway, if any of you are interested in hearing more about him to feed your ideas for a modern au/university au Astarion, I'm very open to telling you guys more stories.
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