#bakugo x class 1a girls
panpanicatmha · 10 months
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archer-fb · 4 months
I'm very mad I can't find a fic I read on ao3. I can't remember if it was ABO or not, it might have been. But I know it was bakugo x reader. All of like the class 1-a girls worked in some sort of host club by force. It was run by dabi, shigaraki, etc. I'm fairly sure reader was called babydoll. If anyone know this fic ik fucking begging send me a link or the title of it
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★。/ falling in love with you \。★
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ask: this was a request! but I can't find the ask on my old blog, but I do know that it was a quirkless!assistant!reader with midoriya, todoroki, bakugo, shinso, monoma, and kendo. I did cut off monoma and kendo since I feel like I don't know enough about their characters, if that's ok!
pairing: midoriya x gn! reader, todoroki x gn! reader, bakugo x gn! reader, shinso x gn! reader (separate)
fandom: boku no hero academia
word count: 3,722
tw: none, wholesome fluff with some swearing on bakugo's section
notes: this had taken a really long time on my original blog, so im happy to finally be able to share it, if you're from my OG blog, and you were waiting, im sorry it took so long! and since I can't get back into my old blog anymore (I lost the password), please resubmit your asks at anytime and ill try to get to them asap!
! be sure to like and reblog if you enjoyed !
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~the meeting~
You’re first introduced to Class 1A/1B as a stand-in for a sparring partner in hand-to-hand combat. It was better - in Aizawa’s opinion - for you to brush up on your skills while also putting his students in a more hands-on approach to learning. You stand before the class, ready. 
You challenge whoever is confident with their skills so far to come forward and fight you. Over your shoulder, Aizawa stands huddled in his sleeping bag. He isn’t too worried, he trusts your abilities to handle his class, and besides, you needed to grow to tolerate them quickly.
None of the students wanted to fight you at first.
There was at least one of their close friends that teased them because they had noticed you staring at them out of all the other blue-clad students. So, of course, to avoid further embarrassment, they step forward to be the first example.
The rules are simple. No quirks. Just simple hand-to-hand. The first to pin the opponent for at least half a minute is the winner of the exercise.
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I. midoriya 
~ after the meet ~
Izuku really didn’t want to fight you
He didn’t know your strengths, your weaknesses, your quirk, your skill set, how powerful it was versus what it looked like, etc. (cue the nerdy rambling). He had no notes on you!
Izuku had seen you in class every once in a while when he wasn’t busy. You sat by the teacher’s desk grading papers and sometimes assisting Aizawa by running errands or taking over while he took a nap on the floor. But based on your stature and appearance and the fact you were wearing a school uniform, you seemed to be a student as well.
That leads to plenty of interesting theories about you!
“I think they’re a villain!” Kaminari said light-heartedly. It sounded like a rather malicious thing to suggest, Izuku thought, despite his wider grin. “In like… a rehab program or something.”
“Why would they send a villain to a school for a rehab program though?” Iida pulls his drink from his mouth. “It’d be much more likely they be put on community service or in more safe environments.”
Izuku looks across at you.
You’re sitting away from the teachers at the moment, trading notes with a girl in class 2C, laughing as you both scribble away and discuss some class that he can’t quite hear. You wave her off before moving down the table to another group who are slurping ramen over a table full of messy textbooks and broken pens. Izuku knew these kids to cause enough trouble for everyone, but they push aside their bowls and utensils and kick off their bags so they can let you sit with them. 
Have you always looked so pretty from this far away?
~ falling in love with you ~
My boy falls hard and fast… save him…
Izuku always pays attention during a class, but he always tries to pay a little more attention when it’s you that’s teaching <3
After assisting Aizawa for a few weeks into the term, Momo asked who you were. In all the “excitement” of having to shephard a class of hormonal superheroes around, you had forgotten to introduce yourself!
He pulls out his hero notebook and begins taking detailed notes on you
[Y/N L/N], your power stats and small doodles of you in the bottom corner. Some more detailed, some awfully sketchy, but he never feels he got it quite right
Aizawa pats your head and dismisses you from your teaching duty for the day
For the rest of the class you resign yourself to your desk and join the students in learning the next emergency protocol
He thinks you might be looking away when he glances at you
Are you looking at him too?
You’ve ruined him, he’d swear on it. He can’t help it, just by looking at you. The swell of your hips when he can see you walking in front or behind him, the way your eyes light up if he even gains the confidence to talk about his hero notebooks with you, the little shocks he gets when your knees touch on the floor of his dorm room. Or maybe he finds you distracting in some way? Your voice drags him from each lecture, even if it’s not aimed at him. Your smile lures him in. He’s sure you have to have a quirk somehow, hidden there that you haven’t told him about yet.
Do you find him as distracting as he finds you?
Among his many nervous habits, a new one is born. What is it? Well, drawing you in his notebook. 
It’s during one of these very creepy-sounding moments that he remembers he never actually asked you what your quirk was. Nor had he seen it in action before
Other people had wondered about it before, but no one had an answer
So he asks you
You laugh.
It’s almost shocked, but partly sad. You tell him, quite simply, that you’re quirkless. And that Aizawa gave you the position in 1A because you were willing to become a teaching assistant on the side. Though you suspect it’s favouritism, he wants you to have a good education, UA is a nice place, he’ll be close by in case any shit goes down. 
If anything Izuku falls even more in love with you. Hearing you ramble with him about your favourite heroes, how you want to be your own hero even if you can’t do the same things as they can, and you’re still here talking to him.
You’re one of the first people he tells about All Might passing on his quirk to him. He’s worried you might be envious of it, or hate him for lying his way into UA, but you beam at him and assure him he’ll be the best Number One Hero you’ve ever seen.
Yeah, he’s definitely fallen a bit harder, if the sweaty palms and nervous heart skip is enough to go off of.
~ fighting for your attention ~
Now imagine this poor, sweet, innocent broccoli-head of a boy finally falling in love with you! He’s smitten with you
But now he’s watching you interact with his classmates interact with you a little more closely
He doesn’t mind of course, he knows everyone loves your personality and just the feeling you give off. It makes them feel warm and safe and you being quirkless limits any sense of a threat to those who are more sceptical
What he doesn’t like is that he knows some of them fancy you
Some of them love you
He begins studying harder, training harder, works out more so he can make sure he can hear your sweet praises and warming smiles
Any “good job!” and “i’m so proud!” you can offer him is cherished. He cherishes you
So he gathers his courage to try harder just for you, so you can think of him as your number one hero!
Now the only question is; do you cherish him?
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K. bakugo
~ after the meet ~
An unbridled opportunity to inflict pain on an (admittedly) attractive stranger?
Fuck yeah
Quirk or no quirk, he was going to absolutely destroy you. He was sure of it!
Shitty hair said you looked oddly familiar, but who cares?
Katsuki had seen you around in the dormitory building, of course, he never paid you much attention. You were wearing a uniform, so he guessed you were a student. He thought you were boring. 
Pretty, but boring. 
Not that he was looking, shut up–
Maybe if he kicks your ass a bit he’ll stop getting so distracted
Are you fucking kidding?
You kicked his ass! Barely breaking a sweat! 
One minute he’s preparing to just kick you in the gut and land a right hook to your face, but then he steps into the field where white lines have been drawn and you smile at him. You wish him good luck and bow before getting into a fighting stance. 
He draws a blank after that. Sure, he lands the first kick, but gets your thigh instead so you skid across the pitch. Then you effortlessly sidestep his next swing and he just wants to blast your face off in embarrassment.
Then, most painful of all, you punch him right in the gut and kick him until he’s down. 
He’s butt-hurt, as expected and refuses to even look at you.
Shitty hair slaps his shoulder and laughs as he joins the rest of the class. You brush dust off your uniform and prepare to fight Mina next. 
“That was something huh?” Kaminari jests, snickering. “I should’ve gotten that on camera.”
Katsuki decides just then that he’s going to make your life hell for what you’ve done.
~ falling in love with you ~
He’s not falling in love with you, shut up-
Ok so he’s a grouchy boy anyway right so of course he’s not going to admit it as quick as the others 
In fact he makes it a goal in life to annoy you enough until you hate his guts, then he might feel better about wanting to grind your face into the pavement 
He kicks your chair out when you go to sit so you slam into the floor, shut the door to the classroom in your face, shoves you in hallways at every chance he gets, and even becomes so petty he begins stealing your favourite snacks and drinks out of the fridge and cupboards 
Smug bastard even devours them in front of you just so you know that it was him 
He hates them but that doesn’t stop him! 
And - as much as he doesn’t want to admit it - he kinda hates the small flicker of disappointment that flutters behind your eyes before you offer to go on a snack-run for everyone on your way 
He makes it sound like your idea that he stalks alongside you to the grocery store.
“You’d probably get lost if someone wasn’t around to hold your hand,” he’d mock you. If you inquire if he’d hold your hand around the store, he’ll definitely leave you behind. Don’t tempt him. And if you laugh he’ll walk back to the dorms and leave your ass to wonder where he went, searching through aisles for him. He knows you would.
Begrudgingly, he knows somewhere in him won’t let him abandon you there. What part? No idea but he hates it. 
Which is why he is now escorting you on the seventh snack-run of the month. You push the trolley around because even with all your begging he won’t do it. Shopping list in hand you throw in bags of snacks and surprise treats for your classmates.   
You have everything stacked up now. Popcorn for movie nights, and each person’s specific sweets, but instead of heading towards the cashiers, you’re turning towards the scoop-and-weigh section. 
“Oi, dumbass!” Bakugo doesn’t follow after you at first, and he doesn’t care that people are turning to stare at him. “Cash register is that way!”
“I know that.” You smile and disappear behind the aisle. He really has no choice but to drag his feet to follow. When he comes around the side you’re scooping a bag full of honey-roasted almonds - ones he knows you hate but his mouth waters at. 
“What are you getting those for?” He curses how soft his voice is now, but he can’t help but wonder why you’re buying them now.
“They’re your favourite, right?” You respond.
“Yeah?” How did you even know that?
You must be reading his mind with some hidden quirk or something, because you quickly explain that you had questioned Kirishima about the hidden stash in the cupboards one time and he had told you almost immediately. So, why not grab some more when you noticed that his stash was getting low?
Without letting him answer you walk past him to the checkouts. He watches after you, mouth dry. He can’t even think of an insult for you right now.
~ fighting for your attention ~
He still won’t admit it to himself so don’t expect a massive, dramatic confession from him (…yet)
No, he’s willing to fight anyone and everyone who wants your affections from the sidelines 
Someone looks at you a little too long? (Punch them)
Someone touches your shoulder during a PE class? (Make their life hell)
Deku asks for your help on an essay and you respond with an all-sweet smile that just rubs him the wrong way? (Kill him - but not actually)
Jealousy is a dangerous game for Katsuki 
(He’s not jealous don’t even ask—)
He’s willing to completely flip the tables so that maybe you’d notice that something’s different: he doesn’t kick your chair out anymore, or eat your snacks, or try to fight you in the hallways 
Instead he does all of that for pretty much everyone else—with exceptions for Kirishima of course 
Anything so he can deny that he’s gone the slightest bit soft for you when you both sit in the common room and eat your respective snacks, talking about some annoying classmate that had pissed him off for the fourth time that day 
And god dammit, won’t you just notice that he appreciates you? 
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S. todoroki
~ after the meet ~
Now, my first question is, is it vague curiosity or a drive to urge his strength forward that makes Shoto fight you?
It’s the strength training, he reasons
He doesn’t need it of course, he’s capable enough, but that doesn’t stop him from arguing with himself that that could be the only reason
And no, it’s definitely not because he can see you giving him a curious look over the heads of his classmates, and certainly, not because Kaminari gives him a knowing grin because even he can see you staring at him
So he puts himself forward as a volunteer
For the training… sure
Even after you lose to Todoroki he’s courteous about it. You both bow out of respect and he rejoins the line. After that he doesn’t expect to see you very much after that, perhaps never again. He thinks, despite the theories, you might be a student-teacher from a different academy.
But no, the next week you show up to their regular classes. And not long after that, you’re both working on group and pair projects together.
Like today, it’s theory. Emergency Evacuation in a Disaster. You pick some form of ‘emergency’ and then plot out an essay with detailed instructions for evacuation for the project. Simple. You pick a disaster and begin the essay.
You ask him questions in between, just general small talk, asking how his day is and the like. But he appreciates it. He knows that you know who he is and yet you just ask him normal questions. (Let’s say this is before his arc to make friends.)
You praise him for his strength in your battle and it makes his heart pound. Is he sick? What does this mean? 
What do you mean when you say you like his company? How does he get you to stop? He doesn’t like not being in control of how his heart is beating.
~ falling in love with you ~
I don’t think that originally it would be obvious to you that he fancies you
He’d be courteous at first, hold the door for you, compliment things about you, pull out your chair or save you a seat at lunch, it’s simple little things
You don’t notice of course, you just think he’s being nice
But to literally everyone else, it’s so obvious to them that he’s already completely smitten with you. He barely talks to anyone else… and yeah he doesn’t talk much with you either but he tolerates your company more than others
And he’s a gentleman so why would he outright say anything?
(That’s the reason and not that he’s afraid to, yeah totally-)
So instead he sits and listens to your conversations 
It’s not your fault he’s having a bad day, but at the moment he’s giving the cold shoulder to everyone in 1-A. 
That doesn’t stop you from dragging your chair up to his small desk during your break and eating there with him. He doesn’t tell you to leave, because he doesn’t think he can. He just watches you pull out utensils and begin to eat. He hasn’t even bothered with his own food, he can feel a pit swallowing his stomach, like he couldn’t cram anything in there if he wanted to.
“Bad day?” you ask, like you couldn’t already tell. “Don’t wanna talk about it?”
He nods at you. He can’t lie. And he sure as hell can’t ignore you.
“I understand,” you give a thoughtful hum, eating a bite of your food. “My day was pretty crappy too. It gets like that sometimes, you just gotta keep going. You can’t stop living just because your head’s a bit heavy.”
He didn’t ask for your advice, and maybe before that would’ve bothered him that you didn’t stop talking, but now he can’t find it in him to be frustrated. His annoyance deflates at your presence. You radiate this homely comfort he hasn’t felt in a long time.
Shoto goes through the effort of pulling out his food, just so you might feel better about it.
He forces out the words;
“And your day? Tell me about it… please.”
~ fighting for your attention ~
Now shoto is less likely to actually try and confront others about their shared affections
In fact in normally takes him a good while to officially realise that he loves you
But pretty soon he just begins to seek you out more
As he grows more social, earns new friends and becomes accustomed to everyone, you work with him closely to help him learn social cues and overcome his trauma
He comes to like touching you, whether it be a hand on his head, touching knees in the dorms, a simple hug, or you leaning on him until you fall asleep on him during the winter. He feels comfortable with you
But with this realisation comes one more;
He wonders if he could handle going back to living without you
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H. shinso
~ after the meet ~
Now, shinso’s quirk is pretty hard to implement in a fight, which is why he mainly prefers hand-to-hand
Overall, he feels tired, if not a little bored, by the spar with you
He hadn’t noticed you at all before this lesson in 1C, but his teacher had said that you were helping by moving down from 1A
Why, he couldnt figure out
But nonetheless, he finds you watching him while waiting to spar you in your first physical education class together, so he volunteers
And he quickly gets disqualified– 
He swears he doesn’t mean to, but almost as soon as he begins the fight, you overwhelm him.
What you lack in a visible quirk, you make up for in speed, kicking and jabbing and ducking away before he can get a hit in. It’s when he finds you hovering over his shoulder, about to throw a punch to his face, that he panics and asks for your name.
A bit confused, slowing down a little bit, you give it to him, and almost as quickly, you’re under his control. The teacher immediately barks at him to release his control, and he obliges, but he’s still disqualified and you’re given an instant win. When you stumble, regaining your own self-control, you look up at him in bemusement. 
But you don’t look scared at all, instead you smile at him.
“Brainwashing? That’s a pretty cool quirk, huh?”
You confuse him, and he’s not sure if he likes it yet. 
~ falling in love with you ~
After you move down to 1C to work on your General Hero courses, you begin to grow closer with Shinso 
You don’t think that his quirk is any different to the others at UA, which he is somewhat confused by
‘Some of these guys can set people on fire! Brainwashing doesn’t sound too different to the others you see here’, was your only explanation whenever he asked about it
Overtime, you become one of his only friends in 1C, he tolerates you
He spends most of his time with you, studying, eating, talking, he helps you write papers on general hero practices, telling you about his history with children being scared of his ‘villain quirk’
All things considered, he trusts you, and i dont think he could say that for many other people at UA
You both sit cross-legged on the floor of his dorm room. He very rarely decorates it, but you begged him to let you set up the fairy lights and little cat decals that were meant for his wall. Begrudgingly, he agreed.
So that’s what you’ve been doing, arranging kitties on the wall over his desk. Cute little art pieces that resemble grey and calico cats. 
Meanwhile, he’s studying on his floor, laying back and occasionally sneaking glances at you to see if you’re tangled in the lights. Soon enough you have them strung up nicely in the corners of his dorm-room, sending soft gold light over his purple hair. He doesn’t move until you lay on the floor beside him, looking up at the ceiling.
“What do you think?” you ask, leaning up on your elbows to admire your handiwork.
He’s quiet for a moment, just looking at you, taking in the view of your side-profile. 
“They look nice.”
Shinso isn’t talking about the lights.
~ fighting for your attention ~
Listen, usually Shinso absolutely hates using his quirk for anything out of villain fights, because if he does he feels like he reinforces the idea that he might be a villain too
But, when it comes to you?
He’s relatively tame at first, he doesnt get too jealous or overprotective as someone else might (cough, bakugo, cough), but it doesnt mean that he doesnt need reassurance sometimes
If it gets to the point that another one of your suitors is making you uncomfortable, then by all means, hes asking them what theyre doing and forcing them to walk away
And afterwards, having that little moment of supposed villainy feels worth it
Just keep smiling at him
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im sorry this took so long!
I hope you guys enjoyed
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artemis32 · 4 months
Yandere Class 1A x reader
yeah, uh, i hate this, but you get what you get
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mbe masterlist
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Izuku was at a loss.
He'd tried everything - absolutely everything - to get you to open up. To talk. To partake in group activities outside of class
But no matter what he did, no matter how he tried to sell the idea, no matter how manipulative he was, you declined.
Every. Single. Time.
What made it worse was that he knew several other people in your class were trying to achieve the same thing.
Mina had invited you out more times than he could keep count of, and each time she was met with a short, harsh rejection.
Sero and Kaminari had joked with you, trying to get you to at least crack a hint of a smile.
No success.
Momo constantly offered to help you study, and when you inevitably said no, she would insist on tea parties and lunch dates and shopping trips with the rest of the girls in the class. You had stared at her with a blank gaze until she felt uncomfortable enough to leave.
Even Uraraka, as sweet as she was, was unable to crack your tough exterior.
Izuku realised that they were quickly running out of options. They'd run through the list of class members they could turn to for a solution, and sooner or later they'd have to accept the worst-case scenario.
They'd have to ask Bakugo for help.
You hated your classmates.
They were annoying. They were insistent.
When they were around, you never got so much as two minutes of peace and quiet.
It was bearable during the first few months of your first year, when you could go home and have a break from their never-ending questions.
But then the school had decided that it was in the best interest of the students to have you all move into dorms.
You hadn't known a single moment of peace since.
There always seemed to be someone attached to your hip, or trailing a few steps behind you, or eyeing you from across the room.
It was annoying, and you thought you’d made that clear.
In the beginning, you thought they had all been so insistent because they were curious about your quirk. 
That in itself was understandable - no one knew one another, so it was natural for everyone to want to get to know their classmates quirks.
You knew of everyone else’s quirks - of course you did, you knew everything about them - and for the most part, they knew about yours, or as much as you’d told them. 
You thought that would be enough to satiate them, but evidently, you were wrong.
At first, your classmates, Izuku specifically, wanted to know about all the intricacies of your quirk - the parameters, drawbacks, limits, range, all of it. That had been the first warning sign. You were taught growing up to never tell anyone more about your quirk than they needed to know. That was enough for you to avoid Izuku.
All of your classmates seemed to be in awe of your power, which was strange.  You weren’t particularly fond of your quirk. It was just so boring.
Teleportation, especially at your current level, wasn’t very useful to a hero. You weren’t much good when you were only able to teleport yourself.
Regardless, you were working on improving your quirk as best you could.
A small part of your mind whispered to you that they knew about things they shouldn’t, but that was just the usual bout of paranoia getting to you. You’d know whatever they knew straight away.
You teleportation quirk had developed at four years old, which was slightly younger than your father had been banking on. He’d gone to great lengths to teach you how to control your ability - at four years old, you had a tendency to just disappear. Not because you wanted to, or because you were actively thinking about leaving. No, it was more because you had absolutely zero control over yourself or your quirk.
By the time you turned six, you’d mastered the control your father so desperately wanted you to learn. You found that keeping your emotions in check helped more than consciously thinking about not using your quirk.
That degree of control couldn’t have developed at a better time, because eight months later, right before your seventh birthday, you developed your second quirk.
That’s what became the real bane of your existence. 
Sure, you were blessed to have two quirks. In fact, you loved it as a child. But controlling this quirk proved to be significantly more difficult than your first. 
You managed to get it under control, for the most part. You made sure that you weren’t blaring your thoughts out loud constantly, and you learnt how to talk to people one on one pretty quickly.
What you couldn’t control, even close to ten years after discovering your second quirk, was how to shut other people’s thoughts out. 
It was a never-ending battle, trying not to up and leave whenever you got too overwhelmed. 
You’re sure someone could have helped you. The adults in your life - middle school teachers, your friends, their parents, maybe even Mr Aizawa and your classmates could have helped you, but you would never breathe so much as a word to them about your quirk - not when you saw how people reacted to the idea of someone being able to read their every thought.
So you kept it to yourself, occasionally making use of your teleportation quirk to get a moment of silence, leaping far, far away from civilisation, from people’s thoughts.
In those moments alone, it wasn’t so bad. You thought about how incredible your quirks actually were, about how fortunate you were to have a quirk at all, never mind two.
Then you’d return back to your dorm, and the cycle would repeat.
You would admit, it was pretty funny.
Hearing how strangely obsessed your classmates were with you was actually hilarious, especially considering they thought you had no idea. Not to mention, constantly ruining their supposedly brilliant plans. 
Some of their ideas truly were brilliant, and they may have worked, had you not known about them in advance.
There were times that you almost felt bad for them. Almost. But playing along with them, seeing just how far you could push them without raising suspicion - it was fun.
Like right now, for example.
“-but I’m sure the weather will be clear enough for a picnic next weekend, since you don’t seem to like the idea of a tea party. What do you think?”
Yaoyorozu and Mina, who stood in front of your desk as you stared out the window, were still talking. Of course, what they were saying sounded nice enough, but their thoughts betrayed their true intentions.
Come oooonnnnnn, say yes, say yes! Just one bit of personal information, that’s all I need. I absolutely have to win this bet with Kaminari, so just give me something to work with!
Mina was someone who remained loud and talkative both within her mind, and when talking to people aloud.
The bet she was thinking about had been a running gag for a while now, something you had almost grown bored of.
Mina, Denki and Sero had made a bet; whoever was first to learn a tidbit of personal information about you, from you, got free reign of the communal gaming system in the dorm lounge for a month.
At least, that's what it started out as in the beginning.
It quickly reached the ears of the other students in your class, and everyone wanted in on the bet.
The promise of dibs on the game system long forgotten, their focus quickly moved on to bragging rights - after all, getting you to reveal any amount of personal information was seen as a great feat, one worthy of praise.
It had been funny at first, seeing how they scrambled to talk to you first, or the awkward ways they interacted with you to get even the slightest sliver of information.
Now, their thoughts gave you a headache whenever they were near.
You could probably have gone to Mr Aizawa if you had to - you were sure you could fabricate some evidence of their weird behaviour and have him intervene.
But the problem was, he was just as bad.
He had this weird, protective mindset.
It had creeped you out at first, but with time, you'd almost grown fond of his concern. It was... endearing. Kind of. Like a father. Or a puppy.
Regardless, he knew about their antics, and he hadn't bothered with them so far, so you decided it would be best if you kept your knowledge of the situation to yourself.
“No. Thank you though,” you reply smoothly, turning away from them to signal the end of the conversation.
But of course, they never really took no as an answer.
“Why? If it’s because you don’t want to be around a ton of people, then don’t worry about it - it’ll be like, eight of us. Please,” they ask, eyes wide and hopeful.
You’re saved, literally, by All Might entering the classroom with a silent shuffle.
“To your seats everyone, get to your seats please.”
Even without the use of your quirk, you can feel your class glowering from across the room.
You aren’t sure how your purple haired companion doesn’t realise that they’re glaring daggers at him - he really doesn’t even register that they’re looking at him at all.
But he doesn’t mention it, and no thoughts of them cross his mind, so you pay them no mind.
You liked Shinso. He was good company - quiet, polite, and his thoughts were the kind that barely skirted the edge of your consciousness. Being around him was like a breath of fresh air, so you clung to him.
It wasn’t often that you found someone who didn’t induce a migraine as soon as they entered the room. In fact, you could count on one hand the number of people you’d met that you could tolerate for longer than ten minutes.
Shinso was one, and Aizawa, surprisingly, was another. 
Even more surprising than that though, had to be that Bakugo of all people had a quiet mind.
If anyone had known about your quirk and you told them, you were sure they’d call you a liar.
But it was the truth. The angry blond had such a tranquil mind that, if he allowed it, you’d befriend him. But you’d grown an aversion to being near him, as wherever Bakugo was, a crowd of classmates was sure to follow.
You’re brought back to the present moment as Shinso shakes his hand in front of your face, throwing you a quizzical look.
“Ah, sorry, I zoned out.”
He nods in understanding, before glancing behind you.
“Just thought I’d let you know; your classmates look like they want my head on a stick,” he says in a bored tone, eyes sliding back to you a moment later.
You make a noise at the back of your throat.
“Yeah,” you wince, “I noticed that. I didn’t want to mention it.”
He shrugs, standing up and offering you his hand.
“Well, then let’s find somewhere else to sit, huh?”
You smile. Your classmates are outraged, seething as you accept his hand and sweep out of the cafeteria.
Thank goodness, you think, there were so many voices.
You only went to the cafeteria because Shinso liked the soba they served.
Honestly, braving the bustling centre felt like someone was hitting between your eyes with an ice-pick - pure torture.
The flood of thoughts fades as the two of you walk further from the main building, and your shoulders slump with relief.
If he notices, Shinso doesn’t comment. You’d thought originally that he was just extremely unobservant, but he really just didn’t think about or mention anything unless it raised any actual concern.
You’d realised that when you had accompanied him to a private training session with Aizawa, and you’d had a migraine from a long day of dealing with your classmates.
He only brought it up, openly thought about it when he saw how you grabbed at your head out of the corner of his eye.
Being with him was peaceful, you’d realised in that moment, because he had incredible control over his thoughts. That must have been because of his own predominantly mental quirk.
The thought made you happy, for some reason.
You liked when Mr Aizawa used his quirk on you.
The rest of your classmates hated it, and it really seemed to throw them off, but to you, it felt like sweet relief. It made everything quiet. Peaceful.
There were times where it threw you off, suddenly hearing nothing but radio silence, but after some adjustment, it was as if someone had released the pressure on your skull. Not that he, or anyone else knew.
Though, on some occasions, when he looked at you before you had time to mask the relief on your face, you saw the slight glimmer of something akin to realisation in his eyes. If he knew, he never brought it up.
It should’ve had you on edge - the fact that he might’ve known, but never said anything. But it didn’t. You didn’t know why.
If anyone were to discover your second quirk, you’d be in a world of trouble. Having an unregistered quirk, especially at your age, in UA of all places - it was unheard of. 
It was criminal.
So you should’ve been terrified at the thought of someone finding out, knowing about your quirk.
But surely if he knew, he’d have brought it up by now?
“Quiet down class,” Aizawa demands flatly.
They don’t listen. Of course they don’t. 
Their incessant chatter matches their constant barrage of thoughts, and it seems particularly noisy today. All their thoughts are focused on you, and it leaves a sharp throb in your temples.
Aizawa glares at them, eyes flashing crimson for a moment, and you feel all the tension melt away. You prepare yourself for the inevitable rush of returning voices, but it doesn’t come. Aizawa, for some reason, keeps his quirk activated, gaze roaming the class, lingering on you for a second too long before he looks away, brows furrowing as he blinks.
You mask your wince with an awkward cough, shifting in your seat. Now, most thoughts were centred around Aizawa and how scary he was.
The thought makes you laugh. They were so far off the mark, it was comical. Aizawa was like an overly concerned parent, thoughts constantly circling his students, how he could push them to be better. Honestly, it was quite heart warming, and the fact that his actions were so glaringly different to his thoughts made it ten times funnier.
Aizawa calls your name, drawing you out of your thoughts.
“See me after class.”
Before you have a chance to delve into his mind to see what he was thinking, a barrage of thoughts hit you from all angles, your classmates wondering, like you, what this was all about.
You don’t give much thought to his request, too overwhelmed to try and sift through the turbulent sea of thoughts.
Aizawa schools his expression, staring down at you blankly.
You looked so young like this – wide eyed, trembling hands, pale, blanched face. You were panicked. He knew you were, but he made no move to ease your worries, waiting instead for confirmation.
“I– Sensei…”
He feels his brow twitch.
Not in annoyance. Not with you. Never you. You tended to tug at his heart strings, for reasons he didn’t fully understand.
Maybe because you were so young? You appeared younger still with that gleam of innocence in your eyes. Hero society was no place for someone like you - you were someone heroes should be protecting, rather than welcoming into their ranks.
“Answer the question.”
Your throat bobs as you swallow and turn your head to look out the window.
Were you thinking of a way to talk yourself out the situation? Were you trying to find a way to play off his discovery as nothing more than a funny happenstance? He didn’t doubt it.
The word weighs heavily on you, shoulders sagging as you stand before him, curling in on yourself. His heart aches at the sight.
How overwhelming was it, to keep something like this to yourself? To live in fear of someone discovering your secret and hating you for it?
“And you’ve kept this to yourself for the past ten years? You’ve had no training or help whatsoever?”
You seem surprised at the shock colouring his tone, as if you’d expected him to be angry or fearful, rather than sympathetic. Again, he wondered how you’d dealt with this all alone for so long.
He sighs.
“You’re not in trouble. I’m not mad.”
He sees the tension melt from your posture in real time, as if someone had lifted an anvil off your shoulders.
“If you’d like, I can help you. We could do some training after classes; help you learn control? I can’t promise anything, but it might help.”
Of all the things Aizawa had expected to happen, you bursting into tears wasn’t one of them. Some long buried protective instinct rears it’s head at the sight of your red rimmed eyes as you try desperately to mop away the tears on your cheeks.
He awkwardly shifts from one foot to another, patting your shoulder in a pathetic attempt to comfort you.
“I’m really not in trouble? Y-You don’t hate me for listening in on your thoughts without permission?”
Again, that same painful clench in his heart.
“No, I don’t. Why would I hate you for something you can’t control? None of your classmates would either, I can promise you that.”
Aizawa spends the next twenty minutes clumsily comforting you, dismissing you as soon as your tears have stopped and he makes his way to the principal’s office a few minutes later. When he arrives, he’s immediately greeted by a very tense looking All Might and an oblivious, chattering Nezu.
He seats himself in the armchair next to Toshinori, posture sagging.
“You were right.”
Nezu cackles at that, hardly able to get a word in through his triumphant laughter. His reaction is in stark contrast to the other two men and their responses. The two share a tense, understanding look, glancing back at Nezu as he calms his laughter.
“Oh, this is most wonderful! I can’t wait to see what happens!”
Guilt eats away at Aizawa. He could only hope you wouldn’t hate him and Toshinori, or even your classmates for what they planned on doing.
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lady-ashfade · 4 months
Strawberry Bunny
Day 4 of celebration marathon
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Yandere class 1A x bunny!hybrid!fem!reader
-£ ask: “Yandere mha reaction with Strawberry Bunny reader in their bunny form” I was telling them about this so they requested it for this marathon @serxinns
-£words: 1k
-£ warning: yandere behavior, readers fur color being pink and white, bunny from coral island, short fic.
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no one knew were you hid yourself at random parts of the day, one minute you’re there and the next you’ve disappeared.
the class was overbearing in your normal form, constantly picked at your cheeks and touching your fluffy ears. no one cared how flustered you got, they’d just coo and continue to baby you. the girls found it comforting to have you on their laps and play with your ears, even enjoying to watch you eat with your nose twitching.
however, todoroki was part of that train. you were his source of comfort when he was angry or needed a break.
Mina liked to dress you up in pink clothes, Tsu would be there taking pictures with Ochako.
deku knew about your quirk front to back like everyone else in his notebook. which foods refilled your energy, how often you took naps, were to scratch your ears. he knew everything about you, good and bad.
however none of them had ever seen you as a bunny. the small animal you turned into made you shy and skittish, and you wanted to rest without your friends petting you. even your teacher, aizawa had never seen you like that before.
“guys,” denki put down the switch in his hands while his friends payed attention to different things. Bakugo and kiri fighting over the game on the tv, Jiuro looking through a magazine while Mina watched tiktoks with her feet rested over kiri.
“do you guys here that?” the only one to turn their heads was jiuro. She looked around and tried to listen but the boys yelling blocked her from hearing anything.
“No, no,” denki got up from the bed , “it’s whimpering, and it sounds like a animal.” Mina looked up to the boy jumping over her. this caught her attention at the word animal. she placed her phone down and lifted herself up to follow him.
“What animal would be in the dorms? Do you think koji has one?” it wasn’t a bad guess really, the boy did it often.
“Where the hell are you guys going?” The angry blonde shouts while still staring at the tv and smashing the controllers in his hands. “Bring me a coke if you’re going to the kitchen.” Kirishima asked while doing the same as his friend.
they hummed and exited the room and they heard the sound get louder, just outside their door was a vent at the top of the wall. They heard squeaky. Their eyes fell on a small fluffy animal with pink and white fur, the legs kicking around to try and stay in the vent but was close to falling.
“That’s weird,” denki titled his head when he noticed something familiar. You had the same patterns on your ears, he knew them like the back of his hands.
“Don’t just stand there!” Mina elbowed him and jumped forward to help the animal stuck, she tried to reach for it but was to high. “It’s okay little buddy, Mina’s got you!” She tried to soothe the thing but it just got more intense with it’s kicking.
but it didn’t help them, when they started to panic their body started to fall back and the small feet started to kick them off the walls.
you started to squeal and pray you could get back up but you weren’t ever that lucky. so you feel down and Mina was quick to catch you and hold you close. you tried to get away but she didn’t let you go.
“it seems so scared,” she coo’d and looked over your bunny form, “what do you think spooked it?”
She didn’t get a response as denki just looked at you. The gears in his head spinning and it only took a moment before his eyes went wide while looking into your eyes.
“It’s y/n!” he shouted excitedly and tried to reach for you but mina turned and held you close.
“No! I got her first! She came to me.” She started to pet your fur. The mention of you made her protective and clingy. and now that you were a hopeless little bunny, she couldn’t let you go!
“Not fair,” he pouted, “I heard her cries! It was me, so give her to me.”
the whole class heard them argue, and you whining to be let go. soon the students exited their our rooms and find them in the hallway, even the students below. they found you in her arms as a bunny. now everyone started to fight at who got to hold you since they have never seen you like this before.
some tried to steal you away. So you were going from classmate to classmate. You hated it. This was the reason you didn’t want to show them!
as they all fought they didn’t notice their teacher approached and readying his quirk. sero got to you and made a run for it but he was met with Aizawa standing their with his scarf and his eyes glowing red. He looked deadly and ready to fight a villain.
“Give her.” He demanded and sero was quick to obey. Once aizawa had you he walked off to his room leaving them disappointed and upset. iida and Tsu tried to calm everyone down but missed your presence.
once you were back in his room he placed you down, “you okay kid?” within seconds you transformed back into your human form. you sighed.
“No, I just wanted some peace and quiet. I took a wrong vent and got caught.” he hummed and patted your head.
“all you have to do is ask and I’ll tell them to back off, or you can come here and rest.” He threw a blanket over himself and yawned.
“I off all people know how much naps help.”
you nodded your head, “can you lift me into the vent again?” he groaned but complied to your request.
once you were back into your bunny form he lifted you into the vent and you ran off, your little footsteps echoed off the metal. you went back to your dorm and locked your door, then went under your bed to the nest you made for yourself.
but the underlying problem was that when you went to class the next morning they would all be all over you.
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serxinns · 24 days
Hi! If you do see this I am wondering if you can do baker x Yandere mha (like Class 1A) or aged up reader (baker still) x Pro hero’s
But as in Mafia Au :3
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Ooooo mafia drama I like your style
There is a city that is labeled as the mafia's playground yes the town was pretty well known for its famous buildings and activities and spots with beautiful views but everyone is terrified of the mafia, so bad that pro-heroes are useless against them heck they're even terrified themselves of going into that town knowing they're Mafia's main targets
but that didn't scare you into moving and opening your new bakery there! Your parents ofc were worried but you reassured them that you were fine and you'd protect yourself! Plus a dangerous city won't push you away from your dream job!
A month after settling in your house and giving out sweet treats to customers you were slowly but surely getting a bit popular around the city your bakery would be always crowded during the day, especially in the afternoons but strangely at night you understand at 1st since its night and some people have curfews and work it was the behavior that most customers would look panicky desperately trying to rush you to finish their order and once you did they quickly grabbed their order and leave
One day a group of people maybe about 5-6 showed up one night all dressed like they were at some fancy bar or some party there was an angry blonde, a goofy redhead, a bubbly pink-skinned girl, a calm and beatiful purple hair girl, another blonde dude with a blacklighting strike on his head next to him was a short black haired male with a playful grin, they were all chatting and joking around with each (well mostly the blonde and the black hair) but you didn't mind it one bit not noticing what kind of people you were talking to
"Hello Welcome, what would you ladies and gentlemen like?" They all stopped and looked at you your adorable smiling face and doughy eyes with adorable soft hair and a cute little baker outfit with a Cute apron to top it all together the gang was memorized by this untill one of them cleared their throat "yea sweet thing I'll have a taiyaki with a side of your number on it~" he said with a wink you mentally rolled your eyes and wrote down the order, the other blonde pushed him out the way to tell his order "I'll have some cinnamon apple pie with extra cinnamon" "I'll have some dango please!" "Cupcakes for me please.." After the gang shouted out their order you happily went headed to the kitchen
The gang watched how you happily hummed to yourself putting all the ingredients in the bowl pouring in the pans and putting them in the oven "It might take a while if you all don't mind?" "Nope not at all!" The pink haired girl said withna bright smile matching yours it wasn't like they wanted to go they want to know more about you "so whats a little baker like you doing in this here city?" The red head said with a toothy grin "Oh I always wanted to run a bakery on my own ever since I was a child-"
The more you talked about your experiences and fun adventures of being a Baker the more obsessive and possessive they became the mafa gang just wanted to protect you and your bakery a person like you shouldn't be running a bakery alone in this dangerous city you just screamed to be protected that's when they decided they're gonna protect you and your bakery! No matter what! During the time you found out who they were the guy who was trying to flirt with you was Denki the redhead, Kirishima or Eljijou, the gruff Aah blonde was Bakugo the bubbly pink skin was Mina the black-haired man was Sero, and cool purple head was jirou
"Here's your order" you happily handed them their sweets the package design for the sweets was even more cute with bows and Sanrio characters with a cute little bow on top! "So cute.." they all thought as they grabbed their orders "Goodbye have a good night!" "Wait you're not gonna go home as well street this time is dangerous" you gasped "Oh I am your last customer!" "And your dumbass is gonna walk all alone defenseless?" Bakugo eyeing you "I'll be fine I'll fight 'em off!" You confidently said as they all waved goodbye at younas you did the same "Such nice people!" You said obliviously
"We're totally following them back home for their safety right?"
"Right" the rest of the gang said
And from this day forward your mafia friends would come over every night trying to try and meet you they rarely ever come here for the sweets but you didn't mind they were your friends it was nice to talk to people without them scaring out their minds and rushing you makes you feel like this city isn't dangerous!
Until one day another group of people went into your store and it wasn't your friends they were dressed up like your friends all tator up and well dressed but they were different people one green headed boy with freckles, a brown haired girl, a man with glasses that look very stern, a man wit no expression with red and white hair, a girl with a ponytail, and a green haired girl with her tongue sticking out, "Oh this might be their friends? Or do they alao go to the same area bakugo and his gang " You thought curiously
"Hello welcome to the cafe how can I help you!" You smiled once again everyone stopped what they were doing to look at you, you were just so precious just so cute! Why is a little darling like you working in a dangerous city like this? The brown hair spoke up excited to meet you "Hello! You must be y/n!?" The brown hair girl said as she smiled, you were a bit shocked wondering how she knew your name but shook it off as they probably heard it from somewhere else "Yes I am nice to meet you!" The girl later introduced herself as Ochako, the glasses dude Iida, the green-haired, Deku the pony girl Momo, and the green frog Tsuyu but she prefers Tsu and that's how you all became friends!
Izuku and you would ramble on and on about who your favorite heroes are,Ochako and you have a passion for baking, tsuyu talking about retirement facts, and Iida being a gentleman as he is offering to help with the dangerous stuff! momo offered to buy more supplies for you which you told her she didn't have to but she insists
After you bid goodbye to your friends you bid them goodbye and happily walk to your home!
"We're gonna follow them are we right?"
Out goes the bakusquad and gang along with Takoyami and Sato who you didn't meet yet but will soon
"Kacchan! What a lovely suprise! What do you think ur doing here"
"We should be asking you the same thing Midoriya back off theyre already ours"
"Oh please like yall can take any good care of them"
"I might as well you watch that mouth four eyes our darling we saw them 1st and we get them 1st
"And what makes you think you decided that?"
The members kept bickering among each other untill Izuku calm quiet them down
"It seems like we can't decide a solution so why don't we just share them !"
The other members looked at each other and then at their group bakugo didn't want to do it at 1st but after some very hard convincing he was in (for now) and that's how it settled they all Decided they were gonna protect you
"No matter the cost~"
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lovelyiida · 12 days
(NF) Hey lovely, I saw that you want requests. Could I request a iida x fem!reader fluff? I even have a prompt! You know how in MHA it’s winter break and everyone is bored at the dorms? Someone gets the idea to throw a whole fake wedding and invite all first years/the whole student body. The girls of 1A vote the bride and the guys vote the groom and reader is the bride and iida is the groom, which is good because they secretly like each other, y’know the drill. Iida and reader do the ceremony with vows and the rings and the kiss and all that. Also, there’s lots of cake and a huge party at the end with fireworks!!
That’s the cutest shi I’ve ever cooked up and I want someone talented to write it. If you could tag me to, that’d be awesome!
Love, psi kid 🎀
OHHHHHH MY GOD I FUCKING LIVE FOR THIS, this is seriously so cute. God, why can't I think of these ideas by myself??
꧁★𝐂𝐋𝐀𝐒𝐒 𝟏-𝐀 𝐖𝐄𝐃𝐃𝐈𝐍𝐆★꧂ — afab
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Snow falls gently outside, the world a picturesque white. The students of class 1-A lounge around, boredom plastered on their faces. It's a snow day, just great.
Ochaco twirls a strand of hair and glances at her friends. Even the lively Kirishima looks lethargic on the couch. Denki was about to sink into the floor if he couldn't find a way to annoy his fellow comrades.
Then, an idea sparked.
Ochaco's eyes spark with a twinkle and her lips curled into an intriguing smirk. "We need to do something fun, how about a fake wedding?"
The class exchanges intrigued looks, murmuring amongst themselves. Mina's eyes spark in excitement at the idea. "Yeah! We can vote and groom for our class. It'll be totally adorable!" She squealed.
Everyone nods in agreement as chatter bursts across the common space for today's event.
The entire Class 1-A along with various first years assemble outside, enveloped by the festive atmosphere. Electricity fills the air as the class has been sectioned into two groups to help figure out who will be the bride and the groom.
And out of the corner of your eye, you noticed IIda standing awkwardly in the midst of all this, glancing quick looks at you with a light blush. You couldn't help but chuckle to yourself and your friends at the act.
Later into the evening, the room now transformed with makeshift decorations and fairy lights strung everywhere (you can thank Momo for that). The class sat excitedly as Ochaco and Tsuyu held envelopes, ready to announce the lovely couple in waiting.
Standing at the improvised altar (standing on top of a table), they spoke with a grin.
"The results are in! The bride-to-be is... Y/n!"
The class erupts in cheers as you sit in shock of the results, slowing picking yourself off your feet, you stand in front of the "altar," as your face flushes in excitement. Tsuyu then spoke:
"And the groom-to-be is...Iida!"
Iida goes stiff, and his face turns crimson. The boys laugh and nudge him forward. Standing from his feet, he nears himself towards you and bows politely. You send him a wink of encouragement before whispering, "don't be so nervous. I bet you'd make a great husband."
Iida smirks at your words before whispering back, "and I know you'd make a wonderful wife."
As so, a makeshift ceremony begins!
Iida and you stand at the altar with hands intertwined. Wedding dress and suit on (thanking Momo once more!), looking like a match made out of heaven. Everyone watches eagerly as the both of you stand awkwardly, awaiting each other's vows.
"Don't chicken out, four-eyes," Bakugo chuckled. Iida side-eyed the blonde before clearing his throat and pushing up his glasses. "Y/n, ever since the first day we met. I knew you were a woman who I could spend the rest of my days with. You're kind, smart, beautifully-spirited, and one of the best teammates I could see fighting with me to the death..."
The class is swooned by Iida's words, you couldn't help but stand there in shock at the blatant confession thrown in your face.
"Y/n, I vow to always support and protect you...in sickness and in health...even in this mock wedding."
The class erupts in cheers as they hear Iida's beautiful poetic vows.
You chuckle, softening the moment once more.
"Iida, you're someone who I trust and care for deeply, you are a pinnacle in everyone's life and without you, I would be nothing. Your presence keeps me motivated and ready to take on whatever is ahead of me...because that's what you are and I deeply admire you for that."
"You're smart, you're hardworking, and super handsome..."
Iida quickly reddened at your words, your voice sounding like music to his ears. Oh, how he wished this was real.
"And I vow to always support and protect you...in sickness and in health...even in this mock wedding, or out of it."
As you finish, the class erupts in laughter as Iida and Reader exchange playful glances. Holding out your paper-made rings, you change and slide them onto each other's fingers. Ochaco and Tsuyu, beaming with joy, declare them fake husband and fake wife.
"You may now, fake-kiss the bride!"
You'd begin to go in for a simple kiss on the cheek, but suddenly Iida grabs a soft hold of your waist and scoops you down. Planting a soft kiss on the corner of your mouth.
A respectful man, we love!
Claps were heard around the room, but the moment between the two of you felt as if no one was there and the room was fading into black. As if nothing mattered but the to of you.
Mina teasingly claps before yelling, "I now pronounce you fake husband and fake wife! You may now fake-party!" The room transforms into a lively celebration, with music playing and students dancing joyfully.
Iida and Reader sneak glances at each other, their fake smiles turning into genuine ones. Photos and videos were taken throughout the night of the heartwarming moment between the class.
And as the night grew young, and the slow subsides. The both of you stand outside and look at the breathtaking array of stars that light up the night sky. Your hand tangled into his, as your head fell softly against Iida's broad shoulder.
Iida couldn't help but play with his makeshift ring, smiling to himself about what the future holds, and how he wanted this future to be a potential reality. Your head suddenly moves from his shoulder, which earns a soft hum from Iida.
You look at him with a light blush as you speak, "this was amazing... thank you, Iida." You spoke softly with a warm smile. "No thank you, Y/n, this night wouldn't have been the same without you."
You hum in response before placing your head back on his shoulder.
You share a quiet, perfect moment as the stars illuminate your faces as a "newlywed couple." Only for the moment to be laughed upon in the future, when your real wedding comes to fruition.
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When someone who gives me a tenya rec tells me to jump, I'm gonna JUMP!!!!
— 𝓁ℴ𝓋ℯ𝓁𝓎𝒾𝒾𝒹𝒶 ❤︎︎
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animekpopsimp · 1 year
Alr, if that's okay could them could i request some (not all) characters from class 1a with a reader who's quirk allows them to turn into different animals but most of the time they like to chill in the dorms as a fluffy cat.
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Like this one!
You choose on the characters but please add kaminari!.
Class 1A x Animal Shapeshifting Reader (Who spends most of her time as a cat)
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Your classmates were all aware of your quirk before the dorms were introduced
But you didn't shape-shift during class so they didn't pay much attention to it
Then came the dorm rooms
Mina decided that they should all have a room decorating competition
There were only two people absent from this, you and Bakugo
Class 1A knew Bakugo would go to bed early, but they were confused when you decided to stay in your room
Despite that, they let you have your privacy
Mina finally grew too curious and decided to visit you in your dorm room
When she knocked on your door, she got no response
Possibly against her better judgment, she tried to open the door, surprised to find it open
She was even more surprised to find a white, fluffy cat laying on your bed, staring at her
She was confused since you had never mentioned having a pet, and she definitely didn't think it would be allowed in the dorms
Sero, Kirishima, and Denki were the people she went to, and they were equally as confused
Toru, Momo, and Uraraka also happened to overhear their conversation
Soon, the whole class had seen the mysterious cat wondering around the dorms
Bakugo had seen it in the kitchen, Tokoyami had spotted it wandering around the hallway, and many other encounters with the animal
It wasn't long before Aizawa heard about this and decided to investigate
When he made it to your dorm, he was met with the same sight, a white, fluffy cat laying on your bed, staring at him
Though his confusion went away when he realized that this wasn't a random cat
You transformed back into your human form and explained the fact that you prefered to spend time as a cat as an excuse to have alone time
You also explained this to your classmates who honestly found the situation funny
You still spend time around the dorms as a cat, and your classmates just got used to it
The girls would coo over how cute you looked, and you enjoyed the attention
You would also scare some of them by sneaking up behind them when they weren't paying attention
You didn't mind them picking you up, except for Mineta
You scratched him the moment he tried to touch you
Overall, you got to enjoy relaxing as a cat without any problems
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nights-legacy · 1 year
Hi there 👋🏽 I was wondering if I could request some headcanons for class 1A & a reader who’s izuku’s twin sibling who goes to a different school and has a power like Julieta Madrigal’s (where they can heal you with the food they cook) maybe they prefer to call their quirk a gift?
Masterlist MHA Masterlist
1A X Midoriya! Reader
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• First of all, no one knew at first that Deku had a sister except Bakugou, obviously
• They all found out after the Sports festival. Afterwards, when the students were the only ones really left at the school, they saw Deku meeting with a mint haired girl off to the side. She handed a small pastry that he gobbled right up.
• They asked Bakugo as he passed to leave. He just said "That's Deku's sister, Y/N." Like it was obvious. She passed a pastry to Bakugo as he passed and he took it with no complaint. He nibbled on it as he left.
• What really blew their minds was that Deku took off his arm braces and was completely healed. Before anyone could ask, they began to walk away. 
• It wasn't until the next school day that they could ask any questions.
Y/N Midoriya: Twin sister to Izuku
Hair: Mint shade & Wavy
Eyes: Hazel/ Bright Amber
Quirk: Can heal Many levels of injury with her cooking.
• Prefers baking but can cook great (Maybe even better than Bakugou.)
• Can factor in different levels of healing into whatever it is she cooks, even have no healing built in.
• Was thought to be quirkless until she wanted to make some strawberry brownies for Izuku after he had a run in with some bullies again. He was healed within moments of the first bite.
• Doesn't go to hero school but is working towards a medical degree.
• You started very young referring to your quirk as a gift. Most peoples quirks were either just inconvenient things or were just there or ones that could be considered heroic quirks. There were fewer people that had healing type quirks so you thought of it more of a gift since you could help people in a calmer, safer way that still held up to the Hero's.
After they meet you:
• After your presence is made known, Aizawa did have to have a meeting with your mother because you couldn't always be healing Izuku and no matter how much you didn't like it, you understood. Especially after you met with Recovery Girl.
• The class LOVED you and it wasn't too long before you were an honorary member of Class 1A. You were similar in a way to Izuku. You were adorable and sweet and fiery to a fault. You were a bit more confident then Izuku as well as being less over the top.
• What surprised everyone the most was that Bakugo was more open to you. He was still his normal standoffish self but he didn't go off on you like he did Deku 
• The class also became very protective of you. If there was any threat that they found out near you, they had either Izuku or Bakugou to call you to make sure you're okay.
• And heaven help the person that did hurt you. If your brother didn't get to them first, they had no chance of escaping the rest.
• Izuku always made sure you got to your own school before heading to UA. That became harder when he had to move into the dorms but you were given permission to visit by Aizawa (he hoped it would help keep Izuku in check.)
• Speaking of Aizawa became fond of you too, not that he was going to mention it. He would do anything for you that he would do for his class.
• All Might even was fond of you. After his retirement, you would make him batches of different things that helped with his condition and the pain from it.
• Like we said, you were loved by the class.
• Sato and you would bake together. He would teach you new recipes and vice versa.
• Uraraka and you were fast friends. You were also very appreciative of her for being friends with Izuku. After you found out what over use of her quirk does to you, you made some candies to help with nausea.
• Kaminari, Sero, Todoroki, and Sero knew they could come to you for anything. Like help with homework and studying , if they need someone to talk to, anything really.
• All the guys made sure that Mineta didn't bother you. It took everyone to hold Izuku AND Bakugou back when he tried something the first time. 
• You were friends with everyone in the class but the ones you became closest with outside the two boys was Kami and Ojiro. The three of you have their weird but perfect balance between you. Kami was drawn to you at first because he's Kaminari, come on. He's a flirt but when you showed genuine interest in him and genuine concern when he short-circuited, he let him be himself with you. 
• And Ojiro, how could you not like him. He's so sweet and you two just clicked. Like two peas in a pod. To be honest, the overall exciting energy the class gives off is overwhelming to you. Ojiro's calm disposition is welcoming to you. You both work hard for your goals and support each other through hard times. (Not to mention the small crush you have on the man that Izuku definitely doesn't tease you about incessantly.)
Tag List: @lilparcheesie @dxnaii-rxse @iris-shihabi @l0vely-lee
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pinkykats-place · 24 days
Bakugou Katsuki x Reader Inserts Ⅱ
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None of the stories linked are mine.
Mostly female reader inserts.
Some contain mature content.
Gif not mine.
Note: if you read and enjoy any of these stories - please like, leave a comment and/or reblog original post!
All Mine
Bakugo x fem!Reader
SYNOPSIS: Bakugou decides to put his delusional secretary in their place.
Pumpkin Patch with the Pups
Werewolf! Bakugou x reader and their litter of puppies
needy but prideful bakugou
Katsuki x afab!Reader
summary: bakugou wants your attention but can't tell you that
Bragging Rights
katsuki bakugou x senpai! fem! reader
summary: building up skills can also lead to built up feelings
Bakugou’s best friend from 2-A
Bone Appetit
ProHero!DynaMight | Katsuki Bakugo x Puppygirl!Reader
Summary: bakugou katsuki was one of the few people who experienced very lucid, very life-like dreams. usually, he was pretty good at telling when he was dreaming and when he was awake. usually.
summary: with a quirk allowing you to change others emotions, you decide to free class 1a member bakugou katsuki from the ongoing warzone in his head
taken care of
wolf hybrid Bakugo x fem reader
sub!bakugou x reader
bakugo x fem!reader
reader and the 1-A girls are having a girl’s night in one of their rooms and they talk about the boys and relationships. the girls ask reader if it isn’t hard dating bakugo. Bakugo kinda heard this question when he was going to get a drink and eavesdrops to your talk.
Headcannons on Clingy!Bakugou Katsuki
When he first realizes he loves you
Bakugou never wants to do matching Halloween costumes with you, but maybe this year will be different.
Katsuki’s s/o and usually pretty chill but when she gets pregnant she gets really explosive like him and everyone, especially his mom thinks it’s hilarious to watch
Young bakugo x reader
Two Weeks Notice.
Bakugo x reader
You’ve been Dynamight’s secretary for one year, two months, six days and four hours. You’re the best secretary he’s ever had, but now you’ve given him your two weeks notice. Bakugou can’t hide his disappointment at losing you, and wonders why you’re leaving him to go and work for another hero— Pro-Hero Manual. But you can’t give him the real answer.
It’s been the best job you’ve ever had, but it’s slowly become the worst because you just can’t avoid the feelings you harbour for your boss. Working beneath him has a dull ache continuing to grow in your chest, and you’ve decided to do what you think is best for yourself and leave. So you’ve handed in your notice, but Dynamight isn’t going to let you go that easily, he’s determined to remind you why he loves you working here, and why he wants you to stay— because he’s just as in love with you.
Teach You A Lesson
Pro Hero!Bakugou x Elementary School Teacher!Reader
You were sunshine you temptress
summary - smut, heavy comfort, FLUFF, when divorced dad/pro hero bakugou’s aquarium trip is ruined by intrusive fans, you offer to let them come back after hours so his daughter can see the belugas.
bakugo katsuki vs physical intimacy
Bakugo x gf!reader
Summary: You know in my mind I was kinda picturing doing Chicken Shop Dates with him and other Pro-Heroes? And Bakugou sees your date/interview with Sero and he’s pouty and jealous because he wants to do one with you.
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Bakugo x reader who doesnt communicate alot?
LIKE LIKE when class 1A is out on a mall and the reader just follows them around while playing videogames but isnt addicted to it much?? They just place their phone down whenever someones talking to them but when theyre not doing anything theyre just chill?
Sorry this is so late shawdy! I took a ten day break from writing requests but hopefully I'll be writing them more regularly again from now :)
𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 <3
𝐊𝐚𝐭𝐬𝐮𝐤𝐢 𝐱 𝐐𝐮𝐢𝐞𝐭!𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬 - 𝐂𝐨𝐦𝐦𝐮𝐧𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐢𝐬 𝐊𝐞𝐲
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It always annoyed Katsuki that you just couldn't seem to tell him things. He always picks on you for it, whether he's your boyfriend or not. It's his way of telling you that he worries about you. After all, if you never tell him anything, then how is he supposed to help you?
He worries that you're going to slip away from him - that, if he doesn't pay enough attention, you might get away and he'll go back to being alone again. It's not like he would ever tell anyone this though, he'd much sooner die.
Though he does find it kind of adorable that you just follow him around like a lost puppy sometimes. Sure, it's annoying as fuck, but also very cute. The first time you really started hanging out with him, of course meaning that you just started following him around out of nowhere, he had looked back at you, ready to yell at you and scare you away until he saw you and immediately bit his tongue. You were so adorable, that an actual blush appeared on his cheeks.
After that, he just let you tail him like another one of the squad as Mina and Denki babbled on about how you "passed the initiation" or some shit. Denki was being an idiot muttering about how you were the "chosen one", but thinking back on it he may have had a point.
It's during a trip to the mall that you really started to worry him, though. The lack of communication between the two of you was always annoying, but it had never posed an actual problem. That is, until then.
You had been feeling awefully queasy, and you looked it too, but you hadn't told anyone, so it was left alone. You were just playing subway surfers on a bench in the middle of the mall with Mina while your boyfriend went to get some food from a nearby stall. All was going well, until you started to feel even worse all of a sudden, and had to rush to the bathroom.
When Katsuki had come back to see the squad confused and worried, and his girlfriend missing, he practically bit their heads off as they told him what had happened. So his girlfriend was sick and noone went after her? Not on his fuckin' watch!
Kirishima had to hold him back in fear that he'd run into the girls bathroom to find you, where he was sure you had went, along with Mina who had followed after you.
When you finally came out, looking a little worse for wear after Mina just had to hold your hair back, it was your turn to get your head bitten off. "Are you some kind of idiot!? Next time you feel sick, tell me! I-... I'll help you... Not raccoon eyes!"
Was he?? Jealous???
He might be a little envious that the first person to rush to your aid was in fact not him, and he beats himself up for it to this day, despite what a minor incident it was.
After that, you find him being a little clingier, and sitting closer to you at lunch breaks. He even checks in with you every now and again to ask if you're feeling alright, and it's so sweet that such a tough guy cares so much about you.
Every time you talk you put your phone face down on the bed, which is something very small that he appreciates, since he absolutely despises being anything but the primary focus of your attention when he's talking. It's sort of like a kid asking for his mom's attention, and you find it very endearing.
No matter how little you talk or how quiet you might be sometimes, he knows every in and out of your mannerisms, and communicates with you without you needing to talk so much, and the devotion makes your heart clench a little.
One time he had a peek at what had kept you so damn busy on that phone of yours, and saw your game, subway surfers. It was just something you used to pass the time but you had gotten quite far, and the one time he stubbornly made you let him try, he didn't even get a quarter of your high score. He spent the whole night brooding.
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sannasruins · 1 year
late night comforting
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bakugo x reader
type: comfort (reader giving)
warnings: reader has animal-based quirk but animal is not described
a/n: i didn't really know where i was going with this, i'm not sure if it turned out the way i wanted, but i needed to post it before i ended up deleting everything i wrote to start over. reader is gn in this but does live in the girl's dorm. it also ended up being way longer than i intened
word count: 2.3k
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The time on your laptop read 2:17 AM, you sighed, running a hand down your face and then brushing a few strands of hair, which had fallen out of place and into your eyes, away. When you signed up for the hero course at UA, you did not expect to have your precious hours of sleep stolen by practice reports assigned to you from your internship under Rabbit Hero: Mirko. 
You had picked to intern under her, not only because you would be her first-ever intern, which made your chest swell with pride, but also because you expected to be in the action. Due to her lack of owning an agency and always being on the move you had naively hoped that there would be a lack of paperwork you would have to do interning under her in comparison to a hero who owned an agency, this obviously was not the case though.
So, you have found yourself at now 2:18 AM, filling out patrol reports for every patrol you had gone on over the winter break. Grumbling to yourself, you crack your knuckles and try to stop letting your thoughts roam, focusing your eyes back on the form shining through your laptop screen. That was, until you heard a faint thud come from outside your room. Utterly done with trying to focus on the work in front of you, you decide to investigate the sound.
Nobody else should be up at this hour, you think to yourself, despite being teenagers, the people filling the class 1A dorm were also heroes in training, bodies and minds tired from the constant push to get better, to be better, and most found themselves asleep by 11, in a feeble attempt to get enough sleep to function the next day. Your eyes adjust to the darkness outside of your room as you venture out, softly closing the door behind you, hoping to not wake anyone who wasn’t already awake. You strain your ears, trying to pick up anything that might lead you to the source of the earlier sound. Thanks to your animal-based quirk, your hearing was better than most humans, and if you focused really hard, you could just barely hear harsh gasping breaths of another human. It was coming from the boys side of the dorm on your floor. You, now slightly worried, made your way to the elevator, pushing the button to call it to you and bring you down to the first floor, where you switched over to the boys elevator, not before throwing a hasty glance over your should, as if anybody would be sitting in the dark common room at 2 am. The elevator dinged and the automatic doors slid open, you quickly entered and jammed the 4th floor button, bouncing on the balls of your feet as you waited for the elevator to make the ascent. It dinged once more, notifying you that you had arrived at your destination. You were not as quick off as you were on, your anxiety creeping into the back of your mind, reminding you that you were not allowed to be here. You shook your head, as if to shake the thoughts out, and took a deep breath, steeling yourself, and making a first tentative step out of the elevator and into the hallway. You tried to make your footsteps as quiet as possible, their sound was almost completely drowned out by your heart hammering in your ears. You stopped in front of the first door, forcing yourself to breathe, to slow your heart rate, so you could listen for the haggard breaths you had caught earlier. You could still hear them, and you were much closer now, but that wasn’t the right room. You silently moved on, tiptoeing and listening, until you arrived at the 3rd door in the hall, this was the source of the sound.
You bit your lip, hard, to ground yourself, before tentatively knocking on the door, barely hard enough to make a sound, hoping the occupant would hear. Their gasping breath immediately stopped, and then a raspy voice came from behind the door, “go away.”
Your eyes widened, it was Bakugo, you had long forgotten who belonged in each room and you were not expecting his voice to be the one to emerge from the same body that was just gasping for air moments ago.
“Umm, its y/n,” you paused, maybe waiting for a response, though you didn’t expect one, “I, uh, I heard a thud?” Your voice rose at the end of your statement, as if you were asking a question. It wasn’t a question though; you know you heard it. “And, well, it sounded like, from your breathing I mean, it sounded like someone was in pain… or something.”
He didn’t respond right away, leaving you in silence, and right as you started to open your mouth to say something, not that you knew what to say, his voice cut through the quiet. “You could hear that?” His tone was almost accusatory, as if you had no right to hear him, but there was something under that, you couldn’t quite put your finger on it, but it sounded almost, afraid. 
An awkward giggle left your mouth before you had time to stop it, the last thing you wanted him to think was that you were laughing at him. “Yeah,” you confirmed his question, “its cause of my quirk, I have, um, heightened hearing.” You tapped one of your ears, as if he could see you. God was this nerve wracking; you weren’t expecting the boy who breathed as if tears were clogging his throat to be the same boy that had to be chained to the winners’ podium at the sports festival. You were always friendly with him and were friends with the same group of people but to be honest his intensity was a little intimidating, and you didn’t love the feeling it gave you when he called you an extra. You had to put away those doubtful and unkind feelings though, because right now it sounded like there was someone in need, and as a hero in training, helping that person was basically your only job.
You cleared your throat, and breathed in. “Bakugo, can I come in?”, you asked, though your hand was already on the door, not waiting for an answer as you were sure it was going to be one of denial.
“No, lea-” he was cut off as his door slowly swung open, revealing the shadow of your figure, backlit from the moon's light streaming in through the hall’s windows. The faint moonlight illuminated his face, sparkling ever so slightly in the trails of tears that fell down his cheeks. Your eyes moved up from his dampened cheeks to his eyes. Red, glistening in the soft light, and in them, a storm of emotions. Surprised, angry, scared, mournful. You didn’t know his eyes were capable of holding that many emotions, all you’ve ever seen them hold before was indifference, and rage. 
His eyebrows furrowed at your entrance, “leave.” he demanded. You shook your head in response, stepping in and softly closing the door behind you. 
“What are you doing? Get out.” his voice was still quiet and low though, each word almost caught in his throat. 
You approached him and sank down onto the floor when you were about 2 feet from him. Tilting your head in concern, you asked him, “Are you okay? What’s wrong?”. He shook his head in response. 
You scoot closer, reaching out one tentative hand, he flinched slightly at your approach but didn’t say anything, maybe he was too tired, too exhausted to fight anymore. You put the palm of your hand against the side of his face and, using your thumb, whipped away some of the tear streaks that stained his cheek.
“...bakugo,” you murmured, your eyes soft with concern as they met his, “what’s doing this to you?.” He didn’t grant you an answer, so you asked a different question. 
“Are you having nightmares?”, his eyes shifted downwards for a few moments, before fliting back up to meet yours. He pursed his lips, and then nodded his head just barely, giving you a nonverbal confirmation. 
“Oh,” a saddened sigh falls from your lips, and you think back on all the things that have happened over the school year, “Yeah, a lot of really scary things have happened to you, haven’t they?” He stays quiet so you continue on.
“You know, you’re always so bold, and loud, and brave. Seemingly ready to face anything, everything, no matter what comes your way… you appear so far above the rest of us, miles ahead of the pack. And I don’t think anything you could be feeling, will take away that lead you have.” you pause, thinking, “Bakugo, no matter how impressive you are, you are still just a teenager, like the rest of us. We’re kids its unreasonable and unrealistic to think that everything that has happened to you wouldn’t have an effect.” His red eyes are cast to the floor, but he has made no move to remove your hand from his cheek. You lift your other hand, placing it on his remaining cheek, and gently lift his face until your eyes meet again.
“Nothing that has happened, not your kidnapping, not All Might retiring, not the sports festival, none of that has been your fault.”, his eyes widened. He shook his head, releasing it from your grasp, as his breath started to quicken again. A battle going on inside of his head raged, wanting to let go, let down his barriers, to let it all out, fought against the urge to stay strong, to remain an idol above the rest, incapable of lowly human feelings like fear and doubt and guilt. 
"Do you think you're having panic attacks?" you inquire, hopeful maybe you could offer some advice, to help him with what was going on outside of his control but still in his mind. He gave a noncommital shrug of his shoulders, but that was enough for you.
"I have panic attacks, sometimes," you continued, "it makes me feel like I can't breathe like I'm sitting on train tracks, watching a train approaching me, with no sign of breaking, and though I am untied, no bound to where I sit, I can't seem to get out of the way." he didn't make any movements, or give any sign that he wasn't receptive to what you were saying, so you kept on.
*"There's a couple ways I know how to help myself when I feel like that. Sometimes, I need to feel not alone, so I'll go knock on Uraraka's or Ashido's door, sometimes ill need a hug, and sometimes I just need to be in another person's presence. I focus on my breathing, getting it in control, and having it enter a steady rhythm. Or I'll list things that I sense, to ground me, what I can see, what I can smell, what I can hear," you stopped, not knowing what else to say, "just know, you're not alone in these kinds of feelings, and there are ways to help." You looked at him, really trying to get your message across.
“It’s not weak.” you told him, “To show your feelings I mean. It’s not weak, it is just human.”
His shoulders lost their tension, and he collapsed forward into you, your eyebrows shooting up in surprise, you realized he was crying into your chest. 
What a strange sight it was, seeing the boy you thought only capable of anger, crying on you in the low light. You hesitated, before reaching one hand up to rub his head, finger running through the surprisingly soft blond hair. It was quiet for a while, the only sounds being his already quiet cries, muffled by your shirt and chest, and your heartbeat, steady and slow.
“You’re so strong,” you spoke out loud, though not directly to him, “I didn’t even think you could be suffering like the rest of us.”
The two of you sat there, on the floor, for a while. Long past from when your legs had gone numb, or when your arms grew tired, or your mouth dry. You sat still, not wanting to make a wrong move and have his tentative emotions quickly retreat back into his shell. After a while his violent cries had stopped, morphing into gentle shakes, and those, in turn, changed to a calm stillness.
Finally, he pushed you away, turning his head away and using the back of his arm to wipe his face. He sniffled, and then swallowed, before turning his face to yours, his eyes slightly irritated and puffy from the tears he had soaked into your shirt.
“Thanks,” he said, and you could tell from the way he spoke that that was all he was going to say. You smiled at him, before getting up and brushing imaginary dirt from the tops of your legs, “you’re welcome.”
You then turned and made your way to the door, and without looking back you added one more thing before you left, “good night, Bakugo.”
When you had finally made your way back to the safety of your dorm room, you wiggled the mouse of your laptop, checking the time. The clock now read 3:41 AM. Your eyes widened and mouth fell open, taking in all of the unfinished reports you still had to do.
“Damn,” you sighed, squeezing your eyes closed, and then closing the laptop, shutting off the only light illuminating your room. Left in darkness, you apologized to your future self that would be waking up in the morning, for their lack of sleep and the mountain of paperwork still left to do.
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*as someone with an anxiety disorder, I just used the things that help me when I am having a panic attack, these things will probably not be universal, i know some people do not like to be touched when they are having a panic attack, i just wrote what i know is true for me. :)
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lolita-lollipop · 2 years
I just had an idea! So think about this we still are in zoom for classes and Aizawa is just teaching his class? And then we come in saying like dad or other things trying to get his attention or help how would us react ??  would they go Yandere?
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The coronavirus had changed many things in the average lives of the 1A students, like the new restrictions on going off-school perimeters, the mask-wearing in public classes, and most drastically, the zoom classes from inside their dorm rooms. The only class that was allowed outside their hero class, and even that was done privately one on one. These kids spent alllllll day locked up in their rooms, it was suitable for more introverted students like Yokoyama or Jiro immensely enjoyed it, they didn’t have to speak to many, and the schoolwork was so much faster. But extroverted students, like Kirishima or mina, or maybe even bakugo, loathed it.
The only human interaction they got was with teachers, or with students through a screen. Bakugo spent all day blasting music, screaming at anyone who knocked on his door, mina was exceptionally irritable, and Kirishima pretty much spent all day watching Spanish soap operas. Not to mention the fourteen other students practically dying in their dorms. They all desperately needed something to cheer them up.
Then they all saw you.
It was small, just a peek. It was around the end of the school day, English with present mic. Or in other words, the worst class of the day. They’d all been crammed onto a zoom call with the oh-so-bubbly blonde, half asleep, longing to go outside and save some child from a pile of burning rubble. Or even get attacked by the LOV! anything- literally anything other than listening to this man ramble on about conjugations and verbs. Bakugo was screaming with his mic muted, Deku was legitimately watching the green paint on his wall dry, and Mina was learning a dance from thirty years ago. Everything was so dull.
Then. You came along.
“To conjugate a word in English you have to first take the subject and place it behind the action, then you-“ Mic rambled on, clicking through a PowerPoint to teach these poor kids English. He was cut off not long after, the door behind him creaking open with a looonnnnggg squeak, mic stopped speaking, expecting it to be his other husband getting home from work. The mic was in quarantine at the moment, working from home, bored. After the loud creak, I showed you, dressed in a pink pajama ensemble, hair pulled back into two low pigtails, a tired look on your face even though it was 3:00 in the afternoon. Probably the aftereffect of the “special tea” you’ve been drinking, the second they all saw you. They. Fell. In. Love.
“Papa? I can’t find my cat- have you seen her?” You peeped out, clearly not recognizing the zoom call, mic whipped his head around at your voice, immediately muting his microphone. All of the students could see how mics face brightened up, how he smiled at you as he spoke a few words. Pointing to the small cat in the corner of the room. Immediately the tiny girl picked it up, turning around to say goodbye to Mic. The class was mesmerized by that far-away look in your eyes. Then you saw the screen and realized what you had done, your face went pale, and your eyes widened. Immediately you ran out of the room and closed the door. Mic let out a chuckle and unmuted, just to be bombarded with questions.
“Who was that?”
“Why is there a girl in your room Mr mic?”
“Is that your daughter?”
“Does she go to ua?”
The smile completely wiped off of his face, realizing what his entire class of students just saw. The girl who went missing not long ago. They all now had witnessed her in person. Oh god oh god oh god. It’s fine, not the end of the world, he can play this off, this call isn’t being filmed, this is just a coincidence, you just happened to be there. No one will know.
“Yes yes that’s just my daughter, I told her not To come in here, sorry for the interruption class, now let’s get back to-“
“What’s her name? How old is she? Does she go to u.a?” Izuku quickly mumbled, taking out his notebook. He had to know who this girl was, she was just- just so amazing. Was this a quirk? This has to be a quirk right? He just asked the questions everyone was thinking about, an obsession clouded every single student's brain at that moment.
“A-ah- invested aren’t we? Her name is y/n, and she’s homeschooled so no. Now back to learning the English literature, because we are in English class”
“Wait but-“ Izuku attempted to continue questioning, but Mic clicked the mute button on all his students. That’s one plus of this miserable pandemic, whenever you don’t want to hear someone, you can just turn them off. that’s enough about you, let’s hope that all the students forget about it, forget about you. Goddamn. So much for letting you walk around without quirk canceling cuffs, your quirk is… special. It makes a sense of protection for anyone who lays eyes on you, makes everyone feel the need to keep you safe. It always works against you though, that’s why your “parents” pulled you out of school. They’ll forget about it. They will.
Flashback: they didn’t
days passed by and every single class that Aizawa held with his students, along with Mic, was filled with questions about the young girl they saw in the camera a single time. some students were subtle, and some were not, some would just ask if he had any other children and mix the topic of you in, and some would outright ask to see you (aka our spiky-haired friend bakugo). It worried both of your parents, not only did a large group of hormonally influenced teenagers not only know of your existence, but your quirk has taken over their minds. it was like a parasite.
So, the two would hope for the best and shut down the students every time they asked about you, instead assigning homework to anyone who asked. It wasn't long before they started doing research on you, looking to find you on any platform, every social media app. any google searches, nothing.
it was like nobody knew that the two well-known pro heroes had a daughter, which was quite odd, considering the paparazzi follows them everywhere. While a few of the students gave up hope of finding who you were at least, others took to... less legal ways of research, paying off anyone who would be up to searching the deepest darkest crevices of the web.
Until one night, a month or two after catching glimpse of you, Izuku Midoria was sent the results from his barely legal endeavor. he read through the pages with wide eyes, you would be surprised what someone can do from a computer. Pages upon Pages of info on a screenshot he had taken of this mysterious girl. He didn't understand what it was about her that enthralled him as it did, but oh boy was he caught in this trap.
something that caught his eye though was a specific photo of a newspaper article reading:
reported October 7th 2018
11 year old female missing after going on a walk with her dog (golden retriever), dog was found, child was not. Bearing h/c hair, s/c skin, e/c eyes, and around 5'2 in height. wearing a blue striped sweater and jean shorts, hair tied in short ponytail.
Any information found by civilians should be reported to nearest hero agency, or police organizations"
It was you, it had to be, it was your description exactly, and a photo of you, just younger than what you looked like on camera. this little girl in the newspaper, aged four years, yup, it was you. But why was a missing little girl in his homeroom teacher's house? So, he sent it to Ochoco, and asked for her thoughts, who then sent in to mina and tsuyu and momo, and by the end of the day the information was out for the public of class 1-a to see.
Then a groupchat was made, and theories were shared. Of course, they couldn't go to the police about this, because they would be accusing some of the top heroes of a serious felony, and no one would believe them, but they couldn't just do nothing. After all, you just seemed so helpless, so small, like you didn't know how to protect yourself like you needed them to protect you. And they would.
Bakugo proposed just finding where they live and "storming the fuckin house" to find you, but many objected, they would be fighting top heroes, and their teachers at that, teachers that know how each and every one of these students fight. Maybe they could try to talk to you if you just so happen to show up in the background again? but what is the chance of that happening?
Then The person who started all of this conversation, deku, made the best and most effective proposition.
It was a simple plan, one that no one could mess up, that could guarantee results. They wanted to see you, not for a few seconds, not just a glimpse, no, they all wanted to look at you for hours. so that's what they would get. Each student sent the information on you, the missing child posters, the newspaper articles on the mysterious disappearance, everything.
To say the next zoom class with Aizawa was tense was an... understatement. There Aizawa was, sitting in his leather rolly chair like normal, acting like nothing happened, not saying anything, just staring at his students, and they stared right back.
" I understand you all have made a discovery, and I have a reasonable explanation for it" He started, focusing his camera, nobody spoke up after that they just continued to stare, continued waiting for him to explain with his "reasonable explanation".
"You see, my husband and I adopted y/n over the summer when we were visiting the u.s. No one else was going to because of her quirk, so we took it upon ourselves as heroes to save he-'
"Cut the bullshit, I know what I want, and it is not to hear you drone on for an hour. We could anonymously send this to the press, and you'd be knee-deep in accusations." Bakugo interrupted, being specially fed up with the fact that this man that's supposed to be a law-following hero committed such a crime, and doesn't even have the conscious, to tell the truth once found out.
"If anything is released then you will never see her again, I know what she does to people, what she's done to your minds, and I understand it. We could... agree upon something." Nobody wanted that, they NEEDED to see you, and although they didn't know why they knew they did. and they didn't need an explanation.
"I want to see her, every meeting, every class, in person or not. I. Want. To. See. Her." Mina continued Bakugo's sentence for him,
"As her father, I will warn you all, if you so much as think about her in the wrong way, I don't care if you're my student, I will hang you with my scarf." Everybody looked at Mineta's screen after he said this, knowing damn well you weren't ever going to speak to him, nobody would allow it. Not in a million years.
"We would never hurt her. we swear on it"
And with a sigh, Aizawa huffed and scrunched his eyebrows, looking more than upset, looking more than anxious, he looked terrified.
"class dismissed, see you tommorow"
"sweetheart? can you come to talk to me and papa for a few moments, you can go back to reading your book in a second, but we need to tell you something" Your daddy's voice piped in from the living room, you'd been lying in bed and reading one of the only books they'd allowed you to have, it was odd that he sounded so serious, they never had that tone with you. so you made your way down the stairs, only to be met with the sight of your parents, sitting on the couch and looking grim.
"Yeah. uh- what's happening? am I in trouble?" you questioned, it was a very rare occurrence that they looked upset around you unless it was getting angry that you were trying to be grown up when you weren't. that was common.
"no baby, weve just been thinking. About how lonely you seem to be when we're working, all you have is the cats and occasionally the birds by the window. So we decided to enroll you into U.A, the school we work at, as a teachers aid" Aizawa lied through his teeth, immediately a smile lit up on your face, you'd been begging them for ages to let you go to school, even if it was just a little low budget school. this was amazing!
"oh my god! really! thank you thank you thank you! I love you so much! when do I start! what classes am I in? will I get to have real friends?" you spluttered out a multitude of questions, the little sparkle in your eye that had been lost for weeks finally had returned, it was cute, and the parents were glad it made you this happy.
Usually, kids would be VERY upset about having to go back to school, like having summer break end, but you were the opposite, the last instance of freedom you had before you stayed home 24/7 was our little middle school, with no parents hovering, no childish teaching methods, just you and school. and then they even took that away. so regaining that freedom was amazing!
" Hold on sweetheart, it's a big step to go from homeschool to high school, so most of your classes will be with us, you'll be in class 1A, and any times where you arent with us, you will be with one of our trusted friends. do you remember ms? midnight?" The minor inconveniences to your newfound freedom didn't dampen your mood.
"that's okay... but can I have friends?"
"Of course sweetheart. as long as we approve, there are so many good boys and girls in my class, you'll love it" Aizawa replied, thinking about the little bastards making him thrust his daughter into the scary new world. fucking bastards. he and Mic caught eyes for a moment, before continuing.
"You start in two days.
be ready" --------------------------------------------------- I swear im not dead, just been working on my drafts so i can clear out my inbox, if you see any grammer flaws, no you didnt.
anyway, this account has 1,700 followers now, and I'm doing a special. someone give me an idea in the comments plz.
have a wonderful day anon! and all those who read! bye bye!
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luffyvace · 6 months
Uraraka x shy fem reader
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(uraraka anti’s dni with this post, keep scrolling there’s no need to stop and waste your time hating on her—we love her here)
not to stereotype shy people or anything
she just thinks your body language and mannerisms is cute
especially if your easily flustered
she is too so y’all twinning
she’d tease you lightly and you’d do the same (if your the type to)
otherwise she’s great at helping you step out of your shell
she knows how you feel a bit but since she’s still a bit more outgoing than you she’ll take it upon herself to help you out when you need it
if your the type of shy person who has trouble even asking people to let you through hallways no problem!!
she’s got your back girl!
will 100% always be there for you
she’ll hold your hand if you feel nervous
and help you practice public speaking for when you become heroes
she’ll warm you up to the class 1A girls
they’re all really kind people so you can be yourself around them!!
if you feel socially drained at the end of the day she takes you back to one of your dorms
(you usually choose hers because it’s always more comforting to be in your girlfriends room right?)
you guys match in pajamas
yall do skin/hair/self care
you guys:
watch movies
talk about heroes
til y’all fall asleep :)
she doesn’t mind asking people things for you
or standing up for you if someone’s making you uncomfortable
in UA or out and about
especially after she learns martial arts
yall prob both kinda avoid bakugo
maybe especially you because he’s so loud
(if your the type that gets overwhelmed by loudness)
she introduces you to izuku
you guys are kinda similar so you guys become a trio
also you, yaomomo and uraraka is also a trio
yaomomo is a calm and soothing maybe even motherly person
so that’s perfect for you since she doesn’t come off as too strong
uraraka’s love languages are gift giving, quality time and a little bit of physical touch
your both pretty bashful about physical touch tho
so y’all take things slow and start with cute little touches
first is linked pinkies
next hand holding
then hugs
and finally small cheek kisses and quick pecks!!
so cute
it’s likely you both agree on very minimal pda
like the very most is a quick ‘see ya later’ hug
but for the most part pinkie linking and hand holding is the go to
uraraka loves to gift you little trinkets and such
she always asks the girls for help on what to get you
especially for things like anniversaries
she always manages to give you something real thoughtful tho
especially that once a year real expensive gift that her parents helped paid for
and of course y’all spend more than enough quality time together
whether it’s the two of y’all and izuku
the two of y’all and momo
or the two of you and the rest of the girls
yall are practically inseparable
esepcially when she manages to calm your nerves so well
she loves taking you out on cute private dates with little people around
like a two seated bike
a small underrated park
a small business ice cream shop
she does her best to always make sure your comfy!
isn’t she the sweetest??
i love her
and you do too :)
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lady-ashfade · 6 months
Our Song Bird
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—£ Yan!Class 1A x Pop!Singer!Reader
—£ Ask: ‘YAn CLASS 1A WITH KPOP IDOL READER’ with this one I went with just a famous singer, not familiar with kpop. And yes, I got permission to change it! @serxinns who asks this was!
—£ Warnings: Stalking, Yandere Behavior, Obsession, Short Story, Slight!dark themes? Idk, but really.
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The class is stunned when you enter the class room and they all stare at you. They know that shiny hair, lips and eyes and stunning features anywhere. The famous Y/n, the singer/song writer who they all had posters of.
The girls squeal in excitement and feel their cheeks flush with heat and their head getting light. The boys blush at how cute you look.
Even Bakugo who claims he doesn’t listen to pop music but he secretly has all your albums and music videos you are in- Even hides a poster he bought that was signed.
The public never knew your quirk because you kept it well hidden so it surprised them all to see you here. As a new classmate.
You knew joining would make you the center of attention but Aizawa promised to keep it at bay…But they all couldn’t help it. They swarmed around you to ask everything about your quirk and why you decided to join (Or to sign their merch)
The thing is that they already had a crush on you and now you are near them…Makes them go crazy. They get to be near one of the most famous person in Japan, the cutest person they ever saw with a voice of a god.
They protect you from everyone else in the school and let no one even get to look at you, they circle around you.
They also love when you sing and they just stare in awe and watch you closely.
It’s easy to turn on their charm to make you trust them so their red flags get blown pass you. They are just a lot to handle and it’s probably a you problem, it’s not them!
Their obsession gets worse that they start to have more and more things with your face pop up. Or, they steal your perfume/cologne and spray it own their own things.
The internet freaks out when you post less and less and the only time you post is with your friends. They make sure to that only they get to see what you do.
“Dumbass, you need to focus on your studies instead of posting shit all damn day.”
They follow you around everywhere, and I mean everywhere. They are always in the shadows to watch you closely when you think your alone.
Weeks go by and you notice you start to lose things more and no matter how hard you look they are no where to be found. When you ask them about it they just shrug and say nothing helpful.
“You’re probably just forgetful, I know how much your brain thinks.” Ochako pokes you forhead, “Have so much in there it’s make you so clumsy too.”
“Have you looked under your bed? I lose things all the time down there.” Denki laughs and goes back to what he was doing.
If you happen to have been in a group/band they would cut you off from them slowly then all the way. They see them as a threat and are glady to blackmail the members to leave you alone.
When you hum to yourself you always have a feeling of being watched. And you are right, they are somewhere and taking a video of you to listen to later
Their brains start to actually think they are dating you.
“Can’t believe I get to date Y/n L/n.”
Slowly start to get more touchy with you and make you stay attached to their hips. You are cut off from singing anywhere else then in the dorms or for them.
“Our little song bird, can’t believe we are so lucky.” Mina gushed and rubbed her cheek against yours. “Such a cutie!”
A group of fans get their chance and don’t let it slip…No matter how darning it is. Or if you want it.
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serxinns · 5 months
Yandere mha x scarket witch reader: baby Reader headcanons
This is a alternate route to big sis eri but if aizawa and class 1a takes care of baby reader
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•In the middle of the battle you were fighting a time villain you and a few of your classmates were chasing the vision You caught up to the villain and dropkicked him and pinned him down but he used his quirk on you and you felt dizzy and all you heard was footstep fainting of the villain running off
•shoji was trying to look for you when he saw your hero costume on the alleyway ground he panicked when he saw the clothes started moving but to his surprise, it was a naked toddler under the clothes starting at him *Y/n..?" Shoji said slowly going closer to you and picking you up in his arms when he saw the familiar hawks keychain he instantly knew it was you so he wrapped you in arms and tentacles and took you to where the rest of the class is
•The class surrounded Shoji, emotions was in a mix of shock, awe, and adoration at the cute baby toddler that is their darling "Kyaaa!!! Y/n Chan is so cute!!!" Mina squealed while the rest of the girls started cooing and pitching your little cheeks while the boys glared jealously "Hey let us have a turn!" Kirishima said trying to go towards but you but jirou stopped him "what makes you think you get to hold them I know them better" "Lies! they know me more" Sero glared back at jirou "YOU DUMBASSES ARE ALL WRONG I KNOW THEM BETTER" Bakugo snarled at your classmates which makes them have a war of who gets to hold you it all stopped when you were wrapped around in tape and was pulled to your teacher mister aizawa
•"If nobody can agree then I might as well will take care of them" the class uproared in anger saying how it wasn't fair and shouting at him but was quickly quieted down when Aizawa threatened to give them all detection they all grumbled and scowled and went back into their seats defeated
•At training, you were playing with his scarf giggling and laughing a lot while Aizawa had a small smirk on his face unaware that a red-winged hero was watching them He swooped down and grabbed the toddler off with a "Yoink" out of Aizawa's hands and flew cradling the child while letting them play with their feather "Sorry cranky but ill be taking them for a while~" Hawks said with a playful smirk hearing the rest of the class panic and shocked Trying to tell him to put you down but it was too late the hr Flew off out of their sights and into the clouds Aizawa was furious how DARE he steal his child away from him But he realized an idea he saw his classmates panicking find a way to get you but in a lone eerie tone he said
"Whoever recruits y/n and gives them to me gets to spend time with them and gets extra credit"
•While Your Crazy dad and 20 of his classmates hunting after you, hawks took you to his agency where Mirko and Fatgun were there and standing like "Wtf?! 💀" he explained how you were hit with a time rewind quirk while mirko was pinching your cheeks and fatgum was making funny faces
•After a little argument about who gets to take care of you they decided to share and team up they took you to get some food and toys they spoiled TF out of you Mount lady Wanted to dress you in many matching outfits and take lots of pictures like those mommy and child family photos fatgum brought you a McDonald's kids meal and was entertaining you by making silly faces which made you giggle a lot they bless their poor little hearts
•It was all dandy until hawks heard his name being called in fury and surprise surprise! it was Aizawa along with mic, midnight and all might and your classmates also decided to work together and they were all PISSED and now it's Pros vs teachers vs students
•Cue the epic fight scene
•While the fight between Pros and the students increased nezu thought it was the perfect time to sneak you away and lock himself in his own office to spend time with you long story short he announced how everyone including the Pros was punished the students had to get detection, the Teachers get no breaks and the pros the pros a suspension while nezu happy that gets to spend time with you until the quirk wears off safe to say that Nezu won
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