#but as the marvel fandom can be pretty vicious
5 Years Ago, 'Black Panther' Changed the World — But Marvel Failed to Change With It (msn.com)
what do think of this I think it does bring up some fair points
I agree, it brings up some really good points.
We have to be careful though not to fall for the belief that L&T or The Marvels are being criticized because the directors are not white. There is a part of that, racists everywhere unfortunately, but we need to analyse the product like we would with any other director. L&T is just not a good movie and The Marvels is not bad but it's not good either and it's certainly not a sequel for Captain Marvel.
So while Da Costa surely will be getting a lot of hate directed at her for being a POC woman, when it comes to discussing her work I have also seen a lot of people claim if you don't like what she does that means you're racist. So there's a fine line there.
With that said, they get scrutinized a lot more, the demands they have to face are much stricter and when their work is subpar we have to hear the "Women can't direct" which is something you never hear when the bad director is a man (I heard many critics of L&T and Quantumania but none of them said men can't direct).
Da Costa is probably facing the same fate as Brie Larson. When Chris Pratt got a lot of hate a few years ago, everyone jumped in to defend him. But Brie was mostly left alone and now it seems Da Costa is going through the same thing. If the studio can't be arsed to take a stand and defend them, are we really surprised the MCU fanboys feel free to hate on them?
There's also the fact that as per Da Costa's own words, she had no full creative control of The Marvels and the movie is pretty much a Feige movie. Where's the criticism aimed at him? 🤔
One thing from the article I agree with is how fake this "diversity" from Disney/Marvel truly is. The critics love to claim Phase 4+5 are not good because the MCU is focused on diversity but... is that diversity being used well?
Is it really representation when Loki says "a bit of both"? When Sam is Cap but we haven't heard from him since his series (but we get Captain Brexit bullshit every other week)? When some female characters might be taking the spotlight but their stories are not written well and their characterization is all over the place?
Black Panther works (and Wakanda Forever too, that movie is so good) because it's a well-crafted story that is not patting itself on the back every two minutes for how "woke" it is. It's quite simply a good movie done well that focuses on POC. And it works, of course it works!
The way Marvel/Disney approach diversity and representation nowadays is as follows: They do the bare minimum for clout, enough to anger the bigots and keep the rest of the audience happy. They have the best of both worlds: The bigots complain (thus fooling the audience into believing what the MCU does is actual rep), and when we complain that it's not enough, we're paired with the bigots and told we're racist, sexist, etc. It's a vicious circle and Disney loves it.
I really like this part of the article:
“There is a symbiotic relationship between studio and fandom but at the end of the day, the studio sets the tone. Trust that the people you’ve tasked with telling that story can do it to the best of their ability. Stick behind your actors, directors and screenwriters because filmmaking is a collective thing. You have to work as a team.”
That includes sharing the scripts with them in their entirety, being there for them when unfair criticism and hate are thrown their way, hiring more diverse people behind the scenes so we can get richer stories, delivering when providing representation... This is all something they are NOT currently doing.
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wildfirehq · 3 months
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CHARACTER NAME: loki surname redacted bc hes dramatique CHARACTER FACECLAIM: michiel huisman CHARACTER AGE/DOB: november 13th 1979 / 44 years old CHARACTER PRONOUNS/GENDER IDENTITY/SEXUALITY ETC: he/they/she/honestly fucks with any and all, genderfluid, bisexual/romantic/polyam CHARACTER FANDOM (if relevant): marvel universe OC OR CANON: canon IF RELEVANT, PLEASE COMMENT ON ANY IMPORTANT CANON DIVERGENCES: n/a WHERE THEY ARE CURRENTLY LOCATED & ANY IMPORTANT ALLIANCES OF NOTE: primarily at the commonwealth, but still spends a lot of time travelling around/exploring etc. started his time in the kingdom, defected quickly to the saviors, then just as quickly turned on them to side with the alexandria/kingdom/hilltop/oceanside militia. IMPORTANT CHARACTER INFORMATION TO NOTE AND SHARE (this could be important headcanons for initial plotting, mini bios etc, supporting docs etc):
originally growing up in norway, loki inevitably spent his life on the move. distant from his adoptive family with tension high with his adoptive father, loki never really settles back at 'home' again after moving away after his 21st birthday.
loki had been living stateside for about a year before the virus broke out and ended up stuck there, alone having very quickly got out of new york city before the bridges were blown.
he travelled around for a while after that, mostly surviving alone, sometimes with smaller groups of vicious people in order to survive, picking up plenty of his own bad habits along the way. whatever it took to survive, ya know? and he found that actually, he was pretty quick with a blade. and even better at stealth.
which is what, eventually, brought him to the kingdom and made him rise up quickly as a member of their defence force.
it was a safe place to rest his head. and, to be fair, he thought the king was pretty cool. dramatic as fuck, something loki related to.
that was, until he found out about the saviors. till he started looking at the king and the kingdom differently. it didn't feel all that strong anymore. it didn't feel like the kind of place where he could actually remain safe, survive and feel strong.
so soon enough, he wormed his way into the saviors. ever the talented talker, he surprisingly (or, really, not that surprisingly at all) he got along decently with negan and his general… everything.
it worked out. for a long while, it made sense. ally with the strongest and remain that way yourself. yeah, he had to continue to do some rather dark and horrible things. but… it was the end times, right? the idea of 'humanity' wasn't exactly all that clear anymore.
the only thing that caused loki to change again really, was when a while later, loki was there and saw what happened to glenn and abraham. it wasn't his place to question it, of course. he wasn't stupid. even if he didn't agree with what he saw, it wasn't like he could voice it. but… when the time came. when things finally looked set to change… that was when loki dipped.
a few risky moves, some information leaked, and loki got out. it took a while of course, for his old friends in the kingdom to trust him again. but, when he fought side by side with them, nearly dying twice in the process, things started to work out.
even more so when he later helped with the wave of problems the whisperers brought. however, it was the ending of that war and in the aftermath of all the suffering and loss that loki just… doesn't feel like he can stay with everyone. he cares about them all dearly, but he doesn't think staying will help. he wants to go and explore, see if he can find something more out there. maybe even better things to bring back for the groups later.
which, in fairness, he does find. he goes off and reconnects with elijah, meets clarke and co and their coalition in the aftermath of mount weather stuff. only to have come back and united up with the new commonwealth in january. ONE SONG THAT HAS YOUR CHARACTER VIBES:
bad liar by imagine dragons.
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phantomchick · 5 years
Tony Stark Fic Recs
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Burning Candles - by kerravon Hurt/comfort, exhaustion, concussions, hurt tony, steve is a bro, nick fury being morally shady, the avengers! Summary: A few months have passed since the Avengers fought the Chitauri, and the team is coming together, except for Tony, who seems to be coming apart. At first, Steve assumes that he's just being irresponsible and annoying, but then JARVIS clues him in.
Fifth Time Lucky - by Arkada oneshot, fluff, this fic is short, sweet and a lot of fun. Well worth the read. Summary:  Tony Stark has five soulmates, but he gave up on finding any of them a long time ago.
Hide A Heart Of War - by RayShippouUchiha Tony Centric 2 chapter fic. Flower soul mark au. EXCELLENT ANGST.  Lots of feels, there’s also a slow burn romance in the background. Rhodey is a good bro. Loving all the descriptions of the soulmarks. Summary:  “You’ve got war in your heart boy,” Howard sneers, “don’t ever try and pretend to be anything but what you are.” Tony feels the familiar burn of a flower mark being etched into his skin but he doesn’t look, doesn’t try and check to see what it is. Instead he keeps his eyes on Howard and his hands cupped around his bleeding mouth and nose.
The (Not So) Great Pretender - by RayShippouUchiha Complete, secret identities, tony/bucky which i don’t usually ship but hey this author really makes it worth it. Oblivious Avengers. Hilarious but also angsty? Summary: Basically no one believes Tony when he tells them he’s Iron Man so he’s just... reluctantly keeping his secret identity going? It’s super funny.
To Victor Goes the Spoils - by tisfan Tony Stark/Victor von Doom, 10 chapters, complete, secret identities. Summary: In which Doom finds himself at a super hero masked ball... and gaining the attentions of the handsome and charming Tony Stark...Just one dance... just one kiss... before Doom unleashes his evil plot. Backstory: I accidentally stumbled on this doom x iron man fic so i thought i’d read it for laughs but then the fic itself was really good and I was suckered into shipping it. Now I’m in rarepair hell. The end. 
Iron Man Yes, Tony Stark...Not Recommended - by lilsmartass Gen. Complete. 9 chapters. Angst, lots of angst. Hurt/comfort. Unintentional bullying. Rhodey is the captain of the tony stark defence squad. AND HE WILL HAVE HIS REVENGE. Summary: Clint and Steve have both seen Natasha’s report on Tony and expect him to be a certain way. With Pepper now out of the picture, Bruce in India and Thor is Asgard they have no one to show them just how wrong first impressions can be.
That Which Kills Us - by Ironlawyer Ultimates!verse, steve/tony, oneshot, internalised homophobia, Tony is not a good patient. Summary: Sometimes Tony hates being alive as much as he hates dying. Trying to juggle duties to The Ultimates and a terminal illness isn’t exactly easy. Throw in an irate Steve Rogers and things just get too damn complicated.
Doomed To Failure - by DobbyRocksSocks Oneshot, excellent content, i read this fic and then i had to sit in my chair and be like ‘whoa’ for a while. This au is very well done! Summary: Everyone is born with their soulmate on one wrist, and their mortal enemy on the other. What do you do when it's the same person?
Say Goodbye to Yesterday - by melonbutterfly 4 chapter fic, complete, time loop, team building, alien invasion. time travel is a trope i keel over for this you must learn. Summary:  The day after the invasion Tony wakes up and his tower is intact again; everything is exactly the way it was before this whole mess went down. 
Don't Bet Against the House - by AlexTheShipper 2 chapter fic, complete, protective Jarvis, team dynamics, fluff Summary:  In which jokes about the arc reactor are not taken lightly, not by JARVIS who will never again sit trapped in his servers as someone attempts to kill Sir.
From A to Z - by Rachel500 26 chapter fic.Complete. Very very good, *sips fruit juice out of my champaigne glass* a classic of the genre! I’m a sucker for time travel as a trope, pair that with fixing the disaster that was the mcu chronology? BUDDY I’M SOLD.\ Summary: “OK, hypothetically, you get sent back in time one year. Does that make a difference?” Strange asked. “Two? Three? Could you live through the worst experience of your life again to preserve enough of the timeline to continue? Could you stand aside and let someone you love live through a bad experience in their life?” “OK. I get it. Bad idea.” Tony smirked at Strange to cover for his unease. “So. Plan B?” Strange grinned but there was a serious glint in his eyes. “How about we make it plan Z?”
Acceptable Risk Is Not - by izumi2 Super bamf tony, oneshot, Maria Hill redemption arc. Captain america the winter soldier. Not steve friendly but this can be blamed on the plot of the movie making zero sense with hindsight. Summary: what if someone considered an alternate solution to the data drop?  THIS IS ONE OF MY ALL TIME FAVOURITE FICS FOR REASONS SO PLEASE TRY IT.
The Course of Reason - by Infie Oneshot, aftermath of captain america civil war, Carol Danvers is a relateable ho whom I stan, the saltiest of all possible responses to that film. YESSSS. This is it. The fic that finally knocked me over the edge onto the civil war team iron man side of the fence. BEHOLD. It’s greatness. Summary: The UN has asked Tony to discuss their options with the Fugitive Avengers. It does not go the way they expect it to.
Uncompromising Principles - by Kizmet 19 chapter fic, it’s completed and it’s very well done, legal drama, Tony/Pepper, Steve is... a good person who made mistakes, he’s trying anyway, i can’t say more without spoilers, but it’s A Ride, like you’ll read this and it’ll make you have Feelings and Thoughts and it’s very clever in how it goes about making those Feelings and Thoughts happen. Captain America: civil war aftermath fic. Summary: After leaving Siberia Captain America begins his plans to overturn the Accords. But not all is as it seems.Not compliant with the end of "Civil War".
To intervene - by apathyinreverie Currently at 15 chapters, ongoing, a lot of fun, tony stark has a heart, tony and rhodey, civil war team iron man, mutant kind, pro accords. Summary: The one where Rhodey stages an intervention after the whole Ultron fiasco.
Veni, Vidi, Amavi - by Maedlin Treat yo’self. It’s a Time travel fic. ONE OF THE BEST: Bamf Tony Stark, Bamf Jarvis, Palladium Poisoning, Complete, 26 chapter fic, but you’ll wish it was longer by the time you’re done. (Luckily there’s an ongoing sequel series to enjoy!) THIS FIC IS SUPREMELY GOOD! And HEAVY on the Jarvis love! DO YOURSELVES A FAVOUR AND TRY IT SERIOUSLY YOU WON’T REGRET READING THIS. Highest of recs goes to this. Summary:  (We came, we saw, we loved.) Tony's not the hero type. To suggest otherwise would be outlandish and fantastic, clearly.  Yet somehow, he's the one that's responsible for saving the universe. Now, he's a decade in the past. He's just revealed to the world he's Iron Man.  Tony finds himself facing dozens of old problems, and as time passes the ripple effect of his presence generates ever more new issues. All the while, the impending threat of Thanos looms ever-closer.
With One More Try (Can We Start Again) - by Infinite_Monkeys 5 Chapter fic, and it’s Completed. Time travel fix it, not strictly tony stark-centric but still a firm fave, A masterpiece. Definitely in my top 5 time travel fics and i’ve read a LOT so that’s saying something! Contains: That Good Loki Content. Summary: Loki's attempt to conquer Earth has, to his great dismay, succeeded spectacularly. When Thanos sends him to collect the Time Stone, he strikes a deal with the Stone's keeper: He'll be sent back to the beginning of the invasion, and this time, armed with knowledge about his opponents, he can lose properly. Or: a time loop fic in which Loki does increasingly desperate things to try and get the Avengers to defeat him already.
(Science) Bros before (HYDRA) Hoes - by Kizmet Tony is the captain of the Bruce Banner defence squad, Legal Shenanigans, It’s marked as Ongoing but what’s there is satisfying enough on its own I promise, basically a huge callout for Johannesburg, Hulk deserves a hug. Summary: The Hulk isn’t taken from the planet after AoU, there’s no one conveniently out of reach to take the fall for Johannesburg… A choice is going to have to be made: Wanda or the Hulk. 
A Larger Matter - by TheSovereigntyofReality Oneshot. Consequences! The ‘Steve’s blood’ scene in the agent carter tv show always pissed me off so this fic was uh Cathartic shall we say, but honestly you can read it and have it make perfect sense even without having seen the show, Howard Stark, teenaged Tony, Team Stark. Woohoo. Summary: When Peggy Carter tipped out Steve's blood, she had no idea the hornet's nest she just kicked.
Who in their Right Mind... - by AnonEhouse Crackfic, Oneshot Summary: Dum-E saves the universe
Catching Butterflies - by GremlinSR Ongoing, 6 chapters and counting, very very good content, like you wouldn’t think so from the summary which is a little bland but it’s actually very very good. Believe me when I tell you: It contains The Good Stuff. Time Travel fix it, Bamf Tony Stark, Bamf yet confused T’Challa. Summary: Tony snaps his fingers...and wakes up five days before the events that led to the death of JARVIS and the creation of Ultron. He decides he won't let the future he lived come to pass, no matter how thoroughly he has to destroy the timeline.
The War is Far From Over Now - by Dont_call_me_Carrie Ongoing, 40 dhapters and counting, this fic is clearly the author’s baby and they put so much work into it so watching it grow is a pleasure. Protective Jarvis, Protective Stark Industries Employees who like their boss. Rhodey is a good Bro, Awesome Pepper Potts. Fix it via Accidental World Domination. Summary: In which Tony does not, in fact, intend to take over the world.... unfortunately, everyone else missed that particular memo.
Can I Quote You On This? - by Wix Oneshot, Mcu critical, Avengers Critical, salty, extremely salty. Uncovering Plot Holes is easy when the road’s full of them. Summary:  Christine was sent in to just do a puff piece about the Avengers. What she uncovers instead is so much more interesting.
Strong Enough to Bend - by Kizmet Oneshot, salt and shade, tony stark & steve rogers, the author has Opinions about mcu steve so if that’s not your thing i wouldn’t rec it, not steve friendly? Summary: Steve ‘watches’ the videos on Tony Stark that Shield provides him with
Take that Away and What are You? - by Kizmet Oneshot, kidnapping, bamf tony stark, not steve friendly, I love this fic Summary: Tony and Steve get kidnapped. Since Tony’s wearing a tux, Steve figures it’s all up to him to get them out of this mess. Steve never really thought much about the conditions under which Tony built the Mach I.
Facing the devil (and the deep, blue sea) - by petroltogo Oneshot, au, not steve friendly, steve isn’t a good person in this fic, but it’s juicy, soulmate au, soulmarks Summary:  Alternate title: No obvious truth  Post-CACW: In an alternate universe where everyone has the name of their soulmate and the name of their greatest enemy written on their wrists, recently captured ex-Avenger Steve Rogers receives an unexpected visitor two days before the start of his trial. [The trick is figuring out which name is tied to which fate.] [The trick is realising you’ll never know.]
Asking Why - by Kizmet Oneshot. the relief and catharsis of logic. Nat, Hill, Cho, Rhodey and Pepper sit Tony down to talk about what led to the creation of Ultron. Scapegoating is stupid: The Fanfic edition. Summary: Applying analytical techniques in the aftermath of Ultron
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marvel-m-lee · 2 years
I have a prompt: Kate and Yelena get into a vicious tickle fight. There can only be one winner...
I Know Everything About You Kate Bishop~
Words: 1960
Fandom: Marvel- Hawkeye
Summary: Yelana teases Kate about knowing everything about her, Clint reveals something that had never crossed the blinds mind... enjoy~
Warning: alcohol, swearing, just average things :)
A/N: I FUCKING DID IT! Sorry, I really thought I'd never get this done, but I've been writing it for about an hour and a half on my way home bc I finally saw the last episode. The end credit was fuckinh hilarious pfft- my dad also caught me writing this, I told him it was just a mini story so I pretty much risked my life for this- 😭😂 enjoy my love, I actually loved writing this! <333
"Sorry not sorry Kate Bishop" Yelana shrugged, stiffling a laugh as she sat down on the arm chair across from the sofa.
Kate was already sitting down and had a paper towel on her head, cleaning herself up a bit more from the fights she'd recently met Yelana in. She groaned when her friend mentioned her whole name.
"Do you only call me that to prove you know my whole name?" She asked, groaned and lifted her head slightly to look at a smirking Yelana with a bottle of vodka.
"Yes Kate Bishop" She couldn't hold back her smirk as she watched Kate groan and throw her head back a little more. They were at Kate's aunts house where she and Clint had been living for the past week or so before Christmas.
Clint was cleaning up in the kitchen, doing some dishes and sorting out their uniforms they'd gotten dirty in the fight.
After a moment Kate pushed herself up, adjusting her position and taking the paper off her head for a moment while she looked at her friend.
"How much do you know about me?"
Yelana only laughed, taking a sip of her vodka bottle and coughing a little to clear her voice from the burn. She looked at her friend in a mischievous way and grinned, "Everything Kate Bishop..." She teased, watching as Kate shifted a little more uncomfortable with the answer.
Yelana burst put laughing at this reaction, loosing her horror facade and looking down as she laughed. Kate only laughed nervously but soon did laugh a little lighter as she realised- or at least hoped- Yelana was joking.
Clint walked in the room with a smirk present on his face, he was wiping his hands with a kitchen tea-towel. He threw it over his shoulder and smirked, hands on his hip.
"Did you know she was ticklish?" He asked, making Yelana stop laughing quickly as her eyes filled with joy. Kate swore she could see them sparkle-
Kate laughed nervously, putting up a hand as if she was gonna correct him, "haha- no- no. Clint-"
"Oh my goodness! It is true? Kate Bishop why didn't you tell me!" Yelana laughed, teasing Kate by wiggling her fingers at the young woman.
Clint only chuckled at how a blush seemed to litter Kate's face as her eyes went wide and she tried to compose herself with a cough. He soon left, knowing very well he wouldn't want to be caught in the middle of what was about to happen.
Yelana put her drink down and stood up slowly, Kate staring at her and quickly looking to Clint for help- only to see him walking away.
"Clint- no! Yelahana- I'm not tihicklish-" Kate tried to back up on the couch, budging further down and leaning back as she had a finger out as if telling Yelana off.
"Oh really? Your laughter is telling me otherwise Kate Bishop~" Yelana teased, getting closer with her fingers wiggling.
Yelana dove in but Kate had already jumped off the couch, quickly running around the coffee table to where the armchair was, hiding behind it.
Yelana let out an off as she face planted into a pillow, laughing a little, only that laughter quickly grew high pitched as fingers began to graze her sides and work up her ribs.
While hiding behind the arm chair, Kate quickly put the situation together, she would be tickled, no matter what happened. It was Yelana after all- but if this was gonna happen, she's fight.
So without Yelana looking, she threw herself on top of Yelana and quickly began to run her fingers up her sides, testing if the blond was ticklish so her plan could work.
What she didn't expect thiugh, was Yelana's high pitched giggles as her fingers softly grazed over her ribs, it was adorable amd she couldn't couldn't but awe.
Quickly Yelana threw Kate over the couch to which she quickly landed on her feet and span around to see Yelana trying to stifle her giggles as she put her arm over her mouth and recovered, quickly taking form with a smirk on her face.
Kate stood awkwardly, trying to have form but also knowing fully well it was unlikely she would win this fight.
"Well at least this is a fair fight"
Yelana laughed, "Fair Kate Bishop?"
Kate only gulped as she saw the mischievous look in Yelana's eyes grow with revenge.
"You're going to regret that"
"Well really, you did start this?" Kate laughed, beginning to enjoy the back and forth banter.
"And I'm gonna end it" with that Yelana ran over and grabbed Kate by her hips, quickly squeezing and pinching as the brunette began to yell with laughter, falling backwards to escape and quickly running around the sofa, jumping over it, but somehow Yelana was already there and jumped onto her, grabbing her hips again and attacking.
"WAIAIAHIAHIT!" She yelled, grabbing her friends hands as she squeezed with precision to get every one of Kate's hip's pressure points.
Kate only threw her head back as she tried to fight Yelana's hands, giggly, squeaky yet deep laughter uttering through her throat.
"Oh? Wait for what Kate Bishop? I thought you said you weren't ticklish?" Yelana teased, squeezing a little harder as one hand ran over her stomach and spiders around her navel.
Kate couldn't stand that, and quickly turned to her side, knocking Yelana to the couch and quickly climbing on top of her, straddling her hips as she giggled above her, tickling and squeezing her sides to make the blond shake her head and let out more girlish giggles.
The giggling became much more frequent as Kate hit Yelana's ribs, running for fingers over them and squeezing lightly. This was definitely a terrible spot as the blond began to kick out slightly, unable to handle the gentle tickling.
"Aw! Yelana you're laughter is adorable, let me hear some more!"
Kate wasn't as good as Yelana at teasing but shit did she know how to quickly torture someone as her fingers jammed between Yelana's ribs.
Yelana quickly became frantic as she kicked out and threw Kate off her and onto the coffee table with a humph. Yelana had to give herself a moment as the tickles seemed to send butterfies under her skin.
"Ohohoh shit... Kate Bishop You're really gonna regret that one"
Kate had already jumped off the table though and ran towards the kitchen. Yelana quickly followed though and saw as Kate grabbed Clint holding him out as a shield.
Clint only laughed, tryma turn his head and body while putting up a hand, "no, I'm not getting invohoholeD!"
Clints words quickly got louder though as Yelana was happy to let the "old man" join in. Knowing he was unexpecting, she grabbed his sides and squeezed, pretending he was a shield.
"Barton as a shield? I doubt he's be able to survive much longer," Yelana teases, acting as thiugh he wasn't wasn't a human as he quickly began to let our belly laughter at the sudden ticklish feeling on his sides.
Kate only giggled at this, still holding him out as if he was a shield. Clint could have easily broken out of this hold, but he didn't mind this all that much, plus the tickles were definitely weakening him.
Yelana looked at him with a smirk, pretending to look sympathetic. "You have Kate Bishop to thank for this," she teased as she jumped into Clints armpits and tickle them maddeningly. Clints eyes went wide and laughed became a lot louder as he began to shout and swear a little.
Kate let go of him, and the moment she did, Yelana stopped, quickly following her to the living room again and pouncing, throwing her onto the couch and pinning her wrists under Yelana's knees.
Clint only doubled over slightly, holding the counter. It was very rare he's ever gotten tickled like that, expecially in the past few years. He didn't hate it but he knew for a fact he'd 100% want revenge on the both of them.
Yelana straddled Kate, who was automatically a lot weaker and much more ticklish than the assassin. Kate couldn't help but giggled as she saw yelana's hands sneak closer and closer to her face, shaking her head as the air already seemed to tickle her.
"Tickle Tickle Kate Bishop~"
Yelana gasped, pretending to look extra offended. "Oh now you're gonna get it!"
Yelana's fingers quickly dive in and poked around Kates tummy, poking and occasional spidering, pretending to walk over her tummy and teasing her.
"You know Kate Bishop, I was going to let it slide, you tickling me. But now? Now you really hit me where it hurts Kate Bishop!" Yelana teased, pretending to look offended offended unable to remove the smirk on her face as she got her revenge.
"Tickle Tickle Kate Bishop!~" She teased, beginning to squeeze Kates sides everytime she said tickle.
Kate only shook her head with laughter, all the teasing only made it a thousand times worse, she 2asnt even sure what she should say, it was all so goofy and torturous!
"Hmm.. you know Kate Bishop, I'm pretty hungry, and you're looking pretty tasty right now~"
Yelana teased, beginning to take two fingers and use each to walk up Kates ribs.
"I wonder how many ribs you have, I've never tried human- well not their ribs anyway"
With that she began to use her fingers and pinch and poke each of Kate's ribs. Kate shook and squealed with each one, her ribs weren't the worst spot on her body but mixed witb the teasing? Anywhere would be pretty bad.
After a while, kate's ribs began to ache from laughter, Yelana noticed this and decided to take mercy on her friend, it didn't really matter as she knew this definitely wouldn't be the last time she did this. Kate's reactions were just too perfect.
Kate jumped up and curled at the end of the sofa, giggling and laughing, greedily taking in the air.
After a moment Yelana shrugged and took another sip of her vodka, "you know Kate Bishop, your reactions are really inspiring" she teased, smirking at her friend.
"I just have to keep tickling you!"
"Nohoho morhehe! Please, mercy!" Kate begged, hands up, a wobbly smile still present on her face. Yelana pretended to think for a moment, but teasingly agreed.
"Fine- fine, but never Tickle me-"
Just then Yelana seemed to burst into another bubble of giggles as she felt fingers under her arms, taking her off guard at how light they were so she couldn't think clearly.
Clint was standing behind her, a smirk on his face and tickling for a few minutes before letting her go again with a rasberry to her neck.
"And you never tickle me again" He teased, letting her go as she giggled adorably for an assassin, shrinking into her neck. She was not used to such gentle tickles-
Clint only sat down on the armchair and petted Lucky who was sat next to him, turning in the TV as the two girls recovered form their torments. He knew he'd get Kate back too, but for now he got half his revenge and she'd already been wreched.
"Yohohoure lucky my sister and Kate like you-" Yelana threatened, though it wad very difficult with her high pitched giggled mixed with a deep Russian accent.
Clint only laughed, Kate was already leaning back on the arm of the sofa, back bending back in what seemed the most uncomfortable position.
Yelana poked her and she shot up, jumping off the couch almost. Yelana and Clint only laughed and turned the TV on, agreeing on something to watch.
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🌴 It's pretty scary how deeply-entwined brands and media have become in some peoples' identities, and self-worth, to the point of being incredibly destructive, both for them and others. Especially when you combine this with a total lack of critical thinking and self-awareness.
There used to be a time where you could dislike something without being othered by people who did like it. There was a time where you wouldn't get told you "weren't a real fan" because you didn't like a new adaptation. But now, people get crucified for both of these things, because people have internalized their favourite media and brands so much that they literally cannot differentiate between the brand and themselves as an individual anymore. It's all been mixed up into one unvaried thing. If someone says they don't like a brand that you happen to like, well, it must mean they don't like you as a person! And that can't be allowed, no sir, something something No True Scotsman.
Case in point, and the reason I'm writing this: the Marvel fandom. Good grief. Consider this for a moment: it's totally acceptable, and even encouraged, when you don't like all of the comic book writers and runs for a character. Love David? Hate Taylor? Cool! Agree to disagree! There is so much variety; it's impossible to like everything. But the moment you say you don't like certain MCU movies, which are basically the film equivalents of comic runs, it's a cardinal sin, and you're looked at like you have a third eyeball. People genuinely don't understand how you can write a Marvel character, yet dislike many MCU movies. Because they're so absorbed in the MCU and its hype, its fandom, its everything, that now they see the MCU as the be-all, end-all of Marvel. They're so absorbed in it that everything remotely resembling a dislike for it now, no matter how valid the reason, is a personal attack on them, and they react by alienating anyone with a differing opinion. And boy, have I suffered a stupid amount of this shit without even going out of my way to provoke it. So many muns, who randomly looked at my blog, have decided to bitch and moan when I did literally nothing except say "I'm not interested in the MCU anymore, please don't talk about it with me".
Like, gasp! How can I possibly write a Marvel character, but not love the recent MCU movies?! The horror! I must not be a real fan! I must be a horrible person! I mean, I wrote this character way before the MCU came around, but sure - I guess I should drop them, and all those years of development, just because Disney recently made some stuff I don't like! I certainly can't continue writing them as usual, and simply ignore the releases I don't like! ...Ugh... This seems ridiculous, but it breaks a worrying number of peoples' brains, and their reactions can be vicious. The Marvel fandom feels less like a fandom these days, and more like an echo chamber.
I stay so, so far away from certain RP fandoms now because of this, including the Marvel fandom. And it's a damn shame, because I'd really love to write with Marvel and MCU characters, but so many muns are totally incapable of understanding the above stuff. And at this point, frankly, interacting with anyone in the Marvel fandom feels like playing a game of minesweeper where there's one safe tile and the rest are all mines.
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mollymarymarie · 3 years
20 questions Writer’s Edition
Thanks @blitheringmcgonagall for tagging me in this! 
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
3. How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
Harry Potter (Marauders Era) Marvel (Stucky, Bucky/OC, Pietro/OC) And then one about Sam Kiszka from Greta Van Fleet (that I wrote as a commission, sort of) and one I wrote about Lee Pace (cause I saw it in a dream lol)
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
The Lad That Loved You - sort of canon Hogwarts-era fic with a twist on The Prank (Remus and Sirius pretend to fight to cover up their relationship)
When It Counted - Remus gets spiked with Veritaserum and makes Sirius (and everyone else) believe it was Amortentia to cover up the truth
Vow Under the Covers - Remus is getting married. And not to Sirius. And Sirius has to decide if he can live with that.
Save Me, Save Me, Save Me - Remus thinks Sirius is in love with his neighbor and offers to help cook her dinner (Sirius and Marlene have to pretend to be attracted to each other, despite being VERY GAY, to cover up Sirius’ feelings)
Heavy In Your Arms - Sirius is the Slytherin prefect and has to nurse Remus Lupin back to health after a vicious full moon 
5. Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
ABSOLUTELY - comments make my whole day, my whole week, I want people who take the time to comment to know that I LOVE THEM DEARLY
6. What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
It’s a one-shot, but the angstiest ending is definitely in Where The Willow Don’t Bend (the story is about Remus becoming one of the ghosts at Hogwarts, so it’s OBVIOUS that it is not going to exactly end ... happily)
7. What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending?
Generally, I tend to write all my fics with happy endings? Real life has enough terrible endings on its own AND I’M HERE TO ESCAPE FROM THAT OKAY 
But honestly, I think the ending in Heavy In Your Arms is QUITE happy :)
8. Do you write crossovers? If so what is the craziest one you’ve written?
I’ve never written a crossover! I don’t write for enough fandoms to have done that, I guess. Mostly just HP and Marvel and there isn’t a lot of room for crossover there, lol (besides, I haven’t written for Marvel in ages)
9. Have you ever received hate on a fic?
Somewhat. In Show Me Everything I Missed, I had someone tell me they were disappointed with how I made Remus be the emotional weight-bearer of the fic. But it was DIRECTLY after Sirius had gone through a VERY traumatic event, so of course Remus would be trying to help him through it. I get where they were coming from, and I guess I should be honored that my characters made them upset? isn’t that kind of the point of angst?? 
10. Do you write smut? If so what kind?
I do. For me, I went to private school (read: religious), so it was heavily instilled in me that sex is bad and disgusting and dirty, but then you get married and suddenly it’s beautiful and holy and important? So it took me a long time to be comfortable with sex in general, even more so with the idea of writing it down, but the idea of “smut” is kind of nonsensical to me. We go through all these things as human beings and those are all okay to write and to read and to experience, but a BASIC HUMAN NEED for most people is something to be hidden?? I’m going on a rant, but basically, I’m tired of the stigma, I guess.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not ... directly?? I have had people tell me, after the fact, that they posted my fic on a site outside of AO3 but it was still listed as being written by me, but I didn’t have an account with that site. I was still sort of weirded out by that one. 
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
yes! I had someone ask my permission to translate to ... Italian? I think? I can’t quite remember, but that was kind of cool, I guess. Again, it’s sort of iffy with those things because I think this was on a third-party site, too, so I was kind of indirectly attached to it.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I never have! I have a problem with deadlines and working as a group looool I think i have control issues?? hahahahah 
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
Wolfstar, hands down. I’ve been writing Wolfstar for, gosh, almost ten years. Which, comparatively is not that long, but it’s longer than any other ship for me
15. What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
I have a couple WIPs for characters that are NOT Wolfstar that I’d like to finish (mostly the one about Cassidy from Preacher, because I have a MASSIVE Joe Gilgun crush) but I haven’t written on it in YEARS so it’s probably not happening
16. What are your writing strengths?
oh gosh. okay, so i’m not good at answering these. I think I write smut relatively well? I do pretty good angst I think?? My characterization is usually something people enjoy? (honestly, i just write them as MY own versions of the character, but people seem to agree with me for the most part??)
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
I FOUND THIS OUT RECENTLY - i am not always good at following through with a plan for a fic and also i am not good at writing down what i see in my head. for example, if a character has black hair and glasses in my head (but maybe not necessarily in canon), i often have to go back and add these details because halfway through, i’ll be like DID I EVEN TELL THEM WHAT HE LOOKS LIKE AT ALL??? 
18. What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
oh i’m SHITE at it. I wish I could speak another language well enough that I could incorporate it into my fics, but I doubt that will ever happen for me! (I had quite a bit of French dialogue in We Can Pretend and it went okay, but I did have someone tell me I had a grammatical error because I just used Google Translate lol)
19. What was the first fandom you wrote for?
this is going to be a HILARIOUS answer, but ... the Good Charlotte fandom. I never posted it, just my friends read it (I had quite a few fics about boys in bands back then, I was sixteen) but yeah it was a total soap opera. Like. outrageous.
20. What’s your favourite fic you’ve written?
They all have uniquely special places in my heart, but I have two favorites:
We Can Pretend - Remus and his father are the butlers for the Black family, and Remus has to figure out how to take care of Sirius while hiding his feelings
Heavy in Your Arms (the Slytherin!Sirius one, and also Ravenclaw!Remus!)
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wickednerdery · 4 years
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Title: Hoarfrost Hel: Abated Author: @wickednerdery Fandom: Marvel Pairing/character: Jotun!OC, Mer!OC, Elf!OCs Rating: Explicit Summary: “Take me to him.” Notes: This is the second part of what’s shaping up to be a legit trilogy (the first is FrostBitten) - the master list is here. The story on whole is gonna be very dark, this piece - which occurs a few days after the last Ulfr one - has significant graphic violence and so much angst. For consistency and length, it gets a “Read More”.
The pain is numbing, slips Grim in and out of consciousness, as Lady Carfindel’s men carry him off. It’s no matter, there’s no option to scream, to fight, and, as blood leaks from around tattered gills, the option of survival drains from him too. He can only cringe when dropped like a sack for the men to open the large vat of salt. While traditionally meant to cure meat and fish, whatever the kitchens might need, this one’s been marked for other uses long ago. The out and inside clawed from attempts at escape, the bottom blackened with blood, from past guests.
“It reeks!” Tir complains as they dig enough to make room for the slave.
Beria chuckles. “Yeah, well, some of them die and, if forgotten long enough...”  He shrugs before joining the other to lift and toss Grim in. 
The salt fires up his wounds, grates scaled flesh, as it goes red-to-black with his blood. If Grim could roar in the pain of it, he would, yet his throat is all but gone. Gills work to close, mouth gapes open in desperation, but he chokes either way. Flakes pull moisture from within, turning him all the more into the sea creature he is at his core. Tears flow, get sucked up, as the two men work to coat him and place the cover back on. Grim watches as the light leaves, the hope fades, and the darkness comes.
Once tasked with finding the Oarnér slave, Grim, by the princess, Maethril makes it her priority. Not because she finds it especially important, but because she herself suspects the slave has information vital to the crown. Close to the man who claims to be Prince Draugluin, now hidden away by Lady Carfindel, he surely knows something. Finding him may lead her to uncovering many secrets.
It takes her moons to discover his location, but when she does she rushes to inform the princess and gather reinforcements. While certainly capable of getting a slave out of the salt bath, she does not trust the Red Lady not to have it guarded. Even bewitched.
“Your Highness! Princess Rainaiel!” Maethril calls out as she rushes towards the caves the young woman finds solace in. “Your Highness!”
“Yes?” Ulfr turns from the overlook, assuming the call is for him.
The royal guard stops short in his sight; her heart begins to race all the more as his gaze goes from curious to understanding.
“You found Grim.” Time slows, his heart holding with his breath. “Where? Where is he?” 
She looks down. For the first time since her early days of battle she’s speechless, indecisive, too wary to make a move. Any move.
Ulfr’s breath returns in a shudder, his heart rushing ahead with his mind. “Where?!” Water fills his eyes, he shakes without control as rage and terror build in equal measure.
“In a salt bath past the kitchens, by the storage house.”
A place Ulfr passed many times looking for Grim; the knowledge makes his stomach churn with acid. “Take me to him.”
“Your Highness -”
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Fingers fuse first, the webbing of his kind returning, then his toes. His feet...ankles...legs....the longer he stays, the more he dries out, the more fish-like he becomes. Normally, this is not painful, it is something he can do at will, but this is not normal. This is torture. A slow drying out that cracks skin, shrivels scales. Fangs long ago unused grow out as gums recede and lips puff and curl. Skin and scales split and bleed into salt that dries him out all the more. A vicious cycle that slowly drains his life and will to have it...
The vat is not guarded, but both can see its enchantment. Sealed in blue-green light Maethril halts in place, in recognition, as she extends arm to stop the prince. Her attempt goes unnoticed as Ulfr rushes past her. He knows the magic, knows he can handle it...knows it wouldn’t matter if he couldn’t. Grim’s in there.
“Your highness, no, it is freezing!” So cold it will surely burn any elf hand that dare touch it. He ignores, grabs and tosses the lid. She gasps as his hands turn azure, white-lined, before his illusion slips back into place. He is not the prince, he’s not even Ljósálfar! Yet the urge to put this mysterious, deceptive, beast down, the one she’s had since first suspecting him, only dampens...
The light burns Grim’s eyes even through lids, he shudders. His voice is gone, breathing barely there. What little water left in him leaks from the corners of his eyes as he’s lifted from crimson flakes.
Ulfr lowers with care, wincing on his lover’s behalf as the ground proves unforgiving, uncomforting. “Gr-Grim?” He looks down at the being that bears so little resemblance to the man he knows, loves. As badly as he wants to touch, to reassure, he doesn’t dare for fear of hurting.
As Maethril watches she’s at a loss for words. She’s seen death, seen cruelty, but this is something new. New and terrifying. The slave is not simply undone, he’s changed in a way that reminds her of the blackest magics. She knows why the urge to take the imposter down isn’t coming - whoever, whatever, he is, he loves just as any of them. He is in pain, he is scared, and he is in love...more than the prince ever was.
Even the drip of Ulfr’s tears on his flesh causes such pains that Grim’s breath stops. “We...We need to get him out of here.” Ulfr wipes his face quickly, both to prevent tears from falling as to hide them. He can be seen to care, perhaps, but not too much. Not in front of the guard already so suspicious of him. “Get him...help.”
“H-How? ...Where?”
“Do not ask me, just help me!!” The Jotun roars at the she-elf before taking a deep breath in. His jaw flickers in tension, the tears coming once again. “Please...” His voice softens to a plea. “Help.”
Maethril opens mouth, but has no answer. No solution. If they move the Oarnér they may kill him, but they surely cannot leave the man here either. She raises a hand in hopes of staving off more orders while she thinks. The black burns of the slave’s throat, the creature he’s become, it’s like black magic... “I...I may know someone who can, but...”
Stomach tightens in fear. “But?”
“She’s deep in the woods. I’ll have to find her, convince her.”
“Order her, tell her I order her.”
“She’s not one of your people, our people.”
“Tell her she may have whatever she wishes, if she heals him.”
“Your Highness, that is-” Not a risk to take with one such as this witch.
“GO!!” He doesn’t care, whatever warning she has for him doesn’t matter right now. The only thing that does is Grim. That Grim is alive, that he can be healed. The woman bows, heads off, and Ulfr moves to lay on the ground beside the other. He lets his façade fade, goes Jotun and freezes the ground beneath them...Grim always says too cold is better than too hot and, as the ice melts, it turns to the water that’s he so desperately needs. 
Rassëiel smells the she-elf the moment she steps beyond the boundaries of the kingdom and into her woods. “You are not welcome here, Ljósálfar.”
“I come with a message from...” Who? An icy imposter? “Prince Draugluin.”
“My answer will be your death.” The dragon-witch is not blood-thirsty, but protective. Her freedom, her land, her happiness was hard-fought and she’s no intention of going back - the best way to assure that is to deal with all elf trespassers brutally. Still, she is curious, so waits...
“He requests, begs, your help, my lady.”
“With what?” She spits back, knowing the type of help requested by the last like him.
“His love.”
The woman laughs. “I’ve no interest in helping the Red Lady, she’s worse than he.”
“No, not her. A fossegrim slave.” Maethril takes another step, hands up to show she’s no wish to battle. “You gained your freedom, would you deny another dark creature his?”
“You are not allowed to die, do you understand me?” Ulfr mutters, freezing and refreezing the ground as the Alfheim sun continues to melt it as quickly. “If you die, I’ll kill myself.” After all, what was a fugitive Frost Giant to do when, again, the one good thing in his life leaves.
Grim hears, but cannot respond save to keep breathing what little breath he can find the strength to take.
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Not gonna lie, writing this was a wild ride from beginning to end for me, haha! Now I’m hoping that that’s a good thing and translated into a great (and wild!) piece for you guys as well. There’s still more to come - not in the least because we’ve got a new player on the board, haha! - but I’ve a pretty good idea of what. Also, no, Ulfr doesn’t realize he’s given himself away to Maethril. AND the concept of a dragon lady actually came from a character @chibiyanai​​ thought of first and I hope she doesn’t get cross at me for using the genius idea, lol!
Gifs found on Google, combined by me
Word Glossary (in order of usage):
Carfindel - Red-Haired (Sindarin) Oarnér - Oar - Child of the Sea (Qenya); nér - Male (Qenya) Draugluin - Blue (Were)wolf (Sindarin) Beria - To protect (Sindarin), used as name here Tir - Guard (Sindarin), used as name here Ljósálfar - Norse Light Elves Rainaiel - Sweet-faced princess (Sindarin) Maethril - [Female] Warrior (Sindarin) Alfheim - Home of the Norse Light Elves Rassëiel - [Female] Horn (Quenya
Tagged: @chibiyanai​​​ @lady-crowned-with-stars​​​ @moonfaery​​​ @annievvv7​​​ @ladyfluff​​​ @holykryptonitekitten​​​ @lokilvrr​​​ @janebrownnie​​​ @lokis-little-kitten​​​ @alexakeyloveloki​​​ @theangelsfightwithdevils​​​ @the-blue-tiefling​​ @lokis-lady-death​​​ @dangertoozmanykids101​​ @prometheasmother​​ @vethrvolnir @wintertink​​​ @amethyst-dreams-and-candy-canes​  @drakonwild​​ @starscreamloki​​ @judas-nipples @hiddles-rose​​  @the-lady-witchitery​​ @galaxies-inside-my-head​​ @jackheart180 @lukeevansandjdmobession​​​ @endlessstairway​​​ @lanabanana-86 @tom-fucking-hiddleston-1981​​ @lovekrystina​​ @madoka73​​ @lokikingofasgardslover713​​ @partiallyinthecloset​​ @ultrarebelheart​​​  @gravitational-anomaly @manip-loki​​​ @sweetfictionalworld​​​ @lowcarbgem @tarithenurse​​​ @boredbrooder​​​ @beccaliciooouuusss​​​ @michellearel1​​
If you want on or off, or your screenname’s change from what’s listed, just lemme know! (Strike-throughs are those Tumblr refuses to tag properly)
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chromecutie · 4 years
Not A Ghost - part 35
A/N - Multi-part fic. Colossus x OC where OC has come home after being wrongfully imprisoned in the Icebox. Warnings for whole fic - references and flashbacks to harsh prison environment, including various types of abuse. Takes place shortly after events in Deadpool 2. Whole thing will end up on my AO3 eventually.
Masterlist on my profile!
Taglist: @emma-frxst  @ra-ra-rasputiin  @holamor ​  @empressme-bitch  @marvel-is-perfection  @hazilyimagine ​ @marvelhead17 @rovvboat @angstybadboytrash ​ @whitewitchdown ​ @master-sass-blast ​ @mori-fandom @mooleche @dandyqueen @emberbent @leo-writer . Wanna be added or removed? Holla at me.
Nighttime in the Icebox was usually pretty quiet, not counting the occasional inmate screaming or howling. It was a soundscape Mimi had been used to for years. She couldn’t guess how long she had actually been in prison, but it didn’t matter any more. Everything was in place. She waited until the night shift walked by her cell, briefly shining their flashlight through the plexiglass walls to confirm she was in bed. Nestled in shed skins and extra blankets she had collected over time, the reptilian knew there wouldn’t be a body check again for about an hour. Plenty of time. In fact, if things went according to plan, it would be the last body check for a while.
As the booted footfalls on the metal grate walkway faded, she crept from her bed without so much as a rustle from her shed skins. The control collar weighing on her neck took away some of her abilities - like her venom she desperately missed, but it couldn’t change her narrow shoulders and hips which were perfect for sneaking into an air vent. Climbing the back wall was difficult; without the collar, her fingers had grip like a gecko, but now she could grip only slightly better than a human. Still, she made it to the air vent near the ceiling and got in.
Most of this plan had already been formulated for a long time. Mimi ran through it in her mind thousands of times, part drill, part fantasy. For a long time, the missing piece had been how to safely leave the Icebox without tumbling down the mountainside or freezing in the snow. Who knew the twisted, savage little monster who used to swear she was one of the X-Men would give her the answer on a silver platter? It was funny. 
Most inmates blurred together in Mimi’s memory, unless they made a very strong impression that they could be useful. The one they started calling Guestbook stood out only because she was irritating. Her big doe eyes and chattering teeth and frightened tears were an annoyingly fresh reminder that the Icebox was indeed hell. 
On a day like a thousand others, the laundry room had been quiet and out of the way enough for Mimi to set up the deals that had allowed her to rise to gang lord status. She eventually amassed almost as much power as the warden of the Icebox. And when a frenzied inmate with wild eyes and frizzy, mousy hair had scrambled into the laundry room trying to hide behind a row of dryers, Mimi simply rolled her eyes.
“You can’t be in here,” she said. “Get going.” When there was no answer, she went over to the would-be hiding spot and tried again. “I know you’re not deaf.” The inmate was breathing heavy, but suppressing the sound as much as she could. Mimi frowned down at her, “Guestbook - hm.” She took in the torn sleeve of her jumpsuit, and fresh, bleeding X tattoos that had been carved into her forearm. “They got you again, huh?” 
Guestbook’s nostrils flared as tears welled up anew. “If you tell them where I am, I’ll--”
“You won’t do shit to me,” Mimi’s scaled brows lifted and her eyes narrowed. “That’s why you’re gonna die in here.”
Shuffling footsteps echoed in the hall outside of the laundry room, and a few of the more disgusting inmates poked their heads in. One asked, “You seen the Guestbook in here?”
Guestbook was still hidden from their view, and for a second Mimi honestly thought of letting them have her. Instead, she rested a fist on her hip and stated, “I’m busy. You bother me in here again and it’ll take them a week to scrape you off the floor.” They hesitated, but when Mimi bared her pointy teeth and hissed at them, they scattered.
As their pattering faded, Mimi cracked her neck and turned to resume her work sorting laundry. “Maybe if you hadn’t started off day one screaming about how you’re X-Men,” she said absently, “people wouldn’t be out for your hide. We all know you’re not.”
Guestbook squeaked from her hiding spot, “I--”
Mimi shook her head, impatient. “I don’t care either way. But I guarantee that if you kill one of these fuckers chasing you, they’ll start giving you some space.”
Guestbook shook her head, brows pinched tightly over a fading black eye, “I’m not killing anyone.”
Loading a pile of blankets into a washer, Mimi warned, “They don’t do funerals in here, and nobody gives a shit if you die for some bullshit moralistic ideal.” She threw in a scoop of detergent and set the machine running, and when she looked again, Guestbook was gone.
After that, it was like something had changed. Mimi started noticing when Guestbook fought back against her attackers. She escalated fights, and fought dirty. She even killed the inmate who had cut off her finger...and the inmate who had held her down for it...and she even bit off the finger of the guard who had watched and laughed. She killed another inmate, then another. So much for bullshit moralistic ideals. After that, Mimi tried a few times to offer Guestbook a place in the Vicious 13; a killing machine is always useful. But every time, Guestbook refused, and so Mimi had to send someone to stab her, make an example for turning down the V-1-3. But she never sent her best, because she didn’t want her dead, and whoever she sent usually met a grisly end at Guestbook’s hands.
The vent shaft was narrow, the turns were difficult, and Mimi had a hard time seeing - another thing that would’ve been no trouble without the collar. Still, she wriggled and maneuvered her way until she could hear voices. They were too muffled to make out clearly, but she recognized them well enough. She knew she wouldn’t show up on the heat sensors she’d been warned about, but still she crept along more slowly, careful not to make the slightest sound. Finally, she reached the vent opening over the control office. The air filter was filthy, and she couldn’t wait to throw it at the guards having a cheerful work day chat just beneath her.
They were trading snarky comments about the DMC’s benefits package when Mimi dove through the vent, sending the filter banging around and puffing clouds of dust everywhere. One guard, understandably startled, scrambled away from the intruder. The other was still in Mimi’s reach when she went to grapple him. He swung wildly with his fists and baton, and with a few fluid dodges, Mimi weaponized his momentum against him and flung him over her shoulder into a bank of cabinets. Before the second guard could stop her, Mimi was on the first, and with strong fingers hooked one hand under his jaw while the other held the top of his head firmly. She wrenched his head to an unnatural angle with a horrible crack. The guard went limp and slumped away from her. 
From the other end of the control office, the remaining guard didn’t scream into his radio for backup, didn’t beg for his life, didn’t make any move to attack Mimi. Instead, he smiled.
Mimi returned his smile as she got to her feet, “Edmund.”
“Maria,” his smile widened, “Finally.” Edmund Robinson, who had been the one to bring Guestbook to solitary, extended his arms and Mimi leapt into an embrace. They held it only a moment. He asked, “What’s next, gorgeous?”
All her years in the Icebox, and Mimi had hardly touched her collar, usually opting to pretend as much as possible that it wasn’t there. She grabbed it with both hands and said, “Get this fucking thing off.”
Robinson, still smiling, nodded and used his key card to unlock a safe where some devices about the size of a USB stick were kept. There were three hard tokens, each had a small screen displaying a six digit code that changed every ten seconds. With one in hand, they both took a deep breath.
“Don’t fuck this up,” Mimi said with an urgent edge. If he typed the code too slowly, or missed a number, the explosive charge would take off her head and his hands. She watched his face one more moment before turning around to let him reach the block on the back of her collar.
With a few beeps, and the longest nine seconds of her life, Mimi’s collar clicked loose and fell away. Her head swam, and she leaned against Robinson until the woozy feeling faded enough to collect herself. She shook her head, trying to clear away a nagging uneasiness. Finally, she heard guards shouting on the other side of the plexiglass walls. They could only get in if the officer inside the office scanned their card to unlock the doors.
“The armory,” she pushed herself away from Robinson to look at the row of monitors playing the security footage. On one screen, guards were grabbing heavy riot equipment. “Edmund, can you seal that?”
“On it,” he tapped his card against a sensor, typed a few keys, and she watched the surveillance screens as the door to the armory sealed shut, with a couple officers still inside and a half dozen more outside of it beating on the door.
Thunder on the doors of the office broke their focus. Officers were beating on the doors with batons, fists, and the ends of their cattle prods. Robinson and Mimi were unconcerned; the glass was built to withstand a beating from incredibly strong inmates throwing their full force against it. Mimi locked eyes with one of the guards on the other side of the glass. He was practically foaming at the mouth in his fury. “Edmund,” she said with a smooth, almost sensual tone, “open the cells.”
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albapuella · 4 years
Fandom: Homestuck Summary:  When Dave finally gives into his urges, what will Karkat do?
Tags: Meteorstuck, Retcon Timeline, davekat, pov switches galore, present tense CW:  CW: hand holding, hugging, nose kisses Author’s Note:  This is a fic that I wrote in about two hours for the davekat thirst federation server after they were all being Caliborn thirsty on the main. Please note the content tags--if you're up (heh) for all this spiciness, read on. I thought result was worth sharing with the masses. Enjoy!
Dave is walking beside Karkat, glancing out of the corner of his eye at Karkat's dangling hand, the lax fingers calling out to be--
No. No, he couldn't. He shouldn’t. And yet... He tilts his head ever so slightly to see Karkat's hand better. The curve of the fingers. The tips of his yellowed claws. The thick, meaty curve of his gray palm. What would it feel like to--
Dave feels his face go hot.
"oh yea of course dude but youre still wrong about dane cook"
Karkat rolls his eyes but accepts the answer before launching into another diatribe Dave can't be bothered to listen to when Karkat's hand is dangling so invitingly by his side.
He can't. He shouldn't.
Before he can stop himself, he reaches out for Karkat's hand, the warmth of it beneath his fingers even more wonderful than he'd thought it be. His fingers wrap around Karkat's stiff startled ones; their palms meet.
Karkat is walking beside Dave, going into detail about the superiority of the comic stylings of Dane Cook, when he feels another hand grabbing his own. It's so sudden, he hardly knows how to react even as he feels fingers intertwining with his own.
He stops walking. His throat is dry and he swallows hard before turning his head. There's only one person who can be holding his hand, but it's impossible. Dave's not interested in him. Not like *that*.
But he turns and looks. Pale fingers interlaced with his own gray, leading up to an arm clad in red God Tier pajamas. A shoulder connected to a neck. A neck to a face.
At least Dave has the decency to be blushing, too. He doesn't have the decency to actually look in Karkat's direction. Instead, he squeezes Karkat's hand.
Dave is silent. Then he turns his head, the smallest hint of a smile curving his thin lips. "sup"
Karkat says his name, and it's not a rejection. It's not a rejection, but it's a question. Karkat's face is flushed but confused. He isn't trying to pull his hand free, but he isn't returning the gesture.
Dave is worried now, worried he's pushed too far too quickly. He has to do something. He smiles, trying to ignore the nervous flutters in his chest. "sup"
Karkat scowls. "WHY-WHY ARE YOU HOLDING MY HAND, DIPSHIT?" The stutter tells Dave he's as affected as Dave is, and despite the harshness of the words, he still allows his hand to remain in Dave's grasp.
Dave feels a swell of hope. "it was asking to be held dude i dont make the rules" He shouldn't. He's done too much already. But Karkat's so close now, his yellow and gray eyes wide. Dave can see himself reflected in his dark pupils.
Feeling reckless, Dave uses his free hand to lift up his glasses so he can see Karkat in full light. His eyes are even more beautiful without the dingy, gray haze.
Dave pushes his stupid douche shades up, leaving them up in his blonde hair. Karkat isn't certain what is more incredible: that Dave is still still holding his hand or that Dave has willingly, of his own accord, allowed Karkat to see his eyes.
Karkat has seen them before, of course. He's caught glimpses of them from the corner of Dave's shades. Seen flashes of them when they've been knocked askew. But he's never been given the opportunity to really look at them. Certainly, Dave's never let him look.
He's so lost in the moment, he's speaking before he can censor himself. "THEY'RE BEAUTIFUL."
Dave ducks his head, his flush traveling down his neck. He holds Karkat's hand a little tighter. "thank you" he says in an awkward way that tells Karkat Dave doesn't get many compliments. "im gonna get crazy here so hear me out" He takes a deep breath. "can i... can i--" He's turned his body to face Karkat's head on. "i wanna hug you can that happen"
For once in his life, Karkat takes initiative. Before Dave is even quite done speaking, he's closed the space between them, wrapping his free arm around Dave's middle.
Dave makes a startled sound but recovers quickly, and almost too quickly, Dave's arm is wrapped around Karkat's middle, too. Their entwined hands loosen and separate, allowing those arms to join the hug as well.
Karkat smells soap and a hint of sweat. And it's warm, so warm. The only hugs Karkat had ever had, had ever endured, had been cold. He'd never hugged Aradia, but he knows that even her embrace would have been cool. But Dave is warm.
He sighs against the other boy's shoulder, relaxing further into Dave's arms. He feels breath on his cheek; it smells like coffee.
This can't last forever, Karkat knows this. He knows that this experiment of Dave's will end, but he can enjoy it while it lasts.
For what feels like the longest time, Dave can only marvel at the fact that Karkat is in his arms. The troll boy is hugging him, pressing against him, as relaxed as Dave has ever seen him be. Dave feels a rush of pride that Karkat trusts him enough for this. He feels a rush of shame that he waited so long to ask for this.
He tightens his hold on Karkat as though that will keep this moment from ending.
His face is close, so close to Karkat's.
Dave has never been good at knowing when to quit. He's never known when to be satisfied. He brings his face that much closer to Karkat's, brings his nose closer to the gray nose.
They touch. Dave moves his head and gently rubs his nose against Karkat's.
Karkat doesn't react at first. He's mostly confused about what the fuck Dave is up to. As far as he can tell, Dave is rubbing his nose with his own nose. It's not unpleasant, just unfamiliar. It feels... it feels intimate.
He closes his eyes, wishing Dave would stop, wishing that he wouldn't. What is Dave getting out of this? Is Karkat just convenient or--
There is no or. Dave wanted to do this with someone, and Karkat is someone. That's it. He ducks his head away from Dave's, burying it into his shoulder.
Dave stills. Then he says, "i want to man thought i was making that pretty obvious" He chuckles, his chin pressing into Karkat's own shoulder. "karkat youre pretty baller you know"
He'd never thought Dave would be so good at acting.
Dave isn't expecting it when Karkat pushes away from him with a rough shove. "karkat--?"
Karkat's mouth is twisted into a vicious snarl even as his eyes fill with ruddy tears. "FUCK YOU, DAVE." He wipes the tears away with trembling fists. "IF YOU'RE GOING TO USE ME, AT LEAST DO ME THE FUCKING COURTESY OF NOT LYING TO MY FACE ABOUT IT."
"what" Dave is utterly lost.
"DON'T 'what' ME, ASSHOLE." He crosses his arms, the anger on his face crumbling into a hurt that stabs Dave in the gut. "I ONLY HAVE A PASSING UNDERSTANDING OF WHAT 'BALLER' MEANS, BUT I KNOW YOU'RE NOT INTERESTED IN ME. SO, DO ME A FAVOR, AND STOP PRETENDING YOU ARE."
Dave has spent enough time with Karkat to tell when he's about to bolt, and Dave can't let him go until he clears this up. He grabs Karkat's hand again. "dude karkat listen to me im not lying" To his relief, Karkat doesn't pull his hand away. To his worry, Karkat folds in on himself, his head bowing and his shoulders slumping.
Karkat can't look at Dave now, too embarrassed, too desperate. He should have just kept his mouth shut for once. Should have just enjoyed what little scraps Dave was willing to throw him. Dave is still holding his hand.
"i want you to listen to me" Dave is saying, his voice soft. His other hand strokes the top of Karkat's knuckles as he speaks. "im not using you thats hella gross and id be all kinds of insulted that youd think that but i dont want to make this about me when its about you" Karkat hears him take a deep breath. "im gonna lay it on the line ok i like like you a lot."
"YOU LIKE LIKE ME?" Karkat hates himself for the hope in his voice. He's not entirely certain what "like like"ing means, but he's gathered it's more than being hate-friends. Yes, he and Dave have been getting along better, but he knows Dave only tolerates him because they're both lonely. That's all.
"yea like we're peak middle school up in here passing notes to each other," Dave is clearly gearing up for a ramble, and Karkat smiles despite himself, "do you like me or like like me but weve got to keep it on the downlow so the teacher doesnt notice and find our note because our reps will never survive if she reads it to the class and she will because thats how teachers roll"
"I WILL NEVER UNDERSTAND THE CLUSTERFUCK YOU HUMANS CALL AN EDUCATIONAL SYSTEM," Karkat says and, for a moment, it's like nothing's changed. Then reality falls in again. "YOU MEAN THAT?" He is such an idiot. Such a fucking idiot.
The way Karkat asks Dave if he means what he says is almost enough to break him. If he weren't such a stone cold bad-ass, he's certain he'd be bawling now, too. Even so, he wishes he could put his shades back down without Karkat thinking he's hiding his eyes so he can lie better.
"yea dog i mean it i dont lie about important shit."
Karkat has always been an open book, emotions-wise. It'd probably be more helpful if Dave were better at emotions himself, but he can see that Karkat wants to believe him. It's something. "we dont gotta do anything different if you dont want im chill just hanging with you," he says, hoping against hope it doesn't come to that: he wants to hug Karkat again, and he hopes the troll boy will let him. "but i want to... i want to hug you because youre you youre like special ok"
A disbelieving huff. "YOU THINK I'M SPECIAL."
Dave nods. "karkat vantas is totally one of a kind" Well, that just isn't true, is it? "i mean there are a fuck ton of you out there in the dream bubbles but i meant more like metaphorically in that this version of you is the you im interested in hugging and stuff"
Karkat almost can't believe how charmed he is by this idiot. Almost. Maybe Dave is lying, but maybe Karkat isn't being fair. The more he thinks about it, the more he thinks maybe that's true. Considering what he was accusing Dave of wanting to do, he's fairly floored that the human boy still wants anything to do with him.
He looks down at his hand still held between both of Dave's. Then he looks up at Dave's face, at his still uncovered eyes, and makes a decision. "OKAY."
Dave blinks. "ok" The corner of his mouth quirks upwards. "ok"
"you have got the weirdest names for things you know that just say ears its so much shorter"
Before he can come up with a suitably scathing remark, he's being hugged again.
He sighs and returns the hug. He could get used to this. He thinks he already is.
End Note:  Sorry. I could not add in the kissing--it was just too lewd.
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be-the-spark-flyboy · 4 years
heyy congratulations💕✨!! can i actually have a (male) ship for all the fandoms (if not, just do oscar characters (you have immaculate taste in movies, by the way)). im an entp and my star sign is capricorn. im very all over the place with my thoughts and i like talking a lot. like i already know this request is gonna be super long just ‘cause i ramble (im glad tumblr doesnt have a character limit anymore). in fact, i’ll send this short part in first and then the rest so you can like hide it under the cut or something. im so sorry 😂
so, my ramblings are probably why im considered an extrovert even though i feel like i might be an introvert sometimes. in my free time, i really like trying new things. i have a lot of hobbies that i pick up and drop at random but ive always been really into music (i think im a pretty decent singer. not good enough to make a career but enough to surprise people during karaoke).
ok, i feel like i kind of have to say this because the biggest stereotype of entps is that we’re argumentative... but im not that. i try to be very openminded and i hear people’s arguments before deciding on a stance (a lot of times, my opinion changes every time i talk about the topic. unless the topic, itself, is dumb. then i’ll be comedically stubborn (cereal’s a fucking soup, ok?)) and i’m also weirdly sensitive to other people’s emotions and i try not to say stuff that i know will offend them. i do thoroughly enjoy correcting people though. and debates are still very fun for me... a lot of times i come off as enfp/infp because im very excited/bubbly (when im horny (all the time)) and im very caring with my friends/family but i did my research and im definitely entp. im hella disorganized and i hate commitment (once i like you, though, prepare for me to sacrifice my life for you).
im good with other people’s emotions but the part i struggle with is managing/expressing my own. ive been told by multiple people that im very cold, which always surprises me because i try to act really “out there” with friends. i never dont expect them to see through it. most of the times, though, im not sure what people think of me. i kind of have a lot of different personalities that just ~materialize~ when im talking to a different person (woo defense mechanisms). one thing people dont realize is that im sarcastic but only with people i like. oh... yeah, when i have a crush on someone, i like to tease them. but im also stupid so sometimes i end up offending them instead of being lighthearted like with my friends (sometimes, but rarely, i will go too far with my friends too. even when i try not to). its my way of trying to reach out to them and show them im cool but it painfully backfires every. single. time.
uhhh, last thing, im a switch but definitely more on the “bratty-sub” side than the dom side. sometimes i go full on sub (degrading, praise, worship, bondage, etc) and i come back from it and im super confused because did that just happen?? this is just for your consideration, but usually, i really like hate to love type situations because the whole like “arguing as flirting” thing is just 👏🏻🥵 but im also really into best friends to lovers because in real life, i usually wouldnt like someone romantically unless i could potentially see them as my best friend, platonically.
ok, so. i just stalked your ENTIRE page and i ship you with llewyn because youre really sweet (you deserve each and every follower, by the way. id die for you) and i feel like he needs that in his life. i also think maybe nathan(?) could work because he could learn a lot from you, emotionally. if not, i was thinking abel too. IDK. for starwars, poe because you seem just sane enough to stop him from like killing himself on accident because hes so dumb? also i could totally see you two as “arguing for a good amount of time before getting together” BUT i could also see “we were good friends before getting together” which- 😫😫 having to pick a scenario from my two favorite tropes for you and poe is a good sign for me. same reasoning for anakin. i think mando could also really appreciate your presence on his ship because youre kind and could take care of the child. for marvel, you lowkey could be really good with peter parker or scott lang (one of the soft, silly boys).
sorry for making this so long 😂
Thank you!! And don’t apologise it was an entertaining read🤣
I ship you with...
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Bucky Barnes 😎
It takes a while for Bucky to feel comfortable around you. He sees you with Sam often when you’re having one of your movie marathons or you’re just hanging out. He really wants to talk to you but he’s shy?? You find him attractive but then he is also intimidating.
Then Sam interferes and his solution is to set up a blind date for the two of you. It’s a little awkward in the beginning but you find his shyness endearing as hell. As time goes by, his true self shines through, you realise he is such a romantic and he always finds a way to sweep you off your feet. Horny all the time? He’s literally a super soldier so the stamina...
Star Wars:
I ship you with...
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Imagine, you always lean on each other to vent about things and gossip about other people. Rey is busy as hell and Poe is a dumbass (the the topic of the vent most of the time). Plus he’s General now so a distraction from all the work is very welcome and hence a lot of meet me outside i got a bottle of whisky texts from him. Eventually that turns to just hanging out because he wants to spend time with you.
He probably knows everything about you because he loves to listen to you ramble about anything and everything. Hence he’s one of the few people who you feel comfortable enough to be yourself. And then that turn to making out under the stars on a picnic mat and the rest is history.
Oscar Issac Characters:
I ship you with...
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Nathan Bateman😈
It’s almost like you have a seventh sense to detect Nathan’s true emotions despite how much he tries to cover them up. He hates it. So he’s mean to you hence creating a vicious feedback loop of hatred. Queue 100k enimies to lovers slow burn But eventually things work out and Nathan learns to open up a tiny bit to you.
Bratty sub you say? Nathan loves a partner who bites back. Speaking of, on the rare occasion that the two of you show face in public, no one can stand to be around you two since you are always bickering. But trying to one up each other is just your love language.
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stevethehairington · 4 years
MCU for fandom asks 😁
ohhh this is going to be a gooood one haha, thanks for sending it in!!
1. The first character I fell in love with: ohhh okay well. i think my First Real introduction into comic book characters and marvel was when i saw Spiderman: Turn Off The Dark on broadway in New York in 2013, and like I loved that so so much, and my love for spiderman is really what kicked off my descent into the marvel universe (even if i didnt like properly get into the movies/fandom until later), so yeah I would say Spiderman will always hold a very special place in my heart bc of that!
2. The character I never expected to love as much as I do now: I think a fitting answer for this one would be Clint Barton/Hawkeye. The MCU really didn’t do him any justice at all, and to be frank, they made him pretty god damn boring lmao. But I read some of the fraction hawkeye comics and i LOVED how he was characterized there, and I’ve always loved fanons interpretation of Clint so much more than the movies, so it’s like a mix of these two that I’ve become very attached to! I even wrote a whole fic form Clint’s perspective once and it was honestly so fun to write, he’s such a fun character when you disregard the MCU’s version of him lol.
3. The character everyone else loves that I don’t: Hmm... I honestly can’t think of any character for this?? Like I feel like I mostly enjoy the characters everyone else does too, and there isn’t anyone that’s jumping out at me that I don’t like that everyone else does...
4. The character I love that everyone else hates: Easy: Tony Stark. I love Tony Stark and I know so so many people that don’t, and honestly, it’s very disappointing to see just how much people can misunderstand a character and like the whole point of said character. I won’t get into it because there’s too much I could say about it and I don’t want to like stir the pot on anything bc Tony antis are vicious lmao. But yeah, Tony is my answer here! ((Oh also, extra answer bc I feel like it deserves some light too: Sharon Carter. A whoooole lot of people don’t like her too, but I actually love her character. This is another character the MCU did so god damn dirty, and I absolutely hate how they reduced her to just Steve’s love interest, like no she’s so much more than that!! Holding out hope that in TFAWS she actually gets to be her own person and we get to see her be the awesome badass she is)
5. The character I used to love but don’t any longer: None??? I honestly can’t think of any right now...
6. The character I would totally smooch: Well, I mean, Steve Rogers is probably my favorite marvel character of all time, so I would probably say him. But also Bucky deserves some kisses too bc I love him just as much... and so does Peggy... and Natasha... and and and is all of them an acceptable answer?? lol
7. The character I’d want to be like: Peggy Carter!! God, she is everything!! She’s so badass and just so cool. I wish I had her confidence and her take no shit kind of approach to things and her grace and her kickass style omg. Also she’s friends with some pretty cool people too, so like yes please, I would love those connections too!!
8. The character I’d slap: Like all the villains? lmao.  
9. A pairing that I love: Stucky!!! That is my Number One marvel ship, and I think every single day about how this pairing was SO OBVIOUS and so written in the stars but marvel and disney were too big of cowards to actually make it happen. 
10. A pairing that I despise: Imma put two because I can: St*rker and Th*rki. Fuck these ships lmao. They both make me highly highly uncomfortable so I Do Not interact with them.
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the-irish-mayhem · 5 years
So here’s the deal: I had kind of made my peace with being unhappy with any future Thor movies. I made my peace with the fact that I’d never see Jane Foster again, or have her involved in any satisfactory way. So I feel like for myself and a lot of other Jane Foster fans, we made our collective peace with it. We reclaimed her for ourselves, took ownership of her character in a way we felt canon never did.
And now they’re taking her back, after they disrespected her and underutilized her for YEARS. I’m feeling possessive in the strangest way--like no, you guys said no to this amazing character for years, verbally shat on her in interviews, disregarded her as boring and pretty and useless because she couldn’t fight or be “Thor’s equal”, catered to a fandom that hounded her as a terrible character and “everything wrong with the Thor franchise” for literal YEARS. The fandom has said for so long “well they don’t deserve Jane Foster” as a sort of rallying cry? Method of coping? Regardless of what you call it, it felt like we took her back from a franchise that never appreciated and disrespected her for so long. So it almost feels like they’re taking her back when they have absolutely no right to. And yes, I know she’s fictional and I know that Jane Foster is Marvel’s intellectual property, and it’s not a very rational argument but it does lay a basis for why I am feeling the way that I’m feeling.
So with all that said, I have been going through vicious emotional cycles about this--from excitement to anger to optimism to cynicism and back again. Because all the issues that I had with Ragnarok still exist. I am still livid they never mentioned Sif. I’m still livid that they killed off the Warriors 3 like they were extras. I’m still livid that they don’t establish Valkyrie’s name, that the movie didn’t pass the Bechdel test, that it had no emotional gravitas, that it was a tonal copy of GotG, that it copied Thor’s character arcs from 1 & 2 and called it Growth..... I have SO MANY issues with it. So I think of all the things I hated and I think, god I don’t want this for Jane Foster. I don’t want Jane’s hero story to be reduced to comedic beats and forgetting all the places she as a character has already been.
But then I think, I’m about to have Jane Foster be Thor. I’m about to see Jane Foster, from the Marvel Cinematic Universe, as played by Natalie fucking Portman, my favorite rendition of Jane ever, be Thor, and I can only scream in fucking joy. Because Jane Foster as Thor is AMAZING. It was one of the MOST AMAZING reveals in any comic I’ve ever read, it was one of the MOST AMAZING storylines and I will never, ever be over how much I loved it. And now I’m going to get to see it played out in the MCU. And THAT is something that I am very much excited for.
So, the tldr version of this is that my emotions are so conflicted and wild and I assume that I will have PLENTY more to say about this in the 2 years until we get a release, but, ultimately, right now, I’m grateful that Jane Foster will be back where she belongs--as an integral, indispensable part of the Thor franchise.
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wat-the-cur · 5 years
A very long time ago, I said that I would recount the absolute blast I had at Maximum Power. There is not really an excuse for how long it has taken me to follow up on that promise, but doing in now feels right. I hope you will forgive me for writing this in bullet points, but I think it would be the best way to tell you all about my favourite memories, without waffling. Please note that I may add anything I have forgotten, as well as pictures, later on. So, here is a recollection of all the cool things that I remember from Maximum Power. 
- Seeing Jan Chappell at hotel reception was just about one of the most surreal moments of my life. My Mother and Father were checking us in, I was gazing wearily around the reception area, I looked over my shoulder and there she was! At the time, I was not even sure it was her. I thought I might just be delirious from the four hour car journey. I was so washed out that I forgot my manners and just gawped at the poor woman, until I had to follow my parents upstairs (she never met my gaze, which is probably for the better). When we got to our rooms, I kept saying: ““Did you see that lady behind us? I think it was Jan Chappell. I’m pretty sure that was Jan Chappell, behind us.” 
- I was right, that lady was Jan Chappell. Later, at dinner, my parents and I got to watch all the guests gather at their table. It was I never the dining room that I also me the lovely organisers. I am sorry to say that I do not remember all their names, but I believe one of the women was called Sharon. Sharon was the first one to speak to us. She saw me pointing at Jan Chappell and confirmed to me that she was, indeed, her. Sharon was a treasure! The Blake’s 7 fanbase seems to have a closeness, that fanbases as huge as Doctor Who’s, or Star Trek’s can never quite have for their size. Everyone seems to know everyone in the B7 fandom. I think Sharon was pleased to see some new faces, as she asked me about how I got into B7 and if I would come to another convention. She could tell my interest in Jan Chappell and urged me, throughout the convention, to go and talk to her. She was so pleased when I did. She and her friends were all so kind and helpful all the way through, and so cheerful! Sharon and her husband were thrilled to hear that I got into Blake’s 7, through watching Deep Space Nine. They actually named their daughter Jadzia, which is just about the best thing I’ve ever heard. 
- Sharon and the crew were not the only cool people I met at Maximum Power. I was also fortunate enough to meet the marvellous @ruth-dw and @mrs-underhill22. As the guests gathered on the main stage, they both waved my Mother and I over to some spare seats. It was so great to finally meet these two! My Mother and I got to have some good chats with them, throughout the day. 
- Speaking of @mrs-underhill22, I cannot write this account, without mentioning her cosplay. As you may have seen on both her, and Ruth’s blogs, she dressed up as Shivan and she played him, too. Shivan came to greet Blake (Mother) and he was laughing so much, he could not remember any of his lines. All he could do was contact the ship: ““Blake to Liberator, this is hilarious!” 
- The convention began with two really beautiful tributes. The convention was in honour of Jaqueline Pearce, who passed last year. As if that was not sad enough, Paul Darrow also passed around three weeks before the convention. According to (I think) John Ainsworth, Paul had requested that the focus remain on Jaqueline and it was, but a small tribute was made to him, nonetheless. The guests’ stories about Jaqueline were all really quite adorable. My favourite was Jan Chappell’s recollection of being in the same health farm as her, before they ever worked on Blake’s 7.: “I’ve had enough of this dieting. Do you know what I’m going to do? I’m going to catch a bus into town and I’m going to get a cream tea!” 
- I shall go through all my encounters with the guests individually. Jan Chappell, as you can guess, was the first guest I approached for an autograph. She was just a ray of sunshine the whole way through the convention. When I scuttled up to her in my Avon costume she greeting me with this open mouthed smile and said; ““Oh, don’t you look brilliant!” She was so cute and lovely. I told her, rather nervously, that Cally had made me proud of my curly hair. She was pleased and told me that her hair had, at the time, been permed. It was dead straight when she was younger, but she said that since she hit the menopause, it went curly all on it’s own!  
- Stephen Grief, let me just say, was an absolute dream. He just seemed so happy to be at the convention, feeling the love from all the fans. Whenever he was onstage, he blew kisses to the audience. I was rather surprised, as I expected him to be a bit unapproachable. I must note, that he has just about the bluest eyes I have ever seen. They are a light blue, with silvery rings running just around the pupils. Very striking! I am proud to say that I actually had prepared something to say, before I met him. I asked him about his role as Polyakov, in the radio adaptation of “Tinker Taylor Soldier Spy”. He told me that all he was told about the role, was that they wanted someone with a lovely voice. He then ordered me to watch the Tinker Taylor, as well as the Smiley’s People series, starring Alec Guinness (I have almost completed that order). When I put my hand out to shake his, he took it with both of his hands. 
- When I met Michael Keating, all I could think was how similar he seemed to Vila, in real life. He had that same sing-song lilt to his voice and he was very funny. Though I must say, he almost seemed a little nervous to meet people, but I could be wrong. It was almost a comfort, as I was nervous too, I had no idea what to say. He said he recognised my outfit, which I was really pleased about. When he signed the photograph I chose, he asked if his handwriting was okay. He said he never did very well in English, at school, but he was always very good at geography, so he always knew where he was going. My Mother actually got into a conversation with Michael, while he was away from the autograph table. I think he told her that he had a sister with the same name as her! Before he left the convention, both he and Jan shook my hand before leaving. I was over the moon. 
- June Hudson is just about the cutest little cupcake to ever live. Both she, and the lady who sat with her at her table, were just the kindest, most approachable people. June took pictures of all the cosplayers who came to see her, my Mother and I included. She was so complimentary about out our costumes, which really made me happy, because my Mother had been really nervous about her seeing them. @mrs-underhill22 @ruth-dw and I all had long chats with the two ladies about the costumes of B7. June remarked, a little angrily about how some of her outfits had been altered later on, without her consent, or knowledge. Avon’s famous silver tunic, for example, had extra length added to it, which looked very conspicuous and unnecessary. Mrs-underhill22 had actually made a photoshopped interpretation of what one of June’s outfits was originally meant to look like. June stated in an interview, that Avon’s red leather tunic, was originally made with red leather spikes around the collar. This was supposed to reflect his hard and confrontational personality, like the spiked collar of a vicious dog. While June had been away from the programme for a short while, she was called up and informed that the spikes had been removed, as they were deemed a hazard. She was furious. When we all looked closely at Avon’s red outfit, on display, we could see where the spikes had been. June loved Mrs-underhill22′s photoshopped picture, say it was just what the outfit had originally looked like. She even wrote that on it, when she signed it. 
(This is going to have to be a part one, as I have a lot more I wish to share, but it is getting rather late. I shall update this account, soon! It really cheered me up writing this, so I hope all you guys enjoy reading it.)
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rockets-capris · 4 years
Movies I’m looking forward to this year cause I like to talk too much.
1. Kong Vs. Godzilla: While Godzilla 2019 was a vicious disappointment, I really enjoyed Kong Skull Island, almost as much as I loved the Jack Black King Kong, (it’s good, okay, fight me) and I’m looking forward to this movie. At the present time the release date is too far away for anything about it to be determined but hey. I’m excited.
2. Fast and Furious 9: As little as I care about the FF franchise, I think this is gonna be absolutely the most ridiculous in the franchise and I think it’s gonna be quite the ride and I hope they never stop making these movies. Actually right now it must be fucking awesome to be part of the Fast and the Furious fandom. You pretty much know what you’re gonna get every time, and a movie comes out every year for like ten years. I can’t imagine there would be much discourse besides certain members of the cast being weird.
3. Peter Rabbit 2: This is on this list ironically cause I can’t believe they made a Peter Rabbit 2. I didn’t see Peter Rabbit 1 but the response was pretty lukewarm, the CGI wasn’t anything impressive, and it was kind of a weird concept to begin with?? A Peter Rabbit movie???? What’s next, Little Miss Moffit the VR game? But I think it’s amazing that among this pretty “I don’t give a fuck” response they had the confidence to make a sequel. So. I’m gonna watch it.
4. Black Widow: I’ve explicitly said i don’t give a fuck about Marvel but they got Florence Pugh so they’ve got me. There you go, Marvel. There you go.
5. Wonder Woman 1984: I’m so hyped for this shit! I love Wonder Woman and I think this movie is gonna be really enjoyable and I’m so happy DC is turning over a new leaf, and creating content me as a long term DC fan can be proud of and I just wanna give the whole universe a big hug.
6. Conjuring 3: I’m a huge Conjuring fan, Conjuring 2 is literally in my top ten horror movies and I have high hopes for this addition to the franchise. I doubt I’ll be disappointed in all honesty because I’m so gay for Vera Farmiga and anything with her in it I will probably fall for.
7. Candyman: I’m someone that always needs a horror movie to look forward to and I’m hoping Candyman will fulfill that need and not disappoint me and ruin my life like last year’s Child’s Play. I know that Jordan Peele is a writer on it so honestly probably not because he’s literally a legend.
8. 007 No Time to Die: I’ve been torn on Daniel Craig’s James Bond run. I like him a lot more than I like that untalented dick Pierce Brosnan and he’s a super talented actor don’t get me wrong, Spectre is brilliant, but some aspects of his 007 movies or even whole movies (Casino Royale) have been very boring or not added much to James Bond as a character. Regardless, I am excited. It’s gonna be cool, I think.
9. Last Night in SoHo: I love Edgar Wright and I think it’ll be interesting to see him in an unironic thriller format. I think it’ll be one of those real disturbing movies that shakes us all to our core. At least I hope so.
10. Let’s end this list on one last ironic choice: Escape Room 2. If y’all don’t see Escape Room 2, I swear, you’ll all be missing out.
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wickednerdery · 6 years
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Title: FrostBitten: Shiver Author: @wickednerdery Fandom: Marvel Pairing/character: Loki x Reader x Jotun!OC Rating: Explicit Summary: “Trust me.” Notes: This is a series/multi-chapter fic - Masterlist Here. Ulfr is a Frost Giant, more clearly so than Loki, and “played” by Lee Pace. The whole thing in general is dark, this piece (which picks up right after the last one) is quite smutty, pretty awkward, all dub-con, and has Loki using slurs. For all that and length it gets a “Read More”.
You were a fool to think Loki would not snake his away around your agreement, that he couldn’t find ways to torture without touching...keep hands on you, but malice for the other. Fucking you in front of others was nothing new, Loki forever wishes a great audience, but this is not fucking. And this audience was of just one.
“Say my name,” Loki mutters against your lips, your neck, your chest. Over and over, never satisfied no matter how often you oblige. He must sense it, that you’re not there. Your body reacts - nipples perk, skin pricks up, breath shortens - under his skilled mouth, yet you haven’t the true presence of mind to play along. Your thoughts are focused on the other.
Ulfr sits in utter silence, watching without fully taking in the scene. He can’t. He needs his head right, his desires - good and bad - under control. For your safety if for no other reason. He saw it coming with the “invite” and separated immediately; remains detached, but aware.
Loki ghosts a possessive bite over your belly that causes you to tense. It’s too intimate right now, awkward without knowing the father. His chuckle oozes as he glances up. “I hardly think a single kiss will affect our child.” It’s between tease and provocation. “What?” He mocks your shock, smirks as he raises legs over his shoulder. “Honestly think I wasn’t aware? My, but you are such a foolish little Midgardian. Your good fortune you’re also delicious...”
Tongue gives a single, slow, lick between your folds and your head falls back without response. So the tongue laps again, this time slower still, flicking fast at the end to get the desired response. Your arch, your moan, your juices flowing for him to taste. You want to look to Ulfr, to see if there’s anything within his stillness, but don’t dare. It’s too dangerous; safer now just to relax, to let Loki have his way, and attempt to speak later...always later.
“If only you’d the presence of mind to taste her when you had the chance.” Loki laughs his taunt across your sex as two fingers enter to elicit a moan. “Not that your kind holds any interest in such things.” Loki indulges in overly greedy moans, suckling at your clit until you shake. “Tell me,” he moves to kiss his way back up, fingers never stopping. “Did you even come for him...Come for him as you always do for me?”
You don’t dare answer, confess you had so intensely you’d passed out. Eyes shift to Ulfr and they catch. His spirit seems to light up, but face remains expressionless. Then his eyes drop away.
“Perhaps we should let him try again, what do you think?” The god’s mouth slams yours to prevent any answer. Fingers slip out, up to your clit, and near abuse it until your crying in need for what simply will not come. He slows as he pulls from the kiss, his grin vicious. “It’s not as if there’s risk of a child with mine already growing inside you.”
Finally Ulfr announces his alertness in a reply. “I can’t.”
Loki’s on his feet, leaving you to cover yourself. “Oh yes you can.” Eyes narrow as he closes in on the other. “You think me as foolish as she. Think I’ve not kept my eye on you, my senses open to your abilities? I know full well you can touch her now.” He sneers down at Ulfr. “You should be grateful that I even allow you to look in her direction, she is the future mother of a prince! Your prince!”
The Frost Giant slowly tilts his head up, then back down. “I will do as my king commands me. If he is generous, I will take the gift given.”
“This isn’t a gift, it’s a reminder of what you cannot have without me. That, as much as you want, you will never truly have her. You will never have children with her while I’m having the first of many.” He smirks wide, gestures Ulfr to stand. “And you need to be happy with whatever leftovers, scraps, I bestow on you, ergi.”
Whatever air’s left in the room leaves; it’s all tension, a swell of hate from Ulfr that nearly drowns you as Loki stands against it in calm amusement. You attempt to get up, slip away, but the bed creaks an alarm and both men turn to you.
The god laughs. “Come now, my dear little bold one, I’ll not let him take you as he did before. I’ll ensure he’s gentle...” Loki turns back to a glaring Ulfr. “Considerate of our child growing within you.” It’s meant to remind you of how dangerously aggressive and uncontrollable Ulfr is; that an animal’s about to fuck you and only Loki can keep you safe. And, if Ulfr isn’t aggressive, it’ll show just how much he truly cares. The offer, in Loki’s eyes, is a win-win move.
You too see the clever cruelty in it. Loki’s not just exposing Ulfr’s increased skills in magic - and how aware he is of them - but potentially his true feelings for you. You don’t fear Ulfr will be harsh, you fear he’ll be so gentle Loki finds it a reason to attack as he did before.
"Well?” Loki gives an expectant expression.
Ulfr take a deep breath, gathers his many thoughts and calculations, and acts. Approaches you slow, eyes not quite catching, and yet you get the sense he’s calm rather than unsure. That he’s thinking of his next move and those four ahead of that. But all he says is. “I won’t hurt you.”
You didn’t believe him last time - you’d hoped, but didn’t believe - you do now though.
“Take off your clothes,” Loki orders as he slips into the chair once occupied by the other. “If you’re going to be with the mother of my child, you’ll do it properly, not like the rutting beast you are.”
It’s purely for humiliation, but Ulfr doesn’t hesitate. He strips down completely and, in truth, it’s awing. Those lines you felt you now see rising across his body; the way the vines grow, entwine, swirl, from the tree at his center. The image of a wolf prowling underneath. Ridges even spiral around cock as the mere sight of you seems to arouse. Only when your eyes meet does he seem to show discomfort. “May I approach?”
Mute, eyes still taking in his full form, you nod.
He does, slow and steady, hands out at his side. You slip back, he sits. So close you feel chilled breath on your face, can see his ridges almost twitch, Ulfr mutters into your mouth. “Trust me.” His lips hit soft before you can respond, but you show your trust in opening to him.
The feel of Loki’s eyes on you remains, but you continue your attempts to ignore him. To force him to the back of your mind. The task is made easier with Ulfr’s hand cooling your thigh, soothing your sex where Loki had been so unforgiving just moments before. Whether due to Loki or the baby or simply being of sound mind now Ulfr’s touch is tentative. He breaks kisses only to return to them, hand fluttering between thighs and fingers shaking as they brush clit. With him your reaction comes quicker, more naturally, with a shudder and sigh.
“Do not drag this out,” Loki snipes suddenly, smiles tensely. “I assure you, she’s plenty prepared.”
There’s a split-second look that suggests amusement, maybe victory, before Ulfr encourages you back onto the bed. “Trust me,” he repeats even as his own nerves show. A slight shake in his lips against yours, frequent glances away - whether to the side at Loki or merely down - as he shifts to hide you both by sheets.
Loki chuckles. “Nice try.” They fade away along with the remnants of your clothing. “You’ll not hide yourselves from me. After all, how can I ensure nothing will become of my child if I cannot see what’s being done to its mother?”
The taunt sets off your anger more than Ulfr’s as you deepen the kiss, put arms around the Frost Giant’s neck to pull him to you. He’s cool, but there’s no risk of a burn and, the longer you touch the warmer he becomes...melting against you as fingers tangle up in his hair.
“Trust me.” You lift leg to hide Ulfr’s initial entry, to better feel the length of ribbed cock sliding in and filling cunt. The slowing down makes it feel so much better and you moan into his mouth, tightening muscles on instinct.
It feels so much different this way; strangely heightened and almost unnervingly intense. Being face-to-face, looking into each other’s eyes, is not Jotun custom and nearly throws Ulfr beyond his comfort. It isn’t until he feels your other hand slip down, fingers trace along curling vines over hip, waist, and ribs, that he relaxes. Begins to move.
You bite lip, hold back a moan of his name, still very aware you’re being watched. That Loki may find this amusing until he doesn’t. Ulfr’s name is turned into just a soft huff, “Ul, ul...” as he keeps slow, shallow, in thrusts.
“See, my dear bold girl,” Loki’s voice snakes in. “He’s too frightened to even fuck properly now. He’s nothing but a rimy little pup.”
Something in the word causes Ulfr to flinch, as if struck, as he looks away. “Sorry,” he mutters.
“Watch our bodies,” you offer, recalling his preference to observe. “My hand...” Fingers at ribs move in, feel along branches at his chest, then down towards his roots.
"I imagine you wish the child yours...” Loki continues, delighting in the reactions. The insecurity, the weakness. The pain. It feeds the worst parts that the Tesseract and Mind Stone have brought forth in him. It reasserts he’s the king, the god, he needs to be. “But you'll not have her without my child already growing inside. Now finish my leftovers before I change my mind and pull them from you forever.”
Ulfr gives a growl as you reach the strangest twists in his lines; the section of his lower stomach where roots turn to wolf. His breath catches, lips crash to you, as desire begins to override doubt. Hand runs down, wraps one leg around his waist as you wrap the other yourself. Pace remains steady, manageable, but the thrusts are full and deep. Arm bracing by your head curls protectively, hand brushing back hair from your face.
Now you can truly feel that want building, going beyond hope into reality. You arch, grip the back of Ulfr’s neck with only his moan as reaction. Other hand circles to grab ass, trace ridges and allow him deeper as your body shakes under him. “K-Keep going...fuck...” Loki’s all but faded for both of you. If he watches, you don’t notice. If he speaks, you don’t hear. You only feel Ulfr filling you, hear Ulfr grunting and groaning your name.
“C-c-come.” It’s half order, half beg, half warning as it spills from his lips only moments before he does. There’s that same rush of him filling you, overflowing, but this time it’s warm. He’s warm with hand slipping down to join yours in rubbing clit and finally, blessedly, throwing you into over into orgasm with his name a cry on your lips seconds later.
“ENOUGH!!” Loki’s up, full-armored, face twisted in crazed loathing. His eyes glow a murderous blue in time with the scepter now in his hand. Enough of this game, of all games...enough of Ulfr, such foolish rivalries (certainly not those he may well lose!) are beneath him as king.
Instinct has you curling around, up into, Ulfr all the more. Arms and legs wrapping around as much for protection as to protect. You hear him faintly request you trust him once more before light smashes the bed to pieces.
The god cackles his victory as he goes around, expecting to find you and only ashes of his rival...but he finds neither. There’s nothing but bits of cloth, splinters of bed, and shards of shattered lamp.
“You honestly think touching her is the only thing I’ve learned these last few months?” Ulfr leans against the doorway behind him, dressed for combat with Eye of Agamotto around his neck and malicious grin on his face.
Loki raises his scepter to strike once again, but the other is quicker. The arctic blast strikes at the god’s center of mass with such force it slams him against wall and window, cracking one and shattering the other...
Like I said, picks up right after the last piece. As you can see Loki’s back on that old ‘let’s torment Ulfr’ shit, he just thinks he found out a way to do it while keeping within the confines of his agreement with the reader. Also, clearly, he’s become a bit too cocky (no pun intended) for his own good, lol! I cut the piece off where I did for fear the whole rest of the series would pour out of me more than anything, LOL!! (What’s happened, Ulfr’s trick, should be revealed in the next piece.)
Special Note: Ergi is an Old Norse (noun) insult meaning “unmanliness” or ”effeminacy”, but more specifically to be the bottom/submissive in a gay male coupling. It’s somewhat considered the equivalent of the gay slur that starts with f (you know the one). And, for super ironic sake, Ergi was also related to men practicing Seiðr (magic), which was generally considered women’s stuff.
(Gif made from two found on Google!)
Tagged: @succumb-to-your-king @chibiyanai @wadeyouwitch @creedslove @lady-crowned-with-stars @moonfaery @annievvv7  @ladyfluff @holykryptonitekitten @lokilvrr @janebrownnie @lokis-little-kitten @alexakeyloveloki @theangelsfightwithdevils @the-blue-tiefling @lokis-lady-death @dangertoozmanykids101 @prometheasmother @vethrvolnir  @wintertink @amethyst-dreams-and-candy-canes @drakonwild @starscreamloki @judas-bby @hiddles-rose  @the-lady-witchitery @galaxies-inside-my-head @jackheart180 @lukeevansandjdmobession @endlessstairway @lanabanana-86 @tom-fucking-hiddleston-1981 @lovekrystina @madoka73  @lokikingofasgardslover713 @partiallyinthecloset @ultrarebelheart @gravitational-anomaly @manip-loki …Think that’s everyone, you want on the list, just lemme know!!  
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the--sad--hatter · 5 years
Name Changing (2)
PAIRING - BUCKY X READER (female reader, no physical descriptions)
DESCRIPTION -  Sequel to Name Calling
After merging with your bloodthirsty alternate personality things start getting a little dicey. You’ve got two decades worth of anger to sort through, a feral mutation to figure out how to live with, a biological father who you hate trying to teach you control and if your wedding planner suggests teal for the bridesmaids again you might just eat her liver.
Luckily you have Bucky Barnes by your side, helping you figure things out. What Bucky doesn’t know is that you have found an outlet for the uncontrollable rage, one that absolutely nobody can know about. If your friends and family knew that you were out slaughtering people in the dead of night while they slept, they might be a little annoyed. Wade Wilson is happy to keep your secret though, so long as you keep bribing him with Mexican food.
For as long as you could remember, all you had wanted was to be good. Now you’re seeing the temptation in the darkness.
Chapter Two - Hear Me Roar 
“Absolutely not!” Tony insisted.
“Seconded.” Sam said, looking scared.
“Thirded.”Clint added.
“They’re right. We can’t have an animal like that running around the compound.” Steve said, shaking his head.
“Might wanna tell your girl that.” Nega said with a nonchalant shrug.
“Kit Kat tell her... Kit Kat?” Tony looked around, his eyes going wide as he saw you walking towards the Blackbird craft.
“Don’t you fucking dare!” He yelled, panicking.
“Is she going to?” Sam practically whimpered.
“I say we wait inside to find out.” Clint said, walking backwards towards the door.
You ignored them all as you approached the X-Men’s jet. The ramp was down and as you neared you saw the cage. You felt a bubble of anger grow in your chest. Black veins rippled up your arm and you blasted the cage open.
The jet black lion snarled suspiciously but took his chance for freedom and stalked out of the cage and down the ramp, his eyes fixed on you. Neither of you blinked as he approached.
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As soon as he stepped out of the Blackbird he shook his mane out and unhinged his jaw, letting out a deafening roar. Your pity for him diminished slightly at his show of dominance. He needed to learn who was the cat in charge around here.
You advanced on him, a ferocious roar ripping itself from your lungs and echoing across the grounds. He cowed slightly to you until you were towering over him, roaring in his face.
His head dipped and it almost looked like he was bowing to you. There was a prickling sensation at the edges of your mind and you frowned. He looked up at you and when your eyes met you realised it was him.
Feeling of helplessness, anger, fear, sorrow, pain and desperation assaulted your sensations and you gasped and knelt in front of him. You held your palm out to him and focused on trying to push back the thought of safety to him.
He pushed his head into your palm and purred.
Well then, you had to figure out where your pet physic lion was going to sleep.
The Avengers watched through the window, shaken by what they just witnessed.
“Please tell me my child did not just roar at a lion.” Tony whispered.
“She just roared at a lion...” Sam whispered back.
“That’s my little lioness.” Bucky said with a smirk.
“So I guess that’s settled, you’re keeping him.” Nega said, dismissing them with a wave.
“NO! You can’t just drop a lion off on my doorstep, not happening.” Tony told her.
“What, I thought you liked taking in stray cats?” Clint sniggered.
“Do you want a lion living here?” Tony snapped and Clint paled.
“She. Just. Roared. At. A. Lion.” Sam reiterated.
“A lion is nowhere near the most dangerous thing we have living here.” Natasha pointed out.
“He seems very tame.” Wanda added.
They all looked outside again, where you were currently leaning your forehead against the lions and running your fingers through his mane.
“Yes, yes she did. She outroared him.” Bucky said, sounding proud.
They watched in nervous curiosity as The Negasonic Teenage Warhead approached you and the lion. The cat bristled at her approach and bared his teeth but one soothing gesture from you and he settled, letting the young mutant pass.
Nega fist bumped you on her way past and walked up the ramp. You stood up and walked towards the door, the lion falling in step behind you like a dark shadow.
The Avengers scattered, none of them willing to be in such close quarters with the vicious beast.
“You aren’t bringing that thing in here.” Tony yelled through the door.
“He’s staying dad.” You said back calmly, resolute in you decision.
Irritation that was not yours flooded your mind and you sniggered.
“No you can’t eat him, he’s my father.” You said.
“Uh, Kit Kat?” Tony stammered nervously.
“Dad he’s mutated. He telepathic, or empathic, or both.” You explained.
“That’s nice dead but he’s still not coming in.”
“Fine.” You sighed.
You nodded to the loin who sat calmly on the grass and possibly rolled its eyes as you went inside.
“I’ll go grab my stuff.” You told Tony.
“You’re moving out? Because I won’t let you keep the very large lion? Sweetheart if you want a pet I’ll get you one, but one that can actually be kept as a cat.” Tony insisted.
“I let you send Mr Donkeypool away because you said it was best for him and you were right, he’s loves living on the farm. But this lion needs me, we’re connected. I’m keeping him, besides we were moving out after the wedding.” You said.
“No you weren’t, you have a holiday home. Send Aslan to live in Wakanda, he’ll be with his own kind.” Tony suggested.
“I AM his kind. He’s an untameable beast that they kept in a cage and tried to break, who else could really look after him?” You argued.
“Kit Kat I am not...”
“At least meet him.” You interrupted.
Tony went pale and his jaw dropped as you grabbed his hand and started pulling him towards the door. He protested the whole way, trying to pull away but you were much stronger. As soon as he was out the door he went kind of limp for a second before he straightened up and swaggered over to the lion.
“Alright furball, here’s how this is going to go. You can stay, IF you don’t try to eat me.” He said.
The lion just looked at him.
“Kit Kat? Wanna translate?” Tony asked.
“He want to know who he can eat?” You said with a straight face.
You sniggered and the lion blew out a huff of breath that made Tony’s hair ruffle.
“Where is he going to sleep? What does he eat?” Tony asked himself out loud as he stormed away.
The lions mind enveloped yours once again and you could tell he was rattled by the approach of Bucky. The lion snarled at him and Bucky stopped and raised an eyebrow at it before turning to you.
“No, he’s mine. You can’t hurt him.” You said firmly.
The lion snarled at your fiancée and a low, warning growl vibrated in your chest. The lion stopped snarling and stalked round to sit behind you, away from Bucky.
“I don’t think he likes me.” Bucky said in amusement as he came over and kissed you.
“I don’t think he likes anybody.” You pointed out, sliding your arms around Bucky’s waist.
“I know you want to keep him doll but you need to work it out.” He insisted.
“I know.” You sighed.
It was going to be difficult but you were determined to make it work.
“Well he’s not that big. He’s actually smaller than most male lions, probably because of the experimentation, so what if I just converted the office below our room to a habitat? It looks over the back of the compound grounds so he can come inside and outside as he pleases and you and he are great jumpers so you can jump on and off the balcony whenever you please.” He suggested.
You reeled back to look at Bucky in wonder and awe and he just shrugged.
“I love you.” You told him.
“I know, pretty sure that’s why you agreed to marry me.” He said cockily and pulled your chest into his, leaning down to kiss you until he was interrupted by a growl.
Bucky whipped his head around and glared at the lion.
“Mine.” He growled at it.
You really tried not to laugh, you didn’t want to challenge Bucky’s authority but it was too funny and he ended up having to hold you upright as you cackled.
“Can we meet you pet?” Wanda called out of the door.
You turned around to see her stood with Natasha and Vision. Steve, Sam and Darcy hiding behind them.
“You’ve already met Bucky.” You sniggered.
“You’re going to pay for that.” He whispered in your ear.
The Avengers nervously stepped outside and tried not to spook the lion until Thor came barrelling through them.
“Where is the beast? I must meet him!” He roared.
“If you feel the need to eat my brother you are most welcome to do so.” Loki said from beside you.
“NO! Loki stop being a bad influence. No eating people. Unless it’s bad people. We’ll let you eat Hydra agents.” You told them.
“Yeah, next mission we’ll bring you back a doggy bag.” Bucky laughed lowly.
“Barnes, I do not believe the creature likes you.” Loki remarked with interest as Thor tried to introduce himself to the lion.
“Yeah, add him to the list of people I need to compete with for my fiancée’s attention.” Bucky said, rolling his eyes.
“My love, you’ll always be second in my heart.” You smirked.
Bucky and Loki narrowed there eyes at you.
Bucky and Loki had developed much the same kind of friendship that Sam and Steve had. They were near inseparable and if you couldn’t find Bucky then chances were he was with Loki, reading. Tony had dubbed it the ‘Reformed Killers Book Club” and out of principle Natasha often joined them.
“Thor no!” You admonished as Thor tried to grasp the lions mane.
“Leave him, if he gets mauled it will teach him a valuable lesson.” Loki suggested.
“OH!” Wanda exclaimed.
“Can you feel him too?” You asked excitedly.
“Yes. I can hear his... not his thoughts exactly. But his emotions.” She said excitedly.
“Hold up, the lion is psychic?” Sam demanded.
“Empathic I believe.” Loki interjected.
“Are we the only three who can feel him?” You asked out loud.
“Loki and I can feel him but I think he is projecting onto you. He could project onto anyone I think but he only seems to like you.” Wanda informed you.
You heart warmed and you tangled your fingers in his mane and focused on your feeling of affection and protectiveness for the dark lion you had adopted. If the purring was any indication, he understood.
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To whom it may concern,
I am writing to inform you that as of now there is indeed a Black Lion living on the premises. I assure you he is no danger to anyone here so long as they do not approach him, he doesn’t like strangers. If you see the lion, please ignore him and go about your business.
If he is in the way you may call for Miss Stark, Mr Loki or Miss Maximoff to come and collect him.
Thank you for your understanding in this matter, sincerely Miss Stark aka Deathwave aka Kit Kat aka Vernichtung.
(P.S, his name is Erlösung but he answers to Erlo.)
You hit send to all on the email and went to check on Bucky, Erlo padding out of your office with you.
You heard the clattering of wood from what would be Erlo’s room and raised voices.
“It would look better over there.” Bucky insisted.
“Barnes, I am the one with taste. Over here.”
“I’m marrying your daughter and you think I have bad taste?”
“You’re stealing my daughter and you killed my parents when you were brainwashed. It’s going over here.”
You stiffled a laugh and left them to it.
“Come on Erlo, let’s go scare the receptionists.” You snickered.
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Erlosung - Salvation (named by the incomparably stunning @buckitybarnes)
So I'm not sure if this is as good as the first book/fic but I'm really hoping you guys like it. Erlo wants to be liked, deep down he does. So fingers crossed you guys like him (and me. please like me)
@nerdandproud-86 @harrison-shot-first@thejourneyneverendsx @thelostallycat @inquisitor-selvala@the-corruptor @iovher @kendrawr-kitkat @phoenix-whiskey-tears @the–real-wombat @buckitybarnes @fairislesheets@angieptt @meganjonezzzz @dugan365 @fluffeh-kitty@memanda17 @krystallynx @theonelittleone @piscesbarnes@free-as-fishes @tarastudiesalot @captainamericasbeard@dropthepizza346 @jaynnanadrews @likes-to-smell-books@drdorkus @life-wanderer @metalarmlover @animegirlgeeky@jsmith509 @chipilerendi @nerdy-bookworm-1998@ericasabe @gravedollie666 @madlykpopfan @l0kisbitch@mywinterwolf @sassysweetstories @life-wanderer @jessieray98 @littledeadrottinghood
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