#character archive
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I’m not sure If I’ve mentioned it here or if it’s something I’ve been keeping hush-hush, but this illustration, as well as the Jack Horner drawing, are a part of a little series! I’m planning on making an illustration, and subsequently a print, of every Shrek villain. Farquaad is next :) I have his drawing finished, and you can see the uncolored version right now on patreon if you want.
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exodus-au · 2 months
Character archive
Welcome to the character archive, where you'll find all the information about the characters in this universe
Introducing the links
Introducing the Skyloftian hero
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coyotemasquerade · 11 months
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(art that I made a bit ago for @sterelegacy ! )
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lovefordyingstars · 10 months
guardians of adversity
protectors of blasphemy
keepers of delusion
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Caspian Blanc; prince
❝ are the stupid nicknames really necessary ❞
genius, blunt, guarded, archeologist, proud
hawk in the night. little lion man. cold-blooded.
❝ no one will stop me from finishing this. you can't take this from me ❞
Is able to track people, by using a person's full name (first and last) he is able to know their location. The more he knows about someone the more accurate the location will be, and the further he can be from them to know it.
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Tiberius Moreau; hunter
❝ I like the French version better, now I just sound like I'm from southern America ❞
marksman, sarcastic, loyal, comedic, middle child
eight. stronger. the archer.
❝ unfortunately I'm contractually obligated to make sure you don't die today ❞
uses a paint made out of his own blood to leave his "tag" on things. This tag allows him to know where things are, as well as teleport to him if the object could be moved by his own strength. If the tag is marred in any way it no longer works, and can only use so many at once.
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Nathalia Corvose; angel
❝ giving me a pretty name won't make me want to save you ❞
❝ you will anyways ❞
❝ yeah, only cause I'm not an asshole, not because of some stupid nickname ❞
intelligent, curious, prophetic, liberian, cautious
nothing new. if I'm being honest. two.
❝ moving on from the past is the bravest thing anyone can do ❞
Can experience other peoples dreams. She never has dreams of her own, only entering others. She has a level of control over the dreams and is always aware she is asleep. Has no choice in whose dreams she enters, only that if touching someone she can choose theirs.
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Miguel Vamine; hellhound
❝ unless you feel like being a puppet, I suggest you let me call you whatever the hell I want ❞
anger issues, humor, mercenary, red flag, stubborn
devil town. pretender. gotta be somebody.
❝ nothing in this world is free, you have to take what you want to be yours ❞
If he says a person's full name out loud (first, middle, last) he can control them. Puppeteering their body as if his own. He has no control over his own body when doing this, and it will seem as if he's asleep. If a person says his name (first) outloud, and he has previously possessed them, he will know where they are exactly, no matter how far away.
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yupyor · 11 months
✦Grand Character Archive✦
Chad Meeks | Martin - The Jock With A Conscience | Born 2003 - 20 Years Old
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“Alright, listen up, uglier Michael Myers. It was a summer flame, alright? It meant nothing.”
  ✦ Jealousy, Jealousy
✦  Theater Love
  ✦  Night Oaths
Ethan Landry - A Hot, Deluded Killer | Born 2004 - 19 Years Old -SFW ONLY!
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“It’s not enough to just kill someone nowadays. You have to assassinate their character first."
✦ The Way I Love You
Billy Hargrove - A Traumatized, Problematic Thot | Born 1967 - 18 Years Old
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“Don’t take it too hard man, pretty boy like you doesn’t have anything to worry about. Plenty of bitches in the sea.”
  ✦  To Love, And To Lose
  ✦ Glory Hole [+18]
  ✦  Love • Discipline • Desire | WIP
✦ Summer Love | WIP
Steve Harrington - Billy, but with a character arc | Born 1966 - 19 Years Old
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“Everything people tell you is important, everything that people say you should care about, it’s all just bullshit. But I guess you gotta mess up to figure things out, right?”
  ✦  Love, Discipline, Desire | WIP
  ✦  Lunch Break | WIP
Jason Todd - An Egotistical, but loving Ass-Hat | Born 2001 - 20 Years Old
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“Batman can create as many crappy trophies as he wants. They don’t change a thing. They’re built on lies and sand. And they will fall. Like his whole damn world.“
  ✦ The Thing About Midnight [Part One]
Steven Grant -  An Innocent And Treasured soul | Born 1987 - 38 Years Old
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“I eat one piece of steak and then BAM, I go bonkers.”
  ✦ Snapping Shots | WIP
Robb Stark - A Tactical Lord With Charm | Born 281 AC - 19 Years Old
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“Tell Lord Tywin winter is coming for him. Twenty thousand northerners marching south to find out if he really does sh*t gold.”
  ✦ White Roses And Red Lilies
  ✦ Show of Possession | WIP
Richie Kirsch - The Phsyco Fan Boy With a Loving Family | Born 1994 - 27 Years Old
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"And I gotta make sure we don't get sliced up by some lunatic who saw Friday the 13th and thought, "You know what? That Jason guy... he's got some pretty solid ideas."
  ✦Sex and Miracles [+18] | WIP
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aureomoss · 1 year
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Unfinished but whatever...
Thanathos from Hades :3
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fluffyhellspawn · 5 months
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Just now realising I didn't post this and I'm mad about it. Anyways, Gray and Lya! Lawyers.... im nhot sure if id rather go to jail or have them defending me lmao
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cuppacups · 1 year
Roseberry Smiles
Roseberry smiles, a cranberry but a juice by heart. she is sweet and always gives a smile,
Adopted by an unfamiliar relative, The jugo family, at 1st grade who cherished her like her main family. Which she learnt to use spanish and a bit of Tagalog. Often playfully fights with her "brother" Pico, a mango shake from claim.
A writer by heart and an entrepreneur. She writes about Mystery, Thriller and Romance. Despite this, she is a hopeless romantic that is very oblivious of people’s romantic feelings towards her.
Often stresses herself out and is a perfectionist. Despite this, she is honestly BERRY approachable.
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Greetings, dears! Ellimagayon here, bringing you the first tidbits of content for the project. We’re now in the phase of introducing some of the main characters we would be having for the Project. The interaction would soon commence. Any questions about the character can be commented. Please like and share! The project is interactive, and we would like to welcome you to our project as one of us!
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douxoubli · 1 year
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É possível avistar BELLORA EULALIE VENTRESCA ZÄHRINGEN pelos corredores de Exspiravit, a caminho de sua próxima aula; estando no módulo IV, não pode perder nenhuma delas. Com VINTE E OITO ANOS, essa futura caçadora se parece muito com BENEDETTA PORCAROLI. Possui TOQUE como Talento, e busca aperfeiçoá-lo até a conquista de seu diploma.
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ 𝐇istory.
ㅤㅤ ㅤ 𝐁 𝐄 𝐀 𝐔 𝐓 𝐘
ㅤㅤ𝘔𝘦𝘢𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘢 𝘤𝘰𝘮𝘣𝘪𝘯𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯 𝘰𝘧 𝘲𝘶𝘢𝘭𝘪𝘵𝘪𝘦𝘴, 𝘴𝘶𝘤𝘩 𝘢𝘴 𝘴𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘦, 𝘤𝘰𝘭𝘰𝘳, 𝘰𝘳 𝘧𝘰𝘳𝘮, 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘱𝘭𝘦𝘢𝘴𝘦𝘴 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘢𝘦𝘴𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘵𝘪𝘤 𝘴𝘦𝘯𝘴𝘦𝘴, 𝘦𝘴𝘱𝘦𝘤𝘪𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘺 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘴𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵.
ㅤㅤ“𝐃eath is the mother of beauty,” said Henry.
“𝐀nd what is beauty?”
“𝐖ell said,” said Jullian. “Beauty ss rarely soft or consolatory. Quite the contrary. Genuine beauty is always quite alarming.”
→ Bernhard Constantın Zähringen VI fora o primogênito e herdeiro de vosso legado familiar, sendo este liado ao Enclave, em vosso laivo militar. Quando aos dezesseis anos, recebera a convocação para servir, sendo um soldado militar suı́ço e solteiro, não houvera contrapostos para o anseio familiar e ao Vaticano seguira. Ante ao transcorrer de uma década e dois anos, detivera êxito em vossa carreira milica, ascendendo em postos e condecorações, ao passo que fora nomeado oberst, o comandante da guarda suı́ça. Todavia a vida fizera-se açucarada quando, ao menos três dias por semana, vislumbrava a femı́nea a caminhar pelo perı́metro interno, sempre a executar a mesma rota cuja condução ia ao encontro do edifı́cio de notı́cias, sendo este interno, e responsável pela rádio do Enclave, logo, prestando serviços a emissora. Não fora árduo descobrir-lhe a identidade. Andromède Aimée Ventresca, uma feminil italiana provinda de uma exı́mia famı́lia liada ao catolicismo. Ainda que esta não residisse ao ı́mpeto da provı́ncia religiosa, era contemplada em boa parte de vosso tempo junto aos demais servidores religiosos. Bernhard extinguira qualquer proximidade para com a própria, transfigurando-se n’um espécime de amigo, logo, com o passar de dois anos, o relacionamento, cujo tentaram mosquear dos mirantes alheios, fora exposto por ambos e o suı́ço conduzira-a ao Vaticano, a fim de que ela fosse aceita e a bênção a eles concedida. O que ocorrera. Quatro anos perpassaram o enlace marital e à Andromède fora ofertada a cidadania do Vaticano, tal-qualmente para os fetos ao ventre. Os infantes detiveram os documento de registro, identificação e ademais liados ao Enclave até a maioridade, logo, transfigurando-se em cidadãos italianos a serviço do mesmo.
→ Encontrara-se nesta posição lamuriosa ante o transcorrer da puerı́cia, obstante d'um refúgio e aquém a qualquer escapatória deste cı́rculo viciante e nocivo ao qual fora-lhe a existência e, n'uma latente consonâcia aos factos, nunca houvera outrem a quem criminar senão a própria. Em um espiral retrógrado das reminiscências de vossa vida pregressa, não houvera um singular dia ao qual não estivesse sob a árdua luminescência dos holofotes, tampouco que não defrontada para com o univitelino e o patriarca, impelida em constância à ciência que, inobstante aos empenhos em vossa doutrina e legado familiar, jamais transfigurar-se-ia neles, não portanto excelência para tal, pois, não haveria ninguém a altura de Bernhard VI e Berchtold III. Embora, por ı́nfimos anos, houvesse tamanha cizânia para com ambos, detivera Aimée para liar-se e auxiliá-la entremeio as tribulações tortuosas de vossa vivência, visto que a femínea detivera ciência quanto a realidade e problemáticas pueris, tópicos que o viril progenitor tivera em ataraxia. A matriarca presenteara-a para com incentivos, quer fosse frente a perscrutação sexual, os caminhos acadêmicos e dons que descobrira possuir. Crescera em solitude acrimônia, não diligenciando a necessitar do fraterno, uma vez que foram doutrinados sob prismas divergentes. Enquanto Berchtold fora instruı́do a milaca e detivera toda a atenção patriarcal, a femı́nea transfigurara-se n'um eflúvio cı́trico e agridoce em um aposento qualquer, n'uma residência há muıto adormecida, cômoda a sempre despedir-se, encontrando-se sempre a atravessar pela porta do átrio.
→ Ao ı́mpeto do Vaticano, houvera uma repartição milicα a qual for responsabilizada pela perseguição de fantasmas e expurgo destes, a academia voltada a este não visava a admissão de discentes feminis, creditando ser um ofı́cio sacro, designado apenas a mancebos. Em posteridade, aos dezesseis anos e o alistamento de Lully e a recusa deste em prosseguir como militar e honrar o legado familiar dos Zähringen, vira-se impelida pelo patriarca a adentrar tardiamente na Instituição de Ensinos acerca do paranormal. Todavia, a pressão exercida sobre as espáduas franzinas e débeis, e a ausência de preparo para prélios e missões, fizeram-na instável, temerosa e, indubitavelmente, insegura acerca da própria dádiva e ademais perı́cias. Ao alcαaçar o terceiro módulo, vira-se a defrontar uma falı́vel que mudara-lhe a vida. N'uma das missões não-assistidas e ao exterior dos perı́metros acadêmicos, ela e vossa trupe foram tragados a uma armadilha com fantasmas de nı́vel superior, não detinham preparo e sequer estruturas para obterem êxito. Ao findar do crepúsculo assombroso, houvera αpenas três sobreviventes, sendo um deles a moçoila Ventresca cujo contemplara o falecimento da namorada defronte aos mirantes injetados. Tal efı́gie nunca desvencilhara-se da mente, transfıgurando-se n'algo incapaz de ser obliterado. Vira-se apartada dos estudos, tardando a própria graduação, o que fora tido para o genitor como fracasso, uma vez que era necessário o diploma desta e a ingressão ao Enclave como servidora sacra, de modo a proporcionar aos progenitores a permanênciα ao Vaticano.
ㅤㅤ“𝐀nd ıf beαutч ıs terror, then ɯhαt ıs desıre? We thınk ɯe hαve mαnч desıres, but ın fαct ɯe hαve onlч one. Whαt ıs ıt?”
ㅤㅤ“𝐓o lıve,” sαıd Cαrmıllα.
ㅤㅤ“𝐓o lıve forever,” sαıd Bunnч, chın cupped ın pαlm.
→ Com honrarias, alcançara o quarto módulo, não detendo destreza pαrα findar o teste final, quer fosse pelo atemor derivado do trauma, a ex parceira a assombrá-la entremeio lamúrias e a criminação do incidente, quer fosse por ver-se absorta em exorbitantes quantias d'álcool e entorpecentes. A humilhação acentuara-se quando o univitelino ascendera ao cargo de tutela, reivindicando o cargo de lecionador e expondo aos demais que, sim, era ela, prole de um Zähringen, a vergonha de todo um legado suı́ço. O facto de deter o fraterno, fizera-a ainda mais a vergonha alheia, o fracaso para além da eminência, a prole disfuncional. Em constância fora obrigada a mudar de aposentos, visto não dar-se com outras femı́neas, resultando em actos de furor irascı́vel ou, após o reporte de vossas ações ilı́citas e prejudiciais. Uma verı́dica causa perdida, quando não, uma bomba relógio prestes a explodir.
→ I'm like a dam and when it bursts and the flood falls on everyone, I won't be the one to drown.
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eynoxart · 1 year
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Waterpixel Art #83
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have you ever read a fanfic so good that you wanted to write a fanfic about that fanfic, but was too shy / too intimidated to ask for the author’s permission and too afraid that your writing wouldn’t be half as good as theirs and that it would be an insult to their work that was basically a literal masterpiece, so you just sat there fantasizing about their work and how beautiful it was and how you wished you could just eat it and how you wished canon could write your blorbos half as good as this writer did and how you just wanted to cry because you just loved that fic so much????
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dekuboya · 14 days
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Jon and Martin seasons 1-5 :,^)
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walmartnoodle · 1 month
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Hunted, Haunted
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wolfythewitch · 1 month
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A handful of avatars
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lovefordyingstars · 1 year
thieves of destiny
raiders of glory
marauders of honor
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Nero Blanc; spade
❝ I did not agree to be called that ❞
❝ Maybe, but you’re so bad at cards it felt right ❞
tactician, nerd, leader, loyal, secretive
not strong enough. see you again. icarus. 
❝ loyalty isn't just who sticks around, it's who comes back ❞
can activate copies of his body made out of pure energy. these copies can act independently of his body but are all controlled by him. if he ever is not concentrating on an independent copy it will shatter. can only make one copy at a time.
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Ophelia Blanc; faye
❝ if you use my real name one more time I'll put it on your headstone ❞
witch, flirt, damsel in armor, kind, brat
the man. prologue. foreverever. 
❝ pretty and perfect, like everything should be ❞
can carve magic circles which serve different purposes. these circles can be made out of any material, even carved. all circles must be premade and activated. she can only make a certain number before her magic reservoir runs out.
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Minerva O'Brian; twilight
❝ what's your least favorite movie? ❞
❝ you know that vampire one? ❞
❝ I've got the perfect name for you ❞
medic, vampire, historian, forgiving, hopeful
this is me trying. reset. people watching.
❝ I'm a nursing student, not a doctor, but if you want my advice, just don't be dumb ❞
can sense and control blood. can identify who old blood belongs too. can not manipulate her own blood. if she uses her magic too long or controls too much blood at one time, will start to lose her own.
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Jordan Blanc; canine
❝ the only one allowed to give you guys stupid nicknames is me ❞
technician, second, goofball, protective, empathetic
abandon ship. young volcanos. mirrorball. 
❝ if we're friends, we're family. I don't see the difference ❞
can transfigure inanimate objects. can only create something if he knows the exact properties. unable to simply create out of nothing or "delete" something. can only change things of equal exchange. the rules are rocky, and even he has trouble figuring them out at times.
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Letta Silvers; peach
❝ I'm just as sweet as the name implies, just ignore my swearing, threats, and generally bad behavior yeah? ❞
weaponsmith, mechanic, witty, blunt, fangirl
alone sometimes. 100 bad days. don’t miss me.
❝ I can fix just about anything, cars, guns, radios, if it's got wires and gears I've got you covered ❞
can alter anything with metallic properties into anything else with metallic properties. during the transfiguration is able to mold and shape the metal. no known draw backs.
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Claire Romano; sunflower
❝ I go into allergic fits every time I’m around flowers, so you tell me why I was given this name ❞
analyst, fighter, angry, clever, stubborn
least favorite only child. brutal. my tears ricochet. 
❝ I do what I want when I want. Don't bother trying to change my mind ❞
is able to manipulate the luck of things and people. can only manipulate things she can see. in small cases can affect the outcome of things. but an opposite effect will be placed on her.
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lo-andbehold · 7 months
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A callout post (it’s me I’m calling myself out)
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